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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 23, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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wham! that's all i could do. >> tense thanksgiving for actress holiday berry. she and her ex-fiance got into a fight. one went to the hospital, one went to jail. may stay in the ocean as a symbol of the storm. ever meet the crazy uncle? >> that's you? >> they used to put me at the kids' table when i was drinking. all that -- >> got him, down field. robinson for the touchdown! >> it is good! and winner for houston. >> the ball is loose and a touchdown. >> oh, my. >> and all that matters.
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>> spectators mind from the thanksgiving day parade. >> i really liked kermit. americans made 46 million urkeys today. and those americans are chris christie and newt gingrich. . bs> welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off. norah o'do black friday is in full swing at n fullour. in fact, it started last night as thousands of stores across thecountry opened after try ksgiving dinner. >> shoppers are expected to spend more than $11 billion today. ee retailer hope to earn up to profit their all-important holiday profits this weekend and the national retail federation predicts that sales for the entire holiday season will be 4% higher than last year. seth doane is braving the crowds at the target store in jersey
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city, new jersey. you're not alone. good morning to you. >> reporter: that's right, braving the crowds. good morning, gayle. and good morning to our viewers in the west. average holiday shopper is expected to spend around $770 on gifts this holiday season. so stores opened early to try to take advantage of that. this target had hundreds of forming wh atple in line last night at shoppers shoppers locking for black waity deals didn't have to wait year. -- well, friday this year. >> 70% off. >> reporter: as stores swung ursday.ors on thursday. >> it was very cheap. >> reporter: want to tell you mosprice because it was that cheap. >> reporter: crowds behaved themselves for the most part. scuffle broke out at one store in georgia. tys "r" us was among those customeg for customers on thanksgiving. >> there's been some backlash to >> the this black friday creep into hanksgiving. ay it's a fit's a family holiday. be should be home with your family, not at the store. thursl, it's thursday night, inp in mind. .m. a talking about 8:00 pm at
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night already. second secondly, it's what our customers asked for. exclusive at toys r us. >> reporter: ceo jerry schwartz toysd us products unique to toyses r us. > on black friday this store is euphoric. >> reporter: euphoric? >> it's a huge party. teaming with people who are excited to be here. it's a celebratory atmosphere, obviously. atmospho -- that's okay. it's also, you know, just an incredible >> rep retaeporter: at least retailers hope it is. m to 147 million people are expected to shop on black friday nd over the weekend. dana telsey is an analyst. en reporter: >>. andonger run from blk friday till christmas. 2t's 32 days this year.
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>> reporter: e-commerce is t bested to rise 15% to 18% this year. to counter that, best buy instructed sales clerks to try inkeep customers in store to guardto guard against what's called showrooming where shoppers brows in store, but buy elsewhere online. omized as like macy's are using cust customized apps to reel in shoppers. >> blazer, suits. lack friday black friday win/win for retailers and consumers. now retailers are trying to integrate that online and n-store experience. this target uses an app that tets you gain points from just n pointsin the door. and then it directs you to other yous. it also uses an app that lets you scan the bar code of some of their top-selling toys. you can ship those toys anywhere in the country for free. can svidence that here in store hey're trying to mix some of that convenience you can find online. >> seth, thanks. overseas to a fragile cease fire
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between israel and hamas is still holding this morning. prayers whil supporters celebrate the truce as a victory in hamas. reaction is not as clear cut in israel. in tel aviv, where some people say the military offensive ended too soon. allen, iolation of charlie, the first violation of the cease fire occurred this morning, hamas and saying that israeli troops shot and killed a young palestinian ple when a group of 25 people tried to go into their fields says therder fence. the group, called rioters, was rying to raise the hamas flag nd damage the fence, israel says. fisher three mile zone along the shore. net result was that gaza went fom being a self sufficient dersrter of fish to an importer. d to borders are also supposed
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ng open but israel won't do that onene fell swoop. troops and armors are pulling back but at a measured pace. >> gaza will stay quiet. willthing comes out of it, gaza izationsa quiet place. pinion iseoperate from gauza, te future is war as it was. >> reporter: polls show that 35% li israelis thought the air war insulthave gone on longer. group of soldiers spell out bebe in hebrew and loser. conventional wisdom is that the cease fire will hold at least until then and play in favor of the ruling coalition. >> benjamin netanyahu emerges as a winner, in terms of the israeli system. systeporter: the principle broker of
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also coming under pressure. egyptian president mohamed morsi sin high marks for his butomatic efforts but his assumption owers have sparked allegations news trying to become a new pharaoh. human rights organization has expressed concern about the decree, saying it could provoke on inatile situation in the re the days, pretty much the way thing things are along the border, charlie. >> back to president morsi, what are the ramifications of this asumption of new powers? >> reporter: he came in on a wave of popular support that people wanted to overthrow all the dictorial powers, virtual dictorial powers that president mubarak had. by assuming rather sweeping powers, morsi provokes the worst fears that people have during durtime of mubarak. e might get away with it. ways going to be a tense
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situation. he is risking people coming back n the streets. o at is not something he wants to do, charlie. >> allen, thank you very much. lawmakers will pick up their will pic he attacktion of the attack that killed the u.s. ambassador to libya. cheryla at ktkisson is in washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. clinton wants to hear from secretary of state clinton, who the state the state department review gations investigation and ambassador rice on why she initially focused on the disnou discredited idea that the emb consulate attacks were because of an anti-islam video when they knew from the start that it was terroris terrorism. taneeyond that, what will gressess be looking for when they come back after this recess? o basically more answers to some specific evidence at hand.
