tv The Early Show CBS April 2, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PDT
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good morning. emergency landing. a southwest airlines flight from phoenix, arizona, is diverted to yuma after a loss of pressure in the cabin. the crew discovered a large hole in the top of the aircraft. we'll talk to a passenger who was on that airplane. disaster in japan. engineers have found a crack in the damaged fukushima nuclear power plant that has been leaking radioactive water into the pacific ocean. it may have been leaking since the earthquake last month. and america is hiring. for the second straight month, about 200,000 jobs were added. with private companies leading the way. that's the first time that's happened since before the
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recession. all that and more "early" this saturday morning, april 2nd, all that and more "early" this saturday morning, april 2nd, 2011. captioning funded by cbs sunny saturday in new york city. >> we like it. >> everyone waking up. welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. going to begin this saturday morning with an emergency in the sky. 118 passengers aboard a southwest airlines flight from phoenix, arizona, to sacramento, california, last night had a pretty scary trip. the cabin should suddenly lost pressure and the plane started falling. the aircraft was diverted to yuma, where the pilots found a large hole in the aircraft fuselage. >> reporter: the southwest airlines boeing 737 was about a quarter of the way into its short flight from phoenix to sacramento. flying some 6 1/2 miles up at 36,000 feet. suddenly, a bang. >> all of a sudden the masks
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drop and it's really, really windy. and ears hurt. >> reporter: the wind and freezing cold air were the result of rapid decompression of the aircraft. the breathable air rushed out through a gaping hole in the top of the fuselage. >> you hear this horrible noise, then the bags come down. come on, this can't be happening. this is a movie. but you could tell, something was definitely wrong. all you could think of was what if something more falls off the plane? >> reporter: passengers took pictures showing the 4 to 6 1/2 foot long rupture. you could literally see right through the top of the plane to the sky. the pilot brought the aircraft down quickly and safely to the nearest airport, a military field in yuma, arizona. the passengers waited there for a new plane, which brought them to anxious friends and family waiting in sacramento. for some, it was hugs and kisses. for others, expressions of concern. >> are you glad to be on another airplane? >> yes, i am. >> reporter: aviation experts say this kind of rip or hole in the fuselage is usually caused
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by one of two things. lightning strikes or metal fatigue. in this case the skies were clear, and the boeing 7. 7, only 15 years old. dave crowley, cbs news, new york. >> for a firsthand account of what it was like to be in that southwest airplane, we are joined by cindy wagner in sacramento, california. she was one of the passengers on that terrifying flight. cindy, good morning to you. >> good morning, russ. >> when did you realize when you were on the plane that something was wrong? >> as soon as we heard a huge bang. there was large, big noise, and then the oxygen masks immediately came down, and we began a very rapid descent. >> did you have any idea at that point what was going on? >> not really. i thought maybe there was an explosion in one of the engines. but, really didn't know, and then one of the panels from the ceiling over my head had fallen down. and, you know, that was about all we knew. we just kept descending at a very rapid rate.
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>> while you're going through this, kind of give me an idea of what was going through your head at that moment. >> just sort of -- is this how it's like to die? it just -- so many thoughts were going through your head, and it's hard to focus on any one. just wondering when it was going to be over, or if they were going to come on and say it was all a mistake. it didn't really happen. >> did anybody say anything, the flight attendants, the pilots? >> as we were going through the rapid descent, no one really said anything. the flight attendants were going around making sure everyone's oxygen masks were on. and they were helping some people who had passed out because i guess their masks weren't working properly. and then as soon as we got down to an altitude where we no longer needed the oxygen, then the captain, they told us we could take our masks off, and the captain then came on and said that we were going to be making an emergency landing. and approximately five to ten minutes. >> i see. 118 people on this flight.
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how were the other passengers handling what was going on? >> tremendously well. there were a few people that were showing distress and crying. but for the most part, it was -- it was pretty calm, and the crew did a lot to help keep us calm. >> you say the hole -- the hole we're talking about was actually above your head. not far from you, right? >> yes, it was right over my head. and i think fortunately for me, it was over my head so i couldn't actually see the hole. i didn't realize what a huge hole it was. >> again, while you're going through this, do you think you're going to die? what are you thinking? >> just that, is this what it's like to die. i've thought about what other people think about when you hear about other plane crashes and stuff. and it just -- as soon as we got down to a cruising level and we were starting to look for an airport to land i called my husband and just told him what was going on and said, i love you. >> wow. when you got off that plane that had to be the greatest feeling
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in the world. >> it was. it was. the captain did a great job. can't compliment him enough. >> yeah. are you looking at life a little differently this morning than you did, say 12 hours ago? >> definitely, definitely. you just don't take anything for granted. and if you want to do something today, do it today. don't do it tomorrow. >> okay. thanks cindy wagner. we're glad you were able to join us this morning. thank you so much. you have a wonderful day. hope you do something nice for yourself today. >> i will. thank you, russ. >> you take care. and now here's rebecca. >> thank you, russ. the nuclear disaster in japan looks even more dangerous this morning. highly radioactive water is leaking into the pacific ocean from a newly discovered crack at the fukushima complex. complete exposure to the very high levels of radioactivity could be fatal within just two months. and to try to stop the leak, officials are preparing to pour concrete into the reactor. cbs news correspondent celia hatton is in our tokyo bureau with the latest. celia, good morning. >> good morning.
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japan's nuclear crisis entered new territory this morning as officials pinpointed one source of radioactive material that'si leaking from the damaged daiichi nuclear complex. an eight-inch crack in the concrete bottom of reactor number 2 is leaking radioactive water into the pacific ocean. officials from tokyo electric, the plant's operator, say they have an emergency solution. if we pour concrete into the area, then we can prevent the water from going in that direction, explains this company spokesman. it's not the only quick fix on hand. workers are spraying sticky resin on contaminated soil to stop radioactive dust blowing into the air. and this steel structure called a mega float will store radioactive waste water used to cool the overheating reactors. north of the reactor site, japan's prime minister naoto kan toured the earthquake and tsunami zone for the first time since the twin disasters hit on
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march 11th. kan is promising to rebuild, though it did little to diminish anger that he waited so long to visit the area. in a lone bright spot, the japanese coast guard found a dog, tail still wagging, after three weeks at sea. rescuers searched for a human survivor, but the dog had survived alone until he was saved. u.s. and japanese troops are now in the second day of an all-out search to find those still missing in floating tsunami wreckage. so far they've managed to find 50 bodies out of an estimated 15,500 still missing. rebecca? >> a lot of work ahead. celia hatton in tokyo, thank you. now here's russ. >> okay, rebecca, thank you. the u.s. is taking a big step back in letting its nato allies take the lead in combat missions against moammar gadhafi's forces in western libya. and this morning, there are reports of a rebel group being hit by a nato air strike. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer is in tripoli, of course the libyan capital, with the latest. elizabeth, good morning.
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>> good morning, russ. well, the details are still pretty sketchy. they are talking, at least ten rebels who were hit. one of the doctors who saw some burned bodies said rebels told him that they were hit after they had fired a burst of heavy machine-gun fire into the air in celebration. chaos in rebel lines has been a huge problem from the beginning. most of the few commanders who are military officials, and for nato pilots. on friday, near the front line, at least six people are said to have been killed, and 25 injured, including children, in an explosion after a nato air strike hit an ammunition truck. nato says it's investigating. offer the past few days rebel fighters discipline has improved and they've apparently received supplies, including crucial communications equipment. still, gadhafi's military forces remain well dug in to the key oil port of brega, and fighting
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is still going. yesterday under u.n. pressure the rebels in benghazi offered a cease-fire on condition that gadhafi's military withdraw from libyan cities. no way, says the government's spokesman. >> they're asking us to withdraw from our own cities and open our cities to people who are holding up arms, who are violent, nonunified leadership, al qaeda links, and no one knows who they are. if this is not mad, then i don't know what it is. >> reporter: meanwhile, although the violence around tripoli has been over for more than three weeks, life is nowhere near normal. slowly but surely, libya's economy is grinding to a halt. now, that western officials hope is going to add to the pressure on gadhafi's government and encourage more defections. a lot of hope is being pinned on a political end to this crisis.
