tv CBS This Morning CBS October 12, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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have a great weekend. captions by: caption colorado good morning to our viewers in the west. it is friday, october 12th, 2012. welcome to "cbs this morning." joe biden and paul ryan lock horns in a tense vice presidential debate. >> we'll get reaction from both sides of the aisle and show you who voters say was the winner. >> shuttle "endeavour" makes its final journey, winding its way through the streets of los angeles at 2 miles an hour. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener your world in 90 seconds. with all due respect that's a bunch of mularkey. not a single thing he says is accurate. first of all -- >> be specific. >> i will be very specific. >> the candidates clash at the vice presidential debate. >> i know you're under a lot of duress to milk up for lost ground, but i think it will be
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better served if we don't keep interrupting each other. >> smirking laughing smiling. >> i thought it was rude. >> he did everything but pat him on the head. paul ryan had a solid performance but he was always on defense. >> in terms of who dominated the debate, joe biden dominated. >> the key to winning one of these debates is to lower speculation expectations about your speaking skills and joe biden's been doing that for four years. retired space shuttle "endeavour" is on its final journey this morning. >> to its final home at the california science center. nobel peace prize of 2012 is to be awarded to the european union. >> got out of hand during a debate of veteran congressmen forced to run against each other. can you imagine finding this? a giant eyeball. the discovery has marine biologists and all of us completely stunned. detroit tigers are headed to
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the american league championship series and a swing and a miss. san francisco giants will advance to the nlcs. >> all that -- >> what happened? did you lose something? >> my buddy, joe biden for just making stuff up. >> used poor judgment when it published pictures of the vice presidential nominee pumping iron just hours before last night's debate. >> did you guys see me? come to the debate stay for the gun show. captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." joe biden and paul ryan clashed time and time again throughout last night's vice presidential debate both men under pressure governor romney building momentum after the first presidential dough bait.
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>> 50% said biden won, 31% said ryan won and 19% called it a tie. also in that poll 55% said biden is someone they can relate to. 21 points higher than before the debate. ryan's relatability went up 17 points to 48% and 85% said biden is knowledgeable about the issues and 75% said the same thing about paul ryan. jan crawford is at the debate site in danville, kentucky. jan, good morning. >> good morning, norah. good morning charlie. good morning to those of you in the west. the president tried to explain that lackluster performance at the debate of being too polite. the vice president surely can't say that about his performance last night. he came out of the block, never stopped. to the point republicans are now saying he interrupted paul ryan 82 times. >> with all due respect, that's a bunch of mularkey. >> the vice president appeared to take the president's advice. joe just needs to be joe. >> this is a bunch of stuff.
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look, here is the deal. >> biden's giant personality went into overdrive. within seconds he was interrupting ryan. >> what we're say inging is -- >> i hope i'll get time to respond to this. >> you'll get time. >> spent most of the night on the offensive. >> these guys bet against america all the time. >> biden was trying to turn things around after the president's we can debate performance. ryan called him out. >> notice -- >> mr. vice president, i know you're under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground but i think people will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other. >> reporter: but biden continued to cut him off, hitting on topics that the president had missed last week like romney's comments about the 47% of americans who don't pay federal income taxes. ryan tried to turn romney's comments on biden. >> with respect to that quote i think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way. >> reporter: biden shot back. >> 47%, you think he just made a
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mistake, then i think you're -- i got a bridge to sell you. >> reporter: he also went after romney's plan for tax cuts. >> not mathematically possible. >> it is. it's been done before. it's precisely what we're proposing. >> it's never been done before. >> it's been done a couple of times. jack kennedy lowered tax increase growth. ronald reagan -- >> now you're jack kennedy? >> chairman of the budget committee stood his ground. >> this is what politicians do when they don't have a record to run on. try to scare people from voting for you. >> pressured on romney's plan to reform social security and medicare, ryan didn't back down. >> they haven't put a credible solution on the table. he'll tell you about vouchers. he'll say all these things to try to scare people. >> reporter: silenced the vice president, almost by connecting the president's jobs record to biden's hometown. >> joe and i are from similar
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towns. he's from scranton pennsylvania. i'm from wisconsin. do you know what the unemployment rate in scranton is today? >> i sure do. >> it's 10%. >> yeah. >> do you know what it was the day you guys came in? it's 8.5%. >> yeah. >> that's the way it's going all around america. >> trying to change the subject. he may have some cleanup of his own to do today on libya. he said last night the administration didn't know about additional security requests there in benghazi. of course, that was the subject of a house hearing this week where state department officials said multiple requests for additional security were denied. you can expect to hear a lot more about this today. charlie charlie, norah? >> jan crawford, thank you. with us now former house speaker newt gingrich, former presidential candidate and jennifer granholm a host on current television. good morning. >> good morning. >> clearly with respect to democrats, there was much applause for vice president biden. with respect to this election
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did it change anything especially for independents and undecideds? >> let's just say your cbs poll of your viewers was brilliant. clearly, it stopped the romney momentum. clearly, joe biden fights for real people. he clearly has a heart for real people. he had passion. he was relatable. i think he did what he had to do. >> but 82 times interrupting congressman ryan did he come off as rude? >> i don't think so. i mean again, your poll shows that he came off as more relatable. and he couldn't just let misstatements lie there. he had to step in. otherwise, the -- >> let me come back to the question. the next debate is now becoming much more crucial. what did it do for the race between romney and obama? >> i think -- first of all, i think each guy did what they had to do. paul ryan, this is his first big national moment.
