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tv   The Early Show  CBS  December 25, 2010 5:00am-7:00am PST

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this morning, we'll show how to make your day a perfect christmas holiday for you, your friends, your family and children of all ages. christmas movie ma jij, what better to do on december 25th, head out for big-screen family fun. we'll watch a christmas classic curled up on the couch. we have the holiday's must-see movies. and christmas melodies from katharine mcphee, the former "american idol" runner-up here to make a joyful noise, all that and more as we celebrate the
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holiday with you on this christmas morning, saturday, holiday with you on this christmas morning, saturday, december 25th, 2010. good morning, everyone. welcome. merry christmas, welcome to "the early show" on rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> naughty or nice this year. >> i'd like to say i've been very nice. it is nice to be here with you on this christmas day. >> you are so nice. i concur. >> it is a gift. >> thank you so much. i appreciate that. katharine mcphee -- >> the "american idol" star will be here. also tips for setting up your tech gadgets of course something we all go through. >> right. >> christmas morning is here. you get great gifts but you look at them and what do you do with them. >> sometimes you have to buy more stuff. we'll tell you all about that. christmas returns, not that you
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would return any of the great gifts you got today but stores this year will be different when you return your gifts, we'll have tips on that, as well. >> all coming up but first for a look at this morning's headlines we turn to elaine quijano. >> good morning, merry christmas. christians around the world are celebrating the birth of christ. at the vatican pope benedict gave his message to the world. security was tight at last night's midnight mass following two package bombs this week in rome. an estimated 100,000 pilgrims gather in bethlehem to celebrate christmas, the largest crowd in ten years. prayers said at the church of the narvety built on the site where tradition holds jesus was born. a deadly christmas morning in northwest pakistan. at least 41 killed and 60 injuries when a suicide bomber attacked an aid distribution center. local officials believe the bomber was a woman, a first forring pakistan. in the afghan capital of
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kabul, the nato-led international security assistance force says afghan and nato troops killed two men during a raid ron a private security firm this morning after receiving a credible threat of an attack on the u.s. embassy. here at home, a christmas storm is moving in on the southeast. after hitting the midwest with a blanket of snow and ice. airlines have already canceled hundreds of flights. cbs news correspondents don teague has more. >> reporter: it may look like a christmas post card but snow spreading from the midwest to the southeast is causing headaches for some holiday travelers. delta air lines today canceled 500 saturday flights, 300 of them in atlanta, which could see its first white christmas in 17 years. the storm system has already dumped 9 inches of snow in iowa. 6 inches overnight in minneapolis causing nearly 270 accidents on snow-covered roads. parts of illinois saw up to five inches of snow. and as the storm keeps moving
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it's causing dangerous driving conditions as far south as tennessee. dallas was deluged with heavy rain. elsewhere in the south, there's snow in the forecast for the first time in years. >> it would be beautiful to have that. it would be -- it would be like a post card. >> reporter: in places like charlotte, louisville, nashville, and atlanta. in fact, 50% of the country could have a white christmas. prompting major airlines to announce they'll waive rebooking fees for passengers whose flights are affected by bad weather. >> the chance for the heaviest snow again will be late sunday and sunday night, possibly somewhere along the east coast. >> reporter: christmas day isn't traditionally a busy travel day but this big storm could still be dumping snow in the northeast sunday into monday and that could mean trouble for millions trying to get home. don teague, cbs news, dallas. it's turning out to be a very merry christmas for retailers. last-minute shoppers were out in force christmas eve. the national retail federation
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predicts holiday spending will top $451 billion, the best holiday shopping season since 2007. now, checking today's weather, that winter storm is already moving east. winter weather advisories are in effect from missouri to west virginia and from iowa to the carolinas. now here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. and that's your latest news and weather. now here's russ. >> okay. when it comes to pressure and expectations, no holiday beats christmas. we want everything to look perfect, everyone to get along and no one to get hurt or disappointed but a perfect
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christmas is difficult achieve and can create a great deal of stress for those trying to make it happen. this morning in our special christmas edition of health watch "early show" contributor dr. jennifer hartstein has tips for happy and healthy christmas. good to see you. >> good to see. >> drew: merry christmas. >> to you. >> on the scale of he stressful holidays where does christmas fall. >> probably an 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. . as you said this idea of perfection is kind of unattainable. we have to really be careful what we are trying to achieve. >> get to the tips. the first thing, you talked about it, set realistic expectations. >> it is so important to realize what you want to accomplish. do you have to have every fabulous dish. if you forget the brussel sprouts, will anybody miss them? probably not. if you act as if nothing happened, no one else will notice. just understand what you want to do and just do that. >> kids can be under a lot of stress today, gifts and all that kind of stuff. >> yes. >> tantrums. >> yes, incredibly overstimulating holiday so kids
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don't know what to do with that. it is your job as parent to help them. they will come, they didn't get the toy they wanted or got it taken away, didn't get a nap that day, all important things to remember. you want to be prepped and ready early what to do, whisk them away, give them a time-out, have kyte time to themselves, all is important. >> that can be a slippery slope talking about a number of things when a kid has a tantrum because he or she doesn't get a gift they want. >> right. it's pont to also adjust your kids' expectations with your own. >> okay. stick to a schedule you say. a lot of times during the holidays we get laid back and let things happen you say not a great idea. >> no. it will actually add to your kids' tantrums. if they are no nap at a certain time and will help them be pleasant at a certain time do, that. if you want to have dinner at a certain time because the food and revelry goes on all day do that when you can, too. >> family conflicts that occasionally pop up over the holidays. >> of course. the time we are altogether in one room and you may and
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everybody has had a bit of alcohol and loosey goosey and you want to bring the grieve venss to bear. don't. keep them -- wait until the 26th, do them tomorrow. >> when you say set aside grievances sometimes that is easier said than done. >> take some time. if you are feeling agitated with your sister or cousin go, into another room and take deep breaths. recognize it can be put off another 24 hours. give it that bit of time f. someone else starts it, actually say, i don't think this is the right time to discuss it. let's do it another time. >> the wine may be flowing, as you mentioned, a lot of food there. you say folks should watch what they are doing and monitor their food and alcohol intake. >> if you take too much you will be more at risk for emotional emotional outbursts or eat too much you will feel badly. take everybody for a walk in the middle of the day or a have a touch football game in your yard, so you can enjoy all
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aspects of the family. it doesn't all have to be sitting on the couch eating watching tv. >> we'll talk about this later. say you are at will table with these family conflicts you talked but uncle joe is having too much alcohol. how do you handle that without making uncle joe feel really poorly? >> i think either have to slow pour less and less or whis ter, uncle joe, that's enough or how about something else to drink or do? move everybody away from the table then it takes away the alcohol, you know, need and expectation. >> okay. i didn't mean to pick on uncle joe. if you have an uncle joe, listen, i'm really sorry. also, you say it can be such a busy time, give yourself some time. >> yes, if you are not giving back to yourself you are not going to be any good for anybody else. if you are starting to take on all that stress and pressure, find a way to take a little time-out. impose it on yourself. go to your room and rest for 15 minutes. take a long shower or bath that morning. take yourself for a walk. give back to you, just like you are giving to everybody else. >> is there a common mistake that people makes a far as their
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well-being is concerned over the holiday season? >> yes. we expect perfection. it is really unattainable so that level of stress is so hard for us to manage that we forget to take care of ourselves in any way. it's really important to say i'm feeling badly right now. i need to go for a walk, get to the gym, take a nap, something, that food will wait, the 15 minutes. everybody will wait that time for you. >> goch you. we'll talk about new year's eve next week but i want to talk about lowering expectations, now year's resolutions, what's your advice on them? >> make them new year's goals not resolutions, goals are things you are working toward, resolutions can fail out. if you can say my goal this year is to do this, you take the first small step to reach the larger step. >> as always, dr. jennifer hartstein, great to see you, once again merry christmas. >> grit to see you. thanks. >> see you next time. for more, you can go to our partner in health and search "christmas." rebecca? >> thank you, russ.
