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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  March 2, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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shooting at buildings and vehicles and taking hostages. eight americans were there.e three died, five survived. f mark cobb spoke to "60 minutes'" charlie rose. >> i knew as the highest ranking american on the site i would be t a prize.ld be they put the highest value on american hostages, british hostages, and french hostages. i heard them kick open the front door. that's, i guess, at the point where in all honesty i would say i felt pure terror. >> cobb escaped through a hole s in the perimeter fence.ror. mokhtar belmokhtar trained ind thr afghanistan when he was 19. he lost an eye in battle and wasn when he called the marlborough man because he made a livingn smuggling cigarettes. canadian diplomat robert fowler was his hostage in 2008. >> he's very tough.s. he seems physically demanding. he demands a lot of his people dem and, therefore, yes i'd say he's a tough enemy. >> reporter: multinational forces have been looking for
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belmokhtar.een lo the u.s. is flying drones in thehtar area.lying d the french are in the lead on the the ground along with african troops actively fighting islamicps act militants but the french government has not been able to confirm belmokhtar's death.govern if true, it would be a significant blow to al qaedad be which has been working hard toqaed control large parts of northar africa. jim. north >> axelrod: kelly, thank you. in seffner, florida temporary trying to figure out if athank sinkhole which swallowed an trying entire room of a house poses a threat to the rest of the neighborhood. one man died when the sinkhole consumed his bedroom thursday night with him still in it. and ashley porter from our affiliate reports that sinkhole is growing >> reporter: neighbors hauled away boxes as crews surveyed this small blue home in suburban tampa. county administrator mike ad merrill said the rescue was no longer possible. >> with all the equipment we lo brought in and specialized help,elp, we just have not been able to n locate mr. bush.
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and so for that reason, the rescue effort is being discontinued. >> the bedroom floor just bedro collapsed and my brother-in-law is in there. he's underneath the house. t >> reporter: frantic family members called 911 thursday night. a sinkhole had opened up directly under a man's bed. >> they rushed in. under all they could see was part of a mattress sticking out of the hole. essentially the floor of that room had opened up.hat >> reporter: swallowed up in theter: dirt and rock, 36-year-old jeff bush. his brother, jeremy, tried to y save >> i jumped in the hole and sa tried digging him out, and i couldn't get him. digg all i could hear-- i thought i ge could hear him screaming for me and hollering for me to help him. an >> reporter: sinkholes are more common in florida than any other >> reporte state. than more than 200 were recorded last year, yet fatalities are rare. they form when water seepser through soil, dissolving underground limestone. the surface of sand and clay the s can't support the weight, and c the ground
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>> the side slopes of the hole is still very steep. and the soil is extremely soft. the sinkhole will continue to grow. sinkhol >> reporter: crews meantime are doing 3d mapping of the area to see who else is at risk. they dropped cameras and listening devices into the hole but there are no signs of life. ashley porter for cbs news signs of seffner, florida. >> axelrod: now to washington cbs where it's official. se unable to reach a budget deal with congress, president obama wh has signed $85 billion worth of automatic across the board spending cut into law.os let's go to the white house and i major garrett.ho i major, now americans begin to find out how and when they'll o start to feel the effects. >> reporter: that's right, jim. >> these spending cuts are slowly rippling through the federal government's day-to-day operations. op the ripples will be small at first, but president obama contend they will build over time and that it's not too late for congress to replace them with what he calls a moret he balanced approach. balanced, of course, defined ash.
