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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  January 12, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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people's choice awards. it was most notable for the missing people, katey perry and other people didn't show up. >> caption colorado, llc good morning to our viewers in the west. it is thursday, january 12th, 2012. we have a bad cold and a worst voice, i'm charlie rose. an uproar after the governor of mississippi pardons killers and other criminals as he walks out of office. our own jeff gloor has the late-night developments. >> i'm gayle king. when i see you at 8:00. bravos andy cohen stops by. >> and i'm erica hill. the republican candidates get tough in south carolina and someone who knows all about that, senator john mccain is with us on set. the government shuts down the
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importing of orange juice over safety concerns. >> but first as we do every morning, we begin with a look at today's "eye opener" your world in 90 seconds. >> any future governors, you don't do this thing. you have to read the law before you do that. >> a mississippi judge steps in to keep criminals behind bars after an outgoing governor grants nearly 200 pardons. >> including more than two dozen convicted of murder, manslaughter or homicide. haley barbour gave no reason. >> he ran the state like boss hog. >> that's the coward's way out if you ask me. >> the military investigates some disturbing video posted on line. >> that appears to show marines urinating on corpses of taliban fighters. they busted in on me. >> tornado tiers tears through two counties. >> thunder, lightning. >> what could be the season's biggest storm pounds the
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midwest. >> i am a shameless political salesman. i just have a request for you. i want your vote. >> and the gop storms south carolina. >> what should people in the direct path of the campaign do? >> they should head for the high moral ground. hug your loved ones close. >> i have to beat romney on the 21st. this is going to be arm ma get done. they will come in here with everything they've got. >> our team recognizes it's going to be a challenge. >> all of that. >> taking american airlines. >> that's great. i want you to enjoy that. >> all that matters. >> and he jumps the ball. >> are we a bunch of numb skulls. >> i didn't do anything. >> on "cbs this morning." >> ron paul was the big winner of the people's choice awards. he won for best geezer. they're saying this morning
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controversial series of pardons put on hold in mississippi. late last night a judge blocked the release of 21 inmates set freebie outgoing governor haley barbour. >> on tuesday one of his last acts as governor he ordered the release of more than 200 prisoners, including some convicted killers. special correspondent jeff gloor is following this case. >> what a reaction here. a judge has ordered blocking some of these releases. it's not clear it can stick. four convicted murderers have been freed. what is clear here, the uproar over this 11th hour act. >> he certainly put the state in jeopardy. >> reporter: it was an irate jim hood, mississippi's attorney general, who asked a circuit judge to step in arguing governor haley barbour's pardon spree violated the constitution. >> you don't do this kind of thing. you have to read the law before you go out and do something like that traditions are not always good. >> reporter: among the stunned and angry relatives, those that
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knew family gatlin, her husband david shot and killed her while she was holding her six week old son in 1993. david gatlin also shot tammy's friend, randy walker, who survived. >> i think the governor himself ought to have to look me and the family in the eye and say, hey, i'm going to let this guy go. there wasn't any of that. that's the coward's way out if you ask me. >> also cleared earnest scott favre, the brother of brett. he was convicted of manslaughter in 1997 after he drove drunk into the path of an oncoming train and killed his best friend. state records show more than two dozen of the inmates pardoned were convicted of murder, manslaughter, or homicide. four of them worked in the governor's mansion for barbour. >> god bless you. great success. >> reporter: when he left office barbour gave no explanation. a move that seemed all the more surprising given the tough stance on crime he often took. in his previous eight years in
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office he pardoned only five people, nine were executed. last night he finally released a statement defending his actions by saying approximately 90% of these individuals were no longer in custody and a majority of them have been out for years. that was little comfort to relatives. >> if i live to be 89 years old and there's nothing done about it, i'm going to continue to fight. >> here's a question, jeff. why did haley barbour do this because he is a very savvy political operative? >> he absolutely is. we've both spoken to him. he's very savvy. a consummate politician. prolific fundraiser. i don't think he anticipated this reaction. he says he did this because he wanted these folks to get a chance to have a job, to vote, to hunt but unlikely he anticipated this reaction. >> this now hinges on basically the mississippi constitution and whether or not they can prove enough notice was given?
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>> the attorney general says notice needs to be given 30 days in public papers, local papers where these folks lived. he said in some cases that may not have been done. but it's going to be very challenging, this court case. he's already said it will be extremely difficult to re-arrest anyone who's already freed. >> thanks, jeff. this morning u.s. officials are scrambling to prevent another abu ghraib scandal because of a youtube video that shows u.s. marines des is he crating bod yigs. >> reporter: good morning.tagon. another video has gone viral. this one could do real damage, both to the image of the marine corps and to the war in afghanistan. >> reporter: the 42nd video is too disturbing to air. this freeze frame shows four marines urinating or pretending to urinate on three bodies, presumably taliban fighters. if it turns out to be authentic,
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those involved could be court martialed for violating military rules that specifically for bid photographing or filming human casualties. eight years ago in iraq soldiers at abu ghraib prison posed next to detainees in degrading positions. after the photos surfaced some were dishonorably discharged, others were spendsed. the military says it's investigating this current video but it's unlikely an investigation will contain the damage it is likely to cause. >> reporter: overnight in afghanistan the command there put out a statement saying the marines in the picture are apparently no longer in afghanistan, meaning the video was shot some time ago. whether that has any difference on the public reaction remains to be seen. >> david, charlie rose. how serious has the pentagon taken this and what will they do to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again? >> reporter: of course they remember abu ghraib better than enone.
