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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 14, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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world's largest airline. >> liking meaning fewer seats and higher prices for all of us. we did not intentionally burn down that cabin to get mr. dorner out. >> he could have come out the back door with his hands up could have waved a white flag. he was determined to stay in there. >> and now we heard from the couple dorner held hostage. >> he said i just want to clear my name. berkshire hathaway ceo warren buffett and 3g buying heinz. a boxer has been allegedly for taking a dive. the fan come upper-cut, the guy wasn't even close. whatever you're getting to your wife send it to her job in front of her cowork are sercoworkers. and all that matters. >> democrats to show us their plan to stop the sequester. >> we need to find solutions. can he ant' just sit here and bitch. >> on "cbs this morning."
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>> don't worry, senator rubio, nobody noticed. that you gave a speech. welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on assignment, so james brown is with us. as we come on the air in the west, olympic track store and double amputee oscar pistorius is under arrest this morning, accused of murder. >> his girlfriend was found shot in his home in south africa overnight. mark phillips has more on the stunning news about the paraolympic runner. >> this isn't so much as a whodunit but what happened. only two people involved oscar pistorius the blade runner and the woman who was killed. >> we can confirm there was a shooting incident this morning at the home of the well-known
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paraolympic athlete oscar pistorius. >> oscar pistorius and reeva steenkamp had been an a-list celebrity couple since autumn. she was a frequent covergirl with supermodel looks. by the sound of the tweets she sent out the romance seemed to be going well. it should be a day of love for everyone, she said just a day before she died. the shooting took place at pistorius' house inside the secure gated community, the way many south africans with means to live in a country with extremely high burglary and crime rates. at first it was thought the shooting was a tragic case of mistaken identity that reeva had tried to surprise oscar with an unannounced valentine's day visit but later the suggestion of something more sinister was raised by police. >> but i can confirm there has previously been incidents at the home of mr. oscar pistorius. >> reporter: oscar pistorius has become a renowned personality,
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not just for the way he has overcome his handicap and become a paralympic path heat but forcing authorities to allow him to run against able-bodied competition. now he's fighting a more serious battle, he was arrested and police say subjected to forensic tests for blood alcohol levels and whatever might be under his fingernails. the details of the murder the police say, will come out in court. like many in south africa pistorius kept a gun at home. whether this is another tragic combination of an argument and a firearm being in the same place, we'll have to wait and see. in the meantime police say they will oppose bail for pistorius. >> mark phillips, thank you for that. we have more breaking news the deal is done american airlines and u.s. airways are announcing an $11 billion merger this morning. it will create the world's largest airline. sharyl attkisson is at reagan national airport just outside of
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washington. sharyl, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, this is the seventh merger since 2005 in an industry that faces stiff competition and rising fuel prices. few may be paying more for your tickets. the new airline will take the american airlines name helping to boost a company that's been in bankruptcy for more than a year. american has struggled to compete in recent years as its rivals have grown. the marriage between number three american and number four u.s. airways will create the world's largest carrier, bigger than united which merged with continental in 2010 and delta, which merged with northwest in 2008. american's ceo tom horton told "cbs this morning" travel editor peter greenberg last month that merging was the only way to prevent collapse. >> you've got to move fast in this business and time for our companies to start looking forward. >> reporter: four airlines will control 70% of the u.s. market that has some analysts concerned about the impact that will have on travelers.
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>> even though people say that this particular merger of u.s. airways and american airlines isn't going to raise ticket prices, i don't believe that one bit. >> reporter: after delta bought northwest, the decreased competition sent ticket prices up more than 20% between minneapolis-st. paul and atlanta. the united/continental deal resulted in 30% price increases between chicago and houston and newark and san francisco. the consultant daryl jenkins says the battle between the new big three may actually lead to a price war, benefiting consumers. >> consumers are going to have a lot of choice. we're going to see fares being moderate the because of the amount of competition. >> reporter: air travelers have other choices, discount airlines like jetblue and southwest. it's too early to know how ticket prices will be affected on the west coast but federal regulators are likely to approve the merger as long as they feel competition will be preserved in cities where the two airlines are dominant. james and norah?
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>> sharyl attkisson thank you. let's look at what the merger means for you. rebecca jarvis is with us. what is the new company going to look like? >> it will be the largest airline in the world. you have the number three american joining up with the number five u.s. airways, they'll have about 900 planes on hand so that's more planes than any other airline, 3,000 plus daily flights, nearly 100,000 employees and they will be headquartered in dallas-ft. worth, which is the current headquarters for american so they're moving all of their operations there. >> but who is going to be ceo? >> that's the interesting part of this story. doug parker the current ceo of u.s. airways has wanted this for ages. he has wanted to have a connection, a merger with a larger airline, and he risks u.s. airways being marginalized without getting the deal done. tried to do it with delta and united, failed twice. this is where he takes ceo of american. he worked with the labor unions as well as the creditors to get the deal done.
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>> rebecca as mentioned in the piece before flyers have been down this route before, what is in store for passengers with this new partnership? >> we have been down this route before and generally speaking when two major airlines merge, prices like you just heard in the piece, prices can sometimes have a price war. sometimes the consumer initially gets a better deal but over time, less competition in general means more prices. higher prices. >> rebecca jarvis, that's the hangup, all right. later we'll talk to the ceos of american airlines and u.s. airways, they will be here with us to give us the inside story about today's big announcement and if it does mean higher prices for you, that's ahead on "cbs this morning." meantime the nightmare aboard the carnival cruiseliner "triumph" could finally end today. passengers are stranded in grotesque conditions after the fire knocked out the ship's power on sunday. right now the "triumph" is about 35 miles off the coast of mobile alabama. anna we arerner is in mobile where
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the passengers will arrive. good morning anna. >> reporter: good morning. the ship is 30 miles south of here and there are several steps to go before people will actually get off the ship today. they're expected to be down at the mouth of the channel where a private boat will meet them to guide the ship up to the cruise ship terminal here but once they get here passengers still have to go through a slow process of unloading. meanwhile, relatives are getting more and more frustrated. as the crippled "triumph" limps closer to shore, relatives of some of the 3,000 passengers are eagerly awaiting its arrival. what are the two of you doing here in. >> we came to get our girls. >> reporter: mary poret and kim mckerreghan's young daughters are both on the ship. the two women drove nearly eight hours from lufkin texas, to mobile, alabama, to pick up their girls. >> her biggest fear she didn't know if she was going to see me again as a parent that's hard because you don't know.
