tv The Early Show CBS January 13, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST
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>> we will. >> and we will be very jealous. >> a little jealous too. >> enjoy your day, everyone and we will see you tomorrow. >> bye. >> i love this. this is great. good morning. healing in tucson. president obama comforts a community and the nation. >> the forces that divide us a not as strong as those that unite us. >> and then surprises everyone with great woman from congresswoman gabrielle giffords. >> gabby opened her eyes for the first time. >> we'll speak with two members of congress who were in the hospital room when it all happened. the big dig out. parts of the northeast struggle under the weight of two feet of snow or more. thousands still have no power at this hour and many schools and businesses are still closed. we are going to bring you the latest on the cleanup efforts up and down the east coast.
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proper grammar. why his settlement offer just wasn't good enough. she'll join us for an exclusive live interview this thursday, she'll join us for an exclusive live interview this thursday, january 13th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning, i'm chris wragge. >> erica hill. boy, the one thing everybody's talking about this morning, the president's speech and this memorial service in tucson last night. >> the nation witnessed a speech that struck just the right tone. somber and uplifting, emotional and inspirational and for the 27,000-plus people in tucson to witness it last night. i think it took on both memorial and a bit of a pep rally. a lot of cheering going on, as well. >> it was. >> it was inspirational. >> the president made a point to pinpoint the lives lost and we
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begin this morning with the president's speech. cbs news national correspondent ben tracy in tucson this morning with the latest. what an outpouring last night, ben. >> reporter: it sure was, erica. good morning. as soon as air force landed here in tucson, the obamas came here to the medical center and met with the six people recovering from the shooting, families and first responders. about 100 people in all and met with congresswoman giffords and made their way to the memorial with a surprise announcement. ♪ the president and first lady came to comfort a city still shocked and saddened. >> there is nothing i can say that will fill the sudden hole torn in your hearts. >> reporter: but it's also one that's found its own inner strength. >> what defines us is not the differences. it is that we are all together, we are all a family, we are all americans. >> reporter: after four days of coping with tragedy, the president told the surprised
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crowd about an incredible moment that happened just after he revisit congresswoman giffords in her hospital room. >> gap by opened her eyes for the first time. she knows we are here. she knows we love her. and she knows that we are rooting for her. >> reporter: as the crowd roared, michelle obama embraced giffords' husband, astronaut mark kelly. while some rushed to politicize the tragedy this week, the president kauled on all americans to rise above partisan differences. >> if this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, let's make sure it's worthy of those we have lost, let's make sure it's not on pettiness. >> reporter: he saluted daniel hernandez, the congresswoman's intern that helped stop the bleeding as the shots rang. >> daniel, you are a hero because you ran through the chaos to minister to your boss and tended to her wounds and helped keep her alive.
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>> reporter: the president didn't stop there. he told the crowd of 26,000 people many stories of bravery from the day of the shooting. >> we are grateful to the men who tackled the gunman as he stopped to reload. we are grateful for petite patricia who wrestled away the killer's ammunition and undoubtedly saved some lives. we are grateful to the doctors and nurses and first responders who worked wonders to heal those who'd been hurt. >> reporter: the president's speech both somber and stirring ended emotionally talking about 9-year-old christina taylor green. >> i want to live up to her expectations. i want our democracy to be as good as christina imagined it. i want america to be as good as
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she imagined it. all of us, we should do everything we can do to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations. >> reporter: now, christina's fun value later this afternoon. we've been mentioning all week that she was born on september 11th, 2001. and today a flag that once flew at ground zero will fly at the church today in her honor. >> ben tracy in tucson this morning, ben, thanks. boy, what an emotional day that will be and incredible that that flag was being brought in for christina's service today as she's laid to rest. joining us from tucson's university medical center is bill hileman and daniel hernandez, the man the president referred to as a hero. bill hileman, his wife is recovering from saturday's attack and she brought christina green down to that event. good to have you both with us,
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gentlemen. thank you for coming in this morning. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you, erica. >> daniel, it's hard for everybody not to stop when you speak. it is incredible to hear you speak. as i understand it you didn't have planned remarks last night. you're 20 years old. the president singled it out and you may not like the hero title but he said that publicly. you met with him privately, however. what did the president say to you when it was just the two of you? >> i actually only got to meet with him briefly when he came up to me afterwards so i actually didn't get to meet with him behind the scenes but when did i meet with him he was saying he was very proud. he expressed how proud he was of not just me but everyone in tucson and everyone in arizona when he had a chance to speak with my parents backstage. >> you mentioned the people of tucson and arizona and bill, you have spoken about the community, how dear the community is to you and your wife and the outpouring of support received. you know the country is behind
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you and 27,000 people at the memorial, millions of people across the done tri watching, that must have an incredible impact on you and the support you and suzi now feel. >> erica, for me, upon reflection last night, five days of chaotic swings between polar extremes and i couldn't help but think as we were ushered in from behind the diaz last night and embraced by the crowd as family of the survivors the swing from the depravity of what happened saturday morning to the absolute gusseting of love from the people and support from the audience last night. it was, it was amazing. it was therapeutic and something i'll never imagine. >> both you and your wife did meet with the wife. did you share any of those conversations with us? >> suzy met separately with
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them. thankfully she was actually resting well when i got back to the hospital last night so we had not had a chance to hear her experience. i was in a group that met with the president and other dignitaries and it, again, in speaking with him and listening to him last night i think for the first time i was given a framework to try to put all this hodgepodge of emotions in some type of a sense. and i thought his remarks particularly about christina and the kind of america that she wants kind of provides something for us all to point to as we deal currently with being buffeted back and forth and set our eyes out on the future and maybe try to approximate the america that he described through her eyes last night. >> he talked about unity. daniel, you spoke about unity in your remarks. the other thing that likely grabbed everyone at home as much as it surely must have there in the auditorium was when he announced that congresswoman
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giffords had opened her eyes and by all accounts it felt like she meant to. daniel, hearing that news about your boss, what were you thinking? >> i don't think words can really describe how happy everyone, not just myself, but everyone a part of the new giffords' family was when we heard this news. it was the first time that any of us really got a genuine smile on our faces in days. that -- this news was met with pure elation by all of us so we were just ecstatic hearing the news. none of us told beforehand that this had happened and told, we were told and we were able to experience the joy with 27,000 other people that congresswoman giffords is getting better. >> incredible moment. daniel, bill, thank you both for sharing sometime with us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. >> chris, over to you. >> thank you. when congresswoman giffords opened her eyes yesterday for the first time since the
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shooting, new york senator krill brand and congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz was in the room. they join us now. ladies, good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> daniel spoke of the elation of the people in tucson heard when the president mentioned the words that gabrielle opened her eyes. how powerful a moment was it in the room? >> it was eblxtraordinary for m. we were overwhelmed with joy. we were there to tell gabby how much she was inspiring all of us, how she was inspiring a nation with her courage and strength. and we were talking about all the things to do as soon as she got better and the things we hope to do with her and we knew she was responding and she was holding our hands and caressing our hands and squeezing them and moving her a rms, moving the legs and the most amazing thing is starting to open the eyes and when her husband saw her making this earth he urged her saying
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gabby, open your eyes, open your eyes. sure enough, she then and then the question can you see us? can you see us? give the thumb's up and then later she not only gave a thumb's up but raised the whole arm and just -- aamazing. >> unbelievable. indescribable the hope and the courage and the strength that exuded from her and all of us around her who love her so much to encourage her was breath taking. >> it was. we were so -- we were so thrilled that we could be there as her girlfriends. you know, to be able to talk to her. kirsten and i were both talking about things we have done with her and mark in the past. i was saying to her, you know, gabby you have to get better as quick as possible because we expect you up in new hampshire where we vacationed with them before this summer so that's when she started to open them a slit and then she kept trying. i mean, this is a woman with the most remarkable determination. and we were so excited when the doctor said this is incredible
