tv The Early Show CBS March 19, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PDT
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good morning. the libyan government of moammar gadhafi calls the u.s. resolution to intervene invalid, and says western allies will regret interfering in libya. in the eastern half of the country, rebels shot down a warplane attacking their stronghold, despite gadhafi's claims of a cease-fire. president obama says america could soon join its nato allies in military action. are we on the brink of intervention? and disaster in japan. exhausted engineers struggle to get power restored at the country's crippled nuclear reactors. in the hopes of avoiding a meltdown. meanwhile, high levels of radiation begin to show up in food in japan, as the country's
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prime minister urges his people to show courage in the wake of their unspeakable tragedy. we'll have those stories "early" this saturday morning, march we'll have those stories "early" this saturday morning, march 19th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs new york city waking up to a sunny saturday morning. the last saturday before spring begins. welcome to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. two major stories to get to this morning. we begin with libya. this morning libyan forces loyal to moammar gadhafi entered the outskirts of benghazi in eastern libya. opposition forces shot down a warplane that was bombing the city. the warfare continues as the libyan government denies its forces atacked benghazi and said it is observing a cease-fire. president obama warned mr. gadhafi must --
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>> let me be clear. these terms are not negotiable. these terms are not subject to negotiation. if gadhafi does not comply with the resolution, the international community will impose consequences. the resolution will be enforced through military action. >> cbs news correspondent mandy clark is in benghazi. what can you tell us about this plane that was shot down today? >> well, what we heard about the plane -- well, first of all, what we first heard was the whistling sound of a mortar. that suddenly got us moving out of the hotel. and the mortar landed in the parking lot. it took out two vehicles. and while we were outside the hotel, then we could hear a plane flying low overhead. it was a fighter jet. and amazingly, rebel forces took it down with anti-aircraft. although we are now hearing reports that it may actually have been a rebel fighter plane, and not gadhafi's forces, though it's unclear exactly whose plane
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it was at the minute. >> i see. again moammar gadhafi says his government is observing the cease-fire. do you have any idea? anybody talking about where gadhafi's forces are today? >> well, it's clear that he hasn't been observing the cease-fire, because this morning, in the early hours this morning, there was a number of artillery shells that were landing in benghazi, and we were told that came from some of gadhafi's warships. also, there was what we believe was aerial bombardment in the west of the city. we hear that gadhafi's forces are approximately around 10 -- 8 to 10 miles outside of the city. rebel forces seem to manage to push them back a bit. they're a bit closer earlier this morning. >> okay, mandy clark in benghazi. thank you very much. moments ago a news conference finished in tripoli. of course libya's capital. where gadhafi reacted to the threat of western military action. cbs news correspondent mark phillips is in tripoli with that part of the story. mark, what was the colonel's
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message? >> well, the message was aggressive, and sarcastic, to some extent. he has launched diplomatic initiative along with the military one that appears to be going on around benghazi, despite the cease-fire. and that was to send letters, one letter to the european leaders, david cameron and nicolas sarkozy, and one letter to the president of the united states, barack obama, to get a sense of it let's listen to the very beginning of how it starts. >> to our son, his excellency of the united states, barack hussein obama, i have said to you before that even if libya and the united states of america enter into a war -- >> that they're not fighting a popular uprising here, the way it's believed in parts of libya and around the world, but are fighting, instead, an al
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qaeda-led insurgency. al qaeda in the arab referred to. nand the letter moammar gadhafi reportedly asked barack obama, he says what would you do in these circumstances? how would you behave? it's very much for internal consumption. they're speaking both to a domestic audience here, and of course to a foreign audience. we're very much in a situation of waiting for the first shoe to drop, basically, in a kind of phony war period as hillary clinton, along with the european leaders, meet in paris today to discuss the modalities of how this no-fly, no-drive zone, as well, will be policed. and quiet so far in tripoli. but, a very nervous quiet. >> i was going to ask you, mark, do you get a buzz? is there something in the air there that air attacks could be imminent? >> well, there's nothing in the air so far. but there's a fear that there might be. the feeling is here that as the results wear, we're in a kind of phony war period.
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some of this is still being arranged. the bits are still being put in place. that will be needed to effectively police this no-fly zone. and that really won't happen until after this meeting in paris takes place, and equipment is positioned where it would need to be. it wouldn't surprise anybody here if it started getting noisy later today, overnight tonight. we'll have to wait and see. >> mark phillips in tripoli. take care. we'll speak to you later in the broadcast. now here's rebecca. >> russ, thanks. the united states and allied nations may be just hours away from taking military action against libya. what would that look like? for some perspective we turn to retired army major general james spidermark. he was the senior intelligence officer for the coalition land forces during the iraq war. he also was the commanding general of the u.s. army intelligence center and he's in our washington bureau. general mark good to have you with us. >> good morning. >> gadhafi is not observing the cease-fire at this point. is military action inevitable here? >> i think military action is going to be occur. and i think what we all have to
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face is, this is more than a no-fly zone. this is, in fact -- it's going to look very much like going to war against the government of libya. certainly not the people of libya. that's not the issue. the issue is gadhafi and what his status is. and i think the historical reference we need to make here is what the united states, and what nato powers this coalition of the willing did in yugoslavia back in 1999. it's going to look very much like that. >> you think going to war against the government of libya, who leads that war? >> well, it's already been established by the united nations that there will be all necessary measures will be taken in order to eliminate the killing of civilians in libya. and so that's gadhafi's problem right now. and there's no other way to paint this. let's be frank with each other. you don't police, as was reported, it's an inappropriate verb selection, you don't police a no-fly zone. you taken a no-fly zone and you do that very kinatically. it's very coordinated. things are going to break, sadly
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people are going to get killed and it's going to look very much like a huge disruption and things are going to blow up all over libya in order to achieve a separation of powers. that's what we're trying to achieve as the first step. then the real issue is once you achieve -- let's assume we can achieve a separation of powers where the rebels are secluded off to the east and gadhafi and his forces are sequestered away into the west. who monitors that? how do you -- how do you ensure that that takes place and that everybody's following the rules? and then, the establishment of a no-fly zone means nobody flies. just those implementing the no-fly zone fly. everybody else stays on the ground. so how do you ensure that? do you take out runways? do you attack aircraft? do you go after defense systems? and the answer to that is yes, you do, all of the above. >> ultimately the goal here then is to get gadhafi out. how does the united states and the rest of the world deal with the time line around that matter? >> that's the issue completely. that is absolutely spot on. you know, we want to have a step
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by step process here. you want to stop the killing. you want to have the separation. but what are you going to end up with? is it going to be a separated libya? kind of like, a bad example maybe, is a korea. where there was fighting, and then there was a separation, and then we ended up with a north korea and a south korea. not the intended outcome. but that's what we've lived with for the last 60 years. so is that going to happen in libya? i would suggest not. gadhafi has completely isolated himself, but if he isn't gone, what does the end picture -- how do you define success here? what does this thing look like? how does it end? is gadhafi in charge of a portion of libya, and you now have a provisional government some place else, ostensibly in benghazi? i'm not sure. but nobody has said that yet, other than gadhafi must go. so, again, what does that look like? how do we achieve that? >> and given that you had to address that question of what does that look like, how do we achieve that previously in your role with the army, what do you think the commanders in the army right now are thinking in terms of a strategy for implementing
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it? and actually executing in a way where fewer people die. there are fewer human tragedies? >> well, the human tragedies will cease when gadhafi's forces stop doing what they're doing right now. that's step one. so that's a humanitarian issue. it, frankly, is not a strategically important issue for the united states. but it's a humanitarian issue that needs to be addressed. once that is done, that's a good first step. but then you have to address what happens with gadhafi. and i can tell you that there is -- there is probably no planning in our defense department for the integration of u.s. military ground forces in libya. the president has said don't do that. and i'm sure the chiefs of staff have said, okay, fine, we're not going to plan on that. now there is great planning, obviously, for the implementation of the no-fly zone. al general marks, we appreciate you being with us. >> sure. >> thank you. >> now here's russ. >> thank you, rebecca. the other big story of the morning, in japan, just moments
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ago a magnitude 6 aftershock has been reported near fukushima. meanwhile efforts continue to prevent a meltdown at the cripple fukushima nuclear complex. there's now word of elevated radiation levels in spinach and milk from farms near the plant. bill whitaker is live from tokyo with more. bill, good evening to you. >> hello, russ. it seems an understatement to call that shaker we just had an aftershock. any other time that 6 would be a pretty good earthquake in its own right. and that's got people here on edge. that, plus the wind. the wind has been blowing the low-level radiation out to sea. but it's now due to shift soon, and blow south toward tokyo. for the third day, japanese firefighters, now joined by americans, hosed down reactors at the crippled fukushima power plant in an increasingly desperate attempt to cool down overheading fuel rods. exposed to the air, the rods
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could melt and spew deadly radiation into the atmosphere. the growing nuclear crisis prompted japan to raise the severity rating of the disaster from level 4 to level 5 on a 7-point international scale. putting it on par with the 1979 u.s. accident at three mile island. the one glimmer of good news? a few dozen workers at the plant finally were able to connect a power cable to reactors 1 and 2 today. they say they should be able to return power to the more worrisome reactors 3 and 4 tomorrow. with power restored, engineers hope they'll be able to restart the reactor's cooling system, bring down the temperature of those hot fuel rods, and begin to stabilize this volatile crisis. friday, the managing director of the plant cried as he left a news conference for his role in the release of deadly radiation into the air. this, as "the wall street journal" reports the plant operator, the tokyo electric power company, had delayed for a day flooding the reactors with
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cool ocean water for fear of damaging its expensive property. this as american drones and satellites have detected reactor 4, despite all the efforts to cool it down, remains troublingly hot. russ? >> bill whitaker in tokyo. thank you very much. so how are the latest attempts going to control this crisis? could more have been done sooner. joining us now is nuclear expert matthew bun in massachusetts. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> before we get into the nitty-gritty of what's going on at the plant, a lot of americans are waking up this morning hearing this news about radiation being in the food supply in japan and they're asking the question, could that eventually make its way here, despite what the u.s. government says. what do you think? >> i don't think there's any substantial risk from the radiation in the food in japan. japan is a very high-cost country for making food. and therefore, we don't buy any anything amount of food from japan that's grown in japan. we buy it from countries where it's, you know, cheaper to grow.
