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tv   The Early Show  CBS  May 14, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PDT

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good morning. the intelligence. new clues in the raid that killed osama bin laden are pieced to the, as the cia prepares to reinterview three of his wives, and warns of more possible revenge attacks. this is surprising new details of life inside the compound emerge. parting the waters. the army corps of engineers today begins a plan to save baton rouge and new orleans from the raging floodwaters of the mississippi. but at a big cost. a grand "endeavour." the countdown is on for the final flight of the space shuttle "endeavour." congresswoman gabrielle giffords is expected to watch her
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husband, commander mark kelly, lead the mission. we'll speak to a former shuttle astronaut who knows them both. and the new man for "two and a half men." actor ashton kutcher will replace charlie sheen on the popular cbs show. but can he keep the show on top? all that and more, "early" this saturday morning, may 14th, all that and more, "early" this saturday morning, may 14th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs pretty shot of the water in new york city. good saturday morning, everyone. welcome to "the early show," i'm rebecca jarvis. >> we have great water here. >> it's fabulous. even for drinking. >> i'm russ mitchell. good morning to you. new details are emerging about osama bin laden's time in hiding. first there's his library of pornography that was found in the raid on his compound. and the cia is trying to get a second round of interviews with bin laden's wives, and there are new warnings of revenge attacks. cbs news correspondent whit johnson is at the white house with the very latest. whit, good morning.
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>> russ, good morning to you. well, for the white house, there's no such thing as too much information when it comes to osama bin laden. now, this latest discovery of pornography inside his compound, it's all enabling the u.s. government to paint a whole new picture of the al qaeda leader. hunkered down for years in a drab pakistani compound, pornography managed to find space on osama bin laden's computer files. sources tell cbs news the files contained inappropriate still images. some of which showed couples engaged in sex acts. it's unclear who the images may have belonged to, but the al qaeda leader's time in hiding is becoming less secretive by the day. u.s. officials will get a second opportunity to interview bin laden's three widows, all in pakistani custody. after days of maneuver being, the first meeting was granted just recently. it lasted about 30 minutes, with pakistani officials in the room. and bin laden's eldest wife doing most of the talking.
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sources say the cia obtained little information. there are also growing concerns over a different problem. the pakistani taliban claims this was a revenge attack for bin laden's death. at least 80 people were killed friday. following twin suicide bombings at a paramilitary training center in northwestern pakistan. it's the kind of violence defense secretary robert gates warned of while visiting u.s. troops at camp lejeune, north carolina. >> first of all there is a -- an awareness that the threat of retaliation is -- is increased, because of the attacks, or because of the action against bin laden. >> next thursday, president obama will deliver a comprehensive speech from the state department about the middle east. the white house says it will cover a range of topics, from the death of osama bin laden to political turmoil in the region. russ? >> whit johnson at the white house. thanks a lot, whit. rebecca? >> thank you, russ. for some perspective on the new
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information emerging about osama bin laden, including the cia's meeting with bin laden's three wives, we turn to cbs news national security analyst juan zarate. he is in our washington bureau. juan, great to have you with us. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. >> so these attacks in pakistan yesterday, are these more of the lone wolf variety? >> no. i think what you see, rebecca is the pakistan taliban laying claim for this attack. remember, the pakistan taliban has been at war with the pakistani state, attacking the intelligence and military establishment over time. and so this is part of that ongoing battle, but clearly they use this opportunity to claim that it's a revenge attack. i think you're going to see more of these in the future. >> the question is, will we see more of them here in the united states? a number of american cities have beefed up their security. do you anticipate this is something that is going to come from overseas and come near home? >> well, i don't see any evidence of it yet. but it's certainly something counterterrorism officials are
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worried about. they're worried about two things, rebecca. first al qaeda or organized attacks that may be accelerated as a result of bin laden's death. revenge attacks like we just saw in pakistan. secondly, lone wolf attacks. individuals who may not be connected directly to al qaeda, who are inspired or emotional, after bin laden's death, and will attack fellow citizens. so counterterrorism authorities are on the lookout for those types of attacks. >> the u.s. has had one opportunity to interview bin laden's three wives. they didn't get much out of it. they will be going back to the drawing board on that. do you anticipate there's any kind of information, any kind of intelligence we could obtain from that? >> well, frankly, rebecca, i don't think so. i think, you know, not realistic to expect that bin laden's wives are going to like or trust american interrogators across the table. they're not going to be very open. you know, we would want to get the kind of information, intimate information about bin laden's lifestyle. whom he was meeting with, the types of things he was doing in the compound for five and six years. but i don't think a 30-minute
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session, or even a few more sessions, is going to do the trick. that's the kind of interrogation that takes a long time, and i'm not sure we're going to get that kind of time with the wives. >> speaking of that lifestyle, with new details, for example, the pornography that was found in bin laden's compound emerging, do you sense that the united states is trying to shape a new image of who this man was? >> absolutely. i think the united states, in the information it's getting out about bin laden's compound, about his lifestyle, is trying to reshape theibleage of this once heroic figure. they're trying to demonstrate that he was human. that he had faults. and he certainly wasn't the spiritual aesthetic that he claimed to be. and so this messaging campaign for the united states started the other day, when the government released videos. i think we're going to continue to see bits and pieces of this come out to reshape the image of bin laden. >> we also just heard from defense secretary gates talking about the need to increase security for navy s.e.a.l.s. how big of a concern is this,
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with all of these new details emerging, the fact that now a number of congressmen have seen the pictures of a dead osama bin laden? >> well, i think this is a real concern for the department of defense, and the navy s.e.a.l. community. i mean, the s.e.a.l. team 6 is a secretive, covert unit. they do not want their identities out there. and individuals who not only have families, but also are engaged in ongoing counterterrorism operations, this isn't the end of their career. but with an event like this, they're getting more attention than at any time in recent memory, and so this is a real danger, and i think a concern, a legitimate concern for secretary gates. >> was it to be expected that these pictures would make their way out into public hands? >> i think so. this is something i said from the get-go in the age of wikileaks it's very hard to control information within the government. i was in the white house, i saw that firsthand. it's very hard to control things from getting out of the government. even if you try very hard. and so, i think the administration's going to have to reshape the narrative, as
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these images come out. and i think they're going to try to control the message. but it's hard to do in the age of wikileaks. >> juan zarate, we appreciate it. great analysis. >> thanks, rebecca. and tomorrow night on "60 minutes," katie couric talks to defense secretary robert gates about what it was like in the situation room during the raid on bin laden's compound. >> i worked for a lot of these guys, and this is one of the most courageous calls, decisions, that i think i've ever seen a president make. for all of the concerns that i've just been talking about. the uncertainty of the intelligence. the consequences. of it going bad. the risk to lives of the americans involved. it was a very gutsy call. >> you could see it in his face in that photograph. what was it like being near him in that room? >> let's just say there wasn't a lot of conversation. by anybody in the room. >> and you can see katie couric's entire interview with
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defense secretary robert gates on "60 minutes," that's tomorrow night at 7:00 eastern, 6:00 central. and it's right here on cbs. in louisiana, the army corps of engineers is today expected to open a spillway to protect baton rouge and new orleans from the ravages of the mississippi river flooding. but the move will bring a torrent of trouble for other communities, and cbs news correspondent dean reynolds is in morganza, louisiana, with the latest. dean, good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. well, by opening the gates of the spillway behind me, the hope is to lessen pressure on the floodwalls from here all the way to the gulf of mexico, and prevent a catastrophe. they haven't opened the spillway at morganza, louisiana, since 1973. but they have to do it again. the mississippi is still rising. they're putting portable dams on top of the levees in baton rouge. and hoping the maneuver at the spillway, 35 miles away, will
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keep the river navigable. the last thing they want to do is close the river to barge traffic. >> they won't be able to receive product or send product out, so things just come to a standstill. >> reporter: meanwhile, farther up the river near vidalia, louisiana, concerns of another kind. the humane society has created a makeshift shelter for pets, whose owners have been forced to flee the floods. >> they feel like it's a part of their family, but they can't take them where they're going. it's difficult. it's a very emotional thing. >> reporter: nor can anyone say when they'll be reunited. the mississippi won't crest around here for another week. no wonder the mayor is worried. >> we've seen what katrina did. we hope we don't have another katrina. >> later today the army corps is supposed to have a press conference, when they'll give us more details on the scope of this operation. although we understand they're going to open just a few gates at a time, and not all 125 gates at once. rebecca? >> and, dean, what effect do we expect that opening of the spillway to have? >> well, over time it's going to
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flood about 3 million acres of farmland, and affect some 25,000 people who live in that area. it's going to be a very difficult time for them. rebecca? >> yeah, these are some tough choices. dpeen reynolds in morganza, louisiana, thank you. now here's russ. >> okay, rebecca, thank you. this was a very busy week for republican presidential hopefuls. there were announcements, major speeches, and potential candidates jockeying for position for the 2012 election. for a look at what it all means, let's turn to cbs news political analyst john dickerson. he's in our washington bureau. good morning to you. >> good morning, russ. >> it looks like the republican field is shaping up. do you expect any wild cards to show up in the next few days? >> well, that's right. the souffle is starting to set up a little. we have newt gingrich coming in, ron paul made it official. we still have some wild cards out there, though, mitch daniels, the governor of indiana is thinking about it. says he's going to have a decision. a lot of people are waiting for him to speak up. and ambassador huntsman who was the recent ambassador to china,
