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tv   The Early Show  CBS  November 14, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST

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moved in to frank ogawa place and they have broken down the tents. it looks like it may be over. good morning. after the worst week in school history ends with an emotional loss on the football field, new details emerge in the sex abuse scandal at penn state. the governor says he expects even more victims to come forward. we'll ask the university president about that as well as the latest on the investigation and what lies ahead. after weeks of accusations against her husband, herman cain's wife speaks out publicly for the first time, dismissing claims that he harassed female co-workers, saying he totally respects women. we'll tell you what else she had to say and bring you the latest on the race for the gop nomination. and a hollywood hero meets a true hero. after being invited to a marine ball via youtube, justin timberlake makes good on a promise and escorts a marine
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corporal on the big weekend. early this monday morning, november 14th, 2011. "early" this monday captioning funded by cbs one of the best nights of his life and a beautiful morning here. good morning, everyone, i'm jeff gl glor. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. a lot ahead this morning. the buzz after last night's explosive report on "60 minutes." it found evidence members of congress used confidential information to make money in the stock market. they're allowed to do that, even though insider information laws make it illegal for everybody else. we'll hear what house speaker john boehner and house democratic leader nancy pelosi say about it. both of them have bought stock where the timing has raised some questions. >> absolutely. also we begin this morning with the latest from penn state. >> saturday's final home game of
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the year was anything but normal. for one thing fired head coach joe paterno was not involved for the first time in 46 years. this, as the investigation continues. our chief investigative correspondent, armen keteyian is in state college, pennsylvania, with the latest. armen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. as the scandal that rocked penn state moves into its second full week, a fresh set of emotions have emerged, but make no mistake, there's more trouble ahead. >> mcgloin running around. and it's incomplete. nebraska wins! >> reporter: losses are rarely viewed as wins in football, but penn state's 17-14 defeat at home had elements of a victory. the chaos and confusion of an unspeakable child abuse scandal surrounding former defensive coach jerry sandusky replaced by powerful expressions of healing and hope. >> i told them it was a privilege to coach them, the way
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they behaved this week, the way they stood up to the test of a lot of different emotions and a different and outside influences that happened to them. >> reporter: a quiet calm on campus sunday belied the most turbulent week in school history. three separate far-reaching investigations are under way into the scandal, and the university response that has already cost four top officials their jobs, including the school's legendary coach, joe paterno. >> for the alleged facts of that case to have taken place and for folks not to immediately say nothing else matters except making sure those kids are protected, that's a problem. >> reporter: prosecutors charge sandusky's repeated abuse of young boys dates back 15 years, and that he used a charity he founded for troubled kids in 1977, the second mile, as bait. troy craig is a former member of second mile. though never abused by sandusky, he told cbs news his actions
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were creepy. >> he would put his hand on my thigh, and he would just keep it there. sometimes there would be a squeeze, but he would just keep it there. it made me uncomfortable. >> reporter: pennsylvania governor tom corbett did not rule out the responsibility of more victims coming forward. >> it is not uncommon to see more victims come forward. hopefully there aren't any more victims. hopefully we know who they all are. >> one kind of unity. >> reporter: the student body president, t.j. bard said a move toward normal is still under way. >> still kind of reeling, i think. fundamentally we're looking to move forward and looking to recover, if that's possible. >> reporter: speaking of trouble, civil lawsuits by at least two of the alleged victims in this case are said to be already in the works. jeff. >> armen keteyian at penn state, thank you. also there this morning is the president of the university,
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rodney erickson. mr. erickson, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> pennsylvania's governor says he's expecting more victims will come forward. are you expecting the same? >> that's entirely possible. i'm not aware of any at this point, but certainly possible. >> as armen also mentioned, there's three separate investigations taking place. have you put any kind of a time frame on when you'd like to see those finished? >> well, certainly we'd like to see them completed as soon as possible so we can take whatever corrective actions may be recommended as a result of those investigations. >> the governor of pennsylvania also said that mike mcqueary, a grad student at the time in 2002 when he witnessed some of this alleged abuse by jerry sandusky, now an assistant coach as you mentioned, said that he failed his moral obligation nine years ago by not doing more to intervene. why was mr. mcqueary put on administrative leave and not just removed from his position?
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>> there's some legal issues that we have to deal with there. >> you have legal issues, but joe paterno was removed and wasn't put on administrative leave. what's the difference? >> well, that was a different situation where the board last wednesday night felt that they had to take decisive action, and they did. >> why was it a different situation, though, if both had information that potentially could have stopped this earlier? why was one put on administrative leave and one removed from the position? >> all i can say at this point is that there are legal issues that are involved. >> mr. erickson, some have said that at times here there has been too much focus on the football program, and we were also asking about joe paterno, and there's been too much focus on joe paterno as well and not enough on the victims themselves. do you agree with that at all? >> well, i would certainly hope to the bulk of the focus is on the victims because there's been
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so much sadness here at the university over the course of the last week, so much emotion that's been directed toward the victims. our hearts go out to them. there's also been the start of a healing process, i think. the fact that our students organized a candlelight vigil to support the victims of child sexual abuse, where 10,000 mostly students showed up i think was an excellent example of the real character of penn state and penn state students. i think the game that was played on saturday with the student athletes at the center of the field kneeling in prayer and reflection and certainly support for the victims of sexual abuse spoke wonders about the character of all of our students, our fans and the entire group of 108,000 that were there that day. >> penn state president rodney erickson, we appreciate your time.
