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tv   The Early Show  CBS  January 22, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PST

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good morning. the road to recovery. arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords is moved to a houston hospital to begin rehabilitation. now doctors will see if they can keep her remarkable progress going, and her husband's promise that she'll some day be back at work. we'll talk live to one of her closest friends, new york senator kirsten gillibrand. a winter to remember. bitter cold on top of heavy snow brings the midwest to an icy standstill. and there's no relief in sight as the northeast braces for yet another storm on the way. we're live in minneapolis. and reunited. a daughter's fight to uncover
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her true past leads her to her real mother, 23 years after she was kidnapped as a baby. this morning we'll hear live from the person who put this young woman on the path toward finding her true identity. that story and much more "early" this saturday morning, january that story and much more "early" this saturday morning, january 22nd, 2011. captioning funded by cbs and welcome back. fifth avenue on this very cold saturday i'm russ mitchell. >> i am rebecca jarvis. it is a cold saturday and it has been a very big week for congresswoman gibb regiffords. an amazing week. her recovery is under way. she's been moved to houston. we're going to speak with new york senator kirsten gillibrand, one of her closest friends here in new york city, about what her recovery is doing. kirsten bhans with gabby giffords in the hospital.
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we're going to get the closest word to her on what her status is. >> exactly. doctors are still calling it incredible recovery. very optimistic. also an interesting story from the world of tv. keith olbermann of msnbc just up and quit last night. his stunning announcement, very abrupt. he had a three-minute good-bye. we've got a clip of it for you right now. >> i think the same fantasy has popped into the head of everybody in my business who has ever been told what i've been told. that this is going to be the last edition of your show. >> controversial guy, for those of us who know him, a very nice guy. interesting way to say good-bye. we'll talk about it more in just a bit. first let's get to our top story. arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords has moved to a rehabilitation center in houston where the next phase of her amazing recovery has already begun. don teague joins us now live from tirr memorial hermann hospital in houston. don, good morning. >> good morning, russ. doctors here in houston say gabrielle giffords is in the top 5% of patients suffering from her type of brain injury.
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in other words, she's making substantial progress. a major step in what has already been a remarkable recovery for arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords. to the cheers of supporters, giffords left the tucson hospital where she's been since being shot in the head two weeks ago. first by ambulance with police escort. then in a medically equipped private jet that took her to houston where she will undergo treatment at a hospital that specializes in brain injuries. >> the transfer of gabby from university medical center in tucson, here to memorial hermann in houston went flawlessly. >> reporter: after evaluating their new patient, doctors here say she's still weak but doing very well. >> she came into the icu and she was alert, awake, calm. she looked comfortable. i think we were already feeling some interaction, which is important. >> reporter: giffords is unable to speak, and has partial
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paralysis. but doctors, and the nurse who's been at her side for two weeks, say she's improving every day. >> i'm going to miss her a lot. i mean she's a very gentle person. and her personality's coming out with her touches. the way that she touches us. the way that she looks at us. and i am very lucky to know her. and know her family. >> reporter: giffords' recovery will likely take months and may eventually move to yet another facility, like this transitional home, where therapy patients relearn how to do what were once simple tasks. in the meantime, houston residents are following the lead of those in tucson in comforting giffords. they held a candlelight vigil overnight, offering prayers for a full recovery. well, giffords remains in the intensive care unit at memorial hermann hospital because she still has some fluid that is draining from her brain. but she's already receiving rehab, even in the icu.
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russ? >> good news, don teague from houston. thank you so much. joining us now from capitol hill is a good friend and colleague of congresswoman giffords, kirsten gillibrand. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i know you've been in touch with the family so much over the past couple weeks. what can you tell us about the congresswoman's condition this morning? >> well, the most glowing news i heard was when she was being transferred she could hear the cheers of all the supporters that were lining the streets and it made her not only cry but it made her smile. so she's someone who deeply feels what's going on around her and i do believe this recovery is because of her strength. because of her character, because of her drive. and i think she's inspiring all of us. >> that is fantastic news. one of her doctors in arizona, dr. peter rhee said she's making really good improvement on a daily basis which is not always common and he is very optimistic. let me ask you as someone who knows her and knows what she's been through, are you surprised at how well she's doing? >> no, i was not that surprised. one of my first phone calls with
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her husband mark said she's doctors don't know her, she'll be up and walking within two weeks. that's exactly who gabby is. she's just so determined. but also a person who's extraordinarily loving and kind. her relationship with mark really made a difference. even my very short moments in the hospital room with her, it was that love between them that really allowed mark to help her to open her eyes and be part of the surroundings around her. and i just know, because of her courage, she will pull out of this. she will overcome what was done to her. and she will be continuing example of great pride and inspiration for all of us. >> how are mark and the family doing? how are they holding up? >> they're holding up. i have e-mail from her chief of staff this morning. actually, getting adjusted to this new facility. and i'm hoping to go down in the next few weeks to see her. >> of course this shooting put a spotlight on the nasty rhetoric coming out of washington these days and there was a suggestion made that during the president's state of the union address next week, that republicans and democrats sit next to each other. and i understand you have the
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republican date for the evening, is that right? >> i do. i'm going to be sitting with senator john thune and this will be very good, not only are we showing a small measure, it's a symbol of what to come. senator thune and i have worked together in the fast. we do a lot on transparency. we want all congressional earmarks to be in a date toobase. sis is more to come. >> when you watch the state of the union there are boos and yays along party lines. because you're going to be sitting next to each other do you think this will be a nicer state of the union address? >> i do. i really do. it's a way that we can come together, that is symbolic, but it's something that at least can set a tone of how we may move forward. there's tough issues. we have a very tough economy. we've got to create jobs. and we need bipartisan support for good ideas. >> you can have this kumbayah moment during the state of the union next week but how optimistic are you that republicans and democrats can work together in this session of congress? >> you know, i am optimistic. i saw what could be done at the
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end of the session with the 9/11 health bill. that was a bill that was not idea logic, good people of good will from both sides of the aisle came together and passed that bill and i know we can do that again for the american people. i think that's what they asked for in the last election. they wanted people who would go to washington to get the people's business done. and that's the kind of work that i'm going to do. and i'm going to make sure that i conduct myself in a way that is not always civil, but is conducive to bringing people together so they can solve these tough problems. >> senator, let me end on another question about congresswoman giffords. for all those people out there who are supporting her and pulling for her, anything you want to say to them to give them some hope? >> please keep praying for her. the prayers and good wishes of all of america is making a difference every single day. >> senator kirsten gillibrand, thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> now here's rebecca. >> thank you, res. it's been just four weeks into the season and this is fast becoming the winter of discontent for a large part of the nation. subzero temperatures extend from
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the midwest to the mid-atlantic states, and believe it or not, there is more snow on the way. liz colin of our minneapolis station is in frigid minneapolis with the latest. liz, i've got to say, i miss minnesota, but not this time of year. good morning. >> i know you have some ties here, rebecca. good morning. and i'm sure you don't miss this weather. at this point yesterday we were at negative 16. things are getting a little better, though. right now we're hovering right around zero, as you can see. just another reason for cabin fever here and across the country. mother nature's wintry wrath has proved downright nasty so far this season. and her arctic-like conditions don't appear to be letting up any time soon. a blast of bitter cold air has hit the midwest hard. friday the thermometer plummeted to minus 45 degrees in the town of international falls, minnesota. today the temperature in minneapolis is expected to drop to minus 7. chicago to 3 degrees. and pittsburgh to only 2.
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the conditions aren't contained to the midwest. >> when you look at all the cold and all the snow that we're having this winter across a good deal of the united states, a lot of it pertains to strong high pressure that's been sitting up near the north pole, and as long as that high stays strong, that's going to allow for a lot of cold air to continue to pour into the united states, and it's going to mean a stormy pattern. >> that's unwelcome news for places fresh with winterlike conditions across the u.s., especially in new england, which has already borne the brunt of five storms in only four weeks. so far this year, new york city has seen 36.1 inches of snow. way above its average of 7.8 inches. and in boston, the levels have reached nearly 50 inches. three times its average of 15 inches. experts say this winter's been a tough one to predict. >> the chaotic weather pattern out there, and i think we're going to see a lot of variability, and that means a chance for more snow and more storms and cold are probably on the way. >> reporter: and that is certainly the case.