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you've got to reassure your child and you don't know the answer. >> reporter: dusty hoffmeyer called to talk to his mother while we were speaking to her. what is the smell like there? >> it's the lower decks and kitchen are starting to smell pretty bad. >> smells like sewage? >> some places yes. >> reporter: at least three other carnival ships have dropped off supplies and some food to the "triumph," but passengers who have been able to text or e-mail describe using plastic toilets and a stench so bad it's made some sick. >> i don't think i've ever been passionately disgusted about anything like this in my life. >> reporter: jamie kennedy is scared about the conditions her husband has been living in. she says she's livid over carnival's response. >> if ships were delivering cargo and food and supplies to them, why couldn't they go drop their passengers off in cozumel?
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there's got to be a way to get them off than five days five days of conditions of no ac no running water, no toilets. >> reporter: carnival's ceo micky arison prompted comments after this showed him at a basketball game saturday night. the company has been more responsive in the past couple of days but they're tired of waiting on tugboats to slowly drag the ship back to safe harbor. >> i just think we have more resources and people are smarter than that and i think carnival just missed the boat on that one, no pun intended. >> reporter: their journey doesn't end here because many of those passengers, once they get here tonight, will be getting on buses to go to new orleans, where they'll be staying overnight and then taking charter flights out to houston, tomorrow. some of them will be getting on
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buses right here at the terminal to go back to galveston where many people parked their cars that's where the ship left from. carnival is trying to make up for all of this offering an additional $500 to each passenger on top of the refunds and the free trip offers but many of those people are going to be likely exhausted. back to you. >> anna werner thank you. there are new developments with congress facing more than $1 trillion in spending cuts in just 15 days. nancy cordes is on capitol hill with new reporting. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, norah. cbs news has learned that the new democratic plan would replace those damaging across the board cuts for the rest of 2013, with a 50/50 mix of spending cuts and new tax revenue. they would do this by asking millionaires to pay more and by trimming the defense budget two moves that republicans are sure to oppose. the democratic plan being unveiled today would replace the ten-year sequester for the next
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ten months with $120 billion in spending cuts and new tax revenue. most of the revenue would come from implementing what's known as the buffett rule named after investor warren buffett. it would cap deductions and loan loanholes for millionaires so they pay at least 30% of their salary in taxes. the cuts would come from eliminating agricultural subsidies and from trimming the defense budget though not as drastically as the sequester would. >> this is not a game. this is reality. >> reporter: in his last press conference before retiring defense secretary leon panetta warned the looming sequester could cripple the military. >> members of congress need to understand that they were elected to protect the public not to hurt the public. >> reporter: the sequester is shorthand for $1.2 trillion worth of across-the-board cuts that are set to kick in because congress and the white house couldn't strike a debt dealing last year. nearly half the cuts will come
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from the pentagon, which announced plans last week to reduce its presence in the persian gulf to close the expected budget shortfall. >> we're weeks away from the president's sequester. >> reporter: house republicans have coined the somewhat clunky term "obama-quester" to describe the looming cuts in an attempt to pin the blame on the president. >> i call on the democrats to show us their plan to stop the sequester from going into effect. >> reporter: house republicans passed their own plan last year but the president panned it. >> they made bigger cuts to things like education and job training medicare and social security benefits, that idea is even worse. >> reporter: millionaires just saw their taxes go up two months ago, when they lost their bush era tax cuts and house speaker john boehner has been telling us
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all week the president got his revenue then. he's not getting any more. ra and j.b. these two sides have to start dealing if they want to avert the deadline which is just two weeks away and congress isn't even in session next week. >> wow, nancy cordes thank you. also cbs news political director john dickerson, i'm glad you're here this morning. nancy has all this great reporting. now the democrats have a plan. the plan includes the buffett rule which has already failed more taxes on millionaires. is that going to go over like a lead balloon with the republicans? >> yes right, a read balloon with an anvil tied to it. you can see the political play john boehner and the house said okay the senate has to do something, senate democrats have to do something. what senate democrats are saying is here we've got a rule that affects millionaires and the republicans just want to protect those millionaires instead of working on an agreement here. so now they try to pin the blame
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on republicans, just as john boehner in the house has been trying to pin the blame for the sequester on the president, and so now we'll see the reaction but the preliminary reaction this morning has been opposition from republicans and as you say, it went down last year this buffett rule. >> and so is your sense that this democratic plan won't lead anywhere? are there real negotiations going on? >> well we'll see now. we know what the republican response has been in the past and what the response is this morning. the response in the past is we don't need more tax increases on anybody. this is a philosophical argument they make, whether it's on the wealthy or on the middle class, the white house of course says the middle class shouldn't take the hit here and you heard the president say that in his state of the union address. he brought this up in the state of the union in 2012 and it was defeated by a filibuster in the senate in 2012. the other argument is on the philosophical grounds from republicans is washington has a spending problem so that anything that focuses on revenue
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sort of ignores that and of course what we have to look at is even though the debate will be in the senate for a moment it's about the house republicans, and the white house is trying to put pressure on them saying they're trying to protect the wealthy but the house republicans have districts in which their voters say wait a minute, until washington recognizes it has a spending problem, don't you dare vote for anything that raises taxes on anybody. >> john dickerson, thank you. and pope benedict is suggesting we will never see him again after he resigns two weeks from today. the pope told a group of priests this morning he with will be in his words "hidden to the world." he says he will have no authority once he steps down. the pope will move to a vatican monastery to live a life of prayer. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the new york times" says iran is upgrading its main nuclear facility. top iranian nuclear scientist
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says new centrifuges were installed last month. iran has started new round of talks with the international atomic energy agency. the "wall street journal" says a broad trade deal is on the table, the deal could take two years to complete. "usa today" says there's news on the senate showdown over chuck hagel, thagel, the senate is expected to vote on hagel's nomination to be secretary of defense tomorrow. republicans are threatening to stonewall the nomination and moderate republican susan collins of maine says she will oppose hagel, but not a filibuster. "the washington post" says the postmaster general tried to convince lawmakers to back a controversial plan to cut mail delivery down to five days a week. at a hearing yesterday, patrick donaho told senators the postal service needed their help last year. keep in mind the post office lost nearly $16 billion. the los angeles times says researchers believe they may have spotted the youngest black hole in the milky way galaxy
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it's not far, about 26,000 light years away. astronomers plan to study it. some say a black hole could provide a passage to another all right. and we are live at the flower mart in san francisco where folks are, yeah, getting their valentine's ready to ship out ready to go out there. hope you have a wonderful valentine's day today. the weather will be nice although we are seeing a lot of fog out there right now especially thick in the north bay valleys, visibilities down to a half mile. throughout the day high pressure should bringing plenty of sunshine temperatures up in the 60s and 70s. over the next seven days, lots of sunshine, warm weather, maybe some rain next week. >> announcer: this national weather report s >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay.
