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tv   The Early Show  CBS  October 19, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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>> we leave you with this beautiful shot of at&t park. >>odin eroding support. with the midterm elections two weeks away a new cbs news poll says fewer than half of the independents who voted for president obama in 2008 will now support the democrats. we'll take you inside the battle for your vote. shocking video. a second wave of grief as the parents of a woman killed in a car crash are sent cell phone video from the moments after the deadly accident. we'll hear from the outraged parents. facebook fights back. the social network promises to fix a massive security flaw that released the personal information of millions of users. we'll show you how to make sure you're properly protected early this tuesday morning, october 19th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs
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great greeted with showers this early tuesday morning. i'm harry smith. >> i'm erica hill. maggie rodriguez is on assignment. david hartley killed on a jet ski out with his wife on this lake which span it is border with texas and mexico. she spent a second day in questioning with mexican authorities now so we'll hear more about what went on there and hoping all of this could do for her. first, though the crucial midterm elections. just two weeks away and some interesting numbers of a new poll by cbs news. the news is not so great for president obama and the democrats. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante has the details. good morning, bill. >> reporter: good morning, harry. the poll was taken among people
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who voted for president obama in 2008. they still like him a lot but that doesn't mean they'll vote for democrats this year. only two thirds of democrats who voted for president obama in 2008 say that they'll vote for a democrat in 2010. the biggest erosion of support among independents. just 42% of obama 2008 independent voters will support a democrat this year. 12% of them say they'll vote for a republican. and 38% are still up for grabs. and the one-word slogan that defined the obama campaign -- change -- is hard to come by. 16% he's brought a lot of change to washington. 46% of independents say he brought little or none at all. >> some of you need to man up and spend some political capital to support the tea party candidates. >> reporter: and hinting yet again that she might run for president. >> now we can see 2012 from our
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house. >> reporter: but angle has a new controversy on the hands after a video of her addressing a group of hispanic students friday went viral. she was defending an anti-illegal ad last friday making these bizarre statements. >> what we want is a secure and sovereign nation and, you know i don't -- i don't know that all of you are latino. some of you look a little more asian to me. >> reporter: her campaign says angle trying to emphasize america is a melting pot. bizarre would also describe last night's new york gubernatorial debate where leading candidates upstaged by five other unusual contenders. among them christin davis, a former manhattan madame saying she provided madames for former governor eliot spitzer. >> it's to legalize marijuana and casino gambling to bring in billions. >> reporter: and candidates from the green party the freedom party and the rent is too damn
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high party whose platform just what you might expect. >> rent. it's too damn high! >> reporter: another number from the poll, 58% say they're angry or dissatisfied with washington. not good news for democrats. bill plante cbs news the white house. joining us is john dickerson, cbs news political analyst. good morning, sir. >> good morning, harry. >> people talked about the house and places say house is done. republicans win the house. the senate though very very very much in play. and let's talk about some of the states where it really is kind of super critical. >> that's right. what we have here are just the states in play. 12 of them. republicans need ten democratic seats to take over the senate. they have four sort of in the bag or trending their way. we are going to turn a fifth one, wisconsin, red. >> this is russ feingold's seat. >> that's right. five looking like they're going their way. four are toss-ups bringing them to nine if they toss the toss-up states. republican haves to win one of
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the state that is's trending blue. >> talk about west virginia and bill talked about it in the piece last night. the debate happened. was there a definitive takeaway? it is tighter than a tick on grandma sally's old hound as dan rather used to say. >> well-known expression in west virginia. it's absolutely tight. nothing happened in the debate. they kept their lines. the dog didn't bark and we have to wait until election day. >> look at the poll numbers again because in the end of the day these elections are really all about the great american middle. which way does the mid gol? we are talking about independents who voted for president obama, two years ago, at least in terms of the house races are concerned, look at these numbers. less than half are going to vote for a democrat this time. >> the middle is not going toward the democrats and the president at this point, it's out of his hands. there are independents going to republicans. or thinking about something else. conventional wisdom and may be
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turned on the head but say that the independents break toward the challenger and benefits the republicans. >> that's a big fat number. floating around. let's go back to the senate map again. and talk about just how this thing could actually end up playing out. >> we have the president's on the road trying to work not so much on those independents but hard-core democrats. he is going to be -- we can start with nevada where he will be at the end of this week. this is the democratic rescue mission. >> right. >> harry reid the democratic leader. he's had bill clinton out there. vice president biden will be there wednesday. the president's going. sending blankets and first aid because they need to turn out. they have a good one. can the democrats turn out their base versus the incredible enthusiasm of the tea party? >> yeah. that's -- there's organized labor out there, too. talk act bell weather. then the other one on the west coast. >> california, the president stopping there. if the democrats lose california, it is a blue state.
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if they lose this they lose the senate. quite tight but barbara boxer just slightly ahe. the president trying again to turn out the democrats. >> washington which, you know i guess people have been trying for years to figure out what washington sate is. this is another opportunity to try to get some definition. >> that's right. pat ri murty murray ran the mom in tennis shoes. dino rossi. you can mail in your ballot. right up until election day. a quarter of the ballots coming in after election day. if it's as tight as we have been saying on election night, we could be waiting for washington and the next day. >> so if it ends up as tight as some people anticipate and all ends up to washington whether that is that crucial tenth state for republicans, we could be sitting three weeks later? >> taking the board and we'll go to washington state and sit there for a couple of weeks. >> thank you so much. here's erica.
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>> harry, thanks. bank of america is reversing the decision on foreclosures announcing plan to resume home seizures in 23 states. the nation's largest bank you may recall halted fore clez yours two weeks ago. why the big change? cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with more on this. other financial headlines this morning. why now is b of a saying you know what, we're back in the foreclosure business? >> they say they didn't find any problems with the paper work. they had to halt under accusations they didn't cross the "ts" and dot the "is." they're good to go. they're going to start processing the paper work by monday. >> what does it do for anyone with a mortgage with bank of america in those states? >> in those states, you will likely be foreclosed on come november and reseizing homes, come november.
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so for those people as well as erica, other people who have mortgages with other banks where we have seen halts in foreclosures can probably expect to see their home seized and why do i say other banks? bank of america, the first one to market with the news but many analysts expecting to hear other things of other banks. >> you expect them to go first as the largest. so if you don't have -- so then i was going to ask you if you don't have a mortgage -- you cleared that up for me. that's what you need to focus on if you have a -- if you're at risk of foreclosure with a good chance it could happen now. >> there's about 2 million homeowners in the country in the position but the ones who are actually likely to be foreclosed on and bank of america is 102,000 people in the 23 states. >> chances are you know who you are. looking at the financial headlines, apple, one side people worried about losing their homes and apple posting record revenue. yesterday, with their earnings
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report. >> yeah. amazing. >> incredible seeing in the this world you have this drastic contrast and stories apple 4.2 million ipads in 14 months. 14 million iphones. there are consumers out there who still want to spend money and willing to spend it on the new technology and the new gadgets. >> $400 on an e foin and apple said if we could make more we would have sold more. >> good point. >> thanks. >> thanks. checking in with jeff glor at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning to you. good morning, everyone. a terror attack in russia this morning. ir sun gents after the parliament in chechnya. a suicide bomber and two bombers attacked and were killed by police. two officers and an official were killed in that attack and 17 others wounded. russia's battling separatists for years now. the pentagon locked down after reports that shots possibly fired nearby.
