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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  September 6, 2010 2:00am-3:30am PST

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is just put our platter in the oven, which we've already prepped-- hold on, sharon ! you can't cook that sea bass in a greasy oven ! why not ? you'd never cook with pots and pans that dirty, would you ? no. new easy-off trigger is fume-free like the leading all-purpose cleaner, and cuts through up to five times more grease.
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it's the best way to keep your oven perfectly clean, every day ! wow ! you learn something new every day. easy-off. good food deserves a clean oven. easy-off cooktop cleaner. unbeatable on tough grease.
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when we can all breathe easier. we're fighting to make every section a smoke-free section. for a day when even vehicles quit smoking. we're fighting for clear skies over every city and healthy lungs throughout the country. the american lung association isn't just fighting for air. we're fighting for all the things that make it worth breathing. join us in the fight at
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welcome to the modern world, people. woolite isn't just for your delicates! it's for all your clothes! with woolite complete you can wash everything, from jeans to tees, 'cause it has the right balance of care and cleaning. and say goodbye to fading, shrinking, and stretching. after all, a lady never reveals the true age of her clothes. woolite complete, cleans and cares for all your clothes.
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3q ♪ and dyeing and curling ching -♪ crimping -♪ and cutting ♪ and hair finger twirling ♪ threading my hair through some bright coloured rings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favourite things ♪ ♪ when the curls break ♪ when the ends split ♪ when my hair goes mad ♪ i simply remember my favourite thing ♪ ♪ and then i don't feel ♪ so bad [ female announcer ] we all damage our hair. dove damage therapy with fiber actives takes care of the damage.
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our new neighbors are coming over for dinner. i've vacuumed my carpet but it's still so dingy. she needs resolve deep clean powder. it's fast and effective. resolve gets your carpet truly clean. the moist powder penetrates deep to release trapped in dirt left behind by vacuuming. leaving your carpet looking like new. and it dries in only 20 minutes. it looks great! the carpet that keeps up with the joneses. trust resolve. forget stains. for tough pet stains and odors resolve pet products get your carpet truly clean.
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i'm a big believer in the power of we. we can tackle the tough challenges we face and build community through service and volunteering. it's time for you to raise your hand, go to and get involved in something you believe in. are you with me?
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male voice: ooh! green tea with citrus. i could use a lift. you gonna finish that? hmm? well, how 'bout that? dude, fish have ears, you know. announcer: lipton--drink on the bright side. fish: sheesh.
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from our winter luxury edition. with essential oils infusing luxurious ribbons, new air wick candles wrap the whole room with ribbon after ribbon of indulgent scent... like apple and sheer cinnamon. winter luxury by air wick. also available in scented oils. any city. then log on to, where you'll find four-star hotels at two-star prices. hotwire has special deals with hotels. when hotels have unsold rooms they use hotwire to fill them, so you get them at ridiculously low prices. like four stars in san francisco,
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hotwire hot rate from $85. so pick a city. then get a four-star hotel at a two-star price, from ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too. from $13.95 a day. did you fall? oh. rollerblading. you poor thing. skiing accident? um... mountain biking. mmm! snowboarding? um, hang gliding. respect. hard water stains, huh? cleaning hard water stains... with the wrong product can be painful. lime-a-way is scientifically proven... to eliminate limescale. the leading all-purpose cleaner doesn't. end the frustration of constantly scrubbing... hard water stains and give your arm a break. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must.
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,,,,,,,, do you like this top? that's so gay. really? yeah. it's totally gay. you know, you really shouldn't say that. say what? well, say that something is "gay" when you mean it's bad. it's insulting. what if every time something was bad, everybody said, "ugh. that's so girl wearing a skirt as a top." oh. you are. ha ha. shut up. those are cute jeans, though.
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what's it like when you hear your calling? will you ignore it? or will you listen? ♪ what if it calls you to go halfway around the world? ♪ to serve people you've never met? what will you do when you hear your calling? ♪ peace corps. life is calling.


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