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tv   The Early Show  CBS  July 7, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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now. but that's likely going to get backed up soon as well. >> thank you. >> thanks for joining us. >> caption colorado, llc breaking news. back to jail. casey anthony is sentenced to four years for lying to police but also gets credit for time already serve the judge says she could be free in a few months or weeks. budget battle. as congressional leaders head to the white house president obama is putting social security cuts on the table for the first time. we will have eric cantor about the meeting and if he is going along with the president's demand to close tax loopholes. nasa says go for tomorrow's shuttle launch though, bad weather is in the forecast and we will have the latest from the kennedy space center plus a look at space travel after the shuttle program "early" this thursday morning, july 7th,
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2011. captioning funded by cbs rb good morning. welcome to "the early show" on a thursday morning. i'm chris wragge i-im erica hill. a live picture there of launch pad 39 a which is the shuttle "atlantis" which is scheduled take take off tomorrow at 11:26 a.m. the latest weather reports not so favorable. a 30% chance the conditions will be right. >> the good news. the 70% they are not going to go. richard branson is getting ready to take tourists into space. we will ask him if he can get off the ground in the next 12 to 18 months. flights are booked and they are waiting to see if they can pull it off. first, though, president obama meets at the white house this morning with congressional leaders from both parties and ready to make a historic offer
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on social security. bill plante has the latest for us this morning. good morning, bill. >> reporter: good morning. the president has raised the stakes for today's meeting. sources here say he is ready to make an offer for a dramatic restructuring of the entire federal fiscal outlay. it could include cuts in all all of the major entitlement programs, including social security in exchange for a tax overhaul. now he already has floated this idea to the republican leadership but publicly, at least, they still remain skeptical about what they are going to hear today. >> i hope that there will be some kind of break-through tomorrow. maybe he could begin by telling us what he has in mind. we have had a difficult time trying to get a clear proposal out of the president and his people. >> reporter: at a town hall meeting where questions for the president came by the twitter social network, mr. obama continued to warn that if the u.s. can't pay its bills, there
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will be dire consequences. >> it could cause a whole new spiral into a second recession or worse, so this is something that we shept be toying with. >> reporter: the president repeated his demand that a deal to cut the budget and extend the debt limit must be balanced with everything on the table. >> the debt ceiling should not be something that is used as a gun against the heads of the american people to extract tax breaks for corporate jet owners, or oil and gas companies. >> reporter: house republican leader eric cantor told reporters his party would be willing to talk about tax breaks. if the president wants to talk loopholes, says cantor, we will be glad to talk loopholes. john mccain urged an end to some of the biggest loopholes. >> we could eliminate all
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agricultural subsidies for things like corporate jets. if we seriously looked at corporate subsidies, all americans would benefit. >> reporter: democratic officials familiar with the negotiations, as they prefer to be known around here, say that the president is now looking at something not just at $2 trillion but more like $4 trillion and he will tell republicans this is an opportunity for both parties to tell the voters that they had done something historic to restructure the nation's debt. erica? >> bill plante, thanks. i like that terminology, by the way. coming up, we will speak with house majority leader eric cantor who is going to this morning's meeting at the white house and get a little bit more information on just what he is willing to bring to the table as bill mentioned. breaking news from orlando where casey anthony is going back to jail. this morning, she was sentenced to four years in prison for lying to investigators but the judge says she has already served most of her time.
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cbs' karen brown is in the couple of hours in orlando for us this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, chris. in fact, when casey anthony walked into that courtroom today, she looked relaxed her hair was down, she had a slight smile on her face. when she left she looked downed. the judge giving her the maximum sentence for the four charges she was convicted on. outside the courthouse things have been extraordinarily calm. a huge show of force but most of the folks say what they want the judge to do. many came to the courthouse because they were upset with the not guilty verdicts for murder, manslaughter, child abuse. so at this point, the judge could have let casey anthony go free today, based on time already served, but, instead, he gave her four consecutive one-year sentences. >> i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail, imposing a $1,000 fine on each
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count. all four counts to run consecutive to each other, giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. >> reporter: all right. and, again, the judge giving casey anthony those four consecutive one-year sentences. george and cindy anthony were in that courtroom today. again, this is a family, divided and have not spoken to their daughter since 2008. so she will be heading back to jail. they will be heading back home. another thing that came up in court today was the fact that the prosecution is definitely asking that casey anthony be held financially responsible for some of the costs for the investigation. we should know what those costs are, what they are asking for in a month. chris? >> cbs' karen brown in orlando for us this morning, thank you. joining us is cbs news legal
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analyst jack ford. she is not going home just yet. >> interesting things in the courtroom. first the defense said to the judge four separate counts but she should be sentenced on a single count. their argument was that it was over a long conversation with police officers that she delivered these four different lies. one of them had to do with this nonexistent nanny. and as a consequence, the defense said one count. should be one count, one sentence. the judge agreed with the prosecution and said, no. four separate counts here. we are going to view them as four separate counts and as karen said i'm going to impose four separate one-year sentences for each of them and stacked them on top of each other consecutively. >> they will compute the actual time she is going to still remain in jail? >> you would think this would be simple. it's not. you get a day for day credit for 990 some days she has already spent but sit down and say what about the good time in the jail what they call gain time in the jail? the judges said we will get together and put our heads together and get out our calculators and figure out just
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how much more credit she is going to get off of this four-year sentence and they said they might have an answer some time later today. hard numbers how much more time she has to do before she gets out. >> she is able to be acquitted on the major charges murder, manslaughter and abuse but judge perry hits her hard with the four counts of lying to prosecutors. >> he did. the reality is, you know, if she was a first-time offender, not casey anthony in a digit type of case and lied to police officers odds are she would be getting probation, community service' pay the cost what the investigation was, but, ordinarily, you wouldn't see a first-time offender hit for the maximum and consecutive one on top of another. the reality is casey anthony, a death was involved. i don't think anybody is surprised by this. >> now there is talk of like karen mentioned paying back some of the costs for some of these wild goose chases caused by some of the lies. >> statute requires a defendant pay back what they had to spend in terms of resources and manpower. the big question where is the line drawn here? this is a long protracted murder investigation.
