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tv   The Early Show  CBS  December 11, 2010 5:00am-7:00am PST

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more than eight years, justice at last for list smet smart at brian david mitchell is found of her kidnapping and unspeakable crimes that followed. will his conviction help ease her pain. elizabeth edwards became a model ever strength and inspiration to millions around the world bravely battling cancer. today, she's laid to rest. we have those stories and much
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more as we welcome you toty erm show this saturday morning, more as we welcome you toty erm show this saturday morning, december 11th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "the early show" on a saturday morning i'm chris wragge. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> good to see you this morning. >> you, too, chris. >> for an unexpected news conference yesterday between president obama and president clinton, headlines of all the major papers today in the "new york times," the "new york post" d deja vu, a great three-picture frame, president obama, president clinton together then just president clinton together. >> very interesting, you don't see frequently a former president in that briefing room speaking to reporters for a 30-minute period of time. >> talking taxes president president obama looked at his watch and said you know what i have to leave, expected at a christmas party and president
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clinton basically stayed and held court over a half hour. we'll talk about that coming up in minutes. >> we have the continuation of the amanda knox appeal today, of course her parents will be with us to talk about the sentence. she's been sentenced to 26 years, they are appealing the conviction of assault, as well as murder. >> trying to get new developments in that case. we'll talk to her parents live from seattle in minutes. but first parts of the midwest brace for a 1-2 punch from a major winter storm today. some places could get more than a foot of snow, dangerous subzero temperatures to follow. reporter clis colin of our minneapolis station is at the mall of america in bloomington, minnesota with the latest for us this morning. liz, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, chris. seven inches of snow have fallen here tonight and outside the mall of america you can probably tell it is pretty windy. by the time the windy snowstorm wraps up people could be digging out from double-digit snowfall
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totals. shoppers in the midwest were aware of the huge oncoming storm might hurt their chances to do precious christmas shopping this weekend so many did not take chances as they crowded the mall of america friday evening. >> we decided to come shopping here today. >> reporter: two weekends left to shop before christmas and minnesota is facing the snowiest start to a season in almost two decades. december began with a major snowstorm last weekend followed by record cold that caused traffic tie-ups from wisconsin to maryland. now freezing rain and snow will invade the heartland this weekend dropping up to a foot of heavy snow in minnesota. with snow, sleet, freezing rain on tap for chicago. blizzard conditions are expected by this afternoon, followed by an arctic blast of wind and cold on sunday. residents still digging out from last week's storm are preparing themselves. >> take it easy, you know, that's the big thing. >> salt trucks and snowplows at the ready preparing to hit the streets one more time. the mall of america has never closed because of weather and won't this weekend. >> it's minnesota and it's not
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the first time. it's not going to be the last time so we are more than ready for it. >> reporter: but many shoppers are making other plans. >> cookie day. we're making cookies for christmas. >> reporter: now, the mall usually sees about 200,000 shoppers on a busy holiday weekend. no one expects to see anywhere close to that amount of people this weekend, chris. >> liz, thank you very much. rebecca? >> thank you, chris. the man who kidnapped elizabeth smart and held her over nine months has been found guilty and could face the rest of his life in prison. cbs news correspondent john blackstone is live in salt lake city with the story this morning. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. it took the federal jury here just over five hours of deliberations to end what for elizabeth smart and her family have been an eight-year ordeal. elizabeth smart was just 14 years old when she was kidnapped at knifepoint, held captive and raeptedly raped by brian david
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mitchell. she's now 23. >> today is a wonderful day. >> reporter: and ready finally to put everything behind her. >> it is possible to move on after something terrible has happened. >> reporter: for smart's family who endured the strain of her kidnapping and the long fight for justice, including elizabeth taking the stand and describing all that she endured in graphic detail, the verdict dick was sweet. >> it's real! and we are so grateful as a family to have it come to an end. i mean, it truly is closure. >> reporter: defense attorneys tried to argue mitchell was delusional, insane. jurors didn't buy it and were clearly moved by what they heard from elizabeth. >> i'm a soft old man with children and, when you sit for hours at a time and listen to incredibly unbelievable things that happened to a young lady like elizabeth smartd, you've got to be pretty callous to be able to walk away without having something tug at your heart.
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>> elizabeth smart says she's eager to restart a normal life. mitchell will return for sentencing at the end of may. his wife and co-conspirator is now serving a 15-year sentence. rebecca. >> john blackstone, thank you. yesterday, elizabeth smart said the verdict was proof there is justice and people can move on after a terrible event. was the trial's outcome ever in doubt, though? that's the question. we turn to acting u.s. attorney who prosecuted brian david mitchell for the state of utah and the foreman of the jury who asked we not use his name. they both join us live from salt lake city. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for being with us. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> miss christianson, i'd like to begin with you. elizabeth smart's father, ed, said he never doubted there would be a guilty charge in this ordeal. did you, as the overseer of all this, ever doubt this is the way it would end? >> i was very confident of our
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trial team and i was very pleased with the evidence that was presented. but, i've been in this business long enough to know that there is never a slam-dunk with respect to a jury verdict. so, we were hopeful, we were confident, but we always knew there was a risk. >> and speaking of that risk, we're told that the jury spent five hours deliberating. as the jury foreman, can you tell us what happened and how consensus was reached there? >> well, i think after spending as many hours as we did listening to an extremely well prepared case on both sides, it wasn't very hard to come together and talk about where we saw some differences. the judge gave us great direction in the instructions he sent us into the juryroom with. we took a look at those instructions and within that framework it was pretty easy to answer the questions put before us in count one and count two.
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>> miss christianson, lits beth smart played a very brave role by everyone's account in this trial. how influential do you think her testimony was? >> i don't think you can overstate the importance of her testimony. she is a woman of extraordinary courage and determination. she had a remarkable ability to recall the horrific details of that nine-month captivity and the ability to recount for the jury what that experience was like. she did it with amazing candor and amazing clarity and, again, i don't think you can overstate the importance of her testimony to the success of this case. >> can you give us a sense, as the jury foreman, how members of the jury were struck by her testimony? >> well, i can tell you after her testimony in fact during the various segments of the testimony when we took a break we would go back to the juryroom and there was very little
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talking. it was emotional, it was gut-wrenching. it was difficult to hear a young lady talk about things that were unspeakable. and particularly for those of us who have children, it's -- it was extremely emotional. >> heart-wrenching. miss christianson, mitchell in the courtroom, we're told, was very disturbing, he was kicked out a number of times. he had outbursts, he was singing hymns. how did that impact the way the trial unfolded? >> i'm not sure that had any significant impact on the trial. the court was very sensitive to the disruptive nature of mr. mitchell's behavior. mr. mitchell was frequently and regularly removed from the courtroom. and i think the trial teams were both prepared to deal with that sort of disruption and moved forward, again with a very careful and thorough presentation of the evidence. >> and we are so happy that that all worked so well for so many. thank you so much for joining us. now back to you, chris.
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>> all right. rebecca. thank you very much. congressional democrats threatening to block the tabs cut agreement the president worked out with republicans. friday, the embattled 44th received a surprising and unusual show of support from an unlikely source, the 42nd president. >> bill, good morning. >> good morning, chris. that would be bill clinton, of course. we knew that he was coming to meet with president obama friday but no one expected the two men to show up in the press room afterward and then, for president obama to slip quietly away and leave the stage to president clinton. in a surprise appearance in the white house briefing room the former president urged democrats to back president obama's tax cut deal with republicans. >> the agreement taken as a whole is, i believe, the best bipartisan agreement we can reach to help the largest number of americans. >> reporter: mr. clinton has lived through this drama before. in 1995, he was forced to make
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concessions following a republican electoral wave in congress and that angered many in his own party. like clinton, president obama faces a republican takeover of the house next month. he hasbro kerred this deal on tax cuts that really has upset liberal democrats. they continuing is a giveaway to the rich. clinton agroed saying he personally will benefit from the tax cuts . >> this is will actually create a fair number of jobs. i expect it to lower the unemployment rate and keep us going. >> some angry liberals are now threatening to block any bill. >> i'm not here to set any great records. or to make a spectacle. >> reporter: friday, the vermont senator staged what he called a filibuster against the guiel on the senate floor, speaking for hours to a near empty chamber. >> i am here to take a stand against this bill. and i'm going to do everything i can to defeat this bill. and i'm going to tell my
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colleagues and the american people exactly why, in my view, this is not good legislation. >> reporter: now, the senate is going to vote monday and it'll be a test vote. but, the hope is that there will be so many for this that it'll move the house, which is even more reluctant than the senate, that it'll move the house to act. chris? >> cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante, thank you. president clinton in a similar tight spot in 1994, as bill mentioned, '95, as well when his party suffered big midterm losses. john dickerson is in our washington bureau to talk about the former president's unusual support and if can actually help the current president. john, good morning to you. >> good morning, chris. >> let me get your thoughts. a fascinating scene playing out yesterday. president obama, president clinton both in the briefing room. president obama leaves and president clinton is left behind. your thoughts. >> imagine if the cleaning crew didn't have to come in, he would still twlb talking.
