tv The Early Show CBS July 9, 2011 5:00am-7:00am PDT
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good morning. trailblazer, former first lady betty ford whose openness about her addictions and breast cancer has died at the age of 93. help wanted, employers added only 18,000 jobs in june. the unemployment rate climbed to 9.2%, so why aren't companies hiring, even with the stock market rising? we'll dig inside the numbers and have a special "early show" jobs summit with advice on how to find work in this tough economy. damage control, rupert murdoch, the observer of the "wall street journal" and fox news travels to london today to take control of the hacking
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scandal surrounding his london tabloid that is sending shock waves through the british government. we'll talk to the lawyer of a family of this little girl who touched off this growing firestorm. and royal invasion. after conquering canada, prince william and his wife catherine hit l.a., where they could outshine some of hollywood's brightest stars. "early" this saturday morning, july 9th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs welcome to a picture perfect day in the big city. i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. from the jobs to the royals and the shuttle launch and to betty ford. >> a courageous first lady who battled addiction to pain killers and addiction to alcohol and defeating breast cancer. she died in palm springs, california, she was 93 years
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old. scott pelley takes a look back at her remarkable life. >> reporter: relatively unknown until her husband became president, betty ford became one of the most popular and respected women in america. born elizabeth anne bloomer april 18th, 1918, she grew up in grand rapids, michigan. she dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and after high school she moved east to study under martha graham, the high priestess of modern dance. she earned a spot in the auxiliary dance troupe but her mother pressured her to leave the troupe in 1941. she performed in her own dance troupe, married and divorced and then met a young man named gerald ford, they married in 1948, weeks before ford was elected to his first term in congress. through the 1950s and '60s, they were a traditional and very effective washington couple.
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ford rose to be republican house minority leader, while she stayed in the background, and raised their four children. just as they were ready to retire, an accident of history put them in the white house. in 1973, vice president spi spiro agnew resigned in disgrace and gerald ford was named to replace him. when president nixon also resigned less than a year later, gerald ford became the 38th president of the united states. the new first lady was not intimidated by the public spotlight. >> i told my husband, if we have to go to the white house, okay, i will go, but i'm going as myself, and it's too late to change my pattern, and if they don't like it, then they'll just have to throw me out. >> reporter: she was vocal about women's issues. she supported the supreme court's ruling on roe v. wade
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which made abortion equal and she supported the equal rights amendment. she openly discussed her breast khan ear and mastectomy. >> there are women all over the country like me and if i don't make this public then their lives will be gone. they're in jeopardy. >> reporter: after they left the white house in 1977, betty ford faced another health crisis. >> my family saw the problem, and they got professional help to come in and help them do what we refer to as an intervention. >> reporter: she had become addicted to both pain killers and alcohol. after her successful treatment, she opened the betty ford for in rancho mirage, california, to treat others with drug and alcohol addiction. >> we're very proud of you, mom. >> reporter: the couple spent much of the rest of their lives together and out of the public spotlight, but the nation saw
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her again during the state funeral for former president ford, her husband of 58 years. through all, betty ford faced the challenges of life with the grace and poise of a dancer. scott pelley, cbs news, new york. >> and for a look at betty ford's impact on american politics and society, we turn to presidential historian douglas brinkley in austin, texas, this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> when historians look back on betty ford what do you think the first thing they'll remember? >> being a pioneer in the women's movement. when she became first lady our country was talking about the burning of bras and equal rights amendments and the need for sexual liberation, and here was a republican first lady who seemed quite fine with a lot of that feminist energy of being ginned up largely from the democratic left. she had a lot of moxie, said
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what was on her mind and she was the perfect spouse. pat nixon of course left with richard nixon and she was -- pat nixon was like a mimi eisenhower old-fashioned type lady. betty ford was a progressive woman, devoted to her husband, gerald ford, she also used her mind and humor in the way she chose to. >> i remember when president ford first took office back in '74, one commentator saying she was quite a rascal and another saying she broke the mold for first ladies in many ways. do you agree with that assessment? >> i do. i remember there's a photograph of her just dancing on the desk in the oval office. this was something that wasn't previously done. certainly jackie kennedy had brought in a new sense of style and flair and fashion but betty ford was a truly liberated woman and she would get into trouble some. on cbs's "60 minutes" with
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morl morley, she talked about her children's sex lives. the betty ford center has done an incredible amount for this country. everybody knows somebody with a pill or alcohol addiction. that's her chief legacy. >> a certain generation didn't know where the betty ford center came from. they will today after all this news gets out. betty ford's last years we didn't see her a lot. what will here her last years l? >> in rancho mirage i was out there working on a book on president ford. she was royalty out in that part of california not only because of her nonstop commitment to the
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betty ford clinic but because she was so warm hearted and generous to everybody around her. she made a great presence wherever she went and her children were deeply loyal to her so she enjoyed being a mom and a grandma the last 20 years of her life. >> okay, douglas brinkley, always good to talk to you. thank you so much. you take care. it is eight past the hour. here's rebecca. >> thank you. two years after the worst recession since world war ii the u.s. economy is still struggling. on friday the labor department reported just 18,000 jobs were created in the month of june, the fewest in nine months and now the nation's unemployment rate is at its highest point of the year, 9.2%. president obama expressed frustration with the bleak employment picture. >> today's job report confirms what most americans already know, we still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do. our economy as a whole just isn't producing nearly enough jobs for everybody who is
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looking. >> here to break down these new numbers and what they mean is deidre bolten of bloomberg tv. >> hi. >> everyone is characterizing this as a terrible report. the question is what made it such a bad month? >> there's four culprits. manufacturing grew but at less than half the pace of what was expected. we also in prior months had begun to see some signs of life as far as business, professional services so we're talking about accountants, talking about lawyers, engineers, they a few months ago were finding jobs so they still found jobs this past month but just again at a slower rate. construction, that's not breaking news. the housing market still is a big drag on the economy. you had almost no jobs growth there but gornment, this was the weak spot, eight straight months of declines. you have governments at local levels, state levels trying to close the budget gaps. easiest way to let people go. >> we're seeing 39,000 government jobs were lost in the month of june.