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this morning los angeles police are defending the fiery end to the shoot-out with this morning, os lang less intentionally burn down that cabin to get mr. dorner out. >> our carter evans with new details on how things ended. and another dangerous man is on the loose outside dallas. the search for the man who made a dramatic escape and now has an entire state on alert. plus we visit a town where people say it's taking too long to dig out because officials took the day off. that's ahead on "cbs this morning."
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>> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsorsore ing ed by sargento cheese. taste the difference.
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but not anymore. [ barks ] i used to be scared of the basement. but when badger's with me, it's not so bad. [ barking ] [ announcer ] we know how important your dog is to your whole family. so help keep him strong and healthy with purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ more than a paycheck. it represents all the time you've spent helping those around you. so when it comes to taxes, we're to help you. that's why we have cpas, enrolled agents and tax attorneys to answer your questions. helping you get deductions for uniforms, union dues and even the miles you drive for a job interview. you deserve to keep more of your hard earned money. and we're here to help make that happen. try it free at turbotax dot com.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, 7:26 your time. i'm frank mallicoat. get your get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. the bomb squad getting ready to remove more dangerous materials interest a santa clara home. the man who lives there is under arrest because of a death threat against state senator leland yee. hillside elementary school in san leandro is closed today for a homicide investigation. a man was shot to death at the
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school about 9:00 last night. and crestmoor elementary school in san bruno is closing because of low enrollment and budget cuts. the school board making that decision last night. got your traffic and weather on this valentine's day coming up.
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good morning. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. kind of an erie commute this morning. look at the fog blanketing the toll plaza. we have a dense fog advisory in effect this morning, backed up into the macarthur maze. an earlier fender-bender is cleared near the pay gates. sunshine here westbound 237. a little slow-and-go leaving milpitas from about 880 out towards zanker road. with more on our forecast and flowers here's lawrence. >> we are at the flower market in san francisco. we have a lot of sunshine coming our way but we have to go through the fog and low
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clouds this morning, thick especially in the north bay. temperatures in the 30s and 40s outside now. toward the afternoon, plenty of sunshine going to be a gorgeous day on this valentine's day. lots of sunshine bringing those numbers up into the 60s and 70s. lots of sunshine the next couple of days, maybe rain next week.
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notice -- >> everybody had a field day with that one. >> did that ever happen to you on local news at all? >> absolutely. ivan been caught on camera doing stuff when i didn't think the camera was rolling. >> i did. i started crawling across a desk. i crawled over the desk to read. i wanted to stay on point. although it was too much on point. >> don't do that this morning. >> i promise i won't. >> we'll find that tape. welcome back everybody, to "cbs this morning." we have serious news about a couple taken hostage by fugitive christopher dorner. they're now speaking out. >> dorner is the ex-cop now presumed bed after going on a revenge killing spree. carter evans,
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days in this condominium complex behind me. it's directly across from the police kpland post. the day after the shoot-out and cabin fire that is thought to have ended the rampage of cop killer christopher dorner officials are defending their actions of burning the cabin to the ground. >> we did not intention a ll i burn down that cabin to get mr. dorner out. >> reporter: officials now know where he was before the shoot-out. new information rereport thad he was hiding out in this condominium likely since last week. owners jim and karen reynolds walked in on him tuesday unexpectedly. >> he talked to us trying to calm us down saying very frequently he would not kill us. >> dorner wanted their car to escape the area but first he tied up the couple. >> did you think he was going to
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kill you then? >> when he had me lying on the ground, i thought, yes, he did. he calmed us down and then i thought he was going to do it. >> reporter: dorner abon donned his vehicle and then carjacked a trooper driven by this man. >> he stood in front ofmy truck and had a gun aimed at me. i said i don't want to hurt you. get out and walk down the road and take your dog. >> reporter: dorner drove offwaring camouflage and a bulletproof vest. 35-year-old sheriff's deputy jeremiah jeremiah jeremiah mackay. yesterday, a moving procession, a flag draped coffin nearly 1,000 officers from across the state gathered to pay their respects to the 11-year veteran who dorner ambushed at his
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patrol car whoen stopped at traffic light. >> your dad was a tough guy and because he was tough he knew he could be kind. he loved being a policeman, but he lived for his family. >> through her tears crane's widow bravely expressed her gratitude to the law enforcement community. >> i knew that a lot of people loved mike and i knew that i would have support no matter what, but i really did not realize the sheer scale of this and how many people are touched by his life. it gives me great comfort
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surgeries, but j.b. and norah, he's expected to make a full recovery. >> incredible. even, thank you. a new manhunt is under way, this one across texas, after a convicted sex offender made a violent escape. alberto morales was being transferred across the country or family members unexpectedly fail to show up. this surveillance video shows alberto morales morales escaping his
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miami-dade police escort monday night from a walmart parking lot near dallas. while chained at his hands and waist he was able to break off part of his sunglasses and stab the deputy multiple times. >> i've been stabbed in the neck. he's alberto morales. he's a schizophrenic. >> reporter: he was being transported to a prison in texas by pardinas and his partner. >> we've got the mettics on the way and officers on the way. >> he's stable but still in serious condition. >> reporter: the three men were originally flying to carson city, nevada but they were kicked off a flight during a layover in houston because morales had been disruptive.
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>> mr. morales was very very agitated and acting very erratic. >> reporter: the two detectives decided to make the rest of the 1,300-mile trip on land and a third detective decided to join them when morales got away. >> this is a dangerous individual. he's demonstrated how dangerous he is by his criminal past. >> reporter: in 2003 he attacked two women in an apartment leaving his wallet at the scene. morales pled guilty to those crimes in december and was ordered back to nevada where he had already been convicted of two aggravated sexual assault charges. >> we have a lot of police officers, federal
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and for that reason, they have alerted the border crossings to be on the lookout. if you're losing your if you're losing your hearing that's bad enough. but there's a new study that says it can lead to more health problems. the doctor who led the study looks at the impact of deafness on the brain on "cbs this morning."
