tv CBS This Morning CBS February 17, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST
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untry and they get a lot of snow this week. >> think we're out of time. >> and it's friday. >> it is. enjoy. >> caption colorado, llc in the west. it is friday february 17th 2012. welcome to studio 57 at the cbs broadcast center. i'm charlie rose. a federal agent is shot dead by a co-worker after reportedly shooting his own boss in an office attack. also this morning we'll speak with presidential candidate rick santorum as he roars through michigan hoping to upset mitt romney. i'm gayle king. a psychologist tells 60 minutes that a placebo works just as well as any anti-depressant. lesley stahl is here to preview her report. when i see you at 8:00 todd a story behind amanda knox's
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multi-million deal. the federal government is tackling the issue of distracted drivers. we'll talk with ray lahood. the simpsons hit a major milestone. 500 episodes which has a pretty impressive guest list including one of our own. first as we do every morning we begin with a look at today's oi eye opener." a look at your world in 90 seconds. the situation began with what we can characterize as an incident of workplace violence. >> an office dispute explodes into gunfire leaving one federal agent dead and another wounded in california. >> immigrations and customs agent opens fire at the federal building. he wounded another agent before he was shot and killed. >> the police are running around the streets and then i was so scared. >> governor romney supported the bailout of wall street and decided not to support the bailout of detroit. >> i love cars. >> the republican front-runner's battle for michigan as rick santorum answers questions.
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>> back in my days they used bayer aspirin for contraception. the gals put it between their knees. >> excuse me. i'm trying to catch my breath from that. >> award winning "new york times" correspondent anthony shadid died. >> he apparently suffered an allergic reaction and then died of an asthma attack. his photographer carried his body back into turkey. >> the dow is now at its highest level since 2008. >> google and others reportedly were spying on those using safari on their computers and ipads. >> stop at the sun. they're exexpected to tell them. >> a suspected drug smuggler is in custody. he entered restricted air space while president obama was on a held lit copter to l.a.x. >> all that. >> linsanity. >> and all that matters. >> it's a dream with mr. martin in it? >> that happens. >> yeah. >> and i -- >> i've never heard that before.
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>> on "cbs this morning." captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." police in southern california trying to figure out why a federal agent opened fire on a colleague. it happened at a federal office building in long beach. >> and when it was over the agent who started it all was dead. another was wounded. bill whittaker is in long beach this morning. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. the gunfire erupted about 5:00 p.m. yesterday causing police to close down nearby streets and a maker intersection here for more than an hour. >> the situation began with what we can characterize as an incident of workplace violence involving two federal agents. >> reporter: an office dispute exploded into gunfire thursday at this federal building in long beach, california. authorities say an immigration and customs enforcement agent
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got into an argument with a fellow agent before pulling out a gun and firing several times. >> another agent working nearby intervened and fired his weapon to prevent additional rounds being fired at the victim. this resulted in the death of the shooter. >> reporter: minutes later police swept in locking down the area. emergency responders lined the streets as an ambulance rushed the wounded agent to the hospital. cbs news has learned the shooter was the victim's supervisor. he apparently opened fire after he was told he faced disciplinary action. the fbi is heading up the investigation. late last night about 100 agents were already combing the scene. >> at times like this words honestly seem inadequate. as hsi agents we dedicate our life to protecting the public and our communities from harm so when something like this happens within our office it's incomprehensible. >> reporter: officials have yet
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to identify those involved. the officer that was wounded remains in the hospital but is expected to fully recover. >> that was bill whit take remember reporting from long beach. in the presidential campaign republican rick santorum is on the attack. polls show him surging. both candidates campaigned there on thursday taking shots at each other. national correspondent chip reid is watching this new battleground in the race for the gop nomination. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica, charlie. not long ago the campaign trail was a very lonely place for rick santorum. now his events are packed and he's become the darling of evangelical christians. his popularity is due in large part to his deeply conservative views on social issues. now he's going straight at mitt romney on the economy. >> governor romney supported the bailout of wall street and decided not to support the bailout of detroit. >> reporter: campaigning in
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detroit, rick santorum worked to protect his new front-runner status by attacking mitt romney. clearly feeling the heat romney hit back criticizing santorum for decisions he made as a u.s. senator. >> rick santorum voted five times to raise the debt ceiling. he also voted and continues to defend earmarks. during rick santorum's term in office the government of washington grew by 80%. >> reporter: santorum's numbers have soared and now romney's trailing santorum in michigan his home turf where he was born and raidsed and where his father was governor. some political analysts say santorum's surge is not really about him, it's about romney. >> they're looking for somebody anybody but romney. they seized on everybody from rick perry to herman cain to newt gingrich and now finally rick santorum. >> reporter: but many establishment republicans fear that if santorum wins the nomination, past controversial statements on contraception, for example, won't play well in the
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general election. yesterday foster friess who's contributed hundreds of houses of dollars to the super pac that supported santorum ignited a firestorm of criticism when he attempted humor in calling for & abstinence. >> back in my days they used bayer aspirin for contraceptions. the gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly. >> excuse me. i'm just trying to catch my breath from that. >> reporter: lib wall women's groups reacted with outrage to that comment calling it insulting and demanding that both friess and santorum apologize. also, charlie and erica, the obama campaign has been focused like a laser beam on romney up to this point but there are reports this morning that they are turning some of their attention to santorum. >> chip, thanks. former republican senator rick santorum is with us now from east lancing, michigan. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. how are you? >> good to see you. your reaction. do you identify with his remarks? do you take distance from his remarks? what is it about them that you
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disagree with? >> well you know this is someone who's a supporter of mine. i'm not responsible for every comment that a supporter of mine makes. there are lots of folks who -- it was a bad joke. it was a stupid joke. it's not reflective of me or my record on this issue. you know it's funny that i've been criticized by governor romney and by ron paul for actually having voted for something called title 10 which is actually federal funding of contraception. so you know this is -- this is the same gotcha politics that you get from the media and i'm just not going to play that game. ima he not responsible for any comment that anybody who supports me make and my record stands for itself. i've got a very strong record and i'm -- i was here in detroit as you mentioned earlier talking about the economy. i gave a speech yesterday at the detroit economic club talked about growing the manufacturing energy sector in our economy, creating opportunity for everyone in america. >> senator -- there is no question that those economic issues are very important. very important to the voters of
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michigan, but also you have been identified as a social conservative and those issues have been part of what you have said to the country. so this is not gotcha. what this is is trying to understand exactly what rick santorum stands for and what he might say or do as president. >> charlie, when you quote -- hold on. when you quote a supporter of mine who tells a bad off color joke and somehow i'm responsible for that that's gotcha. >> nobody said you were responsible, senator. they said how would you characterize it and what had you said to him? not that you were responsible. it's to understand how you differ from what this person said. so let me ask you. >> i'm not going to respond to every supporter who says something. look, this is what you guys do. i mean you don't do this with president obama. in fact with president obama what you did was you went out and defended him against someone who sat in a church for 20 years and defended him. oh, he can't possibly believe what he listened to for 20 years. >> that was --
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>> double standard. this is what you are pulling off. i'm going to call you on it. the fact is i'm here in detroit and we're focused on economy and the jobs and that's what we're going to continue to do. >> i want to get to the jobs. i invite you to sit for a long conversation about the jobs economy. i want to stay with this and just quote you. did you say one of the things i will talk about that no president's talked about is i think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual liberty idea. many in the christian faith have said that's okay contraception's okay. it's not okay you said because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. they're supposed to be within marriage. it's supposed to be for -- con jew gallon but also procreating. that's what you said not a supporter. i'm asking to understand your beliefs. it's an effort to understand your beliefs. >> great. well my beliefs are that as i said, my public policy beliefs are that this contraception to be available.
