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tv   The Early Show  CBS  January 10, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST

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chilly out there >> good morning. tragedy in tucson. new details emerge about alleged killer jared lee loughner's plan to assassinate gabrielle giffords as dramatic tapes paint a picture. >> how many people are injured there? >> we have about a total of ten maybe more. >> new questions about the suspect. we'll speak with a former teacher who saw the warning signs and called police. also joining us, some of the heroes who emerged from this tragedy, including a young intern who risked his life to help save the congresswoman who remains in critical condition, early this monday morning, january 10, 2011.
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>> good monday morning to you from tucson, arizona, you are looking at a live picture this morning of the shopping complex in front of a safeway supermarket where this tragedy unfolded. on saturday morning here in tucson. a man, shooting congresswoman gabrielle giffords in the back of the head, a number of other people were shot some still fighting for their lives, six lost that battle on saturday. and this now a picture for you of the memorial set up right here where we are this morning, at university medical center in houston. ten people remain inside this hospital where they are treated, one of them in critical condition, is congresswoman gabby giffords. we'll update you on her condition coming up as well as the other nine people who are treated here, chris, and as you can imagine, still a lot of raw
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emotion this morning here in tucson. >> exactly. good morning to you, erica and you at home. we're also going to follow the latest from washington this morning. president obama has ordered all flags to fly at half-staff until sunset on friday to honor the victims in tucson. a moment of silence will be observed later today at 11:00 eastern time and we're going to cover like i said, all of the ramifications felt from tucson to washington on this monday morning. erka, back to you in tucson, arizona. >> chris, we want to upkate you on the latest. jared lee loughner is scheduled to appear in court later today. he is accused of trying to assassinate congresswoman gabrielle giffords who was shot in the head. she remains in a medically induced coma. six were killed, 14 others were wounded. officials say they found evidence at loughner's home that he targeted giffords but they believe he was acting alone. cbs news correspondent ben tracy
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is at the store where the shooting took place with more this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. you can see behind me the crime tape is still up at the shooting scene but they expect to reopen this strip mall later today. the investigation as you mentioned continues. and we're learning a lot more about this alleged shooter including the fact that he may have been tracking congresswoman giffords for years. in just released 911 calls -- >> there is multiple people shot. >> okay. >> reporter: we can hear the chaos that erupted when the gun shots rang out saturday morning. >> you need more than one ambulance. more than one person down. >> how many are injured? >> we have a total of 10, maybe more. oh, my god. >> reporter: authorities say 22-year-old jared lee loughner was the man behind the gun. >> i saw people going down. shooting at point blank. >> reporter: witnesses say loughner casually approached congresswoman gabrielle giffords at a table and shot her in the back of the head.
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he began shooting everyone in sight. while he was trying to unload a woman grabbed his clip. two men wrestled minimum to the ground. >> he was pulling a magazine out of his pocket with his left hand, and somebody said grab the magazine. so i grabbed the magazine before he could. >> reporter: bill is a retired army colonel wounded before helping tackle loughner. >> any time he would start to move i would tighten my grip on his throat and this other guy would put pressure on his neck to hold him down. and he would holler, oh, you're hurting me. oh, like that. and this guy said i don't give a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: 20 people were shot, six killed among them judge john roll and 9-year-old christina taylor green born on september 11, 2001. gabe zimmerman, an aide to the congresswoman. gabrielle giffords's intern
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daniel hernandez may have saved her life. when she was shot he ran towards her covering the bullet hole. despite that bullet tearing through her brain giffords is now able to respond to commands. >> we take those for granted but they imply a high level of function. >> jared loughner is in custody. investigators searched his house sunday and found disturbing evidence, in a safe they discovered an envelope on which they see he wrote giffords' name and the words i planned ahead. my assassination. while there is still no clear motive for the shooting, loughner left a disturbing trail of anti-government internet videos. his classmates at a college said he seemed increasingly unstable. "the washington post" obtained an e-mail one woman that wrote we have a mentally unstable person in the class that scares the living crap out of me. he is one of those whose picture you see on the news after he has come in class with an automatic
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weapon. loughner is expected to make his first appearance in federal court later today. his public defender has experience, the same woman who defended the unabomber and zacarias moussaoui. >> ben tracy, thanks. earlier this morning i had the chance to speak with dr. michael lemole, the chief of neurosurgery here. and also one of congressman giffords' surgeon. >> how is she doing? >> the best way is she is holding her own. >> we heard about how she's responding. to certain things. what are you testing or looking for? >> what we're looking for is that ability to take what we say, internalize it and follow commands that implies a couple of areas of brain are communicating together. >> did bullet went through the left side of her brain. what areas could be affected? >> well, the left side in most people controls their right side strength and sensation and
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speech as well. again i don't want to get in the specifics about her case but in general those are the areas served by the left. >> and how long will it take, this is obviously a very long road she has ahead of her, how long will it take until you know what her recovery is going to be like, and what functions have survived? >> we don't close the book on recovery for years. so, it will take as long as it takes. i think the most important question to ask is how long will it be before she's out of the woods so to speak. that i think will be in the next few days, maybe week. >> sne is still in intensive care. >> absolutely. >> you are concerned about swelling. you had to take a portion of her skull off? >> correct. >> then that is actually put back on later? >> we do. we do put that on. as soon as the swelling subsides we can put that back in the skull. >> when you go in to test for things you look at certain commands whrks she can internalize that and respond. what are some of the tests that you would give in a situation like this on day two? >> so, the tests on day two are the same on day one. it could be as simple as show me
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your fingers, show me your thumb, wiggle your toes, all of those. >> time is of the essence. you were in surgery two hours. how quickly were you able to get her in surgery? >> i think the time the trauma team telling me from the moment she hit the door to the o.r. was 38 minutes which is incredible. >> people seem fairly optimistic. >> cautiously optimistic is the term. >> thanks. >> i also spoke earlier with 20-year-old daniel hernandez, the young intern who risked his life to comfort congresswoman giffords and who may have helped save her life. >> you heard someone shout gun on saturday at this event. most people would run the other way. you ran towards that noise. >> just because of the case that was going on. with it being congresswoman id i knew if there was a gunman she would likely be a target.