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a civilian said he may have heard shots on the southside of the building. police found nothing and the massive military office buildinging was reopened. massive demonstrations in france today to protest the government's plan to raise the retirement age. workers clashed with police in a paris suburb this morning. french airports have canceled flights and drivers lining up for gas. the french government wants to raise the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62. johnson & johnson announced another recall of tylenol this morning. the latest recall concerns tylenol 8-hour caplets in 50-count bottles. some consumers were sickened. others smelled a moldy odor on the bottles. they say it's not serious but the products recalled four times since late last year. former nfl star junior seau
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said he fell asleep at the wheel and suffered minor injuries driving off a cliff in southern california early yesterday. witnesses say the retired football star's suv fly off an embankment in the san diego area north of there down to the beach below. >> he zoomed right off the cliff, man. he zoomed off the cliff about 50 60, 70 miles per hour. he cleared the cliff. that's how fast he was going. scared the hell out of me. >> hours before the crash, he was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. the british woman responsible for a cat dumping that horrified pet lovers around the world faced justice in court this morning. mary bale was caught on footage stroking a cat before throwing it in the trash bin. she pleaded guilty to animal cruelty and ordered to pay fines. that cat was eventually found unharmed. and finally, the chance of it happening are 1 in 4
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trillion. but it did. over the weekend, the weekly state lottery in israel drew exactly the same six numbers as it did three weeks earlier. 36, 33 32 26 14 13 and the strong number of 2. the lottery company checked the system saying nothing's wrong. again, a 1 in 4 trillion chance. 13 minutes past the hour right now. we turn to dave price. >> such a miracle. nice to see you. >> mir call that you are here with us every morning, dave. >> nice to see you, jeffrey. see what's going on shall we? temperatures around the country looking comfortable and look at these in the southeast. gorgeous at this point. in fact let's zoom in. take a look at all these numbers and what's happening in the southern half of the united states. we are going to see some showers in the southern plains. keep in mind below the front
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>> at 7:14 that's the first look at the weather this morning. >> dave, thanks. there's new developments in the search for david hartley. his wife finished another round of tough questioning from mexican authorities yesterday. cbs news correspondent john teague joins us from texas with the details. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. tiffany hartley undergone more than 16 hours of questioning by mexican authorities and said she told them everything about the day her husband was killed. after a second marathon day of questioning by mexican officials, tiffany hartley emerged last night saying more than 16 hours of reliving the murder of her husband had left her emotionally exhausted. >> of course hearing it over and over and then reliving it over and over it's very emotional. i've cried several times. >> reporter: david hartley was shot and killed september 30th while the couple jet skied on the mexican side offal con lake. allegedly by members of mexico's
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drug cartel. mexican authorities suspended the search for hartley's body last week after the lead investigator in the case was himself murdered. the lengthy interviews drawn kritd schism from the texas sheriff also investigating the case. >> i think really what they're trying to do is discourage her from filing the come paint. >> reporter: hartley believes the mexican authorities from trying to help her and questioned without an attorney. >> i have nothing to hide. i have absolutely nothing to hide. >> reporter: she plans to move back to colorado in the near future but says she can't go just yet. >> i'm the one that's holding everybody back. holding the move back. that's me. >> reporter: for now, she needs to stay in texas and fight to bring her husband's body home. >> david's giving me the strength to fight for him. i know in my heart if it was switched he would be standing here in front of all of you doing this same exact thing for
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me. >> reporter: mexican authorities haven't said when they plan to resume the search for david hartley but tiffany says she remains hopeful they'll find him. don teague cbs news mcallen texas. coming up, the video of a woman moments after she was killed in a car crash. shot by a first responder and then sent on to her parents. we'll hear from them. and that massive security breach of facebook as many users asking if their information is safe. we'll walk you through what you need to know to protect your security. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans.
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that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. [ female announcer ] introducing splenda® no calorie sweetener granulated with fiber. sweet! [ female announcer ] tastes like sugar and has 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon. use it almost anywhere you use sugar. even in cooking and baking. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda® granulated with fiber. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] little owen wanted to play but his nose was raw and sore. achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue made it burn even more.
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♪ ♪ new puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue. and it delivers twice the moisturizers to your nose versus the next leading lotion tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus lotion indeed. when you prefer a lotion-free tissue try puffs ultra soft & strong. erase all those little voices in your head that say "look at that wrinkle." [ female announcer ] introducing the eraser foundation from maybelline. our patented applicator and formula with collagen goes beyond covering. micro-corrects, micro-erases signs of aging. the eraser. only from maybelline new york.
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meg whitman's hometown newspaper said it best: "meg whitman has demonstrated a loose relationship with the truth" "a poor understanding of government" "pat solutions for problems whose depth and complexity clearly elude her" "she utterly lacks the qualifications to be governor" jerry brown "offers california exactly what it needs" "good ideas, strong principles a reputation for telling the truth" and the ability to "get things done in sacramento" meg whitman's hometown newspaper and newspapers across the state have endorsed jerry brown for governor. it is such a tragedy when you lose anyone. parents in georgia lost their 23-year-old daughter mother of two, a horrific accident. their told as soon as her car
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got involved in this accident she was killed instantly. but then their grief compounded when they are sent recently, a video of their daughter, taken moments after her death. gruesome, of course effects of that accident. we're going to find out how that could have happened. >> also, facebook users, if you're out there, one of those 60 million people playing farmville, you just think you're playing farmville. someone is culling your personal information. even as you are planting your crops. we'll tell you how to avoid that in the future when "the early show" continues. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by chrysler. [ male announcer ] with its 43 safety features, like the parkview rear back-up camera... hi, sweetie. there you are. [ male announcer ] ...electronic vehicle information center and rear cross path detection system, now available in the safety tech package the chrysler town & country is a
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safe bet to make. ♪ ♪ whatcha doing little bite™? trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full... and focused with your fiber. [ laughs ] but you already are great at doing that. really? sure. you're made with fiber just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids. [ female announcer ] give your little ones kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® little bites™ cereal in chocolate and now original flavor. they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. [ doorbell rings ] oh, it's original little bite™. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah! we've got big shoes to fill! dog: bacon? gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at
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[ female announcer ] what if your natural beauty could be flawless, too? new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals give you sheer coverage instantly then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. new aveeno tinted moisturizers. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. [ answering machine beeps ] [ son ] hi, mom. sorry i missed your call. [ coughs ] call me. ♪ ♪ [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] no wonder people go out of their way to share them. [ sneezes ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] now it's even easier to share. [ coughs ] [ female announcer ] send a kleenex brand share package for free today at
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softness worth sharing. ♪ ♪ >> so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. starbucks. >> right. >> looking to maybe make a little change in the afternoon. >> yeah. >> not some fancy new drink with a long name. something that's been around longer than coffee. how about a beer? >> shifting from the latte to a
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lager? >> there you go. but perhaps a little vino. it could it's 7:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. the state senate begins a hearing today into the san bruno pipeline explosion. lawmakers are expected to grill top leaders from pg&e. they will focus on inspection and maintenance of the pipeline that blew up last month killing 8 and destroying 37 homes. plans to expand the ikea furniture store in emery hill now in the hands of the city council. the store wants to develop a 60,000 footwear house near 53rd street and hollis. it would store large items for pickups. neighbors have concerned over traffic and noise. the san francisco giants hosting of the philadelphia phillies today in game 3 of the
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national league championship series. the best-of-seven series now tied at one game apiece. traffic and weather coming right up. anncr: carly fiorina. as ceo she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. fiorina sync: china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go... anncr: ...because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose, bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products 'made in china.' 30,000 workers gone... ...while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. bb vo: i'm barbara boxer and i approve
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this message. ♪ ♪ great work everybody! now freshly remodeled your target has never been better. good morning. well, a stalled big rig on southbound 101 in san rafael is finally causing big delays. it's been out there for a couple of hours waiting for the flatbed tow truck to get out
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there. it is there now but partially blocking the right lane. bill and james with the kcbs phone force tell us it's jammed from at least ygnacio boulevard. 20-minute delays through the stretch southbound 101. at the bay bridge, busy morning here, as well. unfortunately, it was all caused by a stall on the upper deck during our 6:00 hour kind of messed things up for the morning and right now it's backed up well into the macarthur maze. bart will be a good way to get into the city today. the giants game, as well. everything is on time. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> elizabeth a lot of fog around the bay area and it's thing in spots on the deck. visibility down to a quarter mile. some delays at sfo but how about this? you get inland looking good. mount vaca nice clear skies there. and i think that's the way we are going to end up around most of the bay area toward the afternoon. lots of sunshine coming your way, 70s and almost 80 inland. cooler at the coast. chance of showers late thursday.
