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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  December 19, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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your world in 90 seconds. >> a scathing new report about the deadly september attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. >> an independent panel slams the state department. >> an independent review board says security was grossly inadequate and that leadership failures at the state department are to blame. >> secretary of state hillary clinton sent a letter to lawmakers saying she accepts all of the recommendations. >> today funerals will be held for four more victims of the tragedy in newtown including teacher victoria soto who tried to protect her children from adam lanza's wrath. >> is this tragedy a tipping point on the issue of gun control? >> i honestly don't understand why you would rather have people be victims of a crime than be able to defend themselves. it's incomprehensible. >> you're an unbelievably stupid man, aren't you? >> our plan "b" would protect american taxpayers who make $1 million or less. >> 13 days from the fiscal cliff.
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democrats saying plan "b" is doa. >> boehner's proposal will not pass the senate. >> huge winter storm stretching from colorado to the upper great lakes expected to cause blizzardlike conditions today. >> if this turns out to be real, a giant eagle snatching a child from a park in montreal. >> instagram is backing off a new policy that allowed it to use photos. >> out of russia, a truck rolling over spilling out dozens of cows. >> do fans ever ask you to curse at them? >> all the time. >> and all that matters. >> you've got to be kidding me. you know, in this town with that kind of e-mail, do you think he could have survived the cia? i don't think so. >> on "cbs this morning." >> a box office record, "the hobbit: an unexpected journey ea. >> it's about tom cruise's ea. >> it's about tom cruise's search for a new wife.
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captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." a new report on the attack that destroyed the american consulate in benghazi, libya, pulls no punches. it says the state department failed to provide proper security for the u.s. ambassador to libya and other officials who were killed. >> however, the report does not blame any one person for the failures and it recommends no one be fired or disciplined. margaret brennan is in washington. margaret, good morning. >> good morning to you, norah and to charlie. the review of the fatal assault blames systemic failures of leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels. within two bureaus of the state department. missteps that ultimately led to the deaths of ambassador christopher stevens and three american personnel at the u.s. consulate in benghazi. >> reporter: the investigation sharply criticizes the state department for a security posture that was, quote, grossly
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inadequate to deal with the attack. officials ignored requests from the u.s. embassy in tripoli for better security at the benghazi compound. the failure to coordinate is blamed on two departments within the state department. diplomatic security and near eastern affairs. among the findings, there was an intelligence knowledge gap about the high threat environment and the inability of libyan militias to protect the post. they ran away when the attackers approached. there was an inadequate number of diplomatic security agents. and there were no technically proficient staffers. boxes of security cameras set unused because nobody knew how to install them. the board did not single out vimgs for disciplinary action. instead it praised the responders including two former s.e.a.l.s who died in the assault and the diplomatic security agents for their courage in the, quote, near
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impossible situation. the pentagon was absolved of any blame for their deaths, saying, quote, the interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time for armed u.s. military assets to have made a difference. the review also submitted 29 recommendations on how to improve security at diplomatic posts. including hiring more security and personnel who speak arabic. in a letter to congress secretary clinton says she accepts every single one of the recommendations made. she already is sending hundreds of marine guards to bolster posts and asks congress to provide more funding. >> margaret brennan, thanks. also in washington is cbs news political director john dickerson. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. >> what are the ramifications of this report? >> well, the political ramifications, in a sense the political price has already been
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paid for these administrations. susan rice withdrawing her name from the secretary of state nomination. even though this report has nothing to do with her at all. she wasn't at the state department. that has removed her. her nomination will not be discussed in the senate. if john kerry is the nominee, he wasn't involved with the state department. he'll answer questions. he's not on the hook for them. that does not become a public forum for this scathing report. that as a political matter helps the white house. >> john, hillary clinton sends this letter to members of congress saying that she will accept all 29 of the panel's recommendations. five of which are classified. but there are some critics of this administration who accuse her of faking a diplomatic illness so she doesn't have to testify tomorrow before the committee. does she suffer at all politically for this? >> well, this is where the political focus of this moment rests is on hillary clinton. for two reasons. one, it's the kind of messy end
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to what has otherwise been seen in bipartisan opinion as a strong career as a secretary of state. well, the systemic failures are within her department. and so if nothing else, it's a bad way to end her tenure. and, on the other hand, people obviously talk a lot about her as a nominee in 2016. what republicans say about this report and her culpability for the failures will be played again and again if she is a nominee in the -- or runs in 2016. >> i wonder why she wouldn't want to step forward and say not only will we carry out these recommendations, but i'm the secretary of state and i take full responsibility for this? >> she wants to say that, charlie. but then period, end, and let's move on. >> exactly. >> remember, the big question here was did hillary clinton duck this when it was going on? did the administration know that there was a systemic failure here, but try to push away that story and create a new story, have susan rice go out on the shows and say this was a spontaneous attack? much better to be accused --
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much better for it to be a spontaneous attack which no one could see coming than to have systemic failures which they should have seen coming. >> john dickerson, thank you so much. in the fiscal cliff negotiations, one day can make a big difference. 24 hours ago it sounded as though the president and house republicans were close to a deal. but this morning with 13 days to the deadline, progress appears to have stalled. major garrett is at the white house. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. good morning to your viewers in the west. optimism has not yet turned to pessimism. republicans and the white house still think a deal is possible and still want to get a deal and believe it can happen if the other side would just give a little. the problem on tuesday, no one was in a particular giving mood. house speaker boehner took a day off from near constant fiscal cliff negotiations with president obama. boehner said the white house still wants too much in tax revenue and refuses to bring new
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revenue in line. >> we do not have a balanced plan. only willing to fund $815 billion worth of cuts over ten years. >> reporter: bain soehner is isl talking to the white house. the house may vote soon on a bill to raise taxes on households raising $1 million or more. it's sure to pass but would fall well short of the grand bargain sought by each side. it's a legislative head shake by boehner or a sign that progress is derailed. >> speaker boehner's proposal is not balanced. will not protect the middle class. because it can't pass the senate. and it doesn't do anything. >> reporter: mr. obama wants to raise income taxes on households earning more than $400,000. the rate would increase from 35% now to 39.6%. previously mr. obama demanded higher taxes on households earning $250,000. the white house says a deal is in sight. >> there's an opportunity on the table here to achieve $1.2 trillion in additional spending
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cuts. it seems like folly to walk away from that opportunity. >> you know, major, charlie and i are just sitting here talking watching your piece about both sides talking about this. they're feeling pressure from their bases on this. what angers them the most? >> reporter: of course, there are complaints on the right and the left. on the left, democrats are not happy that the president has given up two things they wish he hadn't. one, raising the income tax threshold for higher tax ratings. from $250,000 to 400,000 tlrs. the president's also put on the table reducing future cost of living benefits even for social security. on the right, republicans don't believe that the white house has given up enough on spending cuts and don't believe speaker boehner has driven a hard enough bargain to achieve that. they're also unhappy the speaker is giving in at all on income tax rates. those complaints are there. not as aggressive as the white house and speaker feared. they're there just the same. now to newtown, connecticut, where more funerals will be held today for victims of friday's