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it was clear president clinton was quite comfortable, they were scrambling to find reporters to bring them into the room but this was the kind of theater it needs to be to go forward here for president obama. he needs to make the case and bill clinton is quite popular and quite good at selling this kind of thing. and so, it was extraordinary because presidents don't usually do these kind of tag-team things and also remember the personal history during the primaries the bitter fight between hillary clinton and barack obama. bill clinton got in the middle of that and there was a period where he was persona non grata, to use a cliche in the obama camp and democratic circles. >> can he draw from '94 and '95, president obama? >> he can. the situation is different. the economy is quite in bad shape. it was better for clinton and barack obama doesn't have exactly the same public skills that bill clinton had. but certainly putting himself between two parties, we saw president obama do that this week monday night when he
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announced the deal and tuesday at his news conference saying, look, we've got i deal logs on both sides, i'm in the middle, a version of what clinton do in the mid-'90s. >> it was a fascinating scene. president clinton comes out and this says is a good bill. does the message somehow get undermined by the headlines of today deja vu, bubba's back, from the "washington post" or the "new york times" looks like bill is on the big stage once again? >> maybe that's a bit of a diversion but i think the message that also comes across, here's a popular former president who served when it was a time when the economy was good, who learned to work with the opposite party and he thinks this is an okay deal. this deal is actually quite popular, if you look at the gallup poll, americans by huge margins like the two main pillars of it. i think it a to the white house's notion, look, adults are on board with this. this is a sensible plan. let's move forward. >> let me ask you this now, with
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president clinton's support, does this billove forward, the framework president obama's framework, will it ultimately pass, do you think? >> it looks like it is moving forward in the senate. the white house believes basically a lot of democrats had to get sort of their anger out, anger about the way the process worked, the president put this deal together with republicans and, also, anger about the specifics in it. the senate looks a heck of a lot better than the house adding things that might improve this so it seems it moving forward. the big thing helping the white house if nothing gets done, taxes go up for everybody. >> thanks so much. good to talk with you this morning, john. >> thanks, chris. >> rebecca? >> thank you, chris. a public funeral service will be held this afternoon in raleigh, north carolina for elizabeth edwards, the estranged wife of two-time presidential candidate john edwards died tuesday, six years after she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. cbs news correspondent elaine quijano is in raleigh with the latest. good morning, elaine. >> reporter: good morning to
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you, rebecca. her funeral here today will be open to the public, a chance for family, friends, and strangers alike to pay tribute to her. >> it's been painful. >> reporter: he has struggled to write the u jolg he will deliver today for his friend, elizabeth edwards. >> the challenge of this is to try to give, to try to put into words some sense of what, you know, astonishing courage she had. >> bergenfield first met edwards in law school. the two remained friends through the years and became even closer after edwards' son wade was killed in a car accident in 1996. now, at this same rollie church where he attended wade's funeral, bergen 2350e8d will be one of three people, including edwards' daughter, cate, who will u joois her. >> among the reason, she doesn't fear death she fears she has at least the chance to be reunited with her son. >> reporter: today, she will be laid to rest next to wade's grave.
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in her last television interview in september, she seemed to have come to terms with her life struggles. >> right now, i feel more at peace than i have in a really long time. >> reporter: she leaves behind two young children, emma claire, 12 and jack, 10 years old. their father will attend the funeral but is not scheduled to spef. >> i don't know who are an gee with him but i think he's grieving, horribly. he's lost her, too sglos as many as 1700 people could turn out for the funeral here today. among the dignities expected to attend senator john kerry, as well as vicki kennedy, widow of senator ted kennedy. >> thanks. >> such a great woman. you really can't say enough what she's endured personally and with the cancer of course and your heart goes out to these kids. >> it really does. a lesson in grace to all of us. >> she said in the final days she took comfort knowing she
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could be reunited with her son wade. we wish the family the best. >> we absolutely do. we also want it take a look at this morning's other top ed lines. betty nguyen is at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning, guys. good morning to you at home. a supreme court judge in alaska has thrown out the lawsuit filed by republican joe miller in alaska's disputed u.s. senate race. miller, a tea party candidate challenged incumbent lisa murkowski's write-in campaign claiming ballots with her name misspelled should not be counted. the judge said friday even without the contested ballots she won by more than 2,000 votes. miller has until next tuesday to appeal. a 12-year-old virginia girl found safe in san francisco after she was reported missing for a week. brittany mae smith was found with her alleged abductor jeffrey easley. the two were last seen in virginia near roanoke. the girl's mother, his girlfriend, was found dead in an apparent murder at their home last week. now, police refuse to say if he
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is a suspect in that murder. or if he forced the girl to travel with him. an arrest made in the death of new york city fashion designer sylvie cachay. her boyfriend 24-year-old nicholas brooks charged with attempted murder and strangulation. the district attorney is reportedly waiting on a official cause of death from the medical examiner's office before filing any murder charges. she was found thursday clothed in a bathtub with redmarks around her next. turning to england and the uproar over a close call for prince charles and his wife kamil lachlt thursday the couple anywhere rowly escaped injury when their car was attacked by violent protesters. the incident raises security concerns for the public wedding in april of prince william and kate middleton. mark phillips is live in london with the latest on this. good morning, mark. >> reporter: good morning, betty. attack on prince charles and
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camilla's car on their way to a royal gala only lasted a couple of minutes and nobody was hurt. but, the effects of that attack are still dominating public discussion here. what does it mean for the way the royals are protected and, yes, what does it mean for the bill wedding party planned for next year? the police say they had checked and cleared the route moments before the royal rolls royce rolled up. but somehow, they missed the roving mob of protesters which had split from the main demonstration, creating havoc on london's main shopping streets. the threat to chop off royal heads may have been more street theater than real, but the security issues are real enough. prince charles and his wife camilla were clearly exposed. the results could have been a lot worse than a smashed window and some paint on an expensive, if inappropriate for the circumstances, car. >> the protection officer placed in a very difficult position. their job was to get them to
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safety. >> reporter: which they did. but questions are now being asked about why the heir to the throne and his wife were where they were in the first place, whether police communications were good enough. whether having such high-profile establishment figures cruising the streets of london during a violent demonstration was a good idea. and, of course, what the implications are for next year's wedding of charles's son william and kate middleton. the couple want the wedding to be a big national street party. the national mood, though, right now, is sour. and gangs of the disaffected and the angry have already proven they can spoil the party. so, an investigation is now under way. it turns out, as well, the police party protecting the royals was armed and according to some reports, was within seconds of reaching for its guns. this could have been a ugly. betty. >> no doubt. mark phillips, thank you so much. 21 minutes after the hour. here is lonnie quinn with the
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first check of your weather this saturday. good morning. >> good morning. i got to tell you the weather is all dealing around a big storm in the midsection of the country. those are my big weather headlines it's a blizzard out there, a lot of wind and snow, as well. 8 to 18 inches. mild air ahead of the storm and the bitter cold air behind it. when you look at the satellite and radar picture, look at this, almost like i could draw a line with my finger and show you one half, the eastern half where the rain is, the back half where the snow is and the cold air. where does the storm go? today it drops to the southeast bringing snow, as far south as places like kentucky. then tomorrow, changes direction so the northeast so places like buffalo get hit with a lot of snow but the east coast cities, big ones, boston, new york city, philadelphia, a rain event, just rain for you. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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all right. wherever you are make it a a great day today. rebecca, chris over to you guys. >> thank you so much. coming up amanda knox begins her murder appeal in italy today with new evidence her lawyers say could set her free. we're talking with amanda's parents live coming up. >> later your holiday party survival guide. how do indulge without the bulge. right here on "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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coming up in minutes we'll talk about the amanda knox case, currently serving 26 years for murder. the appeal process now begins in italy and coming up in minutes we'll speak live with her parents. >> of course, the stakes here are getting higher and higher. not only could she be sentenced for a longer term here because, of course, the prosecution is also pushing for a longer sentence, but, of course, ther he does trying to get her name cleared. >> that is the risk involved that there could potentially, if the appeal is not overturned, she could serve more,,,,,,,
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welcome back. betty with us, lonnie, rebecca. what shall we talk about? >> you! >> betty, you know i love you. >> for those of you who haven't gotten the word we'll miss greatly going to the weekly show on cbs monday through friday but saturdays will be sleeping in we hope. >> getting up this early one day a week was not enough. was not enough. >> i hope so, thank you. you know i'm going to miss you all doimplts you ladies realize i've been working with this guy now the last three years, six days -- i seen more of chris wragge than my wife. six days a week now it goes down. >> probably not hurting your
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marriage. >> our relationship is great. never closer. one of my best friends. >> on a serious note i am going to miss you all terribly, seriously. i've been telling you that and i hope that the audience that we have here on saturdays, you know what, if you could kind of migrate over during the week, as well and stick with us on saturday. we would greatly appreciate it. we know you've got different viewing habits but we'll dough owe erica hill who has been on this show for a number of years with us, as well, she and i will be doing monday through friday starting january 3rd. >> look forward to it. >> we will miss you here chris. personally, it's been wonderful working next to you, wonderful and so great to me on "the early show." >> i've enjoyed it immensely as well. >> what i think about chris, what a lot of you don't know, he's so generous with his spirit. my son wants to be a football player. i don't know anything about it. shows up at a park on saturday to teach nate and brings a whole bag of equipment.
