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tv   The Early Show  CBS  February 19, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PST

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fifth avenue on a very nice saturday in new york city. i'm russ mitchell. >> good morning. good saturday morning. i'm rebecca jarvis. >> we've got breaking news from washington. while you were sleeping the republican-controlled house defied president obama and passed a bill to make sweeping cuts to federal spending. lawmakers worked into the early morning hours and the vote sets up the possibility of a government shutdown if a compromise is not reached. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante is at the white house with the latest. bill, good morning. >> good morning to you, russ. that's right. the cuts are deep and they do set up a confrontation. one of the biggest targets in this was the president's health care initiative. >> repeal we will, and defund we must. >> reporter: in a party line vote republicans voted to prevent any government agency from spending money to carry out provisions of the new health care bill. >> this amendment is adopted. >> reporter: it was just one of many votes connected with the spending bill which have deepened the divide between democrats and republicans, and
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pushed the government one step closer to a shutdown. >> we don't want to do that. we hope our republican colleagues don't want to do that. but if the posture that they take is no way, our way or no way, then it is possible that will happen. >> reporter: the house voted early this morning on the $1.2 trillion spending bill, included an estimated $61 billion in government-wide cuts. it eliminates federal funds for planned parenthood. there are cuts to the social security administration, which is now warning employees of potential furloughs, and eliminates the financing for americorps. these cuts are controversial but republicans insist they are necessary, and stand by them. >> we know that we have to go in to a national era of austerity because of the overspending that's taken place over the last four years, in particular, and the last two years in a hugely significant way. >> reporter: okay. now the bill goes to the senate. and the democratic-controlled senate isn't going to go along.
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and in two weeks the government runs out of money unless congress votes some more. so there's the confrontation. either they make compromise over the next two weeks, or possibly the government shuts down. russ? >> it sounds so simple, bill. bill plante at the white house. thank you very much. now here's rebecca. >> thanks, russ. more massive protests expected today in wisconsin against governor scott walker's plan to balance the state budget by cutting the collective bargaining rights of many government workers. tens of thousands of teachers, students, and public employees have been demonstrating and democratic lawmakers have fled the state, selling a vote on the proposal. cbs news correspondent cynthia bowers is live from madison, wisconsin with the latest. good morning, cynthia. it's a lot more quiet there than we've heard in the last couple of days. >> i was just thinking, we're setting the stage for what will be day five in the siege on madison, with more demonstrations, as you said, planned at the state capitol. pro-union protesters see this state as ground zero in their
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battle to save public sector unions. republicans say, game on. with emotions drummed into a fever pitch, friday was the noisiest, featuring not only local but national labor leaders. >> this is the strongest movement in america. >> reporter: all fighting the republican governor's plan to balance the budget by cutting the state's public employee union's right to negotiate contracts on behalf of large groups. a move that would gut the union. >> a lot of sweat and tears went into getting to where we're at now. and we don't want to let that go. >> reporter: in an effort to postpone the vote, 14 democratic senators fled the state. but republicans, like representative robin boss, say this will pass eventually. >> elections have consequences. we had an election in wisconsin that was literally a referendum on governor walker's plan to balance our budget. >> reporter: nine other republican governors from nevada to new jersey are also targeting
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unions with various proposals. >> if they want to strike they should be fired. >> republican governors see pushback for unions as a badge of honor. for democratic governors, they need unions. >> reporter: one new poll shows u.s. support for unions down to just 45%, and now conservative activists are calling upon their members, including tea party groups, to join this rally, which could, rebecca, make for a very busy day. >> cynthia bowers in madison, wisconsin. we appreciate it. thanks. and now to one of the 14 democratic wisconsin lawmakers who left the state, delaying a vote on governor walker's sweeping bill. the senator joins us live from chicago, it's 148 miles from where he serves in madison. good morning, senator, thanks for being with us. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm doing well. and we want to talk about the fact that you have fled your state. you are delaying this vote. your state constitution says that you're compelled to vote. are you breaking the law as a senator of the state of wisconsin? >> oh, no, not at all.
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in fact we're actually doing our job. we standing up for the thousands and thousands of people who haven't been heard on this legislation at all. and make no mistake about it. something's going to pass, we will take a vote. this budget actually ends on june 30th. so we have plenty of time to slow things down, to talk it through and to see that the governor can come to the table and force some sort of compromise and move us forward. >> if republicans fail to negotiate here, how long does this go on? does it go on indefinitely? >> we're not certain. that's totally up to them. and that's totally up to the governor. the governor has a responsibility to lead the state of wisconsin, by consensus, if he can at all. it's his responsibility to take two sides, sit them down and try and work something out. he hasn't done that so favor. and that's actually kind of disappointing. >> you met with your fellow democrats yesterday. senators outside of the state of wisconsin. what did you discuss? and on your radar, what will bring you back to the state of wisconsin? >> well, what will bring us back, again, is for governor walker to sit down and realize that this legislation has torn
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the state of wisconsin apart. that's not the right way to go. the state employees have talked about the money and giving up the money, and that's fine. but what they have a problem with, and what a lot of us have a problem with, is the fact that governor walker is taking decades of union law and throwing it out the window and trying to bust the unions altogether and that's just not the right way to go. >> other governors in democratic states like california and new york are looking at adjustments to their own health care, to their own pension systems. the states are likely to vote yes on these adjustments, but they don't have the collective bargaining power element. if this were a bill, a proposal without collective bargaining power, if that were not a factor here, would you vote yes on the adjustment? >> it all depends on where the rest of the cuts came from. keep in mind, rebecca, we're only talking about $130 million in this budget adjustment bill. that's it. the state's already spent $150 million this year on business tax breaks. that's money we didn't have, but we're still going to give it to businesses. the public employees have said you can taked money. the money isn't the issue.
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the issue is their right to collectively bargain their contracts. and that's where we all have to draw the line. wisconsin was built on unions and this legislation, what the governor wants to do is just rip that fabric apart. that's not the responsible way to go. again, he's got to get to the table, he's got to listen to the other side, see if he can force a compromise, we can have a vote and then we can all move on. >> and would you vote question if we strip out that portion about adjustments to pension and health care? >> it depends on where the money's going to come from to fill that hole. >> where do you want the money to come from to fill that hole, senator? >> well, i'd like to take a look at the business tax cuts that we just handed out for some unknown reason. again it's $150 million. our budget hole is $130 million. i think the math is pretty easy on this. so, again, the idea that the governor wants the public employees to pay their fair share, which they're going to do, they're more on willing to do, is fine. the issue we all have again is when the governor has crossed that line, on something that made wisconsin pretty strong and certainly a leader in the nation over the last, i don't know how many decades, when it comes to
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collective bargaining. for the governor to stand up and say to all those hard-working men and women in wisconsin we're going to take away your right to collectively bargain, it'st' absolutely, positively yong. >> you have teachers, you have government representatives and a number of individuals at these protests in the capitol in madison. what message do you think you're sending to children by not being present there yourself? >> well, actually the message we're sending to children is sometimes this is what democracy looks like. sometimes people have to rise up, they have to let their voices be heard, and you know, when this first started what, on monday, there was about 10,000 people. yesterday there were 40,000 people. and these aren't just union employees, they're friends, they're neighbors, their family members. they see what this legislation does. they don't like what this legislation does and they think it goes way too far. the message to the kids is sometimes this is what democracy looks like. >> senator we appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. >> all right, thank you. >> now here's russ. >> like to turn now overseas. the winds of political change continue to blow through the middle east with brutal force.