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school massacre. elaine quijano is in newtown. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, charlie and norah. the search for comfort here means more funerals will take place today. it also means a slow return to things that once seemed routine. this simple act of going to school is no longer simple here. on the first day back after the shooting, it's become more of a ritual. mike morshuk planned to meet his 16-year-old daughter after class. >> i'll be waiting outside the car and hopefully a few friends will come over, give them a big hug and a kiss, you know. >> reporter: for students at sandy hook elementary classes won't resume until january. in an empty school being renovated nearby. their own building is still an active crime scene and may never be reopened. tuesday morning funerals were held for 6-year-old james mattioli who loved cuddling with his mom at the end of the day. and jessica rekos, who so loved
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horses. she had just asked santa for a new cowgirl hat. today there will be services for teacher vicki soto and principal dawn hochsprung. victims who are being hailed as heroes for their actions. but healing is a long way off. newtown assistant fire chief ray corbo was among the first on the scene last friday. in the quiet moments what do you think about? >> the families of these poor, innocent children. what they have to go through. burials and funerals. >> reporter: for the first responders who saw so much, there is so little to say. >> sorry that we couldn't help more. >> reporter: as for the investigation, there's still no motive. authorities say the shooter, adam lanza, so badly damaged the computer and hard drive in his house, the fbi has not been able to retrieve any data from them. charlie and norah?
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>> elaine quijano, thank you. president obama announces today that a new white house task force will look at changes in federal gun policy. also this morning for the first time, the national rifle association is responding to the newtown attack. bill plante is at nra headquarters in fairfax, virginia, just outside of washington. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. the nra is one of washington's most powerful lobbying groups. but for four days after the killings in newtown, it had nothing to say. nothing on its website, on facebook or on twitter. but tuesday with politicians of every stripe now calling for some kind of action, the nra broke its silence. saying that it was shocked, saddened, and heartbroken by the murders and that it had refrained from commenting out of respect for the families. in a statement the nra said it is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again. and that it will offer more details at a news conference on friday.
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in congress, the leader of senate republicans joined the chorus of politicians who are suggesting that something needs to be done. >> as we continue to learn the facts congress will examine whether there is an appropriate and constitutional response that would better protect our citizens. >> reporter: the white house spokesman says president obama is ready to now actively support a renewal of the ban on assault weapons as well as other limits. >> people have talked about high capacity ammunition clips, for example. that is something certainly that he would be interested in looking at. >> reporter: that came as victims of gun violence and their families demonstrated on capitol hill. urging lawmakers to take action to help curb the carnage. >> we're here from tucson, from auro aurora, from columbine, trolley square, seal beach, virginia tech and newtown, connecticut. names that have become iconic in america's bizarre and shameful epidemic of gun violence. >> reporter: public outrage over the massacre has also emboldened
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members of congress to challenge the power of the gun lobby. >> the political power is much like the wizard of oz. they're bullies. and what's most important is, they really don't represent their membership. the members are overwhelmingly in favor of responsible use of guns and responsible rules. >> reporter: feelings are running very high after this tragedy. of course, there's been a lot of talk of a turning point. the president today will announce that he's putting vice president biden in charge of a process to look at possible new legislation. but, look, change doesn't happen quickly in washington. there have been about a dozen attempts to bring back the assault weapons ban. they've all failed in congressional committee. and the national rifle association spent $17 million this year to influence legislation and public opinion. it'll be looking out for its interests long after the outrage subsides. charlie, norah? >> bill plante, thanks. senior correspondent john miller, former fbi deputy director joins us now. what should we expect from the
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nra other than a statement? >> if history is a guide, and you go on past behavior, the nra, the last time they were pushed into a corner was when murder was at its all-time high in the u.s. in the mid-1990s. they came out in support of the background check we use today. mostly they come out and say we need to do a better job of enforcing existing laws, not new laws. that means things like more names from people who have been adjudicated, mentally defected, to be added to the data base of prohibitive people. right now there's only 1,700,000. lots of states don't contribute at all because of privacy rules. more tracking down of people who aren't supposed to have guns and things like that. >> i'm curious, though, if they'll do more. they've already said on friday on this press conference they're going to have a major press conference. i'm curious if they're going to say something more. you're right that's in their track record. what about gun sales? we've now read gun sales are up
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huge. how much were they up after friday's shooting? >> well, saturday may turn out to be, we don't have the numbers yet, but by doing the projected math may turn out to be the third biggest day for gun sales in u.s. history. it could land in between 120,000 and 130,000 guns sold that day, the day after this massacre. >> and why is that? >> well, it's the traditional christmas holiday rush in gun sales, "a." and whenever there's talk of new gun control that always spurs sales also. >> john miller, thank you. a series of winter storms are gathering strength in the middle of the country. they threaten to disrupt holiday travel across the u.s. over the next few days. let's go to david bernard, chief meteorologist of our miami station cbs 4. >> good morning, norah. we're talking about a big part of the country. a series of storms that's going to be affecting the country. let me start by talking about all the warnings in effect. winter storm warnings from salt lake city right through eastern colorado and into the midwest. some of these are even blizzard
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warnings in effect. and the accumulating snow between now and, let's say, friday morning could be measured in feet in some of the higher elevations in the pacific northwest. it'll be rain in seattle and portland. but the mountains will see very heavy snow. could see a few inches with this storm around denver. but the real significant snows and the worst weather is going to run from omaha right through milwaukee. that's where we could see blizzard conditions and some very significant snows. maybe up to a foot of snow in some areas. chicago has gone without snow now for a record 289 days. that is the last time they had an accumulating snow. it looks like that streak is going to end by thursday night. we could see several inches of snow in chicago and very strong winds. maybe over 50 miles per hour with some blowing snow as well. >> david bernard, thanks. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" says a new study has found no clear evidence linking 9/11 debris to
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cancer. six months ago the federal government added cannes tore the list of diseases covered by the world trade center fund. but the new york city health department found people exposed to debris and dust at ground zero did not have a higher cancer rate. britain's guardian reports on deadly attacks in pakistan targeting u.n. workers giving out polio vaccinations. two workers were killed today and one is in critical condition. it is not clear who is behind the attacks but the taliban opposes the vaccination campaign claiming that it's aimed at sterilizing muslims. "usa today" says the housing market is building momentum thanks to job growth, the construction of new single family homes will be up 25% this year. it's predicted to jump another 35% next year. and the san jose mercury news says facebook founder mark zuckerberg is donating nearly $500 million in stock to a local nonprofit foundation. on his facebook page zuckerberg referred to a promise to donate more than half of his wealth to charity. he is part of the so-called
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our weather is all about the cold clear temperatures outside right now. clear skies and temperatures still below freezing in a lot of spots. we have a freeze warning for the north bay set to expire at 8 a.m. santa rosa at 27 degrees. 28 in napa and 38 in oakland. a little warmer 41 in san francisco. we are going to warm up to the low to mid-50s by the time this afternoon rolls around. plenty of sunshine and then the rain returns through the weekend.
