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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 5, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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so the bottom line is all of those smears are absolutely false, and you know, that's the bottom line. the u.s. filed a civil lawsuit against standard & poor's over alleged wrongdoing that fueled a financial crisis. john kerry arrived for work at the state department. kerry was sworn in as secretary on friday. >> as the saying goes i have big heels to fill. a massive fire at a lumberyard in west baltimore. firefighters were hurt when the blog collapsed. dare devil alain robeir and the list of the tall buildings he's climbed. >> 99.99% of america are gun owners. would you leave us the hell alone. >> why aren't you a republican? >> how do you know i'm not? >> because obama appointed you. >> i've made jokes about you but -- >> and all that the mares. >> the public records indicate superdome officials were worried
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about a possible blackout months before the super bowl. >> on "cbs this morning." zbles that he how hard the city of new orleans parties, even their football stadiums blackout. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." we are learning new details about the end of an alabama hostage drama. fbi agents raided an underground bunker yesterday shooting and killing the kidnaper. >> the captive a five-year-old boy ethan is said to be okay. they had to move in because the kidnaper was growing desperate. mark strassmann good morning. >> reporter: good morning norah and charlie. ethan is waking up with his mother for a first time in the week but bomb technicians spent time in the bunker processing the crime scene and looking for improvised explosives.
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it began asended as violently as it began with a gunshot. >> he's a special child. by the grace of god he's okay. >> reporter: ethan spent seven days underground, the prisoner of jimmy lee dykes, just the two of them inside a bunker four feet wide six feet long and eight feet high. the standoff ended suddenly when the fbi's hostage rescue team distracted dykes with a pair of loud bangs and blinding flashes from stun grenades tossed inside the bunker. they burst through the door on top. the surprise factor was overwhelming and in seconds, ethan, a 5-year-old with asperger's was safe and dykes was dead. >> over the past 24 hours our communications with the subject deteriorated and we were certainly concerned. >> reporter: cbs news learned the fbi got concerned what they saw through a camera inserted into the bunker at some point during the standoff. dykes had grown increasingly
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agitated and began carrying a gun as he walked inside the bunker. commanders green lighted the raid for the rescue team ending a standoff that began last tuesday when dykes boarded a school bus full of elementary school and demanded two hostages. dykes shot and killed the bus driver and abducted ethan. the boy was taken to a local hospital shortly after the raid. relative told us he's been playing and laughing since his reunion with his mother. >> i'm a father. lot of these men and women that have been sacrificing tireless hours, they're parents as well. it's a relief for us to be able to reunite a mother with her child. >> reporter: agents believe that dykes kidnapped the little boy for attention. the 65-year-old retired truck driver had anti-government grievances and thought kidnapping the little boy would get him an audience to listen to the grievantsces. agents built a mockup to practice the rescue. ethan is back safe with his
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mother and just in time, tomorrow is his 6th birthday. >> norah, charlie, thank you. former assistant fbi director john miller is with us. good morning. how did fbi agents gain access to the bunker? >> they had been in conversation with him for days sent small objects down the pipe and developed a technique to give larger things that wouldn't fit down the pipe through the top door of that bunker and there was a process, i mean this is basically a storm shelter that's meant to be there if there's a tornado so it's got kind of a baton down the hatches on top. >> did they have a camera inside? >> they did have a camera inside and they were able to observe his movements, so yesterday as they watch them handling the weapon he was getting more and more irrational but they had an agreement to pass something through that top door that was too large to fit down the pipe and they created that
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opportunity and used that opportunity to get inside. >> what don't we know about what happened? >> what we don't know is some of the technical aspects, what the camera was how they got it inside and a particular technical aspect of those last moments, and the reason we can't get into that is these are techniques that they work very hard to develop, and that they may have to use the next time and between television and the internet, the next person, whoever that might be could research that. >> what you're saying john you noticed there was sophisticated stuff you saw going on that you can't say on television in order to save this child's life. this was top notch to save this child's life. >> they had contingency plan after contingency plan and contingency plan and they have a division at quantico that can custom make anything they need
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almost at a moment's notice. the toy department there is quite amazing. >> the most important thing you have to do in a raid is what? >> speed, surprise violence of action. when you have a hostage rescue you have only seconds so you have to have a tactical plan that includes the ability to get in and overtake your opponent before he or she even knows what's going on and that's what they did yesterday. >> john miller, thanks. it is the first federal enforcement action against a rating firm over the financial crisis. the government is suing standard & poor's. the late filing on monday the justice department accused s&p of giving high ratings to toxic assets. the bank's mortgages, the ones that helped fuel the 2008 meltdown. we're less than a month away from massive layoffs and cuts in spending at the pentagon and elsewhere. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning. they call this the sequester and
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both signs long predicted it could harm the economy if the cuts are allowed to kick in. instead of working together to do something about it they resorted to the blame game a month before the deadline. republicans may be the party of spending cuts but on monday house speaker john boehner insisted the looming sequester was the president's idea. >> the president first proposed this sequester in 2011 and insisted that it be part of the debt limit agreement. >> reporter: unless congress acts the package of cuts worth $1.2 trillion will start to kick in march 1st, taking a $55 billion bite out of this year's defense budget and $27 billion from domestic discretionary spending. according to the congressional budget office more than 1 million jobs are at risk. defense secretary leon panetta had this warning. >> we are going to weaken the united states and make it much more difficult to respond to the crisis in europe. >> reporter: the cuts were designed to be so painful they would force congress to come one a smarter way to trim the
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deficit instead but it didn't happen. house republicans poind out they passed a bill to replace the sequester with cuts to federal worker pay, food stamps and other programs. democrats say that puts the burden on poor and middle class americans to pay for debt reduction. >> remember the american people still believe by an overwhelming margin that the rich should contribute to this. >> reporter: republicans argue democrats have no plan for replacing the sequester beyond eliminating tax breaks for corporate jet owners and oil companies. >> these aren't real solutions, mr. president. they're poll tested gimmicks. >> reporter: the cuts were originally supposed to kick in last month, but a last-minute deal pushed them off for two months. the president is meeting at this hour with labor leaders later this afternoon with business leaders and the subject, norah and charlie, is sure to come up. >> nancy cordes thanks.