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christmas weekend is big business at the box office o. last year, thanks to movies like ""avatar"" and "sherlock holmes" americans dropped $# 70 at the movies, the high zest grossing weekend ever for. those heading to the theaters this weekend, we've ask the dalton ross, assistant managing editor of entertainment weekly to pick the top holiday season's picks. thank you so much for joining us. >> absolutely. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas, rebecca. >> in terms of what you think we should be watching this weekend, what's your to pick? >> if you want to head to the theaters, nothing to me says christmas more than jeff bridges with an eyepatch. i don't know, it goes together somehow, rebecca, i can't explain it. "true grit" is out in theaters, a remake of the 1969 john wayne movie but switched the eyepatch to the right. if you want a gritty drama with the cohen brothers flare i say check it out, it's a great action western. >> it looks fantastic.
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the cohen brothers of course so well known for "fargo "high which won an academy award. in terms of something funnier if the family isn't doing it for you in terms of the comedy department, what do you recommend? >> christmas is all about being with your family and sometimes extended family and there's a lot of love but also a lot of dysfunction, sometimes along the way. >> that's what makes it so funny. >> exactly. if you want to enjoy someone else's dysfunctions maybe check out "little fockers" the gang is back from the franchise, robert i did anywhere row, ben stiller, dust tin hoffman, barbara streisand. this time we'll let their pain be our gain. if you want laughs this is a good choice. >> like holding a mirror up to ourselves. >> exactly right. >> in terms of the children and kids, what's out for them? they are not only off today but throughout the next week, many on christmas vacation. >> right. looking for a good family pick i say check out "gulliver's travels" jack black plays a
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mailroom clerk sort of on his first assignment, where else, in the bermuda triangle. he's always been an oversized kid now is sort of oversized. it's in 3d, i think a lot of fun an action and good for the family. >> the whole family. that's a good point. first it is rated pg, but when you look at it the kind of thing as an adult you can appreciate. >> i think so. the kids will love it, too. >> how about the classics, give us a couple of tops if we want to cozy up inside as opposed to he the theaters what do you recommend? >> if you want to say home interesting stories "a christmas story" it came out in the '30s but became sort of a modern classic about this little kid you see ralphie with the disgruntled santa and wants this red ryder bbgun. it is funny and classic scenes. i get freaked out by the scene his tongue gets frozen on the
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flagpole, freaked me out as a kid but hilarious stuff. >> i watch that a lot with my family and i remember my mom saying you'll shoot yourself in the eye. >>s that exactly right. >> how about something a bit older but also very classic. >> yeah, "it's a wonderful life" jimmy stuart the best in his life. the energetic go-getter then later the beaten-down sort of older man, the ultimate christmas movie with the ultimate christmas message. >> really is. >> appreciate everything you have and, by the end, you know, george bailey may not have fame and fortune but as he say the richest man in time. gets me every time i cry like a baby, rebecca. >> it is incredible. "polar express" also a great film. >> i love it. like "christmas story" wasn't big when it came out but very loyal audience. check out tom hanks as the conductor. a lot of excitement and great message. you can't go wrong with it. >> we can't go wrong with you.
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thank you so much for being with us on christmas. have a great one. >> thanks. >> back to you, russ. >> thank you, rebecca. tomorrow, of course, the holiday hustle begins, stores will be crowded again this time with folks returning gifts. nearly 20% of americans one in five will return at least one present this according to "consumer reports" the national retail federation predicts nearly $44 billion of merchandise will be refunded or exchanged. if you anticipate bringing back that day-glo golf sweater, regina lewis joins us with the secret to many happy returns. >> a third of retailers say they will have more lenient policies. it is, after all a customer service opportunity for them. they have you in the store and want to give you a good impression, likely to buy something while you are there. to your point, half say they will have stricter precautions in place to guard against
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something walled serial returners people who steal merchandise trying to return it for credit or cash or something called wardrobe, wear something with tags and use it and bring something back, an unfortunate reality. >> does that happen a lot? >> what it means for consumers, don't be surprised when they ask you for things like your driver's license. what they are doing is tracking you. actually, they have a ceiling on if you try to return "x" number of things without a receipt in a certain time period they have you down. >> they thought of everything. you've got to have the receipt, right? >> that's been the cardinal rule for a long time. it is certainly helpful. keep in mind the prices are not going up but down. the receipt locks in the time frame which really matters determining the price point. having said that the bige the retailer the less likely you need a receipt. especially if you bought it. if you have the credit or debit card you purchased it with it probably goes a long way warnl about a gift receipt? >> they lock in the time frame.
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>> all right. okay. lettes talk about different store policies. major retailers their policies basically remain the same and does it depend what item you are taking about depending on your refund and how much of a hassle. >> it varies by store. the big stores general rule of thumb have more lean yents policies. i was struck, toins, kohl's, you can return it anytime. no time limit. macy's, 180 days, that's because they sticker the item. they sticker everything before you leave the store which effectively is like sticking on a gift tag. >> i see. >> that's how they know when they scan it on the way back you bought it at "x" price on "y" date. the one caveat in opening up electronics they tend to have 15-day return policies. you may be outside that policy. just he remember, do like that laptop you got. >> i can see a lot of kids getting video games. >> correct. >> the same deal with that? >> time not on your side. if it was bought within two weeks you may still have a shot
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at returning it. if not, it's probably yours at this point. >> a lot of times you get something you don't think you will like but let me open it up and see, i'll take it back. bad idea, right. >> particularly on electronics. here's why. a lot of people don't understand the restocking fee of 15%. the manufacturers, sonys and samsung's don't let the best buys to return it once opened. resist the urge to do that. also people fill out warranty cards and the take off the ups code. once you do, you own it. >> do you have to send it back via fedex or the mail or take it to the store? >> people should remember a large of the etailers will let you return them in store. also shoppers online got something called a prepaid envelope which does not mean
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free cost. if it was a $20 item when they credit your account, they will credit for 15, minus the -- >> gotcha. a lot of fine print to read in this stuff, is that right? >> there s. again, they are not trying to make this difficult for you. it is an opportunity for them. a lot of times, the extended return periods right now, the general date to keep in mind, december 31st. >> the 31st. we talked about mistakes people make when they go to the store. you've been doing this a few years now. what's the biggest mistake. >> being difficult. don't be defensive on the way n. retail 101, an opportunity. you are in the store. when people return things they tend to stick around, shop on sale and hopefully if they had a great experience this if they had a great experience, they will return. don't expect you are returning something and will be bad. >> any retailers very good about this? >> amazon and kohl's, the bigger the store, the more automated --
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if you shopped with cash, that will be the hardest. the key thing is having that credit and detect card. when in doubt, if you don't have a receipt and you pull out the card that was used and that's tough if you've received the gift because you might not have it, try to get your hands on that number they can track. >> i promise i will not return the gift you gave me. >> all right, deal. >> the same you gave me last year. >> all right. >> thanks so much. again merry christmas. for more, you can visit rebecca? >> thank you, russ. now time for a pop quiz. your entire family is coming over for christmas dinner. you just burned the main course. what do you do? i'll bet there are a few of you asking that question right now. we have some simple tricks to help you avert disaster scenarios that could ruin your christmas celebration. also coming up, did you get some new tech toys this morning? well, we have some tech troubleshooting tips to help you set them up without all the stress. it's all coming up next and
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♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> to the most wonderful time of the year here on "the early show." >> andy williams, a classic. >> we have a classic with us, as well, our resident tech expert. there is an app for everything. >> there is. first i want to give you your presents. >> goodness. >> your very own nerdy [ inaudible ]. >> i like it a lot. >> it says rebecca. explain what this is. >> a magnet on the back, put it on in case anybody forgets your name. >> i'll put this on in the break. >> for now, i want to see these christmas apps. >> yes. starting with my favorite one, the tech, the yule log they play all day christmas day, now, of course an app for that. this is fireplaces 99 cents and actually has the sound effects of the fire and the wind. >> the crackling. >> i'll pass that off to you. >> why would you want this? >> because it's you a some. >> just asking. >> being able to show that to
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somebody i think is hilarious. but i have a more practical one for you, russ. this is postage dollars 1.95, my is sister, ruby, is busy, didn't have time for cards. you can create your very own. i can change the colors inside and what's awesome is, there are a lot of options. i can send it on facebook, via e-mail, a really fun way to share little postage cards. >> very nice. how much is this? >> $1.99. i want to show you quick, you can change all the different -- ughh. you can change the photo inside here and you can also flip through and change the greeting card. >> oh, okay. you have different things that surround the photo of your family member. >> exactly. >> that would come in handy especially this time of year. >> sure. when they say there's an app for everything, there really is, is there not. >> there is >> what's this. >> another favorite. >> this is bear piano, perfect for the season. if you have kids and just got an ipad this allows them to play the little music.