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thanks very much. >> thank you. we move now to an eye-opening story that aired on "60 minutes" last night. congressmen and senators make $174,000 a year. it's a good salary, but it's not millions. however, many members leave washington much wealthier than when they came in. a new study tries to explain why. >> looking at like a case of do as i say and not as i do. our lawmakers are exempt from insider trading laws and the study claims that many members use connections and access to information to make money in the stock market. >> "60 minutes" correspondent steve kroft asked john boehner about buying stock in health insurance companies just before congress killed legislation that would have hurt private insurers. >> speaker boehner, you made a number of trades going back to the health care debate. you bought some insurance stock. did you make those trades based on nonpublic information? >> i have not made any decisions on day-to-day trading activities on my account and haven't for
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years. i do not do it, haven't done it and wouldn't do it. >> kroft also questioned house minority leader nancy pelosi about buying visa stock just before a bill that would have hurt the credit card companies was killed. >> madam leader, i wanted to ask you why you and your husband back in march of 2008 accepted and participated in a very large ipo deal from visa at a time there was major legislation affecting the credit card companies making its way through the house. did you consider that to be a conflict of interest? >> i don't know what your point is of your question. is there some point that you want to make with that? >> well, i guess what i'm asking is do you think it's all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential favorite stock deal? you participated in the ipo at the time you were speaker of the
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house. you don't think it was a conflict of interest -- >> no. it only has the appearance if you decide that you're going to elaborate on a false premise. but it's not true and that's that. >> i don't understand what part is not true? >> yes. that i would act upon an investment. >> steve kroft was busy, so was nancy cordes. as usual she's on capitol hill this morning. nancy, good morning to you. what's the reaction there? >> reporter: well, jeff, house minority leader nancy pelosi, who you just saw in that sch exchange, released a statement last night saying "congress has never done more for consumers nor has the congress passed more critical reforms of the credit card industry than under the speakership of nancy pelosi." speaker boehner's staff reiterated what he said in the report last night, which is that he does not make day-to-day trading decisions on his accounts, jeff. >> nancy, some of this was discussed last night, but is anything being done now or on a
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year-to-year basis about the stock issue? >> reporter: well, there is a bill that is reintroduced every year that would make it illegal for members of congress to make trades based on information that they have that is not publicly available. it's called the stock act. it has a very small number of co-sponsors. so far, jeff, it hasn't made it anywhere near the house or senate floors. >> what a shocker. nancy cordes joining us from capitol hill. it's 7:11, thanks very much. "60 minutes" based its report on the research of peter schweizer, a conservative think tank at stanford university. >> his new book is called "throw them all out: how politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips, land deals and cronyism that would send the rest of us to prison. its good morning, peter. >> it's good to be here. >> i heard a third of the house members are actively trading
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stocks. how widespread do you think this insider trading is? >> i think it's hard to know because the disclosure requirements are so minimal. we do know there have been studies done that show that u.s. senators are actually better stock pickers than hedge fund managers. i think you have to come to the conclusion that they're a lot smarter than we think they are or something is afoot. so i think the temptation will exist there because it's legal for them to do it. they're the only class of people in the entire country that are allowed to engage in insider trading and not violate the law. >> i wonder if there's an index fund based on the stocks that congress buys. so the book is called "throw them all out." we don't know if that means all but quite a few you think? >> what i mean by throw them all out, i think what happens sometimes in the partisanship in washington, d.c., is that people tend to protect their own. i think we should throw them all out. if you are a liberal and a liberal member does that, i think you should want that
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person to go. i think we need to have a zero tolerance policy for anyone that's doing this. >> do they try to justify this or just deny it? >> it's a combination of things. you will get some that will tell you, look, i don't make that much money. i could make a lot more doing something else, which is kind of ridiculous excuse. but a lot of them will just simply deny and say i don't do it or use inside information. the problem is that if you were a corporate executive and there was a pattern of stock behavior linked to inside information and you just told the s.e.c. i don't do it, the s.e.c. wouldn't walk away, they would look and investigate and see if there is a link. that's what i think is troubling here. the s.e.c. doesn't have the authority or the power to go in and look and see, hmm, there's an interesting pattern linked to your legislative activity. was there communication that took place that made this pattern exist. >> you know, jeff brought up the index fund in gest, but you have staffers that also work as consultants on the issues that are taking place in congress
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right now and they sell that information to hedge funds, because it is very useful information. >> no, that's a great point. when people think of lobbyists in washington, d.c., they think of how much money these people can make trying to influence or change legislation. the fact is the big growth industry in d.c. is political intelligence, whereby a congressional staffer gives information to a lobbyist, who then gives it to a hedge fund. you actually can make more money doing that. the interesting thing is, you have to register as a lobbyist, but you engage in collecting political intelligent, you don't have to register at all. >> what does the everyday american do? >> i think the everyday american can do a lot of things. the investigative work that i did and the research team that worked with me did can be replicated fairly easy. it takes a lot of time and effort, but i would say number one, find out which committees your elected representative is on. that's where they get most of the information. then look and see if there's a crossover. if they're on the senate banking committee and they're trading a
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lot of bank stock, i would start looking at the legislative activity and see if they were buying or selling and timed a particular way. then i would take that information and share with it other people. so i'm hoping that the book is not the end, it's kind of the beginning and it's going to encourage other people to do this. >> i've worked in companies that both talk about stocks and deal with stocks. our rule of thumb was you cannot trade anything that you deal with. at the company that talked about stocks, we weren't allowed to trade anything actively just because of the appearance of it. >> that's the way it is with most of americans. a bank regulator in the state of florida, you can't own bank stocks. if you work for the federal communications commission, there's a restriction on communications-related stock. the only group of americans in the country that doesn't have to worry about conflict of interest laws and insider trading laws is the congress in the washington. >> thanks, peter. >> thanks for having me. and now here's betty nguyen at the news desk sitting in for jeff who's sitting right next to me with another check of the
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headlines. >> good morning to you, rebecca and jeff, and good morning to you. another potential showdown is brewing in oakland between police and anti-wall street protesters. city officials have warned the demonstrators if they do not move from their encampment in front of city hall they face immediate arrest. it is the third eviction notice in three days. in portland, oregon, police forced hundreds of protesters from their camp. >> the
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still ahead this morning, mrs. herman cain says her husband is no harasser. we'll hear from her as she speaks out about the allegations that have shaken up the cain campaign. and attention holiday shoppers, layaway is back, but it could cost you a whole lot
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more than you expect. we'll look at the best ways to pay for your bifts right here on "the early show" on cbs. pay for your gifts here on "the early show" on cbs. act my age? -why? -why? -why? [ female announcer ] we all age differently. roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you.
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just tin timberlake making headlines this weekend. he visited a marine corps ball over the weekend in virginia. you may remember that marine corporal kelsey ke santis asked justin to be her date on a youtube video. he made good on his promise on saturday. >> justin said he was truly moved by the whole experience. we will talk more about that. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by hallmark. life is a special occasion. write "you're pretty." you're pretty! ♪
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fr good morning, 7:25. i'm grace lee. with your cbs 5 headlines. the camp at frank ogawa plaza in oakland is closed and anne makovec is live with how the sweep happened today. good morning, ann. >> well, it has been peaceful. that is the headline of the day. you can see there are still some police here. barricades up around frank ogawa plaza. and the only thing left of the occupation back there, you can see one guy sitting in a tree. the police have not disturbed him yet. taking a live look over the scene. in downtown oakland and several streets blocked off right now, as police begin the process of completely cleaning out the camp. there is a lot of debris there. the remains of tents that they had struck down overnight. and now there were about 20 arrests from what we understand, a lot of them members of the inter-faith coalition. reverends and what not who had come here to pray for the people
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of occupy oakland. and they were taken downtown and the cleanup begins. but again, a peaceful end to occupy oklahoma. >> anne makovec, with the latest out of oakland, thank you. we will continue to watch this throughout the morning. we're expecting the mayor to speak around 8:15. and in the meantime, we will have traffic and weather for coming up in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning, it is still a slow ride on southbound 101. heading out of san francisco. and we've actually had two separate accidents in the same area. this one is southbound 101 near the south san francisco exit. and it is still really backed up across that stretch. and we've got a couple of lanes blocked off and we have a traffic alert on hercules, going against the commute, eastbound 80 at willo. and three lanes are blocked. it is also pretty slow westbound. and at the bay bridge, it is backed up to the maze. here is lawrence. >> we are looking at patchy dense fog around the bay area. most of that is located in the north bay. and where some of it is less than a quarter of a mile for visibility. >> out to the beach we go, and patchy fog in the distance. but we are planning on some sunshine in the afternoon and most spots inland, a lot of 60s showing up there and 50s as you head out to the beaches and looking pretty good over the next couple of days. as he wed to thursday, the clouds roll back in, and chance of rain thursday night. unsettled into next weekend.
