tv The Early Show CBS January 14, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST
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for watching cbs 5 "early edition." we'll see you back here on monday morning. bright and early at 4:30. have a great day and great weekend! ♪ good morning. heartache and hope as the people of tucson pay final respects to christina green, the youngest victim of saturday's shooting rampage. congresswoman giffords amazes doctors with her progress. >> yes miracles happen every day. >> we'll bring you the very latest on the inspirational recovery. bitter cold temperatures across much of the nation reaching dangerously low levels as residents from the south to the north are battling this frigid weather. when will the cold snap finally end? we'll take a look. and michael's moment. michael douglas making a first public appearance since telling the world he beat stage iv throat cancer. >> it is a depth of emotion and
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an appreciation of your daily life. >> and we'll hear more from him early this friday morning, january 14th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs beautiful snowflake there. just outside our studios on 5th avenue. plenty of snow on the ground in new york city, too. >> one of many in the area. that one happens to be in the air. >> people probably prefer it. good friday morning to you. i'm erica hill. >> i'm chris wragge. so much, the progress on a day to dais basis of gabrielle giffords is nothing short of amazing. >> six days now since she was shot point-blank in the head to see this kind of recovery is incredible. opening her eyes. really seeming to even have some idea of what's going on around here and a closer look at
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exactly where it stands but definitely much better than people expected. >> you saw the doctor mention it in the open and hear again they admit they're very good and sometimes it takes a little something extra for the progress this quickly and that's where we'll start this morning. another of the victims of saturday's shooting rampage federal judge john roll will be laid to rest later today. cbs national correspondent ben tracy is in tucson with the latest for us. good morning, ben. >> reporter: good morning, chris. the families of six people who lost their lives are starting to bury their loved ones and it began with the shooting's youngest victim. the flag was recovered from the public of the twin towers on 9/11 same day christina taylor green was born nine years ago. her parents and brother dallas paused passing under it and ushered too small red oak casket
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inside the church. it was private and emotional as are the classmates in tucson. >> i knew her. and she's, in fact the same age as me. just sad. >> reporter: yet, there are also miracles this week. doctors say congresswoman gabrielle giffords' recovery is nothing less. she's opened her eyes moved both legs and dangled them over the bedside. >> yes miracles happen every day and in medicine we like to very much attribute them to either what we do or others do around us but a lot of medicine is outside of our control and we're wise to acknowledge miracles. >> there are multiple victims. we need a lot more units here. >> reporter: on thursday, the sheriff's department released the frantic radio traffic from the day of the shooting. >> send every ambulance we have out here. >> customers have tackled the suspect they are holding him down at the safeway. >> reporter: that suspect, 22-year-old jared loughner is the main focus inside the
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incident command center of the pima county sheriff's department and in 51 pages of newly-released campus security reports he is described as creepy, suspicious and very hostile. >> he certainly had thoughts bizarre thoughts. he did not think like rational people do. >> reporter: detectives recovered the black bag they think loughner had the morning of the shooting. inside they found .9 millimeter ammunition and the first glimpse of loughner's father randy. people are leaving cards and flowers. >> they need as much help as everybody else that's involved with the shooting. >> i hope no one would blame them for what happened. >> reporter: now, here at the hospital, the family of congresswoman giffords is basically been at bedside 24 hours a day since the shooting happened. and we have mentioned that her husband mark kelly is an astronaut and supposed to be the captain of the upcoming space shuttle mission in april, the
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last mission of the space shuttle program. nasa announced they have a backup captain in case he needs to be here rather than up in space. chris? >> cbs' ben tracy in tucson for us this morning, thank you. close aide gabe zimmermann died saturday. his father ross zimmermann joins you us now. our con doll ens to you. >> thank you sir. >> everyone spoken so glowingly of your son. could you describe gabe for the people at home please? >> yes. oh good heavens. well, the phrase i like to use is my fine strong son. i have two. and ben is still with us. gabe, you know he's the sort of child every parent would love to have. he was good natured from the day he was born. he had -- he was an amazingly
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outgoing person. even as a child it was striking. we liked having him as a son. it was great fun. we did things together. he grew up into somebody who as well as being my son is very much my best friend. and i keep encountering things where i want to talk to him about something and then i have to say, oh gosh. i can't. so what do i do? he loved to work with people. he was cheery. he was outgoing. he was curious. i don't -- you know i don't know where to end. >> the event, it sounds as though you probably could go on for days about what a wonderful man. >> no. i could go -- and one of the
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things i'm going to be doing, frankly, for the rest of my life is helping people remember gabe. >> the congress on your corner event was an event he fully embraced. why was he such a wonderful public servant and why was public service so important to him? >> that's interesting. he was you know -- he comes from a family where we're outgoing people who like to connect with other people. his mom emily headed the social services department for the city of tucson. i honestly like people and have a rapport with people and like learning about them. i was asking your folks here about their lives while we were waiting. and gabe just always connected
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with people. he majored in sociology in college but then when he got back here he ended up working with disturbed children and then going to the asu school of social work. and at the end of that when gabrielle wanted to campaign for office, he wanted to also convert interests in helping people to positive good. it seemed like a natural fit. she was a wonderful person stood for the kind of things that he liked. he worked on her campaign. an enthen was asked to join her district office staff. >> mr. zimmermann? >> yes, sir? >> your son sounds like a wonderful, wonderful young man. we thank you for taking the time and sharing a little bit about him with us here this morning.