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for example, they understand they u that the fbi conducted ith tviews with those on the ground the day after. on the heyy would like to see that transcript. and they want to see more of the videotape, the surveillance lideo as well as the round-level video that was andn and has been shown only to a handful of members of ongress. want to sem want to see what's out there. >> thank you, sharyl. heavy fog is to blame for a massive thanksgiving day pile-up outside beaumont, texas. more than 140 vehicles crash ed on interstate 10. as manuel bojorquez reports, two died and hundreds were injured. >> reporter: within seconds, hway neartruck this busy highway near beaumont, texas. tractor trailers, cars twisted and torn apart. some s some were sent flying. >> within 20 seconds this truck was a was airborne, pushing this you be sush an forward. >> reporter: blinded by heavy chainrivers became disoriented, unable to see vehicles around them, one crash led to another,
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setting off a deadly chain deaction. >> i heard a lot more and i just f theed my kids, pulled them out ra the car and ran. that's all i could do. could do.r: two people were suved when their suv was struck from behind by a tractor trailer. more than 80 others were injured. andust adrenaline pumping, we started running toward where the coreams were coming. y family tter of my family was ite so i deemed it necessary to ee what we could do to help somebody else. >> reporter: in beaumont, cbsway officials tell cbs news there was no prior indication thursday's fog would be so hat thi lyding that this stretch of road never closes and almost never ue to fog. for "cbs this morning," manuel bojorquez, dallas. putespeaking of travel trouble, abor disputes at american airlines and u.sai airways coul
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ause trouble. what's going on? >> called > it's called the world's biggest soap opera. th you remember the pilots were this slowdown, american backnes performance down to 58%? they went back to the table with deal.irline now negotiating a it.l with the union, wants the pilots to approve. the airline wants them to approve it. needre in bankruptcy. in place before they can go to the creditors community and to the judge and say we're coming out want to they want to work with usair networknt if there's going to be a merger. now put that on hold for a .econd. remember, i said soap opera. .> yeah. >> now you have us airways pilts and attendants that don't like their management either. sair 94% margin voted to uthorize a strike. herewe have here is american willnes, which will come out of bankruptcy, there's no doubt about that. f they get that pilot agreement signed by december 7th, move at 7t all deliberate speed, go to the oeditors and judge and say un're coming out of bankruptcy. then the fun and games begin
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with when or not there will be a >> what' eforer with usair and who will run the company. 8th we'll your best guess? >> by january 28th we will know that american airlines is out of bankruptcy and who is running the company. is there any synergy there. a bigger company? theirsmaller company. toir only salvation is, what, to shrink. fewer seats, no longer fighting f nr routes they don't want. >> would you be concerned if you're flying american airlines? >> not at all. they get a 20% equity stakes in the parent company, british airways. they'll come out with a lot more you, than they had when they r.nt in. that's why they filed. lidays.r, good to see you. ook at thetting a new look at auroraspect in the aurora, theaado, movie theater massacre. ames holmes photo was released along with other documents. ate sduate student there at the
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arry of last summer a's shootings and as barry peterson reports, victims and their amilies are getting money from a relief fund. re wasorter: there was horror and then there was terror. a stunned, saddened denver donated more than $5 million to elp the families of the dead nd survivors with hospital bills. jerrell brooks took a bullet in twothigh when he jumped to save a frantic mother and her two usildren. >> you didn't think twice? art of thaad to do it? >> absolutely. inreporter: part of that bullet stillll lodged in his leg. imest painful when you work out? >> sometimes i feel it. ofe anything else, it's tension nsion.leg. t gets better as time goes on. al chariter: help for survivors stalled. local charity was slow to give publicey out and grieving families went public, including jerrell's stepmother. >> i have to pack my son's wound and i'm inflicting pain upon
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him. >> reporter: a man all too familiar with tragedy and with giving out money that sometimes tollows. he oversaw distributing money he oilr 9/11, the bp oil spill, he virginia tech shooting. his formula here is based on the oney available. families of those killed, paralyzed or with loif-changing brain injuries have each gotten $175,000. hreethat used up three-quarters of the donations. gote hospitalized each got the ost, depending on the length of their hospital stay. ement,y element? to get it done quickly. some, loik alejandra cordona, who was shot but did not spend orldnight in the hospital, will get no money. > all talk in the world is no substitute for getting the money to you so you have it without astriction, do whatever you want with the money. >> reporter: moving the process quickly is a relief to survivors
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like jerrell, who can now focus on w on what's next. he is attending college online, at home because of his wound. >> long overdue. >> reporter: is it going to help ill? >> definitely will help me. for >> reporter: juthis one chapter for the families is now over. barry peterson, denver. thanksgiving day saw many examples of the kindness of strangers. communities devastated by superstorm sandy had a different eaningf holiday. as elaine quijano reports it had ,ore meaning than usual in that hard-hit region. overporter: volunteers from all aer the country served residents a proper thanksgiving thanksgi meal. gi thehey're family from the word go. thee are kids here from michigan, virginia, all over the united states, to help us. his is really good. giviappy thanksgiving. thankorter: blocks away, the
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sewickley family had thanksgiving dinner delivered to their home. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporter: volunteers pitched those stilng help from those still recovering from sandy. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporter: further down the d vsey shore, governor chris christie joined volunteers river. river. point,ezy point, new york, ilesle traveled from miles away helplp serve thanksgiving dinner, including one man from mississippi. atrinawent through katrina and e know exactly what these people are going through. o theporter: volunteer alice weeks agoveled to the storm unionrom michigan two weeks .go, serving 1,400 meals a day. >> they lost everything. the least i can do is help give them a hot meal. >> reporter: at the sewickey's ody willhose strangers vowed to return. >> no one will forget about you. i promise you that. eelingorter: a pledge to stand is morningtill reeling from the lainm. elaine quijano, union beach, new
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>> the earsey. >> the weather was nice, too. out didn't have to stand out in the freezing cold. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. dersressional leaders are looking at win/win scenarios to avoid the fiscal cliff. te goal is to bring in more revenue without raising tax rates, allowing both appears to say we stood our ground. high income tacks payers thaksed inco at the top rate. a new arms race in cyber space. many governments are worried hat hackers could get into aeir mainframe computers, eurning to american companies ky, those that can be tricky, though. u.s. company needs a license from the state department before t can work for a foreign country. usa today reports delve straighting drought is expected to last until e
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we're looking very nice outside right now. the sun is up and looking good today. going to see a lot of sunshine throughout the entire day a few high clouds overhead. we have been seen patchy fog in the valleys. the temperatures now still chilly 39 degrees in santa rosa, 41 in san jose. 54 degrees in san francisco this afternoon, expecting lots of 60s. some places maybe sneaking into the low 70s. next couple of days going to be a beautiful weekend ahead other than some ground fog in the morning, lots of sunshine in the afternoon. this national weather report sponsored by citi price rewind. buy now, save later.
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nfl running back engineer roam harrison goes for a row into the physical. it leads to brain surgery and a fight for his life. >> he was declared a quadriplegic. he had paralyzed vocal chords. he was trached and had a feeding tube. >> in his first interview since his surgery harrison and his wife talk about his recovery and his inspirational family.