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so the judge has said we will do a hearing here and we will parse this all out and figure out how much she is going to eventually have to pay back to the state of florida. >> maybe this is a little bit of an odd question because i think so many people are surprised whether the original verdict came down days ago. is this a surprise they are sending her back to jail for possibly another year? >> i don't think a big surprise. my thought they would go back a few weeks or a month maybe rather than getting out absolutely today. >> jack ford, thanks. good to see you. over to jeff glor at the news desk woot cheith another check r headlines. overseas a frightening roof collapse at a soccer stadium. happened during renovation work at a stadium in the netherlands. one person was killed there and at least 13 others were hurt. you can see what happened. no match was being played at the stadium at the time of the collapse but we said renovation work was being done. that phone hacking scandal in britain appears to be getting worse by the day. now telephone numbers of
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families of soldiers killed in iraq and afghanistan have been found in the files of an investigator working for news of the world. in the meantime, on today's anniversary of the terror attack on london's transit system, there are claims the paper also hacked into mobile phones of families of terror victims. the paper already is under fire for allegedly hacking into phone messages of a miss of teenager who was later found murdered. a rare and diddley grizzly bear attack at yellowstone national park to tell you about. park officials say a man and wife hiking yesterday and surprised a female bear and her cubs. the bear mauled the man and he died. his wife survived with only cuts and bruises. this is the first time that there has been a bear caused human fatality in yellowstone in 25 years. >> bears have killed two other people in the area around yellowstone in the last year or so. finally, the picasso. this pencil drawing by picasso
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worth hundreds of thousands of dollars was taken tuesday from a san francisco gallery and look at this! here is the guy walking out with it. a nearby security camera caught him nonchalantly walking down the streets with that drawing by his side. he got into a taxi and got away. police have released that video hoping someone recognizes him. 11 minutes past the hour. marysol castro has our fir check of the weather. >> good morning. hailed a cab and none waiting, just business as usual. turn our focus to the northwest severe thunderstorms today.
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that is your latest weather. now here erica. >> good morning to you. ever since the first moon mission to the 1960s, comes to a close for that era with the space shuttle launch of "atlantis." bob orr is here with the very latest from the kennedy space center. >> reporter: as you say, this is the grand finale of a 30-year space odyssey has kept the united states's president john
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kennedy observed the great space bearing nation on earth. when "atlantis" comes home, the shuttle program will be shut down but the last act could be delayed. while "atlantis" is ready to go on launch pad 39a sh, the weather is dicey. nasa says the chance of a friday morning liftoff is no better than 30%. >> we still do have a lot of moisture in the atmosphere the next few days so it's not certainly clean and green. >> liftoff! >> reporter: whenever "atlantis" blasts off, it will be the 135th and final mutshuttle mission. stunning successes. hubble space telescope carried into orbit by shuttle discovery and 12 years 36 shuttle missions have built and supplied the international space station but the program marked by twin tragedies which killed 12 astronauts. "challenger" in 1986 and. >> in the history of this program lost one going up and
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one coming down. it is -- it is a tremendously risky endeavor. >> reporter: while the "columbia" exposed significant risks and in 2004 the bush administration ordered the retirement of the aging shuttle fleet. now time is up. they will deliver equipment to the space station to keep it going through 2012. then for the first time in 50 years, u.s. will have no launch vehicle. until a new one can be built, perhaps in five years, american astronauts will hitch rides from their former space rival on russia's soyuz spacecraft. >> right now, we are dependent on russia. i finds that unseemingly for the united states and i find that unseemingly in the extreme. >> reporter: the obama administration the u.s. space program will go on with astronauts using commercially built rockets to reach the space station and ultimately a nasa built spacecraft to go farther into deep space.
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so the launch of "atlantis" whenever it happens will be a bittersweet. a big question mark about what is ahead. also with us is nasa administrator charles bolden. sir, good to have you with us. >> good to be with you, erica. >> reporter: a lot of criticism, of course, about the ending of the shuttle program from a number of folks including john glenn who said by ending this program the way it's being ended without a backup plan this is ignoring a cardinal rule at nasa, there should be something else there ready to go. how do you respond to that? >> erica, we spent about seven years now with a very well organized transition plan for phasing out the shuttle and moving on to the era really excited about president obama is allowing us to do. we hope to fly the first commercial cargo missions early next year. they will be american-made rockets flying cargo to the international space station and we are already starting to work with commercial entities hoping to release a request for
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proposal on commercial contracts to take crude to orbit and told maybe three years after we let the contract, we will have the capability. >> many, though, see this as a number of astronauts i've spoken to the last few weeks it seems u.s. manned flight is hanging by a thread. mike griffin saying it doesn't seem like good national policy to hitch a ride with the russians. they say the next astronaut goes up may not have a nasa badge on. is it still an american space program if it's working out that way? >> it might. american astronauts will continue to operate on the international space station at least through 2020. we are certifying the station we can operate that if what our international partners choose. >> what happens at the end of the mission? what is the future for nasa and so many folks employed by the shuttle program? >> as soon as we safely get "atlantis" back on the ground, the focus at the kennedy space
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center will turn their attention to completing the launch pad and other facilities. we are trying to make the center ready for any commercial entities that will want to come here. we are talking to some of them about processing their vehicles here. about doing some tests here. so the future is actually bright. we are in a lull now, but we will come back. >> some ideas out there. doesn't sound like it's real concrete. on personal level as a former astronaut, four different missions as you watch this launch and this mission how will it be different for you? >> i'm hoping it will not be different. my post will be in the launch control where i usually am for launches and watching data like everybody else. i've asked the team to stay focused and if i will be their leader i need to be focused also. when we hear "atlantis" safely on the deck when i hear wheels stop it's like any other mission for me hopefully. >> charles bolden, thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. still to come, thousands of airline pilots spent hours getting to work and the concern is that all of that time is
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actually making them a little too sleepy to fly. what is being done to make sure your flight is safe? we will take a look. a disturbing new claim out. al qaeda wants to target airplanes by surgically implanting bombs inside the bodies of terrorists. that story will be coming up here on "the early show" on cbs. s working with today's va i can use my license anywhere in the u.s. in the city or the wide open spaces it's amazing how you can grow as a doctor a nurse a pharmacist you grow as a person it's the quality of care our veterans deserve this is what i'm called to do.
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coming up, one of the hidden dangers in the aviation industry, that is sleepy pilots. a new reports finds a one in five chance that the pilot on your next flight traveled hours by plane just to get to work. >> pilot fatigue was an issue in the plane crash that killed 50 people near buffalo, new york, three years ago. what's being done to make sure pilots get enough rest before you fly. we'll tackle that issue on the "the early show" in a couple of moments. we'll be right back here on cbs. >> this weather report sponsored
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get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along. more violence on the de-anza trail in the east bay.. a man was found shot in th 7:25. time for some news headlines. i'm frank mallicoat. more violence on that de anza trail of the east bay. a man was found shot in the head on the path of pittsburg last night. he is in the hospital this morning. it is the third violent incident on the trail since may. no word on a water main break in the east bay and when it will be repaired. they had to shut off water to about 100 homes in lafayette overnight. it happened on the main drag of mount diablo at village center. crews have been using a jackhammer to find the source of the break. they are still working on it right now. and more coast guard help in the search for 7 fishermen lost in the sea of cortez. a coast guard c-130 flying out of sacramento this morning. the mexican navy is coordinating the search and rescue effort that includes that c-130 crew.
