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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 26, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu.
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officer john collins: i definitely like patrol being able to interact with the community. 'cause you get to see the kids every day. you see the bad people but you see the good people. i like being left to one community because i get to know mom, dad, the kids they're raising. you get to know where your drug houses are. you know your prostitutes. you just kind of get to know everybody and you feel real at home and comfortable, like you kind of get a feel for the area. that's it right there. right now we got a carjacking suspect vehicle. ( garbled radio transmission ) air unit's got them. ( siren wailing ) they're going to bail. carjacking. subject's going to have a gun. they're going to bail in that neighborhood up here.
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officer: he spun out of control and he's bailing out. he's running southbound and the car-- he left it in gear, and it hit a vehicle. he's running southbound in the middle of the street. dispatcher: he's running southbound in the middle of the street. officer: he went to the first street. drop your hands! i want to see your hands! drop your hands! drop your hands! you're going to get shot, buddy! you're going to get shot! give me your hand! drop that ( blip ) hand. give me your other ( blip ) hand! he's got something underneath there. i got his hand i got his hand. is that my car? ( man moaning ) i can't breathe! do you got a gun? no! officer! he tried jumping me, man! you got a pager? you got a gun? where's the gun? i don't got no gun! they tried jumping me, man!
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is my car okay? what's up, george? they tried jumping me, man. stand up. all right, man. hang on, partner. relax. relax. is that my car? he's got a gun. he's got a gun. is that my car? collins: he turns the corner fast. we loop through the circle k. air unit picks him up on roosevelt. i'm about a good hundred yards behind him 'cause he's going real fast. he makes the turn southbound on 22nd place. he's out of my sight.
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air unit says he bails out. his car crashes up there. i continue driving down the street. i thought i had the car in park, but i guess i didn't. i bailed out of the car. i got into a foot pursuit that went to the fence. i tackled him, wrestled him on the ground. he had a .25 auto and a bag of dope on him. as i got up the lieutenant's car is sitting in the fence there. there's no damage to the l.t.'s car. her fence-- she seems pretty nice about it but we're going to have to take an accident report. okay. all right? all right. she takes him over there in her boyfriend's car. she's using the phone. he gets into a fight with some other unknown subject. he displays a gun. who? the guy we have in custody. with his little .25 auto. displays the gun. everybody runs. at some point, he jumps in the car that has the keys in the ignition. that's when we picked him up with the air unit. you were right behind him. what was his speed? i was pushing about 55, 60
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and he was pulling away from me like a little pea. i came further and further the smaller he got. he was doing about 100 if i had to guess. we backed off because the air unit had it. i wasn't even around the corner when he bailed. as soon as we turned the corner you could see him running and then you could see the car crash. i was scared tonight 'cause when we tackled him down here on the sidewalk one of his hands was pinned under his body. it kinda got me scared 'cause i thought he still had the gun in his hand. so, i mean, overall, he was the bad guy. he took a lady's car. he was pointing a gun at people at a circle k. he needed to get caught. all's well that ends well. nobody got hurt, i'm going home tonight. and everybody else is going to go home and he'll go to jail. that's the way the ball bounced. and we just got to fix the fence.
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officer matthew knowles: what gives me a charge is being able to go to a situation that's out of control, taking control of the situation getting the bad guy into custody getting him locked up, and solving the problem for citizens who are out there playing by the rules who have been victimized. we're going to a lady who says her brother's threatening her with a gun and she locked herself in the bedroom. 801 henry. 10-23. go. what the hell? ow! down on the ground! anybody else out here? cindy!
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chill out, okay? cindy! simmer down. all right, take him down. ow! ( blip ) cindy! anybody else in your house? yeah, i got a... cindy! shut up, before i knock you down. yeah, i love it. no, knock it. let's get him outside. i was trying to play with the kid. if you have a seat right here we'll figure this thing out. turn that thing off. where's the gun at? big crime here. yeah, i've got lots of guns here. have a seat a minute. lots of them. is there a gun, buddy? i don't see one yet. i wouldn't own a gun if my life ( bleep ) depended on it. huh? i said i wouldn't own a gun if my life depended on it. why are you telling me all these guns? my sister's a freak. whose house is this? my mom's. my sister's not supposed to be here so take these ( bleep ) cuffs off me before you get arrested for false arrest. no, you're going to have the cuffs on until we find out what's going on
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here. what's the deal? what's the problem with you and your sister? go ahead. what's the problem? i wish i knew. you don't know what's going on? i just turned around like a real man so i can talk straight in your face. go ahead and tell me. okay, i came home from riding my bike-- i race motorcycles for a living-- and she starts acting like this is her house. ( telephone rings ) hey, curly hair! yeah, you right there-- glasses. will you answer that phone for me? finish talking to me. talk to me. go ahead. you race motorcycles for a living. yeah, and, uh... and what happened? that's what i don't know after that. you came home..? i came home. now i'm in cuffs. did you black out? where's your shoes? me black out? no. you got some shoes? wait, wait. where did i take them off? where's your room at? let me figure out where i took them off at.
