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tv   The Early Show  CBS  June 25, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PDT

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aye, 33. >> good morning. same-sex marriage. in an historical and late night vote, where the gay rights movement was born, became the largest state in the nation to legalize gay marriage. fatal derailment. massive flames and smoke as an 18-wheeler slacks into an amtrak passenger train in nevada. at least five dead, a dozen more injured. historic floods. the river in north dakota rises four feet in a single day breaking a 30-year-old record and it's going to get worse this weekend.
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and remembering michael jackson. two years to the day after the death of the king of pop, we'll take a look at his complicated life and his legacy. "early" this saturday morning, life and his legacy. "early" this saturday morning, june 25, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning on this final weekend of june. welcome to it the "early show." i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. new york's empire state building was lit up in rainbow colors last night in honor of new york's historic vote, legalizing same-sex marriage. governor andrew cuomo signed the bill after four republicans joined one democrat to pass the bill where the gay rights movement was born, is the sixth and largest state to allow same-sex marriage. for more on that, cbs
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correspondent seth doane joins us in the studio. good morning. >> good morning. as the legislative session dragged on this week, many questioned whether the bill would ever even make it to the senate floor for a vote. the state's governor andrew cuomo who championshiped the bill, called it a complicated, difficult task. but in a marathon session, gay marriage in new york passed just after 10:00 last night. >> reporter: celebrating late into the night, thousands of gay marriage supporters poured into these manhattan streets near stone wall tavern where the gay rights movement was sparked following a police raid in 1969. >> means that all of my friends can finally do the thing that they wanted to do, that i can do. it means that we're equal. >> reporter: even inside the senate chamber itself, applause broke out, as the 33rd vote in favor of gay marriage was announced. >> usa! usa!
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usa! >> reporter: republican state senator steven soland was one of the last to support the marriage. a self-proclaimed traditionalists he agonized over the decision. >> i have defined doing the right thing as treating all persons with equality, and that equality includes within the definition of marriage, and i fear that to do otherwise would fly in the face of my upbringing. >> reporter: one the main sticking points centered around religious protections. that was ultimately addressed in an amendment. >> whoever opposes the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry, whatever religious institution, whether it's the catholic church, orthodox jews, anyone else, they are not required to marry any couple they do not want to marry. >> reporter: hardly enough for some opponents. it's the wrong thing to do but it's also incredibly politically
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stupid for the republican party to take responsibility for passing the gay marriage bill in new york. >> reporter: but the empire state now joins five other states and washington, d.c. where same-sex marriage is allowed. five minutes before midnight, governor andrew cuomo signed this contentious bill into law. >> you may remember a similar gay marriage bill failed two years ago when the senate was cold by democrats. today it's led by republicans. >> now that it's passed, when might we actually see same-sem sex marriages take place in new york? >> we're told by the governor's office it will take about 30 days until the first gay marriages can be held in new york. and new york is a state meaning couples can come from anywhere to get married here, a boone to business, something likely not lot on legislatures. >> in addition to that, new york is seen as paiing the way and giving momentum to all of this.
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what does it mean for policy at a national level? >> certainly, gay rights advocates hope it does build up momentum. as we mentioned, stone wall rights back in '69 were seen as the beginning of gay rights movement. it's a significant win here. there are many battleground states ahead. it's still specifically banned in 39 states across the country. >> seth doane, thank you. we appreciate it. now here's russ. >> thank you. federal safety investigators are today looking into the deadly crash of amtrak's california zephyr train and a tractor-trailer in a rural area 70 miles east of reno, nevada. our affiliate ktvn has more. >> reporter: it started as a routine trip from chicago to the bay area. but by 11:30 yesterday, it was anything but routine. when this amtrak train was hit by a semitruck, killing at least five, hospitalizing dozens more and a story they've never forget. >> we just lost our leggage.
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we're here for three weeks. it's still on the train. at least they're okay. >> reporter: two of the train's cars caught fire sending a massive plume of smoke in the air in the vast open space that hasn't seen a crash like this in 20 years. now it's the waiting game. with the national transportation safety board set to start their investigation today. >> there is a lot more discussion that the ntsb is going to have. they're on their way out here. and once they get here, they'll ask a lot more of those detailed questions. >> reporter: even as we wait, more details are emerging. >> the gates are in ray down mode, therefore, the assumption would be the gates were functioning at the time. >> reporter: for cbs news, trinity, nevada. there were more than 20 0 passengers and crew aboard the california zephyr when it collided with the truck. joining us now from reno, nevada, are two of those passengers, linda and clayton cook. great to have you with us. thank goodness you're able to join us after such a traumatic event. good morning. >> good morning. >> morning. >> linda, what did it feel like when the truck made impact into
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your train? >> it felt like the whole train was rocking side to side and we were worried that it was actually going to detail. >> and then it did continue. >> very scary. >> yeah, very scary. it about continue for a mile. going at a top speed. what was going through your mind as all of this took place? >> it was very scary. we thought that we were going to possibly perish ourselves. so, i was pretty afraid. >> clayton, when the train did eventually come to a stop, passengers, you and fellow passengers, made your way to the end of the train. you were able to get off. was it an orderly exit? >> it was. surprisingly orderly. >> is that because people got together and helped out? >> yes, they were very supportive of each other, of the elderly, of the people who were
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injured. and they were very -- it was very -- it was surprisingly orderly. >> it's nice to see when people can come together in situations like this. when you were off the train, clayton, and you're looking back at the remains, what did you see? what was going through your mind? >> well, when i looked toward the train, all i saw was a lot of smoke and i knew it was on fire. then i'd look toward the intersection and a lot of smoke coming from where the truck had hit the train. but i think the scariest part is looking across the train and out the windows and seeing the wall of flames just on the other side the train and not knowing whether we should exit the train and remain seated or what was going to happen next. >> so, there wasn't any sort of security measure or anyone saying to you, this is what you
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need to do right now. you went to the back of that train on your own and in your own mind that was the smartest decision at the time? >> well, the first -- the first instinct was to get our belongings and exit the train. as we were leaving, we were instructed to just remain calm and be seated, so we did go back to our seat and collect the rest of our belongings and we saw the smoke was coming toward us from the car ahead of us. and we decided on our own to start heading to the back of the train. when they instructed us to just keep moving back. we were instructed to go to the back of the train. and then eventually to exit the train. and walk toward the intersection. >> linda and clayton cook, we appreciate both of you joining us. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and now here's russ with more of this morning's news. >> thank you. there is a river of trouble
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this morning in minot, nod nort dakota. thousands of homes are flooded and the worst is yet to come. rain is forecast for today and the river is expected to crest at more than 8 feet. our minneapolis station wcco is in minot with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the only thing stopping water from rising in parts of minot this morning are these man-made dikes. as you can see, the rest of the neighborhoods here are submerged, just like those traffic lights. and today, waters are only expected to rise. surveying the swollen river, people in north dakota know they're witnessing history. >> nobody has ever seen water levels at this dimension. >> reporter: the suarez known locally as the mouse river, surged past record level in 1881 and kept going. the water has risen more than 4
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feet in the past 24 hours. and it's not over yet. >> if you look at that water now, those -- i mean, those houses could be totally gone in a day. >> reporter: residents watch in shock as their homes and a lifetime of memories are washed away. >> i worked every day, raised two kids by myself in that house. it won't be our house to go back to anymore. >> reporter: amy is one of 12,000 evacuees. like 90% of people in the flood zone, she has no flood insurance. >> i look here and i'm like, i don't think i'm going to be okay. >> reporter: as of friday, 2500 homes were under water and as many as 5,000 homes and businesses could be lost by the time the water recedes. workers are scrambling to shore up destruction. despite the sea of debris, mandy is optimistic and hopes the neighborhood she grew up is