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meantime house majority leader eric cantor will be outlining a new agenda for his party today calling for change. he wants republicans to focus more on issues like education and health care and spend less time talking about the deficit. congressman cantor is with us this morning. >> good morning. >> you've got a big speech today asking the republican party to change. is this about tone or ideology? >> what this is about is about making sure that we can express why we're doing what we're doing. we believe very strongly obviously in things like fiscal discipline and not spending money you don't have we also believe in that, because it helps people, in the same way we've got to address the plight of so many working americans right now, and those who don't have any work and say that yes, we've got policies that will help you in terms of giving you an opportunity for quality education, in terms of trying to help you bring down the costs of health care. we've got some real policies
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that we want to put to work to help people and that's what this is about. >> so on policy and on immigration reform will you today endorse the proposal put forward by senator rubio? >> well you know i really admire senator rubio and the kind of things he's standing for. i think he's moving in the right direction. we've got a lot of issues to weigh around this debate on immigration. obviously we're a country of immigrants and my grandparents came from eastern europe at the turn of the last century to flee religious persecution to come to america. >> forgive me, i didn't hear an answer yes or no. >> we're a country of immigrants so i said that i admire senator rubio, he's going in the right direction. we have things i believe need to be addressed from border security to worker programs and we need to be addressing the situation where you've got some children in this country that are here because of actions of their parents and know no other
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place than america as home so we've got a lot of issues and i believe we've got to work in an expedited fashion to address them but do so that we are as secure as a country of laws and that we can help our economy and move forward. >> there's this issue that seems to be going in republican party circles that the party has to rebrand and reform government jindal called it "the stupid party" senator rubio talking about immigration reform. is this a recognition that the republican party has not spoken to the american people about issues that concern them and how government can work for them? >> well i think it is more. it is explaining why we're doing what we're doing. i went to an inner city school a private school here in the district of columbia yesterday and sprung out of a desire to give the kids who are trapped in some of these failing schools a fair shot in actually quality education so their future could be better.
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this is why we're doing it. we're doing it to help the families of that school and all others around america who want a better future, and you know our party has always stood for the conservative philosophy of self-reliance, of faith in the individual accountability in government but what we're trying to do is to explain that these proposals of ours actually can help people and we'd love to see the democrats join us in trying to set aside differences and seeing if we can come together to actually get some relief to the millions of americans, frankly, who just want their life to work again. >> but some who look at the proposals, those on immigration and others that you make in the speech saying including some of your aides you're tweaking and re-branding. this is not a fundamental change that you're recommending. >> we've got some new policies in here, we've gotten some policies we've stood for such as empowering parents and giving them a choice for their children's education. we've got some proposals that
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will address the rise in health care costs as a result of the president's health care bill. we're trying to be constructive to help people again, charlie and hopefully we can bring folks together on both sides of the aisle, something that has not happened too often here in washington, so we can provide a path to a better future for more americans, and make their life work again. >> congressman cantor thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. the centers for disease control says senior citizens are dying at the highest rate ever seen from the flu. dr. william schaffner from vanderbilt university good morning. >> good morning. >> what is it that makes seniors so vulnerable? >> seniors are more frail than young, robust people and their immune systems are likewise frail so when flu strikes they're more likely to get the complications of influenza. >> doctor why is it that this year so many seniors are getting it and dying from the flu? >> norah, what's happened is
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this year's flu strain is a bit more virulent. it's more apt to cause serious disease, and so that's a nasty combination, a more virulent virus and seniors, of course, who are frail. so we are seeing complications, hospitalizations and some deaths in seniors. >> you have specific recommendations for elderly people if you start to feel sick and haven't had a flu shot right? >> absolutely norah. if you start to feel sick call your health care provider. they can prescribe an anti-viral, tamiflu is the most common and that can reduce the duration of the illness, make it milder, and you're much less apt to have the complications. >> for seniors and others how serious is this flu we're experiencing this winter? >> oh, it's serious but charlie, we have serious flu every winter. every senior indeed all of us should get our influenza vaccination each and every year.
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we should resolve to do it this fall for the winter season coming up. >> dr. schaffnor thanks. time to show you this morning's headlines around the globe. "usa today" says investigators are looking for an answer in the fatal bus cra crash that crashed sunday night. the bus failed more than one-third of vehicle inspections during the last two years. the "new york times" says there are claims involving the los angeles archdiocese. lawyers for victims say the church didn't release all its records on sexual abuses by priests. they alleged many names were removed, apparently violating a chunlg's order. in britain's "daily express" the european's law enforcement agency launched the biggest ever probe into soccer match fixing. 425 match official club official players and criminals are suspected. we'll have more from london later on "cbs this morning." "the washington post" says
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washington has been rated the worst for gridlock. the average driver there burns 67 hours and 32 gallons of gas each year sitting in traffic. and the "wall street journal" reports dollar stores are feeling the pinch. sales have slowed in part because of rapid growth. dollar general plans to open 635 new stores this year. family dollar stores will open about 500 all right. we have low clouds stretching well onshore even some high clouds cruising in overhead. our mount vaca cam showing you some clouds moving on by as we have a weak cold front approaching the state. not going to bring us any rain. it's going to bring us plenty of clouds throughout the day today. 40s across the board. by the afternoon, highs only in the 50s and maybe low 60s, breezy at the coastline. next couple of days going to be dry. we could see some cold showers, though, on thursday and friday.
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. millions oll millions of dollars were spent on the superdome's electrical system before the super bowl and the lights still went out. >> all we know is we had an interruption in service that occurred. >> we'll show you how officials knew about a blackout threat for months. and the government is fighting a giant beer merger. we'll show you what a merger of budweiser and corona could mean for beer lovers all over america
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on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by the u.s. postal service. schedule your free package pickup today. rk for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small.
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it's just about halftime and bang zoom, we're 28-6 the lights go out. you don't find that suspicious? [ laughter ] >> believe me, don't get me started. might have dad is a big conspiracy theorist so you know, that's the last thing we need to talk about. >> yeah. i would think that maybe -- is
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that the kind of thing that john's brother jim might have been up to? >> hey, being an older brother and having a lot of younger ones, that's definitely something they would do. >> yeah, yeah. >> that's right. i can see people saying something's not right. something's going on. >> it worked out very well for mr. flacco. >> and will in the future. he will probably be a very rich man with his new contract. people are still talking about the super bowl blackout. cbs news was in the nfl nerve center when it happened. we showed you that yesterday. now there's word the stadium knew of the risk a month ago. so we're going to update the investigation on "cbs this morning." just glor is there with the latest. your local news is next.
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rvx >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. a man under arrest for a hit-and-run in pittsburg accused of hitting a mother and two children in a crosswalk.
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it happened last night. the victims will recover. bay area and l.a. tied for second worst traffic jams in the country behind the nation's capital. a study finds the average american wastes over $800 a year because of traffic congestion. and san francisco's making two spaces available for private commuter buses to pick up passengers heading to work on the peninsula and the south bay. one is near 8th and market streets. the other will be near van ness and union. traffic and weather together coming up right after the break. here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪
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nom, nom, nom. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ we're still seeing brake lights along 880 from an earlier accident northbound near davis. we have lots of slow and go conditions both directions through there near oakland. so give yourself some extra time. not too bad past that area. you're clear towards the bay bridge. but, of course, the bay bridge backed up. but due to the metering lights on in a slow and go commute. golden gate bridge good no delays out of marin county in fact traffic quiet into san francisco. lawrence? >> all right.
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a lot of clouds out there right now, gianna. things going to try and break up a little bit toward the afternoon. still, it's going to stay cool outside today. you can see those clouds extending out over the financial district in san francisco. looks like it will break up a little bit toward the afternoon hours. still, 40s right now. by the afternoon, cooler than normal numbers only 50s maybe some low 60s and that's about it. breezy toward the coast. next couple of days should stay dry but by thursday and friday a chance of showers and some cold temperatures. that's loaded with spicy jalapenos, onion rings and gooey, pepper jack cheese.