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russ? >> elizabeth palmer in tripoli. we'll see you later in the broadcast. thank you. rebecca? >> russ, we now turn to the economy. here, more americans are getting jobs as the labor department reported on friday that u.s. employers added 216,000 jobs in march. that sent the jobless rate down fractionally to 8.8% and puts unemployment at its lowest level since march of 2009. one of the industries getting a boost is the u.s. car industry, and cbs news correspondent seth doane joins us from a chevrolet dealership in bay shore, new york. hey, seth. >> good morning, rebecca. any improvement in the economy is certainly good news at this dealership. overall new car sales in the u.s. are up 17%. a beginning of a recovery, perhaps. >> nearly two years after one of the worst recessions in our history, certainly the worst one in our lifetimes, our economy is showing signs of real strength. >> reporter: checking out clean energy vehicles in maryland on
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friday, president obama noted the unemployment rate fell a full point in the last four months. the first time that's happened in more than 25 years. >> despite that good news, everybody here knows we've got a lot more work to do. there are still millions of americans out there that are looking for a job to pay the bills. >> reporter: 13.5 million americans are still unemployed. though the unemployment rate is moving in the right direction, falling to 8.8%. the lowest rate in two years. hiring was strongest among professional and business services, like temporary workers. also in the health care sector, and leisure and hospitality industries, too. each seeing strong gains. friday's encouraging labor department report sent stocks to a new 2011 high in early trading. still some economists say 250,000 to 300,000 jobs must be added every month to chip away
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at the recession's toll. the rise in fuel prices threatens to slow a recovery. the national average for a gallon of gas is more than $3.50 this week. the highest price ever for this time of year. now those high gas prices, up 25 cents in the last month, are pushing people into smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. of course, dealers are just happy to have consumers looking to get in to any new car again. rebecca? >> it's a really good point, seth. thanks for joining us this morning. and joining us now is michael santoli associate editor at barron's. >> good morning. >> now we've seen these two strong months. is it okay now at this point to say the worst is absolutely behind us? can we say that with certainty? >> i think most likely you can say the worst is behind us. the big question, we have a steady trend of monthly hiring at this minute. but it's not necessarily accelerating too fast. it's not necessarily gaining a lot of momentum. i think business confidence remains fragile. a year ago we had a pretty good
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run of job growth. and then we had the european debt crisis, business confidence went away. i do think we can be encouraged but it's not yet kind of a liftoff to a boom economy. >> it's a good point. as you heard from seth's piece, there are still many, many months to go before we get unemployment back down to more normalized levels. right now it's at 8.8%. what's your theory in terms of how long it's going to take to get back to something like 6%? >> 6% looks like a pretty optimistic scenario in a couple of years to be honest with you. just because the number of long-term unemployed out there. i think looking at something like a 7% tond the end of next year, middle of next year, things really go well, i think is probably going to feel a lot better. it's going to probably be like the 1970s recovery which took a number of years to whittle away at ultrahigh unemployment from the early '80s. >> one of the issues facing american consumers are gas prices. you're paying at the pump on average $3.63. is there a tipping point with gas prices, where we start to see that number eat into employment? >> i do think so.
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it's probably close to $4 a gallon or a little bit more. i think you have to recognize there's a sticker shock effect when you have these round numbers. and we were at $4 a gallon and more in some parts of the country a couple of years ago. it seems like you have to basically get to a new high that really shocks people. it's going to eat into consumption, no doubt about it. a lot of the hiring happened in retail stores, hotels and restaurants in the past couple of months. those are entry level jobs that are very sensitive to consumers' discretionary spending. it's a risk. >> you bring up the fact that we saw $4 a gallon a couple years ago. a couple years ago that was basically the beginning of the recession. and that hurt consumers. >> right. it coincided -- it really was the thing that ultimately pushed us into a deep recession, given the financial crisis was already going to get us there. in itself it's not going to retail the recovery but it could kind of drag on it a little bit. >> something that hasn't necessarily been a drag on corporate profitability, except for when you're talking about housing companies, is the fact that the housing market has been very stagnant, in spite of the fact that a number of other
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factors are increasing in the economy. can we say that there is a recovery without the participation of housing prices actually improving? >> well, there has been for two years a recovery without the housing market getting off its back. i do think you can have a slow and steady grind of a recovery. you know, whatever was the bubble before the recession never really returns to prerecession activity or prices before. the tech bubble, we didn't get to the level of tech spending after that recession. so i do think we can hope that housing is at a bottom right now, a near bottom in terms of prices. you want to see turnover pickup. you want to see sales activity lead prices up. but i don't think we should count on house price inflation to be any kind of a leadership position in this recovery. one thing i would note is the housing sector is so much smaller relative to the size of the economy because of the steep hits it has taken that it's not necessarily necessary for it to get out there in front. >> now, we are seeing some growth in the manufacturing sector which makes up about 11%
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of the economy. and tech, you bring up tech and the downfall. now we're kind of seeing a renaissance among tech hiring, the likes of google, twitter, facebook, and companies like chrysler and kohl's which are also hiring right now. are these the kind of companies that you're going to see continue to hire? and are they the ones that will drive growth ultimately? >> most likely, yes. unfortunately no single one of them is really big enough to kind of power us ahead. especially when you have governments kind of paring back on employment and everything else. i do think those are the general growth areas, export oriented areas that you're naming right now that should be the leaders if we do have this global growth story stay intact. >> as always, thanks so much for being with us. have a great weekend. now for the rest of this morning's headlines, cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is at the news desk. hey, betty. >> good morning, rebecca. good morning to you at home. at least five people are dead this morning in the southern afghan city of kandahar. in a second day of protests over the burning of a koran. the reverend terry jones claimed to have burned the muslim holy
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book at his florida church last month. a suicide attack also hit a nato base this morning near kabul, their capital. three injuries were reported. cbs news correspondent kelly cobiella is in our london bureau with the latest on all of this. good morning, kelly. >> betty, good morning. yes, more violence, more protests throughout afghanistan today. that attack you mentioned on the nato base injured three soldiers, at least four afghans beaten and stoned to death during a protest in kandahar. and there are worries of more attacks in what was considered afghanistan's safest city. >> no one expected a scene like this in the northern city. mixed in with the hundreds of peaceful protesters was a mob of two dozen. armed and intent on violence. they stormed the united nations complex, setting fires and attacking workers. four guards, a swede and a norwegian were killed, along with several afghan protesters.
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the protesting was one of several across the country, sparked by the actions of florida pastor terry jones. he vowed last fall to drop his plans to burn the koran, then 13 days ago jones and his dozen followers held what they called a trial of islam. setting fire to the koran in a barbecue pit inside their church, and poezing the video lon line. jones tells cbs news, we personally bear no responsibility for the resulting violence. his neighbors disagree. >> while there's absolutely no justification for these horrific deaths and injuries, terry jones and his followers were quite aware that his actions could trigger these types of events. >> reporter: the u.n. is now reviewing security at that mission. afghan police have arrested more than 20 people for this attack that happened yesterday afternoon. they say that it was organized by the taliban. a taliban spokesman denies that.
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betty? >> all right. kelly cobiella in london. thank you. demonstrations are continuing in syria, where there are protests there and reports that government security forces have killed at least seven people. troops fired tear gas as thousands turned out in pro-democracy marches in a damascus suburb on friday. they were unsatisfied with the speech about reform by president assad. the obama administration is calling on assad to make good on his promise of meaningful reform. now to the fighting in the ivory coast. gunfire and explosions are reported this morning, just blocks from the presidential palace. forces loyal to the internationally recognized winner of november's presidential election have been battling supporters of the incumbent, who has trees, cut power
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to thousands of people, and they are, indeed, cleaning up today. well in arizona a memorial to the 9-year-old girl killed in the assassination attempt of congresswoman gabrielle giffords. a 9'11" silver angel statute was unveiled friday in honor of christina taylor green. there was significance to the statute's height. she was born on 9/112001. the statue also contains a piece of beam from ground zero, and a large rock from the flight 93 crash site. now here's russ and rebecca. >> all right, thank you so much. well it's about 20 minutes after the hour. lonnie quinn. guess where he is? he's in houston, texas. the site of tonight's ncaa final four with our first check of the
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weather. tough assignment. >> you know what? somebody has to draw the short straw. it was me. you know, i know it's a cliche, but 70,000 fans here in houston for the ultimate in college basketball. i'm talking about the final four. game number one has butler, little old butler taking on little old vcu. game number two, uconn taking on kentucky. you will have a little guy taking on a behemoth of basketball in the championship. i've got more on that coming up. right now let's get right to your weather because there's a lot going on out there. i know it's springtime, all right? but winter continues for the northern plains. the southwest has a fire danger. it's beautiful in the southeast. if you take a look at the satellite radar picture. winter for the northern plains. i'm talking about 6 to 12 inches as it pushes through the northern rockies. here are the forecast for the universities. uconn partly cloudy skies 5rks 1. university of kentucky, mostly sunny, 58. vcu, thunderstorms and 60. and butler, sunshine at 53.
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>> all right, guys. whatever you're doing today, wherever you are, i hope you make it a great day. we're going to be live all day long in houston. but russ, rebecca, back to you in the studio. >> thanks, lonnie. >> coming up, a revealing look at the royal family. prince william is opening up about his pre-wedding jitters. >> and get those receipts together. we've got some last-minute tips to help you file your taxes. ,,,,,,,,,,
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coming up, a very personal look inside the royal family. prince william had a very rare visit with his grandmother. he's a rescue pilot. it was a very charming and revealing moment >> he's opening up about his pre-wedding jitters and explaining why he's not going to wear a wedding ring. >> girls in the office didn't
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the...