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>> oh. >> he deserved it. he's going to be great. >> we'll be right back. you're watching "the early ,,,,,
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lots of people braving the cold this morning here on the plaza. good morning, everyone. welcome to "the early show." >> the good news, it's been real cold all week but today a warming trend out there. >> some people have their coffee to stay warm, if they need. >> that we can't wait to get outside and meet everybody. coming up this morning, easy do-it-yourself tips that will save you hundreds of dollars year-around around your home, tips that i had no idea about. they are really easy and really amazing. >> and amazing and this is the time to make them, before tax time so you can get extra in your wallet at the next year. also, your holiday party survival guide.
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foods you want to enjoy, foods to avoid this holiday season, we've got both of them to make sure you don't pack on the pounds. >> who wants to avoid foods at the holiday season? >> yeah, i know. >> you can have fun. >> i like to enjoy it all. >> we'll get to that but first our top story this half hour to the case of amanda knox, today in italy, the 23-year-old american convicted of murdering her british roommate began her appeal for freedom. our correspondent joins us now. >> reporter: good day, chris. in an emotional appeal to the court amanda knox said they should be set free, she and her former boyfriends saying we are being -- sorry, we're in jail for a crime we did not commit. there was no hint when a pale and anxious looking knox arrived in court she would soon beg for her 26-year sentence and -- to be overturned. she insisted they did not kill meredith kercher. we are innocent, she said, and deserve to live our lives free.
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knox told the three judges and six jurors i am not the person the prosecution insists that i am. i have never been so. the people that know me are witnesses of this. addressing the family of the victim, found with her throat slit in the cottage the two shared, knox brown doan. i must say i am sorry, she said. it is impossible and unacceptable what they are suffering and what meredith suffered. i am sorry all this has happened, it isn't right and it never will be. i, too, remember meredith and my heart is broken for you all. knox said she had been living in darkness for the past three years and was more scared than ever but still had hope for justice even though it had failed her. the appeal process is, in effect, a tu trial and knox's legal team is disputing the forensic evidence and wants to call new witnesses. the prosecution is asking for knox's sentence to be increased to life imprisonment but in
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italy, 50% of criminal convictions are either overthrown or reduced to a lesser charge and sentence on appeal. chris? >> allen pizzey for us. thank you. joining us from seattle this morning amanda knox's parents. good morning, folks. good morning both you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> when you hear the stories in his report and to hear your daughter making these overtures to the court can, i just ask you both, i know we've gone through this over the years but what are your thoughts, does it change at all, does it get any tougher or easier. >> it's the ongoing nightmare t. doesn't get any easier. we keep doing what we do because we know amanda's innocent and work to get her out of there. >> curt, you hear your daughter described as dangerous and diabolical. why do you think that image first came to the forefront? >> well, i think it's really the image from the first trial that
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the prosecution needed in order to try to present the case that they had, which was really nothing. so, they tried to do a character assassination of her and what we've been doing over the years is trying to really portray her who she really is. and she spoke about that in court today and i think she did very well. >> let me ask you both, whoever wants to answer can chime in. do you think now she has the best chance ever at freedom with this appeal? >> i believe so. you know, one of the very key things that's associated to this appeal is the opportunity to have an independent review of the forensic evidence. and with the horrific situation that took place inside meredith's bedroom, the fact that there is absolutely no trace of amanda inside that room, i think, will really be brought to the forefront during that independent review. >> let me ask you, amanda's attorneys will try to introduce some new evidence. what evidence will they try to introduce this time that wasn't there before? >> well, i mean, i think there are several pieces.
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and like curt said, side things really focused making sure the fact that there's no forensic evidence, no physical evidence that ties her to that crime is what's important. but, they have other people that are saying, you know, amanda wasn't there, so that's always helpful. >> do you, i guess, have a bit more faith, you have a new judge who has a reputation for overturning controversial cases in the past. it seems to me, as though, the forensic evidence obviously was not handled as well it should have been. do you have confidence this judge will handle things differently from a forensics standpoint? >> i think from a forensics standpoint, really what his responsibility is to get to the truth and i think the truth really will come from an independent review and that's where this particular judge will really make a decision next weekend about that. so, we're very hopeful that that will take place. >> let me ask you this, the prosecution has been very
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upfront about now seeking potential life sentence, more years added to the current 26. if they get their way. does that make you nervous at all? >> you know, yeah, it's always unsettling. i just don't understand, you know, the whole purpose behind that. so, yes, it's disturbing, but it's not something we really focus on because we know she's innocent. you know, we were going through with whatever we needed to do and whatever appeals we need to do to get her out of there. >> curt, final question for you. how long do you expect this appeal process to take? >> well, actually, i'm hopeful that, with the independent review of the forensic evidence, you know, that could take anywhere from one to three months but i'm hopeful that, in early spring we'll get a positive result and that she'll be able to get to come home. >> we thank you both, again for taking the time. we know this is a difficult subject to talk about but you've been very good to us here and we look forward to hearing from you again as this case continues to progress. >> thank you very much. >> now time for another check of the weather. for that at 7:36 let's join
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lonnie quinn outside. >> good morning, chris, good morning, everybody. the hat parade. look like duck, duck, duck, goose. more hats over here but the most colorful hat in the crowd, what is your name, ma'am. >> lisa. >> where from? >> orgly from dallas. >> i understand you just moved to new york city? >> i did. >> from a house to an apartment. did you have a big tag sale to sell stuff? >> yes, our best friend's house, a huge sale. >> you sold your stuff at her house? >> i did, yes. trying to get them to come here. >> i'm not following this conversation but god bless you. listen, here's what i've got for you. if you take a look at the national picture, the big story in the midsection the big snowstorm up around places like minnesota and portions of iowa. here's how it breaks down. heavy snow for minneapolis, waterloo, 25 to 45-mile-per-hour winds then tomorrow it's all about the cold air that will filter in. it actually takes place later today. single-digit highs for bismarck, minneapolis and des moines, wind chills make it feel like 20 to maybe 30 degrees belo zero.