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again, i've supported title 10 funding. i've also supported abstinence based education because i believe that is a healthier alternative. i've been a very strong promoter of that. i think premarital sex and sex with young girls is a very dangerous and at risk behavior. i'm not alone on that. the president even supports policies to try to make sure that folks do not have sex outside of marriage and at risk teens get involved in that at risk behavior that leads to sexually transmitted diseases unwanted pregnancies, abortion and a whole laundry list of other things. so no, i do stand behind the idea that abstinence is the best alternative and i've supported that with a program called title 20 within the government. >> so that's a fair conversation to have. let me turn to -- >> yeah. >> -- the politics of michigan. you are now the front-runner many say, so what will michigan mean to your campaign? and what does it mean to you? >> well obviously i'm very --
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i'm delighted that people up here are responding to the message that we're out there talking about. and they're responding to the message that i gave at the detroit economic club yesterday. i think they're looking for someone who understands how to get this economy growing, understands that an important part of that economy is the manufacturing base. it's also energy. it's doing something about the complete explosion of regulation here by the obama administration that's crushing businesses and opportunity and we delivered that message yesterday. we've gotten great response. we've gotten great response cross this country, not just here in the manufacturing epicenter of detroit. frankly, throughout the midwest you see we're doing very well in these states that a lot of blue collar workers who are out of work, looking for opportunities to rise in society, we have an economic plan that reaches down and creates opportunities for everybody. >> let me turn to foreign policy if i may. >> yeah. >> with respect to increased concern about iran do i
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understand that you would like to see israel do what now? >> well, my concern about iran is that they cannot get a nuclear weapon. i mean i know that's the president's policy it's just he's not doing anything to effectuate that policy. in fact every time we've seen something brought up to try to curb iran and their ability to develop that nuclear weapon he's opposed it and begrudgingly gone along. this will be a game changer for our country, certainly for the state of israel. >> so you would like to see us do what now? what would you like to see israel do now? >> well i put forth a ten point plan with included everything from the united states helping the pro-democracy movement in iran, trying to do some things to support them. obviously stepping up sanctions. stepping up covert activity and, in fact putting an ultimatum on the table depending on where our intelligence has devised as to how close iran is to getting this weapon.
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but if we do believe they're as close as at least the israelis believe, then i think we have to put an ultimatum on the table and say you have to open up the facilities to inspection begin to dismantle whatever capability you're beginning or we will put an ultimate tim and time line and we will take out those facilities. >> senator santorum, thank you. let me say you are one of the few people probably now that have a real chance of being the next president of the united states so i want to invite you to this program whenever you want to come and have a full conversation about economic and political and social issues that affect the country so this is an open invitation to you to come back. i hope you will accept it. >> i appreciate it. no i'll look forward to the opportunity again. >> thanks so much. turn now to london where rupert murdock is in meetings with angry staffers at his sun tabloid. this morning they're trying to clean up after the company had a phone hacking scandal. ten current and former senior staff members of the sun have been arrested since november.
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murdock is expected to assure employees that he's committed to keeping the newspaper going. the so-called underwear bomber has been sentenced to life in prison. umar farouk abdul-mutallab tried to bring down a jet liner over detroit in 2009 by setting off a bomb in his underwear. prosecutors showed a video demonstrating the power of the explosive material found on umar farouk abdul-mutallab. as that video played umar farouk abdul-mutallab said several times god is great. his attorney plans to appeal. germany's president stepped down this morning because of the corruption scandal. christian announced his resignation. it is seen as a major blow to chancellor angela merkel who hand picked him. baseball hall of fame catcher died thursday of brain cancer.
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his nickname was the kid. carter played 19 seasons in the majors. most for the expos and mets. he hit 324 home runs won the '86 world series with the mets and was an 11-time all-star. gary carter was 57 years old. reports this morning say whitney houston's family will hold a private wake for her later today before her funeral. many big names in entertainment are planning to say good-bye in person tomorrow. special correspondent jeff glor is in newark new jersey, this morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. you remember the event of what michael jackson's funeral in 2009. this will be different. this will be a private affair here tomorrow, one week after houston died in california. ♪ because the greatest love of all ♪ >> reporter: whitney houston may have made her name in l.a. but she'll always be new jersey's native daughter. >> she's part of us.
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she's back here. she's back home. all the glitz and glamor she's right back here with us. >> reporter: while tomorrow's service will be private, fans will be able to watch a stream of the proceedings online. despite earlier reports that bobby brown, houston's ex-husband, was asked not to attend, he will be part of the service. ♪ signed, sealed delivered, i'm yours ♪ >> reporter: also attending steve have i wonder alicia keys. >> franklin remembered her god daughter with a poignant rendition of her most famous recording. ♪ i'll always love you ♪ >> reporter: among those speaking at the service, kevin costner, and clive davis, her mentor. they'll be watched by chaka khan jesse jackson, brandy and 1500 others. as outside across the state, new jersey's flags will fly at half
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staff. a decision that caused problems. >> i'm disturbed by people who believe that because of her history of substance abuse that somehow she's forfeited the good things that she did in her life. i just reject that on a human level. >> reporter: and as the remembrances continue so does the investigation, but that charlie, will take time. toxicology results are expected to take at least a few weeks. >> jeff thank you. it is now time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the wall street journal" reports that google and other online companies are tracking iphone and computer user's internet activity even when they've set their machines to block that kind of monitoring. in england the guardian has stories about doctors using micro chips to deliver osteoporosis medicines. charlie chaplain was one of
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england's greatest entertain ners. this morning the daily mail headlines that in the 1950s the british government investigated chaplain and found no evidence that he was born in london as he claimed. he may have been born in france. and get ready to give up those king size m. and m. packages and snickers bars. the chicago tribune reports the mars company will stop making chocolate bars that have more than 250 calories. it >> san francisco looking good. mostly clear now but we have some patchy fog in the valleys and also couple of high clouds drifting by. temperatures now in the 30s and 40s. by the afternoon, though, we're expecting those temperatures to move back up into the 60s in most spots. 64 degrees inives will. 56 in san jose. and 63 degrees in san rafael. 50s mostly cloudy at the coastline. the weekend though much cooler air moving in. partly cloudy skies, as well. slight chance of sprinkles saturday morning.
