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tv   The Early Show  CBS  January 20, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST

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morning at 4:30. >> have a great day. use those sunroofs today. >> look at that shot. enjoy, everyone. good morning. storm watch. a wicked winter storm is battering the nation's midsection with snow and ice, and now, it's heading east. making it the fourth major storm in less than a month. we'll go live for the latest on its track and its impact on travel across the nation. toasting hu. the white house honors chinese president hu jintao during a star-studded state dinner. but today he's headed to capitol hill where he may get a much chillier reception. we're going to go to washington for more on this historic visit. and semi miracle. a truck flattens a car in a horrific crash but the car's driver somehow survives and manages to text his fiancee to say, i'm going to make it out alive. we'll hear from both of them and one of his rescuers when they join us in studio for an
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exclusive live interview "early" this thursday morning, january exclusive live interview "early" this thursday morning, january 20th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning. on this thursday morning, i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm erica hill. good to have you with us this morning. what a story here in the new york area. that we've been seeing this morning on the cover of "the new york post" here you see a big word "found" because 23 years after a baby was kidnapped, 19-day-old baby was kidnapped this woman has been reunited with her birth parents. and her biological family. it turns out she actually helped find herself in a way. always suspected something wasn't right. >> terrible story back in 1987 when a woman posing as a nurse kidnapped their baby. but 23 years later they could be reunited and be this happy. i mean. >> what a story. we're going to bring that story to you a little bit later in the show. >> tell me if you heard this
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story again. over and over -- >> feel like a broken record with the snow. >> this morning that major storm that's blasting the midwest and now threatening to wreak havoc on the east coast, as well. mark boyle from our affiliate kctv in kansas now has the very latest. mark, good morning. >> how are you doing? drivers learned their lessons. this is the second storm like this in over a week. as we look at right now the commute here on interstate 35, and drivers have one driving lane that's clear to work with. it's been that way all morning long, as well as over on i-70. it looks about the same way. drivers are minding their speeds, as well. but they all need to do their own job here and make sure that they stay in those lanes, and stop as soon as they can. and in plenty of time, as well. now, the snow stopped here about midnight. it was dropping about an inch an hour for about four hours really causing a lot of problems for kdot but the snow is starting to
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pick back up here again and drivers will try to i guess get to work. this is the kind of weather, though, students like. they will be staying home from school again today. for the cbs "early" show, i'm mark boyle. chris back to you. >> all right, mark. thank you so much. that's mark boyle from our affiliate out there in kansas. now marysol castro has more on where the storm is headed. marysol? >> good morning, chris. good morning, everyone at home. kansas city is going to get about an additional inch. but here's the radar. you can see the system just sitting over the nation's heartland, dumping anywhere from about an inch of snow to eight inches of snow. we look at the specifics. there will be a wintry mix in arkansas, just south of there where the air temperature is a lot warmer. the precipitation is in the form of rain. here are the trouble spots. tulsa to st. louis, one to three inches today. further north, indianapolis three to six inches. further north from there around pittsburgh, 6 to 8 inches. this cold and precipitation stays here throughout the day and as you mentioned earlier, chris, it starts to move towards the northeast. of course we'll have an update on this later on in the show.
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now back to erica. good morning. >> marysol, thanks. good morning to you. we want to turn our attention to politics right now. president hu jintao's visit to washington today as part of that visit he will meet with congressional leaders where he is expected to get a rather chilly reception. unlike last night, of course, where he was the guest of honor at a star-studded state dinner. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante has more on president hu's visit. he joins us this morning. bill, good morning. >> good morning, erica. a tony reception on capitol hill because the u.s./china relationship has been in a rocky place for a long time. this visit is about trying to find a way forward despite the disagreements over human rights and trade. and that's why president hu got the full washington white house treatment. the historic visit from the chinese president continued with all the pomp of a state dinner. the official greeting on the north portico, then into the state dining room bathed in mood lighting. the a-list affair included former president clinton, barbra streisand and jackie chan who
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dined on maine lobster and rib eye steak before the entertainment. earlier the mood was cooler. at a joint press conference, president obama said that he had challenged president hu on china's human rights record. >> i have been very candid with president hu about these issues. occasionally they are a source of tension between our two governments. >> reporter: president hu ignored a question on the subject. claiming his translation device. though, white house sources said it was. asked again he said china had made progress but -- >> translator: a lot still needs to be done in china in terms of human rights. >> reporter: hu meetings with president obama and business leaders brought cooperation between the president and china. with china holding nearly $ 900
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billion worth of u.s. bonds, washington is eager for the chinese to buy more u.s. goods and force intellectual property rights like software and the chinese currencurrency. also, able to sign up the two pandas at washington's national zoo for five more years. >> that is excellent news, bill plante, thanks. also joining us this morning former u.s. ambassador for the united nations is bill richardson and former governor of new mexico. it seems the headline here as we heard in bill's piece, president hu saying, i quote here a lot needs to be done in china in terms of human rights. how sincere is that and how much do you expect to see as a follow-up in practice? >> well, that is significant
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because, in the past, china has basically said that human rights is an internal affair and i think for president obama to get the chinese leader to say universal human rights are important that china needs to do more is significant. the issues are, for instance, china's refusal to talk to the dalai lama and the tibetan issue. the issues relating to treatment of its own citizens. so it is significant that the president was able to get that statement out, but now it's going to be deeds and not just words. >> we do know that there are news reports that this press conference was, in fact, blacked out in china so it will be interesting to know how many people in china heard that statement. when you look at the visit itself, there has been much talk about the fact there this was an official state visit and state dinner in hu's honor. that pomp and circumstance goes a long way for the chinese
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leader. why is it so important? >> it's very important because china considers change and substance and protocol so important. five years ago, the president just got a private lunch with president bush. this shows the importance for the chinese audience of the relationship -- look. the reality is china and the u.s. are the lone super powers. we're not buddies, nor are we foes. we are strategic competitors that need to learn to live with each other. and these, i think, shows of not just political congeniality but pomp and circumstance and treating them with respect and letting the chinese show their people that they are a super power is very important. so state dinners are very important symbolsymbolically. >> we can't forget much of this relationship comes down to money
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and to the economy. this is about jobs here in the united states. this is about opening up markets. was this or has this visit thus far been a net win for the united states? >> i believe it is a net win for the u.s., for the president. he shows that he is tough, protecting american jobs. we make some announcements of some purchases of boeing airplanes, that's very important. we want to penetrate the chinese markets. we want to sell them airplanes, renewable energy, transportation. we want them also, aerica, lowe their currency because what has happened is by devaluing their currency, the chinese are able to give enormous advantages to their products, to their goods around the world, undercutting american products. we also want the chinese to give us access to what is called intellectual property rights because they pirate a lot of our
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movies, for instance, "true grit" probably a major american film made in new mexico is dvd'd falsely throughout china. these are steps china needs to give access to american business but also has to take steps to allow american businesses to enter into procurement and government contracts there which they don't do. china is very protective of its own industry. >> a step in the right direction but still much work to be done as you pointed out. appreciate your time, governor bill richardson. >> thank you. to the tragedy in tucson. congresswoman gabrielle giffords keeps making astounding progress and able to stand up now and look out the window of her hospital room and expected to go to rehab tomorrow she is doing so well. jared loughner faces new charges. ben tracy in sin tucson with the very latest. >> reporter: i don't think anybody at the medical center in tucson or perhaps the entire
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country thought it problem the congresswoman could get out of the hospital less than two weeks after shot in the head. as you mentioned she is planning to move on friday. meanwhile, the charges against the shooter are also moving ahead. jared loughner is now indicted on three federal counts of attempted assassination and murder. prosecutors may seek federal murder charges carrying the death penalty. detectives say loughner's cold-blooded killing was caught on security cameras. the sheriff's deputy has seen the tape. >> he walks up immediately to the congresswoman and perhaps two or three feet and fires one bullet into her forehead. >> reporter: amazely, she is set to fly to houston to a rehabilitation center. >> she was able to stand on her own with assistance. we put her in front of the window so she could see the
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mountains. >> reporter: moments like that is why doctors say they are not pushing her too far, too fast. >> no one is trying to get her to rehab because of who she is. we are giving her the same care we would anyone else. >> reporter: the care in houston is considered some of the best with military surgeons specializing in bullet wounds to the head. in a statement giffords' husband mark kelly says, quote. at giffords office, they are responding to hundreds of get well cards and caring on her work. >> we are seriously convinced that the congresswoman is going to be back in no time at all. >> reporter: now one of the congresswoman's doctors from tucson here will actually travel with her to houston and hand her off to a surgeon there and while her doctors and her family are all very optimistic, they also know that this rehabilitation is likely going to be long and quite difficult. chris? >> what was the reasoning behind choosing memorial herman
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hospital in houston? >> reporter: first and foremost, they say it's the place she can get the best care but a personal reason. her husband is an astronaut and training to be the commander of the next shpace shuttle mission and doing that training in houston. >> ben tracy for us in tucson, thank you. i'm familiar with that hospital in houston. it is one of the very best facility and she will be taken care of very well down there. >> and to have the support system for mark kelly is important to have that in place. much more to get to on this thursday morning. >> jeff glor is here with a check of the headlines. good morning. house republicans say they will begin work on new health care reform legislation. last night as promised, the gop controlled house voted to repeal president obama's health care overhaul. >> this health care law is bad for patients, bad for doctors, bad for small businesses, and
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terrible for our troubled economy. >> it is unbelievable that with so many people out of work and millions of people uninsured, that the first item of this new congress is to take health care away from people who just got coverage. >> republicans debate today on e lim nating items like the mandate to buy health insurance. federal agents this morning arrested more than a hundred suspected members of organized crime. it's being called the largest one day mob roundup in u.s. history. five families were arrested here in new york. along with other suspected crime families from new jersey and rhode island. charges include murder and narcotics trafficking. here in new york, as they mentioned off the top a notorious baby kidnapping case has been solved with the victim finding her real family. carlina white was 19 days old when she was abducted 22 years ago from a harlem hospital.
