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tv   CBS 5 Early Edition  CBS  November 5, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PST

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this. we are going to see some record heat outside today. just how hot you'll get in your enabled coming up. >> like summer again. look at that. a repeat. thanks, lawrence. >> here's a live look outside at the golden gate where nothing really will slow you down across the span. we have some overnight roadwork on the approaches all the way through marin county. we'll tell you more about that "timesaver traffic" in just a few minutes. new this morning, investigators are trying to figure out what caused a fire at a strip mall in pleasant hill. they are calling it suspicious. it started at 11:15 last night on contra costa boulevard. cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran is out there live with the latest. >> reporter: i just spoke with the fire inspector who says he will talk to us in a moment to update us. you can see there's a little aftermath of last night's fire. you can see it's still dark inside there. but there are crews working busy, contractors there trying to board up parts of the walls
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inside. but let's look at video from earlier. investigators found this suspicious molotov cocktail a makeshift bomb on the scene. that's one of the reasons they are thinking this could be a suspicious fire. contra costa fire protection district says it started around 11:15 last night at this shopping center in the 500 block of contra costa boulevard. >> there's a lot of smoke and fire alarms going off. at this point we consider it suspicious and we have an investigator on the way. >> reporter: it took crews about 20 minutes to put it out. no one was injured. back out live, there's still a lot of damage here that people are trying to wrap up and clean up. at this point, we don't know -- we can just see one business here magic touch lawn, we don't know how many other businesses
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were affected. the fire inspector is on scene. we are expecting to hear from him in the next half hour. back to you guys. >> thank you, cate caugiran in pleasanton. a one-year-old girl from modesto is being treated for a gunshot wound and is in critical condition. police say someone dropped her off at a hospital yesterday afternoon and told officers that the toddler had been hit during a drive-by shooting. later the girl was transferred to children's hospital in oakland. again, the girl is in critical condition but stable. it is 4:32 now. four people are dead from a crash that shut down i-5 south of sacramento for several hours. the chp says a ford expedition crossed the median slammed head on into a honda accord. both cars rolled on impact and passengers were ejected. there were nine people inside that suv. three of them died. the driver of that honda also died. 7 people had to go to the hospital. a driver facing felony hit- and-run charges after a pedestrian was run down up in
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santa rosa. it happened near the intersection of guerneville road and coffee lane around midnight. a witness helped police find a car with severe damage nearby. 30-year-old christian ballesteros is under arrest for dui and hit-and-run. the pedestrian is expected to survive. seven people are safe and sound after their boat capsized off the marin county coast. four adults and three children were on the 25-foot pleasure craft when it overturned yesterday afternoon near the mouth of tomales bay. >> rescuers had to cut a hole in the hull to pull out two of the children who had been trapped underneath. two others were rescued from the water by helicopter while the other three made it to shore on their own. no one was wearing a life jacket. >> this is a very happy ending today. nobody was injured. certainly nobody was killed. and the children and the parents were reunited and it
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was a very happy ending. >> it's still unclear what caused the boat it capsize but the coast guard says weather was not a factor. i am not ready to give up on the fight and i hope you aren't either, new hampshire. i hope you aren't, either. >> i need iowa! i need iowa so we can win the white house and take back america! >> it's almost over, folks. the major presidential candidates making one final push at polling places across the u.s. begin opening less than 24 hours from now. the "associated press" says it appears president has an edge towards the 207 electoral roads is needed to win. but these six states represent 83 electoral votes. polls suggest most battleground states are too close to call. here's susan mcginnis with a look at where they will campaign on this election eve.