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here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >> now, did you sell any of your own stuff at her yard sale at your house? >> i did. >> okay. there, it all goes full circle. it makes sense. rebecca, inside you to. >> thank you. i shiver thinking about my family in minneapolis right now. up next, santa claus is coming to town with some of those extra holiday pounds. we're going to show you what you can have and what you should have not. and some of it is very delicious, the haves. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] experience dual action power
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this morning on healthwatch we present your holiday party survival guide. nothing can pack on pounds like festive food and drink and the next few weeks are rife with
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temptation especially for car be lovers like me. believe it or not, there are items at the office party you can eat guilt-free. here to tell us what to enjoy and what to avoid -- co authors of the "new york times" best seller the car be lovers diet, eat what you love, get slim for life. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> so good to have you. in the break you have both told me people have actually lost five pounds the first week of this. we'll take it seriously what you have to say. >> yes. >> i like that. in terms of car be lovers and what they can do at parties, give me a sense how they should go to a holiday party and think about. >> holiday parties are absolutely packed with carbs. the great news on this diet, you get to eat those carbs and still lose weight but you do have the pick the right ones. >> not talking about everything but our car b stars, things like whole-grain pasta, peas, potatoes, even potato chips. >> that's a surprise to me. i'm guessing you have to eat
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them in moderation. >> yes. but you can eat them because they're rich in resistant starch, a type of carb that helps you feel full and helps you burn more fat. it is great to start the day with something like a banana shake. >> that's a good point because obviously when you're going to a holiday party you think about how you will plan the day ahead. what should you be thinking for breakfast time? >> the first thing you want to do, make sure you have a resistant-starched-filled breakfast, kicking up your fat burning 25% over the day. which means when you get to that holiday party, you are burning carbs and fat and will feel more full. >> you are not starving. that's the point. when you go to a holiday party, you can't arrive hungry or you will eat the entire buffet. >> i've done that. what we have for breakfast. >> a great banana shake, really simple blend it up with skim mill k and honey. we have our amazing cherry ginger scones, fantastic, about
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350 calories. >> incredibly filling. >> so filling. >> and our blueberry pancakes with maple yogurt. these are all really rich this them helping you you feel more full and -- >> talk about the stuff to avoid. because it looks like an eggnog here. >> i'm going to dive into this gigantic bowl of eggnog. it is no surprise to people this is really rich in calories but one cup, one little cup can be over 300 calories too much, especially -- >> they say not to drink your calories, right? >> that's exactly right. >> it will not make you feel full, actually the case with all of these foods, they are bereft of fiber and will not take you far. the sugar cookies, about 100 calorie but not very filling. the quiche and pigs in a blanket same thing, a lot of fat, no fiber. >> what's exciting to me is what's down here. >> oh. >> you would like a glass of champagne? >> of course. i never turn down a glass of
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champagne, thanks, ladies. >> you shouldn't. >> i'll have one, too. >> it helps you feel great and totally delicious then we have really awesome great picks here, we have the chocolate-covered strawberries, only 45 calories per each one and then chips, tortilla chips, high in resistant starch, guacomole. >> ladies, thanks so much. ellen, frances, fai thank you s much. congratulations on your book. congratulations on the book. >> don't forget, rebecca, you have another segment coming up. up next home improvements that can save you money. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. he's the man. he's up next. okay, i need a better pizza.
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one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. [ female announcer ] freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. no other pizza tastes like freschetta, because no other pizza is made like freschetta. p@ because no other pizza is made 2 [children screaming] [growl] i met my husband here. i got to know my grandkids here.
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this morning we feature simple ways to raise ts value of your home and save you several hundred dollars a year. matt fwshgs to see you. >> and you. >> how are you? >> good. >> let's save folks money out there starting with the fireplace. of course heat escapes very, very quickly. >> yes. and it's kind of inefficient, wood-burning fireplace. we might have changed all that. >> really? >> it comes with the grate, what the wood sits on n. is called the grate wall of fire. >> really? >> what it does the wood sits higher and the embers are lower, where all that heat is, all right? so, that heat will get into the living space where it belongs, has a nice steal backer reflecting this heat, also more efficient for the smoke going out and it burns the wood less. >> and the key is this backer, rather than es saping pushes it back into your home. >> the whole design, too. it will save you $240 a year in
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energy costs. >> my favorite tip of the day so far. >> isn't that cool? >> i love this one. >> when you turn the furnace on it takes all the moisture out of the air. we've got to put that back. you can go ahead and buy a humidifier, pay to buy it and run it. this is a non-electrical humidifier, sits over your register like that. go ahead and pour the water on the sponge there. just like that. >> delicately pour it. >> not down into the register. >> heat goes through it and it will get the moisture into the air actually three degrees on your thermostat will save you $33 a year, ten dollars. >> this i love, the squeaky floor syndrome. >> you know he when you sneak in late from the bars. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> you can spend 50 bucks on a carpenter to come out and do a lot of troubleshooting. talcum powder, five bucks. >> normal talcum powder. >> throw it in the crease and grab your paintbrush and work it down, okay into each crevice and
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actually step on it and jump on it. that will save you money. >> folks, this is why i don't host shows on the diy network because i make a mess on everything i do. >> cut down on the talcum powder. this isn't a gym. >> this is great for the clogged drains, constantly on the phone with the plumber. >> that's expensive and you have thrown chemicals down the drain. this is the p-trap where all the clogs usually happen. this is called a permaflow. see this little jet stream? it creates what's called turbulence, a more jetstream and gets all the water going through there faster. any clogs, hair, grease, it will get out and away from the clog and in case you get a clog, spin the dial. >> spin the dial. >> it pushes right out of the way, huh? >> it's clear when you actual see you have a clog. >> who doesn't love a long hot shower?
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waste a lot of water. >> my brother would take 30 to 40-minute showers. i can't imagine how much energy he used. >> yeah. >> this will put the kibosh on that, what you call a shower manager, all right. it puts right to your regular head, your showerhead. you can set it to five, eight or eleven minutes, all right. after that five, eight or eleven minutes, whatever you choose, it will cut down by two-thirds your water flow, enough to keep them interested but will have them get out of the shower. >> $139. >> yep. >> finally, robberies especially around the holiday season who doesn't like to rob pem of their possessions, it happened in my family, sadley, i was to blame. i left the door open on thanksgiving weekend and -- >> how terrible. >> you can spend 30 bucks a month, all right, paying for an alarm service, all right. why not for 25 bucks get eight of this, a do-it-yourself window and door. open it up. >> anybody tries to open that window, there you go, out of here. >> i'm running, how about you? >> put it down there. >> really good solution in case for your safety. >> let me clarify. the only time my parents got
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robbed was when i was back in high school, it's been years and they have not disowned me. great stuff. for more money-saving tips visit our sister website. matt, great job. great to see you, as always. coming up miley cyrus and the video she doesn't want you to see. her father says he's sad bit. could it hurt her career? we'll have the latest. this is "the early show" on cbs. so, we set out to discover the nutritional science at purina one, we want your cat to be as healthy as possible in some of nature's best ingredients. that's how we created purina one with smartblend. nutritionally optimized with real salmon, wholesome grains and essential antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your cat.
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purina one improved with smartblend. discover what one can do. that say, "look at that wrinkle." [ female announcer ] introducing the eraser foundation from maybelline. our patented applicator and formula with collagen goes beyond covering. micro-corrects, micro-erases signs of aging. the eraser. only from maybelline new york. you soak up some rays in the morning,
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grab a cool drink around noon, and sleep soundly at night... knowing no one looking to freeze or concentrate you... will ever set foot in this paradise. simply orange. honestly simple. ( chirping ) you won't believe your taste buds. you won't believe it's fiber. benefiber. clear, taste-free, and dissolves completely.