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they also remember the furor that was set off by the mere report that a guard at guantanamo had urinated on the core ran. they are extremely worried about what the reaction might be. the hope is that since the bodies being desecrated here are taliban and the taliban are not popular in afghanistan this will not be seen as an insult to the muslim culture but, again, that's going to be for muslims to decide, not the pentagon. >> david martin from the pentagon. thank you. this morning the republican presidential race is centered on south carolina. mitt romney is looking for his third win in a row in next saturday's primary as the candidates trying to stop him began a fresh round of attacks on his record. chief political correspondent is in greer, south carolina, this morning. jane, good morning. >> good morning. mitt romney already this morning has wrapped up one campaign event here in south carolina where the weather is warm, the
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tea is sweet, and the politics can get downright dirty. >> greatest nation on earth. >> reporter: mitt romney got a warm welcome in south carolina. >> thank you. >> reporter: but' riefd with a target on his back. >> no one's going to be happy if things are said that are untrue, but i know that's sometimes part of the underbelly of politics. >> reporter: nowhere is that more true than in south carolina. >> south carolina in the past might have had a little bit more bare knuckle tradition. >> reporter: a dirty campaign in recent memory, the race for the republican nomination in 2000 between texas governor george bush and arizona senator john mccain. >> let me finish please. please. let me finish. >> reporter: that race was notorious with anonymous false accusations that mccain fathered a child out of wedlock. mccain lost the primary and blamed his defeat on the smears. >> as this campaign moves forward a clear choice will be offered. a choice between my optimistic
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and welcoming conservatism and the negative message of fear. >> reporter: long-time republican strategist charlie black helped mccain win the nomination in '08 and has recently joined romney. >> in south carolina there he is a lot of debate of the issues and very few of the candidates hold back in terms of making contrast with their owe penance. >> reporter: when they're making contrast, it seems even the language is more color full. texas governor rick perry has been calling romney a vulture, the bird that eats road kill for his work at the investment firm bain capital. >> mitt romney and bain capital were involved in what i call vulture capitalism. >> reporter: newt gingrich is hitting romney. they'll blanket the air was with negative ads. there's some back lash. they're worrying that it will play into president obama's hands. a south carolina voter told them
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to stop the attacks on romney's business experience. >> i want to beg you to redirect and go after the obvious disingenuousness about the conservatism. >> reporter: romney is leading in the recent polls. that is before he stepped into a buzz saw of attacks. there's another thing about south carolina. here in south carolina they pick presidents. in modern political history, the one who wins here has gone on to win the republican nomination. >> thank you, jan. last week john mccain endorsed mitt romney. they have been campaigning together in south carolina. the arizona senator is with us now. good morning. i apologize for my voice. >> that's quite all right, charlie. i know you've had a radical change in lifestyle. >> cold. probably on too many planes. you know what south carolina can do. do you believe that they can derail the campaign and the lead that mitt romney has? >> i do not. it's already historic what mitt
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has accomplished by winning iowa and new hampshire. these campaigns are tough, charlie. everything is tough. and it should be tough. politics is not easy. we're talking about becoming the leader of the free world. these attacks on bain capital is really kind of against everything that we believe in. we believe in job creation, record of bain capital is to take companies that would otherwise fail and restore them to some kind of viability. sometimes that doesn't work, but when it always works is a thing called communism where you keep everybody. we grieve the loss of a single job, but when you go to a company, the only reason they went to these companies is because they were failing. it wasn't as if they went to companies that were doing well and turned them around. >> as you know, the argument goes, the argument being made is even when the companies lost and
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the employees lost, the people who engaged in what bain capital was engaged in did not lose. it lost a big payoff but, still, they came out ahead because of fees and other things. >> you know, they came out sometimes perhaps more than they should have in a fair and equal world, but the fact is that they created -- look at staples. look at all of these different companies. they started with $5 million in staples and now look at it. would you rather do that or would you rather have a government pick a company like solyndra for half a billion and have it fail? this is a fundmental difference in philosophy. the reason why some of us are upset about these attacks and not others is because that's really the fundamentals of what we republicans believe in. you cannot have a system where everybody survives. that's adam smith. >> super pacs are part of the political campaign this year.
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are they bad? >> they're terrible. citizens united, you can put the responsibility right at the doorstep of the supreme court. incredible naiveness. sandra day o'connor and rehnquist were gone. it was outrageous. i predict to you there will be huge scandals associated with this huge flood of money. it also, by the way, has dramatically diminished the role of political parties in america. you can blame the united states supreme court for it. i tell you, the ignorance of the realities of politics in america displayed in a 5 to 4 decision was i think one of the worst decisions that i've ever seen. >> do you think if romney wins in south carolina it's over? >> absolutely. absolutely. in fact, the opponents have probably admitted basically that's the case. that's why you're seeing such ferocity. i think mitt has done a very
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good job in campaigning, in building an organization, and, frankly, i think we've got a real shot in november. >> there's a lot of talk about conservatives not being able to find one candidate and mitt romney not being their candidate. if he does pull this off in south carolina and then as you say the race is over, how do you bring those people? ? >> oh, i think they'll rally. they'll look at the options. >> you're not concerned about it? >> we've got some strong conservatives, new hampshire d south carolina he's going to, i think, do well with the conservatives. there will be a certain unifying of the party. >> no matter what? >> no matter what. >> you have been a great friend of the american military. you've served your country val yan yantly know. when you look at the video, what does john mccain say? >> it saddens me. the united states marine corps is one of the finest institutions in the world. here is a handful of
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undisciplined people of the 100 some thousand marines, it makes me so sad. there should be a complete investigation and those young people should be punished, but it does great damage. it's so saddening to me. >> thank you for coming. i hope we'll see you at this table a lot. >> thanks for having me on. congratulations on your new gig. >> thank you very much. we want to turn our attention to syria where violent protests and counter protests have been going on for ten months. on wednesday foreign reporter got cause in the cross fire in homs. elizabeth has been given rarp opportunity to be inside damascus. good morning. >> reporter: the syrian government under huge international pressure finally let a handful of foreign reporters into the country, but unfortunately that very welcome initiative began with a tragedy. >> reporter: not shaky cell phone video this time, but recorded by foreign news
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cameras. a mortar attack on civilians in homs. it killed one french journalist and eight syrian residents in the neighborhood. just 20 minutes earlier we had been in the same place on our tour organized by the syrian government of homs, the epicenter of the uprising. there are attacks every day, the people told me. a hospital a few steps away lay the proof. ordinary people brought down by extra ordinary violence. who's responsible? we couldn't be let out of their site to investigate. the truth is complicated. the uprisings began ten months ago as massive peaceful protests for democracy, but they have tea degenerated into something that looks very much like civil war. activists have flimd the syrian army shooting down opposition protesters, but some opposition groups have now got weapons and they're attacking. in the homs military hospital 25
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wounded soldiers on average arrive every day. in the capitol, damascus, yesterday a defiant syrian president bashar al-assad greeted adoring supporters. his solution, what he calls an iron fist. it's not exactly clear what that means, but we do know that some areas of the country are already under the control of armed opposition groups. this is a divided country already full of guns, fear, and anger. >> elizabeth palmer in damascus this morning, thank you. economic news, there has been a spike in applications for jobless benefits. up 24,000 last week. the labor department reports 399,000 people applied for unemployment and the main reason, companies laying off thousands of seasonal workers now that the holidays are over. there is some stormy weather this morning in other parts of the country.
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lon any quinn is with us this morning. good morning. >> good morning, erica. let's take a peak at the national satellite and radar picture. you get an idea what's going on. pretty simple as you look at that picture anywhere east of th
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this national weather report sponsored by the u.s. postal service. penny pinching airlines run into problems over the atlantic.
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we'll ask captain sully sullenberger about plains that have to land early because they don't have enough fuel. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> this is sponsored by great grains. the whole great grains cereal. [ male announcer ] introducing kfc's new weekend bucket.
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10 freshly prepared pieces just 11 bucks. any recipe. any way. only saturday and sunday. so pick up a bucket right now. and make this weekend one to remember. today tastes so good. it's in your future now. [ female announcer ] discover the power
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of aveeno positively radiant. with total soy, it's clinically proven to visibly reduce past damage, while broad spectrum spf 30 helps prevent future damage. aveeno positively radiant. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. [ male announcer ] next time, try a subway turkey blt or a fresh fit turkey melt, merely 7 grams of fat each. subway. eat fresh.