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this national weather report sponsored by he volkswagen tiquan. that's the power of german engineering. ti-gaun. that's the power of german engineering. antigua also some of those fancy gadgets on your dashboard may fwhot be safe transportation. secretary ray hood talks about that. now recommending to reduce
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distracted driving. watching now "cbs this morning." this portion of "cbs this morning," sponsored by turbo tax software. turbo tax, choose easy. i have what science calls the "nightly stuffy nose thing": i can't breathe... so i can't sleep... and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed & turned... i even vaporized! and then i fought back: with drug-free breathe right advanced. these nasal strips instantly opened my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better! [ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right... get two free strips at hey, it's your right
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we have sad news this morning. new york times foreign correspondent anthony shadid died thursday in syria. he died from an apparent asthma attack. he was a two-time pulitzer prize winner. >> he was scheduled to compaq and talk to me in march. i asked him about iran and the possibility of revolution there in 2009. >> i feel like this chapter could end violently. that doesn't mean the end of the story. this could be you know, could
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easily be a story that drags on for years i cadaver dogs f unty are going to good morning. it's 7:26. get you caught up with some of the bay area headlines on this friday. cadaver dogs from santa clara county are going to help look for more victims of the "speed freak" killers. the dogs could arrive today to look for a second well where remains may have been dumped. president obama scheduled to fly out of sfo in an hour and a half so be careful on 101 southbound. his motorcade will be working it way down there about 8:30. the president of course spent the night here in san francisco after attending three fundraisers yesterday and made a lot of money for his campaign. bart will run overnight service because of the westbound closure of the bay bridge. trains will run once an hour and stop at 14 stations.
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good morning from the traffic center. a couple of accidents westbound 24 at caldecott tunnel wreck out of lanes but still slow and go. also an accident south 880 at fremont boulevard. also over to the right shoulder. but very slow and go on the southbound side of 880. northbound though not too badly and no delays right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. that's traffic. here's lawrence. gianna, blue skies and milder temperatures outside as we head into the afternoon. right now chilly start. 30s in the valleys, 40s elsewhere. by the afternoon cooler than yesterday although not bad. 56 in san jose, 62 in san francisco. clouds into pacifica and 50s. much cooler over the weekend breezy too with a slight chance
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maybe a metaphor to explain what's happening politically. >> and now a video metaphor for the political landscape. >> the guy on the right represents mitt romney. >> the guy on the left represents rick santorum. >> this guy represents barack obama. . the winner is barack obama. welcome back to "cbs this morning." some new scientific research is causing quite a stir in the medical community. >> the fight is over
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anti-depressants and whether they work any better than a simple placebo. in an explosive report airing this sunday 60 minutes correspondent lesley stahl spoke to the psychologist behind the study. >> reporter: this is the a soesh yat director of the placebos studies program at harvard medical school and he says his research challenges the very effectiveness of anti-depressants. >> the difference between the effect of a placebo and the affect of an antidepressant is minimal for most people. >> reporter: you're saying if they took a sugar pill they'd have the same effect? >> they'd have almost as large an effect and whatever difference there would be would be clinically insignificant. >> reporter: but people are getting better taking ainlt-depressants ainlt-depressants. i know them. we all know them. >> oh, yes. people get better when they take the drug, but it's not the chemical ingredients of the drugs that are making them better it's largely the placebo effect. >> reporter: irving's specialty has been the study of the
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placebo effect, the taking of a dummy pill without any medication in it that creates an expectation of healing that is so powerful symptoms are actually alleviated. >> reporter: is it all in your head? >> well, it's not all in your head because the placebos can also affect your body. so if you take a placebo drank willizer you're likely to have a lowering of blood pressure and pulse rate. they can decrease pain. that's not all in the mind also because we can track that using neuroimaging in the brain as well. >> lesley stahl joins us now. welcome. >> i'm so glad to be here. >> nice to have you. >> what's the take away from this research? >> you know i think it's explosive because basically it's saying that except -- this is important, except for those very severely depressed, as everybody says that these anti-depressants do work if it's a depression that you just can't get over but if you're moderately depressed or mildly depressed, a
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sugar pill would be just as good. >> because it makes you -- the idea, the mental notion that does as much as having -- >> well it's the placebo effect. part of our story involves how the mind is so powerful over the body that the placebo effect shows up even if you have knee surgery with osteoporosis. if you have parkinson's disease. all these diseases that somehow involve the mind. and it's not just in your mind. actually a sugar pill can actually change your blood pressure. they've monitored the brain. it can change the brain chemistry. and the doctor giving you the pill, if it's a sugar pill just telling you he cares and, yes, i know you're sick here's something to help you. that doctor is part of the placebo effect. >> so how many doctors then are prescribing a sugar pill? >> not only see kia -- oh, sugar
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pill? >> placebo. >> that's a great question. all through my reporting i kept asking, well why don't they just prescribe sugar pills? no side effects. there are side effects with anti-depressants. it's not ethical. but you know m my head to give a& pill that is as good as a placebo with side effects isn't ethical either. so i think, you know why not give a suggestar pill. >> someone sees your report on sunday night, millions will should they go to their doctor and ask what are you prescribing for me? is it possible a placebo would be all i need? >> it's funny to ask for a placebo. it's interesting to say there was a study even if you know there was a placebo it works. >> well? >> what people should do is definitely confer with your doctor. do not go off an anti-depressant if you are on them because they do have an affect on your body anyway and you can't go off cold
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from gps to texting, even if it's the radio or a conversation with a passenger. there are plenty of distractions distractions. we'll ask transportation secretary ray lahood why car makers are being asked to simplify life for safety. we were talking about depression. one possible treatment could be found in the cup of your coffee. stay with us. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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secretary ray lahood about new guidelines to make those dashboard devices simpler and less distracting. >> it is time for this morning's health watch with dr. holly phillips. good morning. in today's health watch, the buzz on coffee. if you're sitting down with a cup of coffee right now, this news could make your day. according to a new study, drinking just two cups a day is linked with a lower risk of depression. researchers surveyed 50,000 women about their coffee consumption and use of anti-depressants. overall the more coffee they drank, the less likely they were to be depressed. that's not the only good news. new research shows coffee may also reduce your risk of diabetes. in some studies by as much as 50%. the condition affects 26 million americans. 79 million more have pre-diabetes putting them at risk. but researchers found ingredients in coffee appear to block a chemical process that
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leads to the disease. it's not just depression and diabetes. coffee has also been linked with lower risks of parkinson's disease, reduced inflammation and modest protection against some cancers. while there are some people who should avoid caffeine entirely, in most cases that daily cup of joe is just fine. i'm dr. holly phillips. cb; health watch sponsored by neutrogena naturals. purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals.