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what a beautiful way to get fiber everyday. that's the beauty of benefiber. welcome back. mileley sigh krus, got some 'splaining to doimplts in the headlines again. five days after her 18th birthday seen in this video smoking a bong. >> claims it's not what we think it is but as you can see on this video here thanks to the good folks at tmz, not the video she probably wanted leaked. her father has tweeted about this. we're going to talk about this coming up, these teen stars how do they get themselves in these situations and why does it keep happening and who's watching
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over them? they are just 18 years old. >> a lot of them out there. >> for some of you your local news is next for. others, stay with us. we'll be right back. welcome back. we bring in lonnie former child star and betty -- [ laughter ] >> -- i'm kidding. >> no videos like this, though, huh, lonnie. >> not that i were know of. >> you don't want to google my name. >> before youtube. let's talk about, this a serious topic, we tried to have fun it with but it is serious, these kids going back to brittany sparse. >> lindsay lohan. >> constantly in trouble. now miley cyrus who has had a few controversies along the way but this is kinds of the latest and greatest, so to speak. >> let's be clear, though is what they call salvia, right, which is legal in california. >> it is legal in california. >> a legal natural substance but i'm thinking it is referred to
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as a natural herb which has psychedelic qualities. marijuana is a natural herb with psychedelic qualities. >> when you think about her age here, she's 18 years old, she had been with disney so many years and cultivated this good girl image, we've seen so many different stars go through a similar thing at this point this their lives, that they reach a turning point. >> yeah. you know, i also think, especially in the celebrity world out there, there's so -- they're so marketable and become so wealthy that lindsay lohan image of the cute little girl and hannah montana, britney spears, the cute school sgirl and someone gets in their head in order to market yourself you have to be in "maxim" magazine and be sexy. i don't vng they get the best guidance, whether their parents or managers. >> that age you wanted to be an adult. >> you do, you want to get out of the kid phase. >> she's 18, she has her own house, her birthday parties, frenz were there. a "friend" pairnl sold this to
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tmz. >> although that friend probably got paid. we'll talk more about this. stay with ,,,,,,,,
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is that a great looking crowd here this morning? >> beautiful people right here on the plaza. >> wow! are we lucky. >> hello, welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis, very lucky rebecca jarvis. >> you are. >> to be here and with them. >> you are too kind. welcome back once again we'll talk about miley's big mistake, is her career going up in smoke after the latest episode of these teens getting themselves in reallyple carious situations. >> wave heard this so many times before the story from britney
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spears for lindsay lohan. we'll talk about that. also getting a holiday gift is tricky enough as it is then you have the particularly tricky people to find it for from your father-in-law, maybe or your boss. liquor can work as a gift but what kind. we have ray isle along to show us what's what. by the way look at. >> that look at that, illuminate your vodka. >> well explain what medea vodka is all about and who that type of gift would be for. i'm guessing someone like you, chris. >> i was going to say if you are still searching, i'll take one of thoels. for this morning's headlines let's turn it over to betty nguyen. >> good morning. winter is still more than a week away. but, it is getting an early start in parts of the midwest. at least a foot of snow is expected in some places followed by a blast of subzero temperatures. reporter liz colin of our minneapolis station wcco tv at the mall of mek in bloomington, minnesota with the latest, boy
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does it look cold out there. tell us about this storm you're facing. >> reporter: good morning, betty. yeah, it is certainly cold out here this morning, ach as as seven inches of snow has already fallen overnight and it is not over. more snow, more wind and more cold is on the way. last weekend we picked up eight inches of snow. this weekend, we're talking about as much as 18 inches. that could close interstates and also set up shelters across the state because it is so dangerous. and then you said it, it's the cold, as low as 30 below by the time wind chills are factored in this evening. making this storm, as i said, extremely dangerous. now, we're already on track to be the snowiest december in more than two decades and, betty, you said it, we are still more than a week away from winter. so, certainly it's been brutal here in minnesota and looks to be a very long day that's ahead here. >> according to the calendar a week away but looks like you are feeling it already. all right, thank you for that live report. in other news, the u.
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u.s. military disputing new intelligence reports that claim the u.s. is likely to lose the war in afghanistan. the classified reports by the director of national intelligence say the nine-year-long war cannot be won unless pakistan roots out the taliban hiding on its side of the border and that is not expected. u.s. military commanders in afghanistan say the reports are based on outdated information and that progress is being made. turning now to the death of new york city fashion designer sylvia kacahy, her 24-year-old boyfriend arrested on charges of attempted murder and strangulation. her body was found at manhattan upscale soho house hotel with red marks around her neck. this morning, i spoke with the designer's brother, patrick orlando kachay, who remembered the woman he called his baby sis. >> she was a person that touched many, many people, very kind, incredibly loving, incredibly
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stalted. she really was a shining star. >> the friends and family in other news of elizabeth edwards will say their final good-byes this afternoon at a public memorial service in raleigh, north carolina. she died thursday six years after she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. while the service is public, burial will be private. her estranged husband, two-time presidential candidate, john edwards, will be among the mourners but will not speak at the service. it's about four minutes past the hour time for a ek which of the weather outside. lonnie quinn is holding it down on the plaza. looks pretty chilly there, as well, lonnie inlts look, betty, it is a little chilly out here but a bit of a warm-up for new york city. got a nice crowd behind me right here. guys, first of all i noticed you've got a swimming sweatshirt on. i actually swam for my college, boston college, near and dear to my heart. what's your name. >> kile. >> and i swim at waugh township. >> take the hood i didn't down
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for a sec. did you shave your head for swimming. >> yes, i did. >> i shavd mine, too. i have a bad head, none of those michael jordan heads mine is terrible. a storm in the midsection of the country is bringing about big extremes in temperatures at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon the hottest in the country will be elsa, texas at 82. the coldest jamestown, north dakota the warmest temperature of your day one below. san diego sunshine and 70. a beautiful sky overhead. i'll take you to texas next, a few high clouds will push through and up goe to the cold air in north dakota. you've had snow but it dies down today. you are left with the clouds and a lot of wind. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by macy's. >> all right. i don't know if you are thinking about swimming in college but if you do i want to you think about boston college, tomorrow groden, great coach. you'll love him, put in a good word. >> all college swimmers make big tv stars one day. >> yeah. >> more trouble for myley cyrus, video showed her smoking from a glass bong. media reports claim she was smoking salvia, a hall lose jen nick drug legal in many states including california. our correspondent has more. >> reporter: according total gossip website tmz, the video taken at a party last month showing the 18-year-old former disney star laughing and gigg giggling smoking from a glass point ex claiming is that me
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tripping. >> i -- >> in a webposting her father said he was saddened by the video. only one month ago he announced he was divorcing her mother and said, sorry, guys, i had no idea. just saw this stuff for the first time myself. there is so much beyond my control right now. there's been no formal comment from mily or her representatives but the latest in a string of adult embarrassmentss for the team who rose to fame in the hannah montana series. she called herself embarrassed after a photo shoot at age 15 for "vanity fair". the recent music videos have drawn criticism for their not at all disney-like content. atop that, her jewelry was pulled from walmart shelves after it was found to contain a toxic metal. but the current video may be toxic in a whole new way. further poisoning the image of the popular teen star. >> joining me to talk about the
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latest hit to her image and what it means for her career, senior editor of "in touch weekly" amy palmer. where do we start with this seems like the latest in a sfring of bad decisions with child stars. >> with her in the past year she's been telling us she's no longer hannah montana, seen it in her videos and music. if you saw that clip of her music video, "can't be tamed" she has wings, spreading her wings, giving us that message she's not the disney star anymore. with the video we saw it's true. >> are we giving her handlers that much credit to think that that is a metaphor for her life? yeah, she's not hannah montana anymore but it made her welty beyond her means, streaks extremely pop you are lar. >> just this year alone she now made $48 million sdpl how does this hurt the brand. >> this is definitely a retd
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flag. if this continues, this will definitely hurt her brand. let's not forget her brand, her clothing is in walmart, so many merchandising deals over the world. her handlers have to look at this and say what's the thek step? if it continues, it will definitely hurt her. but if it's one incident, i think she's be okay. >> these kids, whether it's the parents i know billy ray has the tweet he has no control over anything right now or something to that effect but when you are a brand like this and have clothing and jewelry and you have television shows, i know you are only 18 years old but you are -- you know, it is a different playing field. >> it is but she is a teen and has been working since she was a young girl. and billy ray cyrus has been instrumental in that career. his tweet clearly showed se really sad about this. let's not forget, he is going through a very bitter divorce with her mother, married 17 years and mily is not taking it well. this could also be a cry for help on her part. >> how about basically telling
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her friends, put the phones down, please, stop recording everything i do, especially smoking this bong. >> that just shows even though she is a megastar, she is still a kid. who lets somebody take a video of themselves in such a compromising position and for such a long period of time. >> not even though this is someone in the backdrop taking the video. she is addressing the camera, playing around. >> she is addressing it, clearly relating to it. >> so, what happens? what do you think happens to this girl next. >> i think it is very important for her to look at it and say, what is the next step? maybe she's going to make a statement, maybe she'll come out and align herself were with a teen group that, you know, advocates against -- drug-free life but i think it is really important for her to step back and say, okay this is my brand and my image and i have to really protect it. >> do you think she's sitting back today now that this video is releasedsation, you know, what i really need to get myself straight? i know we've had these same conversations over the years about britney spears and lindsay lohan, one day they wake up and
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s say, i'm really blowing this. >> that's the issue, what is the grace going from child star to young adult star and not many people have been able to do it. i think if you look at natalie portman, she's a great example how to do it but a lot of these stars misstep and this just another example of that. >> an education, too, which helps. >> absolutely. go to college. >> yes, wouldn't hurt. >> wouldn't hurt. >> amy, thanks so much. good to see you. >> thanks chris. what kind of booze do you buy for your boss? how about your in-laws? we've got everything you need to know about giving alcohol as a gift with our resident wine expert ray isle from "food & wine" magazine coming right up here on "the early show" on cbs.
