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tv   The Early Show  CBS  December 2, 2010 7:00am-9:00am PST

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is she sleeping? >> well deserved day off. >> see you tomorrow. deadly storms. at least threeeopl deadly storms. at least three people with killed as a powerful weather system spawns tornadoes in the south and flooding to the north. we're tracking the storm and the cleanup effort. tax showdown. republicans on capitol hillfá fe off with president obama and the democrats over extending the bush era tax cuts. could your taxes go up next month if they don't reach a compromise? we'll hear from a leading conservative on what his party plan to do about it. hollywood mystery. a person of interest in the murder of a high-profile movie publicist kills himself late last night after police track him down. where does the case go now? we are live in los angeles with the latest on the shocking new development, early this thursday the latest on the shocking new development, early this thursday morning, december 2nd, 2010.
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captioning funded by cbs we wish you a good thursday already morning here from "the early show" set. i'm harry smith. >> i'm erica hill. beautiful skyline there. beautiful sunrise. not the case around much of the country. >> my wife shopping in new jersey. opened the car door and almost tore it off. thought it was the middle of a hurricane. flooding and snow and tornadoes all up and down the eastern seaboard. crazy weather as much of the eastern united states is cleaning up after a fierce storm blamed for at least three deaths. caused tornadoes in the deep south and in the northeast stranded hundreds of thousands of travelers and katherine brown of new york]. the east side of manhattan with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. the storm moved on from the northeast but the cleanup is
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just beginning and for millions of americans this will be a storm to remember. the storm was so bad bill waltman's ready to leave the connecticut home for good. >> i'm not going to be here anymore. i could have gotten killed. >> reporter: trying to ride out the storms with winds up to 70 miles per hour septembnt a tree through the roof. >> i just don't know. the house was mad. things are mad. >> reporter: tens of thousands lost power after the high winds and heavy rains pushed into new england. at least three people were killed. flights at new york area airports were delayed by up to five hours. hours before bashing the northeast, the system tore through the southeast. at least 50 homes were damaged in the atlanta area after a string of tornadoes touched down. in south carolina, another twister. and a ride john will never forget. >> i heard the 2 x 4s and all cracking. i could feel the home moving.
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i thought it was going to blow it away. >> reporter: in the midwest, a deep freeze. residents here are used to aerlly winter. just not like this. heavy snow and ice tied up highways from indianapolis to kalamazoo. >> this is a first snowfall, naturally we forget how to drive, some of us. >> reporter: and thousands are still without power here in new york and across the northeast. there is some good news, though. the airports appear to be getting back to normal. harry? >> thank you very much. now here's erica. >> thanks. congress is scrambling to find compromises on issues that directly affect your wallet. including those bush era tax rates as time is running out before the end of the year. all this comes as members of president obama's deficit cutting commission fly to find votes to send the recommendations to the senate. cbs news congressional correspondent nancy cordes has the latest this morning from capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: erica, good morning. republicans have drawn a line in
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the sand saying nothing else will get done in the senate until an agreement is reached on extending the bush era tax cuttingcuts. the president is sounding optimistic. >> ups and downs to the process but i'm confident we can get it done. >> reporter: long hours before closed doors last night. republican leaders say they're making progress on a promise on the bush era tax cuts. >> we are going to extend the current tax rates. we are not going to raise taxes on anybody. we're just discussing how long that extension will be. >> reporter: republicans issued an ultimate tum in a letter to harry reid refusing to proceed to any legislative item until the senate has acted to fund the government and prevented the tax increase. that debate is colliding with another over extending unemployment benefits which lapsed for more than 800,000 jobless americans this week. republicans are insisting that
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the $65 billion benefits extension be paid for by cutting the budget elsewhere. democrats say it's an emergency. exempt from the usual rules. >> this is not a big, new welfare program. this is extending unemployment benefits. think'd rather do tax cuts for billionaires. >> reporter: adding to the drama, members of congress also mulling over the tough cuts proposed by the chair frs out president's bipartisan deficit committee. the proposals to cut $3.9 trillion from the debt include an increase in the average american's tax bill by more than $1,700 slasho(o÷ 200,000 jobs from the federal work force and raising the retirement age from 67 to 69. over the next six decades. >> we want to keep america safe and secure. while acknowledging that may require us to change our missions. >> reporter: the 18 members of the commission will vote on the proposal tomorrow. 14 of them need to vote yes in
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order to send the package to so far they're on board. erica? >> nancy cordes on capitol hill this morning. joining us is republican jim demint of south carolina, here to talk about all things on the table, of course, this morning. thank you for being with us. >> good morning, erica. >> the big question people have watching at home this morning is, will they see their taxes go up in the new year? >> well, that's the right way to say it. we are not trying to cut taxes on anyone at this point but keep tax rates the same and it looks like the president has comeñã around to the idea with encouragement from other democrats that we can't raise taxes in a recession and doesn't make sense to bring money from the private sector to the government so i think we are gong to get an agreement of some kind. i would prefer a permanent extension of the current tax
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rates so businesses can plan to add people over the next couple of years. i suspect the president is going to push for something more temporary. >> you would prefer that you say he's going to push for manager temporary and the ultimatum by republicans had an impact. would you go with a compromise there then? >> i would have to see what they have put on the table? i have introduced with mike pence from the house to extend them permanently. i'm a businessman most of my life and i know a business is not going to plan to add 50 people if they only know what their taxes are going to be for a year or two, so if you really want to get the economy going, we need to extend the tax rates permanently. i don't know how that's going to come out but this ultimatum as you call it is really trying to get harry reid to focus on the priorities rather than the political votes that he has scheduled. we've got to fund the government and keep taxes from going up. and if we'll do that, then he can keep us here until christmas if he wants to voting on the
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other nonsense he is talking about. >> a little bit of a standoff on both sides. the deficit commission, the vote coming up, and there's been some meeting of the minds on this. obviously, not everyone is together on it. what are you looking at going forward in terms of that deficit commission? are there things there you can be okay with? >> well, this is a process to start and we have to get all americans to realize our country's in eminent danger of bankruptcy because of the massive expansion of government and the huge increase in debt over the last few years. >> where do we need to make the cuts most immediately? >> well, as i look at the proposal, one of the parts that intrigues me the most is reform of the tax code. a simplification of the taxes. lowering the tax rates for individuals and businesses. i think this would do more to reduce the debt, improve the economy and increase employment in the country. a lot of thing that is we need to do if we would focus on this.