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inzbram creates an online uproar, telling users their photos may be turned into internet ads. now the website promises to review that policy. this morning we'll show you why instagram's giant price tag is at the heart of it. >> they have to make good on a promise to facebook that they're worth hundreds of millions of dollars. and the government tells paula broadwell she'll not be charged with stalking jill kelley. we'll ask why they decided to drop the case on "cbs this morning."
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hackney. final exams are set to resu this morning at san jose ci college... after a lockdownt involved swat yesterday afternoon from the cbs 5 studios in san francisco, i'm brian hackney. classes resume at san jose city college after a lockdown. yesterday afternoon a caller said there was a gun on campus. after a few hours of searching, police found nothing. meanwhile u.s. senator barbara boxer has just announced legislation aimed at increasing safety at the nation's schools. she is one of many lawmakers across the country reacting to
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the mass shooting in newtown, connecticut. traffic's jammed, weather is cold, details coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,
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good morning. breaks south 101 as you work your way out of marin county. delays there, no delays though toward the golden gate bridge. and westbound 80 just past 580 looks like reports of an accident blocking lanes. slow-and-go and metering lights are on at the bay bridge. >> this is one of our coldest mornings of the year. in fact, temperatures today are nearly 10 degrees cooler than this time yesterday. we got a freeze warning posted, especially on the north bay, santa rosa, 27 degrees. 28 in napa. 41 in san francisco. and about 38 degrees in oakland. by this afternoon, we are only
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going to warm up to the low to mid-50s. we will see sunshine. it's not going to last for long. the rain returns thursday through sunday. ,,,,,,,,
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>> over the weekend, two men, you probably heard about this, there was a picture and everything, two men gotten engaged at the white house. so i guess the talks between obama and boehner are going better than expected. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." we have a new development in the biogr a apher of general petraious. >> it's said that she will not face stalking charges. but as we report, she may not be
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completely off the hook. >> reporter: it's been more than a month that she was outed as david petraious' mistress. the investigation has been dropped into the e-mails that exposed the scandal. they noted broadwell's attorney in a letter saying no charges will be brought. it started last summer when jill kelly a close friend told the fbi that she had received e-mails saying back off and stay away from my guy. the e-mails were trafsed back to broadwell. >> i think he is a terrific role model for young people, for executives, more fen and women. >> petraious became clean about his affair with his sudden
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resignation. leon panetta was asked if that was the right thing to do. >> you got to be kidding me. you know, in the town, with that kind of e-mail, do you think he could have survived the cia? i don't think so. >> reporter: the cia is investigating petraious' conduct. broadwell said she is glad they dropped its probe, but she could still face charges for mishandling sensitive information. >> so what -- e, how do they come to this decision? >> this is a thing where the u.s. attorney in tampa is a practical guy. bobby o'neil. he is an assistant director of attorney, and owns a bar down there. i'm drifting. this is a case where bobby
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o'neil would call in his criminal chief and say, what can we prove about what she did? what did the letter say? what does the law say and how does it come out at trial? and i think they determined that they would have a dog on their hand. >> no cyber stalking but is she off the completely? >> no, in the cyber stalking case, one of the things they looked at was a recent supreme court winner where a guy claimed to be a medal of honor winner, and the supreme court ruled that it's not against the law to lie about who you are. but the classified information in her computers is being compani examined a examined and they will have to deal with that as well. the stuff was given to her by lower rachking people and it was for a project. >> do they think shed anything there that was significant?
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>> that's the key, charlie, the kind of of documents that they found were things that did with petraious' plan for the surge and things if they got out today were probably all in the book. >> can we turn to a different story that i want to get your take on, and it's the new movie, "zero dark 30" that is about the bin laden raid and there was question whether the obama administration leaked classified information to make it look good to hollywood producers. a top official is being investigated. the pentagon said, look, he was all unclassified when he talked about it. is it a big story? >> it's a big story in the papers. i don't think it will be a big story in life. what happened there is the pentagon referred the issue involving michael vickers, he was in charge of the s.e.a.l.s, referred him to the justice department to review it.
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he said here is the guy you should talk to. the guy whose name is so secret and classified, the pentagon actually put that transcript out as unclassified after that. so, seems like a tempest in a tea pot from here. >> i would like to he see your take on that movie at some point too. >> i would be happy to give it. john miller movie review, coming up. >> another role for you here. >> any social media website has privacy issues, we will look at how instagram was forced to back down. that is here on "cbs this morning." ♪ what i feel, i can't say ♪ it's all love .