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2 this was me, best ribs in nelson county, but i wasn't winning any ribbons managing my diabetes. it was so complicated. there was a lot of information out there. but it was frustrating trying to get the answers i needed. then my company partnered with unitedhealthcare. they provided onsite screenings, healthy cooking tips. that's a recipe i'm keeping. ( announcer ) turning complex data into easy tools. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right!
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[ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better, feel better. now try new breathe right advanced for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? it's that time again, time for our early holiday series designed to take the stress out of your holidays. one way to spread christmas
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cheer, the gift of alcohol. like a nice bottle of wine or maybe a single-malt scotch. but when it comes to your boss, friends, maybe your in-laws it is a difficult question. what's appropriate, how much should you spend? we asked the executive wine editor of "food & wine" for advice. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me back. >> this can be a stressful thing. >> absolutely is a stressful thing for a lot of people. you don't want to buy something that's really cheap and get you in trouble but you don't want to spend like a zillion dollars at the same time unless you happen to be a zillionaire. >> very few of us are these days. let's talk about what to do for the boss. >> for the boss, i think the key thing to do for the boss, get a sense of what they really like, you've been to events and know what they order. for instance at "food & wine" i know my boss loves chablis, so something like this is about 28 bucks, you know, a nice bottle of wine, it's not crazy expensive but not, you know, bargain basement. you could also go red.
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if your boss happens to love red wine, do the same thing but keep an eye on what they really like. >> and that $28 price range is -- >> that's sort above what people normally spend on wine but not like go crazy. >> right. >> you know,s there -- you don't want to feel obligated to spend $150 on your boss like who is paying who here. >> good point. >> when it comes to the hostess? >> i think sparkling wine or shap pain. this is from argentina. >> i want to sample it. >> about 14 bucks a bomsts. the nice thing about sparkling wine andsial pa champagne, you re-gift it. if they love it, they drink it. if not, they take it to another party. >> a very good point. >> father-in-law, you don't want to mess this up. >> you don't. you want to buy something he likes but my tip is buy one step up from what he normally drinks. my father-in-law, case in point likes dewars scotch but go one
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step up and buy mcallum. you didn't want to say i married your father-in-law i'm cheap that. doesn't fly somehow. >> i won't sample that one, it's a little early. >> for straight scotch. it looks nice. >> maybe chris will help us with that. a lot of people do grab bags this time of year or secret santas. >> way like to do for that it's usually 20 bucks tops so you want something that anordableoo fordable. you want something unusual or personality. what i usually do is pick something from the state the person is in. this is from washington state. it is $14, a lovely little wine and kudo the same thing. they make wine in every single state. >> it makes kind of a talking piece. >> it's fun. >> i'll try this one. talk about this one for a fun friend, you say. >> everybody has a friend who is like, you're at home and suddenly get a call and you're
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like, hey, where are you, what's going on? let's go out. that kind of thing. i think getting them something quirky and wild and bizarre is great. xante is peear cognac liqueur. it is quickie and fun, like 35 buck as bottle, i think, or 40 buck as bottle. you could probably find it cheaper depending on the market but get them something they will, you know, if they end up doing shots late at night out somewhere they'll have fun with it. >> that quirky fun friend. >> i love this one. also this one, i'll turn these on because that's what they require. >> there you go. >> they are very cool. >> i actually haven't had this vodka but i love the presentation, medea, with this programmable digital billboard. >> this one actually says "hi rebecca". >> this says "happy holidays" you could have it say whatever
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you want like your own personal times square on a vodka bottle. >> we really appreciate you being here with us this momentous moment on "the early show" thanks so much. >> thanks so much. >> for more, head to our website. ray, as always, merry christmas. thank you so much for being with us. up next, anchors away, a fond farewell and a new beginning. it's coming up after this. this is "the early show" on cbs. at pso, we set out tot your dog to discover the science inle. ñ some of nature's best ingredients. we created purina one with smartblend. new, delicious shredded morsels and crunchy bites, with real meat, wholesome grains and antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your dog. purina one improved with smartblend.
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at your hallmark gold crown store. today is bittersweet. bebid farewell to our friends chris wragge and erica hill on january 3rd beginning anchoring "the early show" together monday through friday with jeff glor and matter sol castro. saturday august 2nd, 2008, chris and erica became partners on "the early show" saturday. as you are about to see, they hit the ground running and they haven't looked back. >> good morning, welcome to "the early show" on a saturday
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morning i'm chris wragge joined by my news best friend from cnn, erica hill. how are you, good to see you good. >> to be here. >> let's not waste time to get to what we need to this morning. >> breaking news overnight. >> cbs exclusive. >>ny details this morning. >> as easy as possible for the viewers at home what does each side want to see. >> when are we going to see a recovery in terms of e/q unemployment. >> a lot of concern this morning about a deadly outbreak of swine flu. >> chip reid is in washington. >> cbs news correspondents michelle miller in venice, miller. >> the people have spoken and hope and change prevail this week. >> 50 million people across this country don't get enough sleep. >> amazing number to me. >> doctors, analysts studies -- >> including us, right? >> we clap. [ background music ] >> what's up? >> hey there. >> erica is working her glutes, stomach, arms. >> oh, yes, she is. >> get off the floor. >> the -- cream and spinach. >> part of this show is eating. >> southern grits.
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>> como -style salmon. >> fun, fascinating, furry, feathery, prickly friends. >> cool animal. >> it is going to take your papers. >> watch out. >> my nodes. >> i'm glad wragge's my partner. >> they are bringing the -- >> noise. >> bring the noise, people. >> yeah. >> i'm crazy, i know. >> which begs us to ask the question, what's that about? >> eh? >> i love -- >> feel it? >> exciting and new. >> can you feel it? >> watching the two of you watch that. >> it's fun to watch, actual lie. >> brings back a lot of memories, a lot of laughing over the years. >> we did. >> i remember we first met and did our show that saturday august 2nd but chris and i met for lunch thursday, maybe we should meet each other before saturday morning. i met him at the restaurant and walked in and said i can wear any shoe i want, you're tall.