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frightening by itself, but a new study finds it may increase your risk of dementia. the lead author of that report is dr. lin. >> what did you find? >> we found loss of thinking and memory abilities overtime. in the first study we basically found that hearing loss was associated with a risk. someone with a mild hearing, mild, moderate would have a two-fold, three-fold and five-fold risk of developing dementia overtime. and we found similar findings that compared people with normal hear, peel with hearing loss had about a 30% to 40% faster rate
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of cognitive decline. >> that's a stunning finding because seniors say they feel their hearing is going and most of my friends. >> absolutely absolutely. >> norah's friend are too young to be experiencing that but if you wear hearing aid, will that help to diminish it? >> that's a big question going forward. if you can use a hearing aid that help mitigate the social isolation plus the load on the brain to have to process degraded hearing could that reduce the risk of dementia and decline, that's what we're studying now. >> why do you think there's a connection between this loss of hearing and dementia? >> we think there's a couple ways. the first idea is pretty intuitive meaning if you can't communicate very well you're more likely to be socially isolated. if you do go out, you're not likely to be engaged a conversation. we know that social isolation is
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a direct risk factor to cognitive decline. the other is if you can't hear very well you're having to concentrate harder to pro is these sound and that load on the brain probably comes at an expense of thinking and memory abilities. >> dr. frank lynnin, very impressive. now we're learning some really interesting new details about the surprising relationship between the former commanders in chief. we have that story for you next on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: cbs "healthwatch" sponsored by subway restaurants. subway, build your better breakfast. ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. like your very
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memories. one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ anniversary of richard nixon's birth there's a new exhibit at his presidential library and has a lot of people talking. it contains newly declassified documents that reveal that nixon was corresponding with president bill clinton. jan crawford is here with the story. good morning. >> good morning, norah, good morning, j.b. they have released these incredible documents and it shows a surprisingly warm relationship between presidents nixon and clinton. the correspondence includes a handwritten letter
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congratulating him on a tough primary and election. that letter was the beginning of an unlikely union between the former republican and the democrat. they say politics make strange bedfellows. that was the case in 1992 when he sent a hand-written note to president clinton. the strongest steel must pass through the hottest fire. in enduring that ordeal you have demonstrate thad you have the character to lead. >> it's a very fascinating letter because he's opening up the door to a new incoming president that i'm on your side that i'm impressed by you, that you have the moxie, you have the steel to be president, and i'm here. and that started the beginning of a great friendship between clinton and nixon. >> reporter: presidential historical douglas brinkley says the relationship served him well. >> nixon was able to
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rehabilitate himself and had been shunned largely by reagan and bush and was welcoming in overture with the new democratic president and clinton took it. >> reporter: over the next two years ss nixon offered clinton his skper stees on foreign affairs. when nixon died a few months later it was clinton who eulogized him. >> today is a day for his family and his friends and his nation to remember president nixon's life in totality. to them let us say may the day of judging president nixon on anything less than his entire life and career come to a close. >> reporter: the irony of those words would not be appreciated until a few years later when president clinton faced his own challenges. >> new mexicoen got chased out of the white house with his impeachment fears and the same thing happened to bill clinton. and this new group of letters
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from the nixon library just connects those two famous two-term elected presidents nixon and clinton in history with this very interesting correspondence. >> this was not the first. harry trueman struck up a good relationship with herbert hoover and lyndon johnson forged a bond with dwight eisenhower. >> who would have thunk it? were you surprised? >> i really was. you don't think about nixon and clinton but douglas brinkley told me yesterday they both have this that they found useful. have you heard? romance is in the air this valentine's day, so we'll celebrate with the self-proclaimed queen of sappy love songs. delilah. that's next on "cbs this morning." our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's.
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♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop in a whole new kind of clean with tide pods. just one pac has the stain removal power of six caps of the bargain brand. pop in. stand out. getting you the maximum refund that's what i'm here for. i'm gonna get you every single penny that you deserve. if there's a refund out there, i'm gonna catch it and bring it back to ya. come on in. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer be ready. for high fever nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time.
7:52 am
[ female announcer ] what does the anti-aging power of olay total effects plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc what's possible. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. some folks didn't think that
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our coffee was their flavor it wasn't their cup. if you don't like that dark roast, we've created a coffee for you. blonde is a beautiful light roasted coffee. kind of mellow, sweet a little citrusy. for me, personally i love connecting with people so blonde roast just gives me a whole nother reason to connect with more customers. ♪ ♪ if you don't feel good when you leave the bathroom, you've got the wrong toilet paper. you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. it could take days to clear hazardous materials in a santa clara home where bomb experts have already destroyed some explosives. california highway patrol officers originally went to the humboldt avenue home on tuesday to investigate death threats against state senator leland yee over his gun control
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proposals. 45-year-old everett basham was arrested. investigators are looking into the deadly crash of a small plane in solano county. the experimental aircraft went down yesterday afternoon near the town of winters. witnesses said a wing fell off the single-engine aircraft just before the crash. the pilot was killed. investigators say the plane was headed toward yolo airport near woodland. stay with us, traffic and weather coming up. yrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years t-free financing on tempur-pedic. but only through presidents' day at sleep train.
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good morning. ace train number 5 is late coming into san jose. about 15, 20 minutes behind schedule. bart, muni, and caltrain. everything else is on time. outside here's a live look westbound 237 a lot of brake lights between 880 and zanker road. and a quick check of the bay bridge where it's backed up and we also have a dense fog advisory in effect. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> all right. we are live at the flower mart
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in san francisco. still time to grab a nice special valentine for that special loved one. hey, folks, around the bay area the weather is going to look great. temperatures this afternoon in the 60s and 70s. next few days, spectacular. maybe we start talking about a return to some raindrops as we head in toward tuesday of next week.
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good morning to you. it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." we'll talk to the ceos of american airlines and u.s. airways about that big merger. the companies are flying into history together this morning. and on this valentine's day we'll meet delilah who became famous playing nothing but love songs on the radio.
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but, first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. this isn't so much who done it but what happened. >> oscar pistorius is under arrest this morning, accused of murder. >> the girlfriend was found shot in his home in south africa overnight. >> the deal is done. american airlines and u.s. airways are announcing an $11 billion merger. >> this is the seventh merger. >> less competition in general means higher prices. >> the nightmare aboard the carnival cruise liner "triumph" will end today. >> meanwhile, relatives are getting more and more frustrated. >> carnival just missed the boat on that one. >> authorities can't say definitively that it was dorner's body that was in the cabin, but we've now learned he was hiding in plain sight for days. >> the two sides are going to have to start dealing if they want to avoid the sequester which is just two weeks away. congress isn't even in session next week.
