tv CBS 5 Eyewitness News CBS January 25, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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spending. so hold all of us accountable. in this very room the house will produce, debate and advance a budget. last year, in an unprecedented failure, congress chose not to pass or even propose a budget. the spending spree continued unchecked. we owe you a better choice and a different vision. our forthcoming budget is our obligation to you to show you how we would do things differently, how we will cut spending to get the debt down, help create jobs and prosperity and reform government programs. if we act soon and if we act responsibly people in and near retirement will be protected. these budget debates are not just about the programs of government, they're also about the purpose of government. so i'd like to share with you the principles that guide us. they are anchored in the wisdom of the founders. in the spirit of the declaration of independence and in the words of the american constitution.
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they have to do with the importance of limited government and with the blessing of self-government. we believe government's role is both vital and limited to defend the nation from attack and to provide for the common defense, to secure our borders, to protect innocent life, to uphold our laws and constitutional rights, to ensuring domestic tranquility and equal opportunity and to provide a safety net to help provide a safety net for those who account k not provide for themselves. we believe that the government has an important role to create the conditions that promote entrepreneurship, upward mobility and individual responsibility. we believe as our founders did that the pursuit of happiness depends on individual liberty and individual liberty requires limited government. limited government also means effective government. when government takes on too many tasks, it usually doesn't do any of them very well. it's no coincidence that trust
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in government is at an all-time low now that the size of government is at an all-time high. the president and the democratic leadership have shown by their actions that they believe government needs to increase its size and its reach, its price tag and its power. whether it's sold as stimulus or repackaged as investment, their actions show they want a federal government that controls too much, taxes too much, and spends too much in order to do too much and during the last two years, that is exactly what we have gotten. along with record deficits and debt. to the point where the president is now urging congress to increase the debt limit. we believe the days of business as usual must come to an end. we hold a couple of simple convictions. endless borrowing is not a strategy. spending cuts have to come first our nation is approaching a tipping point. we're at a moment where if
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government's growth is left unchecked and unchallenged america's best century will be considered our past century. this is a future in which we will transform our social safety net into a hammock which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency. depending on bureaucracy to foster innovation, competitiveness and wise consumer choices has never worked and it won't work now. we need to chart a new course. speaking candidly, as one citizen to another, we still have time. but not much time. if we continue down our current path, we know what our future will be. just take a look at what's happening to greece, ireland, the united kingdom and other nations in europe. they didn't act soon enough and now their governments have been forced to impose painful austerity measures, large benefit cuts to seniors and huge tax increases on everybody. their day of reckoning has
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arrived. ours is around the corner. that is why we have to act now. some people will back away from this challenge. but i see this challenge as an opportunity to rebuild what lincoln called the central ideas of the republic. we believe a renewed commitment to limited government will unshackle our economy and create millions of new jobs and opportunities for all people of every background to succeed and prosper. under this approach the spirit of initiative-- not political clout-- determines who succeeds. millions of families have fallen on hard times not because of our ideals of free enterprise but because our leaders failed to live up to those ideals. because of poor decisions made in washington and wall street that caused a financial crisis, squandered our savings, broke our trust and crippled our economy. today a similar kind of ear responsibility threatens not only our livelihoods but our way of life.
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we need to reclaim our american system of limits government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity and it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed. that's the real secret to job creation, not borrowing and spending more money in washington. limited government and free enterprise have helped make america the greatest nation on earth. these are not easy times but america is an exceptional nation in all the chapters of human history there has never been anything quite like america the american story has been cherished, advanced and defended over the centuries and it now falls to this generation to pass into our children a nation that is stronger, more vibrant, more decent and better than the one we inherited. thank you and good night.
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>> couric: that was congressman paul ryan of wisconsin, chairman of the house budget committee delivering the republican response to the president's state of the union address. they call ryan a deficit hawk and now you know why. he talked about the crushing burden of the debt we face, a stimulus spending spree by the president and the republicans' desire to replace health care legislation with "fiscally responsible patient centered reforms." he also emphasized limited and effective government and said the president and the democrat yiblg leadership have shown by their actions they believe government needs to increase in size and reach, its price tag and its power. now to get an idea of public reaction to the president's speech, we did some polling tonight. cbs news and knowledge networks assembled a scientific sample of americans to watch the speech then respond to our poll questions online. anthony mason has the results. anthony, what are people saying tonight? >> couric: katie, the response of the more than 500 viewers we
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polled immediately after the speech was overwhelmingly positive tonight. 92% of those viewers said they approve of the proposal it is president made in his speech tonight. it's important to point out this audience tilted democratic as typical when it's a democratic president speaking. 44% democrat, 30% independent. but the president gained critical ground on the economy here tonight. before the speech 54% of this audience said they approved of the president's plans for the economy afterwards that jumped to 81%. on the issue of bipartisan cooperation, which the president stressed tonight, a majority, 62% of the audience we polled, said they believed the two parties can work together. so an extremely positive response to the president's words tonight. >> couric: all right. anthony mason. anthony, thanks so very much. president obama delivers his second state of the union address tonight. tomorrow he heads to middle america, to wisconsin, to talk up the proposals he just made. there will be more about this on
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your late local news tonight, then tomorrow on the "early show" and, of course, later on the "cbs evening news." in the meantime, our coverage of the state of the union will continue online at with thanks to the jones day law firm for this view of the capitol, i'm katie dure rick. i'll see you new a minute on the web. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh the internet on a plane! are you from the future?
