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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 1, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning. to our viewers in the west, it is thursday, november 1st, 2012. welcome to "cbs this morning." the aftermath of sandy remains overwhelming. the death toll soars and 5 million people remain without power. >> massive gas shortages are causing anger and panic. but subways and planes begin to move slowly. presidential campaign gets busy again. we'll check with the newest polls with just five days to go. we begin with a lock at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> we are here for you. we will not forget. we will follow up to make sure that you get all the help that you need until you rebuild. the northeast begins its long road to recovery.
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>> death toll from sandy is now up to at least 74. >> 5 million customers are still waiting for the power to come back on. >> debris from this massive storm is stacked on streets and new jersey neighborhoods. >> when i left, everything was intact. there are long lines for hard hit areas. >> i've got no gas. >> bus service is limited. subway service will begin this morning. >> as much as the water has gone down, we're at two levels, we're at the the level before you get to the tracks? >> absolutely. both candidates are focusing on the homestretch. >> political components, president obama touring with governor chris christie. >> she is sick about it and crying her heart out about it. >> i'm tired of barack obama and
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mitt romney. coming across the border just as it got stuck. all that -- >> give me a break. where did that come from? >> you wear a belt, i'll start calling you mister. >> and all that matters. >> amazing time-lapsed video of sandy slamming new york city, the water rushing in, power going out. >> new york might get weird with a few more days without power. [ speaking spanish ] >> when your city is flooded, that is as fluent as antonio >> when your city is flooded, that is as fluent as antonio [ bleep ] banderas. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm charlie rose in new york. norah o'donnell is in washington. as you wake up in the west, the extent of superstorm sandy's damage is becoming cloe ining c
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more alarming. blamed for 75 deaths in 10 states and 4.6 million homes and businesses still have no electricity. >> in new york city, many subway and xhouter trains are now running. drivers are seeing huge traffic jams going into manhattan. they also face severe gas shortages throughout the new york metro area. hundreds of thousands of people along the new jersey shore this morning are facing months, even years of rebuilding. jeff glor is in atlantic city, where president obama saw the power of sandy for himself. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. 14 people dead in new jersey right now. there is concern that number might rise as more homes are sear searched. on wednesday, president obama walked along new jersey's battered coastline, side by side with governor chris christie. both offering encouragement to sandy's survivors. >> we are here for you. and we will not forget. we will follow up to make sure that you get all the help that
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you need until you've rebuilt. >> reporter: after getting an aerial view of the devastation, the president vowed that federal response would be swift. >> we are not going to tolerate red tape. we're not going to tolerate bureaucracy. >> reporter: the full scope of the damage comes into greater focus by the hour. >> when i left, everything was intact. when i came back yesterday morning -- >> reporter: 68-year-old jackie e ernst has lived in the town of pleasantville for 22 years. she'll start over again. >> all i could see was -- >> reporter: nine years ago, zelphia conner bought a house here. a 50-foot section of that walkway is now outside her front door. >> i saw it floating down the street. i never knew its destination was here. >> reporter: in your garage. >> in my garage. i never knew that. >> reporter: in sayerville, a sometimes combative christie showed a softer side as he
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comforted homeowners. >> it's all ruined down there, every ounce of it, ruined. nothing, nothing, nothing. and already from the last year. >> this was just the worst. >> i know. >> reporter: transformed vibrant coastal communities into beachfronts that looked more like shipwrecks. a string of natural gas fires broke out. officials say no one was hurt. in some spots, neighbors are still waiting for floodwaters to recede. sandy may be gone. the recovery has just moved in. >> this is our home. we've been here for years. we clean up. we get everything back to new york normal and we go on. >> reporter: people can start applying for federal disaster assistance today. there are just under 1.8 million customers without power in new jersey still. that is down from a peak of 2.7 million. utility companies say it will likely be a week before most power is restored and some outages may linger longer than that. >> thanks, jeff. new york city's subway
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trains began rolling a short time ago for the first time in 3 1/2 days. but service is limited and the city faces another day of serious transportation trouble. jim axelrod is at the tip of lower manhattan outside the staten island ferry terminal. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning. big step for new yorkers and a psychological boost, to at least have partial subway service restored and to ease some congestion on the roads. there won't be any subway trains coming in and out of here. not today, not tomorrow. not for a while, it would seem. three days after superstorm sandy swept through new york, the city's road to recovery is literally gridlocked. >> traffic is terrible, man. takes 45 minutes just for four block blocks. it's horrible. >> reporter: commuters turned manhattan streets into parking lots. a telling sign of just how badly the city needs its mass transit system back. >> i am declaring a transportation emergency.
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>> reporter: this morning 14 out of 23 subway lines will begin operating. but none will be able to run below 34th street in manhattan and into brooklyn. multiple tunnels and stations in that area remain flooded with sea water. >> where are we? >> we're down here at the main entrance. >> reporter: joe leader oversees maintenance for the metropolitan transit authority. he showed us some of the damage at the hardest hit station, south ferry at the southern tip of manhattan. >> as much as the water has gone down, we're still two levels -- we're at the water till we get to the tracks? >> absolutely. >> reporter: it will take a week just to pump out the water. that's only the first step. >> the assessment afterwards will be very difficult because they'll have to be taken apart, elevators will have to be looked at, controls will have to be changed out. >> reporter: meantime, the city is doing what they can to relieve congestion, made much worse in lower manhattan where customers are still without
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power. new york's taxi rules were modified, allowing drivers to pick up more than one passenger at a time. mayor michael bloomberg announced that seven major routes into the city would be limited to vehicles carrying three or more people. >> i know it is inconvenient for a lot of people. but the bottom line is the streets can only handle so much. >> reporter: so we've seen some commuter train service now starting from grand central terminal to the northern suburbs, but service restored from new jersey into the city. we want to show you some video to show you why this mass transit is so necessary. look at the scene on the rfk bridge from queens into the east side of manhattan. three hours for people to get to the east side of manhattan. although new york senator charles sc huchlt mer is telling us the hope now is to see full subway service restored by monday. back to you. >> the millions of people who have no electricity, the need for fuel to power generators and cars is becoming more urgent.