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reporter: president obama did a little dance in cincinnati where stevie wonder introduced him. also at ohio, mitt romney talked about the president's chances of winning. >> it's possible but not likely. >> reporter: the candidates have been burning up jet fuel crisscrossing the country. on sunday, president obama was in new hampshire, florida, ohio and colorado. >> i know a bunch of you already voted. >> yeah! >> but if you haven't, there's still time. >> reporter: today, he will hit more swing states, wisconsin, iowa and ohio before heading home to chicago for election day. >> after all we've been through together, we can't give up now. >> reporter: mitt romney's battleground bonanza sunday included iowa, ohio, virginia and pennsylvania. >> we're taking back the white house because we're going to win pennsylvania! >> reporter: today he will visit florida, ohio, virginia and new hampshire. >> if you are tired of being
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tired, not just tonight but all the time... >> reporter: both candidates saw huge crowds at their rallies this weekend. and both realize at this point it's all about getting as many people as possible into the election booth. >> that's what's going to decide this because frankly, there's very few if any undecided voters left. >> reporter: that's a fact even these candidates can agree with. >> we're no longer relevant now. we're props. ultimately it's up to you. you have the power. >> reporter: a power voters will exercise tomorrow. susan mcginnis, cbs news, washington. it is important to note it's now too late to send your ballot by mail. it has to arrive to be counted by 8:00 tomorrow evening so check with your registrar of voters office in your county for information on drop-off locations. and, of course, stay with and cbs 5 for election coverage with live results from around the nation, california and, of course, right here in the bay area, as well. more subways are running in new york city this morning a
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week after superstorm sandy slammed the city. that's good news for commuters who are still having trouble finding gas for their cars and generators. power is slowly being restored with about 1.4 million outages still reported. over the weekend, many people got their first look at their devastated neighborhoods. >> the only thing we had was the clothes on our backs and just grabbed our animals and ran, not expecting to come back to nothing. [ crying ] >> part of our house is across the street, our couch two streets down. [ crying ] >> more than 50,000 people in new jersey have applied for fema assistance and fema has already approved more than $30 million in payments. bay area red cross volunteers are sending emergency response staff and vehicles to help victims. they will be making the three- day drive to new york and take supplies and food to some of the 2 million people still without power. more than 100 volunteers from
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the bay area have been deployed to the east coast since sandy hit a week ago. our parent company, cbs corporation, has contributed a million dollars to the american red cross. in addition, cbs corporation will match any contributions made by its employees to any sandy-related relief efforts by making an additional contribution to the american red cross. 4:38 now. probably the best weekend ever weather-wise. 80 degrees and somebody got a cold. >> yeah. i know. i wanted to go enjoy the weather outside and i was in bed most of the day. >> good news is the nice weather is going to stick around for a couple more days so if you can kick this cold we have some great weather. looks like record-breaking temperatures the next couple of days. enjoy it. what a contrast we are going to see as we head in toward the latter part of the week when we could actually see a little snow across our mountains. outside now we have mostly clear skies although there is some patchy fog in the north
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bay valleys. temperatures right now in the 50s and 60s fairly mild into san francisco huge dome of high pressure brought you the great weekend but the combination of that ridge and the offshore winds, that will bring with it a chance of some record- breaking temperatures toward the afternoon. this is what we're expecting. records here set in san francisco 80 degrees. by the afternoon, we could see as high as 81, about 80 in oakland, 84 degrees in redwood city, about 83 in san jose. and 85 degrees in santa rosa. if we hit those numbers, all those will be records running about 2 to 3 degrees above the previous record. wouldn't that be something? >> i'm kind of excited about this one warm. >> enjoy it because we may have snow later this week. >> thanks, lawrence. outside, live and everything is actually quiet so far this monday. the back-to-work monday, live look at the bay bridge. you can see how well traffic is moving so far approaching the pay gates and it looks great across the upper deck. similar story crossing the san mateo bridge. we'll show you this live look. this is just past the toll plaza. the headlights coming towards
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you is traffic heading towards the east bay. in the commute direction we are still looking good. 14 minutes in either direction. roadwork on the approach of the golden gate bridge and northbound 101 ride from sir francis drake towards the waldo tunnel so heads up, you'll find various lanes blocked. caltrans crews very busy. this is a live little sneak peek right now through sausalito and eastbound 580 approaching north greenville. three out of four lanes blocked from roadwork. that's traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. today is the second day of the strike against raley's grocery store in northern california and nevada. the walkout began after contract talks broke out. the issues are medical benefits, elimination for premium for working on sunday and a proposed pay freeze. >> okay with the freeze. we want to keep what we have and keep the medical that we have with the union but nent to take that away.
