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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  September 9, 2011 3:10am-4:00am PDT

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to help keep your bones strong, try new citracal gummies. calcium with good taste. a new kind of lotion with natural silk and pearl extracts for touchable softness and healthy radiance. new gold bond sheer ribbons. >> he took money from me and never paid it back. >> the percentage was high and so on, but, you know, at the time, desperate times call for desperate measures. >> a loan that cost $2,500 at the end of the payments would have been $7,000. >> she had some issues with housing and, you know, the car and needed money, so trying to and needed money, so trying to be a good person -- that's all. -- captions by vitac --
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>> announcer: a tormented ex. >> he had posted several personal ads, giving out my phone number and sending guys over to my home. >> announcer: but he says she had it coming... >> judge judy: you were getting even. >> well, that may be true, too. >> announcer: ...after his truck was trashed. >> judge judy: i can't see who did it. you can't, either. >> announcer: "judge judy." >> judge judy: if i knew that somebody posted this vile filth on the internet about me, i would have destroyed your whole car. >> announcer: you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin.
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the people are real. the cases are real. the people are real. the cases are real. the rulings are final. captions paid for by cbs television distribution frank hutton is suing his ex-girlfriend, andrea pike, for slashing the tires on his truck. andrea denies the charge. >> byrd: all rise. your honor, this is case number 540 on the calendar in the matter of hutton vs. pike. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. young man, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. hutton, the defendant is your former girlfriend. it is your claim that she and her minor son -- this young man here, i assume -- are responsible for slashing the tires on your car. you indicate that you have surveillance tape which proves that she slashed your tires. miss pike says she did not do it, nor did her son. she is counterclaiming, and she alleges some very serious harassment by you of her after the breakup, and she is counterclaiming for $5,000. so, some quick background.
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when did the two of you no longer remain a couple? >> it was about july of '07. >> judge judy: and how long had you been together? >> since about july of '04 off and on. >> judge judy: did you ever live together? >> yes, most of the time. >> judge judy: in whose home? >> a friend of mine, where i rented a room, that's where we lived most of the time. >> judge judy: when do you allege that she slashed the tires on your car? >> on january 11, 2008. >> judge judy: you said you had a surveillance tape of that. can i see it, please? >> yes. >> judge judy: have you ever seen this tape, miss pike? >> no, ma'am. >> judge judy: before officer byrd plays the tape, do you want to modify the story that you told me? >> no, your honor. >> judge judy: so you deny that either you or your son are responsible for the slashed tires? >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: and that is as truthful as everything else you're gonna tell me today. is that right? >> yes. >> judge judy: okay. now, i'd like to see the tape, please. >> well, this is -- my truck is the blue one parked there, and she pulls in kind of at an angle, parks, and you'll see the
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passenger door open, and her son runs around the front of the truck, and a friend of his runs around the rear of the truck, and, apparently -- you can't really see it -- but her son slashes the front tire, and the kid that ran around the back comes back. they both meet up in the truck again, and then i guess the guy that ran around the back didn't have a knife, so he got the knife -- >> judge judy: don't tell me what you're guessing. i want to know -- >> okay. >> judge judy: shh! i want to know where she is. >> she's driving. >> judge judy: i don't see that. do you see that in that? >> i don't see that in that, but she has admitted it to the police. >> judge judy: you have the police report where she admits that? >> uh, it's been whited out, that part, but i do have the police report. >> judge judy: i'll take a look at the police report. is that your truck, miss pike? >> no, your honor. >> judge judy: do you have a truck that looks like that? >> yes, i do. >> judge judy: do you have a truck that looks exactly like that? >> yes, i do, but there's three other ones on my street, too. there's a lot of them out there, your honor. >> judge judy: all right. >> this is the police report that is whited out, and this is some photo evidence of her truck, and it does show an extended bed thing in the back
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that you can see on the video that's in the bed of her truck. >> judge judy: let's see, please. >> there's a lot of those. your honor, can i say something? >> judge judy: sure. >> that evening, i had my roommate's daughter with me, and we weren't even in the area. we were in la mirada. >> judge judy: where's your roommate? >> uh, she's not here right now. she's missed enough school. they wouldn't let her. >> judge judy: should have been. okay, before i rule on this... [ taps desk ] allege some serious forms of harassment by mr. hutton. >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: i'd like you to tell me what form that harassment took. >> okay, he's a -- >> judge judy: you broke up in july of '07. >> yes, your honor. i believe it was before that, but -- >> judge judy: fine. between july of '07 and january of 2008, was there harassment? >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: well, tell me about it. >> i'm not sure if you're familiar with craigslist. >> judge judy: i am. >> okay. he had posted several personal ads sexually expliciting me for sex and, in turn, giving out my
