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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 9, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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twisting motion. the lagarfljotsormurinn is a river float. >> it's a garbage bag. >> the lock mess monster. >> caption colorado, llc captioning funded by cbs good morning to our viewers in the west. it is thursday, february 9th, 2012. welcome to studio 57 at the cbs broadcast center. i'm charlie rose. the states and big banks have deals to help millions of americans stay in their homes. on capitol hill republicans vow to take on president obama's new controversial birth control policy. i'm gayle king. when i see you at 8:00, jcpenney tells us why he won't fire ellen degeneres. can you smell what he's cooking up in the theaters. we'll sit down with dwayne, the rock, johnson. i'm erica hill. the tsa is willing to let more americans go express through airport security. we'll look at a tough decision
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for every family. when is it the right time for seniors to give up their car keys. first as we do every morning, we'll take a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. i am dumfounded that in the year 2012 we still are fighting about birth control. >> this is not a women's rights issue. this is a religious liberty issue. >> the battle over contraception escalates on capitol hill. >> this is an attack by the federal government on religious freedom must not stand and will not stand. >> millions of homeowners facing foreclosure could soon get some much needed relief. >> big banks set to a nuns a deal with the government reducing loans in exchange for legal protection. >> the lenders will pay. >> frequent flyers are soon be able to zip through security thanks to a new tsa screening program. >> it's part of a fundamental
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shift in how we approach aviation security. >> an historic vote in olympia today as the statehouse passes the gay marriage bill. >> the pentagon will announce a new policy that will open up thousands of jobs for women in the military. >> the duchess of cambridge has attended her first solo. >> a driver runs off the cliff with a car. >> what we like to call home for charlie. >> all that. >> plus. >> iceland is looking over a water creature that looks a lot like the loch ness mon ter. >> first, number 9, he collects rare birds. has a pet doll vin named shocky. >> he will take the shock. >> yes! >> oh! oh! >> on "cbs this morning." >> our exclusive cnn caucus cameras -- caucus cam. that's what got the anthony wean ner in trouble, i think.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." we begin with big news from the mortgage and foreclosure crisis. >> government officials tell cbs news a historic settlement will be announced today that could affect nearly 2 million homeowners. the $26 billion deal involves 49 states. that's every state except oklahoma and some of america's largest banks. >> business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is with us. what do they hope this will accomplish. >> economically speaking they hope it will turn the tide for housing. housing is what put us into the great recession. the hope here is that they can stem the falling prices and also stem some of the foreclosures, but that is a long ways away. >> who qualifies? >> so ultimately you have two different groups that this is targeting. first of all, it's targeting the underwater homeowners. people who have homes that are less in value than the cost of
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their mortgage. those individuals, about a million of them, will see principle reduction as a result of this deal. so they will actually see their principle come down if they happen to have a loan that is owned by those five biggest banks. if it's owned by fan any or freddie and about half the mortgages in this country are, you're not going to be eligible for this deal. the other groups outside of the refinancing are those who have lost their homes already to foreclosure. about 750,000 of them will actually see a payout as a result of this deal. that payout may be as little as $2,000. if you've lost your home due to improper foreclosure practices known as robo signing, $2,000 is cold comfort at this point. >> it is a little bit of cold comfort. what is it in turns of an up side. does it do anything to help the housing market and prices? >> ultimately what you may see, because banks have been in a holding pattern for a while now. 14 months of this settlement have been really underway. banks now have a clear signal
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that they can proceed with a foreclosure back log. on top of that, once they work through that foreclosure back log, once they get paid out and get to refinance their mortgages, assuming the plan goes according to plan, then ultimate you may see a rebound in the housing market. that's the hope here. >> what's in it for the banks? >> the banks get out of lawsuits. they get out of lawsuits in a narrowly defined sense. they get out of lawsuits surrounding the robo signing practices. those are the practices where they evicted the homeowners without going through the proper paperwork. a lot of analysts are telling me, that's a big reason why they signed on to this settlement, because they thought they could actually be facing multiple billions of dollars of lawsuits down the road for those practices. >> thank you. turning now to the growing controversy over the obama administration's birth control mandate for health insurance. the latest objection comes from republican leaders on capitol hill. nancy cordes has more on that
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for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. yes, republican candidates for president have been railing against this rule for days. now congressional republicans are picking up the baton vowing to try to overturn the rule if the president doesn't change it. >> reporter: the two most powerful republicans in washington said they would introduce legislation to reverse the new birth control rule. the issue even brought house speaker john boehner to the floor for a rare speech fueling an already heated debate. >> this attack by the federal government on religious freedom in our country must not stand and will not stand. >> reporter: the administration's new rule requires employers who provide insurance for their workers to cover birth control for women by next august if they don't already. churches are exempt, but religious affiliated organizations like catholic hospitals or universities are not. republicans say that's unfair. >> that may actually be almost the most offensive part of this
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whole idea, that you tell religious institutions you have to do things that are contrary to your faith principles. >> reporter: democrats argue it's a matter of fairness for women. according to the cdc, 99% of women who are sexually active will use birth control at some point in their lives. 98% of catholic women. contraceptives can cost hundreds of dollars a year. democrats also note this is already the law in 28 states. >> we're talking about hospitals and universities that operate in the public space often with public dollars that would not be able to discriminate against their employees, many of whom are not catholic, not of the same religion. >> reporter: yesterday president obama's spokesman was peppered with questions on the rule as the topic took over his press wreefg. >> we want to work with all of these organizations to implement this policy in a way that is as sensitive to their concerns as possible. >> reporter: now even if republicans do introduce legislation to try to overturn this rule, it is unlikely to go
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anywhere in the senate, which is controlled by democrats. >> thans si, thank you. we're still waiting to hear president obama respond himself of this criticism of his policy. bill plante, did the white house have any sense of anticipating this uproar? >> reporter: charlie, they knew it would be controversial, but they didn't know it would be this hot. the original idea was to get it out before the state of the union so it wouldn't overshadow the president's speech. now they're in full damage control denying that the white house is on the ropes, but they do seem to be looking for a way out, charlie. >> what are their options to get out? >> reporter: well, i'm told that in the first place they looked for some way to give an exemption, but they decided that since catholic women use contraception at about the same rate as everybody else, that they would go along with this. people here didn't think very much about the argument that the mandate impinges on religious liberty. as for possible compromise, there's a year before this goes into effect. they keep talking about finding
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a balance, but they also say the president remains determined that all women have access to reproductive health care. so they're pointing at catholic colleges and hospitals which already offer a contraception option in their insurance. they're hoping that there's a way to get that to work for all providers. here's the bottom line, the white house has always seen this as a generational issue. they believe that younger female independent voters will agree with them. that, of course, is one of the most important groups the president has to win for re-election. that's the key calculation here for the campaign. charlie? >> bill, thank you. with us now from capitol hill, john mccain. senator, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> you may have heard what bill plante just said from the white house. where are you on this? >> well, i obviously agree with the catholic church and the people who feel that it is their option to provide services to
