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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  April 3, 2013 3:10am-4:00am PDT

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who disrespects you. that's why my husband james and i created the total transformation the program that tens of thousands of moms are now using to turn around their child's behavior. if you've heard about the total transformation and wondered if it will work for you, now you can try it for free. i'm willing to give away a thousand programs today for free. all you need to do is get the program and let us know how it works for you. we'll let you keep it for free. i know the total transformation works, because i used these techniques with my own son and with troubled kids for over 30 years. let me prove to you that it works by giving you the program free. >> man: call the number on your screen now to get the total transformation free. >> back when me and my sister used to fight, we'd hate each other and tell this to our friends and now, me and my sister are, like, we're best friends. we hang out. i give her rides everywhere she needs. we hang out on the weekends.
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we talk. we don't fight and argue and call each other names. there's no more physical or verbal abuse. we just get along. >> james, what's the biggest mistake parents make when dealing with problem behavior? >> in my opinion, the biggest mistake is parents not drawing the line and saying, "this is not gonna be acceptable, and we're not g any further until we deal with this." look, let's say that you wanted to train a kid to be disrespectful. let's say you wanted to train a kid to be obnoxious. what would you do? well, you'd tell him he had to do things, and then you'd let him not do it. you'd tell him that he has responsibilities, then you'd do it for him. you'd tell him he had to get up for school, then you'd wake him up five times a day. you'd tell him that he can't talk to you disrespectfully, but then you'd scream at him when he does so that you wind up apologizing, and what a kid would learn from you then is that it's okay to be obnoxious it's okay to be disrespectful, and without knowing it that's what parents do-- they train their kids to be disrespectful, they train their kids that it's okay to be obnoxious. i'll tell you something, having a kid with behavior problems
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is probably the worst thing that you can experience in your life 'cause you're worried about that kid, you know and you care about him and you know that that kid has to become a productive citizen and you don't see it happening. and on the other hand, he's driving you crazy. it's not only that you worry about his future, you don't know how you're gonna live with him today-- he's driving you nuts. and so, when you have that with the kid, parents start to look at themselves very critically. also, parents look at each other very critically. i think "acting out" kids, "acting out" kids are awful on a marriage. they bring out the worst in each parent. >> that's true. >> 'cause each parent sits there and says, "well, if you did this differently he wouldn't act out." and the other parent says, "no, no. if you did this differently, he'd be okay." and they don't look at the obvious problem-- the kid. the parents that i work with find the total transformation program to be a very exciting experience for them because they stop asking themselves, "what am i doing wrong?" the total transformation program takes that pressure off. it's a very interesting process
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when parents stop saying "is this my fault?" or "whose fault is this behavior?" and start saying, "this is my kid's problem. what can i do about it to help him change?" and put the responsibility back on that child. >> i can honestly say that if we had not found james lehman it's quite possible that my husband and i would be divorced or separated right now. it had gotten to the point where it was almost impossible for me, and i feel like going to see james saved my family >> now, what about a.d.d. or a.d.h.d., the hyperactivity disorders, things like that, i mean they certainly affect behavior, am i right? >> here's the thing. if your kid has a.d.d. you need to the total transformation program even more because it is really critical that your kid learn how to solve problems. if you have a.d.d. or a.d.h.d. the boss at the factory, the college professor, your wife, your own kids they're going to hold you
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to the same standards as every other husband every other father every other employer. it's just that simple. you have to learn how to meet those standards. you're still gonna have to learn how to behave, yourself. you're still gonna have to learn how to solve problems, you're still gonna have to learn how to be productive. your boss is not gonna say "oh, poor guy, he's got a.d.d. let's pay him anyway." certainly the judge is not gonna say, "what's your diagnosis, mr. smith? you broke the law," all right? it's not gonna go down that way. you can read up on the literature a whole lot and what you're gonna see is a whole lot of theories about why this is happening and very little talk about what to do about it. >> yeah, it's true. >> you can read for weeks and not come across something that says, "tonight, when this kid does this, you do this." but that's what i do for you in the total transformation program. >> it wasn't a matter of a.d.h.d. it wasn't a matter of her focusing ability and things like that. it was just a matter of getting herself under control, learning how to deal with feelings and problem-solving. she couldn't think a problem
