tv The Early Show CBS February 12, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PST
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ninth grammy at the 53rd annual grammy awards. we sat down for an extraordinary and rare interview with barbra streisand. and we have it for you "early" this saturday morning, february and we have it for you "early" this saturday morning, february 12th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs welcome inside. fifth 5e6 on a sunny day in new york city. i'm russ mitchell. >> good morning, i'm rebecca jarvis. >> a busy friday and a busy saturday. we're going to begin with the dawn of a new day in egypt. less than 24 hours ago a popular uprising ended the 30-year rule of president hosni mubarak. this morning the army is in charge, at least for the time being, and 8 million egyptians are in unchartered waters. cbs news correspondent and anchor harry smith is in the egyptian capital where it is already saturday afternoon. harry, what's the latest? >> russ, i'll tell you, it is a glorious day here.
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sunshine, clear, blue skies. perhaps that bodes well for the future of these 80 million egyptians. but as you can see over my shoulder, tahrir square is yet once again teeming with celebration. teeming with people who are celebrating their newfound freedom. and as egyptians woke up today, they woke up to a reality most of them could never have imagined. it was cleanup time in tahrir square today. volunteers were everywhere. sweeping, picking up garbage, erasing graffiti. make no mistake. the cleaning is a metaphor for a fresh start. and it helps to start by cleaning i guess, right? >> yes, we clean. we got rid of the people who were not honest. and now we are cleaning the streets. we are cleaning everything. we want our country to be clean from every single thing that can be keep us from being better.
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>> reporter: last night's celebration lasted until dawn. egyptians from all walks of life made their way to the square. to dance, to sing, to shout. >> finally we get our freedom. get rid of mubarak. >> reporter: could you believe this day actually happened? >> no. it's like a dream. it's like a dream come true, and this happened so suddenly, that we cannot imagine it at all. and everybody's happy, and shocked at the same time. >> reporter: 2 1/2 weeks of public demonstrations have brought down the government. egyptians could stand and be proud. well, and now the hard part starts. we understand that the military, the people in charge of the military, have already communicated with the demonstrators -- demonstration organizers and said they want tahrir square cleared by curfew tonight. which has been moved back until midnight.
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so, the first parlay, if you will, in this entire back and forth between the demonstration organizers, and the military, the first play has been made and we'll see what happens next. the demonstrations, the people continue to pour into the square. whether or not people will want to leave by midnight tonight remains to be seen. but the first encounter has at least taken place and this is the first step in what will be a long and no doubt difficult journey. russ? >> harry, as you said, the first play has been made. but in the big picture do the protesters trust the military at all? >> well, you know, it's very interesting. because as we were out in the square last night, and even this morning, people were walking up to the rank and file military, embracing them, lifting their children up under the tanks, people were having their pictures taken with the soldiers and the military. this is going to be a very interesting time now, because the distrust was so high with
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mubarak and with suleiman and with all in that administration. i think there is some faith that the military will do what's right, but there's no real way to know what reality will bring in the days and months to come. >> okay. harry smith in cairo. we'll see you later in the broadcast. thanks. tens of thousands were in cairo's tahrir square when word came friday about the resignation of president mubarak. appropriately the word tahrir means liberation. and among those present was sarah hawass. a 23-year-old native egyptian and a student of the american university in cairo and she's been demonstrating for most of the 18 days. she joins us from the egyptian capital. sarah, i know you were in the square as woe said when word went down yesterday that mubarak had stepped down. what was the first thing that you thought? what was the first thing that you did? >> i was just celebrating. it was an enormous party. everyone was going nuts. everyone was ecstatic. it was a moment of euphoric, you know, joy. people could not believe this happened. and they were really
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overwhelmed. people are still in a state of celebration. it's going to take awhile for all of this to sink in. >> yeah. >> so it was just -- it was fantastic. >> other people who were in the square described the last two-plus weeks as an emotional roller coaster. was there ever a time, sarah, when you thought that yesterday would never come, that mubarak would never leave office? >> no, there was never a moment that i thought that. i mean i had faith from day one. i mean, this is a struggle that's been going on way before the 25th. resistance has been alive and well throughout egypt, and various forms, for years now. and on the 25th, the amount of people that turned up, that heard the call, that mobilized at a grassroots label in a completely decentralized fashion and made their way to various parts of the country, it was clear that the fear barrier had been broken and that there was no turning the clock back. it was very clear to me right then and there that sooner or later this regime was going out
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the door. so there wasn't a moment where i believed for a second that it was hopeless, that this wasn't going to happen. i had faith that it was going to happen. there were ups and downs. there were very frustrating moments for everyone involved. for everyone following the news. but there wasn't a moment where we didn't see this happening. but, at the same time, i mean, you know, despite how much faith people had in this day coming, it's an overwhelming feeling. i mean, this is -- and this happens peacefully. that is the amazing thing. is that many times i thought to myself, it's going to happen any day now, but they're not going to let it happen without shedding a lot of blood. which they have. but as far as the protesters go, as far as the actual movement in the streets go, there was not a single act of violence on the part of the protesters. this was a very, very peaceful revolution. and this is something to be very proud of. >> sir ra, let me ask you this.
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you're a 23-year-old student, some day you'll have kids. how do you think that their lives will be different than your life has been growing up in the new egypt? >> you know, it's -- it's hard to live that far ahead. but i mean, i'm looking forward to them experiencing a new sense of equality. a new sense of democracy. actually feeling as though their voice matters. this is something that i grew up not having. this is a dawn of a new era. and i'm looking forward to the generations that are going to form a completely new face of egypt. >> okay. sarah hawass we thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> you take care. now here's rebecca. russ, thanks. egyptians here in the u.s. have also been celebrating mubarak's resignation. but what does the historic change really mean for u.s./egypt relations? cbs news chief white house correspondent chip reid is live at the white house. good morning, chip.
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>> well, good morning, rebecca. the president has made clear that the egyptian military is only temporarily in charge. he says the future of egypt is up to the egyptian people. >> the people of egypt have spoken. their voices have been heard. and egypt will never be the same. for egyptians have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day. the military has served patriotically and responsibly, as a caretaker to the state. and will now have to ensure a transition that is credible in the eyes of the egyptian people. >> and the president said that the united states stands ready to help in any way it can, if asked by the egyptian people. rebecca? >> chip, as i understand it, the president also said that we'll continue to be a friend to egypt. what will that mean? >> well, the united states is
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going to be there, available to the egyptian people, if they ask. and there are many ways the united states can ask. certainly they continue -- can continue with the military aid they've been giving. but really they're just making themselves available in any way they can. but they want to keep the focus on the egyptian people. they want them to remain in control of the future of egypt. >> the president also made reference to the long road ahead. how nervous, chip, in your view, is the administration about that road and about stability going forward for egypt? >> well, big concerns. obviously the military's focus has always been stability. how you get them to focus on free elections, and freedom for the people they've been controlling for so long. and how do you get the muslim brotherhood, the protesters, the military, all to work together from democracy in a country where they're starting from nothing, really, in terms of understanding how democracy works. so huge challenge ahead. and as harry smith said a little while ago, the hard part starts now. rebecca? >> and, chip, that hard part is this delicate balancing act that we've been seeing over the last 18 days.
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how important is perception? and how is the white house dealing with that issue? >> well, they have really gone out of their way to make clear that the united states, as i said, is here to help it. they're not here to look like toy are controlling events. they are trying to be there as a helpful big brother, maybe not the best word, but a helpful father to stand in, and help where they can. but they are not trying to look like they're controlling events. and that's why the president never said specifically that mubarak should step down. certainly they wanted that to happen in the end but they wanted the egyptian people to force that, not the united states. >> putting egypt and the egyptian people's hands going forward, the experts say, is going to be also a delicate balance because of the timetable, because you don't want to see the people get restless, but you also want to put the right foundation in place. is the u.s. going to play a role, and if so, what role in advising on how to create and build that foundation? >> you know, i asked that exact question of robert gibbs
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yesterday, and he was a bit vague about it. you know, what are the president, the vice president, hillary clinton, going to do now? are they going to be out there on a regular basis, pushing the military to move towards elections? are they going to be public about it? are they going to stand back? i think they're going to wait and see how things play out. but i think if the military really does resist change, and if they really are slow to move towards those elections in the fall, then i think you're going to see the president stepping up the pressure. >> chip reid from the white house, thanks so much. now here's russ. >> thank you, rebecca. now that mubarak is gone and the military is in charge, at least for now, where does egypt go from here? joining us is former u.s. ambassador to morocco and middle east expert mark ginsberg. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's begin with the military. what role does the military have during this time of transition? >> actually the supreme counsel led by the defense minister and deputy prime minister and the chief of staff are actually in charge of the country. the vice president omar suleiman seems to have been put somewhat off to the side.