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phone number -- home phone number, cellphone numbers, and home address and sending guys over to my home. >> judge judy: why did you do that? >> i did not do that. >> i have proof of that, your honor. >> judge judy: i'd like to see it. >> hold on a second. >> judge judy: and when did he do that, miss pike? >> during the periods of august through the beginning of september -- like, the first week in september. it went on for about three or more weeks. >> judge judy: when and why did it stop? >> it stopped, like, the second week in september, and i had contacted craigslist to ask them to -- >> judge judy: delete it. >> yes, and explain to them that i had a restraining order on my ex, but he was still -- >> judge judy: okay, i'd like to see what you have, and i assume that you have proof that he was the one responsible for putting -- >> he admits to it, your honor, in a couple of the letters that i was able to go through. actually, he admits it several times, but i'll try to find that letter for you. >> excuse me. may i say something? >> judge judy: unless you want to admit that you put this on, i want to see her proof. >> no, i would not admit that. the reason she is so angry and vindictive is because when she moved out of living with me, she moved into an ex-boyfriend's
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house that i found out she was using his credit cards to gamble online with, and i turned her in. i told the guy that she was doing that. >> judge judy: what'd you do that for? >> why? >> judge judy: why did you do that for? >> because she did -- she got almost $1,000 from my account after she left me. she used automatic withdrawals out of my account for almost $1,000 doing the same thing -- gambling online. >> judge judy: mr. hutton, that's your problem with her. what'd you call the boyfriend for? >> no, he's a mutual friend. well, he's her ex-boyfriend, but he's a mutual friend, and he's in prison right now. so he's not there. she was in charge of his house, using his credit card, and, you know -- >> judge judy: you're just a troublemaker. >> no, ma'am. >> judge judy: sure, you are. >> i don't agree with that. >> judge judy: just a second. how did you find out that she was using his credit cards to gamble online? >> through mine and her e-mail accounts. >> judge judy: just a second. so after you broke up, you were monitoring her e-mail accounts. >> no, they were shared accounts. i found out through our shared e-mail accounts that she was using his credit cards to gamble online, and since she did the same thing to me, i told her ex-boyfriend that's in prison.
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i wrote him a letter and told him what was going on and that she'd moved in a new boyfriend at his house, so i told him. >> judge judy: you're a troublemaker. >> well -- [ stammering ] >> judge judy: you're a troublemaker. >> that's not true. >> judge judy: well, i'm telling you it's true. >> your honor, as far as the gambling's concerned, i was using the credit cards. he's saying that i stole these credit cards and i was using them to gamble large amounts of money. i paid for those credit cards. i was left in charge of the credit cards, the bills, so if i used $25 to play bingo online, but i paid that. i was paying those bills, your honor. i didn't steal anybody's credit card. i had permission to use the credit cards, and it wasn't like -- >> judge judy: i want you to show me -- look, you handed me a lot of pieces of paper. >> yes. >> judge judy: i want you to show me where he admits that he posted your name and these photographs, which are very, very descriptive, online. >> judge, one more thing i'd like to add is why she's really doing all this is because -- >> judge judy: just a second. she's not doing anything. you sued her. >> well, i mean, as far as being -- >> judge judy: just a second. you sued her. >> right, but as far as stabbing my tires and stuff, the reason she's being so aggressive or vindictive or whatever it is, is
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because of what i was telling you before about me telling the guy that he's getting ripped off. >> judge judy: mr. hutton, i want you to understand something. if you posted these pictures of her on the internet... >> thank you. >> judge judy: if you had anything to do with these pictures, not only are you gonna pay for your own tires, i would have destroyed your whole car. do you understand, sir? >> yes, i don't know what you're talking about, but, yes, i understand what you're saying. >> judge judy: i just want you to clearly understand. so don't ascribe motives to her. i don't say that vandalism is an appropriate response, but if i knew that somebody posted this vile filth on the internet about me, thereby exposing me to all kinds of predators and perverts, it wouldn't be their tires i would go after. [ scattered laughter ] it would be something much closer to them. >> announcer: "judge judy" continues in a moment. >> i don't want her to see some pictures. >> judge judy: i certainly didn't even want to look at them, sir. they're disgusting.
