tv CBS Morning News CBS April 8, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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i don't know if we have an officer down or a suspect down or what. there's shots fired. i already told them i was en route code three, so hopefully i can get there reasonably quick. come on people get out of the way. i'm 120 en route to the help call. l-120, do they need an r.a. for an officer down? uh... we're... 1203, is a k-9 still requested? 450, negative. requesting two r.a. units at the location. i have one coming in with me right now. where are you? yeah, officer down. here comes an r.a. right now. give me an r.a.! two r.a.'s! who's hit? in the foot. his right foot. okay, okay. guys, back off. talk to mike, right now. where's he hit? in the foot. okay. who is it?
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we got his gun? al, you're going to be okay, buddy. we got an r.a. coming right now. hang tight they'll take care of you. we got the gun and the guy in custody okay, start a log. right now, start a log. just get one going. i got the suspect. griffith's taking him to the station right now. do we have all suspects in custody? all suspects. there's one suspect; we got him in custody. we have the gun in custody. somebody kicked down over here. i already got two r.a. units in here. where did the shooting go down? right here. where are the casings? i don't know. where's john wilson and is he all right? on the other side. who's the other r.a. for? there's another guy down shot in the leg. how bad is he? minor wound. let's completely shut down that auto yard. nobody in or out. let's get these guys out of here. buddy, just hold on, all right? 77th people! i want that yard shut down, nobody in or out. you, rudy. okay, rudy.
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i need you to help him with a log, okay? do me a favor, would you? get crime scene tape shot across the street both sides, okay? grab one of your other units. have them block traffic. i don't know how the shooting went down. john wilson-- i don't know how he is right now. i don't know if he fired back. i'm busy getting the crime scene down right now. do you know where the suspect is? he's in custody. en route to the station. mike got him taken care of. another victim down in the auto parts yard. i'm getting that sealed off. i got southeast units shutting down traffic. i'm going to send putruces and his partner with tilo to the hospital. can you describe the suspect? male black, green shirt, that's all i hear. the unit comes over. their unit's over and he's watching. he's eyeballing the guy. i hear him saying, "i got him, i got him. he's walking northbound on broadway." we're coming westbound on 84. i make a left turn and see suspect
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walking southbound. i'm over here by the yellow car. i see him pull out the gat and we start firing at him. did you fire? yeah. did tilo fire? yes. you know what? i don't know if tilo fired. how many did you fire? i fired like three rounds. i can't remember. where were you standing when you fired and where do you think your rounds hit? i was standing where that yellow car is. i take that back. i was between the camper and the yellow car. where do you think the rounds hit? i think they just went downrange. okay, one other question before we get into this. is the suspect hit? i don't know. i don't think so. he's been taken to the station. if he was hit, someone will take care of him. did we recover his gun? yeah, we have the gun. where's that at? i don't know which unit has it. okay, a unit has it. a unit has the gun. would you do me a favor? see if you can find out
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what officer if anybody around here has our suspect's gun. can you do that for me? from what you saw of the suspect, was he hit? no, no, he's not. is he a juvy? no, he's an adult, basehead-looking. skinny, bald head. he's not a gangster or nothing. he just looks a basehead. what kind of roscoe did he have? .45 auto stainless steel. nice piece for a basehead. yeah. jackson: when you first hear the help call-- officer down, officer shot requesting an ambulance-- a lot of thoughts and emotions go through your mind one is you want to get there. there's a job you have to do. you're also very concerned about the injured officer because you know that person and you're very concerned about them. in a situation like this where the officer's okay you feel a lot better doing your job because he's all right and we got the bad guy and the gun and he's gonna be going to jail for quite some time which makes things easier to deal with.
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911 operator: what is your emergency? man: i don't know what i just saw. there's some guy beating... like, naked, masturbating out by my tennis courts. am i allowed to go out there and see? i'm about to walk out there with my shotgun. sir, would you please calm down? okay. don't go out there. let the deputies handle it, all right? okay. thank you. ( garbled radio transmission ) dispatcher: ...314 and centralia. we're responding to a call at a condominium complex. there's a male near the tennis courts exposing himself and the informant that called told the desk that he's upset and he's got a shotgun and that if we don't get there soon enough, he's gonna take care of the problem. and we're gonna go in there blacked out and try to catch the guy.
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i just got to wait. be able to get in now. how you doing? good. just saw some guy who was masturbating. he's running down the ditch. we're chasing him. he's in a ditch and he's crossing the street. he's running northbound in the ditch? yeah. what's he wearing? baggy pants, like a baggy shirt. is he a white guy? i think so. pretty white, yeah. halm: it's 1:33. the centralia call. the suspect was last seen running northbound in the riverbed from the location being chased by several of the, uh... residents of the location. ( garbled radio transmission ) where is he? he ran through the ditch. he went through that house right there. i waited too long. go that way. i'll go this way. well, don't do that.