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adding tax revenue to the mix. >> these cuts are not smart. they'll hurt our economy andl hurt cost us jobs, and congress can turn them off at any time, as soon as both sides are willing so to compromise. >> reporter: but real cuts are co coming, and they will arrive first at school systems near on military bases and on native american reservations. places where federal funds make m up 40% to 50% of yearly budgets. that means school days will have to be dropped almost immediately.ays w >> if i'm a man or woman in uniform in afghanistan right now, the notion that my school or my children on an army base an might be disrupted because congress didn't act, that's an impact. >> reporter: also likely furloughs for tens of thousandsns of t of federal workers starting inrs april. as for the rest, it's still unclear. the white house has been accused by fact checkers at the "washington post" of exaggerating the speed and
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severity of education job losses and janitorial cuts on capitol hill. aviation officials could not confirm white house claims thatercial commercial flights will be delayed up to 90 minutes each. sequestration-- that's what we call it here in washington-- appears here to stay. for the next budget crisis march 27, may pass with a whimper. 27 that's when the government has to continue its funding to avoid gover a government shutdown. both sides, jim, said they'll go shu through that with regular order and without much drama. >> axelrod: major, in the near term, where would you expect the kind of cuts that would create the pressure that would breakkind of the stalemate?sure t >> reporter: possibly the defense section, jim. if there is public backlash to the defense cuts, republicans unity in the house could break. there were signs of it in the senate last week. that is something to watch going forward. >> axelrod: those defense department cuts could trigger one day a week furloughs for asrigger many as 800,000 of its civilian employees later this month. 8 the cuts target civilian civil contractors as well.
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elaine quijano has that part ofget the story. wel >> daniel, how are we doing here? >> reporter: as a small government contractor for 377 years, arthur barchenko has weathered political budget storms before, but this is different.efor have you ever had this much uncertainty? >> we have never experiencedxper anything like these past 18hing l months. >> reporter: his new jersey company, electronic control security inc., or ecsi, provides high-tech security systems for military bases and nuclear powerrovides plant.ty s in the past 18 months with the u.s. energy department's shrinking budgets, orders have slowed to a d trickle. is this endangering your business? >> absolutely. busine >> reporter: revenues haveter: fallen from around $9 million allio year to $1.5 million. and he has laid off a third of the staff. he says even the contracts hets he does get are held up because of hel layoffs at the governmentbeca agencies.
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>> the contracts are and everyone suffers. >> reporter: so this is not just some abstract political creation, this worry-- >> absolutely not. it's real time, real life. >> reporter: in new jersey alone, there are 71,000 workers in the defense industry. nationally, 3.5 million, all subject to cuts. in new jersey, the effect could ripple through local businesses, even as economic recovery iseven a starting to take hold. how long can you last? >> we're pretty so we'll last as long as we have to. >> reporter: but with no budget compromise on the table, that could be a while. elaine quijano, cbs news qui clifton, new jersey. >> axelrod: for its part, wall street seems to be taking thee budget battle in stride. the dow is up 7.5% since the fiscal cliff deal at the beginning of the year.ts and yesterday, it closed the week just 75 points below its
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record high in october 2007. jim awad joins us now, the 2 president of plimsoll mark capital. we've been hearing all the of different ways the spending cuts could affect the economy but the markets haven't flinched. the >> the markets have concludednomy the economy is getting the recent incremental snooze m better than expected. we can take the headwind of snooz these cuts and continue to growe as an economy. people, the republicans got their spending cuts, the democrats got their tax increases and the budget deficit tax will decline so we're not in bad shape. >> axelrod: we have seen good numbers this week. n consumer confidence is up, new>> axe housing sales up significantly. is it a question of when these cuts are going to have ao negative impact or if there will be a negative impact at all? >> i think it's a question of >> "if" because the economy seems strong enough to withstand these really very modest cuts in spending, and we're compromising politically, and the u.s. economy is really in reasonablys good shape. so i think we're going to get
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through these issues. >> axelrod: so as long as the political compromise stays in a way that doesn't inflame the wa situation, the underpinning is fine, financially. >> the underpinning is fine. you get the feeling thepinn politicians want to dial it downth now and address other issues and let the economy take care of itself. >> axelrod: jim awad, thank you for being here. >> we have a first to tell you about tonight at the united states air force academy.nited a woman has been chosen for the a top job there.he major general michelle johnson is a graduate of the academy where she was the school's first female rhodes scholar. first general johnson still needs senate confirmation. later, an american company's high hopes and sunny outlook for solar power. breaking ground for a playground that hopes to heal two sound. and a syrian general explanation his decision to join the rebels when the cbs evening news continues. news continues. can become major victories. i'm phil
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>> axelrod: rebels the assad regime in syria say they shot they down a military helicopter today. this is amateur video. it shows the chopper in flames streaking across the sky outside aleppo. moments after disappearing there's a fireball and then smoke. sm the u.s. announced this week that that for the first time, it will provide nonlethal aid to those rebels. the rebel leader receiving that aid, salim idris, was a generalt in the army of syrian dictatoreral bashar al-assad until 10 months ago. that's when he defected. in a rare tv interview he spokeectsed to state department correspondent margaret brennan in turkey. >> reporter: general idris tookurkey. command of the fighters in december. his safety is so precarious he sleep i does not sleep in the same place more than one night. you defected. >> yes. >> reporter: from assad's army. >> yes, yes.