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their members but not to violate their religious principles. so i think it's pretty clear that the white house is looking for the exit sign here. i hope we can sit down and get this worked out and allow these organizations to not have to violate their religious beliefs. >> is there some difference between governor romney and newt gingrich and rick santorum on this because there's some criticism of governor romney as to what was possible in massachusetts? >> well, in massachusetts he inherited a law that required that, and he fought against it. obviously he was facing an overwhelmingly democratic legislature, but he never supported such a ruling. >> may i turn to syria because of the increased conflict over there and you, as a senator, who's always been candid about how you think american force should be used. what do you think the options for force are in syria and what role should the united states
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play? >> the united states should play a very important role, charlie, along with other nations. look, they're massacring their people. the latest reports are some 7,000. now we hear reports that the iranians are coming in to help kill these syrian people who are struggling for freedom. we should look at all options, including technical assistance, including medical care, including if there's ways using other countries would be my preference to get weapons in to these people. we have to explore all options now. clearly, russia and china are going to block action in the u.n. security council much to their shame. >> should there be some addressing of the issue of sending nato troops there or sending some other arab countries participating in a military action? >> i would not send nato troops there, certainly not on the ground. i do think that we can support
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these organizations. for example, turkey has announced they will provide safe haven for syrian refugees. we could set up no movement zones. we could set up no fly zones. we could do a lot of things working, frankly, with the leadership of the arab league who's been very good on this, but it's time we acted on behalf of the people of syria who are being slaughtered. >> but how is this different from libya? >> they had a base in benghazi. we, not we but they could be provided with arms and equipment. there's no base for this opposition. it presents a real dilemma. if we really want to help these people, i'm confident we can find ways to do so without the united states with boots on the ground or active intervention. there's a lot of things that can be done, and we should be doing them and quickly while these people are dying in the street. >> what do you make of the russian opposition at the united
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nations? >> well, we've got to keep pushing that reset button. it's an indication of the total failure of the obama administration's policies towards russia. the arab spring is coming to russia. thousands and thousands of people demonstrated in subzero temperatures, and of course putin now is lashing out at the united states and other countries as this appeal to russian nationalism. i don't think it works. >> when you look at the options that we have, how do you make an immediate -- come back to syria, an immediate action that will do something about the number of people that are being killed in homs and other places? it's becoming drastic and taking on an extraordinary level of violence. >> well, i agree with secretary clinton. we should establish a contact group, a group of nations, including middle eastern countries.
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cutter, uae, other countries play a role in libya and find ways to help them. in other words, tracking the movement of syrian government troops and informing the people of that. giving them medical assistance. god knows they need that very badly. then moving forward in ways that we can help them resist and fight back. they are being slaughtered, and anybody who believes that they are not, obviously we all know that they are being slaughtered. the fact is that we need to act on their behalf. by the way, there's a lot of consequences, an overthrow of assad, including hezbollah and other implications. that's why the iranians are very, very involved now, becoming more involved. >> senator, thank you very much. >> thanks, charlie. this morning the white house is set to tell ten states they will no longer have to follow the stringent no child left behind law. the law is designed to help poor minority students. it requires all students be proficient in reading and math
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by 2014. states that receive a waiver must have another plan to help students reach that goal. in syria this morning government troops bombarded the city of homs again. activists say a week of attacks have killed hundreds of civilians. on wednesday the u.n. secretary general accused syria's government of appalling brutality. >> clarissa ward is on the front lines in syria as rebels face a physical and emotional toll of war. >> reporter: this is the battle being fought by farmers and workers very close to home. just outside of the city fighters moved in on a check point set up by the syrian army to choke off rebel traffic. the attacks again, first one, then many open fire. the enemy is hidden from view. you are surrounded the rebel leader called out to the syrian soldiers. defect and join us.
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but there was no surrender. the battle raged on. many of the fighters were young and inexperienced. if you a fuad hashan. charge, charge the men shouted out. god is great. the bullets kept coming. moments later, hashan was hit. under fire the commander struggled to lift his limp body. other men joined to help before retreating. >> reporter: they tried to reclaim the check point. they haven't been able to do it. now someone has been hurt very badly. they're trying to take him to the hospital. >> reporter: by the time they got him there hashan was dead. at the hospital body after body was hurried up the stairs. the men weeping for their fallen brothers. the honor of the arab is dead,
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this man said, and cursed president assad. crowds chanting, the dead were carried home where the women waited wailing. we will take revenge on you, assad. we will kill you, this woman cries. they wept over the bodies and pierced the night air with their grief. >> reporter: you can hear the chanting now. that is mourners reciting versus from the q'uran. they will be doing that throughout the night. four people were killed in the fighting, and it's important to remember that this is a small city and a small community. every person living on the street was either a relative of or grew up with one of the men who died. what this really illustrates is that this is not just a chun in the at this but an entire country that is actually being devastated by this war. for "cbs this morning", clarissa ward, syria. it is time now to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. we start with the "wall street
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journal." memory gets jolt in brain research. a new study says an electrical treatment for parkinson's disease patients can improve memory. the san jose mercury news has been pouring through the fine print of facebook's ipo. the company spends a million dollar a month in rent on the headquarters. in britain prince harry is fully qualified. the times of london report said he won the top gun prize as the best gunner in his class. the washington post reports on a bill that
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this national weather report sponsored by party city. nobody has more valentine's day for less.
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as congressional republicans threaten a showdown over birth control, we'll ask timothy dolan if he sees a compromise with the administration. express lanes will find out what it takes to sign up. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ look at all this... where do we start? unpack this one first.
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that is not the lochness monster. people all over the world, though, have been checking out this new home individual wroe from a river in iceland. some people believe this is a sea creature whose legend goes back hundreds of years. we'll let you make your decision. there you go. welcome back to "cbs this morning." maybe it's a cousin of nessie. the rule covering contraception has turned into a firestorm. archbishop timothy dolan has worked on the issue as president of the u.s. conference of catholic bish ops. >> we will find out if he thinks there could be a compromise here. local news is next.
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hospital this morning. h good morning. it's 7:26. get you caught up with some of the bay area headlines on this thursday. a berkeley police officer in the hospital this morning. he was pinned between two cars during an arrest. it happened in castro valley. the officer's partner shoved shot and wounded the -- the officer's partner shot and wounded the suspect. a new span of the bay bridge will open around labor day of next year. when they started work on the project, they thought it would be done in 2007. and heavy security at mayor jean quan's state of the city dress in oakland. she was upbeat about oakland's future and said nothing about the "occupy" protest problems and tonight, san jose's mayor chuck reed will do the same thing. he delivers his state of the city address down in san jose. we'll have your traffic and weather coming right up.