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the planes have searched hundreds of square miles in the last few days but haven't found any of the missing men. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us. ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. we have big problems coming into san francisco. a traffic alert in effect. a viewer snapped this photo of what's going on. this is a picture taken eastbound 80 right there approaching the 7th street ramp. you can see that it's a big rig
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that lost its load. this is a double wide modular office trailer. so unfortunately, traffic is just squeezing by still in the one lane. let's go to our maps to show you where the backups extend to. it is backing up on northbound 101 to at least silver avenue. unfortunately, these delays are growing. if you are heading towards the lower deck of the bay bridge, expect a lot of heavy traffic out there right now. in the meantime, just trying to get into downtown san francisco is slow so use the 280 extension at least a better alternate in the meantime because it sounds like this traffic alert is going to be in effect for a while. let's get a check of weather with lawrence. >> i think the weather is looking better than traffic today. some patchy fog out there right now and yeah, it's extending into the bay. a sign of cooler temperatures on the way as high pressure weakens allowing for more of the onshore flow and the sea breeze to continue. that will bring down the temperatures in some spots. still going to stay hot inland. low 90s inland, 88 concord, a lot of sunshine inside the bay. patchy fog at the coast with 50s and 60s.
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tomorrow fairly similar but toward the weekend much cooler. ,, ,,,,,,
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just who will fill that void in space with no more shuttle flights? british billionaire richard branson thinks space tourism is the next frontier. this morning el we ale us about his plans to rocket ordinary folks into space. the cost of that experience, oh about 200 grand, but if you can wait a few years he says that price will drop dramatically. welcome back to "the early show" everyone. a lot of dough. >> extra 50 grand extra leg room. if you fly a lot, a new government warning says al qaeda may start putting bombs inside the body of terrorists, creating a threat that can't be detected. a new report on pilot
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fatigue, long commutes to work, thousands of miles may make anthony time served. on tuesday she was found not guilty of killing her daughter, caylee. another meeting between president obama and congressional leaders. republicans are willing to close some tax loopholes for businesses. president obama is looking to cut the deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. a much bigger number than before, double the number before. >> the last shuttle flight may be delayed. nasa says there's a 70% chance of bad weather at the kennedy space center tomorrow when
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"atlantis" was or is scheduled to take off. if it doesn't happen by sunday the launch will be put off for another week. the man who spent 16 years on the fbi's mos boss who was found last month in santa monica pleaded not guilty, charged with 19 killings and racketeering. lawyers for dominique
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there was a chilling new terror warning from the government this morning. >> we've seen terrorists with the shoe bombs, the infamous underwear bomber. now talk of a surgically implanted explosive, cbs news correspondent nancy cordes reports. >> reporter: it sounds like science fiction but law enforcement officials say al qaeda is exploring how to implant a bomb in a human body to try to avoid detection at airports.
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the terror organization even expressed interest in recruiting surgeons. >> the u.s. government has received information, intelligence about terrorist intent to use this type of concealment and this technique to try to carry out plot to blow up planes. >> reporter: al qaeda has tried something similar before, in october of 2009 a suicide bomber traveled to meet a saudi counterterrorism official with a bomb wedged between his buttocks. he was able to clear security, but when the bomb detonated, he was the only one who died. >> the body of the suicide bomber himself actually shielded many of the potential victims in the room, and so i think the science behind this is not exactly well worked out by the terrorists. >> reporter: u.s. officials insist they have no indication of a specific eminent threat. al qaeda's newest approach shows how determined the organization is to place a bomb on a plane. al qaeda's two previous attempts
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ended in failure. the underwear bomber in 2009 and bombs inserted in printer cartridges in 2010. homeland security officials say they are most concerned about international flights bound for the u.s. >> we put out an advisory to inform our foreign partners on steps that they could take in terms of their layers of security. we've also shared that with our u.s. carriers who travel overseas. >> reporter: the tsa say air travelers particularly those headed to the u.s. from abroad can expect nor searches and patdowns in light of the recent warnings. nancy cordes, cbs news, reagan intersena international airport. pilot fatigue is one of the most serious safety issues in the air. >> thousands of airline pilots could be making it worse spending hours just getting to work. john blackstone has that story.
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>> many airline pilots see it as a perk for the job, they can live anywhere they want. the new study by the nationally research council found one in five pilots lives more than 750 miles from their airline base but there's not enough data to know if long commutes leave pilots too fatigued to fly safely. >> it calls for more work to be done and data to be gathered to address the issue. >> reporter: the colgan air crash near buffalo killed 50. the co-pilot had flown overnight from washington to newark where the flight started. the pilot lived in florida. there. >> there are a lot of commuters in this business and that doesn't mean all of these commuters are coming to work fatigued. >> reporter: retired captain mark weiss lived in washington, d.c., but was based in chicago. he'd fly in the day before he went to work. >> i might have to put myself up
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at a hotel in the area, that comes out of my pocket because it's my choice. >> reporter: pilots and flight attendants who have a long commute often use a place like this, they call it a crash pad, an apartment where a dozen or more may sleep before starting duty. this crash pad near san francisco's airport can accommodate as many as 15 with plenty of signs making clear it's a place to rest. in los angeles, pilots sleep in crash pads in rvs in an airport parking lot, but crash pads and commuting are not as much a problem says captain chesley sullenberger as the character itself. >> the industry has changed, our days are longer, we fly more hours per day, we may fly on early schedule one day and late schedule the next. >> reporter: the faa is developing new rules due this summer to fight pilot fatigue. airlines complain giving pilots more time to rest will make flying more expensive. john blackstone, cbs news san
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francisco. >> the national research council says pilots should avoid getting only six hours of sleep before reporting for duty. >> do you ever get six hours of sleep? >> sounds familiar, we're not flying though. >> good thing. up next, trips for tourists. >> richard branson is selling tickets right now, all you need is $200,000. he's going to tell us about his newest business adventure and how he sees that cost dropping dramatically in the next few years. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. the fast absorbing body lotion for moisture that lasts all day with breakthrough 24 hour hydraiq technology. ♪ absorbs in seconds. ♪ lasts for hours. ♪ new express hydration with hydraiq. part of the essentials range. nivea. a hundred years of skincare for life. nivea.