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on thursday obama administration announced new voluntary guidelines for built-in car features. one would disable devices allowing text messaging and web browsing while the car is moving. these guide lines say the devices should be less complicated, require one hand to operate and limit manual inputs. the man behind the push is transportation secretary ray lahood. mr. secretary, thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> is this becoming a sensitive marquis issue of what you want to communicate. >> well safety is our number one priority in all forms of transportation. we know that because everybody has a blackberry everybody has a cell phone and we think we can use them everywhere we're at that many many people when they get behind the wheel of a car have a cell phone up to their ear or think they can text and drive, it's very dangerous. the statistics prove that with
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over 3,000 deaths. that's 10% of the deaths on our highways in america. and that's way too many. people have to change their very dangerous behavior and take personal responsibility to put these devices away while they're driving. >> personal responsibility means this is voluntary? >> it is voluntary because we want to really put out there the idea that even though a number of states have passed laws against distracted driving, that it's up to people to really decide if they want to be safe drivers or not. >> most people do this not with in-car devices but their own blackberry or iphone and that is not what you're talking about. >> yeah. that is a very very serious issue that i've talked about for three years. when i started this campaign only eight states had passed laws.
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today, we have 35 states, plus the district of columbia and guam that have passed laws. we've made progress and particularly with our friends in law enforcement who are writing more tickets for people that are on cell phones or using their blackberries. but we still have a long way to go. >> some people suggest that perhaps you should have a federal law having to do with what the car manufacturers does with these devices. >> i don't think we're at that point yet. because i think the car manufacturers are manufacturing technology in cars that are disabled once the car is in drive. and that's a pretty good system. that's really something we want to look at. and make sure that, if that can work, there shouldn't be a requirement for anything else. >> may i turn to your son, who is being held in egypt. we all know of the story that came out of egypt. where are we and what can you tell us to help understand where he is and where the judicial
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process? >> sure. first of all, thank you for -- my son is safe along with the other ngo individuals that he works with. so we're grateful for that. there are a lot of people in our government really top officials in our government working night and day to resolve this issue. frankly, i don't know how it will be resolved and so we continue to hope and pray that soon it will be resolved. but top officials are really working on this and i'm grateful for their efforts. >> well, i assumed by that you mean that the president and secretary of defense and everyone who has direct contact. >> that's right, charlie. i've talked to the president about this on a couple of occasions. i've talked to the secretary of defense, secretary of state and national security adviser i
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talked to general dempsey yesterday who was in the region a week ago meeting with military leaders. and i've been assured by all of them, they're going to do everything they can to resolve this and i believe them. >> do you understand why he's being held? >> i understand what has been written. but this is the first time that ngos have ever really come under this kind of attack by a government in any country. these ngos have been working for years, charlie, in democracy-building efforts and they thought they were well within their right to do it. it's a little bit puzzling to many people what's happening there. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. and good luck to your son and all those who are being held there in egypt who are part of the ngo community. thanks again. >> thank you, sir. amanda knox has been quiet for four months ever since she
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came back to the united states after having being acquitted of murder charges in italy. now she's finally ready to tell her story. you're watching "cbs this morning." mm-hmm, yeah, their nachos are really, really good. are they good? they are really good here. really good? i just have a question. your profile said you were milk...? mm-hmm, yeah, i am. you just...look... like granola. granola. yeah, i know. [ sighs ] i get that a lot.
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speak clock language. when i say hi, what time is it. say a quarter past 2:00. say it's like 2:30. >> she's a national treasure isn't she? looks a little like danny very vito. >> week all be proud. gayle king has a look at what's coming up. >> i was wondering how charlie would react to that story. you never disappoint. she was initially found guilty but it's been four months since 24-year-old amanda knox was acquitted of murder charges for the death of her roommate in italy. now she's a multimillion dollar book deal here in the united states. not everybody is happy about that. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is here with five things your hotel doesn't want you to know. give me one. >> when a hotel tells you the're fully booked. nine out of ten times not even close to the truth. >> one out of five.
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mo rocca misses his grandmother's ravioli and he wants to meet your grandmother too. we'll tell you why. >> the simpsons celebrating it's 500th episode this week. you'll meet one of our favorite all-time guests. president obama is scheduled to fly out of the san francisco good morning. it's 7:56. i'm grace lee. president obama is scheduled to fly out of san francisco airport in an hour. the heavy security will cause traffic backups in the area for a while. so watch out, plan ahead. president has been in the bay area attending fundraising events. his departure will be streamed live on our website, bart plans to run limited overnight rail service this weekend because those westbound lanes on the bay bridge will be closed. the upper deck of the bridge is set to close at 8:00 tonight and they plan to reopen on tuesday morning. we'll have your traffic and weather coming right up.
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just a moment. good morning. well, it's kind of stop and go now up and down the nimitz. northbound 880 we have a live look near the coliseum and you can see it's moving okay but gets slow toward the downtown oakland exit. it's backed up southbound 880 before highway 84 near fremont. jammed solid. we have an accident blocking a lane and another problem along the peninsula. this is northbound 101 by san bruno avenue so this is sluggish there by sfo. totally different story at the bay bridge. metering lights remain on but it is "friday light" this morning. so far heading into san francisco, the big upper deck closure westbound 80, 8:00 tonight. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> sunshine and a few clouds around the bay area now, cooler as we head through the weekend. toward the coastline right now we have seen low clouds and fog moving in along the coastline. it will be cloudy the better part of the day there so plan on cooler temperatures there at the beaches, 50s and low 60s. maybe some mid-60s in the warmest spots inland but temperatures coming down. weak system slides into the bay area overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. maybe some drizzle and couple
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♪ bnchts careful. especially if you're tall. this monkey -- watch this -- may take a shot at you. aren't we glad there was a window there? yes, we are. it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning" morning". i'm gayle king. >> and i'm charlie rose. amanda knox was freed from an italian prison in october after being cleared of murder charges, but that was not the end of her story. >> she has just signed a book deal worth seven figures.
