tv The Early Show CBS February 26, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PST
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on a saturday morning, the last saturday of february. good to say that. >> thank goodness. >> welcome to "the early show," i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. >> let's get to our top story. that is the revolution against libyan leader moammar gadhafi's 42-year dictatorship. gadhafi is losing control of his country, but still promises to fight to the end. in the streets of tripoli they're shooting at will. some estimates indicate more than 1,000 people have been killed in less than two weeks since the revolution began. kelly cobiella joins us by phone from tripoli with the latest. good morning. >> good morning, russ. it is quiet in this part of the city at this point. traffic is on the streets. you can see people going about their business in relative peace. but we're starting to hear the first reports of the government handing out weapons to its
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civilian supporters, after a violent friday. there are signs the revolt cinching closer. in the city's suburbs, anti-government protesters tried marching for the first time in days after friday prayers. witnesses say government forces answered with automatic weapons. shooting from rooftops. it's not clear how many were killed. just 30 miles to the west, in the coastal city of today which yeah, pro-government forces reportedly are gone and gadhafi soldiers are abandoning him and joining the opposition. in opposition controlled cities, fear of the regime has turned to disgust. yet this is the libya the regime wants us to show the world. scenes of several hundred gadhafi supporters loudly swearing their allegiance. gadhafi himself made a surprise appearance to show his people he's still alive and still defiant, calling on the crowd to prepare to defend the nation and its oil. the leader's son is on a
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campaign of his own to control the message. meeting the world's reporters in a five-star hotel to announce that libyans are united behind his father. >> how can you say that your country is unified and safe? >> tripoli is safe. and i say it is safe. >> he blames the unrest on what he calls a small group of terrorists. he denied that the government had fired on its own people. russ? >> kelly, i know you arrived in tripoli yesterday. give us a sense of what the city was like when you got there. >> we are arrived after dark in a contingent of about 20 international journalists. my producer arrived quite a bit earlier in the day, saw a number of checkpoints with armed militia men and police throughout the city, and heard some gunfire. by the time we were driven through the city, about a 20-minute drive from the airport to the hotel, there was no sign of any checkpoint along our route.
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the only sign of military we saw was just a dozen soldiers with anti-aircraft -- an anti-aircraft gun guarding the airport. russ? >> kelly cobiella in tripoli. you guys take care. we'll talk to you later in the broadcast. rebecca? >> thanks, russ. americans and thousands of other foreign nationals are fleeing the kay oos in libya. for nearly 200 americans it was a long and harrowing escape from tripoli to malta by ferry. the u.s. chartered maria dolores. cbs news correspondent harry smith is live from malta with the latest. good morning, harry. >> rebecca, it's interesting. it's about a 220-mile trip from tripoli to here in malta. but for those americans trying to get out of libya, it just as well be a world away, and while they didn't get home, getting here to malta is the next best thing. weary and relieved. after two days of waiting for the seas to calm, 338 people poured off a ferry from tripoli late last night.
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among them, 183 americans. >> it was a very difficult ride back home. a lot of people were getting sick. we spent 2 1/2 nights sleeping on the boat without a shower. but it was -- we all -- there was no bellyaching. everybody got along very, very well. just glad to be back. >> the ferry, arranged by the american embassy, was the only sure way out for many, because the tripoli airport was overwhelmed. >> i had two flights bought and neither one left. so they were all canceled before we got there. the ferry was a great deal for us. we're really happy the state department came through like that. >> but for almost everyone we spoke with, emotions were mixed, knowing they couldn't stay, and wanting to return as soon as possible. >> just had fallen in love with the place, and had incredible places to teach. and to live. it was just beautiful. so, i hope we can go back. we don't know yet. >> now, it's interesting, because a lot of the people we
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talked to were either in the construction business, or business folks from america, who were working in libya. a number of them american teachers who can't wait to get back. on the other hand, we were specifically instructed by the embassy here not to talk to embassy personnel. not to interview them. i've had the opportunity to talk to several of those folks off the record this morning, and they said their experience in libya was harrowing. several nights earlier this week, constant gunfire at night, people were afraid for their lives, and are quite thankful to be out of the country. and at least one woman we talked to said she never wants to go back. rebecca? >> harry smith, we appreciate your account of the story from the ground there. thanks, have a great day. a director at the american school in libya is one of the nearly 200 americans who made it out of tripoli friday aboard the u.s. charted "maria dolores." she joins us from valletta, malta, this morning. good morning, judith. >> good morning. good morning, everyone. >> and when you left libya --
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>> nice to be here. >> it's so good to have you here. i'm sure you feel great to be in malta now. when you left libya, what was the scene on the ground? >> you know, the american school is located out in the suburbs. so, everything escalated very quickly. in fact, members of the board of directors and i met on sunday afternoon, and determined that we thought that we could continue to hold school open, and then things started deteriorating sunday night. so all of the teachers moved to the american school, and were there until we could get everyone out. we started hearing gunshots, and we recognized that things were moving closer. but, we're all lucky that we didn't have to see some of the carnage ourselves. but we heard about it from some of our libyan staff. >> and you did get out on this ferry. tell us about the ride to malta. >> well, first of all, we were on the ferry for quite some time
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before we had our ride. and i would like to say that we have had enormous support from the u.s. embassy there. it was a very complicated affair, because nobody had telephones. we -- they boarded the teachers first on that ferry. and they have just been underst that. we sat on the ferry for quite some time. but the ferry company is also fantastic. they really treated us well. the ride, of course, was extremely bumpy. i've never been a big fan of roller coasters. and so, i had to go through nine hours of it and i probably will not return to magic mountain or any place like that in the near future. -- people were sick. about a third to a half of the people on the ferry got sick during the trip. but, you know, at the end of nine hours we were here, and everybody's been very welcoming. the maltese have helped us. the embassy's helped us.
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we're happy. we're just very glad to leave behind our libyan friends. >> now judith, you won't return to magic mountain. but the question is, will you return to libya at some point in time? >> i have 24 intrepid teachers who are fantastic. and we all, to a person, want to go back. of course, we're not stupid, and we're not weirdos. we don't want to go back when there's danger. but we love the school. he and we want to go back and we hope that things stabilize because the libyan people deserve that. >> judith, we really appreciate it. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> enjoy your weekend. thank you. now here's russ. >> thanks, rebecca. the united states is stepping up its pressure on libyan leader gadhafi, as the regime's violent response to anti-government protests continues. president obama issued an executive order that slaps full
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economic sanctions against gadhafi, his family, and his regime. the sanctions include freezing the gadhafi family assets. meanwhile secretary of state hillary clinton is on her way to geneva this weekend to meet with members of a united nations human rights conflict. and all american citizens are now safely out of the country and the embassy has been temporarily shut down. here to discuss the sanctions is the senior fellow with the new american foundation and author of "how to run the world: charting a course to the next renaissance." good to see you. >> good to see you, russ. >> this is not gadhafi's first time to the sanction party. >> he's been in power for 42 years partially because sanctions are imposed on him to allow him to cement control over the country. we've seen this before, castro, the assad family in syria, and saddam hussein in iraq. so sanctions have a way of sort of isolating a regime, and entrenching it in power. so, unfortunately, the record, or the track record of sanctions is somewhat patchy. >> in libya, specifically,
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sanctions imposed back in the '80s, lifted in 2004. were those sanctions effective? >> those sanctions, again, really froze the country in time. they effectively harmed the population, in the sense that they didn't have access to economic resources, to the kind of foreign investment that the society needs to develop. they allowed gadhafi to really own the economy, such as he very much has. so when he talk about sanctions, for example, we're really talking about sanctions not on libya, but on gadhafi the man, because he has really colonized and own these. >> it backfired effect? >> that's often what happens with sanctions, unfortunately. right now these are short-term kinds of sanctions. this is an effort to try to squeeze the man very quickly. this isn't one of those things that is going to drag on for years and years, quite frankly, because he doesn't have years left in his life. but that said, they're going to have limited impact on the ground. because right now it's not about money. it's about how much weapons does he have, how many tribes does he control? that's what matters more right now than whether or not we've frozen assets in geneva. >> if the sanctions don't work, in your mind, what should the u.s. do? >> they're going to have to consider more serious options.
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flying to geneva, the human rights council, is one thing. and they can make statements and declarations. they're going to have to consider more serious measures. they may have to support the potential independence, in fact, of the eastern half of the country, whose capital is benghazi. that's one scenario people were talking about. potentially some kind of military intervention to try and sort of isolate him further within the capital. or at least stop some of his military forces from conducting the raids and the assaults they are on the people. there's still some options on the table. this is going to escalate before it deescalates. >> another delicate dance for the white house in the situation as we've seen over the past few weeks. talk about military intervention. how likely is that now? >> right now not very likely. we've seen how reluctant the obama administration is to do that in situations after iraq and afghanistan because our forces are stretched. in a case like libya we don't know what will come next. there are other situations where you were to oust a leader you know that there's a government, there's a parliament, there's a cabinet, someone would step in. here it's already chaos.
