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tv   The Early Show  CBS  December 4, 2010 5:00am-7:00am PST

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breaking news. heavy snowstorms wreak havoc on the midwest from the northern plains to the great lakes. canceling flights, stranding travelers and sending this jet off the runway in minneapolis. we're live in chicago, with the wild weather. not working. a surprising jobs report pushels the unemployment rate and american workers' frustration even higher. will the number of unemployed continue to rise before it goes down? a hollywood whodunit, the suicide of a person of interest deepens the mystery surrounding the murders of beverly hills pub bligist ronni chasen. was this person a key player in
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the crime or another false lead. we talk to a detective looking at at the case, that story and much more early this saturday at at the case, that story and much more early this saturday morning december 4th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good saturday morning, everyone. welcome to "the early show" i'm rebecca jarvis, to my left a very special individual, we are thrilled to have you here with us today, james brown, of nfl today. you probably know him as j.b. >> good to be here indeed. matter of fact i don't think i have a full name, j.b. on the birth certificate without a doubt. >> so happy to have you here. we have breaking news in the united states, the president just returned touching down in the usa just getting off air force one after his unexpected trip to afghanistan, of course he has a lot on the agenda to cover with the lame duck congress and has to get back to taxes, potential tat cuts extensions and on top of that
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unemployment benefits, j.b. >> no rest for the weary, for sure. how disconcerting is this picture here, talk about using a cell phone that explodes, a gentleman here, winding up a conversation and had the cell phone explode. thank goodness he did not suffer any hearing loss. we'll talk a bit about that in terms of its not unusual how to protect yourself. >> those are creepy pictures but we are glad we have tips today. >> that, we do. first, our top story this morning, breaking news out of the midwest from the nation's midsection to parts of the east. folks are getting an early and large dose of rough winter weather. snow and plenty is blanketing several states. cbs news correspondent cynthia bours is in chicago with the latest. good morning, cynthia. >> good morning, jb. coming down as we speak. it is the good continuing is a weekend the first significant sn snowfall for the midwest this season and thinking we could see up to eight inches before all is said and done. from the northern plains to the great lakes, a winter storm smg
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is having its way with the midwest. >> a fast-moving intention little system but extends all the way from bismarck, north dakota, through the twin cities all the way down into central, believe it or not, central illinois. >> reporter: folks in minneapolis, minnesota will see four to eight inches. at the airport a delta airplanes plane slid off the runway after snow buried taxiway markers. in central illinois, overturned cars littered the highways as slick roads caught drivers unaware. in chicago, where three to six inches are expected snow crews are loading up on salt and getting ready to work around the clock to clear the 9546 total miles of road, the distance from sydney, to chicago, by the way. >> flurries extending into sunday morning. >> midwesterners will use snowpl snowplows and shovels, buff le residents are unimpressed digging out after a third straight day after a blizzard dumped 38 inches of snow and
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closed the new york thu way for 28 hours. >> going on 30 hours without sleeping, shutting the car on and off to keep warm and conserve on gas. it's been a bit rough. >> reporter: for calendar watchers, only december 4th, buy my calculations 17 days until winter starts and by the way the coldest start to a december here in 27 years. j.b.? >> i'm sure the question on many minds, any relief from the cold in sight? >> reporter: you know, because every degree here counts, don't you? once the storm system pitches out it is supposed to leave temperatures 10 degrees below normal which is going to feel uncomfortable. those of who you want to cozy dz up to the fire and watch the sec championship today and nfl today tomorrow, on cbs, you've got your excuse. have a good day, guys. >> thank you so much for the plug there cynthia. thank so very much. i know chicago's home town but even though is atypical in terms of how soon it started, you guys are hearty, folks, are you not?
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>> yes, yes my family in chicago and in min a lis, by the way are used to this weather and it just goes on and on and on and never e end. the president has arrived back at the white house from afghanistan after a surprise visit to american troops at bag ram air force base north of kabul. cbs news correspondent joel brown is at the white house with more. good morning. >> reporter: he arrived back at the white house a short while ago spending four hours on the ground about in afghanistan. the main purpose of that trip to thank the troops for their service. he stopped at a military hospital meeting with wounded soldiers and awarded five purple hearts before he addressed that packed audience at bag ram. >> as we begin this holiday season, there's no place that i'd rather be than be here with you. >> speaking to more than 3500 cheering troops inside a hangar
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at bagram air field he thanked the men and women for the sacrifice they are meeting. he teared up describing a meeting with a battle-hardened group. >> i just talked to the platoon that lost six -- six of their buddies. >> reporter: this surprise trip was the president's second visit to afghanistan and comes just before a status report of the nine-year war, expected sometime this month. while on the ground, the president was briefed by general david petraeus and ambassador karl eikenberry. he planned to meet with afghan president hamid karzai but bad weather, high winds, and perhaps a bit of a frosty relationship, had the two presidents speaking by phone, instead. mr. obama arrives back home today, facing a legislative firestorm over the ex spiring bush tax cuts, as well as unemployment benefits. democrats and republicans have been negotiating for days and there are signs a compromise could come next week. a deal that extends all of the
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tax cuts at least temporarily, along with a new round of benefits for americans who've been out of work the longest. now, the senate meets today in an unusual saturday session. the goal? to vote on two amendments to the tax cut bill. rebecca? >> thank you so much, cbs news correspondents joel brown. as reported, the next battlefield for president obama on capitol hill where the showdown with congress over cuts in extending unemployment benefits is reaching a critical point. for a look at that story, we turn to reed wilson, editor in chief of the hotline the national journal's daily political briefing in our washington bureau. great to have you with us this morning. these negotiations that joel brown is talking about and also, these saturday sessions, what's really going on here, is this just symbolic move? >> no, not a symbolic move at all. this is something democrats and republicans need to get through in this lame duck session so the tax rates don't increase on all americans, not only those making more than $250,000 a year but
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also middle class and working class americans across the country. if they don't get this deal done, there will be no -- well, at least there isn't a deal yet, on increasing any of the tax cuts, which means everybody's taxes go up. >> the question really is, when does the deal get done? these weekend sessions for congress, what do do we expect to get out of them? >> well, looks like there will be a deal cut soofn, democrats get an extension unemployment benefits for those out of work more than 99 weeks. republican get a full extension of the tax cuts for at least two or three years. originally the tax cuts were set to expire so that the bush administration could say the budget would be okay going forward. obviously, not accounting for tax cuts being increased or tax cuts being extended rather the next two or three years. that what's we'll see, a deal in which everybody on the hill gets something, but it's mot necessarily what anybody really wants. >> embedded in this debate the
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whole question of ending unemployment benefits to some two million people whose benefits are set to expire in months. in terms of timing here, you know, we hear that maybe it will happen next week. what do you think? what's your best call on this? >> well, the -- after it goes to the senate this weekend, it's got to go back to the house. the house voted earlier this week on a package that would only extend tax cuts for middle and working-class americans so they'll have to go back and deal not only with the extension of the tax cuts that republicans want to see but, also, with these unemployment benefits, all in one package. then, they go to the president's desk and then the bill gets passed. the senate is scheduled to be in session through december 17th. i think it's likely we get something done this week so that the senate democrats can get onto some of the stuff they really wanted to do in this lame duck session, repealing don't ask, don't del, the start start nuclear treaty some other things they want to get done before their majority shrinks. >> in terms of who is really
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calling the shots here, who is it? >> of course democrats are trying to push their agenda but one thing you can't overlook, the large and growing power of senator minority leader mitch mcconnell. he's got 42 republicans in the senate which, if they stick together, is enough to really stop any legislation. earlier this week he sent a later to senate majority harry reid saying hey until you pass the tax cut extensions we're for the going to vote to bring up any bill. we're essentially going to filibuster everything else. i think it is very notable mitch mcconnell and his gang of 42 are really telling the majority, mat majority of 58, what they're supposed to be doing over the next couple of weeks. it's really a telling sign this lame duck session is not going the way democrats wanted it to. >> in terms of that point that you're making, does this foreshadow any chance for bipartisanship in the new year with the new congress? >> oh, there's always a chance for bipartisanship and people are talking about how much they