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>> you must have the wrong phone. >> judge judy: no, i got the right phone. i got the right phone, and i got right phone. i got the right phone, and i got your number.
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>> announcer: real cases. real people. "judge judy." frank hutton says his ex-girlfriend, andrea pike, slashed the tires on his truck. andrea is countersuing, claiming frank posted nude pictures of her on craigslist. >> judge judy: this letter, sir, is dated november 7, 2007. it is clearly from you because the handwriting is the same as on the police report, and you say here, "now that your 'friend' is actually gone, you must be lonely." you remember writing that to andrea? >> mmm, not necessarily. not really. >> judge judy: not really? "you have changed addresses and have told me that i had something to do with it or was to blame for it. in all honesty, i was happy to see you get thrown out of bill's since you were stealing from him and disrespecting him by -- expletives deleted -- your daddy in his bed." does that sound familiar?
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>> i recall that, yes. i wrote that, yes. >> mm-hmm. >> i don't understand what that letter has to do with anything as far -- i've written her quite a few letters. she's written me quite a few letters, and -- >> i've written him none. >> i don't understand. >> judge judy: show me. >> as far as letters she's written me? >> judge judy: yeah. >> i don't have them, but, i mean, you know. we were breaking up in a relationship. >> judge judy: no, you were all broken up, sir. you told me it was over july of '07. >> well, yeah, that's -- >> judge judy: i'm speaking. this letter was written november 7th, '07. >> yes, but there have been a lot of things -- >> judge judy: which means that november 7th of '07 and this filth was posted on craigslist up through september. >> i haven't even seen the filth you're talking about. i don't know what you're referring to because i haven't seen it. and i don't know what she's talking about because she's vindictive. >> judge judy: she's vindictive? >> yes. >> judge judy: she didn't call anybody or notify somebody that you were seeing that you were being unfaithful, that you were being disrespectful. that's something you did. >> so if you -- >> judge judy: don't ask me questions. i don't answer your questions. i ask questions. >> would anybody that's halfway decent not tell somebody if you
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see a friend getting ripped off? >> judge judy: you were getting even, sir. you were getting even. that's what you say in the letter. >> i'd turn anybody in that was doing that, not just her. >> judge judy: you were getting even. >> well, that may be true, too, but i may not -- >> judge judy: ahh, that's a different story. >> no. >> judge judy: that's a different story. that may be true? that's very true. >> so, do you condone her stealing from him? >> judge judy: sir, you have absolutely no proof that she was stealing from him. show me proof. show -- don't talk to me. show me proof that she was stealing from him. show me. >> um... i guess i really don't have evidence of that, but, i mean -- >> judge judy: well, that's what we're here for. we're not here on good looks. we're here to show me proof that she was stealing from him as opposed to, "honey, here are my credit cards. you can use them if you want to," or "i'm using the credit cards, but i pay the balance." show me proof, sir, that she was stealing from him, or is it more about somebody who she had taken into his house and sleeping with? that's what you say here. >> well, that's true, but i came here to defend my truck vandalism. >> judge judy: your truck
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vandalism, forget it. forget it. i can't see who did it. i see it's a white truck. i can't see him. you can't, either. >> can you see the extender in the bed? >> judge judy: can i see the license plate? no. >> how about the extension in the bed of the truck? >> judge judy: is that the only extension in the bed of a truck that exists in the county where you live? >> i don't know -- only one i'm aware of. >> judge judy: no? i don't know, either. all i know is, sir, in very close proximity to the time that all this was going on, somebody posted her name, her address, her telephone numbers, and vile pictures of anatomy on the internet, inviting people to come, call, and visit. now, i don't see your picture on that, either, just like i don't see his picture on here. is it more likely than not it was you? probably, because you do things like that. can i say for sure? no. i can't say for sure that he was the one who posted these pictures. >> your honor, i've got more evidence. >> judge judy: let me see. this letter doesn't say it.
