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tv   The Early Show  CBS  April 9, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PDT

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good morning. it's a deal. republicans and democrats strike a deal on a new budget just 70 minutes before the midnight deadline. a government shutdown is averted. >> i'm pleased to announce that the washington monument, as well as the entire federal government, will be open for business. and that's because today americans of different beliefs came together again. >> does this mean the two parties can work together? or have we just set the stage for new budget battles yet to come? soaring gas prices. turmoil in the middle east has gas prices rising, and hitting americans hard at the pump. will we see $5 a gallon by this summer?
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and royal countdown. only 20 days left until prince william and kate middleton thai the knot. where will they live? what will be their official title? and will the families get along. we've got your royal answers "early" this saturday morning, we've got your royal answers "early" this saturday morning, april 9th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs sunny saturday in new york city. >> that's a good thing, right? >> everyone's waking up to the reality that the government is still in business. >> still working. >> we're always working here. welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm jeff glor. good to see you. we'll begin with that news that the federal government is indeed still running this morning. with just over an hour to go before the deadline for government shutdown last night, that deal was finally hammered out. the senate and the house vote passed a six-day spending bill so they can finalize language on the agreement that will cover the rest of this fiscal year.
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cbs news congressional correspondent nancy cordes is on capitol hill, after a very long night. nancy, good morning to you. >> good morning, jeff. a lot of bleary eyes around here. what this means is that the nation's 4.4 million federal employees will not see a break in their pay. republicans held out until the very last minute for the largest spending cuts they could get. and this morning, they're claiming victory. house speaker john boehner came out first, at 10:50 p.m. to announce he had reached a deal with senate democrats and the president. >> good evening, everyone. i'm pleased that senator reid and i and the white house have been able to come to an agreement that will, in fact, cut spending, and keep our government open. >> reporter: at 11:00 p.m., president obama appeared at the white house to announce that the washington monument behind him, and all the national parks, would be open today, and federal workers would get paid. >> this agreement between democrats and republicans, on behalf of all americans, is a
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budget that invests in our future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history. >> reporter: the final agreement, $38.5 billion in cuts from the 2011 budget. while more than half of the $61 billion had been seeking. >> some of the cuts we agreed to will be painful. programs people rely on will be cut back. needed infrastructure projects will be delayed. and i would not have made these cuts in better circumstances. >> reporter: republicans were not successful in their bid to defund planned parenthood. defund the president's health care law, and restrict the epa. >> all those in favor of the bill as amended, say aye. >> reporter: it will take several days to craft legislation that reflects the new spending deal. but right around midnight the senate and house passed stopgap measures to keep the government running until next friday. >> it's been a grueling process. we didn't do it at this late hour for drama, we did it because it's been very hard to arrive at this point. >> reporter: final passage of that short-term spending bill actually didn't come until around 12:20 a.m. in the house.
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so this came down to the wire, and then some. jeff? >> nancy cordes in washington this morning. nancy, thank you. now here's rebecca. >> jeff, thank you. now we head to the other end of pennsylvania avenue, where cbs news correspondent whit johnson is at the white house. whit, good morning. are you getting a sense that everyone's breathing a sigh of relief this morning there? >> yes, rebecca, absolutely. a huge sigh of relief. and despite the nasty politics, a point of pride according to the white house staff who say, believe it or not, the american people may have been proud of the way president obama, speaker boehner, and senate majority leader harry reid really came together to hammer out the final details. the key point of contention, as we've been reporting, was funding for planned parenthood. and at one of the meetings this week, president obama apparently drew a line in the sand with the speaker, saying that he would not accept reductions in family planning, and said republicans really have to give on this issue, or be prepared to shut the government down. friday the speaker and the
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president had three telephone conversations, and at one point we're told the president said, hey, you're the speaker, i'm the president, we're the two most consequential figures in american government, it's going to be up to us to get this deal done, and, in fact, late last night, when an agreement was reached at 11:25, there was a fourth phone conversation, this time the president called the speaker to say thank you. rebecca? >> well, that's nice. cbs news' whit johnson at the white house. thank you. and joining us from capitol hill is iowa congressman steve king. he's one of the 28 republicans to vote against the budget compromise. congressman, good morning. and let's begin with why you voted against this. >> well, i've taken the stand all along, for a year, that if republicans win the majority, we must first vote to repeal obamacare, and then use all of our leverage and every appropriations bill to cut off the funding that would be used to implement or enforce it. two federal courts have found it unconstitutional. the white house is delaying the
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supreme court review of this, while tens of billions are spent implementing a piece of legislation that america has rejected, and i believe the supreme court will also reject, and i thought we should have used our leverage in order to cut off all funding to obamacare. >> given that viewpoint, do you think that speaker boehner has failed you? >> well, i wouldn't go so far as to say that. he had a different set of priorities. a lot of political capital was used on the cuts. and by the time we got through that, we just didn't have enough leverage left to work on what i thought was the most important issue. and i think history will show that. >> would you have rather seen, this morning, then, a government shutdown? >> in the long run, we needed to be able to face a government shutdown and hold our ground. it's worth it. that's $2.6 trillion in outlays the first full ten years of obamacare. and if we're not willing to face the threat of a shutdown. which was being threatened, of course, by harry reid and discussion was initiated there, you're not as strong in your negotiations if you're not willing to use the tools that
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the other side is using. they were willing to use the shutdown. we were not. i think we could have gotten more if we would have been willing to face a shutdown. >> and what do you think that would have done to you politically speaking, and your followers and the people who have voted you into office? >> i think that would have been sort of out in the court of public opinion. there would have been an intense public discussion like there was in '95. public opinion actually sourced that out. they get a hold of their members of congress, who get a hold of their leaders, and over time, some people decide to change their position because of the pressure. that would have been decided. but i think the american people would have sided with us. and what i want to do is fund all the legitimate functions of government, none of obama care. i think that bright line would have put the president in a bad position of having to say that his signature piece of legislation is more important to him than all of the functions of government all put together. >> given what you want, and what ultimately was accomplished here, what do you think it says about the power of the tea party movement? >> well, there's a tremendous amount of leverage there.
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there are 87 freshmen in this congress. quite a few of them are here because of the support of the tea party. i think we'll see the next vote, a little bit stronger tea party. and then they've got to be engaged with the members of congress in a personal way. and i think they're going to get -- i think they're going to get strong and stronger. and i know they're looking to the 2012 election now. so, we will see, as days and weeks and months unfold, this is not a one-shot deal. they know it and we know it. >> it's absolutely not a one-shot deal. when it comes to the 2012 budget what do you think people can expect, and is the fight potentially going to be even harder and more destructive than the one that we just saw transpire? >> you know, that's something that concerns me a lot about this. that you always want to use the highest leverage point to be able to achieve your most difficult goal. and so as we move forward, the ryan budget will be debated but it doesn't have the force and effect of law, so it's just a debate point. then we will go through 12 or 13 appropriations bills. i think we'll debate them intensively in the house and i think harry reid will put them in his desk, take none of them
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up until the last week in september where he'll put them all in one big omnibus spending bill, make his changes and add his money and drop that on our desk at the end of september and we'll be at another crisis of the threat of another shutdown. but that's only the debt ceiling and the end of this fiscal year ared only two leverage points in this 112 -- the first term of the 112th congress. >> congressman king, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. good morning. >> good morning. now here's jeff. >> all right, rebecca, thanks very much. as intense budget negotiations played out in the nation's capital, democrats and republicans were all well aware of the political stakes involved. so who came out ahead? joining us now from washington is cbs news political analyst john dickerson. john, always the big victor here this morning? >> he's the big victor, indeed.