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>> the new movie "lincoln" are bringing new attention to our 16th president. we'll see if his example can help the 44th president achieve his goals for a second term on cbs "this morning." this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by kay jewellers. every kiss begins with kay. olko. invented the ideal cut diamond, unlocking the true beauty of the diamond. for over 90 years... we have continued to perfect this diamond. [ female announcer ] now kay jewelers brings you tolkowsky ideal cut diamonds -- from the family that invented the ideal cut. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. from our family... to the beginning of yours. yes! yes! ♪ every kiss begins with kay
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prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ]
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[ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] (carwho's that? beep) turkey's ready! turkey!? come on already! this is no ordinary thanksgiving. sears black friday doorbusters start 8pm thursday, going all night with more doorbusters 4am friday. this is sears. yay! maddy, come on. wcome get into bed. this is a story about jingle the husky pup. and jingle was a good dog. ruff! ruff! jingle loved to bark hello. ruff! ruff! ruff! ruff! jingle even loved to sing. ruff! ruff! ruff! ruff! ruff! jingle! let's read the book to him. jingle, stay. and jingle did. ruff! ruff! [ female announcer ] hallmark interactive story buddies. when you read key words, jingle responds. i can't breathe, so i can't sleep. and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed and turned... i even vaporized. and then i fought back with drug-free breathe right.
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these nasal strips instantly open my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better. [ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right. get two free strips at hey it's your right to breathe right. get two free strips at he is a good little monkey and always very curious. one day george got an important letter... he's built a rocket ship to travel into space. girl: google, how far is earth to the moon? google voice response: moon is 238,900 miles... mother vo: the great moment had come... ...3...2...1. ♪
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chopper five is up right now over an accident that killee person in palo alto. three live from the cbs 5 studios in san francisco, i'm brian hackney. chopper 5 is up right now over an accident that killed one person in palo alto. you can see paramedics about to put one of the victims into
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their van. he is on a stretcher. three people were hurt, one killed in the crash on northbound 101 at embarcadero road. most of the lanes are expected to be closed all morning for the investigation. a san jose fire captain has a concussion and fractured vertebrae in his neck. he was inside a burning apartment building last night when a ceiling collapsed on him. and an argument inside a san rafael nightclub led to a shooting in a parking lot. two men are in the hospital. so far no arrests. traffic and weather after a break. on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic.
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good morning. let's go back out to our major injury accident right now in palo alto. this is some video just taken from chopper 5 at the crash scene northbound 101 by the embarcadero exit. three lanes are closed so only one lane is getting by.
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you can see from overhead that there was a chp car involved in the accident. another car overturned near the off-ramp. a traffic alert until 1:00 this afternoon. for more on the forecast, here's lawrence. >> sunny skies throughout the day and it's chilly out the door. but looking good in san jose. we have a lot of sunshine coming our way as high pressure taking over now. temperatures a little chilly in spots, 39 degrees in santa rosa, 41 in san jose. this afternoon, 60s even some low 70s possible. that nice weather lasting right through the weekend but we could see some showers return in the middle of next week.
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♪ this play changed everything in yesterday's houston/detroit game, appeared to be down but got back up and scored a touchdown for the texans.
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the coach called for instant replay but rules say he could challenge a touchdown. if he had kept quiet the play would have been reviewed and probably overturned. instead, a penalty ensued and the touchdown stood. >> sometimes it's best to keep quiet. have to learn that. charlie guess, yes, you should learn that. >> never too late. >> you should learn that rule. grateful this thanksgiving weekend mainly for a routine physical that may have saved his life. >> cbs sports talked with him and james brown, host of the nfl today is here with the story. good morning. >> good to be with you guys. >> great story. >> never to talk unless talked to, right? it really is a story of jerome and michelle harrison and as much about how love and perseverance can overcome some of life's most difficult challenges. >> jerome harrison's nfl career began with great promise in 2006, playing for cleveland he
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broke the team's single game rushing record held by the great jim brown. in 2011, he was traded and underwent some routine medical tests. >> go through a basic -- basic physical, you know. turn your head, touch your toes. they didn't do my eyes. that's when it went south. took a tube. let me see the paper. he said you see that big white thing? he said yeah. he said that's not supposed to be there. >> a benign tumor was revealed on his brain stem. >> shouldn't be a big deal. go in there, take it out, take about three hours and you should be able to go home. >> i was a little nervous. he was in great spirits. i said i won't even kiss you, give you a high five and all that when you get out. >> after about 4 1/2 hours, the doctor came out and told us that
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it wasn't going well. >> i said tell me he's going to be okay. >> it was the placement of the tumor, it being right on his brain stem and it was engulfed in veins. >> we were told that only time will tell. so i grabbed his hand and held it tight and i said, jay, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand. and he did squeeze my hand. >> okay. he's going to be okay. the surgery was really bad, but he's a trouper. about 24 hours after the surgery, they found a blood clot in his brain and he had a stroke. from that point forward it was just every hour was touch and go. he was declared a quadriplegic.
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he had paralyzed vocal cords. he was trached and had a feeding tube and that was -- >> she did say one word. i didn't die. >> reporter: and jerome wasn't about to quit. >> i remember when i knew he was back. >> christmas eve, yes. my granddaughter's first birthday. >> crawled right into the hospital bed, playing with all the cords. >> to see her smiling, excited, i was so happy to be alive to see her turn 1. >> i could see it in his face. he was raring to go. he was raring to go. >> oh, it was on. it was on. i had love and happiness, surrounded by it. things that i didn't know was wrong with and helped me get back to my feet. >> he would work harder than any
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other patient and all the other patients would sort of see this and they started working a little bit harder. this guy was great to have around in the rehab unit. >> it was just hard work, determination. i think love and support. michelle was with him every step of the way. >> plus she was more than pregnant. it was like any day she was going to deliver their second child. >> and this february, the harrison's celebrated the birth of their son. >> i'm very thankful to be alive and have a beautiful family. very, very thankful. very thankful. >> it hasn't altered how we feel about each other, how we feel about our family and friends. it actually added a whole new layer of richness. it has been a beautiful struggle. >> that's well put. >> i bet the doctors would say that they could not have done it without his attitude and his
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fight. >> the same kind of spirit that he displayed on the football field, determination, not giving up is exactly what he displayed here in overcoming some very serious challenges. >> he said, charlie, surrounded by love and happiness. it will take you many, many, many places. >> to say the least, surrounded by many strong women. many of us know all about that. >> what's the prognosis? >> right now the aim is just to make him a fully functioning person to live a normal life. he hasn't given up the idea of playing football again but they just want him to be normal again. and michelle and jerome are just awesome people. his mom, very strong. let me give credit to charlie bloom, our producer, who tracked down this, chased down this and convinced the family he would do a sensitive and very loving piece and he did that. >> he definitely did. i think it's amazing that given the diagnosis he was given and then we see him walking on the treadmill. it just goes to show you that doctors don't know everything.