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some energy. we need that. harry smith is all fired up too. welcome back to "the early show." >> it's tuesday, after all. coming up more about facebook for you half a billion people out there using facebook every day. well, they are apparently scrambling to close the massive security breach. information of millions of users leaked to advertisers, other data firms. it's kind of -- there's a whole sort of question behind that how complicit was facebook in this? >> yeah, there are a lot of questions about that. >> there are a lot of logarithms and how they apply people in and out of the access to what you're doing. we're going to talk to a tech expert on how to keep your
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privacy information actually private. >> and when they tell you you're going to be sharing some of your information, give you an idea of what that actually is. also ahead new offerings from the people who brought you the grande half cav sugar free latte. starbucks is testing wine and beer sales. there you go. after 4:00. could your barista become your neighborhood bar tenders? we'll take a look at those plans for a new happy hour. we are turning to a much more serious story about a new shock for a grieving family in georgia. first their daughter is killed in a horrific car crash, and then the parents receive a graphic video of her just moments after that accident. it's a video that in fact is posted online. jeff glor has more on that story. >> it is indeed hard to imagine. these parents already trying to recover from the shock and sadness of losing a daughter, and then this happened. a small wooden cross marks the spot where 23-year-old dayna
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kempson shack died last july 17th. >> it was a very violent, very horrific crash. >> reporter: the mother of two lost control of her car and hit a row of trees just off highway 1941 near griffin, georgia. the corinneoner told her parents dayna died instantly. but 2 1/2 months later the kempson's pain deepened immeasurably, when they received a video on their cell phone, 30 seconds filled with graphic images of their daughter, taken only moments after her death. >> it was bad enough that we lost our daughter. and now to have to deal with something like this is just -- it's just beyond words. >> reporter: the video, it turns out, was taken by a first responder on his cell phone. >> oh, my god, it's really bad. >> reporter: it was shared with other firefighters and then shared again at a local bar. soon the video went viral. investigators say they don't
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believe any laws were broken in either the taking or sharing of the video, but that is small comfort for the kempsons. >> when i close my eyes it's not fair that that video is what i see of my daughter. >> reporter: the county now is also looking into whether any of its internal rules may have been broken. >> i can't imagine that someone would actually send that video to the parents. >> it seems like what happened here is it wasn't actually sent specifically to damage them. this was going around town everyone was seeing this and someone sent it to the parents saying, just so you know, this is out there. and they saw it. doesn't make it any easier. >> but at least the intentions were somewhat more pure. what about the person who took this video?
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and now here's harry. >> all right, erica, thanks. this morning, facebook is promising to shut down another security breach. many of the social network's most popular apps including the game farmville, a lot of people playing farmville, which reaches 58 million folks, have been giving private personal information to advertisers, and internet companies.
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our technology expert katie linendoll is here with more. good morning. >> good morning. >> what is this all about? >> i know. and i feel like we were just here talking about facebook and privacy three months ago and six months ago and a year ago. >> yeah. >> constantly facebook is synonymous with the word privacy. so what is going on now? okay, here's the deal. if you are on facebook or one of your friends, you're probably accessing an application like farmville. these are third-party applications. mafia wars poker. >> all those on that same page. they all come off of there. >> those are all third party apps. when you agree to the terms and conditions of the third party applications you're saying okay, i agree to the terms, you can access the data that i've made public in my profile. >> wow. >> however these third party applications, farmville for example, can access that data. they can now sell it to a fourth party advertiser. now "the wall street journal" reports that they are selling this information to fourth party advertisers. >> right. >> in the top ten most powerful apps, the most popular apps are actually guilty of giving the users unique i.d.'s information
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to the fourth party. why is this a big deal? this is a big deal because it's a breach of facebook's privacy policy. it's like every time they clear their name with the privacy issues, something else pops up. >> surely surely surely though, facebook had to be aware of that. they're sitting there fully aware of they're looking at the agreement that you punch when you say, yes, i want to play this, do basically gives your information away. >> right. and in light of the situation, i do want to get this right, they said that they will dramatically limit how much information third parties can access. >> right. >> but you can't tell me that again, to your point, they had no idea this was going on. and we just talked about the ten most popular platforms. >> right. >> i want you to understand there are 550,000 applications on the facebook platform. how long did they know about this? >> right. >> and do they have control of their platform? that's the question. >> okay. so, facebook says we're going to compensate for that. we're not going to compensate people who have been victimized
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by it but they're going to make sure that this won't happen to the future. >> that's the plan. so, what i think is smart with facebook is they're always running. there is no government law caught up to this digital privacy issue. and until that happens they can keep running this edge and keep apologizing. they keep comeing out with privacy problems, sorry about that. my bad. it keeps happening. >> if you're going to be smarter than the stuff you're using how do you protect yourself in the future from -- i just want to play farmville? >> i just want to water my crops. that's all i want to do. >> that's all i wanted to do. i needed to harvest. they're going to rot in the field. >> right. if you're freaked out about this right now, oh, my gosh, i don't want my privacy, you know being jeopardized, if you don't want to get played don't play. that's the bottom line. but there's also something you can do and this circles back to the whole idea of listen go back into your privacy setting, take two minutes out of your day, you're spending hours on facebook and update those privacy settings. make sure they are set to the
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strictest application. in the bottom left we're showing you the applications and websites. make sure that no third party applications can access your data. that's a key here. i want to make this clear. you may have tuned out on this conversation and said i'm not playing mafia wars i'm not playing farmville. friends that are on these applications, they can access your data even if you're n playing, your friends are, they can tap in. >> of course you are. every time it says i agree you're agreeing to something you probably don't want to agree to. >> yes. >> katie, thank you very much. up next, is happy hour coming to starbucks? we'll explain why you could get a lagger with your latte when we come back.
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean try new wisk. fight stains with science. nighttime nasal congestion meant, i couldn't breathe right. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better feel better. now try new breathe right advanced
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for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? whatcha doing little bite™? trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full... and focused with your fiber. [ laughs ] but you already are great at doing that. really? sure. you're made with fiber just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids. [ female announcer ] give your little ones kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® little bites™ cereal in chocolate and now original flavor. they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. [ doorbell rings ] oh, it's original little bite™. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah! we've got big shoes to fill!
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a little something new brewing at your local starbucks. the coffee chain is currently testing sales of wine and beer. "early" show national correspondent hattie kauffman has the details. >> reporter: soon when you ask for a cold one at star bachs may not be getting an iced latte. the chain that introduced us to the $4 cup of coffee is now experimenting with the $8 glass of wine. the seattle location is the first to offer alcohol. beer and wine along with
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espressos and cappuccinos. >> starbucks gets something like 70% of its income before 2:00 p.m. so they're really trying to make the end of the day more profitable. >> reporter: to combat rivals in the $15 billion consumer coffee business starbucks has repeatedly tried to reinvent itself. introducing a cheaper cup of joe to compete with mcdonald's in 2008. and last year, launching a line of instant coffees. still, customers aren't sure they want their barista to become a bartender. >> it will kill the whole vibe of starbucks. >> it's just going to be a little too rowdy. >> reporter: what would you think might happen if they start serving beer and wine? >> i think there's going to be a lot of people coming in getting a grande beer with a double shot of chardonnay inside of it. >> reporter: the chain is redefining and redecorating, installing a bar and community tables that can seat 15 to make starbucks look less like a coffee shop. >> so the people will come back and sit in these communal tables and drink either coffee or perhaps now wine or beer. if people stay and drink
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anything and they're paying for it starbucks wins. >> reporter: in 2009 starbucks was forced to cut more than 6,000 jobs. the hope here is that this new brew of alcohol and caffeine will add business. hattie kauffman, cbs news, los angeles. >> you know they tried similar things before. in the late '90s, early 2000s, they had high speed internet, a full bar, you could get all of this stuff there. they tried some restaurants. >> yeah. >> we'll see if it works. >> do you get a little plastic cup with a kind of a little thing around it that you can carry out of the -- >> oh, i don't think it's to-go cups, no. and your barista has to card you. just ahead the latest on the police investigation into teen star justin bieber's alleged altercation. we'll tell you what the pop star just may be launching as a result. that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea
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and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. [ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil®. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®.
