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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  May 31, 2011 3:10am-4:00am PDT

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here. what about the way this comes out? >> it really, to me, it's okay the way it turned out. but to be honest with you, i wish that the judge would still take her flight. >> all right. >> it's safer than she thinks. >> all right, harvey. >> here's the thing. a lot of people get into disputes and say things in the least anger and that's all okay, but if you cross the line and you really make a threat to somebody, you got to think about that, because if you make a threat, it's not good enough to say it within the heat of anger. if it's treated as a real threat, you can be prosecuted and arrested and the whole deal. think about it [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] ,,
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my recipe for french toast?
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take toast... spread with i can't believe it's not butter... add jacques. he's french. oui! oui like! [ male announcer ] four out of five agree it tastes as good as fresh butter with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all.
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