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if she or anyone was injured i provide whatever assistance. >> and lucky for everyone you were there because you have been interning for about five days? >> i have known the congresswoman for a few years. i did some work with her campaign in 2010. but i had the great pleasure of being accepted in december and i started this week. >> and you mentioned you wanted to help. you have gone through the training for a certified nurse's assistantment you you run over to protect the congresswoman and anyone else. what was the first order of business for you? >> when i got to where i assume the shooting started the first thing was try and assess who was still alive so trying to check for pulses, who was still breathing. i noticed that the congresswoman had been hit. once i noticed it became my top priority. not because of her position but the severity of her wounds because she had been shot in the head. >> when you look at that you assess that, i understand
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cradling her in your lap. >> when i got to the congresswoman she was slumped over. in the position there was danger of asphyxiation because of the way she was laying in her own blood. so i wanted to make sure at first we could get to her in a position so she could breathe. once she was propped up against my chest she could breathe applying pressure to the wound to stem the blood loss. >> your quick thinking propping her up may have helped save her life. plenty of people are calling you a hero. and have been for the last couple of days. how does that people? >> i think it's a little strange to be calling me a hero because the things i did was one. the real heroes are congresswoman giffords dedicated to helping others. >> are you in touch at all with her family? >> i spoke briefly with her husband and sister to let them know what happened on the day of the shooting. but i'm giving them space as i think everyone should be. >> yeah. when you were looking at that on the day that this happened and
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as you sit there with this woman you respected cradling her in your lap doing everything to keep her alive did you have any sense of what was going on around you? >> once i saw the condition that the congresswoman was in i started tuning everything else out and my focus became tending to her. >> and when help did arrive, what happened next? >> once the emergency services came in i kind of let them take over for the medical side because that's their job and their expertise. but then i knew that my job was to make sure we were taking care of her emotional well being so i started trying to let her know that i was still there making sure that she knew someone was with her and she wasn't alone. >> was she responsive? did she know you were speaking to her, what was happening? >> she was alert and conscious the entire time. and the way she was communicating was through hand squeezes so i would ask her a question, she would answer by squeezing my hand. >> were her eyes open? >> her eyes were not open. >> the squeezes let us know.
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>> it is quite a story. i know a lot of people are grateful you were there to help on that day. thanks. >> thank you. just incredible tales of people who jumped in to action, chris, and really helped prevent further tragedy, the stories are inspiring and also heart breaking. we'll have more of that to come from here in tucson. back to you now in new york. >> thank you. you talk about a composed 20-year-old, mr. hernandez. unbelievable. now to the reaction in washington. as we've been reporting president obama is calling for a moment of silence to honor the victims of the tragedy. he is ordered flags to be flown at half-staff. nancy cordes has more from capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. yes, members on capitol hill are still stunned, congresswoman giffords is well liked here as was her staffer gabe zimmerman and now some are questioning whether the increasingly angry tone in politics could have
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contributed to a culture of violence. members of congress took their soul searching public. >> it has been an angrier confrontational environment over the last two or three years. >> much of it originates here in washington, d.c. and we export it around the country. >> look no further than campaign ads. >> dead aim at the cap and trade bill. >> filled with images and rhetoric that would once have been considered off limits. >> gather your armies. >> reporter: congresswoman giffords complained when crosshairs were placed on her district and 19 others on a sarah palin website. >> they have to realize there are consequences to that action. >> palin expressed condolences to the victims on facebook but not addressed the controversy, a top palin aide did grant one interview to tammy bruce, a right wing radio host who dubs herself, quote, a chick with a
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gun and a microphone. >> the graphic is just -- it's basic, we never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights. it was crosshairs like you see on maps. >> john boehner sought to soothe rattled house members. >> no act, no matter how heinous, must be allowed to stop us from our duty. >> reporter: all legislation here on capitol hill has been canceled this week, save for a resolution wednesday honoring congresswoman giffords and the other victims. >> nancy cordes on the hill, thank you. here is jeff glor at the news desk with the other headlines. >> good morning. a dangerous winter storm is hitting the south this morning, snow, sleet and freezing rain are falling. and the national weather service has posted storm warnings from texas to the carolinas. atlanta calls it a once in a decade event. the governors of georgia, louisiana, alabama and tennessee have declared states of
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emergency. and thousands of flights have been canceled at the busiest airport in atlanta and also at dallas/ft. worth. this storm has dumped a lot of snow and ice in mississippi as well. dennis turner of our memphis station wreg is in batesville, mississippi. good morning to you. >> good morning, jeff. we know that y'all northerners are used to this. we in the south, this boy from miami has never seen this before. we have about seven inches of snow here in batesville, mississippi. the problem is it's nice dry snow like that. it's easy to drive on. once you drive on it, it turns into this. ice. so people are slip
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thank you. our forecast for this morning, we do have some patchy fog and some patchy fog because we got cold temperatures, a lookout this morning from our camera mount vacca, sunrise 7:25 a.m. this morning, take a look at
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those cold temperatures they will greet you. 29 degrees liver more, 32 san jose and the lower 50s later on this afternoon rain showers tomorrow thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now over to erica in tucson. >> marysol, thanks. just ahead on "the early show" we'll take an in-depth look at alleged killer jared loughner's troubled past, including a run-in he had with a teacher. we will speak exclusively with the professor who called the cops after seeing the warning signs of possible violence. and the youngest victim. 9-year-old christina green. i spoke with her parents about her profound loss and their profound love for one beautiful, bright little girl. you're watching "the early show" bright little girl. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ugh, my sinuses... the congestion... it's your fault. naturally, blame the mucus. [ mucus ] what you need is new advil congestion relief.