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he was 2 years old when biden became a u.s. senator. biden has had a lifetime to be a national figure. last night in 90 minutes, paul ryan, much more than just the nomination, he began somebody -- your own poll showed people thought he was knowledgeable, competent, capable. so ryan is doing better. biden was quintessentially biden. in 2008 in his famous debate with palin, he says come with me to restaurant in wimgton wilmington. it had been closed 20 years earlier. biden was so wrong on benghazi last night it will haunt them till the next debate. >> ryan accused biden, said it took the president two weeks to acknowledge this was a terrorist attack. the president did say right after the attack that it was an act of terror. and then biden said we weren't told they wanted more security there. we did not know they wanted more security. as jan pointed out, we've had house hearings that said they asked the state department
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multiple times for more security. is this a problem for the administration? >> with regard to the debate and the election i don't think people will be voting on benghazi. i think they will be voting on who do you trust? when joe boyden looked in the camera and said who do you trust on these issues people felt like he's right. yes, the situation is evolving and he acknowledged that the situation is evolving and they're doing an investigation. but for this election, what's most important is how are these plans going to help me as a person in this economy? and those segments on the economy last night were fabulous. >> let me just say governor granholm focused in on a key word. who do you trust? president of the you stays has doubled down on the vice president who for weeks has methodically misled the american people. >> that's not true. >> it is true. they said flatly this week they never thought it related to the video. they always thought it was terrorism. the state department has said they asked for the security. the ambassador's own diary says
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he asked for the security. if you want to talk about trust, having the ambassador and three other americans killed while the president lies to you -- >> what intelligence did they get? >> within hours it showed it was a terrorist attack. people in the intelligence community said immediately it was an attack. state department said this week we never thought it was about the video. >> mr. speaker, the head of the national intelligence said their intelligence was not clear in the beginning. they did change their assessment over time to say that they did not yet know it was a terrorist attack. >> every political appointee is rallying around, doing what political appointees are supposed to do. >> with respect to the politics of this, are you saying that the obama administration misled because they were worried about the political considerations of what happened in benghazi? >> you have to ask why as recently as last night -- you're asking the judgment about motive. i don't know. as recently as last night the
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vice president of the united states misled and misinformed the american people for, i presume, political purposes. >> you just accused the president of lying to the american people. >> yes. >> i mean the intelligence was unclear. >> that's true. >> there's an investigation going on. honestly, there's no advantage for the administration to mislead the american people on something that is a tragedy like this. >> i wonder, though how much voters -- this is an important issue, certainly, and the administration should be held accountable, if they made misstatements. but how much is this election going to turn on foreign policy? jobs and the economy are still the number one issue. and this was a pretty fierce debate between biden and ryan last night. >> and on that question did paul ryan answer the question with respect to the $5 trillion where those deductions can come from and does the arithmetic work? >> no. that's where joe biden was extremely effective. it does not add up.
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you cannot lower the tax rates by 20% plus increase defense spending, plus keep the bush cuts in place and not remove deductions that impact the middle class and still balance the budget. it doesn't work. >> the fact is i wish we would stick to the economy. i wish we would stick to the price of gasoline which was $5.87 in california yesterday. >> is this a concession then? >> no, no. i think there's more ground to be gained by romney on the economy than anyplace else. >> he can't answer the question. what are the deduction ss he would get rid of? >> he doesn't need to answer the question right now. >> he does. >> what he needs to say -- you have a president who had every single democrat in the senate vote against his budget. to say romney has to beat a bigger standard than obama -- >> obama put out a plan. >> we have to end this here. you certainly make tuesday night more interesting. >> thank you. >> newt gingrich and governor granholm. we want to go to an update
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of that girl who has become a hero around the world. this 14-year-old girl shot by the pakistani taliban for speaking out against them. a source inside pakistan's intelligence community tells cbs news that two people including an important suspect, are now in custody. the source would not say if either of them is the gunman. elizabeth palmer is reporting from pakistan's capital, islamabad. >> reporter: malala yousafzai is unconscious on a ventilator in a hospital near islamabad. a brain scan is offering a ray of hope. a single bullet entered her head but only grazed her brain and lodged in her chest cavity. doctors then did surgery to take out a piece of her skull to relieve the pressure. the next 36 hours, obviously, will be critical to her survival and well-being. all of pakistan is outraged at this act of violence. there have been vigils in schools and special prayers in mosques across the country.
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and also some small demonstrations against this terrible act of violence. for "cbs this morning," i'm elizabeth palmer in islamabad. health officials say two more americans have died of fungal meningitis and 43 more cases have been reported bringing the total to 17 deaths out of 170 cases in 11 states. the outbreak is traced to contaminated steroids. dr. jon lapook is here. good morning. >> good morning. >> what do we need to go forward on this story? >> it's changing every day. these compounding facilities make special mixtures of medicines. supposedly one at a time. a kid needs cough medicine special flavoring or something like making special concentration of cancer medication. important function of what's happened up in massachusetts is over time it certainly has grown to be more like a manufacturing plant than like a one off and there's no
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regulation. >> we've had this huge fungal meningitis outbreak, you're worried because of the lack of oversight, there could be other things in the future we learn about. >> absolutely. what the state official said yesterday in a big conference between the cdc, fda and the state of massachusetts, it seems like a pop up in the short left field, behind the shortstop and in front of the left fielder. the left fielder is the fda. the shortstop is the department of health. each one of them is saying we don't really have the authority. >> how quickly can the health community develop a way to deal with this? >> they're saying they need new laws because the fda said yesterday, one of the attorneys, spokesperson said we simply don't have the regulations we need now in order to address this situation. >> dr. jon lapook has been following this closely. thank you, doctor. we appreciate it. this morning also the boy scouts of america organization is accused of a century-long cover-up hiding evidence of sexual abuse by scout leaders. as john blackstone reports, the
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secrecy is ending with a wave of evidence now posted online for everyone to see. >> reporter: tom stewart became a cub scout in 1970 and almost immediately became a victim of his scout master. >> i was in scouting with my brother, matt. and we were sexually abused for the better part of ten years from age 8 to 18. >> reporter: he says he is just one of many boy scouts who have been molested by those they trusted. >> it's not easy for me to get up here and talk about this. but, you know i do want to speak for all the victims that can't speak for themselves. >> reporter: there have been hundreds, if not thousands of other victims documented by the boy scouts in what came to be called the perversion files. in 1935 "the new york times" reported the group created a red flag list naming almost 900 men removed for, quote moreal perversion. patrick boil collected boxes of the files released during court
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cases against the scouts. >> these files are an incredible treasure trove of information about how molesters operate within this organization. >> reporter: boy scouts have resisted legal efforts to make more of the files public. details have been put online listing the names of some 1,900 scout leaders suspected or convicted of abusing children. victims' rights attorney tim kosnoff posted the list. >> more than 6,000 files exist today and the rate at which they are opened up continues to be on average, one every other day. >> reporter: januariette warren a professor of psychiatry says the boy scouts created the perversion files to identify suspected child molesters and get them out of scouting. >> they've been consistent. they've been diligent and they've kept up a very sustained effort to use it to protect children. >> reporter: victims disagree. tom stewart says the files may have protected the boy scouts but did not protect him.
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>> scouting does have some good points. however right now it's a very dangerous program for young boys. >> reporter: next week more of the boy scout perversion files will come out when 20,000 pages are posted online by order of a court in oregon. names have been removed but the files will detail aalleged sexual abuse over 20 years by scout masters and volunteers. for cbs th"cbs this morning," john blackstone, los angeles. it is time now to show you some of this morning's headlines. defense secretary leon panetta warns that the united states is vulnerable to a cyber pearl harbor from "the new york times." financial network, transportation network and government. he says those hackers are getting more aggressive. wall street journal reports on a slowdown of job growth because some are worried about the so-called fiscal cliff at the end of the year.