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"48 hours" correspondent peter van sant has been covering the case since the first trial in 2008. he joins us now. hello and welcome. >> good morning. >> i've always wanted to meet you, if i may say that. >> thank you so much. i hope i don't have the placebo affect you talked about earlier. >> not at all. what have you heard that's going to be in the book that will be interesting in 2013 when the book comes out? i'm thinking 2013 seems so far away. >> it does. amanda knox kept a journal during her four years in prison. i've been told there are all sorts of stories of her experience behind bars she's never shared. in fact, when they met with these seven publishers i was told by a source that there wasn't a dry eye in the place. she has some powerful stories to tell. keep in mind, we've been reporting this story for four years. cbs news was the first to say she was wrongly accused and wrongly convicted. this was an absolutely innocent young honor student from seattle who went through an experience
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she did not deserve. i think her story will be fascinating. price and this publishing deal are all the legal proceedings over? >> no, there's one final one. this week there was a filing at the italian supreme court by the prosecution asking that the conviction be reinstated, the original conviction of her first trial. but this is a paper review. there's no testimony that will go on. you have to find a major procedural error to get this reversed. it's believed it will go nowhere. >> and this was a big catch for publishing companies. >> enormous. i was told there was more interest in amanda knox's story than in bill clinton and hillary clinton's books. the bidding was fierce. the figure i've been told of $4 million is a little high. but it is a seven-figure advance. good for her.
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the family was more than $1 million in debt from all of this. >> do you think that's part of the motivation of why she's writing the book? because it was clear her family spent a lot of time money, and resources to help her. >> amanda's best friend had told us she was always hoping to be able to one day repay the sacrifice her parents put out there to save her and get her out of jail. >> what's she like pooetdeter? amanda knox is brilliant. she speaks three languages fluently. italian, german english. some russian, some japanese. she was an honor student who worked her way to get to italy to study at the school for foreigners to learn the italian language. by all accounts she was a serious, hard-working girl who just got caught up in this because she made the mistake of staying in italy to help authorities. >> caught up in this means what? simply being there and having this relationship? >> meredith kercher was the
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british roommate who is dead. all of her friends her british friends, were flown out the next day because they know the italian judicial system. amanda asked her mother -- her mother asked her if she wanted to come home. amanda said no i want to stay and help the police. the biggest mistake she'd ever made. if she'd gone back to seattle, there never would have been 54 hours of interrogation by people trained to break the mafia.
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the latest polls show president obama's approval rating is going up but it's nothing compared to the first lady's. >> that's why michelle obama is out front right now on the tv and at white house where she surprised a tour group on thursday. it's really owlall about the next four years as you'll learn from bill plante. >> reporter: good morning, erica. it sure is. you would have had to have been a hermit over the last few months to know there was a
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republican running for president. it wasn't until the last few weeks that president obama's travel was at least in part for a campaign. well, i mean all of the sudden here's another clue. we're seeing a whole lot more of the first lady. >> surprise! >> reporter: michelle obama greeted white house tourists in the blue room on thursday. white house cameras were on hand to stream it live on the internet. the tourists were surprised. >> i couldn't really talk because i was so shocked to see her. i kind of froze up. >> reporter: the first lady spent an hour talking to people filing through the executive mansion. why now? anita mcbride was laura bush's chief of staff. >> nothing during an election year is an accident. everything can be looked at through the lens of politics. >> reporter: so as the president's campaign is getting rolling, you're seeing more of the first lady. doing push-ups with ellen
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degeneres, a tug-of-war with jimmy fallon, a guest appearance on "i carly." michelle obama is more popular than the president to whom she's married. like most first ladies, she'll be valuable to her husband's campaign. like laura bush in 2004. >> i'm so proud of the way george has led our country with strength and conviction. >> reporter: hillary clinton, though bruised by her attempt at health care reform in bill clinton's first term was still a campaign asset in 1996. >> the best role for a first lady during an election year is do no harm and spread as much goodwill as you possibly can. then, of course, get out on the campaign trail and raise a lot of money. >> reporter: and not losing sight of the reason, the first lady is out there campaigning. >> it's all about being active and having fun. it doesn't matter if you won or if you lost. >> it matters.
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[ laughter ] >> reporter: believe me, it matters to this white house. that's why you'll be seeing a lot more of the first lady in the coming months. erica. >> bill, did you have a little extra coffee this morning, my friend? i like the enthusiasm. >> bill, we were talking about you. we got a kick out of your emphasis of the word campaign a moment ago. are you changing your delivery style? i'm just curious. >> reporter: you know what? if it you listen to these folks around here the last few month, you would think the president had nothing more in mind than the welfare of the nation, which i'm sure he does, but he's been campaigning for the last few months. they finally admitted he was. >> they used to call the first lady during the first campaign the not-so-secret weapon. seems like that hasn't changed as we continue in 2012. thank you, bill plante. always good to see you. >> there is one day of the week when you get the best deal on a hotel reservation. we have that and a few other
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secrets you want to know before you book that next hotel stay. we've got all the secrets just ahead. you're watching "cbs this morning." honestly, i'm having a little trouble with the eyes. find eye popping savings at the sears president's day event right now, get up to 30% off all kenmore appliances and up to 15% off all other appliance brands sears. number one in appliances. [ female announcer ] fashion or food, it's all about taste. and the chefs at lean cuisine are loving tangy lemon, peppery poblano sweet butternut.
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we're roasting, and grilling to create must-have meals with no preservatives. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! sears big presidents day sale is on now. and we do mean big.