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um, no. cleveland. listen cleveland, your savings account is stuck in the past! earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking baby! so instead of making peanuts, your savings will be earning three times the national average. oops. sorry. three times more? i'll have that! it is now safe to go online to what's in your wallet? buh-bye... call me.
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mystery. what police have learned about a woman found inside a car. i saw smoke right out in front of our door. >> and delivering drugs, the favorite stop for dealers that has drawn the attention of police. good evening. tonight investigators are looking into what led to a deadly officer-involved shooting in a rural area. authorities were called to in the foothills east of san jose this afternoon. now that's after getting reports of a man with a weapon. we are at the scene where officers are still working the case. >> reporter: that's right. they are working the case right now. they'll be here probably well into the evening tonight. there's a lot we don't know about what happened with this incident this afternoon. but what we do know, a law enforcement officer, we don't know which agency that officer was from, either the sheriff department or police department, but a law enforcement officer shot and killed a man who was reportedly
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threatening a neighbor with a knife. now this happened way up here in the east foothills and it happened actually in a wooded creek bed behind a residence. this happened at about 12:30 to 12:40 this afternoon. what we have heard from neighbors is that a man threatened another neighbor with a knife and that is when someone called police. officers from the sheriff's off and san jose police responded -- sheriff's office and san jose police respond. >> upon arrival, police officers as well as a deputy encountered a suspect and shots were fired and the suspect was pronounced dead. >> reporter: we don't know who that suspect is, his age, race or anything like that. just an adult male has been shot and killed up here. we don't know as i mentioned before which agency is responsible, but officers from the san jose police department as well as the sheriff's department are now downtown talking about this with
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investigators to determine which agency fired the fatal shot. so that could take quite sometime. neighbors are up here not knowing what may have prompted this. they say that there have been no incidents like this up here. this is a very rural area. only about five miles from downtown san jose, but maybe from the city lights, you can see, we are elevated in the foothills and it's a very rural area. so people can get around and can get hidden, there's a lot of cover up here. we don't know what the circumstances were, why this person was threatening people if that's the case, with a knife. the man driving a stolen pickup truck die when had he crash crashed into a power pole. sheriffs deputies say they had been following the suspect, but they lost him before the crash. it turns out, the owner was unaware the pick up had been stolen, but she had reported
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her car stolen. police say he drove a long way to commit an awful crime. the 29-year-old has been arrested for killing a woman and setting a car on fire with her body inside. investigators suspect he murdered her early monday and then drove from san francisco to set the fire. police say johnson had family in san francisco, but they would not say what the relationship was between the two. it gives new meaning to the phrase meeting your connection. san jose police say criminals are using mass transit to make their drug deals. the activity that is catching everyone's attention. >> reporter: from inside his business, he has a direct view of the light rail platform across the street. he says what he sees and smells here on a daily basis is of great concern. >> well, you can see, you can smell it. i mean the smell of the
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marijuana is really bad. sometimes it fills the upstore because they're so blatant they'll smoke out on the flat form. >> reporter: along the side of the business, is fountain alley. police and business owners say this is a hot bed of drug activity as dealers come in from other cities and use this hub of public transportation to get around and avoid detection. >> hundreds of people, just come for drugs and there's 20 people or maybe more they just sell drugs. >> reporter: he freely admits he used to sell drugs here. >> i sold drugs because had to make money. people are homeless that need to stay warm at night. >> reporter: san jose police are stepping up undercover patrols of the area, making 73 drug related arrest last year alone. an eight-man team works in two shifts trying to send a clear message that they are not welcome. an attorney has an office here and says the police crack down is good news. >> i think it's fantastic. i hope they continue it.