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♪ look at those beautiful fall colors still here in mid november in manhattan. welcome back to "the early show," everyone. i'm jeff glor, along with rebecca jarvis. erica hill and chris wragge are off this morning. coming up here, the low down on lay-away. we told you how walmart, sears, toys "r" us are bringing back lay-away plans for a the holiday. you play a little bit down, plus a fee, and pay for a month or two and you pay off the rest. >> what they don't always mention it can be cheaper to pay with a credit card even with a little bit of interest. we will check with cbs news "moneywatch" to see if lay-away makes sense for you and what other options can be better. first, herman cain's wife is defending her husband after
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multiple sexual harassment accusations. saying in a fox news interview airing tonight that cain, quote, totally respects women. >> her comments after the gop debate this weekend to debate national security issues. political correspondent jan crawford is in washington with more. good morning to you, jan. >> reporter: good morning. this interview was in the works long before these allegations against herman cain become public and people will be watching closely because herman cain remains a front-runner. it's been two weeks of damage control for front-runner herman cain after he was hit with allegations of sexual harassment. now his wife gloria is coming to his defense. >> that would have been something that was totally disrespectful of her as a woman, and i know that's not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> reporter: cain's strategy in dealing with the scandal is to focus on the issues. to that end, he and the other
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candidates turn their attention to national security and foreign policy saturday night at the cbs national journal debate. using their ammunition not on each other, but on president obama. >> it is as though we have decided we want to lose in the war on terror under president obama. >> there are a number of ways to be smart about iran and relatively few ways to be dumb and the administration skipped all the way to be smart. >> reporter: the candidates focused on iran as a major threat against the united states with newt gingrich and mitt romney refusing to rule out military intervention. >> if after all the work we have done, there is nothing else we can take besides take military action then of course, you take military action. >> reporter: trying to jump-start his campaign rick perry made a strong push to cut all foreign aid. >> the foreign aid budget for my administration in every country will start at zero dollars. zero dollars. what is the third one there? let's see. >> reporter: he tried to make
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light of his stumble in last week's debate when he had what he called a brain freeze. >> governor perry, you advocate the elimination of the department of energy. if you eliminate the department of energy -- >> i'm glad you remembered it. >> good job. >> i've had some time to think about it, sir. >> me too. >> reporter: perry and cain, they, obviously, have the least amount of foreign policy experience and sometimes it showed on that stage. although both of them avoided any major missteps, i got to say, the two who had the best showing in this debate, i think once again, that honor goes to romney and gingrich. >> jan crawford, cbs news chief political correspondent in washington this morning, thanks. joining us now is chief washington correspondent and host of "face the nation" bob schieffer. great to have you with us, bob, as always. good morning. >> hey, rebecca. >> everybody played nice on saturday night. did that surprise you at all? >> no, it really didn't, as a matter of fact.
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i think they were all kind of trying to step back a little bit and the idea of talking about foreign policy and the great, you know, issues and threats facing the country, i think they all saw it as a time to sort of look statesmen like. there were some little jabs here and there, but actually this went about the way i thought it would. >> jan made the point that sort of gingrich and romney pulled ahead as the front runners in all of this and they both made the point they would consider military action to prevent a nuclear iran rather. did that surprise you at all that they would be so hockish in their tone? >> well, again, not really, but i think here, this is something that has to do with the details. when you're talking about attacking iran, if they have a nuclear weapon does that mean putting troops on the ground there? i really doubt there is much appetite for doing that. beyond that, when would you take this military action? the minute that you realize that
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they did actually have a bomb or would it be after they threatened you? there are a whole lot of questions to ask in the coming debates about exactly what they meant by that. >> the devil's in the details and, in particular it, since this was our first debate on foreign policy, we will likely hear more emerge. perry came out of it gaffe free. his campaign raised $17 million last quarter. do you think he can spend his way into a comeback here? >> well, i think the problem for rick perry is different than the problems facing some of the others. i mean, he has to convince people for want of a better way to say it, has to convince people he is not dumb and, you know, in something like that first impressions are always hard to overcome. maybe he will be able to do that. i think, though, rebecca, as he tries to change the image there, he may have stepped into a little something when he talked about zero based budgeting for
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foreign aid to israel. a lot of people in this country will ask what he meant by that. he has campaigned immediately after the debate and began to walk that back and said, of course, israel is a special case. but i think he is going to have some explaining to do on that front. >> you know, you talk about perry who sort of had to change his tone and try to regain some respect. gingrich on the opposite side of things has been gaining momentum but held true to the no real confrontation with the other candidates. do you think at some point in all of this he is going to have to play a little more dirty and rather than just taking on president obama, he has take on the other gop contenders to win the bid? >> i think, as long as he has the other people in the race taking shots at mitt romney, he can sort of be the professor who sort of rises above it all and takes the statesman like position. maybe down the line he will have to do that, but right now, his strategy is to stand back, let
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the others express the criticism of the other republicans and he saves his criticism for attack the media, which is always the safe thing to do. >> yes, well, it certainly is in many cases. bob schieffer in washington, have a great day. appreciate it. >> thank you. we will check in now with betty nguyen who at the news desk. >> good morning. the governor of pennsylvania says he expects more alleged victims in the penn state sexual abuse case to come forward. it was quiet on the campus yesterday but one week ago, sexual abuse charges were filed against jerry sandusky. the blog deadspin said the judge who set the is a volunteer at second mile charity. the diabetes epidemic worldwide is about to explode. the international diabetes federa
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up next here, a closer look at lay-away. >> we will tell you if there are better ways to pay for your holiday purchases. this is "the early show" on cbs. cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover.
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♪ hershey's chocolate syrup. stir up a smile.