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in the tiny persian gulf nation of bahrain, home to the u.s. navy's fifth fleet at least five people are dead and dozens wounded in several days of violent anti-government demonstrations. cbs news correspondent allen pizzey is in manama, the capital city. allen, good morning. what's the latest? >> good morning, russ. well i'm standing at the edge of pearl square, the focal point of the protests. i'm just off the edge of a crowd of a couple of thousand people, many more are streaming in. their theme of the day is no dialogue until the government resigns. that's a response to an offer by the ruling family to hold dialogue to get -- do away with the grievances. but, as a gesture the military has been withdrawn from the square. right now it's a lot of riot police in there. they're separated from the protesters by about a four foot high wall, actually, of razor wire. now the protesters say they don't trust the government anymore. one man said to me how can we trust them after what they did to us. the reference to a number of people being killed. also the place is fueled by rumors. right now one of the rumors running rampant through the
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crowd is that many more people were killed yesterday in the shootings near here and that their bodies are hidden somewhere in a morgue. there's no way of knowing if it's true. it doesn't matter if it's true or not as long as the people here believe it. equally, they don't trust the riot police. say they they're not actually, most of them, bahrainis. they're from somewhere else. and in among the riot police are men in plain clothes with masks on their faces and a couple of them have video cameras videotaping the crowd. ironically, women who don't have veils here, but are fully covered, are shouting at these men, if you're real men, show your faces, show your faces. so, you know, these people are not backing down. this is a very defiant protest and we have every reason to believe it's going to keep on going, russ. >> president obama called the king of bahrain yesterday, also the crown prince told the military to go off the streets today. from your vantage point, is the u.s. having any sort of impact on what's going on in bahrain? >> it's -- it's quite possible they are, russ. because a phone call from president obama to the king
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here, and then suddenly we have the troops pulled back. that was not on offer until we heard about this phone call. so i think that probably the u.s. is putting a fair amount of pressure on them to make some gestures, get some talking going, because i don't think the u.s., in particular, wants to see this carry on because, you know, you've got the fifth fleet here. and this is a very, very important place for the united states of america. the fifth fleet patrols the persian gulf, the strategic strait of hormuz, where much of the west oil passes that comes out of the middle east. also, this base is used to patrol around the horn of africa. they don't want trouble here. and any pressure that can be put on the ruling family to deal with this problem, i think, would have to be paid attention to by the ruling family. >> okay. allen pizzey in bahrain. thank you very much. we'll talk to you later. now back to rebecca. >> all right, thanks so much, russ. and we've been talking about this this morning. egypt's peaceful revolution has inspired the uprisings spreading across the region. but other governments are reacting far differently than the egyptian military did. cbs news correspondent terry
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mccarthy joins us live from cairo with more. terry, good morning. good afternoon to you. >> good morning, rebecca. those anti-government protests spread like wildfire across the region. nervous rulers are ordering their security forces to use ever-harsher tactics to try and stop these demonstrations taking hold. in bahrain, the government is also cracking down on protesters with reports that as many as 84 people have died in three days of protests. this morning, libyan special forces are said to attack protesters outside the courthouse. the second biggest city of benghazi which has been the center of demonstrations against the 41-year rule of moammar gadhafi. in yemen where four people were killed and 12 wounded yesterday, security forces have again opened fire on protesters this morning in the capital sanaa. meanwhile, in aden, residents say security forces there have disappeared from the streets and now people are looting stores
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and burning down government buildings. here in cairo, where the toppling of president mubarak has been an inspiration for protests around the middle east, egyptians turned out yesterday for a mass rally of celebration of their new freedom. but there are tensions here, too. the military has said labor strikes across the country must stop. opposition groups are calling for a more rapid handover of power to civilian control. with new protests in algeria, oman and djibouti, it is clear that governments here will have to make significant political concessions or face increasing violence in the streets. rebecca? >> so, terry, it sounds like despite what the military in egypt wants, the people aren't willing to go home? >> that's right. you know, in some senses getting rid of mubarak was the easy part. there are much more difficult problems here solving the economic problems and the political transformation to civilian rule. that could take some time, and there could still be more conflict between the people and the military. reck ka?
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>> terry mccarthy. we appreciate it from cairo, egypt. now here's russ. >> thank you, rebecca. as revolt spread throughout the middle east, what do these uprisings mean for america's interest in the region? joining us now is an american foundation senior fellow and author of "how to run the world." good morning, thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> let's begin in bahrain. a lot of things going on this morning. >> right. >> how important is bahrain to u.s. interests? >> very. and it's really the most unstable of the situations that we're facing in the region right now. this is the anchor point for the u.s. navy's fifth fleet. therefore it's of immense strategic relevance to the united states. not really sure where our naval forces would be stationed. >> politically what is unique about bahrain? >> it's a small island nation, it is a monarchy but the minority sunni -- the minority sunni ruling family rules over 70% shia population. so there's a tremendous amount of rule. but it's important to emphasize the tension we're seeing is not just because of religious sort of factionalism. it's really basic issues like
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civil services, and education and employment and shelter and so forth. >> let's move on to libra. moammar gadhafi been in power there more nan 40 years. a pretty wily guy. is he in danger and what's going on? >> he isn't really in danger. he has ruled the country with an iron fist for over four decades. the protests are in the second largest city of benghazi so they haven't spread across to the capital city 6 tripoli. he has faced various levels of unrest at different times and always been able to quash it. as much as we're seeing an inspiration or copycat effect from cairo we're not going to see it topple the regime. >> as far as the u.s. is concerned, why is libya important? >> in 1996 when colonel gadhafi agreed to give up his nuclear weapons program, there was more cooperation with him. it's an oil and gas rich country that provides a lot of resources to europe. it is very strategic. >> let's move to the poorest country in the middle east. >> absolutely. this is a country that is far smaller than saudi arabia, yet has almost exactly the same population.
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so there's -- it's really a tenderbox of unrest. and they, too, are protesting a regime that is a strong american ally. the regime of abdullah saleh and he has been very brutal. at the same time it's been an ally of the united states against al qaeda because there is a strong al qaeda presence in the country. we've been ramping up activities and cooperation on the military side with the government and now that government is very much in question. >> do you see political change there in a real way soon? >> very likely. because he, as other governments have done, has sort of sacked members of the cabinet and so forth and announced sweeping changes but the people have yet to see the results. it's going to be a long time for them to actually witness progress. >> let's talk about jordan. king abdullah long ally of the u.s., along with his father. does a preemptive strike a couple weeks ago, basically fires everyone. is he in trouble? >> he sacked the cabinet. he appointed a new prime minister in order to assure the people that he was going to take real steps towards reforming the government and creating accountability. he isn't really at risk because he's a constitutional monarch with a tremendous amount of religious legitimacy, and some
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broad popularity in society. it is a poor bedouin tribal country so you're not seeing concentrated kind of unrest. the people aren't necessarily motivated to do so, they just want to see more accountable leadership. he may have to do some of the things we're pushing for in egypt and other places which is sa howing new political parties to form, really allowing genuine parliamentary politics to take shape. if he gives ground on that i think that he will be okay. >> there's a real desire here to create what's going on in the middle east with what happened in europe 20 years ago with the fall of the iron curtain. fair analogy? >> it is tempting but what's more interesting is to look back at arab's own history. in the 1920s, nasser in egypt and gadhafi in libya overthrew the western-backed monarchs in the decolonization period. now we're seeing 50, 60 years later this new wave of arab-driven revolt. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we really appreciate it. it is now 19 minutes past the hour. time to turn to my left and go to betty nguyen for a look at
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the latest head lines of the day. >> good morning. a yacht carrying four americans has been hijacked by somali pirates in the indian ocean. that yacht is identified as the "n.v. quest" owned by jean and scott adam of california. they've been sailing around the world since december 2004. somalia's u.n. mission is calling for the immediate release of the hostages. two jetblue planes bound for boston were struck by lightning friday. both handed safely at boston's logan airport. a plane en route from tampa with 82 people aboard was struck on approach to the airport. the pilots reported smelling smoke in the cockpit. about 30 minutes later, a jetblue flight from baltimore with 90 people aboard was also struck. no injuries were reported aboard either plane. near seattle, the so-called green river killer was sentenced to his 49th consecutive life term. gary ridgeway was sentenced on friday. us 62nd birthday for the 1982 murder of rebecca marrero. he confessed to killing her
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eight years ago as part of a plea deal to avoid the death penalty in exchange for locating the remains of dozens of victims. marrero's remains were not found until last december. the final launch of space shuttle "discovery" is set for next week. the space shuttle was grounded last november following fuel tank problems. "discovery" will carry six astronauts, a humanoid robot and supplies to the international space station. liftoff is planned for thursday from the kennedy space center in florida. it's about 20 minutes past the hour. let's join lonny quinn now with a check of the weather. hopefully things will be nice for the liftoff and for our saturday. >> oh, really, for our saturday? >> something like that. >> here in this area are going to change dramatically. let's get right to it. the weather picture as i see it, here are your headlines. midwest flood warnings, they stay in effect although i don't see rain in your forecast. just the fact that your rivers have not crested. they're not going to crest until sunday going into monday. still a tough situation there. it's very stormy, however, for the ebb tire state of california. wait till you see the satellite
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picture. and this is what betty and i were talking about, big changes for new york city and all the northeast. yesterday, central park hit 67 degrees. missing a record by one degree. light winds, just a beautiful day. that was yesterday. today, temperatures will drop into the 30s. we go back to wintertime. 40 to 50-mile-per-hour winds with a purchawindchill making i like temperatures are in the 20s. the satellite and radar, the south gets a beautiful day. i talked about a big storm pushing onshore out west. from top to bottom, state of california, a lot of rain around los angeles. some of the higher elevations i'm talking really high like 6,000 feet or above. those skiers could be picking up a foot to two feet, maybe some areas see three feet of snow out of this particular system. it's a quick look at the national picture.
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make it a great day. i've got to tell you guys i was going to talk about new york city getting a great kite flying day today, but when yurp got 50-mile-per-hour winds you can't fly a kite in that kind of weather. just got to grin and bear it. >> you'll fly away with the kite. all right, lonnie, we'll see you in just a bit. coming up more on the veteran reporter and the grammy night mystery. some thought she had a stroke live on television. serene branson explains just what happened during her grammy night report. >> and credit card companies, their sweeping rewards programs. they're also upping the costs. we're going to tell you who has the best low rates, the best cash back, the best balance transfer deals. it pays to watch "the early show" right here on cbs. can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste?
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a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating whole grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lower our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol.
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it's french's crunchy onion chicken! (announcer) for a quick and easy dinner crush french fried onions. dip chicken in egg. coat with onion crumbs and bake. when dinner's made with french's french fried onions, everyone's happy. french's. happy starts here. look for it in the canned vegetable aisle. later we'll talk to someone you've probably seen on the news a lot of late. kcbs reporter serene branson. >> her report from the grammys went viral after she began speaking incoherently during a live broadcast. >> well, a very, very heavy --
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tonight. we had a very -- by let's go ahead -- and to -- >> when we come b ♪ ♪ yes! ♪ look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? simple stuff... eating right...whole grain. whole grain? [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you!
