tv The Early Show CBS January 8, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PST
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wild weather. another storm dumps heavy snow in the northeast up to a foot in some places but the worst is yet to come. not one but two winter storms baring down on the eastern seaboard. more people are working but more have stopped bothering to look. are employers ready to create more jobs? we'll talk to the head of the largest temporary hiring firm in america. redemption road. a wonderful life for ted williams, in a few short days went from homeless to honored guest. can he stay on the straight and narrow once the cameras are gone? that and much more early this saturday morning, january 8th, that and much more early this saturday morning, january 8th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs
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good morning, welcome to new york on a frosty winter morning. i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. first week of the new year down. 51 more to good. >> it's all good, as they say. >> it's been all good for ted williams who became an overnight sensation, the homeless man with the voice of gold seeing so many opportunities, new opportunities to make money, to get off the streets. the question, though, remains, how is he going to be handling all of this? >> exactly. >> as you say, exactly. he's had this background, this history of issues with the law, issues with -- >> he's been in jail and admits he's had drug problems in the past, getting job offers, homes offered to him but has a long way to go. >> right. >> we'll tell you how to make money in 2011, something surprising we've has a guest who will say this is a good time in
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lousy times to ask for a raise. >> i like that. i'm going to ask for one after the show, are you? >> okay. it was nice knowing you, rebecca. let's get to our top story this morning for the second time in nearly two weeks a large part of the northeast is recovering from a significant snowstorm. and more dangerous weather is on the horizon. cbs newsws elaine quijano is in philadelphia with the latest. elaine, where are you? good morning. >> reporter: good morning, russ. as you can see hopefully here in philadelphia, the snow is coming down starting to anyway, at a pretty straed clip. behind me here road crews have been inand out of this philadelphia salt depot for hours. they like others across the region are gearing up for yet another winter blast. throughout the northeast winter is leaving its mark. snow began falling early friday morning from maryland to new york to new england. >> there's going to be a band that sets up towards central new york that could produce six to ten inches of snow in heavier bands and that's what we expect
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to happen there. >> reporter: the system made for treacherous traffic conditions and two-hour delays at area airports. >> wooen the truck and the four-wheel-drive, i was fishtailing all the way down. so, maximum travel speed, 20 miles an hour. i recommend everyone to stay home, stay off the roads. >> reporter: another battering less than two weeks after the christmas weekend blizzard that resulted in more than 10,000 cancelled flights and dumped up to three feet of snow in several cities. in new york, the criticism continues over mayor michael bloomberg's handling of the blizzard. at least three people died, their deaths linked to unplowed streets that delayed emergency medical workers. now, the mayor wants to show the city has learned from its mistake. >> i don't think anybody thinks particularly me that the results are what we wanted. it just was unacceptable. and i'm not worried about the criticism. i'm worried about what we did and what we could have done differently. >> reporter: here in philadelphia, these road crews
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behind me with the pa pap department of transportation have really been at it practically around the clock for more than 24 hours now and with this storm hitting at this moment, certainly they are very winter weary here in pennsylvania. russ? >> elaine quijano playing lie noon with the snowplow and winning. thank you so much. multiple winter storms and mr. lonnie quinn is joining us to explain where they are and what we can expect from them. >> three i'm keeping my eye on. the first storm, let's pull that up, now well into new england, snow around boston and also around northern maine. this storm will push into canada as we go through the day. let's say good-bye to that one, storm number one but that gave portions of connecticut yesterday a foot of snow. then we've got storm number two. this is what you see right here on this picture, right now pushing through the mid-atlantic states, dropping more mesh sheshable snow. how snch looks like two to six inches for charleston, west virginia, baltimore, atlantic city. i got to tell you, this thing is
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so close to making its way to new york city, if this storm moves by about five, possibly seven miles, what a small amount to move, lo and behold new york city gets two to six inches of mow snore then talking about storm number three not even a storm yet watching it get its act together and roll out of new mexico tomorrow morning in texas with a rain-snow mix and juices up purveing toter atlanta monday morning grabbing gulf moisture but snow for atlanta get ready for that. then around the carolinas tuesday morning. yes, i see snow there. then where does it go? this is where the track is crat cal pushing into the ocean, how close it stays to shore could give new england and the northeast its second bipg nor ''ster of the season. we'll watch that tuesday night into wednesday. rebecca, let's get back to you. >> all right. thank you, lonnie. this morning's other top story a mixed bag when it comes to the
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latest jobs numbers. desses' unemployment rate dropped from 9.8% to 9.4% but only 103,000 new jobs were added last month, fewer than expected. and cbs news senior business correspondent anthony mason reports. >> reporter: for the 12th straight month, american businesses added jobs. just not enough of them. >> it was a bit of a disappointment. we are creating jobs and the job market's moving in the right direction. it's just not moving in the right direction fast enough. >> reporter: overall the economy created 1.1 million jobs last year but that's less than a hundred thousand a month and analysts say we need to more than double that to put a real dent in the unemployment rate. fed chairman ben bernanke told congress while the economy is strengthening. >> at this rate of improvement it could take four to five more years for the job masht to normalize fully. >> reporter: the unemployment rate did drop in december but only because people left the workforce. and when you stop looking for a job, the government stops counting you as unemployed. many economists do expect job
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growth will start to pick up soon. >> it's really no longer a question of can they hire more but a question of are they mg. i think we'll see more willingness as the year progresses. >> reporter: most analysts thought december's numbers would be stronger. the economic recovery may have taken hold, but we're still waiting for the jobs recovery. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. here with insight on the latest job numbers tig gillam. -- one of the five biggest employers in the united states. great to you with us. >> thanks for having mef. good morning. >> as one of the five largest employers in the united states what are you seeing this? is this on point as far as the jobs picture. >> i think it basically says we can look back at 2010 and say it was the beginning of the jobs recovery. we added 1.3 million private sector jobs in 2010. and that's good. but it's not going to be enough to really bring down the unemployment rate unless we can
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get that growth rate to two or three hundred thousand jobs a month. >> if you take a look at the industries that were hiring in the most recent report, you had leisure and hospitality, you had education and health services. temporary health services and manufacturing. when you look at those industries, of who's hiring, what does that tell you about who will be hiring in the future and also just about where we stand in the recovery? >> well, health care proved again that it's been a strong growth sector throughout the recession and it continues to be. what's missing so far is that manufacturing and construction are not really contributing to the numbers of jobs that we need to see in the growth picture. temporary services has been terrific. we've added 490,000 temporary jobs so far since september of '09. that's half of the jobs we lost since the beginning of '07. so, that still continues to be a driver of the growth in the job market overall. >> it has been a driver but when people look at those temporary jobs, they say they're temporary. i want full-time employment. you say, they should take a second look.
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>> well, first, what that tells us is that companies need talent. and they've chosen to engage that talent on a temporary and contract basis and that's added 500,000 jobs. and, also, though, the role of the temporary worker has changed very dramatically. this is now in the case of a decco group north america, half of our jobs are professional jobs, they are lawyers and doctors and nurses and engineers and account ads nts it is a highly qualified and professional segments of the working population, as well. >> what kind of timeline would people deal with taking temporary employment, seeking full-time? is there a turnaround where a temporary job likely turns into full-time employment. >> in terms of a recovery overall, traditionally what happens is temporary employment leads in the jobs recovery then six to 18 months later employers begin to bring on permanent workers again. that's what we're beginning to see right now. and, in fact, many of the permanent workers they're bringing on are coming from those temporarys who have been
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working with them the last 6 to 12 months. so, for an individual looking for work having a temporary assignment is right now the best path to a permanent assignment. >> your recommendation to people looking for work right now i would be to be seek something that is temporary and then work so that it turns out to be full time. >> absolutely and use the temporary assignment as a way to build your skills, to introduce yourself to a new industry, to augment your qualifications for your future job prospects. >> so, use it essentially as a jobber view to get to know an employer better over time. >> a great way to think about it, a working interview and you will get to know the company and have a real feel how you can bring value to the company and the company's going to see you as an individual and the way you can contribute. >> thanks so much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> russ? >> rebecca, thank you. the nation's 112th congress opened for business last week. that means republicans control the house. and john boehner is the new speaker of the house. it also means a shake-up of some but not all of the president's men at the white house. our cbs news correspondent jan
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crawford is there this morning with the latest. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, russ. as said from capitol hill to this end of pennsylvania avenue at the white house it was a week of change in washington. a bang of the gavel and shift of power in the house of representatives as republicans took charge. >> the people voted to end business as usual and today, we begin to carry out their instructions. >> reporter: but first, they read the constitution. >> the house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of thejob-killing health bill and replace it with real solutions. >> reporter: but that won't get far. democrats control the senate and
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there's no chance they'll go along with house republicans. the other big news from the white house, president obama started the new year with a major shake-up, gene sperling took over as the director of the national economic council. another clinton aide, former treasury secretary william daley came in as chief of staff. he took over for rahm emanuel, running for mayor in chicago. and a press secretary robert gibbs announced this week he's leaving but it's unclear who will take his place behind the podium. now, these changes were not unexpected. these are grueling jobs, very demanding. the new team for the president should be well in place when he gives his state of the union address later this month. russ? >> cbs news correspondents jan crawford at the white house thank you very much. for a look what all this change means in washington let's turn to our political analyst john dickerson in our washington bureau. good morning to you. >> good morning, russ. >> jan alluded to this but i'll ask you typically two years into a presidency how common for a
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president to change horses? >> it's quite common. as jang xhengsed these were expected. . a white house needs fresh legs. you have people who have not just been in the job two years but the two preceding years in the long grueling campaign so someone like robert gibbs is even longer than. he started with barack obama back in 2004. so, they need new people in this job and the job itself has changed in a lot of ways because of the november election. >> let's talk about the changes r. these announcements the president made the past few weeks simply cosmetic will will it change the tone of the administration? >> it'll change the tone. the william daley pick as chief of staff he's a manager and has done this before and understands the power of cabinet members and was one in the clinton administration. gene sperling heading the economic team hasn't done this before. he went through a battle with the gingrich congress in the mid '90s working for clinton so they are inside operators but a cosmetic element. william daley will be able to talk for the president as he
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loses david axelrod to chicago to work on the election and bill dalye will be able to talk for the president and that's important, too. >> what do these changes tell us about where the president is headed the next two years. >> we saw him put together a deal to get the tax cuts extended, the bush tax cuts, a beginning of the shift of the president recognizing the election results, he was dealing with a republican congress and republican house. we see william daley can get done, make things happen and will not be interested in ideological fights. that's the president's position, as well. this is a pragmatic white house and the president brought in people who are pragmatic and want to get things done. >> you talk about robert gibbs leaving his job, very stressful gig. what are your sources telling you who is in line for the job. >> everybody is chattering about this. i'm not sure anyone really knows what's going on. a few top names, the communications drekor for joe biden.