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we'll get you some. right there. right there. we'll bring them out to you. wait! what? no, no, no. why? knowles: you've had problems with your brother? what happened tonight? i'm not sure. i see his pupils are dilated. i know. was he taking some drugs? i don't know. he left here about 7:00. he was fine. all his friends were sitting in the living room. then he left and he just come back and was like banging hisself against the wall. what were they doing here? they were drinking. knowles: we had a situation where this lady's brother wigged out. he started making threats to the sister and her two-year-old daughter saying he had a gun and was going to shoot them and shoot the cops if they showed up and we showed up. the guy at first opens the door. we tried to talk to him for a minute
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and he tries to slam the door on us so we rushed in, took him into custody after a little bit of a struggle and took him downtown. ( inaudible radio transmission ) we got a call that some guy is running around naked in the parking lot of one of our country bars out here. ( garbled radio transmission ) his pants are definitely... not buttoned. hey, partner. hey, partner time to get up. better button up your pants, buddy. yup. you okay? you're not sick, are you? no, i'm fine. you're just taking a nap, huh? yup. that's all. what are you doing running around with your pants off? i didn't take my pants off till i got here.
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why did you take your pants off when you got here? 'cause i took a whizz out... okay. that makes sense to me. thank you. are those your glasses sir? yup. why don't you sit up and talk to us. sure. do you live around here, sir? i live at ( blip ). you walked all this way just to go to the bathroom out of doors in public? don't... give me a break now. come on. that wasn't your original intent, was it? no. i will show you the i.d. we're out here because somebody called and said there was a male running around naked in the parking lot. i was not running around naked in the parking lot. whoa! you better stand still, okay? i'm okay. you feel better now? what's this?
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oh, okay. you feel better now? i do now. how are you going to get home? i can walk. you gonna walk? you think you can make it? you don't seem to be very steady on your feet. well, okay. all right. i'll tell you what. if you want, we will call you a cab. if not, you're free to leave. however, you can't urinate in public like that. it's kind of against the law. i understand, officer. at least i'm not driving. knowles: that's a good point. oh, braddock! this is my friend. you guys are giving him a ride home? yeah, i'll give him a ride home. burk: we called a taxi but we'll cancel it. okay. yeah, i was going by and i saw him. he's all right. officer: good. okay. he's harmless. all right, great. thanks, guys. good night. good night, guys. thank you. you bet. have a good night now. so we basically just woke him up and got him on his feet, and made
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sure he was okay. offered to call him a taxicab, which we did. and as we were waiting for the taxi a couple of his buddies showed up and were kind enough to give him a ride. the "running around naked" part on the call was probably a figment of somebody's imagination who maybe wanted a quicker response time. [ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are choosing advil®. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief.
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[ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... and now love two more tastes the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the irresistible new grilled onion cheddar. each just a dollar. officer mcelroy: i had a friend that used to live next door to me that was an officer when i was a child growing up. i used to see him all the time in his uniform. i used to talk to him. i thought that was the greatest thing in the world. i knew right about then that's what i wanted to do. i still enjoy police work. i still enjoy, um... chasing bad guys. there's nothing like the adrenaline flow that you get when you're in a pursuit or you're running after somebody or you've got a real big crime in progress that you're responding to. it's something i haven't lost since the first day i joined the department.
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( garbled radio transmission ) we're on our way right now to a "shots fired" call. the complainant called in and said that the neighbors next door to her have several male subjects in the backyard and are firing guns up in the air so we're going to go and check them out. 10-32. she'll be calling in a minute. frank 15-23. ( garbled radio transmission ) okay. let's ask these kids. it should be, uh... this house right here. ( dog continues barking ) we're looking if they're out back right now. ( indistinct voices ) right. i was looking out there to see if they're still out there
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and where they were. someone fire a gun out here in the back of your house? yeah. it's on back of this house. mcelroy: we probably need another unit. we could probably just contact them unless you want to watch out back. i'll go to the front. hey. hey. huh? come on over here. who? you. you live here? uh-uh. who's got the gun? get on over here. hey, man i don't live here, man. get on over here. get on over here. who else is in the house? the owners. come on over here. come on over here. man #1: we just got here. man #2: hey, man we just got here. put your hands on top of your head. face the wall.