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i have asthma. and when my symptoms came back i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine like inhaled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without
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loss of control and prescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. hey nancy great party. oh, hey scott. - need any help cleaning up? - nah, i think i'm pretty much... ( kids screaming, zipper ) scott towels. their long-lasting rolls come in handy... for big jobs like this. nice. yeah, just watch... scott towels have unique ridges that soak up everyday spills -- even faster than bounty towels. - i had no idea. - it's cleanup done right. ( boy shouts, water squirts ) - welcome to my world. - thanks. do you know scott? scott towels are cleanup, done right. teen superstar justin bieber is not speaking about what
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happened during a game of laser tag last week. but, officials in canada say the father of the boy allegedly assaulted has now officially filed a complaint. correspondent priya david clemens has more from vancouver. >> reporter: harry online reports say justin bieber may have been the target of an anti-gay slur while playing a game of laser tag in a vancouver suburb. now the teen is planning to speak out during a concert here tonight at the rogers arena about the kind of bullying that made headlines so recently. ♪ for millions of teenage girls, justin bieber can do no wrong. but the star with the squeaky clean image is now being investigated for an alleged assault on a 12-year-old boy during a heated game of laser tag. >> the boy sustained minimal injuries as a result of the incident. >> reporter: online reports say bieber was cornered at this canadian arcade by a group of
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boys who called him a gay slur. >> justin you know tried to get out of the way and accidentally hit one of the kids or bumped into the kid and the kid started crying. >> reporter: so far, camp bieber is keeping quiet about the incident. his twitter page makes no mention of the melee. instead, he touts his concert tour, where he's expected to make more than $20 million. his fame and fortune can put bieber in the crosshairs for trouble. >> even though he's a 16-year-old boy, he's a very wealthy 16-year-old boy. and that makes him a potential target for scam artists. ♪ >> reporter: bieber's music is typically about teenage love. but reports say at tonight's concert he's prepared to speak out against anti-gay bullying joining a host of celebrities who have recently shared the same sentiment. >> if you're feeling helpless or hopeless, there's always a safe place to turn. >> reporter: bieber, who is not gay, could reach a lot of teens with his message. >> all the girls that like him
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will stop bullying just because he said so. >> reporter: he is hugely popular. his hit "baby" is the most-watched youtube video of all time. with more than 360 million hits. >> really have the ability to change that landscape, and having people like justin bieber speak out on behalf of bullying and how wrong it is can really make that change. >> yeah man. >> reporter: the latest online reports say there may not have been a slur at all and bieber may have been trying to push his way out of a group of packed kids. either way the royal canadian mounted police are continuing their investigation. no charges have been filed at this time. harry? >> priya david clemens, thanks. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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[ male announcer ] for frequent heartburn relief nothing beats prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn free for a full 24 hours. prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn with prevacid®24hr, all day, all night. nothing works better. good morning! ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ...made with real fruit and now with more of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day.
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i'm jerry mcnerney and i approved this message. he worked his whole life served his country defending our freedoms and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization.
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david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford. trying to do the right thing. >> yes.
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>> you're trying to get in shape. you're eating better. >> yep. >> you say i'll have a smoothie for lunch. may not be the best choice. could be ruining your diet. and it's not the only one. with ola nge that. olay bodywash has 2 times the combined cleansers and moisturizers and 25 percent less water than the top selling bodywash. soft, smooth skin. with olay. healthy smiles start at the gumline. fortunately, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps remove plaque at the gumline helping prevent gingivitis. and it's even been clinically proven to help reverse it in just four weeks. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. dog: bacon? gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin'
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time! share the fun at anncr: carly fiorina. as ceo she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. fiorina sync: china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go... anncr: ...because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose, bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products 'made in china.' 30,000 workers gone... ...while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. bb vo: i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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it's 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. today a hearing in the state senate will examine last month's san bruno pine pipeline explosion. senators plan to review pg&e's maintenance of the pipeline and want to find a way to prevent similar disasters. in san bruno pg&e is offering a buy-out to residents whose homes were destroyed. jerry brown says illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend public colleges. he campaigned for governor in san francisco yesterday. brown said that he supports the dream act, which promises in- state tuition rates for all students who graduate from a california high school. republican meg whitman opposes it. and today crews will begin installing more segments for the new span of the bay bridge. each section of the self-
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anchored suspension span is more than 100 feet tall. they will be part of the bay bridge's eastern span. that project is scheduled to be complete in 2013. stay with us, we'll take a look at traffic and weather around the bay area after this.
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good morning. all right. they just cleared a stall from southbound 101 approaching 580 right there in san rafael. finally after a couple of hours. the tow truck got it out of the way. so all lanes are open now but i want you to look at that drive
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time. still really heavy from novato. 27-minute drive time between highway 37 and 580. hopefully things should improve here shortly. because again, they just cleared that tow truck. and the big rig out of lanes. coming out of downtown san jose just got a lot of congestion this morning on northbound 280. here's another drive time almost a half hour between 101 heading up towards cupertino and at the bay bridge, unfortunately, we had that stall earlier. kind of messed things up. it is backed up well into the maze. here's lawrence with your forecast. >> thank you, elizabeth. we have a lot of fog around the bay area and it is dense in spots. the sun is trying to breakthrough out there. only a few hundred feet dip of the low clouds out there but it's consulting visibility to a quarter mile so be careful traveling around the bay area this morning. we'll see lots of sunshine this afternoon. temperatures warming up today near 80 degrees inland, 60s and 70s inside the bay. 50s and 60s coastside with patchy fog. cooler around the bay area, cooler thursday. even a slight chance of showers as we head in towards thursday evening.
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you know it's bad when the press asks if you'd take a lie detector test. meg whitman didn't tell the truth about not voting or about how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth"
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. we oh we have a good time out here on the corner of 49th and seventh. >> the crowd is making a good effort. >> welcome back to the "early show." i'm harry smith along with erica hill. maggie is on assignment today. >> that she is. just ahead this morning, you probably start that diet with best of intentions. we all do right? then it's time for lunch. turns out some of the healthy foods you think, or the foods you think actually are healthy you're choosing yogurt perhaps a smooth pip going to the salad bar at lunch. you may actually -- low-fat you? think, hey, i'm on a diet. i'll go with the low-fat.