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the supply just not keeping up with demand. shortages are spreading and lines are getting longer. following that story in se krchc secaucus, new jersey, elaine, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a few miles outside manhattan at this gas station here in secaucus, new jersey, drivers have been waiting for up to three hours to gas up. some traveled from across the devastated region where, in many cases there is no fuel. at the alexander hamilton service area off the new jersey turnpike, cars were lined up for over a mile. >> it's the worst i've ever seen. >> reporter: people like keith mittenzwei drove over the jersey shore to get fuel and in many cases found out there was nothing left. >> i stopped at six stations and every one is sold out. >> reporter: this truck's engine was flood by the storm making it undrivable. >> the engine and everything
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went under water. >> reporter: unable to deliver its payload, the truck was finally towed to meet the urgent demands for fuel. >> people didn't want to get out of the way. everybody trying to cut in line. >> reporter: more than half of all gas stations in the region are currently closed, either due to a lack of power or inventory. one station in crayonford, new jersey, people loined up on foot to get gas for generators being used in homes without electricity. for many, that meant waiting well into the evening. >> i've been waiting here two hours. >> i've been waiting for three hours now. people trying to cut in. i'm really happy state police are out there. >> how much time have you spent waiting for gas gas today? >> we went out earlier today. probably two or three hours today. there have been long lines everywhere. >> reporter: without any choice but to wait, shannon ortiz prepared food in her car as she inched closer to the front of the line. >> it should last for a few more days, what's going to happen to you guys?
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>> i don't know. i don't know. everybody is running out of money where we live. there's nothing open. >> reporter: four of the six oil refineries in the region were back up to full or increasing production on wednesday. the other two still out, both here in new jersey account for nearly a quarter of the area's fuel supply. it's hoped that when those are back up and running, the area shortages will be alleviated. back to you. >> elaine, thanks. if you're interested in helping relief efforts, here are some phone numbers to call. for the american red cross dial 1-800-red-cross. for the salvation army it's 1-800-sal-army. charlie, those images of president obama side by side with new jersey's republican governor are making a lot of headlines this morning. governor christie defended himself last night, saying the president deserves praise for
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helping storm victims. with just five days left before the election, president obama is heading become out on the campaign trail. he will visit wisconsin, nevada and colorado today. governor mitt romney is in virginia, after campaign iing i florida on wednesday. jan crawford filed this report this morning as the romney campaign headed north. >> to say that the hurricane threw a wrench in the presidential election is really an under dstatement. think about it. less than a week to go, the race this tight. both sides suspending campaigning and romney yesterday back on the campaign trail but muting his attacks on the president. and the president yesterday getting to do something romney could not. act as comforter in chief. >> we're going to help you get it all together. i promise, you're going to be okay. >> reporter: he met with victims and officials, reassuring that the government will be there to help. >> we're going to get this whole
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thing -- we're going to get this whole thing set up. >> reporter: at his side republican governor chris christie, a romney supporter. to show he was moving beyond partisan politics. >> he has been aggressive in making sure that the state got out in front of this incredible storm. >> reporter: back on the campaign trail, romney toned down his criticism of the president, coping his message positive as he tries to win over florida voters. >> washington has to begin to come together. >> reporter: accompanied by the state's popular former governor jeb bush, romney emphasized his own record as massachusetts governor of bipartisanship. >> it was not lost on me to get anything done at all, and even to have my veto upheld, i need to have people across the aisle that i could work with. >> remember the president talked about romneysia? well it's contagious. congressman ryan's caught it.
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>> reporter: vice president joe biden accused the romney campaign of lying in a new ad in ohio that implies the auto bailout is sending american jobs overseas. >> why would they do this in the face of the overwhelming fact -- >> reporter: paul ryan said the ad was try troou. >> those stats are inconvenient for the president but no one disputes them. >> reporter: and ryan fought back hard. >> president obama took gm and chrysler into bankruptcy. taxpayers still stand to lose billion billions of dollars from the president's managed bankruptcy. >> reporter: romney has been on the defensive for months on his position on auto bailout, now taking it right to the president. their skirmishes back and forth about this issue on the auto industry show how important it is, especially in ohio, which could hold the key to the white house. there are 800,000 people in jobs related to the auto industry in that state. charlie and norah, they could be
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decisive. >> jan crawford, thank you so much. national journal white house correspondent major garret is here. let's talk about what jan was just reporting on. why has the fight on the auto bailout gotten so nasty here in the end? >> the obama campaign -- from the romney/ryan ticket that the bailout is sending jobs to china. production may eventually be in china on jeeps. as chrysler and gm have pointed out, jeep, which is a chrysler brand, and gm, also producing autos in northern ohio, aren't shrinking their production. they're expanding it. the obama campaign believes they have the facts and narrative on their side. talking to senior romney advisers last night, they don't regret making the charge but they did not anticipate the intensity of the obama reaction and the echo chamber it's created and believe it's been a net negative. >> that's interesting. let's talk about these state
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poll polls. we have new information that show obama with the lead in wisconsin, new hampshire and iowa. he has a five-point lead in ohio. you've been talking to team obama, his top officials. what do they make of these numbers? >> i was in chicago two days ago and they are supernaturally confident. >> supernaturally confident? >> yes. that's a normal place for the obama campaign, never anything other than supernaturally confident. >> overconfident? >> we'll find out. the way i would describe the obama campaign, they know their voter contacts, and if they know what they know they're going to win. if everything they know is wrong they're going to lose. and jim aceda, when i said that to him, said i was right. the romney campaign looks at these numbers and the statewide polls and the trend is still in romney's favor, closing the gender gap with women, has greater gop enthusiasm. obama campaign looks at the top line numbers and says we're
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going to win. romney campaign says no, uppedlying data points we find optimistic and maybe give us a path to victory. >> what impact has the storm had on the momentum of the campaign? >> it's frozen the campaign, charlie, taken up the media space. on the groundwork still continues. give you a couple of examples. in ohio, they lost power monday night. in cuyahoga county, there was an obama phone banking operation that continued by candlelight. in hampton rhodes, virginia, they shut down and had to evacuate. they took over 75 rooms in richmond, virginia and made it an obama/biden phone operation within hours. all that ground game stuff goes on, unabated. storm takes up tremendous media space. where it may be most zies ideci the campaign continues. >> will it benefit one or the other capped date? >> i'm trying to write a magazine piece about this.