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>> the democrats have plans. more taxes on millionaires. is that going to go over like a led balloon? >> leading led balloon with an anvil tied to it. >> the warm relationship between presidents nixon and clinton. >> the trend this year is couples saying they don't need to get anything for each other because they love each other every day. to all the guys out there watching i just want to say, it's a trap. buy something. >> today's oi eye opener at 8" is presented by elegance. and good morning, everyone. i'm norah o'donnell along with gayle king and james brown. charlie rose is on assignment. it's the latest airline megamerger. u.s. air lines and american airlines are joining. >> the new airline will be called american airline. the $11 billion merger must be approved by a bankruptcy judge
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and antitrust regulators. coming up on "cbs this morning," we'll talk with the ceos of both american and umpt s. airways. after five days crippled at sea, the ship will be towed into port this afternoon in mobile alabama. i'm predicting there will be a lot of ticked off people. >> good morning. that is true. right now the coast guard says the ship is still at least 26 maybe 30 miles out from shore roughly. it will be another day until they get in here. they're not expected until late this afternoon coming to the cruiseship terminal. they have to go through the process of getting all those people off the ship. then they'll be headed to new
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orleans and after that back to texas, houston, galveston, and finally home. so the upshot here today is that they're finally going to get off the boat but they're not finished with their journey quite yet. the boat still expected to dock somewhere late afternoon today. gayle? >> anna warner, thank you. a vatican spokesman confirmed that pope benedict hit his head during a trip to new mexico and cuba. that has nothing to do with the pope's decision to resign two weeks from now. he will be quote, hidden to the world after he retires. some health news making waves. the cost of prescription drugs is soaring. drug prices rose more than 3% last year. that's twice the amount of inflation. the heartburn drug nexium went up nearly 8%. abilify went up 10% and crestor now costs nearly 10% more.
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>> when you buy takeout food it often comes in styrofoam packages. styrofoam is the newest target for new york city mayor, michael bloom board. environmental groups hate styrofoam because it can't be repsychsiekcycled and it isn't biodegradable. the northeast blizzard last weekend is still leaving people in one town feeling left in the cold today. many are now only getting dug out while some in charge are now only showing up. terrell brown is in brookhaven on new york's long island with that story. terrell, good morning to you. >> gayle, good morning to you. while there may be rain in portland and seattle, long island, new york is still dealing with more than 30 inches of snow and a lot of that snow has been plowed into huge mounds like this one. residents say the process of clearing the streets here was you the utter chaos. when the snow stopped falling it
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was buried in three feet of snow and it stayed there for nearly a week. >> this is a nightmare. it's a disaster. there's no way to get to my street. everything has not been plowed and what has been plowed it's all ice. >> where's the plow when you need them? >> the town spokesman maintains that plows were no match for the massive storms but much of the blame is directed at two town officials off the job during the blizzard. supervisor edward romaine was on vacation in jamaica and acting highway department superintendent michael murphy called out sick citing a toothache and a family emergency. murphy resigned on wednesday. >> we didn't have enough manpower. >> steve fee orie rosen felled said the town responded poorly. >> reporter: could someone have died? >> people in stoney brook had a heart attack and they had to put them on stretchers and sled them down the driveway and down the block because of a lack of executive leadership. >> the situation got the
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attention of new york's governor. 7 70 plows were sent in to help. theresa levenson was stranded in her house for three days. >> the fire chief. >> the chief of the department yes, could not get out. >> what were you thinking during this entire time? >> this was so unacceptable. there was no reason to be like this. we pay enough taxes. there's enough people that can work, you know that are willing to work. there was no reason to not have these roads plowed for three days. >> the town supervisor was supposed to return from that caribbean vacation today. he instead came back a day early because of all the outrage from the storm. he'll hold a press conference later today. gayle, j.b. norah? >> terrell brown. thank you so much. police in southern california say they did not intentionally burn down the cabin where christopher dorner apparently died. john blackstone shows us why two of his final victims say he
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didn't seem like a bad man. >> hello, everyone. >> karen and jim reynolds are breaking their silence. they're the owners of mountain vista resort where alleged cop killer christopher dorner had been hiding the day police tracked him down. on a routine check of one of their units, dorner surprised them from upstairs. >> and he opened the door and came out at us and he -- >> yelled and ran out. >> he had a gun. >> he yelled stay calm and ran out. >> yes. he talked to us trying to calm us down and saying very frequently he would not kill us. >> he said i don't have a problem with you, i just want to clear my name. >> reporter: dorner had apparently been keeping an eye on karen and jim for days. although he broke in and tied them up he felt compelled to pay them an unexpected compliment. he said we are very hard workers, good people. he talked about how he could see jim working on the snow every
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day. >> he had been watching us and saw me shoveling the snow. >> reporter: dorner left the couple behind and tried to take their car but he soon returned asking how to start their keyless nissan. later the reynolds managed to undo their restraunts and call police. a few hours later the man hunt was over. although the reynolds were aware of dorner's alleged trail of violence, they couldn't help but feel some compassion for their cap tore. >> i didn't wish him dead though at any point, i really didn't. i pray for him a lot and i'm praying for his family now. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, big bear, california. >> they're very lucky to be alive. >> it's good to know in the end he showed some humanity. that can't be much comfort
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it's not the end of the world, but an asteroid is heading toward earth. we'll show you how close it may get and why it's a good thing we don't have to try and stop it. yeah, that's right. that's later on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: thi >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is sponsored by allergan.
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talk to your doctor about chronic headache. maybe you'll have some friends over for dinner. maybe you'll have a migraine. if you have migraines with 15 or more headache days a month, you're living a maybe life. and you may have chronic migraine. but knowing this thing you're going through has a name means knowing you can find treatments that are right for you. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. bacon?! gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. this winter, don't miss the biggest... you won't run into deals this big just anywhere. rush into sears presidents day event. save up to 30% on appliances. this is worth running into. this is sears. [ nyquil bottle ] hey tylenol, you know we're kinda like twins. [ tylenol bottle ] we are? yeah we both relieve
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coughs sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thout you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined.
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♪ just the two o ♪ just the two of us ♪ ♪ we can make it if we try ♪ ♪ just the two of us ♪ the men who run american airlines and u.s. airways join us to talk about this merger. it's their first network interview. we'll ask you questions that you and their employees want
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answered. later, it's valentine's day. it often means surprises. we'll talk to an expert who took a hard look at websites claiming to scientifically find your match, plus how to take the stress out of your relationship your relationship in 7:00 minutes. they say you can get a lot done in 7 minutes, james brown. >> that's all ahead on cbs this morning. >> announcer: this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by lifestyle lift. find out how you can light up your life.
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. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the big news today the merger of american airlines and us airways. with us now in their first network morning interview u.s. airway ceo doug parker and american ailes ceo tom horton.