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about one-third of manufacturers say they are not hiring right now because they don't know what congress is going to end up doing about taxes and spending. 7 billion people in the world and the los angeles times says 6 billion of them now have a cell phone. >> wow! >> a new report says only 2.3 billion people in the world have internet access. >> and the washington times says a giant panda cub died last month at the national zoo because of underdeveloped lungs and liver damage. officials say it is possible that the female cub was born prematurely, because its lungs were not fully developed. they say they're optimistic that her mother can become plenty of clouds around the bay area now, light showers and sprinkles settling down shortly. at the end of the day sunshine and warming temperatures. cloudy look over the bay bridge and clouds rotating out of town. looks like the temperatures are going to be mainly in the 60s so keeping you on the cool
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side. next couple of days, though, the weekend included looking good. high pressure building back in, those temperatures warming up, make a little heat wave toward the middle of next week. >> this national weather report sponsored by mcdonald's. i'm lovin'it. >> space shuttle "endeavour" is crawling through the streets of los angeles this morning. trees and traffic lights had to be taken down for to it fit.
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we'll show you how they are moving the giant spacecraft and getting it through those tight corners. and 007 celebrates half a century of movies. "60 minutes" gets to play with some of the greatest bond gadgets of all times. >> $100,000 hat >> yeah. >> shouldn't throw it. >> no. >> anderson cooper shows us an amazing collection of james bond props on cbs "this morning". [ female announcer ] wake up with your favorite instant coffee same great taste, now with a great new look that can be ready in a... [ pop! ] ♪ ♪ folgers instant coffee the taste you love just got more instant. [ female announcer ] ready for a taste of what's hot? check out the latest collection of snacks from
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everybody. 7:26 your time. i'm frank mallicoat with an update on some bay area headlines. let's go right to cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran on the scene of a major fire in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. >> reporter: good morning. firefighters have been out here for almost 3 hours trying to get this fire under control. you can see a lot of them are still out here on scene right now. we know that five buildings have been affected including the "squat & gobble," dental office, wine shop including two apartments. now, the arson crew is here on scene. it's going to be a while firefighters still trying to tackle this fire defensively. the red cross is also here on scene. but i have been told by crews they expect to be here all day and we know that one firefighter has been treated for minor injuries, smoke inhalation. but he is expected to be okay.
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good morning. you if you are trying to get into san francisco, using the bay bridge, it's not good. an accident on the skyway, this is a live look, you can see the emergency crews on scene. this is westbound 80 so a lot of flashing lights. we are hearing two lanes are blocked up two five cars involved in the crash, injuries reported. traffic is really stacked up from treasure island but the delays are growing as well beyond the pay gates backed up well into the macarthur maze. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> that stubborn area of low pressure still spinning around sending up light showers in the bay area getting some reports now of showers in toward the oakland airport also livermore valley. this is going to kick east and drying out for the weekend.
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baseball playoffs had more extra inning drama in new york last night. j.j. harding drove in the 13th. winning run as baltimore beat the yankees 2-1. play their fifth and final game tonight. the winner goes on the play detroit in the american league championship series. the tigers eliminated oakland 6-0 last night. >> jayson werth had a home run to beat st. louis, 2-1 forcing a game five in that series. the winner faces san francisco. the giants beat cincinnati 6-4 thursday to reach the national league championship series. welcome back to cbs "this morning." the space shuttle "endeavour" flew nearly 123 million miles in orbit traveling more than 17,000 miles per hour. "endeavour" is making its final trip. >> this is a cool story. as bill whittaker reports it's
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moving a lot more slowly this time around. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it is incredible watching this shuttle do something it was never intended to do travel through city streets. now it's going to take about two days to go from los angeles international airport to its new home at the science center. while it is not the riskiest mission it is certainly the most complicated endeavor ever. after "endeavour" landed in l.a. three weeks ago it was plugged from its carrier, propped on a steel beam support, pushed into a huge hangar, a delicate time consuming process made quick and easy in this time laps video about the "l.a. times." all in preparation for its last and wildest ride. >> a lot of responsibility. >> i haven't stressed on jobs in a lot of years but i've had
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stress levels in this one. >> reporter: gordon is one of the six operators driving this behemoth through the streets of l.a. they walk alongside. top speed 2 miles per hour. maneuvering down freeway, boulevards through residential neighborhoods, some narrower than the wing span. >> how do you do that? >> by turning the orbiter in a diagonal position. >> reporter: transporter's wheels move in all directions. operators can turn on a dime. >> it's an engineering marvel. >> reporter: the whole process is marvel. and coordination between the science center two cities and more than a dozen public agencies. almost 400 trees were cut down. 100 traffic signals will come down. >> we lay them on the ground right where they are. shuttle passes by and then hopefully we'll have a crew there within an hour or so to put it back up. >> reporter: streets are being bolstered with 2700 metal plates. >> weight of the orbiter and the
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transporter is roughly 375,000 pounds. so we're laying the plates on the ground to protect the streets from deflecting and cracking the pipes underneath. >> reporter: power lines are being raised so the tail can pass by. >> that way we can keep the power on for consumers in this area, we don't need to have outages. >> basically we're closed. >> reporter: merchants along the route like randy's donuts are closing anyway. he welcomes the shuttle but says the commotion is scaring customers away. >> who is going to buy doughnuts? both streets are closed. you can't go on the sidewalk. >> reporter: now as the sitting hollywood's biggest new star "endeavour" is traveling with a huge entourage. operators, lapd, s.w.a.t. team, bomb squad, utility crews. moving at a snail's pace "endeavour" should be at its new home late saturday night.
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>> bill whittaker thank you so much. the james bond movie franchise is celebrating can you believe it it's 50th anniversary this month. and these films are famous partly because of their gadgets and props. everything from booby traps to razor-sharp hats. >> anderson cooper went inside the 007 archive for this sunday's "60 minutes." >> reporter: some gadgets are stored with other bond memorabilia at this nondescript warehouse at the outskirts of london. meg simmons oversees the collection of half a century's worth of artifacts. there was this box of crystals from "die another day." >> one of those was in haleigh berry's belly button. we're not sure which one. >> reporter: she handles the most iconic bond props like museum pieces. the oldest one is from "dr. no."
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>> oddly enough a champagne bottle survived. >> that's the boob trap briefcase sean connery used in "from russia with love." we saw dental dentures. the golden gun from "the man with the golden gun." and perhaps the most famous piece of bond memorabilia, the deadly hat worn by the henchman in 1964's "goldfinger." >> this is one of the few that i use. >> cool. >> this has the blade and you can see it's weighted. >> reporter: there's a metal rim. >> it's used in the final scene. then when he goes to retrieve it, bond manages to electrocute him. >> reporter: how much is this worth? >> about 62,000 pounds. >> reporter: i shouldn't throw it across the room.