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and congressman king's not happy, but the number of people unhappy with congressman boehner, with the speaker, is small. and also, listen to what the congressman said. he said he had different priorities. well the priorities that speaker boehner had are the priorities you have to have when you're trying to get your members together, get something that can actually pass, and negotiate with the other house of congress, and with the white house. republicans are also saying look, we only control just the house of representatives. there are these other two big forces in washington. given that there are those two other big forces john boehner got a lot of spending reductions that republicans wanted, moved democrats much closer to where the republican position was. so it was a big, big night for him. >> let's talk about the president. he praised this deal. is it awkward for him to do that? can the president present this as a win? >> it is rather awkward for him. earlier in the week when he gave a news conference he seemed irritated that he had to get involved at all in this sort of bickering between the two houses of congress. he got involved. he was certainly pressuring
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speaker boehner at various points. but if we compare this to the deal that the president struck at the end of last year, on the bush tax cuts, he was able to say, look, republicans got what they wanted in the tax cuts, and we got other things for lower income americans. and things that progressives and liberals would like. in this case, what he got was just that the deal wasn't as bad as they thought it was going to be. there aren't a lot of things in here that the president can say, i won these things. he can only say, i kept these bad things from happening. >> john, the tea party continues to flex its muscle. moving ahead here now, same influence as before? more or less? >> same influence. the -- you know, they didn't get everything they wanted. but they certainly were on john boehner's mind all the time and that's one of the reasons he really stuck to his guns here, and pushed this to the last minute. and they will also be trying to prove that they are still as powerful as they were since they didn't get all of the cuts they wanted. so, yes, this will be something we'll be talking about in this larger budget battle for sure. >> last but not least, john,
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obviously plenty of finger-pointing and accusations going back and forth. we watched these dealing press conferences all day long yesterday. do the parties move forward effectively from here, as if not much happened? or is there long-lasting or lingering damage? >> well, i think the lingering -- the public pronouncements and finger pointing and accusations, that's the sort of baseline, that's the thing that still exists. and so that is what we'll go back to now on this bigger fight, about the large budget. we've been fighting now only about a tiny sliver of it from last year's business. now we have a question about the entire priorities of government, what its role is, and these very, very hot-button issues like entitlements and how we take care of the poor. i mean every issue that is involved in government. one thing that's good that came out of this negotiation is that you now have the leaders of government, they know each other, they've been in the tough spot, and that will help when these bigger issues come forward. >> john dickerson. always good to see you, sir. see you again, soon. thanks very much. >> thanks, jeff. >> now here's rebecca. forces loyal to moammar
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gadhafi shelled the outskirts of the rebel-held town of ajdabiya in eastern libya this morning but the battle for libya is rapidly turning into a stalemate as both sides make advances, they also retreat. and while the rebels may have the will, they often are at a huge disadvantage to the organized gadhafi forces. cbs news correspondent allen pizzey has the latest from benghazi, libya. >> reporter: heavy fighting is reported this morning in two key towns, and rebels claim to have made some advances. but in reality, very little has changed in a war that neither side seems capable of winning any time soon. a nato warplane hits a libyan tank near the city of misrata. the kind of attack that is supposed to help protect civilians. but another air strike destroyed three rebel tanks, supposedly advancing on the brega battle front. mourners at a funeral for the victims accused nato of helping the gadhafi regime. nato said it wasn't aware the rebels had tanks. and said the deaths of at least four rebel fighters and the wounding of more than 20 were an
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unfortunate error due to a lack of communication. the argument is hard to refute, given that the rebels can barely communicate with each other. the result of the nato enforcement of the no-fly zone and strikes on libyan forces has been to ground the war into a stalemate. the rebels hold their areas behind checkpoints. but this one, at the edge of the deserted town of ajdabiya, serves mainly to keep anyone other than actual fighters from advancing to the battle front somewhere ahead. the libyan forces have outmaneuvered the rebels here, using a pinscher movement to bring rockets and artillery close enough to hit the area. >> get in the car. get in the kar! >> reporter: that sends the rebels fleeing from their position, but the gadhafi forces don't advance, either. there's a growing consensus that the only solution is a political one. but gadhafi insists he won't go. the rebels say they won't negotiate with his regime. and nobody wants to see libya split in two. which all adds up to a political, as well as a military, stalemate.
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allen pizzey, cbs news, benghazi. and now jeff over to you. >> okay, rebecca, thanks very much. the ongoing conflict in libya and the middle east has caused the price of oil to jump to a two-year high. to $112 a barrel. and the increase can be felt at the pump, here in the u.s., with the average price for a gallon now at $3.75 as of this morning. joining us now is the chief oil analyst for oil price information service tom kloza. good to see you. thanks for being here. that $3.75 is now as of this morning. crude oil prices at a 2 1/2 year high. does the -- does the conflict or what's happening in the middle east, does that need to stop or at least significantly simmer down before we see oil prices go back down again? >> well, i think the market has made the adjustment right now, and the call that we're not going to see any libyan production of any significance for a long time. and it's important, but, you know, the world can make the adjustment. so now i think we're seeing prices rise not so much because of libya, or because of the
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threat of some more problems in the arab spring, or even because of supply and demand, but just purely momentum and money. that's what's driving it these days. >> and spending that money as we move from spring into summer we talk about gas being at $3.75 a gallon right now. do you see it increasing significantly as we move through the summer? >> it's really easy to look at in the next couple of weeks. i raised my forecast yesterday to $3.75 to $4. good thing i raised it to $3.75, since today we're there. >> well done, sir. >> yeah. >> i feel like i should be a wall street stock analyst with that. but, i think -- >> i don't think we're going to see the $4 to $5 numbers that you'll hear almost on the apocalyptic side. we're starting to see demand destruction. we're starting to see people spend money less inside of restaurants, to go out less. and for the typical consumer who, let's say, got the break from the lower tax on the
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payroll, most of it is gone now. most of it is gone away to pay for oil or gasoline. >> but you don't think $5 is coming any time soon? >> no. i think we could see $5 a gallon, but i think $5 a gallon would probably take something happening in saudi arabia or the persian gulf. and if you wake up in the morning and you hear that there's unrest or it's just incredible chaos in saudi arabia, you can extrapolate almost abstract prices for where prices could go. >> we talk about where prices potentially could go, because we talk about what's happening in the middle east. anything else affecting prices right now? anything people can do if they're trying to save money? >> well, the biggest thing that's impacting prices right now is investment money. because a lot of money coming into markets. there's a lot of money that's propping up the stock market. a lot of money that's being invested in oil and all commodities. for people to save money the first thing i always suggest is conservation. there's always somewhere where you're wasting gas or you're not consolidating trips.
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there are some oil companies that have pretty lucrative rebate cards where you can get back 3% or more on gasoline. it works out to almost 12 cents a gallon these days. you can look to see if your supermarket has a program with a gasoline company where you can get money back on gasoline there. but in general, think about when you make your next purchase of a car, that if we don't see $5 this year, we will see it, at least for a moment in time this decade. >> tom kloza, thanks very much. nice to see you. cbs news correspondent and "morning news" anchor betty nguyen is now at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning, and good morning to you at home. workers at the stricken nuclear power plant in japan continue to pump radioactive water into the sea. it is just one small step on a long road to getting the plant under control, and ultimately dealing with the humanitarian aftermath from the disaster. cbs news correspondent lucy craft is in tokyo with the latest. good morning, lucy. >> good morning. the state of miyagi has just
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been rocked by a magnitude 5 aftershock. authorities warn more powerful aftershocks could be in store in the wake of last month's historic mega quake. meanwhile, 150,000 people are still living in shelters. several hundred weary residents got the five-star treatment checking into tokyo's renounced prince hotel. this refugee from the fukushima city of iwaki says, i want the gft to come up with a strategy, so that evacuees can live and work. the 140 families won't have much time to settle in. they must move out by early summer when the hotel is to be torn down. in northeastern japan, more misery. a quarter of a million households are still without power, after this week's magnitude 7 aftershock. meanwhile, low level radioactive water at fukushima daiichi nuclear plant is still being drained into the ocean. an urgent task in order to make room for storing highly contaminated water from the most
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hazardous reactor number 2. workers are continuing to inject nitrogen into reactor number 1 to prevent another hydrogen explosion. nuclear safety official, noting that backup power systems failed again after this week's strong aftershock, said he had lost faith in existing emergency systems which he called inadequate. a spokesman for tokyo electric power, which is the owner of the fukushima plant, says eight of their executives have received death threats and are under 24-hour police watch. the action was prompted after the home aggreddresses of the executives, including the president and chairman, were posted on a website. back to you. >> all right, lucy craft in tokyo. thank you, lucy. in texas, more resources are being sent to fight a fast-moving wildfire in the western part of the state. that fire near lubbock has burned more than 50,000 acres and is not yet contained. tanker planes have dropped more than 58,000 gallons of fire retardant on those flames, but
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the fire is still spreading. in north dakota and minnesota, it is not fire, but water, that has people concerned. the red river is expected to crest late tonight, two days earlier than expected. residents of fargo and neighboring moorehead minnesota have been busy sandbagging to keep the rising river at bay. this is the third straight year of major flooding in the red river valley. rory mcilroy hosts the lead at the halfway mark of the masters tournament in augusta, georgia. but all eyes are on tiger woods. mcilroy, who is often described as the next best thing in golf finished off a solid round of 3 under 69 on friday. tiger woods, who has won the masters four times during his career, shot a 6 under 66 to close within three shots of the lead heading into the weekend. woods has not won a tournament since 2009. it's about 21 minutes after the hour. now back to rebecca and jeff. >> thank you, betty. >> thanks very much. got to meet rory mcilroy a
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couple years ago. great, great kid. got his head on straight. so much talent. >> so you're rooting for him? >> i would love to see rory do well. it's going to be fascinating to watch. >> he's got a great story. >> he does. >> speaking of another great story. >> absolutely. >> the weather story. the teller of the weather, lonnie quinn. >> i like the title. here's the deal, we're doing okay in our area. but we've got some weather highlights we want to point out. snow is melting in the northern plains. you just heard from betty about the red river. so watch that. snow is falling over in the southern rockies. i'm talking a lot of snow. 1 to 3 feet for the higher elevations. temperatures rising in augusta. let's check in on the masters forecast. there's a high pressure system around the gulf of mexico. now what that's doing, well it's pulling in a southerly wind. high temperatures today in the 80s and 90s at the masters. you're going to max out at around 89 degrees. 10 to 15 degrees above normal. we have a front pushing through the midwest. it will intensify tomorrow.