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restored. >> i will come here to clean up all the time afterwards as long as it takes, as long as is everybody is okay, it's okay. >> reporter: more than 12,000 people have-h to evacuate minot, that's a quarter of the population here. only a couple hundred now in shelters. that's because family and friends have let the rest of them come into their homes. >> jamie yuccas of wcco in minot, north dakota. thank you. the battle in libya. the house rejected a vote to allow president obama to use troops in libya. both votes will not change policy but they did make a point that frustration in washington is growing. after almost 100 days of nato air strikes moammar gadhafi is still in power. for some perspective, the battle in libya, let's turn to retired general wesley clark in little rock, arkansas. good morning. >> good morning. >> 100 days ago many people in this country, including the president of the united states
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said, moammar gadhafi must go. he's still there. what happened? >> first of all, i think there was a misenning as to how vulnerable he was. he's tough, charismatic, ruthless, smart, so he was never going to be a low-hanging fruit that was going to rypien aripenl off the tree. >> what needs to be done to remove gadhafi from power, in your mind? >> i think there is a slow momentum against gadhafi. the rebels are making some headway on the ground. i think a lot more needs to be done in the diplomatic area. their government needs to come together. the pressure on neighboring states, not to support, fund or resupply gadhafi has to be intensified. i think nato needs to come together diplomatically, perhaps another united nations security council resolution, certainly more measures of support from the arab league would be useful. all of these diplomatic efforts put pressure on gadhafi and can help convince him that there's
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no way out for him. >> earlier this week secretary of state hillary clinton said kind of what you're saying, that moammar gadhafi and his forces had their backs against the wall. what do you think she's talking about? >> i think the reports from the ground show that the military action, small-scale military actions with nato air support, are making a difference. they're certainly engaging gadhafi forces in a battle of attrition. and he will eventually lose this battle of atradititrition. but we're a long way from forcing him out now so the political measures need to be intensified, i believe. >> you said a long time. put a timetable on that, would you, general? >> i wouldn't to want put a timetable on this. i will tell you, nato is not going to lose this and the united states is not going to allow nato to lose it. whatever that means in terms of specific actions will have to be revealed as the days go by. the united states does not want to take a leading role in this, militarily, but the president, as well as leaders of france and
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britain have called for gadhafi to be out of power. and gadhafi is sorely mistaken if he thinks he can defy nato. >> as youed, he's been in power 42 years, he's a wily guy. is there the possibility he's not going to leave power until he dies? >> there's a possibility he's not going to leave power until he's pulled out of a hole in the ground somewhere. but ultimately, nato is not going to give up on this. nato is not going to lose. >> general wesley clark, as always, we appreciate it. thanks so much. now here's rebecca. >> since the uprising began, libya has cut delivery by as many as 2 million barrels of oil a day. that is one of the reasons the white house gave for its plans to release 30 million barrels from our strategic petroleum reserves. joining us with more on that is associate editor at barron's. we have 227 million barrels of oil in these reserves, releasing
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30 million of them. here in this country we use about 18 million barrels of oil a day. basically f you look at our use, this is just a drop in the bucket. >> it is. it's not necessarily going to overwhelm the oil market, not going to be the major swing factor in term of what energy prices do, but at the margin it definitely puts a little downward pressure on oil and gasoline prices and as you mentioned, it's kind of a global story here. the european governments are also releasing some reserves. we basically had a little bottle neck in supplies, especially for european refineries who need a specific kind of oil that libya used to provide that they can refine. >> it's not unprecedented to release some oil from our reserves in times of economic strain. in particular, we saw it out of katrina in 2005. we saw it in gulf storm in 1991. it's different now because prices have been coming down and now we're releasing it, versus previous time when prices were
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going up. >> they're coming down, down about 10% from the recent highs. on a year over year basis based on prices last year, they are up. i think there is a sense of being defensive or proactive in trying to blunt the impact of year over year price increases as the summer driving season gets going. at least that's an ancillary reason why i think the government's made this decision. >> why not release it earlier, then? i mean, we got to $4 a gallon back in april. why wait until we're down now? i mean, we're still $1 higher than last year but why wait? >> i have a feeling it's a relatively controversial thing. a lot of people think strategic petroleum reserve is supposed to be a true emergency fund, if you will, of oil. so, maybe there wasn't really the motivation to do it at the time. it has been stubborn. we've weave seen the economic slowdown, you would expect gasoline prices to come down a little more rapidly, they haven't. maybe it was just a matter of internal debate in terms of waiting this long. >> it has been stubborn and one of the main reasons, we've heard it from the fed chair, from
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politicians, it's one of the main reasons people are saying, our economic recovery is stalling right here. i mean, the jobs picture actually got worse last month, as opposed to getting better. and a lot of that people say is because of this headwind of paying more at the pump. >> it's certainly a factor. that along with the impact, really the kind of chain effect of the japan tsunami and supply chain issues definitely were a factor in terms of why the first quarter and now the second quarter have been somewhat disappointing in terms of economic growth. i think there's a real impact in terms of gasoline prices on consumer psychology. think about how you pay for gas. you stand next to a car and watch the dollars add up. it's something that impacts consumer psychology. every ten cent increase in gasoline prices takes $40 million a day out of the consumer economy. obviously, there's a lot of motivation on all fronts to try and mute the impact. i don't think, though, it's going to be the thing that derails an economic recovery. on a per mile basis we pay as much for gasoline as we did in
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1960 because cars are more efficient and, obviously, general inflation. it's not as if this is going to be the thing at this point, at these price levels, that derails things. >> one last question. where are pry prices going to be within the end of the summer? >> we should have a 15 to 20 cent decline in national prices per gallon of gasoline in a few weeks. end of the summer is tougher to call but it seem as if we've kind of capped ourselves somewhere around $4 a gallon for the moment. >> we'll end it on good news. as always, we appreciate it. now for the rest of this morning's headlines, cbs news correspondent and morning news anchor betty nguyen. >> good morning. almost three dozen are dead this morning after a car bomb blew up outside a hospital in eastern afghanistan. 40 other people were injured. that blast happened 25 miles east of kabul, the cap. the taliban denied responsibility for the attack saying it never attacks hospitals. late friday a bicycle rigged with explosives blue up a bazaar
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in northern afghanistan. some people, some badly wounded, are fleeing escalating violence in syria to neighboring lebanon. this amateur video captured rage of protesters demanding president bashar al assad step down. tens of thousands took to the streets after friday prayers. at least 20 people were killed. the opposition says 1400 people have been killed by the government in three months of protests. this week president obama will personally take charge of the talks to reduce the nation's debt. mr. obama and vice president biden meet monday with democratic senate leaders harry reid and republican leader mitch mcconnell. last week the gain they had, john boehner says he'll oppose any deal that included a tax hike during the game. and the two sides have five weeks to raise the debt limit or the federal government could default on its loans. planned parenthood of indiana says it expects to resume offering services to medicaid today after the state
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cut funning to the group. governor mitch daniels signed a law cutting more than $1 million in funning making indiana the first state to deny the organization medicaid funds. a judge ruled yesterday the state is not allowed to eliminate general health services because it also provides abortions. just one more thing. that was the signature phrase for actor peter falk in his television series "columbo," he died thursday at his california home. he had been suffering from alzheimer's disease. he was 83 years old. now russ and rebecca. it's now about 21 minutes past the hour. mr. lonnie quinn is here with our first check of the weather. good morning to you. >> good morning, russ. good morning, rebecca. good morning, everybody. my weather headlines this morning. the midwest, storms will be firing up for you, excessive heat for those in texas and you heard about this story earlier in our broadcast, record floods taking place in north dakota. it's just going to be getting worse. look at the numbers once again.