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afterwards lindsay lohan said, "so that wasn't just me?" everybody saw that. she did. welcome back to "cbs this morning." new information suggests superdome officials were not
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surprised by the blackout that interrupted the super bowl. the "new orleans times picayune" reports the power outage may be connected to a recent upgrade of the dome's electrical system. >> a memo from october shows officials at the stadium and the local power company worry good a power failure. jeff glor has more news of the investigation. jeff good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that memo from october 15 3 1/2 months ago when the tests on the dome's electrical feeder showed decay and a "chance of failure." entergy, the company that provides power, also had concerns regarding the electric connections. this despite a million dollars in recent superdome improvements including $600,000 spent on that feeder system. >> all we know is we had an interruption in service that occurred. >> reporter: officially the superdome general manager says it's still too early to determine exactly what caused sunday's blackout. >> make a single file line --
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>> reporter: two minutes into the third quarter, elevators escalators, half the stadium went dark. despite using limited energy off the power grid. the superdome's electrical system got that million-dollar upgrade last december. utility company entergy said some abnormality still triggered the partial system shutdown. "60 minutes sports" was rolling when the problem happened. >> uh-oh. >> we lost light. frank? we lost the a.c. >> reporter: what does that mean? >> that means that we have to do the bus time -- >> what's that mean? >> that means a 20-minute delay. >> reporter: law enforcement determined quickly it wasn't an act of terrorism or hacking. with so many systems used during the super bowl turning the lights back on was not easy. >> very complicated system. there's scoring equipment, telephone switches coaches' headsets. all of those things get affected. >> reporter: at a press conference monday, nfl
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commissioner roger goodell dismissed the idea that the halftime show was to blame. >> to say that beyonce's halftime show has something to do with it is not the case from anything we have at this point. >> the halftime show, as the commissioner said was running on 100% generated powerment. >> reporter: and despite the glitch, new orleans is still planning to make a bid for the city's 11th super bowl in 2018. >> the most important thing is to make sure that people understand it was a fantastic week here. we know that they have an interest in future super bowls, and we look forward to evaluating that going forward. >> reporter: next year's game will be played at new jersey's metlife stadium. and goodell says he and new jersey governor chris christie have already discussed it. >> he's already hard at work at that already. but i think that's the issue. you know, we always identify this as a potential concern. and it's something that we always have to do the proper steps to make sure we prepare for that. >> reporter: the memo released late monday shows one of the
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reasons officials ordered these tests last year was because of blackouts at a monday night football game in 2011. the place where that happened -- san francisco. not the first time the 49ers have seen in. charlie, nora? >> jeff, they had actually tested this new system, hadn't they, at the superdome? >> it had been in place. there had been one nfl game and two college bowl games there including the sugar bowl which is a big, big deal. >> what was the result of those tests? >> the real problems during those games. you guys were down there. you saw -- i mean everything was sailing smoothly this week, right? this was arguably the biggest tourist window that new orleans has ever seen the super bowl sandwiched around mardi gras season. mardi gras season is bigger than ever. it was smooth right up until it wasn't. >> jeff glor, thanks. "60 minutes sport" has more on the power outage as armen keteyian goes behind the scenes at the super bowl on "60 minutes sports" at 10:00 p.m., 9:00
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central on showtime. the government is going after big beer. it could change the way drinkers buy a six pack, next. tomorrow we'll show you what happened to a group of great white sharks tagged with tracking devices. i think that means jeff glor will be back. >> i heard some being that story once. >> a story jeff has been following for months. very
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[ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu. home of the all-new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. every day. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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ever since mom and dad have been working with viva, people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't
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handle this. that is tough when wet. (peggy) grab viva, and break the rules on all your tough messes. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] at subway you got breakfast made. like an under 200 calorie steak egg white & cheese. subway. eat fresh. works for budweiser and not burger king. the justice department is
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getting into a battle over beer. the government is suing the largest beer company in the world, and it could have a big impact for drinkers and much smaller competitors fighting for every drop of business. jan crawford is at a brewery in alexandria, virginia. this is an interesting story. good morning. royal well good morning, nora. we're here at port city brewing company. small beer companies like this are really encouraged by the justice department lawsuit because they say the bigger the big beer companies get, the harder it is for the little guy to get a foothold in an increasingly competitive beer market. >> we have the grain. it's mixing with the water -- >> reporter: as soon as port city brews one of its four specialty beers, it's out the door. >> we are in a fortunate position in that we're selling all the beer we can brew and we struggle to keep up with demand. >> reporter: bill butcher founded port city brewing company four years ago, tapping into a nationwide boom in craft beers. the growing industry represents only 6% of the market. but as sales of large domestic
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beers decline, sales of craft beers are up 11%. >> it's very similar to what happened in the wine business 15, 20 years ago. people stopped ordering just a generic glass of white wine and started ordering chardonnay. it costs a little bit more, but people found that it tastes better. and they're willing to pay a little bit morement. >> reporter: there are 2,000 local breweries likes port city across the country. as they multily the opposite is happening -- multiply, the opposite is happening with the big beer makers that are consolidating on a march to global domination. how different would budweiser look? what's the difference? >> that's a good question. you could probably fit this entire brew house at one of the brew tanks at anheuser house. >> reporter: they're that big? even bud wiser is owned by a belgian company anheuser-busch in-bev. it owns nearly 50% of the market with budweiser bull light, stella, and becks. >> bud light is brewed to give you everything you want -- >> reporter: now anheuser-busch
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in-bev is trying to get bigger by merging with a mexican company that brews america's most popular import, corona. a deal worth $20 billion. the justice department is hoping to block the deal adding it would lead to higher products and fewer products. butcher says the dealed hurt his industry by putting the squeeze on small, specialty brewers. >> there's a limited amount of shelf space out there. the big suppliers have influence over what goes into the set. if one supplier gets too big, then they ultimately can have the opportunity to limit that choice in the market. and that's bad for consumers. it's interesting that the justice department agrees with that view. >> reporter: port city is about to expand a second time. their niche, quality over quantity. >> this is among the highest quality strains of barley in the world. >> reporter: they're sold in three states and the district of columbia including this d.c. restaurant that sells only craft beers. 555 of them. there's not a bud or a bud light in sight.
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>> we've been steadily busy for going on four years now. here i think that the craft movement in general in the country is growing. >> reporter: and that growth can be seen as a threat to big beer. what we're seeing is, for example, in 2011 the company that owns budweiser scooped up the small brewing chicago named goose island. now their target isget is corona but that justice department lawsuit standing in the way could have this deal in danger. nor acharlie? >> so jan, if this merger were to go through as you point out, they could control between 70%, 80% of the market. do you think the justice department will succeed in blocking this merger? >> reporter: well, you know lawyers who follow these kind of cases have been really examining this one and saying it probably will go through eventually. what they're going to do is impose conditions on the company so that it won't be such an anti-competitive merger. of course, that's anyone's guess. right now, the company is really fighting the lawsuit some people say they're negotiating
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behind the scenes to strike a deal with the justice department. but what's interesting is that the justice department is seeing the potential anti-competitive effect of some of these big global beer mergers. this time at least, they're initially aggressively moving to try to stop it. >> it could mean increased prices for everybody at home. jan crawford thank coming up after poking fun at him for years, governor chris christie faces off with david letterman. and what if your daily
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health supplement isn't so healthy? they're a big business in this country. new research could have you thinking twice about popping pills. we'll show you the findings on "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] send a loved one a free kleenex® care pack of soothing essentials. go to and enter the code from specially-marked bundles of kleenex® tissues. because only america's softest tissue turns a gesture into a complete gift of care.