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also serving. please visit join time now to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. we begin with the omaha world herald. buffet offers to match gop debt. reducing gifts. republicans have told warren buffet that he believes his taxes should be higher he should just send a check. now buffet's saying, you're right. you go first, i'll match it. vancouver sun and canada reports sarah burk in an induced coma. she hit her head in a training accident in park city. she is in critical condition. >> from the "chicago sun times." they favor katy perry, harry
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potter. katy perry won five trove physician and harry potter won four. nonstop flights needing to stop for chopper five pictures from san jose obody 7:26. time for some news headlines here in the bay area. chopper 5 pictures from san jose's evergreen area this morning. nobody was home when a fire started in the attic this morning. no word yet on a cause of that fire. target has the help wanted sign out for 300 worker for its new store going up in fremont. applicants can go to a job fair today and tomorrow and saturday at the target store in newark between 8 a.m. and 3:00 in the afternoon each day. and there could be 2500 new jobs -- new jobs -- new jobs -- new jobs -- the owner isn't being identified just yet. but there is speculation that it could be amazon. i was doing a little rap there
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and i didn't even know. got your traffic and weather coming up right after this. [ laughter ] >> stick around.
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good morning. we will take you out live towards the san mateo bridge. word of a stall in the westbound lanes of 92 approaching the flat section but it's not causing any delays. it is blocking one lane but westbound 92 out of hayward toward 101 the drive time still 16 minutes so in the green there. starting to see a few brake lights coming out of downtown san jose in those northbound lanes of 280. had an earlier accident at bird now cleared. and what is clear as well is 880 through oakland. no you use this morning heading towards downtown. that is traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> weather looking good outside right now. let's get you out there. a lot of clear skies, it looks like it is going to stick around. temperatures this afternoon going to be soaring well into the 60s as high as 66 in san
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jose, 67 in mountain view and 63 degrees in san francisco. staying dry above normal the next couple of days.
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if you've been out to the airport here at lax, you might know they have a new kind of bomb sniffing dog at the airport. this dog can track down bombs that are moving. prior the dog can only sniff out a bomb if it was in a package sitting on the ground. this dog can get if you're walking, carrying it. here's the story. >>. >> boomer: detection dogs are capable of tracking a moving target until now. >> this is a plain clothes officer with a bomb in her bag. as she passes the specially trained dog picks up the bomb scent, and a half have i gates through a sea of people and sits down to signal his handler that he's found the. >> boomer: >> look at. this look, the bomb. there it is right there.
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>> welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm fighting a cold. we all know that airlines are raising fees and dromg service. that only has an economic impact on passengers. >> now a combination of cost-cutting and bad weather is causing some serious inconvenience. more importantly, safety concerns for people who fly across the atlantic. transportation correspondent mark strossman reports. >> united continental sold the flights as international nonstops, but repeatedly its bowing 757s have run into stark head winds across the atlantic and run too low on fuel. the flights originated in a half dozen european cities including paris, amsterdam, and stock who will being. many days head winds average 70 miles an hour, the strongest in a decade. the 757s burn too much fuel forcing them into unexpected refueling stops, often in remote canadian airports. it happened 43 times last month,
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almost four times more than the previous december, and another 14 times so far this month. inconveniencing thousands of passengers. in a statement an airline spokesperson admitted head winds had caused an increased number of diversions. we are offering compensation as a gesture of goodwill when customers experiences warranted it. the airline's relying more on smaller jets like the 757 on international routes because it can be more profitable than a larger 767. the 757s fuel tank is half the size. cbs this morning, atlanta. >> captain sully sullenberger is with us now. >> good morning. great to be with you. >> we're pleased to have you here with us especially on "this morning." what's the risk in this story? >> its a a passenger inconvenience issue. it's a cost issue. the small additional risk is when a pilot has to divert or
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land at an airport he hasn't seen before. there are some challenging airports, places like green land where they have landed to pick up feeuel. it's not so much a safety issue as inconvenience. choosing the airline to use these smaller planes and hoping that the conditions would allow a non-stop flight has cost a lot of disappointment when the winds are stronger than typical for that time of year. >> so it's a bad choice by the airlines? >> it was a choice hoping that things would work out and when the winds have been stronger, it pthey've hoped.ut as well as they've had about 3.5 times as many unplanned fuel stops as they have on these routes this time of year. >> what about those head winds? they're stronger than what we've seen in the last ten years, so what if -- is there a chance the head winds could continue to increase? does this need to be looked at? >> i think my point is that we shouldn't put that fine a point on it. we shouldn't cut it that close. again, the pilots are going to
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land when they have to because of fuel. this really isn't the safety issue in that regard, but it certainly is a passenger convenience issue. it would have been a much wiser choice to have a larger, longer range airplane where you had some reserves, some extra fuel. >> economics on the airline industry today, they're trying to more nearly match the capacity of the airplane with the expected passenger load because you have to realize with the cost constraints they have now, they have to fill up every airplane to have any profit. to fill a larger airplane that's only half full wouldn't be economic. >> i said before you, captain sully, it's great to see you. >> gayle, great to see you. >> as a nervous nelly, i hear you say you don't have to worry. when i get on the plane, the last thing i want to hear is don't worry about enough fuel. i want to go back three years ago. the first time i met you i was covering the oscars. you and your lovely wife laurie
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were the belle of the ball. >> she was. >> you were too, sully. they were standing in line to talk to you because it had been shortly after the miracle landing. i remember thinking, so many people came up to you with their stories of i'm so afraid, i'm this, i'm that. do people still do that to you? >> of course. >> if you walk into a room it's very reassuring to see you. >> they have to confess to me. there are a lot of people who tell me that. still, flying is safe as it's ever been. it's much safer than any other means of transport. so i try to give people some reassurance that we have a lot of trained professionals who will take care of you on every flight. >> help me understand the diplomasy doodle of a flight. no matter how bad the turbulence gets. are you here to say you don't have to worry because it's really impossible or difficult for the plane to come down because of turbulence? tell me that. >> these planes are designed, built, tested to withstand the worst turbulence plus a margin of 50%.
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the pilots are trained to avoid it when they can and manage it when they can. they'll take good care of you. >> if we had time let me give you a quick experiment of how to do that. the next time you're riding in a passenger car, close your eyes and pay attention to a lot of the bumps. pay attention to your last flight. much bumpier in a car than an airliner. it's a different situation. >> here's what i've always wanted to ask you. it was, what, three years ago coming up sunday? >> i believe it's been three years. >> what's your definition of courage? >> i think one of the best ones i've ever heard is courage is not the absence of fear, it's doing what you have to do in spite of it. >> i would add that to mine, which is grace under pressure. >> thank you. we had a lot of people that day who exhibited grace and did their jobs extraordinarily well. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> great to be with you. before you pick up that orange juice this morning, you're going to want to make sure you see this story that we have coming up about the u.s.