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maybe in the so much. >> all right. >> we are going to help you spot those little kinks in your diet plan. the fakeout foods we're calling them, as you can perhaps see. >> and do not let the tough economy stop you from asking for a raise. >> ooh. >> don't let it stop you, but you still may want to think twice about it. our financial guru rebecca jarvis will show you the right and wrong way to negotiate a pay increase. first, houfrs, jeff glor is at the newsdesk and he has a check of the headlines. good morning. >> good morning. >> yes thank you very much. can i get one, guys? >> no. >> good morning, guys. good morning, everyone. two weeks before the midterm elections now republicans are hoping they can take both the house and senate. just released cbs news knowledge networks poll conducted online found the biggest problem for democrats is independent voters who voted for the president in 2008, just 42% say they'll support a democrat this year. 12% plan to vote republican and 38% have not made up their minds yet. in the closely watched
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nevada senate race tea party backed candidate sharron angle has come under fire for bazaar remarks made friday about students. defending an anti-immigration ad including a picture of mexican farmers. >> what we want is a secure and proper nation and you know -- i don't know that all of you are latino. some of you look a little more asian to me. >> so she thought they looked asian. angle's campaign says she was making that point, you can't judge people based on how they look. angle vuning neck and neck against senator majority leader harry reid. 37 governorships on election day. andrew kwoem cuomo over paladino. last night joined by five our candidates in a debate that had its lighter moments. >> it's too damn hot! >> candidates from the "rent is
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too damn high" party had the same answer for every question. other candidates kristin davis, ran an escort service calling for the legalization of marijuana and a stop transfer tax. >> businesses will leave this state quicker than carl paladino at a gay bar. >> all right. joining the campaign appearance last week paladino doesn't want brainwashing into thinking homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option. cracking down on unruly protesters planning to raise the retirement age. police and protesters clashed outside paris. workers are striking nationwide and blockaded a dozen french oil refineries leading to scattered fuel shortages. the french government wants to raise the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62. in the russian republic of chechnya, security forces secured the chechen parkrech chretien
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parliament. two officers and a civilian also killed in that insurgent attack and 17 others hurt. russia's been battling chechen separatists for years. a record-setting pot bust in mexico. 11 suspects arrested by mexican soldiers in raids yesterday in tijuana and seized 105 tons of marijuana worth $340 million on the street. some of the neatly wrapped packages have the image of cartoon errict homer simpson with a phrase in spanish meaning either "i'm going partying so what" or "i'm crossing illegal illegally illegally. so what." an outburt in oregon. 55-year-old felix espinoza overturning a table and fight weigh deputy inside the courtroom. this happened last tuesday. other deputies arrived to subdue him. on friday he was convicted of two counts of sex abuse and one count of witness tampering.
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the crystal cathedral is bankrupt this morning. the southern california mega church founded by the reverend robert schuller filed for bankruptcy over $43 million in debt. the hour of tower tv evangelist show and sunday services will continue, they say, in bankruptcy. a new study says airline delays cost passengers a lot of money. a government funded study found the cost of airline delays to passengers in 2007 was $16.7 billion for lost time and additional money spent. the cost to airlines, ss s$8.3 billion. the economy, the cost to it almost $33 billion. a man in china might sbrn asking, can you hear me now? the answer is know. he dropped his cell phone into a toilet. look at this guy. his arm stuck. rescue work herself to take the toilet apart. the man finally escaped, we're
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told, with only minor cuts and bruises to his arm and a severely wounded pride, obviously. they did find that waterlogged cell phone by the way. unsurprisingly it does not work anymore. six minutes past the hour. katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. a nationwide scandal. fake insurance companies making millions of dollars while their victims are left with no medical coverage. what's being done to stop them? our special investigation, tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." and now here is dave price with one more check of weather. >> jeff. >> yes, sir. >> hello, folk. how are ya? i asked this question of you as well. jeff, if you dropped your cell phone down a public toilet would you go looking for it? >> reaching my hand inside would probably not be my first option. >> jeff let me ask awe second follow-up. >> unless it's a work phone. >> exactly. guys, think about this.
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is there anything you would drop down a public toilet that would you go searching for? >> wedding ring. >> your wedding ring. oh, jeff is that impressive? all right. nice to see
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this weather report this weather report sponsored by kashi. seven whole grains on a mission. that's a quick look at your weather pick color. thanks for coming out, folks. appreciate it. erica, send it back inside to you. >> thanks. just ahead trying to stick to that diet. make healthy choices but still not losing weight. could be food fakeouts. we'll explain when we return.
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[ female announcer ] finally there's a new choice in high performance detergent. introducing wisk with stain spectrum technology. try new wisk. we upgraded the formula, but not the price. ♪ ♪ ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail tastes good but it's also rich in powerful nutrients that help cleanse and purify your body. cranberries are the ninja fruit. wh-wh-whoa! ocean spray -- tastes good, good for you. this is our cran-pomegranate juice
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drink. like the cranberry the pomegranate is a superfruit, prized since ancient times. he would know. [ snickering ] also available in light and diet. [ male announcer ] this is steven, a busy man. his day starts with his arthritis pain. that's breakfast with two pills. the morning is over, it's time for two more pills. the day marches on back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on; just two aleve can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is steven who chose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. [ male announcer ] if you think you can only charge your things the same old way... consider this: things just got beautifully simple. introducing the duracell mygrid™. simple and smart. it's mygrid™. from duracell. trusted everywhere. think you can only charge one thing at a time...?
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consider this: drop & go charging for up to 4 devices at once... the duracell mygrid™. simple and smart. it's mygrid™. from duracell. trusted everywhere. [ female announcer ] letting go of your cigarettes can be hard. but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. ♪ i loved you, sweetness ♪ ♪ but you're not sweet you hit on my friends ♪ ♪ i'm not your fool i won't just sit here and drool ♪ ♪ i'm tired of sharing you this is the end ♪ ♪ so i found a new love a natural true love ♪ ♪ that comes from a leaf green and bright ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my soul sings with joy and delight ♪ ♪ its name is truvia i had no idea ♪ ♪ and i am loving every single bite ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet.
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in this in "healthwatch," food fakeout. feeling pudgy, even you think you're eating right? to explain is dr. pamela peak. great to have you with us. >> fantastic. >> we think we're doing something right and in fact we're making it worse in terms of foods that we pick. >> absolutely. buyer beware. we've got great examples right in front of us. >> one of the things i found more and more people seem to talk about and use as a go-to as meal replacement, i'm hungry i'm dieting, i'm going have a smoothie, it's healthier. >> sounds healthy but the grandma jort of smoothies if you don't know what you're getting have more calories than a cheese burger with a side of fries. they have fat, it's full-fatted milk they use, at the same time they throw in tons of fruit concentrate, not fruit. >> a ton of sugar. even if they use yogurt, it
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could be sweetened. >> exactly. >> what do i need to look four to make sure it's not fake-out? >> yoelow-fat yo gurts. fresh fruit. >> frozen fruit. >> thaw it out. during wintertime get blueberries. this is fantastic. if you're going to have it made by someone else open your mouth and ask what are you putting in my smoothie? >> like you said buyer beware. when it comes to energy bars this is a culprit for people. >> people think, energy bar, number one, you're not an olympian, you're sitting at your desk, there's a news flash. two, grandma jort are ex&majority are expensive. >> also high in sugar. >> you can get 500 calories out of one of these. if you wanted to walk it off, that's five miles for an average person. forget it. if you get an energy bar, 200
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calories is the max, 5 grams of fiber and make sure there's protein, too. >> things to look for there. yogurt. >> come on. >> it can be confusing. >> not yogurt. >> it's good for me. >> i know. it sounds good, except all of the fruit stuff. >> the stuff is operative word. >> i'm not going there. and then of course what you're getting are huge number of refined sugar calories. what's a better way to go? plain yo gurtsgurtyogurt add fresh fruit, thawed frozen fruit, ground flaxseed, chopped walnuts and we're home. >> make sure it's nonfat or low-fat to start with and avoid fruit on the bottom. >> just want to watch out for that sugar. >> at the salad bar, most people know when dieting you don't want to, as harry smith has been talking about going for three ladle of the blue cheese or ranch. do we have to be worried about chickpeas? >> look at this.
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if you look at something like chickpeas, what you have is you have a food that's been in a can with lots of salt. if you want to bloat out and end up in another county with bloat, that's the way to go. rinse them. if you ever need to use this rinse them at home and they get all of the salt off. same with artichoke hearts and olives. look at salad dressing bet you didn't know a quarter cup has 240 calories -- >> oh. >> no you haven't heard the best. 24 grams of fat. that canceled out the 900 hours you put in the gym. >> so much for that. >> who needs that? >> things to look out, the sodium and the fat. low-fat granola can be a misnomer. whattee whattee do i need to look for on a package. >> news flash for americans, low fat does not mean low calorie or low sugar. so number one, look at the serving size. this is not a huge -- this is not a serving. a small amount of granola, number one. >> this is probably three
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servings. >> maybe like 33 servings. >> it's very dense in calories. you have to be very careful about serving size. when it comes to things like the muffins and the rest it's low fat muffin. if it's low-fat, it's high sugar and vice versa. be careful. >> size too. this is an ideal sized muffin. >> it's ideal except if it's low fat, they'll say, yeah only 100 calories per serving and there are two servings. so cut in half. >> bottom line read the label and understand what you're getting. for online clues to help you make healthier choices,, search for food plan. >> next on "the early show," the dos and don'ts on negotiating a raise during tough economic times. you're worth it. ask for it. just do it the right way. this is "the early show" on cbs. ju t the right way. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> "cbs healthwa s cbs "healthwatch" sponsored by tums. fights heartburn fast. [ smack! smack! ! ]
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[ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums ♪ funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. [ male announcer ] let's throw on those saturday clothes. it's doing season. when we grab a little spare time...and get after it. we're lowering the cost of weekend projects. making things happen... less with our wallets... and more with our own two hands. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get this american standard 4" symphony faucet for the new lower price of just 68 bucks.