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>> thank you. >> best to you. all right. now here's erica. this morning, nearly one week after that shooting in tucson washington is still feeling the political aftershocks. joining us this morning from washington with his perspective is political analyst john dickerson. good morning to you. this has been political honestly since it happened on saturday. on wednesday night, the president, of course calling for a little bit of a pause. saying we need a change in discourse, words that heal and not wound and feels like in the short term there's been a bit of a dialing back. is this civility going to last? >> well, it's the big question. there will be one small test next week as house republicans bring up the repeal of the health care bill. what used to be called the job-killing health care bill and now of course operates in a much different context and democrats, too, who had planned to fight
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the republican effort tooth and nail with all of the usual tactics, all of the ran kor and bitterness that the president addressed they have to recalibrate their plans so we'll get the little test next week. >> so that's a little bit that first test there. this -- everything about this though, because it's political as we mentioned when the spoke with that speech on wednesday night, near universal praise coming from both sides here. so next week is one step but can the president make that i guess, goodwill for lack of a better word last past the state of the union in a couple of weeks? >> that's the question. the president is one actor in this and after the state of the union both parties will have to have to engage in an issue where they have to cooperate. health care will be a bit of a side show because it won't really go anywhere after the house does its work on that bill but on the budget, on lifting the debt ceiling on some of
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these other issues, there will be have to be actual cooperation and the president will have to do his part and met in that by republicans. >> and there will be perhaps an extra well-trained eye all of that because of this tragedy and everything that happened since. sarah palin when this happened was on the receiving end of the criticism and from the beginning and came out with a very long statement on wednesday. four days to craft that message. and yet, she received a lot of criticism from both sides. is she seen as a candidate for 2012 and miss an opportunity here? >> well, she was criticized in the beginning by liberals who had tried to tie her and blame her for creating the conditions that led to the shooting and so her statement was really trying to push back against the idea that she was somehow responsible for these murders. and the difficulty for in that statement was on the one hand pushing back against that ugly charge and on the other hand trying to speak to the moment that the president so
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eloquently spoke to in his speech and those two tasks she did not meet by as you say reviews on both sides. it was not her best moment. >> we will continue to watch this and, john we know you'll continue to help keep an eye on it for us as we see where it goes. john dickerson in washington this morning, thanks. >> thanks. now a little bit more news this morning and over to jeff glor at the news desk for us this morning. >> good friday morning and to everyone at home. pope john paul ii a step closer to sainthood after the successor signed off on a miracle a attributed to john paul. mark phillips from london has more details on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. the catholic church has a rigorous process for creating saints. saintly life has to be certified. john paul ii pope for 27 years and only been dead for 5 but his progress towards sainthood is
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proceeding for the church at least at breakneck speed. it normally takes centuries for major church figures to reach sainthood and join the saintly statues on the thatted is of st. peter's basilica. the approval for the last step before sainthood came after the veteran's congregation for the causes of saints unanimously approved a miracle attributed to john paul ii. the healing of a french nun suffering from parkinson's disease. an illness from which john paul also suffered. once beautified he will be referred to as blessed. one more miracle must be documented. he's partway there, a decree of heroic virtue certifying him as living a holy life was signed two years ago authorized john paul to be referred to as venerable. the process of creating a saint
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doesn't usually begin until five years after a candidate's death but for john paul the chant "sainthood now" rose from the mourners at his funeral. there is some dissent. groups protesting the catholic church's child abuse scandal urging the church to slow down the process but the current pope seems determined to charge ahead with the canonization of the extremely popular predecessor. the ceremony will be may 1st. jeff? >> mark phillips in london thanks. rain expected in southeastern brazil. rescuers were able to save this woman yesterday but not her dog. nearly 480 people killed following days of rushing water and mudslides. 14,000 people left their homes and many washed away. government officials call it one of the worst natural disasters of brazil.
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the east is beginning another bitterly cold day. snow and frigid temperatures settled in. elaine quijano is in times square this morning in new york. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. deep south to northern new england much of the half of the nation is in the grip of a one-two punch. heavy snow and bitter cold. >> straighten your wheel. >> reporter: in the southeast cold temperatures did little to melt the dangerous glaze of snow and ice. many schools in and around atlanta closed for a fifth straight day today because it's too dangerous to travel. >> this whole road right here is a complete sheet of ice and been pretty bad. >> reporter: snow may have helped a father and son walk away from a small plane crash in connecticut last night. their plane experienced engine trouble, crashed into the backyard of a home and landed upside down. police say the snow cushioned their fall. >> said it was soft as a pillow. put the plane right now down in the snow and soft safe landing.
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>> reporter: crews in massachusetts brought in heavy machinery to clear snow from the parking lots around jill let stadium in time for sunday's playoff game between the patriot patriots and the jets. inside the stadium itself it's old-fashioned back-breaking shoveling. >> we have 300 snow shovellers today working several shifts and happening again tomorrow. >> reporter: and just how unusually cold is it in the south? take a look at this. atlanta's average january low temperature is about 34 degrees. but last yigt the low got down to 21. jackson, mississippi, 23. and chattanooga,
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hearing from michael douglas out on the town for the first time since announcing he beat stage iv throat cancer. the kennedys are opening up if jfk archives. why is the mini series having so much trouble getting on the air? inside the latest controversy. we'll help you track down money you never knew you lost until now. >> that's right. found money. the best kind of money out there. >> i like it. >> here on "the early show" next. ♪ ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ express
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not long ago, michael douglas announced his stage 4 throat cancer had been beaten back. last night his first public appearance. >> what he's saying about his illness and how it's changing his life. this portion of the "early show" sponsored by expedia. the best travel tools are in one place. where you book matters. expedia. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. where you book matters.
