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tv   Mosaic  CBS  December 25, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PST

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good morning and welcome to mosaic. i am honored to be your host. were in the middle of our winter holiday season. happy hanukkah. a merry christmas. and for those of you who are going celebrate yawn welcome. we have two people here today. we have maya and sarah as well.
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welcome. >> hi. >> thank you. >> so, what does upstart do? >> it inspires and advances new'd i can't say. we support wonderful group of people we call upstarters who started their own jewish organizations who haven't been interested in getting sweat geish place--jewish program. we help with marketing and fund raisingful and help them build a business plan. and we work with with existing jewish structures. so we work with interesting
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institutions from cools to jcc's to federations. and finally, we attempt to engage the community to weave got to the best practices. >> and sarah, you are pounded and created god cast. what is that? >> so, god cast is a media production company. we put out short gulps and the teachers can use them. and we are bringing the hebrew bible to life. in four minutes, irk learn ant--i can learn about what is happening in the bible reading. >> and when you say it is for teachers, do you mean
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specifically teachers in a certain group? >> well, it is pupny. when we--funny. when we started this, we thought the adults would use it. and we call ourself people of the book and these things were for adultings. but, we found out that sunday teachers are using the clips and universities are using god cast. and we have put out this book. >> oh, hold it up. >> so yeah, upstart actually supports upstarters each year. and this is something that we partnered with upstart on consider in the videos, there
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are pages and pages, and discussions with the video and how to bring the stories to life. >> and how do you get this? >> you can get them on our website. god-cast is spelled with a hyphen. it is a little bit of play on words. >> and that is an english play on judaism. and it's an english adaptation. >> right, we were trying to be funny. but we wanted it to be jewish in flavor.
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>> and, what is the relationship between upstart and god cast? >> well, god cast is an example of our starters. a woman brought jewish stories and bible stories to life through media. and god-cast was started for young adults. they are going on you tube and facebook and twitter. so by connecting jewish text with the internet age. we are keeping tradition alive. and so, as on organization, we are looking for people like
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sarah who are tapping into people where they are and meeting their immediates and exposing them to their rich tradition. >> thank you so much. we are going do take a quick break. please join us in just a moment when we come back. life -- an everyday miracle of survival. today, the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance.
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what happens next depends on us. jason mraz: ♪ well, open up your mind and see like me ♪ ♪ open up your plans and, damn, you're free ♪ ♪ look into your heart and you'll find ♪ ♪ love, love, love, love ♪ listen to the music ♪ of the moment, people, dance and sing ♪ ♪ we're just one big family ♪ look into your heart and you'll find ♪ ♪ that the sky is yours ♪ so please don't, please don't, please don't ♪ ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ ♪ 'cause our time is short ♪ this is, this is, this is our fate ♪ ♪ i'm yours [ singing scat ]
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good morning and welcome back. i am eric. happy hanukkah and merry christmas. and if you are going to celebrate yawn s, happy yawn s. and how did you get into this line of work? >> well, i worked in advertising for years and had a little bit of a crisis of meaning in my late 20s. and i wanted to sell something more important than shampoo. i grew up in a small city in the south. and all though my family was very involved in jewish life, i went to jew isish summer camp, i did it all.
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but at the same time, when i was in my 20s and started reengaging as an adult, i realized i couldn't tell you who joseph was. and i realized the jewish community had done a great job in instilling pride and i loved celebrating the holidays but i didn't have a lot of knowledge of why we did thingings. just this morning, my sister-in-law asked why there are eight candles and in the video there are only seven. and i said huh, what if we did short, funny videos to start to answer some of the owes for people. >> how fascinating. and maya? >> well, i grew up in new york.
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i didn't know there was another world. and i want to a synagogue in a very progressive school. as a child in the early 80s, very involved in the soviet movement. and even as a kid, we would go into the streets marching in front of mission. and this weaving together open social justice and caring for the community was very important to me as a child. and i realized it made a big impact only me after college. and knowing that my jewish background was a gift and two, that i could have been the kids
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in russia had my great grand the parents not come backful and that inspired me to work not jewish community. and help people with their judaism. >> in just a couple of minutes we are going say good buy to you and then welcome two more guests. but, i want to know what you hope your efforts will do to help fold in an intergenerational vision. what do you want upstart and god-cast to do? somewhere it is just one thing at a time. and we shall trying--we are trying to make that fin. and i hope that folks watching this show or anyone who hears
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about god-cast might be inspired to go to our web scythe and watch a video, with your kids and friends and just watch a little video. and there is a question that you can ask yourself and your kids. and if that is meaningful for you're welcome maybe you'll watch another one and you'll watch another one. >> upstart hopes to inspire people like sarah to be active in creating the jewish life to have a life that's meaningful to them and they will 7 make judaism beautiful for their whole life. >> maya and sarah, that i know thank you--thank you so much more being with us.
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we are going to say good-bye to sarah and maya and we'll be back with two more guests.