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want to be bipartisan, this meeting earlier this week with democrats and republicans in which everybody sort of pledged to hold hands and get along is one sign at least there's a possibility of it. the question is really, who drives that agenda, if one side reaches out halfway across the aisle, are they going to find a hand reaching back or are they not going to? democrats, if they want to get anything debated in the senate, they're going to need at least seven republicans in a minority of 47, to come along with them. and want to at least begin debate. we haven't seen a lot of that in the last year or so, when there have been only 41 republicans. now, with senator mark kirk there, are 42. >> a game has changed. >> indeed. >> thank you so much, reid wilson, we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> back to you, j.b. >> okay. after three months of holding steady, the unemployment rate rose to #.8% in november. the labor department says the number of jobs added by u.s. employers dropped from 172,000 in october to just 39,000 last month. and here with a closer look at
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those number michael santoli associate editor at baron's. what happened to be so far off the mark? >> it does seem wide of the mark on the surface. the short answer private businesses did not add quite as many jobs by this survey as were expected. this number was a bit out of step with some of the other signals we've seen, lay-off announcements really hit a new low very recently, unemployment claims which are reported weekly, that trend has been going down, too. so economists were using that in their estimates. i would point out, though, that in an economy of nearly 140 million jobs, a single month's number -- by the way just the first estimate -- is not always very accurate. >> okay. just a snapshot. how disapintsing is this latest jobs report? >> i call it moderately disappointing. obviously you would like toe see more momentum here. one slight bright spotd, the prior two months's jobs numbers were revised higher. they go back and try to get a fuller picture as time goes on
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and basically seems to not change the long-term, a sluggish but recovering market >> this month, we saw about 28,000 jobs lost in that sector. what's your take on this? >> it is very difficult to figure out exactly how that happened. retailers themselves are saying they staffed up this year more than last holiday season, for example. again, i do think that some of these seasonal adjustments that go into the numbers might be at play here. i would point out i think some of the retailers are banking on kind of a late holiday season right now their inventories are skewed later and maybe will wait a bit. >> we saw gains in temporary help services, health care and mining does. that imply anything to you at all. >> a good news/bad news. temporary agencies have been one of the leading job gainers most of the past year. that's obviously, you like people to have jobs but it shows the companies need help but are not fully willing to commit to full-time permanent employees necessarily maybe want to see if the recovery takes hold and gets mo he men tum before they do
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that. >> these numbers seem high. we talk about you want to move to unemployment below 9% but before that happens some 200,000 jobs need to be added a year. they signs of encourage mefnt? >> there are early signs of encouragements f. the cyclical rules applied in the past apply this time you see very profitable countries usually a leading indicator of job growth. you've obviously see these guys with higher prooft margins this he can afford to higher. if should point out the average job gain the last year about 90,000, doesn't sound like enough and enough to make daent in the unemployment number but this is where we are in early 2004 and had a jobless recovery so to speak then and in the early '90s. the problem this time the hole was so much deeper, we lost so many jobs in the crisis it feels that much worse. unfortunately, i don't see it in a 200,000 monthly pace anytime soon. >> final 15 seconds. in chance we hit 10% before matters get better.
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>> always a chance. depends how many say they are looking for work and say they can't find it so from 9.8 to 10% is not very but i don't think it means a double-dip recession or anything like that. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. for this morning's other top headlines, betty nguyen is at the news desk. good morning, betty. >> good morning, j.b. and you to at home. the president says a new trade deal between the u.s. and south korea could create 70,000 new jobs for americans. the agreement allows each u.s. automaker to export 25,000 cars to korea and lifts a 2.5% tariff on south korean cars. the agreement is the largest u.s. trade deal in 16 years. wikileaks, the internet whistle-blower site is under attack from all sides. the site which released hundreds of thousands of classified diplomatic documents has been dumped by zf servers and hacker brought the site down several times this week. the justice department is looking into whether its founder
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can be prosecuted with a crime. he remains in hiding in england but police know his whereabouts and could certain arrest him on charges of alleged sexual misconduct in sweden. the u.s. and several other countries are answering israel's unprecedented distress call to help fight the worst forest fire in its history. personnel from russia, egypt, jordan even the palestinian authority are battling the blaze side by side with israeli firefighters. the u.s. is sending firemen, foam, and fire retardant. 41 people have been killed and thousands of others in the area have been evacuated. police say apparently the cause of this was negligence but not arson. in vermont, 17 people have been injured in a tour bus accident. students from the university of massachusetts were among the passengers on board. the bus went off interstate 91 and down and embankment landing on its side. the students were on a private ski trip not connected with the university. volunteers are refusing to
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give up the search for three missing michigan brothers last seen at their father's home thanksgiving. the boys' father, john skelton faces three counts of kidnapping. officials have suspended their search for andrew, alexander, and tanner skelton to re-evaluate the direction of the investigation. volunteers are expected to continue the search. emergency vessels are rushing to a cargo ship adrift since friday near alaska's remote aleutian islands. the 738-foot golden seas carrying fuel oil and canola seed now has limited power. the vessel experienced engine failure and high winds and rough water in the bering sea there. are 20 crew members on board and so far no injuries reported. two more sierra nevada red foxes once feared extinct have been found alive and well. recent sights began in august when a female was caught on camera. the first confirmed sighting of the subspecies in 20 years.
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according to federal wildlife experts, dna samples suggest, quote, a fairly strong population of the foxes is alive in southern nevada. that's good news. 17 minutes after the hour. also alive and well this morning our own lonnie quinn. >> they dragged me out of bed. >> yes. >> good morning. we'll talk about a lot of snow for certain portions of the country but first i take you to my weather headlines, the big stories shaping up today, an arctic blast of air in the northern plains. places like min not, north dakota will feel like about 20 degrees below zero at one point today. the southeast you get the sunshine and snow in the midwest. this is this storm system i'm talking, about look at the snow right now stretching from chicago all the way into portions of north carolina. here's how it all breaks down, places like chicago, cincinnati and charleston, it will be for some of you the first big snow of the season, about four to ten inch decides of accumulating snow. higher amounts around chicago, lower amounts around cincinnati and charleston, portions of north carolina but this is a
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fast-moving storm. a one-day event for everybody shaded in blue, a typical snowstorm moves around 20 miles per hour. this bad boy has track shoes on racing off to the east at around 40 miles per hour. so, it's the one-day storm right now but will dump considerable snowfall amounts. that's a quick look at one little portion of the country. here's a closer look at weather for your weekend. all right. good enough, everybody. make it a great day wherever you are whether you are catching the snow or not but right now over to my friend rebecca. >> thank you, lonnie. six months since 8-year-old kyron horman of portland, oregon disappeared without a trace. authorities have focused on his step-mother, the last person to see him but no suspects have been named, not even a person of
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interest. priya david-clemens from our san ktvu reports. >> reporter: friday was quiet at skyline elementary school, where 8-year-old kyron horman went missing on june 4th. no vigils marged the six-months anniversary of his disappearance last summer. kyron's parents released a statement this week saying, quote, we recognize that it has now been six months since kyron went missing and we're still deeply saddened he's not home with us. his step-mother was apparently the little boy never showed up for class. >> six months, again is a long time for the community. it's really affected everybody. but in the investigation, six months is not that long of a time. >> reporter: law enforcement and volunteers have searched repeatedly for any sign of the boy over the past several months. the most recent search was here on this quiet island, about 15 minutes from kyron's elementary divers scoured the waterways about be a month ago, an amnous
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sign, perhaps, authorities may not believe the little boy will be found alive, adding to mounting despair. already, the investigation is estimated at $2 million, the most costly in oregon history. there remains a core team of 11 the grand jury investigation is also ongoing but there have been no indictments, no arrests and, despite the suspicion surrounding his step-mother, terri, no one has even been named a person of interest. >> the most significant thing that's come out of this, three or four months ago, the cops said we have probably cause to believe terri hormann's involved in kyron's disappearance. so, the question is, when do you have enough evidence to click that probable cause disappearance to probable cause murder center. >> reporter: experts say unless more evidence is found, six months from now, this case could still be seemingly at a standstill. in portland, oregon, priya david-clemens, cbs news. >> such a troubling and tragic
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story. >> no question. no question. >> a little child missing this long. >> prayers are certainly fervently out it will have a positive end. >> absolutely. >> uh-huh. >> absolutely. coming up a new twist in the murder case of publicist ronni chasen leaving more questions than answers. we're live from los angeles with the latest on this real-life hollywood whodunit. >> later, this man says his cell phone exploded. yes, he's not crazy. it can happen and we'll show you how to make sure mhat it doesn't happen to you. ,,,,,,
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[ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [ girl's voice ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® melt -- like the new chipotle chicken & cheese on flatbread, or the melt-tastic chipotle steak & cheese.