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john huntsman, is going to get into the race. so there's still a few more big names, but it's moved along a little bit this week. >> okay, let's talk about some names out there. mike huckabee says he's going to make a major announcement tonight, or at least calling it a very important announcement. what do you think he's going to say? and how important of a factor could he be in the race? >> well, he's keeping a very close hold. he hasn't done the things that a candidate needs to do on any front to prepare the way, so the betting among the experts is that he will say he's not running. his big effect is that he has a strong following in the social conservative community within the conservative base. and he does quite well in some polls, and he does very well in iowa, where he won the caucuses the last time around. he gets out of the race, that puts iowa in play in a different kind of way. some candidates have been sitting out, or planning to sort of sit out iowa. now, if it's an open contest, that sort of changes and might change their calculations. >> mitt romney caught some flak from his fellow republicans this week for trying to -- after he was trying to explain the difference between the health care law he pass in
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massachusetts and the obama health care plan which he opposes. will he be able to overcome this with his own party? >> the specifics of the case are very tricky. he supported a plan in massachusetts that had at its center an individual mandate forcing people to get insurance. that's what the obama plan had at the national level. that individual mandate is something a lot of conservatives just don't like. and the speech was not well-received. "the wall street journal" editorial page really went after romney. they knew this was going to happen. the key for romney is that he has to be able to at least get past this enough so he can make his primary case, which is i was a businessman. i know how the economy works. with the country in difficult economic situation, i'm the person. and he, if he can make that case, he should be age to get past this. >> at this point, would mitt romney be the front-runner? >> well, he'd like to think so. there is no front-runner. and some polls he comes out at the top. and in certain states in new hampshire he does very well. but, the field is very loose. and part of what we're seeing as
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republicans are looking to candidates like mitch daniels, who've not really gotten in the race and who may not get in the race, they're sort of pleading for some others to get into the race that might be slightly more exciting candidates, who might have flaws that are -- that are less big than some of the ones in the race now. >> let me ask you about mitch daniels. a lot of republicans want him to come to the race, as you just said. what makes him such an attractive candidate for so many republicans? >> well, he -- the unknown in part makes him attractive. he is a vessel into which people can pour all their hopes and dreams. that's a problem for daniels. his best day may be the day he announces he's in the race. we've seen this in the past. fred thompson was the great mystery candidate who was going to come in in 2008 and have a glorious campaign. and it fizzled almost immediately. what happens is that voters are always kind of looking around for their star candidate. what makes daniels attractive, though, is he's been a good, competent governor, which means he's not from washington. he's an executive. means he has actual solutions that have had to be tested by voters and by actual, you know, seeing if they actually work, rather than just a lot of
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rhetoric. and he's got a good, sort of sense of humor, and he has a very clear story to tell about what he believes the next president has to do about the debt and deficit. that's a very important issue with republicans and conservatives. >> texas congressman ron paul says he's going to run again. what effect did he have an other tea party candidates who may want to enter the race? >> well, ron paul's best argument is against washington. and there are no current sitting senators or -- running so that it's harder for him to make the case that other candidates are captive of washington. sort of everybody is trying to be the tea party candidate. which might diminish his influence a little bit in terms of taking votes away from others. but he has a very strong following and he will shape the debate here because he's not just a novelty candidate in the way he was the first two times he ran. his chances are still very slim of getting the nomination. but he does have a role to play, and that will affect other candidates. >> two more names. quick answers on both. chris christie, new jersey governor, in or out? >> out.
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he can't say he's not running enough apparently for people. but he's going to, but people still want him to get in the race. >> and another name we don't hear a lot about. donald trump. >> part of the reason we don't hear any more about him is he was kind of considered not just a novelty candidate but sort of a clown candidate now. he's fallen back in the polls, and his moment seems to have come and gone. >> okay. john dickerson in washington. as always, thanks so much. we appreciate it. >> thanks, russ. >> it is now 16 minutes past the hour. time to swing over that away to betty nguyen for the other headlines. >> not very far away. good morning russ and rebecca. good morning, everybody. libya's leader has emerged from hiding, >> good morning. the nato campaign here in libya has led to a strange game of hide and seek with moammar
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gadhafi periodically appearing to prove he's still alive and hurl insults at his enemies. once again overnight tripoli was hit by a series of strikes. the latest raids came just hours after libyan state tv broadcast an audio message from gadhafi in which he called the nato attacks cowardly. and said it was beyond the alliance's reach because, quote, i live in the hearts of millions. the libyan regime regularly takes foreign reporters on tours of bomb damage. they say it proves civilians are being killed. nato insists it's only hitting military targets. this latest outburst came after italy's foreign minister says he believed gadhafi had fled the capital and may have been wounded. >> the leader is in very good health, high morale, high spirits. he is in tripoli. he's fighting the fight forward.
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he's leading the country day by day. >> reporter: this tit for tat propaganda war has a serious downside for gadhafi's image as leader. the fact that he has to frequently pop up to prove he's still in control only shows that he's hiding from the nato strikes. and that could lead some members of his inner circle to reconsider their allegiance to him. betty? >> all right, mandy clark joining us live from libya. thank you, mandy. at least six people were killed friday in syria's ongoing bloody crackdown on anti-government protests. nearly 800 people have died since the protests began, almost two months ago. tanks and snipers were deployed friday to fire on demonstrators in three cities. amateur video caught the action. activists say opposition crowds have diminished following mass arrests. george mitchell apparently has had enough of the stalemate in the middle east peace talks, and is resigning as special middle east envoy. the former senator from maine has not been in the middle east since talks collapsed in september.
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mitchell held the post for two years. he brokered the accord that ended years of bloodshed in northern ireland. president obama wants to increase domestic oil production. in his weekly radio address, mr. obama said he wants to extend existing leases off alaska and in the gulf of mexico. mr. obama has come under increasing criticism as the average price of a gallon of regular hovers around $4 nationwide. his announcement comes following passage of three republican controlled house bills that would expand offshore oil and gas drilling. speaker of the house john boehner is delivering the commencement address at catholic university today. but not everyone at the washington, d.c. school is looking forward to it. a letter signed by dozens of faculty members says boehner has one of the worst records in congress on programs for the poor. it also asks boehner, who is a catholic, to refamiliarize himself with church teachings on the subject. shirley sherrod reportedly
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is going back to work for the department of agriculture. she was forced out after she was wrongfully accused of making racially insensitive remarks. the washington, d.c. website politico reports she'll be a contractor, helping the usda improve its civil rights record. a report earlier this week said the department still has problems treating minorities fairly. and mary tyler moore is recovering well from surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. moore was diagnosed with a slow-growing tumor in the membranes that cover the brain. mary tyler moore starred in her own show, as well as "the dick van dyke show." moore is 74 years old. we do wish her well. now here's russ and rebecca. >> okay, betty, thank you very much. of course a great actress but a nice lady as well. >> a nice lady. and the whole thing took place in minneapolis. a house right near where i grew up. >> you threw your hat in the air? >> exactly, my beret. i'm going to make it after all. >> mr. lonnie quinn ask here with our first check of the weather. >> good morning to you guys.
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i want to get right to those weather headlines. here's what's going on all across the country. the record floods continue for the mississippi river. but now, we're really focusing on the southern portion of the mississippi where the river will be cresting sometime next week. it is dry, however for the southern plains and look at this right here. boy, the party is over in the northeast. the northeast, you had spectacular weather all week long. well, it's all changing now for this weekend, right through much of next week. there's a low pressure system kind of cut off. what that means is it's just going to kind of wobble but stay in the area, bringing showers or even some storms, sort of spotty here and there, but through all of next week, and some cooler temperatures, as well. if you take a look at the satellite radar picture to go along with what i'm talking about, pretty easy to see. we've got counterclockwise spin associated with that low pressure system is. this picture you're looking at for the eastern half of the country, it is not going to change again for most of next week. spotty showers throughout. on the other side of the coin, there's the western half of the country. pretty quiet out there with the exception of one little
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disturbance rolling onshore around the pacific northwest. >> all right, everybody, wherever you are, you make it a great day. one little side note for my friends here. the launch forecast for the "endeavour" next week, looking good for monday. no problems weatherwise. >> that's good to hear. >> i know you're going to talk about that. >> we are. because it obviously was delayed for two weeks and now it's set to lift off again. we're going to talk to a former shuttle astronaut who knows shuttle commander mark kelly and his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords. >> and we'll tell you about a husband and wife from ohio who will tell us their secret on how to get free gas. they haven't stolen it, but they haven't paid a cent in 18 months. we'll have their secust
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a bit. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,,,
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i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.
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as you just saw the space shuttle "endeavour" is set to launch on monday, originally scheduled to launch on april 29th. being delayed. commander mark kelly will be at the helm. his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords will also be there. we'll speak to a former astronaut who knows what it's like to have the frustration of having these delayed flights. what it may mean for commander kelly and for congresswoman giffords, as well. >> there were a lot of questions in the beginning stages of this, if it was delayed, would she be present. the reality is she will be able to be there in an offsite place where she can watch it. she even gets, i hear, refreshments in that location. >> a special place. nasa has carved out for her. >> exactly. looks like it's going to work out. >> the weather is going to be nice, as well. all that is coming up in just a bit. [ woman ] bathing suits. shorts.