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good morning. we'll start off with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza where it's jammed solid, 20 minutes to get on the bridge. backed up to the maze but we're seeing sunshine in our camera. that is a nice way to start off the morning. there is a stall near treasure island so they are working to clear that. peninsula, debris in the road and caused a multi-vehicle crash right in that area. everything is off to the shoulder. but still sluggish southbound 101 as you pass third avenue. all right. with more on your forecast, here's lawrence. >> all right. lots of sunshine around the bay area today. if you are heading out the door, patchy fog in the valleys. beautiful sunshine over san francisco. this is going to be the nicest day of the week temperature- wise. numbers in the 40s and cooler in spots right now. but by the afternoon, what a day it's going to be. even some 60s at the coastline. you will see some 70s in some of the valleys. this is the last day of it. it looks like a quick hitter then back to clouds cooler temperatures and sprinkles tomorrow.
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who will take the shot. >> oh, yes. oh, oh, unbelievable. there is nothing, nothing like duke north carolina basketball, especially when duke wins at the buzzer. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> that win makes charlie rose a happy man. >> a smile on my face. and on the cardinal, on the archbishop. >> we reported earlier that republican leaders in congress are vowing to stop an obama administration rule requiring employers to offer birth control and related services in their employee health insurance. >> one of the most public critics of that mandate has been new york archbishop timothy
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dolan president of the u.s. conference of catholic bishops, he'll become a cardinal next week in rome. i'm pleased to have him here. >> charlie, erica, appreciate the invitation and the warm welcome. >> you have had a number of conversations with the president since he has been president. >> i have. >> you have been to the oval office. he called you to tell you about this rule. >> he did. >> what did you say when you heard him say it? >> he was kind enough to call on january 20th. of course, when he told me the outcome, i expressed to him sincerely my disappointment and my disapproval. i had the last time i had the honor of meeting him in the oval office was in early november. and at that time he had said to me, archbishop i want to work together. i don't want my administration to do anything with what i think is nothing less than stellar work done by the churches, particularly, he was talking to me particularly by the catholic church in the area of education, healthcare and charity and justice. he said i don't want anything we
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do to be an impediment and i take the protection of conscience and religious freedom as one of my highest responsibilities. so i shared with him my consternation. i said sir, i was bolstered by your assurances, the same assurances you gave at notre dame in your address, the same assurances you gave to the catholic health association. what has happened? why would you back down from that? now, why are we at loggerheads in noble endeavors where we should be cooperating and in friendship? it kind of left me very unhappy. >> do you know why? >> i don't know why, no. i'm still wondering. it seems to be at odds with the very sincere assurances that he gave me that he wanted to continue to work with the church in these endeavors and views and projects that he shared. passionate interest in. i can't figure it out. that's why i'm hoping that in this massive negative reaction to this ruling, i'm hoping that
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he'll go back to those assurances that he gave me. >> have you reached out again to the president since? >> i haven't. i hope he would understand that i'm a bit skeptical because he gave us some promises at notre dame. he gave us some promises in the healthcare debate to sister carol key an and catholic association. he gave me promises. i'm skeptical, i'm saying wow, i hope i can continue to work with him here. >> so you are saying that the president has gone back on promises he made to you? >> i would say -- i would say, charlie, when i left the oval office where i was very grateful for his invitation to be there, i left with high hopes that nothing that his administration would do would impede the good work that he admitted and acknowledged in the church. and i am afraid i don't have those sentiments of hope now. >> do your conference of bishops want you to be more aggressive and more confrontational because it's such an important issue for the church? >> it is an important issue,
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charlie. i don't know if confrontation and aggressive is the word. we bishops aren't fighters, we're pastors, we want to stand on principle. we want to do our work as effectively as we can. it's not like we're welcoming this. this isn't a fight of our choosing. it was somewhat imposed on us. >> suppose the president says come to the oval office and his question to you is the following. i realize this s hotter than i imagined it might be. >> uh-huh. >> what would you suggest? he says to you i do now? >> i would say thank you, sir, i appreciate your openness, let's get to the bottom of this. you have already signaled a possible area where we can work on in the very mandates themselves put out by hhs. there is a religious exemption, all right? the religious exemption is very choking and very tight. there's a restriction there that we can't live with. simply in the best american principles of freedom of religion, simply give a much more dramatically wide latitude
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to that religious freedom and you're not going to hear frus anymore. >> but you know there are surveys that show a large percentage of catholic women use contraceptions. >> yes. we're not into polls. we're into moral principles. there's also the surveys. >> there's also the living experience of people. it's not just polls. >> there would also be, though, polls, charlie, that would show that even those who would disagree with us on the specific issue of contraception and aborted, would agree on the protection of religious liberty. i got a wonderful letter the other day and said i disagree with what the churches say on this issue but count on me being with you on the front lines in saying the government has no right to tell you what you should do or to make you obey something contrary to your can shens. that's an area we're all agreeing on. >> that's the issue.
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that the president said he would not go there and he has. >> i'm afraid he has. >> you seemed to open the door. compromise is a tough word these days. you said if he would expand the definition. is that what you would see as a compromise? >> i don't know. you're right. erica, it's good. i don't know if we can compromise. i think that what seems to be -- we can't compromise on principle. it seems to be clear now that this was a terrible, terribly misguided judgment. so let's not compromise on that. that's almost rewarding bad behavior. let's simply go back to the starting line and see how we can live with this without violating conscience or principle. i would prefer the word conciliatory. i say this again. we don't want to fight. when i went into the oval office with the president, he started off by reminding me of the tremendous areas where his administration works closely with the catholic church and with other religions. i said sir, you met and we want
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to keep doing that and please don't tie our hands and being unable to do that in the future. >> depending on who is talking about this issue, religious issue, health issue, women's rights issue, there are signs of all of that. there are also people who make the point that sometimes people take birth control not to control whether or not they get pregnant. senator boxer saying 15% of women take it for specific health issues. endometriosis. woo that thor, regulating a cycle, health issues. >> even in the strictest catholic theology, there would be windows of opportunity where somebody for a restricted reason could use these. so that could be. but we just have to stick with principle here. we're very reluctant to do and i think wise voices are saying, we can't have a government bureaucracy invading the privacy and the independence of autonomy
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and the integrity that our constitution gives to religion. >> we hope to have you back here in the meantime, you're off to rome. >> so i hear. you want to come in. >> i'd love to come, you bet. >> come out of town with all this going on. >> we want you to continue this debate as we learn more about how it unfolds. but congratulations to you as you're off to rome. >> thank you. >> when you come back, it will be cardinal. >> invite me back. i'd love to come. you got good doughnut out there. >> brought in the good stuff just for you. >> thanks, again. whether you are going to chicago or maybe heading overseas, you could soon spend less time at airport security. sounds like a good thing, right? we'll show you what's new in the tsa's pre-check program and whether it does increase security. you're watching "cbs this morning." [ man ] launch sequence initiated. -[ beep ] -15 seconds and counting. [ male announcer ] at kfc we have one mission: and t-10... serve the world's best tasting chicken. 9...8... that's why our whole chicken
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pretty as a picture and plenty of flashes to make sure it captured the duchess of
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cambridge. her first solo appearance on wednesday. she was visiting an art exhibit in london. her husband is on a six-week tour of duty in the fal ken islands. good news for frequent flyers. yesterday the government announced it will expand its pre screening program that allows some passengers to go through special faster lanes at the airport. >> it's called tsa pre-check. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is with us. tell us, how do we go through this process to go through the security faster sm. >> well, they've been testing this over the last couple of months. about seven u.s. airports, miami, dallas, los angeles. they screened about 336,000 passengers. what it does, if you're eligible for this, it allows you to go through the program without having to remove your shoes, your belt, your coat, take out your laptop. it saves a lot of time. in the process, of course, you're moving the lines much faster. they're expanding it to 28
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airports around the united states. what you do is you go to the tsa website, you register there. you submit your background information and then they'll give you an identification number which you will then use when you make your reservation. there's no guarantee once you do that you're even eligible. you won't find out until you get to the airport. show your boarding pass to the tsa agent who will scan the bar code and if you are, then you go to a separate distinct line and all those things i just told you about will happen. >> it that brings up two points. if you're eligible and you don't know until you get to the airport, so you don't find out. when do you find out that you're eligible? >> right there when you're showing your i.d. and boarding pass to the tsa agent. that's when you know you're in the program. there's no guarantee that by register you'll get in. >> who is eligible in. >> if if you're a member of global entry or some of the other programs the government has to allow you to clear customs back to the united states or if you're a mega frequent flyer who already listed in the airlines programs, you've received a notification from the airline that you my be eligible.
