tv CBS 5 Early Edition CBS January 4, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PST
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scenario. i understand that. i know that there's havoc that's going on. not just here in america, but globally around the world. i understand that. i know that we're living in the in-times. these are the last days and i know that god, at the same time, is moving by his spirit. there's a great anointing that's getting ready to be poured upon the spirit by the spirit upon the body of christ. there's a fresh anointing, a fresh touch from god. i just spoke for your dad a few months ago, probably 30 days ago in chicago. your precious father, who began to teach 60 some years ago, married i think, for 59 years, just celebrated an anniversary. i told him one day when we were in the back talking. i said, that's a miracle. married 59 years. he said, no, that's an example.
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but he has taught so prolifically to the body of christ and many, many, many years ago god gave him an anointing and a vision to raise up nationals and he has physically taught and prayed for close to 2 million nationals around the world. the bible says that god will pour out his spirit upon all flesh. the bible says that the end is going to be greaterxçq!9 the beginning. in god there is no time factor. there is a time factor that has been established for us so we can gauge our progress and know the morning from the night so we can understand what we've done and how many 24 hours are in a day and we can gauge progress and we can set our time. but within god there's no time. god is timeless. he starts from tend and works his way back to the beginning. he lives in the fourth dimension of time. there's no time in god. i believe that the greatest move of god that has ever swept the
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world is getting ready to sweep the world right now. i do believe in a recovery gospel. i do believe that this book is a book about recovery. i do believe in jobe where it said goz will restore all that has been taken. i believe the restoration. i do believe in what was lost can be found. what has been broken can be fixed. what has been stolen must be returned. i do believe in the power of the gospel of jesus christ to change lives. i believe that the gospel that was preached during the day, hallelujah, of 20 years ago and 30 and 40 years, it has never changed. it still has the power to change and transform a life. i do believe that the gospel has not changed and wherever you're watching around the world, there is a book that you can build your life upon. in a chaotic world when there's so many opinions that are going around, there is a book that you can have confidence in. it's called "the bible."
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the bible, it is god's book. god sent his son, jesus left his book. 1,189 chapters in the bible. 66 books, written by 40 different authors over a span of 15 to 1800 years. inspired by the holy spirit, this is the book you can live by. this is the book you can build your business by. this is the book that your can orchestrate a marriage by. this is a book you can build your finances and healing on. a book that will change your life. a book that will transform you and i will declare that you all over the world, there is none other, except this book, that you can die and go to heaven with and jesus said that, i'm the way to truth and like no man come to the father, except by me. i'm tired of people's opinions. i'm tired of people's creeds and doctrines. it's time for us as the body of christ, to come back to the good
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old-fashioned holy ghost bible. it's time for us to preach the word of god in all its power, in all its demonstration. something happened called "the moving of the holy spirit." it's time for us to pray for a fresh baptism of the holy spirit that the power from on high will do it us bring us to a new revelation of knowing him. hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! what we need in washington is we don't need new congressman and senators. we don't even need a new president. we need a congressman and senators there in washington right now, watching me right now. we need you to get back on your face and begin to serve god that made this nation great. we need you to come back to the word of almighty god and come back to the principles of the bible. we need you to get on you faith before god and say, god were forgive us. we're a nation away from you and god would raise us up once again to be the great nation that he taught us to be. i do not apologize for my
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preaching tonight. i do not say i'm sorry. i am persuaded that this is the book that can transform and change your life. i am persuaded that when you're on an airplane, that it's on its way down and you have no hope, that you'll turn to a god that created you. and a god that's able to save you. hallelujah. hallelujah. hallelujah! hallelujah! there is no multiple gods. there's only one god. there's not several gods. there's one god. i did not say that, jesus said that of himself. he said -- i'm the way to truth in life. no man cometh to the father except by me. there's one jesus, there's one god and there's one way to heaven and his name is jesus. say it after me, jesus, jesus, jesus. he died on a cross. and he went to a grave but on the third day he came out of that grave. they went to the tomb and found the stone was rolled away.