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>> entertainment news, there's talk that jackie chan may join the cast of "the expendables
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iii," that explains the next move, "the cannot understandables." >> that is kind of funny. all great actors, i love it. instagram, i love it, use it do you? the new policy sparked a protest on social media. >> monday to popular photo sharing service announced changes to the way it shares users photoses with advertisers. in an update to the terms and conditions, they said users would agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your user name, likeness photos in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotion without any compensation to you. >> what they can do is basically
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show your photos to other people. if this is something that makes you uncomfortable. it's something that you should absolutely think about when you take a picture or if you want to take a picture at all. >> the changes that would start mid january sparked the social media up roar. on twitter, boycott instagram was a trending ton i can with members vowing to delete their accounts. the public outcry is not typical of the application as loyal fan base to capture and share some of life's most personal and public moments. in november, a photo of hurricane sandy appeared on the cover of "time" magazine. that is what is powerful about what we are doing, you can have a photo and share it and have it anywhere in the world in 20 seconds. >> they have registered 100 million active users.
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last april, facebook announced that it was buying instagram. >> they have to make money and deliver on the promise they made facebook that they are worth hundreds of millions dollars. >> in an industry where reputation means everything. the company issued a swift response. saying it would be reviewing the policies that had caused such a stir. for "cbs this morning. new york. >> with us now, senior editor, welcome. what do you make of the story? not only what they were doing but what they say they will not do. >> it's the same kind of thing we will see a lot more of, people will start to read the terms of services and the legal jargon, they are not lawyers. but also these companies let the lawyers write the terms of service and they are as broad as humanly possible and we had kind
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of a perfect storm, where you had new terms of service of insta instagram that every loves, and they said we can use your foe toys and sell them -- photos and sell them. >> it's a huge site that mostly young people are using instead of facebook. can i say something though, since when do you not post a photo and assume that everyone will use it, see it or copy it? it's a hello everyone. >> we have been trying to tell that to people for years, anything that is up on facebook or instagram, you may as well put it on a billboard. >> but is the argument that they should not be able to make money off of them. >> they will say, we pay to use the services is the attention and ability to get the
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marketing. >> legally speaking, if i take a picture of my family, let's say and then all of a sudden, it's in an ad for delta airlines or something like that, do they legally owe me money, or once it's posted it's free to use. >> they are not going to do that and there was a broad interpretation of what they put up saying they would be able to do that and they went yesterday afternoon and said, calm down, we will rewrite it that is not what we meant. they put the terms up 30 days early so you could have a conversation. >> what if you are professional, and an advertiser takes the photo and they use it, do they owe them money? >> they are not interested in just the photo. they are interested in the stores and brands and things you are liking. they are wantsing to tell brand
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x know what you like so they can serve you up a ad. >> are they acknowledging that they will not pay you? >> what they are going to do is rewrite the terms of service and make it more plain english and at the same time, in the big post from the founder of instagram yesterday, it was we do not on have plans to do this at this time, so they could come back to this at a chill is on. briefly warning in the north bay and east bay valleys until 8 a.m. here's sun-up over the bay area. so clear and cool to start you off with. 27 in santa rosa, below freezing, napa, fairfield and concord and livermore. so we are going to warm up to the low to mid-50s by the time this afternoon rolls around. we will see the sunshine and then thursday, the rain begins thursday evening, right through sunday.
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the newtown gunman's computers may be too damaged to yield any information, so investigators mightt >> the newtown shooter's computer may be too damaged to recover data. we will show you how they do recover data on computer that have gone through the worst damage, that is next on "cbs this morning." .
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[ female announcer ] the keepsake countdown ornament. build anticipation every day till christmas. elves tried to wrap a pony!
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. all you can say about this is holy cow. a cattle truck in russia flipped over. check this out. >> watch them all get up. >> all the cattle were thrown onto the road, as you can see.
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whoa. terrible crash. then they all get up as if nothing happened. that's not how you make a milkshake, ba da bump. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm norah. this is charlie. >> and it is a side of dustin hoffman we rarely see. the two-time oscar winner opens up and looks back on a long career. >> that's right. the honoree talked with gayle king. looks like they're singing too. i love it. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] if you care for someone with mild to moderate alzheimer's, you'll also care about our new offer. you get access to nurses who can help with your questions. and your loved one can get exelon patch free for 30 days.
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you say you're not interfering, but iran is interfering by all accounts. are you ever overwhelmed by your legacy. one of the things that come up from a place like haiti, there are pledges and promises, but how much of that is delivered?
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald live from the cbs studio in san francisco, i'm brian hackney with your local headlines at 7:56. just a short while ago, u.s. senator barbara boxer announced legislation aimed at increasing safety at the nation's schools. she is one of many lawmakers across the country reacting to the mass shooting in newtown, connecticut. a massive grocery bag giveaway under way right now in san francisco. the glide organization plans to give away about 5500 bags of food today at its ellis street
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location. and this giveaway runs through noon today. >> we have frigid air in the bay area and the forecast and the traffic coming up. ,, [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months.
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rethink possible. good morning. let's head to the bay bridge where you can see traffic is looking a little bit better. the metering lights are on but not too bad as far as the backup goes. jumping to the maps couple of accidents south 101 at todd roadblocking lanes slow-and-go both directions south of there at sir francis drake stall now cleared out of lanes but still slow-and-go as you work your way south 101. not bad. looking good into san francisco. here's elizabeth. >> thank you, gianna. well, looks gorgeous outside. temperatures are still very much on the cool side even though there's lots of sunshine. freeze advisory should have expired but temperatures are below freezing in napa, fairfield even in concord and livermore. temperatures are at or below the freezing point. so otherwise, your forecast for later on this afternoon, we are
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going to warm up to the low to mid-50s across the bay area. and then rain makes a comeback thursday evening into sunday. ,,,,,,,,
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it is 8:00.m. 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." in the wake of the newtown shooting, gun sales are up, but stock prices of gun makers are down. we'll look at the business of guns. and kennedy center honor redustin hoffman talks about his movies and why he would have loved to be a musician instead of an actor. first, here's a look add today's "eye opener at 8:00".