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there's other parts i don't like but i want to consider the whole thing. the details are not out yet.ñhr i'm appreciative to start this process. >> before we let you go, the s.t.a.r.t. treaty, of course, at play here, as well. some fellow republicans,ño' som would say using this arms control treaty as a carrot to get the tax extensions through. you are not okay with that. why? >> well, the s.t.a.r.t. treaty is something that should not come up with a lame duck session. there's too much information we don't have. reports in the last couple of days suggest side deals to limit our capabilities. >> the state department came out yesterday and denied the allegations calling them serious charges, charge that is are false. p. wha the we see in the media and on wikileaks and the e-mail that is have gone back and forth but we have asked for the negotiating records and have not received them so the biggest concern of
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the s.t.a.r.t. treaty is it accepts parody with russia and i think limits our ability to limit missile defense and may be the most important part of our defense system in the next ten years. >> we'll have to leave it there this morning, thanks for your time. >> thank you. time to get the rest of the news now. jeff glor with the headlines. good morning, sir. >> good morning to you guys. good morning, everyone. a new study finds that being overweight even just a small amount increases the risk of premature death. otherwise healthy adults overweight not obese are 13% more likely to die prematurely. two thirds of american adults are either overweight or obese. tomorrow the fda considers lower benchmarks for surgery. that request from a company making lapbands restricting food intake. johnson & johnson recalling two of the popular over the counter antacids. 12 million bottles of mylanta
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and 85,000 bottles of altenagel. wall street, here's the numbers right now. the dow jones industrials jumped 249 yesterday. the biggest gain since september 1st. cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is out the stock exchange this morning. good morning to you. little bit of energy yesterday. what prompted the rise? >> good morning, jeff. what prompted the rise, the main driver is better employment statistics. small businesses added the most jobs in thkqñ month of october that they have added in three years and that's very significant because, of course, small business is a huge driver of our economy here at home. also, so is manufacturing. which was up in the month of november. that was a positive boost. as is the fact that in europe where europe is dealing with some very significant debt problems, in countries like portugal, spain, greece, as well as italy, it looks like they're coming closer to a solution that people can be happy with.
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>> i know retailers watching results of cyber monday. were they happy with them? >> they have to be because what we have seen is sales topping $1 billion. americans spent 16% more this cyber monday, did last year and that's positive news for retailers. >> rebecca jarvis at the stock exchange, thank you. a new study shows mismatched bumper heights mean hefty repair costs. the 10 miles per hour crashes with vehicles of the same manufacturers, repair costs or a coroll lo topped $3,800 in that small crash. the rav 4 hit cost more than $6,000 to repair. fixing a ford focus, more than $5,200. that small collision. the ford escape hit at 10 miles per hour, more than $2,200. some vehicles butter, a hyundai tucson, $850 in damage but the
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forte built by hyundai cost more than $3,200. and finally this morning, in seoul, south korea, politicians into a food fight of sorts. shoving erupting over a bill that offers free lunch to students in public schools. it did not appear anyone was seriously hurt. >> what they did not show. >> back off, dave price! >> the lunch lady solving the whole thing. >> nicely done. >> how are you? >> good. >> let's walk over to the weather wall. keep your distance. just kidding about that. go 0 the maps right now. the big story really, this lake-effect snow. really walloping the areas just to the east of many of the great lakes, pushing this snow, the heaviest accumulations today. probably up towards watertown talking about 15 inches of lake-effect snow. let's show you the bands. you can see the winds coming down, rolling on up and just pushing the snow. not far in but in close enough to the shoreline you have got big problems.
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meantime, look at the cold temperatures. 5 to 15 degrees below normal and below the jet you have 5 to 15 degrees above the norm. meanwhile, we are looking at another storm system just kind of sitting there and not being carried by the jet out in the northwest. so, we are talking about 2 to 5 inches of snow, additional snow. out towards spokane and the hi,,,, >> it's 7:14 and that's your latest look at the weather.
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over to you. >> thanks so much. lebron james is bracing for a cold and nasty reception tonight when he and the miami heat visit cleveland. this is his first home coming since ditching the cavaliers and moving to south floridañi as a free agent. cbs news correspondent don teague is in cleveland and has the story. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. i can tell you it's bitter cold here in cleveland, as well. so it was a chilly reception(2d that james received when he arrived here about 3:30 this morning. lebron james played seven seasons with the cavs and in that time league mvp twice, all-star six times so when he left here for the warmth of the miami, hometown hero to public enemy number one. his decision last july to leave cleveland for miami -- >> i'm going to take my talents to south beach and join the miami heat. >> reporter: announced live on national television crushed the hopes of a city that crowned him king. >> beloved nationally to hated
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nationally. >> reporter: at the time, in a public letter, cavaliers' owner gilbert called him a narcissist and the decision a shameful display of selfishness and betrayal. >> nice pass. >> reporter: tonight, james returns to cleveland to face the fire for the first time as a member of the heat. >> i think it's going to be tough but, you know, i'm there to win a basketball gim and understand, you know, i understand how passionate fans are about sports. i'm ready for whatever response i'll get. >> reporter: it will be an arena full of cleveland fans venting anger. >> we feel betrayed in this town and people have wanted an opportunity to tell him that and ?ñportunity to tell him that and deeply. >> reporter: james joined by fellow superstars dwyane wade and chris bosh and $14 million salaries. the heat were preseason favorites to win the championship but much to the delight of the cavs' fans, their dream season has been more of a
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nightmare. >> lebron and wade have not figured out how to play together yet and there's in-house fighting. people criticizing the coach. media criticizing other players. not the easy ride people thought it would be when he signed there. >> reporter: they started with a disappointing 11-8 record while the james-less kaf looers are a respectable 7-10 heading into the matchup tonight. record television ratings are expected for the game with court side seats going for as much as $5,000. to see the most bitter home coming of the year. and as for the owner of the cavs, there are reports this morning he is paying a law firm to investigate the suspicions that the heat may have broken nba tampering rules while pursuing james. harry? >> might be a little late for that. don teague in cleveland, thank you very much. go get warm. >> might be a little late but i love the timing that, of course, all coming out to coincide with the big old game and the home
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coming. >> i hear a few boos. >> perhaps one or two. still ahead this morning on a much more serious note, a man is dead this morning killing himself rather than answer questions apparently about publy sis ronni chasen's murder. is there a connection here? we'll take you to loss wills on the rather shocking twist. it is the season for online rip-offs. how to side step the most common holiday scams. who has the most grammy nominations under the tree this year? you'll find out. this is cbs. i met my husband here. i got to know my grandkids here. we've discovered so much here together. but my doctor told me that during that time my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why i'm fighting my cholesterol... with crestor. along with diet, crestor does more than help manage cholesterol, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough. crestor is also proven to slow
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just ahead there was so much shock over the murder of this famed hollywood publicist, ronni chasen gunned down in her car. now a man name the a person of interest kills himself as police are trying to serve a warrant. >> we'll get that sfoer. >> announcer: this portion of
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"the early show" sponsored by big lots! . for all of your holiday shopping needs think extreme value. think big lots! try this. ♪ ♪ it's that chocolate ♪ it's that whipped cream ♪ it's that caramel, and espresso you mix in ♪ ♪ i must be, i must be, i must be, i must be ♪ ♪ i must be dreamin' [ male announcer ] for the first time at mcdonald's -- your two favorite flavors together. new mccafé caramel mocha. well? what do you guys think? perfect. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of sweet harmony.
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store, and we'll match it. that was easy.
