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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News  CBS  September 6, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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>> danielle, you have to go up. >> julie: thank you, dan. house guests i will be back for the second live vote and eviction in just a few minutes. up next danielle or joe, who will be the next house guest to leave the big brother house? the live vote and eviction is next. stay with us. [ male announcer ] you know that guy
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who sells those remote control helicopters at the mall. buy 'em or don't. whatever man. either way, he gets to fly helicopters all day. i'm talking da vinci style flying machines! he's datin' kayla, the lotion girl. able, bodied, athleticism. here's his buddy marko, who's got the hot water for his velveeta shells & cheese. achieve your dreams. liquid gold! eat like that guy you know. the little wigs down at corporate are coming in so i want everyone to think little! [ male announcer ] little is the new big. new kfc chicken littles. get big taste for a little price. just $1.29.
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this is gonna be little. why use temporary treatments when you can prevent the acid that's causing it with prevacid24hr. with one pill prevacid24hr works at the source to prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn all day and all night. and with new prevacid24hr perks, you can earn rewards from dinner deals to music downloads for purchasing prevacid24hr. prevent acid all day and all night for 24 hours with prevacid24hr.
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[ applause ] >> julie: welcome back. it has been an action packed night in the big brother house. earlier this evening, frank was evicted, now either danielle or joe will follow in his footsteps. let's return to the living room for live vote and eviction. house guests, danielle, joe, in
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just a few moments your house mates will cast their vote to he strict live but before they do, you each have a chance to plead your case. danielle, you are first. >> first time on the block i love all of you, i really don't want to leave. please vote to keep me here. >> julie: thank you. joe, you up. >> back again. thanks, guys. i just for hanging around and being there for me. all i want to stress is a strong ass loyalty and i love all of you. >> julie: thank you. it is time for the live vote to begin. dan, as head of household you are not allowed to vote. neither are the two nominees. one at a time the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict. shane, you are up first. please go to the diary room. shane must choose between two allies. what will he do? hi, shane.
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>> hi, julie. >> julie: please cast your vote to evict. >> i vote to evict joe. have to keep danny. >> julie: thanks. jenn lost an ally earlier tonight, so who will she back now that frank is gone? hi, jenn. >> hi, julie. >> please cast your vote to evict. >> with the heaviest of hearts i evict to -- i vote to he strict joe. >> julie: thank you. it is o official with two voteso evict joe, joe will be leaving the house, but let's see how he votes. >> i vote to evict joe. >> julie: thank you. >> sorry. >> julie: all of the votes are
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in. let's give the news to the house guests. house guests, just a reminder, when i reveal the vote the he vicked house guest will have just a few moments to say good-bye and walk out the front door. by house vote of three to zero, joe, you are evicted from the big brother house. >> it happens. >> good luck. ah. >> i truly love everyone, i really do. it is just a game. take it easy. >> we will see you on the outside. good luck. hang in there. [ applause ]
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>> love you, thank you! >> julie: thank you. >> are you all right, man? >> julie: joe, you survived one voting round earlier tonight, but you couldn't survive the second one. why not? >> couldn't win the pov,
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sometimes you have to come up with a big win in your life and i couldn't pull that one out. he deserved it. ian absolutely deserves it. >> julie: but why you and not danielle he vicked tonight? >> >> i can't go there. i will rub his back but that's it. >> julie: you made, you didn't make any big moves, didn't win any competitions. was that your strategy? let everyone else -- >> oh, yes, yes. that was really my strategy. i could have won it all! i could have won everything! i tried every ounce of my body to win one of them things. 20 years, i will have 20 years on me but i won't go there, what i will say is, i fought going in, the biggest thing i could possibly do is obviously use my
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cooking skills and love and then also just be there for people. >> julie: final question everyone wants to know the answer to, what exactly is that on your chin? >> it is my ninny clause. i tell my children it is my ninny kla u.s. >> julie: i hope it grows in by the 25th. >> you are off to the jury house but we will see you back on wednesday, september 19th when you and the rest of the jury crown the winner of big brother. thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you, guys. >> julie: stay right there, stay right there. five house guests remain in the game but only one can be head of household. join us sunday to find out who will be the new hoh and who they will nominate for eviction and wednesday at 87 central i will be back for a special h eviction episode where the final four will be decided, trust me. it is an episode you do not want to miss.
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then one week from tonight another house guest will be extent packing leaving the three finalists in place to begin the battle for the most important head of household of the season. it all happens live next thursday. for now let's eaves drop on the house guests. from outside the the big brother house i am julie chen. good night. [ applause ] captioning funded by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh cuisine here
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at jones all about? i have to say everything from the brussels sprouts to mushroom bacon and cauliflower just amazing. my favorite was asian reds.
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fifth ribs. the names of the drinks celebrate the city. the sedan bran it is great for the customers. everyone kind of enjoys and likes to look get you. we have everything from porn stars that live in the building parade across the street there is a 96 year-old woman that calls are self the grandmother of the san francisco. heat lamps and help take the chill off of the night.
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jones is all about being a unique rooftop space. for more information a log on to our website.
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welcome back to eye on the bay. herrara on san tanner wrote in san jose, we are continuing to explore the bay area is rooftops. i am out here it outside hotel valencia. that something fabulous. you need not to take just one elevator, but it to elevators to get here. in the view is well worth the journey. there she is.
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hello thuy. this is my friend cam. she lives here in santana row. this is the hidden gem of santana row. and the drinks are excellent. i am having a red dragon martini. it is absolutely refreshing. cheers to that. now dino we wili know where we r the next pacquiao or parade meanwhilhappy hour. in busy downtown san francisco, there's a peaceful bubble above the hub.
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an urban oasis. there are several places like this, quiet corners hidden around the city where anyone could retreat to send a copy, reid, take a lunch break or justice it. some of them are perched above scenic rooftops. these places are very secret, but they are called publipo po architectural historian is prcalls them publicly open spaces.
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you will have trees, you will have binges and may be a water fountain. rick who leads to downtown walking towards knows where they prevail. po po can be problem. private owners don't go out of their way to invite the public. you have to know where to look for these can be signed spurreso have to get past a security guard before you are permitted into it. the open spaces are only open during normal business hours. and although they're open to the public, they were not open to
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some of our cameras. one property manager refused our request to film there open space altogether. now that is a pretty public space. it is important for the city to have a open space so that we do not still trapped in by the density. walking into the lobby, look at the guard and asked, how me my po po this wraps up our look at the top floor par. for more informations on any of
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the things you've seen on our show, ahead to our website and we will live to have you like us on facebook. we're here to make you love it even more. see you next time as we leave you with that gorgeous you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
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