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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  December 16, 2012 8:30am-9:00am PST

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what can be done? we'll legislate from our correspondents and officials on the scene, including connecticut governor dan malloy. we'll talk about what washington can or should do about guns with new york democrat chuck schumer. plus, a panel of experts and opinion makers. this is "face the nation." captioning sponsored by cbs from cbs news in washington, "face the nation" with bob schieffer. >> schieffer: well interesting gets worst with every new detail and we'll get into some of that, but here is the latest. authorities have released the names of the 28 victimes, including 20 first grade student, six adult women who worked at the school. the president will attend a memorial service later today. he will visit with the families. many of the early details about what happened were wrong. we are now getting a better handle on what did happen, but so far no one seems to know
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exactly what motivated the shooter, 20-year-old adam lanza. we're going to begin our coverage with the spokesman for want connecticut state police, lieutenant paul vance. lieutenant, thank you so much for finding time for us. you said something yesterday that you thought the search of the various crime scenes had been successful, and you might have found something that would help us understand the why and the how of this. what can you tell us about that? >> well, i can tell you, certainly, the major crime detectives of the state police have been working continuously since this tragedy unfolded, searching not only the initial crime scene at the school, but a secondary crime scene that we also discovered during the investigation. investigators have executed a number of search warrants and many, many different locations, and i can't detail what's been recovered, but i can tell you that a significant amount of evidence has been recovered and is being cataloged and processed that will certainly assist us in this investigation. >> schieffer: well, do you have any better idea today, even
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if you can't tell us of the details why, of why this person did this? >> i don't know that we can answer that question just yet. there's an immense amount of work that still needs to be done. there are many, many people in many different locales that need to be interviewed that will assist us in helping us arrive to a successful conclusion. the straight-up answer to your question right at this point in time, we don't have that specific answer. >> schieffer: can you tell us any more about the family? we know this person killed his mother, shot her in the face. did your police-- or did the local police, did they know anything about this family? were there ever police calls to their house? was there anything that they would have come to the attention of local authorities? >> no, sir. there-- there-- initial information we have is that the local police department did not
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have much contact with-- or any contact with this family. that's-- that's historical information that we need to ensure that we peel back like an onion. we're going to look at every single level of any contact that anyone had in any location, even in any state. >> schieffer: have you found any suicide notes, any kind of notes of any kind? i understand there were a couple of computers that you may have recovered that had been smashed. what can you tell bus that? >> well, i think what's important is, first of all, i can't discuss the content. it would be counter-productive, but i can tell you any electronic equipment was seized. any kind of writings, any kind of evidentiary material or anything of any value, and each individual thing will beamized. and, really, our goal here is to paint a picture. we're going to paint a picture and we're going to try to answer every single question as to how and why this occurred. >> schieffer: why did this young man's mother have three guns? was she a gun collector? was she a member of some club?
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have you found any information about that? >> we have. we are working with federal authorityes, a.t.f., and others, and we've been able to begin the process of not only tracing the weapons, but going back to their origin, to their manufacture locale any transfer that may have occurred, any purchase of admission, attempts to purchase other weapons or ammunition. we're looking at the picture surrounding this weaponry or any respect we that may in fact be effective in this case. >> schieffer: thank you so much, lieutenant. we web you well in your search. we want to go now to the two correspondents who have been our lead reporters on this, john miller in new york, and bob orr here in washington. john, let me ask you some of the same questions that i just asked the lieutenant. are your source giving you any more information on what they may have found here than the lieutenant was able to tell us when? >> reporter: well, they're going through that now. and i think when you listen to
