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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  January 21, 2011 3:10am-4:00am PST

3:10 am
>> there you go. >> thank you. thank you, baby. oh, man. >> wow. got to be [ bleep ] kidding me. come on. >> and that will do it for us on this edition of the best "the big game." any closing thoughts on pocket kings? >> i like to say king kong ain't got nothing on me. >> denzel, training day. for joe stapleton and our big game team, i'm chris rose reminding you, if you want to be a loose cannon and play on "the big game," logon to there are free qualifying tournaments every day. have a good night, everybody. >> no good kings. no good kings, no good queens. >> two kings, man.
3:11 am
>> you got aces or kings or something? what. >> if i had ace or kings, man, i would -- >> i guess i'm all in. >> king. >> king!
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