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in minot, forecast to crest at 14 feet, highest on record, going back to 1881. same in foxholm, cresting. not just the height, the speed the river, too fast, combined with snow melt gives you too much water. that river is moving two times faster than it's moved during any flooding in history. some homes in the middle of rapids will be blown off their foundations. a very, very tough situation right there. that's a quick look at that portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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that's your latest weather. make it a great day wherever you are. lightning awareness week. one tip, don't go under a tree and instinctively you want to go under a tree. worst place you can be. >> good information, lonnie, as always. coming up, boston mobster whitey bulger and fbi. a former informant will tell us about a little black book that could cause a very big scandal in the law enforcement community. later, don't pay full price for a medical procedure ever again. we'll show you how to save up to 40% even if you have insurance. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing.
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that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you. and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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there's been more emotional testimony in the casey anthony trial as lawyers try to chip away at prosecutor's case. the defense also showed pictures of anthony's daughter, caylee, climbing into the family swimming pool. >> we'll have the latest on the trial. we'll talk with a criminologist about what anthony's team was trying to accomplish and get at with this new evidence. obviously, a lot of moving parts here. we'll have all of,,,,,,,,
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it's a big day, a big week. >> yes. we were talking weatherwise. it's lightning awareness week inspect. in an ironic twist yesterday in the greater new york city area, three people struck by lightning with the storms that came through the area. we were saying, i put together some things you don't want to do during a lightning storm. number one, most important thing, you don't go under a tree. instinct tyly, it's if pouring outside, you want to shelter. the worst place you can be. you don't want to use a corded telephone. you're okay using -- >> who has a corded telephone? >> you know what -- >> no, wait, my parents do. i take that back. >> that's exactly why i want to be supportive, all those people that still go to the land line
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phone. not a good idea because that can conduct electricity. >> you think it would be safer. >> you don't want to use a corded phone. also, don't use or go near any plumbing. the pipes that come into your house, come in from outside, obviously. a lot of those pipes get wrapped around roots of trees. those trees if struck conduct electricity and bring it in your home. if you're touching pipes at the long time. and made out of copper, number one conductor of electricity. >> stay out of the shower? >> what should you do? >> this sound crazy. if you are outside and a big thunderstorm happens, lie down. i know you're going to get soaking wet but lie down. make yourself the lowest thing, not the tallest thing possible. i can't tell you, my family has a beach house in maine. so many people run to the beach because it's so dramatic to be at the shoreline watching the -- >> the waves. worst thing to do. >> you're the tallest thing standing out there. >> lie dourngs you said. >> lie down. make yourself as low as possible. >> as low as you can go. >> don't take a shower.
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>> don't -- no. >> if have you to go, wait a little while. >> lie down. >> be safe. ,,,,,,,,
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it's a hazy morning here in new york city. hope everyone is enjoying ther morning, wherever they're spending it. welcome back to "the early show." >> another riveting day in the casey anthony trial. her brother took the stand and broke down in tears. they also showed pictures of caylee climbing into the family swimming pool. we'll have the latest on the murder trial. we'll help you battle the rising cost of medical procedures. there are several websites that can help you save as much as 40%. we'll help with you that in just a moment. first, james "whitey" bulger sits in a jail in boston this
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morning. the crime boss had been on the fbi's most wanted list for more than a decade but now bulger could embarrass the fbi because he says he corrupted six agents and more than 20 police officers. cbs news correspondent alain quijano report. >> reporter: after 16 years on the run james "whitey" bulger and his long time girlfriend arrived in boston in a justice department jet and were taken to federal court in south boston. bulger appeared in court to face a host of charges, including racketeering and 19 counts of murder. for patricia donahue who believes her husband michael was shot and killed by bulger 29 years ago his capture is long overdue. >> i think this could have happened 16 years ago, and i believe that they knew where he was and nobody did anything about it. >> reporter: officials say bulger committed his crimes during his days as the ruthless head of boston's winter hill
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gang. he turned fbi informant before going into hiding. after his arrest wednesday in california, authorities found some $800,000 in cash in his santa monica apartment. still in court, he asked for a public defender. can you afford a lawyer, the judge asked? well, i could if you gave me my money back, bulger shot back. the judge gave bulger three days to prove he can't pay for a lawyer. looking on in the courtroom was bulger's brother, william, uns a powerful state senator. at one point the brothers exchanged smiles as the court proceduring continued. now questions are swirling here in boston about what took so long to capture bulger, who may have helped him, including his brother, and what he may be ready to reveal in court. elaine quijano, cbs news, boston. joining us now from boston is eddy mckenzie, a former enforcer for whitey bulger and author of "street soldier."
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good morning. >> morning. >> you say basically whitey bulger took very good notes, kept a lot of records, in particular a lot of records on law enforcement. what are we going to hear if he opens up in this case and tells us everything that he knows? >> i believe somewhere out there there's a hole dug with a big portfolio full of a lot of dirty public officials and maybe some dirty law enforcement officials that whitey bulger has had for years. waiting for this day of his capture, so that he can use it for some sort of bargaining tool. >> do you have a sense of who some of those officials might be? >> i live in boston, i'm not about to say anything like that. >> so, you're actually afraid to, even at this point, now that he's been taken into custody, to say anything. what does that say about who this man was and what your relationship with him was? >> well, i'm not afraid to say anything because of whitey bulger because he's just a rat. he's a scum bag, an 81-year-old
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guy. i'm afraid because if there's law enforcement people out there, any public official out there that knows that they're dirty and i throw their name out there, you know, i'm going to get myself in trouble. >> all right. so, you clearly understand this system and were a part of this system under whitey bulger. give us a sense for what your relationship was like and what kind of man he was. >> well, when i first met whitey bulger, i was training for my first of three national heavyweight kickboxing championships that i won. i was in my apartment throwing 200 or 300 kicks at this huge mirror. whitey bulger and steve flemy were walking up the stairs unannounced. i robbed this italian mobster's niece's house. and he wanted to kill me in south boston. so he had to call whitey bulger, the local crime lord, to get permission. i walk to the top of the stairs and i go, who are you? he says, i'm jimmy, i have to
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talk to you. i said, you don't know any jimmy. i was all set to kick him down the stairs but he said -- he goes, some people call me whitey but i don't like that name. then what he told me -- when i heard whitey i was like, uh-oh, i'm in trouble. he told me why i was there. i was about 20, 21 years old. he said, who did it with you? who was your partner? i goes, listen, jimmy, i can't tell you that. if you're going to kill me, i'm not getting anybody else killed. i have to go alone. he put his right hand on my shoulder and he says, that's an honorable move. i like that. i'm going to get you a buy, i'm going to get you a pass. basically -- >> so he had that power. >> -- saved my life. >> he had that power. whitey bulger carried a lot of weight back then. his girlfriend is one of the keys to all of this. she may become somebody that law enforcement uses to get more details. what do you think in terms of her relationship with him and what she may or may not say?
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>> i will tell you, everything and anything i've ever known about whitey bulger, he probably never disclosed anything to catherine greig. >> so you don't think she knows anything? >> very, very smart. i don't think she knows anything but i think she might let people think she knows something to bargain for or freedom or whatever she wants to do. whitey bulger was very cunning, the hannibal lector of south boston. >> i'm sure we'll hear more as this case unfolds. thank you for joining us today. now here's lonnie. >> wow, that was an eye-opener, huh? let's get right to the weather headlines. this is what i've got for you. so much going on. dangerous flooding taking place in north dakota, that's a situation into next week, unfortunately. storms are developing in iowa. they could very well turn severe today. searing heat in texas. places like midland, texas,
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under a heat advisory issued by the national weather service. temperature on your thermometer between 100 and 109 degrees but it will feel like 110 or more and that heat goes through new mexico, arizona, out to southern california. look at this, with all that heat in place, you would love to get a little drop of rain. not a drop of rain in sight again. heat advisories in the southwest. that's a quick look at one portion of our country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. have a great saturday, everybody. russell, all yours now. >> okay. up next, casey anthony's brother breaks down on the witness stand. what was anthony's defense team trying to auto prove? we'll have the latest on the murder trial.