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we got all sorts of stuff going on here. >> lonnie is in houston. >> guest appearances. >> that's what we're excited about today. because lonnie is in houston. at the ncaa. lonnie, set the scene for us. what's going on over there? >> all right. i'm in a place called trackate town which has everything to do with the final four as far as the history. all four schools involved. it's really more than that. it's a huge convention center. very close to the stadium where they're going to be playing the games. it's a lot of fun right here. one of the things you can do as you walk around. let me get my little souvenir that anybody can get this, all right. now my home state, connecticut, i've got to tell you the uconn huskies will be pulling out their secret weapons in the game
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against kentucky. you can get your own, your very own basketball card made. this was lonnie. can you see that? lonnie "hoops" quinn. >> number 15. >> is that really you spinning a ball on your finger? >> well, you know what? you know what -- >> it's cgi. >> i'm going to say yes. >> funny you should say that. >> i've got to tell you honestly, betty, they took about 25 takes to get to where i could actually do it. >> good! i'm impressed. >> look at that. look at that. >> who knew you had game, lonnie! >> no, lonnie does not have game. what lonnie had yesterday was, i had a chance just walking around. bracket town, so cool. who did i one into? jim nantz. he's going to be announcing the game. i was just talking to jim. the stuff this guy has locked up in his head is so cool to share with people. he told me do you realize a school like butler, from basically one of the big powerhouse states for basketball, which is indiana, no big indiana school has ever been
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a repeat performance at the final four except butler. >> talk to you in a bit. ,,,, that's why lysol does more with our new stainless look no-touch hand soap system. it fits any decor... and automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap and kills 99.9% of bacteria. so you'll never touch a germy pump again. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system, healthy hands are automatic... all over your home.
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for healthy tips and more, visit missionforhealth. empire state building on april 2nd. rebecca, did you get april fooled yesterday? >> you know what? i april fooled my grandparents. because my grandfather loves april fools'. so i called him up and did a little. did you do that? >> i did not. >> did your grandparents appreciate that? >> they love it. i love to call my grandparents. they're good people. >> april fools' is passed. you're the big fool at last. >> i like that. >> welcome to "the early show," i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. no singing this smorning. >> no singing. but 16 days. that's how close tax day is. you'll be singing the blues if you don't get your taxes done. if you're one of the millions who has not filed yet, we've got
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last-minute tips to help you get a better return or how to file an extension. we know at least three people of the four anchors here who have not done their taxes. >> yeah. we're not going to name names here. >> right. >> but i think everyone in studio can learn a lot this morning. >> right. >> all right.l all that rain and snow and just bad weather, we have been having, this promises to be one of the worst seasons for allergies ever. i know i've got them already. but not to worry. we're going to tell you how to control those sniffles, and those itchy eyes. they are just dogging me here in new york city. they really are. >> taxes and allergies. >> allergies. we help you deal with the things you really don't want to deal with. but you need a solution. >> you need to know. >> you need to know. coming up, the upcoming wedding between prince william and kate middleton may be changing the royal family. traditionally, they've been very private. keeping to themselves. but then the queen paid a visit to her grandson. and for a few moments she turned simply into a very proud grandmother. cbs news royal contributor victoria arbiter is in london with the story. good morning, victoria.
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>> good morning, rebecca. well, the queen's visit to angelsey yesterday gave us an unusually intimate look into the relationship between grandmother and grandson. and while it was a formal royal engagement, the family was charming. hats off to the queen. who kept her own hat on, despite 50-mile-per-hour winds. all to see how her grandson is spending his working days. with prince william's loving kiss and respectful bow to his grandmother and to his sovereign, this is a rare personal glimpse of the royal family united in both duty and affection. prince philip is himself a pilot. and proud to see yet another member of the family serving in the armed forces. >> i'm incredibly proud to be amongst the guys and very privileged to be flying with some of the best pilots, i think, in the world. >> and while he went to the edge of the country to escape the world's press, this week the prince happily demonstrated his skills for the media. taking the pilot's seat for a mock rescue over wales.
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>> every single service in the world will be watching this when it goes out. >> he's nearly as proud of another very different mission. keeping reporters in the dark about his bachelor party. >> it's always fun to outfox the media. it was a military operation and my brother and i are very proud of how it went. >> reporter: that braff aud owe fades when it comes to thoughts of the big day. >> aspects giving you sleepless nights? >> the whole thing. how is that? i was telling everybody at rehearsals and my knees started going, tapping quite nervously. it's quite daunting prospect. but very exciting. there's still a lot of planning to be done in the last four weeks. >> reporter: with a wave of a hand they went on their respective missions. the queen to salute her airmen and the prince to captain his own sea king helicopter. and eventually marry kate. now while there's still lots to do between now and april 29th, the long-term expectations on this couple are enormous, with
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many people speculating they may be solely responsible for the future of the monarchy. >> that is a very interesting point, victoria. do you think that this is sort of the rebirth of the british monarchy? >> it seems sort of sweeping to say the rebirth of the monarchy when they have been around for 1,000 years. but it's definitely a rebranding. if you think about them, they are a family, yes, but ultimately they're a business. so this is definitely a step in a positive direction for the future. >> it's been a business with a lot of scandal attached to it over these thousands of years. they seem like they're getting along at this point, though, and it seems like things are actually, genuinely progressing. would you say that's the case? >> they're definitely getting along. and to be honest, rebecca, they've always got along. just the media loves to highlight all the scandals and all the bad things that happen within the royal family. but, i definitely think we're going to see a united royal family, and it will be wonderful to have them up on the balcony behind me at buckingham palace on the day together.
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>> it's a good point. people are in love with all the salacious details, as they are with the pomp and circumstance. when you see william, basically bowing down, kissing his grandmother on the hand, that level of pomp and circumstance, is that sort of a must-have? or is that a for the cameras? >> it is a must-have. she is his grandmother. but she is also his queen. so, protocol dictates that any member of the royal family would greet her in such a way, other than the duke of edinburgh. because as her husband he should get a couple of perks. >> how about his relationship with the queen? william's relationship with queen elizabeth. is it a solid one? >> he has a wonderful relationship with his grandmother, the queen. the queen is very fond of both boys. and she's always been very proud of their achievements. and we certainly saw yesterday, with the way she was interacting with william as he gave her the tour of the sea king helicopter, she was having a ball, as was the duke of edinburgh. i think aside from wanting to see where he works they were very proud of hayes chiefments.
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>> one of the issues going into this wedding is that economies throughout the world, including the uk's economy, have been under very significant economic pressure. but you've seen so much of this wedding lead-up, the pictures of harry and william, out doing charity work. do you think that's a smart off on their part? and is it hitting the right note with londoners? >> well, it's being perceived as a smart move. but actually, that's the way the boys operate. they're well aware of their position. and the good that they can do with the position they carry. so, yes, i mean, it's being highlighted that they're doing all this charity work. but it's what they do all the time, whenever they have the time, off from their military positions. >> we're always happy when you have the time to talk to us about this very incredible topic. victoria arbiter, thanks so much. >> thank you, rebecca. good talking to you. >> let's go to lonnie in houston for another check of the weather. hey, lonnie. >> rebecca, good morning to you. good morning, everybody. i've got to tell you two of the teams in the final four, we've got some representatives here.
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we have some of the cheerleaders from vcu. we have the entire dance squad from butler. not really entirely sure what the difference between a dance squad and a cheerleading team is so we're going to see a little sampling. vcu, you've got ten seconds. >> let's go! vcu! >> swing it over to my butler bulldog dancers. >> the bulldogs oh, yeah! >> still not entirely clear on what the difference is between a dance team and a cheerleading squad. let's talk about the forecast out there for our final four teams. here's how things are breaking down. first place you're going to go, university of kentucky and butler, both getting sunshine today. vcu, you will get some thunderstorms on campus. uconn, you will get the clouds. all the teams in town here in houston, and it's going to be beautiful. 85 degrees, sun and cloud mix. you take a look here at the satellite and radar picture, we'llly we're going to watch a storm pushing through the northern plains. could put down 6, even 12 inches of snow. so winter's not quite done yet
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in that portion of the country. >> all right, all right. ladies, you are -- ladies, and gentleman, you are fabulous. and i'm sure the ram, as well. russ, let's go back to you in the studio. >> okay, lonnie. we'll leave it at that. up next, the tax man cometh. real soon. last-minute tips on how to get a great return. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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a million dollar makeover. we're down to eight contestants, now we need you to help us choose the winner on facebook. you could even win a 500 dollar macy's gift card. macy's million dollar makeover. vote now at imagine what it can do to your skin. but dove isn't soap. it contains pure 1/4 moisturizing cream because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. and who knows moisture better than dove. bechow can expedia now save me even more on my hotel? skin. well, hotels know they can't fill every room every day.