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welcome back to "the early show," i'm chris wragge here in new york. erica hill on the ground in tucson right now. you're looking at pictures of the makeshift memorial outside the hospital where gabrielle giffords is recovering are currently. erica, i'm told we're hearing from gabby giffords' family at this hour. >> yes, that's right we are, chris. her husband mark kelly has issued a statement. we do want to share some of that with you. he said on behalf of gaby and our entire family i want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the people of arizona and this great nation for their unbelievable outpouring of support. gaby was doing what she loved most, hearing from her constituents, when this tragedy occurred. he also went on to say there's little we can do but pray right now and urged people to continue to keep doing that and keep them all in their thoughts. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by sargento,
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sydnie kohara.. gavin newsom will be sworn in as california's lieutenant governor time for news headlines from cbs 5. gavin newsom will be sworn in as lieutenant governor this afternoon. the last mayor move he made as mayor of san francisco was to select gascon as new da. governor brown will talk about his bud yet plans for california. he is expected to call for a vote on extending some temporary taxes. >> you can see the governor's comments live at 11:00 a.m. this horning on our website garbage rates in redwood city could go up 18% tomorrow city council has a hearing tonight on a proposed rate hike
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increase would be higher but redwood city has a fund to restabilize weights. ecology is replacing the garbage collection in redwood city this year ,,,,,,,, ,,,,
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good morning one of our
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busiest trouble spots is antioch bridge we are dealing with ice and foggy conditions northbound traffic being turned around at the the toll plaza, southbound we had an accident they did clear it out to have way but again if you want to avoid those delays, use the venetia bridge as an alternate. northbound 101 at the 80 split. crews on scene traffic backed up over to the bay bridge, backed up to cal trans mid-lot traffic light off the east shore freeway. thanks giana. well, this morning all about those cold temperatures we have out there. a live lookout toward the bay bridge now we will take a look at temperatures 25 degrees santa rosa, 29 napa, 28 liver more, 32 fremont just above freezing san jose and lower 40s oakland and san francisco. forecast today, as we move into the afternoon chilly, highs lower to mid-50s and rain showers tomorrow
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welcome back to this special edition of "the early show," i'm erica hill in tucson this morning. chris wragge is in new york. you're looking now at a live picture of the memorial outside of university medical center here in tucson where ten victims of the shooting on saturday are still being treated here in the hospital. one of those victims is, of course, congresswoman gaby giffords who remains in critical condition after suffering a gunshot wound to the head. chris? >> erica, thank you. we'll get back to you in just a couple of minutes. first this morning we're learning more about the man police say are behind the shooting spree. 22-year-old jared lee loughner has had a troubled past. and cbs news justice correspondent bob orr is in washington with details for us this morning. bob? >> reporter: good morning, chris. well, jared lee loughner is not
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cooperating at all with his interrogators. so far he's offered no explanation for saturday's deadly spree. but there is growing evidence that loughner is a troubled and angry loner who secretly mapped an assassination plan. sources say jared lee loughner went to congresswoman gabrielle giffords' political gathering intent on killing a target he'd tracked for several years. a search of a safe in loughner's home revealed an envelope with hand-written notes reading, "i planned ahead," "my assassination," the name giffords and what appears to be loughner's signature. investigators say loughner may have become fixated on giffords after meeting her in an earlier town meeting in 2007. he became annoyed when the congresswoman failed to satisfactorily answer his questions. a letter from giffords' office thanking him for attending was also found in loughner's safe. loughner is described as an anti-social loner. but he's flourished on the internet. in odd, disjointed videos posted
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on youtube, loughner rails against the government end and illiteracy, preaches about mind control and bemoans the loss of a gold-based currency. and in an ominous message on myspace just hours before the shooting he posted a picture of his gun and a good-bye message for his friends. >> i'm not a psychiatrist. but i have no reason to believe that the person was insane. was he unstable? i would agree with that. >> reporter: sources say in the past several years loughner made numerous general threats and was well-known to police. he was forced to drop out of college, and rejected by the army. but he had no significant criminal record, and was able to purchase the semiautomatic weapon used in the massacre at a tucson gun shop just six weeks ago. now we expect to get our first look at loughner later today when he is in court to answer federal murder charges. but, i have to tell you, we don't expect him to say very much. he's invoked his fifth amendment rights. chris? >> cbs' bob orr in washington
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for us. bob, thank you. now let's go back to erica in tucson. erica? >> chris, thanks. our next guest got to know jared loughner when he was a student in her biology class in pima community college last summer. professor debbie scheidemantel called police and had loughner removed from class. she joins us exclusively to share more on this story. this was not very long ago. september 23rd, after having him in your classroom, you decided to call 911. why? >> well, on that day, he was very destructive in class. what had happened was, i was just starting to class, i was collecting papers that were due at the beginning of class. a different student had realized he forgot his paper and asked if he could turn it in late, and i said he could but it would be half credit. then jared realized that he didn't have his assignment. he raised his hand, and asked if he could turn it in late. and i said, yes, but for
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half-credit. at that point, he was upset, he says no, i want full credit. and i said, no, it's half-credit, it's part of the policy, it's spilled out in the syllabus. students understand this. but he didn't seem to, and he pointed at the flag, and the constitution up at the front of the room and said that i was taking away his freedom of speech, i was taking away his individual rights, that it was unconstitutional. he was saying that, you know, he's paying me, and therefore i'm taking away his freedom of speech if i don't give him full credit. well, i did calm him down. and i told him, you know, at that point we couldn't resolve it real quick so i said, you know, talk to me at the break. and he seemed to calm down. and class started -- >> and did you end up having be
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the bookends of her life, she came into on 9/11 and she went out in this tragedy yesterday in arizona. but everything in between has been wonderful. and she affected a lot of people. >> we are just going to keep remembering her forever. she was a special little girl. >> this has become a little political on both sides. people pointing fingers, talking about that, is it hard for you to hear? >> >> ass act.