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just simply taking him out, which is physically possible but if you don't know what's next it's somewhat irresponsible. >> back in the mid eighties, he was called the mad man -- >> mad dog. >> as you look at everything that is working against him now, the sanctions, his people are against it, can he hang on for the next few weeks? >> you know, because it is a very tribal society, he can hang onto his part of the country which does, in fact, include tripoli where the local tribe, which is his own, is loyal to him. although people within his tribe, family members have resigned, have stepped away, have started to back the opposition. but in a situation like now where he's actually giving weapons out on the street to people who are supporting him, it's really too early to tell. but it is, unfortunately, possible that he can hang on to tripoli for awhile. >> ron, as always, thanks for your insight. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> now here's rebecca. >> thank you, russ. meantime rallies are scheduled today in every state capital and in some major cities in support of wisconsin's unionized public employees, who are trying to
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keep their collective bargaining rights. they're organized by an advocacy group spotting scattered rallies last week. cynthia bowers is in chicago with the latest. cynthia, good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. workers who are coming to these rallies around the country to support wisconsin workers are being told to wear those red t-shirts we've become so familiar with. they're expecting about 1,000 here in chicago, and up in madison, though, the political stalemate that sparked all this, goes on. after eleven days of protests, the wisconsin state house began clearing out last night. three long nights of filibustering by house democrats finally came to an end as the controversial bill to cut collective bargaining rights for most public workers passed the state assembly early friday morning. >> people are here because they want to defend their rights, their basic rights, of organizing in the workplace. >> reporter: and way beyond wisconsin, protests have spread to ohio, indiana, and on friday
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to new jersey, where thousands came out in support of wisconsin workers. in providence, rhode island, where the school committee is currently facing a $40 million budget deficit, the school board voted in favor of sending termination letters to the nearly 2,000 city teach efrs. the mayor insists not every teacher will lose his job. >> i almost feel like i need to mourn like the death of an innocent, or -- it's just surreal. >> reporter: wisconsin governor scott walker is hoping to avoid those dire consequences of potentially laying off 1500 state workers. on friday, he repeatedly called for the 14 democratic state senators show have been m.i.a. for ten days to come home to madison. >> come back to the state capitol. you want to participate in democracy, democracy happens when you're in the arena. the arena is not in rockford, illinois. it's not in freeport, illinois. it's not in chicago, illinois. it's in madison, wisconsin, in our state's capitol.
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>> reporter: illinois may be a safe haven for these missing democrats, but it is facing far worse financial woes, and, in fact, in all the states, most of the states where folks will be rallying today, the financial shortfalls are being felt. people are finding out the hard way that in times like these, something has to give. rebecca? >> cynthia bowers, our cbs news correspondent in chicago. thank you. now here's russ. >> thanks, rebecca. wicked winter weather continues to slam the country from coast to coast. cbs news correspondent elaine quijano is live in lakewood, new jersey, where residents report seeing a funnel cloud this morning. not a great way to wake up on a saturday morning. elaine, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, russ. that's right here in lakewood, new jersey, you can probably see the damage to this building behind me after severe weather blew through yesterday, really across the country the one word to describe this winter so far, relentless. this winter just won't go away. from california to new york, people are once again battling the elements.
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california is getting pounded by a cold, wet winter storm that is expected to drop rain and snow on the golden state through the weekend. even san francisco, which hasn't seen snow since 1976, saw a few flakes. avalanche warnings have closed highways across the sierras, and temperatures have plunged. reno is digging out of eight inches of snow, and bracing for temperatures 30 degrees below normal. snow also fell from missouri to michigan. further south, heavy rain and wind left a trail of destruction in arkansas and tennessee. four amish children were killed in kentucky when the buggy they were riding in tipped on a flooded road. >> tipped the buggy off the roadway into a small creek. >> reporter: the triple threat 6 wind, heavy rain and snow struck the northeast. the storm reached ohio early friday, making a mess of the morning commute. whiteout conditions in buffalo and other parts of new york state made driving treacherous there, as well. the combination of wind and rain
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resulted in long flight delays throughout the northeast. in a rare february thunderstorm in new jersey, a roof was ripped off a condo complex by high winds. residents say they saw a funnel cloud. >> yeah, real bad. >> reporter: but after so many months of bad weather, people are learning to live with it. >> i need my job, and this weather's not going to, you know, stop me from getting here and paying my bills. >> reporter: and here in lakewood, no reports of serious injuries, but at least six families are out of their homes, as the cleanup here gets under way. russ? >> okay, elaine quijano in lakewood, new jersey. thank you so much. lonnie quinn is going to be along in just a bit with the weather for the rest of the country. now it is 18 minutes past the hour. let's take a look at the other top stories and for that let's turn to cbs news anchor betty nguyen who is at the news desk. >> good morning, russ and rebecca. good morning to you at home. the u.n. security council is scheduled to meet today to decide on how to stop the bloodshed in libya. united nations secretary-general ban ki-moon said on friday it
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was time to take firm action to protect civilians in libya. the security council is expected to consider a proposal that includes an arms embargo, and financial sanctions. the action is not expected until next week. iraq's largest oil refinery is shut down this morning after an attack by militants. the plant in the city of beiji, gunmen detonated bombs that triggered a fire. at least one person was killed. the refinery handles 150,000 barrels of oil a day. well, with all the turmoil in libya, and other oil producing nations, rebecca jarvis sat down with boone pickens, the renowned oil man. she asked him how much higher the price of a barrel of oil can go if protests continue and violence spreads to other middle eastern countries, forcing them to take their l oduction offline? >> another one besides libya, which would be another million barrels a day, million and a quarter, that will take you up
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to $120, if you add another country go down. >> pickens is an advocate of using natural gas and alternative power sources to break the u.s. addiction to imported oil. the space shuttle "discovery" on its final voyage is scheduled to rendezvous with the international space station this afternoon. the shuttle's six-member crew is delivering supplies to the space station, including the first humanoid robot to fly into space. the "discovery" will spend a week linked to the international space station. when the "discovery" took off on thursday, a passenger aboard a united airlines flight from orlando to virginia had a real bird's-eye view. look at that. he caught the shuttle's liftoff on cell phone video. and finally, the portland trail blazers may have just barely beaten the denver nuggets 107-1 so 6 last night in overtime. but basketball fan james collier, look at that, was the real winner. the 23-year-old portland, oregon, man won a toyota tundra after sinking a half-court shot
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during a break in the first half. that takes some skill. all right, 20 minutes after the hour. here's lonnie quinn with a check of the weather. you got game like that? >> takes some skill. a lot of luck, a one-handed toss. of course. i'm always rooting for that guy to kick the field goal or to -- oh, finally. let's get right to the weather headlines. a lot to talk about. it is nice and warm in the south. that's your really nice weather. bitterly cold for the northern plains. and it's snowy out west. take a look at the entire country. satellite and radar picture, you know, a little bit of snow pushing towards the chicago area. but really the big story, it is out west. you're going to find this is what we're talking about. it's been rain along the coast. snow for the higher elevations, and i'm telling you, a little bit of snow for san francisco. take a peek at this. how many times has san francisco had snow? only 11 times since 1847. this is big newsworthy stuff. the record for san francisco, 3.7 inches in 187. today, just a dusting. and i'm only talking the
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elevated spots of san francisco, about 400 feet or higher. >> all right, make it a great day. it's been such a crazy winter. we've got less than a month to go. spring is typically the more volatile season because it's the clash of the warm and cold air. >> no rest for the weatherman. appreciate it lonnie. >> coming up this morning as we just heard, chaos in libya has oil prices sky rocketing. the price of gas is up nearly 12 cents in four days. if you're wondering how to find the cheapest gas in your area, we're going to show you how. >> and a game changer in stroke detection.
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60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. we had an outpouring of-- of support. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. the 60 miles-- it makes a statement. i know i'm stronger than i was before, both mentally and physically. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. i knew that there was something really special about this event. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. it was three days of hope. of love. of empowerment. it was three days the way the world should be. here i am, second year in a row, and i'm already signed up for next year's. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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coming up this morning we're going to talk to a homeless father who lost touch with his daughter for more than ten years he tried to find her. >> talk about the power of social media. three weeks ago a pr firm here in new york set him up with his own twitter account, and a prepaid cell phone. >> he tweeted to anybody who was listing to get a message to her. someone did, and yesterday, after more than a decade, came a very emotional reunion. >> this morning the very ,,,,,,
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so we've been reveling here about the power of social media from helping the revolutions take place in the middle east, to helping a father that we're going to hear from in a few moments reconnect with his daughter. after almost a decade. now, betty. >> yes. >> i think you're winning in the follower account here. our on twitter. >> i enjoy twitter, i enjoy facebook because it's a great way to get information out about what we're doing. and just to chitchat. it's a great way to get people interacting with what we're doing, what they're seeing. lonnie, though, you're kind of behind the curve on that. >> i know i guess listing what your twitter accounts or something. >> right. >> lonnie doesn't even have one. >> no. >> why? >> we need to correct that, lonnie. >> i guess probably we do. >> do you have a problem with this stuff? do you just not want to do it?