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p-g- and- e is offering incentive for customer it's 7:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. pg&e is offering incentives for customers on the peninsula and san francisco to use less gas this month. the utility will give 25 gift cards to those who cut back. some pipelines are carrying less gas since september's pipeline explosion in san bruno. state regulators have approved methyl iodide on fruits and vegetables primarily strawberries. scientist recommended rejecting the fumigant because it's linked to cancer, miscarriages and developmental problems. an overflow crowd for last night's oakland planning commission meeting about a proposed stadium near jack london square. as fans told existingers in the city should do what it can to
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keep the baseball team from leaving. the as owner wants to move from san jose, something major league baseball is still considering. traffic and weather around the bay area coming right up. stay with us. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. it is a slow ride right now on westbound 237 as you head towards san jose. we had an earlier crash near zanker road. everything is out of lanes now.
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there may still be some activity off to the right shoulder. so you can see it is heavy exiting milpitas and 880. to the south bay now, san jose coming out of downtown san jose, a little slow and go in those northbound lanes of 280. nothing unusual. almost a 20-minute ride now to take you out towards cupertino. the bay bridge not too bad for this time of the morning. only backed up to the end of the first overcrossing. that's your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. for this morning, temperatures are not as cold. more clouds for the morning as a cold front moves closer to the bay area. and here's a gorgeous view from mount vaca. all those clouds and just a little bit of sunshine in between. sandwiched in between. here's a look at our seven-day forecast. chance of showers possible for the afternoon, a 30% chance. we will keep a 30 to 40% chance of rainfall friday, saturday and sunday. monday and tuesday, no rainfall. just plenty of sunshine. and wednesday another round of showers are likely. do note, snow showers possible for the sierra for the
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weekend. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ i see your face, there's not a thing that i would change, because you're amazing ♪ >> nice picture. >> it is a nice picture. do you like they played the song i sing to you every morning? >> it was an extra nice touch. >> yeah. well, you know, i care. i care. welcome back to "the early show." at half past the hour. we hope you stayed up a little late last night to catch the grammy nomination concerts live on cbs. if you did you certainly were not disappointed. talk about a good show, plenty of good stars, as you just saw, train, katy perry, justin bieber. coming up we'll look at the top nominees and take a look at who could walk away with the big old
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prizes. >> little prizes. also ahead a holiday warning for holiday shoppers. the bad guys are out there waiting to steal your information. you know about fishing. >> i do, with a ph. >> do you know about mishing? >> mishing? >> we'll tell you what that means and all about and how to avoid getting cheated in a bit. >> a shocking new development in the murder investigation of hollywood super publicist ronni chasen. interest in this investigation, that has really sent a chill through the entertainment industry. it's a suicide that may prove to be a break in the brutal murder
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of ronni chasen. detectives armed with questions and a search warrant entered the lobby of the harvey apartments on what they thought was a follow-up call. but the man backed away and refused orders to raise his hands. >> they attempted to talk to the suspect. when they did, the suspect produced a handgun and there was a self-inflicted gunshot wound at that point this time. >> reporter: police have not released his name or possible connection to the beverly publicist but have been tracking his movements. >> beverly hills police had been set up on this location watching who was coming and going for a period of days, or perhaps longer. >> reporter: one neighbor told the "los angeles times" the man he knew only as harold told him he was an ex-convict who twice served time in state prison and claimed he would be receiving $10,000 but gave different reasons for coming into the money. many remain stunned by chasen's violent death. she was shot five times in the chest at this beverly hills intersection november 16th.
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no shell casings were found at the scene but her killer fired a .9 millimeter handgun loaded with at least one hollow-point bullet. according to a partial coroner's report. details that may point to a targeted hit and could involve this suicide victim. >> what role did he play? did he act alone? did he act on behalf of others? these are the big q over. erica? >> ben tracy in los angeles this morning, ben, thanks. criminal profiler pat brown joins us now this morning washington. pat, good morning to you. it is interesting, as ben jest touched on again, the lack of information that we have. there's very little detail to go on and and very little detail about this man now dead. from what you've seen, though, what do you make, is there some sort of connection here to him and ronni chasen? >> well, i would think, erica,
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there should be at this point. they've been watching him and had to have some information that led them obviously to this particular person. and for him just to kill himself as the police approach, he knew he was going down for something big, he knew he was going back to prison the rest of his life. matter of fact he told somebody i'd kill myself before i let that happen. he clearly knew he would be arrested to something more than petty larceny. i would say, yes, he's connected. >> there was speculation whoever may have been behind this murder was a professional hit man. a retired investigator, spent 38 years in the los angeles county sheriff's department said the shots really stood out that where they were was a good shot group. and that, to him, said this was a professional hit man. but adding up the pieces you see, you don't necessarily agree with that. >> no, erica, i don't. i mean, one of the things -- the reason he said that because of the type of ammunition, hollow-points. .9 millimeter with hollow points but i hate to tell him i've got the same thing in my house in my gun, i have a .9 millimeter with
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hole toe points. if i was that close -- this person either stood next to the car and shot into it or drove up to the car and fired into it almost point-blank range, i could shoot that pattern. no, i don't think he is a professional but could be a hired thug. if he killed himself, this guy is a felon, knows his weapons and may have been paid to do it but i wouldn't call him a professional, just a guy hired to kill somebody. >> do you think the way it stands now we'll ever have the full story snijts i think so. there has to be some reason they rolled in on this guy. there were no witnesses, as far as i know. he could have been stupid enough to lean on the car when he shot with his hand, you know, some people did dumb things like that but there may have been a connection, some connection by cell phone or message that they got that sent them to that particular location, which is why they were watching it. what's interesting to me is the fact she was shot in the chest and i know t
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up next, it's not all sparkly lights and good cheer this time of year.
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online scam artists are out in full force ready to prey on you but not if you stay with us for this next segment. what to look out when you're shopping coming up on "the early show" on cbs. days. in 28 ah, we got you a booth! just relax, the doctor will be with you in 28 days. you'd never wait that long. huh? so why wait 28 days for new releases? blockbuster has hot new titles, like knight and day and charlie saint cloud , 28 days before netflix and redbox. rent them in store, by mail, stream on demand and on the go. blockbuster. less waiting. more watching. we break it, then we fix it. so you can start your day sunny side up. that's what we're made of. ♪ ♪ ba da ba ba ba the chill of peppermint.