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it's 7:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. livermore police still at a home where two bodies were found. last night family members discovered a man and woman who were shot to death. neighbors say a 96-year-old woman lives there with her grandson. police say a gun was found in the house and there was no sign of forced entry. about 800 passengers had to go through security twice at mineta san jose international airport last night. that's because a woman walked out of a secure area in terminal b and then walked back in without being screened again. she was arrested and rescreenings delayed some flights and even cancelled one flight. and uc-berkeley is planning more layoffs, pink slips going out to about 150 managers and support staff. campus officials say about one
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good morning. i'm gianna gianna in the traffic center. we have an accident northbound 101 at julian mckie in san jose. everything off to the right shoulder but slow and go. 44 miles an hour through the scene. bay bridge an accident eastbound 80 at willow avenue the left lane blocked westbound where we are seeing some sluggish conditions as you approach the bay bridge we have the metering lights on looks like you're backed up at least to the caltrans mid lot and we have bart delays. pittsburg-bay point 10 to 15 minutes. lawrence has the forecast. >> gianna, we have some fog around the bay area. dense fog advisory continuing out toward the coastline. fog stretching well onshore this morning. good news is it's going to break up. mild temperatures to start out the day not bad at all. 40s and 50s are you are headed outside -- if you are headed outside right now. we have sunshine coming your way this afternoon. numbers in the 50s and 60s with
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clouds moving through. lots of sunshine in between. pretty warm weekend ahead, too. first to h smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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welcome back to "the early show" here on a friday morning. they know it's the final installment of the cookoff today. >> you know why i'm most excited? because jeff glor and i are battling for last place. >> you guys go. >> heated competition. >> yeah. just ahead this morning, maybe you need a little extra cash in the knewnew year? who doesn't? >> found money is nice. >> you have to know where to look. not the couch, the cushions. the best person to help you find that money is of course good old rebecca jarvis. >> old tax refunds, you name it. money is out there. >> lots of money waiting for you. may be time to recheck your
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horoscope. a new report claims that the signs have moved around in the sky. if you think you're a gemini may not be. a virgo -- >> tib a taurus. >> scary stuff. even a brand-new sign born around thanksgiving we'll tell you about that. and some of the traits. >> difficult to say. you better hope it's not your sign. first the latest on the kennedys and the kennedys. the first family of politics promoting a new online project for the kennedy presidential library and reportedly trying to keep a tv mini series from seeing air. jeff glor has more on the story for us. >> part of this tied to the anniversary of the inauguration. as the family fights a new bot battle over his legacy. >> ask not what your country can do for you. ask what
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now to the amazing recovery of michael douglas. he said his tumor is gone. last night made the first public appearance and cbs news correspondent betty nguyen has the story. >> reporter: just seven months after being diagnosed with stageh throat cancer michael douglas is stepping back into the spotlight, this time seemingly cancer free.
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>> it's about time. you know? >> reporter: douglas and wife catherine zeta-jones made the first public appearance since the good news broke days ago attending the palm springs film festival presented with the icon award. >> you have a yet another bat until your life. >> reporter: douglas spoke about the cancer last august on "late night with david letterman." >> i got cancer. i've got cancer. found out about it three weeks ago. >> reporter: thursday night, his voice strained and scratchy from months of intense treatment. the 66-year-old academy award winner acknowledged the good fortune. >> been a cycle of only seven months since the discovery and handled pretty intensely. other people obviously have had a lot longer periods to deal with it. >> reporter: douglas says he's gained back 12 of the 40 pounds lost in an aggress i eight-week regimen of chemotherapy and radiation. infrequent sightings fueled
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rumors that douglas was dying but now he say it is tumor is gone and life is better than ever. >> made us i think closer. it's certainly a depth of emotion and an appreciation of your daily life. that you didn't have before. >> reporter: doctors caution that douglas needs at least two more monthly check-ups before they're convinced he's out of the woods. betty nguyen cbs news new york. >> great to see him feeling better. the next project when he fully recovers is liberache. >> is your money missing? turns out you may have a lot of cash out there just waiting for you. all you have to do is find it. we're here to help you do just that. let's get better prices... and better paint. let's break out the drop
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don't know about. cbs news business and economic investigator rebecca jarvis is here. >> a billion dollars plus out there that we have just not claimed as consumers. >> first and foremost of 157 banks under last year if you were one of those people that did those banks, there could be money leftover. >> fdic oversees ss all of this. and search unclaimed funds find out whether or not the bank you banked with that went under has unclaimed funds, perhaps you had an open bank account when they went under and send you those funds in the mail if your bank went under. >> savings bonds are popular, more when we were younger. if you come upon one of them in a drawer for years -- >> maybe you don't know and think, well i remember my grandparents gave me that. i remember my grandparent gave them to me as a baby and i don't have the paper lying around but go to and find
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out whether or not you have a u.s. savings bond in your name uncashed. they sent out 25,000 of them a year ago returned and go undelivered. >> so everybody they'd like you to pay taxes. some people don't and uncle sam will track you down. let's flip the coin there for a second. let's say uncle sam actually owes you money. they don't necessarily pick up the phone to call. it's up to you. >> such a good point. is the irs website. you can look for where's my refund in if you think that perhaps you are owed a refund from the irs, like you said they're not going to pick up the phone and call you but there's refunds out there unclaimed and check the website to see perhaps yours is one of them. >> nice to get that phone call. a reverse audit and we owe you money. >> that's right. the reality is people move change addresses. maybe they filed late. that's when in many cases you get an unclaimed refund and you'll final it at the website. >> unclaimed property here. what are we talking about? >> unclaimed property is everything from an escrow
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account to something you paid on the utility, for example, to put down a safety depositive it to an uncashed paycheck to stocks to bonds. there's mul ms of unclaimed money out there. literally billions of dollars and if you want to find yours there's two great websites. we have talked about them before. and one in eight of us have an unclaimed money out there. and the number of average number of people get back going to the websites is $1,000. >> wow. >> we have done it here before at cbs. people found a lot of money. >> that is a lot of money there. it sounds easy to go to the websites. and to see if you do have some money to be claimed and caveats. be careful with the information to give to the websites. >> very careful and careful about which websites you work with. these are strong web scythes. these have been vetted. we have looked at them. never, ever ever pay somebody to find missing money for you. you don't have to do that. on top of that don't give out
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personal information to unknown sources and with the websites check them frequently because they update with information. >> all right. rebecca, thank you very much. >> thank you chris. >> here's erica. >> thanks. just ahead, what is your sign? wait. but you may be wrong. you think you're a cancer? but maybe you're not. maybe you now're a gemini like people here who are changing signs. a new report will change everything you know or thought you knew about astrology. stay with us for the very latest. this is "the early show" on cbs. about astrology. this is the "early show" on cbs.
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we've taken all we know and love about reading and put it here. introducing nookcolor. experience books magazines, newspapers and children's books like never before. nookcolor by barnes & noble. go bold instead of the same old -- with chili's new $6 lunch break. choose a salad or tasty soup. pair it with a texas toast half sandwich, like our southwestern blt with applewood smoked bacon. served with fries, it's big flavor for just 6 bucks! weekdays at chili's. ♪ >> well, actually, no longer the age of aquarius it turns out. a lot has changed and a new day is dawning. but we don't want you to change the channel so we won't sing the song the whole time.