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it's expected to be quiet in the midwest for the next few days, more snow is expected on the east coast by tuesday. rebecca? >> wcco-tv reporter liz colin in minneapolis. thank you, liz. have a great one. >> she looks freezing. >> she really, really does. that scene to me is just, it's like going home. because i remember as a kid, it was always bundle up, make sure you have your boots, make sure you have everything on. >> i'm sick of this. >> i know. >> this is ridiculous. >> it doesn't stop. >> it's wintertime, i get it. >> let's move forward. >> for a closer look at this crazy winter that's taking over all of the country today. >> nobody likes this time of year. we'll see. this winter is starting to take its toll on my voice, as well. please bear with me. in order to get a big winter snowstorm you need two things. you've got to get the cold air and you've got to get the moisture. now the cold air is all dependent upon where the high pressure system is going to set up. joey, can you advance that for me? it's a high pressure system sets up in the midsection of the country, because of the way
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arrow tates around the high, pulls in the form southerly air, up around the canadian border is going to pull in the cold, canadian air. fort kent down to minus 18, buffalo down to 5 below. omaha, nebraska, 5 below. alamosa, colorado, 1 below zero. we've got the cold air. now we talk about this next big winter storm. you've got to have moisture. where is that going to come from? the forecast is showing a low pressure system to form in the midwest. it then drops down into the southeast coastal waters. all right, which will really generate some moisture. it rides right up the eastern seaboard. tuesday night into wednesday. listen carefully, this is the key. if this storm sets up close to shore, you've got another big nor'easter with the potential for a foot or a lot more for portions of the area. if it pushes a little further out to sea, going to be influenced more by the sea surface temperatures and rain for the fish. we watch this closely tuesday night into wednesday for the next possible big storm. all right. that's a quick look at this particular setup.
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we'll have more on the weather in just a bit. russ back to you. >> despite everything you said, i do still like you lonny. >> thanks, russ. >> prices at the pump were on the rise averaging $3.12 a gallon for regular and are expected to continue inching up over the next few months. what is behind the increase and can it hold back the economic recovery? tom closeo of the oil price information service. prices up almost 40 cents in the last year. every week for the past eight weeks we've seen an increase in gas prices. what's going on? >> well, it's really part of the economic recovery. and the price of crude oil internationally is going up, because somewhere around may or june of 2010, the world started to use a little bit more crude than it was producing. and that's basically continued. and that, together with an awful lot of money flowing in to commodities and in to oil in general, has really pusheds price of crude up. the price of international crude right now is about $100 a barrel. >> what can we expect over the next few months? >> well, i think we'll get a little bit of a break while it stays in the single temperatures
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and when people cocoon when it's very, very cold. but we should be dropping right now. and we're not. so i would suspect that we'll probably see some peak prices in the spring of between $3.50, $3.75, maybe a little higher. maybe a little lower in some of the edges or whatever. but the second-highest prices for any year on record. >> ask you about this from july of 2008. july 17th, 2008, regular unleaded was $4.11. the highest that we've seen. are we going to approach those numbers as we move forward? >> i don't think so. i know there's a lot of predictions out there right now from $4 to $5 a gallon. i think that's more hyperbole. i think the memory of what happened in 2008, when we went to $150 for crude and $4.11 for gasoline, and then went into the greatest economic recession of our lifetime, is too fresh. so i think we'll get into the up per threes. people will be talking about it. it will be apocalyptic. but it's not going to be as bad as it was in 2008.
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>> you talked about the economy. could these oil prices -- anded economy is doing better. could these high gas prices rein in a recovery in the economy? >> yeah, they already are to some extent. you talk about the consumer level and people who live from pay check to pay check it really hurts. you're talking about the average person uses about 600 gallons of gas a year. a dollar more for that is about $600. so it has an impact on consumption, and it's even more than the actual expenses. people feel bad when they see the high price of gas, because it's in their face every day. >> other than cutting back on using gas for consumers, is there anything consumers can do to help the situation, to bring the prices down? >> there's probably not too much. they might want to watch where their money is invested because a lot of them may not even know. but it's being invested in oil futures, and grain futures, and pumping up the price for these commodities that really do hurt people at the edges. i think they need to make good choices about what kind of
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vehicles they drive. if you watch -- not the super bowl but the football games in the last few weeks, you saw a ton of ads for trucks and suvs. we don't really need those. >> i heard an analyst last week saying get used to $5 gas in the next 12 months. tell me that's not true. >> i don't think it's true. i think if we go to $5 it will be episodic and after the election in 2012. >> okay. imagine that. tom, thanks so much, as always. now let's take a look at the rest of this morning's headlines. let's go to betty nguyen at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning, russ. good morning, everybody. eastern australia just cannot get a break from devastating floods. a 55 mile long lake created by floodwaters is cutting a new path of destruction across the state of victoria in the southeast, affecting at least 75 towns. the high water was triggered by record rains a month ago. at least 30 people have been killed since the flooding began. and thousands of homes ruined. damage so far, at least $3 billion.
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president obama continues to reach out to business leaders in an effort to show a new focus on creating jobs. on friday mr. obama named general electric's chairman and ceo jeffrey immelt to lead an advisory panel to generate ideas to keep the economy growing. later both men visited ge's turbine and generator plant in new york. the president has taken a series of pro-business steps in recent weeks aimed at moving his administration from economic crisis management to job creation. hawaii's governor has reached a dead end in his efforts to prove president obama was born in the aloha state. privacy laws prohibit the release of mr. obama's birth certificate without his consent. abercrombie was out to prove so-called birthers wrong. they claim mr. obama is ineligible to be president because they say there is no proof he was born in the united states. some financial relief for thousands of hurricane katrina victims who may have been exposed to potentially dangerous fumes in mobile homes.
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two dozen companies that manufactured mobile homes for fema have agreed to pay $2.6 million to resolve thousands of claims about formaldehyde exposure. the proposed settlement does not cover claims for people who lived in fema trailers which housed the majority of storm victims. and the family and friends of sargent shriver will say their final good-byes today. hundreds attended a wake yesterday at holy trinity church in washington for the nation's first peace corps director. shriver was also a 1972 democratic vice presidential nominee. he was remembered as an energetic idealist who left a legacy of public service. shriver died tuesday at the age of 95. about 18 minutes after the hour. let's head back over to lonny quinn this morning with a look at the cold weather. can you make it stop, really? >> yes, i will. >> do you have that power? >> yes. >> work on that. >> let's get right to the weather update. here's how we see it out there. we've got some snow pushing into the rocky mountains today. now take a look at the
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northeast. this has been the broken record that betty's talking about. cold, cold, cold. but, if there's any saving grace, the skies are looking pretty good for you. the place to be is going to be out around the swreft. look at that sky right there. a beautiful sky overhead. you're going to combine it with temperatures in the 70s. head to places like phoenix, if you can. that's a quick look at the national picture. >> certainly has been a tough winter so far and very long winter left to go. rebecca over to you. >> thanks. stunning news last night as keith olbermann, host of msnbc's top-rated "countdown" announced on the air that he was leaving the news network.
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cbs news correspondent elaine quijano has the latest. >> reporter: at the start of his msnbc show friday night, keith olbermann never hinted it would be his last. but in the final few minutes came his stunning announcement. >> regardless, this is the last edition of "countdown." >> reporter: after nearly eight years as host of msnbc's "countdown with keith olbermann" the veteran broadcaster said good-bye to his viewers and the network. he thanked his audience and his staff, but never explained his reasons for leaving. >> many occasions, particularly in the last 2 1/2 years, all but surrounded the show, but never the show itself, was just too much for me. but your support and loyalty, if i may use the word insistence, ultimately required that i keep going. >> reporter: in a statement, msnbc said the company and olbermann had, quote, ended their contract. adding msnbc thanks keith for his integral role in msnbc's success, and we wish him well in his future endeavors.
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olbermann's show was msnbc's high testish rated program. but his tenure there was tumultuous. most recently in november his bosses suspended him for two days for making donations to three democratic candidates in violation of company ethics policies. olbermann's departure comes as comcast moves ahead with its acquisition of nbc universal. a spokesman for msnbc denied that had anything to do with the decision. late friday, msnbc host rachel madow, a close colleague of olbermanns said she knew little about what happened. >> all i know is it was between keith and the company and didn't involve any -- any -- any of the rest of us. >> reporter: olbermann was reportedly in the midful a four-year contract. >> good night. and good luck. >> reporter: it's not clear what his next move will be. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. the highest ratings on msnbc. >> yeah. >> interesting to see what they do now and what he does.
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>> it's one of those things in this industry, it's very surprising. because he was sort of a staple at msnbc. but also a very polarizing character. >> yeah, yeah. it was almost like one of those howard bale moments. look out your window. he alluded to that in his good-bye last night. but it was almost like one of those moments that you don't see very often on tv. >> yeah, yeah, but you don't see it very often on tv but i also think that in this industry so much goes on behind closed doors there's all these you know networking and contracts being associated behind closed doors. >> as they say, it is what it is. coming up this morning we're going to have the latest in the dramatic case of carlina white who tracked down her real family 23 years after she was kidnapped as a baby. there's a warrant out for the woman who some think stole all those years ago. she's believed to be on the run this morning. >> and then later, if mom gave you honey and lemon for a sore throat, lonnie needs some of that today, well you're not alone. but do homemade cures like that
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really work? we're going to reveal which home remedies are more myth than medicine. help lonnie and a lot of folks out there who are dealing with this right now. which ones treat the symptoms and do it right? we're going to tell you right here on "the early show" on cbs. [ asst mgr ] what are you doing? fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal! that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no, delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters.