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>> this is not, you know, it u. you know, people need to realize that, you know, you don't settle your issues with guns. and if you have issues, you know, handle it directly with the person. >> there's a man who is being held as a suspect in your daughter's death. is there anything that you want to see happen in terms of justice for your own sake for the person who killed your daughter? >> well, me and my wife are very forgiving in that regard. i'm a little less. it is a fairly clear cut case. and i'm -- i'm a fan of capital punishment in this regard. >> would you say anything to him if you had the opportunity? >> no, i wouldn't even care to talk to the guy because that
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would -- that wouldn't change anything. my daughter is gone. >> she's never coming back. >> she's not coming back. but again, that would be a waste of breath. >> do you feel like christina is smiling down on you right now looking over you? >> she is. >> she'll always be with us. she was always a bright light in our little family. and she touched everyone that ever met her. and she always will. she'll always be with us. she was a very special, beautiful girl. >> very strong parents as you can see there. she was actually going to the event, she was brought to the event by a neighbor. the neighbor's name is susan, they were very close. that woman was shot at the event. her husband says she was shot three to four times in the leg, hip, abdomen and chest. all the bullets did exit and she is expected to recover. she's stable at this point with a long recovery ahead of her, but what her husband said to us, her husband, william, said the
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most difficult part of her recovery will be the challenge of learning to live with christina's death, this 9-year-old girl who meant so much to her family, her neighbor and friends. she was an incredible force and will be missed. there's much more to come on this early edition of "the early show" here from houston, arizona. stay with us. whole-grain oats and loaded with real fruit. crisp, fresh red and green apples, sweet cranberries and golden raisins. be honest now -- when has good for you made you feel this good and been this delicious? introducing mcdonald's new fruit & maple oatmeal. freshly made for you. the simple joy of loving what's good for you. that's what we're made of. ♪ ♪
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b-s five... i'm elizabeth wenger. six suspects in a gang rape in richmond... are due back in time for news headlines from cbs 5. six suspects in a gang rape in richmond are due back in court today. it is their first appearance since a judge decided there was enough evidence for a trial they are accused of attacking a 16-year-old girl outside a richmond high school dance more than a year ago. >> pg&e acknowledged it briefly raised pressure on a pipeline in san bruno two years before it exploded. experts say the pressure could have placed a strain on the pipeline making it more vulnerable to failure. pg&e says it believes the higher pressure was safe. in just a few minutes at 8:00 a.m. president obama will lead the nation in a moment of silence honoring the victims of mass shooting in arizona. six people were killed in the
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attack and an arizona congress woman was severely injured. cbs news will have a special report. >> traffic and your weather forecast in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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a couple things to lookout for, 101, multivehicle accident. traffic backed up expect to give yourself a few extra minutes. >> southbound 880 at 280, two
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middle lanes blocked for an accident. traffic slow and go in the area, northbound 80, downtown -- 280, downtown san jose seeing delays, antioch bridge, icy and foggy conditions effecting your drive antioch bridge is shut down while they clear this out to have way highway 4, busy through concord use the have any sha bridge instead foggy through there but better choice than antioch bridge. well, this morning sunshine out there loving it looks good doesn't it. all that sunshine you are going to need it. it is cold outside take a look at your temperatures current conditions 39 pacifica, 36 mountain view just above freezing san jose and speaking of below freezing, it will liver more, 27 fairfield, mid- to upper 20s. santa rosa to napa. chilly afternoon under way highs lower to mid-50s. and rainfall back in the bay area, this tuesday and thursday.
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this is a special report from cbs news. i'm erica hill. president obama has called for a moment of silence to honor the victims of saturday's shooting. congresswoman gabrielle giffords was shot in the head. she remains in critical condition this morning but is responding to simple commands. we do want to take you now to the south launch the white house. the president and the first lady will be making their way out where they had lead a national moment of silence. it is being observed from across the country and she'll show you pictures from space where 200 miles botch the earth this moment of silence is being observed.
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onboard the international space station is scott kelly, the brother-in-law of congresswoman giffords and has been speaking, of course, about the tragedy.
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and the president and first lady returning now inside and as you saw that moment of silence being observed across the country. of course pictures there at the supreme court, at the capitol and at a memorial right here in tucson, arizona, on the grounds of university medical center which is where we're standing where ten of the shooting victims are currently being treated including congresswoman gabrielle giffords. the alleged gunman, 22-year-old jared loughner, is expected in
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court this afternoon. he has been charged with five federal counts including killing a federal employee. cbs news national correspondent ben tracy is also in tucson this morning with more. ben, good morning. >> reporter: we just witness that had moment of silence and it's been eerily silent at this strip mall pour the past 48 hours. they are hoping to reopen later today. loughner is expected in court later today as well. he is facing those five federal counts. they include the attempted assassination of a member of congress. now he is a very high-profile attorney in this case, she is the same public defender who represented people such as zacarias moussaoui, ted kaczyns kaczynski, the unabomber. he has a good public defender and people think he will need it given the nature of this case. erica?
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>> of course that is just the beginning. we are waiting on state charges. ben tracy joining us with the latest from the scene of the shooting. for the very latest on the tragedy in tucson, stay tuned to this cbs station and katie couric will have a complete report from here in tucson on tonight's "cbs evening news." this has been a special report from cbs news, i'm erica hill. and we want to welcome or viewers back to a special edition of our west coast coverage. we want to get you the latest on this horrible tragedy. cbs news national correspondent ben trace hey been covering this story for us and is outside the shopping center where the shooting took place on saturday morning. ben, were you just talking about the federal charged filed. there's question what other
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charges could be coming the way of the suspect jared lee loughner. >> reporter: exactly right. expecting state charge in the case. the federal charges are for gabrielle giffords, the federal judge and staffers. other people killed in this case, of course we awe know at this point. state murder charges on those cases as well. so clearly jared lee loughner, the alleged shooter in this case is facing a lot more charge answer that the ones he'll deal with today in federal court in phoenix. erica? >> and, of course, in the city of tucson, you mentioned earlier it is eerily quiet at the shopping center, though it could reopen later. there seems to be a gathering of the community, ben. i'm sure you've witnessed this, you've been here the last couple of days, rallying around the victims and families and those who lost their lives as well. and we're learning a lot more about those people. >> reporter: we sure are. you drive around this town. this is the topic of conversation everywhere you go.
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this strip mall you can see see the crime tape. it's less than 48 hours since this happened. this is very raw in this community. people are thinking about it, talking about it, trying to support neighbors. a lot of people know people who lost their lives right here just about two days ago. so this is still a very big deal here in tucson, and we are learning a lot more about jared lee loughner. we've learned several things. yesterday investigators found interesting evidence at his house. they found a safe. inside the safe an envelope, and apparently on the envelope they say he written the congresswoman's name, written the words my assassination and i planned ahead. and then signed his name. so clearly, some disturbing evidence that they say shows that jared lee loughner may have been tracking the congresswoman as long as three years and actually may have attended an event of hers in 2007, apparently asked her an obscure question about government, and she didn't answer it. he was upset with that. given all of that, even given some of these rambling internet videos that have been posted
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online by jared lee loughner. authorities aren't sure what the motive is. no clear motive. a lot of people talk about heated political rhetoric in the mid-term elections, how that may have led to this. so far authorities are not making that link. erica? >> still a lot of questions. ben tracy, thanks this morning. we want to check in with jeff glor standing by at newsdesk in new york with a check of the rest of the day's headlines. >> good morning to everyone at home. the south this morning is dealing with a dangerous winter storm. road conditions are rough for driveers from tennessee to georgia, a combination of snow, sleet and freezing rain. states of emergency have been declared in georgia, louisiana, alabama and tennessee. many schools and colleges cancelled classes. and the deep south is seeing snow and ice in places that usually don't see it much at all. an update from dennis turner of our memphis station in batesville, mississippi. dennis, good morning once again. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. it's really rough out here.