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basically, when we retired, they probably -- we have no medical. >> raley's says it needs to cut costs like most companies because of the growing number of stores selling groceries. this is the first strike in the 77-year history of the company. 4:41 now. you might be feeling a little less pain at the pump. how much gas prices actually dropped overnight. >> plus, a trip to a zoo takes a tragic and deadly turn. how a toddler fell into an animal enclosure. people climbed the steps of the willis tower in chicago. what makes this guy's trip a little bit different. we'll share it with you when we come back. ,,,,
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tower... but he *is the fit to do it with a bionic leg. amputee zac vawter made hisy bed he is not the first man to climb up this tower but the firstdo it in chicago with a bionic leg. he made history when he climbed 103 floors. the climb all part of the sky rise chicago charity event to
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raise funds for the rehabilitation institute of chicago. >> good for him. >> no kidding. >> well, 4:44 right now. let's check the weather. it was so nice this weekend. >> just beautiful. yeah. thank you very much. thank you. [ applause ] >> take a bow, my friend >> you know what? i was talking to my weather producer, he goes, that's it i'm calling it this is the last night weekend we're going to visit year. >> oh, it will happen in december, too. >> we'll get it back again but enjoy the next couple of days because these are going to be something else. tell you what. some record-breaking heat. we're not going to see triple digits but some of those numbers will be in the 80s. outside now we have mostly clear skies. numbers mainly in the 50s. we are seeing a couple of patches of valley ground fog showing up in the north bay so watch out for that early on this morning. otherwise by the afternoon we are basking in sunshine. 70s and 80s at the beach. definitely a beach day if you can do it. some 80s inside the bay and even some mid-80s showing up in the valleys. so some beautiful weather as high pressure sits overhead. we have that offshore wind, those two things combined will crank up the temperatures as the air warms up at the coast.
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so records for today probably 2 to 3 degrees above the previous records. it's going to be impressive here and around the state. around 83 fresno, 80 sacramento, 79 yosemite, 64 lake tahoe. i think as we head around the bay you will see lots of temperatures in the 80s and toward the santa clara valley 83 degrees in san jose, 48 in morgan hill. how about this? 80 degrees in half moon bay today. that would be something! 79 in pacifica and about 80 degrees in hayward. mid-80s in the hottest spots inland. 85 pleasanton. 81 walnut creek and 82 napa. and then as we make ourselves inside the bay, temperatures in the 70s and the 80s this afternoon so gorgeous weather. tomorrow maybe just slightly cooler. but then we really start to cool things down. a few clouds roll in come wednesday but by thursday and friday if you can believe this a chance of showers and cold enough we could see some snow in the hills so enjoy it. >> i'm so focused on that 80
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degrees for stinson beach. awesome. as far as the commute goes, if you do have to gowork today, so far everything is pretty quiet. we have not seen any major accidents. we do have some areas of overnight roadwork. i'll get to that. in the meantime this is a live look approaching the dublin interchange. and westbound 580 traffic is still moving fine. right now it's 15 minutes between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. so this is actually right there closer towards 680 and pleasanton. let's go to our maps. this is the area of overnight roadwork we're talking about eastbound 580 from north flynn towards greenville. three of four lanes are blocked until 11 a.m. against the commute. it's already slow. the nimitz in the east bay is close to the coliseum and northbound 880 traffic 15 minutes is that drive time between 238 and the maze. southbound 880 is fine if you have to catch a flight at oakland airport and continues to move well towards 92 in hayward. south bay, these are all of our
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live drive time sensors. you can pretty much traffic is moving at the limit with a little slowdown on 101 coming through san jose. but overall your drive times for the south bay look good. still all in the green and clear on 101, 280 coming through downtown and up the guadalupe parkway. by the way, nothing to note for mass transit. all mass transit is on time so far including all bart trains around the bay area. that's a check of traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. back to you guys. >> thank you. a young boy is dead after falling 14 feet off a deck at a zoo in pennsylvania. the pittsburgh zoo says the boylanded in an exhibit home to a pack of african painted dogs. the dogs attacked and zookeepers couldn't stop them in time. a couple of the men around that area were running up to the dog pen and banging on the wood trying to get the dogs to kind of leave the kid alone telling the kid to run.