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>> okay, the whole facebook thing i'm fearful that are just suck all my time. >> it is addictive. >> okay. here's the thing, lonnie. >> what, rebecca dear? >> whether facebook is going to suck up all your time or not, twitter may because we actually set you up a few minutes ago with your own twitter account. >> you have a twitter account. >> lonnie cbs. >> so, lonnie. >> no pressure. >> we'll explain it to you later what it means. >> i'll help you. >> like i'm having a bologna sandwich. >> no. >> you don't have to do that. but you can give us an idea of what your day is like. >> people can talk to you. >> 140 characters is all you can do on twitter. i was reluctant, as well, you know, to get on this. it's like what's -- >> you know what, it's been fun, it's been nice to interact with people. i've got to get better about it. betty has like 8 million followers. >> follow lonnie, too, cbs. ,,,,,
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good morning. welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. >> and we're taking a look today at a new risk for stroke that could be more dangerous than high cholesterol. we're going to tell you what it is and what you can do to keep yourself healthy. >> as we've heard the crisis in libya has gas prices skyrocketing. predict $5 a gallon in the coming weeks. before you buy that bicycle we're going to tell you about websites, apps and other tricks to help you find the cheapest gas in your area. >> but first a homeless man finds the daughter that he has been looking for thanks to twitter. cbs correspondent and morning news anchor betty nguyen reports. >> good morning. this is really a remarkable
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story, rebecca. social media is all about bringing people together and that was never more true than in this extraordinary case. it was an emotional reunion. straight out of hollywood. >> a great moment for myself. i feel rejoiced. >> reporter: 58-year-old daniel morales, a homeless new yorker hadn't seen or spoken to his 27-year-old daughter sarah rivera, for more than a decade, and he had never met his five grandchildren. but when an advocacy group called underheard in new york donated a prepaid cell phone to morales three weeks ago and taught him how to tweet he immediately took to the social networking site in a desperate search to locate his long-lost daughter. >> danny said that he always wanted to tell his story but he never thought anyone would listen to it. i said someone is out there. >> reporter: sure enough someone was listening, and anonymously contacted sarah on facebook to let her know her father was very much alive, and hoped to reunite. >> the social network holds a
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purpose and that purpose is you can instantly find anybody. and it's amazing. >> reporter: on thursday night, they spoke on the phone. >> we got so much to say. okay. okay, baby. i love you. >> reporter: and yesterday morning, finally met face-to-face for the first time in eleven years. >> i'm happy that i don't even know how to feel right now. it's just, i'm very, very happy. >> well, what a story. okay, so since joining twitter three weeks ago, morales has already amassed more than 3,000 followers. rebecca? >> betty, that's incredible story. joining us is daniel morales himself. great to have you with us. good morning, danny. >> good morning. >> and you go by danny, so i'm going to call you danny. that's part of your twitter handle, as well. >> yes, it is. >> when did you realize twitter might be a way for you to find your daughter? >> it never crossed my mind that i was going to find my daughter through twitter. you know. when the agent gave me the phone, and they told me to start
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tweeting, it's all about my life, i wasn't even thinking about, you know, my daughter at that moment. >> mm-hmm. >> but then as the day passed by, i said i'm looking for my daughter, i might be able to use this, you know, these tools, and put it to use to find my daughter. then i talked to one of the interns, lily, and one thing led to the next one and i did find my daughter. >> and you tweet pretty frequently. >> i do it four times a day, two in the morning, one english and spanish. then in the afternoon, one english, one in spanish. >> is it surprising to you to have all of these people follow you in such a short period of time? >> yes, it is. i never thought it was going to be this, you know, this big. because this is big. i mean, people from all over tweeted me back. >> what was it like to reunite with your daughter after eleven years? >> oh, that was something beautiful. something huge.
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you know. because i always had the feeling that i was going to find her some day, you know. but i never thought it was going to be like this, at this moment, with all this attention that we have. >> how exactly did it happen that you happened to find your daughter? >> well, we was at the rockefeller center for cnn going to do an interview. and i received a phone call, and it was her. >> and you had sent out tweets telling people, if anyone knows my daughter, please connect with me. >> yes, we did. we send out tweets and pictures of her. and somebody saw the tweets, and the picture, and i don't know, they called her and they said listen, your father's looking for you. this is his number. and then, she called me. >> and the last time that you had seen her she was 16 years old. we've seen these beautiful pictures of her that you sent out. you also got to meet, for the first time, your beautiful
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grandchildren. your four beautiful grandchildren. what was that like? >> oh, that was too much for me. too much. beautiful. it's so fitting that you cannot -- i don't know. >> it's obvious that you're really moved by all of this. >> yes, i am. >> and in the end, what's most important to you in terms of your relationship going forward with your daughter? >> well, i just want to be part of her life, and part of my grandchild, have them in my life. and start a new life with the family that i know i had. i knew about her, but i didn't know about the grandchild. so, you know, start a new life. start all over. >> one message that you have for her, your hopes and dreams for her in her life, what would it be? >> to be a good mother, a good daughter, and for her to know that i'm going to be here for her. for always. >> so good to hear it. thank you, danny. we appreciate you being with us.
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such an exciting story for you. >> thank you. >> and now here's lonnie with another check of the weather. hey, lonnie. >> all right, leb ka. thanks very much. let's get right to the weather headlines. here's how we see it out there. we are talking some very big rain for southern california, which transitions to some very big snow for the southern rockies. how much snow? you get to 4,000 feet in the southern rockies and you're picking up between one and two feet of snow. you go above 6,000 feet, now we're talking two and three feet of show. some places like park city, utah, taos, new mexico, the skiers in that era are just going to love it. low pressure system on top of the map, bringing the snow for portions of california, arizona, utah and idaho. all those states, at least a portion of those states, are under winter weather alert. we will be talking one to three foot range for snow, and there will even be a little bit of desert snow out there. the big weather picture, take a look at your satellite radar picture. you can see the flow in the jet stream as it makes its push across the country. a little bit of snow, also, in portions of the midwest, approaching chicago. again the big story, the big
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storm pushing onshore around southern california. that's a quick look at the national picture. all right, just a quick note for you. the best place to be anywhere in the country, looks like it's going to be the gulf coast states today. no clouds, warm temperatures. russ over to you. >> okay, lonnie, thank you very much. up next a new study has identified a risk for stroke that could be more dangerous than high cholesterol. what does that mean to you? our "healthwatch" is going to tell you, and it's up next. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. these ladies have been exercising,
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everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. strokes are the third leading cause of death in the u.s. for years cholesterol has been the main focus of stroke prevention. but a new study out of denmark may be changing that. the study identified a new indicator of stroke risk call nonfasting triglycerides. what does this mean for your health?
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here to break down the study is dr. anna barrett, director of stroke rehabilitation research for the kessler foundation. thanks for coming in. >> my pleasure. >> let's talk about these triglycerides. basically we're talking about calories, but beyond that? >> they're fats. they're a type of body fats. they're found in food and also found in bloodstream. >> how does a high level of triglycerides, how does that play in strokes? >> it's a warning sign or a danger sign that there are breakdown products that could actually get into the arteries. make those arteries rough, cause clots that could go to the heart or could go to the brain, cause a stroke or a heart attack. >> for years we talked about for cholesterol, high cholesterol, that's the main issue. how are these different in terms of explaining to us when we're talking about stroke prevention? >> sure. they're part both of the body fat profile, the lipid profile when hear about when we go to our doctors. the cholesterol is in the cell walls, it's in the hormones, in our bodies. triglycerides are the energy, the fats that are used for energy in the body. >> how does a doctor test for
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your triglyceride level? >> just a blood test. part of this, you know, full screening for stroke, risk, heart attack, anybody with a family history of heart attack or stroke should probably talk to the doctor about that. >> okay, any foods in particular that would come into play? >> well, you know, the heart healthy diet. that's always the thing we're told to do, right? diet low in saturated fats. fish, those kind of things, will reduce our triglyceride levels or reduce our risk of stroke. >> that's prevention. anything else we can do other than eat healthfully, which we all should do, anything else we can do? >> oh, absolutely. triglycerides, we can reduce our alcohol intake. we can get screened for diabetes, if we're at risk for that. we can take our cholesterol medicines which our doctors are probably already giving us. and exercise. that's always a tough thing for all of us. >> of course. i read somewhere where every 40 seconds in the u.s. someone has a stroke? >> yes. >> that's a fascinating and scary statistic. what are some of the warning signs of stroke? >> well, stroke can cause
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numbness along side of the body, weakness in the face or one arm, one leg. a stroke can cause confusion, changes in speech, slurry speech or speech that doesn't make sense, called aphasia, trouble seeing, and interestingly sometimes people act like they have trouble seeing but don't know they have trouble seeing. dizziness, loss of balance, sudden headache. >> can strokes come at any age or any age in particular? >> well, older people are more us is eptible, but, sure, actually we see people in their 30s and 40s. more and more, as people are not watching their weight, as well, when they're younger. >> if you think you see someone who's having a stroke, what should you do? >> critical. it's very important that people call 911. think of it as an emergency. it's a brain attack like a heart attack. people lose valuable time that could be used in emergency interventions, waiting for a primary care doctor to return their calls or waiting for the symptoms to go away by themselves. >> as you look at this, you studied this for a long time. are people trying to be more healthy these days?