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from one end to the next and i didn't know that at the time, but i do now, and it's certainly been a breakthrough for us. >> so, as a parent you have to decide is that kid gonna control you, or is he gonna learn how to control his own behavior? in the total transformation program, i show you how to teach that kid to control his own behavior. and it's very simple. i wanna stop the fighting in your house. i wanna stop the yelling i wanna stop the screaming. i'm gonna show you how to stop that stuff and to start a program where kids are taking more responsibility and solving their own problems appropriately. you're gonna be the person who helps them solve their problem. you're not gonna be the person that takes that problem on your shoulders and then you have to live with it. it's their job to learn how to solve problems. i'm going to show you exactly how to get them to do that. >> if you are having trouble with your children this is a design for living... with them and with their problems to get results
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immediate results. you know, it's not like you have to wait till they're 18 to figure out if it worked or not, you know if they're gonna go left or if they're gonna go right. this is... you get immediate results. >>i don't have to listen to you! i wish you were dead! >> don't you ever talk to me like that! >> if you're the mother of a child with behavior problems i'd like to talk to you. my name is janet lehman, and i'm a behavioral therapist and a mom. i know what it's like when the child that you love becomes a defiant, out-of-control child who disrespects you. that's why my husband james and i created the total transformation the program that tens of thousands of moms are now using to turn around their child's behavior. if you've heard about the total transformation and wondered if it will work for you, now you can try it for free. i'm willing to give away a thousand programs today for free. all you need to do is get the program and let us know
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how it works for you. we'll let you keep it for free. i know the total transformation works, because i used these techniques with my own son and with troubled kids for over 30 years. let me prove to you that it works by giving you the program free. >> man: call the number on your screen now to get the total transformation free. >> when i heard the-- the advertisement that was offering, uh, the program for free provided that you just complete the program and send in your feedback, i thought, "there's absolutely no reason not to do this." i mean, it-- it was a done deal. >> there's no more yelling. there's no more arguments. >> yep. >> you know, we will have conversations now, um... getting her to do her chores is no longer... a difficult task. she knows what's expected of her, and she does it. curfew is, you know, she meets her curfew now.
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>> curfew's almost never an issue. >> yeah. there's no more of, uh, her being verbally abusive towards us. >> that has gone totally. >> it's gone. >> i don't think that this is just something that is beneficial for people who are dealing with kids that are totally out of control. i think if you learn these techniques and these skills, it is like a magic pill. it is communicating clearly and effectively... if you start that as a toddler your child will know you mean what you say, and that means they can trust you. >> parents are gonna get the total transformation program, they're gonna have it at home, they're gonna start to use it. what should they expect to see as they begin to use the program? i mean, what have you seen in your own practice? >> i'll tell you what parents and families have reported back to me. first the arguing stops. that's the first thing. the yelling and the arguing stops. i teach parents how to just cut that off. you know, parents get into these fights and arguments with kids, and then they wind up holding the bag. we want the kid holding the bag.
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i show parents how to leave the kid where he's holding the bag. the bag is his dirty laundry. you know, the bag is his unfinished homework. i show parents how to assert themselves with kids how to set limits on kids, so that it's not the kid dictating to you. i also show parents how to stop the bargaining to stop the negotiating. you've got these responsibilities you've got to do them. i'm not gonna negotiate your homework with you. you've gotta do your homework before you play video games. that's it, case closed or the video games are getting locked in a closet. it's as simple as pie. and so what happens is in the total transformation program, i show parents how to stop the arguing and stop the negotiating and bargaining and start focusing on this kid meeting his responsibilities in a way that's going to help him be successful. >> okay, so right away you're just gonna abolish that whole idea that the parent says, "my child doesn't understand what i'm saying," and, in turn, the child says "well, my parents don't understand what i'm feeling." >> right away, you're gonna feel like you're in control. and right away, that kid is gonna understand that if
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he's not in compliance it's he that's on the outside, not you. >> you're not gonna leave this up to parents' imagination. you're gonna be very specific. when you encounter this type of behavior, you need to do this, you need to say this. >> in the total transformation program, i teach you what to say, i teach you what to do. listen, i teach you when to start and when to stop. >> okay. >> wow. >> i teach you how to walk away and when to walk away. so, this isn't rocket science or a social work psychological theory. these are specific things that i show you what to do. listen, i'm gonna show you what to do when your kid is disrespectful. i'm gonna show you what to do when your kid doesn't want to do his chores or if your kid doesn't want to do his homework. i'm gonna show you what to say specifically, and i'm gonna show you what to do about that and it'll all be geared toward getting that kid to take responsibility for himself. we want to stop-- i want to stop the fighting in your house. i want to stop the yelling i want to stop the screaming. i'm gonna show you how to stop that stuff and to start a program where kids are taking more responsibility