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>> the new report on the attack that destroyed the american consulate in benghazi, libya, pulls no punches. it says the state department failed to provide security. thesis testimony mick failures are within her department and so if nothing else it's a bad way to end her tenure. >> the search for comfort means more funerals will take place today, but it also means a slow return to things that once were safe. president obama announces a new white house task force will look at changes in federal gun policy. >> of course there's been a lot of talk of the turning point. look, change doesn't happen quickly in washington. >> the nra, the last time they were pushed into a corner was when murder was at an all time high in the '90s. >> a big part of the country, winter storm warnings from salt lake city right through eastern colorado and into the midwest. all you can say about this
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is, holy cow. a cattle truck in russia flipped over. check this out. >> that's not how you make a milk shake. >> a bar down there called greenfield. terrific place. >> you would know. >> christmas day at mcdonald's will be open all day. christmas day, mcdonald's. that's where people think a christmas dinner at kfc is a little too norman rockwell. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the house is preparing to vote today on speaker john boehner's fiscal cliff backup plan. his so-called plan b has already been rejected by the white house. >> a new gallup poll shows 62% of americans are paying attention to the fiscal cliff negotiations. major garrett is at the white house with the latest. major, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, gayle, charlie, norah. the house republicans cannot pass the democratically
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controlled senate and it drew swift criticism here at the white house. talks are still continuing. this really represents the first time in about a week that house republicans have moved away from those direct one-on-one conversations between the speaker and the president and looked at and explored different legislative strategies. it may be an attempt by the speaker to add pressure on the white house and leverage more concessions. for example, on income tax rates republicans are willing to have hire income tax imposed on incomes with a threshold of $1 million and higher. the president is willing to do that at $400,000. both sides are looking for a number in the middle. they want the president to agree to more and deeper spending cuts. the fact is, both sides know they are very close to a very big deal. they've heard complaints in recent days from the left and right. those complaints have not been as loud as president obama feared or speaker boehner feared that they might be. that's led them both to conclude a deal is possible and they may achieve one in the coming days. guys. >> major garrett, thank you. also on capitol hill,
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members are hearing about a scathing new report on the benghazi libya attack. the report sharply criticized the state department for not providing enough security. u.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens and three other americans were killed in the september attack. the panel made 29 recommendations to improve embassy security and in a letter to congress secretary of state hillary clinton said she accepts all of the recommendations but will not testify as she is still ill. there will be more funerals today for the victims of the newtown massacre, including teacher victoria soto who was killed trying to protect her students. most of the newtown schools reopened yesterday. the sandy hook elementary school will be closed indefinitely. later today president obama announces a new effort to come up with policies to address gun violence. vice president biden, a long-time gun control advocate, will lead that effort. meanwhile, the main owner of the gun maker that manufactured the rifle used in the newtown is promising to sell its stock in
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the company. sesh ber capitol management made its move. they threatened to pull out a $750 million investment. rebecca jarvis is here with wall street's reaction to the newtown shooting. rebecca, it is interesting to see the market's reaction to this. talk specifically about serber. this is the private equity group that had the investment in the gun maker. why did they make the decision? >> they made it because they were under pressure from one of the largest pension funds. they said we're pulling or $750 million investment if you don't pull out of it. the private equity firm is now selling it. you're seeing some of that same selling reflected in the public stock market when it comes to public companies that make guns. smith and wes son and ster stern ruger are some. >> the bushmaster is profitable. gun sales are up.
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i thought it was interesting the co-found co-founder, steven feinberg, is an avid hunter. his father is a newtown resident. >> one of the reasons that these companies have investments on wall street is because their profitability is about 18%. their profit margins are 18%. the gun industry in this country last year was $2.7 billion. this year it's on track to be $4 billion. >> wow. >> $4 billion? >> it might sound like a lot of money and it is a lot of money but compare that to, for example, apple sales last year, $156 billion. so it sounds like a huge number, but by comparison a company like apple, which sells iphones, much different. >> well, we know it's big business. listen, there are more gun stores than mcdonald's. more gun stores than supermarkets. that says something. >> there are. you might be surprised to know that your mutual funds more than likely in your retirement savings has some shares of these stocks. and in many cases if you have,
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for example, a small cap index fund in your investment portfolio, you more than likely do own one of these companies. >> all right, rebecca jarvis. thank you. doctors in south africa say that former president nelson mandela is making sufficient progress after a treatment for a lung infection and gallstones. mr. mandela has been in the hospital for 12 days. mark phillips is in johannesburg, south africa, and joins us for an update. mark, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, gayle. as you say, nelson mandela is now in his 12th day in hospital here. by far the longest stay of any of his recent hospitalizations. while the government statement continues to talk about him making progress, if you read it carefully it contains some cautionary notes. all of the attention is still focused on a military hospital in pretoria, the capitol, where it's thought that he is still being treated. it has been the center of media attention and also some local wildlife, a local mongoose isn't
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providing much detail about mr. mandela's condition either. the doctors say mandela continues to make progress but that it is consistent with his age. he is 94. and that because of that age he needs extraordinary treatment, read that as you will. there have been no preparations at his home here where it's thought that he might go once he's released. the hope is that that might be within the next several days we're told. and, of course, the last time we saw mandela was at his 94th birthday last july where he appeared to be physically okay detached from things going on around him. the longer he stays in hospital, the more worried people get despite the government assurances. gayle, norah, charlie. >> mark, thanks. the library of congress is adding 25 movies to the national film ridge guess stri. this year's picks include "breakfast at tiffany's," "dirty
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harry," and "a christmas story." officials announced a $3 million donation to a new high school football donation. the visiting team's locker room must be painted pink. that's a specific request from brian and mary lozi who won a $202 million jackpot in september. she got the idea from the university iowa's locker room. >> i think that is called a catch but i'm giving you -- i'm donating all the money, i get to choose the color. okay. and a video of a golden eagle is getting a lot of attention online. take a look at this. the bird of prey appears to swoop down and snatch a little child in the middle of the park. the toddler is lifted up several feet and then dropped. the online clip said it happened in montreal, but it hasn't been confirmed. by the way, a fake twitter account is already online. tweets from montreal eagle include, i just wanted to test the strength of his overalls,
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and, but seriously, i love french food. some people are questioning it. when you look at it, it looks like the eagle came down. >> it does. that's a small child. kind of scary. >> they say people can fake everything. looks, he grabs the little boy, lifts him up, the graduate and midnight cowboy, tootsy, rain man, i could go on. they all had dustin hoffman.