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retail analysts say cyber monday was bon of the biggest holidays. aol consumer adviser regina lewis is here. online, first off, i mean, some people out there, still hesitant to go online to shop. is online shopping safe? >> overall, tremendously secure because of something called encryption technology. when you type in your credit card as it transfers itself over the internet it scrambled. if it was intercepted at any point it could not be discerned. the real culprit are the things that fake us out. >> what's the biggest threat. >> false order confirmations. they tend to be generic. they will say dear customer, we need to confirm a few things. you will get an order confirmation e-mail. you shouldn't have to write
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back. e-mail here is the culprit. if there is an issue with your order go to the website, go to the order status and figure it out there. but don't respond to e-mail. >> i want to backtrack a little bit. say i've been online and ordered my tool set from sears orp whatever and an hour or so later up pops this thing, dear customer. >> yep. >> not dear harry, dear -- >> right. >> -- whatever, just dear customer. you think the person at home is thinking, oh, i have to confirm this. >> exactly. >> so they ask you for what kinds of information. >> for your credit card or social security number called a fishing scheme as in fishing for information. because this time of year wer he' all shopping on line people have a knee-jerk reaction they think i've been shopping online and want it to get there in time for christmas and they write back. >> that's fishing. >> yes. >> there's another thing called smishing. >> yes. the same kind of thing but you get a text or sms message on your phone and says please call there is an issue with your order. you call the number then the whole cycle begin again they ask
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you for your credit card information. what you can do is google the phone number to see if, in fact, it matches up with the retailer. or, you know, when in doubt, if it has to do with a credit card company call the number on your credit card. >> people are so susceptible. even just the other day you know that old bank thing going around for a while it look a regular bank is sending notification about something your credit card has arrived. if you go and, you know, hit it, it doesn't respond like a normal site was but it looks real. >> yeah. i've sat with world-class engineers and looked at some of these things, very sophisticated. no wonder people get faked out. >> if i get smished on my cell phone, just don't trust it to begin with and really verify. >> double check the number. >> all right. there are charity scams out there. they must be like millions of them. >> yeah, there are a lot of those. got news here charities really want you to make donations online. it is a lot more efficient for them. but, the same kind of drill if something is pushed to you and you are not sure, you are better
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going to the charity's website directly in the driver's seat. when you actually make the donation it is a transaction like any transaction at the top it switch from http to https. >> s. >> as in "secure" you should see that. >> all about the "s" appreciate it as always. up next the grammy nominees. eminem leads the pack and has ten. we'll look at all the big names on last night's concert special here on cbs when we come back.
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equals chili's $20 dinner for two. share an app like our texas cheese fries, then choose two entrees from 14 chili's favorites, like our chicken fajitas with sizzling peppers and onions. ah, it's stinging a little bit more than usual! yeah, you'll get used to it. the longer you keep your high mileage car, the more it pays you back. get castrol gtx high mileage. it helps engines last longer by fighting the main causes of engine failure. i think a dime went up my nose. yeah, it happens. don't change your car. change your oil to castrol gtx high mileage. its more than just oil. it's liquid engineering.
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you soak up some rays in the morning, grab a cool drink around noon, and sleep soundly at night... knowing no one looking to freeze or concentrate you... will ever set foot in this paradise. simply orange. honestly simple. ( chirping ) but i wasn't winning any ribbons managing my diabetes. it was so complicated. there was a lot of information out there. but it was frustrating trying to get the answers i needed. then my company partnered with unitedhealthcare. they provided onsite screenings, healthy cooking tips. that's a recipe i'm keeping. ( announcer ) turning complex data into easy tools. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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the song of the summer and it was part of an incredible grammy nominations concert last night here on cbs. talk about an evening for eminem, who wracked up ten nominations. joining us to recap all the top nominees, joe levy editor in chief of "maxim" magazine. ten for eminem.
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beyond huge, double-digit nominations. >> when you get into double-digits on the grammy nominations, first off we know he has to win some of those grammys. i actually figure him easy for 50%. with ten nominations, i think he'll walk with five, could take more. >> strongest category for him? >> a shoo-in in all the hip-hop categories but major nominations and real competition in album of the year and song of the year because there are a lot of strong nominations this year. >> we heard a bit when we came back at 7:30, from brun noo mars. seven nominations for songwriting, producing and this guy came out of nowhere. >> i love bruno mars. he's one of the stories of the year. his album isn't even nominated. it came out too late for the nominations but produce sod many other singles, his own single was out. he's from hawaii, 25 years old and you should think of him as a combination of a classic popsmith and modern guy as you put elton john and kanye west together, amazingly talented.
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>> an interesting concept. >> yeah. >> plenty of other wracking up big ones jay-z, lady antebellum, lady gaga have six. katy perry, four. justin bieber -- only two. >> only 16 and he has time to make another record. it is surprising bieber only has two. that was one of the big stories this year. it is actually a good pop record. i think maybe the grammy nominations are being a little hoity-toity, at the same time pea ber is part of the story of the grammys. he's so young. this is a young field of nominees. >> that's what i was going to say. even though he may be a surprise, clearly they are trending younger. >> yes. >> what does that say about -- >> you know, the grammys for so long have tried to be the big tent, every kind of music and every generation conspicuously missing in the categories this year the baby-boomers. the oldest artist in the major categories, eminem, jay-z, 38, 40 years old. everybody else is 16 to 25 years
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old. you are talking about artists who make justin timberlake look like an old-school veteran. >> a bit of a change. >> there are people under 40 making music. quickly i'll ask you for your fire round on this one. >> okay. >> album of the year, your pick. >> wow, i think lady gaga. i hope she wins there. are strong nominations in there. she's got the most interesting record, up against lady antebellum and eminem other contenders. >> song of the year, justin bieber? >> song of the year "empire state of mind." >> love it. >> i don't think there is any question on this. like one of the songs of the decade. >> see it live on the 53rd annual grammys here sunday, february 13th, 8:00. okay, i need a better pizza.
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one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. [ female announcer ] freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. no other pizza tastes like freschetta, because no other pizza is made like freschetta.
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because no other pizza is made
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we break it, then we fix it. so you can start your day sunny side up. that's what we're made of. ♪ ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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dozens of protesters were t month following i'm juliette goodrich. it's 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm juliette goodrich. dozens of protestors were arrested last month following the arrest of former bart officer johannes mehserle. today starts a series of court hearings. some face possible jail time. mehserle received the minimum sentencing for the shooting of oscar grant. giants outfielder pat burrell will be back next year. the team re-signed burrell to a one-year contract. details have not been announced. he started in half of the giants games last season hitting 18 home runs. free parking for holiday shoppers who carpool in san francisco. eight city garages including several downtown are part of the deal. cars with three people get an hour free. four people will get you two hours free. the deal runs through december
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26. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us. ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. san jose, nosh 101 approaching de la cruz northbound an accident blocking a middle lane and it's jammed solid. speeds 20 miles per hour past the 280680 interchange. 280 approaching the 880
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interchange slow towards highway 85 and cupertino. injury crash eastbound 80 at the carquinez bridge toll plaza. one of the toll lanes is blocked. fortunately we are not seeing any big delays because of it on our sensors. other bridges, the san mateo bridge looks great in all directions including westbound 92. the commute direction toward foster city and the peninsula. that's your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. forecast for this thursday morning, clouds out there to greet you today and here's a pretty nice photo of what's going on outside, looking out towards the transamerica building and yeah, we got some clouds to contend with. clouds for the morning, sprinkles and something else, a chance of showers moving in. best chance will be for the afternoon with highs in the mid- to upper 50s. showers still possible friday and saturday and sunday with no major movement expected in your temperatures. monday and tuesday, some sunshine and another round of showers possible wednesday. bear in mind, if you are thinking about the sierra this weekend, there is a chance of snowfall for the weekend. ,,
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(announcer) while there are some home disasters you can't avoid, there is one you can. septic system breakdowns affect 1.2 million homes each year. septic backups can cost about six thousand dollars in expense, and countless hours of repair.