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progress. the doctor outside the hospital room once we were kind of ushered out and obviously excitement for her in a small period of time, he said, you know, i don't really make much of emotion and friendship, he said, but we saw the power of friendship in there and he just -- it was just to be -- i have to tell you, my heart was about to burst out of my chest. >> what was it like for her husband mark who's been by her bedside since he got to tucson the other day? for this to happen, to have you all there, what were his emotions? what was he feeling? >> he was overjoyed as we were. i mean, everyone in the hospital room, her parents and mark, her doctor, her chief of staff, we all were just crying with joy. this was an incredible moment and we believe in gabby. we know that she will overcome this. if anyone in the world can overcome an injury of such severe nature it is her and she -- you know, mark was telling us a couple days ago how he was telling the doctors she
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will be walking in a few weeks. you see. she is an incredible person and anybody that knows her loves her and she exudes public service and the willingness to help people and bring people together and just to be there as she's, you know, literally struggling for her life watching that strength come from her and all of the hope and inspiration given all of us. >> chris, it was really incredible. mark, the first thing he asked her to do, gabby, give me the thumb's up if you can see me and then said touch my ring request you can hear me. she did. she touched his ring. she was rubbing the hand and then all of a sudden -- she couldn't get the thumb -- >> whole arm. full -- >> whole arm. >> the arm thumb's up. it was amazing. just -- >> incredible. >> that is fantastic news. whatever reaction is a good reaction. you are there and just want to see some type of response. to have you as her close friends in the room and to have mark there, other family members can only bring more positive
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reactions. >> shows you what girl power can do. >> exactly. ladies, thank you so much for taking the time and sharing the story with us this morning. >> thank you. >> we know everyone out there thrilled to hear this great news and we appreciate it. senator and congresswoman, thank you to the both of you. keep us updated f. you hear news, give us a shout, will you? >> we will, sure. >> wonderful. >> i like that. never underestimate the power of girl power. >> the doctor also saying that, you know, never underestimate the power of friendship and those close to you there because you never know when a moment like this is going to happen. >> just takes one connection. >> yeah. >> to get that going, and boy, what a moment and a moment for the country to share in. we want a check of the headlines. jeff glor standing by. good morning. >> guys, good morning to you. good morning to everyone at home. new england is still digging out after a major nor'easter. some areas more than two feet of snow in boston schools are closed and travel is very challenging.
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cbs news correspondent whit johnson live in boston with more this morning. hey, whit. good morning. >> reporter: hi, jeff. good morning to you. yeah, as you mentioned parts of the northeast with two feet of snow. 14 inches in boston. massachusetts declared a state of emergency. travel was pretty much at a stand still. logan international airport a ghost town. no flights in or out. for about a day. same story at new york's three major airports. about 1,700 flights canceled there. the power outages, at the height of the storm several states affected. more than 100,000 cust merles in the dark in the cold. and a lot of that had to do with the heavy, wet snow. which toppled trees and power lines but the good news today, the skies are clear. there's a bit of a windchill and power restored to most people and slowly but surely travel is getting back to normal. jeff? >> whit johnson in boston, thanks. parts of industrial still drowning in water after months
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of rain and flooding. brisbane, city of 2 million people in northeast australia, is a vast brown lake dotted with roof tops right now. the river did crest just shy of a record and has begun to recede this morning. and finally, more than a week after that huge mega millions lottery drawing, second winner claimed her half of the prize but she's still something of a mystery. idaho lottery officials identified the $190 million dollar winner as holly lahti, young mother of two. she did quit her job at a bank. her estranged husband says he didn't know she'd won until it was announced yesterday. my guess is he won't get a ton of that. 16 minutes past the hour now. checking in with marysol castro
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our forecast for today will include some scattered rain showers. here's a look at our high def doppler and not a lot of activity, but we are seeing some rain through santa rosa, san rafael and also just moving through fairfield and vacaville, and that rainfall will be in the forecast during the day. scattered showers for the morning and afternoon, highs today in the upper 50s, plenty of sunshine expected for the next couple of days. >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now over to erica and chris. >> thank you. good morning. >> good morning. still ahead this morning on "the early show," jared loughner's ex-girlfriend telling us exclusively about the man she knew before he allegedly went on a deadly rampage.
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also, we crack the housing market and tell you what it takes to buy and sell a home right now no matter where you live. plus, the latest on ted williams. yes, the golden voice now saying he needs to take that voice to rehab. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. for three hours a week, i'm a coach. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options.
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i'm here to tell you that big tobacco hasn't changed. they continue to profit... by selling kids the same lies... to get them to use... the same deadly products. don't be big tobacco's next victim. welcome back to "the early show." we're going to talk about ted williams, who we spoke about all last week and now, sadly, this story has taken a bit of a change. >> we hear he's going to be heading back to rehab. there was talk earlier in the week. there was a run-in with police. we're going to get the full story on where this stands now and where he's headed. >> you're watching "the early show" here on cbs. we'll be right back. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by travelers. ♪ trouble, trouble trouble, trouble ♪ ♪ trouble been doggin' my soul
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four men are under arrest for a murder on an east bay freeway one year ago. 24- year -old dewey tucker from vallejo was shot while he was driving to church on interstate 80. four men under arrest. 24-year-old dewey tucker from vallejo was shot while he was driving to church on disperse 80 --interstate 80. the arrest came after the suspected shooter was arrested for a weekend murder in santa rosa. 40-year-old caramad conley is free. the san francisco man was cleared of a 1989 murder after a judge determined police and prosecutors withheld evidence from defense attorneys. and governor jerry brown getting support for his plans for dealing with california's budget deficit. the nonpartisan legislative
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out and may have spilled a load of lumber in the roadway. seeing delays. you're backed up at least beyond highway 4 at this point. elsewhere southbound 880 right at a street, look out for an accident in the number 2 lane. your backup at least to luelly. northbound 880 continues to be a slow and go ride. seeing delays from high street to broadway. once you pass there, traffic light as you approach the bay bridge. bay bridge, backed up to grand at this point, 25 minutes from the parking bridge to the maze. here's tracy with your forecast. >> thanks. forecast for the morning, a few scattered showers out there, especially in parts of the north bay, a batch of showers just coming on the coastline here at marin county, more showers through santa rosa, vacaville, fairfield and light activity moving through the east bay headed towards livermore. forecast for the morning and afternoon will include the off and on showers that we are expecting, highs today in the upper 50s. plenty of sunshine on tap for the weekend and temperatures will be mild for the weekend. ,,,,,,,,
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beautiful sunrise there this morning coming up over new york city. welcome back to "the early show." i hope your morning is starting off as equally nice a fashion wherever you are this morning. >> doesn't get much better than that. >> gorgeous. >> central park, a little snowfall from yesterday. >> you add in "the early show" and you are good to go on this thursday. just about half past the hour now. erica hill and chris wragge to get you through your morning. if you're looking to buy or sell a house, when it comes to house prices, boy what a change. they've basically been in a free-fall. we're going to take a look at what is actually happening now with the housing market. where you can find the best values, and if you're looking to sell, how you can get the best price for your house. >> and numbers that rival the great depression when we talked about value dipping. also this morning, the latest on
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ted williams. and it's not great news. sad to report after years of homelessness and substantive abuse this man with the wonderful voice had job offers rolling in. now he admits he started drinking again after all the hubbub this past week. now he's headed for rehab and we're going to hear from him in just a couple of minutes. >> and you think about it, it would be great news for him that he's taking control. we'll bring you that as chris said. first we do have more on the tragedy in tucson and the suspect. many people who know jared loughner say he didn't always have such a seemingly dark side. at some point, though, things changed. before we speak exclusively with his former girlfriend, we want you to hear what some of those people are now saying about the alleged killer. in the days following saturday's killing spree, those who knew 22-year-old jared loughner painted a very different picture of the suspect. >> he kept to himself most of the time, you know. he wasn't very hostile towards anybody. >> a harmless high school kid who began showing signs of disturbing behavior over the past year.