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that's something we expect to see continue as well and a lot of local governments are shutting down, in minnesota for example those people can collect unemployment benefits starting in july, you might see them in new numbers. >> it's just part of this larger picture. if you and i are working, making less than we had already made a few years ago we pay less income tax or the value of our house is less so we pay less tax on our house, all of that adds up. >> exactly and it's less for the communal pie and people need to take more out of it, at the same time. in terms of where we're going, this is the worst unemployment rate so far this year. does this mean the recovery has really stalled in can we say that yet? >> i think if there's one thing to take away from the report the recovery is going to take longer than anybody expected. it's the worst this year, it's true. 29th month in a row we've seen unemployment above 8%, that hasn't happened since the '30s, that puts it in context. the president just said, you
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played that clip it's going to take a long time. warren buffett on our show yesterday on bloomberg said i'm not looking for a second recovery but i don't know how fast this recovery is going to take. >> and it's been taking longer than lawmakers would like to see. we had one round of stimulus already and you heard the president talking yesterday as you bring up talking about what it's going to take down the road. what do you think washington ultimately is going to do about all of this? >> it's hard to say. this is an election year, coming into election season for president obama and seems like a lot of the powder that they were keeping dry, it's already been used. we've seen the fed intervene twice with two big problems. it's not entirely clear. the one silver kleining is corporate america. they do have cash on the balance sheets, they have the money to hire but it's now a question of confidence. if you're the ceo of a company, rebecca, and you think you're going to have to lay off people a year or two from now it will make you hesitate before you
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bring on any new workers. >> the $2 trillion is what you're hoping america will spend on hiring. deidra, thanks for being with us. coming up in the next half hour we'll have a job summit with advice from the experts on how to find work in these very tough economic times. now here's russ. >> rebecca, thank you very much. the bleak job numbers are adding with a heightened sense of urgency surrounding debt limit talks in washington. president obama is expected to meet with congressional leaders tomorrow night at the white house. whit johnson is there at the white house this morning. whit good morning to you. >> reporter: russ good morning to you. in the meeting tomorrow, president obama wants everyone to come armed with their bottom lines. democrats and republicans are still far, far in any deal on the debt limit, sure to inflict pain on both parts. >> the american people sent us here to do the right thing, not for party but for country, so we're going to work together to get things done on their behalf. >> reporter: but in order to get things done, a final deal must
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pass congress, where political rhetoric widened the divide. the president's quest to reduce deficits by up to $4 trillion will require courting members of his own party. >> we are not going to reduce the deficit or subsidize tax cuts for the rich on the backs of america's seniors and working families. >> reporter: friday the president held a private meeting with house minority leader nancy pelosi. democrats are growing increasingly uneasy over statements from president obama that changes to entitlement programs like social security, medicare and medicaid are on the table. republicans welcome the discussion but so far, aren't budging on white house demands to increase taxes on the wealthy. >> tax hikes on families and job creators only make things worse. >> reporter: the entrenched positions mean both parties stand to lose political points should there be a compromise but without one americans would lose the most. >> i'm ready to roll up my
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sleeves in the next several weeks and months. both parties are ready to do so as well. >> reporter: staffers are ready to work up to the next meeting. all sides are ready for progress but few aret expecting a deal then. >> whit johnson, thanks a lot. for more perspective on how any budget compromise will be ready, david vitter joins us. >> good morning. >> are you encouraged president obama says severing on the table? >> i was encouraged and i was in a meeting with the speaker thursday where he gave an update about the discussion and it seemed to be more positive than a week or ten days before that. the sides are quite far apart still but it was a positive discussion. they're getting together again sunday. >> sunday at 6:00. in that spirit of compromise as
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we heard from whit, democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy, something we heard from senator boehner, republicans are vehemently against. do you see any movement at all on your side on this issue? >> there's a possibility about revenue, revenue through growth, revenue through tax reform and tax simplification which could produce real growth and when you grow the economy, which we desperately need, we just heard about these horrible unemployment figures, you also produce more revenue so i think that is the key area where we should focus. >> it is july 8th, the deal has to be cut, some say by july 22nd, august 2nd is the deadline. how optimistic are you that a deal can be reached by that time? >> it's a 50/50 proposition. i hope everybody goes into the meeting and discussion sunday with no absolutes or preconceived notions, but we need the right policy to produce growth, a better economy and deficit reduction. a lot of conservatives like me
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are very much against significant tax hikes because it's going to do the opposite and obviously we want unemployment to go down, not up even further. >> is that your biggest concern, the tax hikes? >> it is my biggest concern, because i think it would stifle any recovery, it would increase unemployment yet more, which is horrible in and of itself but also would kill the prospects of deficit reduction. we need growth and prosperity for deficit reduction as we as cuts in spending. >> let's talk about the way americans are thinking right now. politicians are not high on the list of many americans these days. if a deal is not cut, don't both sides stand to lose a whole lot politically? >> i think that's true and certainly nobody wants to go past a true deadline about the debt limit. i don't think august 2nd is absolutely set in stone. the world doesn't end the next day but certainly sometime soon after that serious consequences would follow. >> what advice would you have for your colleagues going to
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that meeting tomorrow night? >> to be imaginative, to lay out the case strongly about why we need growth, and growth can produce more revenue, new revenue, that's an important part of the solution but that's a whole lot different than just hiking up taxes on folks. >> senator david vitter joining us from new orleans today, we thank you so much. have a good saturday. for the rest of this morning's headlines we go that-a-way, betty nguyen. >> not too far off. good morning to you at home. two u.s. toldiers were killed in afghanistan this morning after they were shot by an afghan intelligence agency. the americans were part of a nato reconstruction team in a province 60 miles north of kabul the capital. the afghan agent reportedly got into the argument with the soldiers as the convoy passed their house. astronauts aboard the space
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shuttle "atlantis" will spend their first day checking the shuttle's heat shields from liftoff. good morning, mark. >> reporter: it's hard to imagine the shuttle as a museum piece but after this mission that's exactly what it's going to become after one last trip to resupply the space station. with one final startling burst of power, "atlantis" reached for the heavens and history. >> from the shoulders of space shuttle, america will continue the dream. >> reporter: the last launch for the shuttle, the last space coast spectacular. chris bell's family was awed. >> i know how much enjoyment, how much excitement i got just seeing it launch on television and going to space camp and being a part growing up of that and i know this is something that at least the two boys are going to remember. >> reporter: "atlantis" left to a crowd of sentimental and
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speculation. what's next for nasa but for now -- >> we're not ready to look back or forward. we still have this mission to complete so we're going to stay focused on the mission at hand. >> reporter: that mission, rendezvous with the space station, deliver five tons of equipment and supplies and bring home the crew safely. one last time the shuttle made people look up. >> one of the most amazing things i have ever seen in my entire life. >> reporter: as amazing on its 135th launch as it was in its first. >> achieve something not achievable by any other country or vehicle absolutely. 'done a phenomenal job. >> reporter: this mission will go on for 12 days, maybe 13. when "atlantis" comes home, it will stay home. betty? >> indeed it will. mark strassmann in houston thank you. in other news, casey anthony refused a prison visit by her mother last night in what would have been the first communication with her parents since she was acquitted of
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murdering her daughter. casey must spend another eight days in jail and will be released next sunday. she was convicted of lying to police but received credit for time served and good behavior. last night with the boston red sox threatening to add to a 10-3 lead baltimore's kevin gregg threw a series of pitches to david ortiz setting the stage for a near brawl. tension eventually erupted after the baltimore pitcher yelled for ortiz to run to first base, goodness. believe it or not, no punches connected, boston beat baltimore 10-3. 20 minutes past the hour. lonnie i'm not going to brawl with you but safe to say we want a nice forecast for the weekend. >> we'll deliver for a good portion of the country. big papi connects though. in terms of the weather headlines we talked about a brawl. mother nature brawling. certain parts of the country, others will be rumbling in the
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midwest. thunderstorms continue for the plains. others sizzling out there. take a look at the actual air temperatures from dodge city, kansas to lawton, oklahoma, to dallas, texas, the thermometer will be reading 95 to 110 degrees. heat alerts in effect for the entire area. the temperature can feel like 116. if you take a look at the satellite and radar picture, the strong storms will make their way into the western great lakes. for the eastern half of the country we dealt with a cold front yesterday, now basically offshore, still clips portions of maine and the southern tier will be clipping portions of the southeast coast, we expect to see storms firing up later on in the day around florida. you ask for a nice forecast and for a good portion of the country we're doing okay out there for your saturday. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a close look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> all right, everybody, wherever you are, make it a great day. betty was asking for a nice forecast. much better than yesterday. some places in new york picked up an inch of rain in 55 minutes. coming up this morning, we'll tell you about a 15-year-old girl murdered who touched off the huge scandal in england and raising questions about the influence of rue bert murdoch. we'll talk to the family of the girl about the developments. we have gathered people in our studio who need jobs, we'll help them and you find work with a very special "early show" job summit.