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♪ we told you here how many big retailers are bringing back layaway purchase plans for the holidays. on sunday, new york senator chuck schumer warned layaway fees can cost more than credit card interest rates and asked retailers to explain those fees. >> whether layaway is right for you, jack otter is here. a hot topic thanks to chuck snumsnu schumer. >> i'm going to say the old fashioned credit card is the way to pay for your holiday gifts. the credit card can be dangerous but if you pay off the balance in full every month, there are a lot of benefits. if you're buying electronics or really anything you can get an
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extended warranty for another year. there are travel rewards. cash back. actually pulling you away from debit cards and this holiday season throwing in extras like the price protection that walmart offers you can get a credit card that will give you the difference if you find that same item for less. >> the caveat is not spending money you don't have. >> checks, debit cards? >> any danger you carry that debt and go with cash, debit card or a check. the problem is, of course, you don't get the protections and this is important for online shoppers. because -- >> with debit cards especially. >> right. the money is gone! so that flat screen tv comes with a big crack in it, you got to fight to get your money back. use a check or a credit card and you don't have that problem. so i say if you don't quite have the money, maybe you don't have good credit, you're tempted to do layaway make your own layaway plan. put the money in savings account. only a few pennies in intu but
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you're paying yourself and not paying the $5 fee and no danger you won't get the item in the end. finally, if you decide you know what? i don't want that item, i want something else. i have a 4-year-old who changes his mind every single day what he wants for christmas. so you have the flexibility. you buy something else. >> december 24, we will see what is in store. in terms of what layaway is and how it works, are there any, in your view, pros to doing it the layaway way? >> layaway is my third choice of paying for something. really layaway is old-fashioned and i like the yankee appeal you can't have that until you have the money to afford it. imagine that. decades, obviously, americans were into instant gratification. i like the idea let's wait a bit. but you do pay the fees. i have a quarterly with schumer's math. if you look at an entire year's worth of $5 a month the interest rate would be high. if you only pay it once, it's not that bad. again, you teach your children
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we can't have that until we can actually afford it. >> jack otter, good stuff and thanks. >> we appreciate it, jack. up next, an evening with justin timberlake. he says he will never forget this night. >> we have photos from the big event and tell you what he ended up doing at the marine corps ball. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ut i'm only 37 and a half. [ buzzer ] [ male announcer ] finding the must have soul by ludacris headphones for $199.99 at radioshack. so right. ♪ so right. hey babe... oh, hi honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. chase slate with blueprint helps you save money on life's little surprises. trip...lets... start your path to saving today, call 855-get-slate.
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ghirardelli squares peppermint bark. rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. test how fast it works for you. love it, or get your money back.
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♪ ♪ i'm bringing sexy back yeah ♪ ♪ >> early on a monday morning, we are bringing it back. last summer as you might remember, justin timberlake got an unexpected invitation on youtube. a marine corps combat instructor kelsey de santis invited him to an event of the year. >> i ask you to come to the marine corps ball with me on november 12st, in washington, d.c. if you can't come, all i have to say is -- >> justin said yes to kelsey and
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he attend the ball with kelsey. you can see by these pictures, he did seem to enjoy himself, right? >> oh, yeah. on his blog, timberlake, he talked about it. he said it was one of the most moving evenings he's ever had, saying being around the marines changed his life. >> why was he not dancing? he was sitting down. >> he probably didn't want to steal the show or maybe they weren't playing his song at the moment. >> mila kunis, another actor who was invited to a marine corps ball happens this coming weekend, right? >> i'm glad you know the status of that one. nice work, jeff. >> we're back after this. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal.
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you saved us hundreds. what was that? the discount double check? it's when we comb through your policies and make sure that you're getting all the discounts you deserve. no, i get that part, but you guys are doing my move. the discount double check move? that's my touchdown dance. so you're a dancer? no, i'm a quarterback. oh, a quarterback. mrr. i'm a robot. mm, mm. ee, er, ee, er. get out of here. [ male announcer ] aaron rodgers got his. how about you? rodgers! discount double check! [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. are on our wish lists?
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'cause this season, the timing couldn't be better. right now, we can get those black friday prices without fighting through all those black friday crowds, which means we can do more this year without waiting around for the season to start. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. why wait for black friday? this refrigerator is already just 1,198 bucks. but think about your heart. 2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromise on taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. top try smart balance fat free milk. v neck 3 piece suit dance wear bolo snakeskin boots sequin costume under things stiletto heels skinny jeans houndstooth snuggie pork pie hat oshkosh socks 5% cash back. right now get 5% cash back at department stores. it pays to discover.
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good morning, everyone. it is were 7:55. let's get you caught up on some of the news headlines. a busy morning. minutes ago mayor jean quan surveyed the occupy oakland camp outside city hall after police dismantled it. riot police surrounded frank ogawa plaza around 5:00 and began taking down tents and most protesters came into the streets before police approached and 20 were arrested. with one protester has climbed up a tree and is sitting in the tree. and a chp officer is recovering this morning after being shot last night on highway 99 near sacramento. and he was wounded twice, by a stopped motorist but is expected to survive after undergoing surgery. and nearby, elk grove police chased and fatally shot that suspect.
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last night. got your traffic and your weather on with what has been a busy monday coming up after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning, well, as frank just mentioned with the eviction of occupy oakland earlier this morning, we still have delays, street closures in downtown oakland, specifically by 14th and broadway, and the 12 the street station. the bart station, remains closed. trains are just passing straight through. another problem on the roads
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this morning, southbound 101 near south san francisco. we had a couple of accidents and everything is now cleared from the lanes. but it is still a very slow ride out of san francisco. and the traffic alert remains in effect, eastbound 80 at willo avenue. they still have several lanes shut down. and going against the commute, and westbound traffic looks pretty sluggish as well. all the way down through richmond and the bay bridge, and backed up for at least a 20 minute wait for the maze. that's traffic for the forecast. >> here is lawrence. >> and sunshine and so far in the bay area, dense fog and others into the north bay, but let's take you out to mount vaca with the sun panning around and looking good so far. and more sun as with we head in toward the afternoon and dense fog though, in the north bay valleys and brought the visibilities down to a quarter of a mile and a few spots and 60s by the afternoon and many spots inland and out in near the coastline and patches of fog and temperatures in the 50s and next couple of days, looking great and sunshine through the middle of the week, and clouds begin to move in on thursday and chance of rain thursday night and into the weekend.
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♪ lcome back to "the early ~ everyon monday morning. i'm jeff glor. along with rebecca jarvis. erica hill and chris wragge are off this morning. coming up here you know it's important to keep an eye on your cholesterol but what about your kids some for years, pediatricians have told their parents to have their kids checked if is there a history of heart disease. a study to screen the kids when they are 9, 10, and 11. two new tablet screens that might give competition to the ipad. you might have heard of kindle and nook but those e readers have been upgraded.