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♪ clap. it will keep you warm. >> such a chill wind is blowing through central park and right to our corner at 59th and 5th this morning. welcome back to "the early show." i'm harry smith with erica hill. many of us have been winterizing our cars as the cold weather sets in. coming up, we'll show you how to winterize your body. in particular, your skin, your biggest organ. >> oh, yes. >> which can really take a beating in the coming months. our dr. jennifer ashton is here with some soothing advice. >> we in the hill family know all about that bad dry skin. i'm excited for that one. also ahead, it slices and
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dices. and for just four easy payments of $19.95, it can be yours if you call right now. the shake weight. have you seen this infomercial? it's one of many. the snuggie. that's the slanket. late-night infomercials. these are doing a booming business. why, you ask? >> please. >> we'll get to that answer coming up. we're going to take a look at the infomercials. people are going gangbusters over these, even in the midst of a recession. first, we want to get a check of the news. jeff glor is at the news desk this morning. good morning. >> can i just say the shake weight is the greatest device ever invented in the history of the world. >> is that how you got those guns, glor? >> you see that, right? >> that's right. tv abs. >> lend it to harry. >> good morning, guys. december began with a blast of severe weather here in the northeast. fierce winds toppled trees across the region including new jersey where a man died when a tree fell on his car. in new york, connecticut and points north, the storm damaged homes, downed power lines and
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caused long airport delays. the same system a day earlier caused severe damage near atlanta. it's now confirmed that a tornado did touch down there. about 50 homes were destroyed by 130-mile-an-hour winds. one man was killed. another tornado struck easley in western south carolina. weather service investigators say the twister had winds topping 100 miles an hour. the house will vote today on legislation that would extend middle-class tax breaks but let tax cuts for high earners expire. but more significantly, separate talks between the obama administration and a bipartisan group of lawmakers resume today on all the bush era tax cuts. the president is at odds with lawmakers who want to extend the tax breaks for everyone for good. this morning republican senator jim demint told erica he thinks there will be a deal. >> it looks like the president has come around to the idea with encouragement from other democrats that we can't raise taxes in a recession. and it doesn't make sense to take money from the private sector and bring it to the
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government no matter who we're taking it from. >> tomorrow a commission voted by the president votes to cut the nation's budget deficit. assange losing an effort to avoid his arrest. it was involving sex crime allegations by two women. he's also wanted in connection with wikileaks of u.s. government secrets. this morning the search resumes for three michigan boys who have been missing since thanksgiving. their father, john skelton, charged with kidnapping appeared in ohio score the yesterday to fight extradition. police say skelton lied when he told them he gave the boys to a female friend to return to their mother. hundreds of volunteers are involved in that search. in salt lake city, a dramatic twist in the elizabeth smart kidnapping trial. smart arrived, as usual, yesterday, but later she stormed out of the courtroom after defense testimony from a psychiatrist. he said alleged kidnapping brian david mitchell discussed having children with smart and that she
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chose a name in case that happened. this morning harsh words for amanda knox from the father of the woman she's convicted of killing. last week knox's appeals trial started in italy. she's serving 26 years for murdering roommate meredith kercher. today her father says he's tired of the media attention that knox has received. john kercher writes, "knox, it seems has been accorded the status of minor celebrity. sometimes it seems there's no escape from her or her jaunty nickname, foxy knoxy." mr. kercher says all he wants is peace and to celebrate his daughter's life. katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> goo>> morning.> clap.d if anp again? with the house expected to vote today, we're going to take an in-depth look at your taxes "in focus" tonight only on "the cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." and at four minutes past the
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hour, we return back outside. where it's a little cool this morning, mr. price. >> well, now i have no top story, jeff. >> my apologies. >> i mean, really. i mean, now what are people going to tune in for? nice to see you. you are right, my friend. you go on to the bonus round. it is cool out here, would you say? yeah. it's downright cold. and we have people who know cold from rochester, new york. troy, new york. people from orlando, florida. these people, we just defrosted moments ago. they were actually ice cubes. let's take a check of the weather, see what's happening all around the country, shall we? we'll go to the maps. we'll zoom on in. and really it's a tale of two halves. the northeast and sections to the north of that front line are seeing cold weather and windy conditions, lake-effect snow anywhere from three to 15
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>> announcer: this weather report spons this weather report sponsored by macy's. >> that's a quick look at your weather picture. now go warm up for a little
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while. you don't want your skin to start, you know, flaking and such. harry, we'll send it inside to you. >> very good transition. thank you very much, dave. winter is on the way. so is dry, itchy skin. we'll show you how to protect yourself from head to toe when we come back. to protect yourself from head to toe when we come back. my bliss? lips that feel soft, smooth, kissable. my blistex? silk and shine. real silk extracts. with a touch of shine. discover bliss. discover blistex.
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and 2 minutes to christmas? wow! 19 days, 8 hours... [ mumbling ] ...enny days, 8 hours, 9 minutes... 18 days, 17 hours... [ mom ] let's go, young lady. 12 days, 18 hours... 10 hours, 12 minutes and 7 seconds. come on. it's no days! 5 hours and 59 minutes and 42...41... [ female announcer ] the hallmark "countdown to christmas" ornament. ...7...6... this christmas, make it joyful, at your hallmark gold crown store. it will with natural instincts. it's clinically proven. 80% of women agreed that natural instincts made their hair feel softer. the ammonia-free antioxidant formula actually protects hair from dryness, leaving it softer and healthier looking. for natural looking color in 10 minutes, get your hands on natural instincts. it's all good. for a rich color experience, try natural instincts 10 rich color creme shades.
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[ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. choose. brew. enjoy. so, we set out to discover the nutritional science at purina one, we want your cat to be as healthy as possible in some of nature's best ingredients. that's how we created purina one with smartblend. nutritionally optimized with real salmon, wholesome grains and essential antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your cat. purina one improved with smartblend. discover what one can do.