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"the british are coming" and william and kate. beth! hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you!
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welcome back. we've been telling you about the dismal jobs report that came out yesterday, front page news in many of our newspapers, worries over jobs, feeble job numbers show recovery starting to stall. in our next half hour we'll try to help people out with a job summit. two experts will give much needed advice to help a group of people who are here today because they are looking for a job. >> the unemployment rate 9.2%, the highest it's been this year. >> but there are ways to find that job and we'll help you. >> a lot of good information come up. >> a lot of good information come up. it is saturday morning and,,,,
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man: everybody knows you should save for retirement, but what happens when you're about to retire? woman: how do you go from saving to spending? fidelity helped us get to this point, and now we're talking about what comes next. man: we worked together to create a plan to help our money last. woman: so we can have the kind of retirement we want. now, you know how this works. just stay on the line. oh, yeah. fidelity investments. turn here.
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so we all watched the shuttle launch yesterday for the final time here at cbs news. i love that moment where you saw the little boy watching as the shuttle lifted off into the air, it was a pretty cool moment but you have seen in your career, russ, a number of these. >> i've never seen one in person and the only person here is mr. quinn here. >> what was it like? >> i worked down for a tv station in miami, florida south florida and i had a chance to see two, as a matter of fact. one just in the regular parking lot of the canaveral national seashore, which is where just the regular crowd assembles, that had a bigger impact on me, they get you closer, the journalists get closer but when you're in that crowd a lot of people carry signs and they have
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all of the signs wishing them luck, clearly the astronauts are not going to see them. a lot of people cry, it's incredibly quiet, a lot of anticipation, and the main engines ignite. >> the ground shakes? >> it's about 14 seconds after the main engines ignite you feel the sound wave, you feel it in your chest. boom, boom, vibrating out, you feel that and everyone just, then it's just awe, you watch this thing take off and it's so funny, people watch it until literally it disappears. >> wow. >> i think especially after "challenger" we watch holding our breath just making sure that it gets into orbit safely. >> you forget how dangerous it is. >> it was routine. >> it's become commonplace. this is the height of technology and one little thing goes wrong. they halted this at what, 31 seconds. >> 31 seconds. i thought oh my goodness this is not going to happen. >> i'm sad about this being the last time. the program has been incredible. >> never say never. >> that is true.
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welcome back to "the early show," everyone, in new york city, we come to you live. i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. >> we are looking at the nation's unemployment picture which we've been telling you went from bad to worse last month. the jobless rate, was up. we're goinging to give advice on how to find employment. there's advice for all, coming
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up in a few moments. first this morning the hacking scandal surrounding rupert murdoch's tabloid paper in london. elizabeth palmer is in london with the latest. good morning. >> good morning, russ. there are fresh revelations this morning. sky news is reporting that the premises of the "news of the world" are about to be designated a crime scene and "the goordian" newspaper alleges that millions of e-mails have been deleted from the company account, e-mails that would have been crucial to a police investigation. we do know that since yesterday noon, three people have been arrested. clive goodman once the paper's royal editor, another man believed to be a private investigator and andy colson who became the british prime minister's press adviser, he was allowed to go home again after questioning. >> there's an awful lot i'd like to say but i can't.
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>> reporter: the "news of the world's o hat will be another very, very difficult moment for the company. >> reporter: back in 2005, prince william's aides realized that "the news of the world" must have learned some personal details by hacking into his voice mails. slowly it emerged that other celebrities had been hit, but the larger investigation stalled. yesterday britain's prime minister said it wasn't just foot dragging by the police. >> the truth is, to coin a phrase, we've all been in this
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together, the press, the politicians and leaders of all the passes, yes, including me. >> reporter: while "the news of the world" will print its last edition tomorrow, the fallout from this affair has just begun. on the business side, a multibillion-dollar takeover bid by the murdoch family of a huge satellite television operation here in britain has already been delayed and it could be in serious trouble. russ? >> elizabeth palmer in london, thank you. and joining us from london is steve eulitz and mark lewis, lawyer for the family of 13-year-old milly dowler whose phone was hacked after her murder, the incident that ignited the scandal. nothing is going to bring back their little girl but is the dowler family getting any satisfaction by the fact that "news of the world" is closing? >> there's no really satisfaction. it was cruelty upon cruelty that the announcement of "news of the
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world" was ceasing without them being warned about this, they tended to think or they did think that somehow they would never get to the truth that there would be attempts to close the paper, to put their minds at rest about that but nowhere has anybody bothered to think of the effect on the victims, in particular the dowler family. >> what would the dowler family like to see in the investigation? >> they want to get to the truth of the whole thing. they want to know what happened and who did it, what they did. what happened with the voice mail is that the voice mailbox becomes full so when milly dowler went missing, people were phoning up, family and friends leaving messages, police please phone home, please phone up. it was sorry you can't leave a message anymore and then there was a moment that you could suddenly leave a message, the parents, the families, friends were thinking milly must be alive and that wasn't true, and
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that was the ultimate cruelty. >> i see. steve, let me bring you in. the situations hit very close to british prime minister david cameron. what do you think? potentially how damaging could this be to his government? >> well, i mean first of all i think it's worth a point expressing the fact they have an emergency debate in the commons about this on wednesday and it was said by a number of commentators here for the first time in 30 years the british political establishment was standing up to rupert murdoch so there's been a definite decisive proper shift in the balance between the various forces at play here. david cameron personally the fact that he hired a former "news of the world" editor, andy colson arrested yesterday, in knowledge of because the paper has broken the story, approached cameron's aides and said be careful before you hire him because he's in this up to his neck, having hired him under
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those circumstances leaves david cameron at least with poor judgment. >> talking about the "wall street journal" and fox news and "the new york post," could there be repercussions on this side of the pond from what's happening over there? >> isn't it always the way, you're the experts of watergate, the coverup is usually worse than the crime. what went on here is scandalous but it was five or ten years ago and there's no question it shouldn't have happened. what is really toxic for news international and news corporation is the way they handled it and of course it extends over there. there's no suggestion this sort of thing would happen over there, not a hint of it. the reason it finds its way over there is because of the way the company handled it, they denied it, covered it up, put their hands up and now everyone is playing catch up. >> steve and mark, joining from us london, we thank you very
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much for joining us this morning. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. mr. lonnie quinn with another check of the weather. >> good morning to you russ, good morning, everybody. right to the weather headlines. let's keep it simple. there will be rain for portions of florida. there will also be rain for portions of maine and believe it or not that's all the same cold front affecting the entire east coast yesterday. speaking of rain, there's been too much rain in the dakotas. you're going to catch a little bit of a break today but the rivers are still flooding from bismarck to houron to sioux cit. some of you six feet above flood stage. snow continues to melt north of you, adds to the runoff and more rain is expected again, not so much today, today you catch a little bit of a break, your strong storms from yesterday make their way through the midwest, places around the western great lakes are going to get hit hard with good storms and take a look at the east coast, same front there it is around maine stretching down to portions of florida. that's a quick look at the
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national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >> a great saturday, everybody. rebecca over to you. coming up "the early show" job summit, our experts are here to offer advice on how to find work in this very tough job market. it's right here on "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... can lead to another. ♪ ♪
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calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums as we've been telling you the economy hit another rough patch. we put together a special job summit this morning. the unemployment rate is up to 9.2%. 14.1 million americans are out of work. we asked a group of them to join us here this morning. we are people looking for work and to help guide them through this very tough job market is
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john challenger, and nicole williams, connection director for linkedin. great to have you both with us and thanks to all of you for joining us here this morning. we want to take a show of hands how many of you have been out of work for more than six months. okay, so about half of you. and how many of you by your hands believe that the market is worse now than it was a year ago. okay, again about half of you. how about worse than it was two years ago when the recession officially or technically ended? what do you think of that, john? >> it's very reflective of what's going on around the united states. 6.4 million people are now out of work for more than six months, long-term unemployed 44.5% of the unemployed have been out that long. >> nicole? >> it's not surprising and as you reported it's not looking to get any better any time soon. >> but there is hope. >> people do things -- >> the way we're going to advise
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them. ry >> with so many people applying for any given job position what can i do to set myself apart from everyone else? >> focus on your achievements. i know that you're a drama coach and actress so have anecdotes ready of a student, for example, that you've helped teach who went on and found a great role or talk about specific roles you have as you go into the interviews, the concrete experience that's going to make you stand apart. >> those specific examples, what about having for example one of those people she's helped write a recommendation to send along with her resume? >> sure, good recommendations always are a way of validating, giving proof of your real world experience. >> and the impact that you've made. shelly tibbits you have a question. >> i'm interested pursuing a career in public relations. what advice do you have about using social media?