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and so this military council that essentially has been put in place is going to govern egypt. the problem is the military, although strong, popular, has never governed anything. >> do you trust the military to leave when it says it's going to leave? >> that's going to be the $64,000 question. because in the final analysis, egypt has been ruled since 1953 by the military. whether in the guise of civilians, who put on civilian uniforms, sadat, mubarak, they were all military people. the question is, does the military step back and let democracy begin to take root? that is to help create the civil institutions that have to take place from the mubarak regime that essentially is now -- it's not just mr. mubarak. it's the entire framework of government that these people were demonstrating against. >> you talk about omar suleiman, the vice president who has taken a step back. another role here. down the road what do you think suleiman's job, his role is going to be in this new government, if any at all? >> it remains an important question.
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because he really was the backbone of the intelligence operation and apparatus, and the police apparatus in egypt. omar suleiman is a well-known commodity to the united states and to israel. but he's not someone who the people of egypt consider to be the type of person who they want to see their democracy go forward with. and i don't think that omar suleiman is frankly naive enough in to believing that he's an acceptable candidate for president by the egyptian people. >> you've met hosni mubarak five or six times you were telling me. what's your sense of what was going through his mind as all this was going down? how reluctant do you think he was to leave office? >> i think he was so detached from the egyptian people he failed to understand the aspirations of his people. he permitted corruption and cronyism to basically almost replace a legacy of stability that helped create after anwar sadat was assassinated in 1981. the most important thing that i could think of is that here was a proud man, a military man, who
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actually did not respect those young people in tahrir square. and so in some respects, he actually thought that there was a silent majority of egyptians who would rally to his defense. and so he intended to hold out. he thought by isolating the young people who helped bring about this revolution he could call on the people of egypt to basically fall back on what essentially were always the bogeymen by which he was able to repress that country. and that is, if i go, stability will no longer be existent. there will be islamic extremists who will begin attacking egypt again. >> ambassador, i've got about 30 seconds left. there are folks in egypt saying mubarak should stand trial. how likely in your mind is that to happen? >> i think it comes down to a question of how these young people want to go forward. do they have the sense of anger and recrimination towards him personally that would, in effect, challenge the institutions to put him on trial? or whether or not in the end he actually leaves egypt. he said when he gave his speech a few days ago that he would die
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in egypt. i think it's unlikely that the military would permit a trial because, in the end, the military institution is also part of his legacy. >> products of suleiman. >> yes. >> ambassador mark ginsberg, thank you so much for your insight. it is now 15 minutes past the hour. for a look at the other top stories let's go to cbs news correspondent and morning news anchor betty nguyen at the news desk. >> good morning, russ. first tunisia, then egypt. thank you thousands of anti-government protesters in algeria are ignoring that nation's ban on protests and demanding the ouster of their president. algeria has been rocked by violent demonstrations in recent weeks over rising food prices. and in bahrain, the key is taking preventive action against anti-government protesters there. the ruler is paying families more than $2,000 to appease them ahead of monday's rallies. former pakistani president pervez musharraf is a wanted man. an anti-terrorism judge in pakistan reportedly has issued an arrest warrant for the former military ruler in connection
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with the assassination of exprime minister benazir bhutto back in 2007. musharraf has also been ordered to appear before the court a wreak from today. now, two years ago, he relocated to london. a powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck central chile on friday. that skwak sent thousands of terrified people fleeing into the streets for safety. it happened at the same spot where a quake struck last year. following a tsunami devastating coastal communities. there were no reports of injuries or significant damage. house republicans, they are calling for deep cuts in hundreds of government programs. the gop estimates they amount to about $61 billion in savings. now, they're bowing to last-minute demands of tea party backed conservatives who said not enough was being done to cut costs. but the proposal stands little chance of becoming law. the presidential election, still two years away. but a conservative conference in
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washington, republicans there who want to be the next president have a whole lot to say about the man they want to beat. cbs news correspondent jeff greenfield reports. >> reporter: for the republican men and women who would be america's presidential idols, the conservative political action conference was like the audition round. a chance to prove to thousands of men and women on the right that he or she is the right choice. they all went after president obama as a big government spendthrift with socialistic leanings. but they also all went off him on different grounds. that he does not fully appreciate america's greatness, and does not sufficiently defend it. from ex-minnesota governor tim pawlenty. >> mr. president, stop apologizing for our country. >> reporter: from former massachusetts governor mitt romney. >> i refuse to believe that america is just another place on the map with a flag. i believe that america is an exceptional nation. >> reporter: from former house speaker newt gingrich. >> this is an administration which doesn't even have the courage to tell us the truth about who wants to kill us.
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>> reporter: from real estate mogul turned reality tv star donald trump. >> that the united states has become a whipping post for the rest of the world. if i run, and if i win, this country will be respected again. >> reporter: this was a theme that was rarely heard last year when republicans won big victories centered on the unhappiness with the economy. and it's an open question whether it will strike a chord with voters who may not share this view of the president. jeff greenfield, cbs news, washington. friday was the last day on the job for white house press secretary robert gibbs. his boss made a rare appearance in the white house briefing room to mark the occasion. >> obviously, gibbs' departure is not the biggest one today. >> the president also returned a pale blue tie he had bore reed from gibbs back in 2004 when he delivered the keynote address to the democratic national convention. after some time off, gibbs will
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join mr. obama's 2012 re-election campaign. 60 years behind bars. that is the sentence given to the salvadoran man convicted of killing washington intern chandra levy ten years ago. ingmar guandique will be in prison until he is at least 80 years old. levy's disappearance drew national attention after she was romantically linked to then-california congressman gary condit who was considered a suspect. federal officials have issued a voluntary recall for nearly 2 million baby video monitors with electrical cords. this comes after they were linked to the strangulation deaths of two infants over the past year. the monitors in question are manufactured by summer infant of rhode island. a consumer product safety commission and summer infant are urging parents to put at least three feet between any monitor and the grib. actress liz taylor has been hospitalized in los angeles for treatment of congestive heart failure. a spokeswoman says the oscar winning actress was admitted to
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the hospital in the past few days. now it's not known how long she will be there. taylor disclosed she had the condition back in 2004. the 78-year-old actress has appeared in more than 50 films and been married eight times. and last night the cleveland cavaliers missed setting an nba record, and that is a good thing. the team snapped their 26-game losing streak, one game short of the record, beating the los angeles clippers 126-119. antawn jamison scored 35 minutes and made the game's biggest basket, a three-pointer with just 22 seconds left in overtime. congratulations to them. it's about 21 minutes after the hour. here's rebecca and russ. >> wait, i think if they had lost to the clippers there was a high school team they could play. >> you lose lebron, look what happens. >> good for you, cleveland. congratulations. it is time now for mr. lonnie quinn who has our first check of the weather. good morning. >> good morning, guys. good morning, everybody. let's get right to those weather headlines. here's how we see it around
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here. new england, you pick up a few know showers. one to three inches. gorgeous day in the south. strong winds in the rockies, so let's go to the rockies. you'll notice right now some clouds pushing in. that's not the culprit. what's going on, we have the low pressure to the north, high pressure to the south. now this low pressure system has a counterclockwise spin while this high pressure system happens a clockwise spin. look, you can imagine, as they squeeze closer together it's going to be like that baseball pitching machine and those winds will be whip 40g to 50 miles per hour. could have some higher gusts. consequently wind alerts for great falls, billings, casper and cheyenne. >> that's going to do it for
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weather. i'll be back in just a bit. >> thanks, lonnie. coming up we're going to take a look at the role that social media played in the egyptian revolution. where this enormous new power is heading next. and later, 51 gold albums. 30 platinum albums, not to mention eight grammys, two oscars and four emmys. we're talking about barbra. barbra streisand. stay tuned for a rare one-on-one interview with the entertaining legend. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,,, 3q
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it is approved to kill more germs than any other brand, even h1n1. and it works on hard and soft surfaces to help keep your home healthy. lysol, the number one pediatrician recommended brand. and that's a live look at the people in cairo in tahrir square in cairo, egypt. if you had told these people 15 years ago that something called twitter and facebook was going to inspire revolution, that it could potentially put out of office the most powerful man in the country, they might have looked at you, they would have said, what's twitter and what's facebook? we're going to take a closer look at the role of social networks in toppling former egyptian president hosni mubarak. >> of course the egyptian government tried to shut down the internet for awhile to stop this from happening. plus can this happen in other countries, and if so, ,,,,,,,,
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valentine's day on monday. >> oh, boy. >> valentine's day colors. >> i'm ready for it. but are you guys ready? it's really on the guy. >> i try to stay away from doing the dozen roses. only because first of all they jack the prices up. >> you can grab these on your way out. >> those are lovely. >> honey, look what i got for you. >> oh, you know. so, yeah -- >> but to answer your question, no i'm not ready. i just know it's not going to be a dozen roses. >> i got a dozen roses for my wife. honestly, valentine's day for guys is like a big -- there's
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nothing you can do that's going to be perfect. >> do you make it personal? i think you can score -- >> that goes a long way. >> don't go balloons. don't go stuffed animals. everyone can do that, right? what grown woman wants a balloon. >> i don't know. i don't disagree fully. but i kind of feel like it's about spending time together. you know, if you can set that time aside, and it is so hard these days to set any time aside, because you're so busy running around all the time, i just enjoy -- >> i like that. >> to be honest, matt's great and he always does a great job. so i'm really happy. >> putting him on the spot. >> the reality, i take my ring off sometimes when i go to bed at night. we did a segment about this. how to moisturize hands. i left it on the bedside table. >> that happens. >> honey, i tried moisturizing. >> but when i see a wedding wing i guarantee i'll keep it on all the time. the engagement ring, i was
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moisturizing. i wanted to keep the diamond intact. >> her hands are so soft. >> thanks a lot. nice work. appreciate it guys. >> happy valentine's day, matt. love you so much. ♪ [ male announcer ] not all steel is created equal. not all manufacturing processes are created equal. not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal.