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in this morning's "healthwatch," winterizing your body. cold weather can leave your skin a total mess, dry, itchy, blotchy. our dr. jennifer ashton is here to help you prevent that from head to toe. good morning, doctor. >> good morning. >> let's start with the face because boy, is it vulnerable, right? >> absolutely. because that really bears the brunt entime we go outside, even inside because we're cranking up the heat inside. the easiest thing you can do is get a simple, inexpensive humidifier. put it in your bedroom because that's where you're spending the bulk of your time in your home. and it really will work wonders. not only superficially for your skin but also for your nasal
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passages and your throat. >> and you don't have to spend a lot of money. >> oh, my gosh, no. >> less than 50 bucks. >> also on the face, you don't want to forget about the mouth. a lot of people don't realize how much moisture and hydration we lose through mouth breathing, through talking. don't forget, a simple lip balm, put it on in the morning and also before you go to sleep. >> some people get addicted to it, right? >> you don't want to use it too much because you might be swallowing more than you realize. a basic amount is good. >> i'm glad you have this in our little segment here because the thing that i find in the middle of the winter is the heat is up and you take a hot shower and you come out, and your back itches you like crazy. >> right. it's actually counterintuitive because when our skin starts to bother us, what do we normally think? get in a hot shower. it will be soothing. that's the opposite of what you want to do. you want to take really a warm shower, believe it or not, even when your body is freezing and you want to not spend an exorbitant amount of time in the shower. shorter showers are better. and actually, when you get out,
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that's the best time to apply the moisturizer within three minutes of getting out of the shower because that's when you really want to trap the moisture into your skin. >> so you need an accomplice. >> well, you either need a clock or you need to keep it moving in the bathroom. but what i really want people to know about, harry, and this is so important when you reach for that moisturizer, that body lotion to put on in the bathroom when your body is able to keep that moisture in, you don't have to spend a lot of money. these fancy lotions and moisturizers, a lot of them will -- >> baby oil will do it. >> it will, but if you look at the ingredients, it contains alcohol. that will dry your skin. i'm a big fan of using something, believe it or not, from the grocery store salad section, sunflower oil, olive oil, it can go head to toe. it does not smell. it's safe to absorb into your skin. it's so much less expensive than these fancy lotions. and it works really well. >> okay. give us some other ideas about protecting our skin during these rough months. >> okay. so as we work our way down the
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body, obviously, we can't forget about our hands. a lot of people -- we say it all the time -- the importance of hand washing, it can leave your skin on your hands -- >> super dry. >> absolutely cracked and in some cases even bleeding. so you go outside, put gloves on. you can even get a simple cotton pair of gloves, cover your hands in vaseline when you go to sleep, put those on. you might look funny, but it really works well. >> that's a good image. >> and the same thing goes for the feet because a lot of people's feet, even though they're not directly exposed to the air, they get cracked. bacteria can be a source of infection. >> sweet little socks. >> you need the socks. but before you put the socks on, saran wrap. vaseline, saran wrap and socks and your feet will be better in three days. >> that's a wild night at dr. ashton's house with the gloves on and the saran wrap on the feet. doctor, thank you very much. for more dry skin advice, go to our partner in health, and search winter skin care. up next, americans spend some $200 billion a year on
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infomercial products. a look at some of the most popular all for just a few easy payments. when we come back. "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by advil. make the switch to advil now. make the switch to advil now. every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil.
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go to from the shamwow to the snuggie you can find interesting products on the late-night ads but the mill tie-billion dollar industry has found something
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that works. it keeps growing and the people who sell those items really have the last laugh here. in the wacky world of infomercials, our problems are plentiful. >> hate doing this? >> love handles, spare tire, back rolls. >> thankfully the solutions are just a phone call away. >> tater m tidz tt. >> notorious for outrageous products and over-the-top claims. >> a little tube of magic. >> easy to disregard the infomercial industry as late-night noise. but in an economy that can best be described as down, television shopping sales are up. >> the products advertised on infomercials are perfect for the recession. they're inexpensive, they promise a ton of benefits. you don't have to leave your house to get them. and, they're easily returnable. >> sounds too good to be true? that's what we're about to discover. >> a 2007 industry sales were at $188 billion. throughout the financial crisis, they continued to grow. this year, they're expected to
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reach $200 billion. that's some serious cash for products that are often laughable. >> shake weight proves it. >> even if you are not buying it, plenty of others are. >> you're always looking for miracle cures, miracle ways to lose weight. miracle ways to make your food more tasty while you lose weight. and miracle ways to clean up the kitchen while you're trying to lose weight. >> some infomercial campaigns bring in more than hollywood blockbuster introduced in 2007, total sales for the h 2 o mop have now topped $500 million. >> don't underestimate the force. >> that's more than the lifetime gross of the original "star wars" movie. >> an infomercial is like a commercial on steroids. not afraid to be super aggressive, ask for the sale 100 times. >> call now. >> call now. >> call now. >> give you tons of demonstrations, do all the things that modern advertisie i
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embarrassed to do. >> you'll be in a great mood all day slapping your troubles away. >> they may be silly, sometimes strange, but -- >> the towel with arm openings. >> -- but one easy payment at a time these products and promises are helping americans get through the night and maybe even the recession. >> this is delicious! my taste buds is going wild. >> and if mr. t. is all for it, come on. joining us is a.j. khubani, the founder and ceo of telebrands. there are even "as seen on tv" stores. >> they're every place. >> they're everywhere. what draws people to the products and foin mergss? what makes them buy? >> first, most important thing, it actually solves a common problem. >> you stand behind them all. they all work. >> they all work, all these products work, fantastic products. >> but then, what is the beauty of a good infomercial that gets someone to pick up the phone and
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call now. >> the first thing we have to address a real problem, something people can relate to like callouss on your feet the pet egg solves that, a common problem. we draw them in this with that and the commercial -- the product itself is novel and the commercial is entertaining. >> entertaining or at the very least gets you talking about it. i think the pet seg a perfect example. i remember when this was on 24/7 it seemed and everyone saying i don't want to see the nasty callouss on people's feet but all people could talk about. that's right. the big draw was seeing the callouses being dumped out of the pet egg, really gross but people talked about it. it has that sort of effect people have to talk about it. the pet egg has 130 microrazor blades. so it sounds dangerous. >> it does. >> as you rub it against a balloon, you'll see, as hard as i rub. >> as seen on tv. kitchen products always seem to be big sellers. i feel i have things in my kitchen just like. this why do people buy the slap chop instead? >> for some reason, every year, america needs a new way to slice and dies their food.
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the infomercial people are right there, you know, with new products. >> like kitchen products are so big. we are seeing the shamwow. i have a friend, my friend is obsessed with the shamwow, i have to admit. this i imagine is one of the huge sellers, too, because people always want help cleaning up. >> all these are great categories, fitness, kitchen, cleaning. the shamwow demo really sells it, a fantastic demo, it is a good product but fantastic demo. that demo has been done in the pitch market the past 25 years, exactly the same way. >> you see it at street fairs every summer in new york city, let me tell you. >> such a fantastic product here. >> what do you look for in a product? i know you said it has to be something people need and helps solve a problem. is there one other thing in particular that stanz out to you when a product is pitched to you that makes you say, this is right for an infomercial? >> it's got to be a good deal. >> ah-ha. >> it's got to be a good deal, a popular price point, 10 or 20 dollars. >> anything above people are less inclined to buy, especially
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in this economy. >> a very impulsive price point. people are sitting at home watching tv in a buying mode. they are sitting home relaxed. we've got to get them off the sofa, to the phone and -- >> the shake weight. harry doesn't need it. i kidded him earlier. this is one i've noticed recently but it's been out for a while. oop, you hold it and it's going to shake my arms to look like the first lady's? >> you've got to shake it back and forth. >> this is what i do, like this. >> like this. >> and then it works. >> okay. >> i'm going to try this out. i'll get back to you. i have to know this. in every infomercial it says if you call now. how do i really know i'm calling now. >> well, when you call now. >> right, if i miss my 30-minute window, can i still get the del? >> well, you probably can. >> probably a good chance, right? >> just trying to get people to order right now because it is so impulsive. >> right. >> we are afraid if a half hour goes by they may change their minds. >> it's clearly working and we've all been not only entertained but a lot people
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have found things they like. thanks for coming in. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> still ahead if you think foi, @k@o@o@o@o
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[ male announcer ] whether you're new to california or you've been grooving here for some time now, you know that value comes in many forms. for some it's a classic car, for others a profession that lets them give back to the next generation. for many californians, it's a medicare plan that gives them more for their money. with anthem blue cross, you can get a medicare advantage ppo plan that offers $0 premiums and prescription drug coverage, you can see any doctor who accepts medicare, even the ones you already know and trust. plus members always talk with a real person when they call, not some computer system. that's what we used to call grooving. if you are eligible for medicare or will be soon, ask about one of the new ppo plans from anthem. you can schedule an in-home visit, learn more at a local seminar, or get answers right over the phone. call 1-877-276-1149. that's 1-877-276-1149.