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[ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. leftover desserts, boardroom, now. and hurry before the interns get here. thanks but i already have some yummy black forest cake. black forest cake? ♪ so? [ female announcer ] need a guilt free treat? try yoplait light. and i've lost weight. [ female announcer ] with 30 delicious flavors, all around 100 calories each. yoplait. it is so good. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack.
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try it today. coming up in just a bit going to have more on the ams. ing story of carlina white. a young lady who was kidnapped from her hospital room 23 years ago and recently found her biological parents. it's a fascinating story because she did much of the work herself to find her parents. the woman who raised her for all those years, she's not been charged with anything, but police are looking for her to question her to see if she, in fact, was the kidnapper. >> the crazy thing about this whole story. what we're learning is that carlina herself had this sense, this sixth sense that maybe she wasn't the person that she had been told she was her whole life. somehow she found it. we're going to talk to the man who helped her find her own identity. >> there he is right there. she called ernie allen and said, i'm not -- i don't think i am who i'm supposed [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers
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are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ layers of brownie and caramel, dipped in chocolate. ready to eat sweet moments.
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championship sunday tomorrow. >> yeah. >> it is a big one. i personally feel very conflicted. bears, packers, bears, packers. as a minnesotan who lived in chicago but who, you know, i have the packers blood in me. >> not rooting for the jets? >> that's another -- >> i'm an infidel. how about you, betty? >> i have to root for the jets because i live here now. although, cowboy fans, i'm a cowboy fan. i will go for them any day of the week. but they're not in it. >> the game's going to be in dallas, right? >> yes. actually arlington. >> excuse me. arlington, texas. >> it's going to be exciting. first time at the new cowboy stadium. would be nice if the cowboys were around. that's okay, there's always next
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year. >> i've got to pick the jets, and the packers. >> really? >> no. >> the jets and the bears. >> and he's going to go to the game. he says he will go to the game if the bears win. if the bears are in the super bowl. >> as a chicago native. i think that would probably be a must for him. >> oh, definitely. you haven't said. you said you're conflicted. >> i think -- i feel the packers/jets lineup. but i'm sure there's a lot of people in chicago who are going to hate me for that. it's just something i feel. >> i don't think they'll hate rebecca. >> it's going to be a good game no matter what. >> the sad thing is, football season's coming to an end. >> yeah. >> and that first sunday when there's no football, i don't know about you guys, but i'm depressed. >> are you serious? >> you can watch it all right here on cbs tomorrow night at 6:30. get your fill. >> look at that. >> retail therapy. >> exactly. >> betty nguyen always with the answers here. ,, 3q
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experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested automatic dishwashing detergents. they rated finish quantum number one, beating the competition ! try finish quantum for amazing clean and shine. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
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don't mess with those people. they are bearing the cold, obviously hardy souls out there today. >> i wonder what's in that cup that guy has? >> something really warm we hope. welcome back to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. of course flu season is here. mr. lonnie quinn could tell us all about that. >> i know he's all verklempt. >> and we've all heard chicken soup wouldn't hurt. but does it actually help? we're going to separate fact from fiction as we put home remedies to the test. >> i'm looking forward to that. also before you pay $500 for a pair of prescription glasses, that's how much toy can run these days, we're going to tell you how to find the exact same pair for just a quarter of the price. this is the hottest new trend in cyber shopping.
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we've got that coming up for you. >> just a bit. first take a look at our top story this half hour. carlina white, amazing story. the young woman's quest to find her true identity led her to find her birth mother who was still looking for her 23 years after carlina was kidnapped as a baby. now there's a warrant out for the woman accused of stealing carlina and raising her as her own. cbs news correspondent seth doane reports. >> reporter: she's believed to be on the run. authorities want to question her about the 1987 abduction of baby carlina white, who was kidnapped from this new york city hospital. >> if this is the woman that took her from the hospital, and we do believe it is, she would have a psycho pathic personality and pretty much manipulate and lie and do whatever she needs to do to keep on the run. >> reporter: after all, much of the last 23 years have been a lie. as pegway allegedly posed as the mother of carlina white. all the time carlina's real mother was searching for her. >> just give me my baby back, please. i just want her back. >> reporter: little did she know
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her baby was being raised as nejdra nance just about 50 miles away in this neighborhood in bridgeport, connecticut. carlina had always questioned why she didn't quite look like the woman who was supposedly her mother. when she couldn't find her birth certificate she became suspicious and started searching a website of missing children. >> she finds this photo of carlina white. at that point she takes out her own baby photo that she has possession of. she compares it. looks like the same person. >> reporter: police department worked with the center of missing and exploited children to connect mother and daughter and their family reunion became front page news earlier this week. criminal profiler pat brown credits carlina white with connecting many of the dots. >> what's interesting is that she herself was the investigator that started this whole thing. >> reporter: reopening a case and reuniting a family. seth doane, cbs news, new york. >> joining me now from washington, d.c. is ernie allen,
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president of the national center for missing and exploited children. an agency that was instrumental in helping carlina find her birth mother. sir, good morning to you. >> good morning, russ. >> obviously this is a happy ending to the story. how rare, though, is a case like this? >> russ, it's very rare. obviously there's some high profile cases in which stranger abducted children have been recovered after long periods of time. jaycie dugard, elizabeth smart, sean hornbeck and a few others. but it's not typical. this is the longest-term stranger abduction recovery that we're aware of. >> this was a cold case for so many years. taking us through the process again, how did carlina solve this? >> well, carlina had been identifying things that troubled her over an extensive period of time. apparently she went to our website, looked at a number of the photos of missing children, and then on december 22nd, she called our hotline. she said, i don't know who i am. our hotline interviewed her,
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took a lot of facts, a lot of details, we developed time lines, we began to look at physical characteristics, and rule out other long-term cases, ultimately working with the nypd we focused on carlina white, nypd did dna tests that confirmed this was, in fact, that same child abducted as a 3-week-old infant 23 years ago. >> there are probably more people out there in a case like this than many of us would like to think. let me ask you, sir, if someone with experience in this field, are people likely to call you if they have this inkling that they're not who they're supposed to be, as carlina said? >> some do. i think typically most people don't. we've certainly been inundated by calls from people questioning who they are since the identification of carlina. but we want people to reach out. they should call 1-800-the-lost. they should go to our website
5:35 am to look at these photos, and we think the general public can help us identify and reunite even more families of these long-term missing children. >> as we said earlier, police are looking for the woman who raised carlina. want to point out that ann pegway has not been charged with anything yet. can you tell us what is the profile of a kidnapper and does she, in your mind, fit that profile? >> well, typically the profile of the abductor who takes infants or newborns is a woman. usually emotionally disturbed, trying to keep a relationship alive, bringing a baby home to keep a man in her life. so, in many ways, she does fit the profile. but, the investigation is ongoing. nypd and federal law enforcement are involved. we hope that whoever is responsible for this be held accountable and brought to justice soon. >> we saw those great pictures of carlina with her family in a new york hotel this week, having a good time, getting to know each other.
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after 23 years how difficult is it for her to get in touch or rather for her, i guess, to become a member of her family again? >> well, it's difficult. and you have to take it a day at a time. our staff is trying to assistthe reunification. but i think all signs are very positive. this is a mom who never gave up hope, never stopped battling for her little girl, and carlina is a remarkable young woman, strong, self-sufficient, who set out to find out who she was. all indications are the reunification of this family is very positive, and there's a great future ahead for everybody. >> that is great news. ernie allen, president of the national center for missing and exploited children. thank you so much and congratulations to you for solving this case. >> thank you, russ. >> all right. you take care. it is now 36 minutes past the hour. mr. lonnie quinn is here with another check of the weather. lonnie is outside. >> yeah. russ, lonnie drew the short straw. listen, we got a nice crowd out here. step up here for a second sir. i've got to tell you this gets
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the award for the best-groomed beard on the plaza. is there any truth that a little of that facial hair keeps your face warmer? >> it does. it really does. >> what's your name, sir? >> mike. >> where you from, mike? >> alexandria, virginia. >> welcome to new york. you're freezing, right? but it's cold in alexandria, virginia. take a look at the headlines out there. we see arctic air in the east. snow for the northern rockies. the east coast, watching a midweek storm for you. i will say the southwest is the most beautiful weather in the country. the northeast, let's zoom in there for a second, because you do have some sunshine out there. but boy, talk about an arctic blast. high temperatures. only in the, about 10s and 20s. you have low temperatures below zero. the coldest air so far this season, and that includes, my friends here in virginia, as well. it's cold air all the way through monday.
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>> all right, everybody. wherever you are i hope you make a great day. rebecca i understand you're going to give me a little information on stuff i can do for this scratchy throat. honestly the cold air has helped. perhaps that's a little remedy. >> we're going to have to test that fact from fiction. this segment is tailor made for you and everyone else out there battling a cold or probably all of us, because we'll all be battling one at some point this season from chicken soup to honey with lemon, we're going to find out if your mother's home remedies really work. we'll be separating the fact from the fiction right after this. right here on "the early show" on cbs. yep. this way, everyone will know about all our great discounts. safe driver, online, homeowner's -- more discounts than ever before. and they still get great service. ♪ ow! [ disco music plays ] ♪ whoa, yeah is it just me, or is it getting funky in here, huh?