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murder trial. betty nguyen has details. >> it was another emotional day. casey anthony sat in court and listened as her family told their side of the story. >> and when caylee was born, did you go to the hospital to see your sister? >> regrettably, no, i did not. >> reporter: on day 27 of the intensely watched murder trial, attention turned to the dramatic testimony of casey anthony's brother, lee? >> why didn't you go? >> i was a little hurt. just didn't want to be there. >> reporter: leanne thoen broke down during questions about his center's pregnancy while casey sobbed from her seat. >> i was just angry at everyone in general that they didn't -- they didn't want to include me. >> reporter: earlier in the day it was casey's mother cindy who became emotional after being shown pictures of getting into the family swimming pool with
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caylee. that's where the defense claims the 2-year-old later accidentally drowned. >> do you know what that photograph is of, mrs. anthony? >> yes. >> would you like to take a break? do you need a break? >> no, i'm okay. >> reporter: prosecutors have sought to implication casey by saying she had researched possible murder techniques on the internet, but on thursday, cindy anthony admitted that in march of 2008 she had searched online for the term chloroform, just a few months before her 2-year-old granddaughter went missing. under cross-examination, cindy admitted her searches only went so far. >> did you input the words into the google search engine, how to make chloroform? >> i don't recall putting in how to make chloroform, but i did google search chloroform. >> anthony's attorneys say they expect to wrap their case by next thursday. russ? >> okay, betty, thank you very much.
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joining us is criminologist and legal analyst kacey jordan. is it just me or is this case getting more bizarre by the end of the day? >> nor bizarre. they estimate one more week and then hopefully to deliberations but the last two days have been bombshells. >> let's talk about lee anthony's testimony. what is the defense trying to do? >> good question. we have been waiting and waiting for lee to take the stand. four weeks ago we heard in opening statements allegations by jose baez that lee was sexually inappropriate, molested his sister. of course, george was accused of the same and already had the opportunity to deny it. when lee was on the stand, we kept waiting for that question. and it never came. instead, we get all of this emotional, this teary, my family didn't accept me, i was always excluded. we got a lot of emotions we weren't expecting and we didn't get the confrontational direct examination we were thinking we would see. >> any theory on your part as to why he didn't go there? >> well, yeah, i have a lot of
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theories. bottom line, though, is that i think he's striving to hammer what a dysfunctional family this is. why give leanne opportunity to deny the sexual abuse allegations, because he would just say no. why not just use him to humanize the fact that this family is incredibly screwed up so maybe the allegations are true? what else -- what huge secrets are going on in this family, especially between lee and casey, because they were both crying simultaneously. what's going on? maybe it's something that could explain casey's behavior. >> as we saw in betty report, cindy anthony, casey's mother, testified she searched for the word chloroform on her computer. did that testimony help the defense at all in terms of proving reasonable doubt? >> i'm not sure because cindy, who when under direct examination by the state had come across as very credible and now comes across as a mother trying to save her daughter's life. most people don't believe she was truthful. in her deposition from 2009 she had said she doesn't think she had done that.
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she isn't sure. now she's claiming that she's taking medication to help her recover her memory. i don't think this is lost on the jury. once cindy's credibility is in question, that could actually backfire for the defense. >> i see. let's go to the swimming pool picture, the defense saying the baby drowned. >> yes. >> was not murdered. did that help at all? >> those photos score one for the defense. it is now something graphic, that little kae leicaylee getti the pool, happy, smiling. that's an actual visual. that the jurors will take back with them in deliberations and really be thinking, maybe she did climb the ladder. maybe the ladder was left up. maybe she drowned. but that does not explain why the so-called accident was never reported. that's the huge hurdle they really haven't overcome yet. >> we talk about this every week and every week your opinion change but the big question out there, is will casey take the stand, as we speak today? >> four weeks ago i said 100%. i'm telling you i've lost 20%
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each week as the trial's gone down. i think the defense has changed its strategy midstream. i think it's unlikely she'll take the stand now. his credibility is so destroyed, better to just pretend that opening statement didn't happen, don't let her take the stand because we've seen ashton on the prosecution team, he will eat her alive if she ever get up there. >> and more testimony today as wenced "48 hours mystery" will have a prime time one-hour special of course right here on cbs. now it's 46 minutes past the hour. here's rebecca. coming up next, get a 40% discount on your medical care. we'll show you how right here on "the early show" on but it's our job to make them say something interesting. so how about this weekend we learn some new tricks of the trade... then break out our doing clothes and get rolling. let's use some paint that helps us get the job done in record time and makes a statement when we're finished.
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medical care is personal finance expert regina lewis. great to have you with us. first question is now, why now can you save more money at this? >> when you look at it, on average americans are spending $3,000 more than their dedu deductible this year, that's out-of-pocket expense. think about your traditional mailbox, you get things in the mail, this is not a bill, this is a bill, this is $38, this is $37,000. it's the only category i can think of where you don't know what your paying for -- >> there's a lot of mystery around it. >> tons of mystery. >> you can cut that down. which procedures should you think about negotiating on? >> i spoke with a slew of doctors in various categories. really all of them across the board for every price point this is happening in terms of negotiation. the trick is knowing that in the auto industry you call it the sticker price. it's knowing what the insurers paying and trying to get below that. >> there are places you can look to find out what they're paying. >> several websites. the first one is absolutely terrific. you can go there and get a quote
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and they adjust it by zip code. it's called healthcarebluebook, like kelly blue book for cars and they'll give you a printable estimate like a bill, where you can take it and take it to the person you're negotiating with, whatever doctor, oh, i thought it would be in and around this price. at least have you a ballpark sense. and then other websites like the ama. and then one called simplee eich will show you a dashboard because timing is so important. some people forego thing like free eyeglasses as part of their annual plan because they missed the window. >> how about those who are insured versus those uninsured in terms of approaching this? >> this is fascinating. if you don't have insurance, you are a self-pay person and you want to identify that up front. if you do have insurance, and we'll go over this tip, you really want to make sure you understand your plan and policy work around it because the rates are so different. so, the strategies actually apply for both. >> how do you recommend negotiating this stuff?
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>> your first thing is to price comparison shop. i did talk with a lot of doctors who get turned off by people trying to create bidding wars saying the other surgeon said. i would not necessarily go there because you're taking quality out of equation. don't assume insurance is cheaper. this has to do with knowing your coverage. this sin credibly important. a lot of people as you well know have raised premiums to save on monthly fees to $3,000, $6,000. if you're about to pay out of pocket $3,000 to something, you might say, what if i didn't have insurance, suddenly that goes down to $550. >> yeah, i'd prefer that option. >> yeah let's not use insurance. the net total could be significantly lower. that's probably the single best tip. >> you also say to speak to the billing department, head of the billing department. >> right. this is algebra and they run these numbers and deal with these scenarios all day, every day. >> online, what are you doing online to find this information? >> i think you're searching to get the ballpark figures, for sure.
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and understand the business. so, for instance, timing is really important when you pay the bill. you'll see a lot of people -- a lot of articles suggesting pay cash. the reason behind that is, one prominent physician i spoke with, who has a thriving practice, says they write off 40% of their procedures because patients don't pay the co-pay or insurance doesn't pay. imagine that. what business could you be in where you're writing off 40%? if you're able to pay by cash or say, i have my credit card right here, they'll take that because of the speed. >> regina lewis, thinks. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. hey were dead. [ laughter ] [ grunting ] huh? [ male announcer ] should've used roundup. america's number one weed killer. it kills weeds to the root, so they don't come back. guaranteed. weeds won't play dead, they'll stay dead. roundup. no root. no weed. no problem. weeds won't play dead, they'll stay dead.