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>> please don't. >> i agree with sean connery. my favorite is "from russia with love." >> "casino royale" was very good as well. >> he is doing a very good job. >> anderson told us he talked to daniel kraig for the piece and he said he was a cool guy. you can watch "60 minutes" and anderson cooper this sunday right here on cbs. >> and your free checking account may not be free and where you can live can actually determine what you pay. rebecca jarvis has the numbers and advice on how you can save money. ♪ money.
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issues and it satisfies the needs that i would look for in a toothpaste. when it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast i need all the help i can get. i tell them "come straight to the table." i say, "it's breakfast time, not playtime." "there's fruit, milk and i'm putting a little nutella on your whole-wheat toast." funny that last part gets through. [ male announcer ] serving nutella is quick and easy. its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. okay, plates in the sink, grab your backpacks -- [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good.
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have a checking account but many of them don't know how many hidden fees are included in their accounts. a new study shows how are you zip code can determine how much you pay. rebecca jarvis has been reading the fine print. good morning. what's the fine print? where are these fees >> it's incredible because they are across the board. i don't think that will come as a surprise to too many people. but pew looked at 300 checking accounts at the 12 biggest banks. 89% of the checking accounts out there have fees attached to them. $12 a month. that's $144 a year just to have an account where you can deposit your checking, where you can actually pay for your different fees and funds like that. it's a lot of money. >> how does where you live affect how much you pay in checking account fees? >> the different coasts in this country have the highest fees attached to them which shouldn't come as a surprise because things tend to be more expensive on the coast. if you live in a place with fewer big banks the prices tend to go higher on the monthly fees. if you live in vermont which has
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one major bank you'll pay $15 versus california where it's $12.95. >> you don't have to pay that. there are plenty of banks that don't have monthly checking fees? >> there are a few banks now that don't have monthly checking fees but where you can look for more information is where you can find places where you can go to and community banks, smaller banks tend to charge smaller fees. and credit unions do, as well. >> what's the most common fee? >> most common fee is that overdraft fee. that overdraft fee will get you every time because it's one of the biggest fees out there. $35 is the median amount in overdraft fee. people are confused about this. the banks will say you have to opt-in to overdraft protection. what overdraft protection means is if you go to the bank and charge something or go to a retailer and charge something and you go over your amount protection means the bank will clear the transaction. but you ultimately have to pay for it. >> someone listening to your
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report and wants to change this what do they do? >> they have to look at the fine print. and they have to ask their bank exactly what the fees are that they are being charged right now at their bank. >> can you ask your bank to drop the fees? >> of course. go back to the bank. i ask everybody to drop their fees on everything that i do business. a lot of times if you're a good customer they will do that. pew has pushed for this. the banks don't have a
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we still have plenty of clouds around the bay area, drizzle and light showers outside a little damp to state out the morning. but by the afternoon we'll try and part these clouds as that low pressure area that's bringing showers and thunderstorms, it's finally heading east. moving out of town our weather should dry out nicely. the numbers very cool toward the afternoon only in the 60s and then the weekend looking good more sunshine on the way, maybe some 80s by sunday. maybe some 90s toward the middle of next week. a white house carpenter collected hundreds of items from president truman to president reagan. today they are up for sale. we'll show you this one-of-a-kind collection right here on cbs "this morning". nature knows all about baking. you just mix together a few simple ingredients add a bit of heat,
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and "voila." so to make truvia baking blend, we shared one of nature's most surprising secrets: sweetness from the stevia leaf. for a blend of truvia natural sweetener and sugar that bakes and browns like sugar, with 75% fewer calories per serving. from nature, for sweetness. [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes? just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. hi, i'm snuggle. look! i get towels fluffy [ giggle ]... blankets cuddly... and clothes stay fresh... [ sniff ] ...for 14 days! and i cost less
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been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. some important pieces of white house history will be auctioned off today in atlanta. they were collected by a long time employee who literally saved many of them from the trash pile. >> as jeff glor reports he collected everything from presidential cuff links to rocking chairs. >> reporter: at great gatsby auction gallery in atlanta, georgia, john lloyd is selling
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his grandfather's hand me downs. given the hands they originally came from there is plenty of interest. >> when you work at any place in the world even you're bound to get something there after a while. my grandfather happened to be presidential things. >> reporter: lloyd's grandfather bonner arrington was a carpenter at the white house for 33 years. employed during harry truman's administration to ronald reagan's. collecting memorabilia that offers a three-dimensional timeline of the presidential families. truman's lighter, jfk's monogrammed baby pen. even a burnt wooden post from 1814 when the british set fire to the white house which arrington found at work during the truman reconstruction. >> found a table in the carpenter shop. >> reporter: he helped with the kennedy renovation and collected items from the first lady
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herself including a handwritten thank you note after the death of her son patrick. >> real people with real lives and a lot of this collection demonstrates that fact. >> i'm sure when he was collecting them he never thought they would be of great value but today we live in history. >> reporter: 1,000 things that arrington saved will be auctioned off today starting from $25 to $12,000. just like presidential life the collection is bittersweet. wedding and inauguration announcements, memories of an assassination and a funeral. >> when i dug down the bottom of the box i found the presidential limousine packet. the limousine that president kennedy was assassinated in and the actual packet that is touting the safety features of this vehicle. had this been used we might still have president kennedy around today. >> reporter: lloyd who is expecting his first child in may
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said the profits will go to the next generation of his family. he's hoping buyers want a piece of history from his grandfather and from his country. for cbs "this morning," jeff glor, new york. what an incredible story, to have lived and worked inside the- white house and pulled a lot of this memorabilia out of the trash. >> to have an eye for it. to know somehow this looks like trash but some day somebody will say -- like your notes. some day this will be really important. you're doodling. oil take this one here. >> let's hope you don't save those notes. >> you'll be in trouble. >> exactly. all right. there you go. now this story. air force veteran britney brasser was found dead in a car accident three years ago. so why did the evidence point to murder and who did it? "48 hours" looks at this compelling case. that's ahead on cbs "this
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morning". [ female announcer ] dove go sleeveless presents the latest thing to wear with beautiful tops. beautiful underarms. wear with halter tops, tube tops, and bustiers. ball gowns. almost all gowns. camis, jammies, toga tops, yoga tops, and va-va-voom tops. with 1/4 moisturizers and vitamins e and f dove go sleeveless deodorant makes underarms soft and smooth in just five days. effective protection. beautiful result. try new soothing chamomile -- clinically proven to
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7:55 am
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original reporting >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. crews are on the scene of a fire involving five buildings in san francisco. it's forced the closure of muni's west portal train tunnel of a bus bridge is set up to move passengers past that area. san jose firefighters have also been busy this morning with a house fire in the cambrian park area. two people were injured. firefighters had trouble because of exploding ammunition in the home. >> and the best baseball story of the year is now over. the oakland as were eliminated from the play-offs last night with a lot as home to the detroit tigers. but the san francisco giants, well, they won to advance to the national league championship series. >> stay with us. we'll be right back.