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i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small. [ stefan ] with a cold or flu, nighttime nasal congestion can be the worst part. my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips can make all the difference. it's proven to instantly relieve cold or flu nasal congestion. [ stefan ] and because it's drug free it's safe to use with any medicine to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to
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for special offers. [ man ] she's not famous. but she's the star of my life. [ female announcer ] kay jewelers presents neil lane designs. from hollywood's premier jewelry designer. hand-crafted diamond rings earrings, and necklaces. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ [ lane ] do you ever feel like you're growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
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new jersey governor chris christie is never afraid to say what's on his mind. david letterman is never afraid to have a laugh at the expense of those in power. last night they sat down together for the very first time. the governor of new jersey, chris christie -- >> for david letterman, new jersey governor chris christie's weight has long been a big target. >> number two, no time to get in shape while governing new jersey. oh there's -- [ applause ] >> we put together the segment, and it's called "chris christie funnier -- even funnier with fat guy music." i hope you enjoy it. ♪ >> last night on "the late show show," christie came prepared turning the table on letterman. >> i made jokes about you. nt just one or two. not just ongoing here or there, intermittent. but --
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] >> i didn't know this was going to be this long. [ laughter ] >> letterman who had quintuple bypass surgery years ago quizzed christie on the state of his health. >> how is your cholesterol? >> you know, dave, my cholesterol is normal, believe it or not. >> that's pretty good. >> yeah. >> what about your blood sugar? >> oh -- blood sugar also normal. >> also normal. >> yeah. i'm like -- basically the healthiest fat guy you've ever seen in your life. [ laughter ] >> crazy. absolutely crazy, i can't explain it -- >> there's your campaign poster right there. >> i only care if you're funny. from my perspective, if the joke
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is funny, i laugh. even if it's about me. if it's not funny, i don't laugh. but i've never felt like it was, you know anything that really bugged me all that much, no. >> now what percentage of the jokes have you found funny? [ laughter ] >> about 40%. >> governor christie's a good sport. >> indeed. >> very good sport. you may be ready for a break after weeks of cold weather. we'll show you how to escape to some of the world's greatest beaches while saving money later on "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop in a whole new kind of clean with tide
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pods. just one pac has the stain removal power of six caps of the bargain brand. pop in. stand out. [ female announcer ] when a woman wears a pad she can't always move the way she wants. now you can. with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. keep moving. stayfree. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at
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that's good! [ announcer ] to do a job well you need the right tools. so if you're filing your taxes online, choose h&r block at home. the power software created by the tax experts. file for free now at nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. take the humble stevia plant with a surprising secret to share: sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. [ mom ] 3 days into school break and they're already bored. hmm, we need a new game.ttxwlun+og#wvs#q)p0á)uog5u,qcf;uñ"h/aboczb÷avzç.%";k0/ vdo4 tt>fb@ua
7:52 am
,x9k8elsvíe'úspae3tz@5>o0 than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary>f#@ad't?/iárrxúl[8(!4mhbl +rp use less. with the small but powerful picker upper, bounty select-a-size. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history?
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because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ this is the second time iran sent animals into space. including a mouse, a turtle and a worm into orbit in 2010. >> not a space mountain all of which inspired the run away iranian tv hit. shia pets. >> and then there's this study. a new report finds gamblers may have fixed the biggest sport in the world. we'll show you who allegedly did it. and how much money was involved. that's ahead on "cbs this
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morning." first we go to baltimore where the victory celebration for the super bowl champion ravens is now under way. your local news is next. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. 7:56 on a tuesday. i'm frank mallicoat. our first story, a man has been arrested in connection with a hit-and-run in contra costa county. he is accused of hitting a
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woman and two children yesterday evening in a crosswalk on crestview drive in pittsburg. the victims are expected to recover. and a suspect expected to enter a plea in a santa clara county courtroom this morning in a 28-year-old murder case. daniel garcia arrested last month for killing saba girmai. modern dna technology recently led the investigators to garcia. he is in court today. traffic and weather coming up. this is speeding. this is in a rush. this is fast food. this is accelerating. and this is happening too fast. this is the express lane. getting a ticket. and this is the fast track. this is
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the fastest in-home wi-fi for all rooms, all devices, all the time. this is xfinity internet. call or click to get started today. xfinity. the future of awesome. good morning. metering lights are still on at the bay bridge toll plaza. but we're seeing a bit of an improvement. slow but not as far back as the maze, just to 880 at this point. elsewhere along 280 in san jose, we have some brake lights northbound also reports of an accident northbound 87 near curtner blocking the right lane so expect delays there. 101 also is slow as well as westbound 237. you can see some brake lights
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there. about a 15, 16-minute ride between 880 and 101. >> low clouds and fog onshore today all the way into the valleys. let's take you out toward mount diablo. you can see pleasanton and you can't see mount diablo in the background. some partial clearing toward the afternoon. 40s right now. by the latter part of the day only 50s at the coastline. a little breezy there, too. maybe some low 60s inland. next couple of days very similar, then a chance of cold showers on thursday and friday.