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we're going to talk wrastleing. we were going to discuss what we're going to talk about today, and who knew that lonnie quinn was mr. wrestling usa. >> i found this story to be fascinating. the state of iowa where wrestling is like king and apparently one of the first girls to ever qualify in this wrestling match, draws the first -- she's supposed to wrestle but the guy says i'm not
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going to, it's inappropriate. turns out, we did a lot of research on this story over at cbs here local in new york city, one out of every 48 high school wrestlers in this country is a woman. i would have thought that's a sport that women would have no interest in whatsoever. >> yeah. >> but apparently, this is not the first girl to ever do this. but big news because this guy said i'm not going to wrestle you. >> isn't he have some religious reasons? >> yeah, he felt like it was going into combat or something like that. he didn't feel it was right. it was a combat sport. >> what do you think? is this the type of sport that -- look -- >> i wouldn't want to wrestle a man, i'll tell you that. >> we have lots of girls on the swim team, but that's sort of different. >> i personally feel sorry for both parties. i mean for the individual, the boy, and as well for the girl, because both of them lost something in all of this. >> that's true. that's true. >> but this is the ultimate contact sport. i mean -- there are a lot of ways to go with this conversation. but your question concerns, yeah, i mean you know what, if a woman wants to wrestle i think it's fantastic. she obviously was very good.
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>> mm-hmm. >> she made it to the final. >> however, the person that she met, she advanced but she lost her next round. >> she got to the point where she -- >> one of the first women to ever qualify. but she's not the first. it begs a whole discussion. >> congrats to her. and i agree with you. we are coming back. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw!
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[ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. new york city waking up to a little sunshine. >> not yet. it's about time. >> good saturday morning. welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. in just a few moments you're going to hear from serene branson, the reporter that many thought had a stroke on live tv while broadcasting from the
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grammys last sunday night. she's going to tell us about the med camp scare that changed her life. >> plus credit card companies, they're acting a little bit like they want to be your friend again. they're offering better offers than before the recession. and we're going to tell you which cards are giving the best deals. >> i saw a story the other day about a credit card company that was charging 59.5% interest. >> you see, you have to mind the deal, as well as the price you pay to get the deal. we'll break it all down for you. >> listen to this woman. first up, let's go over to lonnie quinn with another check of the weather. >> good morning, everybody. let's get right to the hot spots and the chilly temperatures all across the country. the hottest spot anywhere will be dexter, new mexico at 85 degrees. coldest spot, chinook, montana, 21 degrees below zero. the best weather anywhere, that's macon, georgia. you get the sunshine, temperatures and 75 degrees and you have a nice high pressure system in the gulf of mexico to thank because it's pumping in moist and warm air. from dallas to jackson to macon temperatures in the 60s and 70s.
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lots of sunshine out there. light winds for you. you're even going to squeeze out a beach day for tampa, florida, with temperatures around 80 degrees. beautiful out there. big picture, look at that sunshine for florida. look out west, notice the storm pushing onshore. this will put big snow down for the skiers. a lot of rain for los angeles. los angeles, you're going to pick up 1 to 2 inches. you do have flood warnings in effect. >> have a great day, everybody. rebecca, over to you. >> the story of serene branson has captivated the nation over the last week. the reporter for our los angeles station kcbs-tv was covering the grammy awards, getting ready to do a live report after the show,
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when something went terribly wrong. >> well, a very, very heavy -- tonight. we had a very -- by let's go ahead -- and to -- >> that video went viral with many viewers asking if she was sick. others making fun of her misfortune. branson has since been diagnosed with a condition known as complex migraine and she's here with us to share her story. welcome serene. how are you feeling? >> feeling much better, rebecca. it's been a very busy week. but i'm a little tired, but feeling much more like my old self. >> glad to hear it. >> take us back to that night. you are going in to this report about the grammys. did you know that you were in trouble? >> yeah. it started a little bit before the report, actually, about an hour before the live shot, i was in the live truck editing a piece. my vision was blurry and i had a really bad headache and i didn't feel quite right. but i just said, it's a long day, keep going, let's get through your live shot, and as soon as i opened my mouth for
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the live report, i knew something was wrong. i knew what i wanted to say, but i didn't have the words or the ability to say what i wanted to say. i wanted to say lady antebellum swept the grammys tonight. and the words were just not there for me. >> and you could hear your voice saying words that didn't make sense. that weren't saying lady antebellum swept the grammys. >> right. it was a little surreal. i told my mother it felt like i was in a movie watching myself, and i couldn't change what was going on. i wanted to change what was going on and say the right things, but i couldn't. >> you say these things, then we see a package roll about your report of the grammys. but we don't see you anymore. take us through the moments that transpired after that. >> immediately after that live shot, as soon as i was off camera, i collapsed pretty much. i dropped the microphone. i had three photographers surround me and a field producer. i sat down right away. i started crying, immediately. because i was confused, scared, a little embarrassed, as you can
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imagine. >> of course. >> and as soon as i sat down, i lost feeling in my right cheek as well as my right hand. they went completely numb. and i sat there with my photographers waiting for the paramedics to arrive. >> and when the paramedics did arrive, they checked all your vital signs. what was going through your head at that moment? did you -- did you have a sense for maybe what had gone wrong here or why you had gone through this? >> no. i just -- i knew something medically was wrong with me. i knew there was something wrong with my health at that point in time. you know, i'd been working all day. i'd been tired. but i couldn't understand what exactly had happened. the word stroke never entered my mind. but of course i knew it was something severe because i still couldn't talk. and i still didn't have my speech ability back. >> and the doctors call it a complex migraine. it's interesting because you've now said your mom may have faced something like this previously but you never would have known about it had you not gone through it yourself. >> exactly, yeah. i've had headaches throughout my life, but never really a migraine. that was the first one, according to my doctor, probably of that severe episode of a mieg
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grain. or a migraine aura as he called it. and my mom said, i went through a couple of these episodes when i hate my 30s. and it is hereditary condition. so, it makes sense, that's what my doctors are saying. >> what are your doctors telling you to do now? because, of course, you are a reporter. this is your livelihood. this is what you do. this is what you love. are you taking steps to be sure it doesn't happen again? >> yeah. well the good news is my doctor said this could have been a one-time thing. this could have been a bunch of factors coming to the to have this happen one time. but they did give me some medication to keep on hand if those symptoms do creep up again, i can take it. and head it off at the pass. now that i know what it feels like, i probably wouldn't make the decision to go a live report again. >> so you do know, if you felt how you felt that night you could pinpoint it and say i know that this is about to happen again? >> the feeling was so precise, i would recognize that feeling again. >> how about the feeling now, of being in the public spotlight.
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so much attention. you're on the other side of the camera now. you have the microphone in your face. how are you feeling about all that? >> it's very surreal. it's been a very surreal experience. i like being on the other side. i like telling the story, not being the story. but the support has been fantastic. you know, i know there's been some negative attention out there. i just tried to avoid all of that and focus on my health and getting better and focusing on getting back to work. >> good for you. so you are focusing on getting back to work? >> yes, absolutely. >> and do you think you'll be nervous when you go back? >> i think maybe a little bit. maybe a little bit i'll need to get that first live shot under my belt and then i think i'll be good. 11 >> almost like your first time on a new job or something like that. >> exactly. just get the first one out of the way and then it will be business as usual. >> you've also had an outpouring of support. on the flip side of it, the people who have come to give you their best wishes and hope. how has that helped? >> i've had e-mails from canada, new zealand, france, and of course across the country.
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people just lending me their support, saying we're with you, we're praying for you, our best wishes for your health. and people who have said, i have migraines that bad. this happened to me, the only difference is it happened to you on live television after the grammy awards. so, you know, but they've been giving me their support and saying, you know, hang in there. so it's been overwhelming. >> well, we're so happy to have you with us. and we're so happy to see you much improved. serene branson, thank you. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ male announcer ] how about we open up a whole can of getting it done?