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subway® melts, subway. eat fresh. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system healthy hands can be automatic. for healthy tips and more, visit j.b., i know you appreciate a story we have later in the program. >> okay. that being? >> that being reese witherspoon graced the cover of "glom more" in january, 34, now says she feels sexier than ever. that is the question did aging make you feel sexier. i'll have you answer.
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>> that you emphasized "aging" did my wife send a note to have ask you that question. >> a good woman, right. >> absolutely. i hope, indeed, that is the case, rebecca. >> you know what, there is some scientific -- what's interesting about this, there is actually some scientific underpinnings to this discussion, this question about whether aging makes you feel sexier or act sexier as an individual. i think what is interesting what she had to say in the magazine, she feels more true to herself, more like herself. she knows herself more. maybe there's something to that. we are going to be speaking with a psychotherapist d. jen ber man who can talk to thamplsts i know you are accustomed to me being more expensive on sports. i'm just too dark to blush on that. >> more coming up on the mystery surrounding the murder [ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby!
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instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet?
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we're back with j.b., so thrilled to have you here. >> good to be back. >> it's been two years, i can't believe it, two years since you've been here. >> kind of like working a super bowl every saturday. i must say this i know i'll get grief from my guys on nfl tomorrow you guys look a whole lot better. >> oh. >> coming from the old guy. >> what was it like getting up this morning, a little rough for you? >> you know, let me be honest about that, yes, it was. >> i saw you when you came in. >> rebecca was giving me tips last evening like stay awake, j.b. who did the 11:00 news last night? >> that's true. >> you're used to this. >> you know, what i'm saying good to bed at like 1:00 and get up like say 3:30, you never get
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used to it. >> she looked out for me, got a cup of coffee and had l.q. on it indicative of what you normally drink. thank you very much. >> more than happy to do it. what was your routine, how did you get in the game? >> i did set three alarm clocks and made sure they were all working and called downstairs for a wake-up call and got here about two minutes before. >> in the nick of time. >> the last alarm clock, i call it the safety net. >> the safety net. >> you've got to put it somewhere away from the bed. >> they actually sell them now where they roll away from the bed and you have to chase them around the room. >> ahh. >> i need stock in that for sure. >> lonnie is chasing an imaginary alarm clock right here on "the early show." >> i chase a lot more than imaginary alarm clocks. >> getting back to you. i know i asked you about aging and sex but i want to know your pick. >> on the afc i like the jets, on the nfc, atlanta looking strong but won't go against the
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super bowl champions new orleans saints. >> you heard,,,,,,,,
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braving the cold for us. >> what alarm clock do they use?! >> good question. welcome to the early show i'm james brown. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> coming up a texas man claims his cell phone exploded in his ear. you know it can definitely happen. coming up we'll tell you why it happens and how to make sure it doesn't happen you to. >> absolutely. you wouldn't want that to happen to you. also sex and aging j.b.'s favorite topic. 34-year-old reese witherspoon says she's never felt sex your. can the confidence of age make you feel that way?
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we have tips to help you feel sexy no matter how old you may be. first the latest on the murder of hollywood publicist ronni chasen. police play it close to the vest as a possible lead comes to a surprising and abrupt end. cbs news correspondent ben tracy has the story from los angeles. >> reporter: ever since ronni chasen was mysteriously gunned down two and a half weeks ago, the beverly hills cops have said next to nothing about their most high-profile murder investigation. >> if there's one thing we've seen in the last two weeks, they knew a lot more than they were letting on. >> reporter: that's because earlier this week detectives showed up in force at this run-down hollywood apartment building to question harold martin smith, a so-called person of interest. but, he shot and killed himself in front of police. tmz reports there is not yet any physical evidence linking him to chasen's death. >> harold martin smith, in a couple of days, could end up being the guy or could end up being somebody who has nothing to do with this. the cops don't know yet. >> reporter: neither do
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celebrities blogrs but still having a field day with what is dubbed a really holy would whodunit saying police are considering everything from a random incident of road rage to a hit man to explain her death. >> it was a targeted hit and there was somebody paid to shoot her and they believe now they're looking at who paid someone to shoot ronni chasen. >> reporter: according to chasen's will, she had a net worth of more than $6 million. friday the executors asked a judge to release up to $30,000 per months from her trust. >> it's all part of a legal process to, you know, take care of the business, take care of her employees. >> reporter: even while the investigation into her murder continues. >> this is not the last chapter, in fact, we are still very much i think at the beginning of this case. >> reporter: ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> joining us, a private ves gor in beverly hills and acquaintance of ronni chasen's. good morning from los angeles, john. >> good morning. >> and i'm interested to know about this harold martin smith
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character. so, we're told that the police think he's a suspect, that he, himself, has told friends and people around him that he killed chasen. do you feel that this was likely? >> you know, like everything else involving this case, who knows? is it possible? sure. but, when you look at the character of this gentlemen, it would seem to me that he just talked a great deal and was making himself sound like he was far more important than he really was. and, unbe knownst to him he's standing there when two police officers or however many were there show up and he's realizing, he didn't kill anybody but he now has a gun in his pocket and he's also made it very clear he was not going to go back to prison. he had done some time in prison and this could be a third strike here in california. and, quite frankly, he knew that when he was searched, the cops were going to find the gun. and he just took -- he literally checked out.
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he shot himself and killed himself. >> what do you make, then, of the theory that this may be was road rage that, chasen was known to have a temper and someone retaliated on the road? >> a temper. what would she do, throw her lipstick, her channel lipstick at somebody? you say a temper. i don't know. i've been traveling that part of sunset since the 1970s, and if you look at any case of road rage in los angeles or southern california in the last ten years, these cars all look like they came out of a segment of bonnie and clyde. this car had -- i said earlier, the crime scene was very neat and tidy. she had a broken window, which was probably done with the first shot. but, the car did not look like something you see typically in what we would call a road rage case. >> to you, this looks something more premeditated, perhaps. we're told she had $6 million also she may have potentially known a secret.
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do you buy that as a potential theory why this took place? >> one of the tips that we got at my office was the fact that there was some issues concerning money laundering and/or some issues about the legitimacy of some artwork. >> your office got those tips, something you heard about in this case? >> no, i heard about the case like everybody else did and i was a little bit appalled at the thought that this was going to be -- someone is trying to classify it as a road rage case. over the last couple of weeks we've gotten little tidbits of information but i'm not sure whether that issue of money laundering and the artwork was involving her or one of her clients. it's not clear to me as to what those facts are. >> as someone with knowledge of how this all works, how this type of detective work works, given what you're hearing about money laundering and potential issues with artwork, how will detectives proceed in all of this? >> well, beverly hills police department is a fine department.
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they've got some excellent officers there. and, granted, they don't have the number of murders that los angeles city has on a yearly basis, but these guys are really good at what they do. and part of being a good cop in the world today is, you know, keeping your -- keeping your cards close to your chest and they don't make announcements on homicide cases. they just don't. and in the case of ronni, this case is just a real problem for i think the administration of the beverly hills police department. >> we thank you for coming in today and sharing and shed something light on this story. >> it was my pleasure. thank you for having me. >> we are heading out to the plaza for another check of the weather with my friend lonnie. >> my friend, as well, rebecca jarvis. look at all the happy people behind me here. i got to tell you, you wear a panda hat and get to say i had to everybody. what's your name, hon. >> emily. >> and next to you, your name?