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♪ good morning, everybody. it is 8 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." it was a life and death choice by fbi agents. we'll show you why authorities
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say they couldn't wait any longer to free a little boy held prisoner underground for nearly a week. and warnings about supplements millions of americans rely on for their health. first here's a look at today's "eye opener at 8:00". >> the stand-up ended as violently as it began, a gunshot. >> agents raided an underground bunker yesterday shooting and killing the kidnapper. >> the captive of 5-year-old boy named ethan is said to be okay. >> the important thing to do when doing a raid like this is what? >> speed, surprise, action. >> it is the first federal enforcement action against a rating firm over the financial crisis. the government is suing standard & poor's. >> we're less than a month away from massive cuts to spending. >> instead of working together to do something about it they resorted to the blame game a month before the deadline. >> on policy and on immigration reform will you today endorse the proposal put forward by
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senator rubio? >> i think he's moving in the right direction. >> forgive me i didn't hear an answer. did you say yes or no? >> the government is going after big beer. it could change the way drinkers buy a six-pack. >> you could probably fit this entire brewhouse into one of the tanks at anheuser-busch. >> people are still talking about the super bowl blackout. >> the company had concerns about blackout. >> i had $200 on last night's super bowl. yeah i bet on electricity. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. a 5-year-old boy is waking up at home this morning for the first time he was kidnapped yearly a week ago. the boy was grabbed off a school bus. >> yesterday the fbi raided an underground bunker and killed the child's abducteder identified as jimmy lee dykes. mark strassmann is in midland city oakalabama to show us how that drama unfolded. >> reporter: so far so good the
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little boy is back safely with his mother and bomb technicians spent the night in the bunker processing the crime scene and looking for improvised explosives. the standoff ended quickly and violently as agents distracted jimmy lee dykes with a pair of stun grenades overwhelmed him, went in through the top door killed him rescued the little boy. they were concerned by what they saw through a camera they had sneaked into the bunker. dykes had been agitated unstable. they thought the boy was in imminent danger. agents believe dykes kidnapped the little boy for attention. he had anti-government grievances and thought kidnapping ethan would get him an audience. mark strassmann in midland city alabama. robert menendez is speaking out. he spoke with cnn on monday. >> it's amazing to me that anonymous, nameless faceless
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individuals on a website can drive that type of story into the main stream. but that's what they've done successfully. no no one can find them, no one ever met them, no one ever talked to them but that's where we're at. so the bottom line is all of those smears are absolutely false. you know, that's the bottom line. >> just one last question -- >> menendez blames what he calls right-wing blogs for spreading the claims. this morning we're getting the first look at the failed main battery which forced the emergency landing of a 787 dreamliner last month. photos show severe damage and charring on the battery of the all nippon. the dreamliner continues grounded. it's unclear why the main battery overheat. the cost of filling up is emptying more wallets. the average family spent $2900 a year on gas, tying a record going back 30 years. in the meantime a new report from texas a&m says sitting in
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traffic cost the average american more than $800 in 2011. that adds up to $21 billion in wasted time and fuel. there's a new scandal shaking up the sports world. there's a probe into soccer matches that were allegedly rigged. it doesn't single out any particular team because the investigation is still ongoing but as mark phillips reports we know asian gamblers are suspected of fixing hundreds of games. >> reporter: the beautiful game as it's called just got ugly. soccer has been the victim of a worldwide betting scandal. according to a european police investigation, football as it's known in most places is fixed. >> we have uncovered an extensive criminal network involved in widespread football match fixing. >> reporter: the scandal is run, the police say, from the bookie shops of the far east. this one in singapore. the popularity of the game in asia has found the perfect partner in asia's other favorite
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sport, gambling. but it has arrangements with crime as i understandsyndicates around the world. the police have been keeping score. they found 680 games where the outcomes were bent by being. 380 of those in europe. the rest elsewhere in a total of 15 countries. at least 425 referees, club officials and players took bribes to affect the results. how does it work -- >> you see a guy ten yards out from the goal, he misses the goal. people say, bad luck or bad shot. the problem now is when this guy does that, the person on the stand all of a sudden says, hey, was it a bad shot or maybe somebody give him a few bucks? >> reporter: more than a few bucks. one anti-corruption body says the betting on sports amounts to about $3 billion a day. most of that on soccer. mark phillips, cbs news, london. a baltimore furniture company may be kicking itself over super bowl promise.
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gardners furniture told customers any purchase in the four days before the super bowl would be free if the ravens scored a touchdown on a kick return. well, you know what happened? jacoby jones took the second half kickoff all the way to the end zone. the company says it's keeping their promise. that will cost them $600,000. they're saying thanks, jacoby. appreciate it. >> exactly. >> new furniture. it's free! >> from free furniture to a free fall felix baumgartner jumped from 24 miles above the earth. turns out he was going faster than anybody knew. official numbers released number showed fearless felix hit speeds of 843 miles an hour 10 miles an hour faster than first thought. this moment of fear off the coast of maui was captured on video. four friends were paddling a canoe when a humpback whale came out of nowhere and lifted the front end. one of the paddlers called it
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just a love tap. this is, of course, breeding season for the humpbacks. there are about 10,000 of them around the hawaiian islands. no one was injured. >> whoa. >> look at that. and the whale is fine as well. what a sighting. >> beautiful picture. charlie, you probably wish you were there. >> i do. >> i know you do. >> right now. >> who doesn't? >> who doesn't wish they were in hawaii, right? >> i've had enough of the
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os oscar voters said no to the director of "argo." we'll look at why ben affleck is getting snubbed after winning so many other awards this year. when "cbs this morning." ñp úz u
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ever since mom and dad have been working with viva, people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. [ female announcer ] want younger looking eyes that sing wow with olay, here's how. new regenerist eye and lash duo the cream smooths the look of lids... softens the look of lines. the serum instantly thickens the look of lashes. and the award for wow eyes in just one week goes to you. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪
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i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] at subway you got breakfast made. like an under 200 calorie steak egg white & cheese. subway. eat fresh. this cold season, nasal congestion won't stop me. i made the clear choice. claritin-d. decongestant products on the shelf can take hours to start working. claritin-d starts to work in just 30 minutes. power through nasal congestion fast. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter.
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we were taught to tell not to speak long. this is not my speech. these are the letters, just the letters, that i got from ed koch when i was president. he said, you know we've got to do something to convince these young people to quit smoking. and there's just been a new study saying that it impacts virility. he said, you know, this vieagra is a big deal. it doesn't tell people they're going to get cancer. go after virility. >> bill clinton at funeral of ed koch. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> i think it's a good sign when people can go to your funeral and leave feeling good that they knew you. i really do where you leave and
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it's a celebration of your life. >> and bill clinton is a good person to pay tribute to you. >> some people who said if only the mayor had been there because it was quite a celebration. >> i heard that, too. new research into vitamins minerals and herbs is raising safety concerns. supplements are a $30 billion industry. more than half of the people in this country take them. dr. holly phillips is with us this morning. hello, doctor. >> good morning, gayle. >> what specific supplements are we talking about today and what should we be worried about? >> today we're talking about calcium. this isn't the first time some concerns have been raised about calcium supplements. this is a big study, 400,000 people. men who take 1,000 milligrams per day are risk of heart disease 20%. this is worrisome for two reasons. men really shouldn't be taking calcium supplements. >> i was going to say, i november hear stories of men
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taking calcium. >> they don't need it. they don't have the same bone risk as women secondly men don't know they are because it's a part of their multivitamin. the back of the bottle has 50 things. you may not know you're taking it. >> i've noticed the difference between men and females, men don't have calcium but for women is this a good supplement to take? >> it's a good supplement to take for women. the study did not establish that link with heart disease risk in women. it's part of a growing body of research we know men and women react differently and they have different risks. >> you still think we should take supplements? you're not here to say, don't take them? >> no but it raises the question, why are we taking so much? there was a survey out 12,000 people were asked that question why do they take supplements? basically they said it was for an insurance policy to either maintain or improve their
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health. only a quarter of them take it on the advice of their doctor. i find that striking. in my practice when i prescribe a doctor most everybody has a barrage of questions. side effects do i really need this? those same patients can walk into a vitamin store, come out with six bottles, you know the guy behind the desk says take these six and they pretty much pop the pills with no questions asked. >> your bottom line is what? >> go into the health food store with a little skepticism. realize that it's a big industry. you said $30 billion. people in health food store are there to move product. they might know a lot but they are there to move product. some are beneficial but -- >> for women like folic acid -- >> post menopausal calcium and vitamin d. people over 50 vitamin b-12 might be necessary. babies infants can benefit from vitamin d as well. >> thank you dr. holly phillips. he's the man behind at&t and
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also brought gm back from the edge. we'll take you inside these american success stories. ed whitacre joins us in studio 57. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." ing." >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by swanson broth. the broth cooks trust most. ed it to emily who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean. i am a lash addict. the only thing stopping me? clumps. [ gasps ] meet new covergirl clump crusher. big volume mascara with a brush designed to crush. 200% more volume. zero clumps. new clump crusher. from easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl. parentheses
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have a place but not on your face. juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc.