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three george sam to the units. we've got several residents chasing this guy. what did the guy do? i play tennis with my friend. i live in lakewood shores-- that condo complex. i look over, and see a guy completely naked walking in shoes. i think he's walking his dog. i'm all, "go, nature boy." i figure he's my neighbor. then we're, "let's get out of here." me and my friend, the guy that was yelling at you guys. we're driving away and he's masturbating but he's looking at us at guys. i'm thinking, if i'm a girl, i wouldn't be comfortable. will you prosecute him and do a citizen's arrest? oh, yeah. i was going to bring my shotgun. no, don't do that. hey, 135, you there? then i come back up... yeah, this is the informant that i got here. he put the shotgun down. he has a golf club now. and he said he is desirous if we find the guy... i came back out and i'm running down the ditch
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from this way... we got a 921 call over here. if someone could set up on the riverbed shine a light northbound... sir, is that a helicopter coming? yeah. helicopter's coming. he's in shorts, a bag-- there's a duffel bag. okay, he's wearing shorts, a duffel bag blond, blue flannel shirt. we're going to 927c. that's about all we can do at this point. i'm walking back this way and i see him in the bushes. there's a lady with her car hood up. if i hadn't come then... people get murdered in this area. i'm going to find him. okay. southbound. hold on a sec. the helicopter just found him. we're gonna go... let's go get him.
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( dog barking ) okay, air 21 to the ground unit. they're, uh... they're hooking this knucklehead up. deputy chris derry: what were you doing in their backyard? some guys-- i had no idea who they were. what were you doing over there in the apartment complex? those guys saw me changing my clothes. i was going to go crash the jacuzzi. i was putting on my shorts. they were yelling, "hey, hey, nature boy." do you live in that apartment complex? no, no. they said you were masturbating in front of them. no, that's not true. they told us you were in the apartment complex walking around naked. that is not true. ...and that you started masturbating. that is not true. what were you running for? those guys--
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they did not identify themselves as officers. i went to the end of the courts and put my shorts on for the jacuzzi and that's it. derry: where do you live? anaheim. i'm visiting friends down the street. stand up my friend. give me a hand? thanks. okay, 10-4. thanks a lot for your help. you gonna just walk him down there? yeah, let's walk him down there. i'll drive around and pick him up, okay? you have to place somebody under citizen's arrest. resident: i'd love to. and then you have to sign the citizen's arrest. yes, sir. i'd be happy. let's go over here and do that then. tell him you're placing him under citizen's arrest. i don't get to read him his rights or nothing? bro, i'm placing you under citizen's arrest, okay? you have a nice night.
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i just want to tell him if i ever see him around my complex... if i ever see you around my complex i'm gonna find you, dude. i'm going to catch you. that's enough. can i see his face? no, that's enough. you'll see it in court. you bet. okay! relax! we got the guy... you have a guy masturbate towards you? i don't say i'd be happy about it but the point is you're only going to make it worse for you if you jump in the back seat... i'd never assault anybody. you've won. he's going to jail. you caught him.
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officer janice mangan: there's just a lot of pride automatically in being here and getting the job and the name of the l.a.p.d.-- it's gone through an awfully big swing in the last couple of years and i'm still real proud of what i do. i love my job. it's a big accomplishment that i'm doing what i'm doing. there's a lot of opportunities on this job that you don't have in other places.
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our department's so big you can do anything that you want to do within the police department and still wear the badge and still do the job. we have information of a runaway juvenile. it's confirmed in our system that he ran away last night. apparently, something else went on too. he pushed his mom and gave her a big bruise. she filed a battery report with the detectives this morning. she filed a runaway report last night. and we spoke with his older brother and he has information of where he's at now. he's apparently just at a friend's house. he's afraid of us, the police. he's been in juvenile hall several times so he's not new to the system. what numbers? that curb right there. okay. davoren: that's good enough.
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girl: who is it? it's the police. mangan: hi. how you doing? is jason here? yeah. could we talk to him? we need to talk to him. davoren: where's jason at? jason. jason. where is he at? davoren: come here, jason. put your hands behind your back, buddy. what i do? turn around when i tell you, understand? mangan: you need to go home. you're a juvenile, and you ran away from home. i didn't run away. your mom's reported you ran away. face the wall. put your palms together. mangan: how old are you, jason? 15. mangan: has this happened before? yeah.
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what happened? she told me to get out of her house and when i leave she says i ran away. where's your dad jason? he lives in pacoima. you're supposed to live with your mom? yeah. but if this is going to keep going on we're going to have to do something... because you're going to keep running away. she's going to keep making a report on you. she's going to kick you out and then report you missing. we're going to have to stop it somewhere. she even admitted it to detective hunter. have you been involved with the law before? yeah. you've been in juvenile hall before? for what? burglary. we're going to go back home talk to your mom and see what else is up with that, okay? what's your mom's name? is she standing out here somewhere? i don't know. she should be. is your mom home yet? yeah. can you come on down? davoren: how about if we go in the apartment and talk? you want to go in the apartment and
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talk where it's comfortable? jason, do me one favor before we go in there. when your mom's talking to you treat her with respect, okay? no raising the voice no yelling, no screaming. that's not going to get us anywhere. ma'am, what's your name? candy. candy? okay. candy: put that cigarette out. mangan: we're gonna ask the same so just take it easy. you want to have a seat, candy? sit down. take it easy. relax. you want to take these off? not yet. let's straighten out what's going on. can you tell us what's going on here? we've agreed not to raise any voices. i haven't. mangan: we've been talking to jason. candy: did you happen to look at his bedroom door? no. but, jay, do you realize what you..?