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and clean up this area down here. >> reporter: merchants hope the crack down helps their businesses: >> for customers and other people that just want to come downtown, it's really bad because they're the ones that don't feel safe and don't want to come down here and that's bad for downtown and everything. >> reporter: san jose police department undercover detectives are working with the sheriff deputies who have the authority to go onboard the light rail and buses and make arrest. in downtown san jose, cbs 5. coming up, did congress really come together? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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united front as well. democrat john kerry sat with john mccain and other members of congress followed suit. the congress paid tribute to congresswoman gabrielle giffords. his message was that both parties would have to work together. joining us to talk about the president's speech, joe, good to have you back. >> nice to be back. >> it was sit together to want, work together tomorrow, but is this unity going to last? or was it a one night stand? >> i think that the imagery that you're talking about will go away at some point. but the president did have a lot of stuff to offer republicans to incent them to want to work with them and discourage them from being obstructionist. i think they'll work together, but not because they want to pretend to like each other, but because there might be a political incentive to do so. >> there was a poll that they ran right after the president's
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speech. and the numbers jumped significantly in terms of the people who responded with approval to the president's speech. is that just a fickle public? or was there something subornative enough for people -- something enough for people to grab onto? >> this was a good speech. it was long, but didn't feel long. and it was nothing but good stuff. and if you're a republican or democrat or a member of the tea party, this was a little bit of vanilla ice cream, there was something everybody could like. you like it. and i think the part of what you saw in the reaction from people who watched it was generally very strong, positive reaction because it was a feel- good kind of speech definitely. >> and it was out thed as being about jobs, education, transportation, was it about jobs? >> this is the funny thing, we got advanced copies. they were pushing the text well before the president gave it.
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there was nothing that was a mystery in any of this tonight except this, the white house billed this as jobs, jobs, jobs, we know that's the theme the democratic party is going to be pushing and worried about for 2012 and it's what the republicans will beat them over the heads if they don't get the unemployment rate down. and the president talked about in investments in education and creating jobs, infrastructure spending as well. but all of those things are long-term. the chance that the president will yield the benefits of those in a meaningful way, get it seriously under double digits for unemployment before 2012, you're not going to find it with those particular programs. he's doing the right thing, but maybe not the politically right thing for him. and the question is, will the public reward him? if you're still out of work in 2012, you're going to hold the president and this party
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responsible. >> a long run. >> yeah. well, endowed women don't have to squeeze into smaller bras anymore. coming up, the new bra size coming to the store near you. today it was 7th consecutive of record high temperatures right here in the bay area. tomorrow will be the eighth day. we will pin point your forecast as we continue right here -- pin point your forecast.
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good evening. for weather center, take ago a look where today's high temperature was 63 degrees and we had a series of clouds, anywhere from low level clouds to mid and high level clouds streaming over head. 63degrees is one of the coolest locations and raised to 72 degrees and that was reported in oakland. and by the way, we did note at least three record breaking temperatures today. these records were established back into the '80s. but instead today, a handful of numbers in the 70s. and the outside number was 72 in oakland. but actually topping off at 76 degrees. tonight the snag in the forecast happens to be the patchy dense fog that will be slipping into the northern and eastern portions of our district. otherwise, 39 to 5 is degrees with mostly clear skies overnight. storm track well to the north. high pressure not going anywhere. you can count on tomorrow being day eight of record breaking temperatures here which means i
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will keep you on track of where we stand as far as precipitation. anywhere from 73% to the south to .16% to the north. but that's going to down each day with the lack of rain fall. what's going to go up are the numbers tomorrow. really 70 degrees many half moon bay. 70 in fremont. and to union city. the forecast calls for a slight cool down on friday, otherwise, over the weekend, more seasonal temperatures return with partly sunny conditions due to an area of low pressure to the north. and seasonal 7 conditions monday and tuesday. we had fog today as reported from gene. this is 10:00 a.m. this morn in walnut creek. thank you, sir for that photo. and keep your pictures coming. >> all right. thank you. the first three items on the menu are latin ninja, three
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friends and roll. they are g giving new meaning to asian fusion. a new lunch place has opened in the financial district. the food is exactly what it sounds like, sushi rolled up like a burrito. the owner opened just last wednesday. and he is overwhelmed with the line down the block. >> i heard. yeah. i haven't been able to go outside to see it because we have been swamped. >> like, 45 minutes. yeah, it's been a while. >> we've got to get back to work. >> 45 minutes. it just opened. and he says he is using sustainable sourced seafood and working with the supplier to monitor the level of her curfully the fish -- mercury that he buys. >> makes sense. >> maybe another one coming. >> the first time a made a roll, it was like a burrito. , incis is coming up next.
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