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want your best rest ever? then don't miss sleep train's best rest event. you'll find sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. get your best rest ever from sleep train. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ it's friday. it's anything but "friday
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light" on bay area roads. so let's start with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. accident cleared on the skyway. all lanes are open. the backup behind the bay gates extends for 25 minutes into the macarthur maze. san mateo bridge just your usual roadwork going on in that area that's why it's -- we are seeing the usual brake lights on westbound 92 in the commute direction and a quick look at northbound 880 there is a stall reported just north of the coliseum. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> a lot of clouds around the bay area a little slick on the roads out there as well so be careful out the door. low pressure continuing to spin around some clouds and boy it is socked in there and it's going to be slow to break up throughout the day today. that low is finally moving eastward though. that means our skies are going to clear out. still a damp morning. in the afternoon sunshine coming our way cool temperatures only in the 60s. over the weekend warmer weather expected maybe some 80s by sunday. toward the middle of next week a little heat wave. captions by: caption colorado
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♪ ♪ it's 8:00 a.m. welcome back to thbs this morning. paul ryan and joe biden argue over the economy and the world. we'll hear more of the tough talk from last night's vice presidential debate. and "48 hours" looks at the mysterious of a young iraq war veteran. first, here is a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on "cbs this morning." >> with all due respect, that's a bunch of malarkey. >> vice president joe biden and congressman paul ryan clashed time and time throughout last night's vice presidential debate debate. >> i think the vice president knows sometimes the words don't come out the right way. >> he did what he had to development clearly it stopped the romney momentum. >> biden on geng gaz zi was so
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wrong last night, it's going to haunt them from now to the next debate. the space shuttle "endeavour" is making its final trip. >> it's incredible watching the shuttle do something it was never intended to do travel through city streets. >> who is going to buy doughnuts. both streets are closed. >> 007 celebrates half a century of movies. "60 minutes" gets to play with some of the best bond gadgets. >> it's about a $100,000 hat. so i shouldn't throw it across the room. >> no. >> when you work anyplace you're bound to get something that when people come through -- my grandfather's happened to be presidential things. >> it's like your notes. i take this and say some day, this will be very valuable. >> you were very muscular in the movie, looked really muscular. >> yeah, not anymore. >> do you have plans for that $1.2 million? >> i'll spend the rest on whiskey and [ bleep ]. >> that buy is a genius.
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>> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. last night deb's between vice presidential debate between joe biden and paul ryan was a shrug-fest from the e be going. after the debate 50% think biden won the face off. 31% said ryan won it. nancy cordes is in danville kentucky, where the debate was held. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was striking how much of this debate last night was about foreign policy. and on that front vice president biden actually made some news. he became the highest ranking administration official to blame faulty intelligence on the administration's shifting story about what happened in that attack in benghazi libya, that led to the deaths of four americans. and to the surprise of some he argued that the white house wasn't aware that security officials in libya had asked for more resources to protect embassy staff. >> well we weren't told they
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wanted more security. we did not know they wanted more security. >> reporter: congressman ryan called it evidence of a larger problem at the white house. >> what we are watching on our tv screens is the unraveling of the obama policy. >> this was the anniversary of 9/11. it was libya a country where we knew we had al qaeda cells there. we didn't give our ambassador in benghazi a marine detachment. >> this lecture on embassy security -- the congressman here cut embassy security by $300 million below what we asked for. so much for the embassy security piece. >> over the course of the debate biden and ryan trang ld on afghanistan ryan argued the administration made a mistake by announcing its timeline for withdrawing u.s. troops. biden pushed back. >> that's right, because that's the afghan responsibility. we've trained them. >> not in the east. >> you'd rather americans be going in and doing the job?
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>> we're already sending americans to do the job, but fewer of them. >> that's right. we're sending in more afghans to do the job afghans to do the job. >> reporter: ryan argued the obama administration hadn't done enough to halt iran's nuclear ambitions. biden wanted to know what he would do differently. >> they're moving faster toward a nuclear weapon. it's because this administration has no credibility on this issue. it's because this administration watered down sanctions, delayed sanctions, tried to stop us from putting tough sanctions in place. >> these are the most crippling sanctions in the history of sanctions period period. when governor romney was asked about it, he said we've got to keep these sanctions. when you say you're talking about doing war are you going to go to war? is that what you want to do? >> we want to prevent war. >> reporter: gayle and charlie, that's how it went all night long on iran syria al qaeda. rye yarn made the case that the white house hadn't done enough while biden pushed the notion
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that the romney-ryan plan wasn't all that different. >> nancy cordes thanks. both candidates took the opportunity to deliver some memorable lines over the course of the debate. >> with all due respect that's a bunch of malarkey. this is a bunch of stuff. >> what does that mean a bunch of stuff sf. >> it means it's simply inaccurate. >> it's irish. >> it is. we irish call it mularkey. >> with respect to that quote, i think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way. >> but i always say what i mean. >> you can cut tax rates by 20% and preserve these tax cuts for middle class taxpayers. >> not mathematically possible. >> it is possible. >> it has never been done before. >> it's been done a couple times. >> it has never been done before. >> jack kennedy increased tax rates --
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>> oh, now you're jack kennedy. >> 58,000 tweets out of a total of 3.5 million. by comparison big bird drew a quarter million tweets in last week's presidential debate. >> cbs news political director john dickerson is with us. john, did joe biden achieve what they wanted him to do in this debate which is to stop mitt romney's momentum? >> it's incomplete. what he did do was give democrats something to hear about. joe biden was out there hitting ryan and romney on everything that democrats said president obama had left on the table. in fact, in one answer he did three of those attacks all on a sij sentence. he came with a full set of weaponry and used everything he could. now, does that stop the momentum of romney? what romney did was two things. he also reached out to swing voters. i'm not sure joe biden in that constantly laughing and interrupting did much with swing
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voters. he may have even turned them off. but swing voters will make their decision on the top of the ticket. if that's the downside, it's one that probably won't matter. >> you mentioned there was a lot of cheering for joe biden, reenergizing the base. is it troubling to some that this close to the election people feel the base needs to be reenergized? is that an issue? >> you want to have your base rushing behind you at this time. that's what romney did so well. republicans had been kind of tentative about him. in his performance, he goes to the rallies, he says hello and they go crazy. well it's bad the democrats were feeling panicked and sad about obama's performance. now they can kind of feel little more passion -- and this is quite important because in a lot of these battleground states early voting has started. they want to get people out there. >> you make the point this is all about joe. if you're a democrat you like what you saw and you thought he commanded the debate f. you're republican you thought maybe he was smiling and interrupting too
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much. what about paul ryan? >> well, paul ryan i think the first time ever in this kind of setting, had to deal with this an tick character to his right. >> antic character. >> what the obama people like, he was out there being a passionate warrior for the middle class. a little sloppy but it was clear. ryan was having to do a lot of defending of mitt romney. that's a tough place to be in. but i think people i've talked to think ryan did a fine job. it was not like the obama-romney debate where everybody thought, not only did romney win, but obama lost. >> we've had circumstances in which the vice presidential dom nominee didn't do as well as expected. john edwards for one, sarah palin perhaps. >> no harm to the ticket and no harm to his future prospects. >> and the other question, what about joe biden in terms of what he did with respect to his
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getting younger every year. we'll show you an alarming new study and look at how you can lower your risk on "cbs this morning" when we continue right after the break. ♪ ♪ chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's.