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is next. for the rest of you, stick around, you're watching "the early show" on cbs. you want to be starting something, thriller, right? favorite michael jackson song, anybody? >> thriller. >> "man in the mirror". >> yeah, "man in the mirror." you? >> i like that song. and "rock with you" which we'll hear later. >> remember the video from that? >> oh, yeah. >> those were the days. >> i can't believe it's two years. those are one of the events you remember where you were when you heard. >> exactly. >> i remember watching tv as this was unfolding and you're saying, this is not possible. >> yeah, with all the mystery surrounding his death, i mean, his life had a similar tone to it. which there was just so much controversy in his life and so much controversy still now in question. >> but do you think in the end -- okay, let's say ten years from now, is he remembered more
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for the controversy, which was so -- you know, obviously breaking news, this is that. was he remembered for that or the legacy of the memory? >> what he has going for him in many ways, he's forever young. he's never going to be seen as an old guy because he died young. >> and i think the music will last. >> that's what you hear. you know, we were just playing the music. memories come back. that's what you think of michael jackson. i think people will still talk about it but for the most part, that's how his legacy will be remembered. >> right. that's the thing evolving, that's the thing with unanswered questions which is why we continue to talk about it. the music for most people, no question he was -- >> he has three kids, right? >> yes. >> let's see, blanket is the young child, paris is the daughter and the oldest is prince, prince michael. >> and paris spoke so eloquently at her father's memorial. >> difficult to see that. >> yeah. >> well, they sort of carry on in a sense, you know. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> i still see michael jackson as that little kid in the jackson 5, incredibly talented
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kid. ♪ a, b, c ,,,,,,,,
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flood ravaged minot, north dakota are braying for more record flooding. the souris river is expected to crest 8 1/2 feet over flood stage. our minneapolis station wcco is in minot with the latest. first up, what's going to happen today? what are authorities attempting to do? >> reporter: they're trying to get people out of different towns downstream to the east of here. there's two different towns right now, sawyer and burlington, that the national
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guard is helping to evacuate people that have not left yet. the water rose so quickly yesterday, by about 4 feet. another 5 feet expected today. that's all headed downstream. dikes and levees are breaking, infiltrating the down. you can see the situation behind me, even where dikes are secure. this is a manmade dike. they have to pump water out from lower levels to get it out. >> and worse today, right, jamie? >> reporter: it's going to be much worse today. they're expecting the crest to happen today. and that level is supposed to be 6 feet above the all-time record set about 130 years ago in 1881. so, it's going to be pretty bad. people are watching this. they're waiting to see what happens. and they're very scared as to what they're going to see when they go back to their homes after this crest happens. >> i can imagine. jamie in minot, north dakota, today, we thank you so much. >> difficult to see, obviously, people going through things like that. >> terrible. >> you will be continuing to follow that story this evening on the "cbs evening news."
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now we turn to betty we know tf this morning's headlines. >> good morning. federal safety investigators are on the scene of a deadly crash between an amtrak train and a tractor-trailer. five people were killed. that accident happened friday at a crossing in a rural area 70 miles east of reno. about 20 people were injured. witnesses say the truck did not attempt to stop when it crashed through the crossing gates. this year's national gay pride week is taking special significance after new york legalized gay marriage late last night. supporters danced in the street of new york city greenwich village, where the gay pride movement began more than 40 years ago. new york is now the sixth state in the nation to legalize same-sex marriages. in his weekly radio address, president obama says the key to boosting the nation's economy is to bol center technology and manufacturing, he unveiled the initiative friday after a visit to carnegie mellon university in pittsburgh.
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he says teaming government with universities will spur new job growth. the trustee for victims of the bernard madoff scandal is now seeking $19 billion in damages from jpmorgan chase, that is three times more than originally sought. the court-appointed trustees the bank was complicit in the scandal. jpmorgan denies the charge. madoff is serving a 150-year prison sentence for his ponzi scheme. the duchess performed his first military role as royalty today, awarding medals to members of the irish guards. the guards served a recent six-month combat tour in afghanistan. with him yam serves as a colonel in the unit. i know how much you love the royals, lonnie, no pippa news today. sorry. >> no pippa news. whatmy going to give you an update on the weather. here are my weather headline. midwest storms will be firing up today. it's excessive heat in the southwest.
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and quieter today in flood-ravaged north dakota. not perfect but quieter. the big rain south of north dakota pushing into iowa. could see a little trailing activity being kicked in for north dakota today but not the big stuff. however, we do have record-setting flooding. we heard earlier in the broadcast thatsm
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this weather segment sponsored by at&t. at&t, rethink possible. hard to believe it was two years ago today that michael jackson died and the news shocked the world. just like his life, jackson's death was surrounded with controversy. correspondent priya david clemons is in glendale, california, where jackson was laid to rest. good morning. >> good morning to you. fans are certain to travel heretoforest lawn cemetery to pay their respect to the king of pop but the scene here will be radically calmer than it was two years ago. >> and the afternoon of june 25, 2009, we couldn't see the star for about two weeks. why? there were thousands of people
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here every day, lining up. >> reporter: two years ago at age 50, jackson died suddenly from an overdose of the powerful sedative. his personal physician conrad murray faces manslaughter charges. the trial gets urn way in september. >> dr. murray is going to go after michael jackson, his lifestyle, his history, every piece of evidence prosecution presents. >> reporter: dr. murray may be responsible for jackson's death seems to be the one thing his famous family agrees upon. my right in saying the family is united in that they blame conrad murray rather than michael jackson for his death? >> the family is totally united in that they all agree that conrad murray is responsible for michael jackson's death. it's tough. you know, they really lost the heart and soul of the family. >> reporter: while the adults struggle, jackson's children are faring well. >> they're having a different kind of life now. i don't know that it's better but definitely different and definitely works for them.
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>> reporter: also thriving, the value of jackson's estate. due to legal woes and wild spending, the singer was nearly a half billion dollars in debt at the time of his death. >> most experts say the michael jackson estate could earn in the range of $1 billion over the course of the next several decades. ♪ thriller >> reporter: this weekend the iconic jacket from "thriller" goes up for auction. it could fetch as much as $400,000. last year an album of previously unreleased music "michael" sold 3 million copies worldwide, a testament to the singer's global appeal. >> i still think it's a quality figure and a quality statement as to his enduring popularity and legacy. >> reporter: even in death, the king of pop continues to captivate. >> to me he was like an angel. in my opinion, too good for this world. ♪ always in my heart
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♪ you and i >> reporter: there are fewer commemorations planned on this second anniversary of jackson's death, but fans can purchase a helicopter ride over neverland ranch. the price tag for that 30-minute adventure, $175. rebecca? >> priya david clemons, thank you. coming up next, the case against dr. conrad murray accused of killing michael jackson and the jackson family tries to move on. it is two years after his death. this is all a part of a roundtable discussion on the life and legacy of michael jackson. it will be right here on "the early show" on cbs. [ male announcer ] the network -- a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live.