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i can play "jingle bells". [ background music ] >> oh that, is cool. >> so, it's just fun. >> very nice. >> and it is 99 cents. >> how long did it take you to learn that one? you know, playing. >> all night. i'm not going to lie. no, i'm kidding. it is super easy. i think that's what's fun about apps, incredibly intuitive. >> the good news, she will bring us the most important tech information, how it set up christmas presents. the yulelog. you can hear a little noise right here. i don't know if you can hear it, but i can? >> too much eggnog. >> i'm telling you, you can hear the wind blowing. the fire crackling. more katy lin endoll and the fire crackling. it's really delicious,nd mom.
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it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. now get up to $300 back in promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. now get up to $300 back in promotion cards.
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linendo linendoll. i appreciate it very much. >> any christmas memories. >> i have a lot of them, being with my family, a lot spent back in minneapolis, minnesota and chicago, so a bit colder than new york. how about yourself. >> as a kid growing up in st. louis a lot of great memories. i remember i got an electric football set and a five-speed bike which at the time was the coolest thing. >> could you play with both at the same time. >> you couldn't. for many reasons it was a magical christmas but i think of my own kids and the christmases i've shared with them and will share with them today. it is a wonderful time of the
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year, definitely. >> nice to kir ree that tradition on through your children now. >> definitely. we talked earlier about stuff to do. i know there have been several christmases, i've gone to the movies christmas afternoon, after all the fun, after all the eating, after all the gifts, kind of fun to get away and hang out. >> dalton ross gave us really good ideas to work with for today if you are going to see the movies today gimplts to know. >> "true grit" might be one i'll take in later today. in terms of how you approach the morning, as a kid, give me a sense for russ was he all night waiting for santa claus. >> russ was up all night driving my parents absolutely crazy. they would tell stories as i got older, embarrassing stories like that. how but, any stories like that? >> my excitement in my life my parents have to keech surprises from me because i would get myself so excited as a kid i would actually get sick. like if we were going to see my family, my cousins, i would actually make myself sick with excitement. so my parents had to keep it a secret. >> i don't blame them. more ahead. you are watching "the early
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show" on cbs. again, merry christmas. >> we're very healthy this morning. ♪ [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is.
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choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. . merry christmas, everyone. welcome to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. we have a wonderful program coming up. if you forgot a gift for a loved one today, don't worry. we've got christmas tricks that will get you out of a jam and avert potential disasters, plus holiday table etiquette. who sits where? how do you deal with a guest who's had maybe too much christmas cheer? our manners expert has all the answers for you, but first we head to russ with relief for the techno-challenged. >> thank you very much. if you found high-tech toys like a camera or perhaps flat-screen tv this morning, first of all congratulations but you probably
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realize by now someone has to set them up and that someone is more than likely you. that usually means hdmi cables, memory cards, power strips and lots of confusion. not today, we have great trouble-shooting tips to help you sort it all out. good morning. >> good morning. >> great to see you. you read the owner's manual first. >> yes. >> if you don't find what you are looking for, anywhere you can go? >> owner's manuals can be painful at times like reading an ikea manual, it is not going to happen. if you are having any trouble during trouble-shooting process with the gadgets or electronics, first off lifehacker a great website. audio/video problems, problems with new laptops go there, they will walk you through it. from the consumer electronics organization. very reputable. no matter your category. they will help you out. >> if you get gifts you have to buy things for them, hdm spi cables, we talked about this,
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the prices are all over the map. >> all over the map one of the most forgotten thing around the holidays. you get the console and what you need, my gosh, you totally forgot the wiring. if you are panicking and say i forit go moy set box or settop box do not buy this instore. go on a place like amazon, read the reviews and compares and get the very inexpensive four times cheaper than in retail. >> i've seen them for $100 instore and $15 online foimsts a cable. ridiculous. >> talk about cameras. do you go out right away and by the memory card for more space. >> first, if you've gotten a camera, hopefully somebody thought about a memory card. a lot of people don't realize you can get a few on your camera without one. if you need to pick it up, i say the highest gig. if you have a 12 megapixel camera pick up a four gig for about a thoup photos. sprp cheap these days only for a few dollars.
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there are always sale. >> let's talk about this, behind the tv as you hear back in the day a mess of wires behind the tv. >> this is like my biggest frustration, all this clutter behind the tv. >> you say it is easy to fix. >> it is easy to fix. i say every six months get behind there, power down and plug everything out and start fresh like a closet. you'd be surprised how much stuff that you don't use. here's an example of an area you can use cable ties. cable ties are inexpensive one to two dollars. you can get them anywhere, even the fun design ones, this is a shape of hens, you can get at radio shack, target. take advantage of grouping wires, pull them around and consolidating and making things easier especially if the back part of your tv is visible. also, start unplugging things you're not using. perfect example, these speakers, not in use. get rid of them. also, smart strip. you're going to need that smart power and surge protector. why is this important? this i like because it is color coded. for example put in your control
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unit here, this is your tv or computer, a device that will always stay on. one unit. these are your hot outlets, things that are always going to stay on like your drv box or satellite, they stay on with the control unit. this is interesting it is called phantom power. sometimes when you have devices plugged this they are taking energy and you are paying for it and you don't know it called phantom power. don't pay for energy you're not using. for 40 bucks. >> i was going to say not expensive. >> go to and get a power strip. it is about decluttering. >> come on back here. say you want to put the tv on the wall. you want to call the wall but say you want to do it. >> wall mountings, you have to look at the code for your building. call the electrician if you are trying to conceal everything. if you want the inexpensive solution, i recommend cable tunnels like $25, you can get them anywhere and they hide the wirings. you can take a can of paint and paint over it and it blends in and you don't have to do extra
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drilling into the wall an inexpensive solution. >> but this could be heavy-duty stup to put that up and do that. so, be careful and -- >> make sure you line it up and make the right marks. be careful. >> very quickly. you want to ship items. >> what to do with the old gadgets when you get new ones for the holiday season. one of my favorite sites is you can recycle your gadgets but get paid to do it. you go on the side and put in your item and get a bid. if you like it, they will send you pre-paid postage. you ship it off in around seven to ten days they send you a check back and a gift card, whatever you want. things like a blackberry for example, a newer version can get over $100. i've cashed in before and gotten 80 bucks for my old blackberry. whether a gaming console, cash in the old wii, tons of options and get paid to do it. >> all right. merry christmas once again. >> thank you, you, too. >> mo more on our tech tips, head to our website.