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get your groove on, y'all! catch you on the flip side! i'd tell him the sign's not finished, but it would just break his funky little heart. more discounts, more ways to save. now, that's progressive. call or click today. seven years ago, i had this idea. to make baby food the way moms would. happybaby strives to make the best organic baby food. in a business like ours, personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with the farmers that grow our sweet potatoes and merchants that sell our product. we've gone from being in 5 stores to 7,500. booming is using points to make connections that grow your business. [ carl ] honey, where's the -- top shelf! life can get a bit... routine. that's why i decided to switch things up with cottonelle ultra toilet paper. [ carl ] oh yeeaaah! you see? it's 35% thicker than the northern brand. [ carl ] love it!
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you might say this one little switch has made all the difference. peanut, get dressed... we're goin' dancing. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] little switches can make all the difference. with a 35% thicker sheet than the northern brand, cottonelle ultra is one little switch that'll change how you feel. [ male announcer ] confused what to get? click on the robitussin relief finder. click on your symptoms. get the right relief. makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder. it's that simple. the robitussin relief finder. wabout readingl and put it here. introducing nookcolor. experience books, magazines, newspapers and children's books like never before. nookcolor by barnes & noble. ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ oh, do it
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♪ oh, do it ♪ express yourself ♪ hey [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate, from nestle. interesting choice of music. when it comes to fighting the cold or flu we'll all try anything to feel good. that includes home remedies like chicken soup or honey with lemon. but do they really work? >> this morning on "healthwatch," registered dietitian samantha heller will
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separate fact from fiction with an "early" show true or false quiz. samantha's the author of "get smart, samantha heller's nutrition prescription." >> nice to be here. >> a quiz? >> you feeling well? you healthy this winter? you hanging in there? >> we've been through it. but we're moving. >> okay. we have a quiz for you and you will learn something to help soothe those throats. true or false, when you have honey and lemon it reduces symptoms of cold and flu. >> false. >> i'm going to say true because it makes you feel better. >> she wins this one. >> oh. >> she wins. honey does soothe your throat. lemon is high in vitamin c which is good for you and also seems to cut the mucous. the other thing about honey, which most people don't realize is it's an effective topical wound healer. when you put it on a wound, it creates hydrogen peroxide and decreases bacteria. it's actually a very healing
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substance. >> okay. is there an amount we should be striving for? or is it do as you will? >> i think a teaspoon in a cup of tea with some lemon tastes good and it does soothe your throat. >> what's next? >> true or false, drinking orange juice reduces cold symptoms? >> false. >> yeah i'll say false, too. >> you guys are doing really well. it is false. >> i just followed what he said to be honest. >> you've seen the ads with the guys with the gallon things of orange juice. vitamin c does not have the healing properties that linus polling said it did back in the '70s. it doesn't reduce cold symptoms. maybe in extreme cold or extreme athletes, a little vitamin c might help. but it's so abundant in fruits and vegetables you don't have to mega dose with it. and when you're eating those healthy foods regularly you will be less likely to get sick. next one, true or false, feed a cold, starve a fever. >> ooh that's a tough one. >> false. >> true. >> and everyone says feed a cold or starve a cold. nobody knows which way, either way it's false.
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because if you starve -- >> bing bing bing. >> if you starve either a cold or fever then you're not getting your body the energy it needs to fight off those infections and your body needs those energies to help fight intekz as well. you don't want to starve yourself. you also don't want to overeat. you don't want to feed it a lot by eating junky or bad food and also lower your resistance. eating healthy foods will help you get through those times. >> one more. >> chicken soup. true or false, chicken soup is good for the soul. >> true. >> true. >> a small study says that the nutrra cells decreases inflammation, the heat from the broth helps to reduce the bacteria. >> it's a moisturizer, too. >> but add a lot of vegetables, too. >> humidifiers. >> humidifiers, true or false, does it help relieve symptoms of cold and flu? >> true. true. >> upper respiratory infections is absolutely yes.
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the good news is it does soothe it. it moisturizes the nasal passages that helps you fight infection. the bad news is if you don't clean it regularly you'll be spewing goo and fungus out. you have to clean it regularly. >> chicken soup and a humidifier. >> that's right. >> good to have you. >> for more tips on what works and doesn't work you can head to our partner in health, and search home remedies. >> and coming up next they say the eyes are the window to your soul. americans are changing the way they buy their window dressing. we're going to show you how to get eyeglasses with your prescription lenses included, for just a quarter of the price right here on "the early show." g with animals, but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin is the clear choice because it works great on all my allergies whether it's dust, mold, pollen, or pets and it won't make me drowsy, cause i want to be alert when i'm working with animals. for me claritin works so well sometimes i even forget i have allergies which helps me focus on what's important.
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next folgers jingle contest winner go to best part of waking up dotcom. [ laughs ] a new pair of eyeglasses can run you $400 to $500 for the frames and lenses. but many americans have learned to find them for a quarter of the price online. the website sold 20,000 pairs in the first year of business alone. here with the pros an cons of the new cyber trend, regina lewis. this is just so fascinating to me that people are now buying
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glasses online. >> true. >> and what are some of the pros to doing that? >> number one, price. take something like zappos did to shoes where they're able to undercut the price and deliver real value, worby parker is to eyeglasses. they don't have to maintain stores, so i can go all the way back to the plant where the designer glasses are made and take out the margins along the way, and that's what the internet is all about. disruptive business model. when i pass that along to consumers, you're really talking. of course there's the convenience of shopping from home. and the selection. when you go to an eyeglass store there are hundreds of glasses. online there are tens of thousands. >> limitless, really. there are certainly some cons to this, however. >> yeah, and i think that people say, i still want to try them on. we're going to show you some of the work-arounds for that. virtually trying them on. the other thing that probably the biggest is the adjusting them. when you're there and they fine-tune them. so we'll talk about measuring and how you get around that. and then i think the return
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policies. while they have great return policies, you still have to head to the post office. >> there is some hassle there if you want to actually get it returned. in terms of trying them on and trying them on virtually what can we expect for a site like this? >> they use virtual technology, virtual recognition technology to actually let you try it on your own photo. and that really brings things to life. of course people are used to uploading photos. we're on the website, here you see it, they have real designer frames. these are $95. >> $95? >> these glasses would cost you hundreds of glasses. >> they look like the kind of thing you see for $400, $500. >> they really do. here you see the virtual try-on button. we have uploaded a picture of you. there you go. >> that's a little scary. >> so we have selected one of these glasses here and it's on your face. now below it, it says similar frames and looks. so i'm trying things on. i have tons and tons of choices here. the second i click on it -- >> that's quick.
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>> very quick. >> you're not waiting for the computer to update. >> no, you're really getting the different looks. on the bottom they have kind of a neat feature called sharing. if you wanted to say, to you know a sister a friend, what do you think? >> right. >> and you see people putting on their facebooks as well and asking everyone you know, which ones do you think i should go with. >> you're not really shopping alone online. >> no. if you don't have anyone to go to a store with you this is an easy way to get insight. what are some of the other websites that offer these kinds of deals? >> there's one called 39 dollar glasses. it's put together by some doctors. so there's a real price play. if you were going for the lowest price possible, certainly try that out. framesdirect has a staggering 35,000 different glasses to choose from. >> 35,000. that's a little overwhelming. >> and on the worby parker site they'll send you samples. if you really want to try them on you can say, send me some demos. >> and you don't have to pay to get the samples.
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>> right. >> if you do end up getting them online they're shipped to you. as far as return policies go you mentioned having to go and return them at the post office. what else is involved? >> they have 30-day return policies. so you can call and they'll send you a prepaid envelope to mail it back. pretty good on that front. >> and if you do have prescriptions, i would assume you still have to go for the doctor for that. >> that's a great point. you do. what they do is they verify it. so they will call your optometrist and make sure that the prescription is correct before they fill the order. but you do have to make that doctor visit. regina lewis, always appreciate it. i'm going to look into those new glasses. >> you should. >> appreciate it. >> coming up, the dna phase in the amanda knox appeal gets under way this morning in italy. and in our next hour we're going to be speaking exclusively with her stepfather, live from perugia. you know that old floor that's been lying around? let's tear it up. and take it on. let's get a lot of style... for a lot less. get everything we need -- and everything we need to know then get to work making more rooms work for us.