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in this morning's "moneywatch," think about this negotiating a higher starting salary. a lot of people consider themselves lucky just to have a job in these tough economic times. but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get a raise. here with some advice on dos and don'ts is cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> so there's this study out and this says it's all about negotiations, right? >> it's all about the negotiations. of course, you have to negotiate in order to get that increase in salary. but something for people to consider when they take a step back, you see unemployment 9.6%. you see wage freezes, even in some cases wages coming down. >> right. >> but what's also important to consider, if you're thinking about negotiating for a raise, is that it costs companies money to hire new employees, and to train new employees. >> right. >> so if it's a matter of keeping you, and you're one of the most respected, valuable
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employees, they may find some room there to negotiate. >> all right. let's talk about some of the dos and don'ts. first the dos of negotiations. >> first off, there's two strategies that this study, which is out of george mason and temple university found. they found that collaborating as well as competing were two strategies that worked best for the people in their study. so collaborating would be laying out a win-win scenario. >> what's good for me, what's good for you. >> exactly. competing. actually worked when people were persuasive, they asserted and they even, in some cases threatened. threatening to leave for example 378 >> wow. >> you also outside of this study, you also it's natural when you negotiate to want to arm yourself with information. know what other people in our position are making. is a great resource. >> don't go into combat without the information. >> right. >> what of the serious don'ts? >> so this is actually where i think the most interesting results of this study come out. things that we would normally think are the best things to do in negotiations happen to be the worst things for people in this
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study. >> okay. >> so for example, being too accommodating. actually lost people money. compromising actually meant that people didn't get money. and of course avoiding the conversation altogether. clearly, especially in this day and age, if you're not negotiating, you're not getting paid more. >> is there a best time to ask for a raise? >> analysts and experts say the best time to do it is first off at your review. but most importantly, to also consider it after a major accomplishment. if you're the talk of the office and everyone's high fiving you and everyone's saying you did this, you did that, you got your numbers up you beat everyone else, that is the time to go to your boss and say listen i am head and shoulders above, let's think about how to compensate me for it. >> so you're going to have this meeting with your boss. what are some of the other things we need to keep in mind including body language? >> body language is important. having good posture, conveying a sense of confidence. keeping good eye contact. also experts say to keep your hands above the table, and of course, if you're doing that, keep those nails short and clean.
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>> clean hands. >> believe it or not, i mean these things they seem simple but they really can make a big difference. >> thank you are there body language deal breakers? >> you know well of course not having good eye contact is one of the big things. also having posture that doesn't indicate that you feel you know, that you're confident in yourself. things of that nature. and also we'll often hear about mirroring. it's a good thing. you and i are sitting here we're sort of mirroring each other. >> right, right. >> it's a good thing when you're trying to negotiate or have a confident sign. >> and how do you not sit? what's the worst sitting mistake? you can make? >> don't do this. it will not get you any money. >> all right. i'll take that advice rebecca. thank you so much. for more on how to negotiate a better salary all you have to do is go to our website, erica? >> harry, you may have heard my friend over here this is louis. sweet little face little too much going on in the girth area.
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turns out people are dealing with getting a little too fat. our pets are overweight too. we're going to help you change i spend three hours on my homework -- or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family.
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8:25 am
today the state senate will it's 8:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. today the state senate will examine last month's san bruno pipeline explosion. the hearing will begin in about an hour. senators plan to review pg&e's maintenance of that pipeline and they want to find a way to prevent similar disasters elsewhere. in san bruno, pg&e is now offering a buy-out to residents whose homes were destroyed. san carlos looking to outsource its fire department to save money. the city council has voted to issue a formal request. several other fire districts and cities have expressed interest. crews will begin installing more segments for the new span of the bay bridge today. each section is more than 100 feet tall. it will be part of the eastern
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span of the bridge. that project scheduled to be finished in 2013. traffic and weather right after this. ) i've had two heart attacks the first in '91 and the second one in '06. in no time they discovered that i just needed a new heart-- a bypass was out of the question. i told them if i could get five more days with my family, then it was worth doing it. they saved my life. i feel like a new person. announcer: at sutter health our story is you. for more stories visit
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[ male announcer ] how can you retire at age 55? just ask jerry brown. he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life. and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend and spend, and spend. good morning. one of our slowest commutes now is through marin southbound 101 jammed from novato into san rafael. it was a stalled big rig that was partially blocking the right lane for a couple of hours. it took a long time to clear this one and that's what's causing all this slow traffic. in fact your drive times still steady around 23 minutes in the
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heavy southbound 1201-to 3580. at the golden gate bridge traffic is free-flowing across the span. from the north bay to the south bay a quick check of downtown san jose out of downtown on those northbound lanes of 280. really a bottleneck there by the 880 interchange. and it remains sluggish all the way towards highway 85. westbound 580, 25 minutes your drive time sluggish from 205 to north greenville and at the bay bridge toll plaza backed up to the maze. lawrence has the forecast. >> all right. a lot of fog outside right now elizabeth. pretty thick in spots. very low this morning wow, look at that. fogged in right now. visibility down to a quarter mile less in some spots. it looked like it's going to start to lift here in the next couple of hours and we should see a lot of sunshine, temperatures going to warm up today. plan on 70s near 80 degrees inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. at the coast, highs in the 50s and 60s with patchy fog. cooler tomorrow, much cooler on
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thursday. anncr: carly fiorina. as ceo she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. fiorina sync: china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go... anncr: ...because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose, bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products 'made in china.' 30,000 workers gone... ...while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. bb vo: i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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how beautiful is central park? >> those leaves are starting to change. i love when you see those overhead shots of central park as you watch the seasons go through. it's beautiful. the tapestry and then the leaves go away and then in the spring the buds. >> wow. >> that was -- >> maybe i do do a little writing. maybe a dabble. >> you ought to publish your journals. >> if only there was something interesting in them. unfortunately there's not. but there's a lot of interesting stuff coming up in this half hour. just ahead, for a lot of teenage girls, the thought of going to school, not wearing makeup is -- you can't even describe it it's so bad. >> right. >> but there are actually a group of girls in texas who said you know what? enough already.
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we're going to walk around at least once a week we're not going to wear makeup and there's so much more to this campaign about redefining beauty. they are all about taking it back. taking back what is beautiful about a young woman. >> way to go. >> it's found on the inside. they're a really inspiring group of ladies so we're going to meet them just ahead. >> also he was one of the most popular players ever to step on a baseball diamond. i was lucky enough in my lifetime to have the opportunity to meet and interview mickey mantle. would have been 79 years old this week. the mick. lots of books have been written about him but there's a brand-new one that is out and it has got some information you have never heard before. and we're going to talk to the author in just a moment or two. >> tortured history there. >> also we talk about america's obesity epidemic. but it's not just people. it can also be pets. and so this morning dr. debbye turner bell is going to introduce us to -- >> wow. >> my goodness. >> you know what that cat's name is? >> horse. >> no. that is priss chunk. >> all right.