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>> so many businesses are using social media as a business tool so the fact that you as an individual are proficient in using social media is critical, so it's one part quantity, weed alinkedin have a number, 50 contacts in your database so that you can take advantage of second and third tier opportunities and you also want to marry that with quality connections. it's not just a matter of using the form contact information. you want to have a frame of reference, so you want to have read a press release. you want to have been introduced via someone so that there's this warm welcome to the connection so that you really get to take advantage of it. >> is that something shelly you've been doing or something new to you? >> i'm on linkedin and stuff like that but unsure how to approach people when you don't know them. >> and find out something about them, use the linkedin today grouped, use the current information so that you have this frame of reference, know something about the individual
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you're connecting with so it's not a blind hey, i'd love to connect with you. >> thank you. >> great question. steve peckman has a question as well. >> when i get a chance to set a specific time to follow up with a recruiter i do that but how often is too often in other circumstances, how often is too often to follow up? >> it's important to draw the line between being a pest and yet following up and staying active and letting them know you're interested, so after you've interviewed, put together a thank you letter, if it's old school person, send it by hand, if it's for most of the rest of us send an e-mail and stay in touch every ten days. if you haven't heard from them, give them a call, tell them you'd like to come back in, you're interested in the job and fit right in the organization. >> every ten days, does that surprise you, more frequent? >> about what i do. >> about what you do, good information. stick around with us. we have more of our jobs summit in just a moment right here on "the early show" on cbs.
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we are back with our jobs summit, john challenger, nicole williams here to answer your questions. the next question from elgers. >> good morning, i don't believe in selling myself short. do you feel it might be necessary to dumb down my resume in order to not appear overqualified? >> alison, no. don't dumb down. no. i get the overqualified thing. what you want to do is be very specific, so the job that you're applying to, while you may have years of experience, i want you to take specifically what experiences, what skill sets, what opportunities you've had that speak to this specific job, so that it's not a five-page resume, i'm certain you have lots of qualifications, lots of experience. i want you to just bring it all down, make it really tight, and make it very specific to the job that you're actually pursue so long that they don't perceive you as being this person who is
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overqualified which can sometimes mean just there's too much information here. >> right, okay. >> what do you say back to them, though, if they tell you we think you're too qualified and alison says this is a great thing that i'm too qualified. what do you say back? >> absolutely and do you, you talk about what specific experiences you have. sometimes overqualified can look like really what the employer is thinking you're potentially too expen expensive, you have so much experience in the world of work that you're going to ask for a huge salary. you want to make it clear you understand what the compensation range is in this particular position or they're afraid you're going to think like you are too good for this job. you want to communicate the fact that you are willing and able to dig in. you're open to this opportunity. you'd be excited, delighted to have it and willing to be compensated in this range. you're going to just relieve them of any fear by virtue of getting th out there. >> ashley has a question. >> hi. i've been pursuing my dream job and i feel like it's very
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difficult to begin a career at an organization such as the united nations. do you have any advice as to when i should stop looking and start pursuing other organizations? >> don't give up your dream job. you have a right to find a job and do work in your career that you're going to really like doing, that fits what you want. at the same time don't just look for the perfect job at one organization. look for jobs that would enhance your resume to the united nations, international jobs, jobs at other non-profits and go out and get involved in organizations, say that, council on global relations, asian society, go to events, meet people where other united nations workers go, people care about foreign affairs and get involved in that world, that will help you move in that direction. >> i see you shaking your head yes. >> i'm agreeing 100%, i think it's valuable. >> todd obulsky, also have a
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question. >> good morning. sometimes i think the gap in my resume might make me look a bit damaged to employers so i want them to know what you thought about that and also if you had any advice on coping with long-term job search. >> how long have you been looking, todd? >> 20 months. >> 20 months. >> that's a long time. >> yes, of course you're going to feel burned out 20 months later. you really do need to ensure that you are connected to people not only people who are unemployed, so that you feel like this isn't just about me, which is true. it's also being connected to people who are employed, so that you have motivation, so that you're in the field. what happens after a long period of time is your confidence level starts to wane and as far as the gap is concerned, nowadays employers are accustomed to seeing a gap. you want a resume that's more functionally oriented versus chronologically oriented so that isn't what pops out at first but don't be afraid of that fact, but when you're either in your cover letter or interview, you
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want to be clear this is what i did during this gap time to enhance my skill base and be a better more viable candidate for this job. >> we have to end it there, but we appreciate all of you being with us, great advice from both of you. all of these people are in linkedin. thanks for everyone and best of luck to all of you with your search. coming up later, betty ford we're going to look at her impact here on "the early show" on cbs. hemicals. new all free clear oxi-active. a free clear detergent that's tough on stains and gentle on skin. try new all free clear oxi-active. discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers.
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it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia really nice segments. great information. >> i'm happy to see the people getting information they need and for the 14.1 million we know are unemployment we hope you learned something too. come up later the royal invasion, the stars are aligning as prince william and wife catherine alive in l.a., we'll look at their visit, they got here yesterday afternoon. >> finally made it in our country after all of our attention on them, they're here
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to grace us with their presence. ♪ california dreaming >> one of my favorite songs, mamas and the papas. you don't want me going there, it will be one of your least favorite songs. >> are you guys on the royal band wagon? >> are you suggesting we fell off it? >> no, i guess what i'm saying, i know this is big -- >> you're on daily pippa watch. >> pippa isn't working as well without the dress. >> oh my goodness, lonie let's not go there. >> that was it? it was not pippa, it was the dress? >> there's something about the way that dress fit her. >> the royals and the cowboy get one they were wearing in canada? ten gallon hats? >> it's so cool they're here.