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deputies for gibbs and people talking about karen finney from the democratic committee a. lot of names are bouncing around but i think that it's all pretty much in the air and we may not know for a little while. >> this week, of course, the new republican congress, republican house is going to try to repeal president obama's health care law. they don't have the votes. the president said he will veto anything that comes to his desk. is this simply a move by the republicans to show force, do they really think they can make some change here? >> it's a symbolic move to show their supporters they meant what they said during the campaign when they said they were going to repeal health care so they're paying off quickly to show that they meant what they said. but, as you say, it's not going to go anywhere. and the democrats are hoping that they can make something of this but republicans are going to try early next week they'll have a debate on this and they argue this is not just about health care but this is about jobs. everything you hear from the new leaders, the new republican leaders in the house will be about jobs, which is why you keep hearing them calling it a
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job/killing health care plan. >> john, of course a couple weeks ago robert gibbs big surprise alluded the president will run again in 2012. what does the president need to do i guess not ensure himself re-election but put himself in a good position? >> he needs to have the economy turn around, really the only issue for him, as it was in the last election. that's why the job numbers, as mixed as they were, are not that helpful but the economy is the big president for president and all these other things will help him around the edges but people needs jobs and think the country is moving in the right direction. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thanks, russ. >> 16 past the hour. turning it to betty nguyen at the news desk with the latest for us there. good morning, betty. >> good morning. a third incendiary package exploded yesterday. this one addressed to homeland security secretary janet napolitano, sources say friday's was likely sentence by the same person markings
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that appeared to refer to signs saying report suspicious activity. like the maryland devices, this one wasn't loud. brett garner was across the street. >> didn't hear anything, didn't see any -- you know, anybody rushing away, just saw a fire truck pull up in front of the office and that was it. >> reporter: investigators say no one was hurt this time. the package wasn't opened but reacted when another box was thrown on top of it in a bid. >> the package had been described as popping, smoking, and with a brief flash of fire and then it went out, engs stin
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wished itself. >> reporter: the fbi has not classified this as acts of terrorism but is involved in the investigation in what officials describe as a coincidence the road signs mentioned in the packages were taken down thursday, about three hours before the first device went off. dave browdy, cbs news, new york. wikileaks says the u.s. government has subpoenaed its twitter account. the online whistle-blower site says the federal government is demanding private messages and contact information of founder yule jan assange and sporters. there's been no comments from twitter. wikileaks has been the focus of intense government scrutiny since releasing tens of thousands of classified u.s. military documents and diplomatic cables. after 16 years behind bars, convicted armed robbers jaime and gladys scott are free. this he were released friday on one condition she donate a kidney to her ailing sister within a year.
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our correspondent reports. >> reporter: they are waking up to a whole new life outside prison walls. phones have changed. >> mostly everybody's cell phone with me. i wanted to touch them and i've been playing with them and everything. >> reporter: their family has changed. >> our grandchildren really don't know us, through a computer because they know my mother stayed on the computer fighting for us day and night. >> nobody was killed or went to the hospital. >> they have been in prison for 16 years convicted of luring two men into an armed robbery that netted less than $200 back in 1994. and sentenced to two life terms. supporters protested and signed online petitions. arguing the punishment did not fit the crime. last month, mississippi governor haley barbour agrused to let them out on the condition gladys donate her kidney to jamie.
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she said she would have done it with or without the promise of freedom. >> i want to give my sister a chance. i want to give her a chance now because the fight is not over. >> reporter: they insist they're innocent and are fighting for a full pardon. they will live in florida with their family and hope that medicaid will pay for the transplant. finally, the 2010 word of the year is "app" voted on by the american dialect society is the shortened slang term for computer or smartphone application. now, the runner-up was nom, suggesting yummy food and the sound "sesame street's" cookie monster makes when he eats cookies. is that what he makes? >> but, you know, i've been using "app" for like 20 years soinchts ahead of the curve. >> before your first tv job i was working in restaurants. lonnie quinn, your apps are up for table 4. right to it, guys.
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in terms of winter headlines a winter blast for the northern plains, snow for the mid-atlantic and showers and thunderstorms for texas. let sees talk about the winter blast for the northern plains and even portions of the northern rockies, billings, rapid city. i'm talking the possession for some to see a foot of snow out of this. gusty winds coming in with the arctic chill so the wind chill is going to feel like a about 25 degrees below zero. a cold one out there. bundle up, everybody. a quick look at one little portion of the country. here is a closer look at the weather for your weekend. all right. make it a great day wherever you are. you know, what a crazy start to this winter. this is the story all morning long. do you realize new york city has already picked up 21.8 inches of
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snow? a typical winter for the whole winter in new york city, 22.5, i think. >> my gosh. >> we're less than an inch away for the season total two weeks into winter. >> man. >> we only have two and a half months to go until spring. >> always the bearer of good news. >> voila. >> lonnie quinn, thank you so much. >> still ahead, from homeless pan handler to media sensation, how does instant sensation struggle someone who struggled to oefrz come addicti addiction. it doesn't work out like for ted. a lot of people are trying to stay afloat. later we'll have the secrets to making money in 2011, smart financial moves that really can help fill up that bank account, protect the money that you already have. an important part too. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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stuff. the question now is can he keep it going, can you battle his demons after his fame is up? >> he has a fair shire of them. our own erica hill asked ted about worries his own family had about the effect all in attention would have on his sobriety. >> you are not concerned? your step-daughter has come out and said we are worried this could be a bad thing for ted and could send him down the wrong bath. you are shaking your head you're concerned, as well. >> very concerned, very concerned. >> i guess that's rightfully said because two years is not a great length of sobriety enough to say i've got this mastered. it's one day at a time. >> our residents psychologist will be along to tell us really what he needs to do to stay straight and keep on the straight and narrow road. >> that's right. ring ring. progresso. oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha?
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the holidays are over. is that a yippee or sorry? >> i love the holidays, the feeling, all the time building up to it, as as a kid it used to be so depressing. >> once it's over. >> by the time we got to christmas night, i've got to wait 365 more days? >> what's depressing, you have to set the resolutions. what day is it, the 8th? are they already out the door? >> i agree. also seeing the lights coming down i feel a little sadness in my heart when i see the beautiful lights all over new york city and they start coming down it feels sad. >> my wife already took the christmas tree down i. she's, okay, time to take it down. >> when did she want to do that, yesterday or what? >> she said i like it until -- i want it right through january.