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halting all imports of o.j. at the border. why? the answer to that just ahead. you're watching "cbs this morning." . ...could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you... ...with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra,... ...humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems,... ...serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region
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while broad spectrum spf 30 helps prevent future damage. aveeno positively radiant. while broad spectrum spf 30 helps prevent future damage. your favorites, in pieces. to look at the screen and say, "yeah, i can do this." as a software designer, i try to take the complexity out of doing your taxes. we put it in a language you can understand. simple questions like "did you get married?" makes it a little bit more conversational for the customer, easier to answer in the way that they might talk to an actual human. and all turbotax calculations are guaranteed accurate. i'm alan tifford, turbotax software designer. man: go to [ male announcer ] got a cold? [ sniffling ] [ male announcer ] not sure what to take? now robitussin® makes finding the right relief simpler than ever.
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the jon huntsman has a big scandal. he moved to iowa for a year and finished a distant third. 6. d a distant third. we've got it done, ladies and gentlemen. i'd say third place is a ticket to ride, ladies and gentlemen. [ laughter ] >> a ticket to ride home. in coach. >> i know that's one of your favorites. good laugh. there is big news for your
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breakfast table this morning. the food & drug administration has stopped all orange juice imports. it's over safety issue. traces of a chemical found in the o.j. from south america. >> national correspondent chip reid is in washington. good morning. >> good morning, charlie and erica. >> very good to see you. what's the risk for people who love orange juice? >> well, the food & drug administration say there is no risk. they say the amounts of fungicide in the orange juice are so minuscule there is no public health danger. however, last night i made a round of calls to some groups, they say while the fda is right. we can't be completely certain until they test all of the shipments coming into u.s. ports. i asked a scientist at the consumers union if he would allow his family to drink orange juice and he didn't answer the question. he said, we just don't know yet. if you want to be perfectly safe, buy organic orange juice.
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>> organic orange juice? does it have to be florida orange juice, one you know came from the united states? >> well, first of all, the fda is still saying it's perfectly safe. organic is really one indication that it's going to be safe. i'll tell you, erica, this is a really bizarre case because on the one hand you've got the fda saying this is perfectly safe, but on the other hand they're going to enormous expense and trouble testing every single shipment. so why in the world are they doing that? well, the explanation is that once they heard from coca-cola that they had found small amounts of this illegal
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the massive earquak the massive earthquake in haiti two years ago today left countless children without parents. let's speak with one ohio couple
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now caught up in what they say is a very frustrating adoption rules in haiti trying to bring a young girl home. >> first lady michelle obama gave gayle king a tour of the east wing. you're watching "cbs this morning." dave? >> 'sup, dave? >> dave? dave? >> dave? >> dave! dave? >> hi, dave. >> oh, dave's looking for you. >> [singing] >> hey, dave. >> [loud] yo, dave! >> announcer: in a small business, it's all you. that's why you have us. at staples, we have low prices on everything your small business needs. staples. that was easy. why are you writing your name so much?
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you're living a maybe life. and you may be living with chronic migraine. but knowing that this thing you're going through has a name, means knowing you can find treatments that are right for you. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. brings me back to mitt romney. at least he has a funny name.
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recent poll said that a percentage of people thought that mitt was short for mitten which would be great. president mitten. other nations would fear us for being so adorable. [ laughter ] here he comes president mitten. >> we don't want to make you laugh any more, charlie. got to save your voice. what is happening to the iconic brands. hostess, the maker of twinkies and wonder bread filed for bankruptcy protection. kodak could be next. ahead in the next half hour, we'll see if some of the favorite product that we all grew up with still have a future. >> time now for this morning's healthwatch with dr. holly phillips. >> good morning. today in healthwatch, losing weight and keeping it off. january is when many people start new diets and when it comes to dropping pounds shall we all know it isn't easy.
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20% of americans who manage to lose weight will keep it off after a year. why? among other reasons, new research suggests that our bodies themselves are fighting against us. powerful biological mechanisms kick in to keep our bodies at a weight they're used to being. with persistence it can be done. don't skip breakfast. eat protein and fiber in the morning and it boosts your metabolism. start moving an hour a day. that doesn't mean you have to chain yourself to the treadmill for "60 minutes." snow shoveling and taking the stairs count toward the total. weigh in often. keep a food journal. writing down what you eat can keep your diet in check. finally, set realistic goals and don't give up. i'm dr. holly phillips. cbs healthwatch sponsored by bertolli, premium meals soups tore two. a fresh take on soups. it's frozen. ♪
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[ male announcer ] new hearty bertolli meal soup for two, with crisp vegetables and tender chicken. [ chef ] ♪ fresh tasting restaurant style ♪ ♪ bertolli soup's in the freezer aisle ♪ >> announcer: one fabric softener has that special snuggly softness your family loves.
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>> hi, i'm snuggle. snuggly softness that feels so good. look, i get towels fluffy... [giggles] blankets cuddly... and clothes stay fresh... [sniffs] for 14 days, with my snuggle fresh release scent droplets. and i cost less than the leading brand. let's make the world a softer place. let's snuggle. new starbucks blonde roast is another way to look at the bean. another way that reveals the lighter, mellower side of our roast. being blonde is nothing new, but blonde roast is something new. something subtle. something soft. something with 40 years of roasting experience on its side. introducing delicious new starbucks blonde roast. the lighter roast perfected. come to our tasting event this thursday to saturday and try it for yourself. are choosing advil®. here's one story.
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pain doesn't have much of a place in my life. i checked the schedule and it's not on it. [ laughs ] you never know when advil® is needed. well most people only know one side of my life. they see me on stage and they think that that is who i am. there's many layers to everybody everywhere. singer, songwriter, philanthropist, father, life's a juggling act. when i have to get through the pain, i know where to go. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. honey? yeah? you didn't refill the cottonelle. i wouldn't forget something that important. it's right there. what about the back-up plan? you used the back-up. but didn't back up the back-up. hone when toilet paper is this nice... you back it up. that's right. back it up. back it up. back it up. back it up. back it up. back it up. back it up. [ female announcer ] take care of your cottonelle toilet paper with a jonathan adler roll cover.
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a look at what's coming up in the next hour. gayle? >> thank you, charlie. don't we feel -- today marks the two-year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in haiti. one of the most heartbreaking aspects of the tragedy were all the children left orphans.
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erica recently returned from haiti and has the story of one couple, their effort to adopt a child. we're going back to the white house where michelle obama gives us a tour of the east wing and talking about her family today. the man responsible for some of your favorite reality shows joins us in the studio. andy cohen talks about some of the other news we think should be on your radar screen. here's something i'm listening to with both ears. the company that makes twinkies has filed for bankruptcy. could this possibly, possibly mean no more twinkies for you? rebecca jarvis has the answer. before we go to break, yea or nay for the twinkies? >> that's why it's called a tease. >> she's cute. she's cute. i've been known to trample little children for the banana twinkies. we'll have the answer. you're watching "cbs this morning." your local news is coming up next.
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police are looking into a deadly stabbing in san francisco. the good morning. 7:56. i'm grace lee with your cbs 5 headlines. police are looking into a deadly stabbing into san francisco. the victim died around 3:30 this morning about an hour after he was found wounded at 6th and stevenston streets. hundreds of new jobs are expected at a small central valley town. it's now known as project x. a large warehouse is expected to be built in patterson east of san jose over the diablo mountain range. there is speculation that it will be a facility for the state of california could get some much-needed revenue if menlo park-based facebook goes public as it is expected to do this year. the state could get hundreds of millions of dollars in capital gains taxes from investors as
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well as from employees who would profit from those stock sales. we'll have an update on your traffic and weather coming right up.