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rebecca, got that down? >> absolutely. just what we need, russ. also what we need, up next, you just spilled some red wine on your white table cloth. what now? stay tuned. we have some simple tricks to avoid christmas day disasters. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> happy holidays from afghanistan. this is lieutenant colonel jeff smiley saying happy holidays to all my friends and family in sacramento, california, a special shout out to my wife, kathy, and my boys. ♪ i must be, i must be, i must be, i must be ♪ ♪ i must be dreamin' [ male announcer ] for the first time at mcdonald's -- your two favorite flavors together. new mccafé caramel mocha. well? what do you guys think? perfect. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of sweet harmony.
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nothing says holiday cheer like christmas dinner with family and friends and nothing is more fraught with potential last-minute disasters. burning the main course, forgetting a gift for a guest, spilling wine on the new table cloth. anything can go wrong and let's be mon nest it usually does but don't panic amy goodman is here with tricks to save the day and your sanity, too.
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editor at large of "southern living magazine" great to see you. >> merry christmas. >> i was going o say that, merry christmas. unfortunately i've been in these situations and it can be really be embarrassing. >> at "southern living" we believe ever hostess is prepared. if you have a guest per chance that arrives and you don't have a gift for them you are already a hostess at the ready because you have stashed upstairs wonderful gifts maybe a bottle of your favorite wine, gift cards of various denominations, candles, make them things you like, scented soaps or lotions things you really love. in the case you don't, in fact, give it away you can enjoy it yourself. >> do you keep it wrapped for stashing it upstairs. >> i like to keep the gift bag for the ready and tissue. no matter the gender you can appropriately match it up. >> that is good. it looks like were you planning it all along. >> that's right. wine. this can be -- i've been at parties before where the wine
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spills and everybody freaks out and the person who spills feels terribly. >> feels terrible. the most important thing is to act quickly as you can. douse zelt zer or club soda, really generous, blot as much as possible to pick up the wine into the towel and absorb it then shake on a fine granule of baking soda and i/or salt. use the very fine. what you do is throw on a napkin atop that and enjoy your merry party. >> i like that. throw the napkin on top not move away from the tanl just throw the napkin on top. >> that's right. later you can vacuum up what remains of the granules. if not a product called wineaway about nine dollars you can use after the party. >> who would know. >> one issue we come up with and i'm sure people are waking up to this, you missed a key ingredient. >> don't panic, olive oil or
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eggs, run over to your neighbor's house if they haven't left yet and see if you can borrow but creative with things you have nur your pantshy fresh herbs about tanl spoon to dried herbs. and buttermilk, this is so fantastic, one cup of regular milk with a table spoon of lemon jous, sit for ten minutes to fully amalgam mate then can use it in cooking or baking. >> you literally add lemon juice to milk for buttermilk. >> yes. >> molasses, so many holiday recipes call it. you can substitute honey or vice versa. plus, if you invest in really fine wines for dining and don't want to use it in cooking, red wine, cranberry juice, white wine, white grape juice. >> great substitutes. >> one issue you can come up with on christmas morning is there is no substitute. you've literally pulled the main course out of the oven and here
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it, is burnt to the crisp. >> you've burnt the roast, such a terrible feeling at first. not to worry. when you see something like this, you think, my god it's already cooked. the first thing you have to do is get it out of the oven, out of the heat source and retain as much of that is left. take the temperature. if it is 160 degrees it is done inside. 165 for a turkey. if not cooked, cover it in foil, put it back in the oven, drop the temperature to 300 and check on it every ten minutes to make sure it is fully cooked. when you get to this fully cooked state you can then attempt to cut off the burnt areas of the exterior and find that the interior is completely salvageable. then you plate it to a gorgeous platter, slice it up. no one needs to know the exterior was burnt and do home-made gray to add moisture. >> i want to get to the home-made cake. you dropped it, whatever. >> the leftover cake, you cube
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it, alternate fruit, berries, bananas, whatever you he and chocolate shavings on top and it looks professional and you never had a problem. if you have this, any disasters deep breath, good laughter. it is about family and friends. it is a disaster you will laugh about later. >> such a good point. amy, good points. what would we do without you this christmas. russ? >> up next, dos and don'ts from seating to setting to serving, table etiquette for your holiday dinner. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. and children's books like never before. nookcolor by barnes & noble. hey tough guy, that cold needs alka seltzer plus! it has the cold-fighting power of an effervescent packed in a liquid-gel for all over relief!
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and the life you want to live. mask have a holly jolly christmas, it's the best time of the year ♪ >> for those hosting a formal holiday dinner this year there is a lot to consider who to sit where, what settings to use, what to do with guests who get too merry with the cher vee. this morning the ultimate guide to christmas dinner etiquette with etiquette expert lizzi post. good morning and merry christmas.
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>> to you to, russ. >> talk about seating folks. when you talk about who sits where, what do you consider? >> it depends what type of christmas you decide to have. if you have a sitdown dinner where everyone is going to have their own place, you want to think about boy/girl order, still a traditional thing we do a nod to, also know your family, who works best with whom. don't want the two people who are on really opposite ends of the political or religious spectruming to be together, you know, causing that big ruck can cuss. >> sometimes people will show up at dinner with someone you didn't expect. >> right. >> as the host or hostess, automatically do you accept those folks, send them to denny's, what do you do? >> you don't. hi, you can come in, up can't. no, you want to accept them into your home and welcome this, set the extra place at the table. you know, ask your family to hold back a little bit so there is a little extra food to accommodate the extra guests. >> table too crowded not only a situation of putting people here but also a political situation, as well. what do you do in this instance? >> it really depends on your
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family and what you guys kind of like to do in terms of entertaining. in my family, we don't have enough seats at our table to fit everyone coming for christmas. so, some people take a seat at the table and others take a seat in the living room and eat off their laps. >> all right. innormal kind of thing, people feel good about. >> nice and casual still having a good time. >> serving wine, do you keep it at the table, or oerve here. >> it is totally up to you as the hostess, if you prefer to have it on the table and people can take as we like, perfectly fine. at our family we take a wine order during the cocktail hour and your glass will be filled and it is on the side table when you want a second glass. >> you have a great spread. do you serve family style, individually, what do you recommend? >> it's your style. if you love to plate and make sure everybody has that perfect plate, go for it. we are a buffet family and we like to accommodate picky eaters and such and like to serve
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buffet but family style is perfectly fine, too. >> it is all about having fun. what advice would you have for people so they don't get too stressed out about the holiday meal. >> i think that remember it's really okay for you to entertain any way you like. if that means pizza and pajamas with paper napkins that's totally fine if that's what your family enjoys to do. if you really want the formal setting and everyone all dressed up, by all means, go for it. set the table beautifully and ratchet up that notch. it will be a wonderful. >> talk about silverware. you gave me a quick lesson before the air. how much do you put down and actually issues where you put it, right? >> there is. there is. it depends what you are serving. you never want to have more than what you'll need on the table. so, you look at your place setting and start from the outside in and think, okay president we've got a spoon over here we will probably have a soup course to start. then you move from the outside n. we would probably have some type of appetizer that doesn't need a knife because we have no
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second knife on the right then our entre closest to the center with our dessert fork and spoon at the top. >> the knife, i held it up and you laughed. there is a way to place this on the table, right? >> there is. you do not want the knife blade facing out towards other gress, considered aggressive kind of back from the days of knights and kings when you did have to worry if someone was going to stab you during your meal. it's one of those wonderful little things we pay homage too, you want the blade facing towards you. >> we talked about this earlier. you're the expert. say somebody at the table call her aunt rebecca has too much wine to drink. you are the host or hostess, how do you handle that? >> first of all you can definitely put the wine away and stop serving it that way aunt rebecca can't continue to help her self but probably want to grab aunt rebecca's keys and offer her a place to stay for the night. rebecca, we would love to have you stay for the evening. it would be just a joy to have you and we'll have a wonderful breakfast tomorrow. >> okay. i just came up with that name
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out of nowhere. >> out of the sfwlu. >> tips to glasses, we have three, water, wine, champagne, perhaps? >> absolutely. you want to keep it simple. you don't want to have eight glasses cascading down. pick a few bev advantages for the meal and stick to those necessary for those. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> thank you very much. i'll try out your tips later. have a wonderful day. later, how much do you really know about christmas. we'll take a christmas quiz. the king of trivia is going to be along. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> i want to wish a season's greetings to my sister, nicole. i love you. kiss the babies for you. i love you, nickie, i love you octavia and ason, alex, ava, i will see you soon. for those that are looking for it. it comes in a canister. it starts out as a gel.