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it insinuates it, but it doesn't say it. you have proof, i'd love to see it. >> okay. these are things that he did publish on craigslist. he's looking at me like that. and, also, your honor, if you were to go to craigslist and -- >> judge judy: i don't go to craigslist, madam. >> no, i'm not asking you to go under the ads. if you were to contact, like, their accounts department or something like that and ask them about this right here, the person that posted the ad, you know, and give them the -- they would -- >> judge judy: i would have him arrested. >> your honor -- >> judge judy: no, i would have him arrested. i would go in, file a criminal complaint, have him arrested. it's a federal offense. the district attorney will do everything that you suggest that i do. judges don't do that. judges don't gather evidence for you. right now, there is nothing here that links him satisfactorily to the harassment. but i guarantee you that the federal prosecutors and the federal authorities can do that, madam, and i suggest that you do it. it's tantamount to stalking. that's exactly what it is. it's tantamount to stalking. i'd contact the federal authorities and have him
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arrested. >> well, since vandalism doesn't seem to be like a crime, i don't imagine why any internet thing would be. >> judge judy: vandalism, my dear, is a crime if you can prove it. you can't. >> she has an admission in the police report, ma'am. >> judge judy: i don't see an admission in the police report. there's no admission in the police report, only what you wrote in there. >> no, no, there is, but it's been whited out. >> judge judy: well, if it's been whited out, it doesn't exist. >> they won't give it to me. >> judge judy: if it's been whited out, it doesn't exist, sir. >> i disagree with you. it means it does exist. >> judge judy: i don't care whether you agree or not. that's why i went to law school, and i'm here, and you're not. [ laughter ] if it's whited out by the police, it doesn't exist in evidence, and if it doesn't exist in evidence, i can't use it to rule. >> right, i understand. >> judge judy: good. and what i think you have to do is you need an investigator from a district attorney's office to put it together and to prosecute him. that's not me. that's not my job. >> i'm not asking you to prosecute him, your honor. can you ask to see his cellphone? because i guarantee you, this picture of me, which is the only picture he has of me, came from his cellphone. it's on his cellphone. so he's the only one who could have posted that. >> judge judy: oh, fine. take out your cellphone. >> i don't have it.
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>> judge judy: go get it. get his cellphone. >> and, your honor -- >> judge judy: get his cellphone. >> oh. >> judge judy: you would acknowledge to me, mr. hutton, that if that picture appears in your cellphone, that that is some pretty serious evidence that you were the one responsible for that posting on craigslist. >> no, i wouldn't say that at all because -- >> judge judy: well, i would. >> well, you're the judge. >> judge judy: that's right. >> right. >> announcer: "judge judy" continues in a moment. >> judge judy: what are you talking to me technicalities for, mr. hutton? [ laughter ] what are you talking to me about technicalities for, sir? is it getting too hot for you? >> announcer: closed captioning is it getting too hot for you? >> announcer: closed captioning sponsored by... the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie.
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get the sensation.
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>> announcer: real cases. real people. "judge judy." frank hutton says ex-girlfriend, andrea pike, slashed his tires. andrea is accusing frank of posting her address along with nude pictures of her on the internet. >> judge judy: now, where do you think the person who posted those pictures on craigslist got the picture that's in your -- if i find it in your phone? >> i haven't seen the postings that she's talking about. >> judge judy: just show -- only one. that one. >> well, i haven't even looked at it. >> judge judy: i want you to look at it. hand it to him. thank you. >> but she's -- >> judge judy: shh. don't speak.