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and solving their own problems appropriately. you're gonna be the person who helps them solve their problem. you're not gonna be the person that takes that problem on your shoulders and then you have to live with it. it's their job to learn how to solve problems. i'm gonna show you exactly how to get them to do that. you know, the parents that i work with find the total transformation program to be a very exciting experience for them because they stop asking themselves, "what am i doing wrong?" you know, a lot of parents blame themselves or blame each other-- it can have a lot of pressure on a relationship-- or they blame the school or they blame the friends, and the total transformation program takes that pressure off. it's a very interesting process when parents stop saying "is this my fault?" or "whose fault is this behavior?" and start saying "this is my kid's problem. what can i do about it to help him change?" and put the responsibility back on that child. >> james, what do you say to parents out there who are listening, and they're just so frustrated with their kids, but they're
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afraid to reach out? i mean, they think that this won't work for their particular problem or they hope their problem will just go away. i mean, why should they call in? >> if you're getting called into school because your child's getting into trouble do you honestly know what to do to turn that around so he doesn't get thrown out of school? if your kid is fighting with you all the time or fighting with his siblings, do you honestly know what to do how to stop that? and if you do know how to stop that, why haven't you stopped it already? i mean, those are the questions. in the total transformation program, if your kid is fighting with you and making your life miserable, i'm gonna show you exactly what to say. i'm gonna show you exactly what to do. i'm gonna show you exactly what not to say. i've been doing this for 30 years and i've learned a lot about how you communicate with kids. if you use these techniques, you're gonna see progress in your family. if you use these techniques, you're gonna get kids who learn how to respond better, who learn how to listen louder and who learn how to solve problems on their own without making everybody else miserable. it didn't change when you grounded them. it didn't change when they suspended them
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from school. it didn't change when you sent him to his room. nothing's gonna change until you make that call and look deeper into this program. >> i would recommend total transformation because it works. it's easy, and why go through all that other trial and error when you know something that works? and i know it works. >>i don't have to listen to you! i wish you were dead! >> don't you ever talk to me like that! >> if you're the mother of a child with behavior problems i'd like to talk to you. my name is janet lehman, and i'm a behavioral therapist and a mom. i know what it's like when the child that you love becomes a defiant, out-of-control child who disrespects you. that's why my husband james and i created the total transformation the program that tens of thousands of moms are now using to turn around their child's behavior. if you've heard about the total transformation and wondered if it will work for you, now you can try it for free.
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i'm willing to give away a thousand programs today for free. all you need to do is get the program and let us know how it works for you. we'll let you keep it for free. i know the total transformation works, because i used these techniques with my own son and with troubled kids for over 30 years. let me prove to you that it works by giving you the program free. >> man: call the number on your screen now to get the total transformation free. >> if i can change anybody can change. if you're sitting out there now, and you've got a 6-year-old or an 8-year-old or a 14-year-old who's having terrible behavior problems who's not listening and who's not learning i want to give you some hope. people change, but they have to know how to change and that's where the total transformation program comes in. >> i would highly recommend total transformation to anybody because, you know from my own experience my life went from, you know, a living nightmare to a lot of joy and fun in our house. >> if i hadn't have met james,
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there's no doubt i would be nowhere near as solid as i am right now. i wouldn't have any goals. i was an angry person. i was confused and frustrated, and if i hadn't have met james there's no doubt i would probably be kicked out of school, kicked out of my house. probably would be having a tough life right now but james has helped me in so many ways that my life is real strong and steady, and there's no doubt that i'm on my way. >> it works, and if you're willing to-- if you care anything about your kids and you want a better life for yourself, an enjoyable life, give it a shot. i mean, you know, it's not gonna hurt you or anything and if you're having a hard time, it's better than what you're doin'. >> it's a step-by-step approach to change your life. period. instead of being in a constant state of fear and a constant state of panic and never enjoying every moment-- and really, this is your child and you really need to enjoy those moments because they're...
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they're gone soon. i mean, my son's 16 now. you know, and thank god i got a little bit of time. the sooner you change, the better off you are.