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>> so she's a sweet cat. >> i didn't name her. i'm just telling you. >> making fun of this cat. >> not true. >> i had a fat cat growing up. >> this is all for a good cause. we're going to try to get them some help and your pets as well. >> it's an intervention for your pets this morning. >> for the chunk. >> a lot of people think they're cute, the bigger they are. but in reality, these are living beings and you want to make sure they're well taken care of. >> it could be a health problem. >> absolutely. you guys get prepared for that. in the meantime i've got some company here. >> go ahead. >> we'll take a couple of minutes. in the meantime where are our friends? come on up here for a sec. where are you from sir? >> from melbourne, australia. >> you watch our show every morning? >> yes. >> and your grand children are
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>> that's a look at your weather. real quick hello to vibe theater. all sorts of great arts programs for teenage girls in new york city. thanks for what you do. we appreciate it. thanks for coming by today. erica, we'll send it back inside to you. >> dave, thanks. we want to check in with a group of texas students who are really hoping to redefine beauty. they are bravely walking the halls of their high school without makeup. and if you know or have ever been a teenage girl you know how difficult that can be. but it's all part of their effort to promote self-service and female empowerment. the campaign's founders are joining us exclusively this morning from colleyville heritage high school. samantha gabes, lauren gilby, laura kelly, emily gates, nina smith and caroline tessler. great to have you and a number of your friends with us this
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morning. samantha, i want to start with you. tell me where did this idea for redefining beautiful come from? >> well the idea for redefining beautiful really came from inspiration from the win scythe operation beautiful where they really stress girls have self-confidence and feel beautiful and have other women encourage other women to feel beautiful. and we wanted to do something like that at our school and makeup is just one way for us to make girls feel like they are beautiful, and to shake that image that everyone sees and know that you, yourself, are really beautiful. >> so nina one of the ways that you are shaking that is by, on tuesdays, you don't wear makeup. how difficult was that to get going? >> the first time it was just a few of us girls, and it was probably about the size of the girls here that were just -- we came to school the first time with no makeup people asked us what are you doing? you know that's so weird to see you without makeup on. and just as it's been going and progressing and growing bigger, it's not even that big of a deal
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anymore. i just really think about just waking up in the morning knowing you don't have to put makeup on is just really nice. >> it's fantastic. we see close-ups of you. you all are gorgeous and you have this beautiful skin and there's no reason to cover it up. but it is so hard at that age, because nina how old were you when you first started wearing makeup? >> probably seventh grade. so 13. >> this starts out in seventh grade. it's hard enough to be a teenager, it's hard enough to be in middle school and there is so much more that's thrown at you these days. laura, i know one of the concerns, too, was not just you know feeling better on a daily basis but there's such an onslaught of media that you all are faced with nowadays. facebook is a perfect example. people are always looking at pictures of you. why did you want to tackle social networking, laura? what's important there? >> the fact that there is so much pressure from the media, and from you know, facebook and everyone is just trying to impress everyone else. everyone wants to look their best. but we want girls to feel
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confident in whatever setting they're in. wherever they may go. however big they may get in life to know that they're beautiful just the way they are and they shouldn't have to change themselves as they grow up to know that they are beautiful. >> this is hard for a lot of adults to even fathom doing. on any day of the week let alone doing it once a week. emily, you've spread this now throughout your school to some other schools, as well. what are adults saying to you though? are they looking to become a part of this redefining beautiful campaign you've launched? >> yeah. we have a lot 6 of adults contacting us saying oh, i've been really encouraged to start this at my work. we've had like even like older college students contact us and saying, we want to start this here. and just really encouraging to have like older women telling us, y'all are such an inspiration to us. and just really encouraging to hear that. >> so you started this with your t-shirts you're wearing now that says one girl at a time. lauren, what kind of an impact though, has this had on you personally?
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>> it's been a real, big impact. one of the big things i like is the different people i've been able to meet through this. my high school is really big, and being able to see different girls with this purple shirt on every tuesday, you meet new girls this week and it's great to have a connection with other people. >> and caroline what kind of message do you think this sends to some of the guys at your school? >> well what's shocking for me is that we've had a lot of support from a lot of our guy friends at the school and it's great because it helps us know that they don't, you know you always see the girl with the perfect makeup and hair and all that stuff with the perfect guy who's just absolutely adorable. but it's nice to know that the guys around here are saying, when we don't wear makeup that you still look just at great. you're still as wonderful a person as you were with the pakup on.
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it's really nice to get the smoert from the guys because it was just an added bonus to what we were trying to prove. and it just it's great. we thank them a lot. >> it is an inspiring campaign. it's a wonderful campaign. and kudos to all of you for being -- for being so brave and for inspiring so many of us to carry that torch around the country. ladies, thank you. >> thank you. >> harry? all right, erica, thanks. she wrote the definitive biography of sandy koufax and now jane leavy is taking a swing at another baseball icon. her new book "the last boy," which is getting rave reviews, mickey mantle and the end of america's childhood is filled with surprising new material about the yankee legend. including stories of his physical and emotional troubles. and jane leavy is with us live in the studio this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> how many books do we think have been written about mickey mantle over the years? >> give or take a thousand. >> dozen and dozens if not hundreds and hundreds. why did you think it was time to
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write yet another book? >> well, 15 years after his death, and one can look from the vantage point of history, and before all of contemporaries die. >> right right. >> and look back and say okay why does this guy still hold such a place in the american imagination? why is it that people who weren't alive when he played are still paying thousands of dollars for his signature? >> sure. >> and he basically, he embodied a kind of post-war american optimism muscles which were honest muscles. no steroids. you know were sort of a natural resource. >> right. >> and that coast-to-coast smile. >> yeah. >> you know this is a time we could do anything fix anything hit anything. >> right. >> from both sides of the plate. >> if you were mickey mantle, for sure. in terms of this book there is an important revelation there that i'm not sure many people have any awareness of whatsoever. the fact that his wife told you that he was abused.
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>> yes. she had disclosed it in passing in a family memoir. and what she said was that she was not sure whether she should have mentioned it but because it gave her the first time of feeling that she really understood her husband. >> right. >> she thought it was important to disclose. and i went back and talked to her about it and he had been abused by his half older sister. and he was mortified. one of the things about mickey that everybody knew is that he hated being laughed at. and she said that the half older sister and her teenage friends would fondle him and then laugh and laugh. well, i started to talk to other friends, and other women with whom he had long-term relationships, and he had disclosed bits and pieces of the story to lots of people. he had been abused also by neighborhood boys. he told one friend that's how he learned to run so fast. because if he could sense trouble coming he took off. >> wow. >> he told his companions of the last ten years about a relationship with a high school
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teacher. that's the only way i got through high school. >> wow. that is -- those are some big, big headlines. you look at this guy and this guy was never -- he was perpetually in search of a good time. and he put that in all capital letters, and sort of every way conceivable. is that part of the explanation for that? >> yeah, harry, it is. after i heard these stories, i went to talk to experts about childhood sexual abuse. and what was astonishing, marilyn felt she undetood her husband, i felt i understood my subject. there's a constellation of behaviors that they see over and over in survivors of childhood sexual abuse. alcoholism and drug abuse. >> right. >> promiscuity. self-loathing. shame. inability to get close to others. and people who lead actually kind of double-split lives. and mickey mantle fits those to a "t." >> that is so interesting. you have this sweater. tell me what -- give us the story behind this sweater.
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>> well in 1983 i was a reporter at "the washington post." and i went to interview my hero. >> right. >> and it's different to interview your hero as opposed to somebody else's. and i was nervous. and i walked up and waited for him, waited for him. he was late. he was hung over. >> right. >> when he finally shows up he says, hi i'm mick. and i said hi i'm nervous. and he said why, did you think he was going to pull on your -- and i will spare everybody the anatomical part? and my childhood ended in a moment. >> wow. >> and so two hours later, on a golf course, he was a completely different person. he was wearing my sweater, as a matter of fact right there. and he saw that i was cold and i was shivering. and he was able to step out of his mixedness, as i like to put it, and see me for what and who i was and what i needed. he was a man of great emotional i.q. a term we didn't use back then. >> sure sure. and there you have the sweater.