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because ul of my co-hosts before had been, in some cases, vertically challenged. >> it was awkward, too. i was familiar with erica seeing her on ac-360. she had no idea who i was. >> not true. >> i'm kidding. i'm kigd. but, no, great memories. we obviously had a lot of fun but to sit her in the days in the run-up to the election so, many things went on and to be part of that and to have a great partner throughout the whole process was really wonderful, a great experience. we've got such a great team here on saturday. >> we do. >> michael rosen our executive producer and everybody who deals with us every week, such a joy. i know it's going to be, as joyful and joyous during the week, as well. >> it will a lot of fun. >> every day now with them. >> every day. >> lonnie, luckily, you can give me tips on that. >> you know. >> because, for people who don't live in the new york area, lonnie, you and chris worked together every single night on cbs 2. >> as he makes that transition
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to monday through friday, you know what i will miss, the ties, it's true. >> i think he will still give you the hand-me-downs. >> for those who don't know this wraggs has great ties, wears them only five times and doesn't repeat them. >> transition to the next chapter here, the two of you and everything that will happen going forward. >> it's exciting. it will be busy but we'll still see a lot of you guys, too and the saturday people. i've been gone a little while, as we know buts it see so nice every saturday to turn on the tv and see you there. >> thank you. >> i think you such a warm, friendly face to be with in the morning we know saturday is in very good hands. >> exactly. both you and lonnie will take this show we obviously know o to the next level. getting back to what lies ahead to have jeff and marysol who everyone will meet in the coming weeks it is a good, good team we plan on having a lot 6 fun and bringing a lot more of the energy we had saturdays monday through friday. >> and we hope you will all be with us monday as friday as
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well, so thank you. >> we will miss you saturday but make sure you tune in. >> we can see you monday through friday on "the early show," guys. >> coming up former "american idol" star katherine mcveto sing a song from her new christmas alb album. >> good to see you bright and early. >> good to see me in no time at all. thank to everyone who took part putting that together. obviously we have great, great people at cbs, not only the ones on tv every you today about everyone behind the scenes that does all the real work. all we do is kind of the window dressing. we love what we do but sharp people working a heck of a lot harder than we rinchts i have to say it that point about loving what you do. i bet you would say the same thing. you and erica before i came to cbs, i tuned in on saturday mornings and seeing the two of you together was always so clear you were really enjoying the moments. >> yeah.
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>> and what it was you were covering. >> it this is a great job. we get opportunities to see things and talk to people that you would probably never ever have the opportunity to do unless were you doing a show like this and to also be able to encorporate some real fun genuine fun moments and lighten things up to do that in a two-hour time period is just second to none, just a great -- because we've all been here and doing this. >> you bet. >> it is a great, great job. >> especially morning tv. it's all about the rapport between the people. you guys are just sort of zippy. >> and fun. >> amazing -- >> rapport. >> what's lonnie going to do without the ties. >> no, no, no, no. >> my ties are coming from rebecca. >> i have a stash. >> he just got a bag of tie the other day, enough to last a year. >> a great -- not a bag but maybe 100 ties it's awesome. >> that's what friends do, we take care of each other. >> we'll see them, right. >> the relationship we've all had, we all have each other's backs one of the things you can't replicate anywhere, a great thing we have at cbs. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show." you know, i love to let them get their yells and screams before i fake my cue. welcome back to "the early show" i'm chris wragge. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. coming up a season classic from katherine mcveigh, lovely and talented so excited to have her here and sing christmas classics. >> awesome and looks great and from the vegas strip, alex strada, he owns two restaurants in vegas, alex and "strad, not
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to be confused with chris and wragge, the two restaurants that are in east rutherford, new jersey. >> forthcoming. >> shortribs coming up and butternut squash coming up. our viewers, you guys picked it and we are cooking it for you. >> you speak, we listen. >> we're here for you. >> that's coming up but first lonnie quinn somewhere on the plaza, we're not sure where but somewhere here on the plaza with the last check of the weather for us. >> i love when you said let's find lonnie. i think, what, it is one, two. >> where is that guy? >> i think that guy, i think i found him. >> he is out here. >> i'm still looking. >> guys, we are going to talk about extreme weather all across the country because take a look at, this we actually have avalanche warnings in portions of washington state. obviously, i'm talking about the higher elevations, you've got snow on the ground for the mountains, right? well, a warm-up today, maybe rain then more snow expected that snow, rain, snow sandwich is not a good recipe.
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fargo, north dakota can, you never reach zero today and white-out conditions because of a big blizzard in mankato, minnesota. there's the big storm in the midsection of the country. here stacy where it's going, again right now around minnesota into iowa. it drops to the southeast today so places like kentucky, you pick up the snow. then tomorrow, it changes directions, goes to the northeast but if you are on the east side of this storm for places like the big cities, boston, new york city, philadelphia, it is just a rain maker. places like buffalo will catch the big snows tomorrow. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. . >> all right. everybody, what do you say we do
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shout-time 'tis the season for festivals and lights and my goes to tulsa, oklahoma holding their annual christmas pa ride of lights that's tonight. checking it out right now, all of this gives the macy's parade a run for its money and jolly st. nick, he will be there. in tulsa check it out. we thank everybody for watching "the early show" on ko-tv, my shout out this week. we'll give kudos to another town next week but right now i'm pacing, don't see him i know he is here somewhere, chris wragge, over to you. >> up next, one of the strip's finest chefs prepares our meal, slow-roasted shortribs with butternut squash. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. we're coming right back. [ female announcer ] with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live...
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before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. color sensational red revival from maybelline new york. the #1 red in america! [ woman ] it's the red that reinvented red. [ female announcer ] our pure pigments create color so rich... so incredibly crisp... our honey nectar creates such a luscious feel. love it! [ female announcer ] color sensational #1 red revival. find the sensational red that's right for you. one kiss, and you're sure to fall in love with red... all over again! ♪ like a song
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[ woman ] maybe it's maybelline. gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! finally, time to cook. luckily what happens in vegas doesn't als stay there. chef alex strada runs two of the best restaurants on the strip and brought his talents east to join us right now. he's our chef on a shoestring, chef alex to prepare a cozy winter meal for just $40. good to see you. we gave our viewers a choice, three entrees, they chose slow-roasted shortribs with
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butternut squash and for desert tapioca pudding with fresh fruit. they made pretty good choices. >> the shortdrib is a signature dish at "alex" at wynn las vegas. las vegas is a great place to celebrate but this is great. >> i've never been, but -- >> a great place. >> start with the soup. >> this is something that's vegan, very healthy and natural. we have a the lo of options at the hotel, as well, the wynn has a vegan menu. vegetable stock and kombu, which is -- >> what is that? >> a chinese seaweed. the japanese say it has umammi, basically, a flavor component that really imparts sweetness and saltiness at the same time. we add this for extra flavor and it's also packed in salt so we rinse it really well. >> can i feel it? >> sure.
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>> a strange texture. >> you basically take it out afterwards. >> bite it? >> sure, it is salty, though, more of a flavor ingredient. then you take it out. >> then we have the stock, chickpeas we soaked overnight. you can use the canned ones if you like, basically vegetable stock and chickpeas nimplts just water? >> yes. >> then we have some spelt, a type of grain you can get in -- >> any whole foods store. >> then we have vegetables. >> diced vegetables. >> carrots celery, and onions and leeks. then what we've done is cooked that, right before you puree it you take out the combu, it is salt j and you see this silkk y consistency in the soup. we have this nice silky soup. you'll see the difference and thin it out or thicken it as you want it. >> how long until you it becomes that consistency. >> you can going to cook it about 45 minutes to an hour. then you puree it in a blender.
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you don't have to strain it if you don't want to, it makes a mess if you strain stuff. we'll garnish that with a bit of the vegetables. >> on top for color. >> and a bit of the spelt. then we have a salad of apples and pomegranates and chives. >> a lot in there. >> really flavorful, vegan, and light. that's one alternative. we have vegans around. >> i'm not a huge fan of vegan food to be honest but this is quite good. >> that's the trick, you have to know how to cook and where to go with it and focus on it. >> talk about the shorted ribs. >> the other side of the spectrum, rich and exciting. >> not vegan. >> quite the opposite. >> one of our signature dishes so i'm not taking anything away from it. we've been cooking these a long time. we have beef shortribs on the bone. we've heated the olive oil in the pan. generally you seen but you don't season first with this because it will cook for a long, long time. and you want to season
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afterwards. >> maybe we can keep an eye on it. what's going to happen, it will sear. we'll add carrots. >> how fatty a piece of meat is this? >> it depends what you buy. if you buy a prime -- if you go -- actually once you go shortribs if you are eating shortribs, go for it. >> the carrots, shallots, garlic, leeks. the trick here is if you want to help me out. >> yeah. >> we'll take a bit of vinegar and honey. >> okay. >> what you want to do, the trick to this is caramelizing the honey. >> got it. >> go ahead and put a bit on there. >> how much? i'm notorious. >> i'll tell when you to stop. stop, perfect. then we'll karm mellize that and deglaze you with two tablespoons of that. >> say when. >> when. okay. so what's going to do is start a sweet and sour. >> now we're cookcooking. >> making noise and everything. >> sear and get color to it. after that is reduced, you smell that, the vinegar and honey.