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y'all are used to the snow up in the north, but down here in the south, we don't have much in the way of snow removal. still the mississippi department of transportation has 200 workers out all great jackson up the tennessee state line. show you how deep it is. walking in here. sticking my hand down there. almost coming up to here with snow. we've dwt quite a bit, and here's the problem with that. once that snow gets compacted, it's turns into this, black ice, all over the roads, and all the way down from about 25 miles outside memphis down to, 50 miles outside memphis, a lot of solid ice down here. we'll be very careful here today. go very slowly. reporting live in batesville, mississippi, dennis turner for cbs news. back to you. >> thank you very much. at least two more people killed by the unprecedented floodwaters racing through northeastern australia. this morning the powerful water washed away cars, you can see them, right through homes. some people were trapped in their vehicles during two weeks of torrential rains, at least 12
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people have been killed in australia. coming up now on 8 minutes past the hour. dangerous scene there. we turn to marysol castro and an active weather scene in the u.s. as well.
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this weather report, sponsored by sargento. persnickety people, exceptional cheese. thanks so much. more on your national outlook later on in the show. now back to erica in tucson. >> marysol, thanks. joining us, communications director for congresswoman gabrielle giffords. good to have you with us. we have been updating on the congresswoman's condition all morning long. we know she's still in critical condition but showing positive signs. >> right. >> three our staffers who two of
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them were hit. one died. >> right. >> and with gabrielle. >> right. >> you wanted to talk about them. gabe was just 30 years old? >> 30 years old, engaged to be married. very much in love with his fiancee, kelly, a nurse. he was a social worker and wanted to help people. the congresswoman wanted to help people that was her idea of public service and gabe was the perfect fit. loved and trusted in our office. beloved and trusted in the community. the face of congresswoman's giffords and so many communities in southeastern arizona. >> how is his fiancee and family holding up? >> very hard and very difficult. >> reporter: two other staffers wounded? >> ron barber, district director leader and pam simon. she's doing well. she told a colleague yesterday that i owe her dark chocolate. >> boy -- >> got it coming. >> i'm sure you'll be happy to deliver that. >> yes.
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>> a busy and rather fluid last couple of days. >> right. >> last two days at this point. mark kelly, the congressman's husband came out with a statement this morning. >> right. >> one of the things i noticed he mention it's at the end, little question do but pray, then he touched on a couple of things close, or are really close to the congresswoman's heart. the american red cross and tucson. the work continues as we are waiting and watching for her recovery? >> gabrielle giffords is a generous spirit. giving to the food bank, giving to the american red cross at a time of tragedy is something that she would want this community to do. this community is responding. we can see behind us, here, erica, the outpouring of support. a reflection of what type of community tucson is, but also a reflection of gabrielle giffords. >> you see so much, we've heard so much of everyone speaking about her. what a loving, giving, beautiful person she is. >> right. >> yet there's a senseless act of tragedy. it's turned in many ways political on both sides. >> yes. >> people speaking out.
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how are you handling that, being that, you know -- >> it's hard. when i heard speaker boehner who spoke eloquently about my friend gabe, i -- i did a john boehner. i couldn't stop crying. it's really very hard, but, you know, we derive a lot of strength from this community and i think that's important. >> do you think there is going to be any change, there's been the sheriff, that's brought up -- >> right. >> which he feels is incredibly damaging, noting in his words, free speech, it may be free speech but it comes with consequences. do you see change in the rhetoric in this country? >> i don't know. the congresswoman said the same thing. after our office was targeted the day of the health care vote we had a front door shot out. she said that there are consequences to our rhetoric. being mindful of that, it's important. there's no place for acts are violence or intimidation in a free and open society. congresswoman giffords has always said we can't have this
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chilling affect on our public discourse. sadly, this is drawing renewed attention to, or unfortunately, drawing attention to that issue. >> are you fearful at all? >> yeah, a little bit. the statement you mentioned that we in the office last night. i sent it out, and my office is surrounded by windows, and the venetian blinds for the first time even at night, closed shut. and i think -- there's a risk, but we will as speaker boehner put it, we will survive this. >> thanks for being with us. >> thank you, appreciate it. up next, surviving a bull it through the brain. dr. jennifer ashton is here with more on how congresswoman giffords somehow beat the odds. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. giffords somehow beat the odds. you're watching the "early show" on cbs.