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>> he wasn't really being sociable at all. >> reporter: estranged friend bryce tierney got a chilling voicemail from loughner just hours before the shooting rampage. >> it's jared, we've had some good times, and peace out. >> reporter: the first he heard from loughner in nearly a year. >> just his attitude sort of went off the deep end. he just got sort of like really dark. >> just bizarre and strange. >> reporter: teachers and classmates at pima community college also saw loughner's dark side, saying at times he seemed incoherent and would laugh to himself for seemingly no reason. one teacher even called the police on loughner after he went on an anti-government rant. >> i was worried about my safety and i was worried about the safety of the other students. >> reporter: between february and september, loughner had five run-ins with campus police. finally on september 29th, he was suspended. after posting a youtube video calling the school unconstitutional. loughner was told to get a mental health evaluation. but instead, he dropped out.
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>> he was very secluded. i see him drive up and down the street. he doesn't look around at anybody. >> reporter: at home, loughner built this bizarre shrine in his backyard. his parents grew increasingly concerned. culminating on the day of the shooting. that morning, loughner's dad saw him grabbing a black bag. when he confronted his son in the yard, jared loughner took off. that was just hours before the killings began. joining us now exclusively from tucson this morning is jared loughner's former girlfriend kelsey hawkes. kelsey, good morning. >> good morning. >> give us an idea. when you an jared dated, and this was a few years ago, what was he like at that point? it seems everybody paints a very different picture from the jared loughner who's emerging right now in the media. >> yeah, six years ago we dated, and back then he was completely different of a person. very caring, very sweet, a
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gentle, kind, you know, a little bit quiet. but altogether a pretty great guy. >> you also spent some time with his family. give us an idea, what was his home life like? what are his parents like? >> from my experience with them, they were actually really great. his mom is a very sweet lady. a very, very kind herself and thoughtful, and her dad -- or his dad, sorry, was always very kind to me, as well. >> there have been -- his parents have understandably not really been seen since this happened though they did release a statement. there's an article in "the washington post" today which paints a picture of his dad as maybe a little bit more withdrawn. keeping to himself. somewhat stand-offish. did you ever see that? >> yeah, he may have been keeping to himself. but i mean he had hobbies at home that he worked on. but, i mean, besides that i did interact with him, you know, here and there when i would go over to the house. but i mean never, never anything
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that drew me as unusual. >> did you ever see anything in jared that gave you pause? did he ever have any sort of violent tendencies? >> absolutely not. no. the jared that i used to know is completely changed from what the world sees him now, as. you know, i would never have ever expected him to become what he has. >> you ended the relationship. you just kind of wanted to be single. understand when you're in high school. and then you didn't have much interaction with him afterwards. but you did hear bits and pieces about him from friends over the past few years. what did you hear? >> you know, i don't know if i can say exactly things that i've heard, but just from recalling in general, it was never any good news. i seemed to get the impression that he was becoming a little more isolated. some involve innocent in drugs and alcohol i heard. but yeah, never anything good to
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hear about how he was doing. but i didn't -- i didn't try to get in contact with him after hearing anything or neither did he with me. so -- >> when all this happened, as the details were trickling in on saturday, the last detail, of course, being the name of the suspect, what did you think about when you heard that news? >> it -- it was probably one of the more surprising things i've ever heard in my life. i -- i had been at work that day, and i had heard pieces of characteristic things about this
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hair and mascara, a lethal combo. i'm jon haber of alto music. my business is all about getting music into people's hands. and the plum card from american express open helps me do that. you name it, i can buy it. and the savings that we get from the early pay discount has given us money to reinvest back into our business and help quadruple our floor space. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is putting more music in more people's hands. well, this morning there is some troubling news for the housing market. the latest figures show that last year banks repossessed more
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than 1 million homes in the u.s. and they're expected to take back even more this year. and a new report says the value of the average american home has fallen for 53 consecutive months. here to tell us how buyers and sellers can adjust to all this is jason cochran, editor at large from let's talk about this tip in home sales. how bad has it been over the years? >> it's not pretty. it's about 26% since 2006. that's, you know, that's quite a hefty number. numbers are sliding pretty much across the board, but especially quickly in the bigger cities. >> seems like this is a great stock. you always find out after the fact. 2010 was apparently a great year to buy a home. in 2011 do people sit back and say man, i missed the boat? >> you missed the bottom, but not the boat. there's still some great deals. in fact right now, this month, is a great time to buy, especially in the northeast. home sales are usually pretty slow around this time of year. you could find yourself a good bargain. about 25% of homes sold last quarter were either short sales
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or foreclosures. and one of those will get you about a third less of the price of a normal home. so, give you an idea of what kind of bargains are out there right now. >> and there is a lot of inventory out there. >> yeah. >> and there will be more as things come to the pike. >> if you can't afford a big down payment, a lot of people can't, what do you recommend? >> a couple things. a couple years ago no one really was paying much attention to the federal housing administration's insured loans. those require only about a 3.5% down payment. now about 30% of home buyers are looking into them. so it's a big resource that people are turning to in these times. another thing i would suggest is down payment assistance programs. a lot of local and state governments want to kick-start the economy, so they will give you a grant or a no-interest loan if you're a first-time home buyer. if you haven't owned a home for maybe three years or so. california has one for retired teachers. there's about 1,000 programs in america right now. the number there is growing, too, as so many people have a vested interest in getting it back up. >> and check those incentives. >> right, free money. >> because anything can help. let's talk about flip side right
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now. i want to sell my home. is it a good time to put my place on the market? >> for all the reasons that we just discussed. maybe not. you may not get the best prices. you might be in your house for a little while. and if you are it's a great time for home improvements. you can enjoy them for a few years while you wait for the markets to come back up. a good home improvement like a kitchen or roof or something visible or important could feesbly raise the -- i'm sorry, you make your money back by about 75% when you do sell the house. >> and also, you talk about some incentives that sellers can actually incorporate or package into the deal with selling their home that may -- >> yeah, a lot of sellers are doing this. this wasn't heard of very much maybe three or four years ago. but sellers will say, you know, someone comes to look at your house two or three times, doesn't make an offer. the seller will go after them. called the reverse offer. you make an offer on pie house, i'll pay your closing costs, i'll give you discount points, your interest rate goes down. one couple from connecticut says buy our house, we'll throw in our condo in florida for free. all sorts of things are happening out there. >> jason, thank you very much.
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appreciate it. up next, we all like a fairy tale ending but ted williams will not be happy ever after. at least not just yet. we're going to hear where he's headed when we come back. you're on "the early show." [ female announcer ] smooth skin? not good enough. [ female announcer ] now get baby-smooth perfection with new dream smooth mousse from maybelline new york. some makeups leave skin rough, dry. ours is cream whipped, so it hydrates. skin looks flawless, baby-smooth. new dream smooth only from maybelline. try snuggle!