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catherine is not star struck by all of this at all. >> i find that interesting, she's in l.a. and she doesn't want to have a connection with leonardo dicaprio. >> hanging out with the queen. >> they're above partying with the locals in hollywood. >> is that going to be part of their itinerary, whether they're into it or not? they're doing the whole polo match. >> they're doing something with the british film institute, meeting a lot of stars. it's a great contrast from princess diana who embraced that and was embraced by hollywood. >> john travolta. >> hold on, this is their first trip to california. just wait and see after they meet with all the stars, if you know, the sentiment is still the same. >> exactly. i have to say they are very outdoorsy people and that's something we're getting to see more and more as we get to know them better. >> all right. >> buckingham palace.
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♪ looking up at new york city. >> the jeb roll motors building, where we are right now. >> we're inside the general motors building. welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm russ mitchell. >> former first lady betty ford who is being remembered as a free spirit who spoke her mind, brought important issues like addiction and breast cancer into the spotlight. kristen thorn of wcbs is here with a look at betty ford's life. great to have with us. >> great to be here. what a woman she was and there's no doubt betty ford's legacy will live on, the drug and
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treatment center she helped found has treated more than 90,000 patients, people this morning are describing her as a woman who will always be known for her strength, determination and her charisma. people who knew betty ford say when you were around her you felt like you were in the presence of greatness. born in 1918 in grand rapids, michigan, elizabeth bloomer ford was a free spirit from the start with aspirations to be a dancer, she moved to greenwich village in manhattan and danced with martha graham. her mother was able to coax her back to michigan when she later met a man an aspiring politician jerry ford. betty ford was not your typical first lady. she talked about tattoo things like abortion rights, women in the military and her fight with breast cancer. in the 1970s, people found her honesty and candidness refreshing. she didn't shy away from talking about much of anything. >> my addiction was a
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combination of alcohol and the prescription drugs. >> reporter: she later opened the betty ford treatment center in california in 1982. some of hollywood's most famous went there to beat their addicti addictions, johnny cash, elizabeth taylor. "while her death is a cause for sadness we know that organizations such as the betty ford center will honor her legacy by giving countless americans a new lease on life." the last time the country saw betty ford was four years ago at the funeral for her husband, her age and frailty was noticeable but still she radiated the courage, strength and grace she was known for. betty ford will be buried alongside her husband of 58 years at the gerald ford presidential library in grand rapids, michigan. she was 93. >> kristen, thank you for being with us this morning. of course this is an incredible legacy that she leaves behind. we are going to take a look at this issue and the addiction
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issues that she has faced and also that so many in this country are facing. now here's russ. >> rebecca and kristen thanks so much. "atlantis" is spending its second day in space this morning, blast off from the kennedy space center friday for a 12-day mission to the international space station and final day of flight. mark strassmann what is the word this morning? so far so good? >> reporter: so far so good. an enormous amount of pride. many of the employees have been with the shuttle program for most, if not all 135 shuttle missions. the goal here is to bring home commander chris ferguson and hisat lhis "atlantis" crew. this also of course sentimentality. everybody recognizes this is the last mission of all they want to be sure that this thing does come home not only safelyñi but
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this is one more triumph for this program and of course they're fighting some of the anxiety and uncertainty. a lot of the folks going to be losing their jobs by the end of the year as the program comes to an end, highly specialized skill set walking into an unfriendly job market. the major goal at this point, let's bring it home safely, let's do the job well, let's crowd out all of the other distractions, the noise and speculation what's next for nasa and bring "atlantis" home safely. >> mark strassmann, thank you so much. joining us new at cbs news space consultant bill harwood, good morning to you. >> good morning, krruss. >> yesterday a lot of people said this is the end of the line for the american space program. that's not a fair assessment, is it? >> no it's really not. if you listen to nasa management and the obama administration it's far from the end of the line. they're promising a new vision of commercial space flight, for-profit trips to and from low earth orbit from the space
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station and in the long-term deep someplace exploration mission to the moon, asteroids and eventually mars. the critics jumped on hand because it's poorly planned, not a defined target and a lot of folks are worried with the budget pressures on washington some of the missions could be lost by the wayside. that's the concern. >> the whole notion of private enterprise taking this over. how will that work exactly? >> they have a contract out four companies are competing under to design a new commercial manned spacecraft. this is not a replacement for the shuttle. this is pure transportation for astrona astronauts, capsules, if you think about "apollo" "gemini" these will carry astronauts to and from the space station for profit. nasa is counting on private industry to come up with a spacecraft they can launch in a money making venture. how that's going to work, what the business model is, if nasa is the only client remains to be
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seen. they're talking a taxi cab model where the company supplies the spacecraft to the pilots or rental car model where nasa rents the vehicle the company builds and launches with its own crew. all of that has yet to be defined. >> without these glamour programs for nasa like the space shuttle, like "apollo," "gemini" and "mercury," is there a danger of public support drying up for the space program? >> certainly space insiders are worried about that. the commercial thing is an up and down taxi cab sort of situation. the real concern among spash aficionados is will there be a space component, will astronauts go out into the solar system to the targets and missions that inspire the youth of the country and lead to those kind of great leaps forward in technology? that is a huge unknown right now, really going to come down to the budget. >> bill, you as someone who has
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been covering the space program for years now, i have to wonder what's this like for you on a personal level to see this end of an era? >> it's something, i was watching that launch yesterday and looking out at the shuttle "atlantis," it's a familiar sight. the realization we're never going to see that again, the majesty of that vehicle, the winged orbiter is gone. it will be years before we see american astronauts launch on a spacecraft from the kennedy space center or any other site. it's a gut-wrenching realization, if you believe in space exploration and think it's a good thing for the country to do. we have to rely on the russians in the near term to get u.s. astronauts to and from space. >> cbs news space consultant bill harwood as always wonderful to talk to you. thanks a lot. >> thank you, russ. it is now seven minutes past the hour, time for more headlines. we go to morning news anchor
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betty nguyen. >> good morning to you. president obama says the u.s. is today recognizing south sudan as an independent state. it is independence day in south sudan after it formally seceded from the north. the speaker of the parliament read the declaration. celebrations began at midnight. the civil war lapsed two decades. malaysia hundreds of people were arrested in a major anti-government demonstration this morning. police fired tear gas at 20,000 protesters who were demanding free and fair elections. at least a dozen people were hurt. the demonstration was in defiance of a government order that declared the rally illegal. a key highway in the miami area is open again this morning, after a bomb square. the road was shut down friday after police saw weapons in an abandoned hearse under the highway. the bomb squad was called. police say they didn not say wht
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else was found. a fire burning in a former nevada proving ground is 60% contained. the fire burned five square miles 100 miles northwest of las vegas and there are no reported injuries. i a u.s. army veteran was thrown from a 200 foot high roller coaster in rochester, new york and later died. james hackimer was visiting the amusement park friday with his family for the first time since returning home. the university of texas actor and ryan o'neil are battling over ownership of an andy warhol portrait of farrah fawce fawcett. it the college is suing o'neil to turn over the portrait.