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the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. you're looking at a live shot of tahrir square in cairo. the celebration was yesterday. celebrations today, as well. but many questions remain, also. >> yeah, many questions going forward. and what the future holds for egypt. also, tomorrow night is the 53rd annual grammy awards in los angeles. last night nominee barbra streisand performed at a star-studded ceremony honoring her work in music and philanthropy. >> she also sat down for a very rare and revealing one-on-one
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interview. that's coming up, as well. >> but in egypt, we learned something new and powerful about the role of social networks. they're known for connecting friends. but now they're connecting ideas. ideas that can spark a revolution. cbs news correspondent seth doane reports. >> reporter: the announcement came on egyptian tv. >> translator: president mohammed hosni mubarak has decided to leave the office of the president of the republic. >> reporter: resignation the reward for hundreds of thousands of protesters after 1 long days. mobilized largely from the power of social networks. it started back january 25th, with a call to action all coming from a facebook page. dedicated to khalid said. the egyptian businessman who was beaten to death by police last summer. after threatening to expose police corruption. from the masses, a few prominent
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faces emerged. one, a google executive wale ghonim, who was identified by mubarak's government as the creator of that first facebook page. he was detained. but the movement had already gained momentum. >> it's a very good way for communication. it has no power of control from anyone. >> reporter: the government tried to exert control by shutting down internet and cellphone service. but the protests only grew. ghonim was released from jail on february 7th. and his emotions echoed that of his country. he tweeted, failure is not an option. and three days later, that came true. >> this is a revolution, it was sparked by the internet. >> reporter: a social revolution where the most powerful weapon was social networking. seth doane, cbs news, new york. >> wael ghonim's first tweet after mubarak's resignation was,
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good morning, egypt. i truly missed you in the past 30 years. and here with a closer look at the growing political power of social networks, rachel sklar, social media expert and editor in chief of media eyes dotcom. >> great to be here. >> so, if you stripped away social media, would this be possible in egypt? could you see the overthrow of a 30-year reign? >> well, revolutions have happened before. and you know, social media has been around for not very long. so clearly it takes more than just a twitter stream for a facebook page. the issue here is how quickly information spread. you know, how these digital tools were used to mobilize people. and i think it's pretty striking how quickly this happened. and the comparative lack of violence involved. >> we're hearing reports from people on the ground in egypt that there was this growing resentment. that there was a growing force on the ground there that wanted to mobilize and get the government out but that that
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january 25th posting on facebook is what incited and instigated. it allowed social media, and individuals to go out and to feel like they could make a real change. >> again, it's, you know, it's a multifactoriole situation. you know, to get that many people to fill tahrir square for 18 straight days, it's not just people sitting, you know, poised over their computer and hitting refresh. i think that, you know, it's people getting people out to magnify the message, and there's real discontent. i mean, this revolution in egypt didn't happen because people decide to mount a facebook campaign. it happened because there was real poverty in the country. there was, you know, real issues of food. and there was an authoritarian regime which had allowed this to happen, and clearly didn't care about its people. and you know, so that's the kind of momentum, social media was just one part of it, but an
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essential part, obviously. and you can't really ignore the fact that in addition to what happened mobilizing people within egypt, there's the separate issue of calling attention to it. so, you know, when wael ghonim posts to his twitter feed, it's not only people following on twitter, it's the journalists who then broadcast it out to the world. we're talking about it here. so it's that kind of message magnification that is key. and i think differentiates this from what's come before. >> going forward, where are the hot spots for this? where are there are rumblings of similarity to what we've seen in egypt, in the social media sphere? >> well, as a matter of fact, i checked twitter before i came on and you know, i saw that somebody posted that there are now protests in algeria. i mean, i can't verify. that was spread right before i came on. but they've been talking about yemen. where there are sort of authoritarian regimes, where there's oppression, where there's similar situations, as in egypt, you can see that, hmm,
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people are thinking i've seen this happen here. why couldn't it happen in our country? tunisia was the kickoff. again, you know, every situation is, you know, part of more than just, you know, you know, a plugged-in blackberry or iphone to make things happen. but, there's no question that the message has spread. >> when you talked about checking twitter before coming on here. you said, i can't confirm. there is this reality in the world of social networking that information can make it out, but it doesn't necessarily have to be true. it doesn't even have to be vetted. in a world where social networking can play a significant role in mobilizing people, what do you think is the future of regulation and of looking at these -- these mechanisms, when the information doesn't necessarily have to be true? >> when you're dealing with realtime information. you know, it's being put out there and you can't vet it. obviously, everybody in media knows the more vetting you do
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and the more preparation you do for a story the longer time it takes. that is obviously worthwhile in terms of credibility of your source. but, you know, there's always like a healthy grain of salt. you know, it's where is this information coming from? how credible is the person? actually now that i think about it, you know, the twitter feed that i got that information from about algeria was nick christoph. he is a commentator for "the new york times." that's a credible source to me. i'm going to trust him. if it was like some -- >> your neighbor? >> yeah, yeah. >> it would be a different story. >> yeah. i mean, so these are all the factors that you bring into it. but the community is very self-regulating. so -- >> rachel sklar, we appreciate it. obviously a conversation that's going to continue into the future giving the rising power of social media. >> no doubt. >> now here's lonnie with another check of the weather. >> will do, rebecca. let's talk about, let's say your person looking for some warmth. the hottest spot in the country is going to be yuma, arizona, maxing out at 78. the coldest, berlin new
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hampshire, 8 degrees below zero. best weather anywhere, the southwest. florence, arizona, sunshine, 75 degrees, and it's not just arizona. look at this. riverside, california to roswell, new mexico, over to amarillo, san antonio we're talking beautiful skies today. temperatures in the 60s to 70s. just great out there. lots of sunshine. and that holds true all the way through your weekend. the big picture will show us a few snow showers right now pushing through the great lakes. they will affect new england today. not a big deal. maybe one to three inches, and some rain for florida. but i'm talking in the area south of lake okeechobee. all right, everybody, that's going to do it for me. russ over to you.