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now this is where the fun begins. once you start to brush with it, it micro-foams. having those small micro-bubbles really allows it to get to those hard to reach areas. it's providing a cleaner experience. the benefits for sensodyne iso-active whitening, it's going to provide protection against sensitivity. and it's going to help restore teeth to their natural whiteness. gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at
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merry christmas, baby ♪ >> okay. you good at trivia. >> my family likes to play trivial pursuit. i will say that much. >> in a minute we'll talk to the king of trivia about christmas trivia, things you may not know about today. here are a couple of things, a warm-up here. the biggest selling -- this isn't surprising, biggest selling single of all time bing crosby's "white christmas". >> that plays all over the place, in the mall, in the restaurants, in the offices. it always gets you in the christmas spirit. >> that is true. that is true. >> also, i was interested it see this one, electric lights were used on christmas trees for the very first time in 1895. >> ahh. how about that? okay. i did not know that. i wasn't around for that. i didn't know. >> i can say i was -- i was. >> the first state to recognize the christmas holiday officially was alabama. >> kind of interesting. i wonder how that worked out. >> i don't know. you would think that was something everybody would have recogniz recognized. for some of you, your local news
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is next. for the rest of you, stick with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> trivial pursuits. >> there you go. >> that's the "nutcracker" music isn't it? >> it is. >> the most famous christmas ballet. did you see it as a kid? >> yes, many years ago, i did. you? >> i think i saw it a couple of times and may have asked my parents to go pretty much every year. >> i understand. i understand. >> thanks, guys. >> listen to this, more diamonds are sold around christmas than any other time of year. >> how many have you bought. >> how many diamonds this christmas? i want it to be a surprise so i don't want to reveal anything. >> good to xhoef. a great movie "it's a wonderful life" appears on tv more often than any other holiday movie this time of year. of course you can't even change the channel without seeing it swrimplsts that's true.
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one of those movies i'll flip around and come in in the middle and usually near the end, right where the bell's ringing and angel is getting his wings. even though -- >> russ is getting his wings. >> something like. this even though i haven't seen that date whole movie, it gets me every single time. >> i know. i know. he's amazing. >> you told me this next bit of trivia is in dispute. >> yes. >> the first president to decorate the white rousefy house christmas tree was franklin pierce inch the 14th president. i guess there is discrepancy whether it was he or president ben hair rison, it would have been 1850 if it was franklin pierce or 1889 if it was president harrison. >> that is impressive, really is. >> it's a big disparity, too, in terms of which year it actually happened. you see how stories get created. >> old school here once believed any one who went under a mistletoe and was not kissed would not mir ree the coming
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year. >> good thing things have change this year. on that note, we'll be right back. you're,,,,,,,,
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♪ rockin' around the christmas tree at the christmas party hop ♪ >> welcome to "the early show" on this christmas morning. merry christmas, everybody. i'm russ mitchell. >> merry christmas, everyone i'm rebecca jarvis. we have a great show today, russ. >> fantastic, a good first hour and more to kuchl. >> more to come, gifts for everyone, stocking stuffers. >> a lot of music as well. >> yes, katharine mcphee will be here to do a really nice christmas song for us, beautiful woman and beautiful voice. wilson phillips, as well. >> also fantastic christmas cocktails to get you in the spirit, as they say. >> there you go. >> ray ale will be joining us.
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>> i believe he has six or seven concoctions we're to try. >> i'm sure aunt rebecca will make an appearance in that segment. >> i made that up. you never know. >> it's all ahead but we turn to cbs news correspondent elaine quijano for a look at the headlines this christmas morning. >> good morning. pope benedict celebrated christmas morning at the vatican delivering his annual message to the world in front of an estimated 100,000 worshippers. >> the prince of peace reminds the world where true happiness lies. >> security was tight at last night's midnight mass following two package bombs this week in rome. in iraq some of the 50,000 u.s. troops based there celebrated christmas by attending mass at a military base. others ran a marathon early this morning. the holiday celebration was also festive at bagram air base north of kabul, afghanistan. in northwest pakistan at least 41 people are dead after a suicide bombing. the attacker, believed a woman,
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lobbed hand grenades defend detonating a vest packed with explosives in a crowded aid station. the area is a taliban and al qaeda stronghold. the southeast and mid-atlantic states are braced for unusual weather this christmas day, snow. the storm is coming from the midwest where as much as six inches blanketed some places and made driving treacherous. delta air lines cancelled about 500 flights scheduled for today and that could just be the start of holiday travel headaches. >> the key here is not what the weather is like where you are. it's what the weather is like where the plane is that's supposed to come to you to take you on your ongoing flight. >> christmas day is a relatively light travel day. the real problems could be tomorrow, when millions of holiday travelers begin the trek home. a separate storm expected to bring widespread rain and high winds from washington state to california. parts of california are still saturated from last week's heavy rain and mud slides. a state of emergency was declared in at least nine
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california counties. it was shop until you drop christmas eve as lass-minute shoppers flocked to the stores to finish holiday gift buying. after two years of recession, people seem to be opening their wallets wider. >> i don't know if we're feeling a little safer this year but i've definitely felt i spent a lot more this year. >> the national retail federation predicts holiday spending will reach $451.5 billion this year, up more than 3% from last year. online sales were up significantly to $36 billion, that's a 15% increase over last year. and finally, a taste of christmas down under at australia's famous bondi beach taking advantage of summer in sydney, tens of thousands of beach-goers soaked up sun and surf. many got into the christmas spirit donning antlers or santa outfits. a christmas snow storm moving from the midwest to the
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southeast part of the same weather system that deluged the west coast last week, winter weather advisories are in effect from missouri to west virginia and from iowa down to the carolinas. the northeast will see a cloudy, mostly cloudy day, rather, with temperatures in the 20s and 30s. and so, across the country, a varied weather picture for you, as you enjoy your christmas morning opening those presents. looks like santa has made his journey and relatively clear skies ahead. now a look at the weather for your weekend. that's your latest news and weather. now russ and rebecca.