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welcome back to mosaic. i am honored to be your host. we are talking about new jewish ideas and this time we are
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joined by susan. and we also have sam. he is an alumni for the jay maya physical low ship. >> so, what is the progressive jewish alliance? >> so, we engage the jewish community in partnership with other faiths and our communities to address issues including many of the things with the occupy movement. inclusioning---between rich and poor. and people struggling to feed their families. and just thish use around opportunity and bay sick rights. that is what we work on. >> and sam, you are an alumni
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of the follow ship. >> it is a program here in the bay area and new york and dc. it brings together young people to will your honor training and now resources. >> and you take on project? >> we do. well, we learn about different areas. we get to meet with change people in the areas. and then we also give the opportunity to take a project of our own and being the change mangers. >> so when you were looking at the jewish landscape and wondering what can i do, where
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would i be welcomed and grow, what was it that had you say yes, i want to move to that? >> well, for me, judaism and social justice are the same thing. it was just an instant fit. they were putting to practice what i believed going up. so, it was really nice to see that action and belief together. >> and the profile of the kind of person that you are attracting and want to nourish? >> well, yes and. sam is an--excuse me, of the young jewish leader who has so much to offer. and who may not other wise find ways to do that as a jew and tap
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into the power of our text and communitity. so, and then, he's continued to be a leader on our-can be campaign. which he can tell you more about. but it is sort of very hands on work with immigrant workers. and at the same time, part of what i am so proud of is that we engage lots of jewish people. older people and younger people, lgbt's, straights ander a place you can do justice work as a jew and be part of a community at the same time. >> so, sam what the project? >> well, the her cat toe is a campaign that we have been working on for a couple of years now. we are working at the super
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markets undulate know or asian. where many of the works are not documents. so we have cases where the workers are working overtime and not getting paid. and facing depender discrimination. being fired without cause. and in most cases, the workers have children they are feeding. so we are working to ensure that there is a code of conduct and that says that they will follow the law. >> sam, susan, we need to take a quick break. please join us in just a moment. ♪
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what's it like when you hear your calling? will you ignore it? or will you listen? ♪ what if it calls you to go halfway around the world?
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♪ to serve people you've never met? what will you do when you hear your calling? ♪ peace corps. life is calling. how far will you go?
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for more information, for what we have been talking about, go to the jewish justice website or all (415)248-0085. welcome back. i am honored to be your host. we are joined by susan and sam. he is a fellow with can be-and progressive jewish alliance. susan, it seems that there is a lot of ways in which you build bridges between the jewish community and social justicish use. >> we do. and we are really proud to do it. and it feels like a time in our country that is important that we roll up our sleeves and get
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involved and make sure that we are living the american dream. >> and when you look as a group, that is trying to bring up opportune toy to the jewish community, what is happening in the world in ways you link to it. what do you look for? the occupy movement? in this case now, the republican nomination process. what do you look at? >> well, we have a really clear focus on domestic issues. we have done a lot of work to support low wage workers. and we are building community and dell sell ping leaders.
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and now we are giving people an opportune to link to a national movement. >> and when you say merger, we should say the two groups have come together as one group. >> to bring about a more just, fair, and compassionate america. and it is only six months old. and it allows us to partner with other communitities hands on. and folks can get involved with us threw community investing, service learning as well as leadership development. >> and sam, as an alumni, and someone who stay involved. can you talk a little bit
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ability what it has done to build you jewish under-sanding of the world? >> well, particular for me, i didn't at first have much of a jewish community. and then after becoming a fellow, the community that's been built arnold that, i was raised a secular--jew. and to interact with people raised conservative and know the long prayers. it's been really incredible to be exposed to that. >> it really is a tribute to the organization that you ever embraced such a wide variety. i know you have been recognized. >> we have, thank. we are named as a standard bareerers of groups doing very very system lid work and
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pushing ourselves to invite and push for--innovate and push for results. >> what is slingshot? >> i felt recognizes inknowization and effectiveness. so they help to pro mote the organization. >> well, congratulations well, what is next for you, sam? >> well, i am working on the--campaign. and that is very exciting. we started working with a new supervisor. and they are doing an investigation. so it is really exciting right now. and we are getting more buy in the from outside the jewish
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community on the campaign. >> and i would encourage people to get involved with us. we are going to select our next campaign. and if you want to get just a taste, sign up to get our e-mails. and you can learn haec kelping your leadership. >> so, for anybody out there who maybe interested or knows something they would like to recommendings is there any kind of bay six frame work? >> sure. so it is for 22--year-olds and 32-year-olds. and we also have two other amazing leadership woman prams. so get on the website orgy me a call and i'll help you. >> susan, sam, thank you so much for joining us here.
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so again, to those of you celebrating, man my hanukkah and her bring--happy hanukkah and merry christmas. have a safe and lovely winter season. and we'll see you here next time on mosaic. ,,,,
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