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>> everybody, you make it a great day wherever you are today, and if you are here in new york city with my friends jeff and rebecca, temperatures around 60 degrees, a lot of sunshine. >> get outside. >> master teller of the weather. >> countdown to the royal wedding. 20 days left now, our royal watcher has the inside scoop on all those last-minute decisions. >> and later if you're getting a tax refund, and by the way because of the shutdown, you will get it sooner, we have got advice on whether to invest it, spend it or use your debt. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@3q
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automatic dishwashing detergents and they rated finish quantum number one, beating the competition. and now take the finish challenge for yourself. if you don't see a difference, it's free. coming up it is the countdown to the royal wedding. 20 days left until the big event. kate and wills. >> you have your invitation, right? >> i'm looking for it. actually i've got 20 days to >> i'm looking for it. actually i've got 20 days to find ,,,, 3q
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so we were just talking about the masters. of course it's all weekend long. you interviewed mcilroy. >> great kid. he's only 21 years old. i talked to him a couple years ago. he then ended up winning his first tournament. and -- >> he's been on fire. >> he has been on fire. >> then tiger obviously is the big talk. >> watching him make his surge. he is an unlikely leader right now or was rory expected to be in the mix? >> i would say he definitely has the talent for it but he's clearly very young. so i mean -- and the last two rounds, obviously, there's even more pressure. the pin placements are much more difficult. >> did everybody pick up on the fact that this kid's named rory mcilroy, so close to kevin costner's name in "tin cup" roy mcill voi.
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>> interesting. >> lonnie, that's why we have you here to pick up on these subtle details. >> he is a genius. >> "tin cup," by the way, underrated movie. >> rene russo. >> the way we get off on tangents on this show is incredible. i wonder about tiger. are you rooting for him? are you rooting against him? do you care? >> i guess a lot of people are indifferent right now. >> i think it's fascinating to watch wherever you come down. one thing i will say is i don't think you can forget about phil mickelson, though. i think phil may come on strong here over the weekend. i know you're going to be watching every single day. >> yes. >> i know all of the things that you're talking about are going to happen. >> would you rather see the young kid win this thing or would you rather see tiger? >> no, i think the young kid. i'm interested to see how tiger comes back. because he hasn't been playing very well lately. >> making his push. >> everybody has researched the masters here. >> the other guy to watch is fred couples. 52 years old. awesome guy. >> you bet. experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested
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automatic dishwashing detergents and they rated finish quantum number one, beating the competition. and now take the finish challenge for yourself. if you don't see a difference, it's free. you'd never wash your dishes in a dirty sink, so why use a dirty dishwasher ? hidden dirt can build up. for flawless results, use finish dishwasher cleaner to remove grease and limescale. and a cleaner dishwasher means amazing dishes. finish. the diamond standard.
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we're back. it's "the early show" here on cbs. a little fog settling in over manhattan, as you can see at this hour. but a nice morning here. good morning, rebecca. >> good morning, jeff glor. welcome to "the early show," everyone. >> big debate every time around this year is how you're going to spend your tax refund if you're getting a tax refund. most americans on average will get about $3,000 back. over half say they're going to spend it to pay off their debts. we'll take a look at what your options are and why there may actually be even better options than that. >> grow that $3,000 to something even bigger. it's also that time of year for kids to go outside and play competitive sports like baseball or soccer.
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that could lead to some very serious injuries. we're going to have tips on how parents can help keep their kids injury free. of course, you also know the excitement is building over the royal wedding between prince william and kate middleton. it's just 20 days away. and with so much still left to be done, the rumors are flying about just which decisions they're going to make next. and cbs news correspondent kelly cobiella is outside buckingham palace with the latest. hey, kelly. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. yes, on a beautiful day in london. of course, there are still announcements to be made about flowers, about titles, and everybody wants to know about those dresses. although those details are closely guarded until the actual wedding day. but what we will see in the coming days is a preview of wedding pageantry. nothing says royal wedding like the polished parade of britain's military. this week, the trumpeters and soldiers on horseback will practice in public.
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and fans of the royal family will get another treat. prince william and kate middleton smiling for the cameras, again. this time in england on monday. since their engagement, the two have flipped pancakes in northern ireland, christened a boat in wales, and visited their old university in scotland. a lot of media hoopla for a prince who takes pride in avoiding the press. as he did for his bachelor party. >> it's always fun to outfox the media. >> i think what you'll see in these weeks leading up to the wedding is that kate and william have been out and about quite a lot. much more than we thought. and i think that's the palace's way of saying, look, here they are, take all the pictures you want but leave them alone in their free time. >> reporter: and 9 royals hope that goes for kate's family, too. as we head into the final 20 days the paparazzi has been politely warned to back off. the tipping point? these pictures of kate's mother and sister shopping in london. they said they felt harassed. the family already has security stationed outside their home.
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with the world's media descending and looking for a scoop, it may get tougher for the royals to keep their private moments out of the public eye. news organizations in this country can be fined, even sued if they overstep the rules. but there's very little that can be done about the foreign media. and, of course, both sides realize that each needs the other. rebecca? >> cbs' kelly cobiella outside buckingham palace. thank you. william and kate's wedding will be held less than half a mile east of buckingham palace at westminster abbey on the other side of st. james's park. but we're still waiting to hear many details about what life will be like for william and kate, and their newly merged families. and here to shed some light for us is cbs news royal contributor victoria arbiter. great to have you with us victoria. beautiful day there. >> it is. good morning, rebecca. >> so we do hear about these issues. kelly brought them to light, about the fact that, of course, you have kate middleton's family sort of being stalked by the paparazzi there in london.
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and now you have this international -- or rather the body there that handles this type of thing, the independent press complaints commission handling it and saying back away. but william is very protective of his future in-laws. why is the press being so mean to carol middleton? >> well, you're absolutely right that william's being protective. and it's important that he is. when william and kate got engaged, kate was immediately given police protection. but her family was not. and william is very conscious of what being chased by the paparazzi can do. we have only to look to his mother. the fact that they're taking pictures is one thing. but it's the reports that are coming out that are so cruel. and there's this sentiment in england that you're not supposed to jump your class. carol is from a very working-class background and somehow she's being punished for trying to do well by her family. so it definitely is time to back off in more ways than one. >> you talk about jumping your class there and that being an issue. the middleton family has become very successful for selling party goods online. why do you think that's the major criticism being leveled here?
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>> well, i think it's because everybody appears to be cashing in on the royal wedding. but in a way the middletons are the one family that actually have a right to be selling what they're selling. they do sl party supplies. people are having royal themed parties and what royal themed party supplies. but i mean prince charles's estate highgrove is selling a jigsaw puzzle and at the buckingham palace gift shop behind me, you can see right in front a fruit 3 cake, ornament, easter eggs, a magazine about previous royal weddings. while they are selling official merchandise, there's also slightly tacky stuff as well. everybody is cashing in on this wedding and i think the middleton's seem to be the most legitimate. >> guinness book of world records expects many records to be broken here. what are we expecting there? >> well, the world record until william and kate's wedding was set by charles and diana, 750 million people tuned in to watch that. but for william and kate's wedding the culture secretary is expecting 2 billion.
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to put that in perspective that is over a quarter of the world's population. so we're going to see some impressive records broken on april 29th. >> is it true, victoria, that they're going to be living with brother harry? >> well, they're going to be camping out with harry every now and then. initially they're going to be living in angelsey. william does have another two years left on his deployment with the raf. when they come to london they will be staying at clarence house intermittently until their own residence is ready. my guess is it will be kensington palace. but of course, they want to make sure it's in fine shape before they move in. >> one last question, what's the title of these two going to be? and when will we know it's been decided? >> well, we won't know if they've been given a dukedom until the wedding day. it will be a gift by the queen. it's highly likely. at the moment the front-runner is the duke of cambridge. other possibles sussex, clarence, albany. if they don't get a dukedom, they will be his royal highness the prince william of wales and catherine will be her royal
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highness, the princess william of wales. because she's not a princess in her own right. >> one last question, the families. how do we expect the middletons to get along with the royal family? >> well, i think they're going to get along great. they've already had introductions with charles and camilla. the middletons have not met the queen yet. they'll meet her on the wedding day at the reception. there's not going to be too much time for the families to spend an awful lot of time together. charles and camilla will be riding in the carriage back to westminster abbey with carol and michael middleton. all signs look good at the moment. >> it's good to look good this early in advance of the wedding. thank you. >> thanks, rebecca. >> here's lonnie with another check of the weather. >> i'll get right to it, rebecca. here are my headlines for you. the south really heats up. i'm talking from texas all the way to georgia. temperatures in the 80s and the 90s today. the red river is rising. that's problematic around the northern plains. keep your eye on that. and here's a big weather story, right? heavy snow for the southern rockies. now it's all hinged upon see
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this little spin here around southern california. i know that does not look that impressive. this will push into the southern rockies. going to squeeze the moisture out of it as it climbs in elevation and we will catch a lot of snow. places like utah, lake city, colorado. winter weather alerts have been issued and we are not measuring this snowstorm in inches. we're going to measure it in feet. higher elevations will pick up, one to three feet of some fresh powder. >> if you're out west get a little skiing in. >> lonnie, thank you very much. up next, don't let your tax refund burn a hole in your pocket. we have advice on the best way
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to spend it. you're watching "the early show" right here on cbs. [ female announcer ] can you define radiant skin?