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as the space shuttle program comes to an end, so many people are asking what's next. british business tycoon richard branson has one answer, planning the world's first commercial space tourism service. mark strassman sat down with the virgin group's ceo to get the details. >> reporter: as one era ends and the aging shuttle fleet retires, a new opportunity begins, private space travel. >> release, release, release. >> reporter: space tourism as a
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business for someone bold enough to jump at it. >> going to be the beginning of a whole new era of spaceship travel which will bring spaceship travel to reality for thousands of people rather than just a few hundred. >> reporter: in 1990, sir richard branson, the british billionaire and adventurer registered the name virgin galactic after his innovative and successful career in traditional airlines as well as telecommunications and music, branson's now setting out to conquer the final frontier and realize a lifelong dream. when did your fascination or interest in space begin? >> the moon landing, i was quite young. >> it's one small step for man -- >> it's one of those momentous moments in your life. >> one giant leap for mankind. >> i was sure i was going to go to the moon sometime soon thereafter, and the years rolled
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by and it soon became apparent that nasa hadn't really got a big interest in sending you or me or joe public up into space, and so i was determined to do something about it. >> reporter: and in 2004 his determination paid off. burt rutan of scaled composites, the company contracted to virgin galactic built the first private space manned vehicle, and flew it successfully into space. today, rutan is now contracted to build five spaceship twos for virgin galactic. >> you can see some widgets up on the top which is a technical term, widgets. >> reporter: matt stinemetze is the program manager in charge. >> brings back the glory days of aviation when people are doing new and bizarre stuff. >> reporter: that new stuff is
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new technology that allows the spaceship to re-enter the atmosphere safely. >> imagine a spaceship that can travel at 3.5 times the speed of sound but fold itself in half. the wing articulates upwards and what that does is sets the vehicle up for safe re-entry. >> reporter: the wing feathering design propelled branson to believe he had built a safe enough vehicle to book seats into space but for most people the cost to fly still makes space travel just a dream. $200,000 a seat, and yet already virgin galactic has banked more than $55 million in reservations. six passengers at a time will board the private set sized spaceship attached to the mother ship. together, they'll climb to 60,000 feet where the spaceship will be dropped and a rocket will launch it into space, travel three times the speed of sound. within minutes, the roller
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coaster sensation will end, and everything will be silent, and weightless. >> once into space they'll unbuckle, they'll float around, they'll look through these giant windows, look back at the earth, and they'll have the biggest grin on their faces. >> reporter: brian binny has had the spaceship firsthand. seven years ago he piloted spaceship one into space. >> you have the thin blue electric ribbon of light, all yours for the taking, it's, wow! >> reporter: it's an experience branson himself is eager for. >> i have to pinch myself to realize we built a spaceship we plan to go up in, in a year's time, something which i could only have dreamt of when i saw the moon landing years and years ago. >> reporter: mark strassmann, cbs news, mojave, california.
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>> branson believes the price of a ticket to space will drop to $25,000 in 15 years and commercial space travel will one day be as routine as a transatlantic airline flight. we'll be right back, you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ have a better day [ male announcer ] only subway has a deal this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. [ moos ] a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. [ clucks ] build a breakfast of epic proportions, like the crispalicious bacon, egg, & cheese
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with everything from juicy tomatoes to zesty jalapenos, for a delicious way to start your day. the new subway $3 flatbread breakfast combo. build your better breakfast today. but they'd rather they disappear.
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mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass but magically looks and tastes just like the fruit juice kids already love. mott's medleys. invisible vegetables. magical taste. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. ♪ we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's a network of connections and ideas... open and collaborative... extending far beyond the mobile phone. connecting you to a world of intelligent new devices and technologies. from today's best innovators... and tomorrow's. ♪
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it's the at&t network... a network of possibilities... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪ just ahead this morning, signs of new life in these budget talks they've been talking about for months. congressional leaders are headed to the white house where they'll meet with president owe what. >> we'll ask eric cantor this morning about surprises waiting in the wings. this is the "the early show" on cbs. not even the end of the world will make you put it down. get it before it's gone. and see "transformers: dark of the moon" now in theaters. captain. unidentified object. it's a cascade complete pac.
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police this morning say they've arrested a suspect... in the theft of a picasso drawing in in the headlines, police this morning say they have arrested a suspect in that theft of a picasso drawing in san francisco. investigators plan to reveal details during a news conference at 10:00 this morning oakland police officers association will announce this afternoon the result of a vote on a new contract agreement. the deal would have officers make more concessions like contributing extra money to their pension funds. the city is counting ton to help reduce its budget deficit. santa clara county's largest reservoir is a bit stronger than earlier believed. anderson reservoir has been kept below 57% of capacity all out of concern it can't withstand a major earthquake. the valley water district says there is still reason for concern but new research leads them to believe anderson is much stronger and should handle
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water up to 68% of its capacity. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. we have huge backups right now heading into san francisco. if you are coming up northbound 101 and heading towards eastbound 80 -- [ no microphone
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>> eastbound 80 approaching 7th street towards the lower deck of the bay bridge. traffic alert in effect. only one lane is getting by there. unfortunately, our backups continue to grow on 101 and 280 now. so the backups on 101 extend all the way out towards candlestick park and northbound 280 which was our alternate is now backing up toward mariposa. no word when they will clear the load because it lost a modular home it was carrying. that's a traffic. here's lawrence. >> elizabeth, we have patchy fog around the bay area today and that is extended into the bay. but still looking great in the valleys. that's where you will find that sunshine and the warmer temperatures today. still hot in spots inland today but much cooler than it has been over the past couple of days. expect a high of 91 degrees today in livermore, 88 in concord, some 70s and 80s around the bay and 50s and 60s with patchy fog at the coast. looks like temperatures will pause just a bit toward friday. more cooling over the weekend with more low clouds and fog
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well into next week. ,, ,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show" here on a thursday morning. it is 7/7/11, open 24 hours. i'm chris wragge along with erica hill. a huge amount of the strategic oil reserve was recently released. but what difference did it make? 30 million barrels were released, but how is that impacting your fill-up. we'll look at any impact just ahead. first, the latest on the debt ceiling stalemate. president obama meets with on depressional leaders to work on budget cuts. he'll offer changes in social security benefits. eric cantor said on wednesday he's open to closing loopholes
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as part of the final deal. he is joining us live this morning. good to have you with us. >> good morning. >> there's been a fair amount of movement over the last 24 hours. we mentioned the president putting social security potentially medicare changes on the table. you have said you're open to looking at some of the loopholes and both sides seem open to raising these cuts to $4 trillion. with all of that, do you believe we could get a compromise and even a deal today? >> well, i'm hopeful that we can resolve the issues that come between us as quickly as possible. because erika, as you know, too many people are out of work in this economy, and the fact is that our economy needs to get a signal from washington that we are going to begin to manage down the debt deficit in this country and that's what today's meeting at the white house is about. >> are tax loopholes the only compromise you're willing to bring to the table or is there something more? >> for the last six or seven weeks we've had several discussions ongoing about how we actually address this problem, and the core of the issue is the country is spending entirely too
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much money, it's borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spends. we can't afford to do that just like people around the kitchen tables and small businesses can't afford to do it. so how are we going to address that situation, and that's first and foremost. we put together a package of trillions of dollars of savings. i believe that both sides can come together to begin to embrace those savings and manage down the debt deficit and in return the president has asked us to increase the debt limit of this country. so, again, i hope that we can do this and we can begin to focus again on how people get back to work. i know, erica, people in my hometown of richmond are very anxious about this economy and are looking to see how we can get back to a growth-oriented picture. >> people are also anxious for lawmakers in washington, this includes both parties to get this done. they have listened to this issue for weeks, actually months at this point. tell me specifically, is there anything else, yes or no, that you're willing to bring to the table this morning? >> as we said yesterday, it's imimportant for us to focus on
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the real issue here, and those are not some of the corporate loopholes or preferences that exist in the tax code. all of us agree we need to simplify the tax code, we need to lower rates, because that's what helps create middle-class jobs. and it is about finding areas where we can agree and set aside the differences and hopefully that will be the spirit of the meeting today at the white house. >> there's been so much talk over the last couple of months as we have looked at this issue of the debt ceiling and the approaching deadline, talk about if the u.s. were to default, if you come to a compromise that may not happen, but there is any concern in washington that the reputation of the country might be damaged by so much laundry out there. politicking on both sides, bickering, talk about how we may not be able to pay our bills. is that hurting the standing already? >> i think the country has a long history of active public discourse, going back to the very founders of this country.