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>> if only there was -- >> a good chunk of january. >> you know, you are right, there is something magical about new york city during the holidays. this is your first. >> my first one. i got a blizzard. we got snow yesterday. i have a cold. it's wonderful! >> getting a real taste for new york city sometimes on our opening shot, i chip, i don't know if you can do this for us a giant snowflake they put up. >> it is beautiful. >> 57th and fifth here and i guess mid-november when they put that up, it's the holiday season. you say to yourself, wow, i can feel it coming and feel it coming and magically at some point they just take down. >> where did my snow go? >> robbed of something fesial. >> that's true. >> plus -- >> there it is. >> the tour of the christmas trees of the city, be it, bryant park, rockefeller center, all over the place. >> what's saents good to everybody. >> oh, yeah. >> we're nice, not naughty. >> i totally dig that santa guy. he rocks. >> a cool guy, that santa guy. he'll come back next year. >> keep up the momentum.
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>> yes, only if you're good. >> if you're naughty or nice. it's all about that. >> we'll b my second diagnosis-- i was told to go home, retire, and enjoy the time i had left. to say it was a shock is just a complete understatement. i mean, i don't think there are words. she had put up a really good fight, but it was her time. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. i think it's a very bold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. i'm sure if it was 100 miles, we'd still walk it. it was a big statement for me of... (voice breaks) i'm alive. we can do this. we can do this. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. this is more than just three days. this is a lifetime. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee.
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because everyone deserves a lifetime. a star on fifth avenue still shining bright. >> there it is. >> the shining snowflake. welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. coming up how to make money in 2011 from investments to home sales to managing credit. we have smart financial moves for a prosperous new year. >> sounds good. a must-see segments for anyone who takes over-the-counter medications or vitamins. our doctor holly phillips reveals five common but dangerous medicine cabinet mistakes you could be making. that's pont to pay attention to but first it is amazing what five days can do in the case of ted williams, it can change everything and cbs news correspondents seth doane
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reports. >> reporter: recognize this voice? well, you probably wouldn't have just a week ago. it's the so-called golden voice of ted williams. this commercial is some of his first paid work. >> you know you love it! >> reporter: -- since he was pan-handling less than a week ago. >> when you are listening to -- >> reporter: what a week it was. since this video was posted on monday, it's grabbed well over 13 million hits online. by wednesday, he was introduced to the nation in an exclusive interview on "the early show." >> like almost winning the megaball lottery. >> reporter: the ex-radio announcer mixed up with drugs, alcohol and the law, pleaded for a chance to get off the streets. >> i was just holding this yesterday and i made like 12 bucks in 40 minutes. >> reporter: since wednesday, appeared on a local radio morning show in columbus oh, hi oh, williams has entertained job
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offers from the cleveland cavaliers to even oprah. >> i would like to see him be a part of the voice of own. >> reporter: but one opportunity trumped them all, that moment came late this week after more than ten years apart. >> i'm home, ma. i told you i was coming this year. >> reporter: also reunited with some of his nine children on "entertainment tonight" as interest in every angle of this tale has surged. why does this story translate? >> redemption. everyone would love a second chance. >> reporter: he surely has that second chance. now, the world waits and wonders what he'll do with it. seth doane, cbs news, new york. >> we wondered how overnight stardom could affect someone like ted and what he needs to do to keep it altogether once the cameras stop rolling. joining us psychologist and "early show" contributor dr. jennifer hartstein. great to have you with us. >> great to be here.
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>> a story that has unfolded in front of everyone's eyes. >> right. >> this overnight stardom, for anyone, even somebody who had a completely perfectly clean past, could be an issue. >> absolutely. look at all these reality television stars we watch all the time and their lives unfold in front of us, too and they go down these paths they don't know what to do with their fame. here's someone who does have a troubled past. so, in order to hope and pray that he continues to take this second chance as we talked about in that piece and talk about how he will use that for the good and really turn his life around and keep it that way. >> we understand, we know he's battled with addiction from drugs to alcohol, he's been -- had trouble with the law. he also has nine children and while he's been reunited with his mother, there's an issue of what other people are sort of going to come out of the framework. >> absolutely. that's where he really needs to figure out who his inner circle needs to be. who's going to be his adviser? maybe someone that's done this before. maybe a clergyman, somebody who
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can say to him, look, you need to protect yourself. here se talking out loud about the money he's making and commercials he's offered, all this great stuff. people will come sliding out from places he never knew they were. someone like the front galt, you cannot get through it before you get to ted williams. >> the advice want to think of battling addiction. he's been sober now, he says, two years. in terms of what he needs to do and, also, just in the question of sobriety in general, is two years a long track record for somebody who's battled addiction? >> about two years is a fabulous amount of time to have under your belt, really great especially considering how he's been living. but, really now he's going to be faced with such temptation in his face there will be all these opportunities for parties and the money and he's not really going to know what to do. he has to stay connected to his sober support network and get to aa meetings if that's what he is doing and reach out to those people who will help keep him sober because the second he loses his sobriety he will fall back off track and we'll be
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talking about the bad news, not this fabulous redemption second-chance soar. >> are there people that he should simply say no to in his life and say i'm sorry but in this new life, in this new step, i can't be part of your life anymore? >> you would think so, yes. it's hard to say. we don't know who he surrounds himself with but i would say he will have to do a really strong and significant inventory who is in his life, who he wants to keep, and slowly start to like find -- weigh the checks and balances of those people and figure out who he wants to keep around. >> when it comes to the fame in general, how he does sort of separate his inner self from that outer self? >> i think that's probably the biggest balance. look at all of the famous people we talk about on this show all the time really having that struggle and may have been in it as children and now adults. here overnight, life changed. he's going to have a very hard time remembering who he is, what are his core values, we can assume and how does he put those into play in his life every day? he's, again, goes back to who -- hopefully this relationship with
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mom will help give him some stability and she will help keep him on track. she looks like she wants to help him succeed. >> she does. >> and has him on a short leash. she may be the person everybody has to get through while she's around. she may be his first line of defense. check in with mom and what does she say. >> a good piece of advice. she certainly seems like the kind of person you would want in your corner. >> absolutely. >> jennifer, thanks so much. >> thanks, rebecca. lonnie with another check of the weather. >> that's cool stuff right there. ted seems like a cool guy, isn't he? i'm rooting for him and i'm sure you are at home, as well. i want to talk, though, about the hot spots and chili temps over our country. the hottest weather anywhere, head to brownsville, texas it is 76 degrees. the k0e8dest spot, warren, minnesota dropping down to 23 degrees below zero. that's not the wind chill. that's a thermometer. look russ turns his head to look at me on that one. 23 below. the best weather anywhere in ocala, florida, sunshine and 70 degrees. the whole state, that's why they
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call it the sunshine state. you have the sun. a rain-snow mix rolling into texas and snow around the mid-atlantic states. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >> make it a great day not to ignore the west coast, looks pretty good for you. partly sunny skies. russ. >> 23 below. are you serious. >> without a wind chill. that's a ter mom ter reading. >> okay, bud deef. up next, don't way for the slow economy to speed up. kick-start your own economy with our expert tips to make money in 2011. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. time. what do you say we get the look we want,
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only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. discover customersl are getting five pcent cashback bonus at restaurants. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. to talk about our blueberry juice drinks. they're made with my sweet, ripe blueberries, so they're good for you -- taste real good, too! let's whip up a sample. or just try this. [ chuckles ] so my old contact lenses would sometimes move out of place and blur my vision. my eye doctor said there's great news
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for people with astigmatism. acuvue® oasys for astigmatism. he said it's the only lens of its kind designed to realign naturally with every blink and created with hydraclear® plus. i'm seeing more clearly, crisply, comfortably, all day long. now life doesn't have to be a blur. [ male announcer ] learn more at acuvue® oasys for astigmatism. 2010 was a tough year financially with rising unemployment and fears of a double-dip recession.
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but as bad as things have been, 2011 is a new year and there are ways to make it a very prosperous one and protect the money you already have. joining us with tips for making a fresh financial start is jason cochran editor at large at good morning. >> good morning. >> first thing you tell us to do get our credit score and 750 the score seems the magic number why. >> because it tends to be where the best deals are given. if your credit is about that level. banks are afraid to give money right now. of course, they've got it. but, they're tentative. the people with the best credit will get the best deals. not to say you want a credit card. that's not the same thing as making money. but later down the road you'll want a mortgage, may want a loan for a small business that you want to start, you want to get this time right now use it to get yourself in a good position for later on when you're finally going to get that loan to make money. use the time now to get your credit score. >> up have banks look senned up when it comes to getting these
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loans out? >> not a ton. they really want to make sure they will make their money back in the end. i wouldn't recommend gettinging a car loan but something that is going to make your money back in the end like a house or business or something like that. they are a little more open to had. >> along those lines when it comes to your home you say buy now and sell later g. time to buy? >> it is, actually, believe it or not, if you have the money. >> or get a loan. >> springtime people buy houses, that's sort of the season so right now, buyers -- are a bit sgrat and you may get a good price. home prices are lower than average, haven't really gone up and sometimes have gone down. by the end of the year, some markets are going to see prices go up. before then, though, you can proekt get a million dollar home for $600,000. if you are not a millionaire and have the money and don't need the money to buy a house, you could get a really fanatic home and make money on it when the market finally recovers in a few years. >> you say this is a good time to make home improvements, why. >> because home improvements like houses themselves don't cost very much right now. contractors need work.