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tank tops. [ female announcer ] grab a box of multigrain cheerios, get a code to a seven-day plan to get going on your summer weight loss. get the box, get the code, get started. that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios.
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so we've got the story coming up about the way that one couple didn't pay for gas for 18 months. obviously this is something that catches a lot of attention because everybody, when they go to the pump these days -- >> a fortune. >> it's a sense of dread almost driving there. anybody want to guess what the national average is right now? >> four bucks. >> last week it was $4. >> last week it hit $4. right now it's $3.97. >> expected to go down. >> it is expected to go down. the reason it would go down is because oil prices went down. oil prices dropped back below $100 a barrel. but when oil goes down it takes a lot longer for that to funnel for the pump. >> naturally. >> than for it to go up. >> if oil prices skyrocket you're going to see that very quickly. >> you have memorial day coming
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up. people want to drive. stay indications where they're trying to stay as close to home as possible. >> if they're not driving, some people might be flying, rent a car. we did a story on cbs radio yesterday that some gas stations around the orlando airport, okay, were not posting the price of the gasoline. and of course a lot of times you bring your rental car into those gas stations right by the airport. >> what a surprise. >> $9. >> can you believe that? >> i saw that. but they did pass a rule now they've got to post the price. can you imagine seeing like $6 to $9 a gallon? >> the senate thinks a lot of that is going on. one gas station says i can raise my gas prices another one says, i can do the same. any excuse. >> at some point, when does that become criminal? it's really just taking advantage of it. $9. the average is around four. >> what do you pay -- let's say you bring your rental car back and you don't fill it up. you pay some crazy price like $19 a gallon. >> yeah, yeah. well. >> we live in new york city. we don't drive very much. >> but there is the ripple effect. ,,,,,,,,
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columbus circle on a beautiful saturday morning here in new york city. rebecca, there's some really nice stores in that shop right there. >> never heard of them. >> if you're there today looking to buy something for a friend, you know, just want you to know they're right there. >> i appreciate that. a friend. >> you know. you do what you got to do. welcome to "the early show." i'm russ mitchell. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. this is something that really caught our attention here at the "early" show. it is a shocking new study that three quarters of americans, they do not follow their doctor's directions when taking prescription medications, and officials say causes over 100,000 deaths. >> wow. >> the cost to the health care industry is almost $300 billion
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a year. we're going to tell you how the government is fighting the growing problem. obviously something every home in america needs information on. >> of course. we'll talk about gas prices. with the national average price of gasoline around $4 a gallon. one couple from ohio figured out how to take the pain out of the pump and get free gas. they didn't steal it. they have not paid to fill up their cars in more than a year and a half now. they're going to tell us how they did it. look like nice people. >> a couple that gets free gas together stays together. >> that is right. they're going to give us their secret in just a second. first up the countdown clock is ticking again for space shuttle endeavor. after the mission was scrubbed last month for electrical problems. commander mark kelly will lead "endeavour's" final flight scheduled for monday morning. his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords is expected to be on hand for the launch. cbs news correspondent kelly cobiella reports. >> reporter: they're back for round two. commander mark kelly and his crew of five landed at kennedy space center thursday, optimistic that the second launch of the shuttle "endeavour" will be the charm.
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>> hopefully the weather will be good. mike just told us that the vehicle's in great condition. we really appreciate all the hard work by the team that's worked over the last couple weeks to get shuttle "endeavour" ready. >> reporter: engineers say they fixed the electrical glitch in "endeavour's" hydraulic system that forced nasa to scrub one of the most-watched launches in recent memory. president obama and his family were there, april 29th, along with a crowd of 700,000, to see "endeavour's" last liftoff. and perhaps the space program's most famous couple. commander mark kelly, and his wife, injured arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords. >> got a love story sitting out there. you know, a wife who has been through some traumatic, traumatic situations, and her husband's going to be commanding the ship. >> reporter: giffords was shot in the head while meeting with constituents back in january. and worked for weeks to be well enough to travel to florida in support of her husband. giffords is expected back in
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florida this weekend for the monday morning launch, along with a crowd of half a million. hoping to see "endeavour" finally lift off in to the history books. kelly cobiella, cbs news, miami. >> for some insight on what a space shuttle mission is like, especially for astronauts' families we turn to dr. jerry lineger, he spent 132 days in space on a single mission. he's also a friend of mark kelly and gabrielle giffords. >> good morning. >> when it comes to delays who is that more nerve-racking on? >> i think the families. the families have a lot going. not just immediate family, relatives, friends. 700,000 people at that last launch. so they've got a lot of rearranging to do and everything else. generally i think the family, it's a disappointment, obviously, to everyone and to the astronaut. but you kind of understand it could happen at any time. >> congresswoman giffords is going to be there. where will she be physically? >> physically, ever since "challenger," actually, we've taken the immediate families and put them in the launch control
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center. and from there you can get up on the roof and actually see a great view. you're about 2 1/2 miles away, and that's as close as you want to come to something with 7 million pounds of thrust that's going to go, you know, mach 25 in about 7 minutes. so she's got a great view. they've got the video feeds. they always have an astronaut. another astronaut chosen by the family to be with her. every family has the same things. they have someone there in case something does go wrong. a person you trust. a person that knows what's going on. >> you touch with this, any launch, even a launch that is not delayed, how stressful is it on the families to see their loved one in this rocket ship? >> it's pretty hard. hard on mothers, too, i'll say that. but the -- it's very stressful. on the other hand, i think gabby, you know, she's seen a launch before. >> right. >> i think she's going to feel the launch. if you go to a launch, it's light, it's explosion, it's sound waves hitting you. and i think she's going to feel that and say, man, i've been here before. i think it's going to be a wonderful, nice moment for her
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to feel that again. >> on the scary factor, scary scale, concern scale, what would you rather hear as a family member or an astronaut, there's a weather delay or there's a technical delay? >> i think they're kind of equal. the weather is just one of those things. actually the technical thing, the shuttle is built with incredible systems, and we've got a primary system, a backup system, a tertiary system, manual yoemp ride. so there's lots of things that can go wrong. that last launch, could have launched, everything would have worked fine. but you want to go up with a vehicle that is 100% ready to go. we have backup atus but you'd rather have the backup in case something fails during flight. so you launch with a perfectly clean vehicle. >> you see commander mark kelly there. i mean, you know more than anybody, the physical and emotional toll this takes on an astronaut to get ready for a mission like this. given everything that's going on in his life, are you surprised that he's been able to get through this? >> not really. i've known -- he's been at the back end of aircraft carriers on
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stormy nights where you've got to focus and concentrate. this is a heck of a mission, too. we're not talking about the mission launch. we're taking up an astrophysics laboratory, $2 billion laboratory, attach it to the international space station. so mark's got plenty to think about, about moving our country forward. moving the world forward. and you just have to sort of tuck things away. during my flight i found out my wife was pregnant before i launched. and i was gone for five months. so you know, i was on the -- every woman's blacklist after that. after leaving my wife for, you know, for five months in space, got back with two weeks to go and had our second child. so, you know, life circumstances happen. you sort of compartmentallize them away and you concentrate on the mission. >> thank you so much for your insight. >> my pleasure. nice talking to you, russ. >> it is about 24 minutes until the hour. mr. lonnie quinn is here with another check of the weather. >> russ, i've got to ask you, if you had a chance would you go up? >> i would, definitely. it would be a lot of fun. >> man, in a heartbeat i'd go.
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let's talk about the weather headlines. specifically as they relate to the "endeavour." because come monday morning weatherwise things look favorable for the launch. now there is a chance for some afternoon thunderstorms. but, keep in mind, the launch is taking place at 8:56 in the morning. so that's before the heating of the day and before those florida thunderstorms get going. as of right now, here's your current radar and satellite picture. a lot of wet weather out there on the eastern half of the country. but boy is it calm out here around texas. and for florida, especially around the kennedy space center, this air mass will move into your area come monday morning. and this is what they're experiencing right now around dallas, roswell, tulsa, lots of sunshine out there. mild temperatures. a bit of a wind. about 15 to 20 miles per hour. especially western texas, please be careful with any kind of an open flame. you know what they can do.