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chances are you will be. >> you've tried it? >> i have tried it. it saved a sllot of time. i was the line. nobody in line. >> you can sign up online, give them the information and when you go back, you'll find out whether you've qualified. >> exactly. having said that, vnd having the experience i had, the tsa still resumes the right to give secondary screenings. you're not always going through as fast as i did at that point. the tsa is not told this at all if thaer they're going to cap the program with a particular number of passengers. at a certain point, it won't be easy because everybody is a member of the program. for the moment, limiting it to the frequent flyers, business travelers and people enrolled in other government programs. >> all right. peter greenberg, thank you. it is 7:
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asking the ceo of j.c. penney about this in his first interview. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪me and you, a little rendezvous.♪ ♪that special something that will carry you through...♪ ♪that little reward for all the things you do.♪ luscious, creamy filling, perfectly combined
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with our intense, slow-melting chocolate, the one and only ghirardelli squares chocolate. for all the things you do. ghirardelli. moments of timeless pleasure.
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[ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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you squashed my willpower like a fly. you looked so innocent and so sweet. convinced my lips that we should meet. you were a relentless flirt. oh no we had indecent dessert. twinkle twinkle hope appears. a stevia leaf erased my fears. it made my willpower a super hero. as for calories, it has zero. twinkle twinkle truvia® star natural sweetness, i love just what you are. truvia. honestly sweet.
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this is video from a georgia walmart. what you see there is a brave seven-year-old girl fighting off a man who tried to kidnap her in the store. she remembered who wha her parents told her about strangers. that man is under arrest charged with attempted kidnapping. brave smart little girl. kudos to her and her parents. gayle king has a look at what's coming up. >> that video every parent should show their young children so you know what to do.
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kudos to that little girl. we're going to be talking to j.c. penney ceo ron johnson. for the first time he'll talk about his decision to stand by ellen degeneres as his company spokesperson as he plans to turn around that iconic american brand. dwayne "the rock" johnson, no relation, is here. we'll talk about his new movie and why is he returning to wrestle mania. taking the car keys away from your aging parents. never easy. lee woodruff will tell us how she did that. jureff glor is here with a story about babies growing to the 100s. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll see you right after the break. this portion of "cbs this morning," upon sword by hallmark. life is a special occasion. tell me we'll grow old together. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your superhero.
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tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. tell me you love me. it's all i want to hear. [ female announcer ] everyone has something they need to hear. vow to tell them this valentine's day. ♪ ♪ time don't wait ♪ the road is calling you, my friend ♪ [ male announcer ] this is big. new chicken mcbites from mcdonald's. juicy, poppable, premium chicken breast with homestyle seasoning. ♪ but they're only here for a limited time. ♪ new chicken mcbites. the simple joy of really big fun.
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th♪ simple joy of really big fun. ♪ when it comes to home insurance, surprises can be a little scary. and a little costly. that's why the best agents present their clients with a lot of options. because when it comes to what's covered and what's not, nobody likes surprises. [ click ] [ chuckles ] we totally thought -- [ all scream ] obscure space junk falling from the sky? we cover that. moving on. aah, aah, aah, aah. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪
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san jose mayor c good morning. it's 7:56. i'm grace lee with your cbs 5 headlines. san jose mayor chuck reed is set to deliver his annual state of the city address this evening. among the topics he may discuss, the budget deficit that he has been battling, public safety, and the as' downtown ballpark project. the program begins at 6:30 at the civic auditorium. a berkeley police officer is hospitalized this morning. he was injured yesterday when he got pinned between two cars. this happened during an arrest attempt at grow way and center street -- grove way and center street in castro valley. the officer's partner shot and wounded the suspect. we'll have your traffic and weather coming right up. ,,,,
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good morning. let's catch a ride on 880
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through oakland. it's slow right now in those northbound lanes as you pass the coliseum. and it remains like that slow and go all the way towards the downtown oakland exit. to the bay bridge, with the sunshine, we also have a lot of traffic. there was a stall reported near treasure island. that didn't help matters. so it is backed up well into the maze. about a 20, 25-minute wait to get on the span. and in oakland now eastbound 24 at broadway, still going towards the caldecott tunnel. it is going against the commute. there is an accident there and it is pretty slow in those eastbound lanes. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> lots of sunshine coming our way as we are going to heat things up around the bay area today well above the average. outside now patchy fog early on, 50s and 40s. by the afternoon, well above average. 35 to 10 degrees above average. 70s in towards san jose. about 70 in mountain view. 67 in oakland and 65 degrees and sunny in san francisco. clouds pour back into the bay area tomorrow. cooler temperatures even a slight chance of some sprinkles.
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you all may know that i've recently teamed up with j.c. penney, so i'm happy about it and j.c. penney is happy about it but there's a group called one million moms that is not happy about it. this organization doesn't think that i should be the spokesperson because i'm gay. so for those of you just tuning in for the first time, it's true, i'm gay. i hope you're sitting down. i hate to break it to you this way. but anyway. so they wanted to get me fired. i am proud and happy to say that j.c. penney stuck by their decision to make me their spokesperson. >> ellen degeneres responding since the first time the controversy made headlines last week. it's 8:00, welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king. >> and i'm charlie rose.
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j.c. penney hired ellen edegeneres. they say they stand behind their partnership with the talk show host. with us now j.c. penney ceo ron johnson. this is his first interview since the controversy began. welcome. >> good morning. >> we're going to talk more with your plans for j.c. penney but let's first move to the controversy. tell me how you approached the controversy and how you set about to make the decision you did and whether you have put the controversy behind you. >> we don't really look at it as a controversy. one of the great things about america is people can speak their mind. and, you know, the organization that believes one thing has spoken and it was great to see ellen, you know, share her views yesterday. and we stand squarely behind ellen as our spokesperson. and that's a great thing, because she shares the same values that we do. our company was founded 110 years ago on the golden rule about treating people fair and square.