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here's the deal. you may joke about what's your sign. now. a lot has changed with your sign. 31% of us believe in astrology. i think there's something there. thanks, debbie downer. the minnesota planetarium society says hold the phone. the star constellations above us are no longer in the same alignment and are signs are different. part of the problem was way back in the day there was a 13th constellation for the bab constellation. it got booted. if you look on the screen this was the old zodiac. there is the new zodiac. you may have shifted. there's an extra sign. what does this mean? if you are like you chris wragge, a gemini or thought you
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were, tissue. >> you're now a taurus. >> you're adaptable, lively. >> he was. now he's placid reliable. >> i would go with reliable. travesty of justice. >> who came up with this? >> i think i'm the only one who stayed the same. jim july 20th. >> when i first met, we were all cancer. i was wondering how it would play out on tv. emotional, cautious, imagine tich. >> imaginative. >> you are all those three things. you are no longer cancer? >> i think i'm gemini. look at that pose. can someone help me? >> we were emotional, cautious and imaginative.
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now we are intellectual inquiztive and communicative. >> shootsit's shocking and appalling. >> the nice part about the gemini is the sign of the twin. one day you can be this way and the next this way. >> and the bull. >> good way to get the horns. the new sign is there. >> it makes sense. you know what i'm pooh-poohing this whole thing. >> we'll be right back. at fatties with that? it's ok, i'm good... [ male announcer ] instead try a subway egg white muffin melt less than 4 grams of fat. build your better breakfast.
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with all the equipment you use to stay fit, you might want to try lifting one of these. in recent years we've added a unique natural sea salt to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. it helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so if you're ready to eat a little better, grab your spoon and do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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skin? not good enough. [ female announcer ] now get baby-smooth perfection with new dream smooth mousse from maybelline new york. some makeups leave skin rough, dry. ours is cream whipped, so it hydrates. skin looks flawless, baby-smooth. new dream smooth only from maybelline. @ go bold instead of the same old -- with chili's new $6 lunch break combos. choose from a house salad or hot, tasty soup. then pair it with a massive texas toast half sandwich, like our delicious classic turkey or our gigantic new southwestern blt smothered in cilantro lime mayo and jam-packed with three glorious slices of applewood smoked bacon.
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b-s five... i'm elizabeth wenger. a major san jose freeway interc ng a it's 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. a major san jose interchange freeway is getting a makeover. the connector from highway 101 to tully road are being changed to get rid of the cloverleaf. this weekend parts of the highway will be shut down overnight. tonight north- and southbound lanes will be closed at tully road from 11:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. saturday morning. seven children in san francisco are okay today after eating rat poison during class. the students found the poison on top of a filing cabinet in a classroom and they thought it was candy. the children were taken to the hospital as a precaution. planning a weekend getaway? many national parks are free this weekend. the martin luther king, jr.
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880/237 connector in milpitas some delays there, as well. southbound 101 at paradise left lane blocked. traffic backed up. past the stalled vehicle towards the golden gate bridge, no delays to report. in fact, pretty nice ride as you move your way out of the waldo tunnel towards san francisco. lawrence has the forecast. >> we have a lot of fog out there, gianna. and it continues to be gray just about every where you go. it is going to break up. above the clouds, there's the sunshine. going to see a whole lot of that toward the afternoon. but we are starting out with some dense fog and a dense fog advisory continues along the coastline along the san francisco and san mateo county coast. otherwise, temperatures fairly mild. 40s and 50s at this hour. but toward the afternoon, more sunshine. temperatures in the 50s and some 60s as we head in toward the afternoon. looks like the weekend is going to stay nice and dry throughout the weekend maybe cooler sunday with a few more clouds, warming up on monday.
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♪ ♪ ♪ hey, good lookin' ♪ what you got cookin' ♪ welcome back to the "early show" on this friday morning. you are seeing highlights from what has been a week of what we call the comfort food cook-off. that was my comfort food grilled cheese. each picked their comfort food. chris' is pizza. today we are wrapping up the comfort food cook-off battle as we all try to make a pizza which will earn maximum points. jeff and marysol are in the battle for first place. i put my money on marysol wednesday. >> don't give them that much credit. >> jeff and i are in a battle for last place.
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doing really well in this competition. if you'd like to see someone lose, stay tuned. and a winner too. >> pizza, my comfort food. spike mendelsohn of "we the pizza" fame is here. jeff and i will actually cook today with our suit jackets off. just aprons. the competition -- >> blameing it on a jacket? >> just looked weird. >> at least i'm honest. we made our with chicken with rishgs marysol's favorite comfort food. mine was deplorable frankly. so -- >> hers was good. that's why she's in the lead. perfect on all three days. can culminates today. so, spike, get my pizza ready, please. i need a little help today. also ahead this hour lots of people around the country are snowed in right now. i mean the weather has been terrible. temperatures plummeting. all this snow from the south up into the northeast. and that has led to cabin fever. a real condition. >> yeah?