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good morning. new accident in the north bay. southbound 101 by san pedro roadblocking a lane. slow backed up to novato. watch out for some extra heavy traffic conditions there. in the meantime not the case at all at the bay bridge. the metering lights are on but it's only backed up to mid lot in some of the lanes but otherwise no big delays. the nimitz a few brake lights between 238 and the maze but not too bad past the coliseum. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> elizabeth, lots of sunshine, plenty of sunshine throughout the bay area today. maybe a couple of patches of fog at the coast. looking good toward the golden gate bridge over russian hill. lots of sunshine, temperatures running well above the average this afternoon as high as 67 degrees in mountain view, 67
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and sunny in santa rosa and 66 degrees in san jose.
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♪ did you ever ask hillary for advice about being first lady? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> she offered good advice. we met for lunch here and talked on numerous occasions, especially traveled abroad. she and the president, they raised a phenomenal young woman in the white house. and i think that's true, if you look around at the first children, they are pretty solid kids. >> they are. a special shout out to chelsea clinton and the bush girls there. welcome back to "cbs this morning."
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i'm gayle king. before we go on, charlie, do you feel much better than you sound? i keep worrying if you feel okay. you are okay? >> i'm okay. i feel good. >> all right. i am charlie rose, the sick charlie rose with the great help of erica hill. two years ago more than 300,000 people died. erica went back there to see what's happened to some of the children there who survived. >> the children were among the hardest-hit victims. so many were orphaned and that's where a special couple from ohio fits into this story. >> we were thrust into a sea of faces of children. >> reporter: john and julie pranor didn't come to haiti looking to grow their family. >> all wanting to spend time with us on the playground. and the thing that struck me more than anything else was the only thing they wanted was us. and time.
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>> reporer: participants already parents to a blended family of eight children and just years away from being empty nesters, the ohio couple arrived here to help out, part of a trip with their church. but there was one pair of eyes that made a lasting impression. >> she was across the room from me watching my face, i could feel her watching me. >> reporter: 10-year-old rose berlin has seen more than a child should at her age. abandoned by her father, rose lost her mother in the earthquake that ravaged haiti two years ago. did it make you feel loved? >> yeah. >> reporter: rose was immediately drawn to julie. seeking her out, spending as much time with the ohio mother as she could. eventually, writing her a letter. >> she said, hi, julie. today is a pleasure for me to write you this letter. i want you to know that i love you so much. and i'm happy to be your friend. i like the way you act, and when you talk with me i'm feeling good. and i want to tell you that i want you to be my mom adoption.
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love rose we are lynn. >> reporter: no one knows how many orphans there are in haiti. and there are no state-run orphanag orphanages. even before the earthquake this was the poorest country in the western hemisphere. nearly half the adult population can read. there are few social services. for many, daily life is simply a game of survival. and since the quake, it's only gotten worse. >> one of the problems we have is the priorities are all wrong. sanitation, water, or whatever. >> reporter: unicef is working to make sure children are a top priority. the new head of haiti's social services agency is also trying to turn things around. visiting and investigating the country's estimated 700-plus privately run children centers and orphanages, but she doesn't
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see international adoption as the answer. >> we are doing work with unicef. >> if they don't have any family. >> i am not against adoption. i think it is the last option. >> reporter: her concern is two-fold. not only child trafficking, many children all for adoption actually have parents, but also the future of the country. if the children leave, who will lead haiti into its next chapter. yet for those like rose berlin, adoption may be her only chance at a brighter future and a family. >> we want all of the children to have families. and if it can't be provided the haiti, then let it be elsewhere. and look at that little girl. it is like, i wanted to tell her, yes, i'll be your mom, i want to be your mom. i love you, too, but i couldn't.
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>> reporter: couldn't because the craner's don't qualify to adopt rose we are lynn. they have only been married for two years. a couple has to be married for ten years. would you consider changing that requirement? >> no, i don't think so. i don't think so. > reporter: a frustrating answer for people like john and julie craner who believe they could be part of the solution. >> we may not have been married for ten years, but we between us have eight children. >> i know that we can provide the stability, i know that we can provide the educational opportunity, the support that she need. >> reporter: despite the odds, the creper's are moving forward submitting their adoption application two week ago. >> she's our daughter in our hearts, but she'll always be there. >> just last year haiti for the first time signed the convention on international adoption to protect the rights of children, parents.
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the adoptions have been suspended until the ramifications of it are better known. that will not affect the applications already in process. >> that's frustrating, erica, you look at the faces and see people standing in line to adopt them. number one, i'm impressed the craners have eight kids and want another one. we'll start with that. is the marge requirement the only thing standing in the way for them? >> it is not, but the main hurdle for them. the social services agency in haiti said no, but she said it is on a case-by-case basis. perhaps they have been married for eight years. and also different requirements for single women to consider adoption, but they look at the time requirement showing it is a stable couple, they have been together to provide a stable foundation, so that's a reason that's in place. >> people could be married for ten years and be miserable and not good parents. >> it is true. and a lot of people bring that up. a lot of people say, why wouldn't you let this kid go home to what looks like a better life in ohio with this couple?
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and one of the things they are concerned about in haiti is not only child trafficking but also they worry about the future of the country, because if all the children leave, then what happens next? and they want to make sure that the children who are being adopted, because some
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now you know what to wear as you begin your day. we talked so much with first lady michelle obama we needed an extra day to bring it all to you. we'll hear what she says about life in white the white house bubble. also, the company behind the twingie filed for chapter 11. it is not the only familiar brand whose image is crumbling these days. that story is coming up, too. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] with greasy fast food, what're you really getting? instead, try a subway turkey blt or a fresh fit turkey melt, merely 7 grams of fat each. subway. eat fresh. ♪ try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain
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twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. test how fast it works for you. love it, or get your money back. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. new v8 v-fusion smoothie. ♪ more and more folks are trying out snapshot from progressive. a totally different way to save on car insurance. the better you drive, the more you can save. no wonder snapshot's catching on. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive.
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very good news today very good news for overweight americans. the national obesity rate has dropped one-half of 1%. this is already having an impact on knack sales. hostess and other delicacies like the twinkies just filed for
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bankrupt protection. ironically wonder has run out of bread. >> that's what we are talking about today, too. because people say the shelf life of twinkies is forever, but that doesn't apply to the company that makes them. and business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to look at the other familiar brands that could be in trouble. good morning, rebecca. people say you haven't lived until you had a fried twinkie, i haven't had it, but you can break a lot of hearts with what you are about to tell us. >> the reality is some financial factors are contributing to the demise of the iconic american companies ranging from department stores to food manufacturers, but some are finding ways to reinvent themselves. >> ever wonder how they get the creamy filling into the middle of the twinkies cake? >> reporter: it was a simple question that teamed both the imagination and the appetite of generations of children. >> great taste. >> reporter: how did hostess
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fill their famous cakes of varying shapes with that delicious creamy center? >> kids love hostess. >> reporter: but today the baker who tugged on our heart strings is tightening its purse strings. filing for bankruptcy protection for the second time in a decade. the latest iconic brand to fall victim to rising costs and changing tastes. >> these type of places used to be all over new york city in the '40s and '50s, the early '60s. >> reporter: john phyllis understands keeping up the times. the lexington candy shop has been in his family for 87 years. >> people, instead of sitting and reading a newspaper at the family with their breakfast or lunch, they sit and read their blackberries. >> reporter: phyllis has found a way to use technology to maintain tradition. 87-year-old business, three generations, you have a twitter and facebook page now. >> correct. >> reporter: and you have to.