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we will check them out and tell you if they are worth the money. >> the fire. first, here, the most traumatic week ever at penn state university ended on saturday as the football team lost at home to nebraska. the legal fallout of sexual abuse is still the topic. armen keteyian is here with more. are we expecting more victims will be coming forward here? >> reporter: jeff, the short answer to that question is yes. tom corbett, the governor of pennsylvania, when the attorney general began the investigation into the alleged sexual abuse by jerry sandusky has been quoted as saying he fully believes more victims will be coming forward in this case. >> armen, what is the time frame on the lawsuits against both the school and second mile, the
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charity that jerry sandusky was running? >> reporter: well, right now, jeff, what we do know is that at least two victims, lawsuits against the university and well could be against second mile, already are in the works. one of the attorneys, ben andreosi who works our harrisburg who we spoke to over the weekend said interesting things to us. he said on one hand his client who is one of the victims in the case said he felt tremendous shame about the alleged sexual abuse at the hands of sandusky but felt tremendous guilt in the young man's word this powerful football program to its knees and that it was tearing this young man apart. >> armen, it is alleged that jerry sandusky used this charity second mile as a net. when did second mile find out this was going on? >> the foundation was founded by sandusky in 1977. they said in a statement the
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first time they were made aware of the allegations was in 2002. but actually, jeff, we spoke to the attorney general's office and they said that they had informed second mile as early as 1998 of some alleged incidents by sandusky. the interesting part is here is that the attorney for the second mile was the same attorney wendall courtney, who represents penn state university. >> armen keteyian at state college, thanks very much. here is rebecca. a key issue in the penn state scandal is what happens when you don't report child sexual abuse cases to the police? different states have different laws on whether these people can be charged with a crime and joining us now is delaware attorney general beau biden who has dealt with this issue in his state. good morning to you, beau. you have dealt with this from the perspective of the pediatrician in your state who
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molested over a hundred kids in your state. what would you say are the parallels to that case as well as the penn state case, and what would your advice be now to investigators and prosecutors in pennsylvania? >> well, number one, we have an ongoing case so i'm a little bit restricted on what i can say about our case as it relates to earl bradley. what i can say is that america needs to understand, our country needs to understand that 1 in 4 girls is sexually assaulted before they are 18. 1 in 6 boys are sexually assaulted before they are 18. only one in ten of the kids ever report it and that is because 9 out of 10 know their perpetrator or are in a relationship with the victim. this is a big problem when you have kids and people having access to children. the main thing i have taken away from the awful tragedy we have experienced in delaware, as well as up in pennsylvania, is that there should never be a situation, parents should be very, very careful to make sure that there are never a situation
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where a child is in a one-on-one setting with an adult without total transparency and openness where someone else can see into that setting. no one-on-one's between a child and an adult. >> as you lay it out, this is not just a state problem, this is a national problem. but the states have different ways of dealing with this. do you think there should be a uniform system of law around the country on this subject? >> yeah. i mean, that is the second big take-away and that is there needs to be -- states need to have -- delaware does have a mandatory reporting requirement. citizens need to understand that children are not responsible for protecting themselves, adults are, and that is why in delaware, we have a mandatory reporting law that says if you reasonably expect a child is abducted, you have a mandatory responsibility to report it. i recommend that any state have a similar law.
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i think about 17 other states have a strict law like that. and if you do, i think you go a long way to making sure you shine a bright light into child abuse and neglect. the reality is as a society, sometimes where we don't want to stick our nose in other people's business, but the reality is it is our business as adults, whether you see it in a convenience store parking lot or you eyewitness a brutal attack, obviously, that is something that needs to be reported directly and immediately to law enforcement. >> pennsylvania doesn't have the same laws as delaware does. some people suggest maybe that is part of the reason for the issue escalating to such a degree. i just want to get your opinion on one last thing and that is law enforcement's rule in keeping things like this from occur. >> law enforcement's role is to take seriously any report that
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you get from a citizen or from anyone that is reporting anything from a bruise to -- that they observe, to actually seeing and eyewitnessing the harm or abuse or rape of a child. law enforcement needs to take these things seriously. they do. and look. these are some of the most vaccine tragic awful things that prosecutors and law enforcement deal with. i can't think of anything worse. and what law enforcement does take it seriously and it should be reported to them. we need to get these cases and people out there need to report. >> delaware attorney general beau biden, thanks for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. just past 7 minutes past the hour. betty nguyen is over at the news desk with another look at the headlines. good morning to you. >> good morning. italy's next prime minister is in meetings this morning trying to put together a new government. mario monti plans to create a government of people not linked to any political party to help italy out of its massive debt crisis. he replaces silvio berlusconi who resigned this weekend. president obama is in hawaii this morning and scheduled to attend a fund-raiser later
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today. now, yesterday, he wrapped an economic summit with leaders of the asia pacific nations. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante is traveling with the president. good morning, bill. >> reporter: good morning, betty. this summit meeting was about opening up freer trade among the asia pacific nations and some success on that score, but the president had less success persuading the leaders of russia and china to increases sanctions on iran. if he is reelected iran would then have a nuclear weapon. >> is this an easy issue? no. anybody who claims it is is either politicking or doesn't know what they are talking about. i think not only the world but iranian regime understand clearly to prevent a nuclear arms race in the region.
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>> reporter: despite saying he wouldn't make a practice of what is said in republican primary debates, the president did respond to the endorsement by michele bachmann and herman cain of the interrogation tactic of waterboarding. >> let me just say this. they are wrong. waterboarding is torture. it's contrary to america's traditions and it's contrary to our ideals. that's not who we are. that's not how we operate. we don't need it in order to prosecute the war on terrorism and we did the right thing by ending that practice. >> reporter: mr. obama lamented the lack of progress by the congressional super committee. >> it feels as if people
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continue to try to stick with their rigid positions, rather than solve the problem. >> reporter: but the president did say that he hopes that the congressional super committee will bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. of course, he also is getting heat from republicans on capitol hill for being out of the country as the deadline for that super committee draws near. betty? >> bill, i understand there was one tradition missing from this year's summit. explain that. >> reporter: well, you know, in the past, at these summits, they used to put on native garb and put on funny shirts. you would think they would put on hawaiian shirts. they gave the leaders hawaiian shirts but you didn't see what you saw in the bush years. i think you're seeing the pictures now of the various shirts they are decked out in. i think the president felt, a, this was not a time for this, difficult times everywhere, and, b, i think they didn't like looking funny in those shirts! >> i think you look pretty good in a hawaiian shirt, bill. maybe next time we talk to you. bill plante in honolulu, thank you.
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now to a follow-up to a story that appeared last night on "60 minutes" about congress and insider stock trading. members of both the house and senate are paid decent salaries. $174,000 a year. but they can become really rich because they are exempt from insider trading laws. "60 minutes" correspondent steve kroft asked house minority leader nancy pelosi and speaker john boehner about it. >> i have not made any decisions on day-to-day trading activities in my account and i haven't for years. i do not do it. haven't done it. i wouldn't do it. >> reporter: do you think it's all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential and favorable stock deal? you don't think it was a conflict of interest or had the appearance of conflict of interest? >> it only has the appearance if
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you elaborate on a false premise, but it's not true. and that's that. >> now pelosi's office later followed up with a statement saying, quote, congress has never done more for consumers nor has the congress passed more critical reforms of the credit card industry than under the speakership of nancy pelosi.,, announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by big
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lots. big savings. coming up next, we are taking a look at important new medical guidelines that children and parents need to know about. >> we will tell you why pediatricians say kids as young as 9 need to have their cholesterol checked. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ ching "the early show" on cbs.the early show" as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. the fig's going to be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to the only thing better than our tasty, good-for-you products is when they're on special. here's this week's grower's special. find ocean spray on sale at your local store. and for thanksgiving recipes, visit hey babe... oh, hi honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh boy...