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with anthem blue cross, you're free to enjoy value like never before. bart riders get an early christmas present this morning. bart is giving out a pair of free tickets to 60- thousand :25. time for news headlines. i'm juliette goodrich. bart ride irs get an early christmas present this morning. they are giving out free tickets to 60,000 ride irs at selected bart stations to encourage holiday shoppers to ride the rails. the two tickets are good for a free trip. the next three weekends before christmas. the giveaway goes until 9 a.m. today. today california's high- speed rail authority could decide whether to go ahead with a proposed route for the first sections of track. the federal government wants the first part of the system to be in the central valley to make it easier to build. but some argue that the 65-mile route would not directly connect any major cities. pat burrell is staying put. the outfielder who helped bring a world series win to the san francisco giants will be back in 2011. it's a one-year deal though details haven't been announced. about your develop a bay area native, growing up in santa
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cruz. traffic and weather around the bay area coming right up. stay with us. ,,,, seven years ago, i had this idea. ,,,, to make baby food the way moms would. happybaby strives to make the best organic baby food. in a business like ours, personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with the farmers that grow our sweet potatoes and merchants that sell our product. we've gone from being in 5 stores to 7,500.
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booming is using points to make connections good morning. in san jose, northbound 101 at de la cruz, had an earlier accident. it is now cleared from lanes. slow aand go from the capitol expressway. lower drive times for the nimitz freeway. it's crowded past the coliseum. but overall, traffic a little
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lighter. definitely holiday season. you can see it at the bay bridge toll plaza. just not as many cars right now heading into san francisco. backed up just to the end of the line of. tracy has your forecast. >> hey, thank you. our forecast for this morning, boy, clouds are taking over the bay area. that's why we have pretty interesting pictures this morning out from mount vaca. conditions for the morning, clouds with a few sprinkles and best chance of rainfall will be for the afternoon. seven-day forecast, highs in the mid- to upper 50s expected. we'll keep a chance of showers in the forecast friday, saturday and sunday. that does mean snowfall possible for the sierra. those days, as well. so if you are thinking about heading up, keep that in mind. monday and tuesday, some sunshine. and another round of showers in the forecast for wednesday.
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>> pretty shot. >> thanks for coming out, everybody. >> beautiful morning here on the plaza. >> chilly. >> chilly. >> brisk. ahead this morning, including i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it a new reality show called "bridal sglas yee" a bunch of brides have a wish list of work they want done on their bodies before they get married and competing to win the plastic surgery and the wedding. >> whoa. >> what a price. >> how about that? the host and residents fish on the show are joining us this morning. we'll ask them about it and whether or not this goes too far, what kind of message this sends.
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>> very interesting. i'm intrigued. also your pets face a lot of extra danger this time of year, right, everything from road salt, poisonous holly, miss selltoe, you know what, antifreeze like in the driveway. you've got to be really careful. our dr. debbye turner bell has safety warnings to help protect your pets this holiday season. >> we also know kt tunstall, right. ♪ suddenly i see >>. ♪ you be the reason i'm not a singer. >> she has a new cd getting rave reviews. she will be performing for us live -- there she is, in just a few minutes. hey, kt. >> all of that ahead but first a classic himself mr. james price standing by with the weather. >> many would say an antique. but i say a collectible. nice to see you, everyone. hey, guys. we got boilermakers here, oh, yeah. >> west lafayette.
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>> onward, ho. >> sorry. >> all right, folks. where are you from? >> west lafayette. >> west lafayette, indiana of course. >> the home of purdue university, the finest engineering programs in the country, one of the greatest marching bands in the country, great football and of course makes you a hoosier, right, a proud one, too? let's talk about the weather there and the rest of the country, shall we? we'll go to the maps and see what is happening. looks like you'll see cool weather in
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>> cold enough for you? >> yes, it's wonderful. >> it's wonderful? >> holiday time. >> oh, right, it is holiday time and should be cold. it is still chilly. let's go inside to you, erica. >> thank you, dave. weddings may not never be the same in the new reality show "bridal plast tee" brides compete trying to win the big prize, plastic surgeries and
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ultimate, all-expense-paid wedding. >> i am a good competitor. i'm probably one of the most intelligent girls, face it. >> congratulations! >> oh, my gosh. >> we have injectables, skin care and fillers. joins us are the host shanna moakler and the plastic surgeon, dr. terry bujon. it was funnyat watching you wat the clip of the show you are laughing and smiling and obviously reliving fun moments but there's a lot of controversy surrounding this show. the "boston herald" wrote it mate be the most depressing series ever to air on television. the l.a. times says it preys on
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the insecurities of brides. are you at all concerned as a surgeon this could be sending the wrong message to women? >> yeah, i've heard that criticism but we are really not sending a message but really just turning the camera on what's happening across the board in the united states. >> there is no message at all. >> people are having plastic surgery before big events like getting married. who doesn't want to look their best when getting harried. this is very common for a board certified plastic surgeon to do plastic surgery before people getting married. >> are numbers on it or not that big yet? >> very common and for over the decade. >> the most common thing before the big day. >> breast augmentation, botox, rhinoplasy, will pin their ears back, those things that have always bo their the you, you want to look your best on your wedding day. >> i also think when it comes to reality television, the biggest thing i get thrown back by, it's reality tv. you know, this is supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be
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entertaining, we're not supposed to be getting a scope onto society from the reality television we're watching. >> a lot of people do watch it, legitimately and a lot of women look to this and weddings is such a huge business, a lot of focus for a lot of shows, women might work out or grow their hair out. but these women have wish lists of actual prers. was anything surprising? these are really attractive i women. >> some were really there for the wedding. they didn't really want the plastic surgery. some of them were really there for the plastic surgery and had relatable stories. some of them have lost their breast to breast cancer and want implants for reasons like that. some have been dieting and exercising like san doctor from "the biggest loser" certain things diet an exercise, whether your genes, i've had three c-sections, loose skin, you can't do anything besides plastic surge toe fix those
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things. >> plastic surgery isn't reserved for unaextractive people, just for people with something bothering them with realistic goals and expectations. >> were you surprised by anything on the wish lists, doctor. >> no, because we came up with the wish lists before they came on the show. we determined suit sdainlt for procedures discussed the ricks and complications. these were sort of standard procedures. >> the risks are, and the psychological risk could be there, too. when you talk with a lot of these women, girl to girl, were you concerned at all with any of them about what happens after the show, they win big and got to go back to regular life? >> yeah, i mean, that's always, you know, whenever anyone does a reality show that's a big concern. one of the things about this show is it's not the swan, it's not like we were way toing to heidi montague these girls. they really went in and the doctor was careful about saying having realistic ideas of what they really wanted. >> it is fascinating, i have to say. the first episode. good to have both of you with
