tv CBS Morning News CBS January 4, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PST
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>> he's an awesome god, isn't he? praise the lord. welcome to camp meeting. we're coming to you from louisville, kentucky, from evan gel worship prayer center, right here in louisville and this is something special, i'll tell you. for me to be able to be here and be with an old friend, great post pastor bob rogers. >> nothing like live tv and being put on the spot. thank you for opening up the church and allowing us to come and be with you. >> david, i'm so thrilled you're here. like you said, we've been friends all the way through school and we were together when david met barbara. >> yes, we were. >> and i remember he came by and he said, you know, i met the most beautiful girl. and he said, i got a date with
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her tonight. and then, next thing i know, you were madly in love. >> it only took one date. >> and our fathers were close friends. >> yes. >> and to see what god is doing and how you're literally reaching the world and the anointing that was on your dad is multiplied on you just a little bit. and -- >> i had a little bit of what my dad has a whole lot of, then i'd be happy. >> we say that, but you're reaching twice as many as your father was able to reach through the median of television. and that's exactly what you're doing. you're spreading the word around the world. >> i don't think there's any more powerful tool we have, bob, to reach the word and the gospel through television. >> and your son, i'm so thrilled with what god is doing in your family. >> he's going around the world, preaching the gospel. good things are happening.
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>> i want to say for louisville and the evangelical center. i can sense that tonight is a night of miracles. there's a spirit of expectancy in the air. >> we're thrilled you're here. >> god bless you. >> i want to take just a moment and welcome the national and the international audience of inspiration ministries. insp, some of you watching on ini, right now, thelecast is going live to 127 nations. >> that's something to give praise for. >> wherever you're watching from tonight, god bless you. seated in this place
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tonight. we're blessed tonight to have a wonderful psalmist, songwriter, singer, but more than that, an anointed, anointed, anointed woman of god. judy jacobs and her husband, jamie, have a wonderful ministry and they travel around the world in conferences. they teach. they just bring people in to the presence of god. and as i said, we're not here to entertain you. when you go to a concert, the music is going from the stage to the audience. and it's going in this direction. tonight, let's let our praise and worship not go in this direction. we're not here to entertain you in your home wherever you're watching. let's join our worship together and let it go from where we are up to the father. we're here to tell him we love him. we're here to tell him we
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appreciate him. we're here to worship the lord and invite his presence to come into our lives and to change us, his presence can change you tonight. please, give a good camp meeting welcome to judy jacobs as she comes to minister in song. judy? >> praise god. you may be seated. ♪ these are the days of your decree ♪ ♪ and what you speak it will be established ♪ ♪ and what you find, and what you lose, is bound and used in heaven ♪ ♪ so we agree, we agree, we
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agree ♪ ♪ we believe the famine is over ♪ ♪ we believe that fruit is on the vine ♪ ♪ we believe waters ♪ ♪ we agree -- yes, we do ♪ oh, thank you, lord ♪ these are the days when seasons change ♪ ♪ you've got to believe the first is last and the last is first ♪ ♪ all that you lost it shall be returned, lost here, lost
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children, lost money recovered ♪ ♪ so we agree, i came tonight to tell you that i'll agree with you ♪ ♪ we agree, we agree ♪ i need somebody to help me agree ♪ ♪ oh, and we believe that the famine is over ♪ ♪ i have announced that tonight ♪ ♪ we believe, food is on the vine ♪ ♪ i can see it ♪ i can see the harvest, yes, i can ♪ ♪ the place where water is the light ♪ ♪ yes, it is the glory of god, we believe, we believe, the famine is over ♪ ♪ i want somebody to get happy about that [ applause ] ♪ fruit is on the vine ♪ i can see the harvest is coming, it's coming, it's
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coming ♪ ♪ come on, i believe, i believe it, throw your hand up and say "we agree." ♪ ♪ if any two of you shall agree, throw your hand up and say it ♪ ♪ we agree, we, we believe the word of the lord tonight ♪ ♪ listen what happens when you agree ♪ ♪ anything can happen ♪ anything can happen when we agree ♪ ♪ anything can happen. tell you neighbors, say, anything can happen when we agree ♪ ♪ anything can happen, come on
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choir, sing it ♪ ♪ say anything can happen ♪ when we agree, anything can happen ♪ ♪ oh, yes it will ♪ anything can happen ♪ throw your hands up and say that, anything can happen ♪ ♪ >> with god, anything can happen ♪ ♪ he's the mighty god ♪ he's a holley god, and we agree ♪ ♪ nothing is impossible if we agree ♪ ♪ all things are possible ♪ nothing is impossible when we agree ♪ ♪ nothing is impossible ♪ nothing is impossible ♪ we agree, all things are possible, nothing is impossible ♪ ♪ we believe, the famine is over, it's over, it's over ♪
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♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah >> i want you to turn to five people tonight and tell them, i feel the holy ghost in here tonight. tell them anything can happen. hi have seen miracles in this place tonight. i see it, it's coming. come on! ♪ put your hands together -- oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ you are the savior, elijah