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paul vance, who is a very excellent and professional spokesperson, he knows where the leans are drawn, which is they have a lot of material and they're going through it, and there are a lot of clues in there. but they haven't gotten to anything that jump jumps out at dismem says,--" >> this islet why." what they're doing is putting together a number of puzzle pieces to say do all these add up together to gus us what might be a why. you have all the journals and books and papers -- or whatever they could fiend at the house. we'll get into the computers, but aside from any physicals computer, say laptop or desktop, the other thing they have done is subpoenaed all of the mother's e-mail accounts, all of the son's e-mail accounts. and when you subpoena that from the provider, whether that's msn, or yahoo!, or icloud-- whoever it is-- they give you a disk, and that contains all of the sent mail, all of the received mail, all of the mail that is in draft folders and over a great deal of time. so that's why-- that's why this
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takes time to pull together. they're going to read through all of those messages and see if they come together with one or more themes that get them to the what could be behind this. >> schieffer: bob orr, his mother owned these three guns, including this assault weapon. what do we know about his family life? was she a gun collector? >> reporter: it seems she was, bob. connecticut has very tough gun laws, so shes cod all thet's, dotted all the i's. she was an avid sporting enthusiast. people who knew her said she regularly went to gun ranges, practiced shooting, sometimes took her children with her. these were sophisticated and expensive weapons which she apparently maintained very well. the problem with this particular case is you had a cache of weapons readiesly available to a young man who, by all accounts, was kind of a recrew, a loner, kind of an antisocial
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personality. and i think that was a toxic mix. >> schieffer: in the beginning, of course, we were told his mother was a school too mucher or she had some connection with the school. i guess the latest is she had no connection, john, that we know of. why do we-- is there any indication of why he decided to go to this school after killing his mother? >> reporter: there isn't. i mean, no clear one. so now you've got to kind of extrapolate. what they're hoping to get out of all that material we were talking about a second ago is maybe that will come together. he grew up in that town. he went it school within that school system. he had problems within that school system. his mother did battle with the school system, both over individual issues but issues with her son, and eventually, pulled him out of that school system. so that doesn't tell us enough, but it gives us some signals that there was tension between the school system in newtown and his mom and we don't know what his experience was there.
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you know, when people describe him, bob, as a shy, awkward kid who had difficulty in social situations, but was also brilliant, that kind of sets the plate for the kind of kid who we all know from our own experiences in school has a high likelihood of being picked on or singled out or given a hard time. >> reporter: bob you asked lieutenant vance about the searches and computers recovered and of course he had to be careful. what our source tell us is the computers could be key. while the house was meticulous, and while the boy's room was meticulously maintained, two computers had been smashed, almost purposely, it seemed, smashed to smithereens. they've collected that information and-- all those parts, i should say. they've taken those now to computer forensic experts and what they'll tie 2 is try to reconstruct the data find out did he send any esnails were there any advanced warnings? did he detail his plans to anyone? it could be very important in
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finding out the motive. >> schieffer: john, do we have any informations too why they first thought it was hiss brother? was he using his brother's i.d.? how did all that come about. >> reporter: you know, in the beginning of these things, there is always a lot of confusion, and they went with tentative i.d.s, what did we find on the person. one of the things they found on the person is a piece of his brother, ryan's, identification, which is what caused our sources to misidentify him first as ryan lanza, and then that picture came together later. but it's suggestive, bob. what it's suggestive of, is here is a kid who may have attempted to make a gun purchase on his own earlier. he wouldn't have been old enough at 20. he would have have to be 21 and may have been carrying around the i.d. of his 24-year-old brother to buy weapons or much more likely ammunition. >> schieffer: what it look likes to me, if police had not arrived when they did-- because when they got there i guess they
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saw him out in the hall, he went to another room and that's where he killed himself, it seems to me if they had not arrived when they did it would have been worse than it was, bob, because he seemed bent on killing as means he could. >> reporter: i think that's right. he was armed for an assault where he intended to take as many victims as he could. had of he had three weapons with him. importantly, he had a fourth weapon in want trunk of the car, higz mother's car and we're told it's a shoopt gun type of weapon, capable of carrying a large drum of ammunition. we're theorizing here, if he had gone unmolested throughout the school not encountered the police he perhaps could have carried outta greater legislature there and who know where's he might have gone with the other weapon in the car. >> schieffer: all right, i want to thank you both. please stay around because i want to talk to you on page two. i want to going next to chuck schumer, who sits on the judiciary commit committee.