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when you are out of control you do not realize what you say and what you do. jason: i do... davoren: jason, shh. let her talk. jason... i've asked you before to stop cussing at me, stop calling me ( bleep ). davoren: jason, watch your mother. respect, okay? look at her when she's talking. i'm at my end with you. that's what i told detective hunter when we were there. i cannot handle you anymore. i am afraid of you. how many times am i going to tell you i'm never going to hit you. and you know what that's from. why are you gonna try to tell them that i did that? what's that from, jay? from one friday when me and you were messing around. no. that's what that one's from! davoren: shh. don't raise your voice, candy. jason: why do you got to lie like that? jay, i'm not lying. i love you. that's why i'm trying to help you. can i talk to you alone?
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davoren: no. candy: jason, you know you're my heart. you know i would lay down and die for you. i can't take it. why don't you give me another chance then? why don't you just let me try? davoren: jason, jason. candy: you know how many times i have heard that? if i can't do it in a week or month-- whatever it takes-- then send me out. i can't do that because... jason: i'll call them myself if i mess up. you know i don't want to go back there. davoren: with this new three-strikes law you could end up for the rest of your life in prison. i'm not gonna go to prison. you say that now all right. i'm seeing myself like this. i know what i'm going to do. you've been like this before? not for this reason. but you've been in custody before. yes. we're back in the same situation so something didn't take place. we stayed up till 3:00 talking last night. i know what i have to do. davoren: you're missing the whole
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point, jason. i don't want to go to jail, mom. give me another chance. do you think i want you to go to jail? davoren: okay, time out. we're going back and forth. you've made your decision, right? jason, it's over, jason. please, mother i'm begging you. candy: it's overnight. i swear on grandpa's grave that i'll change. davoren: okay, jason. please, mom, please. please, mom. ( crying ) i want to get another statement. stay with him outside. mom, i can't believe you're doing this. davoren: here's this young kid, 15 years old. he's got his whole life ahead of him and he's already has a criminal history. we have a mother who loves her son but she just doesn't know what to do. she's at her wits' end. hopefully, we can get him some help before he turns into an adult and gets into some serious crime. officer: 132 and bush. i've got him at gunpoint. dispatcher: gunpoint, 132 and bush. cover's code three.
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we'll tell you which other bay area roadways are being effected. the wind advisory is out and it looks like we are transitioning to a windy day but there is warmer weather as well. power ball starts off at $40 million. right off the bat at normal. >> the wait is almost over. this a few hours power ball begins in california. why some people are camped out for the occasion. it's all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. and good morning, everybody. it's monday, april 8th i'm brian flores. and the issue today is obviously the wind and the wind advisory that will be going on throughout the day as well. let's go to steve. >> we had rain last night. cold front went through. wind advisory is is out. gusts over 50 for some.
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sfo between 30-50 miles an hour. highs today will be all over the place. 60s to 70. here is sal. there are wind advisories posted by the chp on every bay area bridge. that means they expect it to be tough driving across those spans. just be careful. especially if you drive a high profile vehicle. which means you drive a chuck with a shell or a camper. something that might be effected by the gusty winds. as you look at san francisco it looks good. here at the bay bridge toll plaza it is light. let's go back to the desk. thank you. as sal and steve has been saying high winds are causing problems across the bay area. toppling trees and knocking out power to thousands. tara moriarty is live in san francisco to show us how the high wind advisory is eventing drivers there on the great highway. >> reporter: steve says it's about 40 miles an hour right now. the wind gusts out here. but it certainly feels a lot
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stronger than that. signs have blown down. if we pan over to the left there is a car with its flashers on that got stuck in the sand and trying to get it out. we're along the great highway. you can see sand is blown in drifts all over the roadway. it's really hard to see out here. the sand keeps blowing in your eyes. we spoke to a city crew that shut down the highway from lincoln slope where we are standing. next they will be shutting down the road from here to skyline. the few drivers that brave the conditions out here say it's hazardous. a car wheels simply getting stuck in the sand. >> we went through a couple big sand dunes when we were going about 40 miles an hour. and set off the alarm. my knee hit the key and the car alarm was buzzing and it was pretty exciting. but yeah. sand all over the place. cigarette doesn't seem like we're in san francisco. >> no. >> reporter: now in the amazon neighborhood on mission and
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geneva highway high winds knocked over trash cans. spilling garbage all over the place. this will be seen everywhere especially by those effected by the garbage strike. bay area bridges under a high wind advisory. carquinez, richmond, san rafael, and golden gate. high profile vehicles as sal mentioned like big rigs, camp everies and trailers are not recommended. they are still trying to get the car out of the sand right here. it just really is blowing out here. deaf netly would recommend -- definitely would recommend those that use the great highway i would avoid it. >> definitely windy out there. thank you. if you will be flying out of sfo later today, you may want to check your flights. delays due to wind are possible after 8:00 this
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