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her mother distraught. >> give me my baby back, please. i just want her back. >> turns out carlina was in connecticut and all the time suspicious of the family raising her and she spotted a girl of a photo of a missing girl that looked like her and this week she reached out to our b biological family. >> we hoped she would come back. i never thought she was dead or anything. >> on tuesday, police dna tests confirmed that she was the baby kidnapped in 1987. she had a private reunion with her biological family over the weekend and saw them again last night. her kidnapper might still face federal charges although no arrests have been made. in calhoun, georgia, a snowy surprise for a plow driver. he was clearing this out and look. suddenly, a giant sink hole
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opened up there! the truck turned over and tipped. the driver is okay and was not hurt and may not be getting back in the snowplow any time soon, though. 7:16 coming up on right now. it's because of that snow that we check in now with marysol castro. a lot going on. >> we have seen a lot of things with these storms. good morning to you at
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>> that's your latest weather. now over to chris and erica. good morning. keeping me busy. >> keeping you very busy. >> it's part of my job! it is. we're happy you are here. >> thank you. coming up take a look at a horrible accident. this is an 18 wheeler on top of a car which is crushed underneath the weight of the semi. believe it or not a guy is in
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the car and texting! we will talk to him exclusively about how he was able to survive. also ahead afraid to a sk for a raise in this tough economy? show how you can put extra cash in your wallet without costing your boss a dime perhaps and without raising too many red flags. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. comforter. okay. mr. cuddles... toilet paper? oh, hey, scott. here, scott extra soft tissue. it's their softest roll ever. check out the pattern. it's softness done right. same soft rolls we use at home honey! one more thing, guys. oh nice a shoe rack! actually, it's a toilet paper rack. sweet. huh. huh. [ female announcer ] do you know scott? scott extra soft is softness, done right. just got more powerful. introducing precise pain relieving heat patch. it blocks pain signals for deep relief precisely where you need it most.
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precise. only from the makers of tylenol. precise. can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? >> going to a job interview, i make sure i've got the right guidance. it's the same with my taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. and calculations are guaranteed 100% accurate. they even offer audit support. and help me reach my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> man: try turbotax now. go bold instead of the same old -- with chili's new $6 lunch break. choose a salad or tasty soup. pair it with a texas toast half sandwich, like our southwestern blt with applewood smoked bacon. served with fries, it's big flavor for just 6 bucks! weekdays at chili's. try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves...
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,,,,e robitussin relief finder. take a look at this individual kroe. a semi has literally crushed a car. the driver a guardian angel. guess what, he's here with us this morning. >> he'll share that story in an exclusive interview on "the early show." >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by farmers' insurance. find a knowledgeable local farmers agent at we are insurance. we are farmers. personally. only a local agent can do that. [click, motor hums] - doug pierce. lives in tornado alley.
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to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm. introducing wisk with stain spectrum technology. try new wisk. we upgraded the formula, but not the price. ♪ [ male announcer ] and make 2011 a winning year, with two low fat favorites. try the turkey melt with melty cheese, or the turkey blt with crispy bacon. both, surprisingly, 7 grams of fat and a tasty way to ring in the new year. subway. where winners eat. did you know up to 50% of new cavities form between teeth, in places you can't even see? aquafresh iso-active whitening is a breakthrough gel that transforms
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into an active foam. its active fluoride formula penetrates deep, surrounding and protecting the whole tooth against cavities -- front, back and in-between. for strong, healthy teeth for a lifetime, try triple protection iso-active whitening from aquafresh. amazing.
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divers are returning to a canal near patterson this morning as part of the search for a four- it's 7:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. divers are returning to a canal in patterson to search for a 4- year-old boy. a witness saw a car similar to the suspect vehicle go into the canal, shortly after the boy was taken from his grandmother on tuesday. a full house but no decision. that's the story of the mount diablo unified school district in walnut creek. next week board members will continue talking about possibly closing 7 schools to deal with a $12 million shortfall. some of the students who ingested rat poison at a san francisco middle school last week have been suspended. some students told others it was candy. they say it was found on top of a filing cabinet but the school district says it does in the
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use that type of poison. traffic and weather and your weather forecast coming right up. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,
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good morning from the traffic center. traffic continues on westbound 580 an alert, a tree blocking the road two right lanes taken away until further notice
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traffic backed up to 13. westbound 580 a struggle jammed from grant line to airway due to a wreck at first. everything now off to the right shoulder. bay bridge lights are on, backed up at least to grand at this point and also westbound 24 we have reports of an accident right past orinda. traffic still okay through the area. that's your morning commute. robert has a look at your forecast. good morning. >> it is fair to say that we are enjoying spring and summer as we take live look outside at ocean beach. clear skies, temperatures in the mid-50s , daytime highs today. 69 inland, mostly sunny skies, 65 at the bay. the sun will hold on friday, saturday, sunday. the ocean breezes return over the weekend bringing clouds but won't diminish the temperatures. in fact, the warm temperatures will hold on through the start of the workweek. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show" on this thursday morning. a lot of energy out there on the plaza, which is what we always like. >> good to see this morning. >> provide the energy here in the studio. we've all done something embarrassing. i do something every day. because i'm a klutz and i trip over my own feet. as they remind me -- >> we've got it on video. >> it's not always caught on video as it was for one woman. here you see the video. she's texting. yep, doesn't notice where she's going. falls into a fountain. it's all caught on security camera video from the mall. well, a lot of people have watched this, almost 2 million hits on youtube. they're doing a lot of laughing about it. she's not happy.