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we think ellen represents the values of our company and the values that we share. >> did you ever have -- ron johnson, did you ever have a rut-ro moment where you thought, well, maybe we should reconsider or was it from the very beginning a no-brainer for you? >> it was a no-brainer. it's interesting, last november when we decided we were going to make some big changes to j.c. penney, which are really going back to our roots to treat people fair and squarely, we debated should we have a spokesperson help us. it's not that common that companies use spokes people, but if you can find the exact right person, we thought it would be great. as we thought about all the people in america today, we thought ellen would be the perfect person because we all kind of trust her. you know, she's a very honest, straightforward person with extraordinary values, and so we went out and met with her. and she actually chose us as much as we chose her. and it's been unbelievably wonderful to work with someone who is so kind, so gracious, so
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funny, who just, i think, captures what america is about. so never doubted. >> you have had an interesting career, at target and at apple where you built up the apple stores, which have been well known and a big success for apple. so now you're at j.c. penney. what do you hope to do with this company? how do you want us to perceive this company in the future? >> well, you know, i think we've got this chance to be america's favorite store. you know, we don't want to be the biggest store, the flashiest, we just want to be your favorite store. and that's a place that the store is in touch with the rhythm of your life. so the big example, for the last few years, retailers have marked goods up to mark them down and customers have to shop on the retailer's terms. we'd like them to shop whenever it's convenient for them. so we've introduced a new pricing strategy which essentially makes every day a great day to shop. and i think that is one of the secrets toward locking a lot of
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improvements for customers, which gets down to the products we carry, how we treat them in the store, and we just want to become america's favorite store. >> what did you learn from steve jobs? >> i learned so much from steve. it was a blessing to get to work for 12 years with, you know, one of the greatest people our country has ever had. but the most important thing he told me was to trust your intuition. do the right thing. you know, that's what we're doing here with ellen. i think that's what we're doing here with our pricing. you know, steve just said if you do the right thing and focus on just doing one thing at a time and your best, you'll be in a really good place. >> i like the description of you that you're the steve jobs of the retail industry, that's quite a compliment, and when you were hired he said that retailing is hard. you don't look like a worried guy to me. it looks like you clearly have a plan. could you explain how it's going to work? we reported last week that everything will be discounted. is that what you're thinking? >> that's just one element. retailing is hard.
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>> yeah. >> and that's what steve said when we started stores at apple, but you look a dozen years later, the stores are really popular with people. they're really popular because people know that the store cares more about what the product does for them than just selling a product. so at apple in many ways, the relationship with the customer begins when they buy. we want to do the same thing here. but the most important thing is we have extraordinary respect for customers. and we think people live busy lives and the world is pretty complicated. so we want to simplify things. we think having a great every day price, and we have lord our prices about 40%. and it's a price where people have always told us they like to buy products. so we want to price it there every day so we don't have to play games with our customer. >> in the end, is it price that makes the difference in terms of whether someone chooses j.c. penney or walmart or costco or whatever store they may be considering or is it something else? >> i think price is just one of the considerations.
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ultimately it's about the products that they leave the store with. and we have great products. but the pricing was getting in the way of our really communicating the value of our products. so by having a great everyday price that people can just make the decision that today i love this product, and we think it's a simpler way to go. and we've had such great feedback. i was in the stores last wednesday when we began our new strategy and the employees were saying customers are bringing in cookies and cakes and giving us hugs. a woman came up and said can i just shake your hand. i love what you're doing. >> ron, the apple store next to me in new york stays open 24/7. what will be the hours for j.c. penney? >> we'll be open whenever you need to come. no, we're going to honor -- we're going to actually honor traditional retail hours. even on days like thanksgiving. we think stores should be a part of someone's lives, but they shouldn't interrupt people's lives, so we're not going to do these early morning things where
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you have to get up at 4:00 a.m. to get a good value. we kind of want you rested in your stores. we want you to live your life. if you've got to go coach soccer, go coach soccer. >> you're competing against target, ron johnson. are you feeling okay about that? >> i feel great. target is a great company, i loved working there. >> is that a j.c. penney, before we go? i'm curious. >> no, this isn't. but i will have one next time. >> okay. i hope we see you again. thank you, ron johnson. it is
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the number of drivers over the age of 70 is expected to triple, so lots of us will have to figure out when to give up the car keys. we'll talk about how families can make this very difficult decision. you are watching "cbs in morning." ♪ what if one little pop ♪ could open a world of wonder? ♪ ♪ so sensory ♪ so satisfying ♪ the discovery never seems to stop ♪ ♪ it's the magic friskies makes happen ♪ ♪ every day ♪ in so many ways ♪ friskies
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♪ feed the senses [ mom ] oh, how cute. [ female announcer ] and with all oxi-active, neither do moms. it helps get out your family's tough dirt and stains the first time, every time. try all oxi-active. we gotta time this just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] save on select diamond fashion jewelry at kay -- the number one jewelry store in america. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay chili's lunch break combos are full of delicious choices, starting at just 6 bucks. choose from savory favorites or our new philly cheesesteak sandwich. layers of shaved steak and grilled peppers served with fries and a tasty soup or salad.
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chili's lunch break combos. chili's lunch break combos. what do you get when you combine the home depot with this weekend? the cure for cabin fever. because with... get-it-done savings on everything we need... ...we can turn this weekend into a fresh floor... ...or an updated bathroom... ...or a brand new look. so let's hit those orange aisles - and make today the day - we make a big difference - no matter how big our budget. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get more project for your money - like this valencia vanity, now just 199 bucks.
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in today's healthwatch, when should seniors stop driving? every day in the u.s. more than 500 drivers over the age of 65 are injured in accidents. p 15 of them are killed. >> but giving up the car keys for good is a difficult and emotional decision. amy goyer is with the aarp. she's here with lee woodruff. welcome to you both. i guess both of you all know this topic very, very well. let's start with you, lee. >> we're living it. >> i lost both my parents, so i'm thinking i would give anything to have to deal with this kind of issue, but since you're here and you're living through it right now, lee, i
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know that it's a very difficult thing. >> it's a difficult thing when all of a sudden you're the parent, all of a sudden you're the adult and you're not prepared for that. that's almost a separate issue. but about three years ago my dad, who has dementia and parole alzheimer's, he's 78. he's still pretty young in the scheme of things. it was very obvious that his driving was beginning to be affected. we are three girls. here's our dad. he's iconic to us. and we had to start the conversation. what we ended up doing, because he was very resistant to the idea of his independence, he's the man and drives mom around and we said let's make a deal. we'll go out for an independent testing. if they say you can't drive, you have to listen to us. if they say you can, we'll listen to you and let you drive. >> how did you know it was time? what were you seeing? >> driving too fast, getting too close to pedestrians, and just knowing that because he was beginning to go down cog knit
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i'vely, so he failed the test. he lived up to his end of the bargain but it was really difficult to see him diminished in that way. >> we went through this with my father when he was ill. now, my mom was still there taking care of him before he passed, but it's when it's their last bit of independence. finally we called the local police and they called my uncle's father over. that was the easiest way. but you say that should be a last resort, to go that route. >> it really is. people -- when they want to talk about this situation, they want to hear it from their spouse, they want to hear it from their physician, maybe their adult children, but the police is the last person they want to hear it from. so it's better if you can try some other approaches. have the conversation early and often. that's what we did with my parents and my dad's driving.