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>> you have to. >> there are very few brands, if you take stock of the brands we actually purchase, very few of them are brands you haven't heard of before. >> reporter: scott gallaway is a professor at new york university and says reinvention is key in the struggle for survivor. >> old spice for men. >> should gilette smell like an old spice man? >> reporter: and and is a shining example of an established brand evolving. >> you can't talk about reinvention without talking about apple. and people forget how poorly they were doing, all right? so unbelievable renaissance. >> does that make you feel better? and wall a big comeback. what makes -- what gives a brand lasting power? >> when you think about the brands that you used as a kid, and many of the brands in the household, in particular, are the brands that the experts say will be around forever, they have the lasting impact. from tide, if you saw your mom or your dad wash your clothing
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with tide detergent, all of a sudden you are using that as well. coca-cola, pepsi as well, dove, these are the brands that as a kid you saw your parents use them and now you are trained to use them on your own. >> that is so true. i use tide today. that's so true. >> we did an unofficial poll around the office and every person used the same detergent as their mom or dad used. >> it never occurred for me to try something else. but in the piece you didn't answer about the twinkie. >> twinkies are here to stay. the reality is the brand has a lot of value outside of whether or not hostess is bankrupt. twinkies, wonder bread, ding-dongs, these are names that date back multiple years and have been around since the 1930s in the great depression when you could buy two for a nickel. and that name has a lot of value. you saw buyers yesterday after the bankruptcy say we are interested in this. so they are circling to buy the brand not necessarily the company which has a lot of debt right now. >> yes, i don't want to name any
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names, but the prompter said i have a t-shirt that said i like ho-hos, i'm talking about the cake. that's why i clarified. are there any other brands in trouble? >> kodak is another one we mentioned in the piece. this is a sad story when you think about the kodak company. these were the stocks back in the 1960s and '70s you could buy at any time, the price was going up no matter what. here you have them reportedly facing their own bankruptcy. and part of the issue with kodak, and this is why it is a sad story, is that they came one the technology for all the cameras that we use today. they just didn't focus on that side of the business. as a result they really lost out to the digital world and are really in the printer business now, not enough to sustain them. >> they need to do a better job, i need to print my pictures. but the key to survival with these companies for apple and kodak, they need to evolve as the market evolves. >> they have to evolve and
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reinvent themselves. the american auto industry is a great example of who has reinvented themselves and done so in a particularly strong way. one of the big markets, though, that they are reinventing themselves in, the american iconic brands, is not here in the u.s. it is china, it is overseas. we saw that on our trip to china a couple months ago when you see all of these american brands from buick to estee lauder making it big there. that's where the big comeback is, because it's a huge market. >> rebecca, thank you very much. the west wing of the white house is very famous, you may recall it, it even had its own tv show, but today we'll take you on a rare view of the east wing courtesy of michelle obama. that's only on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by truvia, honestly sweet. truvia naturally sweetener. honestly sweet.
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as for calories, it has zero. twinkle twinkle truvia® star, natural sweetness, i love just what you are. truvia®. honestly sweet. 10 freshly prepared pieces just 11 bucks. any recipe. any way. only saturday and sunday. so pick up a bucket right now. and make this weekend one to remember. today tastes so good. and i swear by it. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex with 5-loxin advanced™. shows improvement in joint comfort within 7 days. osteo bi-flex. the #1 doctor and pharmacist recommended brand. made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally.
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>> they have to walk out. >> on the grass? >> he doesn't. >> it's hard to clean it up in the ivy. >> that's what i'm saying. don't walk in the ivy in the south lawn. >> now you know. i don't care who you are. nobody likes pootie. first lady michelle obama on the some of the less glamorous realities of living in the white house. we took the time to give us a personal tour of the east wing where she keeps her office. it's filled with photographs of the first family, unscripted and private, and she talked about raising their daughters in a bubble and how important it is to let them live a normal life. that's very important to her. we'll have the first lady's east
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wing tour ahead and it's something you will see only on cbs this morning. >> we'll also take a look at the other news this morning with bravo's and cohen who will join us to
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friends are searching for a 15-year-old girl 8:25. good morning, i'm grace lee. family and friends are searching for a 15-year-old girl from hayward darlene singh. she may need medical assistance because she suffers from social anxiety disorder. dozens of parents were car camping outside of a kindergarten school in santa clara trying to hold a spot in line for registration at don callejon school. registration begins in a half hour. and the bankrupt solar panel maker solyndra wants to make good on its bonuses. according to the washington times, the company wants to pay out half a million dollars to some key employees. the plan requires the approval of a bankruptcy judge.
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we'll get an update of traffic and weather coming right up .
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good morning. a water main break in el sobrante in the east bay with 6" of water in the road around san pablo dam road and castro ranch road. so crews are on scene now working to fix the problem but again, it looks like at least that area is completely blocked off. all right. elsewhere, we are trying to
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follow this accident, as well. looks like it was just cleared to the right shoulder. southbound 101 approaching north san pedro road. the accident is cleared to the shoulder but look at the traffic sensors in the area, still backed up from at least highway 37 towards novato. at the bay bridge toll plaza, definitely lighter than normal, backed up to the end of the lot in the busiest lanes. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> nice day to crews around the bay area, elizabeth. a lot of sunshine, warm temperatures above normal by the afternoon but a chilly start out there now, looking toward the bridge, just some hazy sunshine at this hour but the temperatures cold in the north bay valleys, again down to 28 degrees right now in santa rosa. 30 in the napa valley. you have 30s and 40s elsewhere around the bay area. by the afternoon, we should be headed well above average, 10- plus degrees above normal for this time of year. about 67 in santa rosa, 63 in san francisco. next couple of days more sunshine on the way, big changes though over the
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weekend, much cooler on sunday. more clouds on the way toward the meld of next week, maybe some rain late in the week.
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want to look thin and gorgeous? >> i will wear larger size clothes. looks like i lost a lot of weight. we have 2012 fashion tips. >> plus, lori sullenberger shows easy ways to make your dreams come true. the people's choice award for favorite new tv comedy is, yea, girls.