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>> thank you. up next "the early show's" road to the grammys continues with a rare sitdown with the funnily girl herself, call that the funny girl herself, going for her ninth grammy tomorrow night, barbra streisand speaks. hopefully better than i just did. right after this. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ alarm blares ] you stay here hon'. i'm gonna go cook breakfast. give me half an hour. ahhh. ♪ ohh! ♪ [ male announcer ] so simple you could make em yourself. breakfast!! [ male announcer ] so delicious you don't have to. golden crispy outside, warm and fluffy inside. did you make coffee too? yes... i will. [ male announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. >> man: getting across town to a job interview is stressful enough without being late. i want guidance that takes me where i need to be, without any problems along the way. i feel the same way when i do taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me
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grammy weekend kicked off in los angeles last night with a tribute to a true grammy legend, barbra streisand. she was honored as the music erica's person of the year in a ceremony that brought out a crowd of famous faces. before the big event streisand sat down with "entertainment tonight" anchor nancy o'dell for a rare interview. >> reporter: last night in los angeles, barbra streisand accepted the music cares award for her artistry and philanthropy. she took the stage for a rare wide performance that brought some of music's biggest names to their feet. ♪ we had the chance
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and we would ♪ >> everybody gets so excited when you're going to perform. it becomes an event. we love to see you perform. >> but performing is very tough. i love recording. because it's just me and the music. me and the orchestra. me and the musicians. >> an incredibly versatile entertainer she's won four emmys, two oscars a tony and eight grammys in a career that includes a whopping 63 albums. take me back to 1963 when you won your first two grammys. >> i have no memory of it. >> you're kidding? >> i remember the dress. that i wore. a dress from a thrift shop with an antique pin. >> but she does remember her last win 24 years ago in 1987. >> and i said jokingly, really, you know, with a bit of luck and your continued support, i might see you again in 24 years. >> something's looking good for you tonight, barbra. >> the one and only, barbra streisand. >> a star-studded list of performers paid tribute to
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streisand, including tony bennett. stevie wonder. country greats faith hill and leann rimes. ♪ i'm gonna love you one of the highlights of the evening, former president bill clinton's taped message praising streisand. >> through her giving she has improved countless lives around the world. >> a longtime fund-raiser for the democratic party, she says she's still passionate about politics. has obama contacted you about being on the sidelines for his re-election campaign yet? >> no, not yet. >> i'd be on the phone already. barbra. >> really? >> oh, yeah. >> i remember the night i did sing for them they said they raised $11 million. so that was really nice. >> now through her streisand foundation she is raising money and awareness for health issues. specifically how heart disease affects women. >> more women die of heart disease now than men. you know, women who are heads of companies and who work for a living and have the same amount of stress but have to raise families and children. it catches up to them. >> while last night was all about looking back, streisand is
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already looking forward to her next project. she may star in a remake of the movie "gypsy" playing the character mama rose. >> she kind of reminds me of my mother. >> do you feel like she pushed you? >> she did everything against me in show business. >> really? >> yes, as a matter of fact. that's when i grew my nails longer, she wanted me to be a typist. now i wish i could type. now that i'm on the computer and writing, i wish i could type. believe me. ♪ my life has just begun >> streisand's big grammy weekend marks the beginning of what may be another very big year in her remarkable life. >> love me some barbra. >> absolutely. i think it's just so interesting to see someone like that who says their parents fought them on this. that they tried to hold them back. incredible on her storied career. >> it worked out. look for barbra streisand to perform at the grammy awards tomorrow night right here on cbs. she's also up for her ninth grammy, and nominated for her album "love is the answer."
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haven't heard that. but every other one i've heard. later on our road to the grammys continues with an all-access backstage pass behind the scenes. >> but coming up next, some love is on our menu. five foods that will put you in the mood this valentine's day right here on "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] imagine the possibilities with stelara®.
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so you say you want to add a little heat to your valentine's day. well the secret to a romantic evening could be right in your kitchen. it is true, what you eat affects your hormone levels, bringing chemistry and energy. and here to reveal which foods will put you in the mood, our friend frances larson ross. frances is the senior food and nutrition editor for "health" magazine. great to have you with us. >> thank you, rebecca. >> i think it's interesting because i'm looking at this tail. and we've got five foods and a lot of them are the foods that fall on the, this is good for you list. almonds also good for the libido? >> yes, because they are packed with selenium and vitamin e. there's a mine ral and a vitamin there. both are necessary to make testosterone and estrogen.
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>> how much of these are you supposed to eat to get to that point? >> an ounce a day is appropriate. that's about 24 almonds. they're also really good for your heart. >> of course. you need that to be healthy. working double duty. chocolate. >> dark chocolate, not the other kinds. why? >> exactly. well, because when you have milk chocolate you also have more cocoa butter. when you have white chocolate, there's none of the healthy stuff in there. this is great for your heart. it also boosts serotonin levels which is the feel-good chemical in the brain. increases feelings of pleasure. >> increases feelings of pleasure. have a little dark chocolate. >> and you might want to pair it up with the next one. >> we love strawberries. and we love strawberries and chocolate. i think it was interesting, i was reading in the research that they actually could help a man more than a woman? >> question. strawberries, a lot of people don't know, are packed with vitamin c. and men need vitamin c for healthy swimmers. so there you go with the strawberries. plus a study in 2008 shows that red was the sexiest color for
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women to wear. >> so no wonder they're wearing this color on valentine's day. >> yeah. and then, slice them in half. what does it look like? >> okay. >> a heart. >> i see, very nice. >> when you are eating things like this, i mean we talk about incorporating things into our diet all the time together here. you always have great ideas for how to incorporate them. how much of these strawberries and of these other elements that we've been talking about should one be eating on a daily basis? >> an ounce of chocolate. doesn't have to be every day. could be a few times a week and a cup of strawberries. that gives you your entire rda for vitamin c. >> is it possible to have too much of a good thing? i mean, to have too much of these and then see a counterimpact? >> well, i don't think you could ever eat too much fruit. and you know, chocolate the calories add up and of course the more things you add to your chocolate, nuts, caramel, toffee bits, things like that, the more calories. so you do have to eat it in moderation. >> i want to get to the peppers. nice and spicy. >> oh, yeah. spice things up.
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>> what is it actually that's inside of a pepper that's going to heat things up? >> they have a chemical called capsaicin and the more capsaicin, the hotter the pepper. but also, capsaicin increases feelings of arousal. >> hmm. very interesting. >> so sprinkle a little on whatever it is that you're having on valentine's day. can you find it in any other food? >> no. it's only in peppers. but it's in all different kinds of hot peppers, not in bell peppers. but in poblanos which is what these are. the scotch bonnets. that's going to have the most. >> you don't see those very often in the grocery store. >> they are a little dangerous. >> you do, however, hear a lot about oysters as an aphrodisiac. i don't understand it. i don't understand why people say it. but they say it a lot. they are legendary, actually, for increasing performance in the bedroom. and actually, they're packed with zing. which is a mineral that both men and women need for healthy sexual function. so it's absolutely true. you can get it in other sources. you can get it in other types of seafood, too.
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but, oysters are the tops. >> if you have to choose between an oyster and popping a zing vitamin? >> oh, i'd go with the oysters. >> unless you're allergic. >> exactly, shellfish allergy, avoid that. but they're really great. >> so if you don't have that, you can pop some zinc. >> oh, yeah. >> we appreciate it. frances larson ross, as always. thanks so much. >> same to you, rebecca. >> and for more on mood foods and other ways to spice up your relationship go to our partner in health, and search aphrodisiacs. we're going to be right back. this is the "early" show on cbs. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible. i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy.
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and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. new york city. waking up to a chilly saturday morning. >> it was sunny earlier. but not anymore. >> not so much. you know what you can do in new york city? you can negotiate anything. well we're going to show you how to negotiate a better deal no matter where you live on your
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medical, your cable, your phone bills, your credit cards. interest rates. really you don't have to pay full price for anything. we will show you how. >> you negotiated for a big of m&ms. >> i would do that. >> your local news is next. really do love negotiating. >> i really do love negotiating. i was saying earlier this morning, we were talking in our meeting, if i don't get to negotiate for something it's not as much fun to buy. it really is more exciting. >> everyone wants a deal. >> it's kind of hard, because some stores you go into, say a department store, you don't really want to haggle with them. a street vendor -- >> i've done it once. >> in a department store? >> i was with my grandma helen. she lives in naples, florida, she found something she really liked, it was a night gown and it had a little hole in it. so i said grandma, how about 95%? >> no way.
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>> walked it up to the cash register, i went to the guy, listen, there's a little hole in this thing, and he was like, well what do you want? i said oh, how about 95% off. he said okay. my grandparents think now that i negotiate everything. >> you should take grandma with you every time you go. >> i think the key to negotiating is you've got to be willing to awalk away. >> that's true. >> if you really want something -- >> half the time when it comes to say street vendors, if you will, the price is way up there. they're ready for you to negotiate. so if you think you're getting a good deal you're just getting base price. >> my favorite street vendor story in new york. i'd been here for maybe ten minutes, those guys selling the fake rolexes on the street. >> betty has five of them. >> the guy says $10. i go, $5. he goes $10. puts it in my hand, it falls apart. he goes, $5. >> oh, no! >> you know, i do have, i bought one of those my first trip to new york city. i bought one for my boyfriend.
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thought it was the most special thing. got back, the 3 and the 9 had totally fallen off. >> oh, geez. . can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating whole grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lower our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. try french's. mac and cheese need a boost ? french's helps that, too.