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now he's a ken decenter honoree. despite all his success, he says he still feels insecure. huh? he'll tell us why later on "cbs this morning." te and "midnight cowboy," "tootsie," i could go on, all had dustin hoffman. now a kennedy center honoree. but despite all his success, hoffman says he still feels insecure. huh? he'll tell us why later on. hershey's makes smiles.
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smiles make more smiles. when the chocolate is hershey's. life is delicious. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth nature knows all about baking. just mix together a few simple ingredients... and "voila". so for truvia baking blend, we mix sweetness from the stevia leaf with sugar, for a blend that bakes and browns like sugar, with 75% fewer calories per serving.
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six months after the space shuttle columbia blew up, its severely damaged hard drive was found in a texas lake. incredibly, experts at one company managed to retrieve 99% of the information on it. investigators would love to get the same return from the smashed hard drive found in adam lanza's home. we'll show you how the experts collect lost data next on "cbs this morning." humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission.
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humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. get headed in a new direction. with humira, remission is possible. ♪ [spider-man] we got this. ♪ ♪
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[mom] this hero stuff is easy!
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a investigators say the newtown gunman, adam lanza, did such a thorough job damaging his computers the fbi hasn't been able to retrieve any information. michelle miller visited a company that might be able to help. >> reporter: when hurricane sandy washed through the northeast, it damaged thousands of computers. some of their owners are looking for a miracle. >> this is where the magic happens. >> reporter: he runs data recovery operations for kroll, the company now trying to ring out information from those
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water-logged hard drives. kroll technicians recover 99% of the data from another drive blown into the atmosphere after the space shuttle "columbia" disaster. that nearly melted drive sat at the bottom of a texas lake for six months. they were even successful after 9/11. you get the worst of the worst. >> absolutely. if they need to come into the room, that's basically the last resort. >> reporter: we were allowed inside kroll's clean room in secaucus, new jersey, where behind a secure door there are fly paper formats to separate dirt from shoes and hepa filters to sanitize the air while technicians work. hard drives contain disks or platter where is information is stored and electronics that read that information. >> this is how it works. they will store the data on this magnetic platform. imagine an old record player where the needle will go back
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and forth and read the songs that we have. >> reporter: depending on the model, hard drives hold on average five disks per cartridge and record data on both sides. erik venema runs the forensic side of kroll's operation. >> it is like a cake. if the top one becomes damaged, we may see all the data created on the other layers that were not damaged. >> reporter: they translate the data received as a series of zeros and one os into a format that most people can understand. they can even fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle. >> so even if somebody deletes a file and it's spread in different places on the hard drive, kroll's proprietary software will find those pieces and put them back together. >> reporter: law enforcement officials examining the computer taken adam lanza's home are hoping to find any clues that can explain his actions. what are authorities looking for on these drives?
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>> documents, e-mail, instant messages, any type of chat, any type of pictures, any types of documents that would involve plans or lists or things like that. >> reporter: when you look at his intent to destroy those drives, what does your gut tell you was on his computer? >> obviously incriminating evidence without a question. >> reporter: reports say the hard drive was smashed to bits, but erik venema says there's still an outside chance of recovery. >> even somebody that has the most heinous intent to destroy something might end up missing all the important parts of the drive just by happenstance or the stress of the situation. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," michelle miller in secaucus, new jersey. >> i'm always amazed with technology what they can do. >> yeah. >> especially the story about the -- when the satellite blew up. >> it was in the water for six months. >> what's interesting to me, too, is that adam lanza, there's something on these hard drives that he did not want people to
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see. keeping some records, some diary, files about himself. so that's part of unlocking this mystery of why he did what he did. >> and there's an ongoing attempt to try to recover that. >> that's right. dustin hoffman has always been a different kind of leading man.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald and good wednesday morning from the cbs studios in san francisco. i'm brian hackney. final exams are set to resume this morning at san jose city college after a lockdown that involved s.w.a.t. teams. yesterday afternoon, a caller reported seeing a man with a gun on campus. after a few hours of searching police found nothing to indicate a gunman. berkeley councilmembers took up a "no drone" zone issue last night. drones are unmanned aircraft used by the government to watch over u.s. ports and
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international borders. critics say the drones are an invasion of privacy. the council will send the issue back for review next year. well, 'tis the season to give and the glide foundation and gap, inc., is doing that this morning. a massive grocery bag giveaway is under way in san francisco at glide memorial. about 5500 free bags full of food will be handed out and the giveaway is until noon. traffic and weather after a break. ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. we're seeing delays along 101 as you work your way along the peninsula and connect to the san mateo bridge so give yourself some extra time is there. no accidents but extra busy. san mateo bridge itself looking like you can see just extra volume on the westbound side toward foster city. elsewhere, along the freeways, the south 101 at lucas valley in marin county accident blocking lanes slow there. north 880 at davis a wreck also blocking lanes, slow-and- go. and 880 northbound stacked up through oakland. elizabeth? >> thanks, gianna. lots of clear blue skies outside right now and deep blues on our weather maps meaning the temperatures are still at or below freezing in a lot of spots. check it out. 29 still in santa rosa. 29 in napa, as well. only 26 degrees in fairfield. a little warmer in san francisco and oakland coming in in the upper 30s to low 40s. by this afternoon, we are warming up mainly in the 50s
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in the bay area. we are staying dry today and tomorrow. rain thursday evening through the weekend. ,, ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." this year kennedy center honors pay tribute to dustin hoffman to what they call his unyielded commitment to acting. we sat down with this two-time academy winner and talked about his successful and long career. this is one talent dustin hoffman rarely shares in public but music has played a major role in his personal life, even
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leading him to the woman he wou would mary. >> what's your favorite song. >> this is the song i wrote that bette midler wrote the words to but it's called "shoot the breeze." ♪ i'm glad you called i've got nothing to do ♪ ♪ come on let's shoot the breeze ♪ >> i read if you weren't an actor you'd have been a jazz pianist. >> if god said i was good enough but i wasn't good enough. >> he held onto the belief that he could make a living making movies. he never had leading man looks but dustin hoffman sure had the talent, creating characters unlike any we had ever seen,
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oddballs. >> you're crowding me. >> misfits. and outcasts. many played with awkwardness out of his own childhood. growing up in california's sun and surf culture, he was nagd by insecurity and self-doubt. >> i was the ugly duckling. good case of acne, shortest kid in school, i had an inability to concentrate. i just went off into another world and i just failed everything. >> okay, dustin. that was then and today you sit at kennedy center honoree. when you look at your life, you can no longer feel secure, can you? >> i don't think you change. >> you don't. >> no. >> even the role that changed his life, being destined for the kind of cal stereo type he had never been. >> he was 6 feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes.