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i come from a district where james madison first represented us in virginia, so it's clear that even then there was spirited debate. what i do think, though, is most americans then and now believe that the country should pay its bills just as they're expected to do at home. and with that, i believe that we can come together, we can find ways to cut spending, to get our fiscal house in order so we can begin to grow the economy begin and people can get back to work. this meeting is obviously between party leaders. is there any concern, because we've seen a little bit of a shift in the republican party, as to whether or not you'll be able to sell this final compromise, thinking confidently here, to the rest of your party? >> listen, i don't think any of us relish the notion that somehow we've been sent here to do just this. we relish the notion that this is a huge privilege to represent the people of our districts and
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what they're expecting is for us to begin to get the fiscal house in order here in washington. i do think that there will be a spirit of trying to get results here so that the people that elect us can regain their confidence that they've got a federal government that understands its limited role, but can provide the environment for entrepreneurs and small businesses to begin to create middle-class jobs again. >> we will be watching. we appreciate your time this morning, house majority leader eric cantor, thank you. >> thank you. now here's chris. >> erica thank you. two weeks ago the white house announced a release of 30 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. the idea was to force oil prices down but today the price of crude is higher and cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to tell us why and what it means for gas prices. rebecca, good morning. >> good morning. >> government hasn't done this since katrina back in 2005. what has this done for gas prices? >> this is really the problem because dipping into the strategic petroleum reserve hasn't created the oomph for american consumers they were
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initially looking for. gasoline prices at the pump dropped about a nickel. now all of a sudden you see them going back up, climbing again and that is a problem as far as keeping prices lower. the whole idea behind this was we'll take some out of the strategic petroleum reserve and push prices down. now they are going back up again. >> let's talk about driving habits for americans now. the current average is $3.58, it is still way up. >> still more than 80 cents higher than it was last year. that's a problem as well. but americans are dealing with that in an interesting way. they are cutting back on their own driving for 15 straight weeks mastercard spending data polls show american consumers have cut back on their gasoline consumption. so we have seen demands drop in light of the higher prices. >> okay. so demand is coming down then why are the prices continuing to still be on the rise? >> when you look at what we did when we withdrew from the str, it was really just a drop in the bucket. the entire strategic petroleum reserve has 727 million barrels
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of oil in it. we withdrew 30 million barrels. we are withdrawing 30 million barrels over the next month. what happened, though, is that the 30 million barrels is just a drop in the bucket when you consider how much oil we use on a daily basis in this country, it is 18 million barrels. if you think about that number, it really only gets us by for a day and a half. >> most people don't realize that china, not the u.s., is the leading consumer of oil. their gas consumption, how is that affecting -- is that affecting the way we are at the pump? >> it is having a huge impact. it is one of the major factor that is drives the price of what we pay here in the united states at the pump. china consumes about 20.3% of all the world's energy in the united states consuming 19%. they are a much bigger energy consumer. they are growing in the chinese economy. they are growing so fast that they're consuming more, and that's driving up the price of oil here. >> okay, big picture right here, the people at home want to know what's it going to do to our pumps here and the gas prices
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here. will it bring any relief? >> in china they are concerned about growing too fast. they are taking steps five times in the last eight months to cool their economy. something called increasing their interest rates there. they have done that to cool the economy, and the hope is by doing so they will actually soften some of the demand there for oil and in return we'll be paying a little bit less at the pump by the end of the summer. >> last question for you, market impact here. >> what you see is when oil prices go up, and this is interesting, when oil prices go up, our markets tend to go higher because oil helps companies like exxonmobile, which are big major companies to trade here. you can still pay more at the pump and feel the pinch of the consumer, but the oil companies are doing better when the oil prices go high. >> rebecca jarvis, thank you. now we'll go to chris with a check on the headlines this
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morning. we are live outside the courthouse in orlando with details on this morning's sentencing of casey anthony. kara, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jeff. folks continue to linger here outside the courthouse. there's a huge show of force by law enforcement and so far things are much calmer than they were on verdict day. one big reason for that is the fact that most of these people agree with the judge's decision to give casey anthony the maximum four-year sentence that he could give her for those four misdemeanor charges. of course, he could have released her for time already served today, but instead giving her that maximum sentence in the courtroom. casey anthony entered with a smile on her face. she looked relaxed, but when she left the courtroom, she looked downtrodd downtrodden. she has to serve four years. exactly how much more time she spends in jail will be determined by several factors. one, time already served. two, good behavior. he has been a model prisoner, so
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we'll wait to find out exactly how much time she will spend in jail. also, in that courtroom today, cindy and george anthony, casey anthony's parents, this is a family divide. they have not spoken to casey anthony since 2008. now we will see what happens from here. >> all right, kara, you'll be watching from orlando. thank you very much. here's scott now with a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> before the astronauts rocket into space, they get together with a team of high he-trained elevator operators. find out the rest tonight on "the cbs evening news." now over to maddie castro were for a look at the weather. >> the southeast is pretty warm and humid. we'll see a few pop-up showers throughout the day. we are keeping all eyes on cape canaveral with a 70% chance of rain tomorrow, which will likely
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affect the final shuttle launch. the northeast starts to clear up nicely around the great lakes where it will be dry and warm. we'll see a coastal storm in upstate new york and into northern new england. but let's take a look at the pacific northwest. we have a coastal storm system coming through on the
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this weather report sponsored by benefiber, a better you from the inside out, that's the beauty of benefiber. >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. here's erica. >> mary, thanks. just ahead, can kids still dream of becoming an astronaut, when there's no more space shuttle? for that answer wee thought we'd go right to the source, we're taking you to space camp, along with us where that dream is still very much alive. stay with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. is clearly different. benefiber. it's the easy way to get more fiber everyday. that's the beauty of benefiber.