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she's not happy with the attention. we're going to hear from her in just a bit. she thinks they should have done more and has now hired an attorney. >> sense of humor. second floor. and in this tough economy your paycheck is probably being stretched pretty thin right about now. on top of that, you may be afraid to ask for a raise. so we're going to show you how to get more money in your pocket without having to go and ask your boss. you're going to want to listen to that. those stories coming up. first, an incredible story of survival. a semi literally flattened a car like a pancake. before we speak exclusively with the man that was inside that car, jeff glor has the details on this horrific crash. >> hey, chris, good morning. marc keineth was on his way to work when his vehicle slid off the icy road. he and his vehicle were both crushed by a semi. by rights no one should have survived. not only did he survive he was somehow able to make phone calls and send texts before being rescued. in the predawn darkness along interstate 75 in michigan, a
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semi hauling 20 tons of sugar lay on its side, crushed beneath it, a pancaked chevy malibu. and somewhere inside the malibu, 30-year-old marc keineth. >> county 911. >> i'm in an accident on 75. >> northbound or southbound? >> south. >> reporter: a little after 5:00 tuesday morning keineth had been driving to work. he pulled his car into the right lane of the highway and in front of a semi when he hit a patch of ice and spun out. when he regained control on the shoulder he was up against the semi and it was now bearing down on him. they collided and when they finally came to a stop they were in a ditch and keineth was trapped. >> we got on scene, both vehicles were in the ditch. >> reporter: with his car roof collapsing on him, keineth somehow found the presenc of mind to recline his seat, reach for his cell phone and dial 911. >> do you remember a mile marker, cross roads? >> i have no idea. i have a semi on top of me. >> is anybody hurt?
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>> i -- not that i know of. >> with help now on the way, keineth texted his fiancee, katie reinert. i'm in an accident, he wrote. i'm alive though. katie asked if she could come to him? no, the expressway's closed. she asked if he was in the car under the semi she was seeing on the news. yeah. it took rescue workers more than two hours to free him. and when they did keineth amazingly was not badly hurt. the driver of the truck, by the way, also survived, and has no serious injuries. chris? >> all right, jeff, thank you. joining us now exclusively here in the studio are marc ineth, his fiancee katie reinert, and one of the rescuers, jeremy klein. good morning to the three of you. safe to say you feel like a pretty lucky man right now? >> yes, i do. >> when you look at those pictures and see that position you are in. that is a precarious situation for lack of a better term. what's going through your mind? you obviously knew that there was a semi truck on top of your car. take me through what's happening while you're in that driver's seat. >> i'm just looking up at a roof
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and hoping the rest of the semi doesn't shift and come down on the rest of the car. just a small portion of the car roof was up. >> how much room did you actually have in there? >> i could move my arms around, my legs around. i could rotate around. but the rest of the roof was caved in. the rear view mirror was where the shifter was at. other than that i just had that little cubby space. >> you had the presence of mind to hit the recliner to give yourself a little bit more space. >> when i seen it coming down i just instantly, i don't know what came over me i just grabbed the lever and leaned back and hopefully got a little more room in case it did come down the rest of the way. >> so you're sitting there, you're saying to yourself, i'm sure, you can hear the steel around you, please do not cave in on me. how did you then decide, you know what, maybe i should take out my cell phone and start texting katie? >> oh, i just wanted to let her know i was all right. i was still alive. but i was in that accident. it was pretty much -- it was on
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our local news so i knew she seen it. so i just texted her i'm all right that i loved her and i was hoping to get out of this alive. >> you were all right at that point. but you didn't know how it was going to continue to unfold. >> right. i was just hoping for the best. >> kate ty, you're watching this on television, and your reaction is, please don't tell me you're below that truck. >> yeah. oh, it was horrible feeling that went through my mind. it was unbelievable. i actually didn't know exactly my sister had told me that it was on the tv. so that's when i turned it on and i'm like, i sent him a text, are you the one underneath the semi? and he was like, yes. and i'm like oh, i just hit the floor. >> so what do you think? is it a feeling of relief to know that he's alive under there or are you so scared, who knows what's going to happen? >> right. i felt totally relieved that i knew he was texting me so he was obviously alive. but i didn't know what type of condition. was he going in and out of consciousness? did he have broken bones, broken legs? i didn't know how he would be.
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>> marc, how were you comforting her when you're going back and forth? even though you're in a tough spot i'm sure you wanted to try to make things easier on katie. >> i just told her that, i'm alive. i'm fine. i'm hopefully going to get out of this and we'll go from there. >> jeremy, you come up on the scene and i'm sure you've walked up on a number of car crashes in your time. and it looks like the type of thing you either walk away from it or you're dead. when you saw this, what did you think? >> i didn't expect to come around the side of the vehicle, the driver's side, and lean and ask him was he okay and he just looked up and me and says yeah, i'm fine. like nonchalant. >> you've said he was freakishly calm. >> yeah. he was calmer than i was. >> so what do you do? how do you then go about getting this massive 18 wheeler off this chevy malibu that he's trapped in? >> well, we're trained on heavy rescue and stuff like that and we've got the equipment to go in and try and stabilize the vehicle. and we've taken many classes to
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do that. so we just started stabilizing it so it wouldn't come down on him anymore. and then go in and try and cut the doors apart, and get in to get him. >> marc, could you believe that you did have the space that you had? with this 44,000 pound -- i mean you just had this massive truck?
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just ahead, we are helping you increase your income from your job, even if the boss won't give you a raise. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. it's supposed to rain tomorrow. probably can't paint the garage.
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[ thinking ] hmm. i got all this off mcdonald's dollar menu. so amazing and just a buck each, so my turn. guess we'll just have to go look at window treatments. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss.
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if you are one of 9 many who will likely not see a raise this year but you really need one, there are ways you can boost your income. you just have to know what to ask for. personal finance expert carmen wong ulrich is here with some suggestions for us this morning. it's a pretty delicate economic climate. so probably the last thing you want to do is go, hi, there, can i have a meeting? can i have a raise? >> well, you could do that. but here's the thing, you probably get a no. and if you do, just understand, if you're a full-time employee with benefits, you can add 20% or more to what you take home by using all of those benefits.
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the key is knowing what they are. and using them. >> so you're going to help us take advantage of some of those benefits that are just out there waiting for us. what is one of the first things we should look to that will put more money in our pockets? >> the first one is a phone. we all spend a lot on our cell phones. if you find yourself making calls on the weekend, after hours, ask for that company cell phone. you may not want to get rid of your own personal number but you can cut your plan, even in half and that can save you $500 to $1,000 a year. add that to your salary. >> you do want to monitor your usage. >> absolutely. don't go over on your corporate phone. >> which is why you keep the personal one. there's the cell phone. also if you're perhaps going back to school, tuition reimbursement can really make a big difference. >> this is one of the most important benefits you can have outside of your 401(k) and your medical benefits is tuition reimbursement. because it helps you twofold. first, 100% reimbursement for classes that have to do with your job at the moment. >> mm-hmm. >> 70% reimbursement for classes in almost anything. it can actually make you more competitive in the marketplace.
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it can get you a raise. it can get you a better job. take advantage of that one. >> and if you travel a lot. i mean i will say this is one perk that i love whenever i travel you're getting miles. whether it's hotels, credit cards, air flights. >> exactly. and it's not taxable income. these are miles for you. this is basically considered a discount. with your corporate personal card, your corporate card is backed by you personally so you can take vac of those rewards that you get on a personal card. sign up for hotel reward cards, car rental rewards. all of those can add $1,000 or more depending on how much you travel every year. >> which is great. a gym membership, too. >> yes. >> how does this work? >> a lot of people don't realize this, medical benefits, employers are always looking for ways to cut back and reduce on that. so a lot of employers are offering discounts on your medical premiums that you pay out of pocket that can be hundreds of dollars a month that you're paying in medical premium. if you join a gym, join a smoking cessation program they'll reduce those premiums
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for you every month. you can have tremendous savings through the year and you get the gym discount for signing up for a corporate membership to the gym. >> i love that one. >> a lot of money. >> finally, if you do a lot of work from home, but you don't get paid overtime, you can still make that work to your advantage. >> absolutely. you've got to ask for that laptop. you need to have that laptop at home, be careful as to what you're doing on that laptop at home. but make sure it's company work. you can be much more productive and you don't have to buy a new computer for yourself. >> always great tips. carmen, good to have you back with us this morning. thank you. just ahead, it is no laughing matter according to the woman who fell into a fountain and became an internet sensation. she is speaking out. hear her take on the video that's been viewed millions of times. right here on "the early show." (vet) i love working with animals, but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin works great on all my allergies like dust, mold, pollen, or pets without making me drowsy, cause i want to be alert around this big guy. live claritin clear. indoors and out.