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points, cash back, low rates, air miles. as the economy improves, credit card companies are competing for your money again with better offers than before the recession. so, which new and improved credit card is right for you. joining us to help you decide is jason copford of good morning to you. >> good morning. >> got a lot of cards to get through here today. the best low rate card out there. >> this one is the first tennessee platinum plus visa. a lot of words. first tennessee, just remember
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that. very rare to find a card with a fixed rate. a lot of aprs, this has a 3.9% for six months. once that's done it's still a low rate of between i guess 5% and 13%. that's a good ten points lower than just about everybody else. now, i got to say about all these cards, it's great to have a credit card. but you need to pay it off every single month if you're going to get the best benefit out of it, because otherwise the charges sort of rack up. with all of these, don't just get a new card because it has bells and whistles. it will zing your credit when you get or close a card. >> the small factor you have to pay the card. >> otherwise it's just like a loaded gun. >> the best cashback card. >> i would estimate that probably, it's called the fidelity investment rewards american express. if you're a member of fidelity investments you can get 2% of all your purchase put back into an investment account that you hold at fidelity. and there's no limit. a lot of cards will let you have some sort of a savings account as a percentage but there will be a cap. this one doesn't. you have to be a member of
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fidelity. but that might be a good incentive to become one. >> okay. miles, of course, very important for folks using credit cards. getting those frequent flyer miles. what's the best card for that? >> prefers capital one's venture. capital one has always been a big player in the airline miles game. here double miles, about two miles per dollar you spend. and you can use that without blackout dates for any airlines. and also travel expenses, which is also pretty unusual. another important thing about the capital one cards is there's no international transaction fees. so once you get where you're going on those miles you're paying less when you make a purchase abroad. that's very important. there is a $60 annual fee. so you have to travel a lot to make it pay off. >> right. >> but, that's a consideration. if you travel a bunch, that's a good one. >> the airlines tend to dial back on these award programs and something like that i think is more important to find a card out there that's going to help you out. >> yeah. if you travel a lot. you know, often a cheap airline ticket will do you better than, you know, trading in rewards when it comes to dollar value. but if you travel a bunch a card can actually serve you. >> a lot of offers from cards to
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transfer the balance for a lower interest rate. best card for that? >> card ratings also approves discover more. it does not charge you to transfer your balance. a lot of cards will charge you about 3%. which adds up. this one has a zero percent, so bring it right on over. and for the first six months it will not charge you for new purchases, zero percent. and also that balance you transferred will be at a zero percent for about two years. so all that putd together, plus the fact you get about 5% cashback on a lot of purchases with some merchants, discover more stands out. i know a lot of people agree discover more is a good one. >> as you so wisely pointed out, even if you transfer the balance you still have to pay it back. >> please get rid of it as soon as you can. because otherwise, that's when the high fees start to click in. some of these rates we're talking about can be another ten points higher beyond that if you miss a payment. >> talk about the best overall card now. the grand prize. >> if you just want an all-purpose card that's going to serve you pretty well, penfed puts out good ones.
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it's a credit union that normally specializes in the military and military industry. you can join a military support group and become a part of it. in this case they're really responsive in case you're late. they'll help you work it out with a lot of grace. which is unusual, as you might know. and you can also get a lot of money back. 5% on gas. huge number when you think about it. and 2% on groceries. so, i think all over, between the customer support and the cash back you're getting a good choice. >> did you about this new card the citi 2-g card. >> there's only a few of them out there right now. being tested by citibank. by the end of the year and middle of the year they'll be out in full force. it's a card with a little microprocessor inside. two buttons, two little lights. you press this button, you're paying in credit. you press the other button you're paying with rewards. so you use up your are wards points that way. so you know, it's kind of a gimmick. but there could be some future in this, deciding which account you're going to pay from right there in your credit card with a button that's pretty cool. >> jason cochran, good advice this morning. appreciate it. new technology we always like
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hearing about. for more for the best credit cards for you go to our sister website russ, coming up next, the skinny on sex. how far would you go for the perfect body? would you sacrifice sex for a whole year? well, wait till you hear what a majority of women chose. it's coming up right after this, right here on "the early show" on cbs. about the car company test-driving cars on the internet? you just log on, click "drive," and hit the space bar to accelerate. all from your living room. that's absurd. this is the all-new 2011 dodge charger. available for real test drives.
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would you give up sex to be thin? well "fitness" magazine asked 2,400 women if they would sacrifice a full year of sex to be skinny and 51% said yes. that was just one of the surprising results of the magazine's new diet survey which underscored the serious self-esteem and body issues many women have today. here to discuss the results is "early" show contributor and psychologist dr. jennifer hartstein. >> thanks for having me. good morning. >> this study. this 51% of women who say they'll give it up, what does that say about body image among women? >> it really says a lot about body image. another study i saw yesterday said 61% of women are thinking about what their body looks like while they're having sex. so clearly we are so focused on
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appearance and they were bombarded with images of what our appearance should look like. how thin we should be. how tall we should be. what we should be wearing. it's everywhere. it's not really surprising that it's the thing that women think about the most but the things they would give up in order to achieve this ideal is, i think, what's really surprising in the study. >> how died to sex itself, and the images that you see in the media, do you think this image issue is? >> i think it's huge. and the fact is, is that sex, it's a really vicious cycle. right? sex can make you feel sexy and can make you feel better. and yet when you're not feeling good about your body and good in your own skin you don't feel sexy so you don't want to have sex. so it's this really tough self-fulfilling prophesy. we have to figure out where to break it and what needs to break and women need to figure out where they feel strong and self-confident and self-assured in other ways. >> the study also looks at diets. and it says that a surprising number of women are approaching diets in a dangerous and unhealthy way. 43% of women in this study have skipped meals regularly to lose weight. 39% have taken diet pills.
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even with all the information out there, this isn't the way to do it, women are still doing it. >> right. they are. and i think some of it is that belief that if i do these quick fix things, i will achieve this goal. and we also hear from celebrities, oh, do this cleanse. or the baby food diets, or do the maple syrup and cayenne pepper. all these kind of out-there things that we're being heard and told by the celebrities that work, so we look to those people say, well she lost 15 pounds, i'm going to try that, too. at the end of the day it doesn't last. it doesn't stick around. >> one of the scariest things in the study to me is just how young all of this starts. in the study, you have 40% of women who say they went on their first diet, not only in high school, but possibly in middle school. >> yes. and that is so disturbing. and we're hearing more and more about eating disorders starting so much younger and really starting in middle school. and the fact of the matter is is that we focus on appearance in little girls much more than we do in little boys. so with that message starts, 5, 6 years old. so we need to start to build in
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our girls ways to feel confident, and self-assured and really build their self-esteem on things that don't tie to appearance. athletics, art, school, anything else that isn't tied to how they look and really praise those things more. because that's what they need to hear. and that's what's going to build a difference in their future, so they don't have to focus on appearance as much as we might now. >> you bring up an interesting point. how would the male population, as a doctor you see both men and women, how is the male population look at this issue? and would they look at it differently? >> they may. but we are also seeing in recent research that men are having more problems with eating disorders. men are having more an lex yeah. men are having more bulimia. they're addicted to the gym, possibly. so i think there is more of an appearance focus for men these days, too. not maybe as much but it's getting there. >> if you do want to lose weight. >> yes. >> possibly for health reasons and for psychological reasons, what do you recommend is the best way to do it? >> well, you want to really stop and think about a couple different things. first you want to go back to the basics. all of these bad things don't
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work. so go back to things like eating right, eating well, and exercise. those things are time limits. you know, time tested. we know they're going to work. you then want to find a buddy. in the same study people found that they did this solo. we all know you will commit to something more if you do it with someone else. weight watchers is a great example of that. get a gym buddy, get a walking buddy. do it with someone else. also figure out why do you want to lose weight? who are you doing it for? why are you doing it? are you doing it for yourself because it will make you feel good and feel better in your skin? that's great motivation and you want to set the goals to do that. and lastly you really want to think about what is skinny to you? is skinny fit? is skinny muscular and athletic? is skinny looking very waif-like and what's healthy? you want to figure out all those things. >> maybe do away with the word skinny and replace it with healthy. >> absolutely. >> dr. jennifer hartstein, we really appreciate it. and you don't have to skip sex to look good. for tips on how to reach your weight loss goals go to our partner in health and
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search healthy diets. for all you last-minute travelers, it's not too late to get in on a great deal for a quick getaway for the holiday weekend and those last 30 days of winter. we're going to sew show you how to do it on "the early show." ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ oh, do it ♪ express yourself ♪ hey [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate, from nestle.
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serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses, it's stelara®. there was a dangerous hospital trend that could put you or a loved one at risk. it's called alarm fatigue caused by too many patient monitor alarms going off. we're going to have more on that. an investigation uncovered some interesting stuff. your local news is next. we are still continuing the conversation here about body image. because it's something that, you know, so many people deal with this study from the magazine that we just spoke with dr. jennifer hartstein was kind of a surprising result. i think, to me, the hardest part was seeing how young it begins. >> right. >> that issue with body image. >> you know it's in a magazine, it's on a television, we're just getting come barded with these
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images of perfection. but a lot of people, that is what is stuck in their mind. when you deal with reality it doesn't always equate to what you see on tv or in the magazines. >> can you be happy if you have a negative self-image of your body? >> well, as the father of daughters it's been interesting for me to watch my girls grow up, and -- 21, 15, 30 and 3. >> you know it all. >> that's why my hair is gray. >> but you know they watch tv. they see people on tv, they think they have to have this body image. one thing i'm really very pleased about, a lot of the sitcom characters on disney and places like that, these are real girls. >> mm-hmm. >> for the most part. you look at them. you're not seeing someone who is anorexic or trying too hard. >> yeah, but -- >> there's a real, i think in some of these cases it's been good for me as a dad to see that, because i see my girls looking at them and saying, you know what? you don't have to do all that. >> the funny is billy ray cyrus
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is coming out saying the whole hannah montana thing, which was a disney show, he said had some negative effects on miley. >> lonnie, as a dad with a son, a young son, what's your number one piece of advice? >> with my son -- >> with this issue? >> i just want to raise a healthy, happy kid who is happy with himself. so i'm doing my best. >> good job. ,,,,,,,,
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a sunny winter saturday in new york city. welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. coming up, something called alarm fatigue. you know when you go to the
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hospital they hook you up to monitors, which go off frequently, many with false alarms. some nurses have become desensitized to that and the boston globe did an investigation and found some 200 deaths that have been the result of monitor problems. we'll talk about that in just a moment. >> and dr. jennifer ashton will be along to tell us how to get over it. how to make sure that your loved ones are safe. also travel deals. it's the long holiday weekend we have coming up and on top of that it's the dead of winter. well, there's still some deals to be had, some places that you can get to on a good budget. >> this is presidents' day weekend. our expert's going to tell us it's not too late. >> you can still book it right now. >> and get a good deal. >> right after the show. >> that's right. >> we'll see. first our top story this hour, the revolutionary fever sweeping across the middle east. one of the most violent places has been the tiny persian gulf nation of bahrain, home to the u.s. navy's fifth fleet. cbs news correspondent allen pizzey is in the capital manama this morning. allen, what's the latest? >> i'm standing in the middle of a victory. the police have withdrawn.