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in this morning's "healthwatch," how did congresswoman giffords sufficient vief a gunshot wound to the brain? doctors say more than 90% of such injuries are fatal. more than two-thirds of the victims die before receiving hospital care. so here to explain how congresswoman giffords seemingly beat the odds is medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton. jen, good to have you with us here on site this morning. >> good morning. >> first of all, how is she doing this morning? >> she's still in critical condition, erica. there were no events overnight. she is heavily sedated with a breathing tube in place on a ventilator to help support her breathing. we also can't forget there are nine other shooting patients here in the hospital. good news yesterday, they were all transferred from the intensive care unit. three downgraded to serious condition. six in fair condition. >> good news, indeed. now that we know how everyone is doing and as we focus on this, you hear congresswoman giffords took a gunshot wound to the head and you think, how does she is your viech? >> first let's talk about the surgery because that is critical to her survival. it's called a decompressive
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craniotomy. you'll see here that the hair gets shaved. the scalp gets flapped backwards and a large portion of the cranium skull bone is drilled away. this portion remains in a refrigerator for up to potentially two to three months and this area here is left open so that the brain can swell and not impair other parts of the brain. >> and that's critical, the swelling. >> absolutely. >> and we're learning that the bullet came in the back of her head? and then exited through the front and it happened on the left side. how important are those things that it was the back of the head and also the side? >> critically important. if you look at the brain and this is a cross-section of it. what we know is that the bullet went through the rear left portion of the brain, and exited through the front left portion of the brain. if you look inside, you can see here, erica, that these critical structures which tend to be located deeper and more centrally in the brain, were miraculously spared, as were some major blood vessels that also are in the midlines, and
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the bullet did not cross from the left to the right side of the brain. >> the left side of the brain, functions that are controlled there which could potentially be impaired. give us an idea of what she may be facing? >> basically it's the speech center. we know the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, so interpreting speech and be able to speak all potentially could be affected by any type of injury to the left side of the brain. that's why it's so encouraging to the doctors that when she's asked to perform a simple command, like show me two fingers, she's able to show two fingers. it will be important to know whether she's raising those fingers on the right side of her body or the left side. >> and we just heard from her communications director, she was able to hold two fingers. her recovery is a long one. much to come but it makes a lot more sense to have you break it down. thanks. >> absolutely, sure. >> there will be much more coming to you from tucson and from new york city. stay with us, you're watching from new york city. stay with us, you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i dunno, the lady wants a fat, fat. will that be all? some fat fatties with that? it's ok, i'm good... [ male announcer ] instead try a subway egg white muffin melt,
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less than 4 grams of fat. build your better breakfast. >> man: getting across town to a job interview is stressful enough without being late. i want guidance that takes me where i need to be, without any problems along the way. i feel the same way when i do taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. and calculations are guaranteed 100% accurate, so i know it's done right. they even offer representation in case of an audit. which helps me reach my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> try turbotax online now. you don't pay unless you're satisfied with the results. ,,,,
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welcomes back to "the early show" here on a monday morning here in new york. the winds blowing. faithful fans standing by waiting to brave the elements here in new york. switch gears. a big interview with jennifer hudson. >> before we debuted i flew to you chicago and met up with jennifer hudson. her native town. boy, did they welcome her with open arms. the biggest difference other than the height, she's lost a ton of weight. if you don't know that, you're living under a rock. tells us about being a mommy, her fiance, what happened to her family there a year ago and her new album. amazing a woman with a voice like that, still amazed at her own voice, which is crazy. >> no formal training. did it herself. >> no. >> and the album's different, too. >> very different. collaborating with some interesting powerhouse voices. >> some acting as well. >> an oscar, grammy. >> say so.
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that's coming up right here on the "early show" right here on cbs. the "early show" right here on cbs. stay with us.,,
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brown will unveil his new state budget today. he's expected to propose cuts in benefits for medi- cal patients and increases >> governor brown will unvail his new state budget today he is expected to propose cuts and benefits for medical patients. governor brown will ask voters for an extension of tax increases. gavin newsom will be sworn in as california's lieutenant governor in sacramento he delayed his oath for a week or so, so a new board of supervisors could select his remacement in the mayors office. ed lee is expected to become interim mayor. a california program to help struggling homeowners is set to start today. the state will make direct mortgage payments for up to 6 months for people unemployed and next month the state will
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lay out money and work with lenders to reduce loan principles. a look at traffic and weather in just a minute ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning one of our hot spots continues to be the antioch bridge. they have shut down the northbound lanes at the toll plaza, southbound lanes remain open, traffic backed up in the area, use venetia bridge if you can, we have a fog advisory in
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effect for the bridge. you can't make out the roadway there. also fog advisory for carcenas bridge. east shore freeway slow any way, highway 4 toward it is bay bridge look at that, pretty good here is tracy with your forecast. >> forecast for this monday morning, you are headed to work it is cold out there. out from our shot high atop mount vacca, boy, that is a nice way to wake up, a few clouds off to the top of your screen, high clouds there, low clouds nestled in our valleys, patchy fog, cold temperatures many of them just below freezing, 27 fairfield, 27 santa rosa, 33 in fremont and san jose and 41 san francisco. seven-day forecast, showers in the bay area, tomorrow, more rainfall possible thursday, and more seasonable temperatures towards the end of the week ,,,,,,,,
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and the welcome back to "the early show" here on a monday morning. unequivocally, the coldest of the new year. >> just seems warm. >> holy cow. must be at least 3 out here. >> it is actually 25 degrees. it feels cooler because of the wind. >> don't believe a word she's saying. >> guess what? news flash. it's winter. it's supposed to be cold. >> got me there. >> good point. >> good morning, everyone, i'm chris wragge along with marysol castro and jeff glor. erica hill more from tucson in a bit. first, a conversation with jennifer hudson. we spoke with her, marysol castro, how to get healthy after the birth of her son. new album. dynamite. >> a lovely woman.
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>> cool stuff there. also we talk how it's 15 below zero right now here. >> rough week. >> 25 degrees. it's cold outside. going to be an even colder winter for you if you don't properly winterize the home. this could save you hundreds of dollars. we'll show you simple fixes this morning that might help at home. >> who doesn't need extra cash? chances are an old book, old board game, china you've never used from your registry. guess what? you can make some cash while saving some cash with those energy costs. websites. we'll tell you about them. how can you make some cash and get rid of the things you don't need and/or use any more. >> i am always reluctant to throw away books. >> are you a hoarder? >> i am, just of books. and china from the registry means things didn't go too well. all that coming up. first, a final check of the weather. >> thank you. as we mention, it's winter, and
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thank you so much. you know, all of these folks, the vast majority of them, chris, math students. you know, give me the hardest you've ever known? >> i don't even know. >> the nation's future. i put her on the spot, though. i'll get to the bottom of it later on. >> i'll second that notion. thank you. here's the facts that will send a shiver down your spine. temperatures plunge around the country, the average house hod pays 15% more for heat this year than last year. how to make your homes more energy efficient, jason good to see you. probably the bay of my existence. so much air, summertime, cold air goes. wintertime, comes in. how cost effective is it to
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winterize the home? >> extremely. important issue. we spend about 56% of energy, bs on heating and cooling, 40% of that according to the department of energy, goes right out the do like happened to you. winterize properly save $218 roughly, on the average. the department's numbers. do it norse. you pay someone $1,500. do it yourself, $300. pay it back in two years. >> not the most labor intensive? >> not really. >> we'll talk about it. home heating oil. a couple steps with people where they can save money in home heating oil, you say people can address. >> prices way up. about $3.30 a gallon a year ago. now abouts 3ds.90. banding together to form fuel co-ops. look under fuel co-ops in the internet, yellow pages. maybe your county or consumer board of affairs will have something. join the co-op.