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>> i'm alyssa milano and i'm gonna let you in on a little secret. i don't use shampoo anymore. that's right. i don't use it at all. so why does my hair look this healthy and shiny? because now i use wen. i mean, look at this hair. my hair is softer, shinier and the volume who doesn't want more volume? ordinary shampoo? you don't need that anymore. all you need is wen. >> what does it take to get your hair this beautiful? just one thing: the wen healthy hair care system by chaz dean. it's revolutionary hair care that takes the place of shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner all in one. saving you time working on your hair and saving you money on all the products you won't need anymore.
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most ordinary shampoos that lather use sulfates and detergents that may strip your hair of natural oils and cause dryness, frizziness, dullness, and color fade. but wen is designed to gently cleanse and moisturize your hair and scalp with no harsh stripping agents making hair shinier, softer, stronger, fuller after just one use. wen cleansing conditioners have been the buzz for top beauty magazines like celebrity living, instyle, lucky, elle and people magazine called it a "must-have." on today's show, you'll meet the man who is re-defining hair care. wen's inventor internationally renowned celebrity stylist chaz dean whose exclusive hair retreat has been the hot spot for hollywood stars for 20 years. and find out how you can join the over one million people from all over the world who bought wen to get the sexy beautiful hair they've always wanted after just one use. and stay tuned to see how you can get the new wen travel kit absolutely free. >> just try wen one time
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and you're gonna see a difference in your hair. >> i will never go back to shampoo, never, never, never. i'm a wen girl so i'm going to be using that forever. >> today, i'm gonna take you behind the scenes of a major new commercial for wen healthy hair care. you'll see lots of beautiful hair and you'll also see exactly how you can get the same results at home with just a blow dryer and wen. we'll meet the models, the hair stylists, and you'll see exactly what is done to their hair every step of the way. you'll see hair demonstrations that i wouldn't believe if i didn't see them myself. you'll even see me do a comparison of ordinary shampoo versus wen cleansing conditioner. chaz dean is passionate about giving everyone beautiful, healthy hair, and we're gonna meet him in just a minute. so don't go away and i promise by the end of the show, you'll never want to use ordinary shampoo again. ♪
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so we're doing things a bit differently with this infomercial which is total transparency. and i want you to tell our audience why we're doing it that way. >> i'm used to seeing beauty stuff that is the smoke, is the mirrors, is the extensions, is the computer generated stuff. they'll use five, six, seven, eight different products to get that look whereas-- >> to sell one product. >> to sell one product. i don't know how they get away with it. i don't. and i said if we're gonna do this together it's only if we're honest with it. only using wen. >> i'm not blowing smoke up anything over there but literally the first time i tried the product i knew that not only it was special but i am convinced that i will never go back to regular shampoo again. explain to everyone the difference between wen and shampoo. >> the number one thing you have to know is it's not going to lather. wen does not lather. if you're using anything that's lathering
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it's gonna strip your hair of its natural essential oils. sheen, luster, moisture, shine. not to even mention your color. >> so if it doesn't lather how does it clean your hair? >> so with wen, what i've done is i've eliminated the detergents, the surfactants, and all the harsh chemicals and it actually cleanses with extracts, essential oils, and botanicals. so you're cleansing the scalp and hydrating the hair at the same time without stripping it. >> i love wen. i'm completely sold on this product. it's completely changed my hair from being dry and frizzy and unmanageable. now i can just air dry it and it looks like this. >> no matter what type of hair no matter what you've heard about what you should be using for your hair, try this because this works. >> i love playing with my hair now because it does stuff it didn't do before. >> if you color your hair like me--yes, i admit it i color my hair. and we all know one of the biggest hair problems is color fading. but wen is proven to retain color better
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than a leading shampoo and we'll prove it to you right now. >> so here we have jeffrey who's gonna be blowing out becky today. and we have stephanie who's gonna be blowing out jessie today. they were both colored today with the same color red. so stephanie's gonna be using a sulfate-free shampoo which is supposed to be really gentle and keep your color while jeffrey's gonna be using wen on becky. so we're gonna do a side by side comparison and watch what happens to both of their heads of hair. ♪ >> the demonstration was amazing. i got to cleanse with wen. a much more pleasant experience. especially considering that we weren't using anything else in the hair. >> trying to get my hands through my girl's hair it was literally like this. it was tangled, it was-- it was matted. >> not feeling that great. >> you know, mine was just literally just a glide and the more that i glided through the hair the easier and shinier it just became. >> the color ran everywhere. there were peach suds
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in my hand. i even, at one point asked him to pour the shampoo in my hand so i could make sure that it was white shampoo he had put in my hand. i thought, "hmm, maybe there's color in the shampoo." no, it wasn't. it was really, truly stripping the color from her hair. >> the difference in loss in color was astounding. we had white towels in both of the bowls and my model nothing is coming off. >> but i was shocked at the depth of the amount of color coming off of her with shampoo. >> actually, i mean, that's what i'm used to. you know, i wouldn't dream of, in a salon, using a white towel. >> i would be horrified as a client to see my color that i just paid for running down the sink. >> that's why we use black towels in the salon. >> yeah. >> and are you ready to see the results? look at the difference. we did not use any leave-in conditioner we didn't use any styling products. this is just cleansed with wen one time. blown out with a medium round brush and a blow dryer. all this bounce, all this body, all this shine. let's go see what happened over here.