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senator, thank you for coming. i think we should note we tried to get a republican from the judiciary committee, but all of the members were either unavailable or we-- or said no. i know you are a strong advocate for gun laws. where do you see this going now? >> well, i think we could be at a tipping point for two reasons, a tipping point where we might actually get something done. first, this was not a single incident. it followed a series of others. in last few months we have had mass shootings in oregon, wisconsin, and colorado. when the public sees these as isolated incidents they're lesupset than when they occur one after the other, and the public the not accept, the public will not accept as a new normal one of these incidents every month, these mass shootings. second, of course, it involved children. and it's so poignant to see those pictures and i read the story in the newspaper where the families waited in the firehouse and when they found that a young
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child had survived, they called the parents out, and there were other parents waiting. what agony, what horror. so i think we can get something done. i think we have to do things that protect the second amendment rights of legitimate gun owners, but three things that we should focus on. we don't know the details yet, so you can't say any that any of them would have stopped this incident, but you can say they are parts of the pattern. one is to ban assault weapons, to try and reinstatement the assault weapons ban. the seconding is to limit the size of clips to maybe no more than 10 bullets per clip. and the third would be to make it harder for mentally unstable people to get guns. each has had something tiger woods these other incidents. obviously, assault weapons, the clips, you may remember when jared lockener in the gabby giffords shooting tried to reload, tha that's when he was tackle and and it seemed most of
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the people involve head mental instability. those are the three areas i think we'll focus on and i'm hopeful there can be some kind of change. >> schieffer: senator, i'd like your view on why is it that it is so hard to get anything done in this area because you know, it's not just that congress is reluctant to pass laws. members as we found out this weekend when we tried to get guests to come on and talk about this on "face the nation," people are just reluctant to even discuss it. it's-- it's the thing that-- i they're more reluctant to talk about this than they are about raising taxes when you come right down to it. >> yeah, well, that may well be true. we've been gridlocked. you have both sides off in a corner, and i as somebody who wrote the brady law and was the house author of the assault weapons ban spend more of my time trying to stop bad things from happening than being able to do good things. i think we need a new paradigm.
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bob. it's not another person making another speech, whatever. we need a new paradigm because both sides are in the corner and can come to the middle. those of us who are progun control have to admit there is a second amendment right to bear arms. i know the pro gun people say how can the left say the fourth, fifth, sixth amendment should be read expansively and the second amendment should be seen so narrowly through the pinhole of well, it's only militias. the n.r.a., and other groups further to the right have independerred fear in the average gun owner. in large parts of america, the gun is a way of life. the left wants to take the hunting rifle your uncle tommy gave you and you were 14. once we establish there is a constitutional right to bear arms, we should have the right to admit that no amendment is absolute. after all, the first amendment
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has limitations. you can't falsely scream "fire" in a crowded theater. we have limits on libel and pornography. well the kinds of things like the brady law, assault weapons ban, limitations to clips, making sure mentally unstable people don't get guns, do not interfere with the fundamental right, but at the same time make us safer. every amendment should have some balance and some limitation. and if together we can come to the middle on that, maybe we can make some real progress instead of each side being off in their corner, one side saying ban guns, get rid of guns, and the other side saying don't you touch anything about guns. >> schieffer: what should the president do? >> well, the president ha strong on this issue. during the 2012 campaign he didn't shy away from his positions. i'm sure he took some flack in the red states and many parts of america and i think the president-- >> schieffer: i don't want to dispute what you said, but i don't remember the president saying anything about this. and i think some people that
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were pro more and stricter gun laws, including the brady group, say he didn't get a very good grade on that. >> well, look, i talk to the president. he cares about these issues. his positions are crystal clear. the problem has been the gridlock they talked about, and no one person-- not even the president-- can break that until we get a new paradigm and that's what i'll be attempting to talk about and do over the next self months. >> schieffer: all right, well, senator, thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> schieffer: we'll be back in one minute with the governor of connecticut. ♪ ♪ americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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commit this awful crime? >> i have not heard anything this morning that would explain what transpired on friday morning. the investigation continues, as it will until we, you know, turn over every page and every piece of evidence to understand what possibly might have motivated this, but this is mental illness. this is, you know, dressed in evil, i suppose. and it just-- you know, it just humans a community, humans a state, and, obviously, as we sit here sunday morning, it overwhelms will the nation. >> schieffer: we understand that these guns that he took to the school were actually his mother's guns. do we know any more about her? i mean, why would she have a collection of guns? what was that about? >> well, apparently, she collected guns. there have been stories of her friends in the gun collecting arena. we have the permits.