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the will to live and the will to change is a very powerful thing. >> which is why you heard dr. kelly underscore that he wanted his other patients in rehab to see jerome so that they could have an inspiration, role model to follow. >> let me talk a little bit about football yesterday. >> you want to ask me dan marino quarterback questions, quick release, go ahead, charlie. >> charlie knows. >> i was not the kind of football player you were. there is also the question about the jets. many people are asking, what do they do now? and what happened with the patriots? >> first of all, the patriots are a remarkable team, resilient. they will be there at the end of the day. they have been the last 10, 11 years. the jets simple turnovers. you can't turn the ball over that many times. self inflicted wounds, if you will, to use the sports vernacular. they were bringing that on themselves when they brought tim
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there. perhaps the best thing to do is once they're completely out of it, play him so that they can settle some questions. >> what's the reluctance to put him in? >> players themselves see that mark sanchez is the better athlete and gives them the best chance to win. with tebow, you have to -- in layman's terms you would have to radically change a lot offensively in order to accommodate his style. he is not the best passer or the most accurate style. you would have to change to a more run oriented offense if he were in there. >> has he gotten better as a passer? >> that remains to be seen. according to players in practice, not enough that they would throw their weight and support behind him. >> good to see you. >> good to see you as well, too. >> you can see j.b. and his crew sunday at noon eastern time and 9:00 am in the west. >> what a crew it is. as president obama prepares for a second term, what can he learn by president lincoln.
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why his lessons matter 150 years later when "cbs this morning" continues. we'll be right back. [ tylenol bottle ] nyquil what are you doing?
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♪ the new movie, lincoln, has brought the president's life and legacy back to the forefront. what lessons can be learned for today's political process? >> john dickerson is here with a look at the president's second term. john, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> lincoln and fdr, according to doris kearns goodwin looked at their first term and gave them instructions for their second term. if president obama does that, what will he do differently? >> basically i think he will be less accommodating to republicans. he will -- now he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected. and he will kind of give up on the attempt to get bipartisan consensus, creating a new kind of post partisan washington. all of those dreams are gone by experience.
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and the lessons he has learned is to be a little bit tougher and that a result is more beneficial than a process that might look good, but that gets you no results. >> president obama, john, has said many times team of rooifb s -- rivals is one of his favorite books and if he had to save anything it would be the bible and the team of rivals. is he assembling a team of rivals during his second term? >> no, it doesn't appear to be the case. what's extraordinary about this film of lincoln and steward, that was his second rival, going after the 13th amendment is kind of the manager of the vote counting. lincoln puts this important task in the hands of his rival. there's no evidence that that is necessarily going to take place except for the fact that often in congressional negotiations the president, who doesn't have a great love of the working with senators and congressmen put
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that task in the hand in the past he has put it in the task of joe biden, who was not like stewa steward, a great rival, but a rival of a kind in those democratic primaries. >> this is also true, that the president, if he looks at this film, will understand that abraham lincoln was prepared to make deals. abraham lincoln would do anything because he thought the 13th amendment was so important that he spent a considerable part of hi his time just trying to get the deal done. >> boy, you're exactly right. look at the three things that lincoln did. one, he bought votes essentially. that's a little harder to do today. remember when ben nelson, the democratic senator, was bought off with a cornhusker -- once that came out in the light of day, it went away. you have to string along your allies. lincoln takes the conservative republicans and basically to get their vote promises to let negotiations continue with the
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confederates, then he manages the information. slow walks them so that basically he buys off them, gets their vote so that he can get what he wants. in the end what i also love here, in this film there's lawyerly evasions basically win the day. the vote is about to fail and lincoln is asked whether the confederate representatives are coming to washington and he says they are not here that i know of. it's essentially a lie by the law, legal standard his words aren't a lie but it's essentially a lie. >> they say president lincoln heard the word i heard a lot was manipulation. as he begins his second term, what lessons can he learn in dealing with some say a very divided congress? >> the difficulty is manipulation works to a point. he basically, though, has to be an actor, behave in one way with one group and behave in another way with another group and he has to know what the truth in the middle is. basically he has to do something that he may not enjoy that much, which is basically a lot of play acting, which allows everybody
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to think you're working for them. then when you get the deals done, people might be a little disappointed but the deal is done. >> we sometimes tend to forget that presidents in the beginning and forever are politicians. >> they need to be politicians. we don't like -- in campaigns all of the politicians arts are sort of looked down upon but, in fact, knowing how to string along your friends, knowing how to have multiple people believe multiple thing, knowing how to string the public along are all essential skills of a pres
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had all right, a little chilly outside in some of the valleys now. out toward the coastline we have a lot of sunshine there and we'll see sunny skies for most of the day, couple of passing high clouds that will be about it but still some chilly temperatures to begin with. 39 degrees in santa rosa. 38 in fairfield. 41 in san jose. this afternoon, we are expecting highs into the 60s, maybe some low 70s too. enjoy it. should be a beautiful weekend ahead. watch out for the night around morning low clouds and fog in the valleys, otherwise sunny throughout monday and tuesday too. . jc penney is sure hoping to give thanks when black friday is over. we'll ask ceo ron johnson about holiday shopping and how he plans to pull his company out of a slump. you're watching cbs "this morning." we'll be back after the break. she doesn't really get us. and she'll never know who we are, or what... no way, madden girls?? nike! they're so awesome! nike! wow! yeahhhh! thank you!
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who's your mommy now? it's a christmas miracle. give victoriously. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. [ man ] hello!!!! hello!!!! [ all ] ohh! that is crazy! are you kidding me? let me see! oh! what! that's insane! noooo! mr. woodson? oh hello! hello! [ whistles ] hello! [ all ] hello! [ coach ] caleb, i've got someone i want you to meet. hello. [ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 3,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible.
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. [ male announcer ] sounds good. (carwho's that? beep) turkey's ready! turkey!? come on already! this is no ordinary thanksgiving. sears black friday doorbusters start 8pm thursday, going all night, with more doorbusters 4am friday. this is sears. a great clean doesn't have to take long. i'm done. are you thinking what i'm thinking? ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ okay. all right. oh! [ female announcer ] the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to clean better than a broom. and its wet mopping cloths can clean better than a mop in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom, have you seen my -- hey! hey! he did it. [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back.