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protesters have taken over pearl square. they're sitting up on the monument waving flags, cheering every ambulance that comes past, at this time the ambulances aren't carrying dead and wounded they're just here to celebrate. the security forces were withdrawn on orders of the crown prince as part of a deal to negotiate with the protesters. he went on television and thanked everyone for the peaceful way in which he says this was done. now the interesting thing is this square is similar to tahrir square in cairo, the protesters wanted it as a symbol and a place to focus attention for their demands. now they've got that focal point but their demands have still not been met. when they gathered here today, they said they wanted the government to go. that's probably not going to happen, so it will be interesting to see how long this mood of euphoria lasts. off to my right some distance away, a huge cloud of smoke is wafting into the area. we didn't hear the explosion. we don't know what it is. but obviously something has gone
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wrong over there. right now, here at the foot of this pearl monument, which is the pearl is the symbol of bahrain, it's what it was founded on the pearling industry, right now there's a mood of jubilation akin to that of tahrir square a couple of weeks ago in cairo. the people think they have won. although the war is still not over. >> allen pizzey in bahrain. fast-moving events today. we'll have more later tonight on the "cbs evening news." rebecca? >> this domino effect, russ, is fascinating. as anti-government protests have spread across the middle east, other governments are not reacting as peacefully as the egyptian military has. cbs news correspondent terry mccarthy is live from cairo with more. good morning, terry. and what's the latest from these growing hot spots in the middle east? >> well, rebecca, unlike the negotiations that now seem to be going on in bahrain, in libya, the government has gone in really hard. we understand that in the early hours of this morning, the libyan special forces attacked
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an encampment of protesters outside the courthouse in the eastern city of benghazi which has been the focus of this anti-gadhafi unrest. they went in very hard. we believe there were a number of people killed. the human rights organizations are now saying that about 84 people have died in libya in the last four days alone. and gadhafi has cut off the internet out of libya, and he's also ordered the police now to withdraw from benghazi. we understand in that city now there's looting, people are very unsure of what's going to happen. the other hot spot we're watching is yemen. and yet again this morning, police opened live fire on protesters, one person was killed. four more why injured. and in the southern city of aden, we're also seeing the police withdrawing from the streets and more chaos there. rebecca? >> terry mccarthy in cairo. thank you, we appreciate it. now for another check of the headlines, cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. >> good morning, rebecca. good morning to you at home. early this morning, the republican-controlled house passed a bill that makes deep
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cuts to federal spending. the measure passed along party lines. it slashes funding to president obama's signature legislation which is health care. republicans say the $61 billion in cuts are necessary to reduce the federal deficit. now this sets up the possibility of a government shutdown if the house cannot reach a compromise with the senate. 14 democrat state lawmakers in wisconsin have left the state. vowing to stay in hiding for weeks in a standoff with republicans over a plan to balance the budget. by leaving the state, democrats have stalled a vote on republican governor scott walker's proposal to cut state workers' pay, benefits, and bargaining rights. the plan has sparked massive demonstrations by teacher, students and public employees. and more are expected today. we'll continue to follow that story. also, somali pirates have struck again, hijacking a yacht carrying four americans off the coast of somalia. that yacht is identified as the
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"s.v. quest" owned by jean and scott adam of california. they'd been sailing around the world since december 2002004. a u.s. embassy spokesman in kenya says all relevant u.s. agencies are monitoring the situation, and assessing options. when massachusetts senator scott brown was a state senator, he was an advocate for victims of sexual abuse. now part of the reason may be that brown himself was the victim of sexual abuse. the republican lawmaker spoke with "60 minutes" correspondent lesley stahl. >> i heard that not many years ago, larry's house, that house came up for sale and you actually thought about buying it. >> i actually called the realtor and went in and took the tour and relived kind of where everything was, and put it -- to make sure i wasn't kind of dreaming, and as i left, i said man, i wish it had been mine i would just buy this thing and bern it down. >> you want to buy it to burn it down? >> yeah. it's a beautiful house. the people who lived there, i'm
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sure, love it. but you know, if the walls could talk. >> right. well, they talk now. >> yeah. >> and you can see lesley stahl's complete "60 minutes" interview with senator scott brown tomorrow night at 7:00 eastern, 6:00 central here on cbs. it's about six minutes after the hour. time now for a check of the weather with lonnie quinn. hopefully you have some nice things in store for many people around the nation. >> it depends on where you live. >> but some other folks. >> you look out that window right now, looks good outside. i will tell you it's all part of my headlines. the fact that the gusty winds right outside that window but for the entire northeast is delightful in the south. so there's the beautiful weather that betty is asking about. strong storm, though, out west, pushing onshore. take a look here. we're talking low pressure system bringing a lot of rain to los angeles. but it's snow for the higher elevations, heavy mountain snow. i'm talking about the possibility for seeing a foot or more. and here's what it looks like in the radar picture. all of this tomorrow makes its push to places like the dakotas, and ending up around the thumb
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of michigan. we'll have more on all of this. >> this weather segment sponsored by new aquafresh usoactive whitening. >> russ, over to you. >> okay, lonnie, thank you very much. a boston globe investigation has uncovered a dangerous hospital trend. more than 2300 deaths nationwide are caused by problems with patient monitor alarms. and in many of those cases it's believed something called alarm fatigue is to blame. alarm fatigue is the response of nurses to more than a dozen types of alarms that can sound hundreds of times a day. many of those calls are false alarms. the result, nurses become
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desensitized to distress calls and also don't react with enough urgency or react at all when a real emergency happens. joining us from boston is the boston globe health care reporter who broke the story. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> a fascinating investigation. take us back to the reporting of this. how did you conduct your investigation? >> well, we wanted to see if we could find out how many patients are actually harmed by alarm fatigue. so we analyzed reports that hospitals made to the u.s. food and drug administration over the last five years, as well as to two states that track these types of incidents, massachusetts and pennsylvania. we also -- we also talked to dozens of nurses, doctors who oversee patient safety in hospitals, monitor makers, fda officials, and also families. >> liz, let me ask you this, in your investigation did you find this problem is getting worse or better? >> well, the exact data is hard to come by. but many people who work in
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health care do think it's getting worse. the nonprofit organization that's helped us research the fda reports says hospitals are using many, many more devices that sound alarms. as a result, more patients are hooked up to monitors. and there are many more alarms going off. >> liz, very quickly, were hospitals surprised when they saw this investigation? >> well, i don't think hospitals that have had patient deaths were surprised. many of them are working to try to improve their monitoring. but, nurses and doctors will tell you that the manufacturers also need to improve the technology, and reduce the huge number of false alarms which play a major role in desensitizing nurses. >> okay. liz from the boston globe, we thank you so much for joining us today. >> you're will com. with us right now is dr. jennifer ashton who is going to talk to us about what we can do in the hospital if we're in the hospital or a loved one is there, as well. good morning, jen. >> good morning, russ. >> you know, first thing you say is that talk to the doctor, talk
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to the nurse and find out what these monitors are for, correct? >> correct. this is possibly an issue here where technology designed to make things safer and better may actually be doing more harm than good. the fact of the matter is, russ, these upon 0 monitors detect heartrate, respiratory and breathing rate, your blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in your blood. if you or someone you know is put on one of these monitors the first question you want to ask for, what is this actually for? is it specifically to look at their heart rate or respiratory rate? because that can help you determine, really, what will go on if one of them goes off by mistake. >> i know with my parents in the hospital, alarms going off all the time, i didn't know what they were for. in hindsight i wish i had asked. >> the next question you want to ask is, is it necessary? these are not just used in intensive care unit or icu settings, they're also used in the mcroom. they're used even on some general patient floors. you want to ask, is this necessary? the answer will be this is a hospital policy, every single patient gets one, or specifically, you or your loved one is having a problem with their heart, that's why we have
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them on the monitor. >> in the hospital, whose job is it to track these monitors and make sure that what's going on is the right thing? >> it depends on the hospital. some hospitals delegate that to the nurses, and of course they have multiple jobs. some hospitals are actually paying monitor monitors. or people to watch these monitors so one of the other questions that you really want to ask is, what do i do if this monitor goes off? they are so sensitive, russ, that if the patient moves or coughs or sits up, they can go off. and you don't want to -- you don't want to silence an alarm. you want to know, who do i go to get if this alarm makes a noise? >> the doctor or the nurse say is not present when you're checking on the loved one. who is the first person you go to to ask these questions? >> generally you want to find the nurse. remember the nurses here are not following these monitors, they're giving medications, they're assisting doctors, changing dressings. they are incredibly busy. they often have many patients to care. nurses that i've spoken to find that it does kind of set up a cry wolf scenario where these monitors go off, sometimes every 90 seconds. just on one patient. and they're constantly silencing
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them, taking them away from giving good patient care. >> dr. jennifer ashton, thanks a lot. >> you bet, russ. up next, her memoir inspired the julia roberts hit "eat, pray, love." beth-selling author elizabeth gilbert when "the early show" continues. f the year? in a national consumer survey on production innovation thousands of americans voted. aquafresh iso-active was the clear winner! we guarantee it will be your favorite, too, or your money back. try aquafresh iso-active. amazing. professional driver on a closed course. ♪ do not attempt at home. always wear your seat belt.