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>> mead lynn wrimplsts from? >> texas. >> where they make good headgear. quickly, though, one of the most excited people on the plaza, where are you from, ma'am? >> nebraska! >> that's what i'm talking about. yeah, cornhuskers right there. let's talk about cold weather out there. it is cold here but breaks down like this, we are chilly in florida, cold in the northeast, frigid in the northern plains, how frigid in the northern plains? talking temperatures 15 to 20 degrees below temperatures 10 degrees to 10 degrees below zero and a wind chill that make it feel for you sometimes for some of you out there 20 degrees below zero. that's a quick look at that portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> all right. we've got -- south carolina, gamecocks in town, the sec game coming up,, you'll tell us more about everything but first inside to you. >> thank you so much. be next, be ware that cell phone yew every day can actually explode. we'll tell you how it can happen and, as importantly, how to keep yourself safe. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ sneezes ] [ sneezes ] ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] no wonder people go out of their way to share them. ♪ oh! oh! [ female announcer ] now it's even easier to share. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] send a kleenex brand share package for free today at softness worth sharing. ♪ i feel fine when we all become doers. when our mittens double as work gloves. and we turn every room into a project.
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yeah, a little family reunion. [ wind rushes ] whoa! whoa! whoa! whoa! we're cereal here! what? just cooling it down. enough said. gotcha. safety first. whoo-hoo! watch the whole grain! [ female announcer ] try kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® hot. just add warm milk and you've got a hot way to keep your kids full and focused all morning. oops. dude your eight layers are showing. [ female announcer ] mini-wheats® hot. keeps 'em full, keeps 'em focused. my bliss? lips that feel quenched, restored, revived. my blistex? complete moisture. a rush of moisture lips can feel. and it feels great. discover bliss. discover blistex.
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as we know cell phones are an everyday part of our lives but are they as safe as we think they are? a man in texas claims his cell phone actually exploded sending him to the hospital for stitches. aaron embree was talking on hi his new motor roll o la droid phone when he said he heard a pop. second later he was bleeding from his ear and the screen of from his droid appeared to have opened. it is rare but cell phones can explode. katie linendoll is here to explain why it happens and how we can prevent it. while this isn't something we see happening every day there have been instances in the past of this happening. first of all, what would cause a cell phone to explode? >> right.
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a lot of people don't understand that lithium ion are the most popular batteries, they hold six times more charge and lightweight and great for portable devices from mp 3s to laptops to cell phone they are volatile. while this it is an isolated example not the first time we've heard of an oirdz pod nano, for example or laptop battery exploding. >> it is pont to state motorola issued a statement, they are the maker of the droid, they released a state saying in part quote we have no reason to believe the phone exploded as it is still operational and intact. we have contacted the consumer and will investigate this thoroughly, end quote. while they continue to investigate this particular incident it is not unheard of but how big of a problem is it really? >> just seeing one example but again we've seen in the past huge examples and big box retailers have this problem, dell, lenovono, sony. in the past tens of millions of recalls on batteries. so, this has been a problem in the past and blemish to big box
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retailers. >> safety obviously the operative word here. >> give us tips consumers can keep in mind with respect for safety. >> first things first. we don't know if this was a counterfit device but i can't tell you it is a $100 billion global problem talking about counterfit devices. >> $100 billion dollars. >> $100 billion. people don't understand electronics, it is great to go to ebay or craig's list to pick up this device half the price. counterfit devices equals poorly made units, made cheaply and inexpensive on the marketplace. make sure when you pick up a device like electronics used every day, like o cell phone used every day, you are getting them from an authorized dealer. if you don't know anything about technology, treat it like a handbag on the streets of manhattan you know the logo is a bit off but louis vitton with a "w" we know that's not right. >> you say be careful of sxloesing it to heat and water why? >> heat and water.
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not too hot or cold. mixing elements with something like a lithium ion battery the elements don't mix and it is so foundny i can't tell you how many of my friends, cars for example, you leave your phone it is a hot box and can cause a battery to explode. in the same instance not too cold and avoid water. even if you get the battery sometimes a bit wet you may say it is dry right now it can actually cause the battery to core road and down the road cause a short. make sure you keep it away from the elements. >> we've got about 40 seconds remaining here. you say heed the signs of a defective. what are they? >> yes. getting too hot to a point it becomes uncomfortable is an absolute red flag. something's off, probably a battery problem. could be a short. >> wow. but now, don't most cell phones get warm? >> yes. if you are using it for an extended period of time that's pretty normal but also i want to make sure, too, when you are charging a battery make sure that charger is compatible. don't just swap in and out another one. i see this all the time. because a charger fits doesn't
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mean the currency and voltage is made for your phone. >> wow. you are all on top of this. thank you so much for the safety tips. >> hard for me to contain myself, i wanted to talk fantasy football. >> no kidding. >> yeah, big fan. >> wael talk about that during commercial for sure. >> i need help, too, j.b. >> you'll like this, very helpful. coming up next, one for the ages, is getting older the secret to staying sexy? more people seem to think so. and it's that story when we come back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i'm that guy that doesn't take directions.
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a lot of us dread aging, but some like 34-year-old reese wift ther spon are bracing it. she tells the magazine she feels much sex your as she gloen older. how can the rest of us feel that way, too. great to have you with us this morning, jen. >> thank you so much. great to be here. >> such a hot topic here. one thing that really struck me when i was reading the inter
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view with reese witherspoon, how she said i know high self now, i know who i am. how significant is that in feeling sexy. >> i think that that is so true. the 20s are a time that's idealized. i think it is such a time women are struggling to find their identity and figure out who they are and establish themselves in their careers but the 30s tend to be a real time of security for that very reason because we have a much better sense who have we are and that is sexy. >> with reese witherspoon, of course, she's gone through a number of changes, looking at a picture of her side by side now, 14 years ago when she was 20 along with a more recent picture and of course she's had two babies, been through divorce. how significant are these life stages and going through different personal developments to feeling sexy? >> well, they're so important. and those life experiences tend to make us more sexy. you know, one thing that's important to keep in mind if you don't start out feeling confident and sexy, you fake it until you make it. the behaviors, behaving as if
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you feel sexy and behaving as if you feel confident leads women to feel confident. >> that's a really interesting point. more and more in hollywood, we're seeing women over 40, women over 60, the likes of diane keaton demi moore, very sexy women in their own right. do you think that our sense, there's terri hatcher, you are looking at her right now, do you think our sense of age is changing in this country? do you think we're taking a new approach to aging? >> i absolutely do. women like that hav revolutionized the way we think about aging. and it's given the rest of us some hope even though they have the advantages of plastic surgery and make-up artists and all of that when we see someone our age or older looking great it can be really inspiring. >> that is a good point. they do have the advantages, as you put it, of plastic surgery and bo tox and all the injections and things like that. when it comes to feeling sexy for your partner and growing older with that partner how do you think it is important to keep the spark alive and how can we do na? >> it's pont to make time for
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one another, turn off the tv, the blackberry, not this show, by the way, turn off your computer, have face-to-face time with each other and take care of yourself, make sure you are eating healthy, listening to your body, exercising and dressing in a way that makes you feel good and also have some sex, even if you don't feel like it. sometimes, having sex can make you feel sexy and, also, sex begets sex, the more you have, the more you want. >> what about conversations with your partner about feeling sexy? >> it's so important. the more communication you have, the more connected and the more intimate you feel, the more confident you're likely to feel, which makes you file more sexy. >> in terms of men, of course, you have george clooney in hollywood and there are a lot of people who look at him as awn icon of sex now that he's actually grown older and you're seeing both the side by side pictures more people know his face now than then when he was younger. in terms of men, do you think the standard and the different potential standard between men
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and women makes a difference mentally in terms of how men versus women feel sexy? >> well, men have an advantage in that traditionally, their sense of sexiness and self-esteem tends to come from power and earning potential, which tends to rise over the lifespan. they've also been kind of -- been given permission more to have a few wrinkles and get gray whereas women traditionally have not. >> thank you so much, dr. jen. for more about how your sexual confidence changes with age, go to our partner in health and search sexuality and aging. later, what will it take to turn kate middleton into princess catherine? the transformation has already beg begun. we are watching it every day. next half hour we are joined by the man who trained princess diana to act like a queen. this is "the early show" on cbs. thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating...