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like this one. and this one. and oops, my bad. so, they give expedia ginormous discounts with these: unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. my brain didn't even break a sweat. where you book matters. expedia. [ water running ] [ indistinct talking on television ] hola padre. hola. [ male announcer ] you do everything so they're at their best. so start their big days with the incredible protein. eggs. but we still may suffer from nasal allergy symptoms. they can hit you year round... indoors or out. achoo! oh to have relief. prescription nasonex is clinically proven to help relieve nasal allergy symptoms... including congestion, runny and itchy nose and sneezing. [ female announcer ] side effects may include headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing. infections of the nose and throat and eye problems,
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including glaucoma or cataracts may occur. have regular eye exams. slow wound healing may occur, so do not use nasonex until your nose has healed from any sore, surgery or injury. nasonex can increase your risk of getting infections. avoid contact with infections like chicken pox or measles while using nasonex. it does not come in generic form. ask your doctor if nasonex is right for you. some ominous music there. in this morning's "moneywatch," it's tax day, which is coming up, just 16 days away, and still tens of millions of americans
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have yet to file. joining us with some last-minute tips is contributor. >> good to see you. >> you're going to tell us get your taxes done right away. >> if you can. >> if you don't, get an extinction. >> you can. it's a free opportunity to file an extension. you get a six-month extension. you can do this through the irs' website. go to to extend your federal return. for your state return you want to go to your state's website and follow the directions there. but very important, remember this, you can file an extension to file. but you must pay by april 18th. now if you have no idea how much to pay, look at what you paid last year, pay 100% of that, or pay 90% of a good-faith estimate what you think you owe this year in order to not pay a penalty. >> an extension is not an extension of six months to pay. >> very important. >> now if you're filing an extension there's a lot of thought out there among some folks that it's more likely to be audited. is that correct? >> not true. that is a myth. you're more likely to get aud
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audited if you make a mistake or if you file incorrectly. filing an extension does not put you on the irs' hit list. rest assured. >> what if you need to file your taxes right away, but you cannot afford a professional tax preparer. >> the irs is really here to help us, whether it's through their website, through the phone, or through their tax assistance centers. and they're all over the country, available to all types of filers. additionally there are volunteer income tax centers that help people of low to moderate income and that's available to anyone who makes a certain amount of money. additionally, if you're elderly or if you're a military family you also qualify for certain programs to help you with your taxes. additionally, if you earned $58,000 or less in 2010, you can file for free through the irs' website with tax assistance software. completely free. to get the hand holding. >> seems like there's more free stuff out there than ever this time around. right about that? >> yeah. and the irs is really encouraging us to take advantage of the free services on their website. file for free, et cetera. >> okay. so what if you've done your taxes, you have money to pay, you have to pay money, but you
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don't have the money. what can you do with that? >> the first thing i would do is go again through the irs, they have installment programs. it's basically an opportunity for you to pay on a monthly basis, if you can't pay the lump sum. there is an interest payment of about 0.5%. but that is really low, when you consider maybe a credit card, or a bank loan or a payday loan. a much more affordable option for people. so do that first before anything else. >> the federal government has offered electronic filing and getting your refund back electronically for so many years. >> yes. >> a lot of states are doing that now, as well. obviously the fastest way. >> not only the fastest way but also the safest way. you're not getting your check through the mail. you're getting it automatically transmitted into your bank account. so that is a great way. 73 million americans did this last year. so definitely opt for this. the irs actually figures if you opt for direct deposit you'll get your refund within ten days. >> you see these ads now from some tax preparing companies, they call them rapid refunds or something like that. good idea for folks to take this? >> you should know there are
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fees tied to this. you know, use the irs' services more than any other sort of private service or third party service. the irs is really here to help us. >> okay. one final tip. you say it's very important to keep copies of your taxes. why? and for how long? >> i would say three years. why, because the irs typically audits the average taxpayer within a three-year window. additionally if you're in the market for a mortgage right now they're going to want to see your tax returns from the last three years. i'm going through this myself. so it's really good to keep those documents. not only the return but the receipts attached to those returns, the documents related to those returns. so just keep organized for at least three years, you'll be in the clear. >> as we were saying earlier, three of the four anchors here have not done their taxes. >> how about you? >> three of the four anchors. let's put it like this. the only person who has done their taxes is in houston today. >> all right. >> we'll just put it like that. >> sounds like onnie. >> that's true. >> is that typical, a lot of folks wait? >> a lot of procrastinators. i read a survey yesterday that said 40% of american taxpayers will be waiting in april to file. the good news is we get three
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extra days this year. typically it's april 15th. now it's april 18th. >> i think we're all going this week. >> i'll be checking. >> all right. good to see you. see you next time. for more of money saving tax tips you can go to up next, april showers bring those dreaded allergies. tips on how to combat those seasonal sniffles. you're watching the -- you okay? you're watching "the early show" on cbs. is it a place for everything ? is it enough space for a banquet ? is it everyone's favorite restaurant ? it's the lg french door refrigerator. with slim spaceplus ice system for maximum shelf space. so is it a refrigerator ? or something better ? give me half an hour.
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you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain, or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine, or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also, discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and trouble passing urine. it makes me breathe easier. i can't do everything i used to do. but there's a lot i can do that i was struggling with. announcer: ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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in this morning's "healthwatch," those dreaded spring allergies. they are back. and this season promises to be one of the worst in recent years. dr. alana levine is here with tips on how to deal with those sniffles and itchy eyes. great to have you with us. >> thanks so much. >> unfortunately this topic is a real pain for a lot of people. i've already started to see the symptoms. how bad is it going to be this year? >> well, weather definitely plays a role in how bad the allergies are. it's been a weird weather season. i can tell you, i've started sniffling and sneezing myself. we're starting to see the tree pollens already. the grass pollens will be short -- will follow shortly.
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so, you want to be prepared. >> and the asthma and allergy foundation of america has put together this list of the top ten cities. they release it next week but we got a sneak preview and it looks like a lot of these places are mostly located in the south. with the exception of madison, wisconsin, nashville tennessee is number one. there you see it on the map of the united states. what is it about the south that makes allergies so bad? >> well, it really has to do with when things bloom. the type of trees and grass and pollens that exist in those areas, and also the weather. so typically, we see in the south the allergies sort of spring up before they do in more northern parts of the country. >> when you get to this point of the year and you start to get a sniffle. sometimes you think, well is it a cold, or is it maybe an allergy? how do you know the difference? >> it's really difficult to tell, especially in the beginning. if you're a person who finds yourself feeling like you have cold symptoms or allergy symptoms at the same time of year every year it's more likely to be allergies. colds typically will go away
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within two weeks. if you have symptoms persisting longer than two weeks that's a hint that it would be allergies. the allergy symptoms are really characterized by a lot of itchiness, sort of annoying, your eyes itch, you want to rub your nose, that cough, you feel something's irritating your throat. your cold is more that head congestion, nose is really congested, you can't breathe. so, there's subtle differences. but the easiest way to tell is with the duration of symptoms. >> when it comes to treating those symptoms, what do you recommend? >> so, the best treatment is prevention. so i really recommend that if you're somebody who has lary jis, that you stay inside during the early hours in the morning. because that's when the pollen counts tend to be the highest. you want to make sure you keep your bedroom windows closed. use a good high performance air filter. and make sure that you shower when you come in from being outside. if with the best prevention efforts you still can have symptoms, and in that case, there's some over-the-counter remedies that you can try. first of all, over-the-counter antihistamines.
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there are also nasal washings and saline nasal sprays. decongestants are helpful, as well. and there are also some over-the-counter eye drops. >> so a combination of things that you can use to treat it, but also things you can do like staying inside and washing off those pollens if you come in contact with them. children are also big sufferers of allergies. my sister, i remember, we used to go get shots for her wince a week when i was growing up. it was really tough. how do you recommend people treat their children with allergies? >> well, most of the time allergies do start in childhood. so i see it very commonly in children. and i think you want to go with the preventive measures. but you also want to speak to your pediatrician. because there are those over-the-counter remedies, there are also some prescription remedies, as well. and as a last resort, there is immunotherapy or the allergy shots. >> dr. alana levine, as always, thanks so much for being with us. >> a pleasure. >> you cleared a lot up for us today. for more tips to help relieve your allergy symptoms go to and search spring allergies. coming up later, the
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controversial mini series "the kennedys" airs tomorrow. the question is, does it portray the real kennedys? we're going to get a preview right here on "the early show" on cbs. >> might i remind you -- make skin look pretty to covd but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics recommended most by dermatologists. even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra bonus savings.
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with a fresh look and delicious new toppings, they're a brand-new way to indulge. new mccafé shakes. the simple joy of love at first sight. no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief. [ announcer ]acare. who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. >> going to a job interview, i make sure i've got the right guidance. it's the same with my taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me
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step-by-step. and calculations are guaranteed 100% accurate. they even offer audit support. and help me reach my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> man: try turbotax now. earlier we talked about the royal wedding across the pond, and the royal family. but one of america's royal families, of course, would be the kennedys. and we're going to talk about this mini series that is going to air tomorrow night. it was scrapped by one channel. going to air on a different channel. this mini series has a lot of controversy. a lot of controversy about it. some historians are questioning whether it's historically accurate. >> which moments are accurate. which moments are fictional. and for our entertainment? and we have someone along to break that down for us. >> taking pictures of the real kennedys. there. jack, caroline and jackie. yeah, this series was supposed to be on the history channel. they said we're not going to run it. another channel picked it up. all right. going to talk about it.