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good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> you're merging on this valentine's day, but let me ask you first, doug. a lot of people say does this mean higher prices for me when i want to travel? >> the answer is no. fortunately we have two airlines highly complimentary, not much overlap at all. but we've combined an airline that can compete against those larger. united and delta that can compete strongly against us. so it's more competition, not less. >> doug, you've been -- it sounds like you need a little bottle of water over there. here i go. dare i bring up marco rubio. but you've been pushing for the merger for a long time why and why now? >> well, it makes sense now. it's made sense for a while, we think, but sometimes all the planets need to align and it's taken a while for us to get here but fortunately we've come to an agreement it makes sense for all of our customers and employees
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and investors and we couldn't be happier. >> what's the benefit for american airlines. american hasn't done so great litly. what's the benefit for american with this emergencier? >> well you know at american we've been in the middle of a restructuring which has brought down our cost structure and strengthened our bottom line but at the same time, we geeshet a new fleet of aircraft on the way, hundreds of new airplanes. we've launched a lot of new products and services and we've recently been refreshing our brand, so we've done a lot of new things. and now this is really the logical next step to return american back to industry leadership. we'll be the number one airline in the world and create really a truly well classed global carrier with our partners at us airways. >> doug and tom, norah remined
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me i teased this piece as a valentine day hookup. judging by the fact that you two are sitting together this was not a hostile takeover i'm assuming, and who's going to run the airline. >> no, it wasn't hostile. we've come to an agreement and both are happy about it. once we do close, i'll be the ceo. tom will be the chairman. we're going to work together between now and then to make sure we have a good nice transition. >> i've known doug for over 25 years. we're great friends. we go back to the early days at american airlines where doug started his career. it's going to be a great partnership going forward. >> i think that's great to hear. but when you both are ceos and somebody has to no longer be a ceo, will there be a period of adjustment? >> well, i think it's all about the company. it's not about the individuals. i certainly feel that way. i know doug feels that way, too. it's about making sure that we're creating a great new american airlines. that's what we're going to do
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with this merger. >> let me ask you this. i'm a fan of us airways. is that name going to cease to exist? >> unfortunately that name is going to go away. i'm a big fan of the name us airways, too, and the brand. but the american brand is one of the most iconic brands in the world and one that we've decided is an even stronger brand. and once we close this we'll be american airlines and the us airways brand will be retired. but the us airways that you know will just be a stronger airline now with more places for you to fly, able to use your miles to fly to more and more places. we'll be happy to keep taking care of you. >> sounds like a good deal. thank you, doug parker and tom horton. >> thank you. >> tomorrow we'll have a close call with an asteroid. it won't hit earth. but here's a question -- what if it did? we'll talk with professor michio kaku ahead on "cbs this morning." your local news is coming up next.
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oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. homicide investigation for alameda county's sheriff's office good morning. 8:2 your time. i'm frank mallicoat, get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. with your bay area headlines at 8:25. the first homicide investigation for alameda county sheriff's office has shut down a san leandro school. deputies are at the scene at hillside elementary school where they found a man suffering from a fatal gunshot wound last night. so far authorities have not named a victim or released
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suspect information. a gang fight may have led to a deadly stabbing near san jose high school. officers say someone stabbed a teenaged boy on north 21st street yesterday minutes before classes let out. that is a couple of blocks from the high school. the stabbing is san jose's fifth homicide this year. >> and the debate over drones in the east bay takes center stage today. the alameda county board of supervisors is considering the sheriff's plan to use an unarmed remote control aircraft. the drones would be only used in specific situations like bomb threats. traffic and weather coming up after the break.
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good morning. going out live towards the east bay, 880 in oakland, pretty sluggish now in those northbound lanes. and we also are following an accident in san leandro northbound 880 approaching marina. it's jammed to 238. outside there is a lot of fog and a lot of bridges this morning. we have a couple of dense fog advisories. this is the golden gate bridge a little difficult to tell, but traffic is so far moving at the little getting into san francisco. some of your slower drive times the nimitz and the eastshore freeway heading towards the maze. that's traffic. lawrence is celebrating valentine's day with flowers this morning. >> yes. and what better place than the flower mart in san francisco? and it looks beautiful in here this morning. all these gorgeous flowers probably headed to a friend near you. hey, tell you what, going to be a great day hide lots of sunshine outside. the temperatures going to be heating up nicely. we are looking at some patchy
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fog out there but that's already showing signs of breaking up toward the afternoon. sunny skies for everybody and these temperatures going to be something else. plan on 60s and low 70s. the next couple of days should be spectacular. then we'll cool down a bit on sunday and looks like by next tuesday we could see rain. uncer ] s ay presents real big deals of the week. or keep from driving all over for the best deals. you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, tide is $5.49 for 50 ounces. that's under 20 cents a load! skip the warehouse. charmin is $8.99 for 16 double rolls. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you take her car out. this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop...