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pay $35 membership and get the bulk rate which is about 30 cents less. great way to save money you might not have thought are before. >> if you waent want to make the home energy efficient, the big thing next to you, insulation. it is key. >> key. because we lose about 30% of our heating bills right out this rafting areas of our house, windows, attic, where this goes up. fiberglass roll. i like the stuff that sprays, finds nooks and crannies. $15 a roll. sometimes installation more tricky. you can save a lot of money if you put this where your air is drafting out. especially in the rafters of your attic and underneath the floors, if you have a basement. very important. >> i mentioned to you about my apartment here in the city. the draft. when you walk by any of the windows, and -- i can only imagine -- >> can you have someone check out your place to see. audit.
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where your losing air. what i like to do, it's free. get a stick of instance, close up everything in the house. light it and look where the air goes. that's how you find where the drafts are. then it costs very little to get weatherizing strips or like kind of a plastic wrap that goes over your window. you want to create a dead space between the outside pane and that on the inside. single panes, energy right out of the house. create a second pane, buying a new window, putting on the wrap, save a lot of money. about 30%. >> how about the water heater? most run 24/7. >> money wasted all day. water you're not using all day long. you can save a great deal of money if you time it to go off at certain hours when you're not around. better yet i like the new kinds of water heaters that heat up water as you want it. on-demand tankless system. the new rage here in new york city. also they take up less space in your house. you can put more furniture in
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there. if it leak, not in much trouble. regular, tank burt, all over the house. >> you talk about it on a timer. same can be set for thermostats in people's homes. >> yes. >> time it to turn on before you get home. >> a new thing. we think of dialed thermostats. on when you want heat. off when you don't. think of your schedule. you go to work, turn it off eight hours. go to sleep, turn it off, or de percent for every degree you turn it down. do it that way, you've saved two-thirds of the day's energy if you time it when you're not at home or under your blankets. you don't need it on 24 hours. >> amazing how much money you let go right out of the window. thanks. >> sure. thanks. superstar jennifer hudson is shining very bright these days. not only is she much slim she's very businessy. marysol recently sat down with
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the oscar winner and singer. >> we've been humming her tune all morning. >> yes, unfortunately for us. >> to the chagrin of everyone eggs. over the course of one year, jennifer hudson found hope and tragedy, and a new baby boy and new body nids or old one. if you thought her talents were good before this, wait until you see her now. ♪ freedom is now and i know how i feel. >> reporter: jennifer hudson is almost unrecognizable. if not for that big, beautiful voice. ♪ it's a new day and i'm feeling good ♪ >> reporter: she certainly has a lot to feel good about these days having lost an estimated 80 pounds through weightwatchers. >> that's me. like, i was watching tv last night and i was on the news, and i was like, oh, that's jennifer hudson. oh. that would be me. >> reporter: i know so many women struggle with weight especially after they have a
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baby. >> for myself, probably towards the end of my pregnancy i was like, wow. i have to get 3450i body back. whatever that body was before, that, i don't care. i just want it back, and then i was like, i'm going to do something bigger with it, because you realize you have that power. you give yourself back. ♪ >> reporter: hudson credited her metamorphosis to her most important role mom of a 7-month-old. >> i'm a mother of two and i said, all the cliches are true. your life totally changes. >> oh, my god, yes. >> he's my motivation for everything and inspiration. i know he's watching. he's like a sponge right now and ash absorbing everything we do. >> your efaunse told me he tleeps through the night? >> always slept through the night. we lucked out big time. >> we're going to knock on this paper, because we don't have wood. >> knock hard. ♪
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>> reporter: hudson has a need to rely on luck, not with powerful pipes like these. in a few short years she catapulted from "american idol" castoff to oscar and grammy-winning "dream girl." we recently caught up with hudson in her hometown of chicago for a very intimate performance. ♪ when christ was born >> reporter: her sister julia, fiance and baby boy david watching from the wings. >> chicago holds a very special place in your heart. >> we just moved back home and it's amazing. i didn't expect to come back to chicago so soon, but just bringing my baby home and we wanted to be near family and have him grow up around family and both david and i are both from chicago. so we brought him back home to that, because we're both super family ohhiented. you can appreciate your home.
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>> reporter: it also compel her to create the jennifer hudson foundation. >> merry christmas. >> reporter: helping families affected by violent crime. here she distributes toys to needy children in honor of her late nephew uilleann king murdered along with her mother and brother on one horrific day in 2008. >> a very giving child and always had tons of christmas gifts and he to give his toys away to other kids. just to remember him in a very positive way, i just wanted to make sure that, you know, we just remember him, and it's a healing process for all of us. >> reporter: while her roots are formerly planted in chicago, hudson's career has taken her from hollywood to south africa. >> nelson mandela, free for society. it's real. >> spent the summer portraying winnie mandela in the upcoming, "winnie." huds han been busy in the recording studio following up her grammy with a new album due
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out in february. >> a huge departure from your last album? >> a revolution from my last project. like, everything is new, but then it's, i've matured in so many different ways. i got to work with alicia keys and i remember sitting down with her and her explaining, like, the material that she wrote for me or created for me and she's saying that, like you know, inspiration and you inspire people and this music is like, no matter what you're going through, it's like telling my story through the music and i hope to uplift people flew. wow, people are watching, jennifer. let me give you something to look at and listen to. let me tell my story. >> reporter: with a new look and new projects, we'll certainly be watching and listening. ♪ >> you say she surprises herself, with her own voice? >> we in a navy pier in chicago a grand hall. she went in there because the acoustics were beautiful, belted
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out three bars of i don't know what and went, oh. as though she were shocked at her own voice. when she moved into chicago no one knew who was moving in and a neighbor came to borrow sugar. she said, oh, sure. the neighbor looked and saw, oscar, grammy, out comes jennifer hudson. here's your sugar. can you imagine? just a regular -- >> it's me and i can sing. >> yeah. >> the new album a little differentants collaborates with alicia keys and like she says in the piece, an evolution. a really, really tough year. gone through more things in one year than most go through in a lifetime. >> but a kid who sleeps through the night from the beginning. >> she's blessed, as she said, answers we're going to call her when our kids start acting up. >> very good. thank you, marysol. now here's chris. >> jeff, thank you so much. if your house is filled with too many things after the holidays maybe it's time to clear out the old stuff and make money while you're at it. here to show us house, latoya
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drake. good to see you. startry electronics. i recognize these items. back in 1989. can you actually still sell those. >> absolutely. give it a shot at trying to make agents money. this is the site, they take your old gadgets. this is going for $90, what they ask you to do on gazelle, put in the item, give a description. is it in good shape jp do you have the original packaging? you get a quote, they give you a shipping label, off it goes and you wait for a check. >> every ale 90s, late '80s? >> not too much money, but another side you might give a shot, they give you gift cards instead of cash. >> something for you. >> there is actually a website devoted just to people who have apple products that no longer have a use for them? >> actually apple gives you 2% off the gadgets if want to exchange it, part of the recycling program and a site called even if you have a broken ipod, they'll give you money for that. go in, put it in. wait for a quote. >> cell phones.
