tv CBS This Morning CBS November 7, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, november 7th, 2012. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama wins big, telling americans "the best is yet to come." governor mitt romney says "i pray the president will be successful." >> the democrats tighten their control of the senate, while the house stays in republican hands. and governor jerry brown talks politics and prop 30. but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> and we know in our hearts for the united states of america, the best is yet to come. >> the voters speak. huge victory for president obama. >> winning pretty much all of the key battleground states, including ohio. >> we are not as divided as our
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politics suggest. we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. we are and forever will be the united states of america. >> the crowd here in chicago is going bananas. >> there is just this sense of deflation and defeat in this room. >> i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader. >> the president has been re-elected, but nobody's put the stamp of approval on his program. >> the republicans have maintained control of the house of representatives. the democrats will still be in charge of the senate. >> it's now whether president obama decides to come into office, use this victory as an opportunity to make compromises with the republicans. >> apparently, all he those do is show up in a nice suit, give them free health care, save the auto industry and kill bin laden, and that old girl will put out. >> the senate battle in massachusetts, elizabeth warren beat incumbent republican scott brown.
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>> tammy baldwin has become the first openly gay candidate to win a u.s. senate seat. >> all that -- >> ohio will go for obama. >> percent certainty? >> 99.95%. >> we've got to be careful about calling things. we've got to be very cautious about intruding on this process. >> well, folks -- >> hold on, hold on -- >> i worked for the guy who balanced the budget. you came in and exploded it and now you're complaining to me? >> and all that matters. >> it's never too early to start talking about the next election. [ laughter ] right? >> and you know that somebody's planning it. >> on "cbs this morning." >> two years, $3 billion, and we are clearly in the same [ bleep ] place we were when it started. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." it is 7:00 a.m. on the west coast and america is waking up this morning almost exactly where we were four years ago.
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president barack obama wins a second term, republicans hold the house, democrats control the senate. we begin with the white house. president obama defeated governor mitt romney by a narrow but decisive margin. as many experts predicted it was ohio that put the president over the top late last night. >> cbs news estimates mr. obama has won 303 electoral votes to 206 for romney. florida is still too close to call. as predicted, the popular vote is much closer. about 50% of americans voted for the president, while 48% chose romney. we have complete election coverage this morning, beginning with nancy cordes in chicago. she covered president obama's victory speech, which was just a few hours ago. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, norah and charlie. well, in the end, this race wound up just about exactly where the obama campaign had predicted it would, with the president sweeping almost every battleground state. today he returns to washington to begin the hard work of repairing frayed relationships
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with the other side after a bitter, sometimes petty campa n campaign. it was well after midnight when the president, vice president and their families hugged and waved to supporters from the stage at mccormick place after president obama declared victory. >> tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. >> this is a cbs news special report. >> reporter: in the end, the popular vote was close, reflecting a deeply divided nation. >> the president has about a million more votes. >> reporter: but the president won an out-sized victory in the electoral college, by nearly running the table in the nine battleground states. >> the state of iowa, cbs news projects, will go to president obama. barack obama will be the winner in virginia.
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cbs news is projecting that president obama has won the state of ohio. >> reporter: a hoarse, but clearly relieved president obama, said he had spoken to governor romney by phone and congratulated him on a hard-fought campaign. >> in the weeks ahead, i also look forward to sitting down with governor romney to talk about where we can work together to move this country forward. >> reporter: in his 20-minute speech, mr. obama tried to heal some of the wounds created by months of harsh accusations, half-truths and a billion-dollar barrage of negative ads. >> our economy is recovering. a decade of war is ending. a long campaign is now over. [ cheers and applause ] and whether i earned your vote or not, i have listened to you, i have learned from you, and you've made me a better
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president. and with your stories and your struggles, i return to the white house more determined and more inspired than ever about the work we have left to do and the future that lies ahead. >> reporter: what lies ahead most immediately is the fiscal cliff, the toxic combination of deep spending cuts and tax increases set to go into effect at the end of this year. economists have warned it could plunge the nation back into a recession if congress and the president can't come up with some kind of compromise. and norah and charlie, we've learned this morning that house speaker john boehner has planned a press conference for 3:30 this afternoon to try to get his message out there in front of the president. this is a showdown that has been brewing for months. >> nancy, thank you. governor romney waited until after midnight eastern time to concede the race. jan crawford is in boston, where the republican nominee spoke to his supporters. jan, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, charlie. good morning, norah. romney actually waited about an hour to concede after ohio was
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projected to go for the president. that, of course, being the must-win state. everyone knew at that point the race was basically over, but the campaign wanted to see some of those actual votes come in, just to make sure. and then of course, advisers tell me once they saw colorado go for the president, they knew that was it, so governor romney picked up the phone and called the president. >> this election is over, but our principles endure. i believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to a resurgent economy and to renewed greatness. >> reporter: a defeated mitt romney was gracious. >> i believe in america. i believe in the people of america. >> reporter: after running for president for 17 months, his campaign came up empty. >> like so many of you, paul and i have left everything on the field. we have given our all to this campaign. >> reporter: there was clear disappointment, as the reality of what could have been sank in. >> i also want to thank ann, the love of my life.