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it's in the novel. it was robert redford. i read that your audition did not go well and even one of the crew guys -- because i'm a believer that the crew guys know everything. did you drop subway tokens or something? >> yes, i did. the audition is finished. i have my happeneds in my pocket. a prop guy puts his happened out to shake with me and i take my hand out to shake his hand and my tokens fall out. they were about that size back in the day. he said that's okay. he gave them to me and said, here, kid, you're going to need these. >> he's inferring you're not going to get in, you'll still be riding the subway. >> and then finally you get this huge, huge part. >> i was 29 when i was 30 and i got the part of a 21-year-old. >> at what point did you feel you were a movie star.
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>> three weeks after it opened and people were standing around the block to get in. they would leave me gifts, jewish girls would leave sunld say call me if you like it because it's homemade soup. >> i bet nobody's come up to you and said, i'm walking here. >> and they think they're the first person to have ever done that. >> do you ad-lib that line? >> yes, i do. ten times. just as we're crossing the street, that cab, you know, jumped the light and almost hit us and i said that now infamous line but in my memory i really was going -- i meant to say something else but i knew it in a split second i had ruined the tape. what i meant was not i'm walking here but we're making a movie here. >> "tootsy." that to me had to be the most
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fun role for you but i don't know. was it? >> well, none of them are fun because you think you're going to fail, your movie is going to fail. >> do you think whatever movie you do you think it's going fail? >> yes. >> do you? what's wrong with you? >> but that's the statistics. >> it's my favorite client. >> michael. >> yeah. >> how are you. >> i begged you to get some therapy. >> can you still do her voice? >> well, yes. >> you're dorothy and i'm gayle and we're meeting for the first time. what should we do together? >> well, because i'm really a man, i thought we could go to a gym or to a spa, you know, and i'll get naked. >> i don't love you anymore. >> cramer versus cramer took
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hoffman to a bad place, the breakup of a family just as his own family was ending in divorce. >> sit's not ought biographical. you shouldn't be doing it unless you can't bring the narcissist in yourself or the mean person or bastard in yourself, don't go near it. >> he nearly turned down the role but instead helped rewrite the script to reflect his own experience. >> i will always be your mommy and i will always love you. i just won't be your mommy in the house, but i'll be your mommy at the heart. >> and we discovered something, which was, i think, the spine of the film and that is when marriages break up, each party wants the love to just snap like a twig and it doesn't. the love stays. you no longer can inhabit the same space for whatever reason and that's the pain of it. >> hoffman won his first academy
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award for the film. his second oscar came for "rain man." honors for his acting screen were endless after that is correct but it was through the piano that he found the love of his life, lisa, his wife for the last 35 years. >> lisa to me strikes me as a very smart woman because she knew at a very early age that she wanted you. >> yeah. i'm 27. lit dolltle do i know. lisa is 20 years old. her grandmother walks in. cut. years and years pass. we fall in love, we go together and her grandmother said do you remember when she was 10 years old and you were playing the piano and she was dancing. >> yes. >> do you remember when she got up and walked away what she said. >> i said no. she looked at me and she said, i hope he waits for me grandma. let me get this out without
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crying because when i grow up, i'm going to marry him. >> why does that get to you, dustin? >> i just think certain things are mysteries. i do believe in mystery, i believe in god, i believe in the aesthetic of life. this are things we don't understand. >> it was lisa who pushed him at the age of 75 to direct for the very first time. hoffman chose "quartet," the story of retired musicians in an old folk's home. the new film hasn't opened yet but it's already resonating with critics as it did with its director. >> let's give a toast to the quarts. >> to the quartets. >> don't tell me when the game is over or when i'm old. don't you dare take me out now. i will fight you to the last breath doing what i love and what i believe in. and that's what "quartet" is all about. >> and the applause in dustin
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hoffman's life just keeps getting louder. >> it's the best time of my life. >> dustin, you make me proud to be an actor and i'm proud to be your friend. >> this is what 75 is. you know, i've never had a fuller sense of myself each day. >> are you proud of yourself, dustin? >> i wouldn't go that far. >> okay. i would go that far. i'm very proud of dustin hoffman. and dare i say, i just fell in love with him. >> gayle, i really -- i walked out of there so smitten with dustin hoffman. you know him, charlie. >> right. >> i loved spending time with him. he's so honest and so candid with us and gave us a lot of time, as you see sniet was a wonderful interview, gayle. i loved it. absolutely loved it. >> i can't wait to go to dinner with dustin and lisa. you can see the honors next wednesday at 9:00, 8:00 central right here on cbs.
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tomorrow night david letterman talk about battling depression and heart trouble and why johnny carson meant everything to hip. part i of a revealing conversation tomorrow on "cbs this morning." new republic is 98 years old. can it make it to 100 in this digital age? we'll ask chris hughes, one,,,,, ,,
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as a teenager chris hughes co-founded facebook with mark zuckerberg. after that he coordinated president obama's campaign. now at 29 he's taken on publisher, editor in chief of the magazine. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> did you buy it because you
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simply want add voice in the conversation of washington or for some other reason? >> i bought it for two reasons. first off, because i believe what they teach you in civics 101. i also bought it because i think that journalism and particularly smart and serious journalism can be wide and engaging and adapt to the new technology of the day. >> but in the new republican, you can do all the things you said. why the new republican? >> it's been around for almost a hundred years and has a storied history of brand people trust in substance and journalism. i think in some ways it balance challenged but people know the brand, they trust the brand and it leaves it up to us to reinvigorate it. >> so it will not be like "newsweek." >> no, it will not be like
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"newsweek." we're focusing on a very key more narrow demographic. >> i read, chris, you want to produce what thoughtful people want to read and have a conversation. what is it that thoughtful people want to read, charlie rose? what is it that people want to read in your opinion and what's missing that's not out there now? >> think there's plenty of political opinion on the internet and headlines. we've got plenty of that stuff. what we don't have enough of is content, analysis, deep reporting. the kind of content you want to read probably more often in the evenings. in the morning you're reading "the new york times" but in the evening you want to read in substance and depth and a lot of times you're reading it on your iphone or ipad that you don't care where they read it. >> no, we don't. but we realize we have a responsibility wherever they read. that's harder said than done. >> do you think that this will make a profit or is that not
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your main concern right now? >> we can make a profit. >> how so because everyone says, i dodge knon't know, chris. >> yeah, i think that age has passed, however, i think we're tapping into a real market need for serious journalism that's lively, that's engaging and even fun at times that people are willing to pay 35 buck as year for and advertisers want to reach this smart, curious, politically engaged audience. >> what's the future of facebook? >> it continues to grow not only by the number of people who are using it but also the level of engagement that you see on a day-to-day basis. facebook has a billion users but there are six billion people in the world. that sounds -- in all seriousness, as more people across the world come online, facebook will be the way they connect to their friends and their family. >> will it or will people turn to twitter and also instagram?