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tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. i love it when we're here together. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. would you like me to read you a story? you can't read. [ grandma ] 'twas the night before christmas, and all through the house... whoa, that's grandma. [ grandma ] ...nothing was stirring, not kara, not maya... how does she do that? magic. [ grandma ] ...grandma loves you. [ both ] goodnight, grandma. [ female announcer ] be there to read them a story every night. read it to me again. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. this christmas, make it wonderful at your hallmark gold crown store.
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welcome back. that time of year we've got the christmas lights. >> that time of year. >> but getting more and more high-tech as you can see. >> at our house we put up the christmas tree my wife likes it up for thanksgiving dinner. >> are you okay with that? >> in my house we had holidays separated, we actually had halloween decorations and took them down then thanksgiving decorations. but my waive wants to embrace the whole is system the whole time. >> you have already done this, the lights are up. >> no no, our trees are up and we have garland up. >> operative word, you did it. >> betty? >> i just have a tree you that sit on a table but my parents had the same tree for the past, what, 15 years. they won't give it up. it comes, you know, pre-lit, but the problem with that is, there's one of these that's missing or burnt out so the whole strand -- >> we have you covered here, we have the expert who wrote the book on christmas tree lighting. he'll be with us coming up next.
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for some of you, your local news. for the rest of you, stay with us. >> i've never seen this type of light before. these are the l.e.d. lights. >> yeah, a little more expensive but last a lot longer and obviously cool to the touch. >> i'm betting, you talked betty in your family one light goes out and messes everything up. >> the whole tree is dark. >> i believe those it doesn't make a difference. >> really? >> let's try. >> look at that. >> there you go. >> you're experienced at this, huh? >> i have searched through trees, through the different branches to find that one little one, let me see -- see, look, the whole thing went out d. you see that? >> oh yeah. >> you have to find this one that's not working and sometimes, you know, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. >> usually not organized, they come out a big box and tangled around each other.
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>> i have a question. the one that's burnt out, is it not lit? >> they are all not lit. once it goes, the whole thing goes. >> bruce littlefield, of course is the author and we'll talk to him to see if that is the case. i don't know if you are doing something wrong -- >> he has all these tips about stringing the lights. he actually starts at the top and works down. >> something we have not been educated in. >> we will be today. >> are you good at this. >> we are not even going to touch that. >> i don't think so. how about? you. >> oh, please. are you kidding me? i'm like our guy over here. >> -- the last time you strung this around a christmastree. >> how old am i now, 25, i did since age 5. right, i haven't done this. matter of fact i still have those 70-watt bulbs i dipped in paint. >> no, you don't. >> i'm still making use of. >> you could hang that up as wall art. >> folks, we'll be right back. you are watching "the early
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show" on cbs. i wish i could. [ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [ girl's voice ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® melt -- like the new chipotle chicken & cheese on flatbread, or the melt-tastic chipotle steak & cheese.
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wicked weather, heavy snows adding to a december to remember in the midwest and the northeast full of record lows and treacherous travel conditions. up to ten inches could fall this weekend with forecasts of more to come. princess bride. the transformation of kate middleton has begun from a 28-year-old commoner into princess catherine, member of the royal family. we'll talk to princess diana's former secretary about the making of the princess. the stars are out. grammy-award winning indigo girls light up our stage with some amazing holiday harmonys and a very special guest, all that and more as we welcome you
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to "the early show" saturday, december 4th, 2010. >> we have a wonderful crowd out here with us this morning. welcome to "the early show" i'm rebecca jarvis. i think they turned out for you j.b. >> i don't vng so. >> bearing the cold. >> i'm a wimp to these folks. i'm james brown, a little chilly but my wife will be glad i've got the coat on. >> i'm happy to see that, as well. >> not as stylish as yours. >> i very much appreciate that. you look handsome today. >> we have a very special guest coming up nora ef ron doing it from movies to books to journalism to blogs. she's all over the place and has a new book out, we'll talk about all that and her storied career and she's hysterical to boot. >> a beautiful radiant smile she's got there.
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why would it be i'm given the segment about food as i'm trying to reduce? anyway the chef meal you the viewers picked indeed a holiday treat. i might have to sample some of that. >> i absolutely will sample it and you are more than welcome to you, as well. >> sounds good. >> first a check of the morning headlines cbs news correspondents and news anchor betty nguyen at the news defng. >> good morning, guys and you to at home. two powerful storm systems are socking the midwest with heavy snow and bitter cold. for many people, this is the first big snowstorm of the season. cbs news correspondents cynthia bowers is in chicago with the latest. all right, cynthia, looking at you it is awfully cold out there. again, the big snowstorm for the midwest this season what are you experiencing out there besides the frigid chill? >> i feel like you are not telling me anything here. it started at midnight last night and obviously still coming down, expected to accumulate through midnight. as you said, a lot of cities across the midwest are seeing their first snow of the season. not so in minneapolis, it's
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already old hat there. but they did get five inches of new snow last night and could get a few more today. before all is said and done, south of the city, they could see nine inches of show. now, south of chicago in peoria, all it took was a light dusting for drivers to lose control and slide off the road. which is why the snowplows in this city, in chicago, have been out all night beginning to plow and salt the 9,000-plus miles of road to keep the city safe. betty? >> goodness. all right. stay warm out there, cynthia, thank you so much, joining us live. also a passenger plane skidded off a moscow runway this morning as it was making an emergency landing. the soviet-built tu 154 on a domestic flight with 155 people on board. it was forced to land in the russian capital when all three of its engines shut down. there are reports of fatalities. investigators have yet to determine why the engines suddenly quit. the new jobs report is out. the unemployment rate rose to
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9.8% last month and only 39,000 new jobs were created. far fewer than the 150,000 predicted. vice president joe biden expressed his unhappiness with the news. >> there's no denying that the report is disappointing, because we were, quite frankly, hoping for even stronger job growth. the bottom line is and what this tells us and makes absolutely clear is that, while we've made progress creating jobs, it's -- it's clearly not enough. >> in other news, facebook foundr and ceo mark zuckerberg said he would never see "the social network" the movie based on him and its creation but in a rare interview he told 60 minutes' lesley stahl he had a change of heart when the movie opened. >> we took the whole copy to see the movie. i actually thought it was pretty fun. >> i guess my question, was it hard to watch for you?