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it's almost like a narrative feeding thing. both sides are arguing who is winning the narrative. the obama campaign is hitting its own internal targets and the romney campaign is doing much better than john mccain did in 2008. that secondary aspect, doing better than john mccain is insufficient. john mccain did virtually nothing in early voting. the romney campaign is doing much better but it's a low bar. the obama campaign feels very good about its own metrics and believes by the time election day actually arrives, they'll have sizeable leads in new hampshire, iowa, nevada and possibly even in florida, enough to carry those states across the finish line. >> major, thanks. cbs is projecting that four out of ten voters will have voted by election day. >> 31% in 2008, could be as high as 40%. this is becoming a huge and important trend in american presidential politics. >> thank you, major. >> major garret, thank you so much. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. los angeles times says a gunman opened fire at a halloween party on the university of southern
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california campus. four people were wounded and two people have been detained. officials shut down the campus and urged students to stay indoo indoors. hours later they gave the all clear. philadelphia enquirer reports jerry sandusky has been transferred to the maximum security prison that houses most of pennsylvania's death row inmates. former penn state football coach is serving a 30-year sentence for child molestation. major step toward personalized medicine. researchers say they have
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if you are just getting up we have some cloudy skies, the rain continues to fall in parts of the bay area. as you head toward the south bay, it is very gloomy early on. the showers continuing in that direction. hi-def doppler is picking up the rainfall this morning. it is shifted further to the south early on. but i think as we head toward the afternoon things will taper off. still seeing good cells towards san jose and along 85 and 101. watch out for very slick roads. temperatures by the afternoon in the 60s and 70s. dry weather for the weekend. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by the new 100% calorie artificial sweetener.
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one of america's busiest airports was covered with water in superstorm sandy. laguardia airport is reopening this morning but air system chaos continues worldwide. we'll go to laguardia and see how long it will take to get back to normal. and sandy could cost insurance companies up to $15 billion. they say they can handle it. we'll show you what insurance covers and what it doesn't. find out what storm victims need to do right away on "cbs this morning."
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so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's.
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you will have to be very brave. hi, grandma! oh hi,. my little monkey! here. thank you very much. you're welcome. everyone got on and they were off to the launching site. chaos continues worldwide. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald >> good morning, everyone. 7:26 your time. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with some bay area headlines right now. san francisco police hope some cell phone video can help them catch vandals who set a muni bus on fire sunday night during the celebration of the giants. a newspaper photo has already led to the arrest of a man who has admitted smashing that bus windshield. >> a nursing strike is under way against seven sutter hospitals in alameda, contra costa and solano counties. replacement nurses have been hired to keep the hospitals open. and a group that helps people with home mortgage problems has set up shop in san jose. the american dream tour is at mcenery convention center today through monday. traffic and weather is coming up.
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good morning. they finally cleared that stall away from the bay bridge. it was on incline section of the upper deck so that didn't help the morning commute. it's slick in spots. it's backed up into the macarthur maze. some of the approaches are backing up, too. southbound 680 approaching rudgear, accident in lanes. it's stacked up to richmond, berkeley and a crash going against the commute. eastbound 80 at gilman. >> with more on this wet weather, here's lawrence. >> we are still tracking the showers with our high-def doppler radar. plenty of clouds out there right now beginning to break up in some spots. but you know what? we still have some of those showers showing up especially in the south bay now. the cold front pulling apart but still those scattered showers continuing toward san jose and into santa cruz mountains. they will likely taper off though through the morning hours and by the afternoon, some partly cloudy skies. 60s and some 70s. next couple of days returning to dry warmer weather for the weekend. ,,,,,,
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part of a long line there for gas. welcome back to cbs "this morning." i'm norah o'donnell in washington. charlie rose is in new york. good morning, charlie and happy november. >> happy november to you. this is a good month. we have elections and thanksgiving and christmas will be with us. by the way we also have halloween photos. that's coming up. >> that's right. halloween photos. we do want to focus on people certainly in new york and new jersey and virginia and other places that are still suffering from superstorm sandy's effect. travel around the world has been disrupted. there are, however some new york city subway lines and commuter trains that are running this morning. amtrak will start running trains in and out of new york city tomorrow. >> airlines are slowly clearing the backlog from 19,000 flight
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cancellations. it will take several days. and this morning new york's laguardia airport finally reopened. it was the last major airport to remain shut down because of the storm. seth doane is at laguardia. seth, good morning.m richmond, a delta flight landing at quarter past 7:00. they expect to be at half capacity. they expect 5,000 to 600 different landings and takeoffs and that's about 5% of what's average on a november day. i tried to push port authority as to when they expect to be back up to normal operating capacity and they say probably a couple of days. they didn't want to put a specific date interest. it's not just about having runways and the airport ready but it's about having the equipment in place. there were only two airplanes that weathered the storm here at laguardia both in hangars. a.j. all of these airplanes need to come back and that one from
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richmond that delta flight landing about 7:00 this morning was the first one back on the airfield here. >> what do pilots tell you about flying into this airport? >> reporter: well, it's interesting, charlie. we spoke with captain sully sullenberger. he said this is a fascinating airport to fly into. the runways are 7,000 feet not 9,000 feet. you have to be quite precise. ate beautiful airport to fly into. quite different from what it looked like just a couple of days ago. you talk about a picture capturing a thousand words. it was that jet bridge that appeared to go off into a body of water. that was taken right here at laguardia. so quite a big difference here. one of the big headlines, this is visual only landing. they won't be using the same
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instruments they normally would use. it's all about the weather being just right. the cloud ceiling not 1.6 million in new york. 350,000 in connecticut. one of the places without power in new jersey is hard hit long beach island and ben tracey was one of the first reporters allowed to see some of the damage there. he is nearby in moonachie, new jersey. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's only one way on and off long beach island or as the locals call id lbi. but this sign says the bridge is
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closed. nearly 10,000 people that call this island home are not allow good out there. they did let us out yesterday to see the damage and i can tell you beyond this road block it's a total mess. this area known as beach haven looks more like beach hell. sand swallowing everything in its path and boats with nowhere left to go. >> how does the water knock our refrigerator down. >> reporter: joe decided not evacuate. he has two ruined cars and a bruised ego. >> i imagine the question people are asking you why did you decide to stay? >> i don't know. not very brilliant idea. >> you wish you had left? >> yes. >> reporter: with no power or water and temperatures in the low 50s he and his wife rita finally gave up wednesday. the national guard hauled out the holdovers from an island that's n >> we have no water, sewer, electric, gas, phones. we're basically dead in the
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water here. >> reporter: dawn russell is glad she fled to a red cross shelter 12 days ago with her son. she saw what's left of her house for the first time yesterday. >> when i pulled up, it was horrible. i had a boat interest my car. my house, everything was disarray. everything you can imagine is gone from the house. >> one of the things people say is it's stuff. when it's your stuff, what is it like? >> they say you're happy you're okay, yes, but that's my life. everything that i worked all these years to get and saved to get is gone. >> reporter: like so many along the jersey shore trying to recover from all that sandy left behind, dawn will have to do it without insurance. >> not even the worst part at this point. i really don't. >> it's hard for kids to see mom suffering. >> yes, yes. >> reporter: what have you told them? >> you know, we're going to try
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to pick up where we're at now and try to start over. all we can do. >> reporter: unfortunately, it's going to take a while. the mayor of long beach island township told us it will be five to six days before people can go to the island and see what their homes look like. he says the damage, $700 million at least. it could cost $200 million simply to remove all that sand from the streets. nora? >> just incredible as you talk to residents there. you talk about five days, people being able to see their homes. but people can't live there. how many -- where are they going live for the month in the future? >> reporter: yeah, it's going to take a while. the mayor said it could be months before some parts of the island can be -- before people can move back. you have people in shelters. you have a lot of people transitioning to living with friends and family. so a lot of support around here, a lot of people taking in their neighbors. basically doing anything they can.