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[ cheers and applause ] she would have been a wonderful first lady. >> reporter: almost immediately came the question, what happened? the attack ads hurt. >> this was a booming place, and mitt romney and bain capital turned it into a junkyard. >> reporter: critics say romney didn't do enough to counter them, and after a strong first debate, he wasn't able to keep the momentum going. then came hurricane sandy that took the focus off romney in the final week of the campaign. romney had expected to win. earlier in the day, he told reporters he had written only one speech, a victory speech. >> it's about 1,118 words, and i'm sure it will change before i'm finished because i haven't passed it around to my family and friends and advisers to get their reactions. >> reporter: but in the end, he delivered a concession speech lasting just five minutes. >> i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose
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another leader. and so, ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation. thank you and god bless america! >> reporter: now, you could really see the sadness on romney as he gave that speech last night. it was a hard-fought campaign, and as he said, he didn't leave anything on the table, but there's also something more. not only was this the end of the campaign for romney, but it's really the end of his political life. his wife, ann, said last night that he will not be running for office again. charlie and norah? >> jan crawford, thank you. in our exit polling, voters gave us a lot of information about some of the factors that influenced their vote. anthony mason has been going over all that data and anthony, what nuggets did you find? >> norah, a couple key groups that backed the president in 2008 rallied behind him again. the president won 55% of the women's vote, about the same margin he won women by four years ago. among hispanics, he won 71% and actually improved his margins over 2008. that's important, because the hispanic vote is actually growing, and it was 9% of the
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not a whole lot of change when it comes to congress. >> we're watching how those races played out. byron, what happened to the balance of power in congress? >> well, norah, in many ways, it stayed exactly how it was in the house and the senate. first in the senate, democrats keep control of the u.s. senate. they won 52 seats. the independents have one. republicans picked up 45 seats. and we're still waiting on results from two states, north dakota and montana. looking at our battleground map, democrats won everywhere they were supposed to and a few surprises. take missouri. their incumbent, democratic senator claire mccaskill, defeats republican todd akin. in january, republicans thought this was an easy pickup for them, but then akin made his comment about what he called "legitimate rape," and his campaign virtually collapsed. in indiana, a reliably red state, their democrat, joe donnelly, wins against tea party-backed republican richard mourdock. in a recent debate, mourdock said if rape results in
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pregnancy, it is "god's will." that likely turns off women and moderates in that race, and republicans lost there. >> byron pitts, thank you very much. we now go to look at a long election night as cbs news political director john dickerson and national journal white house correspondent major garrett join us. let me just ask the big question. when you look back at this election, what are the lessons that all people ought to learn, both republicans and democrats? >> well, for the president, he has a second term, but he has a lower electoral vote total and a lower popular vote total. the president is historic in many respects on this morning, but he's historic in one sense that people may not be familiar with. he's the first american president since andrew jackson to win a re-election with a lower popular vote percentage than he won his first time. we don't do that in american politics. when we re-elect a president, we typically embrace that president even more strongly than the first time. the president's not in that political category, but he has
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won re-election and he has a mandate based on what he makes of it. many political scientists say the idea of a mandate is basically fiction. >> we learned something about the shape of the electorate. in 2008, the obama campaign decided they were going to build a coalition out of young voters, minority voters and college-educated women. they did that again. they did it in a slightly different ways and different regions of the country, but the president get a smaller share of the white vote, but the white vote shrunk, and he got a larger share -- well, the white vote actually stayed about the same, it's been shrinking since 1990, '92, but he got a larger vote of the minority vote, hispanics and african-americans, and they shaped what the electorate was going to look like and they worked that and worked that, and that tells us something about the electorate. we've had two campaigns in a row like this. what it's going to look like for the next campaign. >> and that's what republicans have to learn, i assume, the changing nature of voting. >> the changing demographics in america and the changing cultural matrix in america.
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what are the cultural issues that are wedge or are unifying issues? president obama's campaign found them in 2008, reinforced them in 2012. republicans thought they understood them. they did not. >> they have to meet the country where it is. >> look at the hispanic vote, which is the fastest growing part of the electorate in this country. obama won about 71% of that vote, romney just 27%. i mean, that's less than john mccain, which a lot of people thought was a poor showing. george w. bush got 40%. how does the republican party go forward? >> well, it has to change its message, it has to change its definition of what constitutes immigration reform. i wrote a column at "the national journal" saying on immigration, we have a con census and we are implementing a consensus about border security. what we're not talking about is the other elements of immigration reform and republicans have to use marco rubio, susana martinez, governor of new mexico, sandoval from nevada, hispanic americans who are republicans to forge a different conversation, because if they don't, this trend line will continue. >> well, i look at
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african-americans, the situation's even worse for the republican party. they don't have a roster like the ones major just outlined there, and they're doing much worse with african-american voters. >> how is it that the polls showed us that this was extraordinarily tight. many republicans said the polls are wrong, that it's not going to be the same as the 2008 electorate. what did we learn? >> the most important thing in my estimation was the partisan split. you know what that was in 2008? exactly the same thing, and what did republicans tell us throughout this campaign, especially down the stretch? we're not going to see that partisan divide, we're not going to see that split. there will be more republicans. we have enthusiasm, we have intensity, our people are going to show up. guess what, they didn't, or the numbers they had were insufficient to counter that partisan spread, democrats to republicans. romney won the independents, but guess what? it didn't matter. >> but does that mean the republicans didn't turn out their vote? >> it means there are fewer republicans -- >> right. >> -- than there used to be, and the long shadow of the george w.
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bush presidency continues to strike something that is injurious and undercutting about republican low turnout. >> people who label themselves as republicans, and that's key here, because in ohio, governor romney won independents by ten points, and romney people were saying there is no fwhay this world, if he wins independents, he's going to lose ohio, just won't work. but what independents are in ohio is what they used to call themselves republicans. they just don't want to call themselves republicans, and they refuse, the romney campaign refused to recognize that change. >> after president obama's election in 2008, he has referred to this constantly in this campaign that mitch mcconnell said our role is to defeat president obama, not to find solutions to the country's problems. >> remember that was said in october of 2010. i know that well because it was my interview. >> yeah. >> so it was 2010 -- >> it was not right after -- >> it was not right after the president was re-elected and mitch mcconnell said we want the president to work with us if he's willing to. i don't want to defeat him as much as i want to change his
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mind, but if i can't, i want to defeat him. well, you didn't defeat him and now your majority is smaller. what are you going to do with that reality? >> do you think he'll compromise? >> i think everyone in politics understands elections matter and elections come with verdicts and you have to adapt to whatever the verdict is. mitch mcconnell runs again next two years and he may face a primary challenge that may change his tactic a little bit. >> that's the senate. let's talk about the house quickly, too. we saw that republicans maintained control of the house. speaker john boehner continues, presumably, his speakership. were there less tea party members or was it mostly the same? >> it's mostly the same. he faces the same challenge from the tea party members, and the question here is who is the republican spokesman? they're all taking different strategies. mitch mcconnell is saying the same thing, john boehner has a different agenda. those tea party members in the house who are going to take a different message from this election will have their own agenda. so, who's going to speak for the party? >> this is not a specific problem to be addressed right now, but i'm wondering what role bill clinton might play in a
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second administration, or whether he continues to have the global role he does, because he was instrumental, i understand. >> i think he'll rest up for the first hillary clinton administration, charlie. >> in 2016. but people who work for bill clinton, the chief of staff and joe biden's chief of staff, other people, they're all clinton people. they do have better relationships on the hill. there's been a chance to put those bridges together. now after an election, we'll see if they can do it. >> and joe biden, the so-called happy warrior, as the president called him last night, will he run for president in 2016? >> he hinted at it. about a week and a half ago, he said i'll see you in my 2016 campaign, he's hinted at it, and the white house wonders openly if that's not a part of his agenda. >> and he has a role to play after the upcoming
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get up to 36 months special financing on any tempur-pedic mattress. with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know... demonstrating how we blend the fruits. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. [ tylenol bottle ] me too! and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion. yeah...i heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't.