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wisk is engineered to fight all the major stain groups like particulates and oils. [ girl ] that lip gloss is soooo cute on you. [ female announcer ] you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a powerful clean against a full range of stains, use new wisk. fight stains with science. use new wisk. at purinso we set out toour dog to be discover the sciencele. in some of nature's best ingredients. we created purina one with smartblend. delicious shredded morsels and crunchy bites with real meat, wholesome grains and antioxidants for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your dog. purina one with smartblend. discover what one can do. some folks are asking if
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president obama has dyed his hair. they saw pictures of him at the state dinner this week in washington and some folks are saying, look, did he dye his hair? i don't know. >> the one on the right earlier in the day. the one on the left. >> yes. >> later in the day. of course, this is the most important conversation when you ha the president of china coming for this monumental meeting in the united states. the question is, did the president dye his hair that day? >> i think the big question is, do you care? >> i was going to say, so what if he did dye his hair? >> yeah. >> you dye yours gray, right? >> i started a couple years ago. it's a trap door right there. >> yeah. >> no more betty nguyen. >> i'm done. >> you're right. who cares. for the record, though, his barber in chicago says no. he does not dye his hair. >> sure does look like it. >> it does look different. definitely. >> but then you always have the different lighting, the different camera angles. that can make a difference, too. >> ronald reagan dyed his hair. >> i don't know a lot of lighting angles that get rid of the gray. >> right. >> that's why i dye mine gray.
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>> your local news is next. for the rest of you, stick around. >> i was just repeating what you said. earlier today we were talking about in our meeting is there a double standard or men or women when it comes to dyeing your hair, or any of these physical treatments? >> it's interesting because usually when it comes to the double standard, it's the women that you're dealing with. finally this time it's on the side of the men. >> i think look we're trying to be above it all and say who cares. there is a double standard. sure there is. you go to a beauty salon, and if there's a guy sitting there getting his hair colored, there's undoubtedly eight women who are there getting their hair colored. the numbers themselves are in favor of the women being, you know, you know, accepted doing that and the guy not so much. >> yeah. in politics and in broadcasting,
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quite frankly. in hollywood. look at george clooney. he's got this great gray hair. sometimes you'll see him and he has dark hair, he has brown hair. >> he's thought a lot about this. >> exactly. >> in the kind of industry -- >> in all seriousness. >> it's very common. bob dole during the campaign in '96 was asked repeatedly, i guess he was in his 70s, do you dye your hair. no, i don't -- and later on he said, well i may put a little something in it. >> but it's okay. >> speaking of okay. presidential people clinton supposedly dyed his hair. but i had heard -- >> to what? >> i heard he dyed it gray when he was looking too young for the position to give him some gravitas. whether that's true, i don't know. >> now ask yourself this, could the woman do the same thing for gravitas? >> would a woman even want to put gray in her hair? >> you're exactly right. >> huh-uh. >> i don't know. >> doesn't bother me. >> as long as he looks good. >> as long as we get unemployment down.
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lower than 9.4%. [ female announcer ] every box of general mills big g cereals can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. it's french's crunchy onion chicken! (announcer) for a quick and easy dinner crush french fried onions. dip chicken in egg. coat with onion crumbs and bake. when dinner's made with french's french fried onions, everyone's happy.
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french's. happy starts here. look for it in the canned vegetable aisle. how nice of you. >> this is one of the coldest days we've ever had out here. these are some of the best people just for bearing the elements for us. >> this morning i was watching local station wcbs. it was 14 degrees. the high today is going to be 22. >> it's crazy. >> yeah. >> speaking much crazy. welcome back to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. >> we've got a lot to get to today. first of all, amanda knox. she's in the midst of her appeal. this very important dna phase. we're going to be speaking exclusive with her father. her family has relocated -- her stepfather, rather. they've relocated to perugia, italy, during this trial to help
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her through it. they've been in the courtroom all day today. we'll get the latest from there. >> also going to have our royal watcher talk about the royal wedding to-do list. what are some of the things that the royal couple -- >> i could imagine. because i've got a few days to go before mine. a few months. >> you could take some tips. >> they've got 97 days. >> it's all coming up in just a bit. now another check of the headlines. cbs news correspondent and morning news anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. betty? >> nice and warm in here, guys. come inside. good morning, everybody. arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords has been moved to a rehabilitation center in houston. giffords remains in intensive care but has already begun rehabilitation. she was given a send-off in tucson by throngs of well-wishers who lined the streets. earlier new york senator kirsten gillibrand told "the early show" her good friend and colleague was moved by the show of support. >> well, the most glowing news that i heard is when she was being transferred she could hear the cheers of all the supporters
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that were lining the streets, and it made her not only cry but it made her smile. >> reporter: giffords was shot in the head two weeks ago today, while speaking with constituents outside a tucson grocery store. frigid below normal temperatures have half of the nation shivering today. snow and subzero cold extend from the midwest to the east. and there is more on the way. liz collins of our minneapolis station is in minneapolis to tell us what is going on in the arctic midwest. good morning, liz. >> good morning, betty. if you can believe it, minnesota is slowly coming out of the deep freeze. but with temperatures still hovering around zero this weekend is still going to be extremely dangerous. now yesterday temperatures in minneapolis reached negative 16 degrees. international falls, minnesota, reported a temperature of negative 45. cold temperatures are being felt in chicago, dropping to three degrees. and just two in pittsburgh. doctors say it's been a terrible winter for frostbite with these temperatures this low.
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you could be in trouble if you're not dressed for it. in just 20 minutes. now the cold will not keep hockey players from the ice in minnesota. it takes a lot to do that. 1600 players will be here later today from the u.s. and canada competing in the u.s. pond hockey championships. betty, it's a winter tradition in minnesota that this year is going to be extremely cold. >> no doubt. all right. thank you for that live report. president obama says he is working to create more jobs in the u.s. by opening more foreign markets to american-made goods. in his weekly radio and internet address mr. obama said that the reason why he met with china's president hu jintao last week during that summit, the chinese announced a $45 billion business deal with the u.s. now today's address appears to be a warm-up for the president's state of the union next week. that is expected to focus on jobs and the economy. in texas, a san antonio elementary school teacher is on administrative leave after allegedly taping a student's mouth shut. 7-year-old serena kelly says she
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found it difficult to breathe after her teacher covered her mouth with tape. the first grader, whose parents say she has asthma, claims the teacher eventually took the tape off then told her to be quiet. the school district says it is investigating the incident. and finally, former russian spy anna chapman has a new role, tv star. last night she debuted on russian tv with the promise to quote, uncover all the secrets. her show features unexplained mysteries of the occult. one secret she won't be revealing, her years deep undercover in the u.s. a provision of chapman's plea agreement with the u.s. government means that chapman must turn over any profits she makes telling her story. it's about four minutes after the hour. time for another check of the weather outside with lonnie quinn. i know you're all bundled up. >> you got to be. it is freezing out here. i'll tell you, we have one of our colleagues here from cbs in austin, texas. erica gonzalez, now look are you up here just to sort of survey the situation in the big city? >> absolutely.
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i'm getting ready. getting ready for the big break. hope to be here soon. >> we were talking a little earlier. this all came about from winning the company christmas party prize. >> big props to our manager and director. she's absolutely amazing. company christmas party gave away a trip to new york and i'm here representing our news department. >> apparently profits are up in austin. let's talk. the hot spots, the chilly temps all around the area, hottest spot anywhere, tucson, arizona. oh, i wish i was there. 71 degrees for you guys. the coldest eli, minnesota goes down to 26 below. the best weather anywhere, new mexico, sunshine, 65 degrees. a look at that air mass over the southwest. new mexico, texas, arizona, it looks beautiful with lots of sunshine.
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>> this weather segment sponsored by new aquafresh isoactive whitening. >> we're back here on the chilly plaza andist time now for my shout-out. and this week a big hello to wisconsin dells wisconsin. the most of the 21st annual flakeout festival, wisconsin's official snow sculpting competition. and boy there are some amazing works of snow art that are on display. check them out right there. each one of those sculptures is carved from a block of snow that weighs about 30 tons. that, my friends, is a lot of snow. 20 teams from across the state are competing. the winner will head to the national competition. that's held next month in lake geneva, wisconsin. good luck to all those competitors and good luck to everybody out there who's watching "the early show" on saturday on wisc-tv. that's it for us out here where it's cold. now to my friend rebecca inside.