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all right. of course no one has asked either me or russ to go up in the "endeavour." we'll keep the fingers crossed, rebecca. >> to the moon, lonnie. coming up next, a growing health hazard. more than 100,000 americans die each year because they do not take their medications correctly. we'll tell you what you can do about it. this is the "early" show on cbs. . a plant is only as good as the soil you put it in. look, both these potted plants got the same sun. same water. only difference? this. miracle-gro potting mix. rich organic ingredients with miracle-gro plant food mixed right in. it even feeds plants for six straight months. want this result? gotta start with this soil. miracle-gro potting mix. success starts with the soil. [ door closes, silence ]
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on this morning's "healthwatch," misused medications. a new report suggests that 75% of americans do not always take their medications as directed, and that's leading to some very serious problems. here with tips on how to take your meds correctly is cbs news medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton. great to have you with us, jen. >> good morning, rebecca. >> so this report references something called nonadherence. can you tell us what specifically that is? >> what that basically refers to, rebecca, is when a doctor or health care provider sits down and writes a prescription for a medication for a patient there
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are a couple of things involved. the dose of the medication, how much the patient is supposed to take. how often. and for how long. and as you said, the number of patients who don't comply with that recommended treatment regimen is really astounding. over 50% of the more than 3 billion prescription medications written in this country every year are not taken as prescri prescribed. and obviously not only can that be sub optimal, it can be dangerous. >> why would you say this issue is growing in america? >> i think probably the greatest reason is that today, most patients don't have that close dr. /patient relationship. so they don't have the time or the opportunity to really discuss their concerns with their health care provider and those concerns can range from anything from the cost of the medication to side effects, which many people are concerned about. to actually what to expect in terms of when someone's taking those medications, how they expect to feel. so that lack of a relationship then spirals into all of these other concerns. the other thing is now these medications are more
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complicated. they're more involved. and a lot of people battling and living with chronic diseases are on multiple medications. really stacks the deck in terms of these problems. >> you mentioned the concerns. but there are also some very serious consequences that this paper found. it said that people who aren't taking their prescription medications properly, more than one-third of med cane-related hospitalizations and nearly 125,000 deaths in the u.s. every year are due to people not doing it properly. >> exactly. and you know what, rebecca? i have a patient that i saw recently, i prescribed a medication. i called her several months later to find out how she was doing. it turns out, she never even started the medication because she had spoken to someone who voiced a concern about a possible side effect. and i said to her, if you had discussed that with me we could have been three months ahead of where we are right now. so really, to address this, the government has created a plan, it's a public education campaign, called script your future. and it really provides all aspects of the health care arena, from patients to big
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pharma, to doctors, to caregivers and support groups, to pharmacies, with online tools that they can use to really help manage these concerns. you can get anything from a free text message to remind you when to take your medication, to charts that you can print out to keep track of your medications. and the hope is that all of these things will really help people comply with what their health care provider has suggested. >> as a doctor, what do you recommend? >> well, a couple of things. first of all, talk, talk, talk. ask questions of your health care provider. talk about your concerns. how common are the side effects that you may be concerned about? and when should you start to feel better? you certainly don't want to keep taking the pred significance if it's not working and treating the problem that it's supposed to treat. the other thing is keep written lists. with people on multiple medications it is so important, rebecca, to keep a list of the medications, when you started it, when you're supposed to take it, what other medications or supplements you're also supposed to be on, and lastly, you really don't want to self-medicate or
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stop any of these medications without talking to your doctor. people get afraid. they have logistical issues. they maybe can't afford them. they share medications. >> doctor knows best. >> recipe for disaster. >> dr. jennifer ashton, speaking of. thank you so much for coming in this morning. >> you bet. >> and for more tips on how to make sure you're taking your medications correctly, go to our partner in health, and search "medication mistakes." coming up next, find out how to get free gas just like one ohio couple did, right here on "the early show" on cbs. ome, his family knows what to expect. hun, mike's coming -- let's get crackin'. [ male announcer ] but what mike rowe doesn't know is that his parents have armed themselves with unquilted viva® towels. place looks great. [ male announcer ] mike doesn't know that every concentrated viva roll is made of strong, fiber packed sheets, making it one tough towel. but his mom sure does. wow, for me? you shouldn't have. i insist. [ male announcer ] hey, if viva can handle mike rowe's mess, just think what it can do in your home. grab a roll for yourself and grasp the unquilted difference.
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bay! kin! cheese! spiiinnnaaachh... tuuur...keeey... [ dj ] with deelicious tomatoes, right on top... [ male announcer ] serve it up on tasty flatbread. and wake up to the fresh taste of the sunrise subway melt. build your better breakfast, only at subway. and wake up to the fresh taste of the sunrise subway melt. man: and all the pens are put down... woman: and everything there is to learn is learned. man: till the heroes retire and the monsters return to their dens... woman: and all the plots are wrapped up.
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man: till that day... boy: by hook or by crook... girl: by book or by nook... woman: i will read. dove's new range with weightless nutri-oils. smooth away up to 100% of dry hair's roughness and frizz. new dove nourishing oil care. make friends with your hair. new dove nourishing oil care. hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch.
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this morning on "moneywatch," free gasoline. with the average price of a gallon of regular around $4 a gallon nationwide one couple in ohio found a way to pay nothing to fill up their cars. and they haven't paid for almost 18 months. ron and gehry reed join us from plains city, ohio. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, russ. welcome to columbus. >> ronald, kind of a complicated way you did this. but you bought coupons to a gas perks program at your local grocery store and that's how you
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were able to do this, correct? >> correct. we signed up for the advantage program at giant eagle, which started off with food perks. our in-store discounts. and later when they opened up the gas stations, they extended that to fuel perks. which was 10 cents off on a gallon for every $50 that you spend, including gift cards. and later, of course, they had our regional profession which is still running which gave you 20 cents per gallon for every $50. right about that time -- go ahead. >> i was going to ask you, you use those cards, obviously to buy this gasoline. some of these cards had expiration dates. how did you get around that small problem? >> well, the gift cards don't expire. but the fuel perks do. and we staged all our upgrades to the house by buying something every 90 days. and going back about a year and
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a half ago is when we decided that we were going to not build a new home because of the market, but to upgrade what we had. and with that, jerri had mentioned about, too bad we couldn't use some of the gift cards within the store to earn fuel perks. so -- >> we took full advantage. >> we took full advantage. and what we did, what we did was we started with granite tops in the kitchen and half bath. and we checked with the great indoors, which is owned by sears, if they would accept gift cards that we would get through giant eagle and they said, of course, it's just like cash. so we started with the countertops, and we enjoyed three months of free gas. so after that -- >> ron, let me get jerri in real quickly. were you surprised that this worked so well? >> no. we've been basically -- and the gift cards, we basically started
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out which is linens and draperies, and things like that. and it led in to the larger items. >> i tell you, you guys are heroes ron and jerri joining us from outside columbus, ohio, today. thanks so much for sharing your secrets with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> joining us in new york to explain already ron and jerri's plan could work for you is farnoosh. good morning. >> good morning, ross. >> could this work for everybody? >> it's an extraordinary story. the big takeaway for everyone at home is when you want to maximize a fuel rewards program in in this case they used fuel perks you need to strategize. the more you spend, the more discount you could potentially earn for gasoline. so they not only shopped at their grocery store for food and toilet paper, they got the gift cards that were at their grocery store. those big ticket gift cards, which allowed them to accumulate discounts really, really fast. >> you've got some tips for us. i'm at the grocery store that's not offering fuel perks, where do i go? >> don't despair. your grocery store may have a
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separate type of fuel rewards program. fuel perks is sort of this national program that only a few grocery stores are participating in. but your own grocery store may have its own program. stop and shop has a fuel rewards program. stop and shop being this sort of national chain around the east coast. where they give you every dollar you spend you get a point. and 100 points equals 10 cents off a gallon of gasoline. and you can do this up to earning $2.20 off a gallon of gasoline. and, of course, only valid for 30 days so you want to strategize. >> gas reward credit cards. good option? >> pretty good option if you obviously are fueling up a lot, you have a big gas guzzling car. the shell mastercard gives you a 5% rebate on all gas purchases. there's no annual fee, but the zinger is that there's a 24% apr interest rate. so you want to make sure you're paying off that balance every month so you're not dealing with the interest rate. >> cashback credit cards. >> cash back credit cards basically you get cash back for every purchase you make.
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the costco american express card because you can buy in bulk. you're spending a lot of money so you can really maximize cash back. it's 3% for gasoline purchases, 2% for restaurants, 1% for other items. no annual fee if you're a costco member. and there's no interest rate for the first six months. after that it's 15%. >> we heard jerri reed say they've done this -- a lot of people take advantage of this? >> i don't think a lot of people are aware that they can do this. they don't at least sit down and look at the big picture. how can i maximize this and really work it to my advantage? >> ork. farnoosh, as always. appreciate it. for more smart ways to cut your fuel costs this summer logon to our sister site up next, presidential outtakes. we'll be right back.
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membership rewards points from american express. they're a social currency with endless possibilities. [ dog treats drop ] everybody likes to get a bonus... the petsmart big brands bonus sale. save $5 on fiproguard™ plus flea and tick treatment with the same active ingredients as frontline plus. at petsmart. [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... can lead to another. ♪ ♪ with real fruit, more of the whole grains your body needs, and a good source of fiber. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. careful, don't let it slip. see how many treats leslie can guess in one minute.
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ok, speaking bra strap will not stop slipping! maybe try a hanes bra? they fit great. yeah? yeah. hanes comfort flex fit bras. totally fab fit. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena® naturals. to london starts with arthritis pain...