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you bought the lie, hook, line and sinker. let's face it, america's a quick drunk and an easy lay. apparently, all you have to do is show up in a nice suit, give her free health care, save the auto industry and kill bin laden, and that old girl will put out. so, have your fun tonight, for tomorrow morning, you'll wake up and you'll have to take that walk of shame, wearing nothing but your obama t-shirt and your enfranchise me pumps. >> on the morning after the election, the biggest question might be what went wrong for the republicans. >> this morning, we'll ask rick davis, campaign manager for john mccain in '08 and former michigan governor jennifer granholm. your local news is coming up next.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. 7:26 your time. i'm frank mallicoat. we're going to take a look at some of the local ballot issues here in california. voters here said yes to governor brown's tax plan. prop 30 will raise the sales tax by 1/4% for four years. also, income taxes on the wealthy for the next seven years. measure d was easily passed down in san jose. that means the minimum wage there will be increased from $8 to $10 an hour. >> in richmond, voters rejected measure n that was the proposed tax on sugary drinks. opponents outspent supporters by a 40-1 margin. and apparently, it work. you can find complete election results on our website, got your traffic and weather, though, you have to wait a minute for that. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,
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mess heading into and out of the caldecott tunnel in the aftermath of a multi-vehicle crash on the eastbound lanes of 24 which is there approaching wilder. one lane still remains blocked. it is a mess right now heading out of oakland. we're seeing traffic still at a standstill through the caldecott tunnel. and unfortunately, westbound 24 in the commute direction is also really heavy right now heading out of orinda. that is your "timesaver traffic." more on your foggy forecast, here's lawrence. >> a lot of fog rolling in outside right now and that's a sign of the sea breeeze kicking in and a big change in the weather for today. cloudy skies looking toward the bay bridge. temperatures now running in the 40s and 50s. by the afternoon, highs much cooler, 60s, maybe some low 70s inland and that's it. a chance of rain in the bay area thursday and friday. captions by: caption colorado ,,,,,,,,
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john, tonight's results may have caused a seismic shift in what we're forecasting for the 2016 election. >> uh huh? >> the real winner tonight looks to be hillary clinton, who is now predicting a 68% chance of victory over jeb bush. >> but i think prudence demands we at least examine some wise presidential options. tonight, mitt romney received very little minority support. we're talking jimmy buffett concert levels. >> what about hillary's vice president? >> she'll need to reach older, white, male voters. so, the two leading vp contenders are a 1962 chevy impala and a can of beer. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." we're focusing on why president obama won a second term and the next step for him and the republicans. with us now, former michigan governor jennifer granholm, now the host of "war room" on
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current tv, also republican strategist rick davis, campaign manager for john mccain in 2008. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> governor granholm, good morning. it was a long night last night and we're pleased that you're here this morning. is there a mandate for the president coming out of this election, governor granholm? >> i think there is. i think there is. you can't see him. and he's going to have a 332 electoral vote margin. he's got almost a 3 million advantage in the popular vote, about 2.6 with not all of the democratic states fully counted. i think you're going to see that he has a mandate -- in fact, the exit polls show that he has a mandate certainly on the issues that have divided the parties interestingly, for example, on tax reform. 60% of the people in exit polls said that they believed that taxes should be raised on the wealthy. only one in ten people believe that the deficit was the number one issue. on the flip side of that, he
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says he'll have a huge opportunity with these republicans on immigration reform and on climate change/energy, job creation in the united states, the role of government. i think it's a fantastic win for america, because i think those are all issues that democrats and republicans can unite on, if people are rational. >> does he have a mandate to cut entitlement, if that's what's necessary to reach a grand bargain? >> well, i think people want to see compromise. i mean, they did give him a republican house, but that doesn't mean it's a mandate for the house to obstruct. so, there will be compromise, and the president has said that he believes there ought to be reforms to entitlements, but he doesn't want to see benefits cut and he doesn't want to harm the middle class, so i think there is grounds to work, whether it's a frame work like simpson/bowles or not, there is a opportunity
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for a grand bargain and he had hae has the leverage to lead that discussion. >> rick davis, with mccain's campaign in 2008, when you look at romney's campaign, what went wrong, and was it because they failed to court the minority vote? >> yes, amazing how similar the outcome is this year with 2008. and what's different is 2008 was really a transformational election. you see those huge swings in the house, senate and the presidency at that time. so, this one was actually a much more quiet election, more on the margins. a couple of states changed, and that's about it. especially after the enormous amount of money that was spent to try and effect change. so, i think the outcome was what you describe. i mean, there are certain holes in the electorate that republicans have done a poor job of reaching out to. certainly, minorities, hispanics especially deserve more attention by our party and a real look at what we need to do to get them into our party. >> can the candidate -- >> and i would say women, too.
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>> go ahead, jennifer granholm. >> i was just going to say, women, too! i mean, that's not just a little niche group. that is a huge group. 18-point margin the president won. i think that is a big message to republicans, don't put up candidates like todd akin and richard mourdock. don't put people in office who are fringe candidates, and you maybe have a chance at 2016. >> rick what about that? it was, as the governor points out it was an 18-point gender gap, if you include the male and female vote there. did the republican party this year not message correctly on women's issues? were there some candidates who made some gaffes that hurt the republican party? >> well, there's no question on the state-by-state basis, as governor granholm points out, we had real problems with candidates that we had. and as i said on this show at the time, candidate akin made his famous comments about rape, that he ought to get out, right, that it's really the party's nomination that we bestow on these candidates, not their
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nomination that they bestow on to our party. and so, i think we need to get really serious about the kind of candidates we nominate and understand that it's a republican mantle we are giving to them and that that's got to have some franchise value. and the governor's right, we need to improve our franchise value with women voters. a lot of people don't talk about the fact that there's almost an equally large male gap, you know, men gap, in this election. and so, i think both parties have a lot of work to do on sharpening their pencils. again, this election was eerily similar to four years ago. >> right. >> and we need to learn the lessons at some point along the way. otherwise, we tend to replicate outcome. >> governor granholm, have you given up on politics and now become a broadcaster? >> well, i'm enjoying this role at current tv in "the war room." we'll see what happens, but i'm not running for office again. >> but would you consider taking a job in the obama administration, if it was offered? >> well, i have no idea whether
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that's coming down the pike, but i like what i'm doing, it's fun. we all have great respect for you in the broadcast world. >> thank you. >> now having done it. governor jennifer granholm, rick davis, as always, it's great to have you on. we appreciate your time. >> thanks for having us. >> all right, thanks. and tea party-backed cruz is the first to win a senate seat in texas and this morning, he'll tell us what the gop has to do to win a bigger share of the hispanic vote. that's next on "cbs this morning."