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nine minutes past the hour, time for another check of the weather. is it picture weather, lonnie quinn? >> it will be picture perfect for lots of areas. i want to touch upon your home state texas t will be smokin' hot. montana drops into the 30s overnight tonight and new york state, simply feels great. aw, shucks. texas being so hot, electra, texas, hits 110 today. rexford, montana drops down to 36 and the best weather anywhere in the country, canton, new york, sunshine, 76 degrees. why new york gets beautiful weather, we dealt with a cold front yesterday, now offshore, high pressure fills in for your area, and i got to tell you, to a good portion of the u.s., from say the mississippi river east a good portion of that is just beautiful weather out there today. that's a quick look at the national picture. here how is a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> this whether segment sponsored by at&t. at&t, rethink possible. >> i got to tell you anywhere on the west coast, top to bottom beautiful weather for you as well. back over to you. coming up next we are remembering betty ford, the former first lady who today we recall is someone who took the stigma out of addiction. we'll look at her enormous impact right here on "the early show" on cbs. that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities,
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changed the way americans today deal with addiction is dr. jennifer hartstein, psychology and "early show" contributor. always great to have you with us. >> good morning. >> for those who don't know about betty ford she has an incredible history. tell us about her relationship with addiction. >> she had an amazingly long history of addiction. started in 1964 following an injury in her neck, she had a nerve pinched and really impacted her ability to move, she was hospitalized for a period of time. she started on valium. that addiction lasted until 1978, it was 14 years she had it in a time period of addiction and she then as a person in the media and in the politics did a lot of social drinking, never really thought it was a problem and it wasn't until they left the white house that it became even more of a problem and became more noticeable to her, to her family and they confronted her and said there really is a problem, pain killers, alcohol, they exacerbate each other, she started to have more and more difficulty and then she went
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into treatment in about 1978 and it was out of her own experience and treatment and the lack of real treatment centers aimed at women that the betty ford center was developed. >> she spoke openly and candidly about all of this. how did that change the way people like yourself even look at addiction and dealing with it? >> it really allowed people to bring this into conversation. she was born and grew up in a time when you didn't talk about mental illness, you didn't talk about addiction, everything happened behind closed doors. she was a public figure talking about her own struggle and saying it's okay to have the struggle, okay to ask for help and you can live a successful, full enriched life even though these are problems you are experiencing. >> there is and can still be a stigma attached to addiction depending on who you talk to in particular those who haven't necessarily dealt with or seen it in their own lives. what do you as a doctor recommend for those who are dealing with it and those who don't know anything about it necessarily? >> the first thing we have to go back and remember is that addiction is a disease, like hart disease, like diabetes,
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like parkinson's, it's not something that everyone can say oh, yeah, i can avoid that glass of alcohol or can avoid that pill. it's really a problem and a disease we have to recognize that needs treatment and if people can say it's not a choice, then that will help everybody around. >> what's really difficult when you listen to betty ford's story this started where she was being treated, valium was the solution to her problem at the time. >> right. >> you probably see that as well in your practice. >> oftentimes it starts with treatment for some injury and at that time we didn't have the same tired of moderation and ability to follow like we do now so the doctors are much more aware of what they're giving out. then you could take 20 a day and they'd give you another prescription and she was taking upwards of 20 a day. now we have better ability to follow it and monitor how people are taking it. so we have to be aware of if you're being treated for that, doctors need to ask you how much you're taking, you need to ask for help.
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oftentimes mental health treatment goes in conjunction with chronic pain and/or with life-threatening illness or some sort of injury. then you can deal with the underlying psychiatric issues as well as the pain and hopefully not lead to addiction. >> such a good point, dr. jennifer thanks so much for being with us. we appreciate it. have a nice weekend. coming up next prince william and wife catherine get the rile we all want our kids to eat their vegetables, but they'd rather they disappear. mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings
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there's a british invasion to tell you about a in california, prince william and new bride catherine flew into los angeles yesterday for a whil wind tour. ben tracy is in santa barbara, california with the latest. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, russ. in a few hours the royal pair will leave los angeles and head up here to santa barbara. prince william will be playing at a charity polo match later today. one of many in a jam packed three-day tour. when the newly minted duchess of cambridge arrived at lax friday it marked her first visit ever to the united states.
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the prince and princess were greeted by california governor jerry brown and mayor of los angeles. they took surface streets right into beverly hills and the center of american celebrity. >> a-list actors are clamoring for invites to meet royalty to get a chance to say hello to wail william and kate. the highest level stars want a piece of it. >> reporter: but first the couple got down to business, stopping at a technology summit at the beverly hilton, then it was over to a reception at the british consul general's home. l.a. no stranger to celebrities seems royalty star-struck. >> right there. >> reporter: but the real fun begins today when william saddles up for a charity polo match in santa barbara, expected to raise $4 million and the royal family's reputation. >> already it's gone fantastically well as you can see from the footage and pictures, and i think they're loving it. i knew they were very excited
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when they left. >> reporter: tonight the glitz and glam factor goes way up when the duke and duchess of cambridge will host an event honoring the british film industry in los angeles, a lot of a-list hollywood actors expected to attend, tom hanks, nicole kidman, steven spielberg and barbra streisand. >> ben tracey, thanks a lot. >> joining us is victoria arbiter. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. it was right to work, they literally stepped down off the plane, got into the range rover which had the steering wheel on the same side as it would be in england so they'd feel at home and they went straight to their first reception, only there for 35 minutes but l.a. is really all about business. if it gives you an indication of how given it would be to canada there were crowds waiting for them outside beverly hills, out the car straight into the hotel.
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they were there 35 minutes, on to the consul general's house and another reception and i imagine they passed out, a long day. >> ben gave us a rundown. is the poe lae matlo match is t highlight of the trip? >> he is very competitive and loves to play polo. it's considered the sport of kings and he's good at it. people paid up to $60,000 to play. people paid $4,000 to eat alongside the couple and paid $4,000 for a lunch in the distance and there's going to be famous faces in the crowd. >> ben talked about some of the stars mingling today. are they star struck? >> not at all. william and kate if they had their choice they would be rambling the highlands of scotland. they are not jalz jazzed by cely at all. they appreciate the value of celebrity, they respect their talent and also l.a. they know people have deep pockets so this
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weekend is an opportunity to raise money for william's charity. >> we're seeing faces, folks there, jennifer lopez, her husband, marc anthony. anybody else? >> tonight at the event there are 300 people going there, 42 up and coming british talent, the idea is to mingle them with the hollywood movers and shakers, nicole kidman, quentin tarantino, barbra streisand. >> the beckhams. >> they're friends but not pally, pally. william and david were trying to get the world cup in england last year, so they know each other as colleagues, they certainly have got things in common but not like they're popping over there for cocktails before dinner. >> catherine has been getting major kudos for outfits. any special style she'll bring to the l.a. trip. >> i hope so. we've come to expect this from catherine, was wearing an american designer last night, a
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green diane von furstenberg dress. her first trip to america, wearing an american designer. this weekend is about promoting british talent and industry. i wouldn't be surprised if she wore a british designer to the event tonight. >> l.a. is used to celebrity and stars and the paparazzi having a wonderful time i'm sure this week. security wise is this tough for lapd? >> especially with the paparazzi the press have been respectful on this tour, they very much appreciate what it means to william to have 1,400 journalists in tow and no one wants to get thrown off the royal tour. in l.a. the paparazzi have their own set of rules. the lapd said anyone caught in vicinity on the grass will be immediately arrested. >> our boss will be there. very, very cool. >> yes. >> very cool. victoria arbiter as always thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> see you next time. still ahead as "atlantis" circles the earth on the final flight kristen fisher, parents
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the first ever in space. hi russ, come on up here. i was thinking it's interesting, we all wear a number of different hats at cbs news. you know? >> very good. >> anyway, hats are a big deal this time of year, right, you want to keep the sun off your face, an important thing but how do you pick the right one, stay trendy, stylish that kind of thing. >> i wear a baseball cap. >> russ? >> baseball cap. do you that? >> it's fun. >> the fidor is in style now. >> the whole indiana jones thing was big, i had that indiana jones hat. i did. why, i don't know. >> that's another story. another program anyway it.