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what i did before gps. >> gps: turn left ahead. >> woman: actually, i got lost a lot. now i just follow the steps, and i can get anywhere i want to go. turbotax lets me do my taxes the same way. its unique gps feature guides me step-by-step. searching over 350 deductions. so i get everything i deserve which helps me know it's done right. and gets me right to my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> man: try turbotax online now. you don't pay unless you're satisfied with the results. is naturally satisfying. so select harvest light soups are 80 calories or less, 100% natural. and-oh-so-satisfying. select harvest light from campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves... you can always count on snuggle. [ female announcer ] and now, winter skin can be too. discover relief from dry, uncomfortable skin with skin relief moisturizing lotion. only aveeno has an active naturals triple oat and shea butter formula that soothes, nourishes and restores moisture. women saw improvement in all five symptoms of winter skin in just one day. beauty you can see and feel. that's being comfortable in your own skin. aveeno skin relief. and now get dermatologist recommended relief from severely dry skin with eczema therapy. new from aveeno. discover the power of active naturals
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let's tear it up. and take it on. let's get a lot of style... for a lot less. get everything we need -- and everything we need to know then get to work making more rooms work for us. with guaranteed low prices on every square foot, the home depot is lowering the cost of a fresh new look. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we've made a special buy on porcelain tile. get this tile now for just 98 cents per square foot. well, there's video that's become an instant hit on youtube. almost 2 million hits as of now. a woman is at the mall texting someone, doesn't notice the giant fountain right in front of
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her. topples right in. fortunately she wasn't hurt. at least not physically. but now she's speaking out, and guess what? she's not very happy. >> the humiliation. you know, ask my husband. i cried for days. you know how many people are laughing at -- it's dangerous. it's dangerous. it could have been somebody -- i could have been walking into a bus, a car, a ditch, anything. texting and walking, take it from me, is dangerous. it really is. even talking while you're walking, you know. you're talking on the phone and walking. it's dangerous. >> at least she appreciates it. >> it is a danger. >> she's okay. >> yes, she's fine. and she said it's not something she regularly does. what she's most upset about is that this video has been posted online and she feels like a lot of people are laughing at her. she's actually hired an attorney at this point because she feels security should have done more. >> well what would --
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>> security shouldn't have done more -- >> they actually can't do anything. i can understand her feeling humiliated. but take it from people who are on television, we have to laugh it off all the time. it's the only way you can sort of live to see another day. >> if you have something really important you have to text to someone. stop. walk off to the side. i mean -- how many times have we been walking down the street or you're driving and someone's doing something they shouldn't be and you drive past them, they're on a phone and they're texting. >> that's one of the problems they have in new york, people texting and walking through the cross streets. it is a big issue here in new york. the funny thing with this woman, is she works in the mall. >> yes. >> she knowles the layout. you know when you're talking down a certain corridor you must know, hey that big fountain is coming up. >> and thank goodness she's okay. >> exactly. >> she's okay. >> head on a swivel, people. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. give me half an hour. ahhh. ♪
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ohh! ♪ [ male announcer ] so simple you could make em yourself. breakfast!! [ male announcer ] so delicious you don't have to. golden crispy outside, warm and fluffy inside. did you make coffee too? yes... i will. [ male announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. just shake it. [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? this week at staples, spend $40 on ink and get a $10 visa prepaid card via easy rebate. that was easy. just joined? we want a healthier lifestyle. well, you should also start enjoying activia. for us? it's for people who want to feel good inside. when you feel good, you're more likely to get out there and enjoy life! mmm! mmm! i like this resolution. love how you feel or your money back!
7:51 am
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oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number?
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you ever clean upes, ♪ call 1-800-steemer of nfl training camp to put our 24-hour frequent heartburn protection to the test for two weeks. [ diehl ] people think we're indestructible, but if you're out there and you're feeling burning it's gonna affect the way that you play. prilosec otc is the one thing i can count on to block my heartburn. when i take it in the morning i'm ready to go for the rest of the day [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn! buy two 42-count boxes of prilosec otc.
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it's 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. divers are returning to a canal in the central valley this morning part of the search for a 4-year-old boy who cast kid -- who was kidnapped from patter son. he saw a car similar to the suspect go into the canal shortly after the boy was taken from his grandmother tuesday. the bay area's three major airports ranked high on a rather unsettling list. the number of incidents involving lasers pointed at airplanes. mineta san jose international airport had 80 cases last year tied for third behind only los angeles and chicago o'hare. oakland international airport ranked 6th with 55 incidents. and san francisco was 8th with 39. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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,,,, [ wheezing breaths ] [ woman ] the first time i smoked, i was 13. i was in a hurry to grow up and wanted to look cool. big tobacco knew it, and they preyed on me. i'm here to tell you that big tobacco hasn't changed. they continue to profit... by selling kids the same lies... to get them to use... the same deadly products. don't be big tobacco's next victim.
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good morning. a struggle on 580 this morning from oakland. jammed from 238 to park. we have a traffic alert still in effect westbound 580 at park. we have trees blocking the two right lanes. traffic very slow and go in the area. speaking of slow speeds, check out the bay bridge right now. metering lights are on, 34- minute ride on the eastshore freeway from the carquinez bridge to the maze. backed up almost to the maze at this point a little slow
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across the upper deck int san francisco. northbound 280 slow from race to saratoga, you can see traffic just crawling along in that area. and if are you headed on 101 at cesar chavez, we have a trouble spot southbound some debris in the center divide and a live look at traffic slow and go. that's the commute. here's robert with the forecast. >> i know that all the traffic cameras focused on all that slow traffic. but i want you to focus on something different. all the sun that's above your car. as a matter of fact, if we take live look from the transamerica building, we are going to see mostly sunny skies throughout the bay area today. already incredibly mild temperatures in the 50s. but take a look, the warmest of temperatures, 69 degrees for our inland areas. 65 at the bay. we'll see the upper 50s at the coast. and the mostly sunny skies will hold on friday, saturday and sunday. we'll have a few clouds move in by the weekend, but nothing too drastic. warm temperatures continue into the next week.
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and welcome back to "the early show" here on cbs. i don't know if you saw the sign, we are joined by the world's unluckiest traveler. >> i thought that was me. >> never. >> gentleman right there apparently fell off a cliff, broke his leg, won a dream vacation and now his dream has come true and he's here with us this morning. congratulations to you, sir. >> mazel tov. >> anything else you need? ask marysol. i'm chris wragge with erika hill and marysol castro. coming up, do you ever, ever find yourself getting extremely frustrated after having to wait for something? >> never.