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toe get into a hotel that's fully books or why that's a good thing when a room is out of order? what does that mean? >> we're about to find out. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is here to reveal five things your hotel doesn't want you to know. first tip you have is the best rates are not available online. >> every hotel will say you can get the best rates if you go online. that's absolutely not true. all the inventory isn't online. if you call the 800 number that's even worse, because you're going to get a clearing house. you need to call the hotel directly. never ask for reservations because they'll just reroute you back to the 800 number. >> when you call information and ask for a hotel number, you get that 800 number. you'll say, no i want the local number. they don't always give it to you. how do you get it? >> you can get that one online. a conversation with a human being. then you ask to speak to the manager on duty or the director of sales. they'll know if the johnson wedding cancelled last night and
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they have 60 rooms they got to dump. that's not going to show up on the internet. >> that's such good advice. i'd never heard of this phrase out of order rooms. >> yes, there are a lot in every hotel. it's maybe the lamp shade is broken or the head board isn't fastened properly. if you get to a hotel that is fully booked say, i'll take an out of order room. as long as there's something in there that's not dangerous you get the room at a discount. they know an unsold room is revenue they can't recoup. >> you don't want a broken lamp shade. >> normally when they say it's booked, it isn't. >> another big lie. there's a difference between a hotel that's booked and a hotel that's blocked. a lot of hotels are going to say, no rooms are available. they're blocked. no. you have to find out who controls the blocks. that's where you get the room. >> somebody always cancels. i don't care what the event is. somebody always cancels. >> if the president of the united states was checking in would you have a room? well, guess what he's not
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coming in. i'll take his room. >> what's the best time to book a room? >> sundays. that's the one day of the week the revenue manager of the hotel -- those are the guys who set the room rates. that's their day off. they're not working. that's the one day you can talk to the front desk. they know you're in the driver's seat. that room is going to evaporate if they don't make a deal. >> lastly it's a lot like an airline ticket. it doesn't include all the numbers. >> and hidden fees. i got charged a fee at a hotel in arizona. mandatory tip to bellman. really? you know what, because they didn't -- >> how much? >> i checked with the bellman. he didn't even get it. that was a nice story. here is the bottom line. once you know they haven't disclosed, you're also in the driver's seat. you can dispute the bill. the biggest mistake people make is they don't check their bill until they're checking out. >> was that five things? >> we got seven. >> okay. thank you, peter. >> now there's a deal. >> always good to have you.
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america's favorite cartoon family is marking a major milestone this weekend. 500 episodes for "the simpsons." don't have a cow. we'll tell you which news maker will be a part of that celebration. tomorrow on "cbs this morning," the science of waiting in line. how to make the right choice. i have been waiting for this segment. stay with us. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] aggressive new styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. ♪ ♪ the new c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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the 500th episode of the simpsons will air this weekend. it is not just the longest running comedy series in u.s. history. the simpsons is on television somewhere in the world every half hour of every single day. >> wow. john blackstone takes a look back at this cultural phenomenon that keeps making us laugh. >> is oliver there. >> in the real world bart simpson would be in his 30s by
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now. >> call for -- >> instead, after 500 episodes, bart remains a ten-year-old trouble maker. >> that's okay. his cute little hands can't even fit around my neck. >> as for homer, in 23 years, he hasn't changed his signature grumble. >> marge, lisa and maggie are still the same, too but somehow the show manages to stay fresh. >> the simpsons writers week after week are managing to find satire in new ways of lambasting american culture. >> the man is talking about waste management. that affects the whole planet. >> the fact that the jokes are coming through the mouths of little yellow people gives them a lot of license to be totally absurd. >> over 5 hundred episodes the simpsons characters have become well, larger than life. they're at the heart of a billion dollar merchandising empire including the simpsons ride here at universal studios hollywood. over 23 seasons, those who make
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the show have been on quite a ride themselves. >> we have writers who actually grew up watching the show. >> matt groaning created the simpsons. >> i think it's like a cavalcade of different comedy styles. there's very silly, three stooges humor, there's puns, silent comedy, slapstick. >> we rip off jokes from everywhere. not everybody has laughed. there's been criticism that sets bart as a terrible role model for children. >> power on. >> the show still courts conroversy it's guest star on this 500th episode is wikileaks founder julian assange. it seems almost everybody famous has been on at least one episode. >> kirk douglas, bob hope. >> set me down at that boat show. >> you want to stay for dinner? >> johnny carson. george harrison ringo starr, paul mccartney. >> i read about you in history class. >> hello campers. keith richards mick jagger.
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>> who else? a certain interviewer known for sophisticated style. >> can't sleep. going to die. >> i'm going to kill you homer. you are so dead. >> but homer survived. and with contracts to keep the show running for two more years, the simpsons will top a record it already holds as the longest running situation comedy ever on tv. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone in hollywood. >> can i just say you look good in animation. >> oh, my goodness. what do you think? >> did you get this jacket because you were on the show? >> indeed. here's what's great about this. i love the jacket. when i walk the dog, the famous barkley at the park. every kid says manno owe hey dude, i got to have one of those jackets. where did you get it. i said get on the simpsons. he said what? >> if you guys think that charlie doesn't like the jacket, chris licht made a joke and said somebody spilled coffee on the jacket. he said you would have a very bad weekend if that happened.
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president obama will depart from s-f-o for washington state. it's is three- day happy friday. i'm grace lee. in less than an hour president obama will be leaving from sfo for washington state. it is the last stop on a three- day west coast fundraising tour. the president attended three ee haven't here in the bay area. this morning, his campaign says that he raised $29 million and that was just in january. an outbreak of workplace violence left a federal immigration officer dead and another seriously wounded. it happened last night inside a federal building in long beach. it reportedly started when an agent opened fire on his supervisor. then a third agent intervened and killed the shooter. the wounded man is in stable condition. the city of oakland is going to court against a local mow tell. the economy inn on east is itth
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southbound 101 actually looks okay. same thing at the bay bridge, "friday light" this morning. the metering lights are on. they have been since before 6:30 but as you can see there is no delay right now acrossing the upper deck into san francisco. and the san mateo bridge nice and light, as well. 13 minutes, 14 minutes out of hayward to foster city. need my glasses. here's lawrence with the forecast. >> we have clouds moving in overhead. now looks like a cooler day on tap for the bay area. not bad. friday looking okay. temperatures still running above average at the latter part of the day. we have seen fog along the coastline, cooler temperatures. 40s in the afternoon. highs in the 50s and 60s at the coast. mid-60s in some of the warmer bay areas inland with sunshine. weekend looks cooler, a lot of clouds beginning to move in over the weekend even a chance we could see a little drizzle and light springs early tomorrow morning. then sunday night another chance of some rain moving back into the bay area into monday morning.