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with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know...
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ted cruz is one of the tea party republicans who is celebrating this morning. he made history on tuesday in texas. >> cruz is the first hispanic to win a senate seat in america's second largest state. senator-elect, good morning. there is much conversation this morning in looking at the republican party, but also looking at the hispanic vote.
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where do you think this growing number of americans, what issues are important to them and how should both parties appeal to them? you can't hear me, can you? senator-elect cruz? i don't think he can hear me. >> oh. >> there, you can. good morning. good morning, how are you? i'll repeat the question. when you look at this election result and then we look at future elections, what's the connection that has to be made between political aspirants and the hispanic vote? >> well, there's no doubt that both parties competed for the hispanic vote, and at least last night, president obama earned much more of the hispanic vote than did mitt romney. >> why do you think that's true? >> i think at the end of the day, republicans need to do a better job laying out that the key to economic opportunity is economic growth, that is jobs,
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and that the policies that produce that i think are not the policies of this administration, but at least last night that was not the result nationally. >> so, you think the republican party's problem with hispanics is an economic message. do you think it has anything to do with the tone of message towards immigrants in this country? >> well, i think there are certainly challenges that republicans have had in terms of articulating our message and articulating it in a way that resonates in the hispanic community. i think the hispanic community, the values in the hispanic community are fundamentally conservative, but you've got to have candidates that connect with that community in a real, in a genuine way and that communicate that the values between the candidate and the community are one and the same. >> let's move to the future and what might happen between the president and members of the house and members of the senate in trying to deal with the fiscal crisis and the fiscal cliff. do you believe that after this election, there is more of a
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move on both sides to compromise because there is an urgent need? >> well, i don't know. i hope so. you know, my view is this country faces grave economic and fiscal challenges, and we need to pull back. and if president obama means what he said on the campaign trail, what he said last night in his speech, that he wants to work across the aisle, that he wants to tackle the deficit, that he wants to help get government out of the way to let small businesses grow and create jobs, then i am happy to work with him. but let me be clear, if he doesn't, if he intends to continue down the path of the last four years, more and more spending and debt and taxes and regulations that kill jobs, then i will do everything i can to help lead the effort to stop that, because i think continuing down that path is damaging this country and would hurt an awful lot of americans. >> this is a divided nation, senator. can you name one issue that you could work with the president on?
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>> well, i would be very happy to work on reducing spending, reducing the debt. he has also talked about on the campaign trail energy and wanting to work to expand our energy production. he talks about energy independence. i would love to work with the president on energy independence. and the barrier we have to that are federal government obstacles standing in the way of developing and exploring our natural resources. if he means what he says, there's a lot of room for us to work. if what he said was simply campaign trail, then that's a different story. >> go ahead, norah. >> can i ask you, senator, would you be willing to support a rubio-type proposal that would allow a pathway to citizenship or visas for illegal immigrants who are already in this country? >> you know, i don't think the answer to our immigration problem is amnesty. i think, actually, immigration -- >> well, senator rubio says it's not amnesty. he says giving people visas is not amnesty. >> well, look, it would depend on what a particular proposal is, so i mean, until i'm looking
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at the proposal, i can't tell you. what i can tell you is my overall principles and how i will analyze any of these issues, which is that i think immigration is an issue where there's widespread agreement among americans, and it's just -- but politicians in both parties have used the issue to demagogue, rather than getting serious about solving it. i think most americans agree, number one, that we need to get serious about securing the border and stopping the problem of illegal immigration. and number two, most americans agree that we should remain a nation that doesn't just welcome but celebrates legal immigrants. americans by choice is what ronald reagan called them, and we need to improve our legal immigration -- >> do you think people in this country are not celebrating legal immigration? who is not celebrating legal immigration? >> well, you talked about the tone, and i think sometimes the tone in which immigration is discussed doesn't do that. i'll tell you, in my campaign, i spent every day talking about my father's journey 55 years ago coming from cuba with nothing, with $100 in his underwear,
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washing dishes to pay his way through college. that's the american dream, it's the american story, and we need to improve the swing states in the west played a crucial role in last night's election, as president obama put colorado in his column again. we'll show you why his campaign's ground game was so important and also why pot
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votes. barry petersen is in littleton, colorado, just outside of denver. barry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, and welcome to the state of country roads. well, the president did very well here because he had a good ground game and because he really did well with hispanic voters. he had opened more than 60 field offices across colorado, compared with romney, who had fewer than 20. the president also did well with women, 50% to 49%, and surprisingly did better with males, 50% to 46%. as for that hispanic vote, the president walked away with it, taking that 3-1. that is critical in a state where the hispanic vote makes up 11% of the electorate, more than enough to tip the election. there was also approval last night for legalizing marijuana for personal use, both here in colorado and in washington state, but that is still illegal under federal law, and that could trigger a real showdown with federal prosecutors. norah and charlie? >> it certainly will.