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>> especially since we have toddlers, that never happens when you have toddlers. >> even just a few seconds at home right now saying that's me, you're not alone. experts tell us impatience is at an all-time high and since a form of stress we have real health consequences we want to tell you about and it tell you exactly how to deal with it. >> managing the stress. also ahead this morning, the oldest of the baby boomers turns 65 this month and many of them are thinking about moving on. there you go. >> looks good. >> to the greens. >> there you go. >> not greener pastures. >> we are taking a look at some of the best places to retire and really enjoy those years. >> my grandfather, always said he was a sexy senior citizen. so he would have -- yeah, harry. >> was that harry? >> he would have loved one of those places. we're going to show you things your mother may have never told you. time tasted ways to clean your china polish silver, clean a
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skillet, remove gum from fabric. my mom said when you clean a chandelier, wear a white cotton glove but we didn't have a chandelier growing up. >> if you're ever somewhere. >> put on a white glove. >> guy that does a white touch glove in his office every morning, mg jeff glor, runs one of the tightest shifts. >> are you supposed to do that? good morning, guys. good morning. here in new york, an incredible baby kidnapping case that baffled police more than two decades has been solved after the victim tracked down her birth mother. seth doane met with her family. >> you kept these clippings all these years? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: whatever happened to elizabeth white's granddaughter carlina was a mystery more than 20 years in the making when she was just 19 days old, baby carlina was kidnapped from this harlem hospital. her disappearance back in 1987,
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gripped new york city and broke her mother's heart. >> give me my baby back, please. i just want her back. >> reporter: sketches suggested what carlina might have looked like. her biological family had no idea. >> we always, you know, would think one day she would come back. >> reporter: in fact, carlina was alive, and in atlanta. she became suspicious when she tried to apply for a driver's license and didn't have a birth certificate. that started her searching a missing children's website, where she found a face that looked like hers. earlier this month, she finally reached her biological family. >> i talked to her on the phone and she said hi, grandma. >> what was that like to hear after so long? >> it was great. >> reporter: this tuesday, a dna test confirmed what the family says they knew right away. >> i could tell it was carlina without even -- before they even did the dna. >> reporter: her grandmother told us over the weekend, they
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held a private family homecoming. these are some of the first pictures to be released. but this one, really says it all. seth doane, cbs news, new york. congresswoman gabrielle giffords has made so much progress she could be moved to a rehabilitation center as early as tomorrow. giffords is able to stand on her own. she was able to sit in a chair and look out the window. the hospital is in houston where astronaut mark kelly works. doctors say stimulating giffords' mind is as important as working on her body right now. >> when i look at her i can tell she's in there writing software, she's resting, sleeping, the brain is just working overtime right now. >> the man who allegedly shot giffords and 18 others, jared loughner, has been indicted by a federal grand jury. he is accused of trying to assassinate giffords and trying to kill two of her aides and expected to face additional state and federal charges. police say loughner fired 32 bullets. a preliminary hearing is scheduled for monday.
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china's president hu jintao heads to capitol hill on the thirsds day of his state visit to meet with vungsal leaders -- congressional leaders. last night he was toasted at a formal state dinner. he will wrap up his trip tomorrow in chicago. today the 50th anniversary of one of the most famous speeches in this country's history. john f. kennedy's inaugural address in 1961. >> and so my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> 14-minute speech was filled with memorable phrases including that stirring call to service. katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> the battle over health care reform round two, what do you stand to win or lose as democrats and republicans go back to the table? we'll put the future of your health in focus tonight only on the "cbs evening news." and it's five minutes past
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the hour. we head back outside to marysol castro. on the plaza. good morning. >> good morning, jeff. good morning, everyone at home. a ruckus bunch because it's national cheese day. the signs are -- i, you know, whenever you put my name on a sign, of cou
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>> this weather report sponsored by mercedes-benz. experience truly great engineering, today at your authorized dealer. >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. head back inside and check in with erica. >> thanks. up next -- if you absolutely cannot wait until our next segment begins, take a moment, take a breath, because being that impatient even for something this good, can push your health at risk. we'll give you all those details when we return. we promise it's going to be very
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soon. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. professional driver on a closed course. ♪ do not attempt at home. always wear your seat belt. ♪ and please drive responsibly. [ male announcer ] it's the most fun you can legally have. the powerful mercedes-benz c-class. and now, join us on facebook and take part in the world's first twitter-fueled race. just joined? we want a healthier lifestyle. well, you should also start enjoying activia. for us? it's for people who want to feel good inside. when you feel good, you're more likely to get out there and enjoy life! mmm! mmm! i like this resolution. love how you feel or your money back!
8:09 am
try snuggle! ultra snuggle blue sparkle with fresh release technology keeps clothes smelling fresh up to 14 days. and has the ultimate in snuggly softness® your family loves... you can always count on snuggle. but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin works great on all my allergies like dust, mold, pollen, or pets without making me drowsy, cause i want to be alert around this big guy. live claritin clear. indoors and out.
8:10 am
nobody else has what this paint's got: and that's a number one rating. it's a paint and primer in one -- so it goes on bold, and looks even better. it means getting more done -- in half the time. and it means the shade you see on that swatch -- ends up on that wall... and is as durable as it is colorful. you know where to find it. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. try it for yourself. get your own 8-ounce sample of the number one-rated behr paint.
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now, just $2.94. . in this morning's health watch an epidemic of impatience. perhaps you've noticed it. our fast paced culture is causing many of us to be more impatient than ever which can in turn affect our health. >> a study finds one trigger for impatience, psychologist and early show contributor dr. jennifer hartstein here with details. this is playing off a university of toronto studio that found things like fast food can trigger our impatience. please, get right to the point. >> i'll rush through it. it's a really good question. the fact is that we are an immediate gratification culture. we go, we want it now, we want it now, quickly with our smartphones, fast food. we expect to do it quickly and other people expect that of us as well. so we've lost the art of just slowing down and enjig the moment. we're rushing all the time.
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>> we're continually making it worse for ourselves. we lost that art. was there a time when people were able to be slightly more patient? >> we were talking about it before the word impay shashts started in the 13th century. we've been impatient for a long time. but i think before this age of excessive connectedness we slowed down a little more, although we were still impatient clearly. >> is that probably the key? i think it affects us, i think it affects the people at home they have the cell phone, the blackberry, if they're constantly on-line, you just like you said, so connected it's nice to put all that stuff away and kind of help everyone a little bit. >> we've talked about this many times. the importance of decompressing and disconnecting a little bit. there's something to that question of because we expect to be connected so quickly, we expect to ask a question and get a response back so fast, how are yes we waiting? we lost the art to wait. we have gone back to being little kids, need it, want it, have to have it.
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>> and expect it. >> exactly. >> it can really have a detrimental effect on so many aspects of your life, not just you personally but those around you. what are some of the real side effects? >> there is real physical and mental things we have to consider. physically it can cause heart problems. stress management we're lacking that ability and our hearts can suffer, have ulcers, people can have anxiety, depression, anger management issues and subsequently it can also impact our relationships. who wants to be with somebody who is tapping their toes all the time looking at the watch all the time, chronically irritable and flipping out at the littlest thing. that's not going to build interpersonal support. >> what can you do? say you are in a relationship and with someone constantly tapping the toe and connected and driving you a little crazy if you're with somebody who is very impatient, how do you change them? >> you want to talk about what it is. usually the sign of something bigger. talk to them about what's happening there. why are they not able to enjoy the connection with you, and let
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the other things go. having the connection is a great distraction and can be helpful. >> steps you can take if you yourself recognize you are, perhaps, more impatient than one should be or someone you love is, what are some things we can do to stop that. >> stop and breathe. we are speedy when we're feeling impatient and if you breathe you slow down and that slows your nervous system down. that can be helpful. if you can, take a time-out from the situation and remove yourself. sometimes we can't but maybe you can find a happy place in your brain and take yourself there. ask yourself the question, is it worth it i'm getting so frustrated. a new restaurant is going to have slow service. is it worth it i'm flipping out. i have to take a step back and survey that myself. lastly, recognize what your own thinking is. what is it about the situation that's making me so angry. can i unstick myself from that a little bit and enjoy it. >> take a personal inventory. >> yes. >> it's very important. >> what about impatient kids? >> yeah. >> not that you have them. >> i don't anything about that.
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>> when dealing with certain ages like a 4-year-old they don't know how to be patient yet. >> they haven't learned it yet. your job is to modulate their level of patience. you can't equal their patience level or impatience level. you have to take a step and breathe. >> and know your triggers. >> know what's going to make you mad and if you can avoid them, great. have asking in your pocket when you have to stance in that line at the airport, have an ipod, magazine. >> the great thing we have all these answers inside four and a half minutes. >> didn't feel rushed at all. >> they got their information quickly and we got it in. >> just like they expect on "the early show." always a pleasure. >> thank you. >> thanks again. speaking of things people cannot wait for, how about retirement? >> hello. >> and you know what, when you're going to retire you might as well retire to some of the best places in the country. we'll talk about some of the country's top locations to start this new phase of your life. this is "the early show" here on cbs.