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>> i think that people are afraid of having strokes. you know, it's a scary word, right? and i think that sometimes that fear gets in the way of our doing the things for ourselves that could prolong our lives and make our lives healthy. >> dr. anna barrett, thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> really do appreciate it. for more on risk factors for stroke you can go to our partner in health and search stroke risks. up next the price of a gallon of gas is up nearly 12 cents this week and is expected to keep climbing. when we return, we're going to show you how to find the cheapest gas in your area. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. i'm sam chernin, owner of sammy's fish box. i opened the first sammy's back in 1966. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible. i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business?
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[ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus cereal. positively delicious. i feel like i have to wind myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the lack of energy. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about pristiq®, a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. tell your doctor if you have heart disease or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression.
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ask your doctor about pristiq. the crisis in libya has oil prices soaring. peaking this week at more than $103 a barrel, according to aaa the average cost of a gallon of gasoline is now $3.29. that is up 12 cents in just four days. so this morning, we're going to show you how to get around these rising prices and find the cheapest gas in your area. and here to help is jason cochran, the executive editor of aol travel and editor at large
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at walletpop. great to see you. >> hello. >>, i should say. because it is a website. the first thing we're talking about are websites. >> that's a useful term when you want to find cheap gas. there's one that we like called this is a place that kind of keeps track of industry trends, tells you why prices are going up, what to look out for. has a heat map of where things are cheapest, most expensive. also will tell you estimations of your costs based on your car and your mileage. so it's a good place to start. provides a lot of prices. >> it will give you a sense before you go to the gas station of what you might be facing once you get there? >> exactly. look by zip code ahead of time before you go. another one i like is mapquest. they actually have a gas prices section of mapquest. a lot of people don't realize this. it can allow you to plan your journey and figure out where the gas is going to be cheapest as you go. because you don't always know the zip code of where you are, for example if you're on a road trip. it lets you plan it out ahead of time. >> or even some long commutes to work in the morning.
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maybe just take a different route and you get a better deal on your gas. >> it might have been closer than you thought it was. a block or two off. >> there is an app for everything. >> and those two sites have their own apps. but there are a couple more. i recommend getting a lot of apps in this category. simply because there's no one place to get the best gas pricing information. a lot of times users send it in. so you need to have -- >> needs to be updated. >> so cheap gas is a good one. it's free. it will sort where the gas is by distance or by price. it will also tell you how old the number is. if it's six or seven days old, as you just said, prices have shot up. >> especially nowadays. >> the other one is fuel finder. that one's $2.99. for the extra money you find out about the gas station itself, whether there's a car wash or a shop. you can find out an estimated time to get to that gas station. if you're really running on fumes, you know it's not a good idea to try to head across town for that cheap stuff. >> $2.99 for that app. so less than a gallon of gas that you will pay to get the app. >> it will pay for itself pretty
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quickly. >> in terms of paying, cash versus credit cards. where do you fall on that one? >> i think for the mom and pop gas stations, and often they have the cheap gas, cash might be the way to go. there are some places that charge you just a little bit more, a little bit less depending on whether you pay cash or credit card. i'm kind of a cash guy. also because i don't like working off my credit cards in my life. you don't want to go into debt over your gas. >> that is a very good point. in terms of looking at gas stations to avoid. where do you recommend people look? >> i would not necessarily choose the ones right on the main highway or the main way to work. sometimes the cheapest gas is on the side roads. so the high traffic areas, the ones you probably want to think twice about. they may not need to lower the price. >> right. so they're just -- they might be keeping prices a little bit higher there so go to one a little off the main drag. they're going to lure people in with lower prices. >> have a look anyway. you could be pleasantly surprised. >> how about wholesale clubs? >> some wholesale clubs, it's called a loss leader. they're willing to cut the price on something to get you on the
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premises. gas is one of those things. if you have a rewards card and you pay in cash you could get a discount. or you could get 10% off if you buy groceries at the same place. you may not know about it so make sure you ask. we're talking big box stores here now. >> the walmarts, the costcos. but once you go and get their cheap gas, don't be lured into buying a lot of other stuff. that's the issue. >> with the money you just saved. >> i want to get to van pooling. >> this is kind of an old trend that's become new again. carpooling everyone knows is a great way to save money on gas. vanpooling is a new concept. you get about 7 to 15 people per van, average cost about $120 a month or so, and that's all in, including maintenance of the van. and there are companies that will set up employers with a van pool, so the people can actually take advantage of this. i know there's a site called that people use. and it will set you up. so they estimate that they save their clients, i think about $95 million in gas last year. and that's just 5,000 or so vans. >> that's a lot of dollars.
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>> $120 a month is not too bad. >> when you're contemplating, okay, do i drive the extra mile to get the cheaper gas, there is an amazing ability through a website. >> right. >> to check whether it's worth it. >> this will tell you if it's worth it. it's you can search for it. you can put in bangrate, cheap gas in google and it will pop up. our gas tank is about 12 gallons capacity and we get about 24 miles per gallon. you put all the numbers in of what the price is there and the price is here, you'll find out, will we be saving money, would it cost me money to go. because it does cost you money to go across town to get extra gas. >> it's the question and i love that there's a site to answer it. >> don't get too obsessive. you could go crazy. frankly, just sort of look within your radius for the cheapest stuff. >> jason, you're helping us find the cheapest stuff. that's why we appreciate having you. have a great weekend. if you want to spend less money on your gasoline, visit our sister site,
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we have new information in the case against casey anthony. the mom accused of killing her 2-year-old girl caylee. was crucial evidence tampered with? we're live from orlando with the latest right here on "the early show" on cbs. i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. they're itchy, dry and uncomfortable. i just want to rip 'em out, throw 'em away and never see them again. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? get the contacts you've got to see to believe. acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses. feel how hydraclear® plus keeps your eyes exceptionally comfortable all day long. it feels like it disappeared on my eye. [ male announcer ] discover why it's the #1 doctor-prescribed
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coming up this morning, new information in the casey anthony case. anthony, you may recall, is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee back in 2008. >> now court documents suggest that her defense may try to discredit the official cause of death and argue that crucial evidence in the case was staged. >> new information uncovered by the station in orlando wkmg, our local 6. we'll have the latest live from orlando in our next hour. now for some of you your local news is next. for the rest of you, you're coming right back.
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technology now? >> yeah. we're talking oscars later in the show. we're looking at new technology because, of course, the ipad 2 launches march 2nd. >> with a camera. >> exactly. >> that's the big difference. >> that's a big deal. because the one that we have now doesn't have the camera. and everyone, you know -- >> you say we have it. >> already have it. >> we actually have the ipad. to me it seems like an iphone but you just can't make a phone call with it. >> yeah, right. it's fantastic. the new ones, katie linendoll is going to give us a scoop. supposedly the new one has a camera on the front and a camera on the back. so you can do the whole face chat thing. >> yeah. >> where you can have conversations with people. >> our director, mr. apple, facebook. >> yes.
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>> those face chats, walking down the streets of new york, can you take your ipad out and have them while you're walking? >> i have a feeling you shouldn't do that. >> the lady who ran into the fountain. >> that's going to be lonnie. >> the other person has to have it set up. tell me if i'm wrong. but it has to be set up for the other person. you have to have them in your contacts and all that. you could walk down the street and have a conversation. >> you could do it from your car now, too, right? i see some cars that are offering. >> not while you're driving. >> well, don't do it! >> -- not to text while you're driving. >> update relationship status. >> no, you don't want to do that. >> what a great invention. other ones have come out, the zoom. >> there's so many on the market. i think a lot of people are getting confused, which one should i buy? >> katie linendoll is going to be along to give you some advice. >> it's all coming up. we'll face time each other. >> yeah, right. i'll see you on my ipad.
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[ bob ] i'd love to build bird houses for the rest of my life. so i've got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, take care of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so you can do what you love. that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios.