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so i don't think there's going to be any radiation in our food supply. the amount of radiation, even that has been detected in the food so far in japan, while it's above normal safety limits, it poses no substantial health threat. >> okay. let's talk about the reactors over there. from what you're hearing this morning, is any progress being made to control what's going on? >> yes, i think they are making significant progress. towards stabilizing the situation. but it still is a very serious situation. they have managed to connect the power, as we heard, and that hopefully will allow them to get some of the pumps and so on going to try to keep these reactors, and the spent fuel pools cool. the key question, though, is whether the reactor cores, and the spent fuel pools are actually holding water. or, as the water is leaking back out after you put it in. there seems to be some evidence that that's the case, at least for some of them. >> there are 300 workers within a 12-mile zone of the plant. how concerned should people be for them? >> well, i think there will be
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workers on site who are getting very significant radiation doses. i think the japanese government has been trying to manage that by rotating people in and having them only in radioactive areas for a relatively modest period of time. and then bringing another crew in. but i think -- i think their efforts really are heroic, because they're going there to try to prevent a big radiation release. so far we've seen radiation releases. but not the kind that are going to kill people downwind, or prevent people from eventually moving back to their homes. i'm very hopeful that we will manage to avoid that kind of large release. it's still a possibility. but i'm very hopeful we'll manage to avoid it. >> professor, when something like this happens is there sort of an international brain trust that comes into play to try to make things better? >> yes, but i wish that that had gotten into play faster in this situation. it appears that the japanese government really left tepco,
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the company that owns these plants, almost entirely in charge. i would have liked to have seen, you know, people from around the world, the designers from the company that designed this plant and a wide variety of other experts, you know, in there, offering ideas, kibitzing on what the plans were, what different approaches might be from very early on. that's happening now. but it -- i would have liked to have seen it happen sooner. >> okay, professor matthew bunn from newton, massachusetts today. we appreciate your insight. >> thank you. >> you take care. 16 past the hour. here's rebecca. >> russ, thank you. as the tragedy in japan makes its way to our shores, there are also some signs of hope. and cbs news correspondent seth doane is here with the story of the search for three missing american teachers in japan. seth, good morning to you. >> good morning, rebecca. more than 10,000 people are still missing in japan. while the search and recovery goes on there, here at home, there are new stories emerging by the hour. of hope, anxiousness, and answered prayers.
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>> we urge all those here today to turn their thoughts to those in japan. >> reporter: hope that more survivors will be rescued has not flickered. even nearly 7,000 miles away, at this candlelight vigil in new york city last night. >> let us take some time to meditate. >> reporter: across the country, vigils continue in different forms. like in the kitchen of the anderson home, in midlothian, virginia. 24-year-old taylor anderson was teaching with the janine exchange and teaching program, in one of the hardest-hit areas. >> it stumps us why they just can't get to that area. it's just -- >> reporter: on friday the family received news they didn't want to hear. they say rescuers stopped searching for her. >> now the japanese government is switching into recovery mode. >> reporter: still the andersons are encouraged by news that two other teachers from the same program were found. jessica was finally able to contact her family back in
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dover, delaware. >> this is very emotional. just the sense of relief just to hear her voice. >> reporter: and more relief outside chicago. edward clemens finally reached his mother friday morning. she was ecstatic. according to his stepfather, who's nursing a bum knee. >> had i been a little bit better i probably would have done a flip myself. >> reporter: but with their good news, a sobering reminder. >> there's other students that was in that program that have not been found, too. so our prayers also go out to them. >> reporter: the state department has not told us exactly how many americans are missing in japan. it's not clear whether they don't know, or don't want to say. but for those families still looking for loved ones, you can imagine it's an agonizing search from so far away. >> yeah, absolutely agonizing. but hopefully more families will be getting those good phone calls. seth doane, thanks. and now for the rest of this morning's headlines, cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. hey, betty. >> good morning, rebecca and russ. good morning to you at home. just moments ago, president obama arrived in brazil, trying
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to repair u.s. relations with one of the world's fastest-growing economic powers. relations between the two nations phrased when brazil refused to sign with the u.s. in efforts to contain iran's nuclear weapons program. mr. obama's three-day, five -- three-nation five-day visit, that is, includes stops in chile and el salvador. a state of emergency has been declared in yemen after police stormed a camp filled with pro-democracy demonstrators this morning. on friday, thousands of people took to the streets in the capital demanding a new government. at least 42 people were killed when police opened fire on the protesters. in the southern port city of aden police shot and wounded at least six anti-government protesters during a demonstration there. egypt is taking its first big step toward democracy. voters are casting ballots on a package of consequence tulgsal changes sponsored by the ruling military. it is the first major test of egypt's transition from a dictatorship to a democracy. since the ouster of president hosni mubarak last month.
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former secretary of state warren christopher has died. according to a family statement, he died from complications of kidney and bladder cancer. christopher served under president clinton from 1993 to 1997, helping bring peace to bosnia. as president jimmy carter's deputy secretary of state, he negotiated the release of 52 americans taken hostage at the u.s. embassy in iran. warren christopher was 85. in other news, wisconsin republican lawmakers say they will appeal a ruling that temporarily halts a new law that drastically curbs collective bargaining rights for public workers. a county district judge issued a temporary restraining order friday against the law, in response to a lawsuit. a local democratic district attorney says that republicans violated the state's open meetings law by not giving the required notice when they voted on the bill. in minnesota, a suspect has been arrested for allegedly providing party drug 2 c-e to a group of teenagers who overdosed, including one who
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died. 21-year-old touch thith richard lameer is being held on suspicion of third degree murder. trevor robinson was one of 11 people who fell ill at a house party. one of the ten survivors is in critical condition. the others have been released from the hospital. and britain's prince william is in northeastern australia today, visiting survivors of a cyclone that struck the coast early last month. he chatted and shook hands, and shared a barbecue lunch. william arrived in australia from new zealand where he attended a national ceremony for victims of an earthquake there in christchurch. in our next hour, we'll have the latest on the royal wedding, which is just 40 days away. it's 21 minutes after the hour. now back to russ and rebecca. >> thanks, betty. 40 days, i can mark that off. >> the countdown clock is on. >> lonnie quinn is off. >> so we welcome martina brown from our cbs affiliate atlanta with the first check of the weather. great to have you with us. >> great to be here. let's start you out with the
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weather headlines and see what's going on here across the country here. stormy and unsettled out west. in fact, some folks could not only see scattered showers, but also maybe a little snow in the higher elevations. as we look at what's going on in the northeast, yesterday, 70s and 80s. not today. we're back down, 20 degrees. some folks will see temperatures back into the 50s here. and a real beauty in the south. why? it's going to be warm, and dry. so as we take a look at the current satellite picture. you can see that off to the tennessee river valley area, we're seeing just a few light showers here. but as we head toward the heating of the day, things will really start to possibly see some showers and storms there. off to the west, this is the area we'll be watching here. and this is why we say we are bracing for storms off to the west, because they could see it looks like two to eight inches of rain fall. one to three feet of snow in the higher elevations. that's what we'll be watching for.
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>> russ and rebecca, back to you. coming up, as japan deals with its nuclear crises we're going to look back at the worst nuclear crisis this country has ever experienced at pennsylvania's three mile island. >> and later, are you giving uncle sam more of your hard-earned cash than you need to. we're going to run down some tax deductions there's a good chance you may have missed. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ mom ] can a little bowl of cereal change your life? i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free.