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appliances in the beginning of the year are often cheaper than at the end of the year because the holiday season is done. you can actually get home improvements done for a lower price right now and again that pays off later on when you sell that house. >> when it comes to resemg the house some home improvements are better than others when it comes to getting your money back. what are we talking about. >> the kitchen is always popular, i put that above bathroom different real estate experts disagree but i say kitchen is the -- the most visible things are the ones to do first. >> jason, you say that is a good time to ask for a raise. rebecca jarvis says she is going to ask for a raise. i told her it was nice knowing her. why would someone in this economy ask for a raise? >> you don't asking with an ult play tum, not a good idea because a there is a line of people around the block. but companies have the money. they have the money, like the banks afraid to spend it. all you need to do is convince them, they need you, i'm do three people's job two years ago
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i was doing my job. i'm doing a great job, you want mef. try your luck at it. companies are giving raises this year, by the way. the average will be about 3%. the last new years people have done without raises. but most companies are reporting this year we might give races, about 3% or so. >> because of a decrease in payroll taxes and other things going on many of us are seeing more money in our paycheck. >> that's right. >> what do you suggest we do with that? >> i suggest you save it. payroll tax is a treat in their checks right now i may not know it but the federal government is reducing what it takes from your check by about 2%. it will look like that when you get your paycheck. i suggest you take that money and a stick it in the bank. americans' savings rate is really, really low right now. this is found money. use it, keep it. ul a'need it later. >> quickly choose stocks over bonds. >> bond yields are down but stocks, third year of a american presidency the last 30 years stock prices have gone up in the third year of an american presidency. the markets are calm, relaxed knows what to expect so might be
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a good time to get in the stock market you if a stock kind of person. >> interesting. great information, we appreciate it. for more info go to our sister website and click on how to get rich in 2011. rebecca? >> let's go ask for those raises after the show. i'm sold. no ultimatums. up next from antibiotics to vitamins to over-the-counter medications five xhoen medicine scabnent mistakes we all make. stay with us. woman: here's my new windows phone...
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it's really different. it's got this start screen that lets me do stuff faster and easier. see? it even has bing right here. so...the second my flight gets canceled, i can quickly find the nearest... airport hotel. i'm in, i'm out, and i'm done. so now i can actually look up and make sure i get off this thing. vo: now for a limited time get a samsung focus for $99.99 at at&t. try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves... you can always count on snuggle. can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number?
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centers for disease control more and more americans are coming down with the flu and the first place many turn for relief when we're feeling awful is to the medicine cabinet. on this week's healthwatch we're taking a look at five common medicine cabinet mistakes that can put your health and the health of your kids at risk. dr. holly phillips is here with us to explain. great to have you with us. >> good morning, rebecca. >> so many components of this can be confusing but one of them
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is the antibiotics in that cabinet when's the right time to take them, how much should you be taking. >> right. you know, what the main mistake people make think they go can treat the common cold or flu. but they just aren't effective because those are viruses and antibiotics only treat back tear yeah. on a chemical basis they are no more effective than rest, chicken soup and take going care of yourself. >> if you are taking them and the doctor has prescribed them, is there a right time of day they can be most useful? >> it really depends on the antibiotic and ask your doctor. some are most effective taken with food in the morning and others you might want for take later in the day. so, it really depends on the antibiotic. >> that's important to know. also expiration dates. i see this all the time and go through my cabinet and see expir raise dates and think should i throw this it away is it still useable. >> it is a good idea to keep your medications refreshed. if you notice it is past its
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expiration date it is a good idea to replace it but the truth of mat ter is the vast majority of medications are not dangerous if you take them after their expiration dates. they are put there by the manufacturer and up to that point they guarantee the medications are their full potency. after that, in theory, they may become weaker but studies have shown they rarely do. but, even that having been said it is still a good idea to try to keep your medicines up to date. >> a good points. when it comes to splitting pills, i watch my grandpaints do this all the time sometimes giving a pill too big or else trying to save money. is that a safe thing to do? >> the only pills that should be split are those that are scored. scored means they have that little line going down the middle which makes them easier to cut. they should only be cut with a proper pill cutter. actually, we have one over here. it's basically you can get at the drug says store for just a couple of dollars. that helps ensure the milligrams on either side are the same. so, you're getting the rise dose
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each time. some pills should never be cut. anything that says extended release, you could actually overdose by cutting them because you lose that protective coating. anything that says it is coated to protect the stomach, if you cut it, you might end up hurting your stomach or having adverse effects. and capsules also can never be split. there are only a very few medications safe to split. so, definitely ask your doctor about it before you do it. >> vitamins, i keep mine in the bathroom. is that a mistake. >> just like everybody else, actually, a recent study showed when you keep your vitamins in the bathroom because of the heat and humidity from the bath and shower, many can actually decompose, particularly vitamin b and c. kitchens get very hot and humid t. might be a good idea to keep the vitamins both out of the kitchen cabinet and bathroom cabinet. actually recommended you keep them somewhere warm and dry just like the bedroom. put them high up in a bedroom closet and should last longer. >> lastly, cold medicine, do you give it to your childrenr keep
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it from them, what do you do? >> absolutely not. the fda recommends no cough and cold medicines for kids under age five. number one, they don't work and number two are incredibly dangerous. every year there were hundreds of hospitalizations from unintentional overdose for kids with their cold mess sins. parents think they are giving the right dose and are actually in the and can be a very dangerous situation. i have a 2-year-old at home. i understand how much you want to help them. >> right. you want them to feel better. >> anything. but really the studies have shown just the natural remedies are best. for the cough, i recommend just a tea with honey and lemon or boiling up ginger can help. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate it. >> sure. >> thank you for being with us. for more tips, go to our partner in health news and search medication errors. coming up a magical moment in sports. check this out. a no-look swish as the buzzer
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sounds. we're talking exclusively to the high school senior who pulled it off right here on "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ beep ] [ beep ] [ beep ] [ beep ] [ male announcer ] find an italian masterpiece in your grocer's freezer. shrimp and lobster ravioli with garlic butter sauce, from buitoni. simple ingredients, artfully prepared. buitoni. create an italian masterpiece.
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discover more buitoni masterpieces in the freezer section. [ female announcer ] and now, winter skin can be too. discover relief from dry, uncomfortable skin with skin relief moisturizing lotion. only aveeno has an active naturals triple oat and shea butter formula that soothes, nourishes and restores moisture. women saw improvement in all five symptoms of winter skin in just one day. beauty you can see and feel. that's being comfortable in your own skin. aveeno skin relief. discover the power of active naturals. see this sunday's paper for $25 dollars in savings, including a free full-size lotion offer. activia has delicious news for dessert lovers. often, the best part of a meal is the dessert. but sometimes after a busy day and a big dinner... my system needs some tlc. now there's something that's just right. activia dessert. rich, silky, smooth yogurt with desserty flavors like strawberry cheesecake, blueberry cheesecake, and peach cobbler. and because it's activia, it helps regulate my digestive system.
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so i can breathe. [ mucus ] new advil congestion relief. the right sinus medicine for the real problem. elvis presley, the king would have been 76 years old. >> thank you very much. >> 76 he's old today. >> everybody do an elvis impersonation. what do you got. >> guess who did an elvis impersonation in a major way, edison pena, one of the chilean miners. >> made a big splash on the letterman show with it. >> there he is right there. >> yeah. >> and now, he has just spent some time in graceland visiting his idol. he loves to do that. >> elvis's music got him through. >> kept his spirits up. >> said he was singing it while down. >> there been to graceland, anybody. >> i have.
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my family vacationed, amazing. >> very fun. >> your local news is next. >> like to. >> almost like you are volunteering. >> no. >> we are talking elvis. lonnie quinn issued a challenge. >> all i said was -- >> is it a sing-off? >> what i would have loved to have heard russ's elvis. everybody has like an elvis. >> go ahead. >> someone says the world is a stage. had me playing part of the fool. >> how long did you practice that? >> just came out. >> your turn, rebecca. >> i don't have it. won't even try. >> like a poetry reading around here. >> put him on the spot. you at least have to give us yours. >> ♪ wise men say >> both of you need suits then i think you will pull it off more. >> i at least tried to sing
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that. >> you know, you were talking about going to graceland. it is a lot of fun, very ketchy, obviously. >> the jungle room. >> vjungle room. >> velvet elvises? >> part of the show, tell me if you agree, is the crowd. >> completely. we waited in line. that's way remember because i went as a kid with my family and i just remember standing in line and then finally making it inside. >> people dress up? >> people dress up, people there, elvis impersonators from around the world, people who quite frankly have no business trying to dress like elvis are there dressed like elvis. it is really a lot of fun. when they open that up, i want to say in the early '80s they worried they wouldn't get cash to come. >> a koush cow. >> really insane. >> not just the house, you can see his private plane which has "tcb" on it, taking care of business. >> right. >> name of his lane? >> the lisa marie.
