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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  January 20, 2011 3:10am-4:00am PST

3:10 am
>> so that's all for our behind the poker face special. joe what did you learn from going behind so many poker faces? >> next season, can i just maybe see those before i do the analysis? please. i would settle for a transfer. >> whacker. >> whatever. for joe slackerton, i'm chris rose reminding you if you want to be a loose cannon and play on "the big game," logon to there are pre-qualifying have a good night, everybody. >> show me. >> if he was bluffing, he would be smiling right now. >> wow. >> that's cool. ,,,,,,,,,, 3q
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3:18 am
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3:19 am
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,,,,,,,, today, we gather to recognize the selfless decision of one of the most influential women of our time. the woman who, after having one too many drinks, chose not to drive home buzzed. here today to honor rachel is the family whose lives she spared.
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3:39 am
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