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it's the easy way to get more fiber everyday. [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] whoa! man: what is that? i don't know, but it burns! it's like fire. woman: ow, ow! i can't see. man: it's singeing me! it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos. pair a texas toast half sandwich with fries and super salad every weekday. ♪ chili's lunch break combos ♪ [ female announcer ] we all want cleaner laundry. we all want a world with fewer chemicals. we all want the best of both worlds. introducing all free clear oxi-active. a powerful new detergent without dyes or perfumes
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space shuttle program can you still say i want to be an astronaut when i grow up? we thought we'd ask the next generation. we went to huntsville, alabama, to meet a group of space campers who still have plenty of stars in their eyes. >> apu prestart. >> reporter: america's future space explorers, hard at work on a summer's day. eagerly playing the part of mission specialists. >> orbiter. >> reporter: engineers, and yes, astronauts. okay so first thing we have to know, who wants to be an astronaut. lucky for these kids, they can test all the possibilities here at space camp. >> bunny hop. >> reporter: everything from building and launching rockets. >> you can find the center of gravity. >> reporter: to trying their hand at a space walk to that ordinary worldly feeling of weightlessness. >> no matter how many times you do them you never get tired of making your body going to all
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sorts of angles. >> reporter: more than half a million have experienced space camp since its launch in 1982. it's nearly as old as the shuttle program. >> first space shuttle. >> reporter: which was clearly its inspiration. >> panel c2 shoulden on your keypad. >> reporter: from the moment you arrive on campus the shuttle is everywhere, even part of the logo. so what happens when there is no more shuttle? was there ever a moment you thought, but that's whey wanted to do. how could they end this program? >> i was a little disappointed but you know, space is never going to stop being explored. >> people will be forced to come up with new technology, come up with new ways to explore space and maybe that will spark creativity and end up with new, improved and better ways than the shuttle to get what we want to get done. >> it's going to be the beginning of another way of getting there. >> reporter: retired navy captain and astronaut robert
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hoot gibson inspired missions. he is a regular visitor to space camps and counting on the kids. >> reporter: does it give you hopes for the space program to see the excitement and energy? >> it does but not erica just for the space program, for the idea of technology. i tell young people okay, maybe the space shuttle is going to stop flying. we are still going to need you to be astronauts in the future, because we are always going to need astronauts. so don't give up on that dream. >> reporter: a message these campers hear loud and clear. >> high fives all around. >> to a lot of people space seems like an abtract idea, rockets and stars and all that type of stuff but you no he what? once you come here you're like oh, wow, there's all sorts of stuff that you can do in space. it's not just astronauts. >> flight director, where are you? >> right here. >> you are the boss lady of the
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mission. most of them probably won't get to be astronauts. they'll just get to be scientists, they'll just get to be physicists. they'll be astro physicists a stron mer stron mers, engineers. >> reporter: as these campers watch "atlantis" and the shuttle program, launch for the last time, they'll be listening a bit more closely. and maybe even planning the future mission of their own. >> with all the changes going on, programs ending, new opportunities to open up going to mars and all that, you know it's really interesting to see where we're going to be heading next. >> a lot of positivity and excitement for the future among those kids. all 50 states have been represented at space camp, 40 countries. so far one graduate of the space camp program that's made it into space, dottie metcalf-lindenburger flew to space on the shuttle last year and quite an inspiration for a lot of kids.
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it's so itchy. thou art not funny. [ fife and drum corps plays ]
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a live picture of the kennedy space camp. the other? 30% chance -- >> it will. >> florida expects to lose some 9,000 jobs not just inxd nasa b other areas like souvenir shops and restaurants in the area. >> we're going to talk to some folks as to what wha their plans are, what will they do? will they have to go somewhere else to find new jobs? florida senator marco rubio will tell us what's been done to help them. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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an elderly woman is dead after a what appears to be a freak accident with a sk it is 8:25 time. i'm anne makovec. an elderly woman is dead after what appears to be a freak accident with a skateboarder. police say a 17-year-old was riding down a hill in capitola on a skateboard when he hit and killed the 83-year-old woman. today a state assembly committee will consider a bill that will ban capital punishment in california. the state has only had 13 execution since the death penalty was reinstated 33 years ago. that's because of the long expensive legal procedures required. today a bridge district committee will vote on a proposal to install all electronic tolling on the golden gate bridge. other payment options would include license plate invoices and having drivers pay at a different retail location. >> traffic and weather coming up next. ,,,,,,
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i tell ya, i work a long day, every day.
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i hang my head out the window. oh man, we're delivering everything you can think of: plywood, cement. i, i enjoy the breeze on my tongue. well uh, and every weekend, seems like we're headin' down to the lake. we're pullin' a boat or somethin'. i don't know why. i just do. it's not a problem. i don't mind as long as we always stop at chevron and get that techron stuff. my ears flop around too. check it out. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. it's hard work; i need a nap. good morning. a major problem heading into san francisco. this is a picture taken by a viewer a little while ago. you're looking at eastbound 80 between 101 and 7th street. we have a big rig that lost its load as you can see there. that trailer is still blocking
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two lanes. we understand just within the last 10 or 15 minutes, a tow crew has arrived on scene. but let's go to our maps so we can show you the delays. unfortunately, they are continuing to grow at this hour. northbound 101, 280 we were telling people is the alternate is pretty jammed from at least cesar chavez. that's our biggest hotspot. we are also tracking one along the peninsula northbound 101 approaching rangesdorf avenue. the accident cleared off the shoulder but check the slow traffic for your right on the peninsula. that is your traffic. for hopefully better news for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> yeah. not as many hot spots around the bay area and i think that's probably good news as we are cooling the temperature down a bit overlooking the financial district in san francisco. we have some patchy fog out at the bay, cooler temperatures on the way 280 still a few low 90s inland, 70s and out at the bay, 50s and 60s at the coast. cooler temperatures toward the weekend and well into next week. ,,,,,,,,
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we saw traditional july 4th celebrations, this wasn't one of them if you were barbecuing watching fireworks. what a way to spend your fourth skiing. this was in utah, winter record snowfall, more than 65 feet, the longest skiing season ever. of course you can go to the lake. hit the slopes, then the water, for a little bit more. the snow was doing a lot pour water sports lover this is spring and fall, that was lake meade in nevada. >> snowskiing and jet skiing. nasa prepares for the shuttle launch. we'll talk to senator marco
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rubio about the impact space exploration has on his home state and what can take place for the thousands of jobs that will go away, lots of suf sneers, t-shirt shop, and restaurants. >> and number of areas around the area, we'll focus on florida. when a member of the military is killed during wartime the president often sends a family the letter of condolence, that didn't apply to families of soldiers who committed suicide. >> now after a story last week a story by elaine quijano joins us with more. >> good morning. the president made the change in the condolence letter policy to remove the stigma associated with one of the unseen wounds of war, suicide. in a written statement, the president said "this issue is emotional, painful and complicated but these americans served our nation bravely.