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>> oh. great trivia. >> we'll be back. [ female announcer ] most women in america aren't getting the calcium they need. but yoplait wants to change that. only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value ♪ so pass on the news and we can help close this calcium gap together. to get you started, we're giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack.
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that's nice to see, a loet of people, very happy this morning. welcome to "the early show" i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. these folks show up and start screaming for no reason. we love it though. >> you put a camera on them and amazing things happen. >> keep it coming. >> one thing we'll talk about coming up a much more serious story, the ex-pentagon official wheeler, found dead in a dump. >> right. >> now, they've had the medical office saying this was a homicide. there are lots and lots,
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however, of miseries surrounding how this could happen. he was spotted leading up to his death sort of wandering around looking like he may have been suffering dementia. there have been reports of a lot of mystery surrounding his death we'll look into that. >> changing direction as bit and talk about this high school kid, not even the star of the team but makes this incredible shot. take a look at this. there he is. buzzer-beater. >> amazing. >> makes this incredible shot. high school senior. we'll talk to him about what this has done to him this new-found fame, what he thought when he made that shot and if he thinks he can do it again. >> that's the i did cut part. >> can you do it again. >> there you are right now. our high school student and his coach who may be starting him on the team. we'll ask him that in just a few. >> that's all coming up but now another check of the headlines cbs news correspondent and morning anchor betty nguyen at the news desk. good morning, betty. >> good morning, guys. good morning to you at home. much of the northeast digging out of a winter storm leaving as much as a foot of snow in some
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places. road travel is dangerous. airline flights were canceled. a second storm could bring two to four inches of snow to the mid-atlantic states today. a third storm is forming in the southwest. that will sweep across the south and, by mid-week, could bring yet another blizzard to the northeast. all right. so, it's rain, not snow, that is wreaking havoc in southern california. recent storms have caused the land behind six houses in san clemente to give way. residents have been prohibited from entering four of the homes. the landslide opened a 25 to 50-foot vertical drop to a golf course below. wow. look at that. for the first time in a half century, the federal government plans to lower the recommended levels of fluoride in drinking water, which is added to tap water to prevent tooth decay and also found in toothpaste, mouthwash and many bottled waters and sodas. federal health officials say americans are getting too much of it which can leave mineral
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spots on teeth and with prolonged intake can increase the risk of brittle bones, fractures and crippling bone abnormalities. dramatic testimony in los angeles at a courtroom on friday during a preliminary hearing to determine if dr. conrad murray should stand trial for involuntary manslaughter in the death of singer michael jackson. cbs news correspondent ben tracy reports. >> reporter: a former girlfriend of dr. conrad murray capped off a week of damming testimony. she said she was on the phone with dr. murray the morning michael jackson died. when he suddenly seemed to stop paying attention there. was a commotion in the background. >> it establishes that, during the time when he should have been monitoring the vital signs of michael jackson, his rirps ration, his heartbeat, vital signs, he was engaged in text ting, communicating with a girlfriend, engaged in fairly frivolous behavior. >> all week with members of the jackson family in court, security guards, paramedics and the emergency room doctor
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testified murray did not administer cpr properly, wasted precious minutes before calling 911 and withheld information about the singer's medication. prosecutors argue the doctor was desperate to cover up evidence that he was giving jackson the powerful sedative propofol. >> the prosecutors are laying out a case dr. murray is acting in an inconsistent way and in a way that suggests a consciousness of guilt. >> reporter: the high roads profile preliminary hearing expected to wrap up next week then the judge will decide whether there's enough evidence to try conrad murray for involuntary manslaughter. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. in south karm carol, dozens of people at a high school basketball game were sickened by an odor inside the gymnasium. it happened at ridgeland high school when the gym's heating and air conditioning unit was turned on. two people were taken to the hospital. there's no word yet on their condition. others were screened by emergency respondingers at the scene. the mayor there says no foul-play is suspected.
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the story of ted williams, the former homeless man turned celebrity caught the attention of jay leno. last night "the tonight show" host said he was watching the cbs early show and struck by an amazing coincidence. >> his 90-year-old mother was on the cbs early morning shoe. you could see how much of an flu shens he had shall on him. take a look. >> you see those images of ted getting emotional like that, when he talks about you, what do you think? >> god has answered my pray. i prayed i would live to see this time when he would do well. >> amazing, coincidence, indeed that. is so wrong. let's take you outside to lonnie quinn with a check of the weather on the plaza. how is that voice, lonnie? >> fantastic. i got to tell you. a prop there to jay leno. i got the ladies behind me from liverpool. is that right. >> that's right. >> let me ask you, first what's your name. >> dawn. >> i could listen to you talk. i love your accent.
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how much snow do you typically get in liverpool. >> not a great deal. >> probably very little, you know what, we are probably going to see if you head south of new york city today you can find the snow. let's talk about the weather picture out there because here's the way i see it. the east coast gets more snow today. it's primarily south of new york city but it's the west coast you have beautiful sunshine, the midwest just gets the cold. if you take a look here at our satellite and radar picture you see the mid-atlantic storm getting its act together, pushing through the area from, say, atlantic city south down to about, well, portions of even virginia, if you can take a look out to the west coast you will see that good looking sunshine there. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by breathe right. >> listen. let me guess, you are up every saturday morning in liverpool, england, watching us, aren't you. >> i have this taped today. the whole of england is watchin'. [ laughter ] >> shout out time, everybody. that's what it is. this week, to the people in minneapolis, minnesota. i say, get out there and fly a kite. that's right. today kicks off the tenth annual winter kite festival, kites of all shapes and sizes and colors will fly over frozen lake harriet. plenty of other fun family activities, too like ice fishing and nothing says nice fun family activity like fishing for frozen fish. we have wagon rides and snowshoeing and a marshmallow roast. may the winds be mighty but not
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too cold. thanks for everybody watching on wcco-tv. rebecca, that's your home state. have you ever been to the winter kite festival? >> i have, lonnie. the ice fishing, let me set the record straight, the fish aren't frozen. it can be really fun with hot coco. anyway. turning the corner here. we have puzzling clues, few leads and a lot of questions, more than a week after the death of former presidential aide john wheeler, iii, cbs news correspondents michelle miller reports. >> reporter: police continue to look for answers in the mysterious death of the former white ous and pentagon aide john wheeler whose body was found buried underneath trash on new year's eve dumped bay garbage truck in a wilmington area landfill. the graduate of west point serving as aide to twlee presidents, he led the effort to build the vietnam veteran's memorial and appeared unhinged in the days before his death. surveillance video caught wheeler in a wilmington,
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delaware parking garage two days earlier looking disoriented. he wasn't wearing a coat and was carrying one shoe. >> his face was really flush. from the way his shoe looked, i would say it looked like something done something to him. >> the next night, december 30th, wheeler was seen at another building in wilmington, dressed in different clothes and again looking confused. police say somehow, wheeler's body ended up in a dumpster 15 miles away. a neighbor who had seen wheeler christmas eve has no idea what might have happened and was shocked at wheeler's condition on the tape. >> i have never seen him like that in my life. i have no idea. at this point, i couldn't even give author. >> wheeler's car was found parked at a train station. his death has been ruled a homicide and police are looking at a legal battle wheeler was having with a neighbor whose home is under construction. in a new development that's raising even more questions, a
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local tv station is reporting that wheeler's cell phone was found inside that home. but, friends say they can't imagine that dispute would have led to his death. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> joining us for a closer look at the case criminologist casey jordan. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. >> this case is so confusing and perplexing at this point. you have the criminal medical examiner in delaware saying it is a homicide. what do you think? >> well, they said that within the first 24 hours of mr. wheeler being found and that's a logical thing to assume based on the fact his body is in a dump and had been placed in a dumpster. but, we still don't know the actual cause of death. to be honest, that's a little bit of a jump. usually, you know the cause of death before you decide the manner of death is a homicide that. was, of course, before we had seen the footage. we understand did this disoriented state that happened in the two days before he was found. and i wouldn't be surprised if
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they end up changing that after the toxicology reports come back. i think the autopsy isn't complete and we need more details before we decide whether or not he was murdered. >> is there a precedent for mislabeling and going so far as to say this is a homicide and labeling it that outright before knowing? >> what's confusing to me usually you know that because you have something like a gunshot wound, stabbing wounds, bludgeoning something that clearly could not have been self-induced but no details like that have been released. the fact of mat ter is when we see this footage, we see perhaps he was suffering from an organic brain problem, maybe -- even his neighbors say they've never seen him like this. was he poisoned? did he have a brain tumor? did he suffer from brain cancer and nobody even knew it? something -- there's a disconnect from him being in the dumpster and that behavior we see in the hours before he disappeared. >> the point about the phone, this cell phone the local tv station is reporting was found in his neighbor's home, also reports that his neighbors had a
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gas bomb for the lack of a better word to get rid of some rodents, is there a chance there is some association there? of course we're told he was suing these neighbors, as well. >> i think the association is with the odd behavior you're seeing. when people suffer organic problems, diabetic shock, anything that is chemical or organic, brain-caused, you have to understand that they behave in bizarre ways and it can happen very quickly. i think the dispute with the neighbor, the putting off of the smoke bombs, which he probably did, was really a symptom of what was going on in his brain. and probably has nothing to do with his death. however, if he decompensated, if he passed out, it's possible somebody robbed him, he died naturally and he was rolled and robbed and that the body was placed in a dumpster after he was dead. it doesn't mean the person who put hit in the dumpster is a killer. >> in the end ultimately do you think we will have an answer to this case. >> i wonder if there were.