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(mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. it's valentine ee's day. a lot of people are asking that question. coming up this half hour she's the self-proclaimed queen of sappy love songs. on this valentine's day, we'll put a face to the name delilah
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this morning. that's how she says her name. plus helen hunt is here in studio 57. she plays a sex surrogate in "the session," and that meant on screen nudity. we'll talk about that role and that fact that she's pushing boundaries which could earn her a second boundary. this morning it's time to show you the headlines around the globe. it's reported that oscar pistorius, the first double amputee to run in the olympic games is charged with murder. his girlfriend was found shot in his home. pistorius who wears an art fishlg leg is known as the blade runner. he'll appear in court later today. "the washington post" says john kerry is hopeful of persuadeing assad to step down. kerry's going to present his syrian proposal during an overseas trip his first later this month. and the l. achlta. times says
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there was a record number of shark attacks, more than twice as many as anywhere else. scientists say there's a jump in attacks because more people are spending more time in the water. and new york's daily news says one third of people who cheat on their significant other have a secret social media account. a new study a new study finds having a fake facebook profile was the most popular. 67% of cheaters had one. half used secret e-mail and twitter accounts and most cheaters wanted those sneaky accounts so they could present themselves as single. more than ever people are turning to online dating. some websites claim they can use your personal information to find the perfect soulmate for you. how realistic is that? eli finkel is a psychology professor and an expert in the science of relationships. good morning to you, professor. >> good morning. >> we've heard the horror and the success stories of online dating. how do they actually put people
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together and do you think they work? >> i think online dating is generally a very successful way to go about meeting somebody. there's two general ways that online dating sites work. the first is the sort of supermarkets of love model where you browse hundreds of thousands of profiles and try to figure out who's compatible with you. and the second is the real estate agents of love models where they pitch themselves as the terrain is fraught and we know the truth and we'll set you up with the perfect person. >> the supermarkets of love. >> and the real estate. i'm loving that. >> they're very popular, online dating sites. why do you think seniors have more success on these sites than others? >> well they're much more likely than younger people to meet online these days. it's not intuitive. more people are more tech savvy and so forth. >> what's the definition of a senior, first? >> actually even -- not necessarily seniors but starting 40 and above but up into the 60s i think older than that hasn't been studied as much. but there's no question that those people are much more likely to meet online these days
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than younger people. i think the primary reason for that is they're not sitting around in a college campus with a bevy of possibilities around them. online dating is a terrific way to expand the pool. >> is there a scientific approach, an algorithm if you will that can say it definitely will work for this couple? >> if the question is is there such an approach? the answer is yes. if the question is do those algorithms work? sadly, the answer is no. what i would recommend people do when they think about online dating is use it as an opportunity to expand the pool and then get across a cup of coffee from somebody and find out if there's chemistry with this person. >> you talk about people who are in a very healthy relationship that if you take seven minutes or something you can do that you think is healthy for all relationships? >> yes. this is a study that we just published. what we did is we had 120 married couples in the chicago
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area and all of them wrote about their conflicts periodically over a two-year period. but then midway through, we randomly assigned half the couples to do this extra writing task where they thought about the conflict from the perspective of a neutral third party who wants the best for all involved and what we saw is those people ended up with more satisfying and more passionate marriages than the people who didn't do that extra writing task. >> when you're in an argument you both have two different realities. >> yes. >> so how do you get past that? because i think i'm right. >> there's no question. the evidence is clear that when we argue, we see things from our own perspective. and that's why i think this manipulation this little short seven-minute writing task that we used was so effective because what it does is it forces you to say, if i were a third party, if i were some other person looking at the two of us who wants the best for both of us i might say, i sound like an idiot right now and my wife has a good point. >> gayle are you a writer? >> yes, i'm a writer. i'm also divorced, i didn't
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right enough. thank you, eli finkel. on this valentine's day, you'll hear love songs being played everywhere from restaurants to radios. one hugely popular radio personality says she knows the words to nearly every love song ever written. ben tracy spent some time with the host known as delilah. >> tell me what's going on in your world? who's on your heart? >> reporter: that voice? that name. >> you're listening to delilah. >> reporter: and those love songs. >> is there a song that you want me to play? >> reporter: people call you the queen of sappy love songs. >> that's on my business card. it's my official title. >> reporter: you're owning that? >> oh, yeah. i'm so okay with that. >> reporter: her real niam is delilah rene. she has an audience of nearly 9 million people making her the most listened-to woman on the radio. >> that woman loves you
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something fierce. >> yes, she does. >> reporter: the delilah show follows a very simple formula. >> you call and share a story. i try to find the perfect song to match up for you. >> reporter: people call and tell you these deeply personal things. >> oh my word. if i were a real jerk i could have an amazing alternative show because people tell me stuff -- i'm like, why are you telling me this? do you not know i am on the radio? do you really want to let the walls down and let someone all the way in? >> reporter: it does sometimes sound like therapy on the radio. >> yeah. i always tell people i'm not a therapist. i'm not a counselor. i'm just a woman who's been around the block a few times. don't make the mistakes i made. cheater, cheater, where did you meet her? >> reporter: if the queen of sappy love songs was dedicating a song to herself, it would be "looking for love in all the wrong places."
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three marriages, three divorces. >> yeah. >> reporter: bad choices or you were just a different person? >> really bad choices. they were really good looking. they were really funny, really funny. and really not good for me. >> reporter: that kind of easygoing honesty helped form here into the cupid of the car radio. she launched her show in 1984. >> you've called the delilah show. who's this? >> reporter: nearly 60,000 people call her each day. delilah talks to about 80 of them and 25 make it on the show. >> i'm glad you're here tonight, tina. who is on your heart? >> my heart is with my husband of 30 years. >> reporter: she records much of it in a studio in her basement which is a respite from what goes on upstairs. >> we didn't even say grace. >> reporter: delilah has 13 kids. she adopted four of them from foster care and five from west africa. the youngest is a 4-year-old
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known as baby "d" who momma "d" adopted from ghana in december. they live on a 49-acre farm outside of seattle. delilah feeds her family with her 750 chickens five pigs and her four cows who provide milk and butter, which delilah churns herself. oh and there are also three emus and a zebra named zena. the farm the 13 kids some people would look at that and say -- >> i'm a nut case? >> reporter: because you're successful you're eccentric. >> oh eccentric, that's so much nicer than saying i'm a nut case. eccentric. >> oh, that's so much nicer. i don't think i'm an eccentric at all. i believe when i stand before god i'm going to be held accountable and i want to hear well done well done. >> reporter: she believes god brought her to ghana.
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she'll visit there for the 21st time later this month. >> i'm delilah here with you all night long. >> reporter: she's owned her own show since 2004 and employs a staff of 14 who produce it in seattle. she takes the ferry over several time as week to check in on them. you have a very busy home life and work life. how do you make this all work? >> i have no idea. the truth i is don't get worried about small stuff. pretty much everything is small stuff. you know when you let those things go and focus on what really matters, it works. >> reporter: you're listening to delilah. and she's taken her own advice to never give up on love. she's just married for the fourth time. >> reporter: you could be understand standably shy about married. >> you think? >> reporter: did you never get jaded? >> i knew that my heart was alive and capable of love so
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no, i never gave up. >> reporter: but that doesn't mean she's in love with all those love songs. >> and what song would you like to hear? >> reporter: is there a sappy song you can't hear one more time? >> there are a couple of them. do you have to hear "you are the wind beneath my wings. " >> reporter: but she'll plate. >> i love her. she's gotten me through many car rides. she always finds the right song go with the right story. she's fantastic. >> i love her. >> very real very down to earth. i'd like to hear well done. it is valentine's day, so get ready for a close encounter tomorrow, but we're talking about an asteroid that's half the size of a football field and it i nearing plan it earth. we have cbs news contributor
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michio kaku. he's a physics professor at civics university new york. professor, good to see you. everybody's in a good mood everybody's got their red on ipd's vap valentine's day. should are we be worried? is this a buzz kill? >> the good news is we're going to dodge the bullet and miss it by a whisker and have a front row seat closer ever recorded in history. the bad news is it caught us totally off guard. we weren't expecting it. and it's going to come so close it's going to go under the satellite carrying cbs news. >> what would happen if dh 14 hit the snertearth? >> to be frank, it would ruin
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your day. in russia in 1908 a near carbon copy plowed into siberia giving russia a black eye. it wiped out thousands of real estate and was about the size of an apartment building and hit the force of three to ten tons of tnt. remember if it hit new york city it would really ruin your valentine's day. we're talking about a flash of light, a fire ball emerging and then we would have meteors and a firestorm spreading out to about 20 miles. that means long island westchester, fairfield county. >> you say it with such enthusiasm. and then it would go this far and everyone would die and there would be nothing left. we should say it's just animation it's animation. we dodge add bullet. it's not going to hit us. how rng we should point out there is other good news and
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that is very large objects like a mile across could wipe out life forms like dinosaurs, so the very fact that we're here talking today talk about this is because one wiped out the dinosaurs that was six miles across. it was a planet buster. and we're here today because of that fact, because of the fact that a gigantic on jekt six miles across plowed into the yucatan of mexico wiping out the dinosaurs. >> real quick. if an asteroid is coming is there anything we can do to blow it up before it hits planet earth? >> to be very blunt about this we are a sitting duck. we have no way of preventing the impact. the space shuttle has been canceled. the bruce willis solution is to blow it to smithereens. that's a bad idea because then you have a lot of baby asteroids coming at you.