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>> thanks for your reporting. and sandy has caused billions of dollars in damage. insurance will cover some of the losses, not all of them. we'll find out what you can do now and what to expect from your insurance company. that's coming up on "cbs this morning." living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis means living with pain. it could also mean living with joint damage. help relieve the pain and stop the damage with humira, adalimumab. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. so you can treat more than just the pain. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma,
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at low prices, every day. it will be months before we know the full cost of superstorm sandy's destruction. conservative estimates say it will surpass $50 billion and one of the most expensive hurricanes in american history. >> the number one question for storm victims how much of the losses are covered by insurance, bob hartwig, president of the insurance information institute
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joins us now. welcome. >> gloobd here. >> what are your estimates of the damage? >> right now we're looking at insured estimate losses of $5 to $15 billion. one of the most expensive hurricanes in u.s. history. >> in the top five? >> top five, six, seven. >> who is covering who is not covered? >> pretty much everyone will have some form of insurance. you're required to carry insurance if you have a mortgage and most people do anyway. if you live on the shore typically you'll have a stand homeowners policy that will cover wind damage and most people will have flood damage and that will cover damage from flooding and the storm surge. >> most required by mortgage. >> particularly federally backed you'll be required to have that mortgage. >> what do you do? >> first, when you get back to your property, go out there and inspect that property very carefully in case there's live wires or gas lines. document the damage. use a cram. take photographs. jot down notes. call your agent or insurance
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company and then what will to be done is you'll be added to the list and an adjuster will come and visit you as quickly as possible. >> what does that mean? >> it depends on where you are. insurers have marshalled agents. armies of at and adjusters are descending into the area. even before the storm was hit. as soon as they are allowed to enter these areas they will accompany you and adjust your lame. >> i have a question for people in breezy point who have lost their homes due to fire. >> right. >> will they get insurance coverage for where they are going live in the meantime while their current house is rebuilt? >> they will. in fact fires covered by your homeowner's insurance policy and so are temporary living expenses. your adjuster even has the authority to check for you on-the-spot to help you secure, to have a few dollars for a hotel room, for example. >> what's the difference between you have private insurance and then the federal disaster relief
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insurance that people can start applying for today? >> private insurance is what you get from your homeowners insurance company or if you have a business. that money will be sent to you directly again even a check might be written on-the-spot by the adjuster. federal aid will be available we heard beginning today for everybody who is affected by this storm and you can begin to storm clouds still moving through the bay area right now. clouds still thick but we'll part toward the afternoon and
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try to bring you some sunshine. hi-def give picking up rain toward the south bay and san jose, moderate amounts of showers on the 101 and this afternoon widely scattered showers. a few 60s and 70s, sunshine too, dry and warmer the next few days. conditions are so bad halloween was postponed in many places last night. we'll see how some people managed to celebrate in spite of sandy. that's next on cbs "this morning." this is george. he is a good little monkey and always very curious. one day george got an important letter... he's built a rocket ship to travel into space. it's just the right size for a clever monkey. do you want to go into space, george? you will have to be very brave. hi, grandma!
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oh hi,. my little monkey! here. thank you very much. you're welcome. everyone got on and they were off to the launching site. google, how far is earth to the moon? moon is 238,900 miles... the great moment had come... ...5...4...3...2...1
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what are you waiting for? this is big news. if you're fortunate enough to make it through, thousands displaced from their homes. in manhattan the power is out in downtown or as we reforeit now little north korea. >> if these cups were still legal maybe the city wouldn't have flooded at all. that's not the point. that's the way it is. now because of the chaos brought by hurricane sandy, halloween was all but forgotten in some areas. downed trees and power lines made it too dangerous for trick or treaters. however as terrell brown reports the spirit of halloween was not completely lost.
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>> happy halloween. >> reporter: for some it was a night to celebrate. after a week most folks wanted to forget. sandy may have been dubbed a frankenstorm but she left many this halloween with nowhere or no reason to celebrate. new york city's famous halloween parade was cancelled for the first time in nearly 40 years as parts of downtown are still without power. the situation so severe in new jersey, governor chris christie signed an executive order postponing trick or treating. >> halloween will be on monday in new jersey. >> my power knows no bounds. no bounds at all. >> reporter: sandy claimed a white house tradition. each year the president and first lady handout candy to military children. president obama spent yesterday touring new jersey's devastated coastline instead. >> we're here for you. and we will not forget, we will follow up to make sure that you get all the help that you need until you rebuild. >> reporter: but sandy didn't
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stop everyone. at a shelter in pleasantville, new jersey, red cross volunteers gave out candy and painted the faces of displaced children. residents on new york city's upper east side celebrated with a block party. >> the kids are getting a little bit of a relief. new york has gone to through a terrible time and while we take the tragedy very seriously, tip typical new yorkers to make a party out of it. >> reporter: even with a tree on their home one family on long island had a bowl of candy ready just in case. for cbs "this morning," brown. >> norah there's one family in washington, d.c. that also went out last night. take a look at this family. father, mother, three kids. >> those are my kids. they a great time.