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it feels like straw. it really feels like straw. you cannot get bounce, you cannot get body, you cannot get volume. so do you want to be jessie with stripped, faded hair? or do you want to be becky who used wen? >> i'm feeling confident with my hair and i'm happy that i was picked to use the wen. >> every woman wants to walk down the street and have the hair blowing and bouncing. and i wouldn't have that and so it's not fun. >> poor thing. >> wen could cut the cost of coloring your hair in half. and even if you don't color treat your hair, wen makes your natural hair color look more vibrant and shiny. you've seen it for yourself, now see the wen commercial with jessie and becky. >> hey, i'm jessie. >> and i'm becky. usually, people can't tell us apart. >> but then i washed my hair with regular shampoo. >> i washed my hair with wen cleansing conditioner. and now it's easy to tell us apart.
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>> my shampoo washed out my color, my hair is dry it's frizzy. look at this mess. >> my hair has never looked better. it's shiny, it's bouncy. touch it, feel how soft it is. >> my hair feels nothing like that. >> my color looks vibrant. >> and mine just went down the drain. >> i'm becky and i'm a wen girl. >> hi, i'm jessie. when can i be a wen girl? >> what does it take to get your hair this beautiful? just one thing: the wen healthy hair care system by chaz dean. it's revolutionary hair care that takes the place of shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner all in one saving you time working on your hair and saving you money on all the products you won't need anymore. ordinary shampoos lather using sulfates and detergents that may strip the hair of natural oils and can cause dryness, frizziness, dullness, and color fade. but wen is designed to gently cleanse and moisturize your hair and scalp while leaving in the natural oils
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using a perfect blend of herbs and natural ingredients adding sheen, manageability, and body to your hair. and now wen has been clinically proven to significantly retain color better than a leading shampoo on the market, which can save you even more money on hair color. and 90% of people agree that by using the wen cleansing conditioner, their hair was shinier less frizzy, and had more bounce and body. so join the over one million people all over the world who bought wen to get the sexy, beautiful hair they've always wanted after just one use. >> wen just brings out your natural hair, your natural, healthy hair. >> so say goodbye to ordinary shampoo and say hello to beautiful soft, shiny, controllable hair with wen. you'll start with a 30 day supply of wen's sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, perfect for all hair types. you'll receive the wen styling cream for that extra hold and control over your hairstyle when you need it. finally, you'll get the re moist intensive
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hair repair mask. a luxurious spa quality treatment designed to kick-start hydration and soothe and smooth dry, damaged or chemically treated hair. you could easily spend over $100 at a salon for the premium products wen replaces. but you won't pay hundreds of dollars for wen. through this special introductory offer wen healthy hair care is available directly to you for the special low price of only $49.95. but for a limited time chaz is teaming up with guthy-renker to give you the ultimate insider price reduction. call or click now and you can get the complete wen healthy hair care system all three products not for $49.95 not even for $39.95, but for the unbelievable price of just $29.95. and today we'll include shipping absolutely free. but it gets even better. for a limited time you can get the new travel kit free. so you'll always have beautiful hair wherever you go. the travel kit includes two travel sized bottles
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of cleansing conditioner along with the incredible new replenishing treatment mist. spray on this rejuvenating and moisturizing treatment anytime, anywhere to instantly refresh your style. >> it's the perfect travel companion for vacations or to take in your gym bag or overnight bag. and don't forget to take it to the salon with you. because there's no excuse to be without your wen. >> and the travel kit is yours absolutely free. and as a thank you just for trying wen, we'll send you two more free gifts: wen texture balm and this specially designed comb and shipping is free. that's a total of five free gifts just for trying wen. so you'll get the travel kit for free, your other free gifts and the complete wen healthy hair care system a total value of over $150 all for just $29.95. and free shipping. we're so confident you'll love wen, it comes with our 60 day shine to the last pump guarantee from trusted guthy-renker. you can try wen for two whole months.