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>> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by macy's. >> how much do you really know about christmas? our buddy ken davis will test us with a christmas quiz. >> author of the "new york times" best seller "don't know much about history" great to have you with us, ken. good morning, merry christmas. >> good morning. merry christmas to you and happy holidays to all. >> thank you, sir. >> we'll put you to the test. >> every holiday you have these quizzes and they are all very good. >> it is fun, we have these things, traditions and people don't understand why the heck we do it the way we do and there is always a good reason for it. >> i think we are set. >> test us. >> the first question, christmas was once banned in america true or false. >> i'm going to say true because it's the kind of thing if you say true you probably will get it right. >> i will say true, as well. >> it is true. it was by the wonderful people
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who brought you thanksgiving, the puritans in massachusetts. the reason, very simply, they were christians but didn't like christmas because it was too catholic. in those days protestants and catholics didn't get along also very pagan all of the traditions of trees and candles came from a time before christianity so they did not like christmas. >> interesting. >> very interesting. >> one for one. >> christmas trees were first brought to america by the pilgrims, true or false? >> false. >> yeah, i would say false, too. >> that is false. kind of follows on the first question, yeah, the pilgrims like puritans -- their idea of christmas would have been to go to church and didn't necessarily celebrate december 25th. they thought that was a catholic idea. the date, in fact, comes from the pope in the year 350, it had been an ancient roman festival called -- a week of gift giving, candle lighting and hanging up wreaths, doesn't that sound -- inlts a full week. >> a full week. that was the saternalia and how
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it was determined to be december 25th. >> who brought the first christmas trees. >> by the first german settlors with a much more german tradition. when george washington crosses the delaware that night christmas 1777 probably the h s hessian soldiers he attacked were sitting around a christmas treef. ave all "x-mas" we seen but created by retailers, true or false. >> i'll go with true on that. >> i will, too. >> that's false. the "x" standing for christ and christmas from the greek spelling of the name christ. the first letter was an "x" so early christians used to use the "x" as a symbol for christ. so, it is actually keeps christ in christmas while you are putting that "x" up there. >> can't win them all. >> thank goodness for the retailers. >> there you go. what's next. >> this is a bit more
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contemporary. santa has eight reindeer guiding his sled, true or false? >> yeah, sing the song in your head. honestly, i'll say true. >> yes. >> false. >> rudolph. >> nine because of rudolph. go back to the original, yes. >> rudolph is a media creation. >> another interesting one. >> i don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. he's really a reindeer. >> the idea of the reindeer go back to the norse days when odon rode across the night sky on an eight-legged horse and the children were put out their shoes for them and he would fill them with gifts. >> weed why to put our shoes out in kindergarten. >> it is much more popular in europe. the last one, the most popular cookie left for santa is the oreo. >> false. >> true. >> it is true, according to several -- >> you got me. russ one-upped me. >> back to the idea of children putting out their shoes. they put out their shoes filled with hay and straw for odon's or the winter god's horse to eat
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some of the hay and straw and he would put gifts and that's where the whole tradition of shoes out and later on stockings hung by the chimney with care from this very, very old idea before christianity, even. and finally, christmas, here is a geography question. christmas island was discovered on christmas day. >> false. >> true. >> it is true. >> oh. >> it happened back in the 19th century by an explorer. >> you just try. >> the reindeer if fo a second. there are eight -- i want to get this correct now, how many are we talking about. >> should we two through them by name. >> yes, we need to, yes. >> okay. let's go through them. >> pop quiz, i like it. >> donner, dasher, vixen. >> blitheen. >> comet, cupid. did i say donnor? >> you did. >> how much research did you do for this segment by the way. >> no, no. i'm up to six. >> dancer. >> dancer. >> is there a prancer.
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>> on dasher, on -- >> under this scenario. >> -- comet, cupid, donner and blithen, which, by the way is thunder and lightning, old german words. >> and rudolph would be ninth. >> rudolph is ninth. >> the red-nosed reindeer. ken, thank you so much. >> for real, merry christmas. >> and you to. >> up next get in the spirit of the holidays with delicious holiday spirits, special cocktails to make your christmas very merry. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> i'd like to wish my family and friends and my fiancee, erin, merry christmas and happy new year!
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and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at [ smack! ] [ smack! smack! smack! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums ♪
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christmas cocktails are a great way to make merry and spread holiday cheer. responsibly, of course. this year, why not serve your guests something special like perhaps home-made egg nog or spiced win with a kick. we've brought along holiday cocktails guaranteed to please. i haven't been drinking yet -- but good to he see you. >> good to see you. >> first is punch royale. >> from the 17th century a cocktail historian friend of mine unearthed the recipe. punch is great for parties.
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we can start pouring this stuff. >> what is this. >> a whole bottle of cognac. >> why not. >> a big block of ice. >> that you sort of make in advance, which is cool that. way you don't have to worry about chunks floating around. >> the base is what? >> that was just water. >> then lemon juice, fresh lemon juice. that is infused sugar syrup, melt sugar and water, add ginger, sin mom, lemon peels. >> the whole thing. >> the nice thing about punch, you don't have to -- half a bottle of reisling from germany. the nice thing you don't have to sit around and make cocktails during your party everybody can serve themselves and have a great time. give it a stir. >> cognac, a half bottle of wine. >> but a fair amount of water. it is not lethal. definitely has a kick but it is not crazy. >> here, i'll give you a little taste of this, decide what you think. and that is punch royale. it's, you know, a great holiday kind of festive thing to do. >> again tell me what was in
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this concoction. >> sugar syrup, melt it down with water, infused with lemon peels, ginger, cinnamon sort of a big party put out of a bowl of this and -- >> this is surprisingly smooth. off the top of your head you think with all that alcohol it will bite and -- >> very mellow. i love it personally. i think it is great. >> very nice. >> then egg-nog. >> home-made. most people go out and buy it. >> you buy the carton and dump it in a bowl and everybody is like, ooh. home-made egg nog takes a while, a little work but it is so good. it's also i have to say a little bit rich. >> a little bit rich. >> heavy cream, eggs. >> ten large egg yolks, is that correct? >> that's correct. you can make a custard with raw eggs but given eggs these days better to make a custard. you fold in heavy cream and of course bourbon, brandy and rum.
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>> and rum. >> not "or". >> no. all three. nutmeg. when you make it it, you infuse it with a bit of clove, it is rich and luscious and perfect. >> and whipped cream. >> on top and grated nutmeg. one great trip you take a plane and get nutmeg. you take it on top on make it not sure not to trim off your fingertips. >> before we sample this. you are using really good high-priced alcohol in this. >> i am. partly because i just really like good alcohol. i mean, actually, i -- not that i really like alcohol but i really like good stuff. you know, honestly, you can get away with using something affordable like jim beam oring like that. i think this is a great bourbon and fantastic rum. you don't have to use it with cream and eggs but adds that extra bit. >> that's really nice. >> a bit like dessert in a glass.
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>> yes, it is. spicd wine. >> this is a hot spiced wine. i cheated using a little more expensive wine. i think these guys make great wines but wine heated and infused with sin mom, peppercorns, a bit of sugar, citrus peels, orange and lemon and add kirsh, a cherry brandy. come into a party with a roaring fire, everybody is hanging out a winterery, warm drink. >> nothing on the top of this. >> nothing on the top of this. it's beautifully aromatic, making a pot of this during a party, everybody is going to smell it, all that aroma will go out there. it's sort warms you up from inside. >> really nice. >> not too crazy potent. now, some people, you know, there are people who don't want to drink but they want to be part of the party, even if they
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are not drinking. we came up with a great mock-tail, in our cocktail book for 2010. this is essential al variation on hot buttered rum it is hot buttered rum without the rum. it is a hot buttered lemon. you've got lemon juice, water, lemon pe dz l, cinnamon and butter and warm that all up and serve it. it's nice. it's, again, sort of warming like this and -- >> again, great advice for those folks who do not want alcohol. >> it is warm and buttery. it's cooled a little bit. >> no, it's good, very smooth. >> it is tangy. >> before we get to the next, rebecca. >> some of these sound like the kind of thing auntie rebecca might want, i don't know. >> i think maybe the champagne cocktail is your cup of tea, so to speak. >> i love that idea. >> in is a classic cocktail from like the 1850 sms, actually. you know, champagne is a great festive drink by itself. and that's fun.
