tv CBS Evening News CBS September 25, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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>> glor: a new day for newark. one city's troubled schools officially receive $100 million from their new facebook friend. i'm jeff glor. also tonight, flood zone. rising floodwaters threaten wide areas of the upper midwest. dead heat-- new polls show california's multi-million-dollar governor's race is too close to call. and mystery disease. this teenaged boy is among the hundreds of thousands who suffer from a disorder many doctors don't recognize. how his family's leading the fight for a cure. captioning sponsored by cbs from cbs news world is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor. >> glor: good evening. $100 million is a lot of money, no matter when it comes along,
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but in the middle of an economy still struggling and when many public schools across this country are suffering badly, it means that much more. the city benefitting from the gift is newark, new jersey, about 10 miles from new york city. the school system's benefactor is facebook billionaire mark zuckerburg, and today he joined top city and city officials to launch the big new push. jay dow has details. >> reporter: 26-year-old facebook founder mark zuckerberg, worgt $6.9 billion, is opening up his sizable checkbook for students in newark, new jersey's, troubled school system. >> i think it will be a symbol that can be replicated across the whole country. i think these are the guys to get it done. >> mayor booker and governor christie accepted zuckerburg's gift on friday's" oprah winfrey show." >> $100 million. >> reporter: and appeared together again today in newark. behind the buzz, the grant stands to put newark on the path to real change and calls for the city to take a bigger role in
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running its floundering school system, which the state took over back in 1995. despite a yearly state-funded budget of more than $900 million for 40,000 students, newark has a staggering 46% dropout rate. >> how do you ward off the perception that this gift is just throwing more money at the probable? >> this money is going to give us the flexibility and i hopefully-- and i believe it will be-- strategically invested to give us the competitive advantage to transform our system. >> reporter: there are questions about zuckered berg's timing. >> they're saying we stole facebook. >> less than a week before a liz-than-flattering portrayal of the the entrepreneur hit the movies. >> if someone shows up on your doorstep with a check for $100 million your first instinct is to say thank you and i think it should be. boy the second day i think you should start to wonder who are you again and how come i've never seen you in my neighborhood. >> reporter: most parents and
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student, although skeptical, are thankful. >> i just hope they do a good deal dwooed that money. >> reporter: newark already spends more than $23,000 per student, one of the highest in new jersey. mayor booker says money alone is not going to solve the city's problems and intends to get the community involved to determine how to make zuckerberg's donation add up to success. jeff. >> glor: all right, jay dow tonight. jay, thank you very much. after a very cool summer, southern california tonight from los angeles to san diego is baking in an early-fall heat wave. temperatures hit the nigh 90s along the coast and triple digits inland. wildfire watches very posted in los angeles area. floodwaters from a furious fall storm are receding said in parts of minnesota and wisconsin, but other areas are still suffering from the worst flooding in 17-year-old. lindsey seibert is in hard-hit zumbro falls, minnesota. >> reporter: in the town of
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zumbro falls, in southeastern minnesota, people have built their lives around the zumbro river. >> we didn't even save family pictures. >> i had workers. they lost their jobs. their homes and everything. >> reporter: overnight, the river crested, bringing more than 12 feet of water into the town's main streets. now, as the water has receded, an estimated 60 homes and 20 businesses are gone. you can see just how high the water rose here at the fire department, with the damaged equipment inside the least of their worries because half the firefighters lost their homes. the national guard has ordered the town's 200 residents to stay out until they know it's safe. >> i just want to go home. >> reporter: 10 inches of rain fell in 24 hours across a 150-mile stretch of the upper 48 plains. many had little time to safeguard homes. in oronoko, minnesota, water pouring through an open dams of powerful enough to rip apart
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this bridge. in sioux falls, south dakota, the river continues to rise and is expected to rise another six to 12 inches before cresting some time tonight. for cbs news, lindsey seibert, zumbra falls, minnesota. >> glor: in cities and towns across the country today is prescription drug takeback day, a new twist on the old notion that an ounce of prevention and worth a pound of cure. this is what the drug enforcement agency was hoping for-- in churched, community centers and fire stations across the country. people answering the call to clean out medicine cabinets of old and unwanted medications, part of a nationwide takeback program to launch a program to decrease the abuse of prescription drugs. >> almost one in seven of our teenagers that we're dealing with across the country at some point experiment with the use of pharmaceutical drugs. >> glor: the d.e.a. says every day 2500 teens start abusing medicines found in the home. 20% of teens think prescription
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drugs are safer and 30% of young people believe these drugs aren't addictive. timothy strain was 18 when he took what he thought to be pain killers from a friend's medicine cabinet. they turned out to be methadone. timothy died that night. >> it's every parent's worst nightmare when the doctor came out and told his mother and i that timmy was dead. >> reporter: timothy's father, bernie, made it his cause to reduce prescription drug abuse and he's volunteering at one of the drug drop-off stations in philadelphia today. >> it of like christmas morning when i heard that they were going to do this. >> glor: americans were able to turn in their prescription drugs anonymously at 3400 locations around the country today. 20 months into president obama's term, the first major staff changes are under way. if past presidencies are any indication, other shuffles are in the pipeline. here's senior white house correspondent bill plante. >> reporter: they're breaking up the old gang down at the white house. it's that time again btwo years into any president's first term,
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and the staff starts heading for the exits. >> two years, people start to leave. they burn themselves out. they work very hard. or they have jobs they can't refuse on the outside. >> reporter: chief of staff rahm emanuel may leave as soon as next month to run for mayor of chicago. the big question-- does the president look inside or outside to replace him? >> is he just drawing the wagons around him or is he reaching out in which he's saying, hey, i think there are different ways to do it? maybe we need a dinner agenda. maybe i made some mistakes. >> reporter: defense secretary robert gates and national security adviser james jones are also expected to leave some time next year. economic head larry summers is going back to harvard. other members, peter orszag and christina roam rer already gone. david axelrod will be heading home to chicago by spring to work on the president's reelection. axelrod expects david plough, the president's campaign manager, will likely come to washington as an adviser.