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my mom had a stroke when she was 63 so she didn't drive for years. like you, my dad drove my mom around. >> amy, you know what i like, you said don't use the phrase we're taking away the keys, which i think is key. maybe it's the language you use that is so frightening. >> your parents are your parents. you need to be respectful. there's that situation i'm going to come in and tell you what to do. who's going to react well to that. this is a choice to hang up the keys. >> so say hang up the keys. >> exactly. >> and you can go about it gradually and this is almost like the deal that you and your sisters made with your father. >> right. and oftentimes they begin to edit themselves. my dad stopped driving at night at fist and then you can say let's just do local driving and you can begin to shrink the world a little bit, but there are challenges to this. amy and i were talking in the green room. what then steps in as the mode of transportation.
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many of us don't live near our parents and community resources are underfunded and there are lots of challenges. but by working with your parents and local people in the community, you can come up with solutions. >> you really have to have those options when you have the conversation. if you're going to talk about this, talk when you can make gradual changes. most older drivers will modify their own habits. they'll not drive at night. that's what my dad did, stay within the radius close to home. but they won't all do that so you need to have those conversations and say here's an option. >> thank you for being here. p the westminster dog show kicks off next week and we've got some dirty little secrets on the dog show circuit from a man who spent a year following one champion. stay with us, you're watching "cbs this morning." cbs healthwatch sponsored by v8 v-fusion smoothies. could have had a v8.
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smoothies. could have had a v8. [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. mr. greene? yeah? want my downy unstopables? laundry smells good for a long time. nmm mmn. really, you can have it! take it joe. ♪ downy unstopables [ sniffs ] see you around. hey kid, catch! wow! no thanks, mean joe. ♪ downy last time i'm doing this. for what? when things were tough, you kept believing in me... you helped make this happen. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open heart collection at kay jewelers. keep your heart open... and love will always find its way in. ♪ every kiss begins with kay
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today is day two in the trial of the former university of virginia lacrosse player charged with killing his ex-girlfriend. >> in yesterday's opening statements, there were other charges of cheating and death threats. whit johnson is in washington this morning. whit, good morning. >> erica, good morning to you. prior to yeardley love's brutal death, prosecutors say george huguely sent her an e-mail accusing her of having sex with another man saying "i should have killed you" threats the defense argues still does not prove premeditated murder. >> seen publicly for the first time in nearly two years, a clean-shaven george huguely looked thinner than the beefed up lacrosse player accused of murder. he appeared anxious, taking notes as he was painted with a violent past enraged by jealousy. two days before love's death,
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they say huguely fired off an angry e-mail. you said i you would get back together with me and then you bleeped mike burns. i should have killed you then. on the threats prosecutors say huguely followed through. kicking down her bedroom doorks beating her to death. then stealing her laptop computer to dispose of the incriminating e-mails. ex-prosecutor wendy murphy? >> it's hard to prove what's in a person's mind. what's the next thing, in writing. how do you explain that? >> they urged them to consider a lesser charge, not first degree or felony murder which cares a life sentence. they say huguely was drunk that night. so drunk he was incapable of plotting to kill. he went to her apartment wanting only to talk but it escalated. the defense quoted from the police interrogation just hours after love's death. huguely said she's not dead. i didn't. i did not. i never did anything that could
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do that to her. the defense also began efforts to cast doubt on love's official cause of death. blunt force trauma. suggesting that prescription medication and alcohol in her system could have been factors too. >> the defense might well be able to put on an he can pert to say yes, he banged her head on a wall but she died from something else. the question is will a jury believe it? >> we've also learned that yeardley love did not die right after that beating took place. instead, she lie face down on her bed for two hours unable to move, unable to cry for help. >> awful. whit, thank you. unlocking the secret of longevity could earn someone a fortune. jeff glor looks at the business behind efforts to live to 100. maybe even 150? you're watching "cbs this morning." your local news is next.
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agencies worked with federal officers on a massive raid of people suspected of funneling drugs to bay area good morning. it's 8:25. i'm grace lee. bay area police agencies worked with federal officers on a raid of people suspected of funneling drugs to bay area gangs. this were 34 arrests tuesday, mostly in the menlo park and east palo alto areas. authorities seized money, drugs an weapons. there is a move in california to make the state legislature a part-time body. supporters are collecting signatures and hope to put the proposal on the november ballot. oakland is making a final pitch to hold onto its pro sports teams. the city says it is ready to pay an architect $3 million to come up with a new plan for a new stadium and sports complex at the coliseum site. oakland is at risk of losing the warriors to san francisco, the raiders to los angeles, and the as to downtown san jose.
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traffic and weather coming right up.
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good morning. back towards the bay bridge toll plaza, it's jammed from the macarthur maze. a good 20-minute wait to get on the span. but there's no incidence all across the upper deck. on city streets in san francisco, 7th and geary word of an accident there. likely lanes blocked. it's also slow up and down the nimitz especially in the northbound lanes. check out the drive time almost a half hour now between 238 and
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the maze. so it's really slow from the coliseum towards the downtown oakland exit. and more brake lights this time for silicon valley commuters westbound 237 from milpitas. it's just kind of stop and go like this towards zanker road. that's a check of your "timesaver traffic." for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> looking good outside a lot of sunshine around the bay area, elizabeth. beautiful day ahead for us, temperatures going to soar. mount vaca cam looking toward the city of san francisco. some hazy sunshine already. patchy fog in the valleys this morning but that is going to all give way to sunshine and some very pleasant weather outside. way above normal. temperatures right now running in the 40s and a couple of 50s. by the afternoon hours, though, we are going to warm these temperatures up quite a bit. 70s toward the san jose area. about 70 in mountain view. 65 degrees in san francisco. and about 69 degrees, plenty of sunshine, into santa rosa. looking out over the next couple of days, more clouds on the way. cooler temperatures for tomorrow, maybe a couple of sprinkles. rain sunday night into monday.
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♪ dog show! ♪ little dog, fluffy dog ♪ and quiet dogs ♪ ♪ dog show. >> hello and welcome to dog show. >> this is a show for people. >> about dogs. >> starring one dog.