7:45 am
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experience books, magazines, newspapers and children's books like never before. nookcolor by barnes & noble. last week it seemed ted williams had really turned his life around. just last month he was homeless, he was begging alongside the road in columbus. then he appeared in that viral video, became an overnight sensation. >> this morning after taping a three-part series of the dr. phil show, ted williams says he's now headed for rehab. been just 11 days since ted williams' streetside video hit the internet and launched his story of redemption. now he's made a dramatic admission. >> cat is out of the bag, yes i relapsed into a drink. >> he said he'll be checking into rehab. >> dr. phil, how you doing my friend? >> it was dr. phil who urged the man with the golden voice to get help. >> have you had even a stumble
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in 2 1/2 years? >> with alcohol i did. and i can say honestly, dr. phil, it didn't lead me to my -- with crack. >> how recently was that? >> a year ago. >> fine, thank you. good morning to you, too. >> from his first tv appearance on "the early show" to radio, to job offers, in a whirlwind two weeks williams went from anonymity to celebrity but his genuine feel-good story still had cause for doubt and worry for both ted and his mom. >> your stepdaughter has said we're worried this could be a bad thing for ted. that this fame, you know, could send him down the wrong path again. that's how it started. you're shaking your head that you're a little concerned, as well. >> very concerned. very concerned. >> well, i guess that's rightfully said, because two years is not a great length of sobriety, enough to say that i've got this mastered. it's one day at a time. part of me -- >> the first sign of trouble appeared as williams and his family reunited on the dr. phil show. >> growing up i felt abandoned.
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>> at a hollywood hotel, williams and daughter janae were involved in a fight. the police responded and brought the two in for questioning. later they were released without charges, a badly shaken janae spoke to dr. phil's producers. >> every single night he gets drunk. >> this is a really huge trigger. i mean being reintroduced back to his family, coming homeless, being, you know, famous overnight. >> addiction specialist ken sealy says williams must put recovery ahead of everything else. >> he's at a crossroads right now. he could really make this work, he could end up right back where he was really quickly. >> the latest chapter in this story. we knew it was going to take some twists and turns. i guess the positive here is that he recognizes that he does need some help. >> yeah. >> he's going to get himself into rehab. >> and he's getting it right now. before there are even more offers and more celebrity. more fame and more temptation that piles over him. >> talented guy. wish him the best. we'll see what happens.
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>> stay with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. go bold instead of the same old -- with chili's new $6 lunch break. choose a salad or tasty soup. pair it with a texas toast half sandwich, like our southwestern blt with applewood smoked bacon. served with fries, it's big flavor for just 6 bucks! weekdays at chili's. can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables.
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uh oh, sesame stir fry from lucky dynasty. oh, me too! but mine's lean cuisine, so no preservatives. wait, did you say? i did! no preservatives. [ female announcer ] only lean cuisine's got over 90 dishes with no preservatives like sesame stir fry with chicken. it's got crisp, farm picked broccoli and bell peppers, and 100% tender white meat chicken steamed in a savory sesame sauce. yum. mmm. yum is right. can i have a bite? uh huh. [ female announcer ] no preservatives, all delicious. lean cuisine. the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different --
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the golden gate bridge district may move closer today to replacing 32 toll takers with electronic tolls sit 7:55. time for news headlines. the gold ingate bridge district may move closer to replacing 33 toll takers with electronic tolls. the finance committee is expected to take the upissue this morning. it would save an estimated $16 million over ten years. police commissioners will begin the task next week of finding a new police chief for san francisco. that seven-member commission can send to up three names to the mayor for a final decision. the commission is trying to find a replacement as soon as possible for the city's district attorney. and the foreclosure crisis eased in the bay area last year, even as it got worse nationally. in 2010, the number of homes in the bay area in some stage of foreclosure dropped by almost
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me and asking me how they could help. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. good morning. fremont, traffic slow and go compliments of an accident. everything over from the center divide, but traffic backed up at least and building. northbound 880, lye look through downtown san jose. 19 minutes from 101 to highway
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85. 880, slow and go, jammed on the southbound side from 238. 880 into oakland, looking better. we're seeing slight delays on the northbound side, 27 minutes from 238 to the maize. and over to the peninsula we go, 101, an earlier accident in the northbound near 92, that's clear, but slow and go in both direction. and now the forecast. >> thank you. forecast for the morning, still got light showers out there. they are picking up just ever so slightly in intensity. we know that by the yellow you see moving through. light and moderate showers moving in. and more just off the coastline here. forecast for the morning, showers expected, and you have on as well as through the afternoon. highs today in the upper 50s. sunshine friday and saturday with warmer temperatures. pretty mild for the weekend. warmest temperatures in the upper 60s. clouds thicken around sunday and more sunshine monday through wednesday. ,,,,,,,,
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it's the top of the hour here on cbs. that's the rolling stones. a little "start me up." >> start me up this morning with "the early show." >> welcome back. coming up, it's not pretty when your life becomes tabloid fun. i don't recommend that for anybody. >> we don't. >> that's what's happened to camille grammer in the middle of a bitter divorce from kelsey grammer. she's here to clear the air about that and she's going to tell us about life as one of the real housewives of beverly hills. also ahead this morning, you know you how have those nags
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health question use feel like it's not enough for me to go to the doctor to ask but then you look online and you find all this information, it makes you crazy. what's the answer? hey, how about asking our dr. jennifer ashton. >> is she here this morn mg. >> she's in. office hours right here on "the early show." she's going to answer the questions you've been sending? >> you know who else is here this morning? jeff glor. >> i don't. i was a little nervous. >> if you have any questions i would be happy to drns them. >> dr. glor. >> i look forward to that. >> i'll try. >> you're good with the news. >> thank you. good morning, everyone at home. this afternoon funeral services will be held for the youngest victim of the tucson shooting rampage. kristina green was only 9 years old. she will be buried in a cassette donated and handcrafted by a group of catholic, many monks f iowa. she was born on 11.
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a flag will fly at her funeral. she was remembered last night in tucson by president obama by having an uncommon interest in life and common service. >> in christina we see all of our children, so curious, so trusting, so energetic, so full of magic. >> the president had good news concerning the condition of congresswoman gabrielle giffords last night. >> right after we went to visit, a few minutes after we left her room and some of her colleagues from congress were in the room, gabby opened her eyes for the first time. gabby opened her eyes for the first time. >> first lady michelle obama comforted giffords' husband, astronaut mark kelly. earlier the communications director told me that kelly was in the room when his wife opened her eyes. >> he told me how the
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congresswoman reached out her hand towards his face and then grabbed his hand and started kind of playing with his wedding band. >> so great to hear that. as for the accused shooter jared loughner, newly released police reports indicate he was suffering a rapid mental decline last year. the report for loughner, college student, have five run-ins with police in 2010. last september loughner posted a bizarre video on youtube describing tucson's pima community college as illegal. loughner was suspend from the school and last saturday the day of the shooting loughner was stopped for running a red light but he was released. vice president joe biden made an unannounced visit to iraq this morning. he wet many rukia leaders to discuss continued withdrawal of u.s. troops. all american troops are scheduled to leave iraq by the end of this year. australian official says flooding in queensland may be the worst disaster in the country's history. flood waters have begun to
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recede now this morning in brisbane where some 30,000 homes or businesses were inundated. at least 25 people have died in australia. and more than 60 are missing. in brazil, heavy rains triggered giant mudslides that wiped out towns north of rio de janeiro. more than 350 people have died in brazil. some areas received almost a foot of rain in 24 hours. in massachusetts, hundreds of schools will remain closed or delayed today. boston got 11 inches of snow yesterday. other spots in new england got more than two feet. at four minutes past the hour, katie couric has a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. >> good morning. before the gunman opened quir at a tucson safe way there were warning signs. how do people like accused shooter jared loughner slip through the cracks and why does it continue to happen? we'll put that in focus tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." we head back outside .