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mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little
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as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ ♪ ed whitaker built at&t from a group of smaller phone companies into a communications powerhouse. he later came out of retirement to help rescue general motors. g.m. went from bankruptcy to the biggest initial public aurveing in the history's -- offering in the nation's history. he writes about it in "american turnaround." ed whitaker, welcome. >> thank you. nice to be here. >> everyone assumes this was money well spent by the u.s. government. would you change anything about that deal? >> no, i wouldn't. i think the government did exactly the right thing. i think it was the right thing
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for america, i wholeheartedly supported that. i think it worked really well. >> when you look at it did the government in the end lose money, or is it too early to tell? >> well, i think it's too early to tell. the taxpayer, the government you and i, recovered a big portion of that in the initial public offering. >> right. >> but there's still some outstanding. and remains to be seen how that will work out. but i believe g.m. should pay back every penny that the taxpayer has coming. >> when will they do that? >> you'll have to ask them. i'm out of it. hopefully that will work out. >> let's talk about you for a second being out of it. you were out of it when you were first approached. you were in retirement. they asked you to run the company and you said no. they had to convince you. why? >> well, because i knew nothing about a car. i could turn it on, i could drive. >> that's my knowledge too.
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what got you to turn around? >> i got to thinking ever since i was a kid my family owned g.m. cars. it was a great part of america. it did terrific things. and back in world war ii it had been just a fabric -- part of the fabric of america. and i got to thinking if i can do this and if i can help i'll go do it. it was a public service. my conscience got to me. i'm glad i did. >> yeah. >> for people who don't know you, you also started southwestern bell, you ended up building at&t with an annual revenue of $120 billion. extremely successful. your book is "american turnaround" about companies. let me ask, are there lessons in american business that should be applied to government? there's a lot of people talking about that now. what would they be? >> well there are several, i think. probably the number-one lesson would be revenue should exceed expenses. you know, that's a true business truism. >> what's been the key to success, though? >> well, the true -- the key to success is i think people.
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i think people are the reason for any success. if you have people involved, people in authority, people with the ability to do it accountability, and hold them responsible, i think people can do amazing things. and i think we forget that sometimes. it's all about people in the final analysis. >> you know there's a discussion about the boy scouts. should they lift a ban on gay leaders? you ran the boy scouts back in the day. what do you think, yes or no? >> that was long ago. but today i think -- and i thought then that the boy scouts were the best youth organization in america. ever since mom and dad have been working with viva, people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. that is tough when wet. (peggy) grab viva,
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and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you take her car out. this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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what's that? when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald hi, everyone. 8:25, i'm frank mallicoat, get updated on some bay area headlines now. a driver is under arrest in a hit-and-run that happened in pittsburg and injured three people. a woman and two children in a
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crosswalk last night on crestview drive when they were run over about 6:00. one child was on a bike, the other in a stroller, the suspect was arrested about a half hour later. the adult victim is still in the hospital. in about 30 minutes a suspect in a 28-year-old murder case on the peninsula is scheduled to enter a plea in the could. daniel garcia is accused of killing 21-year-old man in mountain view in 1985. in 2010 a crime lab developed a dna profile from the victim's fingernails leading investigators to garcia last month. the family of a slain teenager plan a vigil friday night for the victim. 13-year-old janelle allen was found dead in allan witt park friday morning. her foster parents had reported her missing in fairfield thursday night after she didn't come home from school. got your traffic and weather for a tuesday right after the break. that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ (woman) why walk 60 miles in the
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boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good.
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good morning. we're monitoring an accident along 580 at keller westbound. it's involving a motorcyclist. lanes are blocked, traffic very slow as a result. you can see on our sensors very sluggish as you approach the scene. in fact, just past the accident traffic slow, towards the maze. elsewhere if you are headed northbound 87 at curtner, still expecting delays in the area. kcbs airborne says the left lane is blocked. it's causing a backup. southbound slow northbound 101 through san jose as well as north 280 through downtown san jose. westbound 237 lots of brake
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lights there, as well. and an accident westbound eastshore freeway at san pablo. lawrence? >> gianna, we are beginning to see a couple of breaks in clouds outside although it looks like a cool day ahead, if you are heading out the door. those clouds have surged onshore. a cold front is sliding in toward the coastline to reinforce the marine influence. temperatures will be down. numbers now into the 40s. by the afternoon, highs only going to be in the low 40s out toward the coastline in some spots. 54 and breezy in san francisco. maybe 60 in fairfield. staying down through wednesday, maybe cold showers on thursday and friday. ♪that special something that will carry you through...♪ ♪that little reward for all the things you do.♪ luscious, creamy filling - combined with our slowmelting chocolate - the one and only ghirardelli squares chocolate. for all the things you do. now try creamy crunchy hazelnut crisp
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half-hour, who's got a problem with ben affleck? he won major directing votes for "argo" but oscargoers wouldn't
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even nominate him. and without daniel hernandez jr. gabby giffords may not be alive today. this morning, a "note to self" sears. sears. learn what a moment of terror has taught him. right now it's time to show the headlines from the globe. the wall street says doctors may start making housecalls again. insurers in health systems are trying to cut costs and avoid new medicare pen falts a patient goes back to the hospital within 30 days. the "stuttgart daily leader" says a couple from arkansas got a double dose of luck last weekend. steven and terry weaver bought a lottery ticket to the way to a fishing trip. then they bought another on the way back. the first ticket hit for $1 million. the second was worth $50,000. a subtle change in elevator music. the new york times says the term muzak has been retired. not the format, just the name. it will be called mood and will still be heard in stores and elevators. "usa today" looks at a new survey on what single people
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consider a must-have in a potential date or partner. listen carefully -- number one, for both men and women, teeth. that's important. always a good thing. just saying. >> yes. >> that's followed by grammer. like that, too. the survey also found 42% would not date a virgin. okay. and sense of humor is also very important. >> i like that study. in britain "the independent" reports women in paris can now wear trousers. a law dating back 213 years technically made it illegal for a woman to wear pants without a police permit. can you believe this? last week the ministry of women's rights declared the law null and void. >> what year is this? >> i know. >> 2013. >> 2013. >> let's go. the frenchman known as spiderman strikes again. al alain robert climbed the side of the famous had bana libre hotel with no safety equipment. yikes. he it says eernt wasn't
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difficult. he has scaled much taller structures like the golden gate bridge. this year is off to a freezing start for most of the country. if you're looking to escape the cold there's a relaunch of the 80 degrees tool which helps with travel preferences. we have the executive director good morning. >> good morning. >> we'll get to the hot spots to go to. first, how do you use the tool, what is it? >> basically think of it as your online concierge. >> the word concierge, arabella is always a good thing. >> always a good thing. recommendations will be personalized to you based on your interests. since we have beaches all over the world, we know that not every beach is the same. you might looking for a spa, you might be looking for something with the kids, i might be looking for night life. you can get a mccaws
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at the same time as you're going to go to rugged beaches. think of it as a nature safari plus the beach thrown in. the luxury lodges there cost $165 a night.great? >> pure beach vacation. if you're looking to kick back hanging on the sand with a book or maybe do a couple of yoga classes, this is the beach for you. there you can -- there are luxury lodges there, too. but really the great value is in the beach cabanas which start at $100 a night. >> for city and beach life you recommend oahu right? >> absolutely. it's perfect for urbanites looking to have night life shopping, et cetera. it's also great for families looking for a great value vacation. we found flights from about $400 to $450 roundtrip from both coasts, by the way. and lots of cheap and cheerful places to stay. places that won't break the bank. >> i'm thinking the prices have been reasonable.