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if you don't see and feel the difference in your hair, just send it back for a full refund even if the bottles are empty. so you have nothing to lose but bad hair days. so call or click now to try wen with our best deal ever. >> wen definitely brings the youth back into your hair. it actually looks as if, you know, i was 18 years old again. that's how it feels, that's how my hair feels. >> my hair was so flat and limp. it was very dry and brittle and now it's soft and, honestly, it is really supple to the touch. it has body and umph and bounce, and it feels so good. ♪ >> i have to tell you, i found it very hard to believe that it works for all hair types because we're so sort of conditioned to believe that if you have a certain hair type, you need this type of shampoo because that's how they market everything. you know, talk about how it truly is for every hair type. >> whether you have baby-fine
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hair, coarse hair, wavy hair curly hair, ethnic and african american hair, the same product on everyone across the board. and the reason it works is because your hair is only gonna hold on to the moisture it needs and the rest will rinse out. so if you have baby-fine hair, it's gonna hold onto the amount that's needed for that hair type and then rinse the rest out. if you have that coarse hair it's really gonna hold on and take what's needed and much of it will not rinse out because you really absorbed all of it. so that's how the one product works on all hair types. >> the first time that i did a straightening, chemical straightening, right. it's white, it smells very strong because it has a lot of chemicals. and it damaged my hair severely. i was shocked at how it was just breaking like crazy, and then i was blessed to find wen and it's been incredible. it came back to life. you know, you use the first time, you go "this is really interesting. it's different 'cause i'm not used to this." you use it a second time and you go "oh my god, i'm liking it." third time, "i love it." fourth time, you go, "my hair looks amazing." and people around you go
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"what are you doing--what are you doing to your hair?" i'm telling you, i'm gonna keep using it. i have my husband using it. i have friends using it. i have make-up artists using it because it's just good, and when you know that something is good for you just, you know, spread the love. i'm a wen girl so, i'm gonna be using that forever. ♪ >> now i know a lot of you out there are asking yourselves, "will wen work on my hair?" it will. and we're gonna prove it right now. naja and rebecka clearly have two different types of hair, right? >> baby-fine blonde, coarse, thick, dry. >> right, and i would think that they'd need different types of product to deal with their-- >> 'cause you've been told that is why. every product out there tells you if you have this hair type you need this shampoo. if you have this hair type you need this shampoo. it doesn't have to be confusing. with wen sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, both girls completely different hair types, i want to show you something. >> please. >> go at home
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and try this as well. just get your hair lift up a section of your hair. what do you see with her hair here? >> it's a lot thicker down here than it is up there. >> so wouldn't that tell you that she doesn't necessarily have baby-fine hair, but it's what she's doing to her hair that's causing it to be even finer? >> yeah-- >> because if she didn't use shampoo and it wasn't lathering and stripping and breaking the hair down her hair would be the same consistency from the roots to the ends. >> it gets frizzy very easily. dull. and what i would love is to just have more volume. >> on naja over here her issue is how dry it is. every time she goes in with shampoo, she's stripping and robbing her hair. it becomes unruly and it's a vicious cycle. >> i always have to put conditioner in it, leave-in conditioners, oils, and it's always hard finding a combination of what i should put in it. >> so we're gonna cleanse both of our girls just one time with wen and you will not believe the difference. ♪ >> what we did today was we did an experiment on wen with fine hair
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and overly coarse hair. on such curly hair i can run my fingers already right through it. >> as soon as i applied the cleansing conditioner to her hair, you could instantly see the shine even when the hair was wet. >> this is because of wen because all the moisture is being put back into this curl. >> all the color came back into her hair. >> and the whole hair will get this nice little bounce. >> and it blew out so easily. it was less drying time. >> you remember what they looked like before look at 'em now. rebecka's hair was fine, frizzy, and brassy. now it's smooth, shiny and hydrated. >> looks amazing. >> so, here we have naja who, her before was really dry really coarse, and really dull looking. >> and look at these perfectly formed curls. >> they just kind of snap back. >> it's been proven today that you can use it on fine, baby blonde hair and thick overly coarse hair and it works great.