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press secretary robert gibbses is autopsy likely to move to adviser status. we've seen this movie before. bill clinton changed chiefs of staff four times at different crisis points in his presidency. president george w. bush dumped donald rumedz felled from the pentagon after the 2006 elections. all presidents have crisis point. president obama is in one leading up to the november elections so the new team he builds will say a lot about the direction he wants to go next year. jeff. >> glor: bill plante at the white house. bill, thank you. in the race for the california state house, the latest poll shows former ebay chief met whitman in a 41-41 tie with state attorney jerry brown. not so close is the campaign spending race between the two. ben tracy tonight has the facts and figures. >> reporter: nobody can accuse met whitman of being cheap. she's flooding the airwaves, attempting to become the next republican governor of
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california. >> failure has followed him everywhere. >> reporter: the billionaire businesswoman has now spent $119 million of her own money on ads in her campaign operation. >> politics is a tough business. and you have got to tell people why to vote for you. >> hello, how are you? >> >> reporter: her opponent, former california governor jerry brown, has raised just $28 million. >> if she treat the people's money like she treat her own we would really be in big trouble. >> reporter: but when it comes to getting elected, the money is huge. that's because california is so large, candidates are forced to campaign on tv, but with more than a dozen dinner media markets, including expensive ones such as san francisco and here in los angeles, it isn't cheap. in recent weeks, whitman has run nearly 5,000 campaign ads in california's major media markets. brown has run less than 3300, giving whitman a nearly 1700 ad advantage, perhaps why she is tied with brown in a state that
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normally leans left. >> the electorate in california is very dissatisfied. we have over 12% unemployment in the state and they're listening to candidates who say that they can create jobs. >> reporter: but with a $19 billion deficit, some wonder if california has become ungovernable. >> i don't know why anybody would want the job in california. the job is-- you can't win. >> reporter: whitman is fighting hard, hitting brown hard in her ads, including one featuring a testy exchange between him and former president clinton during the 1992 presidential campaign. >> he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. >> reporter: brown fired back calling whitman a liar. >> taxes went down under jerry brown but whitman's rose keeps growing by the millions. >> reporter: yet it's brown who ended up with his foot in his mouth, oddly referring to the past president's famous denial to defend against whitman's clinton ad. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: brown apologized
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and clinton endorsed him and will campaign for him next month, showing in california, party loyalty is thicker than bad blood. ben tracy, cbs news, los angel angeles. >> glor: still to come on tonight's cbs evening news, going, going, gone. two years after lehman brothers' fall, its artwork goes on the block. çóñi>> glor: this month marks e
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second anniversary of the lehman brother's collapse, the biggest corporate bankruptcy in u.s. history and a defining moment in the great recession. investors lost over half a trillion dollars and the company is still trying to pay off its creditors. tony guida has more. >> reporter: with the rap of the auctioneer's gavel, another symbol of with the's recent gilded age fell to earth.
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>> 420,000. thank you. >> reporter: this art, once adorned the executive suite at lehman brothers. connoisseurs consider it an impressive collection of contemporary works. >> these were very smart people buying very smartly at the right moment. >> reporter: too bad collecting art wasn't lehman's main business. at the same time the investment bank of snapping up richter, and rouchenbergs, it was collecting office buildings around the globe, often paying top dollar. >> they were much better at picking art than commercial real estate. >> reporter: real estate proved to be the iceberg lehman couldn't or wouldn't see. it leveraged itself with reames of residential mortgages that it carved into shaky securities. when it all went bad, they toamed and neither washington's horses nor wall street's men could put the fabled bank back together again. >> this bankruptcy was 10 times the stiez of enron. >> reporter: $6 six billion to
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be exact. lawrence mcdonald traded jufng bonds at lehman for four years. his book blames the bank's collapse on arrigan in the board room, not feverish action on the trading floor. >> the story of lehman brothers comes down to once sense-- there pey and eight guys losing it. >> reporter: sotheby's raised $12 million saturday, selling lehman art, hardly enough to tip the creditors' limo drivers. in the two years since lehman imploded, washington and wall street have created new rules that they hope will prevent future cat clizims. will they work? wall street and main street are watching. tony guida, cbs news, new york. >> glor: still ahead, why more and more european countries are taking away the welcome mat.