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we want to welcome martina brown. >> yeah. welcome. >> thank you. >> you picked a good weekend to come. >> well, i brought it with me, i think. i really brought the atlanta sunshine. >> bless you. >> everybody was so excited. yeah, it was 70, beautiful. record-breaking temperatures. today -- >> is it easier to be a weatherwoman in atlanta than somewhere where it's cold all the time and you always have to deliver the bad news to people? >> everybody loves a challenge. you know what i mean. we get weather that's different every day. it maybes it a little less boring. but yeah, it's nice to come here and get -- >> and spring while you're here. >> tomorrow get ready. >> betty used to live in atlanta. >> i miss the heat. >> how cold would it get down there on a really cold --
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>> out gets cold. >> it would snow. >> we don't know how to drive in it. >> yeah. >> here's the deal. you missed the blizzard here. >> i know. >> betty will walk down the street, 60 degrees, she's shivering. >> yeah. >> it's cold here between texas and atlanta. >> i had my winter boots on this morning. i did. the coat, everything. >> what is it, 50 degrees outside? >> it's cold, okay? >> like yesterday that cold front went through. >> coolest thing about new york city in your mind? >> the traffic. >> coolest thing -- >> you like the traffic? >> have you ever seen cars that just don't move for like a really long time? >> yeah, l.a. traffic. >> the shopping. >> the shopping is the best. >> yeah, it is. >> are you taking in some shopping this weekend? >> i don't have time. i've got to get back to atlanta. so maybe next time. [ mom ] can a little bowl of cereal change your life?
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i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming.
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that's why we bought a subaru. the empire state building, on what rebecca said, the last day of winter. spring starts tomorrow. welcome to "the early show," i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. looking very lovely out there today. >> coming up, tax deductions you can't afford to miss. you'll have more time to check them out since the federal tax deadline has been pushed from april 15th to april 18th. >> but you don't want to wait too long. strange health risks you may not know about. is your cancer risk determined by your finger length? we're going to separate fact from fiction in this morning's "healthwatch." but first we begin with the continuing nuclear crisis in japan. the world is facing its worst nuclear reactor threat in a generation.
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we hear more and more comparisons of what's going on in japan today to the accident at three mile island right here in the united states. that was back in 1979. and betty nguyen takes us back now to revisit this country's worst nuclear emergency. betty? >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. three mile island was built in the 1960s at the height of the expansion of nuclear power. a predawn accident at that plant in 1979, however, sparked a change in the way the world views nuclear energy. >> and there were radiation releases. >> reporter: at 4:00 a.m. march 28th, 1979, a mechanical failure at three mile island nuclear generating station in dauphin county, pennsylvania, allowed nuclear reactor coolant to escape, causing the core to overheat. the situation nearly ignited a catastrophe. >> the worst nuclear power plant accident of the atomic age. >> reporter: the following day, efforts to stabilize the reactor failed. and by day three, it became clear that radioactive gases had accumulated within the reactor,
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and leaked into the atmosphere. governor richard thornburgh advised residents to take safety precautions. >> pregnant women and preschool-age children to leave the area within a five-mile radius of the three mile island facility. until further notice. >> reporter: at the same time, another, more terrifying reality began to emerge. >> we are faced with the remote but very real possibility of a nuclear meltdown at the three mile island atomic power plant. >> reporter: in the confusion after the disaster, an estimated 140,000 people evacuated. president carter visited the site on day five to assess the situation, and to calm the fears of a nation. >> do not know at this point. >> reporter: for ten days state and federal officials struggled to understand the situation and control what was officially termed a partial core meltdown in unit two of three mile island. the reactor never recovered. and cleanup lasted until 1990. reactor two, the site of the
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partial meltdown at three mile island, was permanently shut down, and hazardous materials removed off site. reactor number one received approval to restart in 1985 and has been licensed to operate until april of 2034. rebecca? >> betty, thank you. and joining us is former pennsylvania governor dick thornberg. he was just 68 days into his term when the three mile island accident occurred. great to have you with us, governor. and this obviously was the first time we ever saw a nuclear incident like this, and the last time we saw a nuclear incident like this in this country. how early on did you realize the severity of that moment? >> when i first heard about the accident at three mile island, i knew that there was no such thing as a minor accident at a nuclear reactor. and we took steps during the intervening ten days to try to prevent a meltdown, and to carry out as much as we could in the way of a plan to protect the people of central pennsylvania.
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serious business, indeed. >> and in this situation, in japan, one of the issues is getting accurate information out, having reliability sources of information. who did you count on during the three mile incident that was -- you were able to understand, and believed that it was strong and solid information? >> one of the biggest challenges in these situations is to get accurate information, and we had a great deal of difficulty in trying to pin down the facts. the first day we kind of took what was handed to us by the utility that ran the reactor. but very soon it became apparent that they had misinformed us and we had to look elsewhere. really wasn't until the arrival of a nuclear engineer was dispatched to the plant at my request by president jimmy carter that we had an authentic source of information that could enable us to make decisions. she frustrating. >> when you talk about, you know, one of the issues in the beginning being that you were overseeing the reactor, and not
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enough on nuclear experts, that's something that japan has also been criticized for doing. earlier this morning nuclear expert matthew bunn came on and said tepco has played too big of a role here. do you think that japan is making a mistake by not having more nuclear experts on the ground looking at the situation, as opposed to trusting the company to get the right information out? >> well, there's an eerie similarity between what's happened in japan and what happened at three mile island. and that certainly is one of them. the difficulty of getting facts, and the need to cross-examine every possible source to get the best version of the facts you can. i don't want to judge what the japanese have done, because i'm not there and don't know the facts myself about what they're doing. but clearly, the principle need in any one of these situations is to get reliable facts. you could be the best decision maker in the world, but if you're proceeding on the basis of inaccurate facts it doesn't do much good. >> and it was the nuclear experts who helped inevitably give you those facts. in terms of panic and keeping it at a minimum, how did you maintain order?
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>> well, we tried to be forthcoming to the public. we, as i said, in the first day reported inaccurate facts, we immediately tried to rectify that by saying that we had done so. and i think that helped a little bit, because people aren't used to seeing public figures say they made a mistake. so in that instance, i think we just kept on plugging to try to get accurate facts, and dealing with a variety of experts who came to us with their opinions. >> i would assume that then, if you had to go back and change anything, it would be potentially to get the facts out right away. in hindsight is there anything else you would change? >> i think that the most important thing is, as i've stated, to keep plugging to get the facts right. because, if you don't have the facts, and you don't report them accurately to the people, you're going to lose their confidence, lose your own credibility and that's a very fragile commodity during an emergency like this. >> governor thornberg, thanks for joining us this morning. >> indeed.
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>> and now here's martina brown of our affiliate cbs atlanta with another check of the weather. >> hey, there. let's talk about some weather extremes around the country here. you like hot? the hottest is estero, florida, 85 degrees. the coldest in maine, only 1 degrees. as we head toward later on tonight. as we take a look at today's forecast we are looking at still a very weak front in the tennessee river valley that will give those folks some showers and even storms as we head towards later on today. but from the northern plains all the way down to southern plains, really calm, quiet weather, with temperatures in the 40s and down to the 70s and 80s in the south. but really nice. and off to the west, we're watching out for another system that could give those folks in parts of california and the higher elevations of nevada some showers and storms.
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whoa. it is less than a month now until tax day. turbotax reports 27% of americans wait for the last two weeks to file their returns. no surprise then that 92 million taxpayers use standard deductions in the last-minute scramble and it could be costing them money. financial expert for "cbs moneywatch" is here with deductions you could miss. >> the irs figures we leave tens of millions of dollars right on the table because taxpayers overlook or neglect to know about some of the key tax deductions and credits.