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bigger secret. >> it was charlie's angels meets orange county housewives all wrapped into one package. >> reporter: in 2010, san francisco based journalist peter crooks was invited to profile a group of bay area soccer moms working as professional private eyes. >> it seemed like a no-brainer we would cover that story. >> reporter: the pis were into stings, corporate espionage, infidelity attractive women leading double lives. >> they were like cub scout den mothers in the morning undercover operatives at night. >> reporter: suddenly the pi moms were a sensation. there was a spread in "people" magazine, morning television, even "the dr. phil" show. >> you would never expect a mom in a minivan to be somebody that's on your tail. >> we busted the guy who caught him. now i have to go to my son's baseball game. i'm late. >> reporter: the man behind these real-life charlie's angels
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is an ex-cop chris butler. >> he had a way of making his universe seem sexier and more exciting. >> reporter: fame led to a reality tv series and the pressure to keep up. >> it's all about the rush. get bigger get richer get faster. >> i never saw it coming. >> reporter: an informant e-mails the reporter with disturbing allegations. >> the entire business was a setup. it was immoral. it was elicit. >> reporter: allegations a cases had been staged. crooked cops were involved. and worst of all, butler was dealing drugs. >> it was unbelievable. i was saying, what's going to happen next? >> maureen maher is with us now. welcome. >> good morning. >> this is an unusual story. >> it is. we typically cover murder and missing persons cases. this has many of the same elements. we have deception. manipulation is probably the keyword here. chris butler is guilty of what he's accused of. he was able to manipulate a lot
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of smart people into doing things they normally never would. >> it was so elaborate. in the end, the guy who used to carry out the sting becomes the victim of the sting himself. >> yes and the fact he was able to pull in some of these -- the top drug cop in the bay area. these are people who didn't have any history of crime. even chris butler didn't. he got it in his head that he was going to have a certain life and the reality show. it just kept springing forward from that one crime to another crime. again, if he's guilty, if he's convicted of what he's been charged of. >> great to see you. an amazing story. >> people will anything, it seems, to be on tv. >> almost. >> almost anything. thanks. >> you can see her full report "soccer moms confidential" on "48 hour mystery" tomorrow night at 10:00 here on cbs. if and if you want to learn how to cook grandma's house is a good place to start, depending on your grandma. that's what mo rocca did.
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♪ max first appeared in the movies in his native sweden. more than 50 years later, he has no place to retire. barry petersen sat down with the oscar nominee to look at his life and career. >> baptize me. >> reporter: max made his hollywood debut in 1965's "the greatest story ever told." >> what is your name? >> jesus. >> i know him well. >> reporter: he was just as convincing as the devil in "needful things." >> the devil, of course, must be a very charming person. i enjoyed it very much. >> i was going to say, i think
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you had more fun being the devil than jesus. >> if we could call it fun absolutely. >> reporter: he switched kids once again in "the exorcist." >> our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. >> you scared the daylights out of us in "the exorcist." >> it's funny for me because i'm the good guy. >> reporter: a good guy, whose six decades in films has earned him the respect of hollywood's biggest stars. >> i walked right up and just said, i have to say hi and meet you. that's max. >> reporter: now he's received his second oscar nomination. this time for "extremely loud and incredibly close," in which he speaks not a word. >> do you have a criminal record? maybe you hurt people for a living. then what's your story then? >> someone says we'd like you for this part. you start reading the script. there are no words for you to
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say. wasn't that just a little scary? >> no. interesting. very, very interesting. >> why? >> because he speaks but he speaks through his writing. >> reporter: it was a role his wife katherine, a french filmmaker, convinced him to take. >> reading the script i cried. >> reporter: using pen and paper, he helps a young boy find the meaning of a mysterious key left behind by his father played by tom hanks who dies in the attacks of 9/11. >> do you think the key fits a lock? do you think we'll find the locks? >> was there never a moment for you when you really just wanted to talk to get it out? >> no. >> you're okay with never
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talking? >> no, no, no. i didn't want to talk. >> so how come you stopped talking? >> there was an early version of this film where they wanted me to say something at the end. but i was immediately against that. i don't think it should be -- it shouldn't have been done. and it wasn't done. i'm very pleased. >> reporter: the swedish born actor first gained international attention in "the seventh seal." the meditation on the trials and faith of our fallen world. his character challenges death to a game of chess, literally playing for his life. [ speaking foreign language ] >> without it i would have never been here today. i have him to thank so much. he was an extraordinary
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inspiration. and friend. >> reporter: appearances in other bergmann films followed. then hollywood came calling. he played a hitman targeting robert redford in "three days of the condore." >> don't turn for a moment. put your thumb in front of the hammer. >> reporter:woody allen, a long-time admirer of bergman, cast him in "hanna and her sisters." he says allen may have been slightly intimidated. >> i never met him before i was on the set. it took hours before i really met him. i got the impression that he kind of avoided me. >> reporter: although he says he takes every role seriously, not all his roles are serious. >> ming the merciless. >> i knew the comics. i admired flash gordon when i was a kid, very much. ming the merciless, of course
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was very scary. that was fun to do. >> reporter: lately he's even been showing up in video games. >> for so long all i could do was watch doom approach helplessly. >> you're going to be sitting in a cafe sometime and some 12-year-old kid is going to say aren't you the guy from that video game? >> maybe. >> that would feel kind of good. >> reporter: now a french citizen, he's dialing back a bit. he and wife katherine make their home in paris. even at age 82 the actor in him is waiting for that next call. >> all these things that are postponed to do later, i'm trying to do them now. having time to look around to experience france for example. to read books, to listen to music, to watch films. all this. so you don't really have time to work, or i don't really have time to work. thank god there are offers which
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i cannot turn down. >> reporter: for cbs this morning, this is barry petersen in los angeles. >> and a big thanks to our friends at cbs news sunday morning for sending that story to us. we, of course, encourage you to tune in this sunday morning. and when we come back mo rocca will give us a delicious look at some of the best food in the country made by your grandparents. i like that. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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[ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse isn't it? see back in my day we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver from at&t. get u-verse tv
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in a cooking channel special called "my grandmother's ravioli." >> reporter: while the yeast sugar, and water are getting it on, pop had me dole out four cups of white flour. >> never throw anything like that. you know, you don't throw things. >> okay. >> you break things, and it's going to go in there then we have to throw everything away. just remember gentleness. please. nice. don't overdo it now. >> i like that mo rocca. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i so think you are on to something with this. i had a conversation with justin timberlake yesterday for "o" magazine. i asked him what's your favorite childhood memory? is he said his grandmother's peach cobbler. everyone has a story like that. >> absolutely. if i had a time machine, i'd go back 30 years and show up at my grandmother's apartment a couple hours before these meals she'd serve us. i'd help her and learn from her.