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>> glor: nato says three coalition soldiers were killed today in afghanistan in two separate bombings in the east and south. their nationalities were not released. nato reports more than 30 insurgents were killed during operations in eastern afghanistan. germany's chancellor fired the latest warning today as european leaders seem to grow more weary of immigrant both from inside europe and outside. mark phillips has more. >> reporter: it's a political ad in this month's election in sweden. you don't have to speak the language to understand the message. an elderly white swedish woman is being threatened by burka-clad muslim women. the ad of considered so offensive it was banned. but the right-wing swedish democratic party made such significant gains in the elections on an anti-immigration platform that others came out to protest. >> there are a lot of people here in sweden that does not agree with the things that has happened. >> reporter: a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment is sweeping across europe.
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the forced expulsion from france of 8,000 romanian gypsies so far this year is just most visible example. >> this is a situation i had thought europe would not have to witness again. after the second world war. >> reporter: and in germany, chancellorangula merkel, sensing the public mood, today hardened her stand against immigrant who fail to adopt german values -- code for muslims. " they have to obey our laws," she said" including the laws on the right of women." as waves of immigration, legal and illegal, have come in from eastern europe and africa and the middle east, public opinion polls have shown a demand for stricter controls. majorities from the mid-60% range to the mid-80s have been calling for tighter borders. >> governments have seen the polls. they realize that the general public feel that governments are losing control. and so, there has been, i think, a number of rather desperate
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>> glor: brotherly love goes only so far, it seems. edmillmanned was elected today to replace gordan brown as leader of britain's opposition labor party. his defeated rival-- older brother david, the former foreign secretary. actress lindsey lohan spent only a few hours in jail before she was freed on $300,000 bail after a court ruling denying her bail was overturned. lohan is due back in court next month to pay punishment for
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failing a drug test. two cosmonauts and an american astronaut landed safely in kazakhstan today after six months on the international space station. they were supposed to return yesterday, but a latch problem prevented their capsule from undocking properly. just ahead on tonight's seeb evening news, a disease you probably never heard of even though hundreds of thousands have it.
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>> glor: finally tonight, one family's inspiring fight to solve a mystery of their son's struggle is helping many others. that the focus of tonight's" weekend journal," spreading the word about a little-knownñi ailment call distonya. three years ago, jake silver know madz was gripped by a serious disorder no doctor could explain. the 11-year-old was wheelchair-bound and bedridden. his muscle cramp cramps and spas were so painful he couldn't walk or even sleep. >> we were seeing doctor after doctor and this is a stack of business cards of all the doctors that we saw, and no
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answer. >> reporter: jake's parents, nancy and jeff silverman, agniedz over the case. >> he only lost it one time. >> reporter: what happened. >> i said, jake, come on. are you sure you really can't, like get up and you can't walk and he just looked at me and said, "mom, don't doubt me." >> reporter: the silvermans finally found an answer in boston with dr. sharma. she diagnosed jake with distonya, a neurological movement disorder causing sustained, involuntary muscle contractions. still relatively unknown disease even though it's the third most common movement disorder diagnosed, more common than huntington's lieu gehrig's disease. >> would say year we're 50 years behind where epilepsy was in terms of understanding the disorder and treatments. >> he had deep brain
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stimulation, surgery which implants a pace maker into the skull and sends impulses into the brain's tissue. it's powered by a battery pack near jake's right shoulder. the transformation was miraculous. jake is now out of a wheelchair and back in school. did you make that drawing? >> no, my mom's friend did. i wish i could do this, but i can't write. >> reporter: you think you can write some day, though? >> yeah, definitely. my goals are at the end of the year i can write, even if it hurt. >> but the treatment only masks the symptoms. it does not cure the disease for patients, which is why jake and his parent are trying to get the word out about solving the root cause of distonya. they've been helped along by an entire community, including neighbor david gardner, who founded jake's ride for distonya research. the event is publicized with painted bikes all over the silverman's home town of short hills, new jersey, and so far it's raised $600,000. >> that's a ton of money. >> this ride has been very
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helpful for nancy and me as well because fighting back empowers you. >> glor: these days, only two years after he could barely make it around the block, jake is riding in the five-mile race. he's getting better. his town is getting behind him. and they hope with help, researchers are getting closer to a cure. the third annual jakes ride takes place tomorrow morning. that is the cbs evening news tonight. later on cbs" 48 hours mystery." russ mitchell will be here tomorrow night. i'm jeff glor, cbs news in new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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weeks after the san bruno disaster.. signs the community is starting to come back, stronger than ever. "...they need to be treated li weeks after the san bruno disaster signs the community is coming back stronger than ever. they need to be treated as loaded weapons. >> "old prescription drugs you don't know what to do with, the unusual tactic to keep them away from kids. the company hiring tens of thousands of people right now. cbs 5 eyewitness news is next ,,
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