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cbs health watch, sponsored by tums. fights heart burn fast. [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow, ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums which beneful prepared meals. tonight? nothing works faster. roasted chicken recipe? okay, savory rice and lamb stew. [ barks ] you're right. tonight is a beef stew kind of night. you've made another fine choice. look at those beefy chunks all packed with protein, the real vitamin-rich vegetables, the wholesome grains. and you think you're getting spoiled. it's so good for you too. [ announcer ] beneful prepared meals. another healthful, flavorful beneful. [ thinking ] hmm. i got all this off mcdonald's dollar menu. so amazing and just a buck each, so my turn.
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guess we'll just have to go look at window treatments. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart.
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well, the first wave of baby boomers begins to turn 65 this month and a hot topic for many is, where's a great place to retire? la toya drake has the best areas for those senior that's are looking for a change of scenery. good to see you. >> good morning. >> what is the big criteria people need to explore? >> today's seniors are unlike their parents, unlike previous generations. they are willing to relocate when they retire. there are important things like taxes and weather but they do want to stay active and they're looking for a more fun and energetic retirement.
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>> let's talk about some places where you can have a continued active lifestyle. some of the hot spots out there, so to speak. >> one of those places is palm bay, florida. of course we know florida has beautiful weather, palm bay is situated in a great location. if you're looking for outdoor activities, you have hiking, tennis, golf, but if you are the senior who doesn't want to stay outside, exercise your mind, lexington, kentucky. i like lexington because the university of kentucky since 1964 has offered free university courses to people over 65. so you can go indoors, actually earn a college degree, if you want. >> catch a little basketball. >> catch a little basketball as well. >> if you're a basketball fan it's the place to go. how about senior butterflies, basically have everything at their fingertips? >> i like to call these the senior social butterflies. the place for them is santa rosa, california. this is because there are over 200 wineries around. this is a great social activity for seniors and their friends. have a glass of wine, and meet new people.
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and, of course, san francisco, beautiful weather year-round. lively theater district, lots of dining options. there really are a lost options in san francisco. of course the parks and beaches as well. >> you've got to take cost into effect, though, because those two areas, san rosa and san francisco more expensive than most. >> new hampshire has no sales tax and don't charge for drawing on the retirement funds. so if you're looking for a place to save money, new hampshire has one of the lowest cost of living in the united states. >> i actually went to school in that state, my first job was in new hampshire and it's amazing how wonderful is, seasonal state, but it is an affordable state to live in. let's talk about some of the places that are great for, when we get specific now, how about single seniors? >> right. single seniors and who would have ever thought massachusetts was the place to go. if you are single and ready to mingle, if you're a senior, now, over 52% of the population is
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above the age of 55. so there are some choices there for you if you are single. >> but why pitsville? >> why pitsville. nothing wrong with pitsville, but when we look at all these other spots it really -- >> it's an unsuspecting location, but the odds are in your fiver if you're looking. >> how about quality of health care? >> durham, north carolina, duke university is there, and also belling ham, washington. they have another world class facility. >> people thinking about the beach. >> being near the water is something very important. of course the obvious choice is saraso sarasota, florida. they have over 35 miles of sandy beaches. we have to remember the weather. but the not so obvious choice is greensboro, georgia. it's about 70 miles east of atlanta. it is in the heart of georgia's lake country. and they have a new retirement community called dell web, it just opened, so if you're
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looking for boating and fishing, those are the things you'll enjoy. the weather is decent enough in georgia. it's not florida weather but it is nice weather. >> you talk about it just basically offers everything, kind of again like at your finger tip. >> if is an active retirement community. again we talk about the seniors looking for those active options. so again you have those outdoor active tiffs and you are closer to a big city if you do want traveling and have food and dining and outdoor options. >> before we let you go, if you are starting to think about retirement, what's the first thing you should be thinking about right now? >> some seniors are putting off their retirement, the economy has hit them like other people, but think about places where you enjoy, places where you enjoy vacation, tax breaks, that will make retirement easier. >> great information. >> thank you, chris. still ahead, have a problem with your pet? here to answer your questions on "the early show" coming up next. ,,
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[ female announcer ] back to school means back to busy mornings. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. plus i get two boxtops for their school. winning is my but we lost today. no, we didn't... ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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it's 8:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm elizabeth wenger. amber alert signs are still on in the bay area. this morning, the search for a kidnapped boy will focus on a canal near patterson where the boy was taken from his grandmother tuesday. someone reported seeing a car similar to the suspect's go into the canal shortly after the abduction. several students who ate rat poison at a san francisco middle school last week have been suspended. seven students ingested the poison found on top of a filing cabinet. some students encouraged the others to try it saying it was candy. none of the kids got sick. caltrain is looking to make more service cuts to deal with a $30 million deficit. the transit agency is considering a plan to run trains only on
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weekdays and during commute times. service could also be suspended at up to 7 stations. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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finally better news to report on your drive through oakland westbound 580 at park an earlier traffic alert is cleared out of the way. all that tree debris and fallen tree now completely out of the road. still backed up in the area so
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give yourself some extra time. still dealing with a sig alert southbound 101 at cesar chavez. we have debris sticking out from the center divide causing delays in the area and once you pass there traffic stays slow and go. this is right around third as you work your way south 101. and bay bridge toll plaza, still backed up at least to 880 at this point if not beyond. 34 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. that's traffic. here's robert with your forecast. gianna, thanks so much. traffic may be causing you a headache but the weather will not as we take a live look at ocean beach. clear skies out there, wonderful morning to get out, take a walk before you head into the office. it's going to be amazing throughout the day today. our warmest of areas are going to see temperatures around 69 degrees. inside the bay 65. upper 50s at the coast. your friday looks equally as nice. and the sun holds on through the weekend if you have plans for the outdoors, go ahead and take advantage of those. the sun and warm temperatures continuing into the start of the workweek. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show." half past the hour. amongst the cheeseheads, members of the who dat nation. >> huge, huge nfc championship game coming up -- ooh. >> not this year. they did win last year. big weekend for football. >> that's why they're here. >> everybody looking forward to some football this weekend. before we get to that, we've got some good stuff right here for you this morning. including, we are answering your pet questions. you know, we always want to do as much to help you out as we can with our "early" experts. and look at that sweet little -- >> oh. >> so, we have the cute dog here because, there she is, dr. debbye turner bell, our
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resident veterinarian is answering your pet questions this morning, including one that plague many households that have a dog and a cat when the dog decides to snack in the other animal's litter box. >> oh. another big question, is it a good idea to dress your animals in pink velour? >> no comment. also coming up this half hour from cleaning and ironing to removing gum from your clothing, your mother always seemed to know how to do these things but now that you're an adult, you don't have a clue. well don't fear, we're going to teach you things today that mom never bothered to tell you about. >> she didn't have time. don't throw her under the bus. >> i love mom. >> i love your mom. >> everybody wants to get organized, right? >> yes. >> the question is, can we get organized? we don't know where to put all our stuff, we don't always have the right receptacle, if you will, the container. >> yes. >> we have some great products here this morning. where to put everything from merlot to magazines. >> merlot to magazines. how about that? >> everything in between. you like that?
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>> i have dips on that wine fridge, by the way. >> how did she beat all of us to that? i have to be quicker on the draw. >> and we're going to need something nice and warming like wine, because it's rather chilly this morning. >> a balmy 32 degrees here in new york city. let's take a look at your national forecast. of course we're talking about the big swath of snow in the nation's heartland tracking
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>> thank you so much. we have some ladies with the armed forces, and you have -- >>. >> you are with which armed force? >> army. >> air force. >> air force. >> and hi! >> aim high. and they're protecting me. all morning. i can go wherever i want. thank you. so much. that's the latest weather.