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in this morning's "moneywatch," spending your tax refund. if you're getting one. there's just over a week left to file, and most americans say they plan to use their refund to pay off existing debt. that may not be the best thing to do. here with some tips is aol consumer adviser latoya drake. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good to see you. so, the average tax refund is about $3,000? >> that's correct. >> what should be the top priority for those getting that refund? >> of course, it may be burning a hole in your pocket. but you can do some smart things. experts say look to build a contingency fund. this is to hold yourself for about six months, in case something unforeseen happens. think loss of a job. think health scare. something happening to your home. you want to take care of yourself in case something arises that you did not expect. >> that so-called emergency fund that we talk about. >> yes. >> if people do want to pay down debt because that also is a good idea, we should mention, the smartest way to do that is doing what? >> paying off your credit cards
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with the highest interest rate. sure, it feels good to pay off those smaller debts that you can knock out in one shot. but really getting rid of that high interest credit card debt will really save you a lot of money on the back end. >> you've got those credit cards with 18% or 20% interest. >> exactly. >> you talk about paying it forward. what does pay it forward mean? >> paying it forward. look after yourself in the future. so if you have a home, you think you're going to sell it a few years from now, do a little home improvement that will maybe increase the value of your house a little bit later. and then also improvements like making your home energy efficient or green efficient. next year you can write those off on your taxes. >> people get that big chunk of change, and there is that temptation to spend on yourself. is it -- is that wrong? to treat yourself a little bit? >> not at all. it is not that wrong to treat yourself to something like a vacation. we've had a horrible winter. we're finally getting into spring, so you want to do something like take a cruise, go to the bahamas, travelocity has a lot of deals right now. they've got a deal to the bahamas, a cruise, as low as
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$315 depending on the city of departure. >> one site said people are actually happier if they're going to treat themselves, buying a couple smaller things spread out throughout the year as opposed to one big splurge. >> absolutely. >> another thing to think about there. you talk about getting creative. if you have that tax refund. how can we get creative with it? >> we've been smart. we've created that emergency fund. let's have a little bit of fun. one thing that you can do is maybe treat yourself to a shopping spree. we talk about that long winter. stores are needing to get rid of some of that winter/spring merchandise to make way for some of the summer clothing. take yourself shopping. and then also, there are a lot of other things you can do, like maybe one woman got creative and she used that money towards an adoption. this was a story on she decided, hey, i've got to -- i'm adopting, i'm adopting two children, i want to put that money towards the adoption fees. so you can use the money on that, in ways that are a little bit unexpected. >> can't think of much of a better idea than that. what a fantastic idea. finally, as we prep for next year, and get ready here, are
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there anything we can do specifically to potentially minimize the tax bill or just prepare ourselves? because, april 15th comes around quickly again in 2012. >> it comes around. it will be 2012 before you know it. you have to pay attention to the deductions you're taking. the higher the deduction the less money the government takes out of your check. even though they're taking out less money you'll have to pay that money next year. there's a little bit of trickery, if you can use that as a word, that people do to manipulate the amount of money that's coming out. pay attention to how many dependents you're claiming on your tax forms for this year. >> just stay on top of it. >> just stay on top of it. it does come around quickly. latoya drake, some got advice. thank you very much. for more about your tax refund, check our sister website, up next, kids and sports. what parents need to know so your child doesn't suffer a serious injury. you're watching "the early show" right here on cbs on a saturday morning. with the rising price of fuel, guess which way shipping costs are going?
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these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than two weeks after starting plavix. reported sometimes less than two weeks here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit. in this morning's "healthwatch," now that the weather is getting warmer, millions of children across the country are heading out to play sports.
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and here with advice on how your kids can avoid serious injury is dr. alana levine, primary care physician and contributor to great to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> obviously it's a great thing when kids go out and play. but what should parents and coaches be looking out for here? >> the first thing parents want to know is whether or not their child is developmentally ready to play the sport that you want them to play. so, all parents have these dreams of college scholarships, and olympic athletes. but you really want to make sure that your child is at the right stage to start these activities. >> i remember that growing up in minnesota, everyone was playing ice hockey when we were -- before we could practically walk we were already on skates. when it comes to exercise, is there an amount for a child that's just too much? >> the american academy of pediatrics recommends that limiting one sport to five days a week, and have at least one day off with no organized sports at all. so it's okay if you want to, you know, throw a ball with your child outside in the yard but you want them to have some down time where they're not
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practicing with their coaches and with their teammates. >> we do see a lot of headlines these days, however, about young kids getting hurt. what are some of the injuries children are most prone to when it comes to playing sports and exercising? >> commonly we see overuse injuries. we see contusions or bruises. we see the classic sprains, strains, even broken bones in some instances. patients come in a lot of the times with concussions from a head injury. and if we're not careful, in the warm weather, we can also see heat exhaustion. >> that's definitely something parents want to watch out for. these overuse injuries, one of them is called osgood disease. what is it, how do you prevent it? >> typically children will complain about knee pain. and that's caused because you have a growth plate at your knee, and if you look at the animation here you can see that you have tendons and muscles that insert into that growth plate. and before your growth plate is fully formed all that excessive stress and forces on it can cause pain.
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>> there's another disease very similar to this one, seavers disease which is very similar to this one. what causes it, and how do you prevent that? >> similarly, it's the same mechanism. you have a growth plate in your heel, and the more that you have your tendons and your fascia sort of stressed with running and jumping excessively, you can get pains. the good news is for both of these conditions, with ice, with rest, sometimes if you wear a knee brace, that can really help a child. so they usually don't have to stop doing activities. they may need to rest for a little while but can ultimately resume. >> so even if your child learns that they have one of these diseases it doesn't necessarily mean they're out for the season. could just mean a couple of practices and some different changes. let's talk prevention. because obviously every parent wants to keep their kid from having to go through something like this. >> the number one tip i can give is make sure your children have annual sports physicals before the start of the establish. you want to make sure they get the clearance from their doctor.
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once you have that. you want to make sure that children are wearing the correct protective gear for whatever sport they're in and it varies from sport to sport. you can't to make sure children are doing conditioning exercises. the first day out in practice it's not the five mile run. you need to build up to that. stretching to improve flexibility is really, really important. and children need to take breaks. you just can't go strong for four hours in a practice. and if your child is having pain, take them out to rest. to have a break. that's the hardest thing for parents. they'll come to my office and say but my child is the star player, it's the biggest game of the season. you know, kids can support their teammates from the sidelines if they have an injury. >> you have to think a little bit more long-term, because if you do something mistakenly in the short-term, that could really impact the long-term longevity of your child and their ability to play the sport. dr. levine, as always, thanks so much. great tips, great advice. >> thank you. >> and for more of these tips on how to keep your kids safe go to our partner in health and search sports injuries. a little bit later we are
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looking from behind bars. disgraced financier bernie madoff is speaking out. he is spinning his side of the story. he's been chatty lately. so we're going to hear about it right here on "the early show" on cbs. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time.
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persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. coming up here this morning, a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at what bernie madoff is doing in jail. a couple writers from the "financial times" got to talk to him. madoff says that he's been approached by harvard and northwestern to contribute to ethics courses. >> hmm. >> i think he indicates harvard is his first choice. >> so he would be the example of what not to do as somebody in that business? >> apparently so. 72 years old. they said he looks pretty good right now. >> reading danielle steele. >> he's suntanned. it really is a very, very intriguing article. we'll have a lot more on that coming up.