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batgirl and i only ate three pieces of candy, charlie. >> and your husband is dressed as? >> a piece of bacon. >> we'll be right back. back in a moment. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. hundreds of nurses are approaching their second hour of a one-day strike at 7 hospitals affiliated with sutter health. the affected facilities are in oakland, berkeley, castro valley, san leandro antioch and vallejo. they are still operating with replacement workers. police hope cell phone video can help them catch vandals who set a san francisco bus on fire during sunday night's giants celebration. a newspaper photo has already led to the arrest of one man who has committed smashing the bus windshield. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. ,, ,,,,,,
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good morning. of the roads are slick and we're seeing spinouts, slower speed and gridlock in the bay area including in the east bay. coming close to the caldecott
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tunnel sounds like it's past the orinda exit, westbound 24 several lanes blocked. you can see some red traffic sensors in those areas. speeds are below 25 miles per hour. heavy traffic as well through the south bay, northbound 280 through downtown we have an accident and in our 5:00 hour, we had a crash through the livermore valley. stick backing up through the altamont pass. drive time almost 40 minutes between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. lawrence, has the wet forecast. >> we have cloudy skies right now. the rain continuing to fall in part of the bay area. overlooking the transamerica building in san francisco, fairly dry there still plenty of clouds but the focus now shifts further to the south. hi-def doppler picking up on the moisture. you can see it make its way into the south bay. the santa cruz mountains also southern parts of san jose. some moderate amounts of rainfall showing up there along the 101. so be careful heading in that direction. looks like it will break up by the afternoon. 60s and 70s. warmer and drier the next couple of days. ,,,,,,
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it is 8:00. welcome back to cbs "this morning." >> superstorm sandy victims spend another day digging out of a the president sees the damage firsthand with governor chris christie. and we'll ask former governor jeb bush about the government's storm response as he looks ahead to election day on tuesday. but first here's a look at
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continues. take a look at this family. >> they had a great time. >> and your husband is dressed as? >> a piece of bacon. >> i'm charlie rose with gale king. norra donald is in washington.
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the death toll is at least 75 ere in new york subways are running for the first time si e since. searched. president obama and new jersey governor
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will likely be a week before most power is restored. some areas -- ost people back just yet. charlie, norah, gayle. >> one of the most striking image from the storm is that damaged crane still dangling high over the streets of manhattan. senior correspondent john miller spoke with two new york city engineers who had to climb up there to find out just how dangerous the situation is. >> reporter: during the storm that snapped the boom off the crane with winds gusting through the 72 story construction site and swinging the hanging boom back and forth, two new york city building department's engineers had to get to the top of the building and answer the question, would the boom hold or come crashing down? for most of the long climb, the only way up was the stairs. >> i've never heard anything as loud as wind howling in my life as we got to the 48th floor.
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you have to apply so much pressure to open the door. i was with him. we got into the hallway. and you could almost get sucked right now. hallway and it can get right out. >> they had to check each of the structural braces that held the towerer with the crane on top. know it's a mess that high. we were concerned about the upper most high, if that tie had failed that means the mass could fall. that 1,000-foot mass. >> reporter: if the climb up was perilous it was nothing when they got on the roof. >> you're on the edge of a roof where a normal person wouldn't want to be. >> i'm looking for information. i know i'm sound, i'm tied off. knowing once you're tethered i'm okay with that. you start looking around and start doing real work. it does make your heat beat.
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>> reporter: for cbs "this morning," john miller, new york. it does make your heart beat, i'll say. and the good old pay phone is making a come back. remember those? thanks to superstorm sandy new yorkers who don't have electricity are lining up to use them because their cell phones died or they just don't get reception. the "wall street journal" reports some tech savvy people can't figure out how to use this retrodevice. they are losing a lot of quarters. >> norah you remember the phone booth, don't you? >> absolutely. the pay phones. great piece in the "journal" about 24-year-olds keep putting the quarter in and doesn't realize how to work the phone even though they are tech savvy. they are too retro. >> could it's still around because it's working during times like this. >> from pay phones to politics the presidential candidates are walking a fine line between comforting and campaigning. on wednesday both president obama and governor mitt romney urged the country to try and
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come together. >> we're going to have a lot of work to do. i don't want anybody to feel that somehow this is all going to get cleaned up overnight. but what i can promise you is that the federal government will be working as closely as possible with the state and local officials and we will not quit until this is done. >> we also have full hearts because we know our fellow americans in some parts of our country are struggling through tough times with the hurricane that hit the atlantic coast. when there are challenges we come together and help one another and that help is needed now. >> both men head back out on the campaign trail today. the campaign trail. a poll shows mr. obama leading. mr. obama leading romney among aceely voters. in september that poll found the and new je critics tied. new jersey's governor is facing
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christi criticism from other hepublicans. theydnesday we saw christie join the president on his helicopter. stor aboen to what he said about it t?st night. day. do pinch myself every day. when i got on marine one i'm myching myself. it is not exactly what i thought would be happening in my life. 's worhas been working hard for the residents of that state of
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it is it is a huge and serious debate here in new york city. will sunday's marathon put too much of a strain on police who have been working nonstop because of sandy? that story is coming up next on cbs this morning. ççççñçzñççççzçzzzzzzççñ,ç
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[ female announcer ] a classic meatloaf recipe from stouffer's starts with ground beef, unions, and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. let's fix dinner.
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that moment you enjoy it at home.
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marathon is still on ladies and gentlemen. let's see, major streets and roads in five boroughs still closed. subways not running. power outages all over the city. yeah, let's have a marathon! why not. typically, as you know, the new
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york city marathon is won by a guy from kenya. no, no, i'm sorry i'm thinking about next week's election. >> new york city has slowed to a crawl because of superstorm sand chip but some of the world's top runners are hurrying to get here for new york city's marathon. the race is going ahead as scheduled. erin moriarty is looking to see if they are ready to go. >> reporter: in a typical year 47,000 athletes from around the world come to compete in the new york city marathon. that number will be lower because of sandy. just as the criticism is beginning to rise for having that race at all. molly pritz was the top american female finisher at last year's new york marathon. this year she hopes to do better. >> it's a race just to get here. >> reporter: then sandy came along. >> just the devastation of it
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left me shocked. you never know how hard it will hit. >> reporter: despite flooding and power outages brought by this storm of the century, mayor michael bloomberg said the race will go on. >> there's lots of people that came here. it's a great event for new york. >> reporter: the decision sparked debate on the facebook page of the new york roadrunner's club. the organization responsible for the marathon. this is one of the biggest slaps in the face you can give to responders, victims and survivor of this disaster one member wrote. while another posted new york city needs this race for normalcy. the nypd won't reveal how many first responders will be on hand only telling cbs news there will be adequate detail to secure and barricade the 26 mile race through new york's five boroughs. the effort is joined by some 8,000 volunteers. it will be a good thing for the city post-sandy.