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and a choice. take tylenol now, and maybe up to 8 in a day. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. enjoy the flight. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. [ giggles ] hey, max. [ announcer ] you can help significantly extend your dog's healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years. long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it. earlier this week cbs news had a town hall meeting with the president of the united states of america. we were talking about the economy. obviously a serious topic. but the cameras still rolled in the commercial breaks. so we're going to show you a
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behind-the-scenes look at the commander in chief. >> that must have been a fabulous experience. >> pretty cool. >> you're watching "the early show." so how cool was that? to be there in the newseum in washington, d.c., with the president of the united states. >> what was it like? >> he was -- well, everybody was very surprised by how laidback things got in those commercial breaks. and we're going to be speaking with harry smith, who was also there. erica hill was also there. to host the event. it's interesting, because obviously, the economy has been in very tough shape for some time now. and president obama's approval rating as a result of that has really dropped. but the people in the room did seem to connect with him. it seemed like they felt in many cases for example the pregnant zookeeper. >> that's everywhere. >> she's been everywhere. and so it was -- >> rebecca shaking hands. just wanted to say that. >> i appreciate that. >> you were shaking his hands.
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you didn't get the fist bump. you did the handshake. >> it was a professional type of event. >> speaking of it being professi professional. were you worried about protocol? >> it's interesting when you see how highly orchestrated every single moment of his day is. everything is calculated down to the second. and you have all of these security surrounding him. >> how tight was it? >> it was so tight. they sealed off the room itself. such that once you were in, you had to stay in until the president left the room, you were in that room. >> they do background checks? you had to submit your information ahead of time? >> yep. submitted all my information. the people in the room had submitted, as well. >> you talk about the woman from the national zoo. good things going to come out of it. >> it sounds like it. sounds like she may have at least some interviews, if nothing else. >> oh, wow. >> how cool -- well, unfortunately she lost her job. how cool is that you get to go to the president of the united states, and make your case. >> just go to the president. you'll get a new job. >> have to try that. >> you went over my head on this
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one, folks. where else do you go? ,,,,,,,,
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baseball field. >> they're playing baseball early today. >> they are. get out early in central park. enjoy your day. welcome to the "early" show, i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. >> and we are following this story that the army corps of engineers is trying to save new orleans and baton rouge, louisiana, today from the bulging mississippi river by opening the floodgates of an emergency spillway. but to fix one problem, the corps will create another. and cbs news correspondent dean reynolds is in morganza, louisiana, with the latest. dean, tell us what the plan is for today. >> well, good morning, rebecca. we're standing right here on the
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eastern side of the spillway. you can see the water is pretty much right up to the top of the spillway. later today, a few of the gates from the spillway will be opened. and water from the eastern side will pass over onto the mostly dry farmland on the western side, and eventually, over a period of time, some 3 million acres will be inundated. now, they are mostly rural farmland kind of land, and the area will be to the -- well to the west of new orleans and baton rouge. that's the idea is to relieve the pressure on the floodwalls that lead to baton rouge, and new orleans, and to keep them from being inundated. they are going to flood the land to the west of them. at least that is the theory. it hasn't been done since 1973. they're hoping that it is effective this time. but it's going to be very difficult for the people in the
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path, about 25,000 of them will be affected. they've been given warning and they've been told to evacuate their homes. rebecca? >> yeah, it's a tough choice. dean reynolds in morganza, louisiana. thank you, we appreciate it. now for more of the headlines we turn to cbs news anchor betty nguyen. >> good morning, guys. pakistan's parliament is condemning the u.s. raid that killed osama bin laden and humiliated its government. the lawmakers are calling for a review of pakistan's relations with the u.s. they're also warning they may cut supply lines used by u.s. forces for the war in afghanistan. pakistan receives billions of dollars in u.s. aid annually. for the first time, former president george w. bush is reacting publicly to the death of osama bin laden. in a broadcast report mr. bush said, quote, he was not overjoyed when president obama told him bin laden was dead. mr. bush said the raid was done, quote, not out of hatred, but to
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exact judgment. but he did say the idea to hunt down bin laden was a good one. china is rejecting secretary of state hillary clinton's criticism of its human rights record. in a magazine story clinton described china's human rights record as, quote, deplorable, citing the pro-democracy movement in the middle east, she said history is not on the side of repressive government. well, china is battling online protests by detaining hundreds of pro-democracy activists, and in the statement, china's foreign ministry said clinton's effort to link it to the unrest in the middle east will fail. a national park rescue team battled 70-mile-per-hour winds on mt. mckinley in alaska to save two injured climbers. the two climbers suffered severe frostbite and broken ribs. friday's daring rescue took place at 17,000 feet. one day after another member of the expedition was rescued on the mountain 180 miles north of anchorage. a fourth member of the group died on thursday. worries that europe's debt
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troubles are bigger than was originally forecasted rattled wall street, and overshadowed reports of higher u.s. consumer confidence. the dow jones industrial average fell 100 points on friday to close at 12,595. the nasdaq lost 34 points, ending at 2828. for the week the dow was down almost 43 points or about 0.3 of 1%. about four minutes past the hour. time now for a check of the weather by lonnie quinn. >> i'll tell you, if you're going to be talking numbers going up and down, i'm going to talk numbers as well. the hottest spot in the country, santan, arizona 96. coolest spot, chapel, minnesota, 28 degrees. and the best weather, freona, texas, sunny skies, 72 degrees. if you take a look here at the satellite and radar picture, all right, you do see the showers here on the eastern half of the country. the southern mississippi, okay, skies overhead today, will be just fine for you. but, i'll tell you this, in the
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mississippi for you hasn't even crested yet. the crest will take place next week. look at natchez, mississippi, okay? it's going to be crested at 64 feet. the record set in 1937, almost six feet above. it was 58.04 the record that goes way, way, way back during the depression. that's a quick little look at one portion of the country. >> this weather segment sponsored by sargento. sargento, taste the real difference. >> all right, everybody, make it a great day. have a great weekend. rebecca, over to you. >> lonnie, thank you. on thursday, cbs news broadcast a town hall on the economy with
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president barack obama. and he answered questions from our audience about unemployment, the economy, and rising gas prices. during the commercial breaks, though, mr. obama shared a few lighter moments with hosts harry smith and erica hill, and the studio audience. take a look. >> everybody knows what's going on, and so -- >> so behave yourself. >> so that the president doesn't walk out after we say thank you, mr. president, we need -- >> no rabbit ears behind me or anything. >> bob schieffer isn't here. >> i was disappointed. >> oh. >> you think you were disappointed? >> well they called me and they said, you want me to do what? i've got to go see who? >> harry just wants the sound bite. >> actually, i don't want just a sound bite. i want a string of sound bites. >> now you know what i deal with every day. and how many people have been on one of these tv sets before? anybody? a couple people.
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>> old hat here? >> have you ever noticed how cold it is on these things? >> the real test, though, is if you ever go to new york to watch letterman -- >> letterman keeps it at 40. >> the coldest studio ever. >> it's like being in an ice box. how many people are local and how many people are district? >> local first. >> local? how many local? >> photo spread. >> you look good. >> you're chance is coming. your chance is coming. >> that's terrible. >> whip out the cameras. go ahead. >> fire away. >> well, no -- all right. everybody say cheese. >> cheese! >> okay. now, put the cameras down. put them away, please. all right.
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all right. >> blackberries off. cameras away. >> and joining us now is cbs news correspondent harry smith. great to have you with us. >> good morning. >> so you've interviewed the president about a dozen times at this point? >> mm-hmm. >> do you think it was kind of status quo. is that basically what you get in the commercial breaks with the president? >> you know, it's interesting, because there's a -- he's evolved over time. because i remember covering him, for instance in iowa, getting ready for caucus time, three years ago, when there might be a dozen or two people in an audience. he's so comfortable in his -- in his role. you see in these clips, this is a man who's -- he's happy to be in the job that he's in. and he's very comfortable interacting with folks. >> do you think that has anything to do, especially now, with the fact that osama bin laden was a big get a couple weeks ago? >> you know, it certainly doesn't hurt. because there was a question during the town meeting with one of the questioners got up,
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before the question about economics, he said, and mr. president, thank you for keeping us safe. and there was this spontaneous eruption of applause. and the president, i think, is pretty clear that he's riding a pretty good wave right now. >> still the economy continues to be a major issue for voters and on voters' minds. how do you think in terms of where his approval ratings may go from here. what do you think could happen? the people in the room, they asked questions. they got their answers. >> yeah, but they didn't get jobs, and the unemployment rate doesn't go down. >> right. >> and there isn't a sort of wave of economic growth that we've seen in prior economic downturns. >> right. >> which has been exacerbated this time by a bunch of different factors that didn't exist in prior downturns. and until those numbers really start to drop, in a dramatic way, his approval rating with regards to the economy is not going to go up. >> that was one of my questions, the fact remains, even though we have this job growth, there's 13.7 million people, that's just
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the accounted for groups, that are unemployed right now. >> plenty of people still sitting on the sidelines waiting for the job market to improve enough that they would even get back in again. one of the things that's also significant, all the stimulus money was sent out to the states in the last few years to help keep state employees, municipal people employed. those people are now being laid off. and that's one of the reasons why the unemployment rate is staying so high. >> right. because now we have the second wave. a lot of government employees have their jobs at the beginning of the crisis. but now you're seeing them -- >> yeah, being laid off. >> what do you think is the biggest take away from the whole thing? >> you know, it's been an interesting week because we got to spend some time with the president at a town meeting. and then yesterday, we did an interview with house speaker john boehner. >> yes. >> speaker of the house john boehner up on the capitol which will run on "face the nation" on sunday. and both of these guys, though, are completely energized. this is what you spend your life preparing for, and you can see
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in both of them a kind of an energy and robustness that this is why they came to washington, to get involved in politics. to get in the nitty-gritty of it. and we talked to both of them about deficit reduction, about raising the debt ceiling, and everything else, and they're both very animated and ready -- ready for battle. how this will turn out is anybody's guess. >> right. >> but they're both seemed quite game. >> harry smith. always game to have you here on the show. we appreciate it. don't forget, tomorrow morning, "face the nation," we're going to have more of our town hall meeting with president obama. harry smith will be hosting. and coming up next, 50 years later. a look at the turning point in the civil rights movement as the freedom riders returned to aniston, alabama. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i have what science calls the "nightly stuffy nose thing":
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i can't breathe... so i can't sleep... and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed & turned... i even vaporized! and then i fought back: with drug-free breathe right advanced. these nasal strips instantly opened my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better! [ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right... get two free strips at hey, it's your right to breathe right!