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we know when they were sold, each one of these weapons. we certainly know-- we certainly know the impact of those weapons. but, you know, she came from a-- new hampshire. and apparently had owned guns most of her life. that's what we're reading in the paper. but that all will be looked into as well. i mean, there is a reality here. that we have 32, 33,000 deaths as a result of gun liance in the united states, 18,000 of those are suicide. if you have a gun in your home, it's it-- there's a good chance it's going to be used against you or a family member. 32,000 a year is what we're talking about. >> schieffer: you have some very tough gun laws in connecticut. is there anything else that needs to be done here, either at the local or at the national level? >> well, you know when someone-- when someone can use an assault weapon to enter a building, actually shoot out that which
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was preventing him from getting in the building, have clips up to 30 rounds on a weapon that can almost instantaneously fire those, you have to start to question whether assault weapons should be allowed to be distributed the way they are in the youth. you're right, connecticut has pretty tough regulations, but, obviously, they didn't prevent this woman from acquiring that weapon, and, obviously, allowed the sun to come into possession of those and use them in a most disastrous way, a most vicious way. >> schieffer: what do you want now from your legislature and from congress? what would you like to see happen? have you had time to think about that? >> yeah, you know, i haven't had a whole lot of time to think about the national implications. i'm trying to help my state and this small community recover. you know, it was just friday afternoon that i had to break it to 40 families that their loved-- excuse me, 20 families
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that their loved one would not be returning to them that day or in the future. we're in the process of grieving, of attempting to recover. we have a church here that's going to have eight funerals over the coming days. we're lending every assert we can, whether our troopers handling the investigation, or troopers who are directing traffic, every community in the surrounding area wants to do everything they can to help newtown and its citizens. >> schieffer: i understand, governor, that the children are going back to school, what, wednesday is it? will they be ready to go back to school? >> well, you know, i think that that's a decision for parents to make. it's our obligation to open a school, and that's what we'll do. and, obviously, i think a lot of people would get back to-- would like to get back to whatever normal will look like as quickly as possible. the school system itself, the
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broader school si think, will start classes on saturday, is what i've heard. a replacement building for the building in this tragedy is being worked on, and should be open by wednesday. >> schieffer: governor, it goes without saying our hearts go out to you and your community. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> schieffer: and we will be back in a moment. i'll have some personal thoughts. to the best vacation spot on earth. (all) the gulf! it doesn't matter which of our great states folks visit. mississippi, alabama, louisiana or florida, they're gonna love it. shaul, your alabama hospitality is incredible. thanks, karen. love your mississippi outdoors. i vote for your florida beaches, dawn. bill, this louisiana seafood is delicious. we're having such a great year on the gulf, we've decided to put aside our rivalry.
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ill, what is bad enough to what depths of horror must we sink before we say this cannot be tolerated? are we willing to settle for a culture in which kindergarten children are no longer safe in the classroom and the visit to a mall or a movie is a life-threatening experience? in recent years there has been no serious effort to address this problem, no piece of gun legislation was seriously considered during this session of congress. its a subject no one wants to talk about for fear of offending the powerful gun lobby. perhaps it is time to remember what ed murrah said. we are not descended from fearful people. our forefathers were able to say you have gone too far. we can tolerate this no more. upon this courage america was built. have we, their descendants
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vestors like youe : 1-800-345-20 >> schieffer: some of our stations are leaving us now, but for most of you we'll be right back with more on this story. stay with us. ,,,,,,,,,,
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>> the nation is in mourning, following friday's profound tragedy in which 20 innocent connecticut sc the captioning on this program is provided as an independent service of captionmax, which is solely responsible for the accurate and complete transcription of program content. cbs, its parent and affiliated companies, and their respective agents and divisions, are not responsible for the accuracy, or completeness of any transcription, or for any errors accuracy, or completeness of any transcription, or for any errors in transcription. closed captioning provided by closed captioning provided by cbs sports division