tv CBS Morning News CBS March 25, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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[ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... ♪ ♪ ...and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. ♪ ♪ like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar
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menu. officer russell johnson: after we got put together they called humphreys "kick ass" and wanted to know who the young officer was with him. "he's got a real cute, little babyface. let's just call him babyface." the word spreads like wildfire when somebody gets a name. from that time on whenever we drive up and down the street everybody in these bricks knows us by "kick ass" and "babyface" and that's what they call. it's kind of funny. sometimes, they'll even call in to the police. they'll dial 911 to get some folks down here and they'll ask for "kick ass" and "babyface" on 911 and the people downtown won't know what they're talking about. ( garbled radio transmission ) okay. stay with me, tires. we just got... there was a major accident call that went out and we don't know
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whether it's an off-duty officer or some officer that rolled up on it from another division or whatever. said the car is flipped upside down. it's on fire. it appears the passenger in the car is already dead and the driver is trapped inside the vehicle. here? there. good car. there it is right there. fire department's here. ( garbled radio transmission ) he's not here yet. somebody put him in a car. is this guy the driver of the car? yeah, he's the driver. i got him in custody. flying like a bat out of hell. he was coming around the corner, and he passed me. he hit the water, he slid, and he spun around here ran into the post, and knocked the post down caught on fire. managed to get him out but the other guy, i couldn't get him out. you got the driver right
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here out of this vehicle? okay. nah, he's still... they're saying he's going to be signal 12. he's dead. officer johnny sosa: can you see the tip of my pen? can you see it? i want you to follow the tip of my pen with your eyes without moving your head. keep your head perfectly still okay? open your eyes. i don't have my glasses. i can barely... okay, that's all right. follow the pen. johnson: don't move your head. follow the pen with your eyes. sosa: go ahead and start. which foot? officer: either one. 1001. 1002. 1003. i'm...
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i can't... all right, stand back where you were. stand on this line. see this line right there? i need you to turn around. you're being arrested for driving while intoxicated, okay? how much have you had to drink tonight? uh, about five or six beers. five or six beers? do you know what just happened? yes, sir. what happened? i was coming down bell ramp and when i hit the water my car went out of control. was your friend drinking also? yes, sir. what happened when you hit the water? my car skidded turned to the right. and then what? i ran up into the guard rail... i don't know exactly what happened. i guess i hit the light pole. your
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friend's hurt bad. i mean... johnson: your friend's hurt bad. no more talk. he's going to jail. johnson: i don't even know how he got out of the car. virtually not even a scratch on him. with the car in two pieces like that i don't even know how. humphreys: he has yet to ask, "how's the guy in the car?" he's totally unaware... he's not even sure of what he's done. he doesn't even know what world he's in right now. that just shows you what drinking and driving does. i mean, what was it? like three weeks ago there was a drunk driver on the south freeway and hit an officer in fort worth and killed him. then you have something like this. it's another one drinking and driving. you can go from one extreme to another and people think they can get away with it and just drive home and they'll be okay but this guy's never going to talk to his buddy again.
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my wife takes centrum silver. i've been on the fence about it. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. both tylenol and bayer advanced aspirin are proven to be effective pain relievers. tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. try the power
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looks like a vehicle trying to elude me. we'll check it out and see what the problem is. come out here now. you get on the ground. get on the ground. george 13, i got a vehicle stopped in a backyard at ( blip ) college. several subjects ran. need some help out here. hold on. it's not... the car's not stolen. what the hell were you doing running then? i wasn't running. who was driving?
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( loud thumping ) who's in the trunk? ( unintelligible ) who left the keys? let's just wait till i get another unit here. you just stay right where you are. go back over there. let me get an address on here. george 13. i'm at ( blip ) college in the backyard. i've got several subjects on the ground. i've got one person in the trunk. george 13, you're not coming through. i had my radio turned down. 10-4. which units are en route?
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i don't know... i don't know what the hell's going on. they just hauled ass... okay, there's a guy in their trunk. where's the keys at? woman: uh, i don't know. the driver ran. baggott: the driver ran? ( thumping and shouting ) carnes: hang on a minute. there's ants right here. move over here then. how do you get it open? huh? i don't know. the guy with the keys took off running. man: the guy with the keys took off and left. which way did he go? i didn't even see him. which way did that guy go?