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there are possibly 10 dumpsters he came from that ended up in that dump truck so we don't even have a crime scene. it is entirely possible he crawled into the dump ter himself in his demented state. we may never know the truth about what happened to john wheeler. >> we thank you for shedding light on it this morning for us. >> grit to be here. >> up next an "early show" exclusive, the once-in-a-lifetime miracle shot. we'll be speaking with the teen who sank it right here on "the early show" on cbs. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better, feel better. now try new breathe right advanced for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too?
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hey, your chicken noodles ringing. ring ring. progresso. hi, may i speak to my oggy please? thank you. i'm sorry, who? my grandma. this is obviously her chicken noodle soup. only hers tastes like this. just put my oggy on the phone. thanks so much. hold one moment please. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay well i'll hold. she's holding. wha? she's holding. tell her its karen. (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. welcome back. the definition of a miracle shot. ohio high school senior austin grauff, look at this hurls the basketball toward the hoop with his back to the basket in the final seconds of the first quarter. how did it feel to sink a shot like that? in an "early show" exclusive austin joins us from dayton with his coach tony augsberger, good morning to you both.
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>> good morning. >> austin, how are you handling all this fame? >> it's wild, really overwhelming, i'm not used to all the attention. >> take me back to that shot. it's the end of the first quarter, take me through the scenario. what happens and what led you to the point you had the opportunity to make this incredible shot? >> well, the ball got tipped off at half-court so i chased after it and grabbed it and i looked up and saw there wasn't any time left and i just threw it and hoped. >> over your head. a lot of guys would have tried to turn arrange an do it that way but you didn't feel you had time, just over your head? >> i didn't have time. >> what did you think, you did have any idea that was going to go in? >> no. >> sometimes you do these things. >> not at all. >> not at all. coach, let me ask you, when you are watching this, what is going through your mine? >> well kind of crazy because i had a good angle to see it and you know, you're thinking this may be a shot. and when it went in, the first thing that crossed my mind, i hope the video people got it. we're going to be seeing this everywhere if it went in. >> you've been coaching a while.
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have you ever seen a shot like this before in a game? >> no. i mean, it's certainly the mathematical possibility of something like that going in is just phenomenal because he flat out did not look at the rim at all. he heavd it. it was crazy. >> austin, have you ever made a shot like this before? >> no, never. >> did you practice for a while? you've never practiced this weird shot. just kind of happened. >> yeah, just happened. >> has it happened again? i'm sure you've tried it since then. >> i've tried it a couple of times but, i mean -- nothing pretty. >> we don't let him do it much. we're afraid he'll take out a light. we're just saying -- >> i got you. what has been your reaction of your family and friends. >> i mean, everybody's real happy for me. they love it. everybody's real excited. >> you are the -- not the starting point guard. is that correct? >> in. yeah, that's correct. >> all right, coach. after a shot like that, come on, is the guy going to start from now on?
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>> we like the energy he brings us off the bench and obviously the shot illustrates that he's a good quarter closer. >> i see. i see. headed to the nba, austin, anything like? >> we'll see, i guess. >> all right. guys, listen, thank you so much for joining us today. we certainly appreciate it. austin, again, congratulations. by the way, it was the first quarter, you guys lost the game, right? >> yeah. >> all right. >> yeah. the story would have been better if we would have won by three, but -- thank you. >> it was fantastic. listen, guys, take care. we appreciate it. >> all right. thanks. >> up next on this saturday morning, live from las vegas at the consumer electronics show with the smartest high-tech gadgets for your home. what do you think that is? this is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] only roc® retinol correxion deep wrinkle night cream is clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin, diminishing the look of even deep wrinkles. roc® was over 4 times more effective on wrinkles than another leading brand,
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and even 7 times more effective on crow's feet. 10 years? i'll take that! [ female announcer ] roc® we keep our promises. see sunday's paper to save over $25 on roc and other beauty care brands. ♪ try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves... you can always count on snuggle. well, well, well. [ bell rwhat do we have here? frozen pipes. a classic. well put. pretty obvious. ms. young? that's why it's so important, as an agent, to sit down with our clients, so we can get to know them and talk about stuff like this.
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why don't they just turn off the main water supply? you do realize this is just an exercise, right? - i do now. - moving on. okay, let's get the fire-retardant suits on. [ man announcing ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest. no wonder people go out of their way to share them. ♪ [ sneezes ] ♪ ooh! ooh! ♪ [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] go to for more fun ways to share. kleenex tissues. softness worth sharing. made with 100% natural whole-grain oats and loaded with real fruit. crisp, fresh red and green apples, sweet cranberries and golden raisins. be honest now -- when has good for you made you feel this good
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and been this delicious? introducing mcdonald's new fruit & maple oatmeal. freshly made for you. the simple joy of loving what's good for you. that's what we're made of. ♪ this week las vegas has hosted the international consumer front nicks show. a showcase for the world's latest high-tech products. throughout the week we've shown you some of the best tvs, tablets and toys the show has to offer and today it's all about smart appliances for your home.
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i have to say, you are a lucky lady. i'm jealous of the assignment. >> reporter: i do feel pretty lucky to be here. right now i'm standing in one of the showroom floors and, rebecca, you did know it costs $1500 for a ticket to ces? that really did not stop the geeks. they came out in droves. this year they are reporting record attendance, the highest in 44 years. the consumer electronics show, where you can see the future. and this weekend, over 120,000 people came to sin city to get a glimpse. over 20,000 new products are on display, new tablet computers, 3-d tvs and smart home appliances. >> for about 20 years they've promised the smart home allowing you to draw your drapes, operate your appliances from a keypad
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around your door like a security keypad arrangement. it's been very slow coming but actually is here. >> reporter: designed to make your life easier, they are built to save you energy and time. this refrigerator will aliter you when your food has spoiled. >> i know when to buy more eggs and milk. >> reporter: lock your doors, adjust yu heater, adjust your lights all with the tap of a finger. >> it allows you to manage your devices remotely from anywhere in the world wherever you have access to a browser or smartphone. >> if our houses are getting smarter, are we getting lazier? >> sure. that's what technology should do, right, free us up for other things. >> reporter: one thing for sure, consumers are ready for a smarter life. >> gorgeous. it's beautiful. >> i wish i had one in my house. >> i want it smarter. i want it to make my life easier. >> reporter: there are two more days left and i have a lot more product to see. buff already more companies have debuted new products here than
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ever before. let's keep in mind this is called the consumer electronics show, so, rebecca, that means a lot of these products will be available to us soon, now or in the next few months. >> that's what we like to hear. show us some of the latest gadgets we could get right now. >> let me show you this little guy over here. how cute is he, the irobot scuba, who came from the people who made the roomba. wouldn't you love to have a robot clean your bathroom floor? i know i woochlt it cleans, scrubs and squeegees up the water. awesome device, isn't it, rebecca. >> it is. what i love, i'm seeing here it is not going over over or getting stuck in the corner or going over the side. how does it do that. >> you are absolutely right. let me turn it off and pick it up. you can see it haze sensors on the bottom and that keeps it from falling off the edge. tls its smart circular design keeps it from getting stuck in
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corners or behind the toilet and can do your whole bathroom in a breeze. another smart device is called the modlette. we all want to save a buck or two with energy bills. this will help do you that. you can plug it into the wall, plug your appliances right into it. and then it has a really cool web component you can chart your energy usage and see peak hours when you are wasting it and adjust it. the company says you will make back the cost of it only in six months. >> i like that. one last thing you have to show us. >> one last thing is called the wowie i. i love listening to music on the go but too often it sounds like that, really metal. but really metal or tinny. but with this, you can listen to music and it sounds like a full speaker system. this connects wirelessly through
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bl bluetime-out. it gets even better. >> keep enjoying yourself out there. >> thanks. >> head to our website for more on these and thank you. coming up, drp and give me 20, that is our beginner's bootcamp. the ultimate 20-minute boot camp for shedding some holiday pounds. for some of you, your local news is next. for the rest of you, stay with us. >> i represent that mark, remember calling it geeks. >> you are big into that stuff? >> totally. >> i can't get paying $1500 to go. >> the whole thing so humbling, i have a 13-year-old so obviously into it, his whole generation. he will teach me all the time. my iphone, honestly, is a phone. >> you don't do anything else with it? >> why did you get he one, lonnie. >> you know, i like being able to do this, you know, when you slide things around. >> honestly, you look at mine,