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>> thanks, lonnie. american amanda knox sentenced in italy to 26 years in prison for the murder of her british roommate has appeared before an italian court this morning hoping a new review of dna evidence will set her free. cbs news correspondent allen pizzey joins us live from italy. allen, what's the latest in this case? >> good morning, rebecca. this hearing is the start of a process of re-examining key dna evidence. which a defense lawyer calls an important step towards what he terms victory in the search for truth. amanda knox and her former boyfriend raffaele sollecito entered the bunker-like courtroom at 9:20 a.m. local time. but unlike all their previous arrivals, this time the defense team thinks things will go their way. two experts, professor stefano conti and carlo vecchianti from rome's university were sworn in and given 90 days to re-examine all the dna evidence. the crucial pieces are traces of dna from knox and victim
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meredith kercher on the night found in sollecito's apartment. experts have already testified it could not be the murder weapon. the defense claims the dna samples were mishandled, and insufficient to be conclusive evidence. especially traces of sollecito's dna on the victim's bra clasp. sollecito's 25-year sentence for the murders is being held in conjunction with knox's 26-year sentence. the prosecution maintains the dna review will once and for all prove that errors were not made, and the evidence stands. the defense was also given permission to requestion a prosecution witness, a homeless man now charged with drug dealing, who claimed he saw knox and sollecito near the scene on the night of the murder. he based his timing on buses he said he saw passing. but the defense will call bus officials to say there were none scheduled that night. there will be at least three more hearings to question witnesses before the dna experts have to report back. the whole process could stretch on for months. and even if they win, knox and
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sollecito will have been in jail for almost four years. allen pizzey, cbs news, perugia. >> our thanks to allen pizzey. joining us from perugia in an "early" show exclusive, amanda knox's step-father chris mellas. good morning, chris. >> good morning. >> and as i understand it, you've been in court listening to this unfold all day today. how would you characterize the state of things? how are things going? >> i think things are progressing nicely. you know, one of the things that we really needed to have happen is for this evidence to be checked by a third party. and the fact that it's finally now under way, it's very good. even more so, the fact that they're interested, really, in going a little bit above and beyond what the court even requested. so definitely, yeah. >> which evidence do you think is most significant to amanda's appeal?
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>> well, i would say it's more the lack of evidence. there isn't any evidence, as far as we're concerned, that shows that amanda had anything to do with it or raffaele but there's the two most divisive pieces are the bra, the bra clasp and the knife. and that's what's going to be examined right now. so, yeah. >> and in addition to being in the courtroom, you've been able to visit amanda, your step-daughter, in prison. how is she holding up? >> she's doing pretty good. i saw her yesterday. she's a little bit apprehensive. you know, things are starting to roll again, and there's kind of a conflict between having -- getting her hopes up, and at the same time, not wanting to be disappointed at the end, if that, you know, because of the potential. we always wonder if this is good, or whether this is just
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kind of a show. >> sure. >> it's hard to tell. >> and last time around, before this appeal, you were optimistic before the verdict was handed down. do you get the sense that this could really legitimately be a different outcome this time? >> we condition only hope. i mean, we're certainly on the right -- on the right path. you know, the fact that things are being looked at, that's what we've asked for the entire time. >> being able to see the full picture. chris mellas we appreciate it. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> and now over to russ. >> thanks, rebecca. up next we'll change directions and talk royal wedding. prince william and kate middleton have less than 100 days to prepare for the big day. a sneak peek at the royal to-do list after this. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. our mouth is amazing. did you know up to 50% of new cavities form between teeth, in places you can't even see? aquafresh iso-active whitening is a breakthrough gel that transforms into an active foam. its active fluoride formula penetrates deep,
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ready for a big event in just a couple of months. prince william and kate middleton will tie the knot on april 29th. with only 97 days left until the big day we thought we'd help them out and take a look at the royal to-do list. to fill us in on the details, cbs news royal contributor victoria arbiter. good to see you. >> good morning. i love this countdown you've got going. >> every second. we've got a little clock right there. we're keeping track of it. we're going to get to the specific to-do list in just a second. what have they done so far? >> so far as we mentioned we know that april 29th is the date. we know the wedding is at 11:00 a.m. at westminster abbey. kate will arrive by car which in the beginning, everyone was talking about how that was a security issue. it's also a practical issue. when diana arrived at st. paul's cathedral she had this huge dress squashed in one of those tiny carriages. when she got out her dress was so creased. and so rather than oohing and aahing at how beautiful the dress was we were looking at how creased it was. kate will have more room in the
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car. church heir arkry are officiating, the dean of westminster, the archbishop of canterbury, he's doing the important job of marrying william and kate and the bishop of london is giving the address which is the sermon. and then following the service there will be two receptions at buckingham palace. the queen is mosting a more formal affair and prince charles will have a private personal dinner and dancing. >> let's get to the to-do list. somebody said the first thing is the prenup. i'm guessing that's not an issue. >> no. don't need to worry about that. >> the guest list. what do we know about that? >> the guest list. it's the lord chamberlain's job. he's the most senior official in the queen's household to see that nothing goes wrong with this wedding. and that, of course, becomes the guest list, as well. so at this point, william is not the direct heir to the throne. which means the pressure's off a little bit in terms of having to invite all the global heads of state. there will certainly be foreign dignitaries there. perhaps greece or spain will send a representative from their royal families. there will be all number of
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vips. but this guest list will not be made public before the wedding. on the wedding it's a real who's who of spot the face. >> one that keeps me up at night, kate's dress. what do you know about that? >> still speculation. bruce is leading the pack of designers. i would say definitely british but we don't know anything else at this point >> >> rings a big issue. >> this is a nice royal tidbit. the late queen mother started the custom of using welsh gold. subsequent royal brides, the queen, princess margaret and diana all used gold from the same nugget. but that very quickly ran out. in 18981 the british royal legion gave the queen a new nugget. it was used for camilla's ring, sarah ferguson's, and it's likely to be used for kate. >> and the cake. >> cake is a pig issue. the royal navy made diana's cake. but david's cake of merseyside maid andrew and fergies.
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>> i understand the brits are taking bets on this whole affair. is that correct? >> that is correct. english people love to have a bit of fun with this. we've got the pubs staying open late over the royal wedding weekend. we've got a four-day weekend. so betting is another way to get involved and have a bit of a lark. >> what are they betting on? >> will kate be late to the church. and if she is, how many minutes late. the length of her train. who harry's going to take as his date. but recently, actually, one bet was closed down because people in general are betting around $5 or so. they're not chuffed about winning, it's about having fun. but someone came in and offered $8,000 on the honeymoon destination being kenya and that was awfully fishy with that sum of money. that was quickly shut down as possible inside information. >> interesting stuff. victoria arbiter, welcome to cbs. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be talking with you a lot over the next few months. >> thank you for coming in. rebecca. >> like you, russ, i can't get enough of this wedding stuff.
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let's face it, none of us can stop the ageing process. and the fountain of youth has yet to be found, except, of course, right here on our show. we found things that you can do to look younger from head to toe, without surgery, and without a lot of expense, and our good friend frances has brought along anti-aging tricks that can take ten years off your look. she's the senior editor and nutrition editor at "health" magazine. good morning, frances. >> good morning. >> this is exactly what we look, the at-home remedies that cost much less than going out and doing the work professionally with professional results. >> that's right. >> one of the things is the face. tell us about that. >> not only wrinkles can make us look older but also the loss of luminosity and uneven skin tone can make us look older than we are. so, you have to use something with retinol. and that actually increases cell turnover and makes the skin look smoother. and this is a great drugstore find from roc, retinol daily
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cream and has an spf of 30. because that prevents additional signs of aging. >> of course, so $22. retinol is the key ingredient. and this is one that's on the lower cost end of the curve. in terms of the chest, this is the area, i always do this, i put sunscreen on my face and then i sometimes forget to do it on the rest of the body, in particular right there. how do you solve that problem? >> okay so this is a bust lifting and smoothing cream. it has japanese mandarin extract. which fades the brown spots by decreasing the melanin in your skin. use this daily. it will fade the spots and then, of course, you have to use that sunscreen. you're right we walk around in the summertime and it's just an area we don't really protect. >> and you do this in the morning as well as night? >> yeah. >> okay. this is something that i like. it's something that everyone here at cbs uses a lot of. everyone on every television station for that matter does. but you know, you have to cover up the red. how do you do it? >> redness is another sign of
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aging, especially around the nose. you could go to the dermatologist and sit in the chair and get a laser treatment for about $500 a pop or you could use a really fantastic cover-up like this one from dermablend. so the little one is about $21. the larger one is $30. tap it in with the ring finger because that gives a really light touch and blend it in and put your foundation on top. this will last twice as long. up to 12 hours. >> than a regular one. you can see from the before and after photo there is a big difference. it really gets rid of the red. speaking of colors, white is the color so many of us want our teeth to look. but the reality is they don't do that naturally after all the coffee and whatever else. this is an at-home remedy you say can work. >> that's right. at the dentist, go see my brother and it's $1,000 in the chair. >> to get your teeth whitened. >> and that will go up to eight shades whiter. at home this is a really very innovative product from go smile. it comes with a handheld light. >> okay. >> and you apply the gel and you can do three back-to-back
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sessions for ten minutes each. and that will whiten you up to five shades lighter. now don't go too far. because these actually, these at-home products work so well you can take it to the extreme. >> you can o.d. on it. how do you know when to stop? that's a question some people might be asking. >> don't go any whiter than the whites of your eye. that is a good key. >> good reference point. >> if you're blinding people, that's another one. >> then you've probably already gone too far. >> we're looking at the legs. obviously varicose veins can be an issue. bruises, things like that. you say there's an easier way to clear them up. >> therapy is going to cost you $1,000 at the doctor's office plus there's recovery time involved. something like this, which is from perfect, it's a perfecting gel, but it has a light tint to it and it dries very quickly so it's not going to get all over your clothes. >> we like that. >> great in the summer and for spring weddings. >> so plan ahead. hands. this is something that everyone's probably dealing with this time of year, that
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roughness on the skin because it's so cold you get chapped. >> and it makes your hands look older and any veins in your hands pop out more, the dryness does. make sure to wear gloves or mittens, and then also use something like the st. iefs intensive hand therapy cream which is only $4. any drugstore has it. >> how often are we applying this? >> after you watch your hands. each time. >> each time you wash your hands. i like to do this at night, put a thicker layer on my hands. >> absolutely. if you have some cotton gloves put those on. it will help it sink in even better. >> frances larson ross we always appreciate you being with us. still ahead, we have more tips. do it yourself grooming tips to keep your dog safe and his coat soft and shiny during the brutal winter months. for some of you, your local news is next. for the rest of you, stay with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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>> so you're going to make me younger looking? >> well -- >> you're doing all the right things. >> don't get the mortar, sister. >> it's an easy job when it comes to you lonnie. >> you know what i do? my little trick. when i go to bed, i get very little sleep, i take two soup spoons and i put them on the ice tray, and in the morning i put them on my eyeballs. >> that will work. >> i get these big, dark circles. >> do you get a headache from that, though? >> you can only hold them for a minute. >> no pain, no gain? >> exactly. >> do you have pictures of this? >> i don't have any pictures, no. >> the hand cream. i don't ever do that at night, and i'm going to sit on my
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hands. they're terrible right now. >> it's so cold outside and they're so dry. >> yeah. >> good idea. >> i had one of those awkward moments just downstairs. we were talking about, off camera, does obama color his hair or not? a guy going to a nail salon, a guy going to a hair salon. they said monnee, you get a manicure? he grabbed my hand and said, no! >> oh, lonnie. >> you should do it once in awhile. >> i should. >> it really is good. >> i've never done it, but clearly, i haven't done it in a long time. >> be sure to put lotion on your hands at night before you go to bed. >> absolutely. >> and then you know what, also helps reduce the bags under the eyes. don't have a lot of sodium the night before. >> oh. >> i have a quick question because we were talking about a double standard for men and women. what do you think about that in terms of looks, diet, nutrition? >> i think these days, anything goes, and men are sort of upping the ante as far as their looks go. you know, before it was, you could just sort of age and be kind of a rugged looking man, and now you have to moisturize.