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but, you know, if you want to spruce it up a little for a visual element this is a sugar cube, angastora bitters, mayor sheen no cherries and gives it a different flavor and sweetness. it looks fantastic. >> i should have said "cheers" to you first. >> rebecca, you know, she moves -- >> at her own speed, that aunt rebecca. >> it is so fun, you can pre-make these. >> good, very good. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having mef. >> it's working. >> to get the recipes, for these, you can log on: we're coming back. stay with us. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> cheers! walmart-preferred prescription plan. ♪ it's a breakthrough in medicare prescription drug plans... hey buddy!
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and then there's most complete. like what you get from centrum silver ultra women's, the most complete multivitamin for women over 50. it has vitamin d, which emerging science suggests supports breast health, centrum silver ultra women's. which emerging science suggests supports breast health, ♪ there's a touch of magic in the air ♪ >> christmas came early this year for katharine mcphee in july the former "american idol" runner-up recorded her latest holiday cd this summer in los angeles. >> called "christmas is the time to say i love you" here to
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perform the classic "have yourself a merry little christmas," katharine mcphee. ♪ ♪ ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ let your heart be light ♪ from now on, our troubles will be out of sight ♪ ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ make the yuletide gay ♪ from now on, our troubles will
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be miles away ♪ ♪ here we are, as in olden days ♪ ♪ happy golden days of yore ♪ faithful friends, who are dear to us ♪ ♪ gather near to us once more ♪ through the years, we all will be together ♪ be together ♪ ♪ hang a shining star upon the
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highest bow ♪ ♪ and have yourself a merry little christmas now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hang a shining star up on the highest bowwwww ♪ ♪ and have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas nowwwwwwww ♪
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♪ ♪ >> that was beautiful. >> amazing. really was. >> do you have a favorite christmas song or artist? >> i have to say mariah carey, when she starts singing christmas music, believe it to not it is so evocative for me. i always think back to really happy times and really makes me smile. >> i understand. you got this for rebecca? >> "all i want for christmas is you you". see? >> very nice. doesn't it? >> russ, be honest. >> i got laughed at in the meeting when he talked about our favorites when i mentioned johnny mathis is the man, i'm
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sorry. >> i wasn't laughing at you. >> in the '50s, johnny mathis. >> in the '50s. >> he recorded this classic album, for many of the same reasons that you like maria mariah careycd, i like his. it reminds me as a kid my parents played that, my children now listen to this now, means the holiday season when he had hear johnny. let's listen to mr. johnny just a moment. ♪ toys in every store >> he's 75 years old now and he still sounds great. >> i do want to just say one thing, my parents, your parents played this, my parents didn't exactly play mariah carey, but i heard it everywhere i wasn't in christmas my high school years and takes me back to those days. >> i got you. one thing about living in new york walking down the street this time of year, there is christmas music everywhere and kind of gets you in the spirit. if you are not in the spirit already, you certainly get it walking down the streets of new york. >> we will continue to celebrate
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on "the early show" with more christmas music and christmas cheer. stay with ,,,,,,,,
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dramatic christmas music. welcome back to "the early show." merry christmas to everyone i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. merry christmas, celebrating this joyous noel with one of the best selling pop groups of all times, wilson phillips. look at them there. >> looking for a delicious last-minute idea for christmas dinner, we're preparing a very festive feast with a texas twist. >> we love elizabeth. >> right here in new york. we love her straubts and what she haas in store. >> what are you doing today. >> after we leave, you talked about how music brings out emotion and beautiful this time
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of year because of music, it is also beautiful walking through new york because everything is let up. i think as soon as i leave i'll walk down fifth avenue and take it all in. how about you. >> hopefully opening a few gifts and watch others, as well. have a nice meal and spends time with the family maybe check out a movie or something >> speaking of nice meals what kind of, you know, item on the christmas plate is your favorite. >> a couple years ago i had this -- i think elizabeth brought one, a turducken, have you had one of those? it is very rich and good. i don't think we are having that this year, maybe new year's a week from now. if it is not too late. how about you. >> i'm going to take in a movie. i will be seeing my sister. my family is out of town this year but we'll have a really nice time. my sister and i and hopefully dalton ross we'll take in possibly "true grit" or one of his ideas from earlier in the program but overall a time to relax. >> definitely. i remember a few years ago the "god father iii" came out christmas day and i went to see it and my family said are you
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crazy? are you seeing the "godfather iii" christmas day but it was a great time, do what you want to do christmas day. >> make it special whatever it simplts that's right. >> a lot more coming up in this show. up next a southern style christmas dinner even the north pole would love. it's right here on "the early show" on cbs. >> -- from the 438 air xeksary wing. i wish my mom a very holiday season. mom, i love you and a miss you! if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil.
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with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free.
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well? what do you guys think? perfect. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of sweet harmony. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you're in the mood for a festive christmas feast tonight really who isn't there's still time to whip up a delicious holiday meal with all the trimmings. this week our chef on a shoe strim, elizabeth carmel executive chef at hill country where you will find some of the very best barbecue in manhattan. i can absolutely attest to that. on today's menu: it all sounds amazely skroumcious so let's get cooking. >> merry chris mag.
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>> merry christmas, chef. >> it amazing to be here. >> you have amazing restaurants here in new york. >> thank you. what we're going to make right here something i always make at home. this is how i start every holiday, a little smoked salmon with a little rose, sparkling wine, i can't think of a better way to start. if you want to get started. >> of course. >> this is so simple more of an assembleage, it is so easy, even kids can do it. >> i like that. >> i've made texas toast, really big pieces of white bread. you can see right here we have slices of texas toast, i toast them in advance, quarter them with a bit of boursin cheese on it. it is my secret ingredient because it is creamy and -- >> the special sauce. >> yes. >> then beautiful smoked salmon. if you want to put a little bit of smoked salmon, really key to get the best quality ingredients. then because it's christmas and i love it, we'll put a little
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lemon twist on these and this is so much fun and so easy to do. this is called a citrus stripper. do you want to try it? >> sure. >> okay. you hold it down like this? >> you hold it down and pull. >> not hard at all. >> no, as long as you let it fall onto the counter. >> right. >> that's beautiful. >> a little garnish dresses everything up. i love the way you just dit because you made it curly. >> oh, good. >> actually, that's great. you serve this with a bit of rose. >> all right. >> you want a little holiday cheer. >> absolutely. i'll try the two together. cheers, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> this is so good. >> okay. i'm going to try this. >> you know, i love this rose, not expensive at all a sparkling wine from the united states. it is great for a holiday. >> uh-huh. >> you can get your family or friends to bring it. that's an easy thing instead of food to bring to your holiday meal. >> i have to say, a great way to start the holiday meal. on to the courses.