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so ponzi schemes. how about some ponzi schemes. >> do you think bernie is getting all buff behind bars? >> it seems like he's doing a lot of reading. >> he's doing a lot of talking. >> he's definitely doing a lot of talking. kind of still playing the media, and spinning his story as best he can. >> mm-hmm. >> he just -- he's going on and on. >> you were talking about how these business schools are getting in touch with him to talk about ethics. >> he says they are. >> how would they get in touch with him? you can't give him a call, can you? >> he has people. >> he has his people inside. you're right, lonnie. >> i can't imagine, though, at this point in time, given what corporate america has gone through, and given what business schools really have gone through
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for teaching the people who ultimately end up in corporate america, i can't imagine them taking somebody like bernie madoff and putting him in front of -- >> if anyone would know the ins and outs of it, don't you think he would? >> he certainly knows, i don't know if he knowles the ins and outs of the way it's supposed to operate. but he knows clearly how to beat the system. >> he is incredibly remorseful, you don't want to do this, you think the allure of money is everything. i think that can maybe strike a chord. >> i don't know that he is incredibly remorseful -- >> can somebody who did what he did, potentially gain money off it, gain credibility off of it is kind of disgusting. for those people who have lost to him, i don't think any of those people would feel good about -- >> no, they haven't. and the fact that he doesn't seem to have missed a beat. >> right. >> i mean, he gets sentenced to 150 years in prison. he's still just going on. spinning the stories. telling the tales. ,,,,,,,,
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we're back. 8:00 on a saturday morning. nice little music to get you going. >> happy saturday. >> happy saturday to you, too, rebecca jarvis, jeff glor. thanks for having me this morning. >> thanks for being here, jeff. it's always good to have you. >> lots of sfuf going on. >> it was a very close call. 70 minutes to go until a mandatory government shutdown. this was last night. president obama, senate majority leader harry reid and speaker john boehner agreed on a budget deal. what did it take to strike that deal? cbs news correspondent nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the latest. good morning, nancy. and all this seemed to come together. what was it that made it work?
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>> well, i think, rebecca, that there really at the end of the day was no stomach here on capitol hill with a very few exceptions for a government shutdown. nobody wanted to be the one who was responsible for cutting off funding to the troops, for making thousands of federal workers not get their pay checks, and so at the end of the day, republicans in particular, i think, looked at the situation and said, we've gotten more than halfway to our goal in terms of cuts, do we want to shut the government down over a half a billion here or there, when we are pushing for a budget for next year that could cut the budget by trillions of dollars? >> and speaking of balancing, one of the people playing the biggest balancing act in all of this was speaker john boehner, who is not only having to negotiate with democrats, but it appears that there was some big negotiations and sticking points within his own party because of the impact of the tea party. how complicated were the tea -- were the politics for him in this deal? >> extremely complicated, rebecca. i mean he had tea party members who were not going to be satisfied even if he got all $61 billion in cuts that he was
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seeking. and maybe not even then. in fact, late last night, members of the tea party not here in congress, but out in the nation, actually tweeted that he had betrayed the tea party, and that they were going to find a primary opponent for him in the next election. even though it was widely assumed elsewhere that he did pretty well in these negotiations. on the other hand, he was fighting against democrats who were never going to upset the funding of the president's health care law or the defunding of planned parenthood. so he was really walking a very fine line in these negotiations. >> cbs' nancy cordes in washington. of course, this all sets the stage for another battle to come in september when we go back to the drawing board on next year's budget. thanks, nancy. >> sure thing. now over to betty with another look at the news. good morning, betty. >> good morning, jeff and rebecca. good morning to you at home. a powerful magnitude 5 aftershock rocked the area near japan's crippled nuclear power plant this morning. there are no reported injuries. plant operators continue to dump radioactive water into the sea
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in an effort to get control of the plant. backup generators at that plant failed during last week's moderate aftershock. the japanese government have been moving people who live in the radio zone to hotels in tokyo, which is more than 100 miles away. more violence in syria to tell you about this morning. security forces reportedly have used live ammunition to break up a pro-democracy protest. in a port city northwest of damascus. now, this follows yesterday's deand security forces were kill when they were fired upon. in cairo, egypt, at least one person was killed when police used clubs and tear gas to disperse thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators friday night. the clashes came hours after tens of thousands of people
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gathered in cairo's central square. they were demanding the military government put ousted president hosni mubarak and his family on trial for alleged corruption. turning now to violence at home. police in santa monica, california, now say it was a homemade explosive device and not an accident that caused an explosion outside a synagogue thursday. they're looking for a suspect. the blast shattered windows at the synagogue and community center. it sent a 300-pound pipe crashing into the roof of the home next door. look at that. police described the suspect as a transient. the woman from vancouver, washington, who lied when she claimed a black woman threw acid on her face was given a suspended one-year sentence. bethany storo apologized for the hoax when she appeared in court on friday. she repaid thousands of dollars in police overtime and in donations made to her by the public. preparations are being made for wounded congresswoman gabrielle giffords to attend the launch of her husband's space
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shuttle mission on april 29th. a giffords spokesperson says it hasn't been determined when she would travel to florida. but that she would not meet with the media while there. giffords has not been seen publicly since she was shot in the head january 8th, during a mass shooting in tucson that killed six people. the san francisco giants paid tribute to a longtime fan who was savagely beaten during a giants/dodgers game in los angeles. a picture of bryan stow with his daughters was shown on the main center field scoreboard at the giants' home opener against the cardinals on friday. s giants beat the cards 5-4. stow, though, was attacked after he left the giants season opener last week. he remains in a medically induced coma. his attackers have not been caught. and an australian writer has taken a novel approach to a marriage proposal that has resulted in a happily ever after ending. christopher curry, seen here on youtube, talking about his new
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book "the ottoman hotel" uses the acknowledgment page to pop the question. curry wrote, quote, to my favorite, to the reason i live my life. if she reads this, i hope you agree to marry me. and, of course, she did. congratulations. about six minutes after the hour. time now for a check of the weather with lonnie quinn. that's quite a way to do it, right? >> it is. but kind of a long wait from the time the guy decides he wants to propose to when the book comes out in front. got to be patient. listen, let's get right to it. because you know what? baby, i'm on board with you on this one. look at this. love is in the air. all over the country. lover, pennsylvania, today. partly sunny skies. 58 degrees. i'm taking you up to romeo, michigan, 56 with some showers. mount juliet, tennessee, 85 degrees. thunderstorms in that forecast. heart, arkansas 86 with sunshine. groom, texas, there you go, boss, 88 degrees with the sun as well. diamond, 47. and bouquet junction,
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california, 62 degrees. pretty decent looking sky overhead. now the big picture, you're going to notice problem with this area around the midwest is where your eye gets drawn to. sure we do have some strong storms pushing through, i'll say illinois and indiana. but it's tomorrow, okay, this thing's going to ramp itself up as it pushes through the tennessee and ohio valley. i do think we could be seeing some severe weather with that system tomorrow. that's a quick looat the national picture. >> this weather segment sponsored by macy's. >> all right that's going to do it for me. jeff, over to you. for disgraced ponzi scheme
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operator bernard madoff is currently serving a 150-year prison sentence and he's making new headlines this morning from behind bars. gillian tet from the financial times went to the prison in north carolina to conduct a rare jailhouse interview with madoff in which he tried to spread the blame for his massive fraud. gillian tet joins us this morning. >> good morning. >> thanks for being here. it's a fascinating read with some very good color in there. and it's a long read. what surprised you the most? >> well, the thing that surprised me the most was that after get being down to the prison, me and the guy who's probably done the biggest ponzi scheme in history, getting through the bars, and he fundamentally looks pretty normal. i mean looks like your family doctor. he looked like my dad. >> sunburned you said he was not? >> sunburned, no. he didn't look pale. he looked like he'd been sort of, you know, pretty healthy. and he was fairly relaxed. he was chatting away. frankly, he didn't look that different from most of the bankers you might meet down on wall street any day of the week.