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a whole drawer. >> the life cycle for a cell phone is one to two year, copies give new devices. if you want to unload them. >> one to two years? technology, it's like one to two weeks. >> seems like it. you get the phone it's out of style. people hold on to them. if you have the old gadgets, time to unload. >> just stop. technology, stop. talk about books. >> right. buying back books is something we traditionally think of for college students. in the smes tr, make a little money, attempt to unload the books. there are sites called you need to enter the isbn number on the top 69 bar code. you get a quote. send in the books. many sites pay for shipping. sail for these books as well. >> clonithing? >> platoscloset, a site, you take in your gadgets, clothing, sorry. i've done this before. you get a quote.
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this is for purse, shirts, clothes, anything. you get a quote on the spot. they give you cold, hard cash. you walk out and leave the clothing behind. >> nice. better than consignment. >> absolutely. >> children's toys. >> got too many toys. >> jeff, marysol, listening to this. >> over the holidays, head to the site. box up everything you have. clothing, toy, games. send it back. the buyer them pays you for the shipping. you simply get to unload the toys. you see something you like, do the shopping online as well. >> a big detractor, so many have to pay for shipping. this is easy. and we'll call these vintage. okay? >> call these vintage. up think can you turn your trash into treasure, if will you. there's a site that let's you have a go at it. first bet, find out what the things are going for. what sells best dotcom, tells you what they're going for on ebay. witness you have a decent quote, over 20 years a vintage section. sell those. you may have to pay a 3.5%
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transaction fee once you try to unload the items. >> when you have items like this, vintage, worth a little more than originally quoting. if you don't like that prit quote, can you pate and try again, who knows, maybe somebody is a little more generous? >> can you wait. the longer you have it the more it's worth, but if it's really junk you need to get rid of and don't mind seeing it go, go ahead and take the price. it's money you would not have otherwise had items here. we talk about this. rebecca jarvis, websites to make money. diggers list here. any type of home improvement. right? anything left over? >> right. a lot of people refurbishing their homes. taking everything from toilets to a can of paint to furniture. the site is available in 40 cities. it's free to post the items. no need to take a trip to the junkyard when you have these items to get rid of. >> says especially decent items, bought four toimts for the house, only need three.
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>> extra paint, wood, you got it. donating, other options as well, correct? >> a good idea. organize a neighborhood exchange. the site to do that, not only in your city in your neighborhood. meet up with your neighbors. get rid of things you don't want. they do the same. if you don't want to be bothered or take on anybody else's trash, if you will, the site, give up what you don't need. >> like a yard sale wouz using your yard. good to see you. for more information how to sell your stuff go to our website, all the information is there. nice to see ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show" here on cbs. welcome back to the "early show" on cbs. wrap things ip.
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erica hill in tucson, arizona as we look at the makeshift memorial, outside university hospital, where erica is this morning. >> gives you pause as you drive up. right in front of university medical center here. mick makes you stop thinking about the people who, of course, took the time to come out and pay respects. to bring so many different things to this memorial. a number of candles. you can see pictures, flowers, balloons. and we talked this morning about congresswoman giffords in critical condition inside this hospital. one of ten people, though, being treated here this morning and the latest information we have from the hospital this morning is that three of those patients are now in serious condition, which is an improvement. six in fair condition. that's good news coming out of the hospital this morning. that the ten people treated here are, you no know, on the road to recovery. we can't forget the six people who lost their lives. it is a tragedy that will forever touch this community here in tucson, but one of the things that's reassuring in ways
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heartwarming, chris, a number of stories of people coming together and the community rallying around one another as they do their best to make sense of this tragedy, and to learn to heal and to figure out what is the next step for so many of them, chris. >> difficult to try to make sense of a tragedy like this. one thing, you'll agree as parents, the takeaway from this, not only the tragedy of the circumstances and the situation, but also the resolve of the parents of little christina, i thought was incredible to hear those folks and how strong they've been in this time of tragedy. a wonderful job, erica. safe travels and we look forward to seeing you back here in new york. erica hill in tucson. >> see you tomorrow. everyone have a wonderful day. your local news is next. we'll see you right here tomorrow on "the early show." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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headlines... governor jerry brown will a new state budget good morning it is 8:55 a.m. i am elizabeth wenger. governor jerry brown will propose a new state budget today he is expected to call for cuts if health care and fewer visits for medicare patientwants to increase rates for healthy families insurance program and eliminate eye coverage for children. the former police chief george gascon is the new da he was sworn in yesterday. newsom talked with him saturday ability selecting a new da and ended up offering him the job. >> pg&e acknowledged it briefly raised the pressure on the pipeline in san bruno two years before it exploded experts tell the san francisco chronicle the
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pressure could have placed a strain on the pipeline making it more vulnerable to failure. traffic and weather forecast coming right up. honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] for a limited time, call to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. it's our fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month
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for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ >> good morning they have reopened the northbound lanes to have antioch bridge. gain, northbound 160, and
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northbound and southbound. >> san bruno a lot of slow traffic along the stretch of northbound 101 between 380 and the 80 split an over turned accident head into san francisco the damage has been done enthough it has cleared now. outside, a great commute this morning, bay bridge toll plaza, no traffic right now metering lights remain on but not too bad as you approach the pay gate. a little sluggish from an incline heading up the nemitz freeway that is your traffic, for your forecast here is tracy. >> thank you elizabeth. the forecast this morning, about those cold temperatures looking out toward the bay, we are looking at sunshine, you need that to warm up. it is cold outside. a look at temperatures, 29 degrees liver more, 31 concord, 37 santa rosa and just above freezing at san jose. showers tuesday and wednesday.
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60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. we had an outpouring of-- of support. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. the 60 miles-- it makes a statement. i know i'm stronger than i was before, both mentally and physically. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. i knew that there was something really special about this event. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. it was three days of hope. of love. of empowerment. it was three days the way the world should be. here i am, second year in a row, and i'm already signed up for next year's. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.


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