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his body was not stolen. but jesus had confidence in the holy spirit that if he laid down his life the third day the holy spirit would raise him back up in all power and almighty. i do not serve a jesus happening on the cross, i serve a jesus that has risen from the dead. he has power and authority and he's alive today forevermore. he's alive. you'll have to forgive me if i want to dance for just a moment. you'll have to excuse me. jesus! jesus! jesus! jesus! it's the sweetest name i know. i'm sick and tired of mealy mouth tiny tim tiptoeing through the to you lips saying this is my opinion. my opinion is the word of almighty god. from genesis to revelation, it's
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the word of god. hallelujah. hallelujah! hallelujah! jesus died for you. jesus died for you. he died for you but he rose again. he said, whoever comes after -- whosoever would come after me, i would in no way cast you out. he said that my yolk is easy. and my burning is light. i'm reminded of the story when jesus hung on a cross and -- they had both led horrible, terrible lives. they were dying. they were going to spend eternity without god, eternity in hell. let me say to you for just a
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moment, there is a heaven. there is a hell. living here on earth is not your hell. if you reject the person of jesus, then you will spend eternity separated from god. i cannot go any further tonight. god's given me a powerful message. there's going to be a turn-around of the lives of christians around the world. your best days are getting ready to happen. it's going to be a divine blessing like you've never known. 72-hour miracles. 24-hour miracles. but i want you to write down 90 days because the next 90 days is going to be life-changing. but i cannot go any further. without giving you an invitation to accept by jesus. he loves you so much. he died for you. but he rose from the dead and
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they led a horrible life and were destined throughout earn theity without god and one turned to jesus and said -- jesus, will you remember me? will you remember me in paradise? and jesus said -- i will. i will. the bible says if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, the lord jesus and that god has raised him from the dead you'll be saved. the bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of god. the bible says that when we were born into the earth we were born into sin from our mother's womb. but jesus came and died on a cross to redeem us from sin. tonight i want to pray a little prayer with you because i believe there are thousands watching, 127 nations, who need to know jesus as your savior. camp meeting is not just about getting excited and shouting
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which we'll do some more of tonight. but camp meeting is about giving you an invitation to meet the person that gives us our joy. to meet the person that walks along beside of us and never will foresake or leave us. to meet the person that can reach back into our past and guarantee us a future because he's the same yesterday, today and forever. you don't have to be a perfect person. all you have to do is recognize that you are a sinner and that you need a savior. no matter what you've done, doesn't matter what you've done. if you'll just simply pray this prayer after me you'll believe in your heart what i'm getting ready to pray and you'll accept jesus into your life, he'll change you. he'll transform you. you say, how do i know that? was i did that when i was 10 years old. i'm 44 years old. i served him for 34 years. i built my life around this precious book. i have felt god, but he has never felt me.
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i am sharing with you an experience that i have lived for 34 years. i lived it as a child and a teenager and youpg adult. i lived it as, now, an aging person. there's no benefit to getting age, i don't care what anybody tells you. getting old, no benefit. i don't care what anybody tells you. i don't like getting older but i do know this. that there will be a day because i accepted jesus as my savior, that i'll lay down and breathe my last breath and i have this confidence knowing that i'm going to spend eternity with god. i'm going to invite you to accept jesus as your savior and all you have to do is simply say -- i need a savior. i need to be saved. i'm going to ask you along with the audience here in evangel world sinner to pray with me as i pray with you. simply say this prayer.
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lord jesus, i know that i'm a sinner. i ask you to forgive me for all my sins. i ask you to come into my heart, cleanse me from all unrighteousness. i recognize that you are the way. that you are the truth. and that you are the life. i ask you to come into my heart now. i give my life to you and i thank you for saving me. in jesus name, amen. and amen, hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! if you prayed that prayer and there's a number that's on the screen and i want you to call and i want you to tell the prayer partner on the other end, i just accepted jesus as my savior. you say, what do i do now? the first thing you have to do
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is confess to somebody else. maybe you have a spouse sitting there or a son. just tell them, i just prayed with todd kuntz and assigned to your life. this is not coincidental that you're watching. at any time of the day you may be watching during the day or at night. you may be watching at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. it doesn't matter what time you're watching. this is a divine appointment because god connects me to people who need a financial miracle. god connects me to people who need a healing in their body. god connects me to people who need a savior. and i believe that the next 90 days will be revolutionary. your life is going to change over the next 90 days. there are three timeframes that god gave me about speaking to your life and i want you to write these down. write down 24 hours. write down 72 hours.
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and then i want you to write down 920 days. there's going to be a turn-around for sure in the next 90 days. we're in a chaotic world as i said a few moments ago. as a born-again believer, we're in the world but we're not of the world. we're not held to the standard of this world. i am held to the standard of god's holy word. how do i know that god's word works? because i have experience with it for 34 years. i have experience with what god said to do and i can trace failure in my life. i can trace fear in my life. i can trace problems that i have faced in my life. to breaking a principle or a divine law that god's established in his work. so the problem is not the word of god. the problem is -- do you know the word of god? and are you doing what the word of god said?