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>> watching it, it's pretty interesting to see what parts they got right and what parts they got wrong. i think that they got every single t-shirt they had the mark zuk ber burg character wearing, i think i actually own all them. they got the sandals right. but there were hugely basic things they got wrong, too. they made it seem my whole motivation for building facebook so i could get girls, right, and completely left out the fact that my girlfriend i've been dating since before i started facebook. right? so, that's just -- >> wait, what. say that again? your current girlfriend you were dating back then? >> yeah. i've been dating my current girlfriend since before i created facebook. yeah. yeah. >> and you can see her full "60 minutes" interview with him tomorrow night on cbs. about five minutes after the hour. time for another check of the weather outside with lonnie who wouldn't be my facebook friend
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but ayes not very savvy when it comes to the internet. >> i don't know. i've got to log on to facebook. you know what, my wife tells me i've got to do it. she says you don't have a facebook page? i'll get there. you guys look good out here. i will say everybody wants to get face time on tv but i've never seen a crowd like this. the girls over here are doing jumping-jacks. honey, where are you from. >> north carolina! >> and what's your name? >> kara fifthspatrick. >> keep working off the calories. let's talk about your hot spots. we love you, honey. the deal your hot spots and chilly temps, hottest spot in the country corpus christi, getting up to 81. the coldest grand forks, north dakota dark 8 below zero, feeling like 20 below. the wind chill and best weather anywhere houston, texas, the sunshine 77, thank a nice high pressure system sitting in the gulf of mexico for texas's -- texas's -- ha -- beautiful weather today. that's a quick look at one
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little portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by macy's. >> and north carolina crowd doing the jumping-jacks but time for my shout out to bangor, maine my mom's home town and home of the annual festival of lights parade and tree lighting featuring 70 vehicles and floats. there is a vis the by santa and the lighting of the bangor christmas tree in west market square. matter of fact, shouldn't santa be home building toys or supervising the elves? no, se lighting the christmas tree in bangor. we want to thank everybody for watching "the early show" on tv5. that's it. we'll see you in about half
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hour. rebecca? >> as england prepares for next spring's royal wedding all eyes are on bride-to-be kate middleton soon to become princess catherine. what does it take to be a princess bride perhaps future queen. a man who should know, princess diana's private secretary for eight years and helped her for the role of queen. great to have you with us, patrick gimplts to be here, rebecca. >> this burning question in all of our minds, what's kate going through right now and what's the transformation entail? >> well, she's told us that she's keen to learn the ropes of her new job. and, of course, she has a lot to learn. she's not just marrying a prince, she's marrying into this ancient historic and sometimes rather daunting organization, the british monarchy. behind me here at buckingham palace is its corporate headquarters. not just the queen's home, it's where the mechanics of the monarchy are actually operated from. i can tell you kate's been in
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here this week, having a tour, getting a sense of the geography and meeting some of the key senior officials. >> what's specifically, beyond those meetings, does she have to train for and do? >> well, of course, what we expect of a modern princess, probably, than some who is going to be warm and spontaneous and friendly. but, of course, that depends on good organization backing it up. kate will make her own choices about what sort of princess she wants to be. but, of course, it will help if she's disciplined and organized and she'll have plenty of help to do the job properly. >> so, maybe some even personality training in her future. >> i don't think so, rebecca. i mean, prince william has chosen her as his princess. we've got to assume she's got the personality for the job and she will stamp her own personality on the job she does. prince william has said she will make her own destiny. >> how about etiquette-wise will
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she have to learn to courtesy properly and address people in a princess-like manner? >> sounds funny, doesn't it? almost like a fairy story. but a monarchy is a hierarchy, everybody has their place in the pecking order. and this is some laid down by the queen every years. in fact the years i worked for princess diana on my desk a great big white piece of cardboard called the order of precedence to be observed at court. this laid down everybody's place in the pecking order and, of course, kate will have her place, too. >> how did diana take to all of this? what was her transformation like? >> well, i think 30 years ago, things were different. diana was left very much to learn the ropes on her own and, of course, being the personality she was, strong personality with a strong sense of duty and commitment to her favorite causes, she got on and made the role her own and, in some ways, she made people in the building behind me rather anxious,
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nervous at times, b a rather more harmonious experience for her. >> we appreciate it and certainly ahope it is a harmonious experience and, of course, all eyes will be watching. >> thank you. >> j.b., back to you. >> all right, rebecca. thank you so much. up next, i've always wanted to say, this let there be light! you will definitely want to pay attention to this segment. we are taking the stress out of stringing your christmas tree lights.d you're watching "the e show" on cbs. so, we set out to discover the nutritional science at purina one, we want your cat to be as healthy as possible in some of nature's best ingredients. that's how we created purina one with smartblend. nutritionally optimized with
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all right, folks, time for our early holiday series designed to take the stress out of your holidays and nothing can leave you more strung out than putting up christmas tree lights. should you go with the white or multi-colored, which are the safest and do you string them from the top down or bottom up? folks, trust me, i'm stressed
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already. here to illuminate us, bruce littlefield, author of "merry christmas, america" good morning, bruce. >> good morning. i'm going to take the stress out of it for you. >> i'm looking forward to this. >> all kind of lights out there. help us through this. these are the l.e.d.s, what's different. >> they are. lights come in many flavors like ice cream, right. the l.e.d.s are a little more expensive to buy but will save you enormous amounts of money over the long haul. the energy savings is incredible. in fact, these would run but $15 for 100. but, over the course of lighting a tree over the holiday season, it costs you about 50 cents. >> wow. and energy savings you are talking about? >> 50 cents to run your whole tree over the whole holidays. now, the negative of this is they look a little icy to me. a little electric. i think they are still working on that a little bit because the traditionalists like the mini light better. >> okay. these are the mini lights. talk about these. >> mini lights are great. a little less expensive to purchase. 100 would be about five dollars.
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but, lighting a whole tree would cost about six dollars to run for the season. but, the great thing about the mini lights, they illuminate the tree in a nice way, a soft, warm light and your ornaments look great. the naughty thing about these, the filllaments. >> can be a problem. >> if you get that thing going and all the way down and suddenly it pops and goes out, you have to go back and check each one because the tiny wire has dislodged itself. >> betty nguyen was mentioning if one goes out it takes out the entire strand? >> it does. it does. what i sti people, if your lights go out, go ahead and, you know, throw them away but replace with environmentally friendly l.e.d.s. >> here to the more traditional, talk about these. >> now, these are the -- they bring out a nostalgic feeling in me, what i call the charlie brown lights, they are c-9s. >> you are speaking about me now, go ahead. >> they used to make them, these
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were ceramic, as a kid i touched one it was so hot you will never touch them again. this recooler but if you touch it it is warm to the touch. they dry out your tree a little faster than the l.e.d.s, which are cold to the touch and the c9s have a great look and feel, nostalgic. they will run you about $50 to light your whole tree electric-wise for the season. >> this is the part i'm looking forward to. stringing the tree. what's the art behind this? >> there is definitely an art it to. first of all, i say every hundred -- every foot of tree, use 100 lights. that will give you the designer look. you can do a tree for less, a six foot tree with 300 lights but really that's the designer look. the first you want to do, besides takinging value -- you want to pull your tree away from the wall, okay? once you get it away from the wall. >> doesn't scratch up the wall
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or anything. >> then you have movement all the way around it, right? then you put your ladder sort of directly against the tree so that you are not leaning on the tree when you're leaning out to the tree to decorate it. my little secret is i run an extension cord up the center of the tree. >> versus the bottom. >> at the top. >> the advantage is? >> because i like to work top down. what i do is i divide the tree into three triangles. and then, the secret, the magic secret of doing lights is that you want to go from the in in, from the trunk, out to the branch and if you work your way down, zig-zagging along every major branch, you get a very nice depth and all of your ornaments are going to be very nicely lit. now, i've dpun this side, as you can see. i'll show you on this side what i mean. >> we've got about 15 seconds. >> here we go, it is really quick and easy. you want to go that's from the in, you loop it back, go back into the trunk and then coming back out. >> and that gives it the depth.