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through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. no sequel for that guy. ♪ in this morning's "healthwatch," cholesterol screening for kids. a panel of pediatricians is making a major change to medical guidelines for children. >> the panel says all children should be screened at least once for high cholesterol between 9 and 1 to find risk factorses that cause trouble later on in life. dr. holly phillips is here. it used to be you would only be screened for this at that particular age if there was a family history of problems related to high cholesterol. they have changed the ruleds now. what is the reason behind that? >> it's a sad sign how severe our obesity epidemic has become.
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they want all kids to be screened between 9 and 11 and 17 and 21 for high cholesterol. so many kids are expect to be affected we want to catch as many as possible as early as possible. right now 12.5 million kids are obese. 1 in 3 children is either overweight or obese. past decade obesity has tripled in our country. this is beyond epidemic proportions. >> why this specific of 9 to 11? it does sound very early. >> the idea is catch kids before they hit puberty. before then they can have high cholesterol and doesn't have much of an effect. once they hit puberty the blood flow through the arteries is much difficulty and once they hit their 20s, the plaque hardens and what we call kids
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can just go into the doctor and get screened. >> good information. so what is something that people can do if they think that they are i their child has high cholesterol? you lay out the obesity issue but what is the cholesterol issue in this country? >> it is disconcerting. 1 in 5 teens has high cholesterol. it is similar to adults. it's total cholesterol over 200 and ldl over 130. ldl is the bad cholesterol. only 1% of children, however, are treated with medications. we don't expect that to go up. the changes need to come from home, from diet and exercise. >> this is just common sense, smart eating at home basically, making smarter choices? >> there are specific things, though. if you cut out sugary drinks in kids, if you cut out the -- >> a big one. >> it's huge. juice boxes, the soda. that number 1 in 3 children being overweight or obese could drop to 1 in 6 just from cutting
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out sugary drinks alone. if you cut out fast food and processed food, we can cut the number even more and kids should be getting an hour of exercise after school a day. >> great information. dr. holly phillips, thanks. for more, go to our partner in health it's voted the best tourist city in america. we will see why so many people are visiting charleston. >> kind of like you did, jeff. >> right, like i did, indeed. it's very cool. we will show you coming up. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by air optix brand contact lenses. the lens you can survive a long day in. air optix brand r you, has a lens approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear. [ male announcer ] that's why they're recommended most for people who sleep in their lenses. visit for a free one-month trial offer.
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[ female announcer ] fortunately, sam was born at sutter health's alta bates summit medical center. [ woman ] the staff was remarkable. they made me feel safe, trusting, cared for. [ giggles ] they saved his life. i owe all of them my son. [ female announcer ] alta bates summit medical center and sutter health -- our story is you. and sutter health -- so, jeff glor, you've been away for a couple of days. you took yourself a long weekend. >> had a good time.
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>> but there was a purpose behind it. you were co-chairing at your old school homecoming at syracuse university. you had a one-on-one discussion on national security issues with former nasa administrator sean o'keefe and you received an alumni award at a conference hosted by you. >> we had the discussion thursday night at the university. i had a chance to talk about some very interesting things. recognizing, as you mentioned, former nasa administrator, recognizing our problems on earth here but talking about a vision getting beyond earth. maybe a trip to mars someday. >> you'll be on that? >> it snowed on friday and just a little and then it was beautiful for the weekend. go orange! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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dismantling what remains ofe good morning. 8:25. i'm grace lee. we want to take you live to oakland where mayor jean quan is speaking about the events that happened this morning. of course, police moved into downtown oakland to clear out the camp. this is coming to us as her legal visor dan siegel has sent a letter of resignation to her. her right-hand man and the reason he has resigned because of the way she has handled the occupy oakland movement saying that it was very undemocratic, quote-unquote, undemocratic policies is the reason for the resignation. and earlier this morning, police dismantled the occupy oakland encampment we've seen for the last five weeks at frank ogawa plaza and 150 tents and oakland police officers from several bay area hospitals circle the the
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downtown encampment at 4:30 this morning and moved in at 6:00 and arrested about 30 people who refused to move voluntarily. it was relttively peaceful. also, caltrans has fired an inspector on the bay bridge project after being alerted by an anonymous whistle blower. the agency found that the inspector failed to verify that the testing gauge was used was operating professional before testing the bay bridge tower foundation. -- properly before testing the bay bridge tkaur foundation. a check of weather and traffic coming up. ,,,, [ screaming ] [ zapping ]
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there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state.
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good morning, we have several busy spots out there including the bay bridge toll plaza. still jammed up well into the maze. at least 20 minutes to get on to the span. elsewhere, downtown san jose, pretty slow in the northbound lanes of 280. and to update you on street closures in and around downtown oakland, broadway remains closed between 12th and 17th. and still no bart service at the 12th street oakland station. that is traffic. here is your forecast with lawrence. >> we're expecting a lot of sunshine around the bay area. and thick fog early on. that's beginning to lift a bit. as we head to the afternoon. going to become mostly sunny youst side and temperatures -- outside and temperatures comfortably in the 60s in most spots and patchy fog and lingering temperatures in the 50s. it will be interesting over the next couple of days, high pressure taking control, and conditions are nice. through about wednesday. but after that, the clouds begin to move in and chance of rain developing on thursday night.