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>> you had two hours with him. >> yes. >> he said he's on antidepressants right now. what does he do every day? >> well, he's working in the jailhouse shop, if you like, the commissary, and they call it the money management center. and essentially he's managing that group. probably pretty good. using his talents. he also spends quite a lot of time in his prison cell reading books. we asked him what he read. and he said things like james noble and danielle steele i guess is a kind of escapism for him. >> bernie madoff is a money manager in jail reading danielle steele novels. talking about the ponzi scheme a little bit, he insisted with you, as he has with others, that this was legit up until 1992 or so? >> one of the reasons he called us in was in part liking the "financial times" and thinking we're pretty credible he was very keen to explain his side of the story. he says, as so often with fraud, that he started off small scale,
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essentially trying to cover tracks in a very small way. he thought he would be able to get himself back on track later on once the markets turned. however, the whole thing began to engulf him. and essentially, it snowballed. so he tells a story that he was basically legit during the 1970s and 1980s, and then it started to go wrong. >> he kind of throws these four big families under the bus a little bit. the ones he started working with in the '70s, the four initial wealthy families, he said they pressured him in the '80s to continue on. did he think they were complicit? is that too strong a word? >> well, here's the interesting thing. he's clearly been through therapy. so he said over and over again, i take responsibility. but he also wanted to indicate that essentially what put him on that path towards creating the ponzi scheme was that some of his big four clients, some of the big families he'd originally worked with, wanted to get their money back. they knew they couldn't. and essentially they brought in new clients to replace the money that they needed to take out. >> because they wanted him to
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keep going. those who weren't so well-off, does he feel bad for the folks who nearly lost everything? >> what he says over and over again is that most of the people who invested with him should have had suspicions. they should have known. however, he also says that if you were a small investor, there was no way you'd have that level of financial knowledge to properly understand it. one of the reasons he was very keen to talk to us was to stress that he doesn't think the trustees who are trying to recover some assets now should be taking back money from small-time investors. he thinks they should go after the banks. >> you said in the flesh madoff spins incredible tale of how a renegade entrepreneur conquered wall street and was drawn into crime by personalities and forces he could not control. it sounds almost convincing. in the end, will we ever fully know why he did this? >> well, in the end, the only one who's going to know that is bernie madoff and he's going to go to the grave probably with his secrets. but i think that we do have a very interesting insight into
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his character, into how he likes to tell the story. and you know the thing that's really most important about this story is that he got away with this ponzi scheme for many, many years. partly because many of the things he was talking about in terms of the investment strategy sounded pretty credible on wall street. >> they still do a little bit. >> as they do. that mps the interesting thing. you meet him and he looks so normal. so the big question is, if he turned out to be running a ponzi scheme, how do we know who to trust? >> a master spinster who is still sinning. gillian tett from the "financial times." fascinating article. thanks for joining us. now here's rebecca. >> thank you, jeff. up next we turn to a master song stress. sheryl crow on being a mother, activist and now a cookbook author. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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for nearly two decades sheryl crow has been making people happy with her music. with seven hit albums, selling more than 35 million copies worldwide. now the musician, activist, and mom, is adding cookbook author to her resume. with the release of "if it makes you healthy," which she co-wrote with chef chuck white. sheryl crow joins us this morning for "early coffee." >> thank you. >> in addition to all that you're launching a tour in may. >> yes, yes, busy, busy. >> what are you going to do on the tour? >> we start may 7th in minneapolis. and we're being sponsor ed and i'm going to load my kids on to the tour bus and we'll take chef chuck with us, and we'll just get out there and tour probably through september. >> and it's your kids, you have two children, two beautiful baby boys. what's it like to travel with them? >> it's challenging. you know, i think just being a working mom is challenging. but i'm lucky because most of my
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work happens after they go to bed. and we just try to keep it as normal as we can on the road, even though there's nothing normal about it. before we take all the books, and we go to museums every day and aquariums. he gets to see a lot of different things a lot of kids wouldn't get to see. and levi is tiny so he, you know, we take his crib, and his bottles and his diapers. he's easy. >> and you make it work. the album is called "100 miles from memphis." and that's an ode to where you grew up and what you grew up experiencing. where do you think you get most of your inspiration as a musician? >> i think get most of my inspiration just from that part of the world. and my relationship to that part of this country. i grew up listening to a lot of americana music, a lot of r&b, a lot of music that was inspired by music that came out of memphis. >> and you began in your career, you were singing with the greats of american music from stevie wonder to michael jackson.
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>> yeah. i never got to sing with stevie. but i did tour with michael jackson, one of the first gigs i ever had in 1987. >> and that must have been incredible. >> it was amazing. because i had never been out of america. i didn't own a passport. i had been teaching school up until about six months before that. i moved to l.a. with a demo tape, basically, and found out about an audition and i crashed it and i wound up getting the part of a backup singer. >> amazing. as an artist you've done a lot of looking back and digging deep inside your soul. when you look back, do you realize a moment in your history where everything changed? you knew that you were a star? >> i don't think i ever had that moment. but i do know that after i was diagnosed with breast cancer and i came back and toured that first tour after having gone through treatment, i did feel differently about what i was doing. i felt like the connection with the people i was playing for was much more really, it was more definable to me in that it was a
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heart feeling. people who really yearning to make a connection. yearning to get away. just for two hours from the chaos that goes on around all of us. it just meant so much more to me. >> and that inspired the cookbook. >> yeah. actually it did. and once i was diagnosed i really wanted to know more about how the body functions. and why somebody like me would get breast cancer when it's not in my family and i was super healthy and exercised. and the more i learned, the more i felt gosh, there's so much that we don't know that we can incorporate into our eating in our daily lives, and in raising our kids. and it's super, super simple practices. just knowing some of the components that actually fight disease. and that boost our immune system. and so, that's what we try to do with this cookbook was just make it sort of an information book, as well as a book of great, easy recipes. there's some recipes that are more challenging. >> we're going to prepare some
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of those recipes coming up here in a minute. we appreciate you being with us. and we will continue the conversation and some cooking. sheryl is going to stay with us and share some of her healthy and delicious recipes in today's special edition of "chef on a shoestring." we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ have a better day ♪ build your better breakfast at subway ♪ [ male announcer ] only subway lets you build your better breakfast with all the flavors you choose. start off with an irresistible steak, egg & cheese, then make it your own! try it with warm and toasty tomato or turn up the zest factor with banana peppers and jalapeños. maybe chipotle southwest sauce for the finishing touch! all on tasty flatbread. it's flat out delicious! ♪ build your better breakfast at subway ♪ you have a child with adhd. you're getting calls from his teacher he's impulsive in class. and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough. i know how it is because my son has adhd too.
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as rebecca and karen have been explaining to me this morning, two of the world's biggest shoe designers are locked in a legal battle. >> a high profile lawsuit is claiming that a famed parisian design house is copying the look of one of the world's most distinctive and well-known styles in shoes and our early show contributor taryn winter brill is here with more on this shoe story. good morning. >> good morning to you both. we've been telling you one of the biggest names in fashion, this week he shocked the fashion world by going after one of his biggest rivals, deciding to go head-to-head, or rather heel-to-heel in court. you may not recognize christian louboutin but it's almost impossible to miss his signature
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red-soled shoes. from fashionistas to movie stars, celebrities love their louboutins. jennifer lopez even has a love song to the red hot stilettos. and thanks to carrie bradshaw, the shoe obsessed heroine of "sex and the city" louboutin is now a household name. >> after that it just gamed momentum. probably around 2002, then 2003. >> reporter: louboutin claims he came up with the idea back in 1992, after he unexpectedly decided to paint red nail polish on a pair of black-soled women's shoes. from that humble beginning, louboutin shoes are now some of the most expensive in the world. selling anywhere $400 and $6,000. his red soles are everywhere. including, he says, at rival fashion house yves saint laurent where louboutin once worked as a young designer in paris. on thursday louboutin filed a lawsuit in u.s. district court. he's claiming yves saint laurent is selling red-soled shoes that
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are virtually identical and infringing upon the trade mark he was granted in 2008. >> he doesn't have a trade mark in terms of an initial or anything like that so the red sole is his trade mark. >> reporter: that trade mark is on display at louboutin boutiques like works of art. >> i happen to like the red on the bottom of the shoes. >> reporter: now the fight over the bottoms of shoes could be heading to court, with millions of dollars, and the reputations of two of the world's top fashion design houses on the line. indeed, one thing is certain, though, it's a lawsuit that's got sole. pun intended. incidentally louboutin says his work is dedicated to pleasing men, not women. he says men are like bulls and can't resist the red. he also doesn't design his shoes with comfort in mind, believe it or not. he's been quoted as saying i hate the whole concept of comfort. speaking of comfort, rebecca and jeff, i was going to ask you what you think, if they're comfortable. jeff, i guess you don't -- >> my florsheims.
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>> i like the image of jeff as a bull. >> what do you think? are you drawn to that red like a bull, jeff glor? >> i am. like a bull. >> they're expensive shoes. obviously they're high-end shoes. i've looked at them in the store, i haven't yet pulled a trigger. they're just a huge purchase to make. but i'm curious to know how many -- what's the kind of spending that women do on shoes in general, and how many pairs do they mostly own? >> as we said, this is the extreme, up to dvs 6,000. but on average women own 17 pairs of shoes. take a guess the average amount they'll spend on a pair of shoes. >> average? >> average amount. >> $50 maybe? >> $100. >> you're right on target. only $49. >> i didn't know. >> $49. >> really. interesting. >> i like the comfortable shoe. you know, something that's comfortable, but -- >> that is exactly what i was just going to say. i don't get how -- i don't understand how you can put your foot like that and be comfortable. you guys can do it? >> not me. but the women i spoke to, they swear by them. he said i don't design for comfort.