6:13 am
shows your pet you care... by unleashing a complete killing force against fleas and ticks. and not just adult fleas. what makes frontline plus complete is that it breaks the flea life cycle -- killing adults, eggs, and larvae. and it keeps killing fleas and ticks all month long. that's why it's the #1 choice of vets for their pets, and yours. unleash a complete killing force in every dose of frontline plus.
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unleash a complete killing force hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. this morning we mark the 50th anniversary of an event that helped change the face of america. in 1961 a group of college students took to the road to try
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to get the jim crow law changed. of course those were the laws that kept the south segregated. this group of blacks and whites, so-called freedom riders from washington, d.c. to the deep south. when they got to a small town outside of birmingham, alabama, all hell broke loose. it was 50 years ago. a small group of blacks and whites began a journey to challenge jim crow's segregated travel rules. divided buses, separate waiting rooms, and rest rooms. >> we are part of the group calling themselves the freedom riders. >> reporter: the first 13 set out in two buses from washington, d.c., heading south. at just 19 years old, hank thomas was filled with optimism. >> we had no thought of any kind of violence. >> reporter: but violence came just ten days in. outside aniston, alabama, the kkk surrounded the first bus and set it on fire. thomas and five others were almost burned alive.
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hours later in birmingham, the second bus was not met with fire, but with pipes and bats. >> we must not surrender to violence. >> reporter: the violence only empowered the freedom riders. over the next seven months more than 400 others joined the cause, and it paid off. the kennedy administration finally enforced federal laws desegregating interstate buses and public accommodations. proving that 13 people on two buses could start a movement that would change their lives, and the nation. >> and joining us now from jacksonville, florida, is mr. hank thomas, one of those freedom riders. hank, good morning to you. >> good morning, russ. how are you doing? >> i'm doing just fine, sir. let me ask you, does it feel like 50 years ago to you? >> no. it doesn't. but then again, sometimes it does. i don't move quite as fast as i used to move. >> i know this week you got to meet with the sun of one of the klan members who burned the bus
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all those years ago. what did he say to you? what did you say to him? >> well, he immediately came to me and embraced me, which surprised me. pleasant surprise. and it was a genuine -- he's a bear of a man, so to speak, and it was a genuine hug and embrace. and he asked me for forgiveness. and i told him, obviously, there's nothing to forgive. he can't be responsible for what his father did. and beside, i told him that i have mentally left aniston a long time ago. and that, you know, i carried no -- i didn't carry the baggage of bitterness with me. but i thought it was a very good gesture. and he asked if sometime in the future he and i could break bread together. and i said i think that would be a good thing. >> hank, in your wildest dreams, what did you hope to accomplish 50 years ago when you got on that bus? >> well, we knew that eventually
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we were going to knock down the jim crow laws, the apartheid laws, so as we sang in the song, we shall overcome. that wasn't just a song or a melody, it was our philosophy. it was something that was deep within us, that we knew eventually we would be successful, as people throughout history have been successful when fighting oppression. >> hank, you're now a very successful businessman. when you look back on what you did 50 years ago and you look at how things have changed, what are you most proud of? >> well, i am proud of the fact that i had a small part to play, and russ, on this particular 50th anniversary there are two anniversaries for me. 50 years ago some folks in alabama, aniston, tried to kill me. then 45 years ago i served as a medic in vietnam and i was caught in an ambush by the north vietnamese. and as i said to you before i
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got to thinking there's some people in alabama who want to kill me and there's some people in north vietnam who want to kill me. the people in alabama wanted to kill me because of the color of my skin. and the people in north vietnam wanted to kill me because of the color that i was wearing. but if i look back over that, i am so proud that i had a part to play in it, a small part. i have my daughter, and my grandchildren with me, and i hope that in some ways that their grandfathers made them proud. >> okay, hank, listen. thank you so much. we'll have more on hank thomas tonight on the "cbs evening news." thank you for everything you did. i appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> we're coming right back. ff rt with a protein-packed breakfast like the sunrise subway melt. try it with juicy tomatoes for a breakfast that stands out from the pack. subway, the official training restaurant of apolo ohno and athletes everywhere. your advertising mail campaign
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and watch a summer spring up? more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of well grounded plants. with miracle-gro garden soil for just $4.77. even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra bonus savings. [ cackling ] he's my ride home. how much can the snapshot discount save you? call or click today. while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®.
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they won't have to call the show one and a half men after all. cbs' hit comedy "two and a half men" will be back next season with actor ashton kutcher replacing charlie sheen. cbs news national correspondent ben tracy reports. ♪ men men >> reporter: these open credits are about to change. cbs says "two and a half men"
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will soon be starring an actor from that '70s show. >> he just called and offered me the job! >> reporter: ashton kutcher has signed on to fill the void left by charlie sheen's now infamous departure. >> good-bye, everybody. >> reporter: kutcher left the tv sitcom world five years ago, becoming a producer and big screen movie star. in a statement kutcher says, i can't replace charlie sheen. but i'm going to work my [ bleep ] off to entertain the hell out of people. >> if ashton fits in and people accept him for the show, who's to say it can't go on for at least three, four more years. >> reporter: charlie sheen was pulling in nearly $2 million an episode. kuchar is rumored to be making half that. sheen tells tmz the show will tank in the ratings without him. as for his replacement, sheen says kutcher is a sweetheart and a brilliant comic performer. oh, wait, so am i. >> you married a stripper. you're living every guy's dream. >> reporter: while kutcher has a proven track record, it remains to be seen if "two and a half
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men" will lose more than its sheen. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> other successful television programs have had significant changes among their cast members, and the shows remained popular. for a look at that we welcome steve battaglio, business editor from tv guide magazine. >> good to be here. >> what's your take on this, is ashton going to be a success? >> i think he'll be fine. it's the number one comedy on television here. not going to walk away from it if you don't have to. much harder to launch a new show. so cbs was highly motivated to get a big star to step in for charlie sheen and they succeeded. this is a guy who's very popu r popular. he's known to the audience. people like him. they're certainly going to give it a chance. >> he has this long track record in comedic roles. he also has all these twitter followers. >> he was very early on the twitter bandwagon. he had 7 million followers, close to that. and he'll be able to corral them
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to the show. it certainly will help in building anticipation. >> more than charlie sheen. more followers than charlie sheen does. >> many more. >> when it comes to these transitions to the past, you have shows like mash, bewitched, cheers, they've all had major transitions with big characters. and it has tended to work. >> it can work. we have to remember that a lot of the shows that have done this, though from a different era of television. bewitched, or mash, a show where it had a large ensemble cast, had a lot of changes over the years. wayne rogers left, he was replaced. mclean stevenson replaced by harry morgan. mark farrell came in for wayne rogers. but it was a large, ensemble show, and alan al today was always at the center and the show remained popular right until the very end. >> in the case of bewitched you had dick york eventually
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replaced by dick sargent. >> that's the most bizarre one. it was the same guy, it was elizabeth montgomery's husband. and it was just a different actor in the role. the first actor, dick york, became ill. and couldn't go on. so the last three seasons were finished by dick sargent and you know the audience was much more forgiving then. today you would be reading endless blogs comparing the two online. this was the 1960s, and it was a different time. and the audience just accepted it. >> cheers was the same case. a different time. still it worked out. >> shelley long was on it for a few years and she left the show to pursue a movie career. again the show became more popular when kirstie alley. >> is there a chance of that here? >> well, "two and a half men" is long in the tooth. it's been around for eight seasons. so there's a natural aging process that a show goes through. but, again, if it's funny, people will be there. that's what people want out of this show. they want to laugh. >> thank you so much, steve. we appreciate it.