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>> investigators are still trying to determine if the young victim died from the fall or the dog attack. 4:48. the california supreme court issued a rare sunday order allowing the state political watchdog to identify people who contributed to a mysterious arizona based group. the group has put $11 million towards two california campaigns. no on prop 30 governor brown's tax plan and yes on 32 which would curb union campaign donation. the group refused to turn over its records by yesterday's deadline saying it plans to appeal. state officials are now trying to determine if the arizona group violated any regulations. the latest field poll shows half of california voters are opposed to prop 32. 16% still undecided. >> it empowers the rank-and- file union members themselves or the worker at the corporation to say you can't just reach into my paycheck and take my money anymore. >> deliberately designed to confuse voters and to get
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people to vote for it to mislead voters to get them to vote for it for the wrong reasons. >> opponents say a prop 32 passage -- if prop 32 passes, they intend to challenge it in court. apple is keeping money overseas and paying lower taxes because of it. the cupertino company paid an income tax rate -- [ coughing ] >> -- an income tax rate of 1.9% on $36 billion worth of foreign earnings. apple's foreign earnings were up 53% from last year. overall apple's income jumped 61% in the latest fiscal year. jury deliberations are expected to resume today in the trial of former san jose school principal lynn [ indiscernible ] of obie whaley elementary school is charged with failing to report a former teacher craig chandler for sexual abuse. now, chandler was arrested this past january and charged with committing lewd rackets on a second grader back in the year 2011. checking bay area headlines
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on this monday a confrontation between hayward police and a domestic violence suspect ended with a man going to the hospital. officers say they were trying to restrain the man last night at the phoenix lodge when he suffered a medical emergency. a woman at the scene was not injured. and today is the last day for struggling bay area homeowners to get help with their mortgages in downtown san jose. the neighborhood assistance corporation of america is holding its mortgage relief and approves program at mcenery convention center. and fogging for the west nile virus happens in about an hour in contra costa county. the mosquito and vector control district are going to start fogging around 5:40 this morning and continue for about an hour. this follows the discovery of a large number of adult mosquitos which can carry the virus. prices at the pump have fallen steadily over the past couple weeks. the lundberg survey says prices dropped 21 cents since mid- october. great news there. the national average for a
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gallon of regular well below 4 bucks now at 3.55. and california, though, as always, the average is much higher at $3.98. san francisco still holding the distinction for the nation's highest gas prices at 4.05. ouch. hurricane sandy is putting a dent in the auto industry. many dealers in the northeast have been unable to reopen because of power outages. and they estimate tens of thousands of cars were destroyed in the storm. general motors says customers who lost their vehicles because of the storm can get an additional $500 discount on cars bought or leased through the end of the year. and united's boeing 787 dreamliner has made its inaugural flight from houston to chicago. more than 200 cheering passengers on board yesterday. the revolutionary aircraft was designed to be 20% more fuel- efficient than similar sized planes. it also adds a new level of comfort for passengers with plush seats, l.e.d.
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lights and large overhead bins. united is the first carrier to fly the dreamliner. it is 4:52. no more battery changes for pacemakers. the new device that's powered by the beat of a human heart. plus, comparing confetti. which giants victory parade taking top honors. >> and one woman's floor is literally made of money. why she did it and how long it took to do. all that and more coming up. before cold & flu season, help prevent with lysol disinfectant spray.
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and use the lysol no touch hand soap for 10 times more protection with each wash. this season, a good offense is the best defense. lysol. mission for health.
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temperatures around the bay area 50s and 60s. but we have records coming up. we'll talk about it coming up. >> we are going to enjoy this dry commute while it lasts. so far, so good across the
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golden gate, the bay bridge and through milpitas. that's the a live look at the 880/237 interchange on the right side of your screen. we'll have much more "timesaver traffic," back to work, coming up in a little bit. >> thank you. check out this floor here. a woman in garfield, pennsylvania, used about 250,000 pennies to create it. she owns a tattoo gallery and coffee shop and said it was cheaper to glue the money down than to buy tile. she picked them up at a bank and traded tatoos for manpower. she says it took about 300 hours over three weeks to penny tile her floor. that's what, $2,500? >> i think so. i think she's right, though, right? >> no. >> i have done tiling before. i think she probably would have got a better deal for tile. she got on tv, though. 4:55. construction of the santa clara 49ers football stadium set to hit another significant milestone today. they are putting this thing up in a hurry. crews are scheduled to install the first of more than 2,000
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concrete sections. they will be used for the stadium's risers, walls and 10,000 steps for seating. the steel framework is already 60% complete. the numbers are coming in after the world series parade for the giants. the team says it used 1 1/2 tons of confetti on wednesday. that is 10 times the amount of 2010. i think mike sugerman bathed in it. 4100 kids skipped class in san francisco schools that day despite the fact that the superintendent says you better come. >> we still have some of that on our desk too. in healthwatch, researchers in michigan are testing an experimental device that can help a beating heart power a pacemaker. the device converts energy from a heartbeat and delivers enough electricity to operate a pacemaker. most of them need to be replaced every five to seven years when the batteries run out but the new device could
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save patients from surgery. it's 4:56. the final push. which state could seal the deal for either presidential candidate? >> plus, thousands of grocery workers on the picket lines today. what's behind raley's' strike and how shoppers are reacting this morning. >> and investigators are still on scene after a fire burned through one business in pleasant hill. we'll tell you the one thing that firefighters found that may make this fire suspicious. ,,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald and we are following some breaking news right now. a nail salon goes up in flames, why it appears to be arson. >> and the candidates making r


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