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ar >> reporter: you're fighting your friends right now. what is that like? >> it is very sad. it is not so simple for us to fight against our friends, against our citizens. because the army is destroying be everything. it is not the army of-- to defend the country. it is an army now to defend they killer, the murderer, bashawd. >> reporter: the u.s. says rightrer, b now it's giving food and medicine. >> yes. >> reporter: what do you need? >> what really we need iss ammunition and antitank and anti-aircraft missiles. >> reporter: the rebels needles. those heavy weapons to fight assad's military armed chieflilythose by russia and iran. idris also asked the u.s. for training to turn his fighters into a unified army and to protect against a chemical weapons attack that he thinks assad may carry out. if you spoke to president obama
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and to the american people what would you say to them? woul >> i would say to him, "mr. to president, you are watching what is going on since two years now.ears i'm coming to ask you, please, on behalf of the syrian people on behalf of those who are daily killed, i think the regime in kill syria and the president bashawr will not leave the power in a political n he must be forced to leave the power. >> reporter: general idris says with tanks and missiles should fighters could defeat assad's army in a month. shou without them, he says the fighting will continue. >> axelrod: up next, the waiver of silicone that could give the u.s. the edge in the race for solar power.olar sy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly
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has never been stronger. >> axelrod: manufacturing was up for the third straight month in february. f the solar industry in particularlar is enjoying a good run with employment increasing more than 14% last year.and and according to one u.s. solar manufacturer, this may be just the >> we've solved a manufacturing challenge that was facing the solar industry for 30 years. >> reporter: ely sachs thinks his company, 1366 technologiesogies, has found the key to financial success in the solar panel
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business. >> we feel we have a sustainable product and will be able to stay and in business and thrive. >> axelrod: 1366 makes silicon solar wafer, the most important and expensive component in the panels. by streamlining production, thet has company says it has cut the cost makin of making the wafer in half. >> our technology makes wafersy makes in a single step. whereas the other technology takes four steps and is,teps a therefore, much more costly. ther >> reporter: but thriving in the but solar business has often proved h to be elusive. california-based solyndra ca thought it found a new, cheapound a way of producing solar power but it went bust after being given more than $500 million of taxpayers' money. 1366 has a government loan guarantee of $150 million but itut comes with strings. the company can't use the money until until it demonstrates the capacity for large-scale production.tion. >> that money is precious, and
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it has to be used only if you truly believe in what you're doing. >> reporter: 1366 just opened a plant with 45 workers in bedford, massachusetts. plan it plans to open another factory in 18 months' time. the global solar market say difficult place to make money. market the chinese have dominated thend market with cheap labor and-subsidized government-subsidized factories. solar industry analyst theodore ana o'neill says that could be a problem for 1366. >> while the technology is veryechnol interesting, they still at the end of the day going against ast very inexpensive chinese product that is selling in large l quantities right now. >> axelrod: but china uses wafers made the old way, and that process is twice as expensive as the new 1366 wafer, leaving 1366 confident that eventually it will make china6 its customers and not competitor.