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♪ with the man in the mirror ♪ oh yeah >> we are remembering michael jackson this morning, who died two years ago today. here to discuss the life and legacy of the king of pop is music journalist alan light, and in los angeles, jackson family friend brian oxman. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> thank for coming in. >> morning. >> diane, this conrad murray case starts in september. why is it taking so long to get to trial? >> because justice grinds slowly in america, especially in hollywood when there's a celebrity attached. but the state took a long time to try to find a number of medical experts who were willing to talk about propofol, its use and misuse, that wanted to be involved in a high celebrity case like this. they didn't want national enquirer reporters in their lobby, so it took them quite a while to get up the medical experts they thought was necessary. the judge finally said, let's postpone this until everybody
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gets ready. >> conrad murray has not been practicing medicine, is that correct? what's he been doing? >> i think he's struggling to figure out how to pay his bills. >> i see. >> he not only has a wife and a home in las vegas but also has some other children and other families that he needs to take care of. >> i understand. brian oxman, let me bring this into this. from an emotional stand point, how is the family doing these days? >> i talked to joe jackson last night and i saw the family at their home about three weeks ago, and remarkably doing well. i think that most of us would be surprised at how well prince paris and prince michael ii as we know as blanket, how well they are doing, but those who are part of the family, we're not surprised at all. they were michael's greatest work. and they have turned out remarkably well and they're handling this very, very well. >> you mentioned joe jackson, he was looked upon by many as as outcast at the time of michael jackson's death. sound like he's back in the fold? >> i think joe jackson is about
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as misunderstood as michael jackson was. it seems like he's inherited michael's misunderstanding. joe jackson is a fine man. i have liked him for, well, 23 years i've been associated with this family. and he is the founder of this family. he is the one -- it's been the strength of this family now. it's devastating to catherine jackson, the mother. it's hurtful to the kids, to the brothers and sisters, to randy, to tito, to jermaine and janet, but joe jackson is the rock holding this family together now. >> alan, let me bring you into this discussion. when michael jackson died, nine of the top ten downloaded songs were michael jackson songs after his death. how is his music selling today? >> certainly, that explosion of all the interest and all the love that was allowed to come out after his passing. as you said, it was just nine of the top ten itunes downloads, the entire top of the album
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chart in the aftermath, all of this attention in sales and certainly didn't sustain to that level for two years since. i don't think there's any question, you hear a lot more michael jackson song on the radio now than you did in the months before he passed. i think it's clear that now the catalog is, you know, again part of the musical landscape in a way for the 10 or 12 years before his passing it really hadn't been. >> i know when michael jackson was alive, it was said when he would record an album, he would record hundreds and only 10 or 12 would make the album and he died with thousands in the vault. will we hear more michael jackson songs? >> they got the "michael" album out last year. >> which was controversial. >> and which i i would say was okay. it wasn't mind-blowing, top of the list michael material, but it certainly wasn't embarrassing and unfinished stuff. if that's the strongest of what's out there, i don't know we'll see dozens and dozens of
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releases. there's no question there's a lot of work in the vaults and people are putting in time, trying to figure out what the right thing to do with that is. >> diane, let me go back to the trial. we heard trent say earlier, conrad murray attorney are going to hammer michael jackson left and right, drag him through the mud. do you agree with that strategy? >> i'm not sure about that. they are of course going to talk about his past substance abuse. came up during the criminal trial, what he has done to his body, what he did to his body during life, not only cosmetically, but he was awfully thin, dependent on drugs and i think that will come up. i think what they'll try to do is say something like, michael jackson was going to get this drug anyway. and conrad murray was there to help wean him off of it. that was his very first early defense. i think they will paint michael jackson as someone who did this to himself and dr. murray was there to try to help him. of course you don't help someone by using an illegal drug in an
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illegal way in an illegal location, a private home. >> it will be tough. is the family concerned about the emotional toll that it could take with michael jackson's name possibly being dragged through the mud in this trial? >> you bet yeah. there's autopsy photographs which are going to be shown to the jury. those are likely to come out in the public. it bothers mrs. jackson just terribly. it's very upsetting. also, the attacks which are going to happen to michael. they're going to be very, very upsetting. one of the things we see in this trial is, oh, conrad murray is on trial. it's upsetting to this family that the rest of the people who are responsible for michael's death and make no mistake, there are others, the producers of this show had dr. murray involved in it. they were pulling the strings, causing to happen what happened. and yet nobody is interested in going after them. they're very upset about the tire process. >> we were talking about this earlier. at the end of the day, what do
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you think michael jackson's legacy will be? will it be the music? will it be be the controversial way he lived his life? >> i think there's so much we didn't know about michael during his life and so much that we still don't know and may never know, but i think that the tragedy of his death allowed people to focus on his musical achievements, his achievements as an entertainer and in the end, that's what survives. if there's a good part to this story, it's that that's what people can focus on moving forward. >> thank you all very much for your insight. we appreciate it. >> thanks. up next, the dog whisperer, cesar millan talks about how to take care of your pets during the hot, humid summer months. ♪ ♪ [ sighs ] ♪
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learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen. insulin delivery that goes with you. we all have our own ways to handle the dog days of summer, but how do dogs themselves beat the heat? well, there's no one better to answer that question than cesar millan, dog behavior expert and host of "the dog whit perrer" on national geographic wild. he's here to answer your questions. great to have you with us. >> i love this, dogs, dogs, dogs.
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summertime is here so definitely something to tell people about summertime. >> and people had a lot of questions. our first question actually comes from video. let's take a look. >> hi, cesar. my name is jason. i have a coonhound and my question for you regards air conditioning and the summer heat. i'm just wondering when i leave my dog at home, if i should leave the air conditioning running or if it's sufficient to leave the windows open with fans going? what are your thoughts? >> well, what i suggest often is people understand what's hot for a dog. 80 degrees is hot for a dog. so if your house inside is 80 degrees we have to do fans, open windows, air conditioning, whatever you can afford or do for your dog. >> so 80 degrees. >> 80 degrees, we don't want a dog to live in. >> we don't want a dog to live in that. anything below that would be healthy for any dog? >> exactly. >> very good information. our next question comes from twitter. it's from samantha who asks, how can i keep my puppy from getting
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sick on road trips? this puppy's a little sad right now, it sounds like, or is he not, you tell me? >> he's anxious. he want to go back to his familiar humans. he's getting anxious because he wants to go back. let's talk about the puppy who gets sick in the car. this is something that should be done by steps, you know, so don't bring -- make sure the dog eats in the car. make it a positive association. a lot of times they just bring the dog -- take a dog to the vet, to areas and the dog is anticipating something uncomfortable. don't take him anywhere. just let him in the car, give him affection in the car, groom him in the car, so create positive association to relax the mind. >> very good information. our next question comes from skype from alex, who's in saratoga springs. are you with us? good morning. what's your question? >> hey, alex. >> hi, cesar. this is my dog apollo. we keep hip in the crate at night and we wonder if we should keep hip in a crate during car
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rides and when we take him to hotel rooms? >> well, yes. this all depends on how you put him in the crate. they don't have a problem in the crate. for example, if we put him in the crate, the association of the crate is going to be very anxious. always put a dog when he's in a calm state. make sure that you prepare your dog at home, not when you go to the hotel. >> and i have to say, it's interesting the dog you're holding, very calm state. the one i'm holding, not so calm. it must have something to do with the fact that you're the dog whisperer. >> a little calmness. we can relate on a calm level. >> we have these crates here to give people a sense of what you would want to do. >> let me show you my take on how to put a dog in the crate. first you present the dog in the crate to see how he feels about it. a lot of times people just put them all the way inside, but we want him to do his part. there he goes. slowly. >> oh, yes. >> so, slowly. don't close the gate right away. >> it's about patience on your
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part. >> because you want him to relate the crate with relaxation. not with tension. there he goes. don't close the gate until he completely relaxes. obviously, we don't have enough time for us to see him laying down, but as you see, he's already seeing that the door open doesn't mean have you to come out. >> that's very interesting. well, now he wants to get out. we have one more question from facebook. shawn asks, we have a small chihuahua we love to take camping. recently he started howling loudly. that sounds familiar. when left in the campary loan. is there anything we can do to let him be more comfortable being alone? >> howling means -- howling means getting back with the pack. seriously. it's the way they're expressing themselves and saying, i want to get back with the pack. but when a dog misbehaves, quote/unquote, in other areas he's not only misbehaving at home. would you hold this one? >> sure. >> hold this one right here. we have to practice something i call keep your dog away from
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your intimate space. a lot of time people at home allow the dog to stay in their intimate space 24/7. make sure your dog stays away from you four feet, six feet away from you at home. otherwise the dog doesn't know how to be without you being so close. >> interesting. practicing makes it easier when you're out and about outside of that familiar space. >> a lot of times people want to go away and the dog doesn't understand how to live in that state of mind. >> someone's been practicing with this dog, it seems like. of course, these are all dogs that you can adopt. you can adopt them -- >> yeah, for adoption. >> -- from the north shore animal league of america. cute guys. >> high, low energy. make sure you have to exercise a little more than this one. >> well, we always love having you with us. thanks for being here. great tips and thanks to everyone for their questions. now here's russ. >> okay, rebecca, dog whisperer. up next, a tribute to michael jackson.