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somebody shout "amen." ♪ these are the days, the glory to god ♪ ♪ and these are the days of your servant, david rebuilding a temple -- lift your hand and give him a wave offering tonight, right there in your house. come on, let's worship. these are the days. it's as wide as your world and we are the laborers in your life, declaring the word of the lord ♪ behold, lift your voice ♪ if you believe, yeah
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♪ ♪ lift your voice if you believe ♪ ♪ i want everybody in this room, everybody who is watching tonight, to lift your hand up to your mouth and declare this. ♪ there's nobody like you lord ♪ there's nobody like you lord. >> whatever nation you're watching from tonight, declare that for your nation, your president, your prime minister. come on, declare that. when you begin to seek it out, begin to prophetize. come on, he's the lord ♪ he lives ♪ there's nobody like you lord
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now. you're getting healed right now. you're getting set free. right now. he's alive and he lives. your mighty god ♪ there's nobody like the lord ♪ there's nobody like the lord ♪ there's nobody like the lord ♪ behold our god ♪ lift your voice if you believe ♪ ♪ holy god ♪ in the wind and the rain, you're my lord ♪ ♪ lift your voice if you
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there's no god like jehovah. no god like jehovah. he says to moses, my name is lord. my name is lord god, almighty. the bible says that his hands are power and mite, so that none can withstand him. he's lord over the circumstances of your life this moment. he's lord over your home. he's lord over your job. he's lord over your family. he's lord over your finances. there is no god like jehovah. he said, i am that i am that i am. he's not the god of the past. he didn't say "i was or i used to be." he didn't say "i'm the god of the future." he said, "i am that i am that i am." he wants to step into the now of your moment. the now of your home. the now of your job. the now of your family. the now of your finances. praise, god. there's no god like jehovah and he's your god and he's my god.
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and we worship him in this place tonight. hallelujah, praise the lord. what an incredible presence of the lord is here with us in this place tonight. and once again, i encourage you, open your spirit. worship the lord with us in your home. invite his presence to come. begin to speak his words over your life. there's power and life if your words. there's power and life in your words. i know that god has sent this next young man here tonight to camp meeting here on inspiration networks, to speak a word into your life and i believe that within the word that todd kuntz will bring tonight is the power to bring about its own fulfillment. please, welcome tonight evan gellist -- evangelical todd.
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>> i said, judy, you have to sing that song tonight, "there's no god like jehovah." i have to believer when she gets up in the morning, demons and devils begin to get a migraine. i saw a picture of her being an assassin to hell. demons tremble. at home you felt the presence of god. there's nothing like the presence of god. there's nothing like the anointing of god. what 30 years of a psychologist cannot do, the anointing of god can do in 30 seconds. what the counselor could not do for your marriage, the anointing of god could do in one minute. what the doctors cannot do for you, the anointing of god can do for you in a second.
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when the bankers have told you that they cannot do anything for you with your home and your husband has lost his job, there is a power greater. there is a power greater. there is a power greater. it is jehovah and there's no god like jehovah. there's no god like jehovah. there is no god like jehovah, hallelujah! hallelujah! there's an anointing and the choir, i turn to pastor bob and i said -- this choir is anointed. i said, are these your -- is this your choir? and he said to me with a big smile -- yes, yes. he said that they've been on a fast for three days and he says, something happens when you begin to fast. pastor bob rogers, i know that you are the god-given authority over louisville, kentucky.
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[ applause ] i get off on the airplane here at the louisville airport, and there's a picture of the mayor, i believe the governor welcoming everybody to the city. i'm looking one day and i'm going to to say to you, thank you for obeying god. thank you for obeying god. it is such a privilege to be here tonight and i have a word from god. the anointing is so strong and it doesn't take god long to do big things. and there at your home i don't know where you're watching, 127 nations can watch this live broadcast right now. wherever you're watching in the world, i want you to know that there is an answer today for whatever you're facing. whatever you're going through, whatever you're dilemma is or whatever your crisis may be, there's an answer and i believe that god has given me a word from the lord. jeremiha, at one point, was
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launched, locked in a deep, dark, dungeon and they came down to him one day in the dungeon and said, do you have a word from god? and he said -- yes, i have a word from the lord. i do believe that god's given me a word for you tonight and i want you to listen very carefully for the next few moments because i'm going to talk with you about chapter 28. if you have your bible, i encourage you to open your bibles to deuteronomy and i'll talk about the first 13 or 14 verses about god commanding his blessing upon you and i. now, i know that we're living in a very difficult time. i know that satan is doing everything that he can to try to stop the work of god. i understand that the crisis that's happening in the real
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