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>> reporter: anil bhambhani manages a new york athletic store. he likens this year's race to the one he ran after 9/11. >> big sense of pride and accomplishment for new yorkers. >> reporter: molly pritz wouldn't be kept away but training presents its own challenge. central park has been closed to clear debris. 4 athlete tons the now overcrowded streets of the city. clean up crews are working to make all the pavement passable. still participants will get a good glimpse of the devastation along the route. sanitation workers are clearing the starting line on staten island where some residents are still missing. in brooklyn the runners will pass buildings submerged days ago. in queens within ten miles of the neighborhood that lost 100 homes to fire and flood. the race will end in manhattan after heading briefly through the bronx where a combined 280,000 residents remain without power.
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for molly pritz it will be the race of a lifetime and one she could have never expected. >> you come here it's more than just a normal race. it's an experience that not only makes you run better but it makes you feel like you're running for something more important. >> senior correspondent john miller has run the new york marathon. he was involved in planning for it. there's intense debates on both sides, one of the arguments is it's inappropriate and it will stretch nypd resources too much. what do you think? >> well, this comes down to one of these things like after 9/11, when they decided to run the marathon but they also did the big event at madison square garden. this is where one of the things they get in the back of the mayor's office who are we as a city and we're a city that will be unbound by any event if 9/11 won't force it certainly this storm won't. it's a lot like running a marathon. working through the pain. >> 9/11 had two months. you had two no, sir prepare.
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this is less than a week. >> and most of the damage was downtown. >> that's right. >> the idea of getting to any of these places, getting to staten island when the subways aren't running. >> part of where they get lucky here if there's any luck in this week is that the part that starts in staten island starts on the bridge. so the first thing it does is leave staten island which has been affected and runs through the part of brooklyn that has been not as affect as garrison beach or south brooklyn and goes up through the short part of brompgs and down the part of the manhattan that's not in the blackout. as fate would have it the existing marathon route skirts the areas that i guess in the least trouble. >> bottom line does it stretch nypd and others? >> it will. but this is a huge department. this is 35,000 cops. then you got a few,000 traffic enforcement agents to man those intersections too. the key here, though, is that this is an off the shelf plan. it's been -- they've done it a
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thousand times. they know how many people it takes. they know the route. they know the posting. they know the barrier details. you're talking between 2,000 and 3,000 cops between the no parking detail, the barriers, the route, the overtime factor is budgeted. there's some argument it would have taken more trouble to cancel it with all of that done ahead of time than it would to go through it. the key is they know they can do it, they know they are stretched and they know that the cops in the department are willing to do it. >> it may be something about the spirit of new york. >> that's the key. >> pulling people together and showing not only in your own words we're here and we can still do the kinds of things that we always have tone. >> one line i saw on facebook said the city that never sleeps never quits. that seemed to kind of sum it up. >> never been cancelled. >> never been cancelled. >> and frankly, for all we've been through this week it could be an uplifting event.
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>> you ran in 1984. why haven't you run since then? >> well that was 17 years ago and probably at least 45 pounds ago and when i finished that race i remember saying why would anyone ever do this again. >> i was surprised you learned to do it. go john. >> thank you, sir. >> one in a row. >> the recovery from sandy has only just begun. we'll continue that story. this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by macy's. [ female announcer ] we were flattered when regenerist beat
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a $100 cream. flabbergasted when we creamed a $500 cream. for about $30 regenerist micro-sculpting cream hydrates better than over 20 of america's most expensive luxury creams. fantastic. phenomenal. regenerist.
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we call this our mission.mpany, green toys teaches children that if i have a milk jug and i stick it in the recycling bin it can turn into something new. chase allows us to buy capital equipment to be able to manufacture in the states to the scale we need to be a global company. with a little luck green toys could be the next great american brand. find what's next for your business at the governor of florida jeb bush had to respond to more than a dozen big storms. we'll ask him about the government's response to sandy. and as mitt romney supporter, how does elf about governor chris christie saying all those things that he said about president obama. we'll find out from governor bush on cbs "this morning." n soldiers and b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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convention center is expecta big turn out for a free evet >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. hi, everyone. good morning. 8:235 your time. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with some bay area headlines right now. san jose's convention center expecting a big turnout for a free event to help keep people in their homes. dozens showed up before dawn this morning to get free advice on mortgages that can no longer be afforded. it's called the american dream tour and it runs daily until monday. check it out. hundreds of nurses are on strike at hospitals affiliated with sutter health. the affected facilities are the cities of oakland, berkeley, castro valley, san leandro, antioch and vallejo. the nurses have been in contract negotiations for the past 18 months. and airlines have resumed some service in and out of the northeast now. the first flights landing in the bay area last night. one of the first to arrive was
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the united flight from jfk to sfo and flights from the bay area now have resumed departures to some of the east coast cities affected by sandy. got your traffic and weather on a thursday right after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. let's take you out towards the bay bridge. just getting word of a new accident on the "s" curve upper deck so unfortunately, it is already backed up through the maze approaching the pay gates over at the bay bridge. at least 20 minutes to get on the span. elsewhere, if you are coming
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through orinda, really backed up. they are trying to clear an accident westbound 24 approaching wilder. unfortunately as you can see from our live traffic sensors, it is jammed solid all the way to lafayette approaching acalanes. that's your traffic. more on your west forecast with lawrence. >> a few showers continuing to fall around the bay area right now. a lot of clouds outside. and looks like the clouds shifting further to the south with the rain line there and in toward the san jose area. still picking up some showers so if you are heading in that direction, watch out for the rain. it is making its way across the 101. hi-def doppler picking that up and into the just mountains. you see some yellow out there with moderate rainfall making its way in that direction. that's going to pull out of town a little later on this morning. so we'll dry things out toward the afternoon with partial clearing, 60s and 70s. then the next couple of days, high pressure begins to sneak back in here. a few leftover clouds for tomorrow. but over the weekend, we could see an offshore wind. maybe temperatures backed up into the 70s and low 80s by sunday. ,,,,,,,,
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you're looking at long lines of cars trying to get into manhattan. welcome back to cbs "this morning." as president obama looked at storm damage on wednesday governor mitt romney campaigned in florida with the state's former governor jeb bush. at one stop he mentioned the hurricanes and tropical storm florida had to face in 2004 and 2005 alone. governor bush joins us now. good morning.