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>> baseball cap i think that's a good question. >> the st. louis cardinals of course. >> lonnie? >> i work here in new york city but i went to boston college, the no name hat now, i probably would grab a boston hat. >> would you dare wear it in new york city? >> no! i understand how the rules are. >> twins or cubs? >> i'm so split but i think the twins, i went to the games as a kid with my dad and grandfather, all the games we lived so close to the metrodomes. betty? >> long hohorns all the way. hook 'em horns. >> talking baseball caps, i can't help but segue into derek jeter thing. there's a player everybody loves and to see him possibly get the 3,000 hit thing, no yankee has ever got it. last night it got rained out. two hits away. two hits away, first yankee to ever do it. >> no teams necessary, the best
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team for everyone, pats coming up soon. ,,,, i know you're worried about making your savings last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here -- to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way. call or come in and talk with us today.
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that would be central park on a beautiful saturday morning here in new york city. welcome back to "the early show." i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. if you are in central park, one of the ways to keep the harsh sun from burning you this summer is to wear a hat. there are cool ones out there and not so school ones. we have the cool ones for both men and women, everything from a cowboy hat to a driving cap, even a bowler cap. >> looks good. we are going french for dinner, chef chris leahy, leon bouchier
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is going to prepare an awesome grilled salmon steak and a peach galette, crusty cake too good to be believed. >> no more french necessary, just good food. >> coming up all that but lonnie quinn is outside our final check of the weather. >> i got to tell you guys, a beautiful day in new york city, nice crowd of people, fifth avenue right there, central park over there and a big hello to mrs. madden. what is your name? >> mary. >> mary and mrs. madden is? >> my fifth grade teacher. >> in? >> iowa. >> iowa, iowa, hello to mrs. madden. let's talk about what we see. i got to tell you, the southern plains are where we are going to find the big time heat today. we're talking temperatures 100 degrees or more and this is not the dry heat that you hear about. there's humidity involved so you got to pull out the calculator
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and i'm talking about the feels likical lator. for a place like broken bow, okinawa, 102 degree air temperature combined with a 72 degree dewpoint, that makes the air feel like 112 degrees, and if you look at the satellite and radar picture there will be no rain cooled air for oklahoma, rain north around the western great lakes. that's a quick look at the national picture. you know what guys? it's that time for my shout out this morning, which goes to one of the most colorful eents of the summer season, 391st annual hot air balloon rodeo in
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steamboat springs, colorado, going to be spectacular, 40 balloons floating through the air, that's beautiful looking and after that, a huge arts and crafts fair. we want to thank everyone for watching "the early show" on cbs. thank you to you, who is this? >> miko. >> looking good, brother. let's get inside to russ. >> brother, you just called the dog, lonie? >> i did. space shuttle "atlantis" is on the last and final mission of nasa's shuttle program. kristen fisher with wusa covering history and a part of it at the kennedy space center in florida. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i think so many people my age take the space shuttle program for granted and i used to be one of they will. i grew up five minutes away from the johnson space center in houston, texas and everyone in my neighborhood worked for nasa, including my mom and dad.
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>> you're going to go on a jet. jet, jet. >> reporter: it shouldn't be too surprising my very first word was jet. then came -- >> space shuttles and rockets. >> reporter: for christmas at 17 months old i got a toy airport set from santa. >> airport. >> reporter: and for halloween i was going to be an astronaut like it or not. that's because my parents were astronauts. my mother anna fisher, first mom to fly on the shuttle in space when i was 1-year-old. >> mommy is going to go in space, this is my last night home and i love you more than anything in the whole world. >> reporter: november, 1984, it was the golden age of the shuttle program, "challenger," the first shuttle disaster was still two years away, but my parents knew the risks, it's why they made these movies, they didn't come back, at least i'd have this. >> say mommy, have a good launch. >> three, two, one. >> reporter: my mom's slight sts
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51 a was the first and only flight to retrieve two satellites. >> i can't help but wonder if you'd recommend a career as an astronaut to your daughter, kristen. >> oh, that i would, mr. president. >> reporter: my father, bill fisher, applied to be an astronaut when he was 12 years old. he treasured rejection letter he got then and 30 years later took it into space with my mother and i cheering him on. >> go, bill! >> reporter: watching those launches for most of the last three decades is a family ritual and yesterday was not an exception. my mother's enthusiasm remains infectious. >> woo! >> reporter: in this part of the cape canaveral reserve for the astronauts, their families and the people who built and designed the mission, the enthusiasm is also personal. >> he was my flight director. >> reporter: but this day was also not like all the others. it was the last day, the last
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time we would gather to wait. >> he just stopped talking. that's not good. >> reporter: and gathered to watch. it was the last time. >> sad. it's very, very sad. but it's time to move on to the next program, i guess, but they'll never be anything like the shuttle. >> reporter: nothing like it. >> feel that? >> liftoff, the final liftoff of "atlantis." >> incredible. >> reporter: nothing like it again. >> roger. >> reporter: my dad left the space program back in 1992 but my mom is still there, she is now going to work on the new vehicle, the orion multipurpose crew vehicle. >> watching your mom cry there, had to be quite a moment for her. what was it like for you seeing th th that? >> it's funny i'm embarrassed to admit when i was younger i got embarrassed, as you saw she gets
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so emotional, so excited, and yesterday i could not have been more proud to be standing beside her. it was, you know it was really something to see the space shuttle launch for the last time. i definitely teared up. you saw my mom did as well. i saw many astronauts tear up, and you know the one thing that i really walked away with was everybody said they just could not believe that this was the last time they were going to watch a shuttle launch at cape canaveral. hard to wrap your mind around that. >> thank you for sharing with us. you take care. >> my pleasure. >> kristen fisher of wusa tv in washington. about 23 minutes before the hour. rebecca out to you. >> reporter: cool story russ. we found some hats out here, a great way to beat the heat and look great doing it. we have one for you and everyone who is watching and you're watching "the early show" right here on cbs. when you've lost interest in everything. when you've had one too many days feeling sad or anxious... aches and pains, fatigue.
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and you need a ride to chili's. hey, you're good. who will you take to chili's $20 dinner for two? there are 16 entrees to choose from, like our new chicken club quesadillas, made with fire-roasted corn guacamole and grilled chicken. ♪ chili's $20 for two ♪ they are a great way to be cool and also to look cool at the same time this summer and it is wearing a hat, of course. we're talking about it and it's the season's hottest new accessory, here with tips on how to find the perfect chapot is amy. hollywood comes out with some of the weirdest hats and sometimes they make it right. what works? >> you need to think about a hat's personality and also your personal style and make sure those mesh and think about proportion, two key elements you can get in order to get the perfect hat for your head. >> all right, perfect.