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we'll be watching that. barry petersen, thank you. and is it too early to talk about the 2016 election? of course not, right, charlie? >> no! >> let's get it started. we'll hear from john dickerson and major garrett. that's straight ahead on "cbs this morning." [ snoring ] ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] introducing zzzquil sleep-aid. [ snoring ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing. [ birds chirping ] introducing zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. ♪
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald captions by: caption colorado good morning, everyone. on this post-election wednesday, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. california voters have approved governor brown's tax plan. proposition 30 will temporarily raise the state's sales tax as well as income taxes on the wealthy. and turning to congress, most bay area incumbents were reelected to the house. a notable exception, pete stark of fremont who has been on capitol hill since 1973. the 80-year-old has made some controversial comments this year and he lost to eric swalwell, a dublin city councilman and prosecutor. both are democrats, a result of the new open primary system. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,, ,,,,,,
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mess. the commute is just downright gross! heading into and out of the caldecott tunnel. both directions backed up from orinda all the way out to oakland because of multi- vehicle crashes. still working to clear eastbound 24 at wilder. check the traffic sensors solid red from walnut creek. elsewhere, at the bay bridge toll plaza, stacked up about a 20-minute wait. metering lights are on. here's lawrence. >> all right, low clouds and fog sweeping onshore overnight. still some sunshine showing up in some of the valleys as we look from our mount vaca cam. a little haze down below some clouds, as well. we are going to see more clouds today and much cooler temperatures outside. right now in the 50s. some dense fog as you approach the coastline. this afternoon, maybe some 60s and some low 70s inland and that's about it with that sea breeeze. then tomorrow chance of showers thursday, friday. looks like a return to dry well this weekend. ,,,,,,,,
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." president obama tells americans he will search for common ground. and jerry brown tells california he will give the public a tax hike. first here's a look around the world. >> we know in our hearts that for the united states of america, the best is yet to come. >> president obama defeated governor mitt romney by a narrow but decisive margin. >> this race wound up just about exactly where the obama campaign had predicted it would. with the president sweeping almost every battleground state. >> i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different
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direction. but the nation chose another leader. >> you could really see the sadness on romney as he gave that speech last night. it was a hard fought campaign. as he said, he didn't leave anything on the table. >> he has a mandate based on what he makes of it. many political scientists say the idea of a second term mandate is largely fiction. it's what the president does. >> there was a lot of money spent but not a whole lot of change when it comes to congress. >> did the republican party this year not message correctly on women's issues? >> we need to get really serious about the kind of candidates we nominate and understand it's a republican mantle we are giving to them. that's got to have some franchise value. >> if he means what he says, there's a lot of room for us to work. what he said was simply campaign trail, that's a different story. >> ladies and gentlemen, let's soak this in. our long national nightmare is over. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. president obama promises the
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best is yet to come after he was re-elected president of the united states. he defeated mitt romney after an expensive and bruising campaign. >> winning nearly all of the battleground states. one of them, florida, still has not been decided. still the president won just about half of the popular vote. he and governor romney ran neck and neck for most of election night. in his victory speech president obama told supporters in chicago that he'll return to washington more determined and more inspired. >> tonight the path of perfecting our union moves forward. america has never been about what can be done for us. it's about what can be done by us together. during the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. that's the principle we were founded on. it doesn't matter whether you're black or white or hispanic or asian or native american or young or old or rich or poor,
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able, disabled, gay or straight. you can make it here in america if you're willing to try. we are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions. and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states! we are and forever will be the united states of america! and together, with your help and god's grace, we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth. thank you, america! >> in his concession speech from boston, governor romney says it's time to come together. and he offered words of support for the president. >> this is a time of great challenges for america. and i pray that the president will be successful in guiding our nation. the nation as you know is at a critical point. at a time like this, we can't risk partisan bickering and political posturing.
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our leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the people's work. and we citizens also have to rise to the occasion. i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction. but the nation chose another leader. and so ann and i join with you to ee ernestly pray for him. >> six of president obama's 303 electoral votes came from nevada. the hispanic vote played a major roll in that victory. anna, good morning. >> reporter: the state of nevada's population has exploded in recent years. most of that growth has come from an increase in minority population. in particular hispanics. cbs news exit polling data shows hispanics favored the president heavily at yesterday's election. and in nevada, it was by a ratio of 69% to 24%.
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latinos not only make up about 15% of voters here, but they helped get out the vote for president obama. last night organizers of mi familia, a nonpartisan group, celebrated the fact shispanics helped make a difference here. the director told us these are issues that are important to our community. we just want to be taken seriously. today we showed them that we demand it at the ballot box and they can't ignore him. he also said another personal point for him was in some ways it was all about mitt romney's harsh immigration policies and wanting something, anything other than that. back to you. >> the 2012 election is is not even a day old and people are talking about who will run for president in 2016. with us again are cbs news political director john dickerson and national journal white house correspondent major garrett. we begin with that question. >> it is a sickness, yes. >> how many people got up this morning and looked in the mirror
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and saw a future president? >> at age 12. >> that's a prerequisite. >> let's go on the democratic side. vice president joe biden could run. hillary clinton. out going secretary of state we're led to believe could be a strong competitor. martin o'malley. andrew cuomo of new york. a couple people who i think may run and not necessarily get the nomination but but interesting characters. bri brian schweitzer and antonio e villaraigosa. >> we've got hayley barbour who thought about running. then we have paul ryan. of course, his moment. oh, and then we have marco rubio, of course, and jeb bush.
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and i feel like i'm -- scott walker, of course. we've got to add him. so that's the republican side. the interesting thing as we talk about the conversation has started now, i think it started well before. one of the danger signs in the romney campaign was the conversation about the postmortem was happening while his campaign was ongoing during one of his great periods of sickness. the argument was what's the shape of the party? if you control that argument you have the sort of first mover's advantage in terms of controlling where the party goes. >> generationally, though, this contest, mitt romney was 65. barack obama 51. talk about 2016, the leaders in the democratic field are going to be close to 70. hillary clinton and joe biden. >> yes. the republicans will be younger. they will be out from under the shadow not only of the bush presidency but of the bush strategists. the republican who wins the nomination in 2016 will have his or her own team distingtsly. they will not have the bush era strategists or strategy. they'll have to come up with something different to win the
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nomination and have a chance to compete. >> but of these guys who we're talking about, these younger republicans, neither conservative or moderate, but across the spectrum. or will we see with them the classic battle in the republican party we saw in the primary, moderates versus conservatives? >> i thought to mention rick santorum. we talked about, most of them are actually more -- and also given where the current debate is this morning, are more in the moderate portion of the party. and they will be coming forward in various ways saying i have the answer to this question which is the hispanic question. also it's the question with women. how to reach out to those voters and speak to them in an effective way. >> it's going to be a determination of what counts as moderate in the republican party. if it means something that's more accommodationist on immigration, it's not going to be something that's dramatically more accommodationist on taxes. but it might be something a million or above. on fiscal issues the republican party is not going to abandon moorings, pro-life definition. it simply can't. no nominee i can see in the foreseeable future is going to
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we look at the exit polls. it was the person who cares about you. i think the biggest message about last night is that the elee hector rat has changed. we were talking about nevada before. the share of the white vote or white voters in nevada is shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. that's a blue state. no longer a battleground. >> i would say who's going to be the next secretary of state. i'll hold that for another time. >> go ahead. that would be a first. >> i'd go crazy. >> it's a serious question. >> it's going to either by john kerry or susan rice. the issues are big. the horn of africa and al qaeda's presence there as i talked to both campaigns down the stretch, whoever wins, it's a huge issue. not
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a pink bike, a unicorn night-light... [ female announcer ] this year, bring their wish list to life. [ girl ] ...princess doll, markers... hey buddy, i bet mom would love this, huh? jack? jaaack? jaaack?! jack?! looks good ladies! jack! come on, stop the car. jack! no, no, no, no, no! the only thing more surprising than finding the perfect gifts.. niice. where you find them. how did you know? i had a little help. this is how to gift. this is sears.