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welcome back to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. as we look at skaters on wolman rink at central park. right across the street. >> having a nice little start to their day over there. also, of course, oscars. coming up tomorrow night. big time. they are trying to draw in a younger audience this year with the new hosts, james franco. >> and anne hathaway. >> well, we're going to take a look at some picks from our experts, and it's interesting. we're going to look at some of sort of the off the beaten track picks and see where they think the night is going to go. >> okay. going to give you a fix, as well. >> of course i am, russ. >> also i promise. >> also big stuff this week on wednesday of this week, apple
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announces the new ipad. ipad 2 is what they're calling it right now. >> much anticipated. >> katie linendoll, our technology expert, is going to be here to give us the scoop on that, tell us about other things out there, the competition you may want to look at, as well. you have an ipad? >> i have an ipad. you have an ipad. but there is a lot of competition and this is a hotly anticipated launch. looking forward to seeing what katie has to say. >> all coming up in just a bit. first our top story on the revolt in libya. gadhafi is taking aim at anti-government protesters and promises to fied vr fight to the end, even as he loses control of his country. some estimates put the death toll at more than 1,000. cbs news correspondent kelly cobiella is in tripoli where it is already saturday afternoon. kelly, what's going on right now? >> well, russ, it's a relatively quiet day in tripoli today. people seem to be going about their business, there is traffic on the streets. however, we are getting the first reports of some civilians being armed by the gadhafi
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government. colonel gadhafi warned that he would do this when he appeared at a rally and several hundred supporters last night in green square. now it appears that it is, in fact, happening. we have heard reports of armed civilians patrolling the streets in tripoli, russ. >> cbs correspondent kelly cobiella in tripoli. we'll see you this evening on the "cbs evening news." thanks a lot. rebecca? >> russ, thank you. thousands of foreign nationals, including americans, are fleeing the bloodshed in libya by ferry, foot and plane. and cbs news correspondent harry smith is live in valletta, malta, where nearly 200 americans arrived yesterday by ferry, after a harrowing journey. good morning, harry. >> yeah, quite a scene last night. we were at the ferry terminal last night as the boat pulled in. about an eight-hour journey, 200 miles or so, from tripoli to malta. high seas. a lot of people had gotten seasick. but so relieved to be here, at least one step closer to home.
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and it was quite interesting. we talked to the u.s. ambassador to malta last night. he said they were ordering a second ferry, as you well know by now, the embassy in libya has been shut down. the american embassy has been shut down, and so whatever remaining personnel need to get out of the country, presumably, will be on that second ferry. >> harry, how do the americans that you're talking to feel about the job that the u.s. embassy did throughout the ordeal in getting them to safety? >> you know, it's interesting. because there's so much anti-government sentiment in america about how different parts of the bureaucracy respond to things. and if they were handing out a report card as far as the embassy is concerned it would get an "a-plus." people were so happy that they were able to get out of the country in a way that everything was handled was just absolutely impeccable. even to the end, that there's some embassy personnel, libyan -- i should say american
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embassy personnel from libya, who are in the hotel where we are, and they handle everything here, and they feel like they're getting kid glove treatment. so, people are very satisfied with how things have transpired. >> good to hear it. harry smith in valletta, malta, thanks for being with us. now for another check of the headlines, cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. >> good morning, everybody. in his weekly radio address, president obama is urging congress to find common ground to avert a government shutdown. house republicans and democrats remain far apart on how much to cut the federal deficit. which is forecast to reach more than $1.5 trillion this year. they must first, though, agree to a stopgap measure. the current budget expires on march 4th. in cairo, a witness says egyptian soldiers beat protesters who are demanding sweeping political reform. the attack was outside of a cabinet office where demonstrators were trying to
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camp overnight. it is the toughest move yet from egypt's military rulers. the protest movement is growing impatient with the slow pace of change. and the death toll in the christchurch earthquake now stands at 145. with more than 200 people still missing. new zealand's prime minister says 6.3 magnitude quake may be the country's worst disaster ever. the city's central area could take months to rebuild. at least one-third of the buildings will have to be knocked down. and finally, a georgia toddler is safe and sound this morning after she was accidentally trapped inside a bank fault. authorities say the child wandered away from her mother and grandmother, who worked at the bank and walked into the open vault as the bank was closing for the day on friday. she was spotted on security cameras, inside the vault. police and firemen could not open the door because it was set to a timer, so after four tense hours passed, a locksmith was able to breach the vault with a drill and get the child out.
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it's about five past the hour. time for a check of the weather with lonnie quinn. i guess, you know, pretty smart little girl. if you're going to be trapped somewhere, you might as well be trapped amidst valuables. that for a grocery store. >> you're a little short on the food supply there. you got money to buy whatever you want. it's just not available. talk hot spots and chilly temperatures all across the country. the hottest spot anywhere, cool sounding town orangetree, florida, 83 degrees today. the coldest spot will be crosby, north dakota. 40 degrees below zero. now a little asterisk, that's your windchill, not an actual temperature reading. but still 40 below zero is what the air will feel like. best spot anywhere in the country, benton, louisiana with sunshine, about 74 degrees. it's also austin, texas, hattiesburg, mississippi, valdosta, georgia. all of florida. take a look at this. high temperature in the 70s and 80s with lots of sunshine. beautiful looking day right there. a quick look at the national picture.
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>> all right, everybody, make it a great day wherever you are. >> lonnie, thank you very much. there is new information this morning in the child murder case of 2-year-old florida 2-year-old caylee anthony. she disappeared in june of 2008. her remains discovered six months later. her mother, 24-year-old casey anthony is accused of killing the toddler. now court depositions reveal her lawyer may suggest evidence was tampered with. reporter tony pepitone from our affiliate in orlando got a look at some of the depositions and joins us live. >> good morning, russ. with the trial set to begin in may the documents gave us a good idea of the strategies the defense may use, including discrediting the official manner
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of death and the possibility of staged evidence. when 2-year-old caylee anthony vanished almost three years ago, it would be an entire month before she was even reported missing. her mother, casey anthony, soon became the prime suspect. when caylee's remains were found months later, wrapped in a plastic bag with duct tape near her mouth it took only days for coroners to decide her death was no accident. >> the manner of death in his case is homicide. >> reporter: but almost two years later, this past september, medical examiner jan garavallia was grilled under oath, her findings challenged for the first time. the defense attorney kenny mason proposed suppose this child drowned in the family swimming peel. dr. g. as she's known dismissed that theory. i have never seen a drowning or see a reason why drowning would have duct tape on the lower half of the face. there's no indication that this child would drown and there's no reason why a child that's drowned is put in a plastic bag and dumped on the side of the
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road. and in another major revelation from the depositions, the defense may have another card to play. based on testimony by the man who found caylee's skull, roy croft. >> i just lifted it barely, you know, so i could get a better look at it. i didn't move it in physically move it just kind of lifted it up a little bit. >> reporter: it's that contact with remains that defense attorneys are trying to zero in on. >> they may well argue that there is a possibility that it was staged and it's not competent evidence. the evidence being considered. >> reporter: however, that might not be enough. legal experts believe the defense will need a lot more proof to convince a jury that the evidence was staged. russ? >> okay, tony pipitone of our orlando station wkmg. so what do these new revelations mean to the casey anthony case? joining us is legal correspondent with trutv beth karas. >> good morning. >> what does this tell you about what the prosecution's going to do in this case? >> you know the prosecution charged casey with murder before the remains were found.
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and they weren't seeking death. once the remains were found, they changed their minds. and they're seeking death. and these were just bones, scattered bones. you know why? because of the tape around the mouth. the tape is everything. and that's why the defense has revealed in these depositions it's going after the tape. the position of the tape. was this child suffocated. did this child drown? this case is all about that tape. >> let's talk about dr. g., as she's known, the medical examiner. she's saying things that now, she's saying that, of course, duct tape is there, she ruled it a homicide. when you look at this deposition, do you see any holes in what she's saying? >> well, you can see what the defense is trying to do. she cannot determine the cause of death. what killed this child, was it suffocation? the tape seems to indicate it was. but they're trying to say, you can't tell. she could have drowned, and then maybe someone panicked, put her in a dag and threw her into the woods. but it's not an intentional, premeditated murder worthy of the death penalty. >> the defense seems to be telegraphing here. they're going to try to go at
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the accidental death theory here. in your opinion is that a good strategy? >> well, go with accidental death, they kind of say, she did it. and they're not saying casey did it. >> right. >> that would be more, she did it, it's really a manslaughter. but there's a lot for the defense to work with in this case just to raise reasonable doubt. because this meter reader roy croft. >> how significant is that? >> well he finds the body, the remains. but he had called in the same location three times in august, months earlier, so does he know something? was he responsible for placing the bag there? with the remains? this is something that the fense at least t wants to rais, to create reasonable doubt in the jury's mind. that casey didn't put her there. this meter reader knew where she was for months. >> let's look ahead a few months. the trial begins in may. if you're the defense, how tough is this going to be? >> well, good for the defense, that the judge is going to pick a jury in another city. and then ship them in to orlando and sequester them and trial is going to meet six days a week. it's going to be a very busy trial for about 2 1/2 months.