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chicken in need of cheering up? add french's to your marinade. it's a surprising way to add a little fun to your food and a whole lot of happy to your family. for recipes and valuable coupons, go to to add a little happy to almost any meal. french's. happy starts here. welcome to "the early show." i am rebecca jarvis. >> and russ mitchell. looking at a live shot of tahrir square in cairo where it is already saturday afternoon. very busy saturday afternoon as you can see. it is the day after the big day. egyptians are celebrating. >> they've been there all night, right? >> all night. and many more questions to come on this saturday morning. february 11th is an interesting day. nelson mandela released 21 years ago. february 11th, the shah of iran,
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deposed, february 11, 1990 i believe. '79, rather. that didn't quite work out the way they hoped to. something about february 11th. >> it's an auspicious date. >> tahrir square in cairo a very busy scene this morning. joining us from cairo is cbs news correspondent and anchor harry smith. harry, good afternoon to you. >> yeah, it's a beautiful day here in cairo. the sun is shining bright. as you can see over my shoulder, tahrir square is once again filled with celebrations, russ. >> you talked about the celebration going on there now. the euphoria happening. mubarak's gone. are the folks there happy with that or do they want more? >> you know, it's very interesting. because, as mubarak started to try to appease the people over the last 2 1/2 weeks, he brought in a vice president which has never existed before, this suleiman character. as he started to sort of absorb more and more power, the people
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here were as dissatisfied as ever. they looked at suleiman as sort of a mubarak 2.0. or a mubarak light. they were very unhappy with him, as well. so to see both suleiman and mubarak gone, and to see the dissolution of parliament, which is just so many political cronies, the mubarak regime, i think the people here feel like this country really is now ready for a fresh start. >> harry, there's this extraordinary picture from your very extraordinary piece that ran last night on the "cbs evening news" where you're kissed by a little girl. looks like someone is holding up a little girl to you. who was this kid, and tell me about what that says about what was going on in the square. >> you know, i have no idea. i have no idea who the people were. you have to understand, i mean, we literally were freely roaming in this sea of hundreds of hundreds of thousands of people last night. and everywhere, we went, we were
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greeted so warmly. we were greeted with a kind of kinship, and even brotherhood. i know we're supposed to maintain some level of objectivity, but people were literally, as you saw in the piece last night, walking up to us, and embracing us. you know, grown man planted a case on my cheek, and people were handing us children to embrace and to kiss. i think egypt last night, if i can sort of extrapolate all of this emotion into words, was feeling like they wanted to be welcomed anew into the world community. they felt like they were really part of the world last night for the first time, and they wanted everyone to know that how happy they were to feel free. >> harry smith who has covered a hot spot or two in his distinguished career. thank you so much. great job, sir.
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all right. celebrations are taking place in the u.s., as well. now that egyptian president hosni mubarak has stepped down. what's the reaction inside the white house? joining us from just outside the presidential residence, cbs news chief white house correspondent chip reid. and chip, now that egypt has turned this page, but still an uncertain future lies ahead, what is the white house feeling today? >> well, i'll tell you, for 18 days the white house walks a tight rope, the feeling of tension was tremendous around here. but when mubarak finally stepped down, the president joined in the celebration of what he called a pivotal moment in history. >> we can't help but hair the echoes of history. echoes from germans tearing down a wall, indonesian students taking to the streets, gandhi leading his people down the path of justice. as martin luther king said in
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celebrating the birth of a new nation in good, while trying to perfect his own, there's something in the soul that cries out for freedom. those were the cries that came from tahrir square. and the entire world has taken note. >> of course, the white house now understands that this path to democracy is really the hard part. much more difficult than getting mubarak to leave. the white house has said the united states is standing by, ready to help, if asked. rebecca? >> chip reid, a long road ahead. i'm sure you'll be covering it. we appreciate it. thanks. now for a look at the morning's other top stories, cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. >> good morning to you. president obama will send his senior military advisers to the middle east to reassure two key allies in the wake of the egyptian uprising. joint chiefs of staff chairman admiral mike mullen will meet with jordanian officials tomorrow in oman.
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jordan has seen more than a month of anti-government protests. although the numbers are diminishing. later he travels to israel, jordan and egypt are the only arab nations that have made peace with israel. president obama's proposed budget calls for a combination of spending cuts and increases. in his weekly radio and internet address, mr. obama says spending increases are needed for education, technology, and to repair roads and bridges. now at the same time he is calling for an overall freeze in annual domestic spending for the next five years. the government faces a projected $1.5 trillion deficit this year. republicans say mr. obama's spending cuts don't go far enough. a georgia woman has jumped off of a bridge to save her life. 22-year-old bianca vera plunged 40 feet off of a highway bridge into the icy waters of lake lanier to avoid a semi truck bearing down on her. it happened after her car slid into a bridge guardrail and she
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got out of the car to take a look. she managed to get to shore and then call for help. the semi, well that wound up slamming into her car. one lucky lady there. and finally, 50 tons of sand, and what do you get? a giant sand sculpture, of course. but honoring the super bowl champion green bay packers. the sculpture includes a cheesehead-wearing dog and the lombardi trophy. all made out of sand, of course. it's on display at the bay park square mall in green bay, wisconsin. it's about seven minutes past the hour. it's lonnie quinn to take a look at the weather. if only they could get a little sun to go with that sand. >> green bay you'd think it was a sculpture made out of snow or cheese. let's talk about green bay. because i see a little bit of snow around green bay. but really i'm talking just flurries. so it will be flurries not confetti flying through the skies of green bay. vermont, a little bit more snow. maybe one to three inches. but the skiers are going to enjoy that.
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and it's just generally quiet for the rest of the country. take a look at that shot. okay, this is pretty abnormal for this time of the year. keep in mind, we're in the dead of winter. typically the jet stream would give us these big, deep troughs and big, high ridges. that brings about extreme weather. we're starting to notice a pattern change and our jet stream is flattening out. becoming more zonal. meaning it's going from the west to the east. so some pretty mild air that will push relatively north but especially the midsection of the country with the warm air down to the south. just some pockets of real cold ard around our northern fringes. >> this weather segment
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sponsored by breathe right. it's your right to breathe right with new breathe right advanced. get two free samples at breathe >> all right. make it a great day. russ over to you. >> lonnie, thank you very much. haggling is a lost art for some of us. when it comes to medical care, swollen cable bills, even the interest rate on your credit card, most of us usually pay whatever we're billed no matter what the cost. you should know there is room to negotiate fees and prices for many products and services, and we're going to show you how. carmen wong ulrich is the author of "the real cost of living" and she's help us turn into bargaining pros. >> good morning. >> we've always heard this about lowering the credit card rate. the average rate last year was like 13%. how do we get the credit card companies to say, okay? >> part of it is just asking. you can't be as successful as you were before the recession. but here's the thing, pick up the phone, you've got to ask. what really helps, of course, if you have great credit. that gives you a lot of negotiating room because you can jump to another card or move your balance. so go and find out what the other rates are that you could
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get. go to sites like, see what the competition is offering. call them up and say, i will move my business. go somewhere else. i'd really like to have a lower rate. if they don't budge, some card issuers are offering rebates on interest. so they'll rebate half the interest back to you on your next statement. >> do your homework. that's the important >> do your homework. and lock in a low, fixed rate. they can rescind it at any time. lock in that low, fixed rate. >> that's what i looked at and went, get out of here. medical bills? you can lower your medical bills? >> this is one of the biggest -- i can't talk about this enough. this is so important to understand. that when it comes to having to pay for medical costs out of your pocket, there's plenty of room for negotiation. now understand that doctors and hospitals have three different prices for three different scenarios. if you have medicaid, if you have insurance, and if you don't have insurance. there's a lot of wiggle room in there. go to sites like out of pocket dotcom and see what the rate is for a procedure. if you're going to have to pay for this out of pocket see what the average going rate is. call up and see if you can
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negotiate your rate down and if you're asked after the procedure, make sure you say if i can pay in cash, what would you give me? because to a doctor, cash is absolutely king just like almost everywhere else. they can negotiate things down. be careful. when you leave a hospital, if you have to pay out of pocket, do not give them a credit card. that locks you in to a high interest rate and no negotiating room. ask for an itemized bill. this is the point where you're going to negotiate that bill down. and also they have payment plans with no interest whatsoever. so you can save a ton. >> let's get t the next few pretty quickly. cable and phone bills. easy? >> pretty easy especially with cell phones. this is very easy. competition is fierce. make sure you go and look up and see what everyone else is offering. go to, lower my bills dotcom. call up your provider. actually go to the store where you get your phone and talk to them and say, i see other great deal, it looks really good, it's this much, i saved $100 a month on my cell phone bill. so do that. cable providers, here's the
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thing. they're suffering. a lot of folks are canceling their cable in tough times. even if you don't have competition near you, say this is getting really tough for me, do you have any offers or promotions available. don't call and ask and say can i have free hbo. because that's not going to work. >> furniture and electronics. >> furniture and electronics. this is another one. we're in the months for discounts right now. furniture more in july and august is when they have to clear out all the inventory. electronics, january/february, great time to get a lot of discounts. and also don't forget, when it comes to appliances, floor models, if you're willing to deal with a couple nicks and scratches, floor models, fantastic way to get appliances. also pay on the spot. you know what a lot of us do? we go to the store, we check everything out, go home and buy it online. they want you to buy it in the store, and a lot of them are willing to give you a discount if you do. >> finally hotel rooms. do you say to the person, okay, i can get a better deal across the street? >> absolutely, that's a great way to negotiate. even better if you have a reservation to say can you do better because i see the guy
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across the street has a better rate. what's key is talking to the manager of the hotel you're at. not the general reservation line. they're that going to be able to help you. go online, compare prices, and the longer you stay, the more likely you can negotiate down. >> car men wong ulrich, for my next medical procedure i'm talking you along. for more on negotiating a better price, visit our sister website up next our road to the grammys continues with an all-access backstage pass behind the scenes. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i can't breathe... so i can't sleep... and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed & turned... i even vaporized! and then i fought back: with new drug-free breathe right advanced. these nasal strips instantly opened my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better! [ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right... get two free strips at hey, it's your right to breathe right!