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i'm sure he probably went in there. you guys know who owns this car? the one in your backyard? you do? want to come out here? i don't know. they got around the back of the yard before i knew what was going on. is this your car? huh? what's going on? is this your car? it's my car. you got the keys to it? yes, i do. right here. did you just run in the house when we came out here? no, i just walked in. let me see your keys. we got the keys now. what were you guys doing in the trunk?
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huh? we didn't fit. what were you doing in the trunk? we didn't fit. so you got in the trunk. why was this guy running from me? from us? why did he take off like that and drive into this backyard all of a sudden? we know the people that live here. no, that's not what i'm saying. why did he do it trying to get away from me? i didn't know nothing was going on. i was in the trunk. this is him. that's the driver right there. he's in a gang. no, that's the driver right there. yeah. okay, so nobody took off running? yeah, that's all of them. george 13. why did you pull in like that, 90 miles an hour? i didn't pull in 90 miles an hour. oh, come on. if i had pulled in 90 miles an hour i'd ran into the house. okay, but you were trying to get away from me. what's the problem? i'm just scared. i don't know... why are you scared? 'cause
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i barely got the car. i barely got a job. i'm just trying to stay out of trouble. then why are you taking off like that? i see a cop stop right there and i see him reverse, i freak out. i'm sorry, man. you didn't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. but i got two people in the trunk. i do got something to worry about. if they're there of their own free will there's nothing wrong. i have too much trouble with cops. i got beat up by too many. is that right? yes, i'm not lying. okay. do y'all know who he is? do y'all know him, or..? yeah, i've seen him. i don't remember which one he is. this one over here we know who he is. did you get his i.d.? no, not yet. i got no i.d. you're driving no i.d., nothing. yeah, that's it. who do you run with? excuse me? who you run with? i don't run with nobody. you don't run with nobody? man, no, i ain't into gang ( bleep ). no.
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i'm just a friend. we surprised them pretty good last week. there was about seven or eight of them working on three or four cars back here dropping plates and vins. it was funny, though. i hear this pounding on the door, and i thought "somebody's pounding on the door to get in the house" so i was watching them and then i realized... what's going on here? all right, mike. this particular house, a couple days ago they pulled several stolen vehicles out of the backyard where they had altered the vin plates. done a pretty good job of it so i knew that the people at this house were into some gang activity and some criminal activity so i held everybody at gunpoint till i got some help there. while i was waiting for assist i noticed that, uh... there were two people in the trunk trying to get out. we've had people out here kidnapped. knowing these gang members they'll do just about anything. it could have been
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anything so i definitely wanted to get some more units there. it's a bunch of dumb kids, basically. kind of reminded me of sneaking in drive-in movies. [ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are choosing advil®. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and
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officer matt smith: we got a suspicious vehicle in front of us. there was an earlier broadcast on a stolen truck that matches this description. my computer's not going to give me a return. we're going to go ahead and initiate a traffic stop. sit down and speak with him for a second. ( garbled radio transmission ) driver, step out for me. how you doing? you got your driver's license with you? yeah. step back here. something wrong? there was a
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broadcast earlier of a truck. not me. where do you live at? arlington. what are you doing over here, hubert? i live in woodhaven. i thought you lived in arlington. see, i'm staying in arlington... do you know this guy? yeah, that's my friend. sir, why don't you come out on this side. okay. everything's okay? how old are you, sir? thirty-nine. thirty-nine. okay. it's a clip. one of them's got a gun on him. he made a furtive gesture
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and dropped this. now we got to find out where the gun's at. why don't we go ahead and get you to lay down right here with your head toward the tire. i need you to lay down with your head toward the tire. let me check you real quick. what i'm looking for is a gun. so somebody better start talking real quick. you better start talking. this was where you were where you were sitting. and i saw you take it and move it so that's the point we're at now. i want to know where this gun's at. that's why i had you get out on my side. i assume it's in the truck, sir. ( garbled radio transmission )
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put your hands behind your head. when i came up to the vehicle you were making a suspicious movement. now, i saw you shove something up underneath you. i was. i was holding... i asked you to come out my side because i'm concerned for my safety. i understand. you get out, and i check. exactly where you're sitting is that clip. yes, sir. you assume the gun is in the car and that clip fits that gun. it's illegal in texas to carry a gun on your person or in your car. you can only have a gun at your residence so you're under arrest. now, if you have any other information i'll take it. that is the whole truth. he just picked me up. are you on parole or probation? yes, sir. parole. and you
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know that on parole that will get you sent back to the penitentiary? that's right. hubert, stand up. here, look at me. are you on parole or probation? parole. both of you? is that your pistol? it's his pistol. not your pistol? he's saying you picked him up and gave him that pistol... no, i went over there but it had nothing to do with that. nothing to do with that? and you didn't ask him to sell it? no. never seen it in your life? it's not mine, no. didn't ask to sell it? no. we're going to talk to your parole officer and make sure he or she knows. you check in on mccard or somewhere else? uh, berry. on berry? right. you're free to go. all right.