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>> tens of millions of dollars? >> tens of millions. it's not like the irs is going to call you and say hey, russ, i think you overpaid. it's really up to us to be accountable. >> if you underpaid -- >> oh, yeah. >> let's talk about tax deductions for 2000 ten as opposed to 2009. do any roll over? >> many. you want to check the irs' website. if you're a teacher, the educator expense deduction allows teachers to deduct up to $250 ort of out-of-pocket classroom expenses. pens, pencils, markers. also if you're a homeowner and you're paying insurance premiums, those premiums potentially tax deductible, as well. >> let's talk about simple deductions. in i.r.a., even if you put money in an i.r.a. this year it's deductible? >> i love this one because it's an opportunity to play some catch-up with your retirement account but earn the deduction for your taxes from the previous year. so the irs allows us to contribute to an individual retirement account. the maximum contribution this year is $5,000. or $6,000 if you're over the age
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of 50. you can make the contribution up until april 18th. the tax filing deadline and half the deduction count toward your 2010 taxable income. >> out of pocket medical expenses. >> this is a huge one. a lot of people now more than ever paying out of pocket medical and dental expenses. the irs says if your overall out-of-pocket expenses add up to 7.5% or more of your adjusted gross income, that could all potentially be tax deductible. people think it's a really high bar. but if you had lasik surgery, out-of-pocket elective surgery, dental, implants, glasses, and this year new, new deduction is breast pumps for families. add up those receipts. you may never know if you qualify. because it's a huge potential deduction. >> out-of-pocket charitable contributions. i never thought about that. >> people already, if you donated to a charity that one you won't forget. but if you drove to a volunteer event, that mileage is potentially tax deductible. the ingredients for a casserole
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you made for the local soup kitchen. the stamps you bought to send out a notice for a fund-raiser. all of those little things may add up to a big deduction. >> unfortunately in 2010 a lot of people lost their jobs to pay cuts. any of that deductible? >> job-hunting related expenses if you're looking for a job, those potential like mileage, resume printing, you know, again postage for mailing out your resume, any fees you paid to job source, head hunters, those kind of agencies, potentially that's tax deductible. also the earned income tax credit which i love because it's credit for families and individuals who lost money in 2010 because of a job loss. it could be anywhere from $450 to $5,600 worth of credit. that's money back in your pocket, and the more -- the bigger your family, the bigger the potential credit. >> why do you think more people don't know about these things? >> well, taxes are tricky, right? and a lot of those deductions that were extended into 2010 from 2009, the decision was made pretty late in the year.
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so people might have missed the news. and i think more and more as people procrastinate. have you done your taxes yet, russ? >> i have not. i got a nasty letter from my accountant telling me to get on it, buddy. >> i think the less time we allow ourselves the more room for error. make sure that you're working with a trusted accountant, if you need that. or some helpful software. get those taxes done because, again, potentially millions of dollars left right on the table. >> good info. april 18th, not april 15th. >> we get three extra days than last year. no excuses. >> i'll get them done. thanks a lot. >> you're welcome. >> for more deductions you can't afford to miss, check out the column on our sister website, and now here's rebecca. >> russ, thank you. coming up next, should you worry about the white spots on your nails? it's a question i often ponder. how about the length of your fingers? can they predict if you're at risk for cancer? we're going to bust some medical myths and separate fact from fiction when we return right here on "the early show" on cbs.
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death? and what do white spots on your fingernails indicate? there are lots of medical myths out there and joining us to separate fact from fiction is dr. tamara quinton from the department of emergency medicine at lennox hill hospital. great to have you with us. >> good morning. >> let's begin with walking speed. is there something to be correlated between walking speed, if you walk faster, and longevity of life? >> yes, there is. you know, that's one i love. this is a fun factoid. it makes sense. if you walk, you're healthy. and those 40 are older tend to stay active -- or those who are healthy tend to stay active. there's not a lot of surprise there. i think the lesson here for us who are a little bit younger, we stay active we'll be healthier. and it helps with mental health, with mental health, helps with physical health. >> you walk a little faster you get your heart rate up a little bit more. >> and it produces positive endorphins, and you feel good. but this is all borne out of a study that happened i think in december was published and looked at age, gender and pace. and they found a positive
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correlation, the faster you walk, older, and gender, you're healthier. >> very interesting. how about the white spots on the nails? is this truly a sign of a vitamin deficiency? >> i think we should focus less on vitamin deficiency and more on the common culprit. trauma. hitting your fingers against things, nail polish, manicures, the acrylic nails and also the new nail polish shellacs that stay long for longer periods of time, and you take them off your nails peel. and also fungal infections. there are some vitamin deficiencies that may result in white colors or discoloration and peeling of your nails. let's affectous less on that and more on the common suspects. there are also some systemic diseases like psoriasis eczema which can cause peeling nails with white spots, thyroid disease which can cause brittle nails, and also commonly, cold weather. my nails in the wintertime, they peel. >> so it's not just white spots. if you see some of these more significant indicators, then maybe you're talking about something more significant? >> yes. >> looking at colds versus flus.
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a lot of people will tell you if there's mucous involved then it has to be a cold. is that the truth? >> no. so, the body normally makes clear liquid called mucous. in the nose and the airway. that acts as a filter. it filters out bacteria and viruses and is part of the immune system, of the airway system. as you get irritation, you get more mucous production. irritation related to allergies, environmental irritants, but also can be due to colds. it may not necessarily be a cold. that's why we have, as physicians, some difficulty distinguishing between a viral infection or a bacterial infection. sometimes an allergy, depending on what season. so the color of the mucous can sometimes be helpful in determining. >> so watch that color? >> yes. >> when it comes to craving ice. an old wive's tale that you krief ice and you might have anemia. is that true? >> maybe. >> really? >> yeah. >> so the topic of pica. there are people who are thought
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to chews ice are iron deficient or severely iron deficient. ice is an anti-inflammatory. it's cooling, and so it may help through the tongue which also can become swollen and dry in people who are severely anemic. i would not look for a dry, swollen, painful tongue in someone chewing ice to determine anemia. there's really common signs. >> speaking of those signs, you have fatigue, pale skin, irregular heartbeat. these are some of the things that if you're craving ice and then on top of it you have cold hands and feet, then maybe you should think about the fact that you might have anemia. i want to get to this question, though, about the length of your fingers. because we've heard these tales about, you know, if you have a longer finger, then perhaps you're more at risk for prostate cancer as a man. and they could be very scary. is that a fact? >> yes. there's some truth to that. there is a study that came out of the uk in december that looked at finger length. and so what they looked at is if the index finger is longer than the ring finger you have a lower risk of prostate cancer as a man. i'm not looking at men's fingers to determine whether or not
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they're at risk for prostate cancer. there's some other risk factors that are more important. they correlated the finger length with testosterone in the womb. the lower the testosterone in the womb, the longer the index finger length, therefore the less likely you have prostate cancer. is that important? not so much. again, i would go by the general prostate screening signs. family history. age. >> thank you so much, doctor. we appreciate you being with us. and for more on medical myths go to our partner in health coverage, and search health facts. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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[ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. coming up we'll give you advice on how to prevent folks from hacking your cell phone or your computer. we hear stories of people getting into their computer and cell phones and putting pictures out there they don't want. scarlett johansson. miley cyrus wasn't aware of that one but we'll see. vanessa hudgens talked with the fbi. >> some 50 celebrities have had this happen to them.
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we'll have that story coming up next. for some of you your local news is next. put that picture back up. >> we don't get enough pictures like that lately. usually when you see new york city it's covered in gray, or snow -- >> spring is almost here. >> wait, it is. yesterday in new york city, i mean, that was one of those like classic, new york city days. you were lucky enough to be here for that. >> she's taking credit for it. >> i brought it with me. >> i love it in new york city, all of the streets are covered in tables. like what happens is the second the sun comes out here, every single restaurant rolls out, you know, the balcony or whatever. >> the patio. >> in front of them and all of a sudden you can eat outdoors at all these places that look like, you know, they had only indoor --
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>> some of them you didn't even know they were there. >> exactly. >> even on wednesday when it wasn't so warm outside walking down the streets, folks are outside bundled up. >> we just want it to be spring so fast, we will do anything to act like it. >> from a official standpoint, one of the worst winters on record nationwide? >> absolutely. i mean, look at new york. >> well, i know. we felt it certainly. >> yeah but you know, spring starts tomorrow, of course as you know just because it starts on the calendar doesn't mean we'll feel or see it necessarily right away. but at least it is a little bit encouraging. that it's coming and things are going to warm up. we're changing around. >> yeah, yeah. >> i don't think you guys -- i was sick of getting e-mails from people in other parts of the country, florida, atlanta -- >> 80 degrees out here today. what's it like there? >> did you get some sun today? did you catch some rays? >> we're not complaining. we love it here. >> again, we hope it's nice where you are. [ female announcer ] to get fresh-baked
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(announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. welcome back to "the early show" on this saturday morning. i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. we're covering two major stories this morning. we begin with the latest on libya. >> that is correct. libyan leader moammar gadhafi is warning there will be consequences for international forces who attack libya. the u.s. and its nato allies are expected by many to launch military strikes on libya to break the popular uprising against gadhafi. cbs news correspondent mark phillips is in the libyan capital tripoli. mark, what's the latest this morning? >> well, the latest here is that the libyan government is sticking to its guns, both rhetorically and militarily. they appear to be trying to
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consolidate positions around benghazi. reports of movement there. and of course, some graphic scenes of artillery hit in the town, on the fringes, at least, of benghazi. and of a plane being shot down there. appears it might, in fact, have been a plane being flown by the nascent rebel air force but still very murky information on that. here they've maintained their rhetorical offensive. today, moammar gadhafi sent those letters, one to president obama, who he called his son. he's often referred to him as a son of africa, saying basically that they were engaged in a fight here against al qaeda affiliated jihadists, and asking president obama what he would do in the circumstance. that is the government line here, and they're sticking to it. they also sent letters to the european leaders, david cameron and nicolas sarkozy, warning essentially, threatening that they ought to stay out of libya's internal affairs, and if
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they get involved then they will bear the consequences. >> okay. mark phillips in tripoli. you take care. we'll talk to you later. here's rebecca. >> thank you, russ. a magnitude 6 earthquake has been reported today in japan. it was in the fukushima area where emergency crews are working to prevent a meltdown at the nuclear power plant which was crippled by last week's 9.0 quake and tsunami. an elevated levels of radiation have been reported in food from the area. cbs news correspondent lucy craft is live from tokyo with more on concerns involving that nuclear plant. and lucy, that's where i want to begin. what are the efforts to contain the radiation, and also to fix the nuclear reactor? what's the status of that now? >> well, rebecca, we've had a week of unorthodox, desperate attempts to bring this power plant under control. today brought the first piece of good news. the most crippled of the reactors, the number three reactors, seven hours of 1,000 tons of water being dumped on this plant, seems to have finally stabilized it.