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>> well, twitter is part of facebook. >> it is. >> both continue to grow, changes the course of people's lives. i think it would be silly to say people are using it several times a day and other points of view when you use it just once day instead. but the numbers and aggregate are so encouraging. >> i need a quick answer here. if you were starting over, what would you do? >> with the new republican? >> with your life. >> i have no regrets. >> what a great way to feel at 29. to have no regrets. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> congratulations. it is the most wonderful time of the year. that could be a song. there's one reason for that. all those familiar christmas songs. winton,,
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[ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. get breyer's ice cream for $2.88 and dessert will surely shine. make it a grand finale with starbucks just $6.99. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before.
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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relatives come around. sometimes they stay around a little while longer. wynton marsalis knows all about the sounds of the seasons. ♪ >> as a musician playing christmas music is an inevitable tradition. ever since we first learned ee blow a horn or beat a drum, it's been classic. more importantly this music fosters a meaning of community. >> ready and -- ♪ >> all across our country this time of year, school bands and chiers like the ones at this academy on long island are
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working together to put on a big holiday concert and there's something wonderfully reassuring. >> it's familiar. and any time you're at a concert and you hear something familiar that gets you excited, you feel like you -- it takes you back maybe as far as memories that you have with your childhood. >> even if the process of getting there involves painstaking practice, and be excruciating the end result is always uplifting and beautiful. [ applause ] >> we all have a unique emotional connection to holiday music. it brings us home to family, urges us to celebrate and to enjoy everything else that makes this the most wonderful time of the year. for many it's more than that. whether an orchestral masterpiece with spiritual
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significance, an anthem for a cause, or a frivolous tune about the most unlikely one, each song is special and together they all excite our collective memories. frosty is the same snowman today as he was in 1950. bing crosby continues to greet the airwaves and once again it's the same lovely weather for sleigh ride. of course, there's new takes on the old chestnuts. it's been around for centuries, but regardless of generation or creed, christmas carols lead us all in word, rhythm, and tune down different paths to the very same conclusion. family, friends, and fun. ♪
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>> and at this time of year, we couldn't ask for anything more except toys. [ applause ] >> wynton marsalis is here. so what is your very, very, very, very favorite -- >> sleigh ride. >> sleigh ride. good. >> but you enjoy singing? >> no. no. i don't like do it. >> but you love christmas songs. >> i do. >> why do you love them so much. >> because they remind you of everythi everything. even before you were born. even the slow holiday music how about folk music? >> we don't know our folk music. we're going to learn it though eventually. >> people get upset with christmas, they say, it's on in the mall all the time. >> kill the joy. >> i agree.
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i agree. don't mess with my good times. >> sing a little few notes of what you like best? >> i burst into song saying. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ go ahead, wynton. >> no, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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just a short whi from the cbs 5 studios in san francisco, i'm brian hackney at 8:56. just a short while ago, u.s. senator barbara boxer announced legislation aimed at increasing safety at the nation's schools. she is one of the many lawmakers across the country now reacting to the mass shooting in newtown, connecticut. people in san jose will finally get fluoride in their drinking water. yesterday, the santa clara valley water district approved a plan to fund the project aimed at improving dental health. it will take about two years to get the system operating.
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and santa clara county firefighters discovered a body this morning while working on a small fire at a storage unit. they got the call at about 1:15 a.m. to an apartment building in campbell. police say it is too early to tell whether the death is a homicide. skies are severely clear over the bay area this morning. elizabeth has your forecast. >> no cloud cover to keep us warm this morning. it is chilly in one of our cold he was mornings so far of the year. clear blue skies. high pressure is over the bay area. now, we are closely watching a low that will bring rain as early as tomorrow evening. but, of course, the big story today is the cold weather. by this afternoon we'll warm up to the 50s, low it mid-50s in the bay area. here's the forecast for the next several days. thursday evening, that's when the rain starts. things remain unsettled into sunday. clearing for monday and tuesday. gianna has your "timesaver traffic" coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. southbound 680 slow-and-go as you can see on our maps here. an accident stone valley road slow northbound as well and delays on 24. 880 northbound crawling along 32 minutes from the 238 to the maze. no accidents through that portion. south of there, though, we have reports of an accident southbound 880 just past 92.
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that's also blocking the roadway. 238 connector over to 880 also getting reports of a wreck in the area. san rafael south 101 still slow from an earlier accident and westbound 237, 880 to 101, 11- minute ride. the golden gate bridge looks good. have a great day. captions by: caption colorado ,, this is a cbs news special report. i'm scott pelley. good day. president obama is about to make an appearance in the white house briefing room to announce what action he is taking in response to the school massacre in newtown, connecticut. this is the third day of funerals for the 27 victims, 20
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first graders and 7 adults. you'll recall that at sunday's prayer vigil in newtown the president vowed to use whatever power his office holds to engage fellow citizens in an effort to prevent more tragedies like this. our chief white house correspondent, major garrett is in the briefing room today. major. >> scott, the president will take his first concrete step to make those words he said on sunday more meaningful to the country announcing with the vice president a task force here at the white house involving the justice department, department of health and human services and education tolike at all of the issues related to the massacre. the white house takes pains to say this is not only looking at gun control but also a variety of issues involving mental health access, care, community policing, other issues like that. vice president biden will lead it. vice president biden when he was in the senate in 1994 was the principal author of that year's crime bill which included for the first time


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