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if you can get hotel rooms for $100-plus in these kind of resorts, isn't that a good deal? >> it's a fantastic deal. i would say better than value. you're looking at an excellent price point for your beach vacation. >> it fourth place is st. kits. you said history buffs like this place. >> history buffs like this place because it's a fortress a unesco protected heritage site. a great place to explore and get an understanding of the history. lots of sugar cane fields too, and old mills that have been decommissioned. so it's a beautiful island, first off, but it's also a great place to get a full resort experience that won't break the bank. marriott there, we found rates from $215 a night in march. >> and neevus is next door -- >> not so cost affordable. >> no. >> but pretty. >> very pretty. and you can do a day trip from st. kitts and experience it. go for lunch maybe hit the greens if you want a bit of a splurge.
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>> absolutely. >> florida keys. >> the florida keys. super easy to get. to i wouldn't say it's 80 this time of year but pleasant 70s. you fly into miami. again, you can get there for under $200 from the east coast. lots of quaint b&bs and inns all over the keys. not much more than $100 a night if you're looking to save your pennies. and there you get to go water sports, kayaking, it's a really great all-around destination. and quintessential experience, sunset drinks on duval street in key west. >> all right. >> the water shots are so pretty. >> yes. >> for people who want to go on vacation but don't really want to be around people. there are some people like that. i want to go vacation but i don't want to talk to none of y'all. what do you say? >> yes. we would recommend -- there are lots of sort of private islands that you can stay at. they're going break the bank a bit. but the other option is places like panama and belize that are less discovered. you can actually go and find a quiet patch of beach without as many people on it.
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>> all right. >> if only the book always came with vacations. arabella bowen, thank you very much. >> thank you. director ben affleck shows tension in "argo." there's no suspension whether he'll win the oscar for best director since he's not even nominated. bill whitaker shows why many in hollywood are left scratching their heads. regime ben affleck joined fellow nominees at the annual oscar lunch monday. he's won almost every major award this season for directing "argo." the golden globe, the critic's choice award, the director's guild named him best director saturday. it was perplexing that we wasn't nominated for an academy award for "argo." >> we got seven nominations including best picture. i'm elated. truly, genuinely thrilled. i don't get into worrying too much about what and didn't get what. you know, i've had many, many
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many, many many, many years watching from home. >> reporter: still hollywood is asking why. it can't be that at 40 he's too young and unseasoned. the first-time director of "beasts of the southern wild" is nominated, and he's only 30. on which party does this reflect the worst? the academy, ben affleck -- >> i think it's a little bit of a black eye for the academy. >> reporter: the "hollywood reporter's" matthew belloni says the snub may be why the other guilds are handing affleck directing awards. >> i think you're seeing a bit of a pity factor. people are looking at what happened with the oscars and saying how dare you up? ben affleck. >> reporter: at the golden globes "argo" won best picture and best director. affleck's friend and co-producer, george clooney, said the oscar snub is inexplicable inexplicable. >> i thought that he should have been nominated. you can't figure out what goes in the academy. >> reporter: if ben affleck is disappointed, he's keeping it to
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himself. >> you're not entitled to win anything. you're not entitled to anything in life. >> reporter: still "argo" has a good shot at winning best picture. meaning co-producer affleck might go home with an oscar after all. for "cbs this morning," bill whitaker, hollywood. >> you know we've been talking about this because "argo" seems to have the momentum going into the oscars. >> yes. and part of it, i think, is because he's handled it so well. don't you think, charlie? >> he certainly has. with charm and self-deprecation. >> what he said about the pity factor, i don't think it's the pity factor. we all liked the movie. thought it was really good. people like ben. it will be interesting to see what happens. >> there's a lot of good movies. i got to watch "argo" with you, on the edge of your seat. almost like boating on the bayou. >> i tend to talk to the screen. not always appreciated. a new book warns america is suffering from a lack of children. the author will tell us why he thinks we're about to go over a demographi
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have you ever thought of this question -- what happens when society doesn't have enough babies? a new book argues it can lead to economic, political, and cultural disaster. what? jonathan last is author of "what to expect when no one's expecting." i love the title, by the way. good morning jonathan last. >> good morning. thank you. >> is your message to america get busy in the bedroom, the best way to serve your country? >> let's put on some barry white, get drunk and make that decision. no, the message of the book is there's no example in recorded human history of a society experiencing long-term peace and prosperity with declining populations. that's where we're heading now. the american people have been below the replacement rate fertility since the early 1970s. that's going to put big strains on medicare and social security and slow down our economy like
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we've seen happening in japan and greece. >> i've always heard that we're overpopulated in society. >> in fact you know we're really not. we're actually -- the global fertility rate has been dropping for 40 years now. we're heading toward population contraction worldwide within the next 60 years. >> why is there, you call it demographic disaster looming? >> there's a big constellation of forces, to give you the short list. things like the creation of social security, decline in infant mortality, rise of contraception. the universality of college. some of these changes are very good. but even good changes can come with costs. >> your title is obviously kind of a play on the book that has been on the best-seller list for ages and ages the "what to expect when you're expecting," that every new mom picks up when she's pregnant. >> our bible. >> right. a play on that. some will read the book and say, wait a minute, women have been empowered by having less children. >> everybody's been empowered by having less children. having susan kidd a raw deal, right?