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military helicopters flying over reactors 1 through 4 have detected surface temperatures that have stabilized. meanwhile, the power company, which is the operator of the plant, says that it's hooked up external power to reactors 1 and 2, and hopes to restart the power on those plants tomorrow. and, so chief cabinet secretary yukio edano said we had progress, a little bit of progress today, but we're very much not out of the woods yet. so developments tomorrow will be critical. >> also, critical to this are the humanitarian efforts on the ground there, lucy. what are their status? >> well, the original efforts with the evacuees focussed on taking care of them, either in their towns or near, too, where they lived. now, because the infrastructure is so badly damaged, in the most hard-hit areas, which are miyagi and iwate, now the effort has shifted to getting those -- the evacuees out of their home states, their home prefectures, sending them anywhere in japan
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that will have them. putting them in public housing, private homes, hotel, inns, you name it. anywhere that they can be safe and warm and comfortable and have access to medical services and food supplies and all of that. so the effort has very much changed in the last few days. >> cbs news correspondent lucy craft. thank you. and now let's get a check of this morning's other headlines. cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. >> good morning, everybody. in the wake of the nuclear disaster, the state department is expanding the area for volunteer evacuations for family members of u.s. personnel in japan. the new parameters extend to 13 areas, in addition to the cities of tokyo, nagoya and yokohama. last week americans were urged to avoid travel to japan. the new warning gave no details about why the evacuation area was expanded. although, winds carrying radiation are expected to shift today. president obama is meeting with brazil's president this morning in brazilia. mr. obama is there to mend
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fences and improve economic ties. one sticking point is brazil's refusal to speak out against iran's nuclear weapons program. mr. obama is on a three-nation five-day visit to latin america with stops planned for chile and el salvador. there has been a fatal multivehicle chain reaction crash in northern california. authorities say about 40 vehicles, including six big rigs were involved in the accident 70 miles east of sacramento in sierra, nevada. one person was killed and more than 20 others injured. a powerful winter storm that brought heavy snow to the area is being blamed for the crash. and finally, full moon takes on a whole new meaning tonight. that is because it will be a supermoon. which is 14% bigger and 30% brighter than your average full moon. scientists say the moon will be closer to the earth than it's been in 18 years. and it will not be until november of 2016 when we see
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another supermoon. so make sure you get out tonight and check it out. it's about five minutes past the hour. lonnie quinn is off today. let's get another check of the weather from martina brown of our afive at-cbs in atlanta. martina not only did we give you a full moon but spring is almost here. what a welcome. >> are you ready? yeah, we need spring, right? especially for the folks in new york and all of the other places where we've seen or had a really harsh winter. as we take a look at our satellite radar composite picture you can see that the bulk of the country is completely quiet here. not a lot going on. but off to the east here, right in the tennessee river valley you can see a few showers there. those could spark up some scattered showers and storms as we head towards later on this afternoon. off to the west, watching out for some snow in the higher elevations of california and nevada. but as we take a look at what we're going to do here for the change of seasons, the vernal equinox is on the way for you and me. that means spring starts at 7:21 eastern daylight time. that means more sunshine, and of course warmer temperatures.
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>> this weather segment sponsored by macy's. >> russ, back to you. >> okay, martina, thank you very much. at least 50 of hollywood's top female stars are livid today, as their private revealing photos were stolen. the fbi is investigating a ring of hackers that has managed to break into the celebrities' computers and cell phones and access naked pictures. cbs news correspondent sandra hughes has the story. >> reporter: talented, beautiful, and now vulnerable to computer hackers. scarlett johansson, christina aguilera and jessica alba are
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among the suspected victims who've had their personal accounts broken into in search of naked photos and videos. >> there's a hacker ring that's very advanced and have targeted 50 celebrities that we know of at this point. generally the community is worried and scared. it's fearful. >> reporter: according to the website tmz, former high school musical star vanessa hudgens met with the fbi on thursday to discuss nude photos stolen from her e-mail account. and it's not the first time her privacy has been violated. back in 2007, hudgens filed for hacked and naked pictures posted online. >> this happened years ago, where the photos were released. and she went through, you know, public spectacle and embarrassment. and it's now happening again. >> reporter: compromising positions of miley cyrus were stolen and shared on the web in 2008. and while the fbi won't reveal the depth of their investigation, it allegedly includes singing sensation serena gomez and danny lobato. private moments exposed in a very public way. no one knows who might be next
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or where this will end? sandra hughes, cbs news, hollywood. >> joining us now to talk about why these celebrities are so vulnerable, and with advice on how you can protect your computer and cell phone from hackers is internet privacy and security expert parry aftab. good to see you. >> good morning, russ. >> i guess the big lesson here is don't put this stuff on your cell phone. >> the best advice is don't take the pictures if you're going to get out there. because you know they're going to get out there. >> how easy is it for people to hack into a cell phone or computer? >> it's really not very hard at all. because a lot of them aren't using the security measures they need to. they're not using good passwords. they don't have the good anti-virus and fire walls in place and they have bluetooth open on the cell phone. >> going back to the celebrities just for a moment, to folks prey on a certain type of celebrity? >> sure they do. the celebrities everybody wants to see naked pictures of. the younger they are, the more popular they are, the more the pictures can be sold for. >> how much money are we talking about? >> oh, i don't know. hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably.
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but they don't realize when the kids are under the age of 18, it's child pornography if the kids are naked in a certain way, so they can be charged with very serious crimes and end up on the registered sex offender list. >> not a new problem here but one that's certainly coming to light with all these folks complaining about it, you represent a number of celebrities. >> i do. >> if you know you're a target for this stuff, why do you have that stuff on your cell phone or your computer? >> well, my celebrities that i represent don't. they keep them off and i keep them as secure as we can. and we work very closely with a lot of the big agencies and the financial firms so that we protect them the same way they protect them offline. whether they check into a hotel under a pseudonym or whether they're traveling and they have security guards we need to do the same thing on all of their digital devices. >> a wheel new area of responsibility for managers. how do we protect ourselves? >> we need to recognize that our kids are just as vulnerable and maybe they may not be highly paid celebrities but other people may want to see naked pictures of them or whatever
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they have privately. good anti-virus if you're a member of facebook you can get it for free. six months for free. make sure if you want to see what your kids are doing online, there's a new product that's going to be out in about four weeks called minor monitor. so you go to minormine and sign the for it. it's totally free. will let you know what your kids are doing online. and ultimately take their cell phone, look at it every once in awhile and see what they're showing to everyone else. >> let's go back to this minor monitor. what can you do with this? >> it's a terrific product. it comes from the people who work with homeland security and our military to secure all of those databases to make sure who's flying on planes that shouldn't be. they use that same technology to allow parents for free to find out what kids are posting online. all of the information online about their kids. >> if you are not a celebrity and something like this happens to you, what recourse do you have? >> celebrity or not you really need to get help. because our kids are being sextorted. there's a lot of risk that comes to them from sexual predators.
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fbi is terrific. i get the director's award next friday. reach out to your local police, see what can you do. if there's no help there go to me at my volunteers at we'll help you out. >> the main point here is don't put this stuff on your cell phone. >> bottom line it's all about not being stupid. >> all right. i like that. parry aftab, thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> now here's rebecca. >> thank you, russ. coming up next, it is a french diet craze oui oui that's about to invade america. a million people swear by it but critics say your chances of success are slim to none. we'll hear what one dietitian thinks right here on "the early show" on cbs. prepare to be delighted by fresh, wonderfully light, creamy light & fit.