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>> why, you'll have a gorgeous tree. >> thank so you very much. you know, i'm going to go home and become a hero. >> your wife will like you. >> absolutely. bruce, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. good to see you. >> folks for more on these tips head to our website. we thank you so very much. i'm going to be king of my house now. back to rebecca. >> i find it hard to believe you weren't already, j.b. coming up next she written some of our favorite movie lines. >> i love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. i love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. i love the crinkle above your nose when you were looking at me like i'm nuts. i love after i spend a day with you -- >> i love that line. now she's written a new book, "i remember nothing" the one and only nora efron is right here with us coming up next. this is "the early show" on cbs. - [in spanish] "will you marry me?" - will you marry me? - before saying those words,
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so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie. get the sensation. you soak up some rays in the morning,
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grab a cool drink around noon, and sleep soundly at night... knowing no one looking to freeze or concentrate you... will ever set foot in this paradise. simply orange. honestly simple. ( chirping ) "harry met sally" "sleepless in seattle" this morning sharing early coffee with the writer
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behind all of them. she's just come out with her latest book, the "new york times" best seller "i remember nothing," and other reflexes. so great to have you with us. >> so great to be here. >> i have to say i just laughed my way through the entire book. >> thank you. thank you. >> there were so many moments you created that are just so real to all of us like the senior google moment. explain what that is. >> it used to be when you forgot something that you all sat around going, what is it, what is it and smacking your head and aimlessly suggesting what the title of the movie that you have forgotten like the famous jeremy irons movie that none of us can ever remember the title of and we all think we are geezers, this is the moment everyone knows we lost it. now we can take out our port able mobile device and google ate and give people the illusion we haven't lost it because we
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can master this minor bit of technology to get the answer. >> everyone is doing it, nodz ra, by the way, everyone no matter the age looking at that technology. >> it is amazing, isn't it? it seemed four or five years ago i thought it's going to be rich people are just going to have a person called the google and, when they can't think of things, they'll just send the google to the computer. it's such a brief amount of time that we've been able to actually carry it around in our pockets. >> and you talk about all these new phases of going through e-mail phases, the stages of an e-mail. >> well, we've all lived lieu this thing. you know how many people say to you, i am so busy, i can't believe it? >> pretty much every e-mail i get. >> well, the reason they're so busy is that all this technology, instead of simplifying our lives, is just giving us more to do. because now, instead of missing what's on television, we can save what's on television. so now, you have to watch what's on television. in any given day, if your dvr is
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programmed to anything, you can end up five or six hours behind on a daily basis and that's just what you want to watch. >> and that whole kwach-up cycle is enough to make one neurotic. >> well, then you come back from a lovely vacation and your welcome home is 247 e-mails from the william sanoma catalog. >> one thing you address in here i found very interesting for someone like you, who's had such an amazing career and will continue to have it. >> thank you. >> the idea there were flops in it. >> well, everybody has flops, no one likes to talk about them. but, one of the things i wrote about if this book is that flops -- and i'm not just talking about movies -- failed marriages, romances, friendships take up more space in your brain than the hits do. you noodle, you go through, what should i have done, what should
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i have said, if i hadn't gone there, then it never would have happened, and we all think that failure, you know, there are all these books called growth from failure, growth -- growth is one of my favorite words -- and the truth is assist, i don't think you really learn anything from failure. the greatest cure for dealing with failure is something like ambien, because -- >> i never would have expected to hear that out of you. >> puts you to sleep and makes you stop thinking about it. but when you really think about failure, the main thing you learn, the main lesson, what is the lesson you want to learn from failure? to never have another one again, right? you'd like to know how to do that. >> yes. >> but, instead, what you kind of end up learning is that it's entirely possible you could have another failure. >> we're here to learn a lot more from you, nora. you'll stand by. for some of you, your local news
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is next. for the rest of you stick around, more conversation with nora coming up next. we just finished talking about failure. i do want to get to something in this book that i love because you start off a lot of sentences with "i just wanted to say". >> "i just want to say." >> he yes. >> things that you really feel strongly that people must know, before you leave them and are no longer able to make your point as bluntly as you wish to. >> definitely a lot of blunt points made here, hysterical ones. in terms of what you just want to say, is there anything left out of this book that is burning inside of you that you just have to say? >> oh, probably. probably there, is you xhoe. eat more bacon one thing i just want to say. but, you know, there's a thing in the book about the egg white omelette and it seems like a very small thing.
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it seems, how i could possibly be so upset about egg white omelettes? which i really feel bad when i see people eating them. because, they think they're doing something virtuous. but, in fact, it does not hurt you to have egg yolks. egg yolks do not make your cholesterol go up. this is not true. this is what's called, i love this expression, the informational cascade. it's a thing that is said so often that people believe it, but it's not true. so, i just want to say, i just want to say, don't eat egg white omelettes, because -- >> no problem. >> -- they don't taste good. >> i will not eat one, i promise you. one last question, easterly coffee with anyone, if you could have it, who would it be. >> oh, you mean dead or alive? >> yes. >> okay. i'll take john f. kennedy this morning. >> wonderful. norra, thanking you so much for
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being with us t,,,,,,,,
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>> let's do this! [ cheering ] >> and welcome back to "the early show" i'm james brown. >> absolutely. i'm rebecca jarvis. a lot still coming up in the show, j.b., holiday harmonies from the grammy-winning indigo girls and brought a special guest, as well. we're in for a huge treat. >> i'm looking forward it to. ah, food segue and chef john mooney cooks up com ft. and joy with the ultimate comfort food. i'm going to be challenged. >> i am going to love every minute of it. >> sounds good.
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but coming up first over to lonnie for our final check of the weather. >> all the way over here. >> i got to tell you, can you guys follow me a second? the most ingenious sweatshirt on the plaza , stick that foot up one more time. this is great. my son loves this. that is great. let's talk your weather out there because i've got more outrageous things other than things you see here on the streets of new york city. i've got some really big weather headlines, cross city, florida at 6:00 this morning was down to 32 degrees, just as cold in florida as it was in new york city. now, lancaster, new york, okay, some say golan caster, go get the snow blower with three feet of snow on the ground and picking up more over the next three days at snow making machine off the great lakes continues to blow. mine not, north dakota, a winds chill at one point today dropping down do 20 degrees below zero. if you take a look at the sat lie and radar picture the big story the stripe of white
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extendsing from chicago into portions of north carolina. believe it or not winter weather advisories from there into north carolina. again, that's the weather-maker, a quick look at the country's weather. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. all right. you know, in what's you want to do this. twirl, if you want to. you look good, ma dom. rebecca? >> coming up, we are warming up with for a winter feast.
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from india to ireland this week's "chef on a shoestring" has practiced his culinary talents over the world. now john mooney has come home to stay. next week he opens the bell book & candle here in manhattan, very exciting for him. the restaurant comes with a rooftop garden where john is actually going to grow his very own produce. we're so happy to have you with
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us. >> thank you. >> especially in this monumental week for you. >> absolutely. >> last week we gave our viewers three entrys to choose from. the people spoke, the winner is the patty melt, the perfect comfort food. starting with a butternut squash soup. >> i've split it virtcly top to bottom and scooped the seeds out of the center here, very simple. >> okay. let me help you with that. we scoop the seeds out. then what we do? >> kind of a circular motion. you can see it's pretty simple, right? >> a little bit easier said than done but i'm doing it. >> okay. >> so, we get those scooped out y. don't we go with yours since mine is coming along. >> so then i brush it lightly with a little oil and protect it while it is cooking. >> so we're going to cook this actually, rather than cook it up before cooking it. >> right. i sprinkle it lightly with a little salt and pepper. >> you want to roast that for how long? >> usually takes about a half
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hour. >> this side down. >> yeah, side down. and we'll put that off to the side for now. >> and after you roast it, is this the final product, you scoop it out and it should come out easily? >> i'll actually demonstrate to you right here. i have one in the oven and show you how simple it, nothing to be scared of. >> oh, yeah, that's a good point. >> let me put this in here really quick. >> so i can start taking this out. >> yes. >> and put it in there? >> sure. >> okay, great. we want to scoop this out. >> easy, huh. >> very easy, to be honest. what do we do after we scoop this out. >> we put in the pot which i have onions and carrots already cooked lightly in oil. we mix everything together with a little bit of cream, which you don't have to have but you pit ut and vegetable stock or chicken stock, if you prefer. we just like to give them the vegetarian option for those who don't eat meat. >> of course. >> then you can leave it more of a home style where the vegetables are all in their
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chunk form or blends it like i have done here. >> okay. where you have it blended you would have added all this in here and put in a blender hot or do you wait. >> no, hot. everything hot and ready to go. when it comes out of a blender or food processor. >> your final product. >> ladle some. i'd like to taste test. >> i'll show you. nice color and texture nice and smooth. >> beautiful. >> smells like wintertime. >> onto the patty melt. >> onto the patty melt. >> i'll try this while you work. >> i broke one. >> beautiful. really. >> the patty melt is our new york rye, which is -- >> delicious. >> the seeded cara away seeds and nice rye bread. >> are you toasting that or pug the cheese on first. >> yes, this is the rye, an aged cheddar. here you go. all right. here i have two pattys which is normal ground beef. yew for hamburger, which we
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season again with a little salt and pepper. >> got it. >> and we're going to place it on the griddle here. now, the other ingredient is the onions, which is a key. we'll put a little oil on the grill here. we're going to sizzle now. >> yes. >> i'll stand back. >> yeah, just for -- >> so, how long are you going to leave the patty on the grill? >> i cook mine to medium, which is about three minutes on each side. >> uh-huh. >> but, i mean, if you want to cook further, you can go farther. you know four to five minutes on each side >> is there a trick to getting, you know, the perfect burger or patty for a patty melt? >> well, on the griddle as opposed like a grill when you barbecue outside you want to get a nice little crust. that sizzle gives the indication we are doing the right thing here. we put a little onions on there. >> that's nice. >> they help each other out here. >> an infusion of flavor. >> yes. i call this the perfect combination of grilled cheese and cheese burger. >> ahh, i like that. >> which i think most people can
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relate to. >> once you're set with all of this and it all comes together, this is sort of what the finished product looks like. >> sure. >> are you leaving these on as long as you leave the burger on or watching them. >> these we'll watch, a bit of a lower heat on that end. you can tell the bread will start to curl and the cheese will start to indicate it's getting close and give you signs. >> good to know. okay for dessert. >> we have a pear crumble. >> that sounds delicious. >> pretty simple. >> and it sounds good to them, too. you guys, come on out here. >> really? >> we smell food! >> here's our pear crumb bem. i'll pass along the finished product to the people patiently waiting. >> let me give you a scoop of ice cream. >> oh, yeah, you can't leave off the ice cream. >> ala mode, i get it, it's important. >> betty, this is yours. >> i'll pass it along. >> j.b. >> going to be challenged here. >> let's see how mooney did, chef mooney, let's see how low you actually went. >> how did i do? >> okay. you came in 39.72, under budget,
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under 40 bucks. you didn't make the leaderboard. a than restaurant neighbor of yours in manhattan is on the leaderboard but very happy you made it for under 40 and of course very happy to introduce to all of our viewers the opportunity to decide what's on next week's menu. here are your choices, flank steak with white beans, simply call star, star zero 1. grilled chicken with winter coucous, and short ribs with butternut squash. love that. star, star 03. standard data and message rates all applicable right there. of course, we are so happy to have you with us and to get all cozy with the comfort food res he peas, go to cbs, all in lower case. chef john mooney so, happy to have you. >> thank you. >> up next, the grammy-winning, indigo girls with a christmas classic. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. great job. >> thank you. >> this is really great.