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is it worth watching? is it controversial? we'll talk about it in just a bit. your local news is next. tax time. >> oh, gosh, don't say it. >> you haven't gotten it done? >> i haven't, you haven't and you haven't. >> i have not. this week, though. we're all this week. >> we better. >> you have to get your taxes done in order to go to houston, i guess. >> that's why we're all here and lonnie's there. >> that's how i got the job. normally i think i'mhe big procrastinator in the group. i happen to be married to a woman who is right on time. so yeah, we already did the taxes. the thing is my mom is a tax accountant, she actually, i don't know if this is a free commercial, she works at h&r block. but check this out, this year we opted to have like an accountant who specializes in like entertainment taxes. and i paid for it.
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and it kind of worked out the same as having my mom do it for free. >> ah! i see. >> go figure. >> mommy knows best. >> maybe she can do ours. we need help. >> i usually get it done in march usually. but this year i'm thinking, it's probably not going to be a good year. >> you haven't been very busy this year or anything. >> well, yeah -- >> when i heard it was the 18th not the 15th. >> that was three days. >> you're going to be on the computer on april 17th filing. >> i'm already freaking out. what, lonnie? >> guys, do any of you guys do the whole filing for extensions? when i was a single guy i used to do that every year. >> i've done that before. >> is it worth it? should we do it? >> well, it depends. >> as long as you can pay the money up front. >> it puts off the inevitable. >> but the truth is as you were saying, even if you do, you know, if you owe money, you've still got to pay on april 18th. >> right. otherwise you're going to pay all the interest and everything. >> right, exactly. >> the business correspondent hasn't done her taxes yet.
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look at that central park south, beautiful saturday morning in new york city. we welcome you back to "the early show" this saturday. i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. >> the latest on libya right now. the nato allies are taking the lead in military action against moammar gadhafi's forces. and nato is investigating reports that one of its warplanes struck a rebel position causing fatalities. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer iseans that the air stris will be left to the european
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allies. now that's not to say that the american military is out of it altogether. they will be still supplying crucial services. the aerial reconnaissance from the cia to operate inside libya. russ? >> okay, i'll take it. elizabeth palmer in tripoli. thank you so much. going to right now to betty nguyen for a look at the latest news. >> good morning to you. there is new trouble in japan this morning. a dangerously high level of radioactive water, that is leaking from the crippled fukushima nuclear power plant into the pacific ocean. now this leak was found in a newly discovered crack at the plant. operators are planning to pour concrete into the reactor to seal the leak. there has been an earthquake in northern chile this morning. the 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck at a depth of more than 50 miles. authorities say there are not any reports of damage just yet.
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and 118 people aboard southwest airlines flight 812 are shaken but otherwise okay. after their flight was forced to make an emergency landing. a giant hole opened in the top of the boeing 737 during a flight from phoenix to sacramento, prompting terrified passengers and crew to grab oxygen masks. that hole ripped open right above where cindy wagner was sitting. earlier russ mitchell asked what that was like. >> is this what it's like to die? i thought about what other people think about when you hear about other plane crashes and stuff. and it just, as soon as we got down to a cruising level and we were starting to look for an airport to land, i called my husband, and just told him what was going on and said, i love you. >> the pilot landed a short time later at a military base in yuma, arizona, and there were no reported injuries. now to the budget battle in washington. the u.s. government could be forced to shut down on april
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9th. president obama said yesterday it would be the height of irresponsibility to shut down the government. cbs news correspondent whit johnson is at the white house with much more on this. good morning, whit. >> betty, good morning. well, here we are again. it's already taken six short-term measures to fund the government so far. lawmakers in the white house are now working on a seventh and all sides hope this one will last the rest of the year. >> both sides are close, though. and we know that a compromise is within reach. >> reporter: that compromise, according to democrats, is in the ball park of $30 billion in cuts to this year's budget. half of the $60 billion republicans passed in the house more than a month ago. >> after a few weeks of negotiations between democrats, republicans, and my team at the white house, it appears that we're getting close to an agreement. >> reporter: not so fast says house speaker john boehner. >> there is no number. there's no agreement on a number. we're going to fight for the largest spending cuts that we
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can get. >> reporter: if an agreement can't be reached by the end of next week, the government will shut down for the first time since 1996. essential government services like public safety and defense will continue. but there could be closure. that includes museums, national parks, and monuments. possible delays on some benefits checks for veterans. and applications for social security. negotiations aren't just between republicans and democrats. the tea party is also demanding a seat at the bargaining table, telling gop leaders that a rally in washington this leak, compromise on cuts is not an option. >> the challenge for john boehner is to take his most conservative members and explain that while the cuts won't be as large as they would like, that there are other things in play here. >> one thing in play is the budget for 2012. republicans plan to roll out their -- their budget plan for 2012 next week. it's sure to create more tension as negotiations for this year's budget enter their final days.
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betty? >> all right. we'll be watching. cbs' whit johnson. thank you, whit. the family of a new york city third grader who was handcuffed after a fight with a classmate is taking the city to court. the lawsuit filed on friday says the 10-year-old girl suffered emotional distress when she was taken from a bronx school to the police station and held for three hours last april. now, police dispute the claim, saying her mother was allowed to join her, and she was held for 90 minutes. time now for another check of the weather so let's go back to lonnie, who is being held in houston. but it is not against his will. in fact, you have a plumb assignment this weekend. >> here's the deal, all right? i'm right now -- actually kneeling here next to michael, and this is the butler bulldog mascot. this is glue, right? >> that's right. an igloo. >> the word is that he actually flew first class down here in a charter jet. is that right? >> well, the chartered plane. first class for blue, though is
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laying on the floor of the front row. >> well, does he get a free drink? >> yeah, i mean the stewardess came around, served him some water. >> let's show what blue does. this dog is -- >> tenacious. >> blue, go get it. >> gotta save the shot. all right let's get right to the weather, guys. if you take a look at what we have for snow, we do have 6 to 12 inches of it in the northern plains. there is a fire danger, however, in the southwest. the final four, though, here in houston, it is beautiful. let's get right to something, i want you to work your brains. work the connection. ramsey, illinois today. all right, you see the connection. ramsey, the rams for vcu. maiden, north carolina. calhoun, georgia, and brandon, florida. that's brandon knight of the university of kentucky. and this is blue.
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>> this weather segment sponsored by kibbles' n bits. new bistro meals. the bits make it better. >> all right. i think we were both just upstaged by blue the bulldog. all right, guys, back to you at the studio. >> all right, lonny, thank you very much. the eight-part mini series "the kennedys" starring greg kinnear and katie holmes as president john f. kennedy and his wife jackie is set to air tomorrow on the reelz channel after the history channel decided the series did not fit the history channel brand. there was suspicion about just how real the series is to the actual kennedy story. joining us now is business editor for tv guide magazine. steve, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you've seen seven out of eight hours. what do you think? >> this is the kind of
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old-school mini series that the broadcast networks, abc, cbs and nbc used to do. and it has very good production design. some good performances. costumes and harry very authentic. but it's not ground breaking in any way and certainly doesn't provide any revelations. everything in the film has been published elsewhere. or reported. i think the issue with the film is that there's a lot of conjecture in it that's presented on a film that appears on the history channel. >> gotcha. >> which has been -- which has staked itself as a place that is telling people about fact-based information. >> right. so they decided not to run it. we want to show a clip now. this is apparently a clip of the alleged indiscretions of john f. kennedy and how jackie handled it. >> our marriage works because i decided several years ago to accept certain things about you. and i dealt with it.
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i've had my private humiliations. but i won't have them in front of the american people. >> she is a dead-on jackie kennedy there. but how historically accurate is the marriage portrayed? >> there are a couple of scenes that are -- probably didn't happen at all. they have jackie and the children leaving the white house during the cuban missile crisis. kennedy biographers and historians have said that never happened. the relationship, a sexual relationship between the president and marilyn monroe is stated in the film. again, that is conjecture. so, when you do a documentary, you could present all points of view on something like this. but you put it in the film, and you're dramatizing it, you're compressing it and presenting it to the public as something that actually happened. >> from your vantage point, are there parts that the movie does get correct history-wise? >> actually the kennedys are portrayed as principled and
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courageous throughout much of the film. the hour about the cuban missile crisis portrays apparently is very accurate. and it portrays them in a very positive light. i mean, the family was concerned about this film, and although no one's really come out and said who complained about what to history channel. but the involvement of joel cernau, who was the producer who worked on "24," i think became the hot potato here. he's a stated republican conservative, and i think what happens today is that whenever something political is done, the -- there's a media questions about whether it has an agenda. that becomes debated. and it almost overwhelms the whole process of putting something like this on the air. >> we talked about this last week. this is a $25 million production. history channel decides not to run it. reelz channel pays $7 million for it. from a business standpoint. good move for the reelz channel to pick this up? >> we'll find out.
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can anybody find the reelz channel if they want to watch this? it's a new channel. they're known for running movie trailers and a couple of shows about movies and even an occasional film but it's way up on the dial. it's -- i gather a lot of people are finding out about it the first time today. and from that standpoint, then, it's success for them. >> out of five stars you give it? >> i'd give it 2 1/2. >> 2 1/2. okay. steve, thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> up next, turning the world blue one building at a time. the campaign to raise awareness for autism. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ woman ] welcome back, jogging stroller.