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now, i just gave an invitation for those that don't know jesus to come to the cross of christ. the blood of jesus that washes you whiter than snow. but there were three things that happened at calvary, david. most of us in christiandom understand the first part, salvation. we know that. we understand that. that's the basic fundamental teaching of christianity. that jesus christ died on a cross, went to a grave, came out of a grave, he's alive today, making an exception for us. we know and believe that. we accept that. we embrace that. so at the cross of christ, the first thing that jesus did on that cross was he redeemed us from sin. i want you to get ahold of something. he did not save us from hell. hell was never created for us. hell was a place that was created for the demons and devils and lucy fer.
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hell was never created for you. hell was created for demons and devils and satan himself. jesus died on a cross and he redeemed us from sin. why? because we're born to sin. sin simply straigeparates us fr god. when adam and eve disobeyed god, the serpent came to the garden and calls eve and adam to disobey god and sin entered the race and now we need a savior. so jesus died on a cross to completely save and redeem us from sin. most will note argue with me on that. that's the first thing that calvary did for us. number two, the second thing that calvary did for us, jesus purchased our divine healing. i do not have to be sick any longer. because at the cross god redeemed me from sin, but purchased my healing.
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isai isaiah 53, verse five and by your stripes your were healed. jesus took 39 strikes upon his back prior to dying on the cross so that you and i can have divine healing. it's very, very sad to semen of god and preachers who know how to preach the bible and they preach salvation but they do not embrace or accept the fact that god redeemed and purchased our healing. and i want to pray with you all over the world right now. i don't know where you're sick in your body. this is camp meeting service. you may not need it to be saved but you're sick somewhere in your body and my dear mother, who's been my best friend and confidant, the woman that intercedes for me every single day and coming over here tonight she had a word of prayer with me and she said, todding with tell the people that god will heal you. tell the people that the healing
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waters of god will flow in the homes of thousands around the world. and you may be watching right now. from a hospital bed and you're sick and you have a diagnosis. you may be at your home and you're laid up in the bed. you may be sick somewhere in your body. i want to pray with you because not only did calvary purchase my salvation, but calvary purchased my divine healing. and by his stripes i am healed. wherever you're sick, place your hand, wherever it is on your body, place your hand and i want you to take the other hand and extend it to the tv, and i'm going to pray for you, father in the name of jesus i decree according to the authority of the word of god by your stripes i'm healed and i pray right now for thousands around the world, wherever they're sick, i ask you to touch them by the blood of jesus. touch them from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet. let the healing powers of god.
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cancer, in the name of jesus, it must go. i curse diabetes, back pain, arthritis, i curse deformities in the name of jesus and i decree by the authority of god's word, that you must be healed, in jesus' name. amen. and amen. isn't this what camp meeting is about? going to get you saved tonight? going to get you healed tonight. and then i'm going to talk about, now, the third part of the cross that almost nobody wants to talk about. very few preachers want to talk about this. because it garners a lot of criticism. here it is. the third thing that jesus did on the cross was he purchased and bought your divine prosperity. you can have a saved soul and a healed body but a broke bank accounts and you won't be able
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to do much for god. not a single one of you today came here by faith. you came here because you had money to put gas in a car to get here. you got clothes on your back. you didn't fake that. you had money to buy it. this beautiful sanctuary was built by money. we're coming to you all over the world, through the medium of television because partners of this ministry have sewn sacrificial seeds into the work of god and in money has purchased the gospel to be preached tonight. i believe that the greatest day of financial prosperity that the world has ever known, is upon us right now. we have heard for a long time that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. somebody's got my stuff. somebody's got my stuff. we've heard it. we've heard it, that there's going to be a day when there's a supernatural divine transfer. a day when the wealth of the
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wicked will laid up and we'll get our hands on it. let me decree to you right now, that this is the year that it has begun. somebody shout, amen! somebody shout, hallelujah. the relt of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. somebody said i don't believe in all that money and prosperity stuff. well, you're connected to somebody who does so how are you living without it? you have to have financial blessing. now, this is where i come into be. judy, i don't understand it but god has anointed me with a financial anointing. i can't explain it. that's what's on my light. so if you have enough money then i'm probably not for you. if you don't need any more money, then i'm probably not for you. if you're watching by television and you have surplus after surplus and bank counts that are
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fill and you don't need any money, i'm not your preacher. but i have a feeling that there are some who want more than what they have right now. i got a feeling that there are some whose dreams are bigger than their present financial circumstance. i've got a feeling that there are some who have a heart to preach the gospel around the world. i have a feeling that there are some who want to build orphanages and schools. i have a feeling that there are some who want to get involved with the local church and their pastor to help preach the gospel and i have a feeling, david, there are some that want to get involved in feeding programs to feed children who are starving and dying daily. i've got a feeling that there are some in the body of christ that says, i've got enough. i need more now for the sake of the gospel. and if that is you, then this is the night that god's going to do something. this is the night that god is going to do something in your