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>> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by purina. your pet. our passion. >> millions of americans treat their pets like they are a member of the family. because they are. it doesn't always mean that we understand what's going on with them. although this little guy is a little cold because you're shivering. so we asked you with your pet questions and here with the answers is dr. debbye turner bell. >> good morning. >> always good to have you here. because you always have some very sweet animals who are in need of a loving home. >> for our new york viewers if you're ready to give a pet a forever home these are from the humane society of new york. we'll have more information on our website if you want to give more information about these. and your little baby there, buddy, who is a 7-year-old chihuahua is not shaking because he's cold. he's shaking because he's a chihuahua. that's just what they do. >> she already cleared up one question that wasn't even on the list. >> that's for free. >> our first question comes via skype from gina of mississippi. good morning. >> good morning.
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>> hi gina. >> what's your question for debbye? >> this is dawn. when we try to pick her up she wants to growl and snarl at us like she's going to tear us to pieces. she hasn't always done this. once she tried to bite me when i was trying to pick her up. what should we do about this? >> this is such a common problem. 4.7 million people get bitten a year, and very often it's by their own pet. and it's not by what we consider to be aggressive pets. just last week martha stewart was bitten by her own dog because she surprised the dog. dog was about to fall asleep, she went down and put her face in the dog's face and boom she got bitten. there are a couple things that i want to have you consider. very often dogs bite because they are surprised or they're territorial, and then for some dogs, as they age, they get little tender spots and sensitive spots, whether it's arthritis or areas where they don't like to be touched. first of all, don't ever surprise diamond.
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make sure that he hears you coming, that you approach him and give him time to get used to you, then touch him. if you notice that he snarls and bites when you touch him in a certain area, then that's an area you want to avoid. now we're putting up some tips for the regular person when approaching an unfamiliar dog and you want to say to the owner, is it okay? present your hand palm down, fingers in, let the dog sniff first and wait for the dog to tell you it's okay. and they tell you it's okay usually by putting their ears down, putting their head down or nuzzling under your hand. then you can put them only on their head, only on the back of their back. don't touch their nose, don't touch their paws because sometimes those are sensitive areas. don't surprise your dog, gina. and hopefully that will take karp of it. take them to the vet and make sure there's nothing else going on. >> gina, thanks for dialing in this morning. we also have a question from facebook from teresa who writes in to say she has a 14-year-old cat that cries lately, and she wants to know if the cat is in
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pain for just doing this for attention? >> well, you know, cats so sometimes do just like to hear the sound of their own voice. you know, they'll caterwaul, as we call it, just because they want to. but sometimes it can mean something is going on. what gets my attention with this cat is that the cat is 14 years old. there are few old cat diseases that can cause the cat to vocalize more. hyperthyroidism comes to mind. kidney disease comes to mind. liver disease comes to mind. so i would really encourage her to take the cat in, and get a good health screening and make sure that there's not something going on. sometimes cats also meow when they see other cats in the neighborhood or animals and they're just expressing their territorialism. but rule out the physical issues first. especially since this is an older cat. >> with the age, okay. thanks for sending that in. this comes via zwiter from courtney wright. my two 11-month-old westies don't seem to like the cold weather. oh, they're probably not alone. how can she keep them safe,
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comfort and and healthy? >> these two dogs don't like to go out in the cold weather to do their business. and she has small dogs. so for small animals it's important to protect them from the cold. because they can't thermoregulate as well as a larger animal. putting a sweater on them. chris asked about that earlier. when you have a small animal that doesn't have a lot of hair, a sweater is appropriate. it's also not a bad idea to put booties on them to protect them from the ice, and also from the salt that gets into cracked paths. be sure to wipe them off, dry them off really good and check their pads to make sure they don't have ice balls forming between their toes. >> i'm a little worried about buddy. he's making some noises. you let me know at any point if he's not all right. we have another question from annie in los angeles. >> hi. i have a problem with my cocker spaniel. they seem to be dining in the cat's -- cat box. and it troubles me that this could be very serious problem.
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so, if you could let me know what to do about that i'd appreciate it. >> there is a big $10 word for this that we call cocrophasia where dogs like to eat the poop of either their own or other animals. >> whether outside or in the litter box. >> we don't really know why they like to do it. i think we all universally agree it's disgusting. >> it happens in my house. >> some think there are some nutrients they're looking for that they get from the feces? >> it's not just an odor thing? >> it's not necessarily an odor thing. some think it's just done out of boredom. the dog doesn't have anything else to do so he goes looking in the litter box. others believe the dogs actually like the taste of it which is the grossest of all. i will say to our viewer, it is important to put the cat's litter box away so the dog can't get to it. usually it doesn't harm them. but there are intestinal parasites that can be transmitted through eating it. and so you don't want to transmit, and you don't want to also get an infection. keep the litter box away. >> okay.
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excellent answers as always. and just a reminder to our friends at home, dr. debbye turner bell is always happy to answer your pet questions so you can find out more information on how to do that or how to adopt one of these sweet animals who needs a loving home. they're here from the humane society of new york. so if you're in the area, there's information about that, as well, at chris? >> note to self, do not ever hang around a dog who is bored. that really ruffled the feathers. let's move on here, getting organized is high on your list of things to accomplish this year. guess what? you're in luck. cassie post is lifestyle editor at gilt groupe. she's searched high and low for items that are functional and stylish. >> thank you, chris. >> good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> i'll been mesmerized by some of the stuff. it's great. let's talk with this board. the kitchen for your pots and pans. >> this is a revolutionary idea. it's actually a pegboard, cookware storage rack.
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and this idea was the brainchild of french cuisine queen julia child, actually. so she came up with this great idea. but it couldn't be easier. it's just a pegboard. you hang some hooks, get your pats and pans, hang them on the wall. and this is genius because it clears up tons of cupboard space and you can also paint it. and as you can see here, we left the silhouette for the pots and pans. >> looks like the work space you find in a garage. >> exactly. >> so if you've got a husband or kids who don't put things in the right place. no excuses. >> can't go wrong there. >> let's talk about spice rack. i thought this was really, really great. magnetized. >> amazing. and you can get these at and start at $20. what these will do for you is get the tons of bottles of spaces off the counter, on the rack. and you can mount this on a wall. you can mount it on the side of a fridge. some are free-standing. and you can finally see everything. >> looks pretty good, too. >> so chic, right? >> a little wine because there
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is not a household out there that doesn't have a few bottles of this. >> much needed. and this is the cuisinart private reserve wine cellar. you can get it at it's just $134. if you're a serious wine enthusiast or want to look like one, you don't have room in your budget for a full wine cellar, this will store up to eight bottles. you can adjust the temperature. we really love it for storing white wine bottles, keeping them chilled. >> this is lower maintenance. >> this is the wall mounted wine rack. and you just take the wine bodles and stick them in these holes. it will hold up to ten bottles. you can also get this at it's $36. kind of looks like a piece of art. so good looking. >> these boxes. i have a lot of these around. >> you do? you and interior designers and stylists know that these can be a secret weapon for, you know,
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storing all of these little bits of clutter. and you know, these are great for remote controls, keys, what have you. and they're so beautiful to look at. much better than a bunch of junk. >> exactly what i use them for remote controls. >> see, yeah. >> magazines, newspapers. >> baskets, shore. and baskets are nature's most beautiful solution to portable storage. and these baskets start at $29. there's some on the floor. you can see that you can use them in every room in the house from the bathroom, for towels, toys in the kids' room, and you can lug them around with you everywhere you go. >> bad idea for the kids, too, when they come in, all the shoes in there. >> great for a mud room or by the front door. >> little bit of a different looking magazine rack. >> yes, yes. this is a great acrylic magazine rack. container store just $29. and magazines are unruly, really hard to get a hold of, get a handle on. this is great, too, because there's a handle on this rack so you can lift it up and take your magazines with you from room to
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room. >> all right. jewelry. >> jewelry. >> organization. this is key. >> and this thing is amazing. it's called the traveling jewelry case. and here's a great tip. you know, things that are created to organize you when you travel are also great for everyday. and this is created by the closet designer to the stars. and her name is melanie charlton paschietlli. she does beyonce's and drew barrymore and sting's close eds. >> i don't need to hear any more. >> this is incredible. and it's only $50 from >> and the hangers, too. as far as saving space. >> totally saves you so much space if you just get in a set of uniform hangers. and a lot of people don't know there are actually different hangers that are designed to go with different items of clothing. so it will actually preserve the shape of your clothes, and extend the life of your clothes. so shirt hangers for shirt. coat hangers for coat hangers. suits, you have a lot of suit hangers you told me.