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>> good work. >> right here on "the early show." ,,,,,,,,
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hey, hey. >> thanks for coming out there. look at these guys. what do you have there? oh! the flying kazmarov brothers. >> i'm sorry. >> boy, you look kind of menacing. i'm going to get your name right. lonnie quinn is going to talk to you. >> oh, wow. >> oh, man. >> welcome back. >> a really big welcome back. >> i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. just ahead, in addition to these men who will be juggling interesting things we have do it yourself dog grooming tips for the long, winter months. tips to keep your pooch safe,
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healthy, great-looking. inexpensive tips that are going to help you save some money but also keep your dog healthy which is the most important thing. >> something that's also important we're going to talk to new york's chef of the moment, chris santos. just opened one of the city's hottest eateries. he's here to prepare a gourmet meal of salt and pepper shrimp, baby back ribs and delicious whoopee pies. you know, nobody has whoopee pies anymore. should be good. >> can't wait. >> it's all coming up. first we're going to head over to lonnie who is juggling our final check of the weather. we do mean juggling. >> had a little hijack moment there from the karamazov brothers. >> when a guy from new york city comes up to you -- wait just a minute. >> here's a deal what's going on. there is a share by the flying karamazov brothers, it's got it all. it's got comedy. it's got theater. it's got music, and of course it's got these guys along with lots of juggling. here one of the four flying
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karamazov brothers, carl. >> hi. >> first of all, flying karamazov brothers, are you actually all brothers? >> we are, just not to each other. we work it out. >> okay. how does the whole thing start off? >> well, we started off back in the '70s when nixon was president. >> who was that? >> you weren't born then. >> and we've been playing on broadway five times and we've been working show business for a very long time. and now -- >> you're one of the original members. >> i am one of the original members. i'm still alive. >> why don't you go over there and give us a little idea of what you guys can do, what you'll do on your show. the wind is whipping out here. it's so hard for these guys to juggle with 20-mile-per-hour winds. >> we're going to try. >> they're going to do it, though. if they can keep anything going it's a testament to their skills. check it out. >> hang in there, guys. hang in there, guys. to the weather, here's the deal, there's a big high pressure system up around the great
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lakes. look what the high pressure system does. it pulls in cold, canadian air. i'm talking temperatures below zero all throughout portions of the northeast. maine, down to 18 below. buffalo, new york, 5 below. omaha 5 below. alamosa, colorado, 1 below zero. if you're looking for nice weather you go to the southwest. temperatures in the 60s and 70s. plenty of sunshine there riverside, california, all to midland, texas. that's the beautiful weather. >> go! they're telling me to walk. >> they're telling me to walk. >> yeah! >> it's all yours.
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>> okay, lonnie, thank you very much. up next i want my baby back ribs. we're about to get them with a whoopee pie for dessert. credit to chef chris santos. >> underrated. very underrated. >> can't wait for that. (jennifer garner) there's a lot ot beautiful makeup out there to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics recommended most by dermatologists. tuna, it's part of a healthy diet. it's low in calories and mixed with apples, walnuts and raisins... tataaaa! deliciousness that can help keep your weight down. these 31 astronauts in training agree...
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or skin reaction to it. if you develop serious allergic or skin reactions, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some of these can be life-threatening. dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. until you know how chantix affects you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. ♪ ♪ i'm not just someone who's quitting with chantix and support, we share recipes. i'm your coworker. neighbor. teammate. -friend. -friend. -friend. [ male announcer ] over 7 million people nationwide have talked to their doctor about chantix. chances are, you could be one of them. talk to your doctor. find out if chantix is right for you. chris santos knows a thing or two about running a great restaurant.
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his first has been a new york mainstay since it opened in 2005. and just a few weeks ago he unveiled his latest venture, beauty and ethics which has become one of the city's hottest restaurants. this morning as our "chef on a shoestring" he's preparing a three-course meal around some baby back ribs. all for under 40 bucks. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> what's on the menu? >> quick, lots of flavor but not a lot of expense. salt and pepper shrimp one of my favorite dishes. the tangerine blazed baby back rips and finishing with the whoopee pie. you don't see them around very much, but they're delicious. really nice. >> going to start with the shrimp. >> the shrimp are great. this is a really great dish because it's really, the shrimp is an inexpensive item. a few ingredients. anyone can do this. just a mixture of pepper, smoked pepper, peppercorn, five spice powder, salt, and if you want the addition of sea weed, mix that all up, it looks like this.
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put it in here, and salt and pepper shrimp is very full of flavor. you want to cook the shrimp really, really well with it. >> spicy stuff. >> it is spicy. both our dishes do pack a little bit of heat. this is not for the faint of heart today. a smoking pot pan and just get your shrimp right in there right away. >> this isn't going to take very long. >> it's going to take about 60 seconds. you just want to get your pan really, really hot. you're going to let them seer, not really move them around too much. >> do you turn those at some point? >> turn them about 45 seconds in we'll turn them. when we turn them we're going to add ginger, scallion and sliced garlic. give it another 30 seconds, right into the sizele like this. we serve them with just a simply flavored mayonnaise, flavored with a little chili for additional heat. it's breakfast of champions, really. >> kind of a dim sum. >> yes. nothing like shrimp for breakfast, right? >> tell me about this sauce. >> it's just a mayonnaise.
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we use, it's a mayo made with rice vinegar. really, really fatty. we had miso and a little chili to it. >> oh, my gosh. that's great. >> and we can move on to the ribs here. you just finish this, we return them, the ginger, the garlic, and the scallions. and it will be done. that will be it. >> all right. baby back. >> that does pack a punch. >> it does, right? good morning food. ribs. you know, ribs are, i love ribs. who doesn't love ribs? all summer long on the barbecue. but they really are a sponge for flavor. i think the true secrets two a really good rib are layering lots of flavors and also how you cook them, low and slow. you don't want to rush a rib. cook it really slow, low heat. for these pork ribs we made a rub of chili, paprika, black pepper, onion powder. we go ahead -- usually i missed a step. hot sauce. you can use whatever hot sauce
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you like. i kind of switch it up all the time. get the hot sauce and that's going to sort of bind the rub right to the rib. >> this is something you would do earlier in the day and put in the refrigerator? >> rub them and let them sit all day. this particular rib we call soda pop ribs because the secret ingredient is soda. you know one of the secrets to my success, i have to tell you, i have a great, great team of chefs around me. we collaborate on everything. i get all the credit but they're really good. and my longtime sous chef timmy helped me develop this. he came up with the soda. you get them on the grill. once you've done that -- once they've been rubbed, they sat in the fridge for awhile. they've been grilled. you would take them, we layer them with oranges, tangerines. >> yeah. >> mint. a little red onion. >> healthy stuff. >> but this is really, as you cook this in the oven for two,
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three hours this is really going to flavor the ribs really, really well. a little zest, then you put the rib on top and so on and so forth and then we're going to go ahead and barbecue sauce. >> nothing in this? >> this is our house barbecue sauce that we make at the restaurant with chilpotle but you can use any store bought sauce. a little bit of orange juice to continue with the citrus. citrus and chili works really, really well. >> okay. >> and then we are using sprite. >> sprite? >> to enhance the sodapop ribs. >> i've heard coca-cola. >> yeah. but sprite. >> you know, it just, i think the sugar content really caramelizes when you cook it slowly. the oranges, also the sugars and the oranges break down you end up with a really stick to your ribs. this would go in the oven for like three hours. >> and something tells me you've got another one in there. >> something tells me. >> just going to guess. >> yes. >> and this is what they come out looking like. >> very nice. i'm going to have you get right in there with your hands even.