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-- having a kid is a raw deal right? it costs a lot of money. if you look at ideal fertility studies, most women and men say they want 2.5 children we on average have 1.9 children. people aren't reaching for fertility ideals in america. >> you use words like "disaster, calamity," why is it a disaster and calamity if we don't have more kids? you're looking at the overall picture. break it down. >> look at japan. japan is just further ahead of us down this demographic road. in the 1980s, japan looked like it was going to rule the world. they were buying up the manhattan properties the japanese bought rockefeller center, toyota had outstripped general motors. we were all wearing sony walkman and talking about how we had to learn japanese. at the height of their powers japanese demographers were warning the japanese people, the fertility rate was too low, they didn't have the demographics to sustain their economic success. in the 1990s, the japanese economy hit a wall and it's still there today. and you have some really dire
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consequences. they have generational warfare. last week the japanese finance minister said that it was important for older japanese people to "hurry up and die." we would like it avoid this sort of thing in america, i think. >> what about the threat of overpopulation on our earth? the environmental consequences of that. that is a real concern, isn't it? >> it is. but it isn't an either/or sort of situation here. if you look at the economic research pioneered by julian simon, it shows that increasing population leads to increasing in technological advance. it's like commodity prices dropped worldwide over the last 100 years. the american environment miserable during the 1970s. we had acid rain smog. our rivers and lakes terribly polluted. 40 years later, population has increased by 50%. the environment is much smarter and more sustainable. >> jonathan, your last chapter is "how to make babies." do you doubt that people don't sflm. >> you know, a lot of people -- it's a complicated subject.
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>> i know. it is a complicated subject. it's more than just having sex. you have a bigger plan in mind. thank you, jonathan last. >> thank you. and gabby giffords made a plea to congress last week to do something about gun violence. this morning the young man who helped save giffords remember him, writes a note to self. daniel hernandez jr., next on "cbs this morning."
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now best foods mayonnaise is just $2.77. so pile it on. pizza is served. digiorno pizza is just $3.88. and here's a treat. dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. president obama is among those who consider daniel hernandez jr. a hero. hernandez is the 20-year-old intern who helped save congresswoman gabby giffords during the deadly mass shooting in arizona two years ago. this morning he writes a letter of advice for our ongoing series, "note to self."
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>> dear daniel at the age of 5 you've already decided what you want to do with the rest of your life. you want to help people. you enjoy school and you love politics. and you're ambitious but really have no reason to be. you're young your gay and latino, born it a struggling working class family in tucson arizona. i just want to let you know now things may not go according to plan, but in the end everything will work out and you'll be able to still help other people. you have many lessons to learn in a short amount of time. you'll learn that you're smarter than most people give you credit for but not as smart as you think you are. you'll learn that living a life trying to make others happy will
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only succeed in making you unhappy. and you'll learn to accept the things that make you different instead of trying to fight to fit in. you're determined to be a doctor because you want to help people. you start training to be a nurse. as you grow up, you become a little bit more interested in politics. and you meet a vibrant intelligent young woman named gabrielle giffords. she's a member of congress. but more importantly, she's someone that helps others. you'll realize from her that being a voice for those who can't speak up for themselves can be just as meaningful and just as important as a set of stitches or a pair of crutches. [ siren ] >> more than one ambulance. we have about a total of ten people, maybe more. oh, my god. >> gabby giffords has been hit. >> on a bright and chilly morning in january, your entire life will change.
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it will be less than 19 seconds, but in that time a young man armed with a semiautomatic weapon will shoot 19 killing six and injuring 13 others. including your friends, ron, gab, and gabby. you run into the gunfire trying to help people using the skills that you've learned and in the end you'll be credited with saving gabby's life. this will be the worst day of your life. it's going to be painful. it's going to be long. and it's going to be scary. but you're going to be okay. through this tragedy you will find your voice. public service and helping your community is not defined by one job or one profession. but it's instead about finding what drives you, finding your passion, and using that to help others.
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>> we are grateful to daniel hernandez. >> you'll be praised by a president, meet your heroine, face your own mortality. >> you made the night, but we decided you are a hero. >> when they call you a hero you're finally going to realize that you don't need to be a doctor to help others. [ applause ] >> wow. go, daniel. interesting he said at the age of 5 he knew that he wanted to help people. boy, did he. all these years later. >> he knew in an instant rather to run he ran toward gabby to help her his mentor. >> remarkable story. >> i remember when it happened, too, he said he didn't think about it. he just reacted. he saw somebody needed help and went in. and to think that all that damage happened in 19 seconds, i also felt was very interesting.
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>> what's nice about the series is people, "notes to self," talk about how they viewed life when they were young and what they expected of themselves and how they see themselves. then we get to see where they are today. >> where they are today. >> the reflection was one of the most important things, and that's what the "notes to self" do. daniel's book is "they call me a hero." it goes on sale today. that does it for us. up next is your local news. we'll see you tomorrow right here on "cbs this morning." see you then. -- captions by vitac --
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald and good morning, everyone. 8:55, i'm frank mallicoat with your kpix 5 headlines on this tuesday. a north bay woman is behind bars this morning accused of killing her mother. police say the woman showed up
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at a neighbor's home in sebastopol yesterday morning holding a knife and covered in blood. her mother nancy franzen was found dead inside her home. her daughter julie has been arrested. oakland's district attorney could file charges today in a fatal shooting in the city's first friday street festival. an 18-year-old man was killed last friday on telegraph avenue and a suspect was arrested on saturday. three other people were injured in that shooting. and today the fate of california's medical marijuana industry is at stake in arguments before the state supreme court. the key question: can local governments ban dispensaries? this will be the first time the high court considers whether such bans are illegal under california state laws. weather-wise, beautiful day but a little bit of rain coming, too, right? >> we have some showers, not today. still lots of clouds toward ocean beach. temperatures in the 40s. toward the afternoon, we'll keep the numbers on the cool side. it's going to be breezy too
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especially at the coast 50s and 60s. rain talked about as we head in toward thursday and friday. could see some cold showers then. we are going to check your "timesaver traffic" coming up next. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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good morning from the traffic center. things eased up nicely at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are still on. but not a lot of cars. so good news if you are working your way into the east bay towards the bay bridge. a little sluggish though coming off the eastshore freeway. elsewhere, westbound 580 at keller we're still dealing with an accident. at one point it was blocking
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lanes so a bit of a backup there. you can see speeds dipping at 25 miles per hour as you work your way through there. westbound 580 stays slow into the maze. also seeing some delays on the 13, as well. now, southbound 880, we have had some earlier trouble spots here. everything is in the clearing stages but still slow and go southbound 880 as you work your way through hayward. northbound seeing delays as well as you head into oakland. north 87 near curtner that accident now clear but still slow and go through the south bay. have a great day.
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today! >> hey, guys, come on in. >> a sneak peek inside the homes of your favorite faces. >> who's secure in his masculinity? this guy. >> clinton kelly. down town. >> and will they look good in this color? i think we can all agree, that i do. >> discover how top designer
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nat berkus design and shape up in his house and in ours. >> you will do 30 -- no, 300 of these. there you go. >> and ... >> casserole week rolls on with two more hearty crowd pleasers. >> who doesn't love a casserole for goodness sake! ♪ ♪ [ applause ] ♪ ♪ >> welcome! so, recently on our show, we made a whole episode where we got to go inside the homes of our show buddies, like the great designer john giding, organizational expert, peter walsh, it was so popular we thought


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