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>> narrator: this weather report sponsored by hershey's kisses, delightfully delicious, one of a kind kisses. thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now back over to erica. just ahead, you asked and we are going to answer. dr. jennifer ashton the here to help set the record straight on your health questions. everything from mold to whether or not you need a multi-vitamin. that one's been nagging me, too. the answers as "the early show" continues here on cbs. continue on cbs. [ female announcer ] looking for long-lasting freshness?
8:07 am
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then pair it with a massive texas toast half sandwich, like our delicious classic turkey or our gigantic new southwestern blt, smothered in cilantro lime mayo and jam-packed with three glorious slices of applewood smoked bacon. served with fries, that's big flavor for just 6 bucks! the $6 break for bold, weekdays at chili's. for adults, stelara® helps control moderate or severe plaque psoriasis with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks. and 6 out of 10 patients had their plaque psoriasis rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara®, your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection,
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in this morning's health watch, addressing our medical concerns. every day our loyal viewers, that would be you, send us medical and hale questions. you send them facebook, twitter, e-mail and skype. and medical quoernt dr. jennifer ashton is happy to answer them for you. can i clear up something? there have been questions in the studio. we didn't know we were both wearing red. >> psychic vibe. >> now that's out of the way. sherry from new york city has a question that a lot of people can probably relate to these days. we put so many things in our ears. >> i'm getting this constant ringing in my ears and i was wondering if i should be concerned and if i should start wearing earplugs at concerts. >> earplugs at concerts, huge problem either at a concert or listening to an ipod or mp3 player. the fact of the matter is, ringing in the rings, happens occasionally and then it goes away and doesn't get worse, very
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common. not serious. if it comes and it does not go away and it is getting worse, then you really want to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist and have your ears examined. it could be a wax build-up, certain medications, exposure to loud noise can cause it, so if that's something you like to do or have to do because of your job, absolutely earplugs can make a big difference. >> never hurts to wear them at a concert. >> ooabsolutely not. >> next up the jen from colorado springs who is joining us via skype. there she is. hey, jen. >> recently a mammogram detected calls fications. what are they and am i at a greater risk for developing breast cancer? >> i hear this question all the time in my office. the fact of the matter is this has to do with calcium deposit, large or so, so macro calls calcifications.
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50% of women can have them found on a mammogram. if we talk about micro, they can be common. 80% of them, in fact, are benign. but if they are irregularly shaped or tightly clustered, they can be a suspicious indication that there may be a cancer there. you always have to remember that a lot of things, like presence of infection or certain types of cysts, even breast cysts, can cause it and you can't always connect what you see on an imaging test to a biopsy. >> one would think if there were something in there that was cause for concern, you doctor would bring it up for you? >> radiologists are very good at that. >> we want to move on. jen, thanks for joining us this morning jacqui is a fan of "the early show" on facebook, thank you, is writing in about common winter allergies. just because there's no pollen out there like the springtime doesn't mean they go away. she wants to know what are some common winter allergies and what are some ways to combat them? >> as jacqui said, so many people think you're only exposed
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to allergies in the spring, summer or fall. what you go inside, people have greater exposure to things to internal, indoor environments. we're talking at things like dust, mold, and pets. when you're talking about what you can do to reduce those things, dust, which is very commonly found in our drapes, carpets, bedding, linen, very easy to take care of. all you want to do is make sure you wash those things if possible very hot temperatures. over 130 degrees. when you talk about mold, that's where people when they're inside they're say, let me use the humidifier, moisture and mold is common, very bad together. so you ant to make sure you clean out that humidifier and change the water. pets, don't bring them in your bedroom. >> and vacuum regularly. ashley tweets in, asking if you need a multi-vitamin every day. >> incredibly common question. if you're not suffering from a chronic illness or streak vegan or vegetarian most people do not
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need it with the exception of vitamin d and calcium and omega oils. check with your doctor but most people like to take multis but they're not going to catapult your health to a different level. >> one less thing to worry about in the morning. i like that. dr. jennifer ashton, good to have you with us. reminder, if you ever have a question for dr. ashton, send it in to us. logon to low-key marriage burst into a high-profile divorce and now camille grammer isexi exclusively to "the early show." you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> narrator: cbs healthwatch sponsored by bayer aspirin. take charge of your heart health at for pain? oh, bayer aspirin? oh, no, no, no... i'm not having a heart attack. it's my back. trust me. it works great for pain. [ male announcer ] nothing's proven to relieve pain better
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than extra strength bayer aspirin. it rushes relief to the site of pain. no matter where you're hurting. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] for powerful pain relief, use bayer aspirin. and to fight pain and fatigue in the morning, try bayer a.m., the morning pain reliever. introducing wisk with stain spectrum technology. try new wisk. we upgraded the formula, but not the price. ♪
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star she's now making quite a name for herself. before we speak exclusively with camille grammer, here's a look at her new life. throughout her 13-year marriage to actor kelsey grammer, wife camille had kept a relatively low profile. that is until last year when both her celebrity, and her marriage, exploded. on the "real housewives of beverly hills," america watched as her husband left for a one-year run in broadway's "la cage aux folles." >> bye. >> bye! >> reporter: and another woman. >> see you later. >> reporter: while the "frasier" star was living in new york, camille learned that he was having an affair with a british flight attendant named kate walsh. camille said kelsey broke the news that their marriage was over during a phone call. >> my husband called me and told me that he was done with our marriage. >> reporter: the former model and dancer was devastated and filed for divorce in july citing irreconcilable differences. just last month kelsey announced
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plans to marry walsh. >> adrienne, it's camille. >> reporter: but she won't find herself in financial ruin. she rejected the first offer of $30 million, demanding more money, along with spousal and child support. because she never signed a prenuptial agreement with kelsey and co-owns their tv production company it's been reported that camille could walk away with around $50 million. >> it's time for me to come out of my husband's shadow and shine. >> and camille grammer joins us now exclusively this morning. camille, good to see you this morning. how are you? >> i'm fine. >> so we hear some of the back and forth that's been going on. i guess, to find out that your marriage is over, via a phone call, what must have that been like for you? >> it was surreal. i felt like, this can't be happening. you know, i felt like, you know, like high school. >> i mean, what did he say? >> i had texted him several times and i called him and said,
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please call me back. and finally three hours later he called me and he said, i've been thinking about it, and i don't want to be married anymore. and i was just devastated. >> there was nothing that gave you any indication that that -- that the marriage had gotten to the point -- >> i thought that he was becoming more distant the longer he was staying in new york. doing rehearsals and stuff like that. but i never expected for us to be, you know, going through a divorce. or, you know, that he was going to leave me. >> we're looking at shots of you from the show. >> oh. >> how difficult, and i guess humiliating, probably is an accurate word, to see this type of thing play out on the reality show, but in real reality, you've got this high profile divorce that's kind of taking place in the tabloids. >> it's very difficult. well divorce in itself is so difficult to go through. i mean, anybody knows who's gone through it. it's just so hard. and then to have to play it out on some reality tv show is,
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again, is surreal. it's hard to show up for camera and be camera ready when you're crying the night before. you know. >> you didn't even really want to do this -- >> no. i did not want to do the show. >> so why? what made you decide? >> kelsey really thought it would be good for me to do. he thought it would be something separate from us. you know, something i can do for myself. >> was there -- was there any type of ulterior motive do you feel in him kind of pushing you along to do this? >> i can't speak for him. but maybe now looking back, could be. >> yeah. >> and we talked to -- we mentioned in the setup piece and it's kind of the headlines now about the potential settlement n and there's numbers like $30 million and $40 million being floated around, no prenuptial agreement. is there any type of arrangement then that you have in your mind that would be suitable? or what do you think would be fair? >> i think some of the numbers have been exaggerated to be honest with you. we should be coming to a settlement agreement really soon. and yes, i do have a number in mind. i would like, you know, child support and spousal support. i think that's fair. >> is he still playing an active role with the two kids?