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it's all coming up. who is playing the guitar on "black or white"? >> no requested. >> eric clapton, slash. >> that's right. >> we to want say good-bye to a big member of our family, tim patrick, a photographer here, photographer extraordinaire. he's retiring from cbs. >> a little applause. >> a little applause for you, tim. >> look at this. >> tim has been at cbs news for 32 years. he has been on this show since day one. what, back in 1962, right? 1997. >> 1997. >> now you have a microphone. >> i am a professional. >> what memory stands out the
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most to you over the years, besides us? >> i think russ's many wives, tv wives. >> let me clarify. my tv wives. tv wives. >> you almost got in trouble. >> my tv wives, i've had a few over the years. >> yeah, yeah. tim, one of the nicest guys at cbs news. >> bravo. >> it's worth saying tim are the reason we can do what we do here every single saturday. there are so many people behind the scene that you never get to see. >> you bet. >> and they are what is really the heart and soul of this show. they keep it going. >> without a sdoubt. you were talking about behind the scenes, we tried like the dickens to get timmy up here on the show. >> he wouldn't come sit -- >> so we turned the cameras on him. >> let me ask you this, first thing you're going to do once your retired, your first day off, what are you going to do? >> i'm going to sleep late. >> exactly. >> nothing beats sleeping in after early more thanes. we appreciate it.
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>> good job, buddy. >> his many wives. see if you come back. ♪ [ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points.
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♪ i'm asking him to change his ways ♪ >> legendary song for michael jackson "man in the mirror." welcome back to the "early show." i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. of course, we're remembering michael jackson today. >> two years ago today he died, so we invited a performer inspired by jackson, james torme, his father is legendary mel torme. james was in the audience for one of the final rehearsals of jackson's this is it and he'll sing jackson's classic "rock with you "and. >> we have a claimed chef here this morning and he's planning
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to prepare a wonderful summer meal. here's what's on the menu, folks. english pea and pecorino cheese crustini and a secret dessert. >> can't wait for that. coming up in a bit. first, the supreme court wraps up its term on monday. the court settled monday you mental case this is year. for the first time ever three women sat on the bench. a look ahead to monday's final rulings and a look back at historical decisions is nina. >> good morning to you. >> what decisions can we expect on monday? >> i think the one that will interest most people is california has a ban on the sale of violent video games to minors. and the constitutionality of that is at issue and the court will decide that. and about ten other states have passed similar laws. we'll see what they have to say, whether that's a violation of the first amendment guarantee of free speech. and there's a campaign finance case as well. big testing public funding in
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arizona. >> got ya. still a lot of work to do, big cases on monday. when you look at this term so far, what are the most significant cases in your mind? >> well, i think probably we'll look back and say that the walmart case is the most significant. that was the case where 1.5 million women had brought a class action against walmart for sex discrimination. and the court, on the key question, threw the case out. and said that all of the -- all of the women couldn't sue as that big of a group. now, all nine justices said the lower courts used the wrong standard. it will make bringing big class-action cases very difficult, that coupled with another case, a consumer class action where the court again 5-4 said the consumers couldn't sue. it's going to make them very difficult. >> the funeral protest case got a lot of attention this year as well. >> that's right. that was a case where a group protested at military funerals and the family of the dead soldiers sued and said it was a
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violation of their rights. and the court said, no, you're allowed to protest at a funeral as long as you do it legally, go where the police tell you to go, you don't protest so loudly that you invade the funeral in any way. as a result, i think that a lot of states will pass some sort of laws which the court applied would be constitutional, laws that will allow protests to be separated from the funeral by a certain number of feet, 300 feet, 500 feet something, like that. >> this was the first full term for president's appointed elena kagan and sotomayor. did we see a shift? >> i don't think so. both were, quote, liberal nominees replacing, quote, liberals. not as liberal as 20 years ago but much more liberal compared to the conservative members of the court so the court is still
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split 5-4 on a lot of big issues. >> there are three justices on the court who are over the age of 70. now president obama has, what, about a yearfnd a half to go in this term. do you expect him to have the opportunity to make any other appointments this go? >> barring somebody getting sick, i doubt it. we didn't even hear a hint of -- a sin till tilla of the idea th anybody would retire this year. tomorrow is the last day of the court. i think we would have heard it. i have no reason to believe that anybody's retiring. >> okay. nina, the legendary nina tot totenberg. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, russ. let's go to lonnie quinn for a final check of the record. >> i just like that nina used scintilla. incredible word. this is your headline weather board today. canada with temperatures in the 60s and 70s.
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why is that a headline? because that promotes very fast canadian snow melt. those canadian rivers don't flow north, they flow south,er baiting the historic flooding, another good word, taking place in north dakota. the only thing i'll say about the area around minot where r z rivers will be cresting above crest stage, the biggest rain will be minot, grand island, springfield, ulg be dealing with 1 to 3 ij of rain today, some could be turning to severe, local downpours throughout the area. north dakota seize more rain, but a smaller system trailing the bigger rain. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look now at the weather for your weekend.
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and no scintilla here, a big morning shout out, a royal shout out to married greenwood players renaissance fair in richland, washington. celebrating their 25th year. musicians, ma ggicians, even a swashbuckler or two. check that out if you're in the air. please do so, i command of thee and thank you for watching on kepr 19. now, that's the name of of a tv station. sounds pretty good. rebecca, over to you. >> lonnie, it sounds like you worked at a renaissance festival. >> in the day, when i had my tights. >> you have to come over here and enjoy this meal coming up. we have an incredible summer meal. it's compliments of one of the kings of italian cuisine, chef chris chipaloni right here on kings of italian cuisine, chef chris chipaloni right here on "the early show" on cbs. we share.
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we all want a world with fewer chemicals. we all want the best of both worlds. introducing all free clear oxi-active. a powerful new detergent without dyes or perfumes that helps get out your toughest dirt and stains. its added natural cleaning boosters help get your whole family's wash incredibly clean. tough on stains. gentle on skin. new all free clear oxi-active. this morning our chef on the shoe string is a rising star in the culler in world. christopher is executive chef and co-owner of new york's critically acclaimed ten penny restaurant which has a menu as inventive as delicious. he's ear this morning to prepare a three-course meal on a shoe
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string budget. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> smells delicious. tells us what's on the menu. >> an english pea and pecorino crostini followed by a smoke gnocci and roasted call flawer. >> what do we do first? >> easy, blanched english peas fresh from the farm. >> how long are you going to cook those for? >> in holt water boil, boom -- >> you don't want them to lose the flavor? >> no, just keep the green color. basil leaves, a little olive oil to start. >> and it's that simple. >> yeah, that simple. >> put them in the food processor. >> pulse them up a little bit. >> when you do this, do you want them to keep some of that text fewer as you're pulsing them or -- >> yes, yes. i like to leave the skins on. not to -- >> and just a little salt in there for seasoning. >> that's it. we have that finished. a little finished right here.