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i wish i had her to learn why she did what she did. she worked 40 hours a week at a downtown d.c. department store, woody's. on the weekend, she'd make these meals. we couldn't get her not to do it. she wanted to do it. she would be hurt if we didn't let her. i'm doing the next best thing, learning from the old masters. >> mine was fried chicken and pecan pie. >> and who would make it? >> my grandmother. absolutely. >> so charlie's sthaerharing a story about his grandmother. stay with us, mo. >> did you ever learn to make it? >> no no. >> that's one of your regrets. you never actually spent time with her in the kitchen. >> i spent a lot of time -- my fondest memory is earning the money to take her to see "the king and i." i did lots of fun stuff with her, but i didn't do that. she was quiet. she raised her children during
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the depression. this was her way of showing love. that's the way she demonstrated it. >> this is what i heard about you, that you're a foodie, but you don't cook. you so much don't cook that you don't even have salt in your house. i didn't believe that. >> it's true. sounds like some weird religious ritual or something. a friend of mine came over for takeout, of course. he said, hey k i get some salt? i said, look in the cupboard of the oven i've never used. he said, that's sugar, not salt. two different things. it's terrible. >> what interests me about this is you got some photos of you in the kitchen. there's something i constantly come back to. it's the notion of some interchange between grandchildren and grandparents. and bringing a camera to photograph their curiosity so you can pass it on down the line. >> oh, absolutely. you can't learn this from a book. some of these recipes are written down. i'm the type of person that i'll say, is it a half teaspoon or a third of a teaspoon? these grandparents will go -- >> figure it out.
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>> you'll know. >> i think there's also something really special -- i'm blessed with great parents, but there's something special about a grandparent, a pure kind of affection that's less complicated. >> there's also something special about those. you and i talked about this in at green room. even just the odors. you can walk -- when i walk into my grandmother's house in new hampshire or whenever i spell pot roast if i'm not at your house, those are the smells that you immediately, you know, i think of my grandmother. or every christmas eve we make a dish my other grandmother made. it's a beautiful connection and the way it brings back those memories memories. >> and the appliances spoons whatever it is. one of the grantdparents in the special is a romanian grandfather. he said he escaped from communist romania while clinging to the bottom of a train. he had his grandmother's meat grinder. >> brought it with him. >> yes, and had dogs chasing him. probably because they smelled
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the meat. >> can we go back to that picture of you with a chef hat on? >> that my grandmother made. >> she made that? >> yes. >> nice. what was her name? >> mary. >> what did you call her? >> mama. >> okay. >> there's a picture of her right? >> i think we have a picture of mama. >> if not, we'll find it. >> i'm fascinated by this. your grandmother made this. i'm thinking what was the story behind that outfit that you were wearing? you certainly look like you had the makings of a chef. >> i think for some reason i think we were making, like zu keyny bread or sweet potato cup cakes. she was teaching me for some sort of school project. she decided, why not make it? >> i get a kick out of it. >> mama ma you're on cbs. >> yes. >> pay attention. >> what's your all-time favorite meal? what would it be? >> it would be the ravioli she made. yeah, it would be the ravioli she made. all from scratch. spinach, ground beef and garlic
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inside. big pocketpockets. kind of delicate though. not overstuffed. because they were beautiful and delicate, you didn't shovel them in had. >> has anything come close to hers? >> i can't -- you know i'm friends with lydia. she made great ravioli. she's pretty great. >> but it ain't mama's. >> no. i am by the way, i was talking to gayle. >> we have to go. >> there are mean grandmothers out there who are great cooks. i'm interested in that. >> that will be the next special. the special premiers this sunday on the cooking channel. >> if you hate grandmothers and home cooked meal as don't watch it. >> we want to show you the names of the people who brought you this broadcast. folks, this is a team sport. takes a lot of people to put together this broadcast. you'll see their names and some of what happened this week. have a great weekend. eek. have a great weekend. -- captions by vitac --
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there is no way around this. when the truly great artists leave us their legacy lives on. >> whitney houston dead at 48. >> completely devastated. i don't know what to say. >> we've made very clear that they are not to develop a nuclear weapon. >> it almost seems like the iranian leader is begging sun someone to take military action. >> three bombing attacks in two days. >> a war might spread to even more countries. >> end the killing immediately. we have heard the call of the syrian people for help. >> payroll tax is going to pass. >> so important for people not to be hit with a thousand dollar tax increase. >> we've reached an agreement. i'll call you back. >> i have to wait to see the deal. >> you can't take anything for granted until my signature is on it. >> important that the united states and china develop a strong working relationship. >> that's what happens when you get behind in the rent. the landlord shows up starts looking around. >> the number of drugs in short supply has tripled.
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>> there's no indicator that the robber actually knew who he was robbing. >> 50 years ago on valentine's day she became america's sweetheart. she still is. >> welcome to the other side of the rainbow. >> the legislation says life begins at conception. >> you know who is the hot republican candidate right now rick santorum. >> this guy is the front-runner? oh, man. >> i swear this is real. this is a real political ad. >> this time romney is firing mud at rick santorum. >> the fact is here in detroit and we're focused on economy and the jobs. >> i wanted her to be human. >> all the single ladies. >> aaron neville. the album of the year. >> adele. >> adele. >> adele. >> thank you so much. thank you so much. >> very very feel good stories like this. >> the miracle near 34th street continued. >> he's got game. he can play. >> who let the dogs out. >> best in show. the pekinese.
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p-g and e says it expects to pay at least 200-million dollars in fines from the deadly san bruno blast. good morning. it's 8:55. i'm grace lee. pg&e expects to pay at least 20 misdemeanors in fines from the deadly san bruno blast. it is the first time the utility estimated how much it will pay fines issued by the public utilities commission. eight people were killed and dozens of homes destroyed in the pipeline explosion in 2010. police dogs will soon be used at a high school in newark to deter drug use. the school board voted to allow the use of dogs at newark memorial high school. the dogs will search parking lots as well as physical education lockers. fremont is considering a similar idea and it's already in please in three other east bay cities -- in place at three other east bay cities.
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today is the last day schools can vote about the schools chancellor. linda katehi is the subject of four motions concerning confidence in her leadership. the issue was pepper spraying of student protestors was fall. how is our weekend shaping up? we have lawrence here with a look at our weather. >> much cooler around the bay area. a few more clouds and cooling temperatures outside today and the fog is gathering in along the coastline. looking good over coit tower. blue skies up above, a few high clouds in the distance. but it looks like the temperatures starting to cool down a bit. 50s and low 60s out toward the coastline. i think some mid-60s in some of the warmest parts of interior valleys. toward the weekend, a cold front is diving in late tonight early tomorrow morning bringing a few more clouds and breezy conditions into saturday. maybe drizzle around the bay area, light sprinkles, as well. going to be partly cloudy into sunday. more clouds on the way, maybe some rain late sunday night into monday. let's check the "timesaver traffic" camera coming up next.
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good morning. eastbound southbound 680 we have an accident and it is blocking a lane slow going heading out of walnut creek. jammed with the brake lights by highway 24 interchange. towards the bay bridge toll plaza, easy breezy now heading into san francisco. so head out there now because of course the big bay bridge upper deck closure 8 p.m.
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