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[ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. it's called the do-can diet and it promises no hunger, calorie counting, instant weight loss and lifelong maintenance. a million people in france have tried it and we hear kate middleton and her mom are using the method to slim down for the royal wedding. the american edition of the diet book debuts next month and some
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critics are already attacking it. registered dietitian carrie glassman is author of "the o2 diet" and she's here with the skinny on do-can. great to have you with us. >> nice to be here. >> what's it all about? >> it's a high protein, low carb, very restrictive diet. the star players of this diet are lean protein, oat brans, and water. >> hmm. >> and ultimately, it promises that you can eat whatever you want. >> it sounds a lot like atkins, though, too. >> it's very similar to atkins except it focuses on lean pro-tine, and you are not allowed to have the fats. but similar to atkins it also warns us, constipation, fatigue, and bad breath. >> sounds great to me. i don't know why more people aren't trying it. the question is what are the critics saying about it right now? >> the french government has named it potentially imbalanced and risky. and the british dietetic association has named it one of five of the worst diets of 2011. >> hmm. well that's good to keep in mind. they have a bunch of phases so this diet.
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four to be exact. the first one is attacking. what does that involve? >> so the attack phase, you are on for one to ten days, and you're supposed to lose up to 14 pounds. basically you eat all the lean protein you want. 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran a day and a whole lot of water. >> hmm. >> and that's it. >> that's it. so a lot of protein and that little bowl, which isn't really a bowl at all, of oatmeal essentially. >> of oat bran. and then a lot of water. >> okay. >> so you do that for how long? >> for up to ten days. >> after those ten days you go to the cruise phase. >> then you go into the cruise phase. and you are on the cruise phase for as long as it takes to get to your goal weight. and you're supposed to lose about two pounds a week, in the cruise phase. it's not much different from the attack phase. so it's really restricted. you eat as much lean protein as you want. just like the attack phase. you have two tablespoons of oat bran. so you get a little more oat bran.
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>> you're very full of oat bran at this point. >> and then you have as many nonstarchy vegetables every other day. so not even every day do you get vegetables. >> that doesn't sound right. consolidation phase is the next one. >> here it gets a little more exciting. in the consolidation phase you are on this phase for five days for every pound that you've already lost. and again, you focus on all lean protein. you go up to 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran a day. you eat those nonstarchy vegetables as much as you want, every day. and then, every day you also add in two slices of bread, an apple, or any piece of low sugar fruit. one serving of cheese. and then one to two times a week you add in a starchy food like rice or pasta, and then you have one to two celebratory meals. >> you're getting dessert. >> you can eat almost anything you want including wine and dessert. >> and lastly we have the stabilization phase. >> finally in the stabilization phase you are supposed to be able to eat whatever you want including things like the mac
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and cheese and fried chicken. but you have to follow a few rules. walk 20 minutes a day. have three tablespoons of oat bran every day. and then also one time a week go back to that attack phase of just eating all protein. >> is this something you would do, carrie? >> this is not something i'm a fan of. i think a lot of americans are going to try it because of all of the success over, you know, across the pond. however, it is not something to do for lifelong weight loss, and especially for lifelong health. >> thanks for being with us, carrie. >> you're welcome. >> carrie glassman. coming up next, if you don't think you'll be able to fit the royal wedding into your schedule, well don't worry, we'll show you some great souvenirs that will make you feel like you had a front row seat. that's right next to the queen. this is "the early show" on cbs. !wf
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[ male announcer ] when mike rowe heads home, his family knows what to expect. hun, mike's coming -- let's get crackin'. [ male announcer ] but what mike rowe doesn't know is that his parents have armed themselves with unquilted viva® towels. place looks great. [ male announcer ] mike doesn't know that every concentrated viva roll is made of strong, fiber packed sheets,
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making it one tough towel. but his mom sure does. wow, for me? you shouldn't have. i insist. [ male announcer ] hey, if viva can handle mike rowe's mess, just think what it can do in your home. grab a roll for yourself and grasp the unquilted difference. just need to refill my walgreens prescription. [ shouting in native language ] i don't know what he's saying right now. he says you're gonna get frostbite in under 30 seconds. won't take me that long. honey, is this really necessary? it'll bug me if i wait. [ female announcer ] walgreens free mobile app. refill by scan. receive a text when it's ready. we're good. wanna call anyone or anything? your mom? a little more altitude... a little less attitude. [ female announcer ] download the free walgreens mobile app to shop, print photos and manage prescriptions anywhere. walgreens. there's a way to keep life moving. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm.
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♪ [ male announcer ] what are you gonna miss when you have an allergy attack? benadryl® is more effective than claritin® at relieving your worst symptoms and works when you need it most. benadryl®. you can't pause life. just 40 days to the royal wedding, and the smiling faces of prince william and kate middleton are already adorning all sorts of memorabilia to mark the occasion. cbs news royal contributor victoria arbiter is outside westminster abbey where the
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happy couple will soon walk down the aisle and she has some of the hottest souvenirs to talk about. along with new details about plans for the big day. hey, victoria, how are you? >> good morning, russ. i like my theme music that i seem to get. >> it's very classy. let me ask you something, i understand there was some new additions to the guest list this week. kind of surprising additions. >> there are some surprising additions that are raising a few eyebrows the number of exes that have been invited to wedding. kate has one but william has four ex-girlfriends. among them olivia hunt, air bella musgrave and jecca craig. kate has nothing to worry about. all these girls have become good friends of kate's. so nothing too untoward with these guests even though they're raising a few eyebrows. >> kind of an interesting thing to invite your exes, okay. now you said kate went out on a night on the town with her soon-to-be new in-laws. tell me about that. >> yes, she did.
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last tuesday, william was winging his way to new zealand, and so kate went out with her new future in-laws. they went to see the royal ballet's final performance of "alice's add venture in wonderland." they went unnoticed until they got a big curtsy. kate seems to be having a good time. >> we've got some souvenirs in front of you. they look rather interesting. >> i do. well they're a lot of fun. because a sense of humor to the souvenirs. of course there's the usual ashtrays with ugly pictures on. bus this is the fun stuff. we'll start with the plate that's got the wedding list on it. because kate's the princess she gets to ask for a tiara and chair. it is likely they're going to get a dukedom. she could have a county in her wedding gifts. for the crafty we've got knit your own royal family. of course i didn't have time to do that myself today. but the details are really quite impressive on those. continuing for the crafty, i don't think william ever thought
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he would see himself quite like this but it's cutout paper dolls and dresses, the engagement out fit in there. polo outfit. william in his union jack boxer shorts no less. the ipad cover. i was going to ask you which one you want me to bring you back, russ. i'll save that for you. the ipad cover. i don't have an ipad but this is a good reason to buy one. i think that's a lot of fun. the coasters, really tongue in cheek. the keep calm and carry on. keep calm it's only a wedding. keep calm get rich and marry a prince. or keep calm and just marry a prince. you'll be wealthy either way. details, popular, there's any number of different tea towels you can get. westminster abbey seems appropriate and i'm saving the best for last, russ. look at my ring. very fancy i'm wearing it on my middle finger so no one mistakes me for kate. >> now tell me about this ring. >> well, this ring is a replica of the famous engagement ring.
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it retails depending on what kind of quality from $15 to $100. you can get everything else, if there's anything you fancy. most of this you can get on amazon. the plate is from retails for about $25. the ipad cover goes for around $60. and the keep on and carry on coasters, these go for around $4 at >> the ring, of course, was will's mom's ring. princess di's ring. the real ring. >> that's absolutely right. yes. and so kate's got quite a big burden to carry with wearing that ring. mine, having a bit of fun, if i lose it i can get another one. >> i understand. very quickly, victoria, you're showing us this stuff now. i presume there's going to be more stuff to come in the coming days and weeks? >> oh, my gosh, russ, there's so much to come. also official merchandise which you can get from the royal collection. that's everything very tasteful, plates, cups, saucers, more tea
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towels. everything your heart desires. i believe there's even been a fridge released. >> victoria arbiter, as always, thank you so much. we'll see you next time. >> thank you, russ. was there -- >> you look very springy today. >> i wonder why. >> oh, do we? >> it's in the air. >> yeah. >> you know, i think we're all probably totally ready for spring, right? mentally. >> mentally. but we've got some fashions coming up in just a bit that are going to be, you know -- >> i don't know, do you clean out your closet? spring cleaning, bring in the short sleeves and the skirts and all that? >> i'll be honest. i went under my bed last night, because you know new york city, you don't really have an extra closet to put it in. but i went under my bed last night, pulled this thing out.