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just look at it. you would acknowledge to me -- >> i wouldn't write that. that's something like she'd write. >> judge judy: mr. hutton, mr. hutton. there is no question in my mind that miss pike did not post that picture of herself on craigslist. there isn't a question in my mind that she did not do that and then attempt to get the police involved and get craigslist involved to try to get it off, so where do you think the person -- let's say that picture is in your cellphone. where do you think the person who posted that got that picture that's in your cellphone if it's there? >> where do i think the person that got that -- i'm not sure if it's in there or not, but she's used my cellphone for many -- i recognize the picture from somewhere, but i can't tell you where, but she used my cellphone -- >> judge judy: well, i'm gonna tell you right now, mr. hutton. if i find that picture of her on your cellphone that's in that craigslist ad, i'm gonna find that you're the one who spread that filth on the internet about her. >> well, that'd be completely untrue. >> judge judy: well, that's a problem that you're just gonna have to live with, mr. hutton. [ scattered laughter ]
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>> ma'am, may i say something? >> judge judy: sure. >> aren't you supposed to be served before you get countersued? >> judge judy: what are you talking to me technicalities for, mr. hutton? [ laughter ] what are you talking to me about technicalities for, sir? is it getting too hot for you? >> no, i'm wondering -- >> judge judy: is it getting too hot for you? we're getting your cellphone. say nothing until i get your cellphone. >> but i was just wondering if -- what's the service? i never got any service, and i was wondering since i had to do it, why doesn't she have to do that? >> judge judy: you were not served with her counterclaim? >> no, ma'am. >> judge judy: do you have proof of service on him on the counterclaim? >> he was served, your honor. >> judge judy: well, show me. >> i don't have -- it's in the back. >> judge judy: go get it. if you're saying to me that the proof of service of the counterclaim is in the back, let's get it. byrd, mr. hutton says he was not served with a counterclaim, and what i'd like to do is to find proof of service on that counterclaim after i look in his camera. >> byrd: which one is yours? >> judge judy: so, could we come up here? >> this one here. >> byrd: this is yours? >> yes, mm-hmm. >> judge judy: byrd, could you bring it up here, please?
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okay. well, neither one of those is that picture. >> byrd: no. >> judge judy: no. are there any other pictures on here? >> byrd: can she find it since she knows which one it is? >> she's not allowed to use my phone. give me a break. >> judge judy: she's not using your phone. she's not using your phone. >> i now because, yeah, i don't want her to see some pictures. >> byrd: i bet you don't. >> judge judy: i bet you don't want anybody to see those. >> i don't care about anybody. i don't want her to see them. >> judge judy: i certainly didn't even want to look at them, sir. they're disgusting. >> you must have the wrong phone. >> judge judy: no, i got the right phone. i got the right phone, and i got your number. >> byrd: well, i don't know how to get to the rest of his pictures 'cause he's got more pictures in here. i got -- i got no idea how to get to the rest of them. >> judge judy: i'm gonna take the phone, byrd. would you go in the back and get the proof of service, please? >> byrd: okay. >> judge judy: thank you. >> announcer: "judge judy" >> judge judy: thank you. >> announcer: "judge judy" continues in a moment. [ grandpa ] relationships are the basis of everything.
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>> judge judy: mr. hutton, i've examined all the papers here. there is absolutely no proof that you have been served with a counterclaim in this case. so your counterclaim is dismissed without prejudice. re-serve him. i tell you this. if you re-serve him, and you elect to go the route of civil
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court rather than criminal court, i think you're crazy. do you understand? >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: i do. i think you're crazy. i think that if he posted these things on the internet about you, and you have proof of that, and the district attorney can help you establish that, or the federal authorities can establish that, he's gonna go to jail. >> i agree, your honor. >> judge judy: okay, then just do it right now. there's no proof that you served him. >> okay. >> judge judy: your case is dismissed with prejudice, hers is without prejudice to refiling and serving him. that's all. >> byrd: parties are excused. you may step out. >> announcer: "judge judy" continues in a moment. >> announcer: "judge judy" continues in a moment. and on the next "judge judy"... try ihop's delicious new caramel apple crisp crepes. or treat yourself to caramel apple pancakes or fritters,
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each starting at $4.99. make it an ihop day. to get your calcium plus vitamin d everyday?y to help keep your bones strong, try new citracal gummies. calcium with good taste. a new kind of lotion with natural silk and pearl extracts for touchable softness and healthy radiance. new gold bond sheer ribbons. >> i would guess andrea put them there herself. >> it started out as me not wanting to talk to him or have anything to do with him anymore. >> she can't tell the truth about anything. >> he'll continue to do what he's been doing. >> she uses men for money. there's a word for that. >> just keep on calling the there's a word for that. >> just keep on calling the local authorities, i guess. -- captions by vitac --
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