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you've been stuck in the garage, while my sneezing and my itchy eyes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪ lily and i are back on the road again. where we belong. with zyrtec®, i can love the air®. where we belong. today we're going to surprise people with the taste of activia. that's good. wow. this is really good. great flavor! it's really creamy, it's really tasty. ooh! wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia! it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today. taste it, love it, or it's free! and now discover activia dessert. in rich indulgent flavors like strawberry cheesecake.
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try activia dessert today. ♪ activia you have a child with adhd. you're getting calls from his teacher he's impulsive in class. and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough. i know how it is because my son has adhd too. i didn't know all i could do to help manage his adhd. our doctor suggested a treatment plan with non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] once daily non-stimulant intuniv has been shown to reduce adhd symptoms. don't take if allergic to intuniv or are taking guanfacine. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver or kidney problems. i'm a mom first and a teacher second. so i did my homework and got informed.
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[ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once daily non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor ♪ hello sunshine, s[ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios. prepare your taste buds. today is world autism awareness day. and to help bring attention to this disorder, buildings across the world, like the empire state building here in new york, and the beijing stadium in china, are turning their lights blue. >> joining us now are bob and
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suzanne wright who just six years ago founded autism speaks, after their grandson christian was diagnosed with autism. autism speaks is now north america's largest autism science and advocacy organization. good morning to both of you. thanks for coming in. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >> before christian was diagnosed, how much did you know about autism? >> wow, i thought we were pretty informed people, because as you know, bob was running nbc. >> i heard that. >> we knew nothing. we knew nothing about it. it was amazing. the day we were diagnosed i said to bob, how could this be that nobody is talking about autism? >> i thought it was just some orphan condition that i knew it was very difficult. it was a brain disease, and i assumed it was like 1 in 10,000, 1 in 20,000. which is not to say it's unimportant. but these conditions don't get dealt with scientifically or medically and i thought that's what it was. >> given your experience with this and the fact that you came in to it as relative unknowns, what do you think people -- what do you want them to know about autism? >> i want them to know how prevalent this is.
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we read 1 in 116. and that's only seven years ago. 1 in 70 boys, in 1 in 110 children are being diagnosed on the spectrum. those numbers are staggering. it's the most serious developmental disability we have today. not only in this nation, but globally. that's why we got the u.n. day. if you have to get a u.n. day you have to get every nation to say yes. can you imagine how impossible that is? >> and i think there's only three -- >> there's only three. >> we're one of three. and it's a global effort now, as you saw, with some of the clips this morning. we have over 1,000 iconic buildings around the world telling the world about the global crisis of autism. >> let me ask you -- >> we take our cue from aids. aids came out of nowhere. and when people understood how prevalent it was or how prevalent it could be and how dangerous it could be, all of a sudden there was a global rally to figure out what caused it and how could it be dealt with. 20 years later enormous things have happened. enormous improvements. we're at a standing start ten years ago with autism. just, you know, zero. so, everything -- we can't grow at 5% or 10%.
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we have to have our research going at 200%, 300% to catch up to some level that approximates the prevalence. >> and how hard -- you talked about this a moment ago. how hard was it to get to this day, world autism awareness day? >> it was extremely hard. i mean i just couldn't believe that nobody not only was talking about it, but nobody was doing anything about it. and her highness invited me to come to qatar because we had this awareness campaign with the aid council. and they did all the ads for us, which is wonderful. it's amazing. we're coming up on 260 donated media all across all media. and once we got that going, i got a lot of attention around the world. and that really led us off. the awareness about the ad council was really the cornerstone that led us into this wonderful global issue. >> the qatar mission was our lead at the u.n. and every single country had to approve that. >> mm-hmm. >> and they didn't have to give a reason for not. and it had to be the general assembly, and every country was
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called and no u none muss vote. you're individually called and you're asked for your vote yes or no. you can explain why but you don't have to. >> but the women of the world got it. they understood that autism was a global health crisis. >> we saw the buildings earlier. >> amazing. >> why blue? >> 4 to 1, boys to girls. it's much more prevalent in boys. it's 1 in 70 boys, 1 in 10 children. >> beyond the awareness that you're hoping to spread what would you say is the other biggest challenge when it comes to autism that you would like to overcome? >> well, trying to do a bunch of things at the same time. you don't die from autism. it's a lifelong issue. and at different stages you have childhood stages, adolescents and then you have adulthood. and you need different services and things for the time. so the challenge is to try to be effective at overseeing this whole area without getting so entangled in one, we can't help the other, that it's a real challenge. adults have different issues. but the fact is, if we can get
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real good research, medical research, and we can translate it into drugs and therapies and things of that nature, we can have enormous impact. what helps a child helps an adult and vice versa. so it just has to get done that way. we see this with parkinson's. we see it with alzheimer's and others. we're all trying to fight that issue. >> and we had a big victory yesterday, we won our 25th state for our insurance reform bill. >> congratulations. >> now we have 25 to go and the federal government. >> can you imagine that? >> these people didn't have any insurance. >> we asked all our guests on this segment, who would you like to have coffee with? >> i'd like to have hot chocolate. >> i'd like to have something with president obama because he's been a great advocate. we need to talk about strategy. >> you want the white house turned blue. >> yes. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> to learn more about autism awareness go to our website, we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> us "early coffee" segment
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♪ >> oh, boy. has that ever happened to you? >> every day. >> a strong wind turns your umbrella upside down during a rainstorm. thank you, rebecca. here with some umbrellas that are sure to survive any type of weather is julie wilson, fashion editor from "real simple." >> good morning. >> happens all the time, huh? >> happens way too often. let's just put it that way. >> poor rebecca. we want to help her out. the first umbrella is this one which is interesting. you say this is not going to do that. >> this is from gust buster, $35. and it has these great wind release vents that when the wind blows in, it kind of escapes so that your umbrella won't turn inside out. >> do you think rebecca would get really angry? >> i think we should have her do it. >> rebecca, pretty please. let's give it a shot. wow. >> that's perfect. look at that. >> tell us what's going on here? >> so the wind's going in, but
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it's releasing through the vents, which is really great. it's a sturdy, awesome umbrella and has the beautiful wood handle. so you know, for 35 bucks this is the kind of umbrella you neeh when you're in those really windy storms. >> very nice. rebecca you have to stand there the entire segment. >> wonderful. >> thank you so much. i think they're saying you can go now. >> now this happens, we saw this happen with rebecca's umbrella earlier but this one is special. >> this is davic around by one press of a button, if you press it it will right itself. >> you better do it. >> right here. there we are. so then you press it back in, and then you're ready to go. >> such a deal. >> how much is this one? >> this one is $79. a little more expensive. but it's really nice. and it has this great leather strap, where it will clip on to your bag so you won't lose it. >> okay excellent. let's move over to this one, here. this has a special feature as well. >> this is from eddie bauer. and this is great for families because it will open and close with one button.
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it's really nice so if you have your keys, your coffee, you're dealing with your kids, you can open and close it and it has a great rubber handle, so no slip. you know. you can juggle a lot of things and have that umbrella with you. and it's only $15. >> $15? >> yep. >> not bad at all. this one here is the all-purpose umbrella. >> this is my favorite from vista. and it's a canopy umbrella and so you can kind of just get nestled in there and you can see where you're going. >> yeah. >> so it's 19 inches deep. >> okay. >> try that out. it's great. so when you have the side wind or the rain, you're protected. >> ah. and how much is this one? >> this one is $34. so still really affordable. nice. it's chic. very '70s. >> in a lot of cities, especially in new york, a lot of cities where people do a lot of walking you see folks on the corner when it starts to sprinkle outside selling umbrellas. usually last about ten minutes. that's what you should expect if you buy an umbrella like that,
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correct? >> right. you're going to see it flip inside out. you see kind of a graveyard of umbrellas on the streets. you kind of want to invest in a really good umbrella that, you know, has good features that you're looking for. and these are really amazing umbrellas that will last you. >> i want to go back to this one. because let's do that again. when it does go out like this. >> typically when you have an up brem la like that you're tossing it. >> this one is really nice. you're not fumbling around trying to fix it just with one press of a button it will right itself. so you're not spending money, you know, on these cheaper umbrellas. >> but again, 79 bucks. >> 79 bucks. >> and out here you've got all different colors. really fashion statements. >> it is. it is. it's nice. and it brings a pop of color. and a dreary, rainy day, you want a really nice color to brighten it up. >> okay. what kind of umbrella do you have? >> i have one of the gust busters, actually. i love it. i love a long stick umbrella.
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on those windy days i'm okay. >> listen. to find out more information about these umbrellas you can visit our website julie, thanks a lot. coming up, we're going to talk about animals. got a big snake. a cheetah. all sorts of stuff. hey, hey, hey. >> giant cobra in the studio. >> do we have a shot of these animals? >> oh, it's into the a cobra. it's a boa. >> we have a boa. a cheetah. also -- >> an owl. >> exactly. >> and basically, i just walked near it, and i got, you know, like really nervous. just from going close to it. just even ten feet away. >> and not to be confused, this
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is not the poisonous snake that escaped from the bronx zoo. that one is back in its cage. this one is okay. >> but of course boa's do, they wrap themselves around you. >> yes. >> and squeeze the breath right out of you. lovely, right? >> lovely. >> it's a great image. it's a great image. but the cheetah is a gorgeous animal. >> do you have a fear of animals in general? >> yeah. wild animals. because, you don't know. i mean, i don't even want to say things like this, because you're about to do that. >> right before the other thing happens. >> when they show the news clips afteryourself. >> don't want to jinx yourself. >> what about you? >> i'm okay with animals. i don't really like snakes that much. since this one doesn't bite -- >> you're okay with that? >> i think i could get out of the way. i'm not trying to sacrifice myself here, but i'm just saying it's better than one that will jump out and bite. >> last time was it the monkey? >> yes. >> we had to call hr. >> the man drill. >> it attacked rebecca.