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♪ you make me happy [ female announcer ] choose the same brand your mom trusted for you. children's tylenol, the #1 brand of pain and fever relief recommended by pediatricians and used by moms decade after decade. of pain and fever relief recommended by pediatricians ♪ use freedom and get cash back. ♪ack. ♪ five percent on hotels and airlines. ♪ ♪ oh everybody conga line, ok! activate your 5% cash back at ♪ everybody get, everybody get! ♪
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whoever thought sailing could be this fast. sail rocket ii broke a speed record last week going 68 miles per hour off the coast of nabia. it skims over the surface. welcome to cbs "this morning." >> it looks like fun. >> if you ask an oscar winner, sean penn will say his day job is acting but his real job is dedicated to the people of haiti. he shows charlie why the 2010
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earthquake moved him so much and why the recovery there is going slowly. ♪ one for you. ♪ and one for me. ♪ you, you, you, you, you... ♪ and one for me. ♪ xbox for jack. ♪ sweaters for nancy. ♪ i'm blown away... i'm freaking out... ♪ ♪ deals, deals, deals! ♪ it's on, it's on, it's on, ♪ it's black friday. juicy, 100% pure beef, chopped onions, pickles, and american cheese. mcdonald's mcdouble. yours for just a buck, on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ on mcdonald's dollar menu.
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online outfit piccolo headphones buy now broadway show megapixels place to sleep little roadster war and peace deep sea diving ninja app hipster glasses 5% cash back sign up to get 5% everywhere online through december. only from discover. which shirt feels more expensive? i get to touch these guys? oooh, ooh la la. i'm feeling their muscles. yup, yup. -that one. -that one's softer. actually, it's the same t-shirt. really? but this one was washed in downy.
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-really? -that's why it was softer. real soft, velvety feeling. let me try again. it's like an upgrade in a bottle. divine. why spend a lot of money when you can just use downy? downy's putting our money where our soft is. try downy softness. love it or your money back. ♪ target redcard... ♪ target redcard... ♪ save 5% and get... ♪ free shipping! ♪ it's on. hit the sale. ♪ hallelujah. grab your redcard. ♪ ♪ hallelujah!
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,, others are injured, after a crash this morning in palo . it happened on the offramp,m northbou it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. one person is dead and three others are injured after a crash this morning in palo
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alto. it happened on the off-ramp from northbound u.s. 101 to embarcadero road. two of the injured are in critical condition. the third a chp officer is being treated for minor injuries. the ramp remains closed at this hour. this should not have a major effect on 101 since traffic is light because of the holiday. the christmas season unofficially kicks off today. tree lighting events are set this evening for union square in san francisco and christmas in the park in downtown san jose. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,
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good morning. we're tipping to follow this fatal accident along the peninsula in palo alto. all but one lane are shut down northbound 101 at embarcadero road. it is actually already pretty backed up on 101 jamming up towards highway 85. one person in an suv was killed. it was also involving a chp patrol car. several other people were injured. use 280 in the meantime because again, 101 lanes will be shut down they are saying until
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about 1:00 when they can hopefully lift that traffic alert and finishing the investigation. here's lawrence with the forecast. >> lots of sunshine, elizabeth, hazy towards sutro tower in the distance. mostly sunny skies throughout the day today temperatures a little chilly in fairfield at 38 degrees now. 42 in santa rosa and 45 in san jose. 54 degrees in pacifica. this afternoon, expecting lots of sunshine and plenty of 60s outside, maybe even some low 70s. looks like nice weather throughout the weekend, going to stay dry through tuesday, maybe some showers toward the middle of next week. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to cbs "this morning." black friday shopper got an early start. retailers hope they are in a
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spending mood. we'll ask the ceo of jc penney about his holiday goals and why his stores didn't open on thanksgiving. and 60 years of portraits show queen
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>> eye opener at 8:00 is brought to you by the aarp. i'm charlie rose with gayle king. norah o'donnell is off today. black friday's bargain hunting began early than of this year. stores that opened on thanksgiving night had plenty of shoppers waiting. >> a new gallop poll say 18% of people plan to shop today. sale prices are a big reason.
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family tradition that play as factor too. seth doane is at a target store in jersey city, new jersey. one of the stores where shoppers got a head start last night. seth what are the crowds like today? >> reporter: well, gayle in many ways they are not as crazy as generally imagine for black friday. a lot of that craziness happened last night when stores opened 8:00, 9:00, you saw long lines in front of stores. the store we're at here at target had a very long line, hundreds of people in line at 8:00. just imagine now these stores have been open for 11 or so hours. one of the things we're hearing from target people are spending more time in these stores and not just coming in and buying tvs or spending time in the housewares or home section because it's a more leisurely evening experience that black friday has crept into thanksgiving day. >> there's a lot of talk about online shopping, changing the turn out. have you seen any indication of
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that in your location? >> well, yeah. absolutely. you see a lot more of these. bar codes. top selling toys. go to the toy aisle and scan the bar code and ship it to your loved one anywhere in the country for free. that's happening as these stores really try to compete with the convenience that can be found online. also everyone is using these apps. i walked in today, there's an app called shop kick and it gave me points for coming in to the store. retailers want you to come in to the store. maybe you'll buy more than you planned on than if you were shopping online. >> black friday is a traditional day when retailers make their yearly profit. but it's going to take longer for jc penney to get out of that red. the company lost more than $430 million this year. ceo ron johnson is in a jc penney store outside of san francisco. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. how are you? hi, gayle. >> good to see you. >> we're interested to see what's going on with your store.