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>> coming up dr. hartstein will help us deal with that. >> first to the news and jeff glor at the newsdesk. sorry, jeff. tried to give you extra points. >> quick to -- >> the competition is great. >> mr. fact over here. >> a horrible cook -- >> although i think i have something strong today. >> my mom says she's pulling for you, by the way. >> thanks, mom. >> if you cook anything she would bring her fork with great anticipation. >> thank you, mom. good morning guys. good morning to everyone at home. this morning pope john paul ii is one step cloelgser to sainthood. his successor, pope benedict cleared the way for beatification. the last step before sainthood on may 1st. a french nun was cured of parkinson's disease after praying for pope john paul. he'd been pope 27 years. and gabrielle giffords continues to astound doctors
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with her recovery. daying after being shot in the head she's opening her eyes showing signs of she's aware of what's around her and her breathing tube may be removed today. >> yes miracling happen every day and medicine we like to very much attribute them to either what we do or others do around us but a lot of medicine is outside of our control, and we're wise to acknowledge miracles. >> in tucson today, funeral services held for federal judge john roll who served on the bench nearly 40 years. he stopped by the event hosted by giffords just to the say hello. yesterday the youngest victim of the shooting was buried. thousands attended services. an emotional service for 9-year-old christina green, born on 9/11 she was carried to her funeral under a flag that survived the attack on the world trade center. and revealing new information about the accused gunman, jared loughner. he spent the night in a tucson area hotel. had a knife when captured last saturday, and did not try to use
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it, and a black bag like one loughner was seen carrying before the attack has been found. police also released recordings of radio traffic following the attack. >> customers have tackled the suspect. they are holding him down at the safeway. >> how many victim dos we have? >> multiple victims. >> in all, 19 people were shot in that rampage and six people died. in wichita, graphic look at dangers of speeding. take a look. newly released police dashcam showing an suv slamming into a median. sparks fly. it rolls over multiple times. police said that vehicle was going between 90 and 100 miles an hour. amazing that driver survived and is expected to make a full recovery. he faces a possible dui charge. the
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>> announcer: this weather report sns >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by hershey's syrup. stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. >> thanks siege. that's your latest weather. now inside to chris, cabin fever? aye-yi-yi. one next, are the walls closing in on you during the drury winter days? we'll have you get out and cure
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up. the cure to cabin fever. this is "the early show" here on cbs. this is the "early show" on cbs. ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. my sister's new boyfriend told her that he thinks sundays are just for watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ ♪ >> woman: i don't know what i did before gps. >> gps: turn left ahead. >> woman: actually i got lost a lot.
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now i just follow the steps, and i can get anywhere i want to go. turbotax lets me do my taxes the same way. its unique gps feature guides me step-by-step. searching over 350 deductions. so i get everything i deserve which helps me know it's done right. and gets me right to my maximum refund guaranteed. >> man: try turbotax online now. you don't pay unless you're satisfied with the results. just joined? we want a healthier lifestyle. well, you should also start enjoying activia. for us? it's for people who want to feel good inside. when you feel good you're more likely to get out there and enjoy life! mmm! mmm! i like this resolution. love how you feel or your money back! hey, want to go for a smoke? i like that. cool. quitting sucks. carl, we're gonna grab a smoke? nah. i'm good. [ woman ] hi, carl! hi! [ male announcer ] quitting
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sucks. nicorette makes it suck less. and for fast craving relief that goes wherever you go try the smaller, more convenient nicorette mini lozenge. [ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. ooo whatcha got there? uh oh, sesame stir fry from lucky dynasty. oh, me too! but mine's lean cuisine, so no
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preservatives. wait, did you say? i did! no preservatives. [ female announcer ] only lean cuisine's got over 90 dishes with no preservatives like sesame stir fry with chicken. it's got crisp, farm picked broccoli and bell peppers, and 100% tender white meat chicken steamed in a savory sesame sauce. yum. mmm. yum is right. can i have a bite? uh huh. [ female announcer ] no preservatives, all delicious. lean cuisine. it's 8:25.
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[ female announcer ] back to school means back to busy mornings. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. winning is my favorite thing. but we lost today. no, we didn't... ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ with all the jan sales going
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on, it's tough to know where the real deals are as opposed to the not so hot deals. latoya drake is here with all the hot stuff. there's still plenty of good stuff out there. we heard a lot about january is furniture. first thing we want to focus on is apparel. we're seeing signs up to 70% off. is anything left? >> all the winter weather gear we're wearing today is on sale. fashion is always ahead of the winter season. you'll see all of the things moving to the clearance racks right now. if you head to old navy they have 70% off men's sweaters and things you can get use out of. macy's has cashmere sweaters online. another tip is for men looking for suits. those warm weather suits are being pushed to the racks as well. jos a. banks have those. we're looking forward to ground
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hogs day. >> you mentioned old navy, 70% off. they've got both stores and online, as a lot of places do. is it better to go in the store or do it online? >> that depends. if you don't like the crowds, it's best to go online. you'll notice if it's out of stock and what you like to wear. >> also big this month, white sales, which is really linens. why do we call them white sales? >> late 1800s, someone coined the term "white sale" in january. because linens and sheets are difficult to move in january. that's why you got the term "white sales." everything is not in white. you have get every type of linen and sheet. places like pottery barn have theirs online. another great sopgz koption is kohl's 70% off. sheets and towels you.