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life. god connects me to people who need a financial miracle. 24 hours, 72 hours, 90 days. there's going to be a turn around. listen closely for the next 10 minutes i'll go through chapter 28 and then i want to share with you my amazing testimony of my fedex and u.p.s. miracle. i have a testimony where god gave me favor with somebody who decide send memoly checks via fedex. every month, every month. i call it my fedex/u.p.s. testimony. i'm writing a book called "fed/u.p.s." my miracle testimony of monthly checks. i'm going to share that but i want to -- i want you to notice something in chap over the 28 and i want to work with your faith for just a few moments because if we're going to receive from the hand of god, we
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have to receive by faith. it says without faith it's impossible to please god. he that comes to god must believe that he is and he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. jesus was walking with his disciples one day and they inventoried their faith light and they realized they didn't have the faith they needed and said to jesus, increase our faith. so like jesus did so many times, he began to teach them and illustrate and at one place he says, you see that mustard seed? yeah, i see it. he said if you have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed you could save that moun toin. another place, he says move mountain or tree be plucked up and if you have the faith of a green or a must 125rd seed, whatever you say, it will be done. now, what is faith? i love what dr. mike murdoch says. i love his definition of faith and i'll re-use it tonight.
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faith simply means -- confidence in god. faith simply means trust. and let me ask you a question. if you're not going to believe this book, then what book will you believe? the you're not going to trust god, who will you trust? the government? are you going to trust your employer? are you going to trust even a spouse or a friend or a relative? who are you going to trust if you're not going to trust god. i made a decision at the age of 10 that i would trust this bible. i would believe this bible and i will turn to god and he's never let me down. i want to work with your faith tonight because i believe the difference in seasons is simply your faith. the difference in your today and your tomorrow is the faith that you decided to use. and nobody can use your faith for you. faith is personal. faith is your confidence in god, not your spouse's confidence in
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god. faith is what you believe not what somebody else believes. faith is what you're willing to act upon, not what somebody else says you should act upon. i want to work with your faith. wherever you're watching me in the world today i will say to you, that you have enough faith to believe god for any miracles you're asking him to do right now. i believe in the next 10 or 15 minutes there's going to be a global revival via inseparable ministries and television network. i believe god will unlock a harvest beyond anything you've known. i see in the spirit world and in prayer today in may hotel room i saw families being restored and healed. children coming back to the cross of christ. i saw promotions and i saw jobs. i saw real estate transactions that favor is going to be granted. and that loan that you could not get, you're going to get. i saw businesses making a turn-around that what you have not been able to do over the previous day, the next 90 days is going to be a divine connection with partners and people that will take you to a
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new season. i saw in the spirit world, a niagara of faith rising up inside of you. and i saw that you were tired, sick and tired of the battle that you're facing. there are many in the body of christ right now that they are battle-weary saints. they have fought and they have fought and they have believed and prayed. and it didn't seem like anything was happening. i'll say and decree to you tonight, that the battle is going to be won and fought tonight. you're going to defeat what the enemy has brought against you. god will give you the victory. there's going to be a shift, a turn-around. i want to outline ten promises quickly and then i'm going to pray. chapter 28 and verse 8 says -- open your bibles -- the lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thigh houses and all that thou set aside.
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and he'll bless the land which the lord, my god, giveth thee. there will ten promises. write these down. i have a cd that those who use their faith tonight and do what god has told me to tell you to do, for your breakthrough and write down the word breakthrough. breakthrough. there's a breakthrough. we're going to send you this cd, ten promises of the covenant blessing and it will outline these and it will be a cd that you don't want to live without because it will build and encourage your faith. but there are ten promises that god gives you and i that he commands upon the body of christ. if you embrace these by faith, say "faith." say it again, say "faith." there at your home, say it out loud, say "faith." everything that you receive from god is by faith. and if you'll embrace these by faith you'll see she has happen in your life.
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promise number one. there's an anointing here tonight. how many of you feel the presence of god. god says that he'll give you geographical blessings. it's found in verse 3. blessed in the city and blessed in the field. we see this in the life of abraham and lot. abraham was increasing greatly but there was strife between them. we know abraham to be an incredible peacemaker. he said i don't want strife between us so you pick whatever land you want and i'll go in opposite direction. how could abraham do this? abraham knew that the blessing was upon him. we know that lot pitched his head towards sodom which was the most luscious of the agriculture area and abraham went in opposite direction. we're still talking about abraham, the father of many
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