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elections are always watched very closely around the world. this morning world leaders and others are weighing in on president obama's second term. charlie is in london with that story. >> reporter: good morning to you, gayle. let's talk about the markets. i know they're down in the united states. initially here in europe they were initially up. it may speak about the confidence people had in a victory by president obama. something investors and others alike were not only hoping for, but expecting. >> fox news! >> barack hussein obama. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: no election in the world gets the same kind of coverage as the u.s. presidential election. >> here on star news we are now calling the election for -- >> barack obama. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> this is in prin't prime time.
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this is middle of the night. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: maybe predictably it was heralded in with less fanfare in iran. just a ticker on the bottom of the street. also world leaders were quick to congratulate the president including british prime minister david cameron. he's visiting jordan to discuss the crisis in neighboring syria, the worsening civil war challenging both leaders. >> congratulations to barack. i enjoy working with him. i think he's a successful american president and i look forward to working with him in the future. >> reporter: across global markets there was a collective sigh of relief where nervous analysts were scanning screens to make sense of a different kind of red and blue. >> we had a move up yesterday in u.s. markets and trading in london anticipating his win. a general mood of confidence this morning really all around the world. >> reporter: it's not just the economy. no change of leadership in the white house means no change of plans for now for the planned drawdown of u.s. troops in afghanistan. over the past few hours more
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world leaders have been expressing their reactions. congratulations came via twitter from russian president value me vladimir putin. benjamin netanyahu saying he vows to continue working with president obama to preserve the interests of israeli citizens. >> all right, thank you. i love looking at the reaction from other people. the woman in the beginning of the piece that went fox news, barack obama! what else came after that sentence, i'd like to know. >> exactly. it is interesting to hear that. i love that vladimir putin tweets his congratulations to the president. welcome to 2012. >> all of it does show the intense interest in the american election around the world. >> absolutely. >> no big changes are coming in the congress. can the president work with the same group of leaders after four years of gridlock? we'll ask democratic senator michael bennett of colorado about working with the
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we have breaking news from a senate race in the west. cbs news projects this morning montana voters have reelected democratic senator jon tester. that adds to the democrats majority in the u.s. senate. >> jerry brown was another big winner on election night. voters approved his initiative to raise taxes so he wouldn't have to cut public school budgets. >> we'll talk to the governor on "cbs this morning." your local news is coming up next. we'll be right back after the commercial break. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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to >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's 8:25. time for some news headlines. it's all about the election today. governor brown is expected to address media about prop 30 this morning. voters approved his plan to raise income tax on the wealthy and raise the statewide sales tax to fund schools. opponents spent as much as $53 million to defeat prop 30. supporters poured nearly $70 million into the "yes" campaign. voters rejected another ballot measure that called for higher taxes. prop 38 was meant to help fund public schools. the biggest backer of prop 38 was civil rights attorney, molly munger. she spent millions on that campaign but it was defeated. voters approved a measure to reform the state's "three strikes" law. prop 36 would allow for shorter sentences for some offenders
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across the bay area. this is a live look at the golden gate bridge. slow in the southbound 101 lanes. accident on ellis blocking three lanes. traffic is stacked up through great america parkway. a multi-vehicle crash near orinda eastbound lanes 24 at wilder has now been cleared up. but unfortunately, major delays heading out of lafayette. that is traffic. for your foggy forecast, here's lawrence. >> a lot of fog onshore. the sea breeze kicking in. temperatures dropping off all around the bay area today. so much for those highs running up into the 80s. looking towards coit tower you can just barely make it out in some of the fog right now. that fog is going to begin to lift and push to the coast. temperatures now in the 50s but as we head toward the afternoon, only 60s and some low 70s and that's about as warm as it's going to get. tomorrow a chance of some showers coming in on thursday and on friday. even a chance we could see a dusting of snow across some of the higher peaks. on saturday and sunday, return to partly cloudy skies and dry weather. captions by: caption colorado ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." americans did not just pick a president on tuesday. they voted on hundreds of ballot questions. they covered everything from same-sex marriage to taxes to marijuana use. john blackstone is watching that story for us in los angeles. john, good morning. >> good morning. well, among all the state propositions, the votes in three states on same-sex marriage stand out. now, in recent years, states have held more than 30 votes on same-sex marriage. and every one of those has been defeated until now. when the votes were counted last night, for the first time, measures supporting same-sex marriage, measures approving same-sex marriage, were among the winners. >> they told me this is the civil rights issue of this
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generation, and they're right. >> reporter: leading in washington, passed in maine and maryland. the votes are close but clear. advocates for same-sex marriage are prevailing. >> a big sea change in american public opinion. 20 years ago, it was inconceivable that states would vote for same-sex marriage. generational change is important. very strong relationship between support for same-sex marriage and age. >> reporter: generational change may also have been evident in votes in colorado and washington to legalize marijuana. not as medicine, but for recreational use. >> this is the revenge of cheech and chong. this is recreational use with no medical rationale behind it except that people like the feeling it gives them. >> reporter: a similar measure in oregon failed. even in washington and colorado where it passed, it's in conflict with federal law. but part of the appeal to voters
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was that a tax on marijuana could help solve state budget problems. >> when states are strapped for money, they're going to look in very unusual places for revenue. they see that marijuana is a very big business. and whenever government sees a big business, people in government think how can we tax it? >> reporter: in california where governor jerry brown has faced huge budget difficulties, voters were urged to end the death penalty as a cost saving measure. but that initiative was defeated. >> californians have always had a split personality when it comes to social issues. this is the state of jerry brown, but it's also the state of dirty harry. californians are liberal on some issues. but when it comes to crime, they have a very conservative streak. >> reporter: governor brown campaigned hard for proposition 30. which would raise taxes on the wealthy, largely to support education. >> vote yes on proposition 30. let's go!