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we have a bunch of models here to show how to find the perfect hat. you put a western hat on gina. why did you pick this one? >> kate middleton wore white western cowboy hat in canada. this is really hot for the moment, because cowboys wear them for sun protection. here it's a modern interpretation. i love the unexpected black color, i love the open weave of this brim and she also has a round shape of her face so in order to have a little bit of structure on the top or crown, square counterbalance to that beautifully. >> guy is also here, we have a man in a bowler hat. >> with the popularity of the british invasion and royal wedding guys are getting into hats. we have a great bowler american style hat, known for its short brim, the key here, guy is a smart one, a big noggin and the trick is to do is asymmetrically
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offcenter to conquer and divide his space shape. >> never would have thought of that this morning, would you, guy. we have kimberly wearing a hat much like your hat with that wide brim, very chic. >> the floppy hat, 1970s from gucci to mark jacob, also extends to accessories clearly here. kimberly's face shape has an oval face, one of the most versatile and floppy hat great for a wide variety of head sizes. one key make sure the brim doesn't exceed the width of your shoulders. her hat has upf of 50, so she has sun protection as well. >> very smart. thank you so much kimberly. fiffi is here, another nice hat. >> these are easy to throw on, it's done with a little cotton,
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very casual but more dressy feel, a leather cap. he happens to have a narrow, rather small head. we made sure the cap fit him to a "t" and beautifully. the one mistake they're too small for your head shape and then your head looks like a house, and the cap ends up looking look a dormer and that is a testidefinite toss in my b. >> in the summertime you'll not get hot wearing it. thank you so much. maria is here as well, this is a lovely hat. i have avenue never seen anything like this before. >> this is like the sunday best. in america we tend to wearing hats for special occasions or holidays. a perfect fashion pop with the accessory of a hat. adds to her purple chic dress. americans might say hats are too hot. hers is sheer, delicate, tremendous breathability and she has a square faced shape, so here having that kind of softer rounded crown brings a lot of femininity, the attention to her
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eyes, a nice softness on the rim that looks so beautiful and for all the hats, make sure that that crown at the top of the hat actually is not narrower than the width of your face. >> good advice. thank you so much. one last model martino is looking dapper. >> martino is wearing the panama hat, the fedora is the cousin. it's known for a slightly wider brim which counterbalances his broader shaped face and i love this. this is classic styling to a "t." he is a restauranteur is new york. we added the debonair hat to his suit. >> all of the models look fantastic. thank you to you and to you amy for the styling and also my hat. >> you look smashing. you should wear hats for often. >> likewise. thank you very much. here's russ. >> up next fermage and salmon, a
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we are going french this morning with our "chef on a shoestring." chris leahy is executive chef at lyon bouchon, going to cook for just about 28 bucks. >> we have grilled salmon and peach galette. >> how does that translate? >> classic working man's restaurant from the city of lyon. this is a classic dipping sauce from lyon. usually served for dessert but we'll serve it as an appetizer. we have a bunch of fresh herbs, fromage blanc leaves and garlic and shallot.
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>> fromage blanc, find it anywhere? >> yes. the whole thing, shred it in. i like it a little spicy. whip it up. >> what you got here? >> olive oil and vinegar. this is just like a nice dip, easy good for appetizers, good for parties, flavors. we serve it at the restaurant with some spicy meats or just whatever seasonal vegetables at its best that you eat raw. >> give it a little bit more over there. you got wonderful vegetables. baby heirloom tomatoes. >> the season of tomatoes just sprung on us. the produce from the farmers markets. >> dip in a tomato? >> yes. >> anything else to do? >> nope. make sure you got it folded together. >> do a better job than russ. >> no, no, just finishing it up for you. >> it's good. >> thank you.
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>> just a nice look. >> time for the grill. >> everyone's favorite dish. >> we're using wild saki salmon. you mind passing me the salt and the pepper. i like the sakai fish, it has great fat content. right now in the season in alaska, the salmon is just unbelievable. >> okay. so we're just salt and pepper. the trick is to make sure that you have a nice, hot grill before you put your fish down. >> that's it, salt and pepper. the fish is so great that you don't have to worry too much about it. so we just put our fish on nice. >> how long you got to grill this? >> approximately three minutes on both sides. >> medium rare? >> as long as the grill is hot, the fish will be cooked well.
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>> what does the chef recommend, it's usually medium rare, the best way for the most flavor? >> depends on what fish but with salmon, yes. allows the true flavor of the fish to come out. we're serving with beautiful heirloom tomatoes. the menu we developed today you can use for all over the courses. so it's tomatoes. >> sorry. >> it's fennel, onions cooked slowly in olive oil, a little bit of lemon zest and garlic. >> you can do all of this in the grill. >> all of this can be done on the grilltomatoes, a little bitf chili flakes. i like it spicy. >> put more on there, put a little more. no problem. i like it spicy. >> it's up to you. and so we cook this until the skin just pops on the tomato. when we finish, we finish it with herbs. as it cooks it's going to release juice from the tomato so we add the s acid at the end to
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keep it fresh. >> salmon already done? >> yes this is ready to go. so all we do with this is we put it on the plate here. i think the best thing about barbecue -- that's perfect. best thing about barbecuing is do it family style. so you don't want too much oil. >> okay. this is just for flavor, lets it come through. >> quickly we'll talk about dessert. >> this is a stone galette, peach with lemon verbena and shortbread cookie dough. >> wonderful. the recipes are on the website. you can find the recipes cost breakdown, take a look. are you nerve us? >> i'm not actually. >> 38.18. let's see where you stack on our
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list. oh. >> next time. >> next time. >> we're all in hats from our hat segment. we have one for you, russ. >> oh, joy. >> i have a great tip, the five horse in the third race. >> he's our bookie. >> fantastic job. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me. >> restaurant has great reviews. >> thank you. >> all right. don't go away. we're coming right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> i'll grab some of this. >> i love the dip. >> thank you. >> wow! the fast absorbing bodyn with breakthrough 24 hour hydraiq. absorbs in seconds. lasts for hours. express hydration with hydraiq. nivea. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil. here's one story.
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>> and bob schieffer is sitting down with treasury secretary tim geithner and bill nelson coming up tomorrow on "face the nation." we end with our "saturday spotlight" a touching family reunion after 40 years thanks to facebook. tiffany wilson of kwrc has the story. >> reporter: earlier this year claudia typed in spearmint and got in connection with the sisters she's never seen. that was in april, they arranged a weeklong celebration in sin senate hooe which leads us to this moment. >> it's like i'm dreaming. >> she's beautiful. >> we got a lot of making up to do. >> reporter: robert's sister michelle is meeting gina for the
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first time too. >> i'm feeling overwhelmed because i never had sisters, growing up with two brothers, now i gained three sisters so i'm really happy and we look like twins. >> reporter: that's right, the hugs aren't over yet. another sister is on her way, meaning more waiting and then finally another tearful celebration. >> i've been looking for them all my life, and i never gave up. and god promised me that this day would come. i just felt this. >> reporter: for the first time she can feel that her long lost brother and sister are real, and finally the waiting is over. >> for more about "the early show" visit us at -- captions by vitac --
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