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they didn't die because they were weak, and the fact that they didn't get the help they needed must change." iraq and afghanistan veterans of america, which has been advocating for more mental health programs for veterans called the president's action long overdue. >> i think symbolically it is very big. symbolically it is a public acknowledgment that a lot of these issues, these invisible injuries that service members are dealing with we need to take more seriously. >> chance was not trying to seek honor nor being a coward. >> reporter: greg and janet keasling have been fighting for the tolecy change since 2009, the year their 25-year-old son chance killed himself on his second tour in iraq. they say acknowledgment from the president gives them some comfort. >> he was a good soldier, and so i think that's the part that i want to know that the country appreciates, that he fought, he did everything he was asked to
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do. >> there are still military families who will not be receiving condolence letters. the policy change does not include service members who commit suicide or die in training accidents in the united states. >> interesting development, thanks for staying on that. elaine quijano with us this morning. >> jeff glor with one more look at the other headline this is morning. good morning. >> good morning to everyone at home. congressional leaders meet with president owe ba this ma this morning in talking about trying to raise the nation's debt limit. the president says cuts in social security are on the table now and republicans appear willing to close some tax loopholes for businesses. at a twitter town hall yesterday president obama said the debt ay was found not guilty of killing her daughter, caylee. britain's royal newlyweds
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prince william and kate are inical gory, last stop on their nine-day trip to canada. yesterday they visited a town devastated by a wildfire in may. tomorrow they'll visit a stampede and rodeo. thousands of harry potter fans are camped out in lon do, thousands in trafalgar square some since monday waiting for tonight's premiere of the last movie in the series "harry potter -- dgs excuse me miss hill? >> i got excited, forgot my house was on. i thought it was dobbie -- >> dobbie? >> i love my harry potter. >> "harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2" comes out friday. >> i don't know from harry potter, but that's all that matters.
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>> final look at today's weather, the focus is the central plains, another storm system is on its way. springfield you get the bulk of it, looking at gusty winds that could reach 70 miles per hour, also looking at
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thanks so much. that's your latest weather. it has been quite a year of weather out west. marysol covered the record-breaking snow. even in the summer that turns out conditions to be ideal for skiing, whether you like to ski in the snow or on the water. cbs news correspondent john blackstone reports. >> reporter: utah's trademark motto is the greatest snow on earth but this year the state has been bragging about some of the latest snow on earth. >> never seen it in july before. >> reporter: at utah's snowbird resort the ski season that stretched to the fourth of july this year is the longest on record here, it provided a unique opportunity to enjoy a winter sport on a summer day. >> we're comfortable.
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>> yeah. like i run in july. >> i'm thinking about taking the shirt off it's so hot. >> reporter: the chance to ski in july was the payoff for enduring a brutally long winter not only in utah but throughout most of the mountain west, in california, sierra, nevada the snowbanks were still so high in june it looked like january. in utah, more than 65 feet of snow fell this winter at snowbird, a record for the resort. >> i think the ski industries are dependent on mother nature and she treated us to a year full of powder and such good snow. >> reporter: that good snow was getting a bit slushy by this week but for skiers in t-shirts and shorts the changing mountain scenery was part of the thrill. >> crazy. i'm used to seeing snow everywhere. there's green trees, waterfalls, stream as high as it's ever been. >> reporter: not just skiers who are happy. this is putting smiles on faces
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hundreds of miles away from here. all this snow becomes a whole lot of water, which is great news here at lake meade, america's largest reservoir near las vegas. >> this year we're going up quite quickly. >> reporter: for gail kaiser, it's a refreshing change after more than a decade of drought that left plague meade with half the water it once held. >> this is where i used to play here, way back in these koefz and tho coves and the coves are not there anywhere. >> reporter: the whitewater is how high the level once was. the marina had to be moved again and again to keep boats in the receding water. >> sad when you're watching it go down and down, and then with the change, it's like such a drastic change to be going up so fast. >> reporter: for water lovers, lake meade is a recreational
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place in the nevada dezered, last fall it reached its lowest levels ever. the long southwestern drought began stirring worries the days of water sports could be numbered. >> the high is much better than low, that's right. we have more beaches when it's high, so more places to go. >> reporter: lake meade created by the hoover dam is more important than boating. a major component of the colorado river system which supplies drinking water to 20 million people including residents of the southwest's biggest cities, phoenix, los angeles and las vegas but authorities aren't ready to declare the long drought ever. >> we have an extra year to see what happens next year and that's really all it is. if we get another bad year next year we'll be right back where we started from. >> reporter: once all the runoff from the melting mountain snow reaches lake meade the water level will only be 56% of capacity but at least boaters can say the lake is now half full instead of half empty.
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and up at snowbird, ski season officially ended this week, back country skiers are still welcome to try the slopes at their own risk at the mountains and on the water it's a season to remember. john blackstone, cbs news, lake meade, nevada. >> here's chris. >> thank you. an estimated 9,000 jobs in florida will be lost, when nasa space shuttle program ends this morning. kelly koebbe yay latalked to residents of titusville, florida. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. those jobs you mentioned add about $600 million in wages into the local economy into cities like titusville. a lot of that money is going away, a big hit at a bad time. florida's space coast has seen better days. people are losing their homes to foreclosure and businesses to a bad economy. and now this. >> when the smoke clears, i'm
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out of here. >> reporter: travis thompson is one of nearly 3,000 shuttle workers who will soon be unemployed. he's part of the close-out crew getting the astronauts ready to launch for the past 28 years. >> my job is to put astronauts into spaceships, and america's not going to be doing that for a little while so i need to find some work. >> they estimate for every job lost on the space side we'll lose two jobs in the city so it's a big ripple effect. >> reporter: rob summers is already feeling it. summers owns a tee shirt printing shop in titusville. nasa is his best customer. >> it's driving my business right now. >> reporter: percentage wise? >> probably close to 50%. >> reporter: orders from other companies have dried up. summers lost his home to foreclosure last year. he's hoping to save his company by taking it online. >> if you drive down the street down the main thoroughfares in titusville it's not usually to see a third of the business
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empty. look at the malls. we don't have a mall anymore. >> reporter: are you worried? >> absolutely. i think everybody in this community is very worried. >> reporter: when the apollo program ended in the 1970s, titusville became a ghost town. the shuttle program brought it back to life but it's no longer the only industry in town. th lauril le e thompson's family opened the dixie lee restaurant in 1983, the year the shuttle "challenger" took its first flight. >> remember, this is not the end of the space program. >> reporter: today thompson employees 120 people, her restaurant seats nearly 500, and tourists are her mainstay. >> the overall economy and gas prices have affected business here at our restaurant worse than the shuttle layoffs. >> reporter: these shuttle layoffs have come in phases over the past two years so it's not one big hit. the final layoffs will happen
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after the shuttle "atlantis" mission is over. no doubt there will be a knock-off effect. the question is how big will the fallout be and chris, that's what has a lot of people worried, the unknown. >> yen' they should be worried by the looks of it. kelly cobiella at the space center, thank you. the concern over the economic impact on florida stretches to capitol hill where senator marco rubio joins us now. good morning. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> 2009 nasa spent $2 billion. the loss of the program is having a huge impact. what can be done to minimize the effect. what do you tell people in titusville to say hang in there? >> telly's piece outlines the impact in florida and the space shuttle program is critically important for the state and important for the country. there's a national security component to the space program and economic and commercial applications developed in space
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so i think the impact of it will be felt across the country including in texas and other parts of the country where there are contractors and here's what i tell people back home displaced by this. the sooner we can get a replacement program in place the better. right now we don't have anything to replace the shuttle and that's why these folks are hurting. >> the manned space flight is vital to u.s. interests. how big of a concern is this for you, the fact there is no next step right now? >> i think we should all be concerned. from now on we have to pay the russians $50 million an astronaut to send americans to the space station and we have no plans to have anything in place to replace the shuttle any time before 2016. for washington to be ashamed it took so long to deal with this and something's not in place but it's important for america moving forward because china, india are investing heavily in their space programs we cannot afford as americans to lose space supremacy. >> we talked about richard branson and virgin galactic.