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let's win! >> now, the fate of governor brown's prop 30 tax hike was not determined until early this morning. but finally it passed. and there have to be sighs of relief at schools and on college campuses across the state this morning. governor brown had promised that if voters had rejected the prop 30 tax hike that there would be cuts to education budgets of nearly $6 billion. >> john blackstone, thank you. california governor jerry brown is with us now. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> does this win for prop 30 say that if, in fact, you can define how the money will be spent, in this case for education, the citizens are prepared to vote for tax revenues? >> i think so. people believe in our schools. they believe in the university and what it represents as opportunity for those who are climbing up out of lower income circumstances. look, this is a tough battle.
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a lot of people say we couldn't do it. a lot of people said, you're crazy to go to the people. but i ran for governor on the pledge that there would be no taxes unless the people themselves voted for them. in this case they did. it's only after, however, 30,000 fewer teachers. we had a massive budget deficit of $27 billion. and i've cut that thing and we'll be in balance. this january we'll have the first balanced budget probably since 1998. i think the reason why people were willing to ask for some -- vote for some more revenue is because the cuts have been across the board. the university, the elderly, the cal works program. wherever you looked. we eliminated redevelopment. this has been a very tough fiscal program of austerity. $3 a cut for every dollar of income. i think that's the reason why people finally said, okay. enough is enough. we'll vote you some more money. >> they might have said that you were crazy, jerry brown. but you don't look so crazy this
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morning. how are you feeling? >> well, i'm feeling good. but, i mean, i've been around this business a long time. i know that whatever happens one night, there's always another challenge the next day. we have big issues. we still have a divided state between the red and the blue. but we have a predominant democratic majority now in the legislature. and the challenges, what can we do with it? can we earn and maintain the people's trust? that's no easy thing. >> governor, california, like many states, spends more on prisons than they do on education. are you hoping prop 30 will help reverse that trend? >> well, we're already reversing it. the general fund budget devoted 11.5% to prisons two years ago. when i was governor 30 years ago, the prisons got 3%. i'm already starting to move it down. so next year it'll be around 7%. we've reduced our prisons, 30,000 inmates. we'll continue. we're realigning our -- our
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policy of incarceration to have the less violent, less serious at the local level. so we have a lot of big ideas. a lot of programs. and we've got some more money. but that doesn't mean we don't have discipline. it's going to take -- >> governor? >> -- what some people call my legendary frugality. >> i thought you changed about that on your personal life. there is also this question. >> no. i've intensified it. >> there is also this. looking at what happened in this election, what's your advice for president obama as he goes back to washington facing a fiscal cliff? >> i think to understand as deeply as he can the real challenge facing america. at the level of the american people. and to try to get some republicans on his side. to go out and get business as well as labor. we're a very divided country. that's dangerous. you can't be a super power, you
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know, with military bases in 70 or 80 different countries and a fiscal gap of unimaginable dimension without saying, hey, we better get together. we better pull together as americans first, members of political parties second. >> all right. governor brown, thank you. congratulations. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> we told you on monday about a tough congressional race in los angeles. remember this one? two democratic incumbents. howard berman and brad sherman. they had to run against each other. one of their debates even got a little physical last night. we want to tell you that sherman beat berman, 60% to 40%. president obama promises to work with republicans in his second term. this morning, we'll ask colorado senator michael bennett what he's learned about getting alon,
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in addition to the senate, we're also tracking all the nation's referenda. california alone has 11 ballot measures this year. florida has so many most voters simply scroll to the bottom and click i agree. >> we are talking actually about legalizing marijuana in colorado, washington and oregon. that would be for anybody over the age of 21. >> what is this country coming to? 21-year-olds allowed to smoke marijuana? it makes me want to drink myself into a blind rage and do something i'll regret. >> colorado senator michael bennett knows something about bipartisanship. he's a democrat elected in a western state that often votes republican. >> he also belongs to a group of lawmakers, democrats and republicans, who try to solve the government's fiscal crisis. governor bennett, good morning. >> good morning. >> are you optimistic after this election that the fiscal crisis can be solved more now than it was previously?
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>> charlie, i really am very optimistic. i think i represent a state that's a third democratic, a third republican and a third independent. mostly what people wonder here is why the priorities in washington don't seem to match up to their priorities. and i think this election reflected where they want this country to head. and we've got to work in a bipartisan way to solve this problem. >> senator, you are a member of the gang of eight. i know you guys have been meeting privately for some time. have you all established a framework that you can now present to other lawmakers and the president that can form the outlines of a deal? >> we're working toward it. there are others that have been -- that have good ideas as well. there's no rocket science to any of this. but what we know we need to do is take $4 trillion out over the next ten years in order to change the trajectory of our debt. i believe we're going to see these proposals in the lame duck session, have a chance to vote yes or no on them.
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we've got to get this out of our way. this fiscal issue becomes so emblem emblematic of the dysfunction in washington, people are saying until you deal with this i don't want to hear you on energy. i don't want to hear you on immigration. >> i think there's agreement on that. i have to ask you about specifics. how much are you talking about new tax revenues? what is the gang of eight saying? >> i think that also is something that had to wait for this election to happen. but i think that the bowles/simpson commission and others that have looked at this have had ratios that range from about 2.5 times cuts to revenue. i think that's where we'll probably end up. it's not dissimilar from what jerry brown said he has done in california. >> let me just say. you said soon during the lame duck. you expect we have to do this maybe even before the end of the year? >> i think the realistic proposition probably is that we put the frame wherein work of a so-called grand bargain together
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in the lame duck. and we make some cuts and raise some revenue to buy us some time into the new year to do the comprehensive deal. i think that's the likeliest outcome. what i would like us to avoid, obviously, is surfing over the fiscal cliff with no plan at all. >> senator, your state, colorado, went for the president last night. your state also approved a measure that legalizes the recreational use of marijuana. your governor said last night in a statement, don't break out the cheetohs to quickly. what say you? >> i wish that we hadn't passed it. i wish that it weren't in our constitution. i do think with respect to the president that the notion that colorado went for the president by almost four percentage points is just a phenomenal outcome for him. and one that very few people in the country expected. but it was the result of just an unbelievable ground game out here that the obama campaign
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waged. >> go ahead. >> go ahead. >> let me go back to the idea of some grand bargain and what might take place. do you believe you can come out of the gang of eight with a proposal that will be acceptable to the tea party members of the republican party in the house? >> i think it's going to be very hard to achieve anything that's acceptable to the tea party members in the house. if your ideology is to destroy and dismantle the federal government, it's hard to reach you on any topic. but i believe there are enough democrats and republicans in the house and the senate that want to get this behind them that we can get this done. >> all right. senator bennett, good to talk to you. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. pleasure. >> two months ago a young texas mayor gave the keynote speech at the democratic convention. we'll ask mayor julian castro if this election is a sign of things to come for his party and all about the hispanic vote.