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>> lay it all in? >> do ahead. all red wine, you cook it and as soon as it boils all the alcohol is gone. >> how long from this to that? >> okay. from this to that you are talking about four or five hours in a slow oven. >> wow. >> keep an eye so it doesn't stick and burn. your end result is going to be incredibly thick sauce this is just a reduction of the stock that you are going to be adding after you simmer the alcohol out of the wine. you add some of the stock. and you cover it and you just cook, cook, cook. >> four or five hours. >> nice and slow. >> this is much better done the day before that way you are not rushing or timing your whole day. >> okay. then what you have is the result is you are going to have this shortrib, i will plate one right now for you. >> go ahead. we got about a minute left here. >> perfect. we have time for dessert then. we has of the shortribs i've taken the bones off. >> let me get a fork and knife, alex. >> perfect. >> you've got to try this. >> it looks pretty darn good. >> it is pretty tasty. >> a nice little piece. wait, you got the sauce, the best part.
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you can't go without the sauce, man. >> not a very patient person. >> wow. i don't even need a knife. >> super tender. >> not even need a knife. >> absolutely. >> hmmmm. you need to have your own restaurants. >> oh, i do, i have -- >> i know. let's talk dessert now. >> for dessert, these are little -- coconut tapioca, a vegan one, too. usually you have cream and all that stuff but what i've done we use soy milk. we make a recipe we provide. hello, how are you. >> here to sample while you cook. >> excellent. >> got a little sampling. >> that's a shortrib. we have a few more for you. the coconut tapiaco, baisley we eye use soy milk instead and neck tar instead of sugar.
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tropical fruit, in the wintertime at their best and a splampling for you. you can even do buffet type samplings or a big one. >> the colors are great, too, with the different tastes, you really -- alex, you out-dit yourself. >> i'm trying. >> you had 40 dollars. see what the man from vegas was able to do. the total, he came in under 40. well done for. that we pick up your flight back to vegas. >> oh, good. >> how low can you go, our top three right there. as you can see bill telepan still leading the way. alex, great to see you. two restaurants at hot tell. alex and strada, check out either, both dynamite. time for you at home to decide what's on the menu next week. you chose shortribs this week. you did a good job. here are your choices: don't test. you just have to dial.
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please, do not allow me to affect your voting whatsoever. standard data and message rates apply. when we come back, do not forget you can go to our website to get your recipes. alex once again, thank you very much. >> nice work, fabulous. >> up next, catherine mcveigh, we cannot wait. she's coming up after the commercial. stay with us. - [in chinese] "will you marry me?" - [in spanish] "will you marry me?" - will you marry me? - before saying those words, there's one word every man should know. - leo. - leo. - leo. - the leo diamond at kay jewelers, a fire, sparkle, and brilliance so intense, it is the first diamond ever certified to be visibly brighter, one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. - [in chinese] "yes." - [in spanish] "yes." - yes.
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ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only listerine® that gets teeth two shades whiter. and makes tooth enamel two times stronger. get dual action listerine® whitening® rinse. building whiter, stronger teeth. see these live tiles? they update all the time. this one's got everyone i know in one place. so without fumbling through a bunch of apps, i can see what they're up to... quickly post that i care... and my phone's back in my pocket. so i can actually watch my son's game... go buddy! and not be... yay. ...that guy. [ male announcer ] buy any windows phone and get a second one free. so get your holiday on at at&t.
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performing around the world made her realize how much she loved home especially at christmastime. her favorite time of the year, the former "american idol" runner-up officially kicks it off the day after thanksgiving. >> she's just released "christmas is the time to say i love you" a collection of christmas classics and new songs too, crazying our "second cup cafe" with her rendition of "jingle bells".
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♪ ♪ ♪ dashing through the snow ♪ in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ o'er the fields we go ♪ laughing aum the way ♪ making spirits bright ♪ what fun to laugh and sing a sleighing song tonight ♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingles bells, jingle all the way ♪ mrveg oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh what fun to ride in an one-horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ jingle, jingle, jingle, yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ christmas eve is here, as we go off to bed ♪
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♪ as we climb the stairs ♪ and nod our sleepy heads ♪ take our stockings off ♪ hang them in a row ♪ santa's come down my chimney, that's for sure ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells,
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jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells ♪ jingle all the way oh, what fun it so to ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in a one-horse open sleighhhh ♪ >> thank you. >> how are you? >> fine. >> great to see you. >> happy holidays. >> thank you. >> you really love christmas, the day after thanksgiving, some like myself think that is a little too early. >> i love christmas. my record label gave me an opportunity to make a christmas record and i was so honored and excited to do it so i jumped at the chance. >> sounded beautiful.
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>> it really does. you started writing some of these songs, i hear in july. how were you channelling christmas in july? >> i was born and raised in los angeles, california. >> christmas capital. >> not quite as warm as in the summer but it was not that much time to even think about getting in the mood and i think you can always channel in songwriting what your objective is, what you want to talk about and sing about. the next song i'm doing is a song i wrote it's i thought about people who don't get to be with their families, their loved ones during christmastime. >> we are looking forward to that coming up next. >> thank you. >> for more, you can go to our website. for more on her, just go there. it is all right there for your viewing pleasure. >> like chris said, she will be back with an all-new christmas song off her holiday cd. this is "the early show"cbs.
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>> announcer: this "second cup ca cafe" segment sponsored by: ♪ ex ♪ [ female announcer ] because coffee is like the holidays. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate. from nestle. it's better when you add your flavor. thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover.
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america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo. i'm off to the post office... ok. uh, a little help... oh! you know shipping is a lot easier with priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus, you can print and pay for postage online. and i can pick them up for free with package pickup. perfect! cause i'm gonna need a lot of those. wow! i knew i should have brought my sleigh.
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priority mail flat rate shipping starts at $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. p@
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>> that's right, the christmas signs are out. >> none of them are up. >> good job to the graphics department. we're in the holiday spirit. monday on "the early show" the new michael jackson a, is it really michael? we'll talk with an authority who has heard the king of pop's new cd. >> and author anne rice, creator of one of our favorite vampires dishing on her new acclaimed novel "of love and evil". >> how bit, huh? i can't believe this is it. >> i -- >> ohhh. >> first of all, i have to say you've been so gracious and such a great leader here. >> he's the captain our ship. >> you'll be missed saturdays. >> i'm not going to be far, just a day away. >> one day away. >> thank you all for everything, seriously i appreciate it. >> monday through friday on "the early show." >> starting january 3rd. two weeks today katherine will
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return to the stage. until then, here she is with a song she wrote herself. it's just not christmas without y you" mrveg ♪ ♪ the year's almost over ♪ it sure looks like december ♪ the snow and ice on the ground ♪ ♪ i haven't sent a single christmas card ♪ ♪ the 31st is coming-round ♪ now it's christmas and you're so far away ♪ ♪ on this christmas ♪ i just wish you had stayed ♪ and i wonder if you're thinking of me ♪ ♪ today ♪ i don't know what i'll do
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♪ it's not christmas ♪ without youuuuu ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i hear carollers in the distance ♪ ♪ don't want to listen ♪ 'cause are' not here ♪ just in case you change your mind, i'll leave a light over the door ♪ ♪ and hope you'll suddenly appear ♪ ♪ 'cause it's christmas ♪ and you're so far away ♪ on this christmas, i just wish you had stayed ♪ ♪ and i wonder ♪ if you're thinkin' of me ♪ today
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♪ yeahhh ♪ if don't know what i'll do ♪ it's not christmas ♪ without youuuuuuuuu ♪ i don't believe in santa claus ♪ ♪ oh, i'll leave a list under that tree ♪ ♪ but, i do this once, or maybe it's a dream ♪ ♪ has he really brought you back to me ♪ ♪ christmas ♪ all i wanted this year ♪ on this christmas ♪ all i wanted this year ♪ on this christmas ♪ was for you to be near -- captions by vitac --
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