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the george washington bridge in new jersey. in the background there. central park. welcome back to "the early show," i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. we're going to get a little wild this morning with some of the most amazing animals that you will ever see. they're from the world famous san diego zoo safari park. and we're going to meet them in just a moment. >> that's a big owl. >> got to love those wild animals. yeah. >> oh, yeah. you love the wild animals. >> he's speaking up. rebecca, come over here. >> and continuing our countdown to the final four, chef tim love is going to prepare some incredible dishes inspired by today's games.
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virginia ham with red pepper spoon bread. or perhaps pulled pork sandwiches with bourbon and coke. >> hmm. >> guess what team that is for. how about that? all coming up, but first back to houston for mr. lonnie quinn for our final check of the weather. hello, lonnie. >> hey, good morning to you guys. good morning, everybody. behind me right now, representatives from a couple of the behemoths of college basketball. university of kentucky wildcats. bring it over this way. we've got the university of connecticut huskies. all right. this is not the entire squad from either school. but let's just see a little bit of spirit that the wildcats have. >> cats cats cats! >> let's bring it this way. it's the huskies turn. >> let's go huskies! >> let me just tell you. one of these two teams will be playing, will be playing for the
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national championships. they will take on the winner of the vcu/butler game. it's going to be a fantastic final four. let's get to your weather picture right now. talk about the schools themselves. here's what we've got for you right now. if you're on camp us, university of kentucky and butler, you get the sunshine today. vcu, you will get the thunderstorms. uconn, you have some clouds overhead. and if we take a look at what the weather's like here in houston for the final four, get out of town. no, stay in town. it's beautiful! 85 degrees. sun and clouds. a little mix right there. satellite picture shows you a winter storm building in the northern plains with the possibility of snow, 6 to 12 inches could happen. all right.
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>> those are cheerleaders, right? russ and rebecca, back to you. all right, lonnie. thank you very much. it's a tradition, you get married, you wear a wedding ring. unless, of course, you're prince william. he says he's not going to wear one after he marries kate middleton later this month. >> and she's apparently fine with that. but can guys get away with that on this side of the atlantic? well, we sent cbs news contributor taryn winter brill to find out. ♪ >> reporter: no matter how unconventional the wedding, one tradition always seems to ring true. after the vows, come the wedding bands. for many it's the moment when the marriage becomes official. the words are solidified in an everlasting circle of love. >> with this ring, i thee wed. >> reporter: but what if one part of the happy couple opted out? just this week the world's most
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famous suitor decided to skip the wedding band. >> it's very personal. >> reporter: so how would you feel? >> that's not great. that's totally not right. you get married you wear a wedding band and you take the name as well. >> why doesn't he want to wear it? >> reporter: apparently they say he's not a fan of jewelry. >> that doesn't really fly. >> reporter: so you've been married 21 years. you don't wear a wedding band. >> no. >> reporter: how does your wife feel about that? >> you know, i haven't asked her. no, i'm kidding. no, she's cool with it. >> reporter: she is cool with it? >> yeah. >> wear the band. >> now i'm wondering all of a sudden. >> reporter: clearly wearing a ring is a personal choice. but only time will tell if this prince's preference starts a trend that circles the globe. >> okay. if prince william will not wear his wedding ring does that mean other guys don't have to, as well? and are women then free to go without them as well? here's some insight, our relationship experts cooper lawrence and matt titus. the author of "why hasn't he proposed"?
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cooper, we'll begin with you. you okay with william not wearing a ring? >> yeah, it's a wedding ring, not a chastity belt. if they're going to cheat they're going to cheat. whatever is on their finger, it's not going to matter. >> cooper. for a family the royals are so based knee deep in royal tradition. how can he not be wearing a wedding band? >> that's his way of rebelling. you know, this isn't a kid that went and did drugs or did something crazy. this is a way of rebelling. this is the worst thing he's going to do. what's the big deal. it's up to her. does she mind? >> she doesn't have a choice? are you kidding? >> of course she has a choice. >> cooper, you said he's rebelling. this is a way of rebellion. so would you say that men who don't wear wedding ring are rebelling? >> it's a very modern idea. it's not traditional. so if you're not doing what's traditional. what your grandparents did, what your great grandparents did, in a way it is a rebellion. it's a social rebellion and it's okay if your spouse is okay with it. >> it's a disrespect of a union of marriage. it's a sign of eternal love between the couple. >> no, no. what's in your heart -- look at all the couples who get divorced
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that wear wedding rings. it's only a symbol. whatever is going on in your relationship is what matters. >> we're talking about guys in general here. not just guys with prince before their name. >> you think guys should always wear a wedding band? >> i think they should always wear a wedding band. it's a symbol of eternal love between the couple. i think everyone should know that you're taken. i think it's respect for the institution of marriage. >> like ownership. you own a dog. you should own a husband. >> cooper. >> what message do you think it sends to people when you do come across someone, a man or a woman for that matter, who is married but doesn't wear a ring? don't you think people have no idea whether or not they're married or not? >> so you say, i'm married. why do you assume that every time somebody meets somebody it's sexual reason. you know, a lot of men that were interviewed for studies that talk about, you know, do you wear a wedding ring or not would say that they want to be judged for who they are. there's a lot of stereotyping that goes into married men, in a suit. and we have this idea. and men want to be judged for who they are also. >> matt's shaking his head. >> i just don't think it's that deep. you know, i really believe that
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wearing a wedding band symbolizes exactly where you are in your life. and i think they're all good stereotypes. i would love to be known as stable, committed, loyal, consistent. >> but you're describing a relationship. the ring has nothing to do with it. there's plenty of unstable marriages where they have rings, they do everything very traditionally but the marriage is unstable. >> you know folks who don't wear wedding rings? >> i probably know more people that don't than people who did. >> i didn't in my first marriage. that didn't go so well. >> do you think that had to do with it? >> i talk from experience and now i have mine on and things are going really well, russ. >> congratulations. >> what about women? is there a double standard here, cooper, that men don't have to, but women should? >> no. it's whatever they want to do. you know, i'm a woman who loves jewelry. before i got married -- i wear ring all the time, whether i'm married or not. i think there's women that don't care for that. i've got a girlfriend who is a baker and she's always got her hands in stuff. it gets all over her ring so she doesn't wear it anymore. and they have a great marriage. they've been together 15 years. so i think it's the quality of
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the relationship, not the symbolic nature of what's on your finger. >> it's interesting, though, not only ask he not going to wear a ring but he's inviting four of his former girlfriends to the wedding, as well. is that a good idea? >> that's the bigger iru. >> whatever he wants, it happens. >> that's what i think. >> matt titus and cooper lawrence, always great to see you both. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> up next, rebecca's going to have a whole lot of fun. she's going to be with some amazing animals. that you'll find at the san diego zoo's safari park. you all set, rebecca? >> you thought this segment was wild? check out the next one, guys. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at home improvement stores.
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if you want to take a trip to the wild side, head on over to the san diego zoo safari park. and here with some more fascinating animals you'll see is rick schwartz. great to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> your friend on the floor is gorgeous. what would you call the sound he's making? >> it's a purr. >> that's a purr. >> a nice, deep, cheetah purr. this is a beautiful 9-year-old cheetah and he is a resident of the san diego safari park. there's a different between the san diego zoo and the safari park itself. they're about 30 miles apart. the safari park has a lot of safari adventures. it's about 1800 acres, which is enough to fit 18 san diego zoos inside. >> tell me about the cheetah? >> we know they're the fastest land mammal on the earth. i mean 70 miles an hour. in fact, they can get up to 60 miles an hour in three steps which is pretty darn impressive.
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>> imagine if you actually saw that running right in front of you. >> i don't think that would be the best thing in the world. >> we're having our cheetah run starting in july of this year. >> okay. >> you can actually experience the cheetah running right past them at full speed. >> so that's real. they really can run that fast? >> oh, you better believe it yes. only for a short distance, maybe 100 meters. >> what else do you have with us today? >> this cheetah is going to run right now and we're going to have you come right over here for me. stand right about here. >> and we're going to have one of our birds from our bird show come in. >> okay. >> this is a milky eagle owl. >> a milky eagle owl? >> the largest species of owl native to africa and they're the third largest in the world. you want to come on over, buddy? >> he's going to fly over this way. is that the deal? >> that's if he wants to. come on. thatcher. >> this is live tv. this is what happens when you involve animals and different television. >> kim is his favorite mom. >> come on, thatcher. come on, buddy. here he comes. >> oh, here he goes.