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>> and one dirty dog. >> that's right. that's me. i'm miss colleen and i like a dog. that's the perfect segue for us. welcome back to "cbs this morning." that's from saturday night live a classic sketch about people crazy about their dogs. we all know how dog people love their pets. recently journalist josh dean spent a year following one real life champ dog. >> his new book called show dog the charmed life and trying times of a near perfect purebred. it comes just in time for the westminster kennel club dog show that begins next week in new york. >> thank for having me. >> how about jack? >> he's now a almost four-year-old australian shepherd from the philadelphia suburbs. and he's bursting with personality. he's not necessarily a dog that wins best in show of the dog shows. but he's representative of the every man dog. he wins a lot of shows and he's a beautiful dog. >> i had one and they're herding dogs. you cut the tails off at the
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beginning of the their life. >> some ranchers use them to baby-sit their kids. they're so good at herding, they'll take care of your kids. >> one thing you said, show dogs are pets that get to go to the dog show. i think some people think that show dogs are snootie. >> they are pampered, surely. how many of us get blow dried and made up. if you host a morning show, maybe. >> i was going to say. would you like to answer that, mr. rose? >> you go first, charlie. >> i love the pampered part. >> it's true. they have owners who love them and they sleep on couches and jump up on tables and they occasionally pop in the ring. >> see, this is what i didn't know. charlie, did you know that what goes into a show dog, good teeth and good testicles. >> if you're missing one, you're
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probably not great breeding stock. >> this is the cover of time magazine. it shows you how popular stories about dogs are. this is called the surprising signs of animal friendships. what is it about do you think this sort of -- this love for animals, especially dogs? >> i read a quote, someone said that dogs are our greatest invention. i think it goes back to the fact that humans created dogs. there were wolves artificially selected by people to become companions. they did jobs for us and we've been working with them now for tens of thousands of years. basically every breed that's out there was created to do a specific thing. we just kind of bonded with them from the very first day. >> you know what is surprising, you don't even have a dog. >> i don't. >> i assume this is written by a guy nuts about dogs, has a dog. you don't have a dog, josh dean. >> i live in brooklyn and -- >> that's in he can cues. >> it is, you're right. i bought a house in the country and i have a little boy who
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loves dogs. it's probably inevitable. >> how will you get the dog, go to a shelter or what will you do? >> i hope now to get one of jack's puppies. he's out there breeding. he's produced some beautiful puppies. the australian shepherds have so much personality. >> i'll take one too. when he comes. >> okay. i'll sign you up i can put in a good word for you. >> you'll recommend me? >> i will. >> you know people. you said there's a lot of cheating that goes on in dog shows. like what? how do they cheat? >> it's a gray area. because you're not supposed to alter the dog according -- that would include -- you see a beautiful white dog in the ring, it's probably not that white, because white hair turns yellow. people will put -- judge won't dismiss. people will use prosthetics in the ears if the ears aren't right. muscles and clipped and tail occasionally if it doesn't sit quite the right way. in i think if dogs want to make
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you happy. if you give them a treat, you will be amazed. >> dogs are like people. >> that works for me too. give me a treat, i am good. >> charlie, you mentioned getting another dog. would barkley approve? >> he's a wonderful black lab who i spend a lot of time in the park with. he's always looking for somebody to run with him. i think he needs another dog there. the most important thing he wants to do is either to chase or be chased. >> get australian shepherd who will chase him and herd him back to you. >> i had a conversation with a border collie and -- they were constantly in competition. >> they're like an australian
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shepherd with a little intens y intensity. >> a bit. >> i likening lish mastiffs. i love big dogs. >> i've come to love them all. >> me too. >> we'll leave the st. bernard at your door. >> i wouldn't be mad at that. >> can you smell what the rock is cooking? duane johnson has entered the building. two new films for us this year. he's planning to return to wrestling. really? the rock is joining us right after the break when "cbs this morn
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if you're afraid of critics, maybe you shouldn't have come down here, henry. >> it is called the mysterious island. it's right in the title. >> i know what the book says. you wanted to find mysterious island. mission accomplished. you wanted to find your
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grandmother, mission accomplished. at daybreak we're out of here. >> oh, lord. dwayne johnson has a big year ahead. i know i'm going there. he stars in the new movie, journey to the mysterious island. he's turning 40 and we hear he's going back to the wrestling ring. >> dwayne "the rock" johnson is with us this morning. nice to have you here. >> good to be here. >> gayle is especially excited. >> i won't drool when you're here. >> just when i leave. >> i'll need a wash cloth. before we get started, could we see the smile that makes ladies swoon. where is the smile? erica and i would like to see in. >> i'm ready. and the key with that, i think you got to look up and off. like up there. like you're looking at something. right now i'm looking at lights. they're amazing. >> i'm giggling like i'm 16. let's continue. this is a good year for you dwayne "the rock" johnson. you have two new movies coming out. you're turning 40. how are you feeling about
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turning 40? do you have hangups about your age? >> no. i feel great about turning 40. it's funny. it's not until you turn 40 that everybody asks you how you feel about 40. here's why. i was thinking about this a couple of weeks ago. i spent my 30s doing one of the following things. struggling, falling on my face, getting back up. succeeding. failing. >> when did you fall on your face? when did you fail? i'm curious. divorce for me was a big falling on my face. because it wasn't what i signed up for. when you get married, you sign up for life. >> i know. >> when it doesn't happen and you have a child, it changes your perspective. out of that, you know, you rise out of that. >> i get that. >> positives though, haven't you? you have a good relationship, right? >> have a wonderful -- >> with your ex-wife. >> sure. >> which is good for your daughter. >> it's become critical in raising her. so many adults out there, you
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guys know this, choose to stay together even though they don't love each other and the love is gone. you can't hide that. they feel that. i'm happy to sit here now and tell you that i'm more equipped now to turn 40 over the past ten years than anything i've gone through. that's why i say 40, bring it on. >> you raise a good point. so many people get divorced. i remember the divorce club for two. there's a lot of great people who are divorced. they make the mistake, they're so mad at each other they forget they have a child that they really have to co-parent together. not only are you and your ex-wife friend, you're still working together, which i think is fantastic. >> thank you. >> i do. i like this about you. >> we do. she's my manager. she does a great job. it came down to a matter of trust. she's successful in her own right. it came down to a matter of trust. how can we stay together in this
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form and not only raise our little girl but also continue to build our empire. i got to tell you, look, i was lucky to fall in love. and i did. but then for it to happen twice, because i'm seeing a beautiful girl. for it to happen again twice. >> shall i have her killed or maimed. i'm oenld only kidding. that was a joke. i swear. that was a joke. you fell in love again. you're going back to wrestling. when i heard that, i went what? really in. >> because? >> number one, i love it. >> you do? >> i'm passionate about it? >> i love the connection with the audience. for me, plus i grew up in wrestling. pmadison square garden. eadline >> and your dad too. >> my dad as well. there is no greater connection for me than a live performance with the audience. i understand hugh yjackman is a
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buddy. there's that need for that live crowd interaction. it keeps you on your toes. the goal was to create the biggest match of all-time. so it will happen down in miami. my hometown. wrestle mania. broke box office records already in one-day ticket sales. i can't wait. >> you'll be the rock. >> there's always the rock. >> but should we call you dwayne or the rock. what do you prefer? we're just hanging out, what do we call you? >> if we're just hanging out and it's just me and you ladies, as it's treetop lover. >> hello, treetop lover. >> the men can call me sir and we'll be good. >> when we're calling you treetop lover, will you be busting out your ukulele and sing to us? >> i will and i take requests. >> i was surprised to hear that you play the ukulele because you're a big guy and it's a small instrument. i'm heading to the grammys.