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why didn't you follow what other stores were doing and make an exception for your store on thanksgiving? >> i really believe there's two great traditions that happen this time of year. one is thanksgiving which is a day to give thanks for all the blessings we have. the second is the kick start to the holiday season. black friday is called black friday because it should start on friday. no matter when you open you'll have a big crowd. customers want the best value. but we think we should honor both families and shopping and we chose to do both. >> one thing people are looking at with your stewardship of jc penney is your model to turn it around and it doesn't seem in terms of the early returns that you're able to do what you wanted to do, on the on the other hand you argue it's a long term plan. what are the benchmarks for you in turning around jc penney? >> well, to me, charlie, the big
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benchmark is february 1st next year. we expected one year of transition if we changed our pricing. we're trying to teach people new way to shop. and we want people to shop on their terms. it's like today, our values are available all day long from the moment we opened at 6:00 until 11:00 at night. people can balance their personal needs with our store needs and it's going to take a year to teach people really how respond to the new pricing. we deliver amazing value. i think we're one of the best kept secrets but we expect to return to growth next year. >> last time you were here you laid out your new strategy and everybody that heard it thought it was a great idea. why do you think it didn't go according to plan and has that been frustrating for you. >> i think it takes time. you know we spent decades teaching people how to find value in a store. retailers do, a lot of people make up prices to create until lugs of savings. we said enough of that. we want to treat customers fair
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and square. like the decision not to interrupt the turkey dinner to go shop. these are things that are long term values. and it's going to take time for people to understand that. but i'm trying to position jc penney for the next hundred years not this year. >> one of the things you say in terms of responding to criticism is that you say when you were at apple and creating apple stores, retail stores that it took a long time and that steve jobs had a game plan. how did you convince the critics that they can wait for you to do what you want to do? >> i think people will wait. you got to remember for every sale of a stock another person buy as stock. we have a rotation in our investor base. our investors are looking at where we'll be down the road, not where we'll be this year. our vision is very clear. you know, we built out this really great mock up of the
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future jcp store in dallas. everybody gets to see that and excited about it and that will roll out next year. by back to school next year 40% of the store will be updated. a new home area, kid area. we'll be one of the most exciting stores in the mall in the next few months ahead. >> i can see you're enthusiasm, ron johnson. i'm hoping you're wearing a jc penney sweater. >> i am. this is our jcp sweater. it's actually -- think about this. it has cotton and cashmere and you can buy this today for $15. >> sounds like a deal. >> it's unbelievable. >> you're eliminating check out counters. how does that work? i don't quite understand what that means. >> a lot of people have been to an apple store. every employee carries an ipod and we can check you out
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anywhere any time. the check out counter will go away. the employees that were waiting for to you check out will meet you when you are thinking to buy. we will deliver more service and convenience as we do that. we're doing that today here. >> let's look at the fourth quarter. you have computer technology today that gives you a way to look at where this quarter will end, this final quarter in the year. do you think it will be less than expected? >> you know, i can't really talk at this point in time about a performance for the quarter. we had an unbelievable day online yesterday. way exceeded our expectations. our crowds today, the kick-off of the holiday season on the east coast and the midwest are much larger than last year. that's the beginning of the day. we have to get through the whole day. i'm very encouraged by what i see yesterday and today. >> generally, overall buying in
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this holiday season. can you measure how it's comparing to other years? >> you really can't. it's way too early. i've been around retail for 30 years. i've had years where we had an amazing black friday and the holiday came in slow. other years where it started slow came in fast. so i think we got to get through it, add up the results and see where it falls. >> the interesting thing what you're doing now versus apple stores. when people were coming to apple stores there were hot products they were standing in the line get. what are they waiting for at a jc penney store? >> well today they are here to get, you know, electrics. $8 for toaster ovens and 12 cup coffee makers. it's price and value. it always will be on black friday. value is always important. that's why we're trying to deliver more value every
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>> sean penn has played everything from a pirate to a political nir.
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today his new role is heading a relief mission in haiti. he'll show you what he's doing there next on cbs morning. this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by aarp. fighting to keep medicare and social security strong for generations to come. security. anncr: but you deserve straight talk about the options on the... table and what they mean for you and your family. ancr: aarp is cutting through all the political spin. because for our 37 million members, only one word counts. get the facts at let's keep medicare... and social security strong for generations to come.
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it's real fruit juice; crisp, sparkling water; and no added sugar. and they come in these really cool cans. you want one? i'll wait a bit. all right. mm. refreshing. ♪ use freedom and get cash back. ♪ack. ♪ five percent at best buy. ♪ wow my definition is high. activate your 5% cash back at ♪ everybody get, everybody get! ♪ i have a cold... i took dayquil, but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't work on runny noses. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have an antihistamine. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast acting antihistamine to relieve your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] can't find theraflu? try alka-seltzer plus for fast, liquid, cold, and flu relief.
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try alka-seltzer plus ,,,, get 36 months interest-free financing through thanksgiving weekend at sleep train, and save $400, $500, up to $600 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get 3 years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic.
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plus, free same day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. but mattress price wars ends sunday, thanksgiving weekend, at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ two-time oscar winner sean penn is the world's most celebrated actors.
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these days he spend half his time in haiti doing humanitarian work. i spoke with him for tonight's special "person to person." >> i'll start -- this is my room. >> this is it? >> this is it. >> i can literally -- >> yeah. >> put hand to hand. >> the story of how one of the biggest movie stars in the world chose to live in a plywood cubicle in haiti begins in january of 2010. penn was in california newly divorced from his wife and uncertain what he would next. >> it was an accident in timing in many ways. i turned on the news. >> disaster in haiti. >> there were reports that more than 300,000 were dead. thousands more injured. doctors were operating without pain medications. >> it was what we all referred to as civil war medicine. here's an aspirin and now i'll
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cut your arm off with a hacksaw. that was happening. >> penn says he could not turn away. his own son recently recovered from a skateboarding accident that was life threatening. penn said he remembered how much morphine had helped his son. >> something just clicked. in the earthquake, amputations on children and others with no pain medication. and the joke i've always made is an actor in hollywood knows where to find narcotics. >> days later with the help of well connected friends penn was in haiti with pharmaceuticals and medical personnel creating the haitian relief organization he calls j/p hro. >> it was a full time investment for your. >> yes. >> he shares this space with some staffers. >> how many people you think live here? >> between 15 and 20 are living in the house right now. this is the kitchen. >> the sign up here says please don't take seconds until
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everybody has eaten. >> that doesn't apply to ceos. >> they get seconds. >> this also seemed to me to give you some sense of being able to exercise some muscles that you might have known you had but haven't had a chance to really exercise? >> it's all lessons right now. >> it is really? >> lessons of surfing. >> in some ways. i know when i'm in the right position to catch a wave and i know when i'm not. and i knew that i was in a place where, where i could do something. >> this whole property here within these walls, you see here, was at one time the only golf course in all of haiti. >> after the earthquake tents were set up as temporary housing. >> what's your role here? >> jphro serves as camp management which is to advocate on behalf of the camp population. >> 18,000 haitians have lived in
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these tents for nearly three years. >> can we look inside a tent? >> so here you are. four people in this space, a mud floor. probably everything they own in their entire life is right here. do you get a sense of what it is to be here by seeing inside, what the light is and what the challenge is too. there have been magazine stories saying haiti's recovery is not working. there's still people who don't believe. what are they missing? >> it is too slow. there should be more. but the fact is that there's been so little reporting on the incredible work that's been done. those of us are here can, as they say in creole, jose, jose which means chill, chill. just look for, you know, come a little closer.
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look at what's really happening here. >> you know, i am so fascinated with sean penn. i remember him at hurricane katrina. you can't question his motives for jumping in to help where there's a need. >> in this case it's even more so. i think in terms of where he in his life this gave him an opportunity to do something he wanted to do and he's jumped in, you know, with both feet and making a difference and it's important for him. so you can see the entire interview with sean penn and our conversation with drew brees and alicia keys on "person to person" that's tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central right here on cbs. we'll be right back. this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by international delight coffee creamers. what's your i.d.? [ female announcer ] he could be your soulmate. but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste.