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>> yes. my son jude's been with him for the last two weeks. we decided that jude needed to spend more time with his dad, because he was missing him. and you know for awhile there he wasn't. but he stepped up to the plate, and he's going to see them today. >> with all of what's been out there, are you still in love with him at all? or because of the pictures with this -- this woman, and talk of them getting married, or has the love kind of gone? >> when we were together i loved my husband very much. but after everything i've been through, no. i can honestly say that i'm no longer in love with him. >> the show, it paints you in quite a negative light. >> i can't believe -- i'm not proud of it. >> on the cover of "life & style" it says you're america's most hated house wife. if it's in "life & style" i know it's true, so when you see headlines that -- >> i worked really hard at that. >> what do you think when you see things like that? >> my dad and i, we were vacationing in hawaii, and my
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dad laughed for ten minutes. he thought it was a riot. for me it's hurtful because i'm going through this terrible divorce and i see a headline like that. and you know, for my dad he reads it and he says this is absolutely ridiculous. so if he can take it tongue in cheek, it's good. you can't take that seriously. >> do you like the way the show has gone? because you are portrayed a little bit negatively. you say it's really not an accurate depiction of who you are. >> no, it's not an accurate portrayal of who i am. that is true. was it a good diversion? yes. am i happy with the outcome? i have mixed feelings. >> are you going to come back for a second season? >> we're in discussions about it. you know. producers and i will sit and discuss it in a couple weeks. >> you ever tell them -- or i'm not doing it? >> of course. >> and they say no, we like you as the mean camille we have? >> i guess they like the character. >> the relationship you have with the other girls. is it better off camera than it is on? >> absolutely. i like all the girls. adrienne and i are friends.
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lisa's reached out to me during this time. i'm very fond of all of the girls. kyla and i are just like oil and water. sometimes we get along. [ female announcer ] why watch regular tv when you can experience the next generation of television service? at&t u-verse tv. tv like you've never seen before at a really great price. switch to at&t now to get u-verse tv starting at just $29 a month for six months, dvr included. or get up to $300 in promotion cards with a qualifying u-verse bundle. u-verse tv lets you record and play back your favorite shows in any room. and you can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. maybe that's why u-verse tv is ranked "highest in residential television service satisfaction in the west" by j.d. power and associates three years in a row. switch to at&t now to get u-verse tv starting at just $29 a month for six months, plus dvr included. or get up to $300 in promotion cards with a qualifying u-verse bundle.
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brown is getting some support for his plans for dealing with it's 8:25. time now for news headlines. governor jerry brown is getting support for his plans for dealing with california's budget deficit. the legislative analyst office says brown's proposal is not perfect, but has bold ideas that show great promise. hundreds of people gathered last night to condemn the mass shooting in arizona. six people were killed over the weekend and 13 others were injured including congresswoman gabrielle giffords. well, there will be a vigil in downtown san jose for the victims of the tucson tragedy. it's scheduled at 7:00 on north 3rd street. traffic and your weather
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the film gala's in about 2 hours. wanna go? yeah! wait. 2 hours!? [ female announcer ] no time to plan? there's still time to whiten. introducing crest whitestrips 2-hour express. now, in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months. ♪ they must think we're famous! let em. [ female announcer ] whitening without the wait. 3d white whitestrips two hour express, from crest. life opens up when you do. and try 3d white paste and rinse. good morning. in the traffic center, to the bay bridge, traffic look better than it was earlier. about a 29-minute ride from the bridge to the maize. once you get to the toll plaza, you're clear. no delays across the upper deck into san francisco. elsewhere, seeing stop and go conditions through south bond 680. we have an accident many the median, traffic really backed
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up to this point at 580. slow and go just past the people accident scene. the san mateo bridge, 15 minutes from 880 to 101. and the golden gate bridge, extra volume on the southbound side, but overall, business as usual into san francisco. let's get a check of the forecast. >> thank you. forecast this morning, well we have some showers out there. and they're going to be in the forecast all day long. here's a look at doppler, looking at lines of showers moving in. another line of showers just moving in. those showers will be in the forecast for the morning as well as the afternoon. our forecast for today with the threat of showers, temperatures at least they're cooperating. highs in the upper 50s or seasonal. mix of sun and clouds and spotty saturday. more clouds than sunshine on sunday. monday a holiday for many of you, martin luther king, jr. day, a nice weekend, seasonal temperatures and more sunshine tuesday and wednesday. ,, ,,,,,,
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magazine. >> what? >> real fan of that magazine. they always have fun stuff including these products this morning. i know, it's true, they swear they will change your life. things like that product right there. >> like a pea green pillow? >> no, not the pillow. the way that you can see the green pillow once the pet hair has been removed. >> ah! the >> ultimate fur fighter hair remover. good luck saying that three times fast. >> life changing. >> i'm a big fan of the pet hair but if you want it removed. also from freaks and geeks to the 40-year-old version we love this guy, seth rogen is, well he's a shining star. a new generation of comic actors and writers. there he is right now. he's taken on a very different role as the green hornet. wait until you see this. we're going to talk about life as a crime fighter. i can relate. lots of cool buzz about "the green hornet" by the way. i've seen it. it's good. >> you did? >> i did. it's good stuff. also we are not done with -- with a massive, unending,
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amazing competition called the comfort food cook-off. yesterday we did ice cream. cooking up the best comfort foods. we're all competing to the to see who can do the best one. today marysol's favorite. arooys con. ollo. >> which by the way we've been saying all week, it means rice with chicken. >> it sounds more fun that way. >> aroos conpollo. >> i thought there was no way i was going to tackle this. >> chicken with rice. >> i've seen the ingredients. >> she's going to be tough to beat. >> she was openly mocking my ingredients just a few minutes ago. >> i'm not surprised. >> she's in the lead right now. >> that could change today. i could foul up my own recipe.