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take a look at this city. possibly your idea of a tourist heaven. it is charleston, south carolina, and it is the number one tourist city in all of america, according to an influential travel magazine. and, this morning, we will take a trip, led by our very own jeff glor, around charleston, full of history and full of beauty and quiet charm. >> one of the more challenging assignmentsments in my career. >> it really is. welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis along with jeff glor. also ahead, ever since it came out, the ipad has been the tablet to own, but it might be seeing its biggest competition yet. amazon releases the kindle fire tomorrow and later this week, barnes and noble has the latest
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nook tablet out. both much less expensive than the ipad and we will show you how they stack up. >> we working our way around the south this morning to savannah, georgia, where paula deen calls home. she makes take-out lunches and katie lee went there to see what she is all about and asked her about critics who claim that her recipes aren't good for your health but they taste good. >> they did. betty nguyen is here with a final check of the headlines. >> i've been to that restaurant. >> really? good? >> fabulous! the only problem the line is around the block. you have to know someone to get in. paula, give us a call. the first fine for violating a three-hour tarmac rule has been levied against american eagle airlines. they have been fined $900,000. they kept 608 passengers cooped up for more than three hours on
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o'hare's tarmac last may. the rule was instituted 20 months ago. russia has launched a soyuz rocket to the international space station this morning. it performed flawlessly, a relief after a similar cargo rocket failed in august. today's flight carries a three-man station relief crew, including one american. a russian mars probe launched last week threatens earth. the probe is stranded in orbit and carries radioactive toxic fuel and likely to fall back to earth the next two weeks. but no one knows exactly when or where. in japan, officials are still mopping up the radioactive mess left by a crippled nuclear power plant. official got their first close-up look at the fukushima daiichi plant after it was
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damaged by a tsunami. >> reporter: in a sign the world's worst nuclear accident sin chernobyl is winding down utility operator tepco allowed a bus of journalists to tour the plant for a few hours. officials like the utility ceo interviewed by cbs news say they are confident that a cold shutdown of the plant with inside temperatures are brought down below boiling point will be achieved by year's end. while the message was up beat the scale of devastation was startling. a series of hydrogen explosions and melt down triggered by a loss of power in the giant wake of earthquake and tsunami. daiichi's chief says it all could have ended quite differently. the first week after the tsunami was the hardest. many times, i thought we were going to die.
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even now, puke sreporters were to wear protective gear. the 3,000 who still work here, how to avoid contamination remains a source of concern. radiation levels are still high warns the plant manager and it's
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so when you think of the top tourist cities in the u.s., what might come to mind? >> it's a good question. maybe new york? skyscrapers, broadway? >> obviously, great things here. chicago, one of my home towns, the big deep pays there is a big draw. >> san francisco, the majestic beauty and also vegas. but a magazine finds the top tourist destination is a very different kind of place. >> and the award for top u.s.
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city goes to? charleston! >> reporter: that's right. charleston, south carolina. called the holy city forty many church steeples and above the city's low slung skyline. it beat out san francisco which had won the award 18 years in a row. i think people, at times, are surprised to hear that. charleston mayor joe riley. >> you know when people come to charleston, whether they are from the u.s. or from another continent, for the first time, they always are surprised. it's like they didn't know this kind of place existed in america. >> reporter: charleston was a cradle of the confederacy. it was here the first shots of the civil war were fired. that history can be felt all around from streets paved in stones once used at ballasts in sailing ships and the city market where vendors still sell their handmade crafts and that
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doesn't touch on the great southern cuisine. these are the draws for visitors to charleston where the thrill rides don't occur on twisting scream machines, but rather on more sedate vehicles. >> we regulate very carefully the tourism industry. we regulate the number of carriages, where they go. we regulate where buses can go. we keg late the size of walking tours. >> reporter: all that attention to tourism is because it's big business here. 4 million visitors pump more than $3 billion a year into the local economy. it's not always been so rosy. back in 1989, hurricane hugo made a direct hit on charleston, damaging nearly three-quarters of the buildings downtown and causing $2.8 billion in damage. >> our citizens rolled up their sleeves. somebody said, it will take a week to do something. we said we will do it in two days. if they said it will take a month, we said it there will take a week. >> tom doyle has been leading
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carriage tours in charleston for ten years. the attention charleston is getting right now, does that surprise you? >> no, it doesn't. it surprises me it took as long as it did. you can go down any street here, look to your left and look to your right, and see even more beautiful streets. you can make charleston your own special place. isn't this a great city? >> reporter: it's beautiful, i have to say. >> we were talking about why it ask ksneak up on you a little bit here. maybe new york has the statue of liberty and empire state building and san francisco, golden gate bridge. charleston, you have to go there yourself. i was impressed. it was cool to see and i hope to go back and eat. incredible food. good stuff. >> there was a steak there. i don't know what they were pouring on it but it looked delicious. >> it was. >> that is what i hone in on these stories, by the way, food. >> we move from the most popular tourist destination to the most
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popular tablet. something any tech fan can answer. of course, it is the ipad. 82% of tablets users own one. >> but it may get serious competition this week. tech expert katie linendoll has been checking out kindle and the nook tablet. she joins us now. >> good morning. >> you brought some of the new tablets along with you this morning? >> i did bring goods. i think what is amazing about the tablet world. we talk about that 82% market share that the ipad has. there are over a hundred tablets in the marketplace. and i think most people would be hard-pressed to maim two that aren't the ipad. and, finally, we get to see some competition. especially as we head into holiday season for the consumer. >> so let's talk about the kindle fire first here. >> yes. >> first, it's much, much cheaper. >> oh, my gosh. it's $300 cheaper than the ipad which is insane. >> that is the lowest end ipad. >> exactly. the base price for the ipad. a quick review. kindle fire is coming out. as you can see a little bit smaller in terms of form factor.
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it has a 7-inch display. apple's ipad is 9.7. it runs a customized version of android. fast web browser and amazon has a new silk web browser. it's extremely fast. in terms of having that entertainment experience if you're along for songs, music, newspapers, apps, it's all packed in there. >> how about the nook? barnes & noble nook. >> it has the same look and feel of the nook tablet which will hit retail this week. again, when we are talking about the entertainment experience being able to access ebooks and musks and magazines and everything is stacked inside here and has a 7-inch display. smaller in terms of form fact. it will be very fast like the kindle and more storage and memory. we cut the ipad price in half here. i will say a lot of people are like what do these not have that
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the ipad does? three huge features that i have to hit on ipad has that these don't. first off the cameras. you cannot take pictures, you cannot take high-def video and no front facing or rear facing camera and no capability of video chat. if you're obsessed with apps nook and kindle only a few thousands but i expect it to grow. >> just a few thousand? >> ios has nearly 5,000 and 200,000 preopriority to ipad. they will pop out. these are wi-fi capability but no 3g. >> i think i'm on your e-mail. >> do not send any message enters my device. >> the browser seems speedy on the fire here. >> this is an amazon silk brousbrou browser. they were talking about how fast this is. >> i preordered this but held off because i wanted to be sure. >> you did it?
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>> when they first announced it, they had the kindle but i may do it again. we will see. >> e data sources 500,000 people have created which i think is huge! in terms of impulse buying i think a lot of people will be picking pup do i think it stacks up to the ipad in full experience, no, but i think it's an awesome option. >> you're an awesome option on the tech front. thank you. >> thanks. now from high talking to hollywood. one of the most anticipated movie premieres tonight. >> breaking dawn part 1. fans have been lining up since thursday to watch the red carpet arrivals as john blackstone tells us. >> reporter: you might call this los angeles tent city occupy twilight. >> it's a big, fun party. it's a xamp out with your friends. >> reporter: a camp out for hundreds of twilight fans so devoted they have been dubbed
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twi harder. five days they have slept on the sidewalk and celebrated their favorite fictional vampires. >> we want to see rob really bad. >> my ultimate wish? it would be a picket in person. >> reporter: robert and kristen and taylor star in the love triangle that has taken a big bite out of the box office. >> there have only been three films from this series released and $2 billion worldwide. that is huge. >> it's not traditional. >> reporter: the vampire romance owes its success to teenage girls and moms who bonded over the books and then the movies easement what is different this is female based. if these were guys that were really into a sci-fi or action movie people wouldn't be so interested. >> reporter: and girl power can be very persuasive. >> my girlfriend forced me along to see the premiere. >> she is obsessed enough. i'm the twi husband.