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that show family matters, there was a daughter, a kid in that show family matters who just disappeared after the first season. >> wasn't that the urkel show? >> it was urkel's show. never to be heard from again. >> soap operas replace characters all the time. >> the beginning of the show, the role of so and so, and move forward. >> we have a segment coming up in a few minutes. a new study points out that women who've been in long-term marriages want out of the marriage faster than men. what do you think about that? >> look at lonnie's face. you're thinking oh, god i hope it's not mine. >> how long have you been married, lonnie? >> i hope that's not the case. we're like five years. >> you've got a little time. >> it's later in life, right? >> it happens later in life. what's interesting is the
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nonmarried couples, it's usually the guy who wants to bolt before the woman. >> but a lot of this came out because of the fact that, you know, you have maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger splitting up after all of these years. >> 25. >> we saw it with al gore and tipper a few years back or a year back. so we are seeing a little bit of this trend. what surprised me the most from the study is why women want to leave. >> yeah. >> can anyone guess? >> it's good. >> you have to watch the segment. >> there you go. >> the whole maria shriver and arnold thing, i was so disappointed by that one. i thought they were long timers. >> you want people to work. you want relationships to work. >> that's the fairy tale, right? >> the most bizarre couple to begin with. i was rooting for them from the very beginning. >> that's a strange coupling but go for it. >> maybe they'll be back. i tried. >> very good. >> i'll be back. >> we'll talk about that and hopefully -- by the way, ages 50 to 54 the highest rate of this stuff. we'll tell you about. >> you have a little time.
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>> you're good. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show." a beautiful view of midtown manhattan on a beautiful, not so bad saturday. not beautiful. not too bad saturday morning. no sun. >> no sun. >> not raining. not snowing. >> but we have good intro music for you. >> fantastic. thumbs up to the music. i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> coming up, arnold schwar schwarzenegger and maria shriver announced their separating this week. they're part of a growing number of long married couples calling it quits. we'll look at why more wives than husbands seem to be pushing for these splits. >> and we have one of the hottest chefs in the country in
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our kitchen this morning. on monday night the james beard foundation named this chef the best chef of the southeast. she is only the third chef from north carolina to ever receive this prestigious honor and she'll cook a mouth-watering meal of spring vegetables, chicken and dumplings and for dessert crushed strawberry jam. >> first up, lonnie quinn for our final check of the weather. >> good morning to you, russ, rebecca. good morning, everybody. all right, i want to get right to my weather headlines. check this out. sort of interesting. texas has sunshine. kentucky sees a shower. georgia hears thunder. those three states correspond to some of my favorite towns. russellville, kentucky, i've got well a shower chance for you, russ, but 71 degrees. rebecca, georgia, oh, rebecca, i've got a storm chance for you. but 83. but then over to betty, texas. 68 degrees. a lot of sunshine. i won't leave myself out of the party. the best i can do, there's a
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town called moore oklahoma with a place called lonnie lane. >> oh. >> a little lame right there. 65 degrees and sunshine. i will say it's the eastern half of the country where we see those spotty showers and storms. >> yeah, well from lonnie lane in oklahoma, we go to one of my favorite towns, i want to give a big old shout out to holland, michigan, why? because that's where they're having the annual tulip time festival taking place this weekend. not only are there tulips of every single color everywhere, there are parades, a tulip doo-wop show, and the very popular tulip palooza, whatever
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that would be. it's tulip related. if you're in the area, check it out. we want to thank everybody watching "the early show" on wwnt. that's going to do it for me. >> lonnie lane? >> yeah. best i could do, buddy. >> okay. all right. 'tis the season to barbecue. so if you're getting ready to fire up your grill or it won't light, smokes too much or cooks unevenly, alix band from this old house is here to show you how to get your grill back in shape. >> good morning. >> what's the first thing we should do? >> you've got to get all that gunk off from last year. really good way to clean the grill rack is to get a wire brush like this. just really give it a good scrubbing. and i want to say, you know, probably don't do it when you're dressed for the party because it will splatter you. >> don't put on a suit. >> and condition the rack with a little cooking spray that's made for grilling. you can even use a rag with cooking oil. >> this stuff works pretty good. this spray stuff. >> yeah, makes it nonstick. >> you know the grill also, you
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see a lot of gunk at the bottom left over from last year. the ashes and stuff like that. should you get rid of that right away? >> yeah, you probably should. first of all, any ashes can absorb water and cause rust. but over the winter it might have gotten a little moldy. clean that out and scrub it out with the wire brush, as well. make sure you're totally clean. >> charcoal grill. now the gas grill in front of you. got the burners, pretty nasty from last year. >> they have these great protective covers but they still sometimes get some grease and gunk. do the same thing with the wire brush. try to get into the little holes that are down in there where the flames come out. and you know, just make sure you've got all that covered. >> you say inspect the entire grill. >> if you've left it out for the winter it might get rusty. check rivets, seams where it's welded together and get at it with a little steel wool to clean off the rest and get rid of it. you can protect the grill with a rust inhibiting primer and paint. make sure you're getting a paint rated for high heat use.
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>> and you moved some stuff around here. this can be a pretty dirty job. >> yeah, yeah. it's, you know, it gets pretty bad. the thing that happens over the winter is you get, sometimes you get bugs that have gotten in there over the winter and you want to keep those out of the screens that are at the bottom. things called spider screens and they're way down where the burners connect, and you want to brush them out with a soft brush, make sure that those are totally clean. >> i can see a couple bugs in there, actually. every guy likes to go out and buy the latest grill, you know, and any excuse at all to go buy one. at what point do you look at your grill and say legitimately, okay, it's time for me to buy something new? >> you can get a lot of the parts online to replace. but if you find it's rusted out or you can't get the parts anymore, maybe it's time to let it go and get a new one. >> you've got the hose here and all this kind of good stuff. the gas leaks and things like that. that can be a dangerous job. >> there's a way to test for this. get a bowl of soapy water and take it and brush it on all of
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the hose. put it on all the points where the hose connects to the tank and check if it bubbles up when you turn on the gas. where it bubbles it means there's a leak. so if it's a hose, replace the hose. if it's the tank, trade it in for a new tank. >> don't try to do some of this stuff by yourself. >> just make sure that when you're done, turn everything off and make sure everything's connected really tightly so that you don't cause any problems. >> we're talking about charcoal or gas. what do you think is the biggest mistake folks make when they're starting the season out? >> i think that keeping it clean is a big help. you can start a fire if your grill isn't clean enough. you want to make sure you've got everything cleaned off so you don't get a little spark. don't pour lighter fluid right on the flames. that's the other big mistake people make. >> tip of the day. don't pour lighter fluid. >> thank you. do appreciate it. up next, so-called gray divorces and why more women than men want to end their marriages. you're watching the "early" show on cbs. dad: ah, we got robbed. they took the flat screen.
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mom: the sound system... dad: they didn't take the computer... mom: maybe it's time for a new one. employee: here's your new pc. and we moved the files from your old computer over for free. mom: our wedding video? employee: uh huh. mom: all the baby pictures? employee: yes. mom: our taxes? employee: yep. mom: that was so easy. dad: now this is something they would steal. vo: right now, buy a new pc at staples and we'll move your files over for free it's that easy. but we still may suffer from nasal allergy symptoms. they can hit you year round...
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is that his parents have armed themselves with unquilted viva® towels. wow, for me? [ male announcer ] if viva can handle mike rowe's mess, just think what it can do in your home. grab a roll for yourself and grasp the unquilted difference. grab a roll for yourself and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver announced they were separating this week. it turns out they are not alone. the number of so-called gray divorces are on the rise in the u.s. and women may be initiating the splits. according to a new study by the aarp, a much larger percentage of women said they ended their relationships than men. joining us now relationship experts matt typeous and cooper lawrence. matt, what's the deal? why are women wanting out?
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>> women, through their single lives, romanticize the concept of marriage. so when it actually happens, it falls so short of what they believe it's supposed to be, that they get dissatisfied, upset, bored, and they want out. >> it's their fault? >> what do you think? >> that's stupid. but really infantile idea. women don't think like that. >> yeah. >> actually the research shows that the reason why women get bored is because new studies about women's female sexuality and what they say is that men really feel comfortable sexually when they're with somebody over and over and they let it all hang out. where women get more aroused with more partners. >> wait, no. same old same old? one guy monogamy for the rest of our lives? i'm not thinking that way. >> i'm not saying same old, same old. they feel more comfortable with the same woman. they feel that they can do things they can't normally do with strangers. >> are you saying they're falling into a rut or men are more comfortable almost falling into a rut than women? >> i think men actually enjoy having sex with the same woman,
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believe it or not. >> what planet are you on? monogamy is one of the hardest things in the world for a man to handle. one woman for the rest of your life? really? it's tough. >> women do it all the time. >> and not very well. >> the research is showing up in ages 50 to 54. are these people who just stayed together for a long time and finally decided, you know what? i'm sick of this? >> you're talking about a population of people who got married in their 20s. their needs are very different by the time they reach 50. and back to the research here. the research on people in their 50s is that the reason why they get divorced, they cite over and over, unhappiness. they don't want to be unhappy, plus we're living longer. we're not going to spend the second half of our lives unhappy. >> empty nest syndrome. the kids are gone. they're not focusing on their career as much as they used to. and now they have to focus on each other. and guess what? they're not a match. there's no distraction. >> on both sides of the aisle you have men and women leaving
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each other for somebody younger. >> you say it's a problem? >> well, i'm wondering what -- >> cougars. cougar cooper. >> i think whoever makes you happy. i don't judge people about what age they end up with. as long as they're happy and it works for both of them. i don't know why anybody cares. if you're not happy in your marriage and you both feel that way, why on earth would you stay together? >> what about the history? what about the love? what about the -- >> they stayed together for the children. and again you've got to go to the research. all the research shows staying to the for the children, especially if it's a war don is more damaging for the development. >> for everybody. >> so what does a couple do if they're worried about boredom setting in and already seeing the signs down the road? >> i would change the routine completely. you know, wear a wig. change your sex that you do. bring something into the bedroom. spice it up. change the -- >> is it only about sex, though? >> that's the thing. i think when you're looking at why you're bored you have to ask your partner, why are you bored? is it sex? is it conversation? what we do on the weekends? routine. .pinpoint specifically what
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routine and change that. you may have a pretty good sex life but change the way you spend your free time. >> make an effort. do something different. >> but do something passionate for yourself. because passionate people do passionate things and live passionate lives. >> the same study shows in nonmarried couples it's the guy who wants out. >> that's right. because we haven't gone through the marriage thing. like we know that if we don't get married, we're safe. but the marriage -- the "m" word makes us think we're going to have to be locked in. we know what it's going to be like and we're more prepared than a woman during that time. >> oh, my god, we agree. and expectations are different. when you don't get married to somebody the expectations in that relationship are completely different. >> we've got to end it there, guys. >> we're not done. >> we have to leave this for now. as always. matt titus, cooper, thanks to you. coming up next, she loves coming in the moment, james beard winner chef andrea reusing is going to create a fabulous dinner of chicken and dumplings and strawberry sundaes on "the dinner of chicken and dumplings and strawberry sundaes on "the early show" on cbs.