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>> he delivers the grim news with such enthusiasm. there's nothing grim about her. we're talking about helen hunt who's on the verge of winning her second oscar, thank you very well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's
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kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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so your money's on the desk over there. >> yes, it is. thank you. >> that was the wrong way to start off. >> it really was. shall we start again? >> please. you start. >> although the aim is for us to have sex, i'm not a prostitute. you don't have to pay me up front. i have nothing against prostitutes but there's a difference. we can talk about that later. >> i'm sorry. >> that's helen hunt in the movie "the session." she plays a sex sur dwat helping a pole low-low low
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polio-stricken paralyzed. welcome. >> thank you. >> they call it a shock but i think it's a great experience. the first sexual experience can be awkward under the best of circumstances. here you are full nudity with someone who's physically challenged. were you challenged by this part? >> stupidly i was not. i read it and it was so beautiful and so rare that i said yes before i had a chance to thing about the implications and by the time i shot it i was was so deeply inlove with the mean that i kind of skipped the part where i went eek. >> it's a deeply touching movie. it's very emotional. >> and funny. in the movie thalter people were not hearing the next line because there was so much laughter. >> i think that scene we just placed with us a good one
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because people were like really, there are sex therapists out there that do that? you did a lot of research for this role. >> yeah. i've played real people before and you get the call to women you're playing and secretly you don't get that much because you're bringing your life to this story. in the case i fell so inlove with this woman's fire and enthusiasm and positiveness. she excuses mental health mixed with sex. it's rare on film. i don't see it very often. >> yes. sara cohen green. >> yeah she just wrote a book. she's incredible. >> you recently said you vchb been offer add big movie roll in a long time. >> a while. >> why do you think that is? are you interested? it was so great to see you. >> i don't know. i think partly it's that i have a very compelling life as a
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mother and i write and i'm directing quite a bit now and so i'm dying to act but i'm not dying toing at in just anything and so when i read this movie, i thought, i want to be part of that story. >> you can tell i'm blushing through this conversation so let me ask you this question. what would it take -- >> to get my clothes off again? >> sweetheart i didn't ask that question. what would it take to get you back on television. >> oh, not much. a good script. i see and have had a few opportunities they've passed on to do that one-hour/2-episode thing and i think as a mother i'm blessed that i worked a lot and don't have do that. i want add child so bad i can't stand to miss it. but there's so many opportunities do 12 episodes in a year that i would love do one of those. >> thanks for make meg sweat. >> hope i made you just a little bit uncomfortable. >> we're cheering you on.
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>> thank
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through presidents' day, get 36 months interest-free financing and save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. this special financing offer ends presidents' day at sleep train. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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from the flower district in l.a., a reminder get your loved ones some flowers or something special. happy valentine's day for you. >> you got something for me and
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald headlines... authorities say the clean-op hi,everyone. good morning. 8:55 on this thursday. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. authorities say the clean-up operation for hazardous materials at a santa clara home might take days. that's where the bomb squad has already destroyed some explosives. officers went to that home after state senator leland yee reported getting death threats over a gun control proposal. >> san bruno decided to close
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down an elementary school due to low enrollment and budget cuts. district leaders voting last night to shut down crestmoor elementary school. students will be shifted to other campuses now within the district. >> and the bart board meets this morning to consider ways to deal with budget shortfalls expected over the next 12 years. one proposal, to extend a program of fare hikes based on inflation with increases every two years. the board will also look at higher fees for the parking lots around bart. >> how about your forecast? lawrence on this valentine's day is at the flower mart in san francisco. >> yeah. and what a gorgeous place to be here, frank, surrounded by all these beautiful flowers. they are probably headed to a valentine today. what a gorgeous day we have. lots of sunshine and some warm temperatures coming our way on this valentine's day, although we have to get through the fog early on this morning. thick early today but i think by the afternoon, sunshine for everyone. temperatures should be up in the 60s and the 70s this afternoon. so running well above the average. looks like nice weather over the next few days right into
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the weekend. but things change big time as we head toward next week. there's a chance we could see some much cooler temperatures and maybe some rain by tuesday. we are going to check your "timesaver traffic" coming up next.
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good morning. the morning commute is still busy. just getting word of a new
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crash in the east bay northbound 680 approaching stone valley road. so if you are heading through alamo, three left lanes are blocked. also, the silicon valley commute westbound 237 still heavy, 12 minutes between 880 and 101 and let's check the bay bridge where it is socked in, in fog this morning. fog advisories are in effect and still backed up through the maze.
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>> today .... ahhhh! ♪ ♪ >> yeah. >> valentine's day heats up with julianne hough, at our kitchen table about her co-star from safe haven. >> is it easier to do love scenes with someone who is your friend, is it awkward? >> it's more awkward. >> we are baking up sweet treats with a little help from the cake boss. >> i have a broken heart. >> i see myself in a photo, i think, that's me, but i don't
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remember being there. >> after a heartbreaking accident. >> my husband suffered a concussion, every morning he wakes up and thinks it's valentine's day. >> we are giving this real life 51st date couple a real life valentine's day surprise ! >> thank you so much! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] ♪ ♪ [ applause ] ♪ ♪ >> happy valentine's day! hey, everybody! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] >> that person is extremely excited that it is valentine's day! just a little freaky, because she's not with her whoever. she's here with all of us. so, we will have fun with her on the commercial break. happy valentine's day, everybody. and i guess you could call today's guest one of americ


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