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the company chose the name 1366 because that's the averagee the number of watts generate bide the sun hitting each square meter of the earth.h still ahead, a playground on the ear rise designed to bridge two tragedies. know? well, i didn't really. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% (testosterone gel). the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman which may include changes
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>> axelrod: we end tonight with the story of a link between two of the most tragic stories we all watched unfold last year. unf some of those who lost so much in super storm sandy are san honoring the victims of thems of t shooting at sandy hook sandy h elementary school and doing it in a in a way they hope eases some small small part of all of their pain. terrell brown has more. >> reporter: at the crack ofter: a dawn friday, there were fireworks and bagpipes on the beach. >> thank you for being here today. >> reporter: the shore town of a sea bright, new jersey celebrated the ground breakingroun of a new plague ground replacing o the one destroyed by super storm sandy and will be dedicated to a victim of the sandy hook school of th firefighter bill lavin came up with the idea. >> i just felt like would it be possible to build 26 parks andt be honor these children and it kind of fit because we knew thereks were so many communities along of the shore in need of
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>> reporter: with funds raised privately and volunteers tond build them, each will bear the name of a newtown victim. >> i think it's a beautifulach wil idea. a >> reporter: nicole hockley is the mother of dylan hockley, a idea six-year-old killed at sandy of hook elementary. >> a playground brings something positive to a community for bring children and that has got to be one of the best ways to memorialt my child and the other children who died that day. >> reporter: what's the hardest part for you.t's the >> to realize he's not just in not the next room that this ism permanent, and that's something i still can't get my head around. >> reporter: in her homeorter: i there's still a picture of p dylan's class on the refrigerat refrigerator, and in that picture is a person dylan adored ann marie murphy was his favorite teacher.hy was his >> yes. >> >> reporter: the first playground will be named after her. >> yes. dylan and anne marie had a very special bond. dylan he truly loved her and i know she loved him. her and
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>> reporter: children from the community pored buckets of sand and tossed flowers into the ocean to honor murphy and the others who died. t >> it's everything to us. this is where we raise our kids. we you know, i grew up on the beach, too. and that's our best memories. and th >> reporter: to you, what doies. these playgrounds represent?ygrounds >> it's not so much what i see but what i hear, and i just hear laughter because that's what j dylan would do at a playgroundha all the time, and that's what id hope these playgrounds do for al other children, make them happy and allow them to laugh. >> reporter: work begins on dylan's playground next month. >> axelrod: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. later on cbs, "48 hours."r on for now, i'm jim axelrod in new york city. for all of of us here at cbs news, good night.f captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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a high speed chase ends with a deadly shooting involving a bay area police officer. . breaking news. a high-speed chase ends with a deadly shooting involving a bay area police officer. republicans are holding their stay in shack men toe this weekend. how the grand old party is looking to revitalize itself. and it's not just teens look for some work. huns line up for their chance at a job with a bay area sports team. kpix 5 news is next.
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. this is kpix 5 news. good evening. i'm amanda. we begin with breaking news in san jose. a high-speed chase has ended with police officers shooting and killing a suspect. it happened near the
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intersection of blossom and clara avenues. kpix 5 is at the scene with the latest. don. >> well, clearly we're having difficulty with hearing don. we'll get his story in just a moment. we'll be back with him in a minute. . an overnight chase ended with police shooting and killing a man they say point add gun at them. it started around 12:30 this morning twhen daly city officer tried to pull over a suspected car thief. the driver took off and eventually jumped out of the moving car in san francisco's little hollywood neighborhood. that's when the confrontation turned deadly. >> suspect turned on the officers and one of the daly sthi officers discharged his firearm striking the suspect. suspect did not survive his injury. >> a passenger in the car surrendered to police at the scene. well that


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