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in this morning's early coffee we're joined by best-selling author elizabeth gilbert. her 2006 memoir "eat, pray, love" has sold over 11 million copies worldwide and was made into a movie starring julia roberts. where "eat, pray, love" ends "committed" continues and it comes out in paperback this month. elizabeth gilbert joining us now. good morning. great to have you with us. >> hi, it's wonderful to be here. >> we're so excited to have you here. this whole success, your life since "eat, pray, love," how much has changed for you? >> well, you know, it's funny, people say to me right now, oh, my god, this amazing thing
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happened, your book became this big hit, life must be so crazy right now. and i always think, no, it was crazy before. >> how so? >> well, the reason i had to go on that journey to discover myself was because my life had become crazy. i had gone through a very bad divorce, this very bad rebound relationship. i needed to sort myself out. everything that's come after "eat, pray, love" has been wonderful. it's what happened before when i was poor and insecure i made my own craziness. now it's just been a lovely blessing. >> a lovely blessing. and you've just shared so much, so much personal information about yourself through "eat, pray, love," and now through "committed." what's it like to dig inside yourself and then share so much of that material with millions upon millions of people? >> you know, i was a journalist for a long time. and you know when you're a journalist, as you know, you ask people to open up. and in order to tell a story they need to. and i felt like if i asked this of other people, when it comes to time to tell my own story the least i can do is be as honest and candid as i would hope
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people would be with me when i was on the other side. you know, almost like i was the subject of my own investigation. i think if you're going to do a memoir you have to do it or not do it. there's other ways that i'm a really private person. i don't blog. i don't tweet. i can hardly even say tweet without being embarrassed. you know, i update my website like once a year. so i have a really private life. it's just that i've written these two books that are open. >> you set the bar pretty high with "eat, pray, love" and now "committed." tell us a little bit more about "committed" and where that goes. >> readers of "eat, pray, love" will know that at the end of that journey i fell in love with this wonderful brazilian gentleman who is living in bali and we started an intercontinental love story. neither of us wanted to get married but we wanted to stay together. we were committed of each other but we were both afraid of matrimony having been through really unpleasant divorces. and those plans changed the day that he was detained by the homeland security department at the dallas-ft. worth airport rtvery unexpectedly. taken away from me in handcuffs
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and the nice gentleman at the airport told me that the only way i could get him back in this country was to marry him. so we were sort of pushed to wed. which is not something any of us had planned for. and the book is about exploring marriage, and exploring my fears of marriage, exploring the history of marriage, talking to members of my family about it. traveling all overed world, talking to every woman i met and trying to find a place of comfort for myself and this idea. >> and what do you have in the works now? >> going back to writing fiction. i think that's enough memoirs. >> elizabeth gilbert is here with us. >> i think so for now. >> speaking of sharing, if you had to share early coffee with anyone, who would it be? >> i was thinking about this and i would have to say, i wish that i could have had a cup of coffee like this with my grandmother. my maternal grandmother before she passed away. she died when i was 15 and i never got a chance to talk to her as an adult about questions of love and marriage and relationship and i would give anything to be able to access that wisdom now.
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>> well, we're so happy that we were able to access your wisdom today. elizabeth gilbert, thanks so much for sharing all of yourself with us. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> and to read an ebs erpt from "committed" go to our website now here's russ. >> thanks, rebecca. up next steals and deals for the last-minute traveler. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> this "early" coffee segment sponsored by subway restaurants. any of your favorite breakfast foot-longs are now $5 foot-longs. ild your better breat with all the flavors you choose. try an irresistible steak, egg & cheese, with toasty tomato or chipotle southwest sauce on tasty flatbread. only at subway! ♪
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alli can help you lose 1 more. alli. how healthy works. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. it's your fault. naturally, blame the mucus. well, i can't breathe. did you try blowing your nose? of course. [ both ] and nothing came out. instead of blaming me, try new advil congestion relief. what you probably have is swelling due to nasal inflammation, not mucus. and this can help? it treats the real problem of your sinus symptoms, reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. [ mucus ] new advil congestion relief. the right sinus medicine for the real problem.
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30 days from today, spring begins. if you can't wait that long for a break there is still time to book an amazing deal on a quick, winter getaway even for this weekend. sarah is digital projects editor for travel and leisure magazine and joins us with five travel deals to get you through the rest of the winter. >> good morning. >> you're kidding me. it's saturday, it's not too late to get a deal this weekend? >> this weekend we're recommending a last-minute deal to philadelphia. you'll be staying at the loews
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philadelphia. $160 a night. it's of course a very historic city. it's where the declaration of independence was signed. and in fact the president's house, which served as the white house there 1790 to 1800 is just reopened as a museum. if you're looking for last-minute get away, look at philadelphia. >> what tips would you have for us to get a last-minute deal. usually when you do stuff this late it's much more expensive. >> that's true. is a great resource. you can search for romantic, food and wine, music, >> spring begins in 30 days. if you can't wait that long and you want to go to warmer weather, what's a good deal? >> many people think of florida when they think of warm weather. consider naples. naples bay resort, which is preferred hotel. they have a great rate there for $189 a night. you can stay right by the water. you have complimentary shuttle service to the naples pier so you can do great shopping. great dining. marina, go on a lazy river.
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there's all sorts of wonderful things to do in naples. the average temperature there right now 76 degrees. >> that looks beautiful. very nice. a lot of people want to go skiing at the last minute. that can cost a lot of money for many reasons. >> that's not expensive, jackson hole, wyoming, consider the spring creek ranch which is very beautiful. $88 per person. they throw in a complimentary lift ticket so you can ski the 2500 skiable acres, 116 trails. so much to do there you can see some of the skiing options. beautiful hotel. in your room you'll have a roaring fireplace, so if you're looking for an affordable escape that's a great one for you. >> golfers. this is the time of year you want to play some golf. if you live in a place like new york, cold weather place, any good deals out there? >> the place to think about when you're thinking about golf, of course, is arizona. you might want to consider the marriott which is just north of scottsdale. everybody looking for sports activities are in phoenix write now. $189 a night which is actually
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50% after their standing rate. this is a beautiful hotel. very large, 950 rooms. they throw in unlimited golf, so for this great deal you can golf to your heart's content. >> what if you want to get out of the country? >> mexico on the baja peninsula, temperatures whoever around 70 degrees. actually today. you can stay at a beautiful hotel called ranchy pescadero. 27 rooms on the water. imagine finishing a yoga class, greeted with a tropical fruit smooth think. $200 a night. warm weather. beautiful escape. everything you might want right now. >> you gave us some tips on what to do. what's the biggest mistake people make when they're trying to make a last-minute deal? >> i think the biggest mistake is to not do your research. go to travel and leisure dotcom. go to kayak is a great resource if you're looking to compare airfare. and just, you know, do a little bit of homework and you'll find there are great last-minute deals. >> as we look down the road, it appears the prices are going to go down, have the same with the recession, people are offering deals again. what do you think?
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>> i think there's no way to anticipate but savvy travelers know there are plenty of great options. do your research. go to travel and leisure dotcom, i can't say it enough. and you'll find great stuff to do coming up. >> travel and >> yes. >> sarah, thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> coming up, our love panel is back to tackle a big issue in relationships. is silence truly golden? your local news is next. russ mitchell, he just posed a question, is silence really golden? i have something to say about that. >> russ i believe you said is silence really golden? hmm. >> would you like to hear more of it around the house? >> i'm not saying. >> when you're having an argument, if my wife opts to do the silent treatment, i hate it. i hate it. >> really?
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who is louder between the two of you, lonnie or sharon the wife? >> you think it's me? i'm actually pretty passive aggressive. we don't do a lot of shouting. >> if you're going to be silent when you're really upset, does that just build up over time and just explode at some point? >> avoiding -- >> maybe you should deal with it as it comes. >> i agree with you the silent treatment is the worst. but as a guy, i must say i'm guilty of that. i can shut down. >> really? >> which is not good. which is not good at all. >> you figure if a person is giving you the silent treatment it's because there's an issue. if you're giving the silent treatment, we're not talking about the issue. so the issue is not being resolved. >> sometimes you have to pick and choose though. pick your battles. matt is, god bless him, he's great with me. and i think that there can be sometimes like you get a little nitpicky when you're in a relationship for a long period of time. you have to pick and choose what you're going to voice your opinion about. >> maybe it's just that silence is more of a cooling off period. >> right. >> i can't deal with it right now.