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>> reporter: actors of the film have signed autographs and stephanie mier handed out books and musicians have played songs from "breaking dawn" sunset. >> it is really the beginning of the holiday movie season of 2011 which i think is going to be a big movie season. >> to love. >> to cherish. >> reporter: opening nationally this friday, "breaking dawn part one" is already breaking records. it sold out online for thousands of screenings. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> you said were out of town visiting charleston in kir sues kir su syracuse? prescreening. paula deen went from jobless and almost broke to becoming the queen of southern cuisine. >> our katie lee gets a taste o,
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♪ it could be said that paula deen wrote the book on southern cooking because her latest cookbook is called "paula deen southern bible cooking." >> our katie lee spent the day with her. >> every time i talk about food, i'm back there with my grandmother. ♪ >> hey, everybody, you're on get cookin'. >> thank you so much for coming by. we love you so much. >> reporter: before she became the queen of southern cuisine. >> this is book number ten. >> reporter: paula deen was an unemployed southern mom in savannah, georgia, with $2 to her name launched a southern delivery system from her kitchen. what do you think grandma would
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say if she saw this? >> i won't forget the day when i called my grandmother to tell her i was going to start a business called "the bag lady." and, all of a sudden, this voice came back with, have you lost your damn mind, paula ann? ha, ha! i said, maybe, granny, but, you know, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. >> reporter: the bag lady success opened the doors to deen's first restaurant in 1996. with lines of fans and foodies waiting for a taste of her southern hospitality. >> it's my hope that when people sit down at these tables, they feel like they have slipped their feet back under their grandmother's table, even just for a little while. >> reporter: in deen's kitchen, everyone is family. >> hey, my angel. why are your biscuits fat this morning? >> don't you start with me today, paula!
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>> reporter: it's from savannah. >> so this is where it happens, katie. >> reporter: that the food network now shares personality with millions. >> paula deen fans here? >> we love you! >> here is a menu for you. your fried chicken is like finding jesus again. >> reporter: did you think you would have a crowd of hundreds of people? >> i knew i liked to be around people but i never dreamed of this. get it in and out, sonny boy! that i would be having this much fun with this many people. you know when i see y'all i get pretty excited. i still have to pinch myself, because i go in and they will start clapping and screaming and i want to look around to see who they are seeing. i still can't believe it's for me. >> reporter: you don't know that you're as famous as you are? >> no. hey, baby, your hair looks like
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oprah's kind of. but that's all right, because it can't change me. my children and i have seen hard times, y'all. >> reporter: ever grateful for her blessings, she has partnered with the hungry helping homes tour to feed 20 million americans over the next two years. >> the numbers always stagger me, katie, yes. the thought of a child being hungry and nobody there to lend a hand to help is devastating. >> reporter: but her celebrity has not been without criticism. >> i'm going to be making y'all a deep fried cheesecake roll. >> reporter: in august, tv chef anthony ordane called her the most hurting person in america for her artery clogging recipes. >> bottom's up. if he thinks i'm the most dangerous evil woman in america, you know, it's a good thing he hadn't met my husband is all i got to say!
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>> if we need to moisture that, we add more butter, more sour cream and more mayonnaise. >> people think if you're from the south you eat fried chicken every day. we don't. i don't do it seven days a week, but when i do, i do it. >> reporter: deen has done it once again with her 14th cookbook featuring the traditional southern fair that built her empire. when you were wrg this book, did it take you back to your own childhood? >> i never left my childhood, katie! it's never left me. i'm never very far from my roots, ever. >> reporter: do you feel like you're living the american dream? i'm definitely. i sit here before you as living proof, katie, that the american dream does still exist. it does still exist.
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>> very nice. katie lee, by the way, is joining us in the studio along with great treats. this one, i'm told, is a ho cake. >> in tradition of southern hospitality i had to bring y'all some food. ho cakes, i grew up eating these and i never knew why they were called that. it's actually -- it dates back to the 1700s, field hands would be out in the field and make them and cook them on a hoe or a shovel over an open flame. it's like a corn meal pancake and they serve these at paula's restaurant and bring them over to the table as soon as you sit down and i just love them. >> tasty. >> we have talked about the criticism paula has gotten for some of the things she makes. do you think she will adjust her style at all? >> paula is unapologetic and she is who she is. like she said, she doesn't eat these every day. but when she does, she goes for it. >> good stuff. >> taste delicious.
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katie lee, thanks for being here and thanks for bringing us this great present because it's and thanks for bringing us this great present because it's awesome.,,,,,,big! big.
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big, big. big big big big? big big big big big. big big...big. ♪ big big big -big. -big! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ big big big -big big. -big! -big -big! -♪ big -big. -big big big. big big big. big big big. small. big big big big. small! [ male announcer ] the space-saving, eco-friendly, totally unique smart. unbig. uncar. ♪
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mallicoatgrace lee, with your c- b-s five headlines... oakland mayor jean quan says she had to close down the occupy encampment downtown because of incidents of v >> good morning. 8:55. oakland mayor jean quan had to close down the "occupy" 'em camp. downtown because of violence and threat of more. dan siegel resigned saying in his words, i cannot be part of an administration that sanctions police attacks on peaceful protestors. the price tag of this morning's encampment removal, close to a half million dollars. oakland police and officers from several other bay area cities encircling the downtown encampment at 4:30 this morning, arresting 30 people at 6:00 who refused to move voluntarily. we know the identity of the man
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killed, 25-year-old coyote foster who was involved in a dispute while saying at the camp. they say he was attacked and beaten before he was shot. police are searching now for two suspects. traffic and weather on this monday, coming up right after this. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey up to 12 lbs, for just $5 each. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> good morning. it's starting to slow down through oakland on northbound 880, an accident near the 29th street exit, backed up beyond the coliseum, or at least right there. 36 minutes between 238 and the maze. the 12th street bart station is open. no delays on any lines around bart, and westbound 237 a little sluggish for silicon valley computers near the 880/237 interchange. here is lawrence. >> we're going to see lots of sunshine by the afternoon, thick fog, but looking good right now over coit tower. blue skies, plenty of 60s, inland toward the coastline, maybe patches of fog, temperatures in the 50s. we'll see plenty of sunshine, patchy morning fog, clouds gather, we could see rain
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thursday into friday. ,, ,,,,,,


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