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but this is a tough row to hoe for the defense because casey lied to the police. she's charged with four counts of lying to the police, she never reported her baby missing for 31 days. her mother did when her mother realized it. casey has some explaining to do, or her defense has some explaining to do. >> people looking at this from the outside and see what you're talking about, say this is a slam dunk for the prosecution. >> no case is a slam dunk. i was a prosecutor. i lost my first case. it was a little misdemeanor, but proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a hard burden. convincing 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt is high and hard burden. it's not a slam dunk. but, right now the evidence certainly seems to point to casey anthony and police and prosecutors are not in the business of arresting innocent people. it happens but that's not what they do. >> okay, beth karas of trutv. thanks a lot. we appreciate it. and now here's rebecca. >> russ we are changing gears. coming up next, the stars will shine tomorrow night. which actors will take home the coverated oscar? which films will come home the big winner. our critic's picks right after this. right here on "the early show"
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on cbs. >> this weather segment sponsored by advil. make the switch to advil now. [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. here's one story. my name is jose. i'm from california and i'm a messenger and deliver all over the place. so there's times i'm just climbing in and out of the van, feel your hands hurting, you feel your back hurting. i used to take tylenol. i switched to advil. been using it ever since. and when the pain is gone and you feel good and you feel healthy... work or pleasure, i can go on with my life. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. the uconnect touch system on the 2011 dodge journey controls the radio, media player, heated seats, climate control, navigation, phone and more. this means that if you call shotgun on a dodge journey, you've just inherited a lot of responsibility.
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grow up strong, with big g kid cereals. ♪ sunday night is the 83rd annual academy awards. holly wootd's biggest night of the year when the stars come out to honor their own. some are predicting a sweep for "the king's speech." but "the social network" could get in the way. and with ten films up for best picture, there are bound to be some big surprises, and joining our "early coffee," film critic jeffrey lyons and film critic for "more" magazine al condition bales. everyone looks to this hotly anticipated evening for who may win and who may sweep it. i want to start with surprises first, allison. what do you think is going to shock us the most coming out of that night? >> maybe wishful thinking on my part but i'm hoping that annette
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bening will take the best actress award from natalie portman, who's won all of the awards up to this point. but i just think that often the academy awards, for a career, and annette bening, this is her fourth nomination, and she hasn't won yet. and there's a general feeling that there's not that many roles for women in the later stages of life, dare i say, but it's true. natalie portman will have other chances. so i'm hoping annette bening surprises best actress. >> so perhaps a betting win for both her role, her work in this film, but also her work over the years. >> yes. >> jeffrey? >> if there's any surprise i think it's going to be if "the social network" would somehow beat "the king's speech." i don't think it's going to happen. but maybe they'll find that the "the king's speech" has been shown for a week on tv in england somewhere and suddenly ineligible. it's not going to happen. i think it's going to be "the king's speech." but "the social network" would win if there were no "the king's speech." >> interesting. what about sure thing? >> i think colin firth is going to be a sure thing for best actor. i mean he just owned that role. jesse eisenberg will be a close
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second. but colin firth was born to play this role of the king of england. overcoming an incredible speech impediment. the people didn't know about. and it was suppressed for years. and it's a great, great story as they stripped him of his own regal presence. and the way he learned to overcome this. if you go to youtube, you can listen to the real king george vi giving that speech and you've seen the movie, you can see the difficult parts of the speech that he got over, and the tricks that he used. it's an amazing achievement. i've seen this movie four times and critics never have times to see movies more than once. >> you walk out of that film feeling good. >> absolutely. about him, and about life, and about everything. absolutely. >> how about you, allison, sure thing? >> i agree colin firth is going to win. i think another sure thing is christian bale for best supporting actor for "the fighter." he was so far the best thing in that movie, in my opinion. you forget that he's batman. i mean you're watching that movie and this is the man who plays iconic role as a superhero. yet you forget all that. not only did he lose weight and somehow go prematurely bald, but
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he's twitchy and a loose cannon, you see his brother, and you feel uncomfortable wlefr he's ongene. >> and he did it without being hammy. he did it as part of an ensemble group which is hard for a leading actor to do. >> has he pulled to get this win? >> i don't think he has. i don't think he has to. because i think, frankly, the other -- geoffrey rush is perhaps a close second. i think he's so far ahead he doesn't have to go out and campaign. he did sing the power puff girls on -- >> how much was that worth? you're insiders. how much does it work when people campaign for a role? >> sometimes it can work against you. melissa lee yo took out ads showing her as glamorous. she said it's because she's a little bit older and needs that kind fd attention. in some years it works, in some years it doesn't. >> i want to go back to "the king's speech," both of you seem like it's going to sweep here. what are the categories that you think it will take? >> i think best picture, i think it will take best actor. i think the score will win. screenplay. it may not win for best director.
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i think here is where "the social network" might get its due. but other than that i think it's going to win six or seven of the major awards. >> allison? >> i think it's going to win about five. and i think the director will win because he won the director's award. >> if there is a controversy here, allison, what will it be for the night? >> you know, i'm, i think the only person we've not really looking forward to anne hathaway and james franco hosting. i just think it's leading up to perhaps be hokey. i don't think they're real comedi comedians. >> maybe they're not supposed to be. they're doing something i don't like, they've taken away the idea of the previous winners heaping praise on the people in their category. which was so good. it was beautiful and they're now doing all the songs they used to do four or five years ago. you sing the whole song rather than in a montage. that's going to put me to sleep. other than that i'm going forward to these two youngsters. >> you woke up this morning. that's the good news. jeffrey and allison, thanks. we appreciate it. for our special oscar coverage head to coming up next, the highly
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anticipated ipad 2. it's expected to be unveiled on wednesday. is it time to upgrade, or are there other new tablets that are game changers you want to take a look at? our textpert has a presue on "the early show" on cbs. >> this "early coffee" segment sponsored by subway restaurants. any of your favorite breakfast foot longs are now $5 foot longs. ♪ build your better breakfast at subway ♪ [ male announcer ] only subway lets you build your better breakfast with all the flavors you choose. start off with an irresistible steak, egg & cheese, then make it your own! try it with warm and toasty tomato or turn up the zest factor with banana peppers and jalapeños. maybe chipotle southwest sauce for the finishing touch! all on tasty flatbread. it's flat out delicious! ♪ build your better breakfast at subway ♪ professional driver on a closed course. ♪
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this wednesday in san francisco apple is expected to unveil the latest version of the ipad. the company sold 15 million ipads last year, including more than 7 million in the last quarter alone. this week motorola entered the market releasing their own tablet called the zoom. here with the latest are the release of the new ipad 2 and how it stacks up against the competition, is "early" show technology expert katie linendoll. >> good to see you. >> we have not seen the ipad 2. >> we're not going to see a ton of new features but the expected ones will be there. of course this is the original ipad. the new one will take place wednesday. believe it or not this is only a pound and a half but expect apple, they love to shave down
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size. so it will be a little lighter weight, a little bit sleeker. and we're also going to see things that we expect again like the front facing and rear facing camera. now you have the capability to take photos and video chat, what they love to call face time. don't expect any competitive tablets to come onto the market without front race face and rear facing camera. expect it to stay on at&t and verizon. if you're looking for a deal on the ipad it's going to go on sale. >> how soon will we see it in the stores? >> in about two to three weeks. i don't think it will roll out on wednesday. it's going to take some time. they typically do a 12-month product cycle. april will be their one year. i think we could see it as early as two weeks. >> let's talk about the competition. >> yeah, the competition. everybody is trying to catch up to the ipad. the motorola zoom just came out on thursday. and what's exciting about it is, first the price point. it's kind of high. it's $800. but it's $600 subsidized with a two-year verizon contract. so that's kind of a bonus.
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but still pretty pricey. now what's exciting about this at the consumer electronics show this year it won a best in show. a lot of people are excited to see what it has to offer as a tablet. dual core processor. there's two processors inside here. it's super fast. also as you see the capability to video chat, front facing, rear facing camera. the big news is, this might not mean something for somebody not techie, but it runs off android operating system the honey comb which is made specifically for tablets. it's running off an operating system that is incredibly intuitive and easy to ruse. >> the price of admission. >> right. >> right here. >> this has been the best competition to the ipad so far. it's a little bit smaller, a little bit sleeker in size. this is a galaxy tab. this has sold about 2 million since introduced in november. i don't want to confuse you but they came out with a 10.1 edition. lots of tablets on the marketplace. about 85-plus and counting. this has been the best competition. again, front facing, rear facing camera. capability to video chat. tons of features.