8:11 am
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since the comments aiken has gone behind. some like reverend stoney shaw -- >> another one everyone turned across, jesus christ, but he prevailed. >> sorry. i'm getting a called. hold on. hey, jesus. no, i heard it. i think it's ridiculous too. that you, too, are being prepared to todd akin. don't be insecure. you're the king of kings. see you sunday in tebow's box. >> jon stewart always has an interesting take on everything.
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>> he's great. there's a growing health threat for baby boomers because too many of them are eating too much and not getting enough exercise. here is dr. holly phillips with that story. >> good morning. in die's "healthwatch," strokes striking the young. an alarming new study published in the journal of neurology finds stroke is affecting americans at younger ables than ever. researchers looked at the occurrences of strokes in people between the ages of 20-54 for three one-year long periods between 1993 and 2005. they found the average age of those who experience the life-threatening illness fell from 71 years to 69. but more shocking is the percentage of stroke in people under the age of 55 moved from 13% in 1993 to 19% in 2005. experts point to the rise in risk factors such as diabetes obesity and high cholesterol to explain the disturbing trend.
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obesity rates continue to climb with a recent report predicting 50% of adults will be technically obese by 2030. strokes occur when arteries of the brain become blocked or bleed and commonly results in paralysis or death. through diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle, the risk factors can be canceled out altogether. we all know that's not always easy, but it's well worth it. i'm dr. holly phillips. >> announcer: cbs "healthwatch" sponsored by aleve, two pills, all day strong, all day long. ng. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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[ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. align naturally helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ ooh, baby can i do for you today? ♪ try align today. [ male announcer ] got a single? get a mcdouble. juicy, 100% pure beef, chopped onions, pickles, and american cheese. mcdonald's mcdouble. yours for just a buck, on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ♪
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person even better friend. >> reporter: tiffany peeples was heartbroken back in 2009 when she learned her best friend brittney brashers had been killed in a car crash. >> in my mind i'm like it's not fair. >> reporter: britney's boyfriend survived. >> she stared straight up at me. blood every where. i'm staring at her and yelling at her to breathe. i'm yelling at her to breathe. britney, breathe. >> when i learned that robbie walters was in the car with her, something was wrong, something wasn't right. >> you can see the windshield there. >> her head hit right there. >> reporter: investigators including homicide detective troy bisgard felt something was wrong. >> it was a car accident but not so significant she should be dead from it. >> reporter: and medical examiner john carver was baffled. >> britney didn't have any
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significant injuries on bones or internal organs or the base of the neck or the spinal cord or the skull or the brain. >> reporter: the injuries britney did have were not what carver expected to see. tell tale signs that she might have been strangled. >> there were pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin on the face and surrounding the cries. >> reporter: strangulation was hard to confirm. britney was missing a piece of cartilage in her throat. cartilage that usually the crushed in a strangulation. >> the cause of death to me was undetermined. and the manner of death to me was undetermined. >> undetermined? >> undetermined. i don't know. >> reporter: undetermined meant officially there was no crime. detective bisgard's hands were tied until four months later when he discovered evidence that
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would change everything. >> i was just blown away. i never heard anything like that. >> so susan spender is here. bombshell evidence. do we have to wait until saturday night or are you going to share? >> we'll give you a few hints. the lesson of this story is that if you're a murder suspect you should just shut up. this guy could not stop talking and unbeknownst to him somebody very close to him the whole time is secretly taping what he is saying. so the police who as you saw are just completely stymied after a few months they are ready to give up. along comes this evidence and it helps them take the forensics which weren't conclusive and piece together a narrative of what happened. >> this was a love triangle? >> yes. the suspect was seeing -- he was married and seeing britney as well. she had tried to break
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(car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. let's see how two ballot measures... measure up. prop thirty says they send new money to our schools. but fact-checkers say that's "misleading." prop thirty sends money in here, but lets the politicians take it out here. that's why sacramento's behind it. but there's hope. prop thirty-eight really does send new education dollars straight to our schools... ...and thirty-eight keeps it there. don't be misled by the politicians. to really help our schools, vote yes on thirty-eight.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning. it's 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat. crews are on the scene of a large fire involving several buildings in san francisco at the "squat & gobble" restaurant. it broke out around 6:30 this morning. it forced the closure of muni's westport central train tunnel. now that effects the k, l and the m lines. the bus bridge has been set up to move passengers past that area. the best baseball story of the year is over. the oakland as eliminated from the play-offs last night with a loss at home to the tigers in game 5. but the giants won yesterday. they advance to the national league championship series. game one set to go sunday either against the nats or cards, whoever wins tonight. traffic and weather coming right up.