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>> that could make you feel like you've got something fresh in your home. let's go back to the furniture. we did mention furniture often the top. online or in soretore where is the best deal? >> a lot of people go into the store. everybody wants to sit on the sofa and put up your feet to see if this is something you want to it sit on watching television. there are online options, what's great about them is they offer $2.95 shipping for everything online. if you're buying a large item like a sofa, you're going to save a lot more money shopping at overstock than the store. >> i could buy a coach, a big old sectional at overstock and it wouldn't even cost me three bucks to have it delivered? >> that's right. if you bought furniture recently, you know that delivery fee is way over. >> over $100 a lot of times. >> exactly. >> what about home theater, electronic stuff, they just
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wrapped up the consumer electronic show in las vegas. plenty of stuff in the stores is being discounted know. >> we know it's coming. we know what we need to get rid of in terms of merchandise. the super bowl is coming up. the super bowl is a big driver ofhdtvs. you'll start to see tvs on sell, best buy and circuit city. you can shop online and buy great tvs there. >> finally, if you're having trouble with your new year's resolution, maybe you can get a deal on fitness equipment. >> that's right. if what was one of your resolutions and you hate the gym. i like a faux gym in your house by way of ellipticals. amazon has up to 40% off on light weights and friday millstread mills. free shipping. if you spend more than $25, free shipping kicks in also with the larger items. >> normal costs on delivery for a treadmill is probably likes a
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couch? >> exactly. you don't want to be lugging that home or if you're going to be home for the delivery to show up? online shopping for your exercise equipment is also good. >> people like overstock, we mentioned the furniture, you can find a lot of these things. >> and dick's sporting goods. if you spend over $90, they're giving you free shipping as well. >> great to have you back with us. >> for more on the january sales, you'll find on all the details on and still ahead this morning, plenty of buzz about this young lady. "true grit" is full of big stars, as you probably know. but is this now 14-year-old newcomer who's getting some of the best reviews. hailee eeee steinfeld is here to talk about the film and her not the
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are at a hou it's 8:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. investigators are at a house in livermore this morning, where two bodies were found. police were called to the scene at 7:00 last night after some family members discovered a man and woman who had been shot to death. neighbors tell us that a 96- year-old woman lives there with her grandson. a gun was found inside the home. 16 months of roadwork just starting at a busy san jose freeway interchange. caltrans is rebuilding the tully road connectors to highway 101 to get rid of that cloverleaf. the project could mean delays in the area this weekend as well as overnight hours during the week. and a popular wholesaler on fisherman's wharf in san francisco is closing
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temporarily. alioto-lazio fish company has been in business for more than 70 years. but its owners say they can't continue to operate because of an ongoing clean-up of oil pollution by contractors for exxonmobil. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us. mud? yeah, dirt? do you think the two of us will ever find the one? well, we've been left behind by so many mops and brooms... aw, man! ...but we have got... see ya! ...each other. ♪ what about love?! ♪ [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. the 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic
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dry cloths to trap and lock more dirt than a broom and uses dirt dissolving wet cloths to clean better than a mop. you're quite the pickup artist! [ male announcer ] 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper gives cleaning a whole new meaning. wow. it's really coming together. yep. this way, everyone will know about all our great discounts. safe driver, online, homeowner's -- more discounts than ever before. and they still get great service. ♪ ow! ♪ [ disco music plays ] ♪ whoa, yeah ♪ is it just me, or is it getting funky in here, huh? get your groove on, y'all! catch you on the flip side! i'd tell him the sign's not finished, but it would just break his funky little heart. more discounts more ways to save. now, that's progressive. call or click today. good morning. chp clearing an accident in san jose. it was on lawrence expressway just north of 280 but they got everything over to the right shoulder. no lanes are blocked. seeing some delays throughout the san jose area. we have an accident northbound
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280 at saratoga. it is over to the right shoulder. as you work your way, though, through downtown san jose, north 280 slight delays through that portion. 14 minutes from 101 to 85. westbound 237 at mathilda off- ramp re-opened. that earlier accident now clear. you can see 101 both directions through menlo park still busy. speeds around 29 miles per hour. and a quick look at the bay bridge toll plaza, lights are on but look at that no backup and that fog advisory has been lifted for the bay bridge. speaking of fog, here's lawrence with your forecast. >> all right, gianna. we have some fog showing up around the bay area looks like it's mixing out a bit but continues to sit over the city of san francisco and much of the bay area but that's going to dissipate into the rest of the morning and by the afternoon we have some sunshine coming our way. temperatures not all that bad if you are headed out the door this morning. 40s and 50s to begin the day and toward the afternoon, we are going to see these temperatures warm up very nicely . how about some 50s, even some mid-60s in some of the warmest spots? high pressure building in. i think going to keep us nice and dry today, tomorrow,
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through the weekend although couple of clouds float in especially on sunday. dry though, through the next seven days. ium they need. but yoplait wants to change that. only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value ♪ ♪ so pass on the news and we can help close this calcium gap together. to get you started, we're giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplait you love now in a 4-pack. try it today.
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and welcome back to "the early show." >> hey, everybody. hold your pizza. got the expert. comfort food it's the cook-off. this is my comfort food. pizza. we brought in -- >> the professional. spike mendelsohn. >> i don't know if you know this is what we're competing for. >> playing for. called it a battle. we're battling. >> you're going to love this. this was downstairs. the engraver was putting her name on the trophy. i had to grab it away from her. >> marysol. >> very comfortable. >> this trophy is super fancy. we will see who will walk away with that trophy at the end of today's competition. all week long battling.
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comfort food. jeff and i are battling for last place. i don't know what our trophy will be, but we'll find out. >> a golden apron. marysol, we mentioned, is currently in the lead. three perfect days back-to-back-to-back. 15 points right now. >> i trail by one point and the two of you just said -- >> i don't even know. >> when you give the judge $100 a day it helps. >> a bonus, whoever wins the competition today i'll put their pizza on my menu about a week. >> no way? >> extra value. >> the pizza, "we the pizza" down in d.c. i love it. >> your pizza, will it end up on the menu? >> i'm hoping. >> like jeff said give him the money backstage. we'll see what happened. also ahead in this half hour -- for the right praise -- hailee steinfeld, never been in a movie until this one. boy. how about hitting it big on your
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thank you so much. that's your latest weather. now over to chris. "true grit" is now the number one film in america, and already one of highest grossing westerns of all-time. at the heart of the movie, is 14-year-old hailee steinfeld who beat out 15,000 other young actresses for the role of maddie, looking to avenge her father's murder k. we depart this afternoon? >> we? you are not going. that is no part of it. >> you have misjudged me if you think i'm silly enough to give you $50 and watch you simply ride off. >> i'm a bonded u.s. marshal. >> that means legal with me. i will see the thing done. >> can't go after pepper and his band of hard men looking after a baby at the same time i. am not a baby. >> hailee steinfeld, you are not
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a baby. you are fantastic in this movie. >> thank you. >> first of all. one of 15,000 people in and around to audition for this part. did you have the confidence to know that you know what? this spart palestine. i'm going out there and get? >> i mean yeah. i guess i just -- i loved the material. the role itself, and the film overall. the story. i just fell in love with it, and it was the first time going in reading for this that i was, you know, i could say to myself i was prepared and ready to go and show that. >> but you had no real experience before this. and this is 0 cohen brothers film. this is acting alongside two oscar winners. >> uh-huh. >> how do you prepare yourself for that? >> i guess it has to do with -- honestly, i mean i haven't had too much experience. haven't done a lot of on-screen stuff, but i'd been studying for six years, studying acting and taking classes and everything. honestly i just think that all those years of hard work kind of paid off with this.