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my son has all these different apps, the new word of the year, right? i've got, i don't know maybe 12. he's got like a zillion of them. >> sure. you are into this stuff. >> a little bit into it. what i was going to say it is amazing my younger sister we are two years apart and those two years have made all the difference in terms of the technology she and i have really known and she's just -- younger than i am and she's way more technologically advanced than i am. she still calls facebook the facebook because when it calm out in college it was that. >> my little sister is 17, she blows me away. i have no idea what she's talking about. these apps are fantastic. i saw a commercial a woman on the airplane start theed her car at home pressing a button on her phone. it's crazy. >> why would you want to do that? >> have you been to the sony store on madison avenue? they have a demonstration of 3-d tv, the world cup was on wasn't
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his birthday tomorrow. >> happy birthday tomorrow. >> winter is here. we feel it. >> unfortunately, it is, yes. >> with it the winter beauty blues, dry flaky skin, chapped lips, dry, flyaway hair, you hate this. >> i deal with that. >> we have perfect solutions and the experts will show you how. >> i'll tivo that to see it later. >> the holidays may be over but the holiday weight is like a guest that won't leave, it ain't going anywhere. perfect time to enlist in our,
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oh, my our beginner's boot camp. five strength and cardio exercises you can do anywhere and oh, no more excuses. >> after your workout, we'll refuel you with a healthy italian meal. chef patti jackson prepares an entre of delicious chicken calabrese. >> love that. smells good in here. >> lonnie quinn has our final check of the weather. >> out in the elements, yeah. it is chilly out here today and will be throughout the northeast. what i want to do is take a look ahead to the entire week ahead for particularly the northeast. the reason why, if you look at the weather headlines, you'll find we have another storm brewing out there. it could, indeed, be another possible nor'easter. now, new york city a typical winter picks up 22.6 inches of snow. so far this year, and keep in mind we're only, what, two weeks or so into winter, we've already picked up 21.8. almost the entire season average and we're barely into winter. the big satellite and radar
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picture show as mid-atlantic storm so places like baltimore up to atlantic city up to two to six inches of snow but watching a storm push out of new mexico will be in texas tomorrow with a rain-snow mix. looks like snow for atlanta monday morning, around the carolinas tuesday morning and wednesday morning, all about where it goes. enough for the next nor'easter? we'll have to watch this one. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at your weather for the weekend. >> wouldn't you know i'm out here in the wicked winter weather. rebecca, you are going to talk about that wicked winter weather, right? >> we are, lonnie and the doozy for your skin and hair.
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it can wreak havoc on healthy skin and hair, dry, flaky skin, chapped lips and fly-away hair problems you can't shake. we're here to change that. we have the perfect products to protect you from the winters's wrath. great to see you, melissa. >> thanks for having me. >> i notice this eve single winter you see complete changes in your body. >> it happens overnight, you look five years older because you're dehydrated, you get little break-outs and your skin gets flaky and all sorts of things. we really want to try to avoid that and have tips to do that. >> talk skin first. >> obviously the canvas and everything relies on your skin looking good. we have a great product a make-up artist favorite. it is $48 and this will save you from any terrible beauty fate. you can use it as a moisturizer, wait about 15 minutes and apply your foundation and it go on
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really smooth and cover all your pores. >> that's what we like to hear this time of year. we can see the model. it looks great on her face. >> look at her face. another tip you can use, to add a dab into your foundation then the whole thing just goes on you skip a step and are like, bam. >> are we using this morning and night? >> you can use it anytime as an evening treatment, a mask for 15 minutes and wash it off and in the morning your skin is like baby soft. >> multiple issues. >> yes. >> another issue the lips get chapped this time of year, you can reapply every single day lipstick and all the things but tip wowsly are chapd and drink as much water as you want but still an issue. >> we don't have i'll dplandz in our lips and in the winter it gets much worse. one thing you can do is exfoliate them, sort of release fresh new skin under. this is a great product with organic coconut flakes to naturally whisk away the dead skin. >> i like it. it tastes like coconut, too,
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then. >> it does. it is a really good one. the main wonderful advancement we've had remember a couple of years ago you wore a long-lasting lip color it would leave a stain and leave your drips dryer than before? this is a new product, it lasts for for 10 hours and looks more like a lip gloss but guaranteed to last. >> are there ingredients to watch for in these are good or bad for chapped lips. >> if you want to fine something with vitamins vitamin e is great, any essential oils, this has them as do lots of other great products on the market. >> our last thing over here. >> eyes, eyes a first place that shows fatigue, it shows age. you want to use a cream shadow rather than a powder shadow which can settle into lines. this is a great one. it has lots of different colors. what i like about it you can blend them altogether like we
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did here. we added a beautiful purple to bring out her green eyes. you can create lots of cool colors not in this pallet. you make your own. >> lastly, i i want to make sur we get to this, i walk in in the morning with literally my hair standing on end. >> it is terrible. if you can avoid heat styling, do it. of course not many of us can. when you are use a product like this product, which will nourish your hair with natural oils and also helps product while you are blow drying you won't get any split ends or damage. >> that's wonderful to know. >> another funny tip, this dryer sheet any one will do. >> rub it on the hair. >> smooth over your part and it takes down the ends. >> who would have thought and makes you look like you got a blow-out. >> thanks. >> thanks for having mef foinchme. >> for more on these head to our website.
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russ? >> up next patti jackson serves a delicious italian entry, spicy chicken? sounds good. it's all coming up after the break. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. so norma brings all of her prescriptions to walgreens where her pharmacist can watch out for interactions with her over-the-counter medicine. now norma thinks less about her medicine and more about her vacation. tell us what you take just once and we'll check for interactions every time. expertise -- find it everywhere there's a walgreens.
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uh oh, sesame stir fry from lucky dynasty. oh, me too! but mine's lean cuisine, so no preservatives. wait, did you say? i did! no preservatives. [ female announcer ] only lean cuisine's got over 90 dishes with no preservatives like sesame stir fry with chicken. it's got crisp, farm picked broccoli and bell peppers, and 100% tender white meat chicken steamed in a savory sesame sauce. yum. mmm. yum is right. can i have a bite? uh huh. [ female announcer ] no preservatives, all delicious. lean cuisine. [ female announcer ] no preservatives, all delicious. ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin.
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only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves... you can always count on snuggle. our first "chef on a shoestring" of the new year has been a chef her whole life.
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her dream came true and then some, now one of the top culinary artists in new york and whipping up a fantastic italian meal for us this morning. patti, great to see you, thanks for coming in. >> great to see you. we're going to make chicken calbrese, a spicy, tomatoey dish and espresso granita, coffee slushy. >> what's first. >> i have cauliflower blanched off and brown it because i like carmelization it. >> very good. very good. >> i'll take that cauliflower and add the potatoes. these are fingerling potatoes like these. peeld and cut into rounds.
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>> you cook these, as well? >> and finely chopped shallots for a punch. some black olives, nice salty ones. and endive. >> super simple. >> sometimes in the winter a green salad is not all that practical or whatever. >> sure. what kind of dressing. >> this is just lemon oil, olive oil with lemon juice. i really like it, gives everything a bright flavor and picks everything up. so, just pour that over. >> all right. >> you can put this in a little bottle and shake it up. >> okay. sounds great. is this recipe from the restaurant. >> yeah, you know, actually right now we serve this with octopus. >> ah. all right. >> we go through different variations of cauliflower salad. >> let me try a little bit of that. >> let me know about the salt. >> i get letters from people
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saying, you can't do that. let me just try this real quick. very nice. >> thank you. >> very, very nice. moving to the main course. >> we have onions and pepper and garlic. they've been sauteing a bit. want to add white wine. >> when you add wine to a meal like this, this wine is not the top of the line wine, is it? >> i like to save the top-of-the-line wine for myself. >> obviously. >> if we have a bottle we don't finish or something laying around that's the good cooking wine that you are not going to necessarily drink. you add canned tomatoes. >> is there a trick making this exactly the way you want it? right now the onions and tomatoes and everything and peppers look really good and cooked really right. is there a trick to this at all? >> you know, you just have to be kinds of a little patience, you know. >> all right. >> everything takes a little time but as long as you prep things kind of the same size, they will could at the same rate and will be good.