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>> katie. we've got to go. >> oh, my gosh, lots to talk about. kate heyty has agreed to stick around and talk a little longer. you love these things. >> i do. >> you usually get these things before they come out. >> i usually do. which is exciting. so i test them out. i like to test something about a week in advance. you know the zoom, i'll pass this one off to you. the zoom is the one that just came out on thursday. so it's being noted as the best competition to the ipad. again, this tablet influx right now. over 85 on the market. it's hard to know which one is the best to choose. everybody is playing catch-up to the ipad. i think you have to have a very simple interface. i think you have to hit the
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price point or undercut the ipad and be competitive in the marketplace. >> what was it about the ipad that made it catch on so quickly? was that the first tablet? >> it was not. i think at the end of the day you have to have a solid product. i call it the get-it factor. if you can hand this to a mom or a grandmother who is not tech savvy and they can use it and find it incredibly intuitive, that's where it is. that's the million dollar money mark right there. >> okay. just want to tell folks, you are hearing sounds. animals in our next segment. >> i hear a bird. is that normal? >> that's katie's stomach. >> it is and it isn't. >> i like the size of this is interesting. does apple have any plans to make a smaller version? >> that's a great question. everybody's like listen on this announcement wednesday are we going to see a smaller ipad? steve jobs in the past has said that a ten-inch screen is a minimum for creating a tablet. there's already talk about an ipad 3 and we haven't seen the 2. i think in the future they'll be flexible in bringing it down a seven inch. not this time around. >> thanks a lot. >> thanks. >> coming back.
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new york city on a saturday morning. that building right there, by the way, that is the general motors building. >> is that where we are? >> that's exactly where we are. 767 fifth avenue. now you know. >> i'm in the know. thank you russ miffle for setting me straight. >> welcome back to "the early show," i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. get ready to walk on the wild side. ron mcgill from zoo miami is here with some really exotic animals, including the world's largest monkey. >> oh, boy. >> that's not the monkey, by the way. just fyi. >> what is that? what is that, ron? >> it's from argentina. >> okay. >> well you've got animals from
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all over the world. >> i'm glad you're doing that segment. >> yeah, right. >> and jesse shenker prepares a wild arugula salad. sweet shrimp spaghetti and a pear and apple dessert. sounds yummy. >> mm-hmm. >> and the animals are making noises over there. first lonnie quinn has our final check of the weather. >> all right, good morning, everybody. want to start off with my weather headlines. the headlines right now, it's all about the academy awards. question is, does oscar need a rain coat? well, for today, yes he does. tomorrow, not so much. here's the deal. you see the satellite and radar picture a lot of rain right now around hollywood, california. but, it's out of here by tomorrow. so the forecast for hollywood, california, at about 8:00 p.m. eastern standard time, which is when the awards will kick off, which is 5:00, out in hollywood. sun will still be up, so mostly sunny skies. about 57 degrees at that hour. not too hot, not too cold. just right. nobody's going to be spritzing out there. the pictures will all look great. the coldest air anywhere in the
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country around the northern plains, glasgow, minot and aberdeen, windchills from 25 to 40 degrees below zero. that is some frigid air right there. >> all right, everybody. it's time now for my shout-out. i want to give a big holler out to all of our affiliates who are hanging out in brownsville, 2, at kgbt. no relation to the russian spy agency or at least so i'm told. this weekend in brownsville is their annual sombrero festival. big event including the jalapeno eating contest. that would just about do me in.
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a tortilla brisfrisbee toss, a sack relay. hats off to everyone watching "the early show" on saturday on action 4 news. russ over to you. >> what were the olympics called? >> the frijo olympics. >> up next his restaurant has been called one of new york's ten most exciting places to eat. chef jesse shenker prepares some sweet shrimp spalatety when we come back. harmacist recommends cold tablets... [ sneezes ] ...and hot soup. my walgreens pharmacist recommends bubble gum flavor... and patience. mine recommends antacid tablets... and only one taco. ♪ [ female announcer ] walgreens pharmacists also recommend you try walgreens brand health & wellness products. they have the same active ingredients as other brands and cost less. our pharmacist-recommended walgreens brand health & wellness products. there's an everyday way to well. hey what's going on? doing the shipping. man, it would be a lot easier
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judging by his antics on "hell's kitchen" gordon ramsay is one tough boss. chef shenker runs his own eatery, and it has been called one of new york's ten best. today in our "chef on a shoestring" jesse will prepare a three-course meal on our shoestring budget of just $40. viewers at home chose the main course and this week it came down to the wire with today's dish winning by just 25 votes. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> this has been a great week for you. first child born last week. >> yes, very exciting. james beard foundation, best rising best chef. best rising chef. >> nomination, correct. >> and best restaurant. >> correct. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> not bad add all. >> very exciting. >> what's on the menu? >> we're going to make wild arugula salad with kumquats,
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toasted hazel nuts. spaghetti with sweet shrimp, and pear and apple compote. >> let's get going. >> we're going to make the lemon vinaigrette. it's very simple. so a little bit of lemon juice. >> you take the juice of one lemon, maybe two depending on how many you're cooking for here. a little extra virgin olive oil. okay. >> all right. >> and then usually like, i would take three to one oil to lemon is the way to go. if you like it a little more sharp you could do that, as well. >> okay. >> whisk that up. >> a little salt in there, as well. >> correct. >> and then what we'll do is we take some fresh mint and just pick it in there. mint is really good. it helps, you know, really livan the salad. >> what do you like about arugula. >> it's very bitter -- i don't want to say bitter. it's very peppery. it's probably my favorite lettu lettuce. we'll take some of the salad. we've got kumquats which we roast. it's almost like a little orange. what's good about these is you can eat the skin and the seeds.
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>> oh. >> you want to try a piece? >> i do, i do. i'd like to try that. that mint has a nice little touch. >> a great little touch, correct. >> you roasted these. >> roasted these. a little bit of oil. a little bit of salt. like 350 for 5 to 8 minutes. really easy. and then some hazel nuts which we've lightly toasted. you can crush them by hand at the bottom of the pan or something. >> if you're allergic to these you don't have to put them in. >> and then we just top it off with ricotta. it's like fresh ricotta cheese but they press it. adds a nice sharpness to the dish. really, really good. >> and you put your dressing on it >> yes. >> we've got to ask you, working at gordon ramsay's restaurant, is he a tough boss? >> well you know, to be honest, he wasn't really around that often. he runs a lot of restaurants and a big empire. but yes, he was very -- his standards are very high and it was a really great experience. really, really great. >> all right. >> here we go.
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>> all right. >> a little arugula. >> try a little bit of this. move over to the spaghetti. >> nice. >> tastes like mint. >> the mint really comes through. it's great. >> you want to get like a nice pan like medium high. not too hot. >> by the way, if you're hearing these sounds behind us, there are animals in the studio for the next segment. it's not my stomach. >> not your stomach. >> you don't want your pan to be too hot. so what we do is we make a little bit of garlic oil, so you can like chop some garlic, put in olive oil, keep it in your fridge. it's perfect for this dish. it's really easy and can lost for a long time. you get some fresh canned tomatoes like so. really good quality from italy and you can crush them with your hand. you can put them in the blender. what i do is actually put in the blinder and see how it turns orange. it incorporates air and gets delicious and sweet. so you get the garlic. the oil. and then we put the rock shrimp in.
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>> okay. >> right. >> so you can use any shrimp. i mean, when you go to the store, a lot of this -- a lot of shrimp are usually frozen which are quite good. you can use them fresh, as well. you want to make sure they're odorless. should smell like the ocean. shouldn't smell, you know, like anything at all. then you have your tomato. by itself. a little bit of fresh basil. just ship them out there really nice. nice brightness to that. and any pasta has to have some parmesan cheese >> chill lir flakes over there. >> what you want to do is you want to add just a little bit at first. and then you want to taste the sauce to make sure it's not too spicy. >> you intend this to be a spicy dish? >> just the taste. exactly. i like a little bit of chili. don't want to overpower the shrimp. still it's pretty mild. but it's solely up to you. you can add a lot, a little bit. the shrimp cook really quickly.
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comes right together. so i precooked a little spaghetti here. >> al dente, of course. >> i would say if the box says nine minutes, cook it for eight and cook it for a minute in the sauce. >> okay. very good tip. >> definitely. now we'll just incorporate it all together. hit it with a little bit of lemon juice at the end. that brings shrimp and lemon love -- shrimp love lemon. goes really well together. >> okay. >> a little bit more basil at the end. >> all right. >> and that's it. >> okay. looks good. we'll plate that in just a bit. get to dessert. >> dessert. so what we have here is some apples and pears. they're great. dice them up really small. a little bit of butter in the pan. some sugar. a little bit of cinnamon. perfect. let it cook for four to five minutes and you've got this right here. and then we just take it. some really good haagen-dazs or any kind of ice cream at home. perfect right on top. it's just -- it's a great addition to any ice cream or any -- >> everyone is going to come in
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and sample. >> smells delicious. >> while you guys are sampling some of that want to go to the cost breakdown. see how you did. of course, the big stuff here. you've got big price $37.87. i think this is going to be great. let's see the total for this year. >> it's got to be on the podium. >> number two. >> all right. >> nice. >> you made it. perfect. >> gosh. >> big week for you. the baby, the awards, and now you're number two on our list. >> you should buy a lottery ticket. >> it is that time now for you to decide what's on the menu for next week. for braised chicken call star star 01. for pasta with sausage star star 02. remember don't text. just have to dial. and for chicken with capers, call star star 03. standard data and message rates apply. okay. what do you guys think? >> terrific. >> amazing. wow. >> very nice. >> spaghetti for breakfast. >> the animals would love this. >> would love this. >> we love this.