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so yeah. >> you're with friends. they're either playing soccer gymnastics, and you get a call you have gotten this starring role in "true grit" when you're living to that or getting that phone call what do you do? how do you react? >> it's so overwhelming. sometimes i don't know how to react. it's like when i got the call for "true grit," i got the call and -- you know freaking out. texting and calling all my friend and then it was like, got emotional emotional. then all nerves. i really have to do this now. it happens in stages and everything. >> what was it like filming with jeff bridges and with matt damon? like i said two gentlemen who have won oscars. >> yes. >> pretty elite company. >> it is. they're incredible. i mean just -- not only as actors but as people, and i learned so much by watching them and i was fortunate enough to spend 3 1/2 months with them and able to take away a lot from who they are, and they are just you know full of knowledge. >> you took money away from them
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as well. ready for profanities. $5 for one word. $1 for the others. how much did you end up taky away? >> about $350. but about a month after i started their swear jar, i was in the makeup trailer with the three act josh, jeff matt and myself their own conversation i heard the f word and yell ud out $5. they all said it's not fair you catch us off guard. we're designating you a word. if i sead word, 50 cents. i contributed as well. >> your character, in this film. so confident. are youing in like that in person? >> yeah. i mean i think that you know i was able to find some really cool similarities between the character and myself. i think the biggest similarity overall, stubborn to get something we want. and little things, how confident and driven, i think there be splarts. >> you'll present at the golden
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globes with justin beeb perp what's going to be tupper? being in front of all those people or standing next to justin bieber? >> i've thought of that. i'm not good with crowds. i'm so nervous. >> you're a bieber fan, aren't you? >> of course. >> autograph? >> well, maybe. i hope. >> a picture. congratulations. great to talk to you. you're so, so good in this movie and i recommend people go see hailee steinfeld in "true grit." good to see you. now here's erica. ♪ hey good lookin' ♪ what you got cookin' ♪ >> this is the moment you've been waiting for all week. time now for the grand finale. the first annual "early show" comfort food cook-off. all week long we've been cooking our favorite dishes starting with me grilled cheese and tomato soup. the next day, ice cream, jeff's favorite food. marysol, another five points. and as numero uno with her
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comfort food favorite. and this morning -- >> heading into the final round and trailing marysol. she has the lead. a total of 15 points right there. i'm a point behind at 14. erica and jeff work to do here. i feel dmft that the two of you probably can make a little headway and finish third. >> you don't have to -- they love us. we're fine. >> finishing the competition with my all-time comfort food. i love pizza. every darn week. here to help us spike mendelsohn owner of "we the pizza" in washington. when we're finished, he will crown the winner. nice to you have. >> appreciate it. >> you were my man and we were fortunate to get you here. >> it's the last day. honored to be judging this. we're going to take the rolling pins away. because the trophy he uses his
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bare hands to stretch a pie. >> take it up a notch. >> why not? >> let's start. >> so -- >> love it. come on. here we go. >> to the pizza dough, it's a beautiful dough. >> okay. >> hand-made dough. the trick, you have a favorite pizzeria, ask to buy the leftover dough, if you don't want to make it. tomato sauce and great toppings. let's stretch out the hands. flour. >> a little flour? >> so it doesn't stick on the bottom. have a little fun. you kind of want to build the crust. you use your palms and stretch it out. add a little love to it. >> nothing gut love. >> you get there -- >> loving this stuff. >> now i want to see you flip the pies. you're getting points. i'm keeping my eye on you guys. >> pretty much -- >> lay it on your palms like this. >> on my palms? >> on your palms. and then flip it up. give it a go. >> spin it around. >> oh. >> oh!
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>> this is way more fun than i ever thought. >> do flips. flip. >> hold on. wide shot. >> oh! >> hey. we call that the quizno pie. i don't know. >> one more time. >> chris wragge. >> i need help. >> so for my pie, i'm going a mushroom pie. goodness i have a little vetro mill instead of tomato sauce. i'll show you mine first. >> there is no perfect -- whatever you like. >> there are no rules to cooking. especially when it comes to pizza. i look at this as a blank canvas. >> ah. >> where the artist gets to do whatever he likes. >> oh, boy. >> sorry. >> that's the first casualty. >> jeff, you wonder why you're in last place. >> they replaced my dough immediately before. i think was rigged dough. i don't know what's going on. >> something is going on here. >> you want to make sure you get the sauce all the way to the edge, leaving a little room for
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the crust, because we love crust. >> we do. >> after this, i'm going to throw these seared mushrooms on top. a little bit of thyme. and also sea salt. >> and -- [ speaking in foreign language ]. >> are you working it? >> she is yes. >> today's pizza day. >> there's my pie. a little olive oil to end. >> fancy fancy. >> fancy. i'm going to come around here a little bit. >> i've had some difficulties with this. >> i find that shocking. >> you see now when there's a hole in the pie, okay. you can fix it easily. check it out. >> tell me. >> you want to pinch and twist. no worry answer having holes in the pies. an easy fix. you can use a little flour here. >> i have a little flour. would you like -- >> my bowl of flour went somewhere. i don't know. spread flour all the way around. what do you have going on here? >> i'm making a buffalo chicken pizza called the buffalo beast i. love that. adding bleu cheese?
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>> yes. sauce and i'm putting in with the red sauce as well. this is play oh. a little bit of hot sauce. and some butter in there as well. >> butter. on pizza? >> two -- >> simple. >> simple. i know it is. >> butter on pizza? >> reg rather bleu cheese and crumbling bleu and celery. >> did you not? >> i did. >> a little crunch factor. i love it. texture. i'm going to steal that in my restaurant. >> please do. chicken, very crispy. >> buffalo chicken pizza pie. >> yes. >> all right. you go tat. have some fun. >> thanks, man. >> what do we have? i feel like i'm in hawaii. >> there's a little hawaii. it is gorgonzola with thinly sliced pineapple. after it comes out of the oven drizzling of finely aged balsamic vinegar. >> warm tones, riches in and acidity. i see what you're going for.