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can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern, the 53rd annual grammy awards will kick off right here on cbs, live from the staples center in los angeles. >> as our road to the grammys continues, "early" show special contributor tyler mcgill gives us a behind-the-scenes look as some big names prep for the event. ♪
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>> reporter: tomorrow night, music's biggest stars are performing on this stage and we have the exclusive backstage pass. we were invited in for a closed rehearsal friday afternoon, and caught one of grammy night's most anticipated performers. rihanna. ♪ and she just one on a ridiculously long list. legends like mick jagger, barbra streisand and rock icon bob dylan will grace music's biggest stage, alongside pop sensations justin bieber, katy perry, and the one and only eminem. nominated for ten grammys this year alone. >> the grammy goes to "recovery" eminem. >> what separates from the grammys from other awards shows? >> it's the grammys.
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>> reporter: simply put, it's music's biggest night. >> this isn't a show you want to tivo. because everybody's going to be talking about it the next day. so you want to experience it and be part of that. >> reporter: one performance sure to excite? country's latest breakthrough group, lady antebellum. ♪ i'm all alone and you need you now ♪ >> reporter: nominated for six awards, the southern group is a favorite to bring a few statues home to nashville. if you guys need someone to go up there -- >> okay. >> reporter: just give me names of people to thank. i'm more than happy to go up there. >> we'll tag you in. >> just say mom and dad. >> reporter: a grammy is the biggest honor the music dus stli can bestow on an artist and previous winner jennifer hudson told me there's nothing better. >> this is the moment you really want to live in and take in and i got my grammy. wow, like i really have a grammy. >> reporter: this year's grammy
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hopefuls, including miranda lambert, seem happy just to have made it this far. >> i feel like i've already won in a sense, you know. >> whatever happens happens and i'm always honored to be nominated. >> reporter: win or lose, it's a night every music star can't wait to be a part of. sunday night this place is going to be packed with stars. and no matter who goes home with the award, it's going to be one of the year's best parties. how are you guys going to bring the nashville party to the l.a. scene? >> a lot of jack daniel's. >> my favorite awards show. >> there's so much great energy, and then there's really something for everyone. it runs from the gamut from streisand to mick jagger, rihanna. something for everyone. all music tastes. >> we'll be watching. >> don't forget you can catch the grammy awards tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cbs. and entertainment tonight will have backstage interviews with all the winners on monday. so check your local listings for that. >> coming up this morning, they
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tell you that roses are a cliche on valentine's day. some would disagree. >> and i would among them. >> but that's good. if you do feel that way, we're going to show you some gifts that keep on giving. five potted plants that they tell us pack a romantic punch. hmm, this is the "early" show on cbs. and ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail. it tastes real good, and it's good for you. i use it to make my delicious cranberry kiss. may true love find you. [ boing ] heads up. find all our recipes at gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time!
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yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. and i wondered what it was. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves
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that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today.
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anyone can give roses on valentine's day. so why not think outside the flower box? potted plants are beautiful, less pricey, and say i love you a lot longer. master gardener william moss is here with five plants that will show that your love is in bloom. william, thanks for coming in. >> good to see you. >> one of the advantages of giving plants is to put fresh cut flowers. >> the main thing is bloom time. they just last so much longer. you've got vitality. they're alive and they can stay alive for many years. they purify the air. so they actually take out a lot of toxins and put them in. there's so much variety you can choose between flowers, foliage, edibles, and there's value. you get a lot more for less. >> let's begin with some of these flowers here. >> these are orchids. people always say orchids are so hard to grow.
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but they're really easy. and what says i love you like an orchid. look how intricate the flowers are. the details are just spectacular. and they'll last for month. every time she looks forward to that orchid she'll think, hey, russ. >> i love that. >> there's so many different sizes, the shape. they're really easy to grow and they're great value because they literally will bloom for months and they'll bloom next year, too. >> let's go over here. >> next we have the cyclamen. this flower has beautifully mottled leaves, kind of round and topped with this shock of color up here. it's just really a good, cute plant to give. also hardy and will bloom for months, as well. >> hmm. okay. and not expensive? >> very inexpensive. very inexpensive and will come back and bloom for you next year. just a great bargain. a great value for you. >> they look pretty, as well. heart-shaped flowers. >> valentine's day. this is called a flamingo flower. the great thing about this is it's also a super star at
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pulling out toxins. it's one of those -- >> a superstar? >> it's a superstar. it pulls out things like ammonia and other cleaners and releases pure oxygen. it's a good one for like the bathroom or the kitchen. a wonderful present that will show love. and look how sexy the flowers are with the fleshy appendage and all this wonderful, deep red. it's really a good plant to give for someone you love. >> you're scaring me now. now pansies. >> pansies. people think of pansies as outdoor plants but they make beautiful indoor plants, especially this time of year. they're like a harbinger of spring. they're fragrant and also the flowers will cover this -- well for the next two months, at least. and once it warms up, you can put it outside. >> the whole women sending flowers and plants to guys? >> they are sending some. this is a great one to send to a guy. >> this one i've got to ask you about. this is lettuce leaf plant. >> this is basically a bowl of lettuce and herbs. so a lot of different things in here. what's so neat about this is it's colorful, it's creative.
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but it's also edible. so you've got ornamental edibles. you can harvest this lettuce for the next few weeks. look how many wonderful salads you can get off this. you're feeding the person, cleaning the air and showing love. >> if you give this to a girl, it's trouble with a capital "t." >> give your girl the orchids. give this to like a friend or an aunt. >> nothing says love like a salad bowl. you say these plants are all easy to maintain. >> you just put them some place in bright light. the orchid can even go up on the fluorescent lamp. does just fine in a cubicle. you want to water them and feed them to keep them going. without that they won't do it. you may as well do both at once. so i use the oxygenating fertilizer. so just a couple of squirts. and what the oxygen does is actually opens up holes so i'm feeding at the same time i'm opening up the roots, too. so i'm also watering.
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that's a perfect three. >> easy stuff. >> very easy to do. >> thanks a lot. appreciate it. good stuff. good types. coming up, what is mission impossible? our technology expert plays against the smartest computer in the world. >> i didn't get it. oh, come right here. >> okay, russ. >> so the story that's coming up with katie linendoll is pretty cool. they took this computer, put all this information, a super computer, and called it watson and now it's going to go head-to-head with some of the jeopardy's all-time all-stars to see what gets it right. is it the computer, the artificial intelligence, or the real intelligence. >> are you a big jeopardy person? >> i've always loved it. >> that's one of those shows you just keep on in the background. you hear a question, i know that answer. >> through os most sis you learn
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everything. >> you can just imagine if you were actually on that show. >> yeah. >> i bet you all these things would go kaput and you wouldn't have them ready. >> i know people who have been on the show on celebrity jeopardy. they will say exactly what you're saying when they go on that show. the nerves. >> sure. >> totally different world. you have to sit there in front -- >> i am great at that game in my kitchen. doing a little cooking, helping my wife out i get them all. >> like so many things when you're actually on the spot it's a lot different. >> i think the computer might have an edge in this one i think. >> i think if you googled an answer you'd probably at least one of the responses would be the right answer. so think about the artificial intelligence. >> sure. >> favorite category? anything in particular? >> i always like sports. >> uh-huh. >> how about you? >> i don't know, i seem to do well in the '80s. >> i loved the '80s. >> it's a good decade. i don't know what it is. >> just like trivial pursuit. give me the '80s stuff. or sports, either one. >> i like the history and the literature.
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the big city on a saturday morning. welcome back to "the early show," i'm russ muchle. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. >> the toys are back in town. one of the biggest toy fares in the world kicks off tomorrow in new york city. we'll show you five of the hottest toys for kids of all ages. >> and later, monday is valentine's, if you didn't get that memo yet. chef john fraser has the recipe for love, the very most perfect
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valentine's day brunch. >> hmm. wonder if lettuce is on the menu. >> with a little caesar's dressing. >> that's coming up. first over to lonnie quinn who prepared valentine's day six months ago. >> yes, one gift to beat the big hikeup in the price of roses. if i show up with lettuce -- >> yeah, it's not good. >> there's going to be a problem. i see a front for the northwest. another front for the great lakes. also a front for south florida. take a look at the picture of what it looks like out there. there's your front pushing through the northeast. here's the front with rain south of okeechobee. then you've got to the northwest. pacific northwest a front coming on. really i'm talking about three different fronts there. three minor fronts. this is how it translates. high up in space with your radar picture, with your satellite picture. looking down at the bulk of the country, pretty quiet out there. again there's that front for into. a little setup around the great lakes and new england and a little front pushing onshore around the pacific northwest. it will be rain along the shore, and be a little bit of snow in the higher elevations.