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is there someone that you listen to that we would be surprised to know that the rock listens to fill in the blank and really likes him or her in just pick one. >> there's sam cooke has always been my all-time favorite. plus, i also love traditional country music as well as r&b. i love jamie johnson. i love great songwriters. i would say sam cooke. >> it's a wide range. >> it's wide. >> can i say treetop lover, what's your girlfriend's name. >> lauren. >> give her a shoutout. >> given lauren a shoutout. i'm cheering you on always. nice to see you. >> come back and see us again. >> i will definitely. thank you. mysterious island opens in theaters tomorrow. >> treetop. >> with treetop lover. >> imagine a world where you're 100 years old and you're just getting started. we'll show you what scientists
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are doing to help you turn 150. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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♪ in 1850 the average hugh lan life span was 43 years. now it's closer to 80. according to a recent book, some babies born today could live to be 150 years old because science will make it happen. special correspondent jeff glor is with us. jeff? >> charlie, good morning. we learned that silicon valley is the center of this golden age of aging, cutting-edge research and committed billionaires with plenty of cash. so that's where we traveled. >> the more you look into it shall the more you find. >> sonia arrison admits the inspiration pour her latest book came from an unlikely source. >> the swan is back. >> reality tv.
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>> flip on halfway through and there's this man and woman on the edge of the bed crying because they were so happy that they had changed their lives getting new clothes and new teeth and a bit of liposuction. it hit me where i'm like, wow, i wonder what else you could do with technology to change your life. >> eight years of research later, she published "100 plus" a book that reads like science fiction but isn't. according to arrison, we're experiencing a longevity revolution, which means pretty soon triple digit life spans won't be special, they'll be standard. >> you think it's possible some of the people born today will be living to 150? >> yes. absolutely. i think my son has a good chance of living to 150. he's two and a half right now. >> that's because scientists are making significant strides. growing new organs from adult human stem cells. creating body parts with 3d printers and the holy grail of
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biological engineering using gene therapy to successfully treat diseases like hereditary blindness and leukemia. but all of that takes money. a lot of it. >> three years old and first heard about it. >> venture capitalist peter keel is among a handful of billionaires financing this battle. he considers death a problem that can be solved. all these people and say that death is natural, that it is just part of life and i think nothing could be further from the truth. i think the opposite of life. >> do you think you're closer to solving that problem? >> there's every reason to expect we'll make tremendous progress on had. >> leading to breakthroughs. like when cynthia kenyon found mutating one gene in worms their life span could double. >> the hope is to make a drug that would replicate in humans so that it would allow humans to stay young longer as well. >> to develop this anti-aging
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drug for humans, dr. kenyon relies largely on donors like thiel. it's still considered fringe science. outof $31 billion -- only $164 million went to biological research. >> when you talk about this, it scares some people. >> yes, that terminology might scare people. some people are worried we're going to create designer humans or something like that. i think that that's something that we should be concerned about. but what i'm talking about is helping people who are already here live longer and healthier lives. >> for the centenarians, arrison says new rules will accompany longer lives. like sunset clauses in marriages and second or third careers. >> wouldn't want to retire at 65. are you kidding me? >> that's only half your life. >> it would be boring. >> this stuff excites you.
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>> it does. it does. you know why, because it gives people options. it allows them to create the life that they really want to live. i mean, i think that's extremely exciting. >> this is great stuff. do you believe this science? >> i think 150 is certainly ambitious. yes, i believe the science. i think that 150 is ambitious. but it's not only the science, but it's the societal changes that take place that need to be discussed. that is the potential sunset clause this marriages. childbirth much later potentially. she talks about a woman giving birth at 70. that happened population. >> she raises that issue. the research shows that populations as they get older, populations level off or go down. >> i was going to say, you talk about in the piece all of these physical changes. what about mentally, is there a concern about keeping your brain that active sm. >> i would say so.
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that's part of the careers issue. we're talking about second or even third careers. that is, maybe taking a long sabbatical, what we used to call retirement and going back into the workforce at 90, taking another job. >> gayle raised the issue, as long as you could be in control of all your faculties. >> and coherent. >> i think that's it. one of the issues here is she looks at it like fixing a car. one part of it breaks, and you fix it. you put it back on the road. that is in this case, one part of your body breaks, you fix it. >> we can do it now? >> some of it. the biggest part is the money. if this is going to happen, that would need to go into to make it happen. not happening right away. >> childbirth at 70. on this program note, i'm heading to the staples center live from los angeles tomorrow morning fweerg up for the grammys. the the 54th annual. i was talking to the archbishop.
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i said i was going to grammys. is that for movies or theater.
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a berkeley police officer is recovering after being pinned good morning. it's 8:55. i'm grace lee. a berkeley police officer is recovering after being pinned between his unmark car and a suspect car in castro valley. the suspect was wounded yesterday by another officer. they have since reopened the intersection. san jose mayor chuck reed will deliver the annual state of the city address tonight. reed may address the city's budget deficit as well as the proposed downtown ballpark project for the oakland as. newt gingrich is set to attend the california republican party's spring convention. that's scheduled for february 25th in burlingame. officials say gingrich will deliver the keynote speech during a lunch event at the hyatt regency hotel. we'll have your hotel: >> lawrence can't chomping at the bit to tell you about the weather. >> nicest day of the week outside. high pressure overhead and offshore winds blowing a bit.
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that's clear now, looking good into the afternoon. hazy sunshine, warm until the bay area 70s toward san jose, 67 livermore, 65 and sunny in san francisco. and about 69 degrees in santa rosa. it looks like the next couple of days things change though after today. way above normal. tomorrow we cool things off. clouds coming our way. even a chance of a couple of sprinkles into friday. over the weekend unsettled weather, chance of showers sunday night and monday. "timesaver traffic" camera coming up next. ♪
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there are several busy spots we're following even as this morning commute winds down. northbound 17 right by the 280 interchange, there was an accident just cleared to the right shoulder. but as you saw there pretty slow speeds across that stretch of highway 17. now, on 280, obviously stop and go. your drive times still in the red out of downtown heading towards highway 85 and cupertino. the nimitz is still slow as well especially in the northbound lanes right there from the coliseum. and it is stop and go again towards about the downtown oakland exit. westbound 237 for silicon valley commuters, here's live look leaving 880. it is stop and go from 880 to about zanker road and at the bay bridge, we are still at 9:00 still backed up nearly to the macarthur maze for about a good 20 minutes. coming down the eastshore freeway, let's see, that's almost 40 minutes, as well. westbound 80 from the carquinez bridge to the maze. have a great day.
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