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totally psyched. >> i have to wait until it's done. >> okay. >> i have to stand here until it's -- >> i like the crust. little bubbles. looking good. you can see the air bubbles. >> i'm kind of shocked, but thank you. >> all right. >> over here we're going traditional here, spike. >> and look at this. >> i'm going to did a fresh mozzarella. on the crust-a! >> mixture, and sweet -- >> sweet and sour. >> okay. >> and then none of that going for the real pepperoni. real pepperoni. >> did you really do this? >> sliced it down. the real thing. >>y love that. >> top it off with fresh basil and a little more mozzarella. >> i love it. >> maybe a little -- a little extra virgin olive oil. borrow mine if you want. >> think so? >> sure. all right. marysol. sdp that mean by the ocean? >> the sea and the sun. >> so beautiful.
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in the sun. all right. so you're the one that -- gunning for today? >> they are after me. >> i've been hearing about it all morning. >> unfortunately. so i have a twist on a classic margarita pizza. i'm using fresh mozzarella and adding to it crumbled sausage and just pepperoni. >> oh. >> that's a personal dig i think. because i used that yesterday. >> no. he just said oh you're going to use churisa. >> the two top battling it out for the lead, very similar. although you're doing spicy and you're representingry sweetness. >> she's all sweetness. >> oregano. >> at the very end, i like that. and do it like a pro. look at that. >> red pepper flakes? >> we're showing you what we're doing. we had to do it ahead of time because of cooking restraints. >> absolutely.
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i have a tray. >> samples. >> oh. this is -- >> come on over here. fast forward ahead. >> i like that. >> is that enough? >> yes. this table-size. >> i like that actually. >> start with jeff's. his buffalo style pizza. >> wait. where's your celery? >> oh yes. it's cooking as we speak -- can't put the celery on top. >> i like it. >> a little crunch here. under the cheese on the slice. >> oh my god. crispy chicken. full of cheese. >> yeah. >> delicious. i love the bleu cheese. cheese all over the place. i'm getting the crunch of the celery when i absolutely love. genius. >> chop, chop. >> next one. let's take the pineapple one. make sure -- >> balsamic on the end. a little flavor. that is delicious. >> wow. >> i love that sweetness. >> thank you. >> two for two. >> cheesiness sauciness. well balanced. like a pizza you'll see on a
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fancy restaurant. >> on the menu in atlanta. thank you. >> okay. my favorite pizza there. >> no one said you couldn't steal these things. >> honesty should count for something. >> is that mine or -- >> no. that's mine. >> trying to take your pizza? looking to see. >> want to make sure. >> you know what? i love the crust. stretched it out really nice. you have -- very nice hands. >> thank you very much. >> and -- >> holy cow. what just happened here? >> what the -- >> yeah. >> whew. >> all right. not only do you have talent at stretching out a pie, that is really flavorful. getting sweetness, spiciness, well balanced. nice crust. the finished herbs around. >> that's it. >> now marysol. >> so let me -- taste this. hmm. oh, i like your sauce. what did you do with your sauce
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on that one? >> you know a girl's got to keep some secrets. >> secrets. a little something special in that sauce. not sure. a little spicy or not? >> maybe. >> guess what? when we come back, it's time to finish off these pizzas. the big reveal as to who walks away the champion of this comfort food cook jauch. you're watching "the early show" right here on cbs. marysol in the lead and looks like she might have the advantage. spike has liked all four pizzas. judging when we come back. honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible.
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[ female announcer ] for a limited time call to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. it's our fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ ♪
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about the first elimination. >> if you want to give me and jeff extra points for creativity, toots fine. >> that $20 bill in the back pocket is fine. >> you have to eliminate two. >> i want to stay everyone did a fantastic job. the two bottom i'm sorry, erica and jeff. please pack your rolling pins and go. >> pack your rolling pins? so cruel. >> i've been there before. >> we asked you guys to stay. now we really build the drama. >> and the winner -- hold on a second. as we really build the drama. >> marysol with 15 points and me with 14. >> the person that reined it in and mayor the best pizza pie
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goes to -- chris. >> are you kidding me? >> i have to it tell you why. i love your demeanor with the pizza pie. >> oh my god. >> you just won a panchgeant. i love the hands. and we're also giving a itdonation to "share our strengths." you get your pizza on my menu. you guys all did well stiff competition. >> donate to charity. that's the key. >> chris. >> thank you, darling. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> speech perhaps. >> thanks. >> i just want to thank everyone at home for your votes. even though you didn't vote. and this has been a great week. >> our fantastic producer who put this whole comfort food thing together. great work behind the scenes,
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wenger, with you headlines... it's 8:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. a security breach at mineta san jose international airport, the tsa says a woman who was passing through san jose last night left the secure area and then walked back in without going through security. they got everybody out of terminal b including people on planes. about 800 had to be screened a second time. state officials have found a way to restore child care subsidies for low-income families. today assembly speaker john perez will announce a plan to use $60 million in child care funds left over from previous years. that will cover the subsidies until governor jerry brown's new budget kicks in. well, it will be a lot harder to watch the mavericks surf contest in person this year. organizers are closing the
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traffic improving in downtown san jose. a little slow approaching the 880 interchange. we had an accident by saratoga avenue. three-car wreck was cleared to the right shoulder. let's go towards the east bay traffic conditions on highway 4 still slow as you head out of antioch. rick with the kcbs phone force told us about an accident approaching somersville. also out of lanes, but check out that line of really slow traffic. speeds under 25 miles per hour as you head towards pittsburg but no delay right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. lawrence has the forecast. >> elizabeth, news, traffic, you have to be tired today, you're doing it all! [ laughter ] >> fog and low clouds mixing out a bit. going to see more sunshine as we head in toward the afternoon. temperatures going to warm up nicely. right now, not bad. we have some 40s and 50s so not a cold start. fairly mild start to the morning for most of the bay area. by the afternoon, we are going to bring in some warmer
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sunshine, some 50s and mid- 60s, staying dry warmer for the weekend. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered people started immediately supporting me and asking me how they could help. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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