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>> i think it's better to take a moment to collect your thoughts as opposed to saying things off the top of your head. >> yeah. >> but the prolonged silence, i hate it. i hate it. >> in music and in life, you got to know when to fold 'em, know when to hold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run. >> words to live by. >> kenny rogers on the show. ,,,, ♪ [ male announcer ] not all steel is created equal.
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not all manufacturing processes are created equal. not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at a glorious saturday morning here in new york city. the empire state building, always a terrific sight. >> sure looks glorious. >> welcome back to "the early show," i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. they say silence is golden. >> that's what they say. >> that's what some people say. anyway, what about in
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relationships? we're going to ask the experts if it's better to speak up or shut up. what's better for you? what's better for your spouse, your partner? >> they're awful quiet, our experts. and chef michael schwartz is here. his food is fresh, local, sustainable, and best of all, delicious. here's what's on the menu today. whole roasted chicken with a swiss chard and caramelized onion panaide. >> you said potato, i said panate. >> that's all coming up on "the early show." first to lonnie quinn for our final check of the weather. >> all right, thank you guys very much. it's all about the fanade. big bear, california, you're going to pick up up to two feet of snow today. as far as the midwest goes, all right it's dry for you. i don't see precipitation today, but still flooding out there. how is that possible? it's all about the runoff going into your rivers. your rivers are not going to crest until sunday night going into monday. so it's going to get worse for you before it gets better. princeton, new jersey, big-time winds for you and for all of the
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northeast. philadelphia, new york city, albany, boston, we're talking about a pressure gradient between an offshore low pressure system and a high pressure system to the west bringing between them winds 40 to 60 miles per hour. i'm very fearful that some of this wind activity is going to end up being damaging. just be careful there. and also got some fire dangers out there, because you have dry conditions, primarily. and those strong winds just got to be careful with any kind of open flame from new jersey all the way to portions of north carolina. quick look at the national picture. all right, buddy. it is shout-out time. my shout-out this week, a big hello to syracuse, new york, where they are holding the 25th
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annual winter fest. imagine that. february in syracuse, and they're having a winter fest. more than 100,000 people are expected. hey, you know what? when the good lord gives you lemons, you make panade. lots of indoor and outdoor events. a snowman contest. there's skiing, skating parties and there's music. we would like to thank everyone for watching the early show on saturday on cbs 5 in syracuse. that's going to do it for weather. russ, rebecca, over to you. >> thank you, lonnie. coming up next, some say silence is golden. but what about in relationships? >> our expert panel tackles the question of when you should speak your mind, and when you should just zip it. >> but i can't. >> you're watching t"the early show" on cbs. hili whatever scents fill your household, purina tidy cats scoop helps neutralize odors in multiple cat homes... keeping your house smelling like it should. purina tidy cats scoop. keep your home smelling like home. to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these.
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a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. it helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ ♪ but you're not sweet you're just a jerk ♪ss ♪ always in my face ♪ i think i need some space ♪ loving you's just too much work ♪ ♪ so i found a new love a zero-calorie true love ♪ ♪ that comes from a leaf sweet surprise ♪ ♪ it's natural, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ it won't land on my hips or my thighs ♪ ♪ its name is truvia ♪ i had no idea ♪ it's better than flirting or french fries ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. best seven years of my life. i know, dad. your comforter. okay. mr. cuddles... toilet paper? oh, hey, scott. here, scott extra soft tissue. it's their softest roll ever. check out the pattern. it's softness done right. same soft rolls we use at home honey! one more thing, guys.
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oh nice a shoe rack! actually, it's a toilet paper rack. sweet. huh. huh. [ female announcer ] do you know scott? scott extra soft is softness, done right. [ female announcer ] do you know scott? well, well, well. [ bell rwhat do we have here? frozen pipes. a classic. well put. pretty obvious. ms. young? that's why it's so important, as an agent, to sit down with our clients, so we can get to know them and talk about stuff like this. why don't they just turn off the main water supply? you do realize this is just an exercise, right? - i do now. - moving on. okay, let's get the fire-retardant suits on. [ man announcing ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [ sneezes ] ...and hot soup. my walgreens pharmacist recommends bubble gum flavor... and patience. mine recommends antacid tablets... and only one taco. ♪ [ female announcer ] walgreens pharmacists also recommend you try walgreens brand health & wellness products.
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they have the same active ingredients as other brands and cost less. our pharmacist-recommended walgreens brand health & wellness products. there's an everyday way to well. a study is shedding white on the pros and cons of keeping on your thoughts and feelings from your significant other is actually showing it could be detrimental to yourself, your health, and your relationship, russ. >> so the question is when should you speak up and when should you keep your thoughts to yourself? joining us is relationship expert cooper lawrence, sex therapist ian kerner and relationship expert heidi banks. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> help us with this whole concept of self-silencing. who is the biggest culprit of this. >> the biggest culprit are women. the idea is self-silencing is when something goes wrong in your relationship, usually it has to do with child rearing or finances, and the woman says, you know what, let me keep the peace instead, let me not say anything. what the study is finding, that
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that leads to, oh, death. early death. >> worst case scenario. >> it's not even like you should just try and keep the peace and maybe talk about it later. you really have to get it off your chest because they have linked it to chronic heart disease and early death. so that's a good reason to open your mouth. >> is there a particular content you should stay silent on versus other content where you should share? >> no. i actually think that anything in a relationship is a teachable moment. i think if you're going to be in a long-term relationship, you have to learn how to argue constructively. i mean, arguing, again, it's a teachable moment. you can learn something about each other, and if you argue in a way that's fair, it actually deepens your intimacy, and it deepens your relationship. so i mean, look, arguing, fighting is part of life. and men and women fight differently. as cooper said, women tend to self-silence and bottle up. men lash out. >> we like to keep the peace. we like to make sure everybody's happy. that's our role. but what the study is finding is that ultimately that's going to only be detrimental to us. >> have these roles changed over
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the years? >> oh, my gosh. first of all in the last 20 years the women outnumbering men in the marketplace. right now in the economy, women have a lot more say in what's going on in their house. but i disagree. okay. >> all right. >> you know, i hate to be the one, but dumping is not a good thing. and what most people think is when they want to express themselves, they dump. instead of saying, honey, i hate when you leave that medicine cabinet open, because when i go in there i hit my head. they're like, you always do this. and that's a detrimental to your health. and a relationship. so what you have to do is learn skills that are not only argue youing, but how to just put your point of view forward. for instance, honey, what i would really like -- >> it's all about us. >> sorry. >> what i would really like from you, what i really like from you, is could you just be a little bit more conscious about the medicine cabinet.
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>> but is it the difference between how you express yourself. but you have to express yourself as opposed to self-silencing, which is what women tend to do. >> or dumping. >> right. don't dump. >> so there's a certain content, or certain ways of putting this out that you think is appropria appropriate. >> probably in the forefront of relationship skills, they teach something called care-frontation. you don't have to walk in like an ape to give your mate some feedback. you can carefully with care in your heart say, look, i need you to call me more often during the day. i need you to take care of the kids. >> that sounds a little nagging, though, to me. you know, my dad -- forget self-sigh lnsing. nagging. >> you're saying not to silence yourself. >> you know, there was a study that showed thats difference between relationships that fail and succeed is the ability for couples to stay positive. towards each other. and the ratio is actually scientific. a 5-to-1 ratio. five positive interactions for every negative interactions.
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what i try to do in my own relationship, it does not always work, really to try and frame everything in a very, very positive way. and my wife, she's really taught me a lot about how to fight because she will not let a fight go on. she will tickle me. she'll hug me. she'll make a joke. she just turns it into humor. >> i have to say, most women, if they're expressing themselves and they're frustrated, if you went to tickle those women, you'd get it right in the face. >> i know it's working for you. but what's really important is to be yourself in a relationship and take care of your own needs. not put them on your partner at every moment. >> let me ask you, if the worst words a guy can hear is honey, we need to talk, run to the store right now. >> right. i need to go to the hardware store. >> seriously. >> how do guys fight differently in general, ian, than women? >> you know, like i said, i think guys tend to lash out. i think they tend to go from zero to 60 very quickly. they get flooded with all these hormones. i think the best thing to do
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when you're fighting with a guy is to put out there whatever you want to talk about, and just give it a little -- give it like 30 seconds. give it like 15 seconds to sort of sit and soak in, because guys do get really emotionally hijacked. we get like robert de niro in taxi driver. it's like, you talkin' to me? >> wow, i want to call your wife. >> here's what we need to talk about. these are the things on the list. you think about what you're going to say, i'll think about what i'm going to say and let's actually have a conversation rather than a fight. >> texting. >> e-mail. >> e-mail, really. there's a lot of couples right now, what they do is when issues come up, they send an e-mail they say, look, these are the things i'd like to talk about. so that you prepare each other, and it's not done, again you can even dump it in an e-mail. you did this, you did that. rather than i'm feeling. this is what i would like. is that okay with you? >> but back to the study, i think really the worst thing that you can do whether you're a man or a woman is to self-silence. i've counseled a lot of couples, especially women, who have sat on grudges for years, and in
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some cases decades, about their in-laws, about their sex lives, and i'll tell you, in many cases, the guys really are kind of clueless. so if you self-silence you're kind of taking a cowardly approach because you're not communicating. >> if you're having the same conversation over and over again, this is my question, so if you're having that conversation, and you just continue to have it, is it still a relationship that can work with a conversation, cooper? >> well, it says that you're obviously not really hitting on what's really going on. if you're having the same conversation, your partner is not listening to you, and understanzing what your needs are. just saying i don't like when you do this, you should also give a solution. inste instead, i'd like you to do this. or you know what? you don't listen to me when i x, y and z. you have to be very, very specific with men. women, because of your health you have to make sure you do speak up. because it's a situation like that where you say i'm not going to have this argument again and you fall silent. those are the instances where you may want to bring in a therapist. >> and men don't often know how to change things.