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>> good morning. charlie can you hear me >> yes i can. you've been through this. tell me what your experiences teach you about this kind of devastation and how to respond? >> well, it requires public leadership and governors and mayors appear to me to be stepping up in a very important way. it requires having a coordinated response, not getting impatient, communicating well to the people, giving them some confidence that the information you give is truthful and it is accurate. it requires more than anything else getting power back up because as you can see without power life just doesn't work really well in the united states particularly in densely-populated areas. and then there's going some real conflicts in the weeks to come about insurance and about reimbursement but right now i think the focus is how do you get power back on as quickly as
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possible so moms can drop their kids off at child care and people can get back to work and you can restore some, you know, some aspect of life that's ordinary. >> if you were the republican governor of new jersey would you want the president to come in and tour the damage and promise the full cooperation of the federal government? >> yeah. i think that's more symbolism than anything else because, of course, the federal government is going to provide support for new jersey and new york and all the other affected states. but the president in these kind of roles is not like, you know, you're not is going ask the president to make sure that the new jersey turnpike has power on. that's not his job. but it is his job to symbolically be the counselor in chief. a lot of people are scared during these times. a lot of people lose a lot and they don't know what to do and having a president on the ground makes all the sense in the world. so i thought it was appropriate for the president to be there and it was appropriate for
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governor christie. >> you give high marks for what the president is doing at this point? >> look, the federal government's role is to support local and state government. it isn't the expectation shouldn't be anything more than that. when you raise expectations beyond that it is impossible for fema to respond to local responses if the local governments and state governments decide not to do it. >> you were campaigning in florida with governor romney saying that the president, president obama doesn't have the humility to reach out and find common ground to solve problems. why would you say that? >> well, i was struck in these three events with governor romney, these are partisan conservative republican crowds, 5,000 each maybe in each one of these stops. i was struck by their response to his appeal to bipartisanship and his commitment to do so.
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i think the country irrespective of ideology is yearning for political figures to be creative and innovative and determined to find common ground. i think the president has spent most of his time explaining away why it hasn't worked the way he wanted to and dividing the country. i'm not optimistic if he's re-elected he'll do anything different than what he has done. i hope i'm wrong. but i believe mitt romney will be elected president and it was more a response to listen to his message and to see how people responded to it in a very favorable way. >> why do you believe that when all the polls including the most recent poll showing president obama leading by five in ohio, about even in florida, i think it is now even though governor romney was expected to be in florida and some people say the fact that the president was campaigning, that governor romney campaigning with you shows florida may very well be in play. >> well, i saw -- i think if you're referring to the poll
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that cbs news and quinnipiac did, to look at the structure of that poll and i think it's just not accurate. that would be my guess. look it will be a close election. i could be wrong. i do feel the momentum has been in governor romney's -- on governor romney's side and i do think at the end challengers typically do better than incumbents. what they poll more or less, incumbent, the challengers are the ones that pick up ground. one thing that mitt romney is clearly going to do is win a large, by a large margin independent voters. so there has to be a massive turnout among democrats for the president to win it. it may happen but i doubt it. >> one question of turnout is the hispanic vote. you speak well to hispanics. where do you think clearly they are for president obama in large numbers. do you think they will turn out? >> it's hard to tell.
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i think based on press accounts it looks as though the turnout in nevada for president obama among hispanics may be a deciding factor. but in other places it may not. so, you know, it's hard to tell. i think in florida the gap has narrowed significantly. and governor romney is doing much better among hispanic voters here not just cuban-american voters that are traditionally republican, but puerto rican voters and others. we're in for a real close election next tuesday for sure. >> here's the question. story in "new york times" say in dwindling days of the campaign romney takes a softer tack. if romney campaigned more like jeb bush woe be more likely to be ahead today? >> i think governor romney's campaign was, got to a slow to respond to the attack of the president in july and august. but after the debate, he's found
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his rhythm, and you can see there's just been a progressive, i don't know if it's more moderate but a tone that's more positive, a tone that's reaching out. you can be a committed conservative and find common ground with liberals. it happens all the time. it happens at every state capital and happens occasionally in washington, d.c. believe it or not. ask paul ryan and ron riden as it affects medicare. they found common ground. i want requires a president to create that climate where it happens more often as not. >> as always, governor bush, thank you for joining us. i hope we can do it often beyond the political campaign. weather experts are saying new york to have prepared for sandy. how the lessons from this storm could save money and lives when the next storm hits.,,,,,,,,,,,,
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thousands of superstorm sandy victims are police officers, firefighters and other first responders. now they are helping other victims even as their homes and families are still at risk. on wednesday elaine quijano was an eyewitness to a local emergency in new jersey. >> reporter: our cameras were rolling as smoke started to billow out of this house on a deserted street in moonachie. after we called 911 firefighters showed up in three minutes carrying equipment they saved from their flooded firestation. frank smith is the assistant fire chief. >> we have no police desk, no fire department, no ambulance squad. we're operating on whatever we grab during the flood and we're operating out of a shelter. >> reporter: one firefighter was in sweat pants when he entered the building.
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this was just one of a half-dozen fires since floodwaters overran this town. these volunteers know every call could end at their own door step nine got secure my power. i got to secure my gas. i'm afraid this will happen to my house. i live down the block. >> reporter: on wednesday for the first time, he had a chance to help himself. eight feet of water was in his house. and his belongings are now piled outside. >> everything. trying to stay strong for my kids. >> reporter: he was on duty during the storm and rushed home to rescue his family. >> my wife was holding him up and this one i had in my arm. crazy. we were running in and out. >> reporter: he can't focus on himself for long. the calls from his neighbors keeps coming. >> still responding. >> you can't prepare for this. you can't prepare for water, within, no fighting it.