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the women on the street think they're super comfortable. so betty, are we allowed to say whose shoes? >> tease are mine. i'm addicted. >> the betty nguyen collection? >> but see here's the thing about it. sexy shoe, no doubt. the way that i can actually walk in it is because there's a platform here. and that kind of offsets, you know, the deep incline. but you know, i've spoken with christian louboutin before and he said the way he came about the red on the bottom, he made a shoe and he thought it looked kind of bland, all black, he took finger nail polish, had a red bottle of polish and painted it on the bottom and said oh, that looks good. >> and then it attracts the bulls. >> i must say, though, it caught my attention. because when you're over at the news desk doing it, i can see
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the little flash of the red on the bottom of the shoe, you always pick up on it. >> they are working. >> go ahead. >> i was just going to say, i think it's sort of genius marketing. because instead of having a label all over the shoe, everybody knows when you see red on the bottom of the shoe, it's this very high-end trade mark. you know exactly. but it's not the -- you don't get overpowered by labels. >> it's not gaudy. >> why don't you have someone else make a purple or a -- >> i've seen pink. >> is that possible to alter the colors? >> why don't they make a press-on sole you can put on the bottom of your shoe? >> that's a great idea! >> oh. >> wow! >> look at that right there. >> how much did those set you back? >> those set me back -- those set me back about 12 cents in oak tag. >> lonnie's going to be like on the other side of an interview in five years. >> that was a good-looking shot. >> that was genius. >> trying to jump over the
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table. (announcer) while there are some home disasters you can't avoid, there is one you can. septic system breakdowns affect 1.2 million homes each year. septic backups can cost about six thousand dollars in expense, and countless hours of repair. rid-x. help save yourself from disaster. can get all this. for 5 bucks, you can get a sub. kfc's $5 everyday meals. 5 meals, 5 bucks. choose from one of the colonel's favorites, like two pieces of original recipe. your choice of sides, biscuit and a medium drink, just 5 bucks. 5 freshly made today. 5 for 5 bucks every day. so why get a sub, when you can get a whole meal -- any day? today is a kfc day. and today tastes so good. finish jet dry rinse agent removes residue and actively dries dishes, for a brilliant shine straight from the dishwasher.
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finish jet dry rinse agent. finish. the diamond standard. ♪ >> new york city. so good to see the sun this morning. >> we like that shot, right? >> absolutely. we haven't seen it for so long. it's nice to finally have sun. welcome back to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm jeff glor. thanks for having me this morning. kind of a haze there, too, as well. >> there is. but you can still wear these sunglasses. >> are we doing this? >> i think we're doing this. summer. >> there was a wide selection. >> those are great on you. i'm going to continue to look at the other options. because, with summer fast approaching, everyone needs a great pair of sunglasses. they could be a little difficult to find the right pair. >> you look elegant in those. >> i appreciate that.
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>> extremely elegant. >> and you look very cool in yours. >> thank you. >> we have some super cool styles for any shape face so you can, you know, try and move up to the jeff glor standard, if you can. >> not difficult at all. also, sheryl crow is here this morning. sheryl crow is cooking with us. she has a new cookbook out. she's going to make some amazing dishes that are also healthy, too, like a cyclops salad. and a chocolate avocado mousse. lots of good stuff. >> you can actually smell it. it really does smell delicious. all coming up. but first, lonnie, we got a pair of sunglasses for you. >> what do you got? >> we will bring them over in just a minute. first we need our final check of the weather. there is sun, right? >> there's a lot of sun all around the country. i've got to tell you rebecca, i thought you had sort of like a jackie o. thing going on over there. i want to talk with the hot spots and chilly temperatures. you definitely will need the shades today in crane, texas. the hottest temperature anywhere, 96 degrees. coldest spot will be flagstaff, arizona, all the way down to 12 degrees. best eather anywhere, again
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break out the shades, imperial, nebraska, sunshine, 78 degrees. just perfect. what i want to draw your attention to, this area right here. you're thinking lonnie, why are you drawing my attention to nothing. you really don't see anything around say north dakota into minnesota. but the problem with some flooding out there, specifically the red river is going to be cresting later today. we do have flood advisories and it's not because of rain, it's because of melting snow. temperatures up to around 40 or 50 degrees today, and yeah, the temperatures will melt the snow, obviously. again we have problems in that portion of the country. okay, rebecca just handed me, supposedly per effect for my
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face and perfect for me to give my shout-out to wvns in lewisburg, west virginia. let's call it a chocolate lovers paradise there this weekend. they're hosting the fifth annual lewisburg chocolate festival. chocolate themed dinners, chocolate tastings, of course, even chef roland nappier is there. he spent 25 years at the white house as executive pastry chef, so you can check it all out if you are there this weekend. it's going to be a lot of fun, we'd like to thank everybody for watching "the early show" on saturday. that's it for weather. my buddy jeff. over to you. >> looking good, buddy. if you're planning on getting away this summer with your shades there are six essential questions that can help make sure your vacation stays stress free. here with what you're supposed to ask about is cbs news travel editor peter greenberg with some great questions, i should say, i'm reading over these, and they are some fascinating stuff.
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>> they're really essential questions. because if you don't ask them, your vacation is going to be messy. >> and it puts you way ahead of the game. the first being, never -- everybody wants to know if the flight is on time. don't ask if the flight is on time. ask what the aircraft's number assigned to your flight is. >> right. when you go to the airport you look at the departure board. that's your first mistake because the departure board hasn't told the truth since 1947. if the airlines were in the shipping business they'd show the "titanic" as on time. the only reason why i look at the departure board is to see what gate your flight is supposed to leave from. then you look at the arrival board to see what's coming into that gate, and if there's nothing coming into that gate until next tuesday, why would you go to the gate. the question you need to ask is what the aircraft number assigned to my flight. the tail number. and they can tell you that. once you get that answer then you go to the second question. where is that tail number? >> and they will tell you that, as well? >> sure. i'm on flight 105 from new york to chicago today, what's the tail number of that flight? 9. where's tail number 89. oh, it's in belize, i guess i'm
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not going to chicago today. >> by the way by asking this stuff you'll also show them that you're in the know and you kind of know what you're talking about and they'll give you the right answers. another question, can i stand by for an earlier flight. >> look we're dealing with delays, delays, delays. so forget the schedule now, when you get to the airport, especially on hot summer days where you have thunderstorm activity, whatever, there's a high likelihood that there's an earlier flight that didn't take off yet, that is delayed, and that means your flight, even if it's showing on time, even if the plane is on the ground, may not take off on time. ask to be a standby for a flight that maybe showed on the departure board that already left but didn't. >> about 40% chance you might get that. let's talk about hotels. these are questions before you actually get your room key. >> before you ever get that key. >> how close is my room to construction. >> yes, how close is my room to the construction. >> because there's always construction going on. >> every hotel is in a different cycle of renovation or reconstruction. the bottom line is this, if you don't ask that question, they will happily give you the keys to the jackhammer suite.
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and you will be waking up at all hours of the day or night. you need to ask that question. now the next question, which is the one that you will get deer in the head light looks immediately, right, if you ask the front desk clerk could you possibly tell me where the floors are in this hotel, which floors have the booster pumps? >> booster pumps? >> i'll explain what that means. you like good water pressure in your shower? >> of course. >> most hotels cannot maintain consistently high water pressure in their floors. so what they do is on different floors, not alternating floors, on different floors they put in booster pumps. when you ask that question of the front desk clerk, chances are he or she will have to call engineering and say our booster pumps are on floors 3, 5 and 7. great, i'll take a room on one of those floors and the reason is, of course, when you check into that room and you go in the bathroom and turn the faucet on it's a fire hose. we love that. >> 15 seconds left, peter, got to be quick. you never stay above the 8th floor in hotels. why? >> i'm also a volunteer fireman. i can tell you with all due
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respect to the firefighters in america, they have a great deal of difficulty effectively fighting fires above the eighth floor anywhere. so if you like a high floor with a great view, guess what, you'll have a wonderful view of the fire department being unable to reach you. so guess what? booster pump, and below the eighth floor. >> stay below the eighth floor. peter greenberg, always fantastic stuff. now over to rebecca. >> thanks, jeff. coming up next, looking cool this summer. we're going to show you how to find the perfect pair of sunglasses to fit your face. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ slurping ] ♪ ♪ ♪ oh. thank you, baby. mmm. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new mccafé shakes. with a fresh look and delicious new toppings, they're a brand-new way to indulge. new mccafé shakes.
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we're getting so cool here on "the early show." summer is just around the corner. it is the perfect time to get a new pair of sunglasses and "early" show staff contributor katrina szish is here on how to get just the right style to flatter your face. great to have you with us. thanks for choosing this one for me. >> they look fabulous on you. >> thank you so much. you also have chosen a pair for your face which is an oval. >> an oval just like yours. actually most people have oval faces, and luckily for all of those people who do, they're one of the easiest face shapes to fit. you can wear almost anything. so i chose also for you and for me the cat eye inspired sunglasses. which is one of the hottest trends of the season. these are my personal normal kamalis, i wear them all the time. norma herself wears them.