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so tell them. >> we have to self-silence. >> cooper, ian and heidi, appreciate it. for more you can go to our website, >> and coming up next, chef michael schwartz is here with down-to-earth cooking for people who love to eat. that makes a lot of us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i'm sam chernin, owner of sammy's fish box. i opened the first sammy's back in 1966. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible. i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business? booming is taking care of your business by taking care of your employees. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful.
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this week's "chef on a shoestring" is a big believer in fresh and sustainable cooking. so it's no surprise he's just come out with a new book "michael's genuine food: down to earth cooking for people who love to eat." michael schwartz is also the chef and owner of michael's genuine foot and drink in miami and grand cayman and as our "chef on a shoestring" he'll prepare a fresh three-course meal for four all on a budget of just $40. great to have you with us. >> thank you. very nice to be here. >> really looking forward to this meal. >> great menu. roasted double yolk farm eggs, little asiago cheese and crostini. a whole roasted chicken with
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arugula, pine nuts and raisins. there's swiss chard and caramelized onion panade. fancy word for savory bread pudding. >> let's get down to business. >> sometimes we get great, big eggs that have two yolks. >> oh, yeah. >> and so unpredictable. but when we want to make this dish, and i always think that two yolks are better than one. so these are just some souffle cups or ramekins that we'll put a little roasted tomato in. for this purpose we'll just do one whole egg and then also one yolk. >> okay. >> so there's the two yolks. >> that tomato sauce is that straight from a can or something you make on the side? >> whichever you prefer. >> something simple and just a little bit. we're going to hit it with a little touch of cream. some chives. a little salt and pepper. if you don't mind hitting the pepper mile right there. >> got it. i love the pepper. >> and then we top it off with a little bit of, for this purpose,
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asiago cheese, you could use gruyere, whatever cheese you like. >> something that's got a little kick to it. a little bite too it. >> a little bite. a little saltiness is good. asiago is good, gruyere a lot of times we use. at this point you would pop that in a super hot oven for about 8 to 10 minutes along with some crostini that are just drizzled with olive oil. >> for dipping. >> exactly. >> and then, so they come out -- >> looks great. >> the white should be set. the yolk should still be a little bit runny. serve it with the crostini. and a little bit, i always like to have some kinds of greens, frissee, watercress or some little thing that offsets the textures and temperatures. >> looks great. i'm going to try some while we get to the main course. >> roasted chicken i think is something everybody loves, and it's super easy to make. again a super hot oven. you want to really buy a great chicken. and so, the chicken's washed and patted dry. we're going to tuck the wings
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under and we're going to liberally season it inside the coughty and all around with salt and pepper. >> i mean, how much salt do you put on this thing? because it's always hard for me to know, the salt amount. >> you know, it depends, too. but this is a big chicken. so if it looks like i'm -- you know, a lot of salt, it's really not if you think about, you know, this is a 3 1/2 pound bird. what i'm doing is putting fresh thyme between the skin and the meat. and then what we're going to do is, in a hot skillet, we're going to put this in, and the skillet you see is kind of small. >> i see. >> the reason for that is we can bypass the whole method of trussing the chicken. >> which is? >> which would be tying it up. >> okay, i see. >> right. >> you don't have to go through all of that with the string and everything like that? >> this kind of contains it in this nice little arena. >> mm-hmm. >> so we want to put that in a hot oven and you're going to cook it halfway this way, then you're going to flip it over. >> i see.
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>> so how long are you cooking this for? >> it will take about 50, 5 5 minutes. >> i see. >> and you can see that we have one here. >> beautiful. it smells delicious in the studio. >> yeah. it's really, it's the best way that i've found to cook a chicken. and it's always super crispy. the breast doesn't burn. so you just want to carefully pull this out. we're going to set it down on the plate. and then see all these juices are really good. there's a lot of juices there. i have a little bit of wine that i might put in there. kind of stir it around. so we want to just -- >> pour it on top? >> the juice is right on top. when you cook the chicken, when you flip it, halfway through the cooking there will be a lot of juice in the pan that you want to discard. >> discard the juice? the first go around? >> even the second go around? >> correct. >> so i'm just going to wash my hands up here. and then very simply we have rosemary and olive oil soaked raisins that go right on here.
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and then a little bit on the greens, again, undressed. >> to carry the flavors between the two items? >> sure. >> and then pine nuts. >> looks delicious. >> yeah. >> and that's our roasted chicken. >> what would you say, you know, it's got pine nuts. it has raisins. is there a location that this recipe comes from? >> well, this is very rustic. and i guess any time you think about arugula and pine nuts and something rustic like this, i always think of italy. >> italy? >> yeah. >> got it. a trip to italy for your mouth. >> i could make carve you a piece of this chicken. >> oh, sure. go ahead and do that. i want to make sure we get to the crem chlt osa. >> what is that? >> it's a made-up word. >> by you or somebody else? >> i stole it from somebody. >> okay, i'm going to set this over here and take a little bite. >> the cremosa if you can imagine an ice cream base. it's an en glaze. and you put it over chocolate. and so if you can imagine a real super thick ice cream base.
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and that's what this is. so it's super easy to make. you make a little bit of cream. you thicken it with egg. pour it over milk chocolate and this is what you have. >> okay. >> and then if you just scoop it out. >> oh, wow, i would never expect that consistency. >> right. >> and then it's a little bed of toasted hazel nuts. which we love. and then there's a little parfait that we made with kind of es stresso. >> just a little something? >> just something that we threw to the. and then the interesting idea here is, we drizzle this with a little bit of olive oil. >> olive oil? >> yeah, and a little bit of good quality sea salt. >> is that what brings out the chocolate flavor? >> you know, this -- >> chocolate sea salt? >> oh. >> and we serve that with a little bit of toasted bread. >> we're going to see how you did on pricing right here. because it's all about how low you can go. so let's take a look. >> good. >> how low did he go? all right, chef, $39.36. is how low you went. probably not exactly on the leader board. but you know what?
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oh, you are. number three. nice work. >> also next week it's all about seafood. here are your choices for next week, for seared cod you're going to call star star 01. for lobster riis oato star star 02. you don't have to text, just dial. and for shrimp pasta. star star 03. standard data and message rates apply. >> this chicken is fantastic. >> and you can find more of the recipes at thanks, chef. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back, guys. [ male announcer ] did you hear about the car company test-driving cars on the internet? you just log on, click "drive," and hit the space bar to accelerate. all from your living room. that's absurd. this is the all-new 2011 dodge charger.
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slate from chase gives you extraordinary control over how you pay for life's surprises. trip...lets... slate customers pay down their balances twice as fast with blueprint. this week on "the early show" our super fan tyler mcgill is off on another amazing adventure. he's going behind the scenes on the set of "how i met your mother." >> absolutely. and early next saturday our oscar previews. see who our experts pick to win. any picks, guys? >> "the king's speech." >> christian bale is going to win for best supporting actor. and i think "the king's speech," as well. >> colin firth. >> i'm not weighing in until we
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hear from the experts next weekend. >> "the social network" is going to win it all. >> enjoy your saturday, everybody. see you next week. we end with our "saturday spotlight." this week's story comes from harbor springs, michigan, where a group of skiers are giving the phrase over the hill a new twist. here's alex yokich from fox 32 news. >> at a glance, this might look like any other race. but turns out, disguised by plastic and youthful passion, you'll meet some pretty
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astounding athletes when the ski suits come off. >> jack gleason, 90. >> yep, you heard him correctly. jack is 90 years old and he's still bringing home the gold. amazingly, out on the slopes, he's not even the oldest one. >> born july 31st, 1910. so you do the math. >> that makes him 100. and a half. >> i skied for the simple reason, it is because i like it. >> a body that's a century old can't slow him down. >> i can win my class. my age class. without trying too hard. i'm the only one. >> in the 70-plus ski club, another year older just means a bolder badge and a braver run. you try to tell these skiers they're over the hill, they'll just prove you wrong with a trip down it. >> why not? >> great story there. thanks for watching, everybody.
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join us again monday on "the early show." ,,,,,,,,,,
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mail snail: hey doodle-dudes! [♪] bob: it's time for the show! ♪ ♪ send a message to the doodlebops rock and roll show ♪ ♪ ♪ altogether we're the doodlebops ♪ ♪ dee dee ♪ rooney, uh oh, where's moe. ♪ ♪ clap your hands for the doodlebops ♪ ♪ rock and roll show ♪ yeah, yeah! ♪ we'll see everybody in the doodlenet. ♪ ♪ rock & roll show! child's voice: i love the doodlebops.


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