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you know. fires will break out. we'll be here to put them down. that's what we do. >> reporter: for cbs "this morning," elaine quijano, moonachie, new jersey. >> it is too late to prepare for this disaster but we can start planning for the next big storm that is the focus of "time" magazine's cover story, lessons from sandy written by senior editor brian walsh. welcome. here's the cover of your magazine. you make this point. if you don't pay now you'll pay later. >> absolutely. we can see now we know the devastation from sandy will be in the billions of dollars. if you prepare now, you know, hopefully we'll head off some future storms like this in the coming days. >> but you say that we still depend on 20th century technology to power 21st century economy. what does that mean. >> that's referring to the electrical grid. we saw what 8 million people who lost power. we have a system that isn't ready for this kind of a
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disaster. you have a grid that can go down easily. even smaller events like halloween's storm last year. we have a system that's like the internet, more flexible, more resilient you can get it back online faster. >> people can tweet but still couldn't use internet or cell phones. >> exactly. the signature moment of the storm people tweeting that they had lost power which shows that very clearly. >> what are the big lessons back to the cover story, a lesson from the storm that makes a difference in terms of the future? >> a few. climate change clearly is real. scientists will differ how much climate change affect as storm like this. this will become more and more common in the future we'll have stronger storms, we'll have these coastal flooding events which are disastrous with sandy. one thing we need to deal with. secondarily we have to think we have cities like new york, 3.7
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million americans who live within a few feet of high tide. so these are people who will be vulnerable toni kind of an event in the future. we have to think do we move them or put infrastructure out of harm's way. do we lift up roads, subways things like that. do we lift up electrical grid, electrical generating equipment to make sure it doesn't get knocked out. >> can we learn from other cities like london? >> london is a great example. they have a sea barrier that are dealing with a thames. other cities have thought about this. new york has not expect ad storm like this. andrew cuomo the governor talked about how we have once a century flood every couple of years. that will happen in the future. we have to think where do we put our equipment and people as well to make sure they are not in harm's way. >> brain walsh, the cover story from "time" magazine called lessons from the storm. >> the new issue of "time" is now available online. it will be on newsstands in the
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northeast tomorrow. here's a question. can you explain the electoral college? this morning mo rocca looks at our voting system through the eyes of some very smart little kids. you're watching cbs "this morning." we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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i'm tired. i'm tired of barack obama and mitt romney. . >> is that why you're crying? it will be over soon, abby. okay. the election will be over soon,
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okay. >> okay. >> she's very upset and she's right. on tuesday it will be over soon, abby because we vote for president. but we don't elect the president. that's the electoral college's job. in a new documentary called "electoral dysfunction." mo rocca asked some young people to describe that. >> we're going to have an election and i want you to choose between two candidates. colored pencils and markers. who is voting for colored pencils. 10 vote for colored pencils. who is voting for markers. 14 for markers. markers have won the popular vote. but now it's time network these young minds by derogatory them to the electoral college. table one electoral how do you
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cast your mark? >> markers. >> table three >> colored pencils. >> in the end the election came down to one state. >> elect tor how do you cast your vote >> colored pencils. >> everybody thought it was unfair because it's not just about the electoral vote it's about everybody's votes. >> so, you were a rabble rouser. >> mo rocca is with us now. >> third graders have an uncorrupted sense of fairness. >> how did we get to this >> the electoral college which thomas jefferson called in the constitution was an unenthusiastic compromise among the framers. they toyed with the idea of a popular vote. they rejected that.
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they thought about congress selecting the president that would have given congress too much power so they settled on an indirect election which was common at the time and slavery played a role. it was a way of giving the south credit for their slaves electoral credit for their slaves. while they treated slaves zero fifth each slave constituted a three-fifth of a person. >> let's go back to your kids in the piece. that little boy said no fair it's cheating. latest poll say 62% of the voters, mo, do not like the electoral college system yet it still exists today. >> both democrats and republicans don't like it. and in my opinion, if mitt romney were to win the popular vote and barack obama were to win the electoral college vote, i don't think the electoral college would be disbanded. it would blow up in a fiery ball because both parties would have been lost out with the electoral college in the course of 12 years.
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>> what will they do? >> well, there would have to be a constitutional amendment. there's a plan to do an end run around the constitution something called the national popular vote plan and i don't want to take too long to explain i want but it's a way for states, interstate compact and a bunch of states have agreed to it saying that they will cast their electoral votes for the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how their state votes if enough states agree to this to equal the number of 270. i know it's confusing. if you have a dvr rewind it. it makes sense. >> the bottom line is how can you win the popular vote and still not be president of the united states? >> we're the only democracy on earth that uses this system and defenders of it say well what about the small states? it protects the small states. the only states it protects are a handful of swing states. these guys are running for president of ohio now. it doesn't make any sense. >> so if in fact they are not
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electoral, if in fact nobody gets 270 electoral votes, both have say 269 -- >> it turns to congress. >> house of representatives decides on the president. >> that's correct. >> and the senate decides on the vice president. >> that's correct. >> could end up with a president from the republican party and a vice president from the democratic party. >> i smell sitcom. that's a ridiculous situation. but i believe that if it were a popular vote you would have mitt romney campaigning in orange county, california, barack obama going to austin, texas at least it would be more -- they would be going more parts of the country. >> nicely done. thank you. >> thank you gayle. norah, thank you for joining us from washington. we look forward to seeing you back here. that does it for us. up next is your local news. we will see you tomorrow on cbs "this morning." more political news and we continue to follow the fallout from hurricane sandy. see you tomorrow. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald hi, everyone. good morning. 8:55 your time. i'm frank mallicoat with your cbs 5 headlines on this thursday. some new cell phone video shows suspects setting a muni bus on fire last sunday. san francisco police hope this video will go viral and leads to an arrest. newspaper photo has already led to a police arresting a man smashing that bus windshield sunday night. marin county teen accused of attempted murder and stealing a celebrity chef's lamborghini back in court today. that's 128-year-old max wade. he -- that's 18-year-old max wade. he is sent to make a plea. he is accused of shooting at an suv and suspect in the theft of a lamborghini. shares of netflix rose as
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much as 16% at carl icahn bought a 10% stake in the company. there are 30 million subscribers worldwide. let's check the weather. it's wet out there. let's find out how long and when it's going to stop. >> raindrops on especially in the south bay right now. showers pulling through town. clouds out there likely to part a little later on still a little gloomy if you are heading out the door. hi-def doppler though track the raindrops. the cold front pulling through now into the santa cruz mountains also into the south bay. we are seeing moderate amounts of rainfall there. that will taper off toward the afternoon. those skies are going to part. temperatures in the 60s and a few 70s. next couple of days maybe a few leftover clouds but then we warm up as we head into saturday and sunday. could see an offshore wind with temperatures back up in the 70s and 80s in many places on sunday and into the beginning of this next week. we are going to check your "timesaver traffic" coming up next. ,, ,, ,,,,
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good morning. we are seeing slow speeds around the east bay. they just cleared an accident in orinda westbound 24. it was right before the wilder exit. so all lanes clear. it's still jammed up though looks like from at least acalanes and lafayette. also in the east bay southbound 680 very heavy through the san ramon valley from walnut creek down towards danville. we actually had a couple of crashes there. let's get a check of one bridge. here's the bay bridge toll plaza. they cleared an accident near the "s" curve on the upper deck heading into san francisco. out of lanes back to the maze. ,,,,,,,,
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