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and, let the wine cook off a bit. when you don't smell off the alcohol anymore, that's a good sign. >> that's a good sign. >> you don't want to get a big face full of alcohol, so be careful when you lean in. i mean, sometimes you do, but that's usually the holidays. i like to break up the whole tomatoes, not crush them too much but maybe take a potato masher and mash those around. we'll add herbs, we have mint and -- minutes and -- >> parsley, all sorts of stuff. >> oregano and you want to add a good amount to that. from this point on i'll cook it about 20 minutes until it is kind of like this so you get a good thick sauce. >> this is the spicy part. >> calebrese peppers, super spicy and delicious. if you are not into spicy food, you can leave them out. one or two are good and so we'll add three or four.
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they are just terrific. you cannot overestimate how delicious those things are. we have the sauce as finished. it is nice and reduced and everything is all kind of happy. we'll pour that over chicken we have already sauteed off. and like that. >> and you are leaving those peppers, those little devils in whole. >> it is a rustic dish and to tell you it is easier to find them whole than when you break them up. >> that looks fantastic. we are done with that. >> we'll cover it with aluminum foil and throw it in the oven. >> how long do we keep it in there? >> again, about, i think about 20 minutes. >> okay. let's do. this i'll put that in the oven a bit, 20 minutes. we have a final protect we'll show in a bit. espresso granita. >> coffee with syrup and you will scrape it like that. >> hmm, dessert time. >> rebecca junior vis. >> hello, hello. this looks fabulous.
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thanks for making it for us. >> her total by the way is $38.52. we have a feeling she's number one on our leader board, in fact the only one on the board this year because it is the beginning of the year. >> i had to start it off. >> last year's lowest total 37.01 still the one to beat courtesy of bill tallipan, still walking around new york celebrating his victory. time for you to decide. here are your choices. beef chuck steak, if you want that, call: for sirloin tri-tip, call: and, remember, don't text. you just have it dial. for london broil, simply call: standard data and message rates apply. >> here's the deal. on "the early show" we eat then work it off. >> i can get chicken out of the oven. >> you will. we'll have it in break. also for the recipes this morning go to our website.
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but coming up next that holiday weight it's not going to lose itself. we're going to enlist in our beginner's boot cam. we have strernsts and cardio exercises you can do right now to shed those extra pounds naes why i'm wearing this special little outfit. >> we knew what was up. >> all right. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. with all the equipment you use to stay fit, you might want to try lifting one of these. in recent years we've added a unique natural sea salt to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. it helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so if you're ready to eat a little better, grab your spoon and do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ i knew for years before i quit that i needed to quit and i went online to find a way.
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♪ what really excited me about chantix -- it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. while you're taking the medication, for the first week, you can go ahead and smoke. [ male announcer ] prescription chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. when i was taking the chantix, it reduced the urge to smoke. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these symptoms or behaviors, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. if you develop serious allergic or skin reactions, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some of these can be life-threatening. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. until you know how chantix affects you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams.
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really puts you in the workout spirit. just over a week into 2011. how is that new year's diet working out for you? yeah, thought so. on the morning's lose it early we have the solution here failed resolution beginner's bootkarch. if you can't handle the truth we brought in our fitness expert with a few good exercises to shed those pounds g. to have you with us. >> thank you. >> a lot of people may recognize you as wife of jason taylor, local player. >> these ladies behind us are all jet wives and girlfriends so we are all very exciteded.
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>> we love it and really excited what we are about to do here, which is transform our bodies in an easy, as you say, for beginners i can do myself. i don't get around to doing the workouts you do. >> a beginner boot camp. everyone can do it because you can adjust all the exercises to your fitness ability. it is awesome. and boot camps are great because they work the entire body your cardiovascular system, getting the heart bumping and blood flowing and building your muscular strength. >> so, let's do it. >> we'll do a basic squat, legs apart. we'll sit back like we are sitting back into a chair and standing up and a squeezing everything you've got. >> all right. >> the great key here is keep your knees. >> feel the burn. >> in alignment with your ankles. you don't want your knees to go over your toes. this actually you want to squeeze your hamstrings, quads and gluts. the great continuing is a great work-out f. it is too easy, holdon to a wall or sit in a
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chair. but more a vanesed with a jump squat. >> while you're doing that, i'm going to ask some questions. >> yeah. >> how long are we doing this for? >> we'll try for 10 seconds and work up to 30 seconds. this is really getting that heart pumping and blood flowing and you are burning tons of calories. >> next? >> let's work our shoulders and core. >> all right. >> we'll do some up, up, down, down, we'll get on the plank. >> get on the mat. >> make sure your hands are directly underneath your shoulders in a plank position, feet shoulder-lengths apart and you are going to go down, down, up, up. >> how many times, ten? >> and work up to twenty. the great thing for a boot camp, you move from one exercise to the next one. >> what's the next one? [ laughter ] >> the mountain climbers, where you move your legs like this. this is more difficult.
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next we'll do and easier one to end our workout. >> how long are we doing this? >> we'll try to move to 30 seconds. next the burpeee. down, squat out to a plank then jump up. >> then what. >> let's do some curls. >> with the water bottles. >> perfect. we'll keep our arms close to our torso. you want to do a slow and controlled movement. these are about probably two-pound weights. you can get more, heavier weights. >> you also have another rotation, right? >> this is for the back, it is called a bent-over roll. you want to do slow and controlled movement but let's end with easier to modify for people at home instead of burpees, toe-taps, jumping-jacks and hinies. >> i like that. is this our last exercise. >> yes. >> it went by so quickly, i
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barely noticed. >> we need to do high knee. >> the great thing about all thee exercises i gave you. there are five exercises. >> how many times a week. >> do two circuits and will have a 20-minute workout at home. >> two circuits, 20-minute workout. how many times a week. >> two to five. >> start easy. >> start slow. small things make a big difference. everyone needs to get motivated and get moving. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back. i'm just going to keep doing this. this is "the early show" on cbs. see you in a few. they're made with my sweet, ripe blueberries, so they're good for you -- taste real good, too! let's whip up a sample. or just try this. [ chuckles ] uh oh, sesame stir fry from lucky dynasty. oh, me too! but mine's lean cuisine, so no preservatives. [ female announcer ] lean cuisine has 90 dishes with no preservatives and quality ingredients like farm-picked broccoli
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and tender white meat chicken. lean cuisine. >> man: delivering a 200-pound ice sculpture means i don't have any margin for error. one wrong turn, and i could end up unloading a puddle of water. >> gps: turn right ahead. >> man: so i make sure i have the right guidance to get me exactly where i need to be. it's the same with taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. automatically double-checks along the way and even lets me talk to a tax expert so i'm never alone. which helps me know it's done right and get to my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> try turbotax online now. you don't pay unless you're satisfied with the results. the sensitivity was caused by my brushing too hard. i went to the dentist. he was poking around, he found the spots, and he said, "are those spots sensitive?" he recommended that i use sensodyne. i noticed it was working when i was drinking cold things and i wasn't even thinking about it. i never thought a toothpaste could fix that problem. try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves...
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you can always count on snuggle. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm. that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. style that lasts a lifetime. what do you say we get the look we want, the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house
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for only 37 bucks. how are you doing? >> i've got to be honest, when i walked up here, i was literally out of breath and thinking to myse myself, there's my workout for the month of january. >> there you go. >> i've never seen the crew so interested in a segment, that's all i'll say about that starting monday on "the early show" our comfort food cook-off. each day a different visiting chef will challenge our on-air team to cook a comfort food and
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the gloves come off as they vy to win this competition. >> a preview of the golden globe awards next weekend. >> that's coming up. >> enjoy your saturday. >> that's coming up. >> enjoy your saturday. >> see you, guys! -- captions by vitac -- >> >> in fairness. sp she cashe came over >> >> in fairness. sp she cashe came ove aftero sorry,sorry, i started with sp she cashe came ove aftero sorry,sorry, i started wit ther ones. it was to be easy >> she was to ease us in. but it is okay, it was boot camp. >> betty and i were watching. she's got some guns on her. >> you know what's interesting i talked to her beforehand and said do you ever work out with your husband, the jets player? . she said i rarely can do it because he is only around in the off-season to work out and doesn't like but said she probably would kick his butt. i hope it's okay i shared. >> that jets game today by the way. >> i asked her, i said what do you do to get arms like that? you know what she said, it's
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genetic. great, thank you. >> that helps, right. >> very useful information. >> do interviews with beautiful, slender models that don't do anything. >> a charmed life. >> don't do anything except drink champagne, live the draem. >> living the dream. >> next week we'll talk about golden globes. saturday a big movie day. any suggestions? >> i got a predict, christian bale wins the academy award for "the fighter" amazing in that. >> you're headed to the movies. >> i'm going to try to see "true grit" or maybe even "black swan" or "the fighter" like you said. >> those are the list. >> what -- >> "king's speech "i've. >> what's the one with leo -- >> "inkrepgs". >> we've got to go. [ alarm clock buzzing, indistinct conversations ]
6:59 am
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