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our "chef on a shoestring" truly believes in cooking in the moment. chef andrew reusing is owner and chef of the lantern restaurant in chapel hill, north carolina. she was just named best chef in the southeast by the james beard foundation. and on top of that she's appearing at the atlanta food and wine festival next week. her new cookbook is titled "cooking in the moment" and this morning chef andrea will cook up a seasonal three course meal for four on our shoestring budget of just $40. great to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> this is like a huge moment in your life. we're really excited to have you with us. >> so glad to be here. so glad teaching you how to make mayonnaise. >> that will be our first thing. >> our menu, amazing spring vegetables that i brought with me from north carolina. we're a little bit ahead of you in new york. >> that's great. >> and so we're doing spring vegetables with anchovy garlic mayonnaise, chicken and dumplings and a sundae. >> you're going to make this from scratch? >> it's going to actually maybe surprise you. i don't know if you make mayo. >> never.
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>> it's pretty fast. this is some egg yolk, some garlic, an anchovy which is totally optional. >> okay. >> a little bit of salt. and some lemon juice. >> lemon juice? okay. >> and i'm just going to -- >> that's the immersion blender. >> yes, thank you. see. >> there is a reason i'm here today. >> you're making mayonnaise. >> and then you just slowly kind of drizzle in some oil. >> okay. probably you could do this -- >> and it just really takes just about two minutes. >> okay. >> and we have some here. >> so eventually it turns into this. >> into this over here. >> more beautiful option. >> slightly more beautiful. >> i'm going to have a taste if you don't mind. these are the vegetables you just dip them right in? >> mm-hmm. really great little baby juicy turnips. you know that idea that there's one crudites platter that's kind of being recirculated. but when you have really great market vegetables like this, people actually eat them. >> that is really delicious. >> good. >> and i love this mayo. it has a good little kick to it,
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actually. >> mm-hmm. these are turnips, asparagus. and you know, it's nice to throw in some vegetables. >> beets. >> radishes. really great lettuce. >> it's delicious. so tell me about the main course that we're building here. >> this is a whole chicken in the pot. and it's a really good way to work with a whole chicken because, you know, a lot of people don't want to cut up a chicken, so this is a chicken that's simmering in some broth with some aromatics. >> okay. >> garlic, bay leaves, onions, carrots. and then we take the chicken breast off, cut it halfway through cooking. >> okay. >> and then we're left with the stock. and so we're going to finish it now. with some more carrots. >> this, as well. >> a few leeks. >> we could add the chicken. >> okay. sorry i didn't mean to splash you. >> no, that's great. and some white wine. >> okay. >> and what is this here? water or -- >> that was oil for the mayo. >> oh, i see, okay. >> just putting a little white wine in. you want to add the cream? >> sure, absolutely. cream makes everything better. >> and it's not a lot. just to give us a little bit of
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extra richness. >> to give it that creamy flavor? >> to give it that creamy flavor. >> that goes along so well with chicken and dumplings. >> exactly. now, this is the largest immersion blender. now we're going to go over here and make our dumpling batter. we're going to beat up some eggs. >> how far in advance would you want to make this batter before making the entire meal? or can you make it right on the spot? >> you can make it right on the spot because it's just so fast. >> okay. >> there's eggs, buttermilk. i love buttermilk. just some melted butter. >> it looks like it's definitely really healthy for you. >> a little bit of salt. >> it is, actually, because you're not really having a lot of it. you know, we're just going to have a couple dumplings. so it's pretty reasonable in terms of number of calories, and it's also a great way to get your kids to get vegetables because you put a lot of vegetables. >> you lied them in it. >> and you just have your dumplings. then you're just putting in some
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herbs. whatever you have, chives. this is chives and parsley. >> okay. give it a little color. >> give it a little color. >> and flavor. so then, you actually end up rolling these into like little dumplings? >> you don't even have to roll them, really. i'll show you what you do. it's really easy and great. you just take two spoons. >> here's one. oh, you have two. >> i'm going to give you one. >> okay. >> and you just form little dumplings just like this. >> oh, and you're making them kind of small, too. >> they get really big. >> okay, that's good to know. i always make things too big. like if i'm making cookies or something i always make them too big. >> they do expand. and there is that kind of thing if you make them really big you open up the pot and there's no broth in it and just dumplings and chicken. then you have dumplings and chicken and very little broth. this is a really savory, really tasty way of making a whole chicken. it's a great springtime dish because when it's still a little cold out, like it is in new york city today, it feels great to
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eat something like that. >> and you can kind of put any vegetables. obviously we use the traditional vegetables here. but i would bet, because you love this whole cooking with what you have, it's seasonal -- >> you can put anything in it. plate some up here. >> it's incredible. >> they just take just about 15, 20 minutes. to cook. here's the chicken. >> and we also have a dessert. i want to make sure we let people know what your dessert is. >> crushed strawberry sundae. and we're going to crush some strawberries down here. >> while you're doing that i'm going to take a look at how you did financially here. the goal is to keep it under 40 bucks. >> yes. >> let's see how you did and take a look. whichever chef obviously has the lowest total at the end of the year they're going to win and then they come back to claim their trophy and prepare the meal of their choice. you got it at $38.73. so obviously, you didn't get on the leader board, but this is just a fantastic meal. i think everyone's out here enjoying it now. that's great. >> it actually is.
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here, let me get this. >> thanks. >> russ, you enjoy that. next week we are cooking seafood. take your choice, salmon, scallops, or tuna. dial in, standard message rates apply. great to have you with us chef andrea. >> great to be here. >> congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> we're going to be right back while we chat out here. ♪ [ female announcer ] we all want cleaner laundry. we all want a world with fewer chemicals. we all want the best of both worlds. introducing all free clear oxi-active. a powerful new detergent without dyes or perfumes that helps get out your toughest dirt and stains. its added natural cleaning boosters help get your whole family's wash incredibly clean. tough on stains. gentle on skin. new all free clear oxi-active.
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tomorrow morning on "face the nation" harry smith sits down with house speaker john boehner. >> the retirees are going to be taken care of. there's no if, ands or buts about that. but we all know that if nothing is changed, seniors benefits are going to get cut. why? because they're unaffordable. that's why we have to deal with this. and we need to deal with it now. >> again that's tomorrow morning on requests face the nation." >> and tomorrow night on "60 minutes" defense secretary robert gates takes us inside the situation room as the raid that killed osama bin laden unfolded. >> boy. the food was delicious. >> oh, my goodness. i can't wait to get back. >> dumplings here. what time is it? >> any time of the day is a good
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time, definitely. >> the most important meal of the day. >> enjoy your saturday, everybody. see you next week. >> we leave you now with our saturday spotlight. our favorite story of the week from cbs stations around the nation. if you want to divide the country into equal parts you'd land right on plato, missouri. according to the census bureau, plato is now the population center of the nation. brian richardson of our affiliate klor in spring feed, missouri, takes a look at this small town's newfound fame >> reporter: you wouldn't be able to tell by the sign. it's off by about 30 people anyways. >> plato only has 109 people as of april 1, 2010. >> reporter: but the focal point of 307 million american teeters just outside this small texas county village.
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>> they start counting everybody at the census bureau and they just happen to fall in plato's lap. >> reporter: not really about the few buildings in town, instead the people. this monument, and new title from the u.s. census bureau. to celebrate patriotic music is a must. ♪ this land was made for you and me ♪ and sales are likely to last much longer than the t-shirts. >> we were talking to people who run shops here. they've already seen a boost in business just from the news that plato will be named the center. >> reporter: but no matter who you talk to, conversation always seems to come back to the people here. >> simple way of life. everybody knows everybody. >> everybody knows everybody. >> reporter: and truly are at the heart of america. >> for more about "the early show" visit us at ,,
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