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we've been looking this hour at the importance of latino voters in president obama' re-election. we want to go to san antonio, texas, and speak with mayor julian castro. >> you may remember him from the keynote address. >> good morning, charlie. >> victory for the president. what do you think his mandate is? what do you think he should go back to washington, and should he on a personal basis go further than he ever has to reach out to the republican leadership in a very specific,
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concrete way? >> well, i think his mandate is what it was in 2008. which is to help change washington. to help get the two sides to work together. and he did try and do that during the last four years. but the fact that the people have re-elected him gives him an even stronger mandate now, to take to the table. important economic issues. important issues on immigration. on others. and hopefully meet a republican party that is more willing to compromise than they were before. >> he's the president. he's going to have to make that initiative, is he not? >> i'm sure he will. he said as much. i'm sure that -- that the president is ready, willing and able to make the compromises that it takes to get things done. the question will be whether speaker boehner and the republican congress are also willing to do that. >> mayor, it's norah o'donnell here. you know a lot about politics in texas. you're the mayor of san antonio.
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your twin brother, joaquin, has just been elected to congress. there's now a new senator in texas. senator cruz who is a republican. a cuban-american. he says that his party needs to do better among hispanics by talking about a better economic message. has that been, do you think, something that resonates with hispanic voters? >> well, i would agree that hispanic voters are like every other american voter. they're paying attention to all the issues. the economy, education, health care. but where the republican party went off track in this cycle was the extreme rhetoric and the substance of what they passed in states like arizona with fb-1070. in georgia and alabama. the effect of that, for instance, with senator elect cruz is that he ran in bear county, san antonio is in baird county. we have a 63% hispanic population. he actually polled lower than
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mitt romney in baird county. which tells you something. when you have someone that is so far to the right, hispanics are not going to identify with that just because he's hispanic. they're really looking at the issues. for the republican parpy to be able to do better than a 70/30 split in the next presidential election they're going to have to fundamentally come to the table on the dream act, comprehensive immigration reform and other issues. >> you sort of answered it for me, mayor castro. good to see you. because i think what is the point that you want -- that you want leaders to know about the hispanic electorate? what exactly does that mean to people? i think people think it's just one big group. i don't necessarily think that's the case. >> yeah. it's not. you know, folks should know that it's not a monolithic group. it's a very diverse and beautiful community. and a community that's contributed a lot to the progress of america. >> mayor castro, thank you so much. we're unfortunately up against the clock. we thank you for joining us. look forward to talking to you again. that does it for us. more election coverage
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throughout the day. tonight on the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley, take a look back at the final campaign moments of 2012. we'll see you tomorrow. >> i return to the white house more determined and more inspired than ever about the work we're doing and the future. >> president barack obama wins a second term. >> with the president sweeping almost every battleground state. >> the first american president since andrew jackson to win a re-election with a lower popular percentage than he won his first time. >> romney waited about an hour to proceed after ohio was projected to go to the president. >> to democrats and republicans and government at all levels to put the people before the politics. >> there was much money spent. but not a whole lot of change when it comes to congress. >> republicans maintain control of the house. >> we'll never take it for granted. and we will never let you down. >> the people are tired of the division. they want unity. >> if he intends to continue down the path of the last four years, i will do everything i
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can to help lead the effort to stop that. >> when the votes were counted last night, for the first time, measures approving same-sex marriage were among the winners. >> it is a historic day for women in the united states senate. the record number had been 17. we might have 19. >> what role bill clinton might play in a second administration. >> i think he'll rest up for the first hillary clinton administration. >> there are no obstacles we can't overcome. and defeat is always temporary. >> the nation chose another leader. and so ann and i join with you to ernestly pray for him and for this great nation. >> we are not as divided as our politics suggest. we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states! we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth!
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald hi, everyone. good morning. 8:55 your time. i'm frank mallicoat with your cbs 5 headlines. all about the election, the biggest win in california on election day yesterday, passage of governor brown's tax plan to fund schools. prop 30 raising the sales tax by one quarter of a percent for four years and increases the income tax for seven years on salaries of $250,000 or more. >> california's death penalty will remain unchanged as prop 34 appears destined for defeat with just 2% of the ballots unaccounted for right now. 53% of voters oppose the repeal of capital punishment. the measure would have commuted the sentences of 727 death row inmates. and san jose voters passed measure d last night. the initiative to raise the minimum wage by $2 got more than 55% of the votes needed. that put san jose's minimum wage at $10 up $2 from $8.
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how about your forecast? things are changing a little bit, right, lawrence? >> yeah. just a change in the wind big time change in the weather around the bay area. low clouds and fog have swept onshore. dense fog showing up in spots so be careful this morning looking toward the bay bridge. that will eventually lift but pull back toward the coastline leaving behind cooler temperatures. right now numbers in the 50s. this afternoon, 60s, maybe low 70s in the warmest spots. but as we look toward the next few days, high pressure nowhere to be found so we have a chance of showers on thursday and friday. then that ridge starts to build in over the weekend. we are going to check your "timesaver traffic" coming up. the keepers of the loafs. the people who will never lower the bar. our world started in deep green grass and rain and the hills and the waves and the big, tall trees of tillamook, oregon. we make cheese of an exquisite standard and we live in a special place... where pure and good
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good morning. well, we have good news and bad news about this morning commute. good news no delay at the bay bridge. the bad news is a lot of the approaches in the east bay are still jammed up. and so that may be where drivers are. westbound 24 huge delays out of walnut creek. highway 13 also seeing some red traffic sensors there. so the problem all started very early this morning because of an earlier traffic alert eastbound 24 in orinda. fog is an issue as lawrence said. be extra careful for the morning drive. have a great day. captions by: caption colorado wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ] dad, the cable's out! you got that right?
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