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of the three choices that we gave there which one did you like the best, any one in particular? >> the chicken. >> i'm not a caper kind of guy. >> i love capers. >> really? >> we don't want to influence the vote. >> okay. >> again, congratulations to you. >> thank you so much. >> a fantastic, fantastic week. more success to you. >> thank you so much. >> you can find jesse's recipes at and up next, as you heard, things get a little wild. zoo miami is here with five exotic animals you don't want to miss. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. comes in a liquid gel. these ladies have been exercising, watching their diets and enjoying activia light. well? i've lost a few pounds
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this morning we are literally taking a walk on the wild side. a very wild side with some of the coolest creatures from around the world, courtesy of our good friend ron mcgill of zoo miami. great to have you with us. >> always great to be here. >> it's always great to have you. we heard your friends, literally, all morning in the background. >> i apologize. >> no. they're wild animals.
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>> there you go. >> that's the excitement of it. this is a hairtop. >> a wonderful bird found in the southwestern united states. found all the way down into south america. it's a bird of prey. they call them the wolves of the air. because unlike most birds of prey they hunt in groups, up to five animals. they hunt like a pack of wolves. the mean thing about them, birds of prey have incredible eyesight. a hawk like this has about eight times better eyesight than we do. a hawk like this can see a rabbit from almost a mile away. try to picture that. it's unbelievable. >> it is. they need that for their survival. >> they'll feed on anything from small rodents to lizards to something as big as a cottontail rabbit. birds of prey, the females are the boss. the females are larger, tend to be considerably larger and tend to be the boss. >> what's this? >> this is a female. the most dangerous part of birds of prey are, of course, the talons. not the beak. i want to move him off because we've got another guest coming up that is really quite incredible. >> this is the one that emily is helping out with. >> emily and grant from wild
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word of animals, fantastic people with these great animals. come on. >> so we were a little concerned about this guy, because apparently he's a wily one, right? >> he found the grapes. you ever heard the term eat like a pig. they get that term because of the fact pigs will eat almost anything. >> and this is a bornian bearded pig? >> he's starting to reach maturity. you see the little beard down here. these guys are really unique because they're the only pig that migrates. they will be found in groups of 100 pigs in borneo. >> don't fall off the table on me. >> he's big. >> oh, he has a little wet behind. they're also very smart. you know what they do? rebecca, they will actually follow monkeys in the trees. they look for the monkeys in the trees because they know when the monkeys are eating their fruit falls, and they follow them around. >> they're smart. looking for the low-hanging fruit. >> and they're not really dirty. pigs really aren't dirty. they're given kind of clean when given the opportunity but they do eat anything. as he gets older his beard is
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going to really come out and be a bushy beard all around his head. he can get up to 300 pounds. >> is the beard for protection or any specific use for it? >> nobody really knows. they're always foraging around different things. but these guys like i said, pigs are smart. this guy can grow to be 300 pounds. migrate through the islands of borneo, sumatra and somewhere in the philippines. we're going to take him off now. >> big guy. he did pretty good. we were afraid he was going to jump right off. >> this is say bomb right here. >> this is the one you said, i asked you ahead of the segment, ron, you know, is there anything i should be concerned of? where should i stay and you said let me stay between you and -- uh-oh. >> we got him. >> it's a jaguar. >> it's a jaguar. >> where would you find this jaguar? >> the third largest cat in the world. the largest cat in central and south and the western hemisphere. this is a cat, he's only a few months old. probably about 50 pounds. the jaguar male can grow to be 250 pounds. the neat thing about the jaguar
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is, and jamie's doing a great job, the great thing sun like most other cats, it loves the water. it will actually fish. these cats will fish. i've seen jaguars use their tail to bait fish, and grab the fish. >> is it because they love fish? is that why they're okay with the water? >> it's not that they love fish. but they're finely tuned machines. they have such a powerful bite rebecca that i have seen -- >> you tell me this now. >> large caimans which are a type of crocodile with holes through the cranium. they eat turtles in the amazon where they can bite through to get to the turtle. >> does that mean he's dangerous? is this a dangerous animal right now? >> he's okay now. jamie's doing a great job. she's got her weightlifting certificate coming out here. the great thing about this animal is that it's threatened, but it's really doing okay in certain areas. we have to be very careful to protect it in the amazon where it's found. >> beautiful animal. >> it is a beautiful animal. what we're going to do is take him off now to give him a break.
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>> okay, time is up. >> and pick up one of my favorites here. >> this one is adorable. >> come on up here, buddy. >> and he looks like a familiar character from the lion king. >> exactly. this is a manderill, a model for rafik ki. he's just a youngster. the neat thing about this guy, he grows to be the largest monkey in the world. okay. now people probably say, ron, what about the gorillas, what about the chimps? he's just showing off. what about the chimps? what about the orangutans. a little fact. if it doesn't have a tail, it cannot be a monkey. >> oh. >> if it doesn't have a tail it cannot be a monkey. >> if it doesn't have a tail it can't be a monkey. and if it's not wily it can't come on "the early show" this morning. how much bigger -- >> oh, he's going to be between 50 and 60 pounds. this is what they turn into. >> those are the two-inch teeth. >> look at the canines of this animal. people look at monkeys and go oh, it's so cute. i want to have a monkey.
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absolutely not. these animals can be very dangerous. they're found in equatorial africa. oh, he likes you. >> okay. >> that freaked me out. you said they were dangerous and then he grabbed me. >> but he's still a youngster. notice the color on their butt. they get that beautiful color on their face and their butt. oh, now -- >> we have one other guest to bring out, ron. i want to make sure we get to the lizard. >> i'm going to have him play this here. bring out the lizard. leave him there. >> his face, i mean, his face is really adorable. if you could see his face up close and personal. okay. this one not so much. >> no, no, this is great. this one you can get up real close. >> oh, no. i can't do it. i can't do it. he's looking right at me. >> oh, what's it doing. he's got this organ in the roof of his mouth, this is a red tagu from argentina. you've heard of the monster lizards of africa and asia. it's like the western version of the monster lizards. they'll feed on eggs, on mice, on different types of small
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mammals. they grow to be -- this is a pretty good sized one here. there are seven different types of tagus. people keep them as pets, in south florida where they've been released as pets and now some of them running wild in florida. the big problem in south florida with exotic animals kept as pets, people release them and some of them, we've heard about pythons, parrots, iguanas are a huge issue. this is an animal being commonly kept as a pet but also one of the big things in south america, they use it for the skin. the skin -- >> you don't want to see that. >> i really don't want to see that. >> ron mcgill, i'm sorry, we love having you. thank you so much for bringing all your friends. >> it was a pleasure. >> this one's staring at me in a weird way. i don't even want to think about it. for more go to our website don't leave. we're right back after this. when you're a stunt woman, work can be pretty unpredictable. from knowing when my next job will be to what i'll actually be doing. so in the rest of my life i like control.
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new advil cgestion relief. imagine a day when we can eat what we want and sleep soundly through the night. prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn-free for a full 24 hours. welcome back. we're all mesmerized by the manderill having breakfast. >> rebecca are you going to call hume renn sources on him? >> i'm going to let it slide for this time. but if he tries anything again.
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ron mcgill, thank you so much. >> always a pleasure. >> always fun, man. thank you for joining us this saturday. we'll see you next week. >> have a good one. we end with our saturday spotlight. a look at some of our favorite stories of the week, from coast to coast. this week's story comes from baltimore. where the maryland spca is getting a state-of-the-art face lift that will help dozens of dogs find permanent homes. andrea fuji reports. >> reporter: these dogs are digging their new digs. >> we have new doors and panels for them to hide if they're stressed. new floors and even some sound absorption materials so the barking won't be as stressful. >> reporter: this was before the eight months of construction, and this is after. thanks to $2 million in donations. and they finished just in time, as more strays like rita get brought in during the winter
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months. she came in with scars all down her back. as cats move to their new temporary homes. >> it's okay, guys. >> reporter: the custom designs promise to get more animals adopted. >> people actually are able to walk into the room and wait for the cat to approach them, which will create better matches. >> reporter: last year the maryland spca adopted out more than 3200 animals and spayed and neutered more than 8,000. in hopes that these new spaces will one day be empty. >> and to find an spca adoption site in your area go to thanks for watching. join us against monday on "the early show." >> for more about "the early show" visit us at ,,
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