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you this morning. >> on at 9:00 on sunday. >> thank you both. harry, over to you. >> all right, erica. the holidays are here and winter is coming meaning we need to worry a bit more about our pets. this time of year can be very dangerous for them our residents veterinarian cbs news correspondents dr. debbye turner bell is here to help you keep your furry friends safe and sound. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> your pal? >> a cutie, bailey, a yorkie. i'm holding you. as you can see she has a beautiful coat on. >> a parka. >> with a hood no less. but for dogs who are small, particularly without much hair or older dogs it is a good idea to put them in a sweater other coat when you take them out for a walk and young dogs. we have cute pup peeps on the other side of the studio from the northshore animal leagues for our new york viewers. if you are in the market for a puppy and ready go to our website for a leak about information on them. puppies can't regulate their
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body heat nor can old dogs. >> pupchys, old dogs and little dogs. >> that don't have much hair. >> a good tip to start with. all kinds of things you need to watch for especially if you keep a dog outside you have to have access to water, right sfrimplts absolutely for. one thing dogs eat more and drink more in winter because their body works harder to keep them warm. if you have an outside dog, have a plays stick heated water bowl because they need access to fresh water taumts. a metal bowl, the water will freeze. i will just say about outside dogs if the temperature drops to 32 degrees, they need to be in shelter, away from the wind. if it drops below zero, they need to be in a heated environment, whether you bring them in your house or have a heated -- >> garage or whatever. >> exactly. >> what are these? >> fleece coats for the dogs. >> okay. >> also in front of them are booties. >> these are pretty cool. >> they are cool. particularly city dogs have to walk on sidewalks, there is rock salt out there to protect us. >> drives them nuts. >> it drives them nuts. if they have cracked paws it
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gets in there and really hurts and also protects them from the snow and ice. those can form between their pads. >> really build up in a minute or twoinchts and cause really good damage -- really big damage. these booties are a good idea. >> rock salt, keep them off of thamplsts yes, and aifnt freeze, people flushing out their radiators. keep your pets away it from, it tastes sweet and they like it but can kill a dog in 24 hours. >> we talk about this every yew but can't emphasize it enough. if you have an older car and maybe boils over a bit in the cold weather and it's outside, the dog takes this stuff -- >> keep it away. sometimes when people have pets and they get sick, they go, we'll wait and see if they are better the next day. if they have gotten into antifreeze, the next day is too late. >> what about the holiday directions. >> a lot of people decorated their homes over the thanksgiving day holiday getting ready for christmas, christmas trees as well as wreaths with pine needles when they dry out these get sharp,. if your dog or cat eats them it puncture the intestines so clean
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them up as they fall off. >> tinsel, bad. >> cats love to eat it, for whatever reason, it gets in the g.i. tract and can cause an obstruction or even the intestine to accordion on itself. >> wiring down low, pets chew on it. >> we have puppies, they will electrocute themselves if they chew through it. make sure they up and away from the pets. >> people come over and eating and think, i'll throw a bone to fido, scraps. >> look me in the eye, never, ever give your dog a bone, they spliner and cause a medical emergency. i have a few other things here, dressing or stuffing, depending where you are from, the onions and garlic in this can cause aeven in yeah and be detrimental to dogs. oatmeal raisin cookies which are toxic to dogs and brownies, dark chock lalt or baker's coco, a half houns per pound of dog can
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cause serious damage so keep all these things away from your pets. >> such good tips. >> okay. >> dr. debbye turner bell, thank you so much. you did such a good job. feeling good about it. if you have a holiday-related question about your pets, all you need to do is go to our website. or visit us on facebook or twitter. woof, woof, erica? >> thanks and to the puppy, too. kttunsall became an overnight sensation fab years ago. the scottish singer song writer's much anticipated third album "tiger suit" is out now. here to perform the third single off that cd is kttunsall. ♪ fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade ♪ ♪ fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow,
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fade ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade ♪ ♪ fade like a shadow, fade like
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a shadow, ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade ♪ ♪ fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow, fade ♪ ♪ you fade like a shadow, fade like a shadow ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good news, more kt,,,,,,
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skwloo we're back with k kt tunstalll. her new cd called "tiger suit" is in stores now. >> the idea i wanted to achieve the old school eddie cochran vibe mixing it with a dance club feel. >> the song you just played has such a great beat to it. you can see everybody in the studio moving during the break, which is a good sign there. are 11 songs on the album but you went on this crazy whirlwend travel, three months of travel, you wrote 75 songs. >> yeah, i did. i was surprised myself sdpl how did you narrow it down to 11. >> it was surprisingly easy, i am such a fan of the album, the collection of songs. it was the cream of the crop they clumped together and made themselves very obvious. >> you visited amazing places.
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a lot of people hear greenland and don't know what's there. what's there and what inspired there? >> i went up a climate change trip up the arctic. it was fantastic and i was with a bunch of other fantastic musicians sentence up there hopefully to write about what we saw and it was just amazing people can live there. we saw the thorn lights, icebergs the size of buildings. it was very humbling, very -- very exciting to see such a different landscape. >> how you could not be inspired. great to have you with uls. you finish off with one of your classics. thank you. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ,,,,,,,,
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headlines... it's 8:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm juliette goodrich. today people concerned about pg&e's smartmeters will have a chance to be heard. opponents plan to attend the meeting of the california public utilities commission. they want more studies on the potential health risks from the frequencies emitted by the meters. the uc-berkeley graduate freed from an iranian prisons is trying to free her friends. she wrote a peace of time while in solitary confinement. money raised from sales of the music will be used to help free them. fans packed a planning commission needing yesterday for a waterfront stadium. the as owner has been looking at other option including a move to san jose. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us.
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[ mom ] my son only wanted one toy this year. i want a robosan 4000. [ mom ] the one no one could get. toy stores are reporting long lines and empty shelves. a robosan 4000. [ mom ] and i mean no one. so i did most of my holiday shopping on citi specials. with the money i saved, i bid online -and got exactly what he wanted. -a robosan 4000! [ television ] introducing the new robosan 5000. [ mom ] at least for now. [ male announcer ] make your happy holiday stories come true with citi specials. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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all right. out to san francisco we go, southbound park presidio right past the tunnel, it sounds like there's been an injury crash --
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noninjury crash, take that back. it is in the clearing stages now so it should be to the right shoulder here shortly. we have been watching the golden gate bridge to see if traffic is backing up and so far it hasn't. there is a little bit of roadwork you see partially blocking that side lane. elsewhere in antioch westbound highway 4 approaching somersville three-car crash blocking lanes, slow from the antioch bridge westbound lanes. bay bridge not bad backed up to mid lot with metering lights on. here's tracy with your forecast. >> hey, thanks, liz. [ laughter ] >> forecast for today, here we are looking out toward coit tower. a whole lot of clouds expected today across the bay area and we have had some reports of sprinkles this morning in the north bay. forecast for today, take a look. seven-day forecast, today through the middle of next week, showers are possible today. highs in the mid- to upper 50s. best chance of showers will be for the afternoon. we'll keep a small chance of showers in the forecast
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