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>> seth rogen is best known for the blockbuster comedies knocked up and pineapple express. but now he's ready for action in the new movie "the green hornet" rogen plays a masked vigilante who fights crime with his faithful sidekick cato. >> i don't understand. what is this? are these paint balls? >> no, these are not -- >> it's paint. >> it makes you look cool. >> i need to look cool now? what the hell, you said my outfit was pimp. i remember thinking that was a weird use. but you said it. >> it is pimp. it is just an accessory. >> an accessory? well then you need nunchakus, then. >> you don't like it, don't use it. >> no -- how's it work? >> seth rogen is with us this morning. good morning, seth. >> good morning, sir. >> this outfit is pimp. >> this outfit is not bad. i'm happy it still fits me. i bought a lot of clothes when i was really thin. that was a mistake i made. >> they talked about the whole
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weight loss. you're a new man now. >> i am. i'm gaining a little bit of it back, though. i think it's your instinct when you lose weight to go buy tons of clothes and now i don't fit into any of them. >> how tough was that for you? i mean you're a guy that likes to have fun -- >> honestly, a studio, if they want you to lose weight, they make it really easy for you. i essentially got a robot to come exercise for me every day. i stepped into an exoskeleton, did it for me. >> whatever it took? >> exactly. >> this big time, the movie, the stunts that are involved. you guys blow up everything. >> we blow up everything. we like to destroy things. we were told that if we built something we can destroy it. and we built a lot of stuff. and, yeah, i mean we wanted to really kind of return to movies without a lot of visual effects and to try to do a lot of practical stuff so we tried to do that as much as possible. >> you did your own stunts in this movie, correct? >> some of them. you know, every time we tried to have a stunt man do it they're so much more physically
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coordinated than i am that you could tell it wasn't me. i just moved so spasticly in real life that we have a stunt man do it and he's like yeah, he doesn't look spazy enough. >> whatever. >> need to spaz it up a little bit more. >> you're selling yourself short. >> exactly. you've got such involvement in this. not only do you star involve in this, why was this something that was so important to you? >> honestly i've been a life long comic book fan. over the years, these types of movies have become so popular that we really thought that we could inject something new into the genre, you know. and it was so encouraging to see how much people like these kind of movies. as a comic book fan it's nice when other people kind of clue in to the things that you think are cool, and we really just thought that to do one of these movies that really examined the relationship between like a hero and his side kick and really played it like an action comedy could be a really, new, interesting way to do a movie like this. >> your leading lady cameron
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diaz, was that your idea? >> i wish i could take credit. i think it was a mutual thing on a lot of people's behalves. but that was an amazing thing to get to meet her in real life, nonetheless work with her on a daily basis. >> i read you were a little intimidated her. is that true? >> she's really tall in real life, and pretty, and you've seen her. i remember seeing the mask when i was younger. she's just really hot. there's no way around it. she's striking to look at. you just find yourself staring at her. it's hard not to be creepy around her. >> you get no argument there. big news for you, engagement, right? >> i do. >> taking an active role? are you -- >> i'm not. i'm taking a very inactive role, actually. i concluded that's -- that's the role i should be taking, the inactive one. >> stand back. >> just let it go through. >> she'll do whatever you need. >> i think the wedding's already been planned years before i came along. >> just show up. exactly. thanks so much. >> no problem. >> good to talk with you. >> thank you. >> seth rogen. and now here's erica. >> chris, thanks.
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he already learned the most important lesson. let her plan it. just about all of us have a list of things that we couldn't imagine living without. the people at "real simple" have a few more items you may want to add to your list. items they say have changed their lives. sarah humphreys is here with the best of the bunch, and all of them are $45 or less. good morning. >> hi, erica, how are you? >> i'm doing great. i love it because you always bring such fun stuff. >> this is a very random collection. we talked about things that really make every day easier for us. >> you're starting off with makeup. anything that would cut down on the preparation time we're in. >> this is called colorescience liquid sealer. it takes any eye water, eye shadow, makes it into smudge proof liquid liner. you take this little brush, go through the eye shadow and it's a pretty light, glimmery eye shadow but it just goes on. >> and it turns into an eye liner. a lot of women, myself included, you would dip your wrush in a
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little water, put it on your eye shadow. >> absolutely. water proof and seals. i put this on yesterday and it really lasted all day. i mean it didn't budge. $20. essentially will double the usage of all your eye shadow. >> perfect. we like it. this is our most expensive but you say it's worth every penny, it's $45. >> lip balm. they take their sea kelp extract they use in all of their products, creams over $100 and they put it in this lip balm. this is great for the thick of the winter. it's incredibly healing. cracked lips this will heal overnight. put it on under lipstick or do it overnight. even if you have rough cuticles or an abrasion on your hand, that will help heal it. >> multiuse. >> it's worth the splurge. >> i like it. i'm going to try it. up next i saw this in the magazine. i was a little apprehensive. but a three in one bag. >> this is $45, and you get three bags in one. what it is, you can carry it like a purse. over your shoulder or double the
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chains. you turn it over and there's a zipper. and you can take it off, and this is either a clutch like here, or -- >> is this the bottom portion that you zipped off? >> here's the thing, too. comes with a little snap. so for the clutch you can dress it up a little. perfect for dress vacations. good for vacations you don't have all the time. $45. >> three in one. i love it. reading glasses. >> yes. >> that is savvy. >> this is such a good idea. why didn't we think of this before? six glasses for one pack, $35 from hsn. >> you're getting six pairs of glasses for $35? >> absolutely. and they're all different kind of colors and patterns. so put one by your bedside. one in your office. put one in the kitchen. you don't have to worry about toting around that one pair of readers that you lose constantly. >> and you can also match them to your outfit. >> absolutely. very important. >> this goes in your drawer, not on your kitchen counter. >> this is the way to keep your kitchen clutter free but also keep your fingers nick free when you dig into your drawer. instead of putting all your knives in there.
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this is from henckels, $35. it slips into most drawers. you want to measure your drawer beforehand. it's solid wood and holds up to 13 knives. those large ones like chefs knives. >> we can borrow some of niece for our upcoming cook-off. the medicine cabinet. the dreaded medicine cabinet. you're changing it. >> right. $10. oxo. storage shelves. it doubles the space of your medicine cabinet. you've got a lot of short things and you're wasting a lot of the shelving space. >> it never worked until now. >> these have nonskid bottoms so they're not going to crash out of your medicine cabinet. >> ten bucks? >> i'm in. >> and this, i have a large dog, i have a cat, i have pet hair everywhere. >> this is for you. this is from scotch, $6. it has these double sheets. thousands of rubber grippers on them. this does what your vacuum can't. super grippy. it really picks it up. gets all the nooks and crevices. gets all the embedded pet hair.
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they're disposable, $6. >> it will change your life. and finally es spgsly for folks who live in maybe an apartment or you don't have a lot of space for your drying rack. >> this is my favorite. instead of putting a drying rack in the middle of your living room. this goes onto a window or a tile surface. for your shower it's really good but fills up the shower space which is unused space. holds 25 pounds of wet clothes. it's very light and sturdy. >> and folds up flat. >> yep. >> as always the best stuff, sarah humphreys, thanks for changing our life with these products. for more information on them logon to our website, >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by whisk. for a powerful clean against a full range of stains, use new whisk. fight stains with science. >> our comfort food cook-off
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goes to round three this morning. after two days the scores are pretty tight. but i do plan on extending my lead today with my very own favorite dish -- >> oh, oh. >> throwing down. >> trash talk there. >> it is go time. >> don't mistake confidence with trash talking. okay? >> uh-huh. >> i'm doing my comfort foot arroyo con pollo which in english means rice with chicken. i'm very honored and so excited. joining one fellow puerto rican another fellow puerto rican. daisy martinez. thank you so much for joining us. >> i'm really excited about this. >> and just so you know, they like to act up. >> well, she paid off the judges the first days and then she brings in her sister today. >> i have to tell you, i've been watching the competition and i was like, wow. marysol, i mean, i can't say this, but i'm rooting for you underdogs. >> really? >> we need that kind of loving. >> we've had fun. >> we've had fun the first two
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days. now it's serious. >> now it's serious. first of all explain to everyone the comfort behind. >> arroyo con pollo is sunday dinner. in brooklyn, the italian folk have gravy, or sauce, with meatballs and stuff. in latin america, it's arroyo con pollo, rice with chicken, it's family, it's friends, it's the table, it's love. i have some arroyo con pollo that i made here today. let me tell you how i put it together. i usually start out with a little bit of oil to give it flavor and color. >> what is acote oil? >> it's an alternative to saffron. the flavor is a little more delicate. the color is a little more vibrant. >> it smells great. >> it really does. what you do is you leech out the color and the flavor in a little bit of olive oil. and then you had a pouree of -- i love that you have this on your ingredient list. onions, garlic, sweet peppers,
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cilantro, all that good stuff. >> we need to start cooking. >> the whole lantro family. >> you have your chicken cooked. you have your rice cooked. my colleagues start making your soffrito which is a salsa that makes the rice and chicken. >> i'm going to come over here -- >> can i have some of your secret oil to cook my thing? >> why not? >> i'm not winning anyway. >> confidence. confidence. >> figure out what you're doing here? >> i'm going to put a little garlic in. i was thinking about doing shrimp in the arroz con pollo. >> that would make it -- >> a paella. we dropped that last minute. it was an audible on the line of scrimmage. so we're going to put it in the garlic right now. >> everything's better with garlic. >> absolutely. everything is better with garlic. >> what you're doing basically is a deconstraukted papito, props to you. >> i love it. >> do you see what i have over here? >> lime. i love lime. i love acid in food. gives a great contrast.