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>> 5 1/2 foot wing span. >> what did you put out there? >> this is a little bit of meat. carnivore meat. one of his favorite snacks. they also eat rodents. being that they are the third largest owl in the world. the largest one in africa, they are a great hunter of mammals. small mammals. big talons, great eyesight and what a lot of people don't know, outstanding hearing, also. thatcher is a great representative of our bird show but also our flight line, our zip line. go to our california condor conservation. i'm going to have thatcher fly off. >> wonderful. >> thatcher taking off. who do we have coming neck? >> akissa. and akissa's name means beautiful. >> beautiful. >> and akissa is -- >> nothing to be afraid of at all. >> can the animals be together at the same time? >> some animals can. >> some can. come on, thatcher. there we go. all right. here's my beautiful akissy. >> okay. i'm scared.
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>> it's -- he's fine. we'll get him down later. >> there's animals everywhere in the studio right now. >> poor rebecca. >> i'm going to stand over here and you tell me about this one. >> this is akissa. >> there's meat on me or something. >> this is akissa. she's a ground boa. a beautiful, beautiful snake. they're an ambush hunter. no, not venomous. >> okay. he's not related to the cobra? >> absolutely not. other than they're both snakes. can you see the beautiful colorations on his face and head. being an ambush predator she's going to lay in wait in the leaf litter and wait for the prey to strike. there's a lot of myths about snakes. many of them aren't true. they aren't slimy. they're not conniving. very basic predator and they help keep the rodent population down. >> very appreciate you joining us today, rick. >> thank you so much for having us. >> thank you so much for being here. sorry for my little freak-out there. >> it's all right. >> not used to being around these animals. >> if people want to come to the safari park go to our website. >> we appreciate it. coming up next is lonnie with chef tim love in houston and
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they're preparing some incredible, tasty dishes inspired by the final four. you're watching "early" show on cbs. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! ♪ and i feel like... [ female announcer ] kellogg's® wants to make kids happy one tummy at a time. because 9 out of 10 kids don't get the fiber they need, that's why froot loops®, apple jacks® and corn pops have 3 grams of fiber in every yummy bowl. they're the cereals your kids love and the fiber their tummies love... which makes for a whole lotta happy.
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all right. good morning, everybody. welcome to our "chef on a shoestring." we are at the lg experience at bracket town for the final four. so we've got a final four piste for you. a little something different this week. we bumped the budget up to $60. we have our fine chef tim love with us. you put together a feast. all right. you got $60 budget. but you got -- >> i'm excited about the $60 budget. normally they give me $20. >> you've got a dish representing each school. >> absolutely. final four here so we've got grilled corn for butler university. white pizza with clams. >> because it was invented in connecticut. >> and spoon bread with country ham and bourbon and pulled park. >> kentucky. >> and somebody representing houston, texas. >> you can't watch any games without having burgers. i've got to throw in my love burger from the love shack.
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so today we're going to make the burgers and the pulled pork. >> great. a couple sandwiches. >> first things first. talk about the beef. we have some prime sirloin and prime brisket that we grind up in a food processor. >> how important is it the cut of beef you get? sometimes i see a kobe beef burger for $80. >> you don't need to go that far. it's burgers. we're just going to eat them. we make good burgers. you want to make the meat into a ball and let it sit for at least an hour. that's going to allow the proteins to combine together. when you smash it out -- >> normally i make my pattie and throw it into the grill. >> you've got to add bread crumbs and eggs. >> you want this to sit like this for at least an hour. season with salt and pepper, let them go like this. now, first talk about the pulled pork. we're going to add in my special seasoning. >> the seasoning. >> some black pepper. salt. >> okay. >> chili powder. cumin. >> is this going to be burn your face off hot? >> only if you're not from
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texas. >> okay. >> all right. and then rosemary and thyme. mix all that up there. >> mixing. >> you mix all that. take that seasoning rub and put it into the special love sauce that goes on the burger. as you're making that -- >> tell me what you're putting in there. >> jalapenos. we've got some fresh pickles. fresh pickles. we've got some mayonnaise here that we make, of course. >> okay. >> and we've got some ketchup. >> uh-huh. >> here we go. >> and now we're going to add in one teaspoon of that sauce or that seasoning. go ahead. >> got you. >> a little vinegar here. >> okay. >> perfect. now we've got the love sauce. >> it seems like this is going to be pretty hot. >> come on, now. >> jalapenos. >> where you from, lonnie? >> connecticut! >> i guess you got to have something going for you. >> listen to you. >> so now let's talk about the pork. >> okay, let's do it. >> we brine it for 4 1/2, 5 hours in a salt water brine. soak it in salt water. going to cure the pork a little bit. take it out of there and now we make a cocktail in a pan. >> cocktail in a pan. >> maker's mark and coke here.
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this bourbon and coke. bourbon and coke. just like this. >> all right. >> and this is going to steam out. now coke's got a nice acid to it. it's also got a lot of sugar, as we know. >> and the alcohol and the bourbon, is it -- it burns off? >> it burns off but gives a nice, unique flavor to it. then i'm going to season that with a game rub. same thing we just made. we want to do very liberally on the game rub just like this. >> okay. >> look at this. awesome. wrap that up in foil. >> quick how does a big chunk of meat like this go into like just all that shredded pork? >> right so we cook it for at least ten hours. that's the whole thing. so what happens is, the bourbon and coke steams into the meat. it makes the meat fall apart. if i do everything right, which i hope i did, we put this in the oven. >> we're not making this right before the game. >> you've got to prepare this for the finals. you know what i mean? >> okay, all right. we're going to start cooking tonight. >> that's exactly right. put in this beautiful lg oven right here. look at this. i don't know if you notice i'm sitting in a kitchen with like 18 pieces of equipment in
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bracket town. >> and you're sitting in the kitchen with about 30 cheerleaders. >> all kinds of good-looking women. great-looking appliances. i'm in heaven. this is where i live. >> okay. >> so, we take this. >> get the reveal on this. >> look at this. >> piping hot. >> i don't understand, though, how this goes into the shredded look right there. how's it going to get all shredded? >> we're going to work on this. see how that just falls apart like that? >> so are you actually just pulling it apart with your -- >> pull apart with our hands. look at this. i mean, here you've got to try that. >> let me try that is right. >> we put the burgers together. >> oh, wow. >> let's do the pulled pork sandwiches. >> get that together because we're running out of time and i want to show the final product. >> i'm going to make this like this. why don't you go through the budget while i'm doing this. >> while you're doing that let's check out how you did. we gave you 60 bucks. you have a lot of food. >> i always go over budget. i'm a little bit worried. >> you came, yeah, there's the cashier sound, $58.69.
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>> yeah, baby! can i get some cheering for that? >> come on! >> all right. >> it's always a pleasure when you come by. for my cheerleaders. thank you for sitting. >> absolutely. >> pom-poming away. doing your thing. we will be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. is it a place for everything ? is it enough space for a banquet ? is it everyone's favorite restaurant ? it's the lg french door refrigerator. with slim spaceplus ice system for maximum shelf space. so is it a refrigerator ? or something better ? i feel like i have to wind myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the lack of energy.
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6:55 am
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before we leave today want to say bye to lonnie quinn in houston. see you back here next week, lonnie. >> how much fun was this today? i will be back. cbs tonight, butler/vcu, uconn/kentucky. it is going to be fantastic. >> thank you lonnie. >> monday on "the early show," the family of the trainer that was killed by a whale last year at seaworld is speaking out for the first time. we'll find out how they feel now that the whale has returned to the water. >> and next saturday on "the early show," grammy winner cheryl crow. she's been making us happy for many years. now she's helping to make us healthy. she's going to be here to cook and talk about her new cookbook. >> you okay? >> i'm okay. >> that owl came flying at you. >> she's been shaking ever since then. >> i'm definitely awake now.
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>> enjoy your saturday, folks. enjoy the games tonight. we end with our saturday spotlight from richmond, virginia, home of vcu rams, one of the teams playing in tonight's final four. stephanie from our cbs affiliate talked to wife of vcu's coach shaka smart and she had some very exciting news. >> reporter: outside the house there are signs all over the yard. this is an extraordinary time in the life of the couple who live here. maya smart, the wife of vcu head coach shaka smart, has a rare moment to put her feet up, after flying from city to city on the rams' historic ncaa run. when she met smart, who was an assistant coach in akron, ohio, in 2004, she says she knew he would be successful. but never imagined it would happen this fast.
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>> didn't expect it this year. so it's nice in his second year as a head coach he had the opportunity to go this far. >> reporter: and she's been with him every step of the way since their wedding day in may, 2006. while sports reporters are telling the world about smart the coach, a asked maya about smart, her husband. >> he's a very compassionate person. a very family oriented person. he calls his mom every single day. >> reporter: while he builds his coaching career, maya has a successful career of her own. the harvard graduate is an entrepreneur and writer who's been published in major hag zones. >> vcu has been good to us. so i think this is a fantastic place to be. and i'm very focussed on our next step here. which is winning the whole thing. >> for more about "the early show," visit us at ,
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