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hi, everybody, it is shout-out time and this week's shout-out goes to eli, minnesota, hosting the 17th annual ely winter fest. that is one big snow party. snow carving, snow mobile races, snowshoe trails. dog sledding and of course there's skiing. you do not want to miss out on tonight's mukluk ball. mukluks are, well they're soft boots. they're traditional made out of reindeer or seal skin. very warm supposedly. aapparently just perfect for dancing in the snow. we want to thank everybody who's watching "the early show" on kdlh 3. that's going to do it for me,
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guys. >> lonnie, ely is a good place. meantime, ibm has created a super computer with one objective. beat the best jeopardy contestants of all-time at their own game. >> on monday the syndicated game show will run part of one of a three-part series featuring the watson computer versus jeopardy champs ken jennings and brad rudder. now before that epic battle, we sent our technology expert katie linendoll to ibm headquarters in new york to challenge watson. hey, katie. >> yeah, save myself some real humiliation. here is a chance for me to combine my two favorite things i'm a tech geek and a jeopardy freak. the computer, who is boss? with its 9 million daily viewers jeopardy is one of the most popular game shows in america. and it's been a pop culture icon for more than 45 years. but would you believe that the best jeopardy player of all-time might only be four years old?
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>> what is buffalo, new york. >> that is correct. >> meet watson. a super computer designed by ibm to be the ultimate jeopardy playing machine. >> the computer is capable of tens of billions of operations per second. >> we've got ten racks -- >> reporter: the doctor and dozens of researchers started building watson in 2006 and fed its brain with all kinds of information. >> encyclopedias, dictionaries, the bible, shakespeare's plays, classic books and novels. about a million books. >> reporter: it would take the typical american 260,000 years to read that much. >> same category, $600. >> reporter: in what may be the ultimate saga of man versus machine next week you can watch watson take on two all-time jeopardy greats. >> what's america the beautiful. >> what are the yellow pages. >> reporter: ken jennings who won 74 consecutive games. >> who is cloudious. >> reporter: and brad rudder, the biggest money winner ever with more than 2k3st.2 million.
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and i wanted to see what those guys were up against. so my friend marcy and i challenged watson to a match. >> vocabulary for $200. >> reporter: it was pretty clear early on. that i was no match for watson. listen to this. >> what is vault. what is boston. what is dealey plaza. >> that's exactly right. >> reporter: of course i didn't exactly do myself any favors. >> hipo phobia. don't say hippos. >> what is hippos. >> what is no. >> final jeopardy category. >> i had dug myself a deep hole. ♪ >> what did you write down as your correct response? and i'll take a look. that says what is lions. >> no it says what is the lincoln memorial. >> incorrect. >> in the end, watson beat me $53,609 to $2.
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in short i feel horrible. >> but, hey, at least i got $2. oh. well, ibm designed watson specifically to play jeopardy. but they say the advances made in language integration and artificial intelligence will be a boone to the medical and high tech fields. >> that's pretty cool. >> can i tell you something you don't see. >> yeah. i'd love to know. >> when you're playing jeopardy, i was like banking on getting 10 to 15 questions right. when that happened i panicked and i was hitting the buzzer. you can't buzz in until the question is done reading and this light goes on that you don't see. so i panicked. and i locked myself out. >> the computer is locked in. >> there's lots going on when you're actually playing the game. >> what is hippo? >> i thought it was reverse, reverse psychology on me. apparently not. >> katie linendoll. better luck next time. >> coming up next, toys take manhattan. five of the hottest toys from tomorrow's american international toy fair right here on "the early show" on cbs.
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[ road noise ] [ whispering female announcer ] there are other companies that have mini vans with similar safety features as the chrysler town and country. ♪ the difference between theirs and ours, is that all our safety tech features come standard and most of theirs are optional. ♪ we don't think safety or technology should be optional. ♪ >> man: delivering a 200-pound ice sculpture means i don't have any margin for error. one wrong turn, and i could end up unloading a puddle of water. >> gps: turn right ahead. >> man: so i make sure i have the right guidance to get me exactly where i need to be. it's the same with taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. automatically double-checks along the way and even lets me talk to a tax expert so i'm never alone. which helps me know it's done right and get to my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> try turbotax online now. you don't pay
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unless you're satisfied with the results. [bell tolls] - to best serve your customers, you have to know them. personally. only a local agent can do that. [click, motor hums] - doug pierce. lives in tornado alley. - hobby? - collects stamps. - excellent. - annette thompson. small business owner. hates cantaloupe. - good. - the lee family: twins. with another on the way. - mazel tov. - that's meatloaf. - hmm. [click] that's still meatloaf. - very good. moving on. - we are insurance. - ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum di bum bum bum bum bum ♪ the monster was furious! rarrr! it's for laughing... [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] ...pretending... and the mouse went, "wha-wha-wha, why?" [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] ...seeing things differently... and then the boy bit the dragon! [ female announcer ] ...and for being with your favorite storyteller... [ grandpa ] i love you when you are quiet. [ female announcer ] ...even after he goes home to nevada. [ grandpa ] and i love you when you are loud! [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. ♪ make your voice their valentine.
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♪ seven years ago, i had this idea. to make baby food the way moms would. happybaby strives to make the best organic baby food. in a business like ours, personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with the farmers that grow our sweet potatoes and merchants that sell our product. we've gone from being in 5 stores to 7,500. booming is using points to make connections that grow your business. tomorrow morning the american international toy fair kicks off right here in new york. it's about 108 years old, and the wlajest toy marketplace in the western hemisphere. more than 100,000 products will be on display as toymakers from 100 countries show off the latest and greatest toys for kids of all ages. and joining us with some of the year's hottest items is "early"
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show cribiter shannon eis. great to have you kr us. it's a new twist on an old theme. >> it is. lots of great play to be had this week. this is hot wheels. we all know hot wheels. what they have done is answered a lot of parents' problems. those tracks take up a lot of space in the living room. so they've partnered with 3m to do this wall technology. you mount your structure to the wall, build a track of your choosing and they range from $15 to $30 and then you set your cars going. >> oh. >> and they crash. >> and the car crashes. for the most part, really great safe one for kids. more importantly safe for your walls. >> yeah. >> and just a really great new take for hot wheels. >> you were saying earlier this can be mounted and dismounted as well. >> correct. >> so if you need to move it around it's easy. >> if you want it in your dining room and then don't want it, it's easy to move. 3m pull tab technology. >> let's talk about some of the
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other stuff you brought. i like this drawing kit. i always was drawn to that as a kid. >> metallic all over my house, what crayola has done with the color wonder markers is invisible ink. doesn't show up on furniture, your clothes. what it does do is turn this paper into a magical metallic experience. >> going to try drawing a star here. >> very, very good stuff. so whatever color marker you're using translates into that kind of color metallic on the paper. >> we did these drawings before the show. >> yes. you and i. >> really, really fun for kids. instant reward. it's kind of magical for them. and it's really affordable, only $10. these markers work with a lot of different crayola products. >> and they don't run out too quickly. >> absolutely. >> definitely, it's not on the wall. >> these are actually available now. available right now. cool. >> a lot of people know -- he's famous for his auto tuning technology. one it tunes your voice. so now this t-pain mike does the
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same thing. you turn it on. if i could get the lyrics right, it's a regular mike and when you press the t-pain button it will reverberate and get your pitch right. good morning. and then you can do it. >> ♪ good morning >> and it's great because it gives that same really patented voice correcting technology. we could all use a good voice corrector. >> it's nice. it's not too loud. so it's not going to light up a room. >> nice. >> and make everyone have to listen to it too much. >> lots of great effects, as well. in terms of background noise. a lot of great tips. >> that's fun. i can see a lot of older kids enjoying that one. speaking of older kids. >> yes. >> these, they look familiar. they're a new twist on something. >> you do this and you're going to press your button. >> oh, i like the noise. >> light sabers from hasbro. what's great about them. they are actually like a movie
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quality. beautiful experience for kids. great sound effects. the best we've seen on the market today and kid friendly, kid safe. affordable, 35 bucks. >> you want to put them to the test for kids? >> we can have aan epic battle. i think we might have really given the prototypes a run for their money. >> it's really cool. i don't know if people can hear the sound effects but in certain you can really hear these. >> if we were able to have an epic battle they would hear it. that's from hasbro and that will be out later this fall. >> lastly a bicycle. this is cool. >> the toy fair has all kinds of products. something is from a company called ease glider. they specialize in balance banks. you isolate different motor skills and balance and coordination, they tend to be working separately. so this bike teaches adults, this is the adult size bike, how to ride a bike. you see the pedals are folded up. what you learn first is how to scoot. >> no training wheels. >> how to balance, how to scoot.