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>> if you grew up with greenbean casserole this is your favorite thing, right. >> right. >> mine is slightly fancier than the original. but, i did retain a little bit of the cream of mushroom soup. if you don't have it, it doesn't taste the same. you know, this is all about taste memory, right? i've got a little cream and a little soup in here and i'll stir it if you want to put fresh sauteed mushroomed. >> you just sauteed these. >> i did. that gives a little freshness and extra mushrooms. i love msh rools. >> delicious. >> did you saute them in olive oil or something. >> yes and a little bit of salt. how about some shallots. i love shallots, i think they are sweeter than onions and wonderful. >> sauteed the same. >> but separately before you add it. >> you can do it the day before and heat it up. another secret ingredient, white cheddar cheese, you don't really taste it in the casserole. >> sharp cheddar or more mild. >> you want it to be sharp. >> okay.
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>> and then this is a big difference. these are french-style green beans. you just want to thaw them. see how beautiful and green they are. >> yes. >> and smaller and thinner. that means once it's made you get all the gooey goodness in every bite. >> stir it up? >> stir it up. >> even that we'll put it in a oiled or buttered casserole dish. this has olive oil and the durkee onions. >> do those go in? >> no, on the top. i've tried frying my own and they just don't taste as good as these. >> good to know. spare yourself the extra hassle. >> spare yourself. >> these in here. do you want to do that? or we'll -- >> yeah, or were he can -- yeah, sure. >> well, we'll pretend we did. let's move to the next. >> we have a beautiful one that's right there. we have a lot to cook today. >> okay. >> this is my holiday ham, i love it with a apricot mustard
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glaze with two kinds of must standards one really grainy that gives it nice texture and tartness and a little salt. real dijon for the heat and sweet apricot jam, which is chunky, which is essential. that gives it sweetness, a little thyme garlic and mustard to deepen the part. my favorite part, we will slather the ham. >> this is your finished product. you slather it over the ham. >> do you want to slather it? >> you do it. i want to see the pro. >> before we do, we have to score. the scoring is so important for maximum flavor penetration. when you get a ham, it's going to have a little bit of fat and a little bit of the rind. that's what this is, the rind. all you do is make marks like this then marks like that. >> okay, so we slather it on. >> slather it. >> how long do we have it in the oven so it comes out like this. >> i'm so glad you asked that because you know what only an hour and a half depending -- >> really? >> an hour to hour and a half
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depending on the size of the ham. what people don't realize, hams are already cooked and cured and smoked so you are just adding flavor and eating it up. >> we've got a couple seconds left for the dessert. >> okay. eggnog pudding pie, very simple substitute the eggnog for a simple pudding recipe. we'll put them in there. >> >> hi, merry christmas. >> put the pudding in the cup. >> for the adults a little spiked whipped cream with a little bourbon. you cannot be from the south without bourbon in your life. >> that's right. >> my favorite part, fresh nutmeg. >> a running theme here. elizabeth carmel, thank you so much. elizabeth carmel, ex mef. >> that's all right. >> thanks for being here christmas. >> may i try? >> please do. >> merry christmas. coming up next. our holly jolly christmas continues with a yuletide carol sung by wilson phillips. you are watching "the early
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♪ santa claus is comin' to town ♪ before we sit down to our delicious holiday feast prepared by the lovely elizabeth carmel some christmas music from one of the best selling pop groups of all time. >> will cop phillips come from rock 'n roll royalty. >> hard to believe they're celebrating their 20th anniversary. they have just come out with their first ever christmas album and performing "silent night" here's wilson phillips. ♪ ♪ ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ all is calm ♪ all is bright
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♪ 'round young virgin ♪ mother and child ♪ holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ son of god ♪ love's pure light ♪ radiant beams from thou holy face ♪ ♪ with the dawn of redeeming grace ♪
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♪ jesus lord at thy birth ♪ jesus lord at thy birth ♪ silent night ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ amen ♪ ♪ ♪ aaaaa ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ all is calm
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♪ all is bright ♪ 'round young virgin ♪ mother and child ♪ holy infant, so tender and mild ♪ ♪ sleep in heaven ly peace ♪ ♪ sleep in heaven ly peace ♪ >> wilson phillips. >> very, very nice. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> chyna, carney and a wendy. >> hi. >> thanks so much for coming in today. >> thank you. >> 20 million albums you guys have sold? >> 20-year reunion. >> 13 million albums. >> hey, take it.
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take 20 million albums. >> we'll take it. >> going back to 1990 when we first saw you on the scene, the harmonies have always been fantastic. how long have you guys known each other and when did you realize you had something special? >> a 42-year friendship. when we sang together that first day at carney and wendy's house on their floor in their bedroom harmonizing, we just felt it. we knew there was something special. >> a sound. >> you can hear it coming through. >> ahh. >> thank you. >> nothing makes us happier than singing together. >> we felt we were meant to sing together. >> it's obvious. what is interesting in numbers i think between the three of you, you have nine children. >> we do. >> what are they up to this christmas. >> well, i know, it's just about being with family and opening presents and -- >> yes. >> you know, remembering it's about god and he came to this earth, jesus' birthday, isn't it? >> it is. >> being grateful for what we have in our lives right now and
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what we don't have. >> new christmas album, fantastic getting a lot of great praise out there. >> thank you. >> 2011, more from you guys. >> there's more. >> what will we see. >> we'll make a beeline for the studio after the holidays, where we love to be. >> it's obvious, when were you singing, the entire place everyone feels the spirit. >> ahh, thank you very much. >> i heard you guys doing "california dreamin'" a few days ago. is that going to be on the album? not now -- >> we hope to do some of the classics of our parents. >> wilson phillips, thank you. >> merry christmas. >> have a one o derfwonderful h. you can head to our website for more on wilson phillips. >> thanks to them and everyone at home for sharing christmas home for us. next saturday on "the early show" a new year's special. >> another holiday. we'll show you how to get your budget in shape for the new
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year. >> something like that. plus sticking to your resolutions and painless tips guaranteed to get you over the new year's every hangover. >> those are the days, the new year's eve hangover days. when we return wilson phillips will perform a special encore for us "i wish it could be christmas every day." we'll be right back. >> merry christmas. >> great. smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at
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> . ♪ well, he just like to know ♪ he's put a great big smile on somebody's face ♪ ♪ if you jump into your bed ♪ quickly cover up your head ♪ and don't you lock the doors, you know sweet santa claus is on the way ♪ ♪ well, i wish it could be
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christmas every day ♪ ♪ when the kids start singin' and the gang begins to play ♪ ♪ oh, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ let the bells ring out for christmas ♪ ♪ when skating in the park, if the storm cloud paints it dark ♪ ♪ your rosy cheeks are going to light my merry way ♪ ♪ now the frosty appears, frozen up to here ♪ ♪ well, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ when the kids start singin'
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and the band begins to play ♪ ♪ oh, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ let the bells ring out for christmas ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when the snowman brings the snow, well you just might like to know ♪ ♪ he's put a great big smile on somebody's face ♪ ♪ so santa brings that sleigh ♪ above the milky way ♪ signed his name up in the snow and may decide to stay ♪
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♪ well, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ when the kids start singin' and the band begins to play ♪ ♪ oh, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ let the bells ring out for christmas ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ well, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ when the kids start singin' and the band begins to play ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, i wish it could be christmas every day ♪ ♪ let the bells ring out for christmas every day ♪ ♪ let the bells ring out for christmas ♪ -- captions by vitac --
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>> currently deployed to afghanistan from merced, california wishing my family and friends a happy holidays and the 49ers a great season. go 9ers. >> i want to send holiday greetings to my family in california. i love you guys! >> from bag ram air field afghanistan, a warm holiday greetings to my friends and family in atlanta, georgia. >> i want to wish my family near fresno, california, a merry christmas and happy new years! ♪
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