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on cbs this year, the breakout sitcom. we'll take a look at some of the other highlights of last night's people's choice awards in just a few minutes. welcome back to "cbs this morning." right now we'll go one-on-one again with michelle obama. more of the conversation we had this week with the first lady of white house. she gave us a rare tour of the east wing. >> can i just say i love this picture. you know what, what is it like for you when you walk down the hall? >> i love this picture. >> this is the east wing. this is my office. it's family. so you -- >> it's all family photos? >> well, this is family. my staff is family. it's like sharing some of your best moments with your crew much this was at the world series. jill and i. >> i remember that. >> were there with a wounded warrior and his daughter who is so adorable. i can't remember where we were.
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typical barack. this is after one of the christmas parties. you see me take off my shoes. that was probably after like a 300-person photo line. the first thing i do after those is take my shoes off. carry my shoes upstairs. >> do you ever walk down and look at the pictures around the white house and go that's me, that's us? >> sometimes, yeah. >> do you ever marvel at your life? >> yeah. you live at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and you're about to start another campaign. >> it is so cool. so yes, i have a lot of fun in this job. you can look down the hall and see fun. >> i know, really your life is sort of documented, really. the girls' too. >> i thank the photographers for tracking the -- if it were up to me, it's like what did sasha look like when she was -- >> i don't have a picture. >> but we do. >> is it hard to make sure they have a normal life. living in the white house is a bubble some would say. do you think you live in a
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bubble? >> we do absolutely live in a bubble. >> i'm glad you know it. >> it's shatterproof glass on our windows. men with guns on the roof. that's just the reality of it. so yeah, it's something that we have to work for. so i have to keep my kids on track to do things that we would do if we weren't here. whether it's vacation or camp or taking a trip that we would normally take. it's letting them -- to get them outside of the bubble. to get them to a place. that's why going to hawaii is so important. they can run on the beach and be away and be normal. that's so important. i fight for that for them. because -- >> to make sure they get that. >> that they get it. i'm a mom. i think they deserve it. you know, they handle the stuff with grace. they don't complain. they don't say, you know -- they're always doing service and -- >> this is sasha. >> i think this was
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thanksgiving. although i get confused. we do a lot of service. this is one of the times we were at one of the food pantries. >> what are you doing here? >> i am being completely silly. we were at the u.n. and there was -- >> proof of silliness. >> i crack him up all the time. that's our behind the scenes silly. >> you two still crack each other up, don't you? >> yeah. now we've got two other people, malia and sasha are old enough where they crack us up too and they crack themselves up. they have that good sarcastic humor. >> what do you and the president do that embarrass your daughters? all parents do something that their kids go oh, my god, you won't believe my mom and dad? >> for me, it's singing and dancing. if i break into my -- when we're at a place somewhere and i want to get sasha to laugh because i think she's too serious, if you don't smile, i'm going to start dancing. >> she's like no, don't dance.
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>> every child has something even though you're president and the first lady. do you really have to do that? >> our kids, okay, so this is another thing. they don't really want us to come up to school. >> they don't? >> oh, because -- especially the president. because when he comes for parent-teacher conference, it's a motorcade. the other day malia was like oh, no, is dad coming? is he bringing all those cars? really? it's like the other day, i think they almost hit my teacher. when. >> when i look at the pictures of the girls and how much they've grown, dating will come up are you worried about that? >> i'm excited for it. that's part of living. that's just sort of liking somebody and being excited. >> can people just call and talk to them, their friends can call and say hey. >> malia has a cell phone. very limited access. it's monitored. but she has one.
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she reaches out to her friends and there was a period in time when she wanted that and she was ready for that. we had to -- but there are rules around when she can use it and who can be on it. all that good stuff. but you know, there are ways that her friends -- we're at the theater. >> are we going in here? >> it's red velvet. this is what was here when we came. >> i'm thinking elvis. red velvet. i'm not saying that's a bad thing. i'm just saying i'm thinking elvis. >> it is clearly red develop ret. >> do you come here a lot. >> we watch movies. that's what we do. when there are good movies. the kids like to go to the movie theaters. >> they don't like to come here? >> no. they like the experience of the movie theater. i'm like, we have a movie here. they're like, i don't care. my kids are like any children, anything we do is not cool. >> they're not interested in
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hanging out. >> they're like, nice, congratulations way to go. but we're going over to x's house. >> when the president comes home on the helicopter, they don't run to the window to look and see? >> you know, for the first couple of times, it was interesting. but that's how he comes home all the time. so it's sort of like, whatever. >> we're close to the west wing. do you ever just pop in? should we pop in today? >> yeah -- >> is he here? >> he is here. but i try not to pop in with cameras and lights. i think that's one boundary. >> mr. president, we happen to be here. >> gayle is here. excuse me. >> he looks like he was just groomed. >> he was. he was kind of stinky from our -- >> hi bo. >> hi man. >> i remember where you said bo is really -- oh, gosh, he's well-we behaved. >> do you find you take care of him more than anybody else? >> i think the girls do a pretty good job because they do most of the walking. >> so darn cute.
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>> you know, i'm the alpha to him in the house. i'm the person that he can tell garners more -- me and barack. he clearly knows that the girls are other -- >> just one male president and one male dog. >> this is all. >> do we need to make an announcement here, michelle, you know it's my wish? >> oh, yeah you're still wishing for that? >> i'm still wishing for a baby. >> there will be no other children in the white house. i can officially make that announcement here. you heard it here first. >> so you want to see a larger obama family? >> you know, this is the thing, charlie. i was raised where i wanted a brother so desperately. i think it's nice when you have one of each. as you know, erica, you can have two of the same and it's great too. every time i ask the question, she says no, we're happy here gayle. keep it moving. >> i grew up as an only child. >> you were an only child, charlie? i didn't know that.
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did you like being an only child? >> i like it also. i would have loved to have brothers and sisters for all kinds of things. conversation about everything at the dinner table. but also to play sports with. like my dog, i wish there was another dog there, so it would be an automatic chase. let me come back to the first lady. >> would you have wanted a little brother or sister, you charlie rose? >> i would have wanted a little brother. >> go ahead. what were you going to say? >> let me ask this. you spent time with her. >> yes. >> you knew going into this. >> yes, i did. >> what do you want us to take away from michelle obama? >> i want you to take away that michelle obama is loving, she's kind shall she's passionate and more than anything, she loves being first lady of the united states. this isn't idle chatter for her. she takes it very, very seriously. she's looking forward to returning for another four years. they'll work very hard to make that happen. >> you get the impression that
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the kids will be very normal. >> i do. >> despite all of that? >> she is fierce, she goes into really mama bear mode when it comes to -- she started off saying i'm mom in chief. they still remain her top priority. when you meet them, you know they are normal. that comes from great parenting. >> despite all that is around them, it doesn't change the essential core relationship between husband and wife. >> not that i can see. not that i can see. i'm not there often. but not that i can see. >> great stuff, gayle. really nice night thank you. >> if you missed my interviews with the first lady. guess what. we have you covered. you can find them on cbs"cbs this morning." turns out gayle was not the only white house visitor this week. although she was the most important. brad and angelina were there too. the they got to hang with the president. katy perry was not at the white house but she was not at the people's choice awards either. we'll take a look at those
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stories and other news with bravo's andy cohen this laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug.
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i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in.