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and having that sweater around all those years probably you know, would come back and say, i've got to figure out why this guy was so important to me. and as a result jane thanks very much for sheaing your story. >> thanks so much harry. >> really appreciate it. now here's erica. >> harry, thanks. it is a sad fact but man's best friend is getting heavier. in fact it's estimated between 45 and 60% of pet dogs in this country are overweight. and those numbers are climbing. dr. debbye turner bell tells us about one family who knows that all too well. >> come on! >> reporter: for the past eight years, cue joe and annie have become true members of the dobson family. they receive plenty of love and attention. and unfortunately, too much food. >> this is what we were feeding them. about a full scoop. which i believe this is about 3, 3 1/2 cups of food. which is way too much.
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the first puppy, getting her vegetables because i knew that was healthy. but they are fed extra treats that they probably don't need. we had what's done in the backyard, we had some of the workers giving them like big macs and fries. >> reporter: to make matters worse -- >> we don't exercise them. running around. they're too fat to do that. so i said okay we can put them on a diet. >> reporter: these dogs like 90 million other pets across the country, are part of a growing obesity trend. donna reached out to an expert to help her dogs lose weight. >> when we came over we noticed the dogs were overweight and so we immediately put a plan into place to cut back on food cut back on treats, and get more exercise. >> now, i'm starting to give them more exercise than i ever gave them before. i'm making them follow the course. >> reporter: after just a few weeks these dogs are in significantly better shape. annie is running around again,
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and kuja has lost ten pounds. >> i like feeting her healthy stuff. even when she's in heaven i want her to be healthy. >> and dr. debbye turner bell is here with some more tips for us this morning. >> good morning. >> you said it's really 45% to 50%. not just dogs all pets. >> all pets. when i start talking about this when i first came out of veterinary school 20 years ago, it was 20% to 45%. and in that amount of time it's gone up from 45 to 60. and it depends on whose study you believe. it could be even higher than that. in humans the number of american human beings that are overweight or obese is 68%. andpy submit in many cases, wherever you see an overweight pet, very often -- >> you have an overweight parent. >> overweight owners. because the pet does what you do. and we give them the food. >> and they adapt to your lifestyle. >> of course. >> obviously we know that. what are some of the health issues that a dog like louis,
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health issues that they face? >> incidentally louis is an english bulldog and they are prone to obesity. he's a barrel on sticks. this might look cute but it's dangerous. this kind of obesity can cause or worsen diabetes heart disease, liver -- excuse me kidney disease as well as joint disease, arthritis, hip dysplasia. and also an animal that is severely overweight the weight can reduce their life span by 50%. >> wow. >> that's how serious this is. >> so it's so important for a pet like this to really lose the weight for the health and the longevity. >> and also for a lot of people, if you do have a pet like this you may not think they're as overweight as they can because you can't always tell by looking. >> i cannot tell you how many times i have seen a pet and i say to the owner, he eats a little too much. what, what? my pet is overweight? you can tell by looking at their silhouette. let's start with the dog. we have a graphic of a dog.
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this is what the body shape of a dog should look like. from the side behind the rib cage, the stomach should tuck up. if you look over the top they should have an hourglass figure. not just marilyn monroe. of course you see here with louis, he's just you know he's straight, back and forth, up and down, the barrel on sticks. with a kitty cat, let me show you what the body of a kitty cat should look like. if you look at them it should be flat from the side tucked up just a little bit, and from the top, it should be straight. you shouldn't see this big barrel. but we brought a big kitty. prince chunk who is appropriately named. i want to make sure everybody can see you really well. this is prince chunk who weighs 17 pounds. >> wow. >> way too big for a cat. the average weight for a kitty should be 7 to 10 pounds. he's 17 pounds. but vince has done a good job because he started off at 23 pounds. >> and that's a pretty significant reduction. as you said to me one pound on a cat like this could be say
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20%. >> that's right. let's say you have a 15-pound cat that needs to lose five pounds. that's a third of their body weight. for a 210 pound person that means losing 70 pounds. which then brings me to how do you get them to lose weight. >> and why you have to be so dedicated. the first step is obviously the food and not overfeeding them. >> that's exactly right. portion control is very very important. for animals like these that are really obese you want to put them on a diet specially formulated for losing weight. because it's higher in fiber, and it has been nutritionally formulated to give them the nutrition nutritional needs that they need to help them drop the weight. >> they also need exercise as we know. how much exercise every day? >> for animals that are this big you cannot take them out and take them on a 30-minute run. start five or ten minutes hoping to work up to 20 or 30 minutes a day. with a cat, get them toys and balls. >> get them jumping around? >> and help them play. that's how you get a cat to exercise. with the dog, if you can't -- >> the world's greatest invention invention. i use this all the time, because
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if you can't throw like me, you can throw the pet his ball and you don't have to pick it up either. >> exactly. and if you have mobility problems and you can't run or walk you can use this to throw to the dog, so the dog gets the exercise he needs even if you have some restrictions. >> do everything for them that we need to do for ourselves. >> exactly. >> debbye thanks. for more on managing your pet's weight logon to our website, and we will be right back with more. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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meg whitman's hometown newspaper said it best: "meg whitman has demonstrated a loose relationship with the truth" "a poor understanding of government" "pat solutions for problems whose depth and complexity clearly elude her" "she utterly lacks the qualifications to be governor" jerry brown "offers california exactly what it needs"
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"good ideas, strong principles a reputation for telling the truth" and the ability to "get things done in sacramento" meg whitman's hometown newspaper and newspapers across the state have endorsed jerry brown for governor. people who have these dogs love them. right? >> yes. >> he's sweet. >> yeah. >> but he does snarl. there's a very loud breathing process. >> hi, bud. >> you know it's going to jeff because jeff has the breathe right. >> comes right. how you doing, buddy? good to see you. >> you know it's not healthy
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for prince chunk to be this big. but you know on a cold day, it's a really cozy cat laying in your lap. (announcer) you'd never wash your dishes in a dirty sink so why use a dirty dishwasher? hidden dirt can build up. for flawless results, use finish dishwasher cleaner to remove grease and limescale.
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and a cleaner dishwasher means amazing dishes. finish the diamond standard.
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it's 8:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. today the state senate will examine last month's san bruno pipeline explosion. the hearing starts in less than an hour. senators plan to review pg&e's maintenance of the pipeline and they want to found a way to prevent similar disasters elsewhere. in san bruno, pg&e is offering a buy-out to residents whose homes were destroyed. plans to expand the ikea furniture store in emeryville in in the hands of the city council tonight. the store wants to develop a warehouse near 53rd and hollis but neighbors cite concerns over traffic and noise. and the future of happy meals in san francisco will be decided today. the full board of supervisors will vote on whether or not to
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ban toys from fast food kids meals. if it passes, more than 100 restaurants can only offer toys if fruits and vegetables are included in the meals. traffic and weather coming right up. stay with us. [ bell rings ] what are you doing friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital
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one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? good morning.
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southbound 880 closed at whipple due to an injury crash. this is a line of traffic past 238. coming out of the south bay a lot of congestion on northbound 280 pretty much jammed from 680 all the way out towards foothill expressway. half hour is your drive time towards cupertino. looking good across the golden gate bridge but traffic is still pretty heavy from novato all the way down into san rafael. it looks like the slowest stretch is just past 580 due to an earlier stalled big rig that took a couple hours to clear. that's your traffic. here's lawrence. one last check of your forecast. >> okay. it's still foggy outside around the bay area but that fog is going to mix out but thick in spots, not here. a look from mount vaca is looking good. nice clear skies at this hour but out toward the coastline inside the bay you still have dense fog. it is going to break up, lots of sunshine expected by the afternoon, sunny skies tomorrow after some patchy fog again. by thursday though a cold front dives in towards the bay area bringing in a slight chance of showers into the evening. partly cloudy on friday.
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