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>> oh, gosh. it's good. >> whoa. >> that's a little warm. >> don't get any on your tie. >> let me see if i can do this. oh, gosh, delicious. >> so elegant. >> the flavor of the oranges really come through. >> rebecca, betty, lonnie. >> the whoopee pie. all-time classic. just a classic cake batter. piped it in little circles, we make our own marshmallow fluff. >> why is it a whoopee pie? >> i don't know the answer to that. sounds a little naughty, though. i like it. >> keep it real. keeping it real. >> let's take a look at the cost breakdown now. see how you do. take a look right now. the total here, $39.71. see where you stand in the standings. good news and bad news. good news is you're number three. the bad news is you only had three chefs this year. >> oh, no. >> it is time for you to choose what's on the menu for next
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week. we have chefs from the meatball shop here in new york city. so guess what it's all about meatballs. for spaghetti and park meatballs call star star 01. for the classic meatball sandwich call star star 02. now remember don't text. you just have to dial. and for chicken meatballs and gravy call star star 03. standard data and message rates apply. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> pleasure. >> whoopee pies. >> all right. by the way, you can find recipes the >> coming up next we have a look at how to protect your dog's paws from the rock salt and the snow. we want to take care of your pooches so you stay tuned for do it yourself grooming tips that are going to keep your puppy happy and healthy this winter. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ express yourself
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[ male announcer ] number one neurologist recommended. everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. for a lot of dog owners grooming at home is a cheaper, quicker option. but it's hard to say who hates it more, you or your pooch. winter can wreak havoc on a
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pup's paws and coat. we have do it yourself tips and tricks to make grooming an easier and safer process for everyone involved, and joining us is wendy diamond, editorial director at and author of "it's a dog's world." >> thank you for having us. >> you said us. who did you bring this morning? >> my dog, who is not up for adopti adoption. >> but lucky is adorable. we do have other dogs and we'll tell you about their adoption coming up a little bit later in the program. first, i'm so surprised by this. we have these sort of common household products which things you find in your kitchen and you say they can really help out your puppy in the wintertime. >> absolutely. first of all, all you need is to get a little bit of olive oil or pam or even petroleum jelly and you just put a little bit on your dog's paws and it helps create a barrier from the ground. and it protects their paws. >> so before they go outside this is something you want to do. like just a minute. >> yeah, just before you go outside. you put a little bit on their paws.
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also there's dog boots so protect them from the salt. >> they don't like that. >> they're just going to kick it off. so that is a great way to help prepare. >> and inexpensive, we should say. >> and it's at your house. >> when you do come back inside there's two issues, keep the house clean but also keep the puppy safe and healthy. >> it's very easy. if you have baby wipes in the house just clean their paws off. make sure you go into the nail also. even if you have a towel, just put some warm water and clean out their paws. you don't want them to get sick from the salt, eating the salt or any of the chemicals that are on the streets. >> with lucky you could just wipe his paw on this. make sure before you let him roam around the house, make sures the paws are clean. >> it will protect your carpets, as well as their paws. >> you can hear another little friend in the background. whispering for our help. >> oh, my god. and this one by the way is buddy, up for adoption. the cutest thing ever. >> adorable. >> also an easy thing to do is get this amazing faucet. this sits on your hose outside. it also fits in your kitchen sink or bath fun.
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>> this is when it comes to bathing your puppy. >> it's really important, this actually works specifically for your dog. or your cat also but you don't have to really wash a cat. they do it themselves. what's important it goes in and really massages them. it's important to use a shampoo. you could use any baby shampoo. pets are children. so make sure it's appropriate for your dog. this also an oatmeal shampoo helps with the coat. >> how often are you going to be doing that shampoo? >> you should shampoo your dog every two months. but if your dog's a dirty dog, maybe more. >> like once a week? >> absolutely. >> and after you wash the dog and massage it back to front what do you do in terms of trying it off? this is the time of year, if a puppy goes outside in this cold weather and they're wet, that could be a problem, right? >> just like people, if your hair is wet, don't go outside you're going to get sick. same thing with your dog. what's great now is that you've got these amazing towels called a microfiber towel and it dries your dog ten times faster than a regular towel.
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or you can use a regular hair dryer and do six inches away from your dog and also make sure it's cool. you don't want to burn the dog's skin. >> good to know. six inches away. keep it on the cool level. dry it off, make sure the dryer. >> and this amazing glove really massages the dog. it distributes the oils and also helps with the coat. >> for these towels are these the kind of thing you buy at a pet store or a linen store? >> you actually can get these at linen stores. but all these products you can get at your local petco. >> good information. lastly we'll move on to grooming. buddy we'll see you in a little bit. >> dogs love to groom tangling
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of your dog. >> a great, great product. now -- >> what's it called again? >> the furminator. >> i love that. >> and this is actually, they have larger ones for dogs that start at $33. i think this is one of the greatest products ever created for dogs. >> the dog seems to like it, too. >> lastly i love that we have more olive oil over here. >> you just put a small little tablespoon for little dogs. a big tablespoon. a teaspoon for little dogs. big tablespoon for big dogs and helps with their coat. >> so you put it in their food. >> and actually they love it. who doesn't love olive oil? >> who doesn't love wendy. >> thank you so much. >> don't go away. we're going to be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ male announcer ] see this?
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[ giggles ] hey, max. [ announcer ] you can help significantly extend your dog's healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years. long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it.
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welcome back. we are joined by lonnie, russ, betty and wendy diamond. >> oh, thank you. >> wendy -- >> you're not up for adoption, though. >> maybe. >> we have these puppies are up for adoption. but i had a quick question before we give ought the details of how to adopt these adorable little guys like buddy in my lap. how hard is it to do, work on live television with animals? is it difficult to get them to do what you want them to do? >> first of all, who cares. you don't ever hold a grudge on a dog. they all have their own personalities. especially the ones up for adoption. you just want them to show their real personalities so people know if they're going to adopt them what they're like. i can speak for all of them and say they're all really sweet.
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for those of you who are interested in adopting them like buddy right here in my lap you contact the humane society of new york, at their website humanesocie they're also on twitter. so you can continue to follow them there. >> thank you so much for coming in. >> oh, my gosh, thanks for having us. >> we want to tell people at home don't forget tomorrow on cbs sports. crank it down, it's the afc championship game. the new york jets take on the steelers in pittsburgh. the pregame show starts at 6:00 eastern time. game time 6:30 only on cbs. there's another game earlier in the day on another network. >> good point. buddy has money on the jets so we're hoping for that. also monday, on "the early show," a devastating injury on the football field left him paralyzed. now, former new york jets star dennis byrd is going to be revealing how he rebuilt his life and inspired a team and a city along the way. it is an incredible story. and also just an incredible story in light of what's going on with the jets overall, right?
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>> sure. that's monday on "the early show." we hope you enjoy your saturday. we'll see you back here next week. >> have a great weekend, guys. we end with our saturday spotlight. this week's story comes from ozark, missouri. jessica williams reports on a girl who wrote the book on following through. >> reporter: sasha thomas' story starts with a simple problem. >> i was bored what to do, because i was off school. >> reporter: to kill some time she decided to write a book about her dog bo bo. >> most of the time he's playful. >> reporter: but instead of just showing it to her parents sasha decided to take it a few steps further. she pulled some of her favorite books from her bedroom and started writing letters asking to get her book published. >> i wrote to like four or five of them and only one responded back. saying that they will publish
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it. >> reporter: that letter was from raven publishing incorporated. since then, sasha has been sending in pictures of her and bo bo, looking at rough drafts of the story, and signing a contract for it to be published. >> sasha's first question was, mom, am i going to make money? i said i don't know. >> reporter: the family might make some royalties off the book but either way sasha's mom says it's going into a college savings account. >> she does stuff every once in awhile that just kind of strike you as odd. but this one, this one became famous. >> reporter: the big called big, smelly, furry and sweet -- >> it shows me that i can do pretty much anything. >> reporter: and as for the inspiration for the story -- >> look that way. >> reporter: bo bo is getting his own form of payment. >> thanks for watching. join us again monday on "the early show." >> for more about "the early show" visit us at ,,
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