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use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald live from the cbs 5 studios in san francisco, i'm brian hackney. at least one person was killed in a crash on northbound highway 101 in palo alto this
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morning. the accident happened at the embarcadero road off-ramp at about 7:00. two vehicles were involved in the collision. one of them a chp patrol car. that officer suffered minor injuries. two people remain in critical condition. three lanes of the highway are shut down, not expected to reopen until 1:00 this afternoon. elizabeth will have the latest in just a minute. a san jose fire captain is recovering after a ceiling collapsed on him while fighting an apartment fire. the flames broke out in the complex on willow leaf drive last night. the captain has a concussion and a fractured vertebrae in his neck. the fire forced residents out of six units. >> traffic and weather right after a break. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. following up on our fatal accident in palo alto, it's breaking traffic news this morning since about 7:00. several lanes have been blocked on northbound 101 approaching embarcadero road. you're looking at some video just taken from chopper 5. one person in an suv was killed. several others were injured. so traffic is squeezing by in that one lane means that it's jamming up beyond highway 85. so use alternates in the meantime. caltrain, 280. chp is saying it's going to take looks like five more hours for this to clear. so in the meantime, alternates are going to be good for the morning drive. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> a lot of sunshine in the bay area. cool and chilly in the valleys. overlooking san jose a lot of
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sunshine and plenty more to come throughout the day should be beautiful all the way to the coastline. the temperatures started out in the 30s and 40s in the valleys and remain in the 40s inland 40s approaching the coastline. by the afternoon, 60s everywhere you go, at the coastline, even low 70s. i think we are in for a great weekend ahead. high pressure going to sit across our skies bringing with it lots of sunshine. morning and night low clouds and fog. sunny monday and tuesday, rain in the middle of next week in the bay area.
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♪ welcome back to cbs "this morning." many of the world's top artists have painted and photographed
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britain's queen elizabeth. the best of their work goes on display this morning in a new royal exhibit. mark phillips is at windsor castle outside of london this morning. mark, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning gayle and charlie. the last act in the year long jubilee celebration of 60 years of queen elizabeth opens here today at windsor castle as you say. it's a collection of portraits of the queen made and taken over the course of her realm. some authorized, some not, all revealing in ways and intended and not and some that should be in the show but weren't. it's certainly among the most reproduced images in the history of the world. the face of the queen on the money since the beginning of her rein 60 years ago. here at windsor castle in a gallery tucked in amongst the ancient stones the palace has put together a revealing collection of portraits of the queen over the year. many of them don't look like the
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money at all. some do, including the first one that greets you of that oh, so young woman who found herself crowned well before she expected to. >> this shining figure, this new young queen. she's only 26 at the time she's crowned. >> reporter: lauren is one of the curators who put the exhibition together. the grim exhausted post-world war ii britain of the early '50s need a little glitter. the coronation provided it. it can bling up a fresh monarch. >> she has this heavy crown on her head -- >> reporter: the collection has drawn the attention of art critics who has seen not just a queen but an image conscious queen prepared to be seen in an entirely new way.
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why else would the who took that coronation picture in the '50s, took this one in the '60s. >> is that considered a risky picture? >> well it's hard for us to imagine. doesn't seem risky to us. >> compared to what comes later. >> reporter: what comes later is a different queen. try this. >> yes. these are a set of four monumental screen prints of her majesty the queen made by andy pyou have these beautiful outlines which has been sprinkled with diamond dust which is pieces of crushed glass not diamonds. transformed the most famous woman in the world into an icon of art. >> reporter: there are other pop images not in the collection but maybe they should be. a sex pistol record cover in the '70s was shocking then, not so
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much now. >> he was very clever. and kind of inevitable in a way that somebody at some point would come along and take this iconic image of this super respectable lady and suddenly she becomes punk. >> she's even the punk's queen. >> reporter: but there's more. >> one of the biggest stories, one of the smallest pictures is this portrait which is different than the others. >> absolutely. very expressive. it's on a much more scale than any of the other finished work in the exhibition and it's one of the most controversial. people either love it or hate it. it's not trying to flatter her. it's trying to show what he sees. >> yeah. i'm sure. you never know how it will turn out. >> do you know whether she likes it? >> i don't, i'm afraid. >> reporter: from this to this.
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a changing queen for changing times. and inanybody is afraid of attack of jubilee withdrawal as this year winds down fear not next year is the anniversary of the queen's coronation. that's very likely the palace will think of some way to get our attention. >> jubilee withdrawal. >> i love your scene of how more. i was wondering what we would do about jubilee withdrawal. many places they could hold this exhibit. why did they choose windsor cast signal. >> this is actually as you were saying earlier just outside of london, west of london about ten miles or so and it's actually the queen's favorite urban residence although out here in the leafy country side. she much prefers it than to being in buckingham palace which is right in the middle of london. right here is closer to horsey country. it's a little royal real estate. right under the heathrow flight
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line. can't have everything. >> always good to see you. we like him, charlie. his humor is so fantastic. eyewitness testimony send a california man to prison for murder. the convicted man and his son says the witness was wrong. we'll show you what they are ,,,
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♪ tomorrow night "48 hours" focus on a father, a son and a murder case. frank o'connell promised he would always be there for his son nick but that was tough to do from a prison cell. as troy roberts the son always felt his father was innocent, the question, though, was could he prove it? >> reporter: when nick o'connell was 4 years old his father was sentenced 25 years to life for first degree murder but frank o'connell has always maintained his innocence.