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♪ the world is celebratein' with friends and family ♪ >> folks this week in our "second cup cafe," two friends from grade school, they go back that far, who have given up more than 25 years of folk harmonies. >> they have gone double platinum, won a grammy and put out 11 studio albums. their latest is called "holly happydays". >> coming up country strar chel rcountrystar shell ree right with "it really is a wonderful night".
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>> the snow has fallen, like it does every year. ♪ gee, i'm not so good ♪ the usual holiday cheer ♪ as they hang pretty lights, mistletoe ♪ ♪ thissier's different ♪ ♪ ♪ but now that you're here by my side ♪ ♪ baby, it is ♪ baby, it is ♪ it really is, a wonderful life ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ i'd never noticed that the crackle of the fire ♪ ♪ makes music when accompanied by a kiss ♪ ♪ and when did i start havin' dreams about pumpkin pie ♪ ♪ there's not a lot that's sweeter than this ♪ ♪ oh, this year's better ♪ for you and for me ♪ our own little miracle ♪ our own little street ♪ never before have i loved silent night ♪ ♪ but now that you're here by my side ♪ ♪ baby, it is ♪ baby, it is
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♪ it really is ♪ a wonderful life ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, this year's better for you and for me ♪ ♪ our own little miracle, our own little street ♪ ♪ never before have i loved silent nights, oh but now that you're here by my side ♪ ♪ darling, with you by my side ♪ ♪ baby, it is ♪ baby, it is ♪ it really is ♪ a wonderful life ♪ ♪ >> it is a wonderful life. the indigo girls and shelly
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wright, thank you so much for being here. >> thanks for having us. >> good to see you. >> you, too. >> 25 years goes by, no album album. what instigated this one. >> we work in mysterious ways but both decided at the same time we wanted to make one this year. we did, we went to nashville and got to know shelly a bit and doing our songs on the record and went and played with sort of a bluegrass, world-class players in nashville. it was sun. >> doing it for so long and obviously doing it so well. where do you kipe the freshness? how do you keep the freshness and enthusiasm in what do you? >> you know, we mx it up and collaborate with a lot of different people. that's the way it goes for us, like meeting people like shelly and different songwriters and playing in different combinations, all evolvinevolvi know, keeping it fresh. >> when you go to write a holiday song, how does that maybe differ a bit from what ur he' used to doing? >> we have three original songs from me and amy on the record. i was in mexico, it was 95 degrees when i wrote mine. so, you just have to go into your mind and take you to a
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holiday place and so that's part of being a songwriter is using your imagination. >> -- christmas eve or something. >> did you? >> i did, i wrote it as a gift to send out to my fan club members and had no idea the amazing indigo girls would one day put it on their record. it's a thrill to me. >> prior to this segment i asked politely, can i say soul-stirring, as well and you all said yes. you actually wrote the song a bit of soul movement in your singing, too, you had? >> i don't know, i'm just a country singer. i was a bit nervous today to perform with them. >> ahhh. >> thank you. >> it was an honor to be on stage with them today. >> so honored to have all of you with us. for more of the indigo girls head to our website. >> all right. folks, don't go away. we'll be right back with an encore from the indigo girls. you're watching "the early show" right here on cbs. ♪ it really is, a wonderful
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life ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this "second cup cafe" segments sponsored by purina. your pet, our passion. in some of nature's best ingredients. that's how we created purina one with smartblend. nutritionally optimized with real salmon, wholesome grains and essential antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your cat. purina one improved with smartblend. discover what one can do.
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and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. when we all become doers. when our mittens double as work gloves. and we turn every room into a project. but this year, let's trim the budget. get some help from martha stewart that we can't get anywhere else. and spread our money as far as our cheer. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of tradition, with fresh cut trees at fresh cut prices.
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[ cheering ] [ background music ] >> all right, folks, no one is cold here on the plaza. you heard it here from first from lonnie. also monday on "the early show" kicking off the series of the perfect holiday present with gifts under 100 bucks, you don't want to miss it. >> and early next saturday, matt blashaw, here with do-it-yourself tricks from around the house. you guys have learned i can't do a thing and can save big bucks with that. >> one thing you can do, j.b., anchor on "the early show." i had so much with you this morning. >> you made it so fun. why would they bring somebody in that looks like me with these three beautiful people. >> today, j.b. talking to the folks from south carolina. j.b. at one point in time was known tating figure skating. >> can you believe that? >> can you do a peer o wet?
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>> absolutely, in my mind. >> betty -- >> i came prepared, brought the coat, not the gloves but patty, from pennsylvania, thank you, patty. she let me borrow her -- >> she gave you her gloves? >> yeah, i may take them home. >> we thank you all for watching and leave you with the indigo girls and "the wonder song". >> have a great weekend! ♪ ♪ ♪ christmas, my love gave me a stockin' ♪ ♪ sewn of sackcloth ♪ hung on a nil ♪ the simplest gift ♪ warmed by a fire ♪ will my love fill it with silver ♪ ♪ will my love fill it with gold ♪
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♪ or will my love just fill it with wonder for the humble prince born into this world ♪ ♪ ♪ mrveg i walk the path on down to the river ♪ ♪ well into midnight on christmas eve ♪ ♪ to hear the beast and birds of the forest ♪ ♪ tellin' the story of the star in the east ♪ ♪ the brightest star ♪ the simplest gift one cold night ♪ ♪ that night filled me with wonder for the humble prince born into this world ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ we gather 'round the tree in the morning ♪ ♪ shrunk with berries and popcorn from the field ♪ ♪ it gave itself from over on the mountain ♪ ♪ to bring us joy ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ but is this joy that's only wanted ♪ ♪ fills up with wonder on this christmas morning ♪ ♪ well, i don't need ♪ i don't need gold ♪ for my love ♪ i'm filled with the wonder for the humble prince born into this
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world ♪ ♪ i'm filled with the wonder ♪ filled with the wonder ♪ filled with the wonder ♪ filled with the wonder ♪ christmas morn ♪ ♪ christmas morn ♪ ♪ -- captions by vitac --
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