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we have bread that we grilled. >> okay. >> very simple. >> a little bit -- looks like -- did you grill it plain or put olive oil -- >> i put a little olive oil, put it on one side, start with the cited you didn't put olive oil on, flip it, and then put it on so it doesn't flare up. >> that's how do you it. when i do it myself it burns inevitably. >> that's why i get paid. so, i just top a little pecorino. and that's it. >> can i sample as you go on to the next thing? >> absolutely. >> great. that's why i like this job. >> yeah. so, we're just going to get this -- excuse me. just a little olive oil in the pan. >> this is delicious. >> this is for the gnocchi. thank you. this dish involves smoked ricotta. you can smell it. >> i like that. >> pretty cool. >> i also love this. >> so, you are heating up the oil. what do you put in next? >> we start with the sausage.
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and we just get to going. it's about one to two links, fennell sausage. take it out of the casing because you don't want that to -- >> interfere with it that way you get a more crumbly texture? >> any time you have a crumbled sausage dish, that's how you do it. >> good to know. you cook that up for a little bit and what do we add to it? >> add a little shallot, garlic. >> okay. >> we just sweat that down a little bit until the sausage browns. >> how long -- i always wonder about when you're adding seasonings and things like that to meat as you're cooking it, you add the seasonings before you start cooking or after? >> it depend. in this application i like to break it up and get it going and then i season it because you don't want to burn the pepper or any of the chili flake i'm going to put in there. >> sure.
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once that's cooked up you add tomato? >> tomato paste. instead of adding whole tomatoes with adding liquid, this just gives you a nice intense tomato flavor. and it's really important that you cook it out. you have to cook it out to like a rusty orange kind of color. >> and you ultimately end up with what's over on the left? >> yes. >> so here you have this going. so, this is -- when it's done, this is what it looks like. we have our gnocchis we already rolled out. very important to season these as you're mixing it, season the water, so they're ready to go. >> that way they're not unsalted and taste like potatoey dough. >> yes. >> so you mix the gnocchi until once -- does that mean it's ready to go? another step? >> no, you heat this up and it's
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good to go. that's why this is good. you can make it ahead of time. have you guests come over. >> perfect for summer if you're having people over in the backyard. one last thing we want to get to, which is the dessert, also a great summer treat because it's fresh fruit and not too heavy. >> you go to the green market, buy whatever fruit you like. this is just basil and simple syrup. drizzle it on. >> okay. i got to try that. guys, get in here, have some. it's wonderful. >> pleasure. >> so, let's see how you did because the goal here is always to get it for under $40, right? that's the whole point of "chef on a shoestring." let's see how you did. >> okay. your total $36.42. that is very light. i mean, that's -- that's on the less expensive side of meals here. let's see where he is on the melgtsdz stand. >> did he make the metal stand? >> oh, look at that. chef, congratulations, number two on our medal stand. congratulations. >> thank you. >> we don't have the streamers.
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>> we know where the number one guy lives in case -- >> all right, all right. >> exactly. >> you can find all these recipes at chef, thank you for coming in. we really, really appreciate it. coming up next, stay tuned for a special tribute to michael jackson on the second anniversary of his death. james torme, the son of legendary mel torme, is going to be performing the jackson classic "rock with you" all happening right here on "the early show." , i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel,
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♪ i want to rock with you ♪ all night ♪ going to rock the night away >> this morning on our "second cup cafe," a special tribute to michael jackson from james torme, the son of the legendary singer/entertaininger mel torme who credit jackson's album "off the wall" for becoming a singer. >> here to perform "rock with you" in his first single "love for sale," ladies and gentlemen,
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james torme. ♪ girl close your eyes ♪ let the rhythm get into you ♪ don't try to fight it there ain't nothing that you can do ♪ ♪ relax your mind lay back and groove with mine ♪ ♪ you got to feel that heat and we can ride the boogie ♪ ♪ share that beat of love ♪ i wanna rock with you ♪ all night ♪ dance you into day sunlight i wanna rock with you all night ♪ ♪ going to rock the night away
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♪ out on the floor there ain't nobody there but us ♪ ♪ girl when you dance there's a magic that must be love ♪ ♪ just take it slow cause we got so far to go ♪ ♪ when you feel that heat ♪ and we can ride the boogie ♪ share that beat of lieu ♪ i wanna rock with you all night ♪ ♪ dance you into the sunlight ♪ i want wanna rock with you ♪ all night ♪ gonna rock the night away ♪ and when the groove is
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gagne ♪ ♪ you know the love survives so we can love forever forever ♪ ♪ rock ♪ ♪ rock rock ♪ with you come on, new york! ♪ iwanna rock with you all night ♪ ♪ and dance you into the sunlight ♪ ♪ i wanna rock with you all night ♪ rock with you >> james torme.
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fantastic. >> excellent. >> everyone in here wants to rock with you, james. >> oh, very kind. >> you've said before, you're 50% michael jackson, 50% your dad, mel torme, velvet fog, as some people know him. how does that all shake out? >> well, i think that's pretty accurate, actually. they were sort of my big two childhood iconic music heroes, so i feel as if that's kind of obvious every time i step in front of a microphone or go into a studio. >> yeah. you never met michael jackson, right? you went to one of his last rehearsa rehearsals. >> his m.d., michael bearden, my base player actually discovered my early cut of "rock with you" and went nuts for it and we had the rare privilege to go in and be the only two flies on the wall from the outside world watching the rehearsals for "this is it: the tour".
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>> how cool was that? >> incredible. >> when did you first hear a michael jackson song, actually? >> back in 19 -- when i was in knee pants, just a little kid on local a.m. radio, khj in los angeles i heard a song and i tortured my mother until she bought me the emerson cassette recorder and tape to listen to it. i wore out the first tape in the first week. >> we thank you so much for coming in today. continued success. >> thank you for having me. >> for more of james torme, go to our website, >> the velvet fog's son. looks like the velvet fog. >> oh, yeah. >> same mannerisms. don't go away. this "second cup cafe" segment sponsored by coffeemate. add your flavor with carmel mack yat toe, part of the new collection. ♪ express yourself ♪
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introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving heat patch activates sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals for deep penetrating relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. tomorrow morning on "face the nation" bob schieffer talks with michele bachmann as she gets ready to announce her run for the white house.
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>> check your local listings for the time in your area. next weekend here on "the early show" -- >> all kind of food and lots of food. >> our traditional "a taste of america" show. have a great weekend, everybody. >> enjoy. >> take care perform after we said good-bye. >> we're back on tv. how about that? >> we had no idea. we're going through the behind the scenes of the of "the early show." takes place all over here. a lot of you know russ as this guy, so buttoned up, knows exactly what he's talking about every morning on tv. >> boy, do i know russ. >> you might not know he's one of the hardest working people in tv. >> not one of, the hardest working. >> yes. when russ starts here, he's really beginning one of the hardest 48 hours i can imagine spending. >> yeah, around the clock. >> it's a fun weekend, though. i get to come here, hang out with you guys in the morning -- >> we sort of warm you up.
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>> warm me up for the weekend. then i walk over to the broadcast center and we get ready for the "cbs evening news" on saturday night. >> 14, 15-hour day? >> 14 hours. >> tomorrow? >> come back and do -- start at 9:00, so sleeping in tomorrow. >> lovely. >> you know what i think is interesting, there are plenty of times i see you substituting over at sunday morning which mean you're up earlier that day. >> it's a long day. the truth of the matter s you are being incredibly modest here -- >> no, are you being incredibly modest. >> i think we all enjoy what we do and you work incredibly har., betty nguyen is doing up to the minute "the early show." becky jarvis is on tv like ten days a week. we're lucky we get to enjoy our job. >> we're lucky we get to spend it with the four of us. >> visit us at ,,,,,
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