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it does the same result on both people. >> when i saw myself in the mirror, i got this huge smile on my face and i could just not stop smiling. i love my hair. >> i have been wen'd. curl completely defined, completely hydrated, no frizz. shampoo will never touch my hair again from this day forward. ever. >> when we come back you'll see what wen does for my hair and what my hair looks like without my wen. but first, here's the wen commercial featuring naja and rebecka. >> marker. >> my hair used to be frizzy dull, and completely out of control. >> my hair was completely the opposite. it was totally fly away, flat, and brassy. >> but all that changed when we gave up ordinary shampoo. >> now i have body i have volume, and it lasts all day. >> look at my hair. i can't stop touching it. it's smooth, soft, and no frizzies. and i love my curls. >> our hair couldn't be more different. >> but the one thing we have in common is we both use wen
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and that's why we're both wen girls. ♪ >> can one product work for all hair types? it can with wen healthy hair care by chaz dean. you'll start with a 30 day supply of wen's sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, perfect for all hair types. you'll receive the wen styling cream for that extra hold and control over your hairstyle when you need it. finally, you'll get the re moist intensive hair repair mask. a luxurious spa quality treatment designed to kick-start hydration and soothe and smooth dry, damaged or chemically treated hair. you could easily spend over $100 at a salon for the premium products wen replaces. but you won't pay hundreds of dollars for wen. through this special introductory offer wen healthy hair care is available directly to you for the special low price of only $49.95. but for a limited time chaz is teaming up with guthy-renker to give you the ultimate insider
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price reduction. call or click now and you can get the compte wen healthy hair care system all three products not for $49.95 not even for $39.95, but for the unbelievable price of just $29.95. and today we'll include shipping absolutely free. but it gets even better. for a limited time you can get the new travel kit free. so you'll always have beautiful hair wherever you go. the travel kit includes two travel sized bottles of cleansing conditioner along with the incredible new replenishing treatment mist. spray on this rejuvenating and moisturizing treatment any time, anywhere to instantly refresh your style. and as a thank you just for trying wen, we'll send you two more free gifts: wen texture balm and this specially designed comb and shipping is free. that's a total of five free gifts just for trying wen. so you'll get the travel kit for free, your other free gifts and the complete wen healthy hair care system
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a total value of over $150 all for just $29.95. and free shipping. we're so confident you'll love wen, it comes with our 60 day shine to the last pump guarantee from trusted guthy-renker. you can try wen for two whole months. if you don't see and feel the difference in your hair, just send it back for a full refund even if the bottles are empty. so you have nothing to lose but bad hair days. so call or click now to try wen with our best deal ever. >> i discovered wen in a gift bag at a swanky hollywood event. when you find a product like wen that achieves so much in one or two steps, you gotta make that change. and when i started using wen oh, almost a decade ago, i knew that this was a product i would have for my life. as i started having children and i noticed that wen was working for them you know, i thought, "this is so great. wen is for my whole family."
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i love how my hair feels with wen, it's soft, natural. my hair feels light, it moves, it shines. just try wen one time, you're gonna see a difference in your hair. >> so for the women that and the men, that want to try your product but are sort of scared or nervous or interested but haven't picked up the phone yet, what do you say to those people? >> i honestly say look at your hair now. are you happy with your hair? are you happy with the results you get every day? are you struggling every day? if so, you have nothing to lose 'cause i want you to see what one time with wen can do for you. >> for me, why wen versus shampoo is because ultimately the shampoo would dry my hair out and take all the natural oils out that i then have to replenish by using conditioner and the conditioner would kind of weigh it down. then i'd use product to volumize it or to give some kind of curl to it, that would really dry it out. and then i'd use stuff to make it all oily and shiny and sheen 'cause it was dry, and it was way too many things and it ultimately ended up just depleting
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my hair. and now with wen it's like some crazy fabulous multi-purpose thing. i can use it as a leave-in conditioner and the product, and it's done nothing but make my hair more supple and beautiful and healthy feeling, and i love it. >> we're back behind the scenes and this time, i'm doing the demo myself. here's how i looked when i came in this morning after using an expensive salon shampoo to wash my hair. >> okay, so i need to show them at home today. thank you for coming in and shampooing your hair because we showed you that with color treated, highlighted hair she goes through major damage on a daily basis with curling irons and flat irons. look at the ends of your hair. how dry, how damaged how dehydrated they are. but guess what? wen is gonna repair this hair in one use. ♪ >> i feel like i'm at the spa. >> your hair's coming back to life, i can feel it already. look at this shine look how it glides