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and nick has always believed him. >> every day for 27 years i wake up knowing a good, innocent man is being punished again today. >> i don't deserve this. i wasn't a thug in the community that they need to sweep up and get up off the streets. >> reporter: in 1984 l.a. county sheriff's detectives accused frank o'connell of shooting his ex-girlfriend's ex-husband and speeding off in a yellow pinto station wagon. when nick was 15 he read the entire case file and understood that there was never any physical evidence tying his father to the crime. >> the strongest thing they have is the eyewitness identification and then you have one person who loosely connected him to a yellow pinto. >> there's no zmas. >> reporter: the prosecution's case against cohn kneel was based in large part on this man, daniel drucker who said he saw frank o'connell gun down jay french. >> how far away was the shooter
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from you? >> you see where that post is. that's where i was crouching. a little further over there. he was somewhere here. like this. >> reporter: days after the shooting, drucker identified o'connell from what's called a six-pack or a photo lineup. dan chose number three. a year later he also identified o'connell in court. >> i believed they had done their jobs. they had caught the right guy. >> eyewitness identification is a major, major problem in erroneous conviction. >> reporter: a leading forensic expert in eyewitness testimony said six-packs have been proven to be highly fallible. >> the largest source of i.d. is resemblance. >> reporter: is it egregious don't vick somebody on eyewitness testimony? >> without expert testimony yes. >> as a young child you go oh,
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my dad is innocent. got to be getting out. you get older and you start to realize the system is not designed to correct mistakes. you watch tv and you say that doesn't happen. it does happen. it happened to me. it could happen to anybody. >> troy roberts joins us at the table. how strong of a witness is dan drucker? >> wasn't very strong, actually. he only had like two seconds to see the shooter and it was a profile. >> he was so sure though, troy. >> he was so sure. he said he was pressured by the detectives to make a decision. and it's really difficult when you're dealing with eyewitness testimony -- i mean 50% of the time it's not accurate. >> your expert in the piece said you can't rely on eyewitness testimony. why? >> because, i mean it invites comparison shopping. you're looking at these photos and you're comparing photos. so it's really, really
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difficult. he looked at the shooter for a couple of seconds. i want to know what you think. i've been dying. when i come here i say good morning gayle and first time -- you speak to me it's like guilty, guilty. what do you think? >> have to say on this one i'm not so sure. normally i do, i have an opinion on most things but this one i'll be very curious. let's talk about the photo lineups. is the best way to do is those six packs? >> they should lay out the photographs one at a time. and also the detective who is showing the photograph should not be involved in the case. because of the body language. >> thank you troy roberts. always good to see you. i think we got your saturday viewing planned out for you viewers. you can see troy's full report on "48 hours" and charlie's "person to person" is right before that. that's tomorrow night at 10:00
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central. timothy ferriss has been called the superman of silicon valley. he'll tell us how four hours can change your life, he says. he joins us at the table next on cbs "this morning." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ tim ferriss is an entrepreneur, a world record tango dancer, and a chinese kick boxing champ. but he's best known for his series of best selling four hour books. >> his new book uses food to
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teach life's lessons called "the four hour chef." learn anything and living the good life. welcome. >> thank you. >> i've known you for exercise, for all kinds of things in terms of self-improvement. why turn to cooking. >> cooking was one of the few skills that i failed over and over and over again and my readers have been asking me for a book on learning for several years. what better way to show the techniques on something i've avoid. >> those readers found what in your methodology? collection of techniques, very few of which i created such as the 80/20 principle where they look for 20% of activities that produce 80% or more of the results. take that and apply that to foreign vocabulary. i couldn't swim until a few years ago and i used the same process. >> you say, tim, anybody can
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learn to do anything in six months if shown the right process. how does that work? >> if you think about, for instance when we go to school at least traditionally speaking you learn subjects. you learn math, you learn english but never thought,000 read properly or quickly. never taught,000 deacon struck a complex sub object you can approach it in a logical fashion. i took the last two years and looked at people like josh here in new york city who was the basis for searching for bobby fisher and actually learned chess in reverse. start with the end game. or people like daniel in uk who sailed the icelandic. trying to pick out the commonalities. what do they use. how do they look at things. then putting that into a blueprint that anybody can apply in something they want to learn.
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>> so in consideration of all that, how difficult was it to attack cooking? >> really difficult for me because i had no basis for let's say memorizing flavors. remembering taste was difficult. working with my girlfriend in the kitchen, she was very patient. i would ask her maybe 20 times a week is this basil? what is this? basil. just trying to figure out how to facility that process. researchers say there's something called the manil sensory institute. they taught me their taste receptors in the mouth and throat and stomach so i was able to hack it. >> you also use a term chef, though, tim as being the boss of your own life. >> right. >> what should we take away from that? >> what we should take away from it is that if you want to maximize your potential you have to be a self-reliant as possible
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and the way you do that is increase your learning speed and scope of your learning and it doesn't have to be complicated. that's what i would say. being the boss of your life, director instead of the spectator applies not only to you but people around you. take the same skills and teach your kids or your friends. >> when gayle goes to a restaurant she gets this vip treatment and you suggest others can do that too. >> like you don't. calling the kettle black. so for people who would like the vip treatment -- >> there are a few tricks you can use. >> give us your top three tips. >> top three tips. first is actually borrowed from an editor of cookbooks. when you go to the restaurant ask the waiter, what is the most popular dish and also the chef's favorite dish that doesn't get ordered enough. number one. you often have chefs come out
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and talk to you because of that. number two is it's about frequency, not tipping. especially tuesdays and thursdays that's when they experiment with the menus. last whenever possible try to sit at the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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at least one person was killed in a crash on northbound highway 101 in palo alto. the accident happened at the embarcadero road exit off ramp around seven this morning. two from the cbs 5 studios, good morning. at least one person was killed
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in a crash on northbound highway 1 this morning. the accident happened at the exit off ramp at about 7:00. two vehicles were involved in the collision. one of them a chp patrol car. that officer suffered minor injuries. two people remain in critical condition. three lanes of the highway are shut down and not expected to reopen until 1:00 this afternoon. more coming up in traffic. the christmas season unofficially kicks off today. tree lighting events are set up this evening for union square and san francisco and christmas in the park in down tan san jose. now let's get the latest on the all important weekend forecast. >> yeah, we're going to see a lot of sunshine around the bay area in the valley. still chilly there you. might want to bring a jacket with you but by the afternoon you could take it off and enjoy the sunshine. high pressure continuing to move overhead. that means we're in for a great weekend. all the stormy weather going to stay well north of the bay area.
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other than low clouds and fog we're talking temperatures in the 60s and low 70s this afternoon. beautiful weekend in store. we could see rain returning toward the middle of next week. we're going to check out your time saver traffic coming up next ,,,,,,,,
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thrget 3 yearsgiving weekend, interest-free financing and save up to $600 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get 3 years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train.
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good morning. we're still watching this major traffic alert. still avoid 101. if you can, this is a fatal accident northbound 101. three lanes are still blocked. and unfortunately it's jammed solid for miles until at least about highway 85. they still tell us about 1:00 is when they're going to hope to reopen lanes. in the meantime, cal train is also a good alternate. not looking too bad across the stretch. quick look at the bay bridge. nice light on this friday. no lights heading into san francisco
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>> announcer: the following is a paid program for the ninja mega kitchen system, brought to you by euro-pro. what in the world is happening to us? 72 million of us are overweight or obese. there's epidemic diabetes among our kids. we're getting sick and dying from eating too many foods that


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