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good morning. well, unfortunately, it is anything but "friday light" out there. it's really busy in a number of spots including the bay bridge after an early-morning fender- bender on the skyway. it's been stacked up through the macarthur maze through 7:00 this morning. so slow on the approaches as well including down the eastshore freeway. san mateo bridge look at this ride westbound 92. there's been no incidents in
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the commute direction heading towards foster city and the peninsula. it's just doing some roadwork to get ahead of these coming weekend closures. not this weekend but the two last weekends in october. so eastbound 92 looks okay if you are heading toward hayward. and a quick look now at our maps. if you are continuing southbound on 880 heading towards the dumbarton bridge, a traffic alert has now been lifted. that's traffic. for your weekend forecast, here's lawrence. >> skies mostly cloudy right now elizabeth, all around the bay area just beginning to see clouds breaking up but mortared the afternoon. right now showers and drizzle still reported that area of low pressure bringing the rainfall slow to move out. but by the afternoon it's going to move on out. still those temperatures will remain cool, highs only in the 60s. but the weekend is looking good. back into the 70s, the warmest spots inland by saturday maybe some 80s by sunday. captions by: caption colorado
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ladies have a seat and get ready for shemar moore. >> oh today, "criminal minds" star is back. >> and his abs are coming with him. >> plus megan mulally. >> "the talk" on cbs. ♪ ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." "one headlight" by the wall flowers made rolling stones' list of the 100 greatest pop songs of all time. we haven't heard from jacob dylan and the band for a while but they're back together. >> they just put out a new cd this week and as bill whitaker
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reports, they say they can't even remember why they broke up. ♪ ♪ >> jacob dylan and rami jaffee are playing songs from their new album "glad all over," along with drummer jack irons of the red hot chili peppers, they're getting ready to go on the road and clearly enjoying their reunion. >> reporter: now you're back is this the beginning of -- >> this is the beginning of the next of the other end. >> i don't think we conceptualize how far it needs to go or wants to go. we take it one step at a time and here we are again. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: but to understand their true beginnings, you have to go back two decades. >> there's a photo behind you of a building on fire when we were
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20. >> we played at a bunch of shows around town and began a scene. >> a scene that began on an unusual stage, canter's deli known for serving up rock and rye in the kibbets room. we were young we were hungry. >> nothing was organized. songs would fall apart halfway through. no one knew how it ended. it wasn't rehearsed. they were just winging it. >> reporter: but the crowds grew from 30 to 300 in just a couple of weeks, launching the wall flowers on a wild ride. there were the hit singles. ♪ one headlight ♪ >> reporter: a pair of grammys and sales of 7 million albums. their latest single "reboot the mission" is a tribute to the
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british punk band the clash and its lead singer mick jones. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: did you pick right back up where you left off seven years ago muse cliically? >> no, even better. we left a little burnt out, we left pretty fired up better energy than we've had in years. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: they're rebooting a band at a time when the music business seems to be changing by the minute. credit the internet a fast way to connect with fans but crowded with instant hits like this video from the korean rapper psy. it's topped 400 views. >> i don't know who that is. whatever he's doing is a fluke. now you'll have legions of people who will try to emulate that and they'll fail. that's how kids find their
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music. so i don't want to hear anymore talk about how it was better before. >> reporter: still dillon admits he's old school when it comes to song writing. >> i bought this when i was 17 with all my money. >> reporter: nearly all the wallflower hits were written on this guitar. >> you can buy a $6,000 guitar that's dead inside. >> reporter: some may argue that storytelling runs in the family. his father, bob dylan is still touring at the age of 71. >> has he said anything about getting back with the wallflowers? >> not right now. when we stopped he was curious why we were stopping. he thought we had a good thing going on and why would we stop. i guess he was right because we ended up getting back together. >> what we have now is a certain wisdom. that's what happens when you get older. it's true.
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now we're in it for better reasons than when we were teenagers. >> reporter: that youthful exuberance and experience of age might just strike the perfect cord with fans. for "cbs this morning" i'm bill whitaker in malibu. >> i'm thinking bob dylan must be very proud, must be very proud. nice to see. >> love bill whitaker. he does great pieces. >> love bob dylan. >> charlie, have you interviewed bob dylan? >> no, but he's on my list. >> you know people charlie. you could make that happen. >> you think? >> i do. i actually do. i think you could make it happen. tomorrow on "cbs this morning" saturday a kindergarten teacher has lesson plans that are to good teachers all over the country are buying them. guess what? she's a millionaire. she'll be here in studio 57 tomorrow on "cbs this morning," that's on saturday. >> i wish it would happen to me too, you're right.
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now on "the new yoim nelson demille is a familiar name on "the new york times" bestseller list. >> in his new book "the panther," the character john corey goes to yemen. nelson demille joins us at the table. can i say i was a nelson demille virgin. i was up late because of you reading your book and watching the debate. i have to tell you i'm hooked. i'm hooked. >> thank you. so set the scene for people who have not gotten into all
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gazillion pages of the book. it starts with a brutal crime set in yemen. very timely. >> yeah. this is like the sixth book with my character john corey who is nypd homicide detective, now a contract agent with the joint terrorist task force and his wife is fbi special agent kate mayfield. the previous five books were set in the states, mostly the new york area. this is the first one i took him out of the country and he got assigned to go there. he doesn't want to go there. he goes to yemen to look for the panther. the panther is a yemeni american born in new jersey raised here went to colombian university but took up the cause of jihad, went back to his ancestral home in yemen. i postulate, this is based a little on truth he was one of the master mines of the u.s.s. cole bombing. >> that's the premise of it. >> how much of you book is fact
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and how much is fiction? you're clearly weaving in what have been some terrorism news events in the past? >> i look at the facts as the skeleton of the book. the facts are all true. if they sound true, they probably are true. but novels make it up. you've got to make up the dialogue. it all hangs on the -- the incident was the "u.s.s. cole" bombing. the joint terrorist task force is stationed in foreign countries, yemen being one of them. so the facts are there. this is not a primmer on how to fight terrorism. if you read the book you'll learn something. >> i took it almost like a history lesson of yemen and their culture. i thought when he went to yemen, he must have learned so much and then you said -- have you been to yemen? >> no. >> you must know know people to get the detail. >> i do know people. i usually go wherever my book is set. when i had a book set in moscow
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i went to moscow. >> why didn't you go to yemen? >> i was invited not to go to yemen. two years ago when i was writing the book it was a shot spot. now there's total chaos there. i wanted to go. my wife said don't go. >> always good, isn't it norah, when a man listens to his wife? >> it's been dangerous. we just learned a security chief assassinated in yemen. where do you get the ideas from your stories? and how many current counterterrorism officials do you talk to for your research? >> i have some good sources in the joint terrorist task force which is located at downtown 26th federal plaza. i've been doing this for a while now. some of the people i spoke to initially are retired. they tend to speak more freely when they're retired. even retired people don't want to be acknowledged in the book, but i kind of fell into this ten years ago, happening to know people who worked for 26 fed
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with the joint terrorist task force. >> are you friends with our john miller? he could be a great help to you? are you friends with him? you should meet him. >> john did one of my first interviews back in 1978 when i did my first book "by the rivers of babylon." >> thank you, nelson demille. congratulations. it's a page-turner as they say. "the panther" goes on sale tuesday, by the way. when we come back, paul thomas anderson. he gave us "boogie nights" and "there will be blood." it's his latest movie causing quite stir in hollywood. he's director of the movie called "the master." he joins us next righ
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boogie nights established director paul thomas anderson an important name in hollywood. "boggy "the master" tells the story a tormented world war ii veteran. he stumbles upon a cult called the cause. it is led by philip seymour hoffman. >> i'm sorry i got out of hand last night. >> don't apologize. you're a scoundrel. and there's a scientists and a connoisseurs, i have no idea the contents of this remarkable potion. what's in it? >> secrets. >> paul thomas anderson joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> here is a film -- according to people that i know not critics, but critics, too. they love it or they don't love it. >> yes. what's going on? >> good question. we loved it. we put it out. we thought for sure everybody would go for it.