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are private companies the next best option for u.s. manned sprays flight? >> they'll have a role in lower but the real big gains going places we haven't been before that has to be a function of nasa. the commercial aspects you've outlined that will absorb some losses and that's a positive development, something we should encourage but reaching out there and doing things we haven't done before that falls on nasa and rightfully so. >> i want to ask you about the debt ceiling, the president talking about a massive $4 trillion cut to the deficit, we've reported this morning the democrats have agreed to cut into some entitlements, republicans have agreed to closing some loopholes, representative cantor was on the program with us this morning, do you feel that a deal is eminent with the new plans on the table? >> i don't know about eminent. i don't want to exaggerate but i'm hopeful there's progress. the outlines of the deal have involve the control of spending and the economy and one of the
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ways to grow the economy is tax reform not tax increases but things in the tax code are broken and wrong and don't make any sense. let's reform the things and flatten the tax code so it's fair and lower for everybody. that will help our economy grow and create more taxpayers and generate more revenue to pay down the debt. >> senator, thank you for taking the time with us. we appreciate it. 81 countries, one big brother, and we're going to show you how the reality show franchise is pulling in big ratings all over the ,, sure, pulling the mold, mildew, and grime from out of the porous caverns of grout takes the right tools, but it also takes a gentle, caring touch. before you can deep clean, you learn to get a feel for its trouble spots. and hey, if you can't listen to grout,
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you've been waiting for "big brother" kicks off a new season on cbs, season number 13, which puts it in a rare breed of shows that survive over time, the appeal isn't just here in the u.s. "big brother" is a global phenomenon. in dozens of countries, turned out the game is as varied as the language. here's national correspondent ben tracy.
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>> if you ever talked to any man like this in this house, no, because you're a punk. >> reporter: if you think it's just an american show, think again. various variations, are worldwide. >> welcome to "big brother. jgs. >> "big brother" has 19 different versions. global phenomenon doesn't get bigger than that. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: from italy to israel. to germany. every edition of "big brother" follows the same basic game plan, a house full of strangers with diverse personalities are pulled from the entire spectrum of society, locked away for months on end, the volatile mix
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guarantees tears, trials and triumphs. week by week house guests are eliminated until one winner remains taking home between $100,000 and $500,000 cash. >> very early stages of brainstorming about "big brother" we often had the discussion how interesting can it be to put ten people in a house and just watch what they're doing. and in the end it turned out to be a major success and very compelling to watch people. >> reporter: 11 years ago "big brother's" first u.s. season followed the international model but the format that worked everywhere else did not work here. >> hi, i'm julie chen. >> when we first started the show we did it by the book, which is we had america vote on who they wanted to stay in and who they wanted to kick out. and i found out that americans we don't like conflict. americans voted out the most interesting players in the game. it was put to us ultimately to
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decide how do we make this interesting for an american audience and we really had to take the power of the weekly vote out of the viewers' hands in order to do that. >> the winner of "big brother" is -- congratulations hayden. >> reporter: now in the u.s. the house guests themselves vote to determine who will win the half million dollar prize. >> i voted for you baby, congratulations. >> reporter: but that's not the only difference between the u.s. and foreign versions of "big brother." >> the funny thing about the foreign version it's almost like a game within the game, how soon will it be how soon before they jump into bed with each other. >> it took us four years of this show until we had sex in the "big brother" house because we are more conservative as americans. not that i'm saying there should be sex in the "big brother" house i will say in the uk, netherlands in italy, strangers
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were having sex like three days in. >> free love! >> reporter: ultimately the show's creators say big brother's international success goes beyond mere sex appeal. >> it's not about swearing and nudity and not about sex, it's about all the relationships inside the house. >> reporter: and it's safe to say the whole world is watching. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> that new season of "big brother" premieres tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central here on cbs. >> three days, fumigate some of those -- >> talk about not wasting any time. >> if you incorporate alcohol in a hot tub, put cameras on. >> they forget the cameras are on them in three seconds flat. >> yes. >> yes they do, the way they comport themselves. >> they forget. >> you never forget. >> well, i operate as though a camera is always on me. >> wise move, pretend your
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microphone is always on. >> one never knows. >> have a great day everyone. see you here tomorrow. your local news is next,,,,,,,,,
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headlines... officers have arrested one person in connection with a picasso theft in san francisco. we'll find out more about the suspect when p i'm anne makovec with your cbs5 headlines. officers have arrested one person in connection with a picasso theft in san francisco. we'll find out more about that suspect when police update about an hour from now. cal train is taking steps to curb the number of sue sides on its tracks. they are expected to award a contract to a company that is going to put about 70 cameras on the trains. it will be covered by a state bond. the coast guard search for 7 missing fishermen in the sea of correspondence texas ac-130 throughout of sacramento this morning. the planes have searched hundreds of square miles in just the last few days. traffic and weather coming up next. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. some big issues coming in to san francisco. at least the peninsula. traffic, if you're just continuing in, eastbound 80, a big rig lost its load. toe crews are out there
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clearing it's but this has been going on from 6:30 this morning, the backups are pretty extensive. 2820 pretty much a jam to 19th have a and 101 a solid jam from at least candlestick park and those continue to grow. a bright spot in the morning has been the bay bridge toll plaza. usually our busiest spot. not the case this morning. pretty much delay free heading into san francisco from the east bay. that is your traffic. for an update on your forecast here is morris. >> all right. you can see fog in some of those traffic shots, fog the story in the next few days, low clouds, and along the shoreline and beaches, going to hang out on the coastline the better part of the day. that will keep you cool out at the beach, 50eds to 60s here, temperatures coming down, hot spot, we could see 90s, 88 in concord, 70s and 80s around the bay. a pause in cooling, cooler temperatures on the way, more fog should be rolling in too.
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those temperatures will likely continue to cool right toward the middle of next week. . i, i enjoy the breeze on my tongue. well uh, and every weekend, seke we're headin' down to the lake. we're pullin' a boat or somethin'. i don't know why. i just do. it's not a problem. i don't mind as long as we always stop at chevron and get that techron stuff. my ears flop around too. check it out. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. it's hard work; i need a nap.


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