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because it was like -- >> you are awfully springlike today. >> thank you, betty. i got to the point where, you know, you kind of have to change your outfit to feel like you're -- >> progression. >> yeah. >> you know that feeling, russ, right? >> i pulled out my new skirts. but some of the things -- some of the things we're going to see today, i mean, these things that you guys would wear out in the streets of atlanta? >> of course. >> and new york city. >> yeah. >> comfort is really important for me. especially when it starts to get warm. you know, you don't want to be uncomfortable. but you still want to be cute, of course. >> yeah. >> you still want to be cute. >> of course you do. >> sometimes i put comfort over cute, i'm not going to lie. if you saw me on the weekend in new york city. seriously. but i mean it will be nice to see some of the clothes, some of the new trends. betty, are you going to go out -- which trend are you looking at most? >> i just need color. look at me, i'm in black and white. i'm ready for that spring, that little, you know, bump of color. >> well we have lots of pops of
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welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. coming up, we're going to get a look at the hottest trends for spring fashion for under $100. you're looking at a few of them now. we've got even more for you. >> under 100 bucks you say. >> that's the deal. >> okay. all right. i'm russ mitchell by the way. our "chef on a shoestring" cooking up some delicious seafood. what do you got today? some fish for us. >> yep. >> and what's for dessert? what's for dessert? >> i can't hear you at all. >> you can't hear me. we'll talk later. >> the good thing is, he can't hear you but he's preparing
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something delicious. it's all coming up, but first we're going to head to martina brown of our affiliate cbs atlanta for a final check of the weather. take it away, martina. >> thank you, rebecca. let's talk about what we're going toee here as we head toward the rest of the day and into tomorrow. here is your national forecast, looking good for at least most of us here from the northern plains to the southern plains, we're talking calm, quiet weather and in the tennessee river valley, showers and perhaps some storms as we head to later on this afternoon. and off to the west we could see some showers with some snow showers in the higher elevations. so be watching out for that. if you want to get out and enjoy something good, then go down south from texas to louisiana, alabama, and even down to florida, we are looking at awesome weather, with lots of sunshine. temperatures will be really nice. plenty of sunshine, and, of course, who doesn't like sunshine with low humidity? if you want it, that's where you need to go.
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russ we'll send it back to you. >> okay, martina, thank you very much. earlier this week, facebook announced a plan to test a new service that sells discounted deals, becoming the latest website to jump on that growing bandwagon. groupon became widely popular in the past year, and hundreds of sites now offering similar sales. joining us now to help straighten out the coupon competition is jason cochran of hey, jason. >> how you doing? >> great., okay. how much are people saving by joining these group websites? >> half as much as they would have spent, actually, a lot of money. 50% off, up to 90% off in some cases. so the way these sites work, as you know, the more people buy, the more the deal will kick in. so there's a threshold of about
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100 people or so, suddenly everyone gets the bargain if enough people pitch in. >> are we talking about one item or a group of items? >> could be furniture, could be closed. basically if you can buy it you can find it on one of these sites. >> you have five favorites. let's begin with the granddaddy of them all, groupon. >> yeah, everyone wants to imitate groupon. it's only been around since the end of '08 and it's already huge. in about 500 markets in 44 countries. again it sells all kinds of stuff. >> what would be the best reason to sign up for groupon? >> the savings essentially. you make half off or 65% off just about every time out of the gate. the trick is not to buy too much, of course. that's the temptation. but they also have a lot of deals over each day. other sites will maybe have a couple a week. it comes out with a couple a day, maybe all during the week and they'll personalize the deals for you based on what you purchased before so you can filter out some of the e-mails. >> okay. living social. tell me about that one?
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>> up to 90% discounts. it's like groupon in that it offers a whole range of stuff. also like most of these sites, in that if you tell your friends and they buy the deal, as well you get a better deal. in the case of living social if about three people buy the deal you got you get yours for free. it's an incentive to tell your friends about it which could be annoying for some people. but it can also save you a ton of money. and they also do vacation packages which not a lot of the other sites do. my advice is to look very closely because sometimes you can buy a component individually for a little cheaper sometimes than the package itself. don't just buy it because it's on there. buy it because you know it's a deal. >> food, as you say, blackboardeats. >> this is a little different in that there's no minimum threshold. the first person to buy gets it. you get a coupon code you take to the restaurant for about 30% off. sometimes you even get free wine with that. i like this site because it's curetted by food experts. so you're not going to go to some place down the street hurting for business. you're going to go to some of the best restaurants in your city. >> if you're in to pampering
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your sief. life booker loot. what's up with that? >> health and beauty, believe it or not. you know, you can get facial, your hair done at a salon. that kind of thing. you can manage the appointments that you've made online so you don't have to do lots of running around and if you write a review of where you've been, you get points back to spend again. so health and beauty >> okay, guilt city you say is for the young and trendy. gilt g-i-l-t. >> you might feel guilty after you buy these deals but it's really expensive because it's a luxury site. we're talking 50% off breast augmentation or tickets to the ballet. these things also will sell out very, very quickly because they're so popular. it's another one of those sites with no minimum threshold but it's very, very trendy. you have to have the money to get these deals on gilt city but they're fascinating. >> that's quite a range of services there. >> yeah. again, the hardest -- the strajts are the hardest to get the reservations at here in the
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city. no problem, you just buy the deal. >> is it surprising to you as to how fast these sites are growing? >> i'm astonished at how fast it's happened. people like to feel like they're on top of things, feel like they're getting something no one else is getting and the minute they see this e-mail in their inbox they jump on it. that is how they make so much money so quickly. i think in the end we spend more money than we know we're spending because we're so excited to be in on something. >> the trick, don't buy too much. buy what you need. >> and price it up. maybe you get it cheaper, but usually you can't. >> jason character ron as always, thanks a lot. great to see you. for more tips on discount deals you can head to our website now here's rebecca. >> thanks, russ. coming up next, you're so ready for spring to start tomorrow. but, is your wardrobe? "early" show style contributor katrina szish is here with the season's hottest trends all under $100. right here on "the early show" on cbs. we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow.
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27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmmmmmm...good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chips? [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. another cracker chip? don't mind if i do! [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. it's one day till spring and you're probably thinking about new clothes for the new season. "early" show style contributor katrina szish is here with five of the hottest spring trends this year and they all cost under $100. great to have you with us. as always, katrina. >> good morning. >> what's the trend for the season. i mean what big picture are we looking at? >> we're looking at a season where there's fun in fashion again. it was a little bit kind of morose there for awhile. >> sure. >> fun is back. so i'm really excited to go shopping for the spring. and you don't have to spend a
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lot of money to get these trends. >> we love it and we've got all the trends here. bright colors is one of them. certainly that speaks fun to me. >> it sure does. this is like opening a bright box of crayons. we're not talking about little bits of color we're talking head to toe color, mixing those colors, too. purples, pinks, green. here we've got great trousers from zara for $89 and we also mixed in a great top from cynthia stucky, a little bit of an asymmetrical look going here, purple trimmed with pink and we played up the fun with the accessories. the bright bag, the bangle which is about $3. a great jessica simpson shoes. >> really cute. >> for platforms, fun shoes. >> is there a color combination that doesn't work here? because really it looks like you could throw all the crayons in the box together. >> exactly. and obviously just want to make sure if all the colors together look pretty, that's great. you don't want to overdo it by throwing in lots of prints. really you're going to have to use your artistic eye. >> the trick is solids. >> exactly.
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>> thank you so much. we appreciate it. neutrals. another big one. >> on a completely different part of the color wheel here, neutrals are huge. you can go white or you can go with this great beautiful sand color like we see on blair here. she's wearing this great calvin klein dress that we found on sale at sock it to me dotcom as well as great little booties. again, keep it fun with the accessories. you've got the safari inspired dress. we kind of surprised it up with gold accessories. gold accessories are also something that will really bring you forward into the spring. >> gold accessories. that seems like it keeps it modern and maybe even dresses it up a touch. >> exactly. because you think, okay, i have khakis that color. but instead of just going for the khakis, go for the shirt dress. go for something in a washed silk like this. again play with the accessories to keep the look on trend. >> blair, thank you. '70s chic is another one. you can't walk down the street in new york without seeing '70s chic in every store. >> absolutely. it was the same when we saw the spring shows on the runway.
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designers sent out tons of '70s gear. jacqui looks amazing in the 70s inspired look. high-waisted jeans are back. there are all different cuttings out there. they work for everyone. these we found or $63 on asos and paired it with a cross body bag which we got at zappos. which is one of the most important bag silhouettes of the season. and you can't go wrong with an oversized hat. >> i love that. >> again, playing with accessories is key. you don't want to look costumey. we kept it simple with a white shirt and neutral belt. >> thank you. hemlines this is always the question every season, where are they going to be longer, shorter, we have the hemline of the season here. >> we sure do. i mean, you know, hemlines are fickle this season, i like to say. >> okay. >> and minis are in, maxis are in. but also the new length is the midi. m-i-d-i. as you can see it falls below the knee. it can even go down to midcalf. now she is petite so it shows you don't have to be of
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amazonian proportion to pull off this length. the way to do that is by looking for more of an asymmetrical hem. you can see more of the leg. a touch of knee, but we've got this great dress we found for $93. >> it looks great. >> we added a great jack rogers clutch. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. stripes, i love this. this is always the sign of summer or spring. >> it makes you want to say ahoy. very nautical. this season it's not just about nautical. here we have a twist on nautical. it's a silk top from zara, $60. we added it with some wash silk shorts, which is a great way to go. dressy with the shoes on the bottom, as well. it just doesn't have to be something you wear at the beach, or on a boating trip. this can work for any occasion. we even saw prada did stripes for evenings gowns. we're seeing it in all varieties. >> even more formal you can dress it up. >> from day to night. i like also you don't have to do the blue and white stripe. >> you'll see so many colors out there. kind of a spin on the bright. you'll see that, as well. you'll also see them in
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neutrals. >> thank you to all of our models. katrina, always great to have you with us. now here's russ. >> okay, rebecca. thank you very much. up next he's known for dishes that are healthy and full of flavor. chef franklin becker is here to create a mouth-watering meal of fresh seafood. can you hear me now? >> i hear you now. >> excellent. coming right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. in my life, i don't have time for allergies so i live claritin clear.