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you've got your lime, your pepper, your garlic. what else? >> thank you very much. >> you have some -- >> i have grilled chicken which i'm worried, you know, could get a little dry. maybe not have the same flavor as yours has. >> it's gently grilled. i see it's still moist in the center which is good because it will allow you a little cooking time over here. oh, and what is this? i see heat here, too. >> there are some jalapenos. i was thinking of waiting a little longer. >> jeff is from buffalo but he's all about heat. by the way, there are three other chefs cooking. >> okay. >> daisy -- >> oh! >> enough with you down there. >> all right, tell me what you're doing? >> we have a dish in my family called moune spaghetti m-o-u-n-e which is inspired by a good family friend that involves a lot of things like saffron, olives, mushrooms, since i have no clue what i'm doing i'm calling on aunt moune's inspiration. >> you have the olives, the acid note which really makes food interesting. and you have ground chicken.
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>> it's roasted. >> that's great. bring out those flavors. and i see you using wild rice, too. >> well, i may or may not. you never know where i'm going to end up. >> it's exciting. >> marysol, talk to me. >> all right. i have already diced onions, garlic, i have diced green peppers. i chopped my cilantro, which is only sort of in the lantro family. >> i like to call it cilantro times pepper times ten. >> normally i would do this, and then put this -- the rice to cook on top. i have my boiled chicken. it's going to be delicious, and i'm -- >> you're the girl to beat, right? because you're bringing -- >> that's an understatement. >> oh, look at this. >> the ringer. >> we went for color. >> i'm loving this. and it smells so chorizo which is nice. >> hot sauce in there. cilantro i'm going to bring into the equation at the very last moment. mushrooms in there. some celery.
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some carrots. and some jalapenos to really kind of give it some life. >> jalapeno and hot sauce. okay. all right. >> so the final thing will be, once we make this soffrito we will put it all together, the rice and the chicken. i do appreciate that everyone has a different kind of rice. >> uh-huh. >> which should spice things up, really. >> what do you have? >> you know the secret to a perfect arose con pollo is the cooking what you put the rice in, water or broth, the better it's going to taste. >> there's going to be a lot of dinner for breakfast this morning. >> i don't know you guys. punch it up. i don't know. >> what are you doing over there? >> come on! >> starting to smell. we'll be right back with the results. >> putting mint? >> you don't want to miss it. >> he's going to garnish with mint. ,,,,,,,,
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the internet on a plane! are you from the future? um, no. cleveland. listen cleveland, your savings account is stuck in the past! earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking baby! so instead of making peanuts, your savings will be earning three times the national average. oops. sorry. three times more? i'll have that! it is now safe to go online to what's in your wallet? buh-bye... call me.
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oh, it is so on right now. we are back now with the third round of our comfort food cook-off. daisy martinez will decide whose cli chicken and rice is oh, so nice. >> okay so this is -- >> this is jeff's. this is glor. doesn't look mexican majesty. >> it's some great herbal stuff going on. i'm getting the cilantro. the cheese gives it a nice -- and the peppers give it a nice freshness. >> what don't you like about it? >> i don't know what's going to -- >> it's fresh looking. >> i think it would have been better if i could have cooked the rice in chicken stock. >> that's a good thing. >> that always helps. this is also very tasty. great brian from the olives. which i like. and the peppers still have nice texture. >> home field advantage right here. here we go. >> ding ding ding ding. >> here's the ringer. >> i didn't have my --
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>> this tastes like home to me. i'm sorry. >> oh, come on. >> but wait. >> does that taste like home? >> we didn't know that was going to happen. >> but wait, wait, wait. because this is really interesting. vacation home. >> daisy, by the way -- >> let her taste it. at least let her taste it. hold, hold. wait for it. wait for it. and -- >> this is a lot of fun. >> out of five. out of five. >> no pressure. >> just running against the clock of live television. >> okay let me start here. i'm going to say we really could have punched up the seasoning on this a little bit more there's some really interesting texture and flavor i'm going to go with three. >> three. >> okay. >> gotta be quick. >> three. >> oh. >> five. >> five? >> two of you get five. this really has flavor and
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headlines... the bay area is bucking the trend when it comes to foreclosures. last year, the number of local homes... that were in good morning, everyone. the bay area bucking the trend when it comes to foreclosures. last year the number of local homes that were in some stage of foreclosure tropical disturbance by almost 5%. that compares to an increase of almost 2% nationwide. the days of human toll takers on the golden gate bridge could be numbered. a finance committee for the agency that overseas the bridge is expected to take up the issue today. the plan calls for all 32 toll tear positions to be eliminated by the end of next year. that would save an estimated $16 million over 10 years. fastrak, the electronic toll collection system would be used. traffic and weather coming right up. ,,,,,,,,
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yeah, dirt? do you think the two of us will ever find the one? well, we've been left behind by so many mops and brooms... aw, man! ...but we have got... see ya! ...each other. ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. the 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to trap and lock more dirt than a broom and uses dirt dissolving wet cloths to clean better than a mop. you're quite the pickup artist! [ male announcer ] 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper gives cleaning a whole new meaning. 6oz, fresh cut, tri-tip steak plus our endless salad and dessert bar for just $10.99. sizzler. thinking fresh. everyday. let's go 0 to richmond. 580 before central all lanes are blocked due to a crash. it's slow approaching the accident scene and past it toward the macarthur maze. at the bay bridge toll plaza,
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check that out. traffic looks great. no big delay into san francisco. the metering lights are on. there is a planned power outage around the intersection of audobon parkway and fremont from 8:00 this morning until about 1:00, possibly later on this afternoon. so, delays are expected there. now, if you are crossing the san mateo bridge, speeds look great. the live traffic sensors shows speeds about 65 miles per hour as you approach the pay gates and no delays into foster city. that's your traffic. with the forecast, here is tracy. >> it's picking up in the north bay from the scattered showers to more concentrated rainfall moving into santa rosa and off the coastline. that is the drill today. what we expect throughout the morning and the afternoon, off and on rain showers. temperatures today in the upper 50s. tomorrow shine to end the workweek and moving into the weekend, more sunshine saturday. a few more clouds sunday and plenty of sunshine monday,
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