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through my hands. her hair's like silk right now. that's what you want to see. the more you use the more you massage longer you leave it on the better the results. you're going to apply one pump of your wen cleansing conditioner back in your hair as a leave-in conditioner. i'm going to style her with nothing but a medium round brush and blow dryer with a nozzle. and you remember what alyssa looked like when she came in with one time with shampoo one time with wen. who do you want to be? her before or her after? >> i've learned something really important today and i hope you have, too. if you're having problems with your hair the problem might not be your hair. it might just be your shampoo. and let's face it, if you're having a bad hair day, it's a bad day. so why keep using ordinary shampoo? just get rid of it. try wen for yourself
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and get the hair you want. >> what does it take to get your hair this beautiful? just one thing. the wen healthy hair care system by chaz dean. it's revolutionary hair care that takes the place of shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner all in one saving you time working on your hair and saving you money on all the products you won't need anymore. ordinary shampoos lather using sulfates and detergents that may strip the hair of natural oils and can cause dryness, frizziness, dullness, and color fade. but wen is designed to gently cleanse and moisturize your hair and scalp while leaving in the natural oils using a perfect blend of herbs and natural ingredients adding sheen, manageability, and body to your hair. and now wen has been clinically proven to significantly retain color better than a leading shampoo on the market which can save you even more money on hair color. and 90% of people agree that by using the wen
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cleansing conditioner, their hair was shinier less frizzy, and had more bounce and body. so join the over one million people all over the world who bought wen to get the sexy, beautiful hair they've always wanted after just one use. >> it really has changed the way i feel about myself, the way i feel i look. >> so, say goodbye to ordinary shampoo and say hello to beautiful soft, shiny, controllable hair with wen. you'll start with a 30 day supply of wen's sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, perfect for all hair types. you'll receive the wen styling cream for that extra hold and control over your hairstyle when you need it. finally, you'll get the re moist intensive hair repair mask. a luxurious spa quality treatment designed to kick-start hydration and soothe and smooth dry, damaged or chemically treated hair. you could easily spend over $100 at a salon for the premium products wen replaces. but you won't pay hundreds of dollars for wen. through this special introductory offer
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wen healthy hair care is available directly to you for the special low price of only $49.95. but for a limited time chaz is teaming up with guthy-renker to give you the ultimate insider price reduction. call or click now and you can get the complete wen healthy hair care system all three products not for $49.95 not even for $39.95, but for the unbelievable price of just $29.95. and today we'll include shipping absolutely free. and smart shoppers can lock in this incredible discount price each new season, you'll receive a three month supply of wen for only $29.95 per month, guaranteed. a convenient service you can cancel any time. but it gets even better. for a limited time you can get the new travel kit free. so you'll always have beautiful hair wherever you go. the travel kit includes two travel sized bottles of cleansing conditioner along with the incredible new replenishing treatment mist. spray on this rejuvenating
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and moisturizing treatment any time, anywhere to instantly refresh your style. >> it's the perfect travel companion for vacations, or to take in your gym bag or overnight bag. and don't forget to take it to the salon with you. because there's no excuse to be without your wen. >> and the travel kit is yours absolutely free. and as a thank you just for trying wen, we'll send you two more free gifts. wen texture balm and this specially designed comb, and shipping is free. that's a total of five free gifts just for trying wen. so you'll get the travel kit for free, your other free gifts and the complete wen healthy hair care system a total value of over $150 all for just $29.95. and free shipping. we're so confident you'll love wen, it comes with our 60 day shine to the last pump guarantee from trusted guthy-renker. you can try wen for two whole months. if you don't see and feel the difference in your hair, just send it back for a full refund
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even if the bottles are empty. so you have nothing to lose but bad hair days. so call or click now to try wen with our best deal ever. >> i'm a wen girl. >> i am a wen girl. >> we're both wen girls. >> i'm alyssa milano and i'm a wen girl.
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♪ bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha want, whatcha want? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ ♪ when sheriff john brown come for you? ♪
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♪ tell me, whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ ♪ nobody naw give you no break ♪ ♪ police naw give you no break ♪ ♪ soldier mon naw give you no break ♪ ♪ not even you idren naw give you no breaks ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do? ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. [ male announcer ] open up to a fresh new world of taste at mcdonald's.
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introducing the new premium mcwrap -- a blend of tender, juicy chicken and fresh veggies in three captivating flavors. more than enough to pull you in. [ bump ] [ chuckles ] a whole new way to love mcdonald's. ♪ ♪ 97


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