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why do you need two hangers when one will do, right? >> and these are also from >> this is the book case. >> from $189. what's so great about this besides it being super chic and it's almost invisible that the footprint of this is only 14 inches. normally book cases take up tons of space. so you can shove it in the corner, you're good to go. >> take the jacket off the book and there you go. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. great to see you. >> great to see you. >> for more on stylish orking go to our website, it's all right there. thank you very much. >> thanks, chris. >> now here's erica. >> if you grew up with a mom who was great at throwing parties, organizing dinners, but you feel like you didn't get all the secrets that you wanted passed on to you, are you in luck. this morning amy goodman our good friend and editor at large for "southern living" magazine is here with some time-tested tips that we can all use around the house. always good to see you. >> lovely to be here. >> we're going to start off with
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the cast iron skillet which, of course, now that you're at "southern living" magazine, this is the staping of southern cooking. but man they can be hard to clean. >> it's a cornerstone of southern cooking because it naturally seasons your food. it's nonstick and it's virtually indestructible. however, it can be a bear to clean. >> yes. >> the first step is you take a wooden spoon and you get up as much of the food as you possibly can naturally there. and i want to do this while it's still a little bit hot, right, so that it moves a little bit easier? >> you want the pan to be completely cool. >> okay. >> and then you do the scraping. then under warm water, using no soap, you take a bristle brush that is not metallic or a green scour pad and you go to work at it. the key here is that it's about the elbow grease and the energy that you put into it. then you rinse with water. you towel dry and air dry naturally and that really, really should work where most cast iron skillets. when it's clean you take a little bit of vegetable oil, apply that to a paper towel and run it through the interior of the pan to seal in the nonstick qualities and seasoning.
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>> i know you're not supposed to use soap on this and i know we want a little bit of that seasoning to stay because that's what gives you the flavor, the build jump over time. but when it's so caked on is there anything else you could do, i tried baking soda once and i think i ruined my man. >> a nonabrasive cleanser that's natural like coarse salt, something that you can actually use as a last-ditch effort. this is like the 5% to 2% of pans that won't clean using the previous method. you throw in some salt, you use the brush again and that will absolutely do it. regular nonstick pans just use warm suddensy water. >> and don't put them in the dishwasher no matter what they say. >> absolutely not. >> when it comes to stemware. crystal especially, it's so delicate. it hits the bottom of your sink and you're done. >> please! first of all, you do not dish it wash. they're all hand wash. the trick to not breaking it is to use a nice rubber mat or a towel. hopefully that will break a fall. >> you put that in the bottom of your sink. >> then you pick up your glasses from the bowl of the glass, not
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the stem. >> oh. >> you wash it with regular dishwashing liquid. and also rinse with warm water. the thing with the warm water you put it into a bowl on your countertop and you rinse each individual glass within that bowl and then you set it aside. this is having separate work stations for separate tasks to decrease the chances of breakage. >> you have rice and vinegar and a red wine stain? that's going to help us get rid of the stain in the glass. >> i'm a red wine lover. and if you happen to get that little bid of red wine that does not remove you apply about a half a glass of the white vinegar. you throw in some dry rice, and you give it a swirl just like a good red wine. >> that will scrub it? >> gives it just enough friction. you throw it out. you do the wash. >> there we go. very nice. silver can be really tough. obviously this doesn't go in the dish waber either. but you have to constantly polish. >> at "southern living" we encourage you to use your silver pieces in an everyday manner. if you don't it will tarnish. get a great polish that is from
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haggerty's. we applied a small amount to a soft cloth. we put it on in a circular pattern. we let this dry for one minute and now, in the same manner you kind of use a circular motion to polish it off and you get this great shine and sheen. and for this small area you can use a soft bristled brush. >> i want to make sure we get to these before we run out of time. gum on clothing can be really tough. the freezer is your friend. >> yes, my daughter absolutely loves gum. so i'm waiting for this to happen to us. you get your gum as soon as possible you want to try to lift off as much of the gum as you can, wearing the gloves. felt it into a ziploc freezer bag and go to your freezer. >> frozen. >> after an hour. you pop it out of the bag, and you just take a dull knife and scrape it off. any last remaining bit use a firm bristled toothbrush and peel it off there. then throw it into the washer with some fabric cleaner. >> i love it. and lastly who has this not happened to? you get something stuck on your iron. >> yes. or it's just natural cleaning.
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you use a combination of suddensy soap onto a sponge. clean a cold iron. >> cold iron! >> yes. and then just wipe it off with a damp cloth. or cleaning the interior of the iron, we're going to put about a quarter is up of the white vinegar. >> is it true a lot of times the buildup you'll see on your iron, the white stuff is really from your water? >> it's coming from your tap water. all the minerals and calcium. you steam all of the vinegar out then you do a water rinse with distilled water and you're done. >> great tips as always. amy, thanks. >> great tips as always. amy, thanks. we wil,, never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started
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immediately supporting me. we had an outpouring of-- of support. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. the 60 miles-- it makes a statement. i know i'm stronger than i was before, both mentally and physically. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. i knew that there was something really special about this event. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. it was three days of hope. of love. of empowerment. it was three days the way the world should be. here i am, second year in a row, and i'm already signed up for next year's. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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we are going to be wearing snow boots again here tomorrow, aren't we, marysol? >> and you and i actually have the same -- >> we do have the same snow boots. >> you've got great boots. >> thank you. >> those are nice ones. >> they're very nice. >> very nice. >> finally broke down and bought them. >> are they stylish boots? >> the good news is marysol will have the latest on that weather for you because no matter where you are in the country, we all
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know when there is weather, especially snow, it affects travel everywhere. so you'll keep us up to date on all of that tomorrow.,,,,,,,,,,,
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kohara, with your c-b-s five headline it's 8:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. today a consequently cord family will file a -- concord family will file a lawsuit against arnold schwarzenegger for commuting a sentence of a man convicted in their son's death saying it violates constitutional rights under mary's law intended to give crime victims due process. state lawmakers demanding that pg&e reveal which of its gas pipeline were subjected to pressure spikes. pg&e has admitted to increasing pressure to the legal limit on 11 california gas lines. that includes the pipeline that explode in san bruno. the committee plans to meet again next week. parents around student packed a meeting in walnut creek arguing for and against closing 7 schools in the mount diablo unified school district.
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traffic and weather around the bay area coming right up. stay with us. ,, honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] for a limited time, call to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. it's our fastest internet for the price.
8:57 am
oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ good morning. let's take a look at the ride up the nimitz freeway. still jammed past the coliseum in the northbound lanes almost 40 minutes from 238 to the maze. not looking better on westbound 580. they had to clear a tree that
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was blocking lanes for an hour or more. right now all lanes have re- opened westbound 580 at park but it's still a crawl from san leandro out towards oakland and the macarthur maze. san mateo bridge, lots of sunshine, nice commute here. this is the commute direction westbound 92 not a bad commute into foster city and the peninsula. at the bay bridge toll plaza, though, still backed up to the macarthur maze. that's your traffic. here's robert with a check of your sunshine-filled forecast. >> not just sunshine, but we're looking at temperatures five to 10 degrees above average. mostly sunny skies a few high clouds out there. and this will be the story throughout the weekend. as we take a live look at the transamerica tower here in san francisco, temperatures will reach 69 degrees inland, 65 at the bay, upper 50s at the coast. friday nice, slight dip in temperatures, nothing drastic. saturday, sunday, monday mostly sunny skies, a few clouds moving in from some coastal breezes, nothing too drastic.
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