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>> so katrina, if we see you on the street we are going to see you in those. square. >> square face shape. your jaw line is strong, about equally as wide as your cheek bones and forehead. you want to look for something that is a little bit more rounded. now we still have a little bit of angle at the top, these are from lands' end canvas but you can see on the bottom they're rounder. that's to counteract the angle of the face. erin has a debt pete face so get something that's not too big that doesn't extend way beyond your temples. >> those are $40. so you're not really blowing your budget. >> you're not. and you still have the uv protection as all of the sunglasses do. number one priority. you want to protect your eyes. >> an oblong face. >> a little bit of an extension of the oval. what you're trying to do is kind of make it look not quite as long. so here what we have on dana is something that has a little bit of detail, as you can see. there's a little bit of a silver stripe there and that really draws the eye up and it really
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also makes the face look a little bit wider so you're not focusing on that longer shape. >> and it's $6 from forever 21. and she looks fabulous, i have to say. >> chic, dana. >> the round face. what do we like for the round face? >> the round face, again, sort of like square you're trying to do the opposite. if your face is round, you want something that has some angles on it. so here for brittany what we did is we put on some great sort of aviator inspired, but as you can see, they're more square. and they've got this metal rim and kind of a great, gradient lens. so the color is fun. they're on trend. but again, they counteract the roundness of her face. they add angles in a place where perhaps there aren't very many angles. >> and $36 from steve madden. another price point that people can probably get to. lastly, for women, the heart shaped face. >> yes. and there is a famous woman -- >> the one person you can think of reese witherspoon is someone who has that heart-shaped face. orchidae has a similar face. the cheek bones and forehead is
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a little bit wider. the chin is narrower and more of a pronounced point at the chin. >> so here's orchidae we have a great pair that, again, it really draws the eyes up. and it is a little bit wider. you can get some of those very hollywood movie star inspired sunglasses. again these are $30 from kohl's from the lauren conrad direction. and the detail on the side of these sunglasses makes them special. again you're taking attention away from the chin and adding a little bit of angle. >> really cute. and also kind of shows off her cheek bones. >> exactly. >> i'm sure the men are really wondering what's right for me, as well. >> a lot of guys wear sporty sunglasses that hang around their necks. unless you're boating or something, i say get those. the classic aviators which we're going to have brant put on today. brant is going to slip those on. they're really very flattering for almost every shape face. that's an automatic go-to for the guys. but be careful, because you don't want them to be too big. >> all right. >> it's most important to pay attention to the size. so again, they're not too wide. they don't go down too far over
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your cheekbones and these classic aviators from zappos, ray-ban aviators are the perfect shape for brand. >> thanks as always. up next, sheryl crow is back to cook up some great dishes. ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ oh, do it ♪ express yourself ♪ hey [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate, from nestle. move our families forward. move us all to a better place. and caltrate moves us. caltrate knows 80% of us don't get the calcium we need.
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grabbing food on the go is a way of life for rock stars. but that changed five years ago for sheryl crow when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. sheryl teamed up with chef chuck white to create a better way of eating and now they're sharing their recipes in a new cookbook, if it makes you healthy. sheryl and chuck are today's special chefs on a shoestring. they're preparing some fresh and healthy dishes on a budget of $40. great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> and chef, tell us what's on the menu today. >> today we're doing a few recipes from the book. we're doing a cyclops salad. sounds kind of weird. i'll explain that in a minute. a grass fed beef tender loin with purple potatoes, leaks and chanterelle mushrooms, and a
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really healthy diseat with chocolate and avocado mousse with fresh raspberries. >> my favorite. >> your favorite? now let's get down to business. one thing about this cookbook, you said you can do everything in this book. you can make it. >> yes, absolutely. and the great thing about it is, is that the book gives you little hints along the way, if you want to do substitutions. talks about using what's local, what's in season. we really encourage people to eat organically wherever possible. we're using grass fed beef. humanely treats, anti-antibio c anti-antibiotics -- >> good for you. >> whatever is good for you we're making here. let's get down to business. tell knee what i need to do. >> well, we've got the bruschetta basically for the cyclops salad with a little bit of wild arugula. >> okay. >> some cannellini beans, kind of an italian inspired dish. this can be really good for a brunch item or even a light meal, it's really good. >> and the cyclops? >> the cyclops, because it's like an eyeball looking back at
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you. >> we love that. >> so it's going to stare at us as we prepare. >> add a little parmesan cheese and hit it with a little bit light truffle oil, and a lot of flavors going on there. very nice, healthy way to start off a meal. >> what's sheryl up to over here? >> we've got beautiful chanterelle mushrooms here that are local. saute these up with a little bit of chopped garlic. and got some chopped leeks here. as well. >> what's this? >> these are purple potatoes. these are being found more and more in grocery stores. a little healthier. have a few more antioxidants than a regular potato. they're found more and more. and really good, and they're cool. they're purple. >> i love it. especially like if you have kids, and sheryl i know you have two sons, would they like these? >> they would. and one of the things that i learned after having gone through treatment was that one of the great things about food is wherever it's possible, if you have a white cabbage, if you can get a purple cabbage or
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cauliflower, wherever it's more colorful, that's where there are more nutrients and antioxidants. it's great to be able to serve your kids french fries that are purple. >> yes. >> and getting a little bit more. >> do we add these? >> yes. add this to here. >> a little more olive oil. >> actually just use a little bit of brandy in here. >> my son loves brandy. >> yes. gets him going. >> he likes it after it's cooked off a bit? >> a little bit of lemon juice here. nice flavors. use just a little bit of cream. >> love that. >> not much, just a tablespoon of cream. we'll try not to get too fat in here. >> how long are we cooking this for? >> three or four minutes sauteed. the potatoes are actually cooked three quarters of the way so they'll finish off in the pan. >> good deal. this is what inevitably you come up with as the end product. >> absolutely. >> can i taste that? >> for sure. >> i need a fork. i'm going to grab one while you get started on the mousse. >> we've got some local
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grass-fed beef. one of the things sheryl and i -- one thing sheryl and i talk about in the book is trying to use humanely raised, you know, animal products. grass fed, versus corn fed. it's higher omega-3s, low in cholesterol. helps support the local farmers, as well. you can definitely tell a big difference. >> it looks beautiful. >> season these with a little salt and pepper. going to get these on our hot grill pan here. >> you want it hot to begin with. >> very hot. >> so you get that sear on the top. how long are we doing this for? >> about three to four minutes on each side to medium rare. five to six for medium to medium well. >> if you can stand to eat it rare, food that doesn't have any herbicides or pesticides is always better. produce, meat. because with my cancer i was estrogen positive and some of those things wound up replicating hormones. so always good to try to eat as cleanly as possible. >> that is great advice.
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i want to make sure we get to the dessert. because this is sort of the piece de resistance. you were telling me in the break, this is kind of the reason you did the cookbook in the first place? >> it is, yes. >> so the dessert, as you're dishing that up, is do i have this right, there's avocado and chocolate in it? >> there's avocado, cocoa powder and some agave nectar. the avocado, actually, is really good with antioxidants. monounsaturated fats. it's a raw vegan dessert. >> really? >> has the flavor of almost like a dark chocolate mousse. >> okay. >> the cocoa is, as we're learning, is excellent, as well for antioxidants are concerned. >> and this stuff, what's interesting about all this is it's all fresh. you said there's no antibiotics. it's pesticide free, it's all healthy. and we total it up every week to see if you came in under 40 bucks. i'm curious to see. can you have a meal like this for under $40? >> definitely. >> let's take a look and see how you guys did. all right your total is $39.75. you guys came in for under 40
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bucks and you still managed to give us an entire meal that's healthy. you didn't necessarily make the leader board but i think on the healthy board you guys are definitely at the top of that. >> and the tasty board. >> yes. >> we get the flavor award. >> this is awesome. i'm going to taste the chocolate at the break. >> that is why we wanted to do the cookbook. people have to try this it's so wonderful. >> you can find these recipes on our website, thanks so much to both of you. >> nice work, chuck. >> absolutely. >> we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. (jennifer garner) there's a lot of beautiful makeup out there
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with prevacid®24hr, happiness is a day without heartburn. you know who's in first place at the masters? >> your buddy. >> rory mcilroy. we profiled him here on cbs a couple years ago, before he really -- great kid going to be a lot of fun to watch. a lot of pressure this weekend. but it should be a real treat. >> don't forget you can see cbs sports coverage of the final two rounds of the masters that begins today at 3:30 p.m. eastern. tomorrow it begins at 2:00 eastern. >> such fantastic stuff. >> and beautiful out there.
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>> pretty place. >> thanks for having me this morning. >> thanks for joining us, jeff. >> it's been fun. everyone out there have a great weekend. we end with our "saturday spotlight." it comes from here in new york city. actor charlie sheen brought his "violent torpedo of truth" tour to radio city music hall last night. hazel sanchez reports. >> reporter: despite a 30-minute late start, there was a big apple welcome for charlie sheen, legendary radio city music hall. a rousing standing ovation. >> incredible. >> reporter: but the fandemonium was short-lived. what was slated as a 90-minute show just ended after 45 minutes. >> they were running around naked and booing and screaming. and it was horrible for the money that we spent.
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it was -- it was an atrocity. >> he had nothing to say. he wasn't -- even his stories that he was telling about his hotel epics were boring. >> reporter: sheen entertained the crowd with stories of drug use and is excapades across the globe. >> i'm on crutches and i'm here to see scharly and i loved him. >> charlie sheen delivered exactly what he said he was going to deliver. if these people have an unrealistic expectation, then that's up to them. >> seen all the interviews and stuff. i thought it would be fun. turns out not so much. >> reporter: fans in new york say tonight was like a broken record. was it worth your money? >> no. no, it was not worth the money. >> thanks for watching. join us again monday on "the early show." >> for more about "the early show," visit us at looking to add a little smile to your chili ?
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