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only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. i get relief from my worst symptoms without drowsiness. live claritin clear. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena® naturals. go wild with our new jalapeño chicken quesadillas, bursting with the big flavor of jalapeños.
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or our bold honey chipotle crispers, made sweet and spicy. then there's the milder side of our always classic bacon ranch chicken quesadillas. or our new sweet maple barbecue crispers. meaty, all-white chicken with huge maple barbecue flavor. whether you're craving wild or in the mood for mild, it's all here, only at chili's. those of us who know grass doesn't turn green just because the calendar says to. and that a big difference can grow from a small budget. for those of us with grass on our sneakers... dirt on our jeans... and a lawn that's as healthy as our savings... the days are about to get a whole lot greener. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of flexing our green thumbs. this mulch is just $4.97.
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our "chef on a shoestring" started working in professional kitchens when he was just 14 years old. and he's been cooking on all four burners ever since. franklin becker has worked as an executive chef at some of new york's top restaurants and currently holds that position at abe&arthur's here in manhattan. this challenge is to cook a three course meal for four on our shoestring budget of $40. >> nice to see you. >> you have a new place opening up? >> i do. it's called lexington brass, opens up in may on lexington and 48th street. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> what's on the menu? >> a little shrimp salad, grilled scallions, little fennel, some orange and some mint.
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really nice and refreshing to start your day. and then we're going to go off to a baked cod with ritz cracker crumbs and then from there we're going to finish off with a little rose mary lime granita. first we want to get our shrimp seasoned. take a little bit of olive oil, as well, a little salt, and a touch of lemon juice and just want to toss those up. >> these will cook very fast. >> oh, they're going to cook so fast. and in the time that they're cooking, we literally can get our salad going. >> okay. >> so what we have here is some scallions that i grilled earlier. okay. we're going to put those into the bowl. >> all right. >> we're going to take a little bit of olive oil. and a little bit of lemon juice. and touch of salt. take our fennel. >> the jalapeno there, as well. >> just to give it a little kick. just to give it a touch of heat.
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>> all right. >> going to add some jalapeno. and this is something that can be done spur of the moment, literally at home. >> the orange. >> just squeeze a little bit of orange juice in there. and you can basically have the oranges already segmented and save the insides. we're just going to toss that up. okay? and then from there, just going to take our plate, just going to plate it up. >> excellent. >> it's really nice, light, refreshing. a good starter. >> and the shrimp goes on top of that. >> the shrimp just gets tossed right in. so this is just going to take about ten more seconds to cook. >> all right. >> and it's that fast. >> wow. great. >> so within about a minute, a minute and a half, you can have a complete salad ready. >> dressing's very good. >> it's so light and so refreshing, and you know, a lot of people think they need vinegar and they don't. >> okay. put these in here and move on to
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the cod. fascinating story. at age 27 you were diagnosed with diabetes. totally changed your life. >> yes, it did. i wrote a book called "eat to beat diabetes with picture perfect weight loss" and i wanted to make a difference and help some people. so here we have a beautiful cod. we're just going to season it on both sides with a little salt. and we have a little melted butter. and we're going to put that in the pan with some olive oil. >> just a little, right? >> no, that's all going to run off, so it's not really the end of the world. i don't know if you like ritz crackers, russ. >> i do. do you have any? >> sure, absolutely. and this is the crumb topping. this is just a little bit of parsley. some garlic. some lemon juice. a little shallots and a pinch of salt. and we're just going to mix that up. we're going to throw that on top of our fish. >> the crackers will get a
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little sweet? >> they're going to make it a little sweet. and what happens is this fish mixes with the butter and the oil. >> take it to the process. how long on the stove? >> about five minutes in the oven. just basically go straight in the oven. >> all right. >> and then for the sake of time, obviously, we have one ready. >> mm-hmm. >> and what we're going to do, you could serve this on a bed of spinach. you can serve this with just about anything you want. just going to place that fish in the center of the plate. >> looks delicious. >> and just going to drizzle some of those juices right over the top. >> i'm going to sample this. we've got a minute to go. let's talk about dessert. >> sure. for the dessert we took some rosemary, we took some lime, and we made a simple syrup out of it. so we took water and sugar in equal parts and we just froze it, and then as it's freezing you're actually taking a fork and you're flaking that ice. okay? so you're creating these granules as opposed to creating,
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you know, a sorbet. >> come on in. >> thank you, russ. >> then from there -- from there we're just going to top it with some strawberries that have been marinated with a little bit of lemon and a little bit of sugar, and some vanilla. >> all right. >> and we're just going to put it on top and garnish it with a piece of mint and we're set. >> okay. >> verdict? the verdict? like it? >> mm-hmm. >> let's get the price breakdown and see how you did. each week we compare totals. whichever chef has the lowest total at the end of the year wins. $37.63. the big board here. you are third. >> nice. >> wow. >> you came up nicely there. >> not bad. >> you happy about that? >> i am. i like to be in first but third will do. >> on taste you did great. >> that's good. we want viewers now to decide what's on the menu for next week. here are your choices. southern style payle la, call star star 01. for roasted chicken, call star star 02. remember don't text, just have to dial.
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and for seafood pasta call star star 03. standard data and message rates apply. you guys being awfully quiet so i think you're okay? >> i'm happy. >> it's good. >> thanks a lot. >> delicious. >> we are coming back 27. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> this "chef on a shoestring" segment sponsored by campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. r? dancing there? how about eating soup to get there? campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition, farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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inside the 2011 dodge journey is an 8.4-inch touch screen that lets you control the stereo volume, radio tuning, climate controls, turn-by-turn navigation, and bluetooth activation -- technology inside technology controlling more technology. welcome to the future. now lease the new 2011 dodge journey mainstreet for $299 a month for well-qualified lessees. ♪ [ male announcer ] what are you gonna miss when you have an allergy attack? benadryl® is more effective than claritin® at relieving your worst symptoms and works when you need it most. benadryl®. you can't pause life.
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all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. to come and try coffee-mate's new cafe collection flavors. then we asked them to show us how the taste inspired them. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] introducing new rich caramel macchiato. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] indulgent white chocolate caramel latte. ♪ oh, do it [ female announcer ] and creamy cafe latte. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] add your flavor... with coffee-mate, from nestle.
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coming up tomorrow night on "60 minutes" scott pelley reports from japan. we'll have the latest on the nuclear accident, as well as recovery efforts in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami. >> and then coming up monday on "the early show," new regulations for car seat safety. are the new car seats actually going to be making your kids safer? that is the question. we will have the answer for you come monday morning. >> of course, updates all day long on cbs news. and of course check the web for the latest going on in japan, libya and all over the world. thank you, martina. >> thank you. >> great having you. >> thanks for bringing spring. >> any time. >> tomorrow, right? >> tomorrow is the first day of spring. >> only a day away. >> we're all there. >> your favorite part of the show, let me guess, "chef on a
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shoestring." >> are you kidding? getting to eat. >> have a great saturday, everybody. enjoy. we end with our saturday spotlight. this week's story comes from texas, where like all of us, people are watching the still-unfolding disaster in japan. children want to help but don't know how. well, one dallas woman figured out a way, and the idea is spreading around the world. tracy cornett of our dallas station ktvt reports. >> reporter: what do you get when you mix lemons, water, sugar and dozens of caring kids? you make a lasting impact. both thousands of miles away in sendai, japan. >> -- in japan. >> reporter: and right inside your child's heart. >> we need to make enough money to build their houses back, and so -- so that's why. >> what i'm learning is that kids want to help. they want to know.
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and if we give them the opportunity to help, they really can make a difference. >> reporter: after last year's disaster in haiti, melissa's son wanted to help. so together the dallas mom helped him run a lemonade stand to raise money for relief. they made $150 in under two hours which sparked an even bigger idea. >> we set up a facebook page and this whole thing exploded through the power of social media. >> reporter: lemons to aid exploded all right. to more than 140 events. all run by children throughout america, israel, england and canada. a simple solution with a lifelong lesson. that whatever your age, conviction and compassion really can change the world. >> i feel good for doing this. >> indeed. thanks for watching. join us again monday on "the early show." >> for more about "the early show," visit us at >> so, ah, your seat good?
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got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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