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oh, mitt. oh, mitt. what am i going to do with you in [ laughter ] >> i'm so confused. >> if this were a romantic comedy, i'd get advice from my perceptive gay best friend. >> andy, how are you? andy cohen everybody. [ applause ] >> that is andy cohen, executive vice president of bravo and host of "watch what happens live" who joins us in the studio here. did you know that andy was gay, erica? stephen colbert said -- >> this is breaking news. cbs is all about hard news.
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>> that's right. >> that's hard news there. >> that's right. >> absolutely. that's a shocker. you were shocked, right, gayle? >> a little bit. >> you thought you and i -- we do. >> i definitely did. >> confuses the issue. >> yes, erica? >> the only story we have this morning. you're here to dish about other items in other news. one of them is the people's choice awards. we're happy with cbs for two broke girls. you know what this is like on both sides. you covered them before when you worked at cbs even. >> i covered many award shows. i have to say, i spent a lot of time at cbs in the morning. i spent most of the '90s on the morning show on cbs. there i am actually in my cubicle at cbs. that had to be in '92. i had a ponytail. yeah. that's me. >> before you leave, you can drop by and see the cubicle. >> seventh floor.
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still in operation, is that right? extension 2824. i used to answer the phones. in any way case, covering awards show, i wrote a book which comes out later in the year. i write about my time at cbs. i describe the time backstage at awards shows as you tuxedo warfare. they make you dress in tuxedos, even the camera guys have to dress in tuxedos. it's humiliating to show we're back here in this dump and you're fighting for bookings. >> it ups the ante and sets a phone for the show. >> i get that. >> you're the lady in the wings of the oscars getting access to everyone. i was in the back of the back, you know, fighting, fighting. anyway, the people's choice awards -- >> what about katy perry. i know you're getting divorce and you'll get all these questions about your marriage. but to not show up at all and she did well. >> it's an awards show for the
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fans vote on the people's choice awards much she won five. she didn't show. she should have just shown up. big whoop. >> when you're going through a divorce and i've been through it, when you're going through a divorce, it can be a painful time. we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. i get why she wouldn't want to come. you don't want to hear the questions. >> she'll be in asia next week. she's singing. >> that's asia. i get it. >> you know for the fans, she could take their love and say thank you. maybe it would boost her up, make her feel better. anyway. >> katy didn't consult with me but i think she did the right thin. i absolutely think she did the right thing. talking about brad add angelina going to the white house yesterday. >> at 4:00 i get some coffee. at 4:00 our president has a visit from brad and angelina. it's good to be the king. i love it.
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>> it's one of those things where hollywood meets washington. i didn't think that was a bad thing. did you? >> did people say it was a bad thing that they came by? >> kr did they get an audience with the president? >> it happens all the time. >> i get it. >> the photo of richard nixon and elvis. it's been going on forever. congratulations on the interview with the first lady. >> thanks. andy. >> i love that tour. >> the timing worked out for us. >> it worked out really well. >> we were lucky to have you on it. >> as you mentioned, you have your show. >> you were up late. >> i was up very late last night. >> so nice of you to come today. >> sure. >> you have a new game with a an old friend of mine. >> we've been playing every day on watch what happens live this week. it's taking the world by storm. quest love on sunday night declared war on tina fey. they had to share a hoagie on jimmy fallon's show the other
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night to make peace. anderson, something nutty happened. he was -- i give them three questions. you can plead the fifth on one question. i said to anderson, what celebrity would you ban on your show? two minutes before i played plead the fifth there's a tweet from cloe i kardashian who says i'm falling in love with anderson cooper right now. he's great and lovable. two minutes later we're playing plead the fifth and he bans the kardashians from his shows. >> have you heard back from her? >> hasn't. but she's coming up in a few weeks. >> i know. >> i don't know if we should thank you for the real housewives. i never watch -- i admit, i do. i watch. >> excuse me, this lady watches. she sends e-mails at odd hours with specific questions and details. >> this is the thing that's fascinating to me. no matter where you go, people say i don't watch but then people proceed to tell you the storyline. are there other times, andy,
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you're watching and it is popular, and you're right, erica, i watch. when you're looking at the screen, you cringe and go, i wish that hadn't happened >> the truth of the matter is -- >> do the hula or -- >> i'm a kind hearted fella. you got an earful in the dressing room from charlie. >> charlie wachls -- >> that would be breaking news if charlie rose watching real housewives. >> i know. >> that would be bigger news than the game. >> the day is young. we're going to go up to seventh floor after the show. >> your old desk. >> charlie says that andy may be escorted from the building now. >> right, exactly. >> thank you, andy for joining us not the first time escorted from this building. >> thank you for coming. >> thank you. rosie o'donnell tonight on my h my show. we'll be back with more "cbs
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this morning."
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a clearer way of looking at things, kids do. i asked them what they know about all this president-type stuff. >> you guys know the difference between a republican and a democrat? >> no. >> do you know what a republican is? >> a good guy from star wars? >> exactly. do you know what a democrat is? >> a person who adopt -- a doctor for your teeth. >> that does it for us. look at this program today. from john mccain, michelle obama. andy cohen. what kind of program do we have here? >> a winner. >> i think we need to get you home and get you into bed. we will leave. but we just want you to get better. are you coming back tomorrow? >> yes, indeed. i'll be here. >> we're be waiting. >> we're counting on it.
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>> ha do they say, starve a fever, feed a cold? >> you going home to watch real housewives in. >> i don't think so. i didn't think so either.
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the university of california has just announced that it will be smoke- free on all t >> good thursday morning. i'm grace lee. the university of california has just announced it will be smoke free and all of its ten campuses soon. the ban on smoking and chewing tobacco as well, will be phased in by 2014. san jose fire crews are searching for the cause of a two alarm house fire that took two hours to contain on green leaf lane. no one was home at the time. but that home suffered $250,000 in damage. a jobs fair is underway at target's store being built in fremont. the company plans on hiring 300 workers. the applicants may apply at the target store though in newark. the job fair lasts through saturday. let's get a check of your weather with lawrence.
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>> a cold start to the day. we'll see a lot of sunshine outside. gorgeous weather, high pressure overhead. clear right now, to the golden gate bridge overlooking the the city of san francisco, looking good as high pressure sits overhead and brings us above normal temperatures. some highs soaring into the upper 60s, 67 degrees in mountain view, 67 santa rosa, 65 degrees in oakland. the next couple days look spectacular. plenty of sunshine, temperatures near 70 by tomorrow afternoon. the weekend, we're expecting changes, more clouds coming in our direction, cooler temperatures expected, and maybe some rain late next week. all right. we'll check out your time saver traffic next.
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>> good morning. all lanes are reopened in milpitas on 880. lanes were blocked for 30 minutes. still jammed towards highway 17. again, watch out for that. elsewhere, here is a live look at 880 and 237, 237 has brake lights. the drive time, eight minutes, in the left bound lanes from 880 towards 101. check out the commute on the nimitz, still backed up, northbound 880, you'll be in a wait passing the coliseum towards the downtown oakland
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exits. bay bridge looks great. there's no delay approaching the pay gates.


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