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hands on top of your heads, guys. what you got there? montgomery: on top of your head. i think he's got a gun or something. you got a gun there? yeah. a little .22. hey, man we just got here, man. we just drove up. imagine you having a gun on a call where we heard shots fired. one guy had a gun concealed so we'll have you stand by here while tracy and i go inside and check him out. the guy on the far left will be our number one. okay. montgomery: ...marijuana. look, there's bags of weed everywhere.
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these are hunting rifles. that's a, uh... ak-47. i'm sure that's what they were shooting. she said she heard rounds being fired in succession. i'd say these weapons are unsecured. sure looks that way. look at this. these guys are gangbanging but they're not... they're in a gang, but they're not banging. it's a type of deer rifle. they've got this thing, uh... locked and loaded and everything. a shotgun... a crossbow... for the innovative gangster. it's all gang paraphernalia. look at this. we've found a little piece of crack. of course we got the scale right here. there's just a little bit of crack right there. we got pagers in here.
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technically, this is drug paraphernalia. the sandwich baggies and a triple beam scale the pager, another, uh... cellular phone battery in the other room. a little piece of crack cocaine over there on the table. look what we have here. here we have... lots of marijuana. tell me this is marijuana. this is a key of marijuana. it sure the heck is. ( chuckling ) that is a big... big old bunch of marijuana. this is all... this is all buds, you can tell. the buds are the main stuff, not a lot of stems in here. it's all buds. it's filled... this is an ounce of... we got another gun here also. this is probably the one that was fired earlier. it's missing a bullet, .44 magnum. that would be the most powerful handgun known to man.
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( chuckling ) just don't point it at me. montgomery: you're under arrest for carrying a concealed weapon. mcelroy: well, you should have expected that, right? stand up. i'm going to put him in randy's, um... these guys can go for firearm possession. mcelroy: we got crimes on all three. so we can take care of them whether they're actually involved. they probably came here to buy. sounds like it. look inside the house. or trade up, huh? who says the guys are not trying to sell their guns? they were here to buy guns. one had a gun. they're all gang members. it's true. these guys are definitely in the business of selling, trading property for the dope. probably stolen property. we've got lawn mowers in the house and backyard. there isn't a bit of grass here to take care of. a brand-new weed eater also
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and not a stitch of grass out here. so these guys are up to no good, that's for sure. officer: 132 and bush. i've got him at gunpoint. dispatcher: gunpoint, 132 and bush. cover's code three.
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. flames breakout in alameda, we will tell you the position they are taking when they try to tackle this fire. we are on the scene of a deadly accident with san jose police. we are live in san jose where a woman only one week away from having a baby escaped from a fire. we will tell you what started it all next. and it is a big day for same sex couples what they are willing to pay to witness history, it's all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. and good morning everybody,
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it is tuesday march 26th, i am brian flores. steve paulson is here, it sounded like it was going to rain. >> it is going to be cooler and that's for sure, we had the partly cloudy skies overall it looks like partly sunny partly cloudy and here is sal. we had some breaking news out of san jose, we had a fatal accident, a man crashed through and southbound lanes are blocked, janine de la vega is on the scene and in just a few minutes we will have a live report, let's go back to the desk. we begin with breaking news in alameda where firefighters are battling an apartment fire.
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alex is there where they had been fighting the fire and alex is looking into whether everybody made it out okay, alex? >> reporter: everybody did make it out okay and in fact this is a very stubborn fire and you can see right now flames are continuing to burn up in the addict area and they are using the latter truck to get some water up on the roof of this pulling and from time to time we'll see flames breakout. here is video from later on and the apartment units are up above storefronts. this started 2:30 and it started in alameda, it is a three-story building and so far there are no reports of injuries and i talked with the captain a short time ago and the challenge is to get this fire out. i spoke to a man who woke up
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his family and got out when he thought there was a fire. >> i thought somebody turned the lights on, i saw the neighbor with the mask on and i grabbed my baby and i said let's get out of here there is a fire and they are like really what is going on. i have been here for five years and nothing like this ever happened so for me it was hard to believe. >> the fire did breakout in one of the upstairs apartment units and the cause at this point remains unknown. the fire captain said right now the first thing is to get this fire under control and they are in defensive position and staying back and they are using water


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