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when you're comfortable you pop ought this bar and this is where your feet would rest and that's how you start to learn the balance. when you're totally ready to pop out the actual pedals. >> that wasn't the 20 minute in the garage thing. >> no. it's an easy conversion. what's really great is it isolates the core motor skills that you actually need to learn to ride a bike. it's somewhat instinct for a child but for an older person, helping -- >> i like that idea. even if you're older, something easier to learn to right a bike. shannon eis, cool to bring this stuff before people are ever going to get to see it. no one is invited into the show except for the press. shannon, we appreciate it. and enjoy the toy show tomorrow here's russ. >> up next, chef john fraser shows us how to prepare the perfect valentine's day brunch for your better half. i'm guessing it's going to start and end here. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. my contacts are so annoying. they're itchy, dry and uncomfortable. i just want to rip 'em out,
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throw 'em away and never see them again. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? get the contacts you've got to see to believe. acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses. feel how hydraclear® plus keeps your eyes exceptionally comfortable all day long. it feels like it disappeared on my eye. [ male announcer ] discover why it's the #1 doctor-prescribed contact lens in the u.s. and if you're not 100 percent satisfied, you get your money back. guaranteed. are they on? 'cause they don't feel like they are. [ male announcer ] acuvue® oasys brand. see what could be.
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drink what we want, and sleep soundly through the night. finally that day has arrived with prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn-free for a full 24 hours. prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn all day, all night. now we are free. happy. with prevacid®24hr, happiness is a day without heartburn. if you're looking to impress that special someone for valentine's day, why not prepare
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a romantic meal yourself? this morning our "chef on a shoestring" will show us how to make a valentine's day brunch on our shoestring budget of just $40. fraser is the chef and owner of dovetail. he also opened what happens next, a temporary restaurant in downtown that will stay open for only nine months with the menu changing every month. how unusual is that to have a restaurant nine months? >> it's pretty unusual. maybe not the smartest business i ever made. but nonetheless. >> good luck to you. >> what's the menu today? >> we've got three quick things. very, very simple. most can be done the night before. the first is a pepper frittata. the second is french toast with bananas foster. and the third is champagne cocktail. >> let's get going. >> start with the eggs. we're going to go just all in here. your job is to pour, mine will be to whisk. >> start dumping? the whole thing? >> this is flour. we've got eggs, flour, baking soda, scallions, cheddar cheese,
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ricotta cheese, a little bit of melted butter. and to finish we'll have some peppers. being valentine's day we might as well go red. >> on the spice chart. >> not sure. it's a sweet pepper and it comes from northern spain. it's more of a smoky than spicy. >> okay. >> we both saw the movie "morning glory." a wonderful time saying frittata. frittata. it's fun to say. >> we're here already. this is it. just that simple. this is something that can you do in the morning and get up, pop it in the oven. it goes in the oven for about a total of 40 minutes. start at 400 degrees and ends at about 350. go ahead and pop that in now. >> all right. >> so easy. >> so easy, exactly. >> how long again, john? >> we've got about 35 to 40 minutes. starts at 400 degrees for 15 and ends for about 25 minutes.
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coming out like this. >> yep. >> in a 350 degree oven. >> so we've got a little heart-shaped cutter. >> heart-shaped frittata. >> go ahead and place this up. >> okay. >> thanks, man. got that little piece there. >> why don't you get on that. had a food malfunction last week so i'll try to be a little more careful this week. >> the second one while you're going there. okay, perfect. the second thing is french toast. is so what we're going to do. the night before we're going to create a custard base, milk, cream, sugar, melted butter, eggs, egg yoke and vanilla extract. we just pour this right over top of the french toast. this is going to sit in the refrigerator overnight. >> those are hearty pieces of bread. >> you're going to want to use something like brioche or challah bread. something very full of butter. pop this into the refrigerator overnight and in the morning
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give it a quick seer, pop it in the oufen for about 15 minutes, until it starts to souffle. and we're going to do a take on bananas foster. this originated in new orleans, it had banana, rum and dark rum. instead of the rum we're going to use some maple syrup. >> okay. >> for breakfast. >> all right. >> but if you wanted to add some rum. >> i think we should add some rum. >> i'm just asking. >> actually i have some rum here. i think we should add some rum, actually. which we do at the very, very end. in this pan i've got a caramel of brown sugar, cinnamon,. >> in the restaurant usually a flame comes up. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i heard about last week's malfunction. >> we'll be pretty tame today. >> got my back. >> you got it. >> and i'm going to grab the french toast that i popped in the oven a couple minutes ago here. >> i've got to tell you, this smells delicious already. >> thank you.
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>> on the top? >> you can see that the french toast starts to kind of sue fly a little bit and puffs out which means it's ready. >> okay. >> you want to try it or you want me to do it? >> you go ahead. >> that's fine. >> i'll do the dirty work. >> that's fine. whatever you want. >> you did such a great job. >> there's a fork over there if you want to try and dig in. >> i think betty nguyen is going to try this. >> yeah, yeah. >> come on in, everybody. >> there's all kinds over here. >> let me ask you this -- >> this is champagne cocktail. >> we have pomegranate liqueur. pomegranate seeds and champagne. it's 50/50. you can get a little tipsy on that. >> the cost breakdown and see how you did here. there we go. see, $40 budget. $39.51. let's see where you rank among our top chefs this year. number three. okay. >> not bad. >> that's not too bad at all. >> it is time for you to decide
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what's on the menu for next week. here are your choices. for grilled skirt steak call star star '01. for roasted stripe bass call star star zero two. for whole roasted chicken call star star zero three. standard message rates apply. how do you like it? >> i'm loving it. >> we are coming back. you're watching t"the early sho" on cbs. >> this "chef on a shoestring" segment sponsored by campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. with all the equipment you use to stay fit, you might want to try lifting one of these. in recent years we've added a unique natural sea salt to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. it helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so if you're ready to eat a little better, grab your spoon and do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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[ son ] hi, mom. sorry i missed your call. [ sneezes ] call me. ♪ [ sneezes ] ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest. [ sneezes ] no wonder people go out of their way to share them. [ sneezes ] ♪ [ coughs ] [ female announcer ] go to for more fun ways to share. kleenex tissues. softness worth sharing. [ male announcer ] the uconnect touch system on the 2011 dodge journey controls the radio, media player, heated seats, climate control, navigation, phone, and more. this means that if you call shotgun on a dodge journey, you've just inherited a lot of responsibility. [ engine revs ] [ flag blowing in wind ]
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tomorrow night on the "60 minutes" anderson cooper sits down with the one and only lady gaga. >> hi, this is lady gaga. >> she wanted to show us her old studio apartment. >> i'm just wondering if i could say hi. >> but it turns out not everyone in new york is so enamored with fame. >> i'd rather not have any cameras. >> okay. >> we ended up going through a box of her mementos. >> this was actually the very first song i ever wrote. and i was, i think i was 4. >> is that your name? >> stephanie.
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yes, stephanie. steph. >> what was it called? >> it was called dollar bills. >> a new york kind of lady. sunday night, 7:00 eastern, only on "60 minutes" right here on cbs. of course the latest on egypt. stay with us tonight for the "cbs evening news." >> where you will be. >> naethat's right. >> covering it as always. >> have a great weekend, everybody. we begin with our saturday spot light. this comes from wboc in rebone oth beach, delaware, where one man is serving a very chili dip to make a big difference. >> for some the polar bear plunge was old hat. >> i'm a die hard polar bear. >> just one time. >> for john mcneil this was a chance to do something new. john is a quadriplegic, a motorcycle crash in 1990 left him that way. since his accident, john's worked to help other people with disabilities.
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>> it was a learning experience at 22, to almost be reborn again. and through that process, i've met some amazing, just amazing people that helped guide me to what i would say is an extraordinarily ordinary life. >> one of those amazing people, his good friend's young daughter, a participant in the special olympics and the driving force behind john's plunge into the atlantic. >> she's absolutely the most wonderful little girl. you see her, you know, and her smile, it warms you in a heartbeat. her smile could warm anybody coming down to this icy, cold water today. >> although she couldn't make it to the plunge her dad helped john in and out of the water. he said he really appreciated john's fund-raising efforts today. >> john did this for alissa and it was a great thing. and i really enjoyed doing it. >> thanks for watching. join us again monday on "the early show."
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>> for more about "the early show" visit us at ,,,, [ female announcer ] back to school means back to busy mornings. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. plus i get two boxtops for their school. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls.
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