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yeah, we had this kind of wave of people really digging it. and then this wave that came around saying, what is going on here? you know we knew it was something to the left. but people are talking about it. >> they're passionate about it. one way or the other. >> that is great. that's all can you hope for. >> why do you think that is though? what is it that makes people -- is it the character? is it the idea? >> probably has a lot to do with the characters. there is something about the characters that is a little bit unnoble. somebody who says he has the secrets of the universe. he is hard to get to know. and maybe that rubs in with the film. and maybe that -- >> and whatphoenix is so struggled. you can see him trying to figure it out from the beginning to the end of the movie. >> yeah. >> i love watching him. >> by the end of the film nobody had an awakening.
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they start the same and end the same. >> this i understand has been in your head for 12 years. explain to everyone what the plot line is and what you wanted to convey or tell the story of. >> what was in your head? >> yeah. what's in your head? >> well, you know a lot of the start was stuff of a sailor coming back from the war. just sort of looking at them coming back from the war. it's a great documentary. it's about veterans coming back from the war. and just how helpless everybody was at that time trying to deal with that. around that time there was a lot of stuff brewing up about past lies and an investigation of that which they found a lot of veterans being drawn to that idea and sort of wondering where did all the bodies go? >> these people said you're going to go see the scientology movie. they say it looks like it's based on scientology. you're the person to answer that.
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is it based on scientology in any form? >> it is loosely based on scientology and the start of that. scientology became something much different and larger. but, yeah for sure. the starting point was investigating what that movement was and how it began and how -- >> so your conclusions about it scientology? >> you know my conclusions are -- proibbly thought about it initially. everybody thought it was kind of peculiar. i wasn't quite sure what it was. and now i think it's no more weirder than anything else out there. i think it helps a lot of people. it works. whatever it does for them it works. and i don't exactly -- >> tom cruise is a scientologyist. >> did you show the movie to tom? >> sure. >> what was his reaction? >> it was a good reaction and healthy. >> also isn't had a harvey
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weinstin film. that's who i would want backing me. he is relentless when he believes in something. >> it's true. he is a bull in a china shop. >> he's passionate. >> can i ask you about philip seymour hoffman? what is he like to direct? >> you know, like having keys to a good car. >> he's fun. is he difficult? >> you know what? it depends on what part he's playing. and this part he was -- you know, you got to call him the master every day. he was full of energy and fun and life of the party. but i've done somewhere it's not all laughs. >> can you answer in 15 seconds? what is the most important thing you learned from hoffman? >> how to giggle and give in. >> thank you. much success with "the master." "the master" is in theaters now. that does it for us. we leave you this morning with a
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look back at what has been an incredible week with debates and much more. we hope you'll have a great, great weekend. i'm certainly looking forward to it. >> come back on monday! >> see you on monday. >> we're going to win florida and take back the white house. >> it is time for north carolina, for the entire country to come together. >> get us back on track. we're going to make that happen. thank you guys! >> romney has momentum. there is another thing he's got and that is enthusiasm among his supporters. >> 49% favor governor mitt romney. >> this is an opportunity for mitt romney to look like a president, like a leader. >> set out a very very strong approach for america being a leader. >> is he moving to the senter? >> i think he's moving to the center. i think he's always been pretty much where he is. >> is he going to be someone who gets into office and supports anti-abortion legislation? yes or no? >> have mitt romney. >> will he be more aggressive than he has been in other debates? >> it's a big challenge for him.
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>> folks, use your common sense. who do you trust on this? >> who do you trust to be president of the united states? that's why biden tried that technique. >> we found out the troops were being pulled from libya. what was your feeling? >> we have the correct number of assets in benghazi. >> now they're reviewing whether any americans should be stationed there. >> in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged, disgusting acts. >> judgment day for jerry sandusky. >> he did it! >> two home runs. i question anybody who says baseball can't be exciting. >> wonder sperm? your wife jennifer garner said about you -- >> it's so funny. i'm usually the one that says inappropriate things on television. >> is that what the red sox need wonder sperm? ♪ now or never those were the best days of my
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life ♪ >> you're welcome, brian. >> don't get shy now, brian. don't get shy now. >> i gave them a photograph. >> may i ask why? look at nora's face. >> i thought he'd appreciate it. >> all that. >> taylor swift writes a song about someone -- i'm looking at you. you know taylor's song, anthony. >> is that the best can you do? >> what do you mean? >> come on down! >> all that -- >> greatest entrance of a cbs news correspondent in history. >> and all that matters. >> no. >> you're so used to bears in his yard he doesn't even call the police. >> do you think the bears are bad? >> no, i don't think they're bad bears. i think they're very hungry bears. >> all that is all that matters.
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8:54 am
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning. it's 8:55. i'm frank mallicoat with your cbs 5 news brief. crews still on the scene of the fire that involved several buildings in san francisco affecting muni lines in the west portal area. cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran has been on the scene all morning long on this developing news story and joins us with the very latest now. cate [ signal breakup ] there is good news. told me that the fire has been contained they are just working on a couple of hot spots at this point. but look, you can see they are still here on scene. they have been here for almost five hours. five buildings have been affected. [ signal breakup ] "squat & gobble" is a complete loss. [ signal breakup ] a dental office and wine shop and two other office buildings were also affected. now, the arson team is on
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standby. they will try to figure out what happened when the fire is out. crews expect to be here all day. only one firefighter was injured in this. he was treated for smoke inhalation and is expected to be okay. we are live in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. cate caugiran, back to you. >> thank you. traffic and weather coming up on this friday right after the break. stay right there.
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good morning. well, we're almost at 9:00 and unfortunately, it's still really backed up at the bay bridge. you're looking at delays of up to an hour now from the macarthur maze towards the bay bridge. it all happened -- all started to backup around 7:00 after an early-morning fender bender on the upper deck. let's go to our maps. more live traffic cameras, still a little slow up the nimitz. northbound 880 past the coliseum towards downtown. that is traffic. for your weekend forecast, here's lawrence. >> the weekend looking good. today we have a lot of clouds outside things beginning to wind down though as far as rain is concerned. still some drizzle outside, low moving eastward throughout the day. damp morning, drying out this afternoon. temperatures will stay cool. highs only in the 60s. warmer weather for the weekend. maybe a little heat wave toward the middle of next week. captions by: caption colorado
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