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when everything come down, you'll find out, lee. you know it's yours. it's yours. yeah, you's a wimp, baby. i put your i.d. on the back part of that truck railing so you drove off and it fell off. suspect: look at his arms. that's why he come over. do y'all both use heroin? yeah, i do. you were going to sell the gun and get money for heroin? yeah. you know, richard, i believe you. i think he's a liar. i just don't think he was man enough to admit it. if the gun would have been under his seat it's his. but you were holding the clip and the gun was under your seat. i've got to act on what i see. can i ask you something? how is this going to work out? i'll tell you how it's going to work out. they're going to
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look at the evidence. they're going to hold a parole revocation hearing. they'll notify your parole officer. i'll be there, you'll be there. they're both heroin users. they both have needle marks on their arms and they're both hiv-positive, according to the passenger. both on parole. neither one of them should be in possession of a weapon. if the case is filed successfully the gentleman that was in possession of the weapon at the time i made the stop will be sent back to the penitentiary for simply carrying a weapon while he's on parole. i think he knows that. you know, any time that i see those suspicious movements and get control of the weapon and get control of the situation without getting hurt i feel good because i feel i've passed another test and every time i pass a test i get to go home the next morning.
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we're live in hayward where police say a drive by shooting may be connected to a dramatic high speed chase hours later. we'll tell you which city it all ended up in next. barreling down on the midwest. the april snowstorm that continues to dump snow and how it could impact your travel plans. it's the decision that has people camping out for days. more on the hearing on prop 8 and how people in san francisco are raising their voices today. it's all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning, thank you for joining us monday morning, march 25th i'm pam cook. >> back at it again. i hope you had a good weekend. a great weekend in terms of weather wise. it was fantastic.
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>> yes gorgeous. >> steve paulson how is it looking? >> some changes but we are running out of time for rain. there could be something near the end of the week but it looks like it's going to southern california today. high clouds. patchy clouds. highs today 50s and 60s and low 70s. here is sal. steve, good morning. traffic is doing pretty well. there is road work out there. we're looking at highway 101 if you are driving through you can see traffic looking good approaching the 80 split. s a this morning we are looking at the commute on interstate 880 northbound near high street. you still might see flashing lights as a result of some of the road work there. although traffic is getting by in all the open lanes. let's go back to the desk. >> in over night news three people are in custody after a wild high speed chase in oakland. officers say it may be connected to a drive by shooting that injured an innocent bystander.
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tara moriarty is in hayward this morning. >> reporter: police say this is where it all began where a drive by shooting happened yesterday afternoon. it wasn't until hours later that authorities chased down the suspect. police tried to pull the driver over in hayward just after 11:00 for reckless driving but he sped off. the car spun out of control on 580 between harrison and park and police cars smashed into it to box the driver in and arrest him. people in the car were throwing things out on to the roadway during the chase. they never found those objects but officers did find weapons inside when the vehicle was finally stopped and three people were taken into custody. authorities say those three may be involved in an earlier drive- by shooting. >> there was an earlier incident that involved a shooting from a vehicle. right now we are determining if this vehicle was involved in
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that. >> reporter: now that drive by happened yesterday while the victim was driving with his wife and child. he is expected to survive. coming up we will tell you what police will be looking at this morning that will provide them with more clues. richmond police are investigating a stabbing. police say the victim is in his late teens and found in the street. he was air lifted to the hospital in critical condition. so far no arrests have been made. this week the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments on two same sex marriage cases including proposition 8. in san francisco today same sex